73 Magazine 1992 11 November PDF
73 Magazine 1992 11 November PDF
73 Magazine 1992 11 November PDF
ISSUE #386
WiA $2.95
CAN $3.95
A WGI PublicQ(;IHI
International Edition
Build An HF
All-Band Mobile
What is
73 Reviews
Japan Radio's
Kilowatt Amp
Nye Engineering's
Digital Field
Strength Meter
-. .
• •
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ctRCl.E t 72 Oft Il£ADER S£R\lK:( CARO
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U-5000A 150 6.0 N 135
123cm 111.7 23cm:7-5/8l.
Wayne Green W2NSO/l
Amateur Issue #386
Radio Today
Davi d Ca ssidy Nl GPH
50 Above and Beyond
73 Ad Index
SueJeweII QAP power and QAP cost.
60 Ask Kaboom
Joyce Sa wtelle ..............•..................G28ZQ 46 ATV
84 Barter 'n' Buy
CONTRIBUTING EDITORS 12 The No ise Aemover 85 Dealer Directory
Mik e Bryce WBa VGE
A simple, effective way to 17 Feedbacklndex
David Cowhig WA1LBP 40 Ham Help
get rid of the static.... K8MKB
Mic hael Geier KB1UM 64 Hams with Class
Jim Gray Wl x un 56 Hamsats
Chuck Houghlon WB6IGP 18 An All-Band HF Mobile
34 Homing In
AmieJohnson N1BAC Antenna
6 tenere
Dr. Marc Leavey WAJAJ R Efficient and inexpensive.
4 Never Say Die
ArwJy MacAlliSter WASZlB ................ ........... ....KC4TMT 38 New Pr oducts
Joe MoeU KOOV 62 Packet &. Computer.
Carole Perry WB2MG P 29 Spread Spectru m Primer 88 Propagation
JellreySloman N1 EWO
What is spread spectrum, 66 ORP
anyway? KC6YJY 7 QRX
Dan Ha rpe r REVIEWS 80 73 International
Sue Colbe rt 68 Special Events
Judy Walker Linear Amplifier Bookshelf
1-603-924-OOSS A solid-state, no-tune 54 Updates
l.aoo.274-7373 kilowatt with very advanced
FAX: 1-603-924-9327
features WA48LC
Rachel li mper 42 The FS 73 Signal Cube
Digita l Fiel d Strength 11 ', like being lhere-rig hl
Meter here in our offICe,! How ?
JU' l lake advanl age of our
FilmWo rks. Inc. Measure both absolute and FEEDB ACK c~rd on page
Hancock NH relative field strengths. 17. You' lI noti« . feedback
..............................W89RRT number ill lhe be~ inn i ng or
TYPE SETTING each anicle and rol umn.
Wc'd like you 10 nile ..'Iw
Unda Drew you IUd SO tIw _ can
Alice Scofield Stephen Glowacki KC4TMT shows you how to build
prinl"lw Iypt' s of Ihinp
your own HF mobile antenna . . . see page 18. you like be>!. And ""'" "'"
CIRCULATION MANA GER .,11 drnr one: Feed'-k
Harvey Chand ler Cover. JaMi smith KK6CU with his mobile foxh unt array. It rota tes continuously at card eactl rrlOnlh for. fret'
slbscr1llion 10 73.
40 rpm and disp lays bearings on a storage oscilloscope. Find out more in this
To subscribe: '-800-289-0388 months "Homing In. ~ column on page 34. Co ver photo by Joe Moell KOOV.
WAYNE GREEN, INC. M"nu acrlpt. Conlnbutions in Il\t.1 lorm 01 man uscri pts wuh drawings and/or photographs are w\lk;ome and will be
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Re p""ls. 70 ROUle 202N , Peterboro 70 Route 202 N Contr\OCt: The me", glancing al lhil froa pr'nt has just en lered you into a .ny tli..-..fOng ag. - wrtl1 73to
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phona: 603-924-0058 1!'l!r10S01'lrS. SO PIlI OIA 1tle can:!. lo0Io. INOugh !his issue and orela 1wO or three 01 the rvnber$. ~, our ao-
1!'l!r1isers. get al _"" and fuuy ...".,., they hear !rom )'OIl-
NEVER SAY DIE ing with the 'amily next door, the Mur·
phys, unt~ she felt better,
Whether ltIis was all fantasy or real-
Wayne Green W2NSD/l ity I dOl' know, but it was intr9Jing.
Once we'd run through all this stun a
lew times Joe never again had to
cough when he was announcing.
SOmething worIIed.
A few weeks later Joe's mother vis-
ited lor a lew days. I took her out 10
lunch. armed with my noteboo k. I
asked her il she'd ever lived in the
cw In 1992 lorm a builcling maintenance service I'd ever seen who wrote long editoria ls back of a tactory. She was roen.llous.
A reader noIed this response when and oller it to the banks. For a reasco- about whalever was interesting him at Yes, not long before Joe was born.
he asked eccct ee code in ee milItary: able price I'd look auer the ir repos- the time . How many magazines have was she SiCk atll'le time? She thotJglt
"We don't train radiOmen 10 copy code sessed houses, keep ing the lawns you seen with inleresting editorials? It's lor a morrent and then said she'd had
any more. Why would we want to train mowed and watered, the bushes rare. I eventually gol to be good meoos a terrible cough . As far as she could
someone 10 copy code when we can trirrmed, the windows repaired, the in· with John. We·d get together for lunch remember this e xperience had never
move messages at 1,500 words per sides clean and dusted. The house every few weeks. Talking with him was been mentioned a fter Joe was born.
minute encrypled, download it, decrypt isn't going to sell il it looks ralty. I'll bel e xciting- like a mental roller coas ter, She'd forgonen about he whole thing
it, have it letter perfect and hand oejv- I could sign up the banks around wilh ideas on nuclear physics, cosmot- until I reminded her. Then I as ked jf
er me the addressee ? The Navy can't sou thern New Hampshire to let me ogy, quantum physics and so on going she'd stayed with some friends next
live w ith 35 wpm r espo nse times , handle at least a couple hundred by in rapid succession. He was iruer- 000r for a While. Yes! And did she re-
HeclI, even our tugs have high speed homes. HeclI, thafe are several just on ested in everything and never re o merroer their name? Was it Murphy?
communicabons.~ my little country road that have "For strained by sceoutc or religious dog' Yes, it was , and she was sure sre'e
Sure. manual CW is lun. But it's like Sale" s'9ns on them and are unoccu · ma o Alas, he smoked, so he died lar never even thou!tll of them since Joe
ue l un men have driving antique cars pied. They ~It need aneotco. too young. wasbom .
and preserv ing them . Should our motor Then there are families going on va- So here I am, sun an Analog sub- This did a lot to convince me thai
vencie departments insist that people cation. They need their homes scriber aner 58 years and still turning this was a real experience that Joe
prove their ability to crank a Model T checked, animals fed . and the j unk to their sc ience ta ct article the first was bringing up under hypnosis. 01
and drive a stlck-shjt in order 10 gel a mail taken in. All you need is 10 be rea- thing every month. They're usually out- course, there's always the possibili ty
driver's license to operate loday's acto- sonable , dependable and known 10 slanding. that he might somewhere have heard
mere shilt cars? It makes the same your lXllenhal customers . To be known The article they published on how abOut all this and torgotten it. but mars
kind 01 sense. you have to have some visibility and the brain worked made so much sense a remote po5SOlity since you don't lor-
that means small ads in the paper. an that I bought the book on the Sltl;ed:. I gel things under hypnosis . tl's alI lhere.
Making a Buc k occasional news item, perhaps a TV had to know more. Since I approach all Being a pragmatist I wasnl QUite as
The endless Whining jeners from re- i ntervie w. II you can organize it . It new ideas as a skeptic. I wanted to interested in whether mese were real
tired oId·timers who are Irying to make means mailing cards to the owners 01 give this new ccnoeot a try and see if il memories or lake, as tong as dredging
do on Social Security make me sick. cener homes. It means visne to the 10- really WOfked. The idea that painlul in· them up and "running" them would
The world is out there with to-ocner cat banks-and more visits. cidents happening to a baby before it's erase the patterns causing problems in
bills hanging from me branches 0' at- Any problem oilers opportunities- born could influence it all through life present time. tten I had hold of some-
most every tree and these old geezers it's all in how you think about it. My was rejected flat ou t by doctors and thing important, so I wanled to know
are too lazy to bother to reach up and wile Sherry rouceo how dllliCult it was psychiatrists, yet from a systems anal- mo"
pick 'em. Then there are the millioos of to lind good baby-sltlers. So she start- ysis View, it made perfect sense. The radio station owner was im-
people who are "out of work~ and can't ed a babY-Sllling service. She truer - I was a radio anoouncer at WSPB, pressed WIth my announcing and abi1i-
lind a job , If you can' lind a job. make v iewed p otential baby-sitlers and a radio station in Sarasota. Florida. at ty 10 ad IG morning shows. He onered
coer checked their references. She ran ads the time. I talked over the idea with a to let me have a three-hour morning
A chap stopped by to viSit the other and checked with the customers to see leliow announcer. He was skeptical, spot and share in the ad sales it woulcl
day, Out 01 work . Wha t can he do? how weU her sitters were do ing. She but game for us to give it a try and see generale. This was an opportunity that
Well, here we are in a recession. Here helped train them. The lirst thing you what would happen. We decided 10 many disk jockeys would kill for, but
we are in what looks like It's going to know she had dozens of sitters and a see il we could lind out why he had to while I enjoyed the work. I couldn't see
be a very long eecesece because the land-office business going, with her cough every time he was starting to myself devoting my lile 10 being a OJ. I
'actors !hat caused it haven't been ad· gelling a commission on every job. announce. He'd solved the problem by quit to learn more about how 10 help
dressed by the adminislration or And that was eeicoe corTllUlers, which instamng a small switCh by the nscc- repair minds . I fI'lOVed 10 New Jersey
Congress yet---f'lOf is lhefe any ray or would make it even easier to keep phone which would C\Jt it oil while he and a research IOUndation. This tumed
hope on the hofilon that they.. really track , do the billing 01 the customers out to be the wtsest decision 01 my
do anything about it, Well, one man's
catastrophe is another 's bonanza .
and handle the payroll lor al those in-
dependent contractor sitters.
So I put him into a light hypnotic
state and asked him to repeat the word
entire tile.
In a few weeks of ccncentratee
When Humpty falls you get busy and So what services are needed in cough. I men asked him to go 10 the work I learned how to lind and remove
ma ke omelets, you don't sland there your area? I can think of a bunch more, e a rnest lime he had to cough and to the causes 01 people's problems, Doc-
wringing your hands while hydrogen but let's get your lillie gray cells perk- say whatever ca me to mind. He said, tors today agree that all diseases have
sulfide develops. ing instead of silling there in a foop. "I've got to cough.~ I asked him to keep emotional components. What we dis-
Where are Ihe opportunities 101 repeating lhat and see what else came covered was how to find these and re-
Fixing The Brain
starting smeu businesses? Every· to mind. This developed i nto, "Every move the basic causes for most m-
wtere! For instance, wllh people losing It all staneo w ith an article in time I get nervous I have to cough.- nesses. We even discovered that an
their jobs ng-.t and left, many are also Analog When t was young I read a lot For about an hour I kepi 96lting him amaZingly high percentage 01 what
losing Iheir homes. Thi s presents a of science neucn. The best was in to come up with more words and seem li ke accidents have emotional
couple opportunilies. One is to start Aslounaing Stories, edited by JOhn phrases. I asked him his age and he causes.
making very low income housing lor Campbell W2ZGU. The magazine is said eighl. I asked ilthal was years, He My experience w ith Joe was re-
people who suddenty have to live on now Analog. said no, it was months. I said before or peated endlessly wilh other people I
well are or unemployment. But my ap- John had an enormous Inlluence on ane birth, He said it was before birth. worked with. I've been promising my-
proach as an entrepreneur would be to me. He was the lirst magazine editor Hmmm. Sure. Well, it it might help, ContinuerJ on page 74
4 73 Amateur Radio Today . November, 1992
New MFJ Super Loop : Antenna
... 36 inch diameter -- it 's the smallest, high efficiency 10-30 MHz continuous
coverage antenna ever made for ham radio . . .
• Only 36 " diameter but covers 10-30 MHz
• Round conductor more effecient than flat strip
• No control cable needed
• All welded construction
MFJ- 1784
• __
-: ~
you know with a beep.
It's extra port able because . . .
Loop' " in volume, MFJ ca n
reduce production and mate rial
JW an gle rad iati on for DX and
igh angle radiation for cl o se-i n
xul contacts .... it' s like having a
crncat and a dipole co mb ined into
---- • • • lOU don't need a se pa rate control cable
-- the coax fecdlinc carries both RF po wer and
luning control signals.
cost a nd im p rove qu al ity .
A prod uct ion machine was
custom built to automatically form
thick wall a luminum tubing into
, . , you don't need a separate SWR meier
nc. By rotating it you can null out s,'I'" !-'.jOplli • • a I WO range Cross- Need le Sw k rwanmcrcr precise loop an tenna radiators.
IRM . Horizonta l mountin g g ives R.." u r GJll1ml is built -in. 1\IFJ bu ilds the variab le
ou omni di rectiona l coverage. • . . ~ou don't need a ~pa ra le powe r cord because it's capacito r. does the welding .
The MFJ Super Loops» antenna batte ry powered -- you can also usc 12 VDC o r 110 VDC punchi ng and forrmng a nd bu ilds
: a remo tel y tuned h igh-Q antenna with tiona] MFJ .. J3 12 B. $ 12.95 , 3 x6 x2 % inches. the electronics .
-ith a narrow bandwidth that B); doi ng as much as possible in-
u ses internal AA batteries (not
educes tran sm itter harmonics. recei ver included). You can a lso use 12 VDC o r bouse MFJ reduce s cost and brings you a
vcrloadi ng and out-of-band 11 0 VAC with MFJ- 1312B , $ 12.95 better quality product •• it' s Mad e in USA at
ucrfcrcncc . It doc s not need a gro und . Reason 8. It' s an incred ibly low its best.
rd ials or counterpoise. It covers 10-30 $ 199 .95 -~ that ' s 4 0 % le ss tha n the
1Hz co ntinuo usly including the W ARC
No Malter Wham' Guarantee
neare st co m petitio n. You ge l MFl' s famous one ycar No
ands with SW R less than 1.3 and Reason 9. Yo u' re protected by MFl' s
andles ISO watts. No e xte rnal antenna
stoner Mat'" unconditional gua rantee.
fa mous No Maller What™ one yea r T hat means we wi ll re pair o r replace yo ur
mer is needed. Unconditional Guarant ee .
It's abo a very quiet receiving antenna
MFJ Super Looprll [at our o ptio n) no matter
Reason 10. If you ever need help what for a full yea r.
ecause it re~mds to magnetic field o; and with your MFJ Super Loop'» , )'ou ca n
01 electric fields - you' ll ha rdly notice C a ll your dealer for your best price
call MFl's e xcl usive tott-free technica l T ake th is portable muh iba nd HF antenna
atic c rushes du ring a storm. help line SOQ-6-l.7-TECH(S324) and get with you and enjoy ham radio whereve r you
10 reasons '" hy the 1\ IFJ expert he lp from a friendly MFJ go . Call you r dea ler fo r yo ur best price and
Super Loop'v beats tht! compdition Customer Se rvice Tech nician. get you r MFJ Super Loopi» today ,
Rea.son I. The M FJ Super L OOp TM Round conductor has less HI'
a s a more effic ient radiato r -- its large resistance than flat conductor Nearest Dealer/Orders: 800-647-1800
iund conduc to r has less RF lo ss The followi ng is quoted from Technical Help: 800-647-TECH(8324)
-sistancc than a thin flat strip Electronic and Radio Engineering by • 1 ~ear unconclilional guarantee. 30 daV monev back
.md ucto r. You rad iate more power. F rederic k T erman. 4 th edition, page 22 : guarantee (less s/tl) on orders trom MFJ • Free catalog
~ I "J E~TERPRISES, rxc,
R eason 2. It's buill like a tank -- , . , .. with a conductor consisting o f a
801 494. MI) ) . Slate. MS 39762
_050 inch d iamete r. th ick wall th in fl at strip • . . , the c urre nt flow s 160IlJ2J·jll69; 8·4 XI CST, MOI'i.· Fn .
umi num radiato r, all welded primarily along the edges . . . . the true t'AX: 160 1) J2J·M51 : Add SI2 ,ih
mst ruction. no mechan ica l joi nts , o r e ffective resistance will be high JIFJ, . . making quality aff ordable
Pras iIflll ~,. IIItII"d kI dWQI I....! 'lfl ~ ...
Number 2 on your Feedback card to corporations going 'utt-shore" to
though I've hardly studied the thing all
From The Hamshack
that much, I haven't heard any very
convincing arguments on the hams'
70 0 0\
o •
* ~'
1'= .,.
" ' su P.1ln lIST
This wa s a di stance of 400 miles or so. I
figured that around 5 watts CW would
, 0/• ~ gOl .... C2 · .". N A' DuT
.,'"--- .
:~ '"
"~. "
all the components for an AC power sup- "t ..
ply. - CAVSU l
"' "ee
I went back to the happy days when I, '" scc v
and many ot hers , used a single 6 L6 or ?
6V6 tra nsmitter and worked the world. 6 ... . 0
With these happy recollect ions in mind,
things reall y got out of hand--one thing
led to anot her. and the QRP 80/40 was Figure I. Schematic of the QRP 80140 CW transmitter.
This tra nsmitter is a person ificat ion of
simplici ty in circuitry, simplici ty in con- for the selec ted band. Do not try to dou- which al so shows the assembled layout
st ruction, QRP in power, a nd QR? in ble an 80 meter crysta l to the 40 meter of th e main components on the front pan-
cost. It covers bot h the 80 and 4() meter band. The purpose of Cl (3-33 pF trim- e l a nd chassis. Th e size of th e
bands. and is built into an ex isting me tal mer) is to pre-set adjus t for a clean CW cabi net/chassis is not c ritical and the po-
cabinet measuri ng about 8.6" wide x 4" note, which can be a problem with a sin- s itio ning of the major components can be
high x 4. 1" deep (that includes the built- gle tube TX. The power o f the TX could adjusted s lightly to accommodate the ac-
in AC power supp ly). It uses just one be increased by decreasing the value of tual component sizes used by individu al
tube and can be loaded to 5 warts o r so. R3. at the risk of a n {fS no te. constructors. The HT DC plate voltage
In fact . the result is less complex than so- CS is a s ing le-gang 365 pF air-spaced with "key down" was 115 volts DC.
ca lled " simp lc " se m i-c o nd uc to r jobs . good quality receiving type variable ca - L I is wound o n a len gth of I" diameter
The reliable. robust 6BW6 lube can be pacitor. C9 is a similar 2-gang 365 + 365 PVC o r plastic tube using 35 turns of 24·
quickly changed a nd the design does no t pF variable capacitor wit h both sections ga uge e namel copper wi re s paced one
requi re a printed circuit-all major com- wired in parallel to give 730 pF total ca- tum . The LI /C8 + C9 c ircuit should tune
ponents have solder tag co nnections and pacity. Both an external LC and "T ' type to the 40 meter band nea r mi nimum ca-
the sma ller components can be slung be- ATU have been used with success and no pacity. However. individua l coils and
tween them. By all means. toil away on a detectable harmonics . layouts may differ slightly. If necessary,
printed c ircuit board if it will make you The built-in AC power s upp ly half- a small number of turns can be removed
happy, but I have a lways believed that wave rectifier used was an o ld Westing- from L I to achieve 40 meters with the
" the simplest is the bcstcst." In addition. house ISRA which was in the junk box. CS plates about 15% enmeshed. and then
S5 % of the bits and pieces were in my but Radio Shack/fandy and others stock the SO meter band shou ld resonate with
j unk box. suitable low cost alternatives. CS plates about 65% enmeshed.
The c ircuit in Figure I sho ws a rela- The whole TX + AC power supply is To te st the TX . adjust C I and C9 to
tively conventional c irc uit using a 6BW6 enclosed in an exi sting metal c a bine t maximum capacity and plug in a 5O.ahm
tube ( V I). c rys tal-co ntrol led with a pi- 8.6 " wide x 4 " high x 4 .1" deep. onto dummy load. Next , insert an SO meter
output c irc uit whi ch is tunable over both which a new front panel was fitted . A band crysta l, press the key, and tune CS
SO and 40. by s im ply plugging: in an Ff'- simple ~ shape chassis was made and for minimum current o n the meter; then
243 c rysta l (ei ther 80 or 40 me ter band) fined to the panel as shown in Figure 2, increase the current by detuning to give a
8 73 Amateur Radio Today· November, 1992
AMuST FOR BVBRY SHOP, Filter can be used at any frequeDcy and dynamic range from DC to SO MHz
Perfect for every Ham Shack, RF Lab, dispersion setting...The Vertical Position dispersion settings with out degradation
EMI Test Lab. TV-AM-FM Broadcast control calibrates the vertical position of the on screen dynamic range, plus a
Station, and Radio Service Shop.. •SA and sets the Baseline reference point... continuously variable dispersion control.
Series Analyzers are just the right The input attenuator control sets the
instruments to use as a Pan Adaptor for reference points at 0 dBm. -20 dBm or PHRFORMANCB llIId LOW COST,
your HF rig. Tune up an HT -40 dBm... 5 Center Frequency select The SA Series S~trwn Analyzen have
radio...Tune Filters, Duplexers. pushbutton switches. a ten turn Fine been designed ntdjzing a revolotiooary
Cavities. Mixers and recievers... Frequency control, combined with A 50 DeW proprietary Log Amplifier, which
CATVIMATV/Satellite systems.. Check MHz Crystal Oscillator Marker that provides -110 dBm senitivity (.7 micro-
RF cables, RF amps. and places a marker at each SO MHz point volts)... And up to 80 dB on screen
Coccectoes... Check and adjust Security fran 50 MHz to 1000 MHz.. making dynamio range with • Vertical Amplitude
Transmitters and Reclevers..• Evaluate frequeDcy identificatioo very easy wilen Accuracy: of +/- 2 dB C1VCt 70 dBm. + /-
all RF based Systems.•. All this in a using the SAIOOO or SASOO.•Tbe DC to 3 dB over 80 dBm... Frerquency Range
single Instrument for only $1295.00 SO MHz per/div. pushbutton dispersion of 2 Mhz to 1000 MHz SAlOOO llIId 2
Model SASOO I $1495.00 Model control, allows full 80 dB on scleen MHz to 600MHz SASOO•. • A S' Display
SAI(XX) (suggested list price) with 10 dBm per/div. 011 8 Vertical
MODEL 5A500 Fixed Divisions, DC-SO MHz per/div. 011
EASY TO USB...NO FRU IS: 10 Horizontal Fixed Divisions•.•
rrc SA series Analyzers provide Dimensions 6-H x 12-W x 17- D,
unsurpassed performance, with just a Weight 15 LB•.•Plus all these features at
dozen easy to operate well organized one third the cost of most low cost
controls...Tbe SA Series controls are Spectrum Analyzers 00 the m..arbt
simple to understand and use, even if today..•The Model SAlOOO llIId SASOO
you never used a Spectrum Analyzer Spectrwn Analyzers offer you the best
before yoo will be on line in no ume, perfOlll,aree to price ratio in the m.a.rbt
today and it's MADE IN THE USA. If
FRATURES•..FRATURES, you need a ttuely high perf01 illaree
The Baseline Clipper controls the low SpedlUIII Analyzer at a truely law price
end noise to signal ratio.•.The Video otder an rrc Analyzer today.
. iB No Card charge cs
• Iiil' ExlcDdod Hours
: .........rT.......rT. .,-';
Extended Phone Hrs.
~ .. in Continental USA
: I I
YAESU ... ,,
, ,
. 1 .~
... ---
, ., -
- ' " © C[j) • o o 3 !i/8 '
-- Figure 2. Pan el/chassis tlSsembly layout,
--_. 2 rnA increase in c urrent so thai the crys-
tal is oscillating smoothly. Increase the
rer crystal on 40 met ers.
Rcmcmber-higher voltages are used
• ••
'~ : : 1 . . ,., 6BW6 tube is replaced. an ten na, providi ng a useful s t a nd by
"" " ,. ... Repeat all the above with a 40 meter tra nsmitter.
,, "l ....... ., -• •••• • • f" " band c rysta l-hut w itho ut any f urt her H a ve f un wi th "T he QRP 80/40
adjustment of C I. Do not use an 80 me- Sender." III
Parts List
R1 47k, 1/4 wan
A2 470 otms, 1/2 wan
R3 12k,1 watt
A4 10Cl11;, 1 watt
AS l OOk., 1 wan
C1 3-33 pF IrilTllY1ef
C2 0.01 IlFI300V working mifWnum
•• C3,C4,C5 0.001 IlFI300V
1000 pF • 1kV
_ .
50 IlF/350 volts electrolytic
365 pF Single gang airspaced variable capacitor
365 + 365 pF two gang a irspaced va riable in paranel-730 pF
3.5 & 7 MHz band crystals--FT243 with panel mounting socket
6BW61lJbe + B9A cera mic chassiS mounting socket
~~ MOOEl CS-800: A low cost patch that operates enher Full or Semi Duplex.
~\;.. Pl us has built-in Repeater Maker. Use with dual ba nder radios or connect to
your existing repeater for Full Duplex patc h. Al so turn s your radio into a
powerful repeater system if desired. Other features in clude 9 Ph on e Number
Speed-Dialer and more.
MODEL 8200 Includes all teatu res an d modes at Model CS-BOO plus 90
Phone number Speed-Dialer, Remote Base Mode, DTMF Selective Calling
(other tones are optionally available), remotely program mable access codes ,
and more. (Also available in desk top cabinet). This is the finest Full Duplex
Patch! Repeater Controller in the business!! •• • • • •• -.",-
All Models Also Include: Built-in user programming keyboard with digital
T he re ha ve b e e n a n umber of re -
marks as to ho w a really na rro w -
band CW fil ter becomes useless w hen
~ O J US '~ B l.f
.. '''''TER
-S P E EC ~ '
a ~ NO P ~ , S
" LTE"
" ~NCE
generator and the signal you are trying OR 0 ' " 1:"
G 8 TO "'
". "',"" rc
to copy is lost.
f;;; N~ R "O w
NO " cTt R
T" " ,P,,,
O ne so lution is the no ise c ircuit de- • ca
scribed in thi s article. It is adj ustable ",", ,,,
' .f . ' p.,,_.."
0 0.'
C" ' oT
from "no effect" to " no s ignal out:' re- , ALL "ES'STORS _ II. W
q u ire s no specia l parts, and c an be
m ade small enough to be installed in FiXlII"e I. Noise-limiter schematic. Use this circuit if (J high level signal is available and )'011
an existing add-on CW o r SSB fi lter. have all "odd-on" narrowbandfitter.
It can also be used in o ne of the new
s imple recei vers, such as the S udden
(see the October '91 iss ue, p . 8), to O'
"' 000 '
, ". ~ <'{) T
NO' SE u "' "l:R
,n "
The Noise-Limiter C ircu it "0~7;:'" "'8 . "•
" ea cs
..," .. ~1
n . ' B'
I'" ' NJ . I" H I, 0 .0 0.' . '
--'-I , ,
The circ ui t th a t d o e s th e jo b is
shown in Figure J. Most noise-limiter
.NP UT ,•
1.0 w, R[ wRAP
G." '
B.< •
T1) "'
ci rcuits are of the sh unt type. T hi s one
. ,~ USED
f OP TEST lj, OU1 PU
T ~ OU B L E
i s a se ries limi t e r. T he b ias o n the SHOOTING '0 0 •
d iodes is adjusted by the 10k limi t ad- '. LSO.T BI
'0' • ce ce OUTPuT
o utput a dj ust potentiome te r can be a "add- on" filter such as all MFJ CW rvpe.
tri mmer or a s t a n d a r d audio t a pe r
"volume control."
Putt in g th e noise li mi ter in the re-
."-. ."
~''' £''
."'''0.' '0 - "
•• ""
'., .-
' ' '0' 0 TO ' ' ' ' '.o ~
". '"
". OV'.'."'"O '"' "" ••,
ceiver ahead of any filter m ake s copy-
ing a signal e asier. II 's like closing the ". ( "" .,,,_- "'000,'
,. •. '"'TQ
s > ITi;'
-; ." •• , '0. '
, E-
,. <fO,
window a bit o n th e radio signals be -
ing received, b ut un like a volume con-
" en.
" Po' '"" •
...,. " •
. ~
fO A"O 'O
OM" " ". ""uT
tro l, sma ll signa ls get full amp lifica-
t ion and bi g s ignals get clipped. " .
, ., 100()
.,. "
''0 " "'"
to recommend, but it is best to place , ,
, n ,, • 'f-8 ,
COw ' ' ' H
" ., •• ."
th e noise limiter ahead of any fi lter. In
the Sudden receiver, pl a c e the no ise
' N'U T
_.. ..
., .
,. "
""., - ., ~
" Pump H-T 10 5 watts...gets lois of repeaters from "Helped maintain ccmmunfcation...to the L.A. a rea
ever y hilltop!" on the morning of the 7.6 earthquake."
- KD6KVH Matthew Rap;lpon Petalulna. C'A KD6IlQT Gregg M.lhll Huntington Beach. C'A
mnm Recharges in remote areas in 8 to 10 hours (sunny day).
Powers II -T in eme rgency (sunny day).
15 volt. 6.~ watt s. wt.a.S fb.• size 12"X 18"X 1/4" .
skirts to t he bandpass re -
sponse . It is a definite im - KBI'IICB ..aI SC ~YEJI
'$- rn.T£ RI' .... C?
provement. but not really .flI} D
necessary. The output trim-
pol is adjusted. in any case, 1
10 keep from overdriving the
filter. U sing fixed resistors
that are about 35% lower in
'fW~,,-IL OCAL & TECH 1-313-771-4711
"'zz" 4DDt~.r ~ERVICE 1-313-771-4712
W •
FAX SERVICE 1-313-771-6546 t;
"'z•" 23040 Schoenherr, Warren , MI48089 TEAMS: WANTED:QUALITY USEDGEAR,CASH ORTRADE (J)
OPEN MON- FRI 10-6, SAT 10-4, SUN CLO SED PricH Do HotJnclWe Shipping.
Price and Aval_11ty SublKt to
CI'uongI' WIt' - ' l Hot;ce ~IGl EJ •
Yos'I 0rde<'8 $t' l~ ~ ad TN 5arne oay
a: COO ' , WH; I --.. (....00 -0 Ihipping)
lC-2s,o,r FT.... lIE
2M 2·SW MICR0 40 MEM 2M 2-&W DEL MICRO ~M 2·SW 50 MEM cress
TtO B.'. I C · ~ S RA FT·470
-••. m
Ilf [ Q \IlPMfMT H E f Q upMf NT
Hf f Olllf'MfNI
c, ~
.. ~ Fl·1ooo
'" ",;;o;;;"";;;;~=""",=:-",,,,,,,,,,,,,,'"J;;":.:i
61\'1.1 B..E
73 Amateur Radio rcasv »November, 1992 15
nLL ELECTROniCS CORP. The Noise Remover Continued from paRe 14
Mall Order Electron ic Part s And Su pplies
P.O. Box 567 · Van Nuys, CA 9 1408 Parts list.
Basic Noise-L.imiter (see Figure I J. 01 .02 1N34 diodes
LASER POWER SUPPL Y cr 2211F electrolytic Ul 1458 op-amp IC
C2 4.7I1F125Velectro/ylic Noise-limiler +- Amplifier and Filler (see Figure 3).
C3.C4 0.047I1F polystyrene Cl 0.47102.0 IIF e1ect.olytiC
C4 0.004711F poIysty.ene C2 10 IIF eleclrolytic
C5 2 10 20 IIF elecl.oIyIic C3 4.7 jJF e1ectro/ylic
Rl 6.8108.21< C4 22I1F electrolytic
R2 1011 potentiomete. C5 4.7 jJF eled fOlytiC
Epny ..-..,..-..:l ~ ~ lot l4)to
C6 0.047 poIysty.ene
2 mW - - . . 112" X 1 112" X 1 7/18".
R3 "'" C7 0.0047 polystyrene
"' 15k
q,ut: It YdcO 1 ~. 0uIpA ~ . . . . .' R5 2200hm C8 10 JlF electrolytic
7to8 kV. 0pet."liI . . . . .: 1.110 1.5 kV A6 lC1Ol< tnm pot C9.C10.C l1.C12 1000 pF polystyrene
OJ-0Il""" CUlT"': 4 10 5 rnA. R«.Md No ;se-Umiler with Preamp (see Flf}ure 2). C1 3 t to lOIlF e1ectro!yliC
0.250 qud< OOl" i8CI ~ tor 0I/1pUt. C1 0.47 IIF tantalum C14 100 jJF eleclrolylic
CoIof <::oded ...... leads lor i""'-'. C2 2.211F electrofyliC R1 47k (or lOOk potentiometer)
CAT.lPS-1 $35.00 ..,11
C3 2211F electrolylic R2 100k
C4 t OO pF R3 680k
RECHARGEABLE C5 0.0047 IJ.F polystyrene R4 1 MEG
Gell Cell Batteries C6 0.047IJ.F potystyrene AS 1 MEG
C7 4.7 to 10 jJF electrolytic R6.R7 220k
Iolaint" naoce free. feCha ,geab4e ball. .... 10-1tor
port.tl. p<M&I Of back-up powIlt for c:omrn.onic:alionl.
ca 4.7 IJ.Ff25V electrolytic R8 6 .8 to 8.2k
vdeo• ....,... 04c. Useab. in . n y pos ~ ion . C9 tOO jJF electrolytic R9 tOk potentiometer
Rt tOOk t.im potentiometer Rl0 10k
8 VOLTS @1 .2AMPIHOURS R2 1.2 MEG R1t 15k
RJ.R4 220k R12 220 ohm
Si,.: 3.81· X R5 6.8k to 8.2k (choose for best R13 lOOk trim potentiometer
t - X or high. symmetry or use 1011 pot) Rt4 470k . 1% tolerance
tOll potentiometer
220 ohm
1.2 MEG. 1%
33k.l %
47 ohm
Rll 100 ohm 01 .02 1N34 diodes
T_ 6 volt 10 M-I Rl0 1001I potentIOmeter Ul LM3900 IC
~ _ . _ MM:OIOd
12 volt Note : Etched and drilled PC boards are available l or each verSiOn ct me NOise Limifer lrom FAR
Circuits. 18N640 Field Court. Dundee IL 6011 8. The basic NOiSe-limiter PC board is $3.00. the NOise
1Iile: 8" l( 3.IM" X 3 .75·
Limitier +- Filter is S3.75 and the Noise Limiter +- F~te. +- P.ea~ is $4.00. Please add $1.50 per order
CAT.GC-1210 S35.00 ..-:ll
for shippin¢landling.
Virlq Roodioeoode
A "lIIdio»onde" . a _ I"« in-
" .........t. ......a1ly . . . .ed _ h igh
.U~ . cM.ig....:l to Iran,mi1
'8fT1)e/_ u'" humidity. "";nd. and - Autopatch - Patch Pe-er ccce Dialing
pr_ v,. at "llIioua!>eillht. above - Reverse Patch - User ProgrammableCWID
Ih. U,oond . -0-.. ar. MW un~ •.
diloonl inued !rom NOAA nOilionai & Codes- Intelligent CWJO - Remote Base
-'her ...... a . ConIai", lor. 04 - 3 Auxiliary Outputs - Complete Interlace
inl ,ing poItl.: .. solid . t..l. ',an." • •
mn t>amrr.lric~ ...... . . _ . - Control Rcvr Input - Programmable
h umidily ......... and " ~ voII bait.". Tailbeeps - DTMF Decoder w/muting
oorhicll il ach" a1ed .. hen . ~ 42 Page Manual w / SChematics
in _ ... a \of .et>oollCiencto
6&I.o•• I",ho Of . . " .....""" lot PA"-, AlsD - RC·1DD: BASIC REPEATER CONTROL RC·l000 Wired & Tested $239.95
CAT''MT· ' "'.7S NlCh • e-ol 18 1or$&t,OO w/ Remote Base · User Programmable w/ DTMF Optional Enclosure $59.95
e--y J** MIl 4 AM nicl*-
Ii. :~I
Micro Computer Concepts
7009-62 Taylorsvile Road · Dayton. OH 45424
513 233 9675 '
• •
V/SII" ,
cadmium bIr.wo _ WI _ _ to
.... be _
\rOt J**. ~
lIIad .-.d ,..,."..
ClRClf: 194 Of'! RU Df:R S-ERVICf:(:ARD CIRClf: 14 Of'! IIUOU! S-ERVIC£ CARD
16 73 Amateur Radio Todaye November, 1992
K E2A M's
COMPLETELY SElf CON TAIN ,O 1",1 aaa 'a<1oOS now'"
moe. ,.,.1(1\"OU r.ave a 'epea,,,, lleco<a ""y ~ "'10
t",,,,,,y oac>..up Non VoIaI'" RAM 00 '""",d "tY>e<S . -
a,,,e 01 I[l SQUelch faol, arM1 l<ne our 'tn'lor"I\l M , ., ~ 101
Ieee.....,.. and lere, !k/d0C> Mul ng 01 'ec<lM> au<)oO a .... ng
In our c o ntin uing effort to p re sent SQlJCl<:t1li011 COR 01 SQlJCl<:t1 acl",alC'd AI bulf~~ed VO
Y·022 - 4OMH• . OC Ollwl
v·m _2OIoI><•. DC OI'IMl
v-MO · 60loI"'. 0.... T...,.
V-66SA · _H' .OT. " .'C<nOf .. .~
' l .otS
, . ....agong, sa..
~ . P'9I'_ '
5 ·1360 60MHz ' ~ gI«h - ~ "'II. CSS':!I me~
1 Never Say Die Dual Trace, Delayed Sweep allul _ ' " WO' ~ VC·6023 · 2 0"' H., 20"'$1.
All-Band HF Mobile Antenna
Review: J RL·2000
~. ,
I'i1 .-
T. .. ,... it
I Clpo.llIn..
1.. , ,,,,. . -
1( 1 11 6i, ~
by EI.ncc
10 New Products ' IO ,,~~I,S: $8.
-.... --
$169.95 $239.95
a... _OMU
11 Ham Help l-ll• • ' ''' 210 ·" . . . .
,.. ... 3Il\I. ' A: ~ :1-1<1 "'"
""" ~ 1 _ "'" ~V . 3A .' ~"". ,
12 Review: Nye Engineering FS 73 _ ........1""""'- ...... _ _ ............."... ~- . '- OF..,.
........... -.g .... - - _ ....... ~.- ~-~
13 ATV
2MHI funcllon ~or
Muki-Function Coun1lf' A,", io ~.r
14 Above and Beyond E...... 1'- 12011 ••Il X1111
Ask Kaboom
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Packet & Compute rs
Hams with Class _.. __ .....---
L.."., 10 IuiId and I'rogrom
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2toUtIAC1X E<n
Special Events - $129.00
23 RnY Loop
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24 73 International
Barter 'n' Buy
Random Output
- -
----_.. -._-"""
.... ---
-- _..-
-"-' -
...... ..
"'- ... -.-
. . ....
,.._ _
SG-.- I U '
oTSte _ _ E _ ... _
An All-Band HF
Mobile Antenna
Efficient and inexpensive.
by Stephen A. Glowacki KC4TMT
,-:-' ~
- --- r CONT"-CrU$FORlHE
- ==
........ -
• ---- • .-
,. ,
= .,..
:: ~
f") '" =A
= :..-.= ~ .-.
- . ===
~ 1•• - • • W c.~' "-'". I
_.- ....
-= ~ ,...
FT·767GX, FT-890, FT·747GX, FT-990.
FRG-8800, FT-736A, FT-10000, FT4 151815, FT-530,
FT-S200, FT·2400, FT-470 , FT-411E
"'-S, AES.CU$Ilcf'". Hy-Gaon. FT .23R126/76 IC 2J3i4SAT !CO... Ule. Hlfi. V100,UOOO CES. CONNECT SYSTEMS (CSI)
HUSIlef. Kl.U, IolH Z. Urban. FH11E-311 ·9 11 IC02AT12SRA VA[ SU F"TH2OOftI7OO8 Prival 9 Palch V. Dupltl" 8200 CSBOO
MOOU8l.0 X, TON"I.... But!ernII. FTH-2008/7008 lC2JofGAT124 Ar
1C·A2 1/U 16
MASl',* IC(lI,I "' 7. lot5lI, "'1'00
...VIATIOH 1COIoO- "21 A200 H T . TAlI Sim p I. ., A ul Dpatc h 5 0 1·,50 wilt
potch FM T....nK......... to your leMt-
TSC5OSlAT, R·SOlXI. TS-85OS. TM 24 1/A1 ph o n e , GreD l fa r pa tc h in g coils
«1A. TR-751A.. K«IIoood SeMce Re9a" , from cities to renwAe D~S. Simple
TS1.a5. T$6905. RZ·l . TS-79OA, TS950S0. to u .... SDI·.so
TH-7llA. TH28I~ TM-~1 A, TU -741A,
TM- 132A, 'fM.64 1It
ICOM M7. Ml 1. M56, M700TY. M800 NYE MBV-A 3 Kilowatt Tuner
a.-lUll 200XLT
IC-H11S1U11 TH-78A
ClJ uW lAI. IWlIlS
World TIme IndicalOfS '~"" - MOTOROl.A
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A mpl if iers & 5/S )..HT Gain Computer lnterl.c•• STOOl.EO.
Antenna s I N STOCK St oc ked: MFJ·1 2 706 , -,~
MFJ·1274. MFJ·1224, AEA Radios for Business,
OSP 2232
Shortwave Rad ios/M arine
Wlde selecllQn of s w & Amat &Uf
: -
Call for Great Prices!
Shortwave Rad ioS Stocked E Sys..... HElL
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~ DC-777 0 ~ .15 OPTOEl.J:CTAOHICS model 1300 HlA, 0-13OOMHz
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Te llllho..elo<elpOflin ~ock
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572B,6J S6C I- - WI" t>e Shipped
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FRE E of
Shipp;"lI cost.
(144, 220, 440 aumeters & ASTRON POWER SUPPLIES JST1 3 5, NAD-S3SD
MHz). lsoloop. Elements Belden Wire & Cable, Int't Wire Am eritron Amplifiers
==-:-::= ==-= :::'"= 5,:::0:::
e'= = ::::: OPTO KEYERS STOCKED _ A MI!!!III'i'RO. ';'
MAIL ALL ORDERS TO:BARRY ELECTRON ICS CORP.• 512 BROADWAY. NEW YORK CITY.NY 10012 """"""' ''''Of,"",~ BE1>E'' •• . '''''''''''''''ESTJ
We stock: AEA, Alinco. Amero. Ame mron , Anlenna Specialist. ARAL,
New Yor k Cit y. CO MPL ETE REPAIR LAB O N PREM ISES As talic. AstrCN'l , B& K. Belden. Bencher, Bird. 8ul1e mut, c e s , Cushcraft,
Dai wa , Elmac. Henry, He ll , Hustler, Hy·G ain, teem. KLM , Kantro nic s.
Kenw ood , Larse n. Max on , MFJ , Mira ll e , Mo l orola, Nye. Pa loma r, RF
IIAQul S. H.bl. Esp.nol " STOCKED, ICOM, Malora-
Products, Shure, Standard, TUBES, umoeo. Yaesu, Vibroll ex, Duplexers,
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FAX 212-925-7001 Phone2 12-925 -7 0 0 0 palrt lftS, tluSlnnaes. C;...~ HAM DEAlER INQUIRES INVITED PHONE IN VOUROflDER ... BE RE IMBURSED
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~v-Friday9 A.M 106COO P,M. CO.... UCIAL "ADIOS .1_k04. _rwlc04 on ~",",I_•.
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SIIlunS/ly 10- 5prn /Sunday 11 · 2pm ...
". .~ Amateur Radio Courses Given On Our Prem ises, Call
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StatiOn. FINAL FAX: 212·925-7001
CIIICU. 41 ~ I UOll Sl llVtCl CAItO
On Our Lousy Government
Fed up with the mess in Washington?
The mess in your state capital? 71'e tlie peopfe
........--._- .--.__-. _-
simple the seemingly complex issues are. All it takes is look- I A Guerrilla Handbook For ~.:
f . ..... ... ........... _ _ ... _ . .
since it is basica lly a custo m-made an tenna depend on where yo u dee ide to place the
tuner. I recently experime nted with this de- antenna on you r car. Like many cars, mine •
sign and found it to be very successful. To has rubber bum pers. This forced me to de-
make this addition. simply locale a variable sign a bracket using 1- 1/2" x 3/32" n at steel 1ft GAuGE w ' ~ E
ai r cap hav ing somewhere between 15 and th at wou ld be bent to mount aga inst the
600 pF an d moun t it ei the r d irectly on the body BE HIND the rear bumper. "
car or on an enlarged platform able to hold Firs t bend the steel to fi t as you wo uld •
borb. Wire the m in para llc l and yo u ' re like it. Then measure how far o ut it needs 'Ill · .. 2 ' COUPLE~--III
read y 10 go. to be cut to suppon the antenna. Ensure that
lve been able (0 tune the existing center the steel doesn 't rub against other pans o f
loads across each entire band wi th at least a the car-this would cause static and could
1.2; I SWR. Not bad for a $2 add ition! effect the tuning of the antenna.
Before you begi n. I'd like 10 note that de- After Ihe final placement and bend ing is
sign ing and bu ilding antennas is a learning co mp leted, drill two 7/ 16" ho les through Figure 3. Own ';ew of the mobile lllltellllQ.
experience. We've all heard the story o f the the stecl and body of the car. Temporarily
damaged antenna lyi ng on the g round that att ach the b racket and determine ho w fa r tance be tw een th e two co n nect io ns. It
worked bett er than when it was on the low- out to drill the hole for mounting the anten- shou ld be better than 10 meg . (I measured
er. Anten na performance is ne t always pre- na. Mark th is spot. almost 250 megohm s with my DMM .)
d ictable, so wat ch for unusual resu lts. The size o f ho le 10 drill here will depend O nce satis fied. use el ect rica l doping to
T here are many opinions and approaches on Ihe o uts ide d iamete r o f the ins ula ting insulate BOTH connectio ns 10 slo p mo is-
to wha t works or doesn 't work. w hat 's im- tubing you use around the mounting bo ll. tu re from gett ing into the coa x and from
po rtant to remember is that the ante nna is The tubing I used had an o .d. of 1/2". This crea ting a shon between the two leads. This
only as good as its SWR and RSTs. hol e shou ld allow Ihe in sul ating tubing 10 dop ing is commonly available at e lectrical
have a snug fit. so cut the hose to the thick- supply stores.
Constr uction ncssof the steel pl us 1/8". Use 7/ 16" hex-head bo lts and washers to
Preparation and asse mbly of Ihe antenna Drill a second hol e (1/4") about 1- 1/2" mount the bracket 10 the body o f the car. To
is straig htfo rw ard . First gathe r the mat e- from the fi rst, to ward the car. This will be ens ure a good gro unding co ntact. sc ratc h
rials. I strongly suggest Ihat Ihe low er por- for mounting the coax ial ground ing connec- off the enamel where the washers meet the
lion of the an tenna be made o f OIl least 3/8" tion. bracket . Conside r using Lock-tight on the
d ia me te r SO LI D a lum inum o r sta in less After all the bending and drilling is com- bo lt s if e xcessive v ibra tion s are a factor.
steel rod. Thinner d imension s will te nd 10 pleted , paint the bracket with as many coats These bolts should ex tend inside the trunk
break under the stress o f d rivi ng. of cl ear enamel as necessary to prot ect it about I " beyond the nul for attac hi ng the
T he length of th is rod (62- 1/2") wi ll be fro m Ihe weather. Set it aside 10 dry. ground ing strap.
an overall 63- 1/2" when the couplers are 011- Next, attach two elect rica l connectors to Finall y, dri ll a 3/8" ho le thro ugh the car
tached . T he upper whi p sec tio n measures one end of the 16-1 12" RG-58 coax; 3/8" to body next to the bracket and install a grom-
50- 1/2" overal l. This inclu des the coupler. the center lead and 3/16" to the shield ing. I mel. Feed the o ther end of the RG -58 coax
so measure appropriately. If you need to de- suggest sol dering the ground connector as through the grommet.
viate slightly from these figure s no recalc u- close as possible 10 Ihe coax. Be careful nor This completes the mounting bracket as-
lat ion will be nece ssary. j ust allow mo re to me lt the center lead insulation. se mb ly.
tu rns o n the loading coil. Later you can tri m Once the b rac ke t is d ry. assemble the
the coil to accommodate the chan ges. 3/8" coupler as sho wn in Figure I. When Matching Co il
At this po int you'll need a lap and d ie se t you tighten the coupler the plastic washers The matching coi l is designed to balance
(see the sidebar). If you don 't have one the will co mpress against the rubber hose and an 80 meter loading coil and higher. If yo u
loca l hardw are store w ill usuall y do Ihe electrically insulate the bo lt. decide to use a 160 meter coil you can add
work for a small fcc . O r vis it the local h igh T hen a tt ac h th e sh ie lde d s id e to the more turns 10 the matching co il.
sc hool meta l shop. T he teachers arc o ften bracket with a 1/4 " bolt. Measu re the resis- The coi l is bui It aro und a I" PVC pipe
.0--' 1"\ ,• •
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73 Amateur Radio roaey»November, 1992 23
1/2" at a time . Each quarte r tum should in-
Table 1, Center Coil Dimensions crease the resonance by abo ut 50 kHz while
Band Tums Coil Length Form Length PVC Diameter ha lf-inch sn ips should be 10 kH z.
160 62 2.75' 2.875' 4,5' Once yo u arc sat isfied, remo ve the co il
80 23 .75 t- 1.125' 4.5' and solder the e na me l w ire to the lowe r
40 10.25 0.5' t- 4.5' connector. Reassemble and c hec k the SWR.
20 7.50 0.5' 2.5" 2.375' If there are a ny proble ms you'll need to
15 2.80 0.125' 2' 1.875'
resta rt the fi ne-tu ning from the beginning ,
10 No center coil necessary; join the two rods together With a coupler.
and possibly rewrap the coil.
Repea t th is process for eac h band coil.
nectio n for tuning. The clip should not ha ve the SWR . Don 't test by sho rting the loading Try no t to c hange the m atching un it. The
any wire attac hed to it. coil- this wi ll degrade the efficiency of the goal is for the coi l to be the o nly necessary
Check fo r the best SWR. 100 kHz down coi l and give false readings. change to switch bands.
fro m the center freq uency yo u want the an- O nce yo u get nea r the null (where the The matching coi l alligator cl ips are used
tenna to reso nate at. Adjust by clipping one SWR begins to dip) adj ust to you r desired for with in-band adjustments. These will al -
quarter tum at a time, each time checking frequency and continue by clipping 1/4 " to lo w for adj ust ing the SWR within a s mall
ra nge afte r the overall tu ning is complete .
The fcc dl ine cl ip is us ed to balance the
Tap and Die matching coil. while the jumper is used 10
adj ust the inductance. You' ll need to be pa-
If you're not familiar with Ihe mec hanics of a tap and die, no problem . The procedure tie nt to successfully tunc to diffe rent fre-
is straightforward. qucnc rcs.
First locate the proper size of die. (This is what cuts the threads into a rod 10 make il The resul ts could be ma rked by paired
resemble a bolt.) Using the 3/8"- 16 size as an e xample, the first number measures the colors, 1/8" j umpers could be soldered to
diameter of the outside of the threads, and the second numbe r tells how many threads the matching coil at these points for easier
there are per inch. These numbers appear on the die itse lf, whic h can be purchased indi- reference, o r a two-pole ro tary switch could
vidually for about $2. be used to ma ke band sw itching qu ick and
You need a handle to hold the die steady during the process. These cost about $8-$15, easy.
depending on the style. If you c hoose to incl ude the variable ca-
If you want to save money. Scars has a 20-piece Homeowners Set for unde r $20, paci tor in the matching system you' ll have
available through their catalog store. Whatever yo u buy, just make sure that the 3/8"-16 m ore le ewa y . ( T he groun d ing j u m pe r
and 14"·20 are part of the set. These arc common sizes used in amateur radio. wasn't necessary when 1 made this addition
The technique for cutting with a die is simple. Brace the rod steady either in a vise or later.)
with Vise-Grip pliers. (I used the latter, attaching the pliers ncar the base of the rod and Whatever you do, the shorter th e leads
then standing on them for bracing.) are the bette r. Everything effects the anten-
Placing the wid e side of the die toward the rod. tum slowly but with pressure. You'll na. Even the 16- 1/2" feed line is pan o f the
feel it cut into the aluminum almost immediately. anten na a nd wi ll effect the tun ing if it is
Make sure that the first two to three thread cuts are square so that the die remains per- changed.
pendicular to the rod. Hot g lue or five-min ute e poxy could be
The die needs to remain square to the rod while it is turning. This is the most difficult spread o n the ena mel wi re once all tuning is
pan of the whole process. Once the first two to three threads are CUI, the rest is easy. complete . I haven't been able to find hea t-
Now the turning technique: T um the handle clockwise 90 degrees, then reverse and shri nk tubing big enough 10 fit over the coil,
tum back until you feel the metal fi lings snap. (About 30-40 dcgrccs.) Then, tum clock- altho ugh this would be best. If you usc 2"
wise another 90 degrees and again reverse to snap off the filings. Continue this process PVC or smaller for the loading coi l form, 3"
until the proper length is cut. I find it easier if I imagine north, east, south and west and hea t-shrink tu bing is av ai lable from Elec-
keep to those points. tronic Surplus (R&D Electron ics) in Cleve-
It may be necessary to tum continuously for the first thread or so to help the die take land. Ohio.
hold. Don't be afraid to back off and stan again.
Once the cutting is started. have some lubricant avai lable and apply moderately. Ft nishlng
T here are certain lubricants preferred for some me tals. Generally. a light oil or kerosene TIle g uy connection I'll leave up to yo u.
is good for aluminum and stainless steel. High strength fishing line. thin rope, or ma-
son line a rc all good c hoices. Either way,
guys arc necessa ry to avoid da mage. I sug-
gest using two support lines.
I've had many S7-9 reports within a 400-
si: yoo, P,iJ. W" m ile rad ius of my Wes t Virginia QT H o n
the 80 and 40 meter bands. On the 15 and
74., Catt ..Si•• ,. p: To see your 20 meter ba nds I was able to QSO with sta-
Pi'n type (circle one) tions in France and Germany wh ile travel-
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Although commercial designs may have
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24 73 Amateur Radio Today· November, 1992
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al J'M0C0i.
In Packet Radio _f'I..MlOel1.eee1 VC _ .
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Ente r the excrtmg .... 101J:l2S.n&.W·ntlACUo _. • 115_
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d io today with H ow _oo.qo/\<o .' , _ .. _ , capabilities of local TVweallter report!lIV. P11, it inti
NEwC&<P, I I _~~ IfIIIr recel1'8' ........ 1ac': and deCode all AI'T iIIodes·
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Packet Radio . Dave ~0<Wl. P.oloel Iar PK\oot ___ " " _... ,.37.115 ISIng JIllr PC. Latest tecIMology lor optimal noise
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easy-to-understand manner. It starts with 8373s.-o.r- (~~5el~ _._.._ __ 3!>1l5 -S«ll!l VGA disPlaY (VGA Il'I 2l'Or:1024256 colDrs)
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a non-technical description o f pac ket ra- $71' e:..,. m_. .._ ,______ I lll5
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73 Review Japan Radio Co., ltd.
by Bill Clarke WA-IBLC 430 Park Ave., 2nd Floor
New York NY 10022
Telephone: (212) 355-1180
N A TlUII T U IYIJIO!IJ CO" VU TU S . ' OW" VUTTlU .... co...". . .. e H '~ e... . _ ~ _ / nc
operator error). V) " . _ I U h K. ' __ '" ...... <CUD " ItA e". I_U_ ./ I._ •
Maintenance instructions lor cleaning the air " TVI " 1 _&$0
" TV_ '0> _1"
1"G.U_n 'I""'"
_ 01
m" ••• .
.. '
• lO . .
. " _ _ .. . T. _ _•
... . . J ... ... _
llI l M ;II••_ D_ · I l _. 00סOo U JU· 1111) l H _ _
FAX II:J-<I2',.<I-Il1
. . •• ",," ,.".0'
0' ·
Japan Radio Company describes the 2000F CIIl'Cl£ 9 9 ON RUOEII $£RVICE CARO
as using 48 MOSFETS in the PA section. which SPY ON THE EARTH
consists 01 four wideband 250W power amplifiers
(each has 12 MOSFETS). The PA circuits are
SEPP (single ended push-pull) design. providing
greater effic iency than standard bipolar trans is-
torltranslormer cou pled push -pull circuits. The
design of the PA focuses on ease of impedance
matching for input/output and linearity. ZOO ENGINEER ING
Bias control for the MOS FET SEPP design in Speciali sts in CA T V Hardline M atching
class AB ope ration requires a high gale voltage T ra nsforme rs. Power Dividers and aerated
and high d rain idle curre nt. Th is results in low R.F. Device s.
high.grder IMD and a non-critical bias volt age
setting. The bias of the 2000F is controlled par-
tially by the excitation voltage to achieve extreme
stability. learn how you can benefit greatty from !his elertJng
The COOling system for the MOSFET amplifie r new led mology. Send S25 ($30 air. $35 overseas)
is based upon heat-re si sta nt MOSFETS and for our fantastic 12 diskette set ot professional
qJahty COPY" 9'Ued programs (IBM \)l)e) that does
temperature actuated tans. The fans a re rear
satellite tl acking . data acquisition. image
facing and generally quiet. processin g, file conv ersion and much more . Buitt to fit 112, 314 and 7/8 inch hardfine, or
Diskette packa ge includes all progra ms. satellite can be custom built for other sizes 01hardline
Antenna Tuning and any frequency between 50 MHz and 1.3
views, C language source code for a popular
The antenna tuner is microprocessor-con - satellite image acquisition program , hald wa re GHz. When ordering. please include a 4 inch
trolled and consists of coil s , caoecncrs. and re- schem atics. catalog and $25 discount certificate. section o f you r hardline and specify the de-
lays (30 on the tuner board). Operation consists sign Irequency you need.
Reception guaranteed Worldwide 144 MHz units are $34.95 per pair. 222
of samplin g the output frequency of the excit er
Absolutely legal MHz. 440 MHz. 903 MHz and 1296 MHz
and checking lor previous operation on the same
No satellite dish needed units are $32.95 per pair.
For FRE E l1!ormaoon log on to our buMebn boald Add $5.50 per pair UPS shipping (U.S. only).
The 2000F has a memory matrix consi sting of
Wi th your MODEM at (71 8) 740.391 1 or caN(71 8) Ohio residents add 5.5% sales la• .
a possible four antennas and 455 HF subbands
468·2720. to place <M'l order. Buy With conLdence Cu s tom bui lt prices o n r equest.
( 70 of which a re indi cated a s within th e ham
We've been in business Since 1956.
bands in the manual). What this means is that ZD ENGINEERING
each band is split into small segments . VANGUARD Electronic Labs Paul H. Oarwactor, W8Z0
When operaling in a particular band segment Dept. A. 196-23 Jamaica Ave. 60S Ba lsley Avenue, Findlay, OH 4 5840
the un it will sea rch its memory for in formation
Hollis. NY 11 423 PHONE: 419-424·8765
matching the frequency. If the unit recognizes the
ICOM'" R7000 SWEEPING particular frequency (or another within the same for the control circuits. By USing a swrtching pow-
1300 CHANNELS/MIN. subband) it will set itself to the previous settings er supply, JAG claims enceocy of 90% or more.
and antenna selection. If not. you will be required The power supply is cooled by its own fan and is
to enter this information before operation (takes professed to be capable of continuous operation
DELTACOMM"" 1-7000 and. YOUT MS-DOS compo~ r
you • ~ iMerl_ inlq..-.:d _ idl ..,.;"'iud
toftlr<ve lbal ..ill not juot coauol but will _Umiu !be
only a lew seconds and is fully automated). at 2.4 kW.
",*",' ;'1 of)'OW' R1OOO.
Antenna seectcn is a part 01 the 2000F's tun- The AG line VOltage required for operation is,
ing as the four antenna inputs are microproces- according to the various manuals and information
• Spectnlm k>& IIl Ipeeda ill. e~ of 1300 , .... ·litIm.iIl sor-controlled. For example: On 14.300 MHz you sheets I received with the 2OOOF, ambigl.lOUS. In
wtUk . ... to ally I • .we .
~.- of
always use your trusty tribander and select that Ihe wrinen information an indication is made that
fRy"} ..v..ity.
antenna when tuning the amplifier. From that AG 01 5Ql60 Hz from 85 through 2£4V win coer-
point , until you tell the 2000 F otherwise, the ate the unit, yet attention is later drawn to re-
robanoer will always be selected when operating duced output power at lower input voltages fie.
14.300 MHz. tOO-12O VAG for 75OW). All testing al this station
The antenna selection relays are contained in was done at 220 VAG line voltage, which I con-
a separate shielded box on the rear panel of the sider the standard lor 1 kW and above amplifiers.
amplifier's chassis.
The important band information is written into Service
an EEPAOM (a AOM Chip that can be electrically I was concerned about service for the 2000F
re written) during the TUNE operation. This infor- since there is not a plethora of JAC dealer/ser-
mation will always be available and won't disap- vice centers and the unit is very complex (i.e. not
• CYBF.RSCAN"" allow . ocaa fik nc:kin, control of pear when the power is turn ed ot!. user-serviceable).
Iyllemt employ ine: f~ boppin. tcehniq~.
• Bird ie 101 durinJ frequcncy ocarch automatically The data for the various operating states of JAG informs me there is no problem in obtain-
,ba ~riua YOUT R7000. lbc:a 10xb Otlt tI..- the JAL-2000F (power, PA, meter sellings, an- ing service, as the Aaytheon Service Company of
fl'e<l~ia durin. frequmcy ocan:b opemioa.
• C...wm inlc rf..,., hM clectronKa "" aUow ...ftwaR
tenna switch sellings. frequency band setnncs. New York, service center lor JAG's commercial
control (by c hannel number) of exkmal tape ra;ordtt. etc.) are stored in battery-backed AAM. Memory and marine amplifiers, will service the JAL·2000F.
backup is provided by a rechargeable battery This is reassuring, as tne name Raytheon is rec-
ICOM'" R71 RECEIVER which will keep the AAM fresh for a period of two ognizable and the 2000F is based upon the com-
weeks if the unit is unplugged from AG power. mercial/marine amplifiers routinefy serviced by
COMMUNICATIONS MANAGER When the battery discharges your operation set- them.
DEl.TACOMM"" 1·71 Veniaa 4.0 offen rmdIwrik tings are lost; however, normal operation can be
CODlrol. of y R71 receiver'. freer ')'. mode IIDd restored by using the SET procedure. Battery My Recomme ndation
.........., r -h
Addm..-J I'fl'Intli r ~ ino;kdc
aulo lot frcquaq' .-rdl. _ pnin._ timer' clodt eva'll recharge is automatic during normal operation. The 2000F is a dass act that the competition
.....- . .s.ta " - -a:emmt. pu.lI-d _ wtlilind very difficult to follow. It does its job wen,
...inoIoo'ot1. ",iii tw;l'eC:Il for yOW' TerttliI.I Node Coatr'OlIer Power Supply
(TNC) com<r! '.",*Ooa ~ aDd !he llbilily 10 c:oacrol aD appears to be solid in design and manufacture,
_ _ ~ ')"IU:m Of loU ' " tape I"eOOtdtt. The power supply is designed to use 220 VAG and exemplifies the term stale-of-the-art. Would I
and provide 80 VDC at 30A for the PA. Addition· like to have a 2000F residing in my station? Yes,ff
• Data lIMe ........ cmmI.umr,...defmitioqoff ~.
<;a1l l ip, ~ ochoduk. mo:o:lc. larJet -.rca. ~ . ally, it produces 12 VDC (positive and negative) I had some easily earned dollars, I would immedi-
140 ~ ....... field. 69 ~ TN C convnlIIlI! ately purchase one!
f>tld . QSL fIoltoM. ooatrol relay ItIltui ...:I , in lIdditioCl, Specifications The 2000F amplifier does operate as intended.
d ioplaya ....,r d cfmcd opWnlUD oettin&. o f O'I\ICeivu Operating bands 160m
front,....,1 kDob pooitiona. In fact, it does it very well and includes many tea-
• Combined with your TN C . DELTACOMM'"' 1-71' . 60m tures not available on any other HF amplifier. Ad-
"""f defmcd oommand QOd", PTOIr-m Y(H,If TNC for
' Om ditionally, I experienced no problems whatsoever
rc«ption Uld Iouing of PACKET, AMTOR, RlTI'
and Potu, . Code (fu lly unIIttendcd and ... lonUIticlolly) . 30m while testing it for nearly two months,
20m I cannot compare the design of the 2000F to
17m that of models from competitive manutac -
16-DlGIT TOUCH-TONE'" 12m' turers, as none offer an amplifier as advanced
REPEATER PROGRAMMER ten- or feature-filled as the JAG product. There are
Input impedance 50<"''' good solid-stale amplifiers and auto-tune tobe -
DELTA TON ~ 2.0 ~ to your MS-DOS conlfl"~ r
viii !be prinlcr port. ltr. ib tu,;b ~ mode, DTMF 0Jtput impedance 500"'" type amplifiers currently available on the market,
d il_ an: ocat 10 yow ........'er c0atr01le, III • . - iD. 1 kW (SSS'CWIRTTY)
nee. of 500 pe' m.iD.~. """'" pcee r but none provide the overall features of the
VSWR less than 3.0 (16.7 · 150 otms} 2OOOF.
• DFl..TATONI:.- 2.0 k( pili P"OII .......... c::omn.ndI Unwarlfe<l radiation -60 dB Of less (below PEP) I cannot accurately say that JAG's design will
from • rile " led ...., )'OUl" f.v<>l'1le word P' Q If.
-35 dB 0( less (below PfPJ
'UD provide long and trouble-free service. There is no
• T. . .former ~ 600 obm to.lrr.Doed ~
"~Ie 10 - IOdbm• .m ..ttw.n: 0DDtn>l of .d.y Ed<!lion power lOOW (max.I history, yet, to base the assumption on. However,
com.cIII mKlCII inlafoo;'" q
COCIlnl1ler .
r:-y four (4) wire
~ 10 your trarIIoCeiver, b.IIadbdd or u p 'ff
- .......
Freq. change time
Po..er coosumpIoon
Input power Iaclor
Less than 0_1 sec.
220 VAG 5MO Hz (see \ell)
2.5 kVA at 1 kW
Grealerthan 95% et t kW
I note that the company manufactures ccmrrer-
cial HF amplifiers of a similar design which ap-
pear to have a good service track record.
The 2000F is not an amplifier for everyone and
All DFl..TACOMJor ~ prod_ iDclude Temperature range -10 10 +4Odegrees C
_ iaIoerf_. UL Ii.Ied pawer oupply...a """'f"'OCII I can only leave the choice 01 such an expensive
for c:.l>linJ. Protec:lion aens ElCessive PA CUlTeni purchase 10 the individual. I would say, however,
PAovemeal that when contesting and/or chasing OX, the abili-
DELTACOMIor 1-7000 or 1-71 S299.00 e.cb
(1-71 ~uiJa ICOIor UX ·1 4 COCIverter)
Excessive exetter power ty to instantly aSY and make antenna selections
DELTATONE'" 2.0 includin, inlerfoo;e S'49 .00 PA abnormal load
automatically could be very valuable. Further-
Excessive ACvonage more, the hands-off coerancn is enhanced by use
VlSA, MC, AMEX IIlld 104.0 KCepIcd. ConlaCt \U fo,
diKoWlt pncin,lo ~. islercd DELTACOMM'" ...en. Power supp!y overheat of the remote hand con trol.
PA failure
Excessive VSWR Availability
DELTA RESEARCH Oimen sJons 430 x 300 x 420 cmI
The JA L·2000F is available from ham radio
lUX11 .7 x 16.4 in. (WHO)
Box 13677. Wauwatosa, WI 53213 Weight 28 k~62 bs.
suppliers. The suggested list price is $4,899;
FAX/Phon e (414) 353-4567 however, the street price is considerably below
'Con1act JAC rt New York fO( further rtformation.
that. iii
CIIl'C\£ 251 ~ RUDIiR SlRVlClE CAIlO
28 73 Amateur Radio Today · November, 1992
Number 8 on your FeedNek card
pread spectrum uses widcband, direct sequence (OS) are pretty well
S noise-like signals. Because spread
spectrum signals are noise-like, they
kno wn, mature techniques today.
Other more exotic forms of spread
are hard to detect. Spread spectrum spectrum such as chirp. time hopping
signals are also hard to intercept or and hybrids of frequency hop and di-
demodulate. Further, spread spectrum rect sequence are not in general usc
signals are harder to jam (interfere in low-cost Pan 15 equi pment and
with) than narrowband signals. These will probably remain only in the mili-
low detcctability and anti-jam features tary province for several more years.
are why the military has used spread The following paragraphs will de-
spectrum for SO many years. Spread scribe freque ncy hop and direct se-
signals are imemionally made to be quence techniques in a little more de-
much wider-band than rbe information tail and show that pseudo-noise code
they are carrying 10 make them more techn iques prov ide the common
noise-like. thread through all spread spectrum
Spread spectrum signals use fast types.
codes that run many times the infor-
mation bandwidth or data rare. These Frequency Hop
special "Spreading" codes are called Frequency hopping can provide
"Pseudo Random" or "Pseudo Noise" the easiest method of utilizing spread
cedes. spectrum. Any radio with a digitally
Spread spectrum transmitters use controlled frequency synthesizer can
the same transmit power levels as nar- Photo A. Direct sequence spread sp ec trum signal (un-f iltered (theoretically) be convened to a fre-
rowband transmitters. Because spread BPSK ). Note the suppressed carrier. Center f req.= 52 MHz with a quency hopper. This conversion re-
spec trum signals are so wide. they 15 megahittsecond PN (3/ stage PN generator). Horit . scale = / quires the addition of a pseudo noise
transmit at a much lower watts-per- MH:/dil'. Vert. scale = / 0 dB/d;\,. code generator that is used to select
hem power density than narrowband the frequencies for transmission or
transmitters. Th is lower power density gives spread spectrum techniques on a shared frequen - reception. Most hopping systems utilize uniform
spread signals a big plus. Spread and narrowband cy basis in the Industrial. Scientific and Medical frequency hopping over a band of freque ncies.
signals can occupy the same band. with little or (IS M) frequen cy bands of 900, 2400 and 5500 This is not absolutely necessary if both the trans-
no interference. Th is capability is the main rea- MHz. These bands are also shared with amateur mitter and receiver of the system know in ad-
son for all the interest in spread spectrum today. radio operation s-so we hams have a direct vance what freq uencies are to be skipped. Thus.
stake in what happens with this kind of equip- a freque ncy hopper in, say, 2 meters could be
w hat's Spread Spectrum? ment Since 1983 the FCC has revised and clari- made that would skip over commonly used re-
Spread spectrum radio communication is ignit- fied the rules for spread spectrum operation un- peater input and output frequency pairs. A fre-
ing much discussion and speculation lately. In the der Part 15 of their rules. Hams have been able quency hopped system can use analog or digital
last few years there has been a lor of media atten- to legall y use spread spectrum under Pan 97 carrier modulation and can be designed using
tion, congressional interest (IEEE Spectrum, rules for a number of years, also. However, the conventional narrowband radio techniques. De-
"Spread Spectrum Goes Commercial," August FCC rules for ham spread spectrum have been hopping in the receiver is done by a synchro-
1990, by Donald L. Schilling, Raymond L. Pick- quite restrictive and have had the net effect of al- nized PN code generator which drives the receiv-
holtz and Laurence B. Milstein. pp. 40-45). FCC most eliminating ham radio experimentation in er's local oscillator frequency synthesizer.
rulemaking, commercial product announcements spread spectrum techniques. Recent commercial
and marketing hoopla about this exciting new developments with Pan 15 equipment and a new Direct Sequence
field. Several very good articles on spread spec- FCC Special Temporary Authority (STA) (R. A. The most practical. all-digital version of
trum (SS) have appeared in ham radio literature Buaas K6KGS request for STA, FCC file num- spread spectrum is direct sequence. A direct se-
and the ARRL's Spread Spectrum Sourcebook ber 7230-A, granted April 17, 1992) provide a quence system uses a locally generated pseudo
has been in print for several years now. With all renewed impetus to the amateur community to noise code to encode digital data to be transmit-
of this activity you may still have a few questions make more use of spread spectrum techniques. In ted. The local code is generated at a rate of 10 10
about spread spectrum. how it applies to hams, light of the possible awakening of a ham spread 100 limes the data rate to be transmitted. Data
how it works and in general what all this alpha- spectrum community, I hope [0 spur some inter- for transmission is simply exctusive-Ok'd with
bet soup (like PeN, PeS, COMA, TDMA and est in the ham builder/experimenter to put some the faster pseudo noise code. The composite
frequency hopping) is all about. See the sidebar of these ideas to practical use. pseudo noise and data can be passed through a
for a definitive guide. This article is intended to data scrambler to randomize the output spectrum
gently lead you through some of the practical de- More About Spread Spectrum (and there by remove discrete spectral lines). A
tails of today's modem commercial (and soon to Simply put, spread spectrum trades a wider direct sequence modulator is then used to double
be ham) radio spread spectrum technology and transmission bandwidth for bener signal-to-noise sideband suppressed carrier modulate (also
help you gain a basic understanding of the princi- ratio and reduced transmiued power density. Two called Binary Phase Shift Keying-BPSK) the
ples involved in SS. types of spread spectrum implementation are in carrier frequency to be transmitted, resulting in a
In 1983 lhe FCC issued a nonce of proposed fairly common use today: Frequency Hopped signal spectrum as shown in Photo A. Other
rule making authorizing the low power use of and Direct Sequence. Frequency hop (FH) and forms of carrier modulation are possible with di-
73 Amateur Radio Today · November. 1992 29
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- 1
reel sequence, however BPSK or differential recover a spread spectrum signal. 1be corretator
phase shifl keying (DPSK) are the simplest and actually tben "spreads" out a narrowband mter-
most often used techniques. ferer over the receiver's total detection band-
A spread spectrum receiver uses a locally gen- width and thus only the IOtal integrated signal
erated replica pseudo noise code along with a re- dcnsity or signal- to-noise ratio dete rmines
ceiver correlaror 10 separate out only the desired whether there will be interference or not. All
coded information or messages from all possible spread spectrum systems have a threshold or tol-
signals. A spread spectrum correlator can func- erance level of interference beyond which useful
tionally be thought of as a very special matched communication ceases. This tolerance level or
filler-it responds on ly 10 signals that are encod- threshold is related to the spread spectrum pro-
ed with a pseudo noise code that matches its own cessing gain, Processing gain is Ihe ratio of the
locally generated replica code. Thus, a spread radio frequency (RF) bandwidth to the informa-
spectrum ccrrelaror can be "tuned" to different lion bandwidth,
codes simply by changing its local eeoc. This Typical 55 anti-jam (AJ) radios have a pro-
corretaror does not respond 10 man-made, natural cessing gain of from 10 to 20 dB, depending on
or artificial noise or interference. II responds on- rhe data rate, They can tolerate total jammer
ly to spread spectrum signals with identica l power levels of from 0 to 8 or 10 dB (jamming
matched signal characteristics and encoded with margin) stronger than the desired signal. Yes, the
the identical pseudo noise code. system can .work at negative signal-to-noise ra-
~-, '-'-~'--
__ ----
.. -'-" 2·6 t ubes $450 each
M at ched Pairs $1099
page 72 fo r
... - ,._ ... - _._,
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'~.;:. -:.
-.- ""--"---'
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-';:"-."::::::';' ~ .--~-:" ':; :':"
• La st ch anca to s tock up nt up to 50% savings
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Sl9.9!i/y r. US
S 4~.(IG I~'. ar
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FA'" 41~n ... n.L - - - - - - - - - - 1 4CX 1 0.0000 S895 each
SPREAD SPECTRUM SCENE 15 0 2 Jo nes St. • Omoha, NE 68102
P.O. hO X 2 199. U Grallada, ( 'A 9~O IS.!I" 402· 346-4750 -• -fax : 402·346-2939
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CIAC U! 17 0IiII RUDPt SEJfVJCf: CARD Surplus Sales o f. Nebraska
2 Meter Performance!
30 73 Amateur Radio Today. Nove mbe r, 1992 CIRCLE 229 ON READER SERV ICE CARD
freq uency or in the same freq uency band can be
accommodated through various techniques of
multiple access or diversity. The nature of PN
codes and correlators allow what is called C0-
MA (code division multiple access). lime divi-
sion multiple access is also commonly used with
spread spectru m. Frequency and space or polar-
ization are also used to increase the number of
users or network size of spread spectrum net-
work s. Someumes combinations of the above
multiple access techniques are used to achieve
special system characiensucs.
Mulliple access techniques can provide for
frequency re-use. elimination or reduction of in-
terference. increased system capacity. or 10 pr0-
vide for "private" channels. The newest methods
for digital cellular, micro-cell and worldwide
LEO satell ite mobile communications will use
55 and CDMA or TDMA to effic iently utilize
Ou r specialt y is eli mi na ti ng
Broadc ast Ban d Int ert eren c e
Plco-J rol ls up and hid" in
e-eceee poekeot-Sized
holcl&r. Wllftlng hke the Ge-
OJ- 580
nie In a eeee till you nH<l J '';;'
from your receiver. Antenna and fulk!uietlng S'>Inal punth
EBp-225 12v 800mah
powerline filters stop broadcast Call him lor.tl and hlfi gli5teoing black-au-
Mal«l ~nes r~.,f4>tl<lItl'Id-~ed halfwa.... an-
energy trom r eac hin g yo ur ~na ready Ie hang anywhere Susp&nd In the Price $65
apart.'TIenI doMt or patio ~
equ ipment. Also available are Al!aeh Plco-J Ie windOw gl,," or EBp-24S 7.2v 1500mah
receiver tront end protectors that ..... curtain rod He eeees no rad,als for broad·
barld low-angle Qmnl hallwa.... gain, Price $60
pr ev e nt da mag e from st a tic
e lect r ici ty or lig h tni ng . Call I
:;: Carry Plco-J w>th you for eme.gene.es. Hang
in the motel whe n on the road. He Improves
$3 s hi pp ing & h andline
Coll(Otd, Mass. 01742, U.S.A. XPt:RTtJ.. HECTRO'lCS
Phone: (508) 263-2145 5312 t:rneoot ROlid
Far: (508) 263-7008
Loc: kpo r1 . ' ~ y o.... 1-4094
C . lI t Mh" l ,7 t 6) 4J4-.\lll»l
American Heart .
Association V
DTMF I encoders Now, the Catch
STEEl KEYS Sold on spread spectrum yet? Sounds great
---- I
-• 2
~ o.
An ultra hIgh quality DTMF Enc oder
l or absolule re llabtllty and funcllon .
doesn't it? Note. however. that above I described
how each type of spread spectru m worked when
each receiver was presumed to have PN synchro-
c·· ." nization with its companion transminer. This re-
1·-- 1 ~-_ ·1
PK ·l$71' /PK .1K$ 78 '
W fRe lay
Call or we.te 1o. Free Cata log
' Request Quanhly Pnce
three problems are part of the general problem of
estimation and/or tracking of PN code phase
(timing) and frequency. These problems cause all
the complexity that is associated with PN system
operations. Sync problems are slightly different
with each type of spread spectru m. but the main
problem is the same. How does a receiver's PN
generator rapidly, wimout significant loss of 113·
The ta, lock onto and track changes in a transminer's
THE Texas c:OME}JI' PN code generator? A complete answer 10 this
HF Mobi.. Ani......... System
• Hi a .., .""Olnl coiI5
146122l1t'446 MHz
question is really beyond the scope of this intro-
ductory ankle; bowever. thc secretlies in the de-
sign of the receiver correlator and its related pro-
• Mi.....,(O'T1 SWR • excellent perlo<- lIOBIl.f T_OfJI'
cessing. Current commercial Part 15 equipment
mance on .. H F bands
PEAR • Easy assembly 10 meet almost any
TM Ii.... VHFNfiF
Tril>en_ .. ~h ",inl
uses both serial (sequential or trial and error) and
7 configu ration parallel digital correlarors. Many of these com-
' ,
• Fil S stan dard 318·24 SAE mounts
• Various length base maStS & whips
GAl.., UI MIU 2.15clB
112 Mfi.Ud8
mercial designs usc custom ASIC or LSI chips to
accompli sh the required PN acquisition and
Henry 41 1en WB$TV D ~ !of UN.II!I tracking operations.
aoD-LUV·BUG· ! Toll r ree on:\ef line _ _ ew.A
903-527-4 163 FOf Intormation Interfacing and Networking
T........ _
GLA Syslems
• 'II I! The latest generation of commercial Part 15
PO BOll 425 SS radios, some soon to be available 10 hams (in
Caddo Mills. TX 75135
a private correspondence with Mr. Dewayne
Hendricks WA8DZP, president of Tetherlcss Ac·
POW":H A .l\-t P L l t ' l t : HS vur ua r v
cess. Ltd., in February 1992, Dewaync stated
An _ !>.~ B _ r"" _ (\II . .. ....-U :T. Rll'l"U R I 2 \lrlfft . 1.1 GIlL MICROWA\"[ PRODUCTS that Tetherless radios will soon be available to
PDI "~ 1 " -1 .~... Ill I'fftIllp l lld. f M 4 ·"'a l1 , _ ll ll' T R 1129. hNntpfllWrs / Poowr AmplijlrrJ
I'D 144·) .4<l·IQ M h, . ~.",p 11Id. I '.... , • -h •• ,,, _lll'" r • 1J9,
hams through PacComm in Florida), are easily
PD ·I.......·U l l U4 """t,.-1.J Gilt.
. ·I". ," · flOW r a interfaced to any asynchronous communications
1'-' ·148 Mh. Pru mp ¥<> 'M P It to< repeale, 01' COInmllfl;... use. Qui.
I'll ,nON
I'D « ON
P[)· «ON
uz M h'
.l(l "'~ Mil, .
.l:O"' ~ "I ll ,
No I in<Of
'M . ·\Y.'oll . _JI \Oi r s
\Il or ' · IW . I ~W T,R
\Il 01 . _!w . U W f iR
". pUll: 1 5 wan to lha 65 walt rB"9" w.o ... ,1
cuSlom buIld il deSIred. PIlwer amp•. let
equipment at data rates up 10 several hundred
kB/sec, No special interface circ uitry is required.
I'IH40 N-1
• •
• •
\Il or . -,W - llW
V> "' . _W,'a ll\\' f iR
'h or 4 _1W . 601\: f i R
'" ". Ill, use In Iha 900 mhz. regoeo us'ng lha
" HOME VIDEO" system "ansmille.., h: The radio transmits and receives in half duplex
Pll_440N_J •
"'" j ·4 \\' . II<JI\ '"
J ·~ Il.-' · 60 1l.- TiR
,~ GEME NI VC·2000. ATV lir>e samp.... to,
ATV U5fI. ~r Melfii' loch.ld8d. Inlrnl. lI. 1
mode-s-mat is, it either transmits or receives data
PI) ·4.fONM • '0 V> Il.-' . 61l.-' at any instant of time. The terminal hooked to the
pO ·'l{OlN '101-918 Mill '" ~~,
'" w. mil.- "."
II> Il.- . 61l.- 'r •
Hll. n: 7O cm . & 3Jcm, Aluminum WtIkl·
ed 7 pole. S11000 and up. ANTENNA radio determines whether the radio is transmit-
PO 'lOON '101 -928 M.....
pOlll Hp 900_928 Mill '"
~ ~,
S<> l i.....'
'" ", . 10'"
1 w. " '"m
~ SWITCH BOXES : 2O-300*an" 2 '"'....
23Ghl , P,ie.. ,u""""bk. ~Ia<k In ,t..
ting or rece iving by selling the "Reque st 10
P[) -lll Hp 900-928 Mill •
pum p '"
'" • I "' .6.5 '"
I''''' "
1 ..... . 16'"
". U.S.A. lUI Pfocl",1' ... .....a..<d . .II", Send" li ne, Several options are available for
I'U·ll Hp
• '"
No Hl bn d ,.... "'. m.
6 "" .
IH_ " nt~ f", "".~ .... hardware/software handshaking with the "Clear
No linear V> ..... . 1.5 '"
" to Send" and " Device Carrier Detect" signal
- .''"'""
I'D-J) 0 . - 1O ... . JJ . . V> "" . , "'. M
pO-ll 0 . - 10 <•. • JJ . - lines, To summarize the typical SS radio capabil-
pf>.llOON ,,~
1'0- 1:0000 -1 1.1 Gtoz
...'" . 1 ()Ill
I "" . I' '''
I W.16" "."
= ity, lhe equipment can be thought of as a radio
pf>.llIlD"o-J 11Ulll_
1'0-1200"-1 [,2 Ghz _
~ 1" · '6" "r e m
J ... . )6.. 281
210 U ti ca 5 1.• Tona*anda. NY ' ·U SO
combined with a digital modem and a form of
P_."",~ 1 .'n. _2.J c•••. SI''' · I.MIO (716) 692-5451
packer-radio-like mc. Several of the commer-
dally available SS radios (some of the more
Packet + AMTOR = PACTOR!! commonly available commercial SS radios are
sold by GRE America, Symbol Technologies,
Proxim , Senses Data Co rporation, Cy link,
O'Neil Communications and Qualcomm) include
AX.25, X.25 or Tep/lp networking protocol s
soft ware or firmware. At the curre nt time these
radios can use small networks that can be built
up, entirely by software, with up to 32 or more
network nodes, thus providing limited PCN/PCS
capabilities. Typical SS radios in the network can
be designated to be a digipeater (a uore-and-for-
ward. single-frequency repeater) by software.
Several digipeaters can also be connected in tan-
dem 10 extend network communications well be-
yond simple "line of sight" radio ranges.
Continued 0 11 page 77
32 73 Amateur Radio Today · November, 1992
Also Available
OJ-5llOT Dual Bander
Radio Direction Rnding
,•c'" ,,
A 14 58 dual op amp (RS 276-038) which is where the soe-cosoe pol also
~ I" • . '.J.lIZ should work line . JaMi used two sections needs logo.
"'~ pO
of an LM324C (AS 276-1711). KK6CU's solution was to make an in--
~, ~, /"1
S -"£H~ Each stage inverts the s-meter out - line rotary coupler out 01 a fWO.element
· '~ V
';);c put. so equal but opposite polarity· r continuous· turning polentiometer. Two
1I01Iages are applied 10 lhe sine-cosine elemenls are needed because an insu-
• ~
, .~
• , ~ I~· y. vtllT pol winclWlgs. USing rwo identical irlII8rter lated slip ring is required for the coa x
shield as well as for \he center conduc-
,! . ..< slages assures symmetrica l low
Have you been trawling the bounding main for a new product'! We have j ust
netted it-the TP-38 microprocessor controlled community repealer panel which
provides the co mplete interface between the -~~~~-:==---""'~==~"""""---"I::
repealer receiver and transmitter. Scuttle _ :; :-
individual tone ca rds, all 38 EIA standard .-
CTCSS tone s are included as well as time and hit accumulators. programmable
timers. tone translation. and AC power supply at one low price 0£$595.00. The $595.00 each
TP-38 is packed like a can of sa rd ines with features. as a matter of fact the only $59.95 DTMF module
additiona l option is a DTMF module for $59.95. This module allows complete $149.95 Digital CTCSS module
offsite remo te con trol of all TP-38 funct ions, including adding new customers or
delet ing poor paying ones, over the repeater receiver channel. with
Other feature s include CMOS circuit ry fo r low powe r consumption, non-volatile ailtlbte
memory to reta in programm ing if powcr loss occurs, immunity to falsing, pro- NoW (IV C1CSS
grammable security code and much morc. T he T P-38 is backed by our legendary ita!
I year wa rran ty a nd is shipped fresh dai ly. Why not set passage for the abunda nt waters Dtg
of Comm unicat ions Specia lists and cast your nets for a T P·38 or other fine catch.
115-1B Hurley ~o.d,
Oxlo'd. C1 06478
In Connecticut 20N6403985 - FAX 203 026206943
InterFlex Systems has released the and KaGOlD support huge scroIlback
KaGOLD Dua lPort lor Kantrorucs buffers that are dynamically allocated
TNCs, lhe KAM and all KPC units; and (memory given to activities that need
Compifed by Hope Currier PkGOLD Enhanced lor AEA TNCs. it), with up to 250K of scrollback on
KaGOlD fully supports duat-port oper- most systems. They have fast installa-
ation, milled modes including AMTOR. tion and startup and run in Host Mode
RTT Y, C W and pac ket. T h re e lIIe lor high pe norrrence. The built-in Clip-
transfe r me thods are sup po rted, in- board editor's cuVpaste feature makes
clud ing remote send/receive as well traHic handling and me ssage storage
as text liles and brag mes. The packet and retrieval a snap. Both come with a
conference bridge is easy to use and ss-cece bound manual, an extensive
supports mulli-Ievel conterences and online help system for all parameters
cross-port conterences on two port and operating modes, and a quick rei-
umts . usetul for nets, emergencies ererce guide.
and group discussions. The built -in Each program is $79.95 plus ~
logging teatore also handles automatiC ping and handling. For fllOfe mtorrre -
e xchange 01 name, QTH and QSl in- tion , contact In/orF/ox Systems , P.O.
formatiOn with other GOLD users , and 8011 64 18. Laguna Niguel CA 92607;
many more advanced features. In - (714) 496-6639; Fa ll: (714) 496-804 1.
stead of fixed-length betters. PkGOLD Or circle Reader Service No. 202.
EUR-AM electronics is ollering an either vertical (lenders) or horizontal
adjustable mount (up to 25 degrees) (rool) fashion. The N type is $36; the
lor Pl or N type connector antennas PL type is $33. For more information,
The Mode l SDP-600 aulopalch l ance dialing , And . unlike other low (l ike Diamond, COM ET, etc.). The contact EUR-AM Electronics, P.O. Box
trom J"Com is a low cost nsccorcces- cost autceetcres, the SDP-600 can be mount is ClJITenlly i~ed Irom WiMo 990. Meredith NH 03253-0090: Fax :
so r-cc ntrctled interface between a used in lui duple~ mode WIth a dual- (Germany) and comes with 12 feet 01 (408) 866-4311. Or circle aeeoer ser-
VHFIUHF transce iver and a telephone band transceiver, so both parties can RG-58 coax permanenlly connected in viCe No. 203.
line. allowing lhe user to make and re- hear each o t her at the same l ime.
ceive telephone calls from any HT or Simp lex mode can also be used. With
mobile rig within range 01 the base the reverse patch option enabled. in-
stalion. Installation consists of con - com ing calls will cause a short ring-o ut
necting the aulopatch to the rig's ml- ove r the air and the user can then an-
crconcne and speaker jacks and plug- swer the call using his access pass-
ging in an RJ·l1 telephone jacl<. con- word code .
trol and programming ct me autccercn The SDP-6OO's introdl.lC!ory price is
is done by OTMF tones issued lrom $199.95. ContaCljoCom. Boll 194. Ben
the rem ote . Separate use r-p ro- Lomond CA 95005: (408) 335-9120:
grammable access password codes Fall: (408) 335-9121. Or circle Reader
can be set up lor local and long dis- servce No. 201.
The new ISOBAR(R) Ultra surge sup- damage occurs , the ISOBAR Ultra and
pressor trom Tripp Lite has a revolution- connected equipment will be repaired or
ary new design, featuring diagnostic indi- replaced free.
cators and a new comp rehens ive war- Each ISOBAR Ultra also features ex-
ranty. Using multico~red indiCator lights, clusive isolated lilter banks to prevent in-
the ISOBAR Ultra can detect and display terference between connected compo-
wiring tacrts. loss 01 power and integrity nents, two or three UL listings, multIple
01 !he surge proteCllOfl cirClJltry, aiertlO9 filtering components and a rugged all-
the user 10 problems before equipment is metal case. They are available in 4 -, 6-
tumecl on. This series also teatures new and a-outlet mode ts . with optional
liIetime ummetee tnsureece. wh ich lax/modem crctecncn. For prices and
guarantees every Ultra model and the more information. contact Tripp Lite, 500
connec ted equi pment against su rge N. Orleans. Chicago IL 60610-4188;
damage (in cluding direct lightning (312) 329- 1777, Fall: (3 12) 644-6505.
strikes) lor life, up to $25,000. If surge Or Circle Reader servce No. 205.
0 -
0 --- -
• •
-0 - -
- ...
~ _
'" R-'
Your Bulletin Board
We are happy to provide Ham Help listings free on a space available basis. To
make our job easier and to ensure that your listing is correct. please type or
print your request clearly, double spaced, on a full (8-1/2" x t1 ") sheet of paper.
You may also upioad a listing as E-mail to Sysop to the 73 BBS Special Events
Message Area #11. (2400 baud, 8 data bits, no pa rity, 1 stop bit. (603) 924-
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-- 0
c ~
c ~
c c c
'-" 0
• 0
'"=z I
- N
1 I
I '"
duce usable read ings on the instrument. They ing th is to reality, it means you can pick up a 1 @ too~, $1'741.15.
just can 't b e converted to absolu te fi eld watt, 440 MHz handheld at aboul 150 feet.
strength readings. The read ings are still useful Holding the Cu ba in your hand tends to distort ~R 2 t:J' Jlr;t'Il ~ I1JtV ».m 12sa It
from a relative basis, however. For instance,
what's the best position of this computer moni-
tor EM I shield, in order to red uce the amount
the pattern, so two tapped holes are provided
to att ach you r own oon -conducting pole .
The FS 73 Signal C ube is a great tool for
Ioio\lEJl 3 to' Jlr;t'Il 2'i-5ta !Ik.rTI asa It
o-II.ZER 4 for I;l:Iton 2S-nvv ~ Stl1 6 sa If
~"' eec
::::: ~ I
of RF bombardi ng my cranium? antenna experts, and for anyone who's inter- T8'2S Balltrrusr Dearing 2* - max mast oe 1485 ~
ested in finding out where the invisibl e (and ...... .,...... _ , ..... tal ' <><*Oy _ . . - /.~ I
sometimes insidious) RF is in his or her liIe.
....... .. 'l; " ' <1'Ir'¢Il om" .... _ ....
Far f rom being a specialized instrument, you'D
Operation of the Signal Cube could only be
simpler if it had an aulo-sensing onIolf switdl! fin d more and more uses for it on a daily
,.,. .
(;I.., 11U"tln fnogl"'"""'V, InC
You simply tum the unit on and read the dis- basis. iii
. . J . 80. 122.
_ _. "'0 6S2n
8 16-882-2734
~AX 816-882· 7200
111 1 •
Deal ends December 31, 1992
No trade -ins or Dealer discounts
...., ' ~
(' (' :! .'i\\\\\\
(' ,) :! \\t.
c • ,)
TCXO , _ $1 00.
BLB30 Badlligtlt & two Slep audible sognalleYel indoca\of __ $ 75.
CC30 Carry Case ..." .••..... .........•.....................................,$ 15.
TA100S Te+escoping Wh ip Antenna ,$ 12.
._....."' . .,_•••
~!L. r......~.I
~ ~
1 800 •
30S-n,·20SO · FAX3OS-nl ·2052
5821 NE 14th Ave., Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33334
5% Shiptlandl,og (Max $10) U.S. & Canada.
, 5% outside contineotal U S. Visa & Master Card acceptBCI
Number 13 on your Feedback card
Ham Televis ion
Photo A Inflating /he zerrJ-Pre~re balloon lor payload 1851 f/¢I #8. Photo by
Gil Moore NrYTK.
The BARe Prog ram thin clear nylon material. As Gi Ialer put
One 01 the goals ot this program is to it, 1 just couldn't say no."
interest high school and universily sfu-
dents In science by flying their e xperi- The Payload
ments as part 01 a balloon payload. This One of the goals was to have ATV on
allows them to see the results in real- board and to have a means of sending
lime as !he tlight progresses. real-lime and delayed information down
The lilth !light carr ied the first 01 \rom the payload . Stan Wellard N7UXC
these student experimen ts : a sotar- took over as profed coordinator and Ihe
driven motor Ihat cou ld be used l or new payload Slatted 10 come together. h
maintaining a deviee in relation 10 the contained a Motorola P50 2 meter FM
sun. The Sixth flight carried several hun- radio, a tone decoder board. a GampbeI
dred paper gliders thai were released at ScientifIC data-tower. a P.C. Electronics
aboul2,OOO Ieet as part ot a CUb Sooul KPA-5 one-watt ATV transmitter on 434
event. The glider lhat went the farthest MHz, an Olda Ante nn a Labs "mlni-
received a prize. wheel," a Micro Video Products minia-
Gil MOOJe N7YTK, Adjunct Proiessor ture black arld white CGD camera and a
01 Physics at Utah State University and High Technology Flight video overlay
a representative of the Rocky Mountain board fOI the callsign 10 (N7YTK). A
NASA Space GIani Consortium. has three-inch 1I0 nt surface mirror was
bee n the driving loree beh ind these fTlOlXlted at a 45 deglee angle in front 01
balloon fl igh ts . He has been ab le to the TV camera and rotated by corrmand
obtain the special ball oons and has USing a one-RPM motor to allow a l ull
also ~ with mati)' of !he expenses 360 deglee view. A PacComm UMPAO-
incurred. Many of the Ioc:al hams have 4 micro powered TNC sent down oeoet
put in long hOUf S designing, building telemetry on 144 .290 MHz via the Mo-
and tes ting lhe circuits used in the 10 rOIa 2 meter F M HT. Kelly Vini ng
payloads. KE7WI b uilt a separate 250 mllliwaU
During a conference on balloons, Gil beacon transmitter that 10ed lor 20 sec-
met the folks from Wlnzen and showed onds every three minutes on 145.550
them a videotape 01 the BARC experl· MHz to aid in tracking the balloon.
ments. He was asked ~ the BARC group There were sensors 10 measure in-
would like to fly one 01 thei" newly ee- side and outside temperature , as well
Signed super-pressure balloons. They as battery condition. There was a Mag-
Photo B. Liftoff 01 fI/gIlf #7 using a zerrJ-Pressure balloon. Ph% by Harf G00dselI even ottered to come out and show ellan GPS (Global Positioning System)
W7lrn. them how to handle this specia l very receiver board that 'MMJId give the bal·
46 73 Amareur Radio Today · November. 1992
nthe world at mulli-mode SSW 9600 bps K9NG/G3RUH for
there il could stay at thai the GPS p osition data came In and
} ailltude fo r we eks or tlelped steer the crew in the rigtll direc-
montl'ls. tion. At dayligtlt Hugh N7KW took 011
from Itle Log an airport followed by a
The Flight second plane piloted by Carl Howlett
eo-. '""All H".__ Sl"."
ShU • • _ "'!.~ PM_AMVw...-... _Il' _ _ ~ have downconverte rs and ant ennas for the 900 and
n lno•• I II",." _ III' ."
l.2. C "' _ Ofl _ol2i M"'lt \ " '.11.'I I _Jil~_
_ ~"_
152·172, 210-230,4fXH 70, 800-960MHl
NEW RECORDER Modu le tors , sh arp c rystal filters , hysteresi s squelch .
Primarily a voice !D'er
,,'fV.,.! _ LNW-(*) f or repealers. May also
be used as a c ontest CQ c all er or as a
Kit $1095; w&t only $1295/
Voi ce ID Option $189.
~:'i\ i@;1 MINIATUR E ~ra djo nole pad M
to record up to 20
seconds of rece ived transmiss ions lor
~~, PREAMP inslanl recall. As a repeat er 10'er, it will
record your voice, using either the buill-
ONLY $29k~,$44 _&tnte<l in microphone Of an external mic. It can
• GaAs FET Preamp similar to LN G, ex- be used with almost any repea ter COR
cept designed lor low cost & small Size , module. As a contes t c alle r, you can
Onty 5/8W x 1-5/8"L x 3/4"H. Easily record a message or even several mes-
mounts in many radios. sages and play them through your
' Specify wnIr>g rMfJ" 2$-35, 35-55, 55-90. transmitter at the press of a switch As
9Q.12C, '2/}-150, 150-200, 200-270, 400-SOOMHz. a radio notepad, you can keep it wired Other m odels available :
to the aud io output of a receiver ready
to record up to 20 seconds of anything REP·200V Economy Repeater. As above, except uses
LNS-(*) . you might want to recall later. Play it COR·4 Controller w ithout DTMF control or autopatch. Kit o nly $795, w&t $1095.
1 ho.
back as many times as you like throug h
a small external speaker, (Call for more
information,} ., kit $89, w&t $139
REP-200N Repeater with no controller. For use w~h extemar controller,
such as those made by ACC , Kit o nly $695, w80t $995.
CONVERTERS ing , 100' .... kit $89, wired & tested $149
ING Module Economy
touch-tone decodar with 1
latching output Primarily designed to
mute speaker unl jl someone cal ls you
Also available In rf-tight enclosures, and with data modems.
by sending 4-diglt It signa l but may also FM EXCITERS: 2W continuous
be used to tum on autopatch or other duty TCXO & xtal oven optionS t;;<
device .. .." kit $49, w&t $89 FCC type accepted for com" ; I lit
AP-3 AUTOPATCH . Use w ith above for h igh band & uhf.
Low noise converters to receive vhf and repea ter autopatcn. Reverse patch and
uhf bands on a 10M receiver. phone line remote control are stc MHz kit $109, w&t $189 '" q
• Kltlesll cue $49, kit w/ case & BNC kit $89 , wired s tested $149 • TA451 420475 MHz ~
jacks $74, w8<t In cas a $99. AP-2 SIMPLEX AUTOPATCH Tim ing kit $1 09 w&t $189 ~~ . 0
• Input rang es avail: 50-52, 136-138, • TA90 1 902-928 MHz, ~ -
Board , Use w ith above for simplax (0 5W out), w&t $219 /,., \: "" -
144·146, 145-1 47.146-148,220-222, ope ration uSing a transce,ver ... , kll $39 • VHF & UHF AMPLIFIERS, ~
222·224 MHz, 432-434, 435-437, • For tm, ssb , atv. Output levels from
435.5-4375, and 439.25 (to chan 3). 10W to WOW Several models starting at $99
• R1441R220 FM RECEIVERS for 143-17 4
or 213-233 MHz. GaAs FET Iront end,
MO·202 FSK DATA MODULATOR. O.15uV sensitiv ityl Both crystal & ceramic
Run up 10 1200 baud digital signals if filters plus helical resonator fron t end
through any 1m transmitter w ith full for exceptional sel ectivity: >100dB at
handshakes. Radio link computers, t12kHz (best availab le anywherel)
telemetry gear, etc.... ... kit $49, w&t $79
Ffutter-proct hysteres is squelch: ale
DE-202 FSK DEMODULATOR. For tracks drift, ." kit $149 , w&t $219,
receive end of lin k. ..... kit $49, w&t $79 • R451 FM RCVR, for 420475 MHz.
9600 BAUD DIGITAL RF LINKS. Low - Simila r to above ." kit $1 49 , w&t $219
cost packel networking system, consist- • R901 FM RCVR, for 902-928MHz,
ing 01 MO-96 Modem and special Triple-con version, GaAs FET Iront end,
XV2 l or vhl and XV4 10r uhf. Models to versions 01our 144, 220 or 4SO MHz FM $169 , w&t $249,
convert 10M ssb, CW, 1m, etc to 2M, 220, Transmitters and Receivers. Interface • R76 ECONOMY FM RCVR lor 28-30, SO-54, 73-76, 143-174, 213·233 MHz,
222, 432, 435, and etv. 1W output. di rectly with most TNC's Fast, diode- wlo helical res or ale ..Kits $129, w&1$219
Kit only $89. PA's up to 45W available. switched PA's output 15 or SOW • R137 WEATHER SATELLITE RCVR for 137 MHz. Kit $129, w&t $2 19
I ,,
ters to 5760 MHz. ThiS did I'l()( work ei-
ther. ThiS is nollO say it is al k'IllOSsible, I
just lhat the filters I tried would I'l()( U'le
low enough to make them usable. My
recommeodatoon on waveguide fillers is 2114-
10 stay away from Ihem ISMess !hey are
cul lor your lTeQuenc:y or you make one
lnterdigital Flhers
There reman two basic types oIli1ters ,
10 be OO\Iered: ee interdigital Nter and a
tl I;l 112 WAVElEJlGTH
" "
• •
~ . - . ••• • •
- -
,4- - 30- ... •
• ••
. _ ~
• ----
.. •• "..
. ' '. .
Microprocessor based Analog & Digital
displays with variable hold times.
Price: $399.
". .._
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' " ~"
D1 ""., 1~' . ..
' Co 0'
" '0 , .. ••
",-, .... ~-~, . . ..
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"';? ;tt.- .... "
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cOG,e ,..... , "">0".
I HO", "'.l
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,;;-- ' ''0
FffJlJre 2. The COIroCtef1 paltS pIacemenl diagram at the PackelMac Mo-
dem showing the jumper wires as wen as the new paa assignments
(shown in rea), Using tIlesa new oea assignments, just follow the wiring
hookup cIlart ln Agure 4 In the original article for the proper cemnecfions.
Figure f. The COffeded schematic diagram 01 the PackelMac Modem. Changes are 10 /tie TxD and RxD swapping lhe IfIIires on \he mini OtN-8 u ec-
wiri'lg. pin nunbel5 on the a:n tedOt" and the ·2,51101t cOfl ledior l$. Ncle. however that el'8/)'l'fWJg eJ(cepl t1JB intosh cable where il. allaches to the TJO+
Ioopbadl: lest MI work as Originally -.tiled. aoll Tx[). pads on ee modem. You coold
also dlange the modem by swappK1g the
" Packet on the Mac" 2) The bit asserted sense 01 the TxO+ wires goilg 10 \he AxD+ ancI Ax[). pads.
since the NAZI encoding assef1s a bit by
Reier to Ihe above artiCle on page 8 01 and TxO-lnes are ee same as their name, changing state. it does nol rnajter it the 4)Co-alllhors: The sedion on SoItKiss
ee October 1992 issue. The following COf· not ee opposile as Slated in the article. stale slarts high or Iow_The only indication was written by Aaron WOOl N3UW Aaron
rececos need to be made: 3) See Fig ure 1. l or the corrected thaI a reversal exists is lhat lhe characters can be reached at 6393 Penn Avenue
1) The jumpers were 001 shown on the scnenauc. received during a toopback test are \he "in- _300 , Pittsburg PA 15206. The section on
parts place ment diagram for the modem. Nole however, lhat the modem wi ll still ve ns' or what was sent. Savant was written by Jim Van Peursem
See the ccneeee dkagram in Figure 2. work line l or packet as originally wired The modem Carl be fi xed by simply KE0 PH. II
. - ........
--.. -'.!15 _-----_.- ",,-_ ... - '- 1
.,,_ ........-_-
] ] ] ."1,"
•, .
< .
w! WB8EL~ t-
, .JliI;
WOOt<"f"V'>O ,
140 2-3 4 6 .4 7 5 0 • fCllx: 402-346·2939 IMC, ''''''''<0, "" "" , Co,ho.lW_y tuPS"'y, odtl $41" "';'" -"-' I
:S u r p lu s Sales of Nebraskq ClRCL(. 0J0I RU Dl R SlRVlCl ColAO
54 73 Amateur RadiO Today · November. 1992
NOWYOUCAN Our Best Oscilloscope Value
eng ineered for the Him the fin... ." Crank-Up Ruggedized
Free-Standlng or GuyedTowers Is from Trl-&. 'For Oscilloscope
DVM 30 years. the INDUSTRY atandard-backed with (same as HP· 1707B
Defan.. and Aerospace techno50gy. Opt. 300)
Selt-supporting when
attached 8 1 first sececn-
'W' brace motorized
tower. Holds large
• PowurS0un::8s: 11!>23OVAC
(48-400 Hz) or 11.5-38VDC
Call, Write or Fax a Request far Our All New
ri-Ex® 7112 R.m.a... .....
l3argain Hunters
Discount fi Ooseout Catalog
Duality Srructun:rs since '954 • •
Pnoto A. Kitsat-oscar 23 was launched on an Ariantt 4 rocket. (Pholo oy CSG ana Photo B. The August 10. 1992, early evening launch of KO-23 from French
Arianespace.) GiJI8lla. (Photo oyCSG ana ArianespaaJ.)
56 73 Amateur Radio tcaev »November. 1992
$\"''''',,\ a~~~~~ NEW!
$"'~i~·'lS ~"", ........,..,.
FlOtun, 12 Pros"m C.llectj..
with the CODEKEY 1000
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a a..n-l~t .~ P'C'•• program I I " ' " 2.0
o lOG-EQF .... l i llf IOggtfWl\l'l KlII1WQO(J rlg control -Operates on 9V battery
o GeoCIocIl supem IlJlly.". ptOgram- Uf/ \len 4.5
a BANOAlO III t&rrif1C propagallon forecaslef & IllOftI included
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a CT v6 14 beSt known eont/tll lOgger Oul1t8ndlnll! -Durable Metal Case
050JG 1-' 10-50 e15/0.6 cPA
0508G I 170 2B 15/0.6 Standard
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O HAMCLOCl<gel ~ lIme around the world Inl1ant ly
-Variable Sidelone 0508R
170 2B +
170 25 15/0.6 ,......
OS u pelUo ~ learn Of 1"",1'0\18 CW 1.1111 _ IMIItOl
O PACKET5 sup'" I' WPliCk.c program lrom Awlrali.ll
ORr: TOOLBOX - V menu drtven .....,_ ealcullnor
TO OROER 5encI cIlIIct Of moI'IfIy Ofdel'. specltV 5'/0 Of
3% oMItS FOfllIgIl oolers add $5 shopping vlHh.K: QI(
Q di
$19. 9'
(718) 983-1416
170 25 +
375' 60 15,'16
37' 60 +
375 55 1510.6
Repeatt!l' HPA
T. . . _ldentIlIdd $1 61 IU · F" JO OIly WMT8Illy M<2 IQ 0552RH 25-<0 375 55 + REpeater HPA
P .D.Box 92877· SouUllake. TX. • 76092 MC2ntor5 P.O. Boll 131646 144 .Hz
Writ. It
117.(21 -1)580
CIII 'n ••, Ir.. .. Itwll" .. ,.1.
N.Y. 103 13-0006
• '''''"'
12 1510.6
25 1510.6
" + -'"
CltlCU 2. 1 OH REAOf R Sf:I'lVICE C~RD
CMCU: . . ON READ£JI S DtVICII! CAItO 1409R 2 150 +
, . . - - - BmyCom Modem - - . . , 1410G 10 160 25 15/0.6 S_d
Low Co., Pi c h t lor PC I Cion. .
,,-, ,- d :r· - 'It " - -
141 2G
20 15/0.6
19 +
,' . ~ s
~h . ;
L':'. J:'-
, ., ..
, '-
.' •
l'-~ "n;-l;
. . ..'
~ -
50 t5lO.6
: !t~ ~j; '- .';'.
~ "" ~ .... -'. - • ~ ll!7.:.~
~" ' ~
Assembled CaOOels
Rack Equipnl&"ll cabi'lets
Anlema GtOUI'ICIng Kits
1454RH 50-1 00
no .Hz
350 40 + REpeaterHPA
F•• tu.." Sof1 ... r.bcaHd PA CKET l!'ll l ",a kes your
compule. emula' e a TNC. Modem connects ' tom
"'''11 port 10 RIG. W.,t c hdoo I,me. & reed fe l..y PTT
Slope Box Kits
UHF & VHF Anlema
Tower Mou1ted Box Kits
D ipole Hange rs
• + -..
SUlnd..'d . Ope< ates ' .om 12\fOCe l 00ma , ... n pow.r Power DM:ler Kits Other enclosures
supply in<:luded. Use. ef ysl al ( ,onl,olled 7910 c hI p.
VH F and HF. lOCk & TX LED In" ,ca:Ol's. F, e<l copy 0 1
Small sneers Aluminum and Brass
130 15 ,I.,,,,,,
15 14Jt1.7
VersIon 1.20 eottwere inclu ded, 22506 s 220 40 14/0.7 HPA
Co mple te Ki t Only $59.95 2250RH s 250 40 + Repealer HPA
Assembled & Tested $89.95 2>',.... eM"".. ~ 2252G
25 220
as 250
35 14/0.7
35 +
Repeater HPA
CA Resid.ml$ add 7. 75 '4 sales ,~U S&H: S5,00 oenee Byers K31Wl<
(Ins ured), FOf9 ipn attnrs (l dd 20 % . For more inlo 2254G 75 220 32 14107 HPA
5120 Harmony Grove Road, Dover, PA 17315 2254RH 75 250 32 + Repealer HPA
Of prrc e liS I; send l e'}.1 ' Ole SASE (SUI '0 .-
Phone 717-292-4901
440 .Hz
AlA Engineering :l£ ~ &PM MeI.:3ClPM EST. £- .
"006 I ·' 7-25 4 12/1.1
a"' •........,.;.... C A '2801 · 7' 4-' U ·211. "CMtributorship A...~·
2S21 W. l.PJI....
441 0R
19 12/1 .t
"+ -..
We have what you 're looking for
441 2G
100 19 12/1.1
100 22 12/1.1
4448R s 100 12 + Repeater HPA
BRIGHT NEON QSLs " 506 >10 12' 34 t2/t.1
17' 34 +
-\J. N._=io~K~K
4450RE >1 0 Repealer HPA
You 'll lov e ou r numbers 4452G 25 12' 29 121t.1 HPA
- .. ."
lind red io/m icrow ave power de nsity. Find g ro und fau lts, - • ••
Bend Mod,l IdBl (dB) canMtlDr
AC cu rre nt w ires or measu re hig h-!ield ge nerato rs w ith
the MJJgnetic selling (.2 - 100 milligaus s, 60 Hz); Identify
50 MHz
50 MHz
5 ,,Nt
poorly groun ded o r shiel ded eq uipmen t, hig h VOT or t« 101Hz
144 MHz
5 ,,Nt
.s " ,
lIuorescent lighl fields , di stinguish hot VS. ground wires
wllh El ectri C setting (.5 - 100 kVlm, 60 Hz): measure
anlenna radiation pan ern s , leaky mic row ave ovens, etc .
on RF/m lcro w8 r 8 selting (50 MHz to 3 GHz, ,01 10 1
- _
220 MHz
220 MHz
440 MHz
440 MHz
44 208
..s,, ,GNe
mW /c m 2) _
Electric and m ag net ic sellings are o mn id irectio nal,
1.2 GHz
1.2 GHz
t020N .s ,
mea sur ing f ull magnitude 01 f ield s wllhout t he need 10
reorient the meter, Pr ice of $145 In c ludes de li very and CeIlSllIl , ..r Iecaf ...1. .. send directty lor Uther
on..year warr ant y. IJ1XU;t dormalm AI I'ltQd:s Made in USA.
Alpha Lab, 1272 Al,m eda A r e, Salt lake City, UT 84 10 2
Cell (801) 532·6604 fo r sp eed ier service o r tree TE
Iilera lure on electro mag netic rad iation health r isks.
73 Amateur Radio Today . November, 1992 57
netic lorqoor. When deployed, It\e boom is al- MHz with 1.3 watts out (B kHz below TXO. the several devices described, a new 9600 bps TAPR TNC·1. The instruction manual with the
most 20 feet long. low-power unil ). modem kif has been announced by TAPR kit eescntes the TNC-2 hook up,
On August 1Bth. efforts began to ccmme- (The Tucson Amateur Packet Radio Corpora- Experiencing is believing. Digital commu-
The Orbit
sion the CCO camera experimen t. This sys- tion). Kits are avai lable from TAPR for S70. nicatians via satellite at 9600 bps works ex-
Due to the m issia n req uir eme nt s af tem includes 11'10 CCD cameras: one with a Since the initial release, several bugs have ceptionally well. Actrvifies that are tedous at
TOPEXJPOSEIDON, K-0-23 is in an arbit un- lens system capable af 4 km resalutlon, and been found and corrected . The July 1992 is- 1200 bps flash by at 9600, Messages. pro-
like an y Of her amateue radio sateane. Most another with 400 meier resolution, The cam- sue of the 'Packet Status Register" I rom grams and images can be downloaded and
space shutt le missions have an inclinatio n eras are connected 10 an BOS1 microcontroller TAPR describes the iatest moddications to the uploaded with ease K-Q-23 has added aneth-
(angle of the mtlital plane relative 10 the equa- and from there to two transputers. board and interface procedures for the AEA er fine sateliite resource to the bamsat com-
tor) between 28 and 57 6egre~ and an am- The first image was taken at 1740 UTC on PKBB. AEA PK232MBX, ORSI PC·PA and the munity, iii
tude of less than 500 km. MOSllow-ort>if ham- Augus t 191h while the satel lite was ov er
sats have orbits thaI fake them over the pales. Antarctica, Satellite controllers were delighled
Their inclinalions are near 90 degrees and al- 10 see an excellent picture of lhe edge af me
titudes are usually less than 1,000 km. K-Q.23 earth shawing doud formations with an inter-
has a 66 deg ree ircunetcn and an aMude esting lighting effect cau sed by the low sun
near 1,325 km, Mosl Northern Hemisphere angle, Some software bugs caused d ropped
stations will find it diffarent 10 track because frames in the transpoier-tc-o ac (on-board
fh e sateliife doesn' t appear fa travel in a compu ter) path, Ihus carruptong later encts.
sl raight line. The path la kes some getting but the system is currently producing excellent
usedto , but the langer access limes for data views with both wide- and narrow-angle cam-
do wnloads per pass (jusf over 20 minules) eras. Due to the orientat,on of the satellrte, the
have been great. cameras are always painted earthward.
~ ,
,~ ,
~ ...
U nk I
,~ ,
,," pi..
Unk I
U nk l
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110", 1
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The RBC_711O Rer N ' er Controller i.' de,ign.d to sopron R'p"'aler 'ySlem, thai require
muhipl. radi", e"nn.CI.d I" g. ' he r a, a ,il'. The RIlC_700 Ulili,., a I ru. 7 > 7 audio mauix
. wileh which allows sev.ral conv.,,;al;on, ber'.... n ports allhe same lim•. In the illuslralion
above lh. 733 mod.l i, suppan ing a R.pealer, 3 Duple..d Lin k, to diffe,enL ,ilos. and 3
Remote Ba,"' . U , ing ,imple command,. a us<;r could rie lhe Rep"' are r and a Remot. Base to
on. Li nk. while Ih. olh.r Links are communiealiog through your ,Ite, holding ,"paral.
ron.ersation,. Or, ronneCl all of the pons log.ther - li ke a hig party li ne I'
Several model, are a..ilahle and are ""flware c"nfigur.hle 10 'Upp"'l up 10 3 R. pe ale,,;, 5
Dupl••ed Links. and4 R.mote Base,.A groupordubean Slart wilh thehas i.. and upand ,h.ir
controller anytime by ,imply addingboard, and software. Free software upgrad.s (m "n. y.ar
after deli""ry, Finally. a !till <onlroller for lh. Lin ked ')"I,.m "peralOr!
I ndepend.nt R.pe.,er ",ntrol
~ " h i p l. Easy sen-ir i ng
Up 10 5 Uuplued Link. I n, o.gn l'" Anlupal<h
Lip to 4 dirr. ...nt R.mote. hpand al any lime
R""unled r-;atunol Speech Telemel., P",gr . mmable S<-heduler
Prowxmmable ~1xero . + 1.... 10 + 14, Supply
Conn""l ! J)iseonne<1 malliple Pons Standard 5.25' Rack MO"nl
Interoal K.....I• • r Squolrh p"",."ing Ca, doCago design
Palomar Telecom, Inc. Photo E. Narrow-angle camera shot of the southern Africa coast from KO-23.
300 [nlerprise St, Suil e [ • Esrondido, Ca_nll25 • ( ~ 1 9) 7%-79911 • ro> (619 ) 746-- 16 111
(Rece ived and tcoreuea by NK6K and plolted by KB5UST.)
58 73 Amateur Radio Today · Novembe r, 1992
Why buy a TNC?
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For a lim~e d. t,me , if you order PC HF FAX $99 (see our
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:fiLe STIK
•hocking .,1' Bl",.·
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Florilunl, Cokor. . toe16 ....... ·. :::: ClRCU' 2f9ON READER SfRVlCf CAItO ClRCl li: 134 ON READER SERVIC( CAIIO
[71~M7-OS50 ~
position and then adjusting the PBT
lows lor good shortwave liStening. Mosl his hands and headed lor the f ood tuning cont rol 10 cente r the statio n I Day. I like to work aSK with the best
01 the QRM fighting controls, however, wanled , Leaving both controls alone, I of them, but FD is really hard on me
are olfline when in AM mode. rcc e myoid Argona u t 509 with
I used the main tuning knob 10 fune the ears.
me and swapped out the pair. I never station in to my IilterlPBT settings. This I have to hand it 10 Ten-Tee for get-
Field Day Testing made it to the front 0 1 th e rad io as seemed 10 work t he be st under FD ting many 01 the problems worked out
The real acid test came during Field the CW staucn na iled the 50 9 right CRM. or the Argonaut II. You don't see this
Da y. I set the Argo II up beside our lhen. I QUiCkly unplugged the 509 and Using the scot lunctioo to get a sta- too many limes nowadays . So . next
phone station. Don Wade WD 8DEA replaced it wit h the Argo II. I thought tioo property tuned in was dllficutt dur- t ime you work a stalion and he tells
was using our ICOM 735, His antenna the 509 , having a tu ne d front end. ing the FD CRM. It worked , but I had to you . "Rig here is Argo II," he has a
wa s a G 5A V. I used a center-feed ve r sus the Argo II's brceoeanoec run up the eieetcoe level so high to wc nocte ss a AP transcei ve r on his
zecc and fed the antenna with a run 0 1 tr e nt en d. mi ght be better. I guess overcome the CRM. then reduce the de sk. He has an Argona uf II. iii
HamCall / CO-ROM
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Over 9039 Ham Items in S toclo., or Hand held scanner: Functional. Ell lcient.
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Call Today (208) 852·0830 check/money order lor $1 4 .95 plus $3 ,50
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Pr........ '<I. $3163
ndO ClO.... S... I Sun
sh,pp,ng 1o: Handie-Base . ndM ore Inc.,P.O.
Box 2504 ~t . c -t , Broken Arrow, OK 74013·2504
73 Amateur Radio Today · Nov ember, 1992 67
Ustings are free of charge as space permils_ Please send us your Special Evenl
SPECIAL EVENTS°""oedo.<'"' two months in advance of lhe issue you want it to appear in. For example. if you
wanl ii/a appear in the January issue, we should receive it by October 31. Pro-
vide a clear, concise summary of the essential details aboul your Special Event.
Call our BBS at (603) 924-934], and check Special Events File Area .11 ,
Ham Doings Around the World EVENTS.TXT lor listings /flat were 100 late to get into publiCatiOn.
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" ADIO Britain 's Most Popular Self Contained
~ PPLICATIONS Decoder Is Now A vailable Here
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The ERA MiCroreader is a compact, self contained de- • No computer or other equ ipment needed .
coder that work s without computers, programs or any • Easy to use.works even with simple rigs.
r - - -= - - '-- - - ' special interlaces. Simply patch into the speaker line and • Decod es hand or machine CW 5-60 wpm .
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Th e Microreader's performance stems from careful filter design and a fast processor that • Amtor, FEC (Sitor B) Navtex.
performs digital noise blanking, synchronous sampling , erro r correction, auto Baud trate • Code tutor for both send and receive.
etc. For CW there's even a real time text editor to correct mistakes made by the sender. • AS232 serial communications port.
The Microreader has its own sixteen character scrolling display, ba rgraph tuning and shift TO ORDER CALL TOLL FRE E
indicators. decoded messages can be transferred to your computer or serial printer via the
built-in RS232 port. 1-800-925-4735
The cod e tutor facility in the Microreader is renowned as one of the best and allows both For Informat ion call 704-543-4766
send and receive practice. Full control of speed, spacing and text type is provid ed, and an Enterprise Radio Applications Inc
auto repeat allows you to check the results. or, just plug in your key and see what your
sending is real ly like!
PO Box 3 144 ~ : I
Charlotte NC 282 10 -
••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •
70 73 Amateur Radio Today · November, 1992
with chec k, 00 phone reservanons.) Certificate is known as the Gerat oJ Fo r a certi fica te, sen d a SL a nd the Novice portion 01 the 10 meter
Free pa rki ng. Talk -In o n 14 6 ,64 - number. This ne t al so a ids th o se S ASE to SCARS, P.O. Box 64, band. Fo r a certif icate, plea se send
(DART). For rese rvation s and info. operalors on the completion of the CJJn t on HC 28328. a aSl and a large " 0 S AS E 10
wrne to HPARC, B ox 368, Ha zel C an adia n 2/80 Awa rd cnerec b y Fort Pierce ARC, P.O. Box 4, Ft_
Par k "" 48030. the Metro ARC. The GeratoJ net is
NOV7 Pierce FL 34954.
nOI a OX net . For the purpose of S A N TA ROSA ISLAND, FL The
DEC 8 tms net, Canada is IlOl coossoerec Serious Hams AA C will o perate NO V 28-29
LARGO , MD To b ene fi t Prince OX. The Geralol net meets every Sialion N4MAo fro m Ft . Pic ke ns PLYMOUTH, MA Th e Whitm an
Georg e's Cou nly RA CES /ARE S, night e t 0 100Z on o r about 3.767 Sta le Park (IOTA 142) from 1200Z- ARC will commemorate Thanksgiv-
Inc.. HOLl oAYFEST 92 will be held MHz, depending 00 a RM , and con- OOOOZ on 80, 40 . 20. 15. a nd 10 ing by operati ng Station WA 1NPO
from 8 AM-4 PM at Prince George's tinues to coerere u nt~ all hours, de- meters in the code and voice per- from 1400Z- 2100Z each day. Fre -
Communily College Campus (e xit pend ing on band con ditions and tiorls 01 the bands. Contacts made c u en cre s: 3. 970, 7 .270, 14.270,
17A or 15A Capital Beltway). Dona- check-ins. For more info 00 the net, 10 Stalion N4MA D will rec e iv e a 18.140, 2 1.370. 24.970 and 28.370.
tion $4 . Ta ble s $20. Sym po si u m awards and endorsements, send a special aSL card. Sorry, 00 ceeen- WA1NPO will operate from histone
presentations. free VE Exam s by . ' 0 S AE with 2 units 01 postage to cates lhis lime. Plimo th P lant a tion , overloo kin g
Lau re l V ECs ; pl ea se b r ing your WDYTZ, 300 Valley View Dr., Ord Cape Cod Bay. A special oa t, card
NOV 7-8
origi nal nceosezcac or photocopy. HE 68862 USA _ w ill b e sent to th o s e Ham s a nd
HONOLULU, HI Hawai i Arm y SW Ls sendi ng an S ASE. A special
Special CW speed challenge con-
te st. contac t H OLIDA YFE ST 92,
NOV 1 MA R S m ember s will o p era le 8 1/2 x 11 c e rt i fi c a te with t he
DELAWARE The members 01 the WH 6R to com m emora te th e 50th Mayllowe r II in th e backg round , is
P.O. Box 103 7, College Park MD
Wa rminst er A RC wi ll conduct thei r anniversary 0 1 the rescue 0 1 Capt. etsc available for this event. Send
20740. Tel. (301) 572-2362.
4th annual oXPedition to th e rare Eddie Btckenbacker. Activit ies a re repli es to Wh itman A .R,C, P.O.
SPECIAL EVENTS state of Delawa re and will operate planned for all bands , a ll modes, ln- Box 48, Wh i tman MA 02382,
Sta tio n WA4 o FU/3 . Frequenci es : cluding the Novice sutcencs. Loo k
ANNOUNCEMENT lo r us at the lowe r portion of each DEC 5-6
7 .27 5, 14.275, 21 .375 and 28.375
GERATOL NET G reetings Extra MHz. CW contact s will be made on sucoenc. Nov. 7 1900Z· 1900Z Nov. GUANTANAMO BAY, CUBA The
Radio A mateurs Tired of Operating 8 . For aSL please send yoor card Guantanamo Bay A RC will opera te
r e qu e s t. aS L w ith SA S E to
La tely, T he G eratol Net (fo r ama - Wa rmins ter A .R.C., Box 113, a n d S ASE to Joe Mao, 3 25' Station KG 4CA from the U.S. Naval
teurs of all ages, from all sl ates and
Warminster PA 18974. Pakahu sc. Honolulu HI 96822. Base at Gua nlanamo Bay, Cuba ,
lhe C anadian provinces) helps to from Dec. 5 000l Z-1700Z Dec. 6,
as sist U ,S . Extra cl ass ama te urs NOV5 NOV1 4 to celebrate the 40th anniversary of
a nd oth er opera lors (whose p rivi- C LINTON, NC The Sa m p so n FT. PIER CE, FL The Ft . Pierce Cuban -A m erica n Fra lemit y Da y.
leges allow them 10 use the Extra County AR S w ill o perate Station A RC will ope ra te KN4R Y f r o m ocererco wift be SSB and CW 00
class portion of the 75 meter Ameli- AB4TT fro m 1700-2 400Z for the 1400z -2100z to commemorate the 20. 15 , and 10 mete rs. For aS L
can phone band) to obtain the AA - Sa m pson Coun ty Expo a nd Po rk 7th anniversary o f the UDT-SE Al se nd aSL a nd S AS E fa Guan-
AL, N etter Ext ra Class SS B. WAS Fe st iva l. Operation will be in the Museum. Operation will be 00 the tanamo Bay ARC, PSC 1005 Box
award . The nu mber on the A A RL lower portion 01 the General bands. General portiorl 0 1 40, 20, 15 , and 73, FPO AE 09593-0146 USA .
ALLNEW 1991 EDITION f l..h cards 'NOVICE th"" EXTRA' Itwofy Key word s
·8-_--. _.
1992 edi1lQtI UPdattll latMl d = ttS. turrKInlI. bypasMt. underline<! . Over 2000 """ in u...! fo< b<!oginner. a ll's.
bulletl , callS . blsckclph&rl. VCII plus. a nd 80M.: li. tII .
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ommend Borland).
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NEW! Re portl Contina nt. Counlry. Caprtal. OX Zone & ITU
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(3 disklllas for $3.95). O HIORES IDENTS AOD6%. S ALES
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VS-M AND VRM-M SERIES • Separate Voll and Amp Meiers· uutout Vollage adjuslable from 2- 15 vo lts . Current Iimil adjustable from 1.5 amps
c.. ti....s
Olty IAm,l)
WI. (lbs.1
@13.8VDC @10VDC @5VDC @13.8V
VS-1 2M
aw x axa
5x9x10'h. ,.
V5-35M 25 15 7 35 s x 11 X 11 29
V5-SO M 37 22 10 50 6x13'4x1 1 46
• Variab le rack mount power su pplies
VRM-35M 25 15 7 35 5'1< x 19 x 12'h 38
MODEL VS-35M VR M-5(J M 37 22 10 50 5'1< x 19 x 12'h 50
• Built in speaker
CelioI' Cull...11 ICS' Sin (INI S~lppill
MODEl Grly BI...:k Oil, IA.ps) AM,s HxWxD WI. (lbs.1
RS-7S • • 5 7 " x 7'h. x 10lf. 10
RS-10S • • 7.5 10 4 x7'h xl 01,:, 12
RS- 12S • • 9 12 awx e x a 13
AS-20S • • 16 20 s x s xtow 18
' ICS- Intermittent Communication Service (50'll> Outy Cycle 5min. on 5 min. off) CIRCLE 16 ON READER SERVICE CARl
R.S .' page R.S.I page R.S.I page R.S.. page
109 A&AE"~_i1'll . .57 • 0iIm0nd ,.,.,. ~r 11 Mr.~ _ .73 158 Sdder Worlcl :VI
1&1 Aot~"'~ ~".al 155 09 .... _ __.56 III ~~ _.11 51 ~ Cormu'IicIIiln .37
• Mw.-ced EiodI.... 1V.,A 40 • ._ .• r • DooM'ohlll .....""... ~ _ _ ~. 1 7 223 NaIionaI ""'"'- Radio -" 183 Specn.n........... ..------3 1
AIIneo E/Ioc;'.. lics
All EIIdlo"ics Corpcnlion
., .
E. H. Yoilt.
Ea' 11 II""""",, Do 10 "
. .73
" ""
ISlCoomuIicaIiln __~_ ...31
97 SprM;l Sper;Inm Soana
• Star EIec'' ' ~_~
_ .30
• A~ 57 • Elllcvon Pi : ' 'lII .. _. .• .75· I NI.mler ()'Ia ~ lid. ~ .. ._...._.68 247 ~ _ . .. .I l
• Amallur e*:bO,oic:s Supply .... _.. 39· • ElocJlllIic 0isIribuI0t5 . .•_ .._ 75 161 NX2P ElecD"' .... ........ .._.. .32 • Surplul s. Of ~ 5'1
113 Amtof\ _ M ~_ . 78
8 E..1I'OtIic/l , _ .5( 290 Nye Engi..-lng ~_ 71
• Surplus 58'" Of Nlblnka _--30
296 Antenrla$ WflsI ..•._.•........•._.•.•...••.•.••_•. .23 • Emcom Indus1tie5 _ 66 • O.F.S. Wealherlu 25 232 TE SysIems _ .57
89 Anl8l11'1&5 west 3! • Enlerpoi.. A. d ill Applicoti<ll1 I._ _.69 82 Oak H ~1s AOlSfIarch 23 124 Texas Bug catcher M teMa 32
1:>5 Antennas W.st 70 83 EUR·AM Elecl ron N:I ~ .•~ ..~.7 1 • Oldahoma Comm Ce<118' 30 8 The Anteme Specialist 81
107 Antennas West , ,71 • Ga p Anlinn, ProdUCIS , , ,44 102 ONV Saloty IlIlh 13 • ThoHamGent , 70
236 Antennas Wesl __ _ 75 • Gel·Tech 17 95 Optoeleclronics 45 150 The Radio Works 23
5 Arltennas West ,78 193 GGTE ., , 75· 172 Op1oolo<;lronir;:$ ~ 1 269 TIlIertr(l(lics ,89
16 Astron Corpor'Ilion .. _ , n n Glen Martin Engw-ing _ 44 • P.C, Elec1l'Otlic/l ._ ~_ __ ..49· 82 TNR _ 31
17 ATV World .....•.__.• _ 9 192 Graperne ~ _ __.._ 25 • P.C. ~ _ .._~~ _ 68· 299 TO*IISElIId Elec1l'Otlic/l ~ _.25
21 B " B. Inc. _ ..__ 23 264 H " M.-..y ...__ _ ......_. 24 264 Palomar Teieconl.. .._.. .58 22 Tri-e. .....__.. .... ~ . 50
., Bany e.c,o"ics Ccwp<:nbon ._•. 19 57 Kao ,... "'Iits. ee. .. .51 139 Palomar Telecom . _ ~ ~ ~ ~.78 .._ 166 Trionic:s __.._.. ....__...__ .59
BB & W Pl'tnting
I!oIII 51
Maud. BaM .&1
68 P~ . _---------------------"
_ .. _ .31 m
50 Tropical Harrlborw ._ _ ~ .. _
Tuck8r EIllc:Ironic Corporation .
1com . _ ~ ~ ~ ~
176 8itll ElIdlOloa . .15 293 ........... re, 249 Tech __ _.66 us.
.66 ~
190 0igiIaI .67
56 IluduLLUlill PYbIsllirlg .t.r n
1lu::Ju, '
J.CoIn _
~ Producls ~
0uemenI ~"'II(:I .
a.-~"' .....__
\h:Ie Waynes 8ookshoI.
tkWtn.al RlIlio
'Jal'9*d Labs _ _
V«I '" Iits
• ~E1'd"'.. Iits .__ ~
Ilyw& 0\as$I$ K.C$
~Radio _
K.cc..nn _
• FlaOo Flft_____ ____
FlaOo AmaIN" SdMo... -S9
v.- eo"""..,
VHF ComnvIicaliona .__
1&1 C " S Sales. 1nc. .65 46 K-a.- SdI_. 51 58 Racio E"gil ~ . 2> 11M Vos Sludy Guiclo5.1nc. . 71
1&1 C " S SaIM, re. ~ .17 2 K¥«a ~ . ...15 • RAI e... p" _~ ~ _ _ ~ __." 181 W" W .. ssoca....__ _ .... .49
• C8 Cty IoIemaliooal ._.. _•. .. __•.__ 23 • KItlWOOd USA Corporalion . CVI 34 Ramsey ElIIo:1J"' _..__ __.61 · 20 Wolfe Colrm.ricalionl ...70
• c......- SecunIy Group .•. _.•_.73 234 lentn CormuIicaOOnl __ _..23 • RF Parts _ ~~~~~ __.._ _ ~_ r 1M l~ "
265 Chip&w;~ _ 11 41 Liok.Q:ln! 6S 134 Rose 66 • Yeesu ElecIrooic5 Corpotation _..CV3
166 CoaJ,i.1 Dynorrics 44 25 Madison Eleclronic Supply 15 254 sees OisIribuling 67 • ZD Engineering .__. .....21
15fiCOolvnpuli Corporalion 27 241 Medi3 M""tors, 5T 32 Ryan Comil1\ll'llCalioo$ 78
99 Communic/lboo CoocePIS. Inc 27 86 MFJ EnlerpriMs 5 229 S. Douglas AF Oel'ices 30 Bold listings are 73's new sdvertlsers
10 Cormlunic/lboo Specialisl 35· 162 MichiQan Rad'o , 15 153 Sa1811ije City 10·
15 Comlelco , , , 73 160 Micro Compullll ConeeplS 16 this month.
36 SCrambling News 71
12 ComecI Systems __ 11 144 Micro Contltll Specialities 40 167 Sescom. lnc __ 73
146 CtNIlveControl ProdUCIS _..,70 98 Microera tl Corpo<1iti<ll1 __.. ._ _.73 250 Software Systeml _.._ 30 ·Adverti sers who have contributed to the
257 DolllI ~ ..__.._..__ ~ .28 30 Mocro Vidao Products ....__..... _~ .._.67 244 Sottware S~ ~_~~ _~ _ .-S9 National Advisory CommitTee (NIAC).
Tho , ,,,"q ' " " ulle<-r ",...., <.IMV s.~ ., """or Suppl,
....,,,:ao<, ,
_ _
f .II, _
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DAlWA 's quality connnues . . .
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Dp·810 O- I.3kW~ IS W 50-239 or N
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DP-83O O-U kW S0-239/N
P.. _ , s ..,,~. De.i.... powCl" SlI pplies provide . d i.t.k, regulated DC
PoYoU IIlld Short CiTcui ~ pro<ection proleCU yow r ig in the
unl ik ely even of poYoU JUpply feilun: . All Daiws Power SlIw1i1::s an:: 120V
H.",~ you. own '~ pul ~. 0 ' lin k sysle m! S&«lHz. Also 'Yllil.t.le 220V SQl6011z.
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phI~ io ;l<l<l """ locol rot . ...... 'f'."f'I<) Of """,ibIoJmobik "''''." ",,! NEW PS.sOT 1'5·14011
Tho IIR' · ~ ."n,
"'; 'h A~Y ...,.,;...... 'Of ..,.....,,, and A NY (l'_ _
S Amp PoYoU Supply. Lo... eap.eity 14 ICS , 12 Amps Continuous.
. "'0<. S""", ...."' ,,, • • \l O X "P"'''- ...
~"" . id . ....,.1' 13.8 vol tage, 11 Ibs.
100.__. H... and , _ .--.... . . - 0 ,1<.. PSU, Inpu. voltage SO-601h. Outpu t
_ OII) ~ . S- .,S ' LS' n1.- or l ~VOC ... ~\I~
_ ,,,..., ~r, ......__. OR DER BIU· 2 , 511.
voltaga 13.8VDC, I20W, 5.3lbl.
. ~ .. _ _ _ .., c .. _ • .. ..
... _ .~_ otlO U •• " ov ... 30 ICS. 24 Amps Continuous,
... •• , , _. _ . ~, ~ , - <- ,-,
......'H . ", , k,,_..'H .. '_" ~ .' __ .~ , ,. _ I -I S vohago; 16 1bs.
0. "' • ••, , •• '" Abo o.Y<lir..blf! QTf! DMWA U~o.r AMpIifius , Dupu urs and Co<u;m S wiIChr<s.
"0MI ~RO""I'l ~ . ( ·A.l.l·i "MI If m M ''' ' n '
' U ~\
, l ' CTR O" e eoc rssrco.
PO 110"'" ("100 M. 'I , 006~1
1(16) 228 -7 020 £:~CREA TE i. u riO.., 4bofl1Io",'" r"" rd UJbOlity. Thr< CREA TE FaMily of ROOJJorl, RoofTop
"' _ _ U _ _ US .. c __ .. .. ",K' _ _ ' M _
~~ Toowr. rPtd Jlig" Gai.. AN" _ w"r" u ligrudfor tn" s"rioaLI OXe,. CNFJ4 T£ 1Ii,II GrtMk
A1WYIUUIM RoqTuw"r.for yoo.raN,, _ requirnrwN' . G.. y;..., iz ...cD_..&td JI) iAswf! Ntf!".
MonoI' Code , ..... N"ll ~_ from GaTE Ie '"- C lJ>S I 30-2: IOS -I 300Mhz, 19 de. boom 4.6ft.. longest de. 4 .6ft.
. - pcp d . . In tt>e _ortd .let lor good" n.
you ·. ...... quickest wltll,"-.- modeln IlNC'lIing CRF.A T£ RotalorFf!aI ..... : RC·S
m-'lIode-lncludlng F.rns...ortII or nct.ra code, ClOt arxl ma<:hined al uminum aa5e. W alQl' l ight COllJ1QCtor. Worm
on_l'Mn flulle'rd', random all....,I , ... 0«1. end
dr ive brake gearing, Long term n:li.bilily, Auto, masl clamp
blltione 01 CORy-'lon..._meed 10 conteln every
.-qulred cheracI.. every lime In 12 ..... ..11: .1. guides, Preset ( 00 3 model, ). Circ le oyerlay availabla for U.S.A.
SM... 1twougII bot _ •• pleI_1n _ tentII 01
R _ / To ow:... b¥e max. ... idth max . vat.
• word pel" -.rte et Or, _ e your _ drilll
.... pIey ~ , prim tt.m .... _ them to diell. model heigh!. widlh Jc.d fLl Jc.d Ibs, weighr.
Import, an.IJn .... conveft te Xl Io code 1..- eddltlon-- CR I8 s-i c- 31 IJr 2 1@9Omph 440 18
III drills.
CR30 9'10" 39" 27@9Omph 1,322 333
Gelllle eott...... Ille ARRL M'I, . nd u_ 10 e...l e
CR4S 14'9" 39" 23@9Omph 88 1
11Ie1, praclk:e .nd I _I I.p". MorN Tulor Adyenced
Edlllon Ie apploud lor VE e.em, II ell ..... 1•. MorN "
Tut..- Ie grNI-Morw Tulor Adyence<:l Edlllon Ie ..,..,
beoner-erld II'. In _ wIecteble color. Order you..
"·MOTO ;' o. -
g~M'atiOtiof rolaJor. ,Jtat atf! owt to sd
. laNJivds! LerCC: machilvd 5&lX1 geen. adju stabk
c:mlC:ri1ll mut clam p, presc:tand oornputer c:oruol. friction
bl'akilll. eircul . position indicators, lIOl id staIC c:oruollr<n r... 5IIlooUt
F..- 1111 Ms-DOS comput... (includIng Iept~).
Ay.lI.ble II d..1ef'e, til"" QST or nor send t29.95 san/SlOp, usilll 7 eondUCIOr ... ire. long ternI n:liab ility.
. .
+ U S6H ICA ..,Id.nls.dd 7.15~ I... ) 10:
OGTE. P.O. 80. 3405, Dept. 'IS,
Ne...port 8eectI, CA 92659
7.'3 ".",.~''''''
--'- ~._. - ",'. ~-.
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One more thing I'd like explained is the concept and started organiZing our·
why the Russi ans haven't stoppe d selves to 00 what we say we do? And
buikling new and biOgef nuclear sub-
marY1es! And why have they stepped
KA8JSK we can 00 ii, If we have the leacletship
we need . 00 you get the feeling lhal
up lheir i ntell igence op erations in AMATEUR RADIO IS we're fUr.ung ;,zst a lad short on lead-
America? I thoughl they were short 01 BIG IN SEATILE! ership? And no, stop WIlling me asking
cash and were begging IOf a Whopping me to start a new nationat ham Ofgani-
loan from us to tide them over. Does zanco. I've got enough aggravation in
this mean we' re about to lend them my life wil ho ut geling invol ved w il h
money w hich, in essence, will help that. You jusl want someone else to do
them build bigge r, better and quieter Ihe work inslead 01 you . Well. get all
nuclear submarine s? I hate to seem your bulls and make the Le ague do
dense about this, so if you can explain what they sh ould . Ge t t h em b usy
wha.t's going on, I'm wa iting . In the cleaning up our bands. Get them into
meanwhile perhaps we shouldn'l de- gear to help us rope more kids inlo our
commissi on to o many 0 1 o ur su b- hobby so we'll ha ve some inventors
marines. And we might just put a little and pi oneers to help u s ho ld ou r
etten in lO building a national h igh
speed emergency traflic system. And
is this really the time to stop experi- OSl 01 the Month To enler your OSl mall n in an envelope to 73, Wayne Green Inc.. Uncle Wayne Broadcasting
70 Roule 202-N, Peterborough, NH 03456. Ann: aSL of the Monfh. Winners receive a
menting With cneueoceo packet relay Yep, I'm on for an hour or SO every
we·year subscription (Of exfension) to 73. Entries /'IOf in envelopes eaorot be accepted.
stations on me low bands? week, coming 10 you by satellite radio
I wonder il every single ham club in service. They forgel tha i meg abuc k conscienc e tha t a ham l icense is a every Th ur sd a y evening a t 9 p.m .
America will expect someone else to commtJnications companies are pour- riglt instead 01 a privilege . Wrongo, Eastern time , 6 p.m. Lata Land time .
actually 00 something about this? Hey, ing milliOnS 01 dollars into lobbying et- Look, we've acquired the responsi- And yep. you can even call in and \jve
it's just that old doom & gloom Wayne torts aimed at pressuring Congres s bility IOf issuing licenses via our VECs, me a hard urre
again? When was !he last lime he was and the FCC to take away our bands. so why shouIdnl we have the power to What 00 I talk about? Anything and
ever rigtl t about anything? They forgel the success UPS had in take licen ses away? So let's gel tile everything, Sure, I talk a 101 about am-
grabbing 40'%. of our 220 MHz band rules changed to give us the power to ateur radio. I talk aboul Oving. sbng,
Hanging's Too Good
not long ago. The y forgel thai as a actually 00 the sell-potiCing we keep psychology, cooking and so on. I talk
Plea se let me know when you're be- group we have contnbuled pathetica lly tenlng the FCC we're doing. We aren't about my experiences dtJrlng the war
ginning to get led up With hearing bad IllIle to our country in the last 20 years. oong squat. Yes, we need some sale- in a SUbmarin e. I ta lk about whal 's
language on lhe air. OIl yes, you mighl They forget that modern ccmmumca- guards to protect honest, clean-living gone wrong With our country and how
sen d a co p y 10 the AR RL , whi ch nons technology is making our slo w, amateurs Irom small gangs 01 rascals , 10 fix it I talk about making money, fly·
seems 10 be unaware Ihat we have an error -prone emerge ncy nets of lillie . , the old crooked sherm syndrome , ing. horseback riding and SO on. I even
increasing number of very sick individ- more Ihan historic interest. They lorget But losing an amateur radio license is talk about eo-nos like religion, pro-lite
uals exercising their Ireedom 01speech that before me 1964 ARRL holocaust. not comparable to being thrown inlo vs . pro-cho ice . I lalk aoout Bush ,
on our ham bands. Now that stull may whiCh stopped our growth and killect all pr iso n or executed. Let's gel a rule Quayle, Clinton, ecoe and even Perot.
be just fine IOf radio and television, bul over !lO'Jl, 01 our American ham indus- whiCh will allow !he l itth repeater in Los 1'1 be talking about roosiC and trying
there are a majortly 01 us who dorn try. amateur r.Kio was c:on\l'tluling new Angeles to be cleaned out once and tor to get you «uerestec in li sten ing to
want to have to listen to that kind 01 ... IeCtlnology breakthroughs and pial eel - all. Let's get a rule whiCh w ill lei u s some diIIerent kinds 01 music. I talked
er ... baloney when we're harnmillg. ng on a r~r basis. They IOfget thai clea n out the nu ts ruining lOrn. And a bit with on e li st ener about lcuc -
Having spen t a lew years in th e the wor1d doesn't care what we did 30 let's make sure the rule has no open- speaker design and how I put the Karl·
Navy, there aren'l any combinations 01 or 50 years ago, it wants to know whal ing whatever lor la wyers to get their son speaker on the market and buin a
words that both&r me. Indeed, I use a we've done lately. The answer is net scum-sucking hands inlo the system. million-dollar business within two and a
few myse ll when the situation seems pretty, We're being licensed by our peers, hall years, starting from scratch.
appropriate, But t have never used 'em so let's get organized so our peers can If you can tune in scaceoet Il l ,
A Solut ion
over the air and it annoys me when I de-license our mis ta kes. We don't Channel 21 (6.2 MHz soocamen. you'll
hear hams doing it. CB is well kflOwn Out side 01 my usual hand·wringing have any test IOf 10 or sanity when we be able to keep track . And you can call
l or th is kind 01 expre ssion, yet I've over the lix the League has gollen us give a ham test. so we're going to get in to kibitz via (310 ) 824-6991 during
heard far less bad language on c e into, •• my contribution in the way 01 welfdos. We know !hat kids inleresled the broadcast. Hey, 111 talk about any -
!han I have on our ham bands. League-ba&hing, as n's called ... or in amaleur radio are generally ccoso- ltting you wanlto hear.
Perha ps I should remind you that League truth-te lling, a s I see il ..• ered nerds and dweebs. so we should My Ialest enthusiasm has 10 do with
there have been;,zst two people arrest- wha t's Ihe a nswer when we hear do al we can to clean our bands 01 nut tying rccetner quantu m mechanics,
ec. tried. c:onvicted and sent to pnson garbage pouring out ol OU" loudsp<>...ak· cases and ranting teretes. hologlaphy. and chaos theory. if you've
l or u sing bad language over me air. ers? The answer is the same one I've Do I have 10 work out the propo$w:I read up on th&se inCreelible develop-
Yes. they were both oong this on CB. proposed before , but whiCh, a s tar as I rule Chafl98 in detail, thus giving you menlS. How do these be in with a com-
And ye s, 01 course bol h were Ext ra know, ret one single ham club in l he the opportunity you 're waiti ng for to prete ty ne w pe rception 0 1 the real
class hams. Both had passed merr 20 entire country has acted upon, is to get lind some aspect with which 10 lind world? It'll lake some explaining, but
wpm code tests , the hiler ou-timers as- the league all its dull and 011 the gall tauIt? I'd rather have you come up with the rarratcenone are so enormous thai
sure us will keep amateur radio ethni- links long enough 10 tackle the oroo- whal you recommend so I can have it's worth learning more. Are we close
cally pure 10m. the fun of lelling you how stupid you to being able to eliminate en illnesses?
Almost every amateur ex cept t he I've p roposed a number 01 ap - were 10 sugges l lhis or Ihal. Why I said all! I believe this is within our
tiny overly vocal minority causing the proa che s lhe league cou ld lake to should you have an the fun? As far as I grasp, ~ we reach in a COfl1)letely dif·
trouble gelS upset when faced with this ~ us clean up 0tJ" bands if they had know t here is lillie pe rceived lun in ferent direction.
filth. The knee jo. k reaction is to I~n to the slightest interest in living up 10 their coming up with Cfea t~. constructive Our health care system Iexlay is
the FCC en outrage. The anger these billing as our naliooal SOCiety. t'l know suggestions and endless hXI in riOiC:tA- ITIt.ICh as if we spent all our bme leam-
maggols incur causes otherwise rato- thefre taktng an inlerest in something ing any perceWed negatives-no mat- ing how 10 repa ir people eener aller
nal amateurs to complelely fOfget the more lhan selling sWscnptlQnS 10 QST ter how exaggeraled. serious car accidents , wh ile it never
League's endless promiseS to l he FCC when I see they've establiShed at least So, if your brain hasn't already been occurred 10 us to see whal we could 00
lhal amateur rad io is s en- ponctnq. a one-person department at HO dedi- lurned to ktmchee by lislening to the to pr event tne accidents in the first
They also lorgel thai the FCC is woe- cated to cleaning up our bands. stink on our ham bands, ere see what place. I! we can stop people Irom get-
tully under/unded and has no budgel The first step I'd take il I were going you can come up with. Then, let's see ting sick we won't even need a phar-
lor policing our bands. They forgetlhat 10 tackle the problem would be to pefi- if you can get through to any of the AR- maceutical industry. Is this even worth
the FCC ha s it s hand s lied by the tion the FCC fOf a rule change which AL Qld-limer directors and get their at- considering?
Supreme Court when it comes to the would make it easier to un~cense 01- lention. I'm giving odds of 50;1 you Well, anyway, there's a 101 01 inter-
Ireedom of e xp res sion. They lorget lending hams. Aigtlt now it's easier 10 won't get anywhere. esting things tor me \0 talk about • , .
!hat amaleur radio is an e xpensive tux- apply the dealh penalty than 10 take We've been billing ourselves a s a and next to talking about me , talking
ury whict1 costs the FCC big bucks and away a 1iOenSe. Somehow the COIlCepl sell-policing service, so isn't if aboul wilh you over the air come s a close
!hat we are nol paying one coo t tor thiS seems 10 have gollen into the publiC time we paid more tha n lip seMce to secocld. II
76 73 Amateur Radio Today . November, 1992
Here is one tried and true (almost foo lproof) Pseudo Noise (PN )
Continuedfrom page 32 ~r.lIor circuit thaI requires no EPRO M or- PLD progr.1mmer lor
soft....are either.) The main advantage of Ibis design is thai it generates
a seven-stage. length 127 maximal length shifl register ~ueoce that
is legalto usc ullder current FCC Pan 97 amateur radio ru les.
• • Simple, short length troor- to I] ,slage; maximal length shift regis-
ter (MLSR\ sequence generators arc oflen used [0 provide simple PN
O'" f ~ code generators for 55 systems. These simple generators usually per-
" It =t ., form very wen when started from the correct initial conditions or
when reset at po.... er up. However. most of these simple crrcuus can
~ It hang up and SlOP generating anything (they can gel sud: ) when an all
3t '-:'
ones (or an all zeroes) condition occu rs. Which condition mill causes
hang up or ho.... it gOl lo lhis condition is. immalerial--the: darn thing is
broken "'hen this happens! l1Je circuit concept shown in Figure I
I sotves this problem ~ery nicely and even includes an EPOCH sync de-
" ~,
.n._. _ ..,...,.
,.,.. _..... n,_
•• ,,,
. ..
., .... ,.,
, ;Y
_M gateways . Will SS techn iques have any impact on ham radio in
the near futu re? Probably not- unless a renewed phase of ham
radio experimentat ion takes place. Personal com puters are now
•• " .,_.~
.. .,-. .-..............
a fact of life in ham radio. So is packet. Will SS become old hat
~ •y."'.
and used every day, like VHFN HF SS B is" Time will tell. I
think SS is one of the bigger challenges for hams-a-with inge-
-& nuity and dedication hams may enter tbe 21st century using SS
and keepin g most of our bands out of ibe hungry commercial
Figure 2. Filtered BPSK modulator blocs: diagram, tnreresrs' hands . iii
Use of dedicated Pes o r Macs with SS ra- async d ata rates and protocols.
dios will be necessa ry unt il an integrated and HOW TO GENERATE A
well-defined data com municatio n inte rface set Are We Hams Ready for 55? USEFUL BPSK SIGNAL
of standards have been generated (commercial A very importan t part of a foreseeab le na- Figure 2 shows a block diagram of a BPSK
work along this line is being done by the IEEE tionwide spread spectrum system is the ability modulator that is usefu l on the ham bands. Spec-
trum limiting Ibeth pre-modulation and RF band-
802. 11 committee-c-hams ha ven 't started this of the spread specuu m system to interface with pass filtering ) is included in Ihis design. As the
effort yell . The major feature Ihal an industry o ther existing packet-based te rrestrial and/or unfi ltered BPSK spectrum POOIO shows. Spread
standard hardware/software interface provides satellite-based or other amateur radio communi- Spectrum BPSK is I relatively wideband modula-
is a very simple and flexible way to channel cation s facilitie s. Several communication tion that can splatter out of a band. Pre- or post-
(o r multiplex ) diverse sources and sinks of da- switching centers (or gateways ) could be in- modulation filtering must be used for mosl ham
ta to/from SSradio equipment. Standard PC or stalled ar various points throughou t the US to applicalions.
The c1o,:k for the PN generator. shown in Fig-
Mac (Appleta lk) based mu lti ple COM channel handle digital voice. fax. te jerype or otter com- ure I . is derived from a lTL crystal oscillator.
boa rds a re being integ rated into commerci al munications that req uire routing outside a na - This furnishes rte "chip" clock sig nal. The chip
SS radio ho st pe s and mes sage rou ting soft- tional spread spectrum net work or national ham clock must be 127 times the data rate for prope r
ware can be easily modified to handl e multiple rad io PCN/pc5. Standard ham communications operation with this PN generator, The PN genera-
tor's output drives an impedance matching circuit.
then a passive LC, a three- to five-pole BUller-
SPREAD SPECTRUM GLOSSARY ....onh lew-pass filter. This filter uses a cutoff fre -
AJ Arlli-Jam-desigfl8d to resist inlellerenoe Of jamnWIg,
quency approximately 0.75 limes the chip clock
BPSK Bi'Iary Phase Slitt Keying-digitaI DSB suppressed canief ~lion. rare. This filler is used to - round" off lhe sharp
COMA Code DMsion .... "iple Arress a way to i'lerease dlamel capadly. edges and spiLes that are present on ltle lTL oct-
CH'P The time iIlakes 10 "allSffiit a bit or single symbol 01 a PN code. pul of lhe PN gtlll.'Talor. This filtered. AC-coopled
COO, A (jgilal bit stream with ooise-lke char.Jderistics. signa.l lben drives ltle IF (OC-coupled portl of a
COARELATOR The SS receiYel componenIlhal demo<Uales a spread scectren fiI11al doubly-balanced mixer (DBM). The LO port of
DE·SPREADING The prooess IJ5ed by a c:orrelatOf to I'8COVi:!r nal'l'OWtland inlonnatiOn from a ttle mixer is driven by a c rystal oscillator-multipli-
spread spectrum Signal. er chain or a frequency synthesizer to provide an
DIVERSITY Sharing a signal characterishc 10 allowmore users in lhe same trequency band. RF tarrier for the modulator. Finally. the mixer's
DPSK Differerltial Phase SMt Keying--a Simplified BPSK whe re onlydata irenslncns are RF port dri ves a bandpass filter to provide the
transmitted. modulator's output RF signal. Optionally. just an
MULTIPLE ACCESS A method lor accomodatirlg more users in the same trequency band. output tow-pass filter thai reduces rransmnrcr har-
NARROWBAND A signal whose bandwidth is on the Ofoer 01 its information bandwidth. monics can be used instead of the bandpass filter.
NOISE·L1KE Having prccenes that cause the appearance 01!rue ranclom noise, Funrer amptifw:ation aAll frequency conversion. if
PeN Personal Commtncation Network.. needed. comes althis point in an amateur foldio 5S
PCS Personal CorMw..ncation System. transmiuer,
PN Pseudo Noise a digCai signal with ,Cl"SB Ike propertes
$49 t ru X-MAS
(VISA I 494,114+ Hams. via you r computer.
$2995 per year - unlimited use!
I ~tT~,!
_n.. .
I " _ ..... S1 .
I \ lol.iplt I ....
'I :0- W",II. I"OM Ilali<>n. I 11\ completel,
• 0 b..a ..... "''-<1.••
~, Itiotllt """,,,I,. cw I••
" Complele 10 power I.a ...smltle,
• Up 10 2· 2' ens RF oulpul
DataVoice· UV-64 " 10- 16 VDCOperaIIO'"
SIGNAL CUBE Add I HrrmwN~ lO)'OUr , ,,,,em Of ctjulpmenl,
" Compacl. rugged a ...d easy 10 opera te
" No l a poorl y des.gned, 10..... quail ly k,l
DIGITAL FIELD STRENGTH METEA Voi"" """.llulolle> '" muhiplt phr...... up 10 I minUle in I JUSI co......ect a b attef)' . a n le ...... a, key a ... d p lu g ,'''
High Aesolution R.F. :-;. , ural Voi"" i> 'I.e<! in !,\;fKl ·Volalil. E·Prom mcflt<""J'.( lf your fa"OrIle cry s la l- Tha t' s ' I'
l'O".r i. '.""..... 01 lho r..."ding, ..·ill ooll>c 1""1), W. 'lI ....ltd
Amplitude Measurements you r me,,,,gc(» In • mal. or fcmale ''''cc. or - yuu can r. cord SpecllJl lnlrodue 'Ofy Price
(See article thi s issue) th. hbra rylty u" ng ,hi' op,,,,nal SI)S·I<nlde"lopm.m board SW I - l 60 M $3".S5 SWI,"O M 524 .95
on a n IB),\ <If cllfn palihl. Cllmp ut.. , SW1-oofl5M 52 6.95 SW '-30 M 523.S5
O ptio al Rugged Melal Caw
NYE ENGINEERING Para llel lnpul ",<trd SrI""1 B oh m Aud io ou l pu l
Co ml g soon. 20M. 17M, 15 M, 12 M, Cry.t. ls , VFQs
A B c D E F G H J K L M
GND DO Dl D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 Strobe
guys. send me somer this is one 01 the most comprehensive Contact them lor current plicing and of you about these anct related topics.
Stephen Coil KK6AB 01 Santa Ana , and well-supported prog rams avau- availability information, anct be sure to Reach me by mail at the above ad-
california, relates thaI he has been a able for the Apple 11..., li e, lie, or Jigs. It mention 73s "RTTY Loop" when you d re ss , on CompuS e rve at pp n
subscriber to 73 Magazine l or about supports split screen operatiOn or luJi write. 75036,2501, or on Delphi or America
two years. and has gonen interested screen, at speeds to over 19k baud. Another solu tiOn ava ilable to you Online uSing the screen or user name
In ATTY. He wants 10 gel onto ATTY and will run under either ProOOS or would be lo use any of a number 01 MAACWA3AJR. And as we all sit
wittI his computer, an Apple 11+. but aI Apple OOS 3.3. hardware solutiOnS, such as the multi- down this month to observe the
he gels are blank stares and the re- While Apple users sometimes feel mode interfaces from MFJ, Kantron- Thanksgiving holiday. tel us think of
sponse. "scnware l or that dinosau r?" orphaned by th e am at eur industry, res. or AEA . wil h a communication mcse less lortunate than ou rselves,
Well , while he teeis stuck in the sicoe they are often relucta nt to gi ve up their package. This would have the advan- whom we can help this time 01 year.
Ag e, Stephen wonders II the re still ex- machines and me sizable investments tage 01 ollering more modes and lea- This past l ew months have soon hurri·
ists some so ft wa re lor his Ap ple - they have already made. For many, teres. although it certainly would cost canes, earthquakes, fires, and human
saurous. MOD EM MGA speaks to that need more . There are a variety 01 "boxes" destruction throughout (he world .
On e popula r prog ram we men- precisely. II is available from MGA out there, and you pays yer money Maybe if each 01 us otfered just a ~ttJe
booed a few years back was MODEM Sol tware, Suite 101, 305 So. State anct takes yer ceoce. kindness, we could help illuminate the
MGR. Used by many hams l or years, College Blvd ., Anah eim CA 92806. I look forward 10 hearing from each darkness. II
FEBRUARY 6·7,1993
_ ,.,.1".. I"
_ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _o..::J
Sponsored by Dade Rad io Club of Miami, Inc.
(Ed ucational forum for teachers, class instructors and parents)
Registrat ion: 55.00 A dvance 56.00 Door (Tax Incl.) · Valid Both Days (Advance deadline Feb . 2)
Swa p Tables: 520.00 each (Tax Incl.) + Registration · Power: 510.00 per User (Tax Incl.)
Campsites: 3 Days (Fri., Set., Sun.) 540.00 (Tax Incl.) • 4 Days (Thurs., Fn., Set., Sun.) $55.00 (Tax lncl.)
Headquarters Hotel: Miami Airport Marriott - 569.00 Single, Double + Tax
Call. (305) 649-5000 - Speak Only to Reservation Department
Must tv\ention "tropcet Han'lboree·' to Get Special Rate. Dead line Jan. 25, 1993
A fter Dead line. Special Rates on Room Available Basis Only . Alternate Facilities: Contact Hamboree Chairman
WRITE TODAY FOR DETAIL5 BROCHURE Send to, Chairman. Evelyn Gauzens. W4WYR
& RE5ERVATION FORMS 2780 NW . 3rd Street, Miami, Fl 331 25
(Available Dec. 1st) Tel, (305) 642-41 39 0 Fax, (305)642-1648
(A ll creeks 'Of tceets. camping and tab~ should be rreoe payablE: to , Deoe eeoc Club of MIami, Inc.)
Japan From the JARL Ne ws :
Reci p r oc al A greem e nt Betwee n
JA-HU August 1. 1992. is a memo-
rable date for both Korea and Japan
because the much-talked-about and
Dtorg,ltlO en CA Ii A.Jt ).ir5
long-a......ai te d reciprocal agreement ,l I., n t.ufon Oprrabl1. por:
bet...... een the two countries came Into
Up to no.............hen a ROK citizen rn lmtub a sus mmtea, al mmpttr las
......ishQ(\ to operate amateur radiO in
normal t6t;tbltnb;ll1 per ta D, a £.
Japan helshe was obl iged to obtain
an operator's license in Japan, USing
a clUb statiOn. Henceforth, however,
and thanks to results emanating from
T .· •. · I .. _ <-_.. . l" "'~r-,
HamBase Callsign Database Stop Repeatin g
/rl'laml) R"lri""c the: " lfne• .-\dd rll"'.... B inhd ",~ .
magi!: !notch You rself!
and ( '"un l~ of US am.neurs. C .lnml i an and U\ Ends Heterodyn e Ventriloquist'"
adJrc, -es abo available. " " hard d hl.. required.
II ptl;H ~d tw i<:c a ye ar, (:'i 7IJ,OOUUS cal b . J uly -'J2) , Heada ches! says it all.
F..<I il add ress laocl- \>11 the ,,,r.,c'n "",rort.' rr irllin~
Why lislen 10 carricO'<, " 'hen th... \ lagil'N" lch fully \-Vhell",. you .... anl lo eonl.·q atl
and nt-alc' Q SO info l<lhel, for yuur QS L ,-,m.h.
automa tic nutch a ud iu fill ..r will remo,"" all CW. ....e-cl..c nd. repeal ~~llIr··lasll ....n··.
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POBol 73 and "'lemal spcaLer or heatlphr.,,,,,,s. :" 0 lunjn~ or vcmrtlcquict ""ill....,) il f.... )ou. Tho: unique anal,,!!
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RANDOM OVTP;:;fF"db"k ~" PROPAGATlON" O" ""' F"',""k ~"
David Cassidy N1GPH l im Gray W1XU
.i'n Gray WIXU beam or "gin" WlIeMa wiI be very ~I .
I'm borecI. I've got a ~a' new an- it sure would be neat to be on the re- 210 EastOJaleau c.me Voul be able 10 hear !he weak ones in there,
lennas that I keep meaning to put up, ceiving end 0( a piJe.t4l. Payson AZ 8554' and QUlle etten the weaker stat ions will
but I never seem to get around to it. I've I haven'l done any public service in November is a month Ihal lalls be\weel'I prove to be \tie real gems you need. l et me
got a transceiver kit Sitting on my desk, QU ite awhile. With my new pilot's n- the excellent ra il propagatoan condllk>ns or know how Itle m(lfllh goes lor you, too. I like
still in the shipping box . I can 't remern- cense. I wonder ~ my Skills as an ema- Seplember!October and tbe reRilively poor the lee<tlack.
ber the last time IIurned on the 2 meier teur radiO operator would be valuable 10 Winter cor.ditiOns of December/January ... By now you already know that the solar
transceiver in my car. I took the HF an- tne local Civil A ir saner w ing ? That which is 10 say that the HF banos will be flux has con sistently lallen below the 100
tenna mount off my car a le w months would be one way to comtnre two inter- trending from Good to only Fair as a general marl<. on many occas ions since June and Ju-
ago and haven't needed to re-install il. ests. while pulling bot h to good use. prediction and thai many days during lhe ~-wh ich is a "leading indicator" of ee ce-
My mullimode controller hasn't multi - OM 01 the CAP's functcns is to locale month are elJ)eCt&d to be Poor. cline 01 cycle 22 and the approach 01 the
moded in weeks. There's a layer of dust downed aircraft, olten by racc-cuec- For example, the periods oeteeen lhe 5th sunspot minimum, so make hay While the
on my HF gear that really shoutd be
wiped off.
tion-linding the emergency locator bea-
con contained in most every aecran.
and 7th and agai n between the 10th and sun shines. iii
14th ale antcipa ted \0 llfin g not
Ho hum ... I'm in the dreaded arne- Talk about a lolthuntl only poor inono sphenc propaga·
te... radio rut Sa telli te s is yet anctnee area 01 liM but also Itle posstliity of some
I have no one 10 blame lor this spa. amateur rad io that I have very linte severe weather '" some parts of EASTERN UNITED STATES TO:
thy but myself. After ai , amateur radiO experie nce with. I hear that now it's the co.nry. and maybe even 0lI'Iet
iSn'! a sing le hobby, it is hundredS 01 eaSier than ever 10 get inYO/Ved. I bet I peophyscal eaecs as wei. There ,~. 20 20 20
soeceueec jnterests all held together already have all the gear I'd need to are severa l sigmflCant plane ta ry ,~,~ CI >II . to'
by the common thread 01 the Amate... gel started. I cou ld download some alig nments dUring tn at pe nod " , _ ... 20 1 ,
Rad io Service. II you get bored with tracking sonwere lor my Mac off 01 an wllleh historically have produced ' ,s .ooo· , , . 20 "0 "0 ' "
one , there 's always so mel hi ng new onlme service , gettl1e current orb ital some very ". nerest ng" resuhs in 20 '" ~ _ >0 "01'°'° 'S
10 try. data olf 01 the local packet Bas, and the past. Look again lor POOl' ceo- '0 ' 2 0 ' 00
Let's see . . . what haven't I tr ied I could be on the air via satelli te in a
yet? How about ATV? I've always w ent- single afternoon.
drtiOns arMd the 23rd to 25th and
again around ire 29th and 301h.
15 ' 20 " -,
' S o4O' : 20 ' 0 '0 '0 ' 0 ' 0
ed to put together some video presen- Something else that piqued my Inter- This means about 10 days out of 20 1\" S'
tations- sort 01 "mini·documentaries"- est recently is the possibilities of remote 30 that are fo recast 10 be 'Peer.' '" . 0 ' 00 ' OIl' 2Cl ' 0 ' 0 ' 0 '0 ' 0
and transmit them to o ther hams,
Wouldn'I rt be grealfun to get together
base operation. I met a guy etme Los
Angeles hamfest who could do every-
The da i~ Jcrecest will te ll you whal OIl' 20 20 20 , " '0 '0 ' 5
to expect.
" 0! ' 5 ,
'0 : ' 0
every week and show orr your latest thing-and I mean everything-from his Use the eanc-ume-errecncn
;>0 ,;>0 . , • •,. _ , TO '0 '0
vide o creation 10 other ATVers? We 2 meter HT. He could change frequency chart lor your planned activities
could share ctner t\otlbies, careers, or and band (with verbal confirmation of CENTRAL UNITED STATES TO:
and OX operation. I wish I could
even sect flCtionat stories. With the ec- the change ), switch between differenl
tivity on 450 MHl , 9V9I)'Or'Ie who has a antennas and rotate h is tnbanoer
say thai the propagation wiU be '"
' S !1$ ! 20 _ _ '0 _
good al montll. but that just wonl
cable-ready TV or VCR already has an (agai n. with an automa ted voice con- ",,,,,,,. '0 '" 040'''''20 _ _ '
'5 " 2020 _00 0010'0' '0
ATV receiver. A Iow-eost transmitter, a firmlOQ the new heading). He did all this In general !he barxls abcNe 20 _ _ _ _ _ _ '°'°'51'5
simple antenna, maybe a p rea mp to via the tone pad on his HT. We were siI· melers "flll close at darl<. or before, 'S ' S 20 ' .«1 ' .«1'.«1 20 _ _ >0 ,
boost the received Signal, and I could ting by the hotel pool. and he was mak- ____ , _ " 5 _
while tl'lo$e below 20 meters ";1
be in business! iog OX contacts on 20 meters through a become qUite OX ·live ly. There
Something else I've always wanted sIlitl·pocl<et·siled radio! I know this isnl wonl be the summertime ORN to
to try is l oxhunting. I've already gol a exactly new technology, but it was the dISgUise weak S9"alS, so you wil
portable beam. All I'd need to do is wire best applieation 01 remote operalion I be able to do very well on 30, 40.
up a Simple anenuator and some kind had ever wnoeeeec. rers see . , . my eo, and (poSSibly) 160 meters. As
01 signal strength meter, and I'd have a house sits at the crest of a 900-foot hill, the later hours of night and the
pretty good beginner' s toxhunting rig. with a clear shot 10 almost every erec- eany hours 01 morning approach.
Make a few cal ls. inv ite some tnenos te n (except when I drive behind me lew the benee the lower ffequeocy HF
over for a Saturday foxhunVba rbecue. higher hills eoo mounlains) . A nice high bands become . . . so either get
I've got a cocora' hundred acres 01 masl althe peak of my roof would get ya.ur sleep during !he day or keep
State Forest bordering my back yard my antenna higher by almost another the coffeepot going. Finally, as
thaI would make a great place to hide 100 feel. Maybe I ooghtto give Ihat guy da wn approaches, the h9her HF
the lox. Now lhat sounds like jun! a calf. bands will come alive and some
What about QR P? Sure , I've dab- I guess I'm not real~ in a rut at all! In excellent east-west ox and Ioog·
bled in jew-power con tac ts, b ut how lact , I clon'l know what to do lifsl. path OX w~1 appear. Always use
about working al 50 states on a s-wan Hams cnen call smale... radio "The the dusk and dawn periods for " 0 '0 - - ." , _
rig I build myseff? MIQI'lI even be /un to Greatest Hobby In The Wot1d ." Even "grey-line- OXI'lg. too . Ilhi'lk that '0' 'S ~ ' ·""---"·'O"
get back into CW ope ra tion. I do so though we may be a bit biaSed, lhere is 20 wi be !he "sleeper" thiS rnonlIl 20 ·20 '_ 'O'S 'S
much trave!lnQ, I could bring a CAP rig. a 1010( validity to mat immodest daim. I and may wei be ee best tland 01 _ _ _ 20 120_ ·_ · _ ,~, 20
antenna and code key with me and get
th e firs t "Wor ked All SIa te s-Ho l el
Portable" award in the history 01 ama-
set out to oulline the variOuS $lJbgfOl4ls
01 amate... radio activity the other day. I
sl opped alter three single· spaced
aI ... bul wi! al$O proviDe ee U$Uo
at pile-ups and crOWOOg ... so a ..
T '0 ' 5
~ -- -
.,.~~ -
",- - >0 '0 ,
teur radio! It wouldn't cost much, either. pages and probably could have come
Ramsey's got a nice utne uansrrafterzre- up wi1tl two or three more pages with-
cerver combo for less than $100. There
are a bunch of olher advertisers in 73
out much trouble. "Amateur" and "radio'
are two simple words that we use to de-
November 1992
with nice QRP transceiver kits lo r very l ine litera lly hund reds o f u nique and SUN MON TUE WED T HU FRI SAT
little money. fascinating activities. When you co m-
Something else I've never done is bine amateur radio with other areas of 1 F-G 2 G 3 G 4 G-F 5 F-P 6 P 7 P-F
microwave operating. I bet I could work interest- aviation, camping, boating-
nine or 10 states, piuS a few Canadian I'd bet the list would grow to the thou·
p rovinces , all Irom Ihe top of Mount sands. 8 F 9 F-P 10 P 11 P 12 P 13 P 14 P
Wa shi ngton (6, 300 l eet ) in no rthern There's one more thing t've been
New Hampshire. meaning to get to. and I thinlll'l put it at
Speaking of northern New Hamp' the top of the list. My neighbor 's 10- 15 P 16 P-F 17 F-G 18 G 19 G 20G 21 G-F
shire, aren't there a lew rare cou nties yeat-old son was watching me PU!14I a
up there? I already have the HF mobile 2 meter quad las! weekend . Va' know,
gear. h would only take about 10 min- I've been mearWlg to move lhat80 me- 22 F-P 23 P 24 P 25 P 26 P-F 27 F-G 28 G-F
utes to mol6ltthat Outbacker bacIc onto ler clipole , and I think 111ask him if he'd
my car. In fact, Outbacker has a new like to help me get it back iolo the trees.
model coming out, and Douglas RF De- The n, when we're done, I wond er if 29 F 30 F-P
vices has an all·band mobile antenna he'd like 10 gel a chance 10 say hello to
I'd sure like to test drive. I've never real- someone across the ocean? I bet I
Iy gotten involved in county hunting, but know what his answer will be. iii
88 73 Amateur Radio Today · November, 1992
be found anyplace else. so contact your
nearest Yaesu dealer and tell him you
l~,a tf sam un t In- I want the "ultimate dual band':
Receive". Although equipped with tradi- The FT-5100.
tional dual band, Yaesu has taken receive
two steps beyond in the remarkable
~~r-5100, Combined in one compact FT-5200. For thuse who don't wan t in-
mobile transceiver. it's the ultimate hand d ua l l"l'ce ive. choo se the scc uruy of lhe
meaning of "dual band': FT-5 2(lO .... uh iI' s quic k-release front control
With 94 memory channels - more panel (no' a m ilaN .. "" ,he FT·'; /(/O! .
Come.. with back-lit DT MF mic and built-in
than any other radio in it's class - and antenna du plexes.
the optional ~1 W-l Wireless Mic. the
flexibility of the.IT-5100 is matchless.
But to make sure the FT-5100 is complete,
and an even better value, unlike the
competition, there's a backlit DTMF mic
Through advanced miniaturization
technology you'll find practical additions
like the built-in antenna duplexer - an 1It',,' s allOlht'r Ya".iU o du.•iw! .
Th.. MW· / Wird es.• M i(·
option on similar transceivers - and with Rnll{}/(' C"II/ru/,
equally important, DTMF pa~i ng and
coded squelch. All in the smallest dual
band made!
Priced for the shrewd buyer, you've
got to hear it to believe it. Dual band
re-defined. Combinations like this can't
Performance without compromise. "
·!n·Band Dual Rec8tll'e av8tJaO,!e only on FT·5100.
C 1992 Yaesu USA, 17210 Edwards Road, Cerritos, CA 90701 (310) 404·2700
Speohcat'llI1s wb,ect to chanQe w~lIO\l t notice. SPec~icatlOOS guaranteed only wollun amateu-r bands. SOme eccessores and/or optoons are sta~dard I~ certain areas Check wnn your Iocat vaesu ~ealer 101 spec ~ic ~e!a, ls
-• - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1
1M-741A FM Multibander
For genuine flexibility and pole-position performance, look to Kenwood's TM-741A .
Offering I44MHz/440MHz dual-band capability-plus the option of adding one
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band operation-this compact rig is ready for any challenge.
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$AVE $25
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PO. BOX 22745, 2201 E. DominguaJ' Street Long Beach , CA 90801-5745
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KENWOOD...pacesetter in Amateur Radio