Assignment 2
Assignment 2
Assignment 2
I) Write a recursive function find that finds given target value in the array. If value is not found
your function must return -1, otherwise it should return the index of array where the value
was found. Your function prototype must be as follows:
int find(int array[], int length, int target);
II) Given a number n, write a recursive function whether it’s prime number or not. Your
function should return true or false. Your function prototype must be as follows:
bool isPrime(int n, int index);
III) Given a string, write a recursive function to find its first uppercase letter. Your function
should return the letter. Your function prototype must be as follows:
char findUpperCase(char * str, int index)
Write a recursive function that takes an odd number n and uses recursion to approximate the
value of π using the given formula including term up through nth term. Your function
prototype must be as follows:
float PiValue(int n); //Calling this function “PiValue(1875)” should
give the answer 3.14052655581
V) Write a recursive function that takes two matrix of same size and output whether they are
equal or not. If matrices are equal, return 1 else 0. Your function prototype must be as
int equal(int ** matrix1, int** matrix2, int row, int column)
VI) Write a program that takes a 2D pointer array and calculate sum of even and odd using
recursive function. Your function prototype must be as follows:
void sum(int **array, int row, int column, int &evenSum, int &oddSum)
VII) Write a C++ recursive function PrintPattern1 to print following pattern using
recursion. No loops allowed whatsoever and you can write maximum two
functions apart from main function. For example calling your function with
these argument PrintPattern1(1,10) should print following pattern. Your
function prototype must be as follows:
void PrintPattern1(int start, int end, ofstream &output);
Instead of printing the pattern, it should be written in the file with the help of ofstream
object titled as output being sent as function argument
X) Write a recursive method named permutate that accepts two integers n and r as parameters
and returns the number of unique permutations of r items from a group of n items. For
given values of n and r, this value p(n,r) can be computed as follows:
For example permutate(7,4) should return 840. Your function prototype must be as
follows: long permutate (int n, int r)
XI) Given an array of integers, print a sum triangle from it such that the first level has all array
elements. From then, at each level number of elements is one less than the previous level and
elements at the level is be the Sum of consecutive two elements in the previous level. You
have to save the sum triangle in another array. Your function prototype must be as follows:
void printTriangle(int arr[]/*initial array*/, int size/*size of array*/, int **sumTriangle /*sum
triangle*/, int row/*row size of sum triangle*/, int column/*column size of sum triangle*/)
XII) Given following three values, the task is to find the total number of maximum chocolates
you can eat.
1. money : Money you have to buy chocolates
2. price : Price of a chocolate
3. wrap : Number of wrappers to be returned for getting one extra chocolate.
It may be assumed that all given values are positive integers and greater than 1. Your
function prototype must be as follows:
int countMaxChoco(int money, int price, int wrap)
XIII) Solve the five Queens problem recursively. The objective is to place
5 queens on an empty chessboard (5x5 matrix) so that no queen is
“attacking” any other, i.e., no two queens are in the same row, the
same column, or along the same diagonal?
Hint: See the Book Deitel & Deitel’s How to Program Problem