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SLR-Q – 1

M.Com. (Semester – I) (CBCS) Examination, 2017

Day & Date: Tuesday, 18-04-2017 Max. Marks: 70

Time: 02.30 PM to 05.00 PM

N.B. : 1) All questions are compulsory.

2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

Q.1 Choose the alternatives given below. 14

1) A bill of BRA was passed on February _______ in Parliament.
a) 1949 b) 1948 c) 1950 d) 1947 1

2) Section _______ of the BRA, says that every banking company

must have a full time chairman for the management of the
a) 10-A b) 10-B c) 11-A d) 11-B

3) As per the section _______ Banking Company means any

company which transacts the business of banking in India.
a) 3(d) b) 3(a) c) 4(b) d) 5(c)

4) By an ordinance _______ 15, 1980 the GOI acquired another six

scheduled commercial banks.
a) April b) May c) June d) August

5) Tiny Enterprises are those whose investment in plant &

machinery is upto Rs. _______ lacks.
a) 10 b) 25 c) 30 d) 50

6) GOI constituted a Working Group on 1st _______ 1975 to

examine in depth the question of setting up of new rural banks.
a) July b) August c) May d) June

7) A working group to review the working of lead bank scheme was

set up in November, _______.
a) 1975 b) 1980 c) 1981 d) 1985

8) IRDP is in operation in all the blocks of the country since

_______, 1980.
a) July
b) October c) August d) December

9) For improving the Credit Delivery System for SSIs, a committee

was set up by RBI in December, _______.
a) 1997 b) 1998 c) 1999 d) 1995

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SLR-Q– 1
10) The Standing Advisory Committee for SSIs was reconstituted
during _________.
a) 2004-05 b) 2002-03 c) 2001-02 d) 2006-07

11) The _______ General Assembly of APRACA was held in Nepal

in 1986.
a) Third b) Forth c) Fifth d) Sixth

12) In order to examine issues relating to rural credit & micro-finance,

an internal group was constituted in _________.
a) 2003 b) 2004 c) 2005 d) 2006

13) In 1987, a study team led by ________ was constituted to

undertake a survey of self-help groups.
a) NABARD b) RBI c) SBI d) GOI

14) PMRY was introduced on October 2, _________.

a) 1991 b) 1993 c) 1995 d) 1999

Q.2 Write short answer. 14

1) Capital and Reserves
2) Crop Loans

Q.3 Write short notes. 14

1) Banking Companies Act, 1970
2) SIDBI & Micro-finance

Q.4 Briefly enumerate the provisions of the BRA relating to the. 14

1) Licensing of Banks
2) Winding Up
Discuss the role of RRBs in agricultural finance. 14

Q.5 Examine the micro-finance initiatives by RBI. 14

Discuss the role of commercial banks in financing small scale 14

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SLR-Q – 2
M.Com. (Semester – I) (CBCS) Examination, 2017

Day & Date: Tuesday, 18-04-2017 Max. Marks: 70

Time: 02.30 PM to 05.00 PM

N.B. : 1) All questions are compulsory.

2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

Q.1 Choose the alternatives given below. 14

1) Every year, the accounting year of every Insurance Company is to
end on __________.
a) 31st December b) 30th June 1
c) 30th September d) 31st March

2) At the end of the year Royalty A/c is closed by transferring its

balance to __________.
a) Short – Working A/c b) Land – Lord A/c
c) Profit & Loss A/c d) Lessees A/c

3) There is neither liquidation nor formation of any co. in case of ___.

a) Amalgamation b) Absorption
c) Internal Reconstruction d) External Reconstruction

4) Policy maturing only on death of insured is termed as __________.

a) Endowment Policy b) Whole life policy
c) With profit policy d) None of the above

5) __________share capital is to be reduced to the extent.

a) Paid up Capital b) Authorized Capital
c) Issued Capital d) All of the above.

6) Royalty account is in the nature of __________.

a) Personal A/c b) Real A/c
c) Nominal A/c d) None of these.

7) __________ is the amount which a policy holder can get

immediately in case from the life Insurance company if he stops
paying premium.
a) Bonus b) Claim c) Premium d) Surrender value

8) Minimum Rent is also called __________.

a) Dead Rent b) Rock Rent
c) Fixed Rent d) All of the above.
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9) Life Insurance has an element both of Protection and _________.
a) Premium b) Land Lord A/c
c) Investment d) Risk
10) The Minimum Rent of Royalty whichever is more is to be paid to
the __________.
a) Lessee b) Land Lord
c) Sub – lessee A/c d) None of these
11) Insurance business is controlled by __________.
a) Insurance A/c, 1938 b) Insurance Rules, 1939
c) IRDA Regulations, 2002 d) All of the above.
12) Cost of license is shown in the __________.
a) Capital A/c b) Revenue A/c
c) Income & expenditure A/c d) General Balance sheet
13) As per IRDA regulation as Insurance company is required to
prepare __________.
a) Revenue A/c b) Profit & Loss A/c R
c) Balance sheet d) All of the above
14) The balance of capital Reduction account after writing off
accumulated losses is transferred to __________.
a) General Reserve A/c b) Share capital A/c
c) Capital Reserve A/c d) Profit & Loss A/c
Q.2 Write short note on any two. 14
1) Meaning and advantages of IFRS.
2) Minimum Rent
3) Write short note on Re-Insurance
Q.3 A) The following figures of Asian Life Assurance Co. Ltd. Given 07
below. You are to prepare the Revenue A/c for the year ended
Particulars Rs.
Life Assurance Fund 1.4.2014 60,00,000
Premiums 24,00,000
Re-assurance on premium 30,000
Claims 3,50,000
Re-insurance of claim 1,500
Consideration for Annuities granted 75,000
Surrenders 1,50,000
Commission 1,12,000
Annuities 1,23,000
Interest, Dividend and Rents 13,20,000
Income Tax-thereon 1,85,000
Bonus in cash 1,85,000
Bonus in Reduction in premium 6,700
Exp. of management 1,75,000
Fines for revival of Lapsed Policies 1,350
Surplus on revaluation of reversions purchased 10,000
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B) The Rohan Co. Ltd. leased a property of Ram Co. Ltd. at 07
Royalty of Rs. 75 paisa per tons with minimum Rent 40,000 p.a.
each year excess of minimum Rent over royalty was recoup in
next two year in the event of strike minimum rent would be
reduced proportionately to actual work.
Years Tons
2010 17,600
2011 60,000
2012 96,000
2013 (3 months strick) 40,000
2014 80,000
Prepare Royalty A/c and Short – Working A/c.
Q.4 Vijay Co. Ltd. leased a colliery on 1st Jan. 2010 from M/s. Sathe at a 14
minimum Rent of 40,000 p.a. at a Royalty of Rs.3 per ton. With a
right to recover short–working over the first three years of the Lease.
The output for the first four years of the lease was as follows.
Years Output (tons)
2010 10,000
2011 12,000
2012 14,000
2013 20,000
Prepare Ledge A/c in the books of M/s Sathe (Land Lord).
The following are the balances of Jai-Hind Ltd. as at 31st March 2015.
Capital 10,000, 6% cumulative preference
shares of Rs. 10 each 1,00,000
16,000 equity shares of Rs. 10 each 1,60,000
Share premium A/c 30,000
Creditors 26,000
Goodwill 10,000
Patent and Trade Marks 21,000
Free hold Property at costs 70,000
Dep. thereon 14,000
Plant and Machinery 1,40,000
Dep. thereon 30,000
Stock on 31st March 2015 24,000
Debtors 15,000
Profit & Loss A/c (Dr.) 55,000
Preliminary exp. 25,000
A scheme for reduction of Capital was passed by the court on the
following terms.
a) Pref. Share to be reduced to Rs. 9 per share
b) Equity share to be reduced to Rs. 1.25 per share
c) The share premium A/c and intangible assets to be written off.
d) Plant & Machinery to be revalued at Rs. 50,000.
e) One equity share of Rs. 1.25 to be issued for each Rs. 10
Gross preference Dividend Arrears which is in arrears since
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March 2011.
Draft Journal Entries and Revise Balance Sheet.

Q.5 From the following figures relating to General Insurance Co. Ltd. for 14
the year ended 31.3.2015. You are required to prepare the Revenue
A/c of the Fire Department.
Reserve for an expired risk as at 1.4.2014 60,000
Estimated liability in respect of o/s claim
on 1.4.2014 20,000
on 31.3.2015 15,000
Claim paid 80,000
Re – Insurance premium
Paid 5,000
Recovered 3,000
Premium received 2,02,000
On direct business 30,500
On reinsurance ceded 1,000
On reinsurance accepted 500
Management exp 60,000
Int. & Dividend (Less tax) 9,000
Legal exp. (re-claim) 3,000
The reserve required for unexpired risk as on 31.3.2015 is 40% of
the net Premium income.
From the following balance sheet of Balaji Electric Light and Power
Co. ltd. prepare according to ordinary commercial method, construct
balance sheet and capital A/c according to the requirement of Double
Account System.
Balance Sheet
As on 31st March 2015

Liabilities Rs. Assets Rs.

Ordinary Share Capital Land &
8000, shares of Rs.10 Building
each fully paid Balance as
per last
80,000 balance sheet 85,330
Pref. share Capltal2000, Additional
6% Cumulative pref. during the
share of Rs.10 each. years
fully paid 20,000 20,000 1,05,330
Premium on shares Main and
balance as
20,000 per last B/S 10,000
S. creditors Additional
during the
841 year 1,920 11,920
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Reserve fund 500 Meters 1,050
Unclaimed dividend Preliminary
20 Exp 1,000

Revenue A/C Reserve Fund

Investment 500
Balance As Per last Stores on
Balance Sheet 1,000 hand 340
Add balance brought S. Debtors
from Revenue A/C 7,674 1,290
Cash and
8,674 Bank balance:
Less: Cash in hand 1,060
Interim dividend 3,000 Cash at bank 3,103 4,163

Transfer to Reserve 242

Dividend on pref. 1200 4,442 4,232
125593 125593

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SLR-Q – 3
M.Com. (Semester – I) (CBCS) Examination, 2017

Day & Date: Tuesday, 18-04-2017 Max. Marks: 70

Time: 02.30 PM to 05.00 PM

N.B. : 1) All questions are compulsory.

2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
3) Use of calculator is allowed.

Q.1 Choose the alternatives given below. 14

1) The amount of expenditure (actual or national) incurred on or
attributable to specified thing or activity is called __________.
a) Costing b) Cost accounting 1

c) Cost d) Development cost

2) __________ is quantity for which order is placed when the stock

reaches re-order level.
a) Material control b) Maximum stock
c) Re-order quantity d) Material price

3) Normal rate of consumption X Leader time for emergency

purchase = __________ level.
a) Re-order b) Minimum
c) Danger d) Average

4) Bin Card is maintained by __________ in the stores.

a) Cost accountant b) Cost management
c) Store keeper d) Auditor

5) __________records both the quantity and value of materials

received, issued and in hand.
a) Bin card b) Store ledger
c) Cost sheet d) Costing Profit & Loss A/c

6) In which method of pricing material, cost of closing stock

represents the cost of latest purchase?
c) Simple Average d) Weighted Average

7) __________ costing eliminates unhealthy competition.

a) Uniform b) Standard
c) Marginal d) Relevant
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SLR-Q– 3
8) Maximum stock level is 3600 kg and Average stock level is 2000
kg so that minimum stock level is __________.
a) 400 kg b) 5600 kg c) 4000 kg d) 1600 kg

9) __________ is the aggregate of indirect material cost, indirect

labor cost and indirect expenses.
a) Overheads b) Fixed cost
c) Total cost d) Prime cost

10) __________are those costs which do not vary with the change in
the volume of production up to a given range.
a) Variable overheads b) Fixed overheads
c) Total cost d) Indirect overheads

11) Use of uniform costing system creates __________ markets.

a) Competitive b) Monopolistic
c) Foreign d) Local

12) __________ of overheads is the process of charging the

proportion of common items of cost to two or more cost centers
on some equitable basis.
a) Allocation b) Classification
c) Apportionment d) Absorption

13) The practice of using same costing principles and / or practice by

a number of firms in the same industry is called __________.
a) Marginal costing b) Historical costing R

c) Cost accounting d) Uniform costing

14) Variable cost per unit remains __________.

a) Constant b) Variable
c) Flexible d) None of the above

Q.2 Write short note on. 14

1) Fields covered by Uniform Costing.
2) Difference between Financial accounting and Cost accounting.

Q.3 A) ‘X’ Ltd. manufactures a special product ZED and provides the 07
following information.
Demand of ZED varies from 500 units to 1500 units per month
semiannual carrying cost 6%.
Ordering cost per order Rs. 90.
Raw Material required per unit of finished product 2kg.
Purchase price of input unit Rs. 25 per kg.
Calculate Economic order Quantity.

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SLR-Q– 3
B) From the following store transaction prepare store ledger using 07
Weighted Average method.
1-3-2016 Opening balance 2000 units value Rs. 20,000.
4-3-2016 Purchases 3000 units @ Rs. 12 per unit.
7-3-2016 Issues 4000 units.
10-3-2016 Purchases 4000 units @ Rs. 14 per unit.
19-3-2016 Issues 3000 units.
22-3-2016 Purchases 2000 units @ Rs. 16 per unit.
30-3-2016 Issues 3000 units.

Q.4 The company uses three raw materials A, B and C for a particular 14
product for which the following data is available.
Raw Raw Raw
Material Material material
Particulars A B C
Wage per unit of product
(kgs) 10 04 06
Reorders quantity(kgs) 10,000 5,000 10,000
Price per (kg) 0.10 0.30 0.15
Minimum delivery period
(weeks) 1 3 2
Average delivery period
(weeks) 2 4 3
Maximum delivery period
(weeks) 3 5 4
Reorder level (kgs) 8000 4750 -
Minimum level (kgs) - - 2000

Weekly productions various from 175 to 225 units,

averaging 200 units of the said product. What would be the
following quantity-
1) Minimum Stock of Material A
2) Maximum Stock of Material B
3) Reorder level of material C
4) Average stock level of material A
Calculate machine hour rate from the following. 14
1) Cost of machine Rs. 19,200.
2) Estimated scrap value Rs. 1,200.
3) Average repairs and maintenance charges per month Rs. 150.
4) Standing charges allocated to machine per month Rs. 50.
5) Effective working life of machine 10,000 hours.
6) Running time per month 166 hours.
7) Power used by machine 5 units per hour @ 19 paise per unit.

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SLR-Q– 3
Q.5 International Motors manufactures spare parts for Jeeps and Trucks. 14
They have furnished the following particulars for the quarter ended
31st March 2015.
Materials Rs. 2,98,000, Direct wages Rs. 42,000, Stores
Expenses Rs. 20,000, Machinery and Maintenance Rs. 4,600,
Deprecation Rs. 22,300, Staff Welfare Rs. 12,000, General
expenses Rs. 30,000, Administration and selling expenses Rs.
Additional information provided by them.
Jeep Truck
1) Production (Nos.) 300 400
2) Material cost ratio per vehicle 1 2
3) Direct labor ratio 2 3
4) Machine hour ratio 1 2
Calculate cost per spare part of each vehicle indicating
basis of apportionment.
Prepare store Ledger Account adopting FIFO and LIFO method 14
of pricing the issue of material.
1 Opening balance 50 units @ Rs. 3 per unit.
5 Issued 2 units to production.
7 Purchased 48 units @ Rs. 4 per unit.
9 Issued 20 units to production.
19 Purchased 76 units @ Rs. 3 per unit.
24 Received back in to store 19 units out of 20 units
issued on 9th August 2015.
27 Issued 10 units to production.

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SLR-Q – 04
M.COM. (Semester – I) (CBCS) Examination, 2017

Day & Date: Tuesday, 18-04-2017 Max. Marks: 70

Time: 02.30 PM to 05.00 PM

N.B. : 1) All questions are compulsory.

2) All question carry equal marks

Q.1 Select the correct answer from multiple choice given 14

1) Part III of Schedule I of the Finance Act, 2015 has given the rates
of advance tax and to be deducted in case of salary for the
Assessment Year
a) 2015-16 b) 2016-17 c) 2017-18

2) The circulars issued by the CBDT are binding on:

a) Asses see b) Income tax authorities c) Both the above

3) The total income of the assessee has been computed at Rs.

4,83,495. For rounding off the total income will be taken at
a) Rs. 4,83,500 b) Rs. 4,83,490 c) Rs. 4,83,495

4) Sager, a citizen of India is employed on an Indian ship. During the

previous year 2015-16 he leaves India for Germany on
15/09/2015 for holidays and returned on 01/04/2016. He had been
non-resident for the past 3 years. Earlier to that he was
permanently in India. For the AY 2016-17. Sagar shall be:
a) Resident and ordinarily resident in India
b) Resident but not ordinarily resident in India,
c) None- resident.

5) Where a non- resident has any income from a business

connection in India, such income:
a) Shall be Taxable in India as it accrues or arises in India
b) Shall be taxable in India as it is deemed to accrue or arise
in India
c) Shall not be taxable as accrues or arises outside India

6) The daily allowance received by an MLA is:

a) Exempt
b) Taxable
c) Included in total income for rate purposes
d) Exempt upto Rs.2,000 p.m.
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SLR-Q – 04
7) Leave Travel Concession is a tax free perquisite:
a) For one journey in a block of 4 years
b) One journey per year
c) Two journeys in a block of 4 years

8) The employee is provided with furniture costing Rs. 1,50,000

along with house w.e.f. 01/07/2015. The value of the furniture to
be included in the valuation of unfurnished house shall be:
a) Rs. 11,250 b) Rs. 15,000
c) Rs. 22,500 d) Rs. 16,875

9) Compensation received on voluntary retirement is exempt u/s

10(10C) to the extent of:
a) Rs. 2,40,000 b) Rs. 3,50,000
c) Rs. 10,00,000 d) Rs. 5,00,000

10) The employer provides free facility of watchman, sweeper and

gardener to the employees. It will be perquisite for:
a) Specified employee only
b) Employees other than specified employees
c) All the employees

11) Unrealized rent is deduction from:

a) Gross Annual Value
b) Net Annual Value
c) Income from the head house property

12) Vishvanath gifted the house property to his minor son, which
was let out @ Rs. 10,000 per month. Income from such house
property shall be taxable in the hands of:
a) Minor son
b) Vishvanath, however, it will be first computed as minor
son’s income & thereafter clubbed in the income of
c) Vishvanath, as he will deemed owner of such house
property and liable to tax

13) Municipal valuation of the house is Rs. 1,20,000, fair rent

Rs.1,40,000 standard rent Rs. 1,30,000 whereas actual rent
received or receivable is Rs. 1,25,000. Municipal taxes paid are
Rs.40,000. The annual value of the house in the case shall be:
a) Rs. 1,00,000 b) Rs. 85,000 c) Rs. 90,000

14) Ajunkya borrowed a sum of Rs. 5,00,000 at 12% p.a. on

01/04/2005 for construction of a house which was completed on
15/03/2010. The loan is repaid on 31/08/2015. What shall be the
amount of deduction allowed on account of interest for the
Assessment 2016-17:
a) Rs. 60,000 b) Rs. 1,08,000
c) Rs. 25,000 d) None of the above
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SLR-Q – 04
Q.2 Write short notes on any three from the following 14
1) Any five exemptions available under section 10 to a salaried
2) Determination of Annual Value when standard rent is
3) Conditions for determination of residential status of an
4) Relief for salary received in arrears
5) Distinction between recognized provident fund and
un-recognised provident fund with particular reference to
income tax

Q.3 A) Mr. Sehgal owns a house in Banglore construction of which was 14

completed on 1.7.1998. Half portion is let out for residential
purposes on a monthly rent of Rs. 8,000. However, this portion
remained vacant for three months (from 1.1.2016 to 31.3.2016)
during the previous year 2015-16. 1/4th portion is used by Mr.
Sehgal for the purpose of his profession while the remaining
1/4th portion is used for his own residence for the full year.

The other expenses regarding the house were:

i. Municipal taxes 10,000
ii. Repairs 5,000
iii. Interest on loan for renovation of house 40,000
iv. Ground rent 2,000
v. Annual charge 10,000
vi. Fire insurance premium 4,000

Compute the taxable “Income from house property” for the

assessment year 2016-17

B) Jasprit owns two houses which he occupied for his own 14

residence. He submits the following particulars in respect of
these for financial year 2015-16:
House I House II
Rs. Rs.
Municipal value 1,20,000 2,40,000
Fair rent 1,50,000 2,70,000
Standard rent under Rent 90,000 2,04,000
Control Act.
Municipal tax paid 18,000 24,000
Amount spent on repairs 12,000 30,000
Interest paid/payable on loans 30,000 1,60,000
taken for building the houses.

Jasprit requests you to compute his total income in a manner

which minimizes his incidence of tax.

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SLR-Q – 04
Q.4 A) Manish an Indian citizen left India for the first time on 24.9.2014 04
for employment USA. During the previous year 2015-16 he
comes to India on 5.6.2015 for 165 days. Determine the
residential status of ‘M’ for the assessment year 2015-16 and
B) Arun Kumar earns the following income during the financial year 10
a) Interest paid by an Indian company but 2,00,000
received in London
b) Pension from former employer in India, 8,000
received in USA
c) Profits earned from business in Paris 40,000
which is controlled in India, half of the
profits being received in India
d) Income from agriculture in Bhutan and 10,000
remitted to India
e) Income from property in England and 8,000
received there
f) Past foreign untaxed income brought to 20,000
Determine the total income of Arun Kumar for the assessment year
2016-17 is he is
i. Resident and ordinarily resident,
ii. Not ordinarily resident, and
iii. Non-resident in India.

Q.5 A salaried employee has the following income for the period 1.4.2015 14
to 31.3.2016 and he requires you to compute his income
a) Basic pay Rs. 1,44,000
b) Dearness allowance Rs. 1,44,000 (not forming part of salary)
c) Educational allowance for three children @ Rs. 4,800 p.a.
d) Reimbursement of club subscription Rs.3,000 for personal
e) Leave travel concession by way of reimbursement of train fare
for himself and family members (Rs.7,000) and hotel bill in the
holiday resort (Rs. 12,000)
f) He has been given rent-free accommodation for which the rent
paid by employer is Rs. 20,000 p.a.
g) He is also provided with a watchman. Watchman is engaged by
the employee by paying Rs. 500 p.m. which is reimbursed by
the employer.
h) Conveyance allowance Rs. 6,000. It is certified that the entire
allowance is spent for official duties.
i) The employer has taken an accident insurance policy and is
paying for a life insurance policy for the benefit of employee, the
premium for which is met by the employer directly being Rs.
500 and Rs. 600 respectively
Page 4 of 4
SLR-Q –5
M.Com. (Semester – I) (CBCS) Examination, 2017

Day & Date: Tuesday, 18-04-2017 Max. Marks: 70

Time: 02.30 PM to 05.00 PM

N.B. : 1) All questions are compulsory.

2) Each question carries equal marks.
3) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
4) Use of soundless calculators is allowed.

Q.1 Choose the most appropriate alternative amongst the given for 14
each question.
1) The term, “Operations Research (O.R.)” was introduced in
a) French Revolution b) World War-I
c) World War-II d) None of these

2) “Operation Research is an art of giving bad answers to the

problems which otherwise have worse answers”. This definition has
been given by
a) Churchman, Arnoff b) Ackoff
c) Saaty d) None of these

3) In L.P.P., objectives function and set of constraints are always in

a) Linear form b) Quadratic form
c) Cubic form d) None of these

4) Solution to L.P.P. by graphical method is optimum only at one

vertex, of common region, then that L.P.P. has
a) No solution b) Unbounded solution
c) Unique solution d) None of these

5) For a L.P.P. of objective function in maximization form, if upper

boundary of common region drawn by graphical method is
unclosed, then that L.P.P. has
a) Unique solution b) Unbounded solution
c) No solution d) None of these

6) Simplex algorithm has been introduced by

a) Walter A Schwartz b) Hungarian
c) George Dantizg d) None of these

7) To convert „ ‟ type of inequality into equation form a variable added

to left hand side of inequality is called as
a) Slack variable b) Surplus variable
Page 1 of 3
c) Artificial variable d) None of these

8) IBFS under consideration to a L.P.P., tested by simplex method is

optimum if
a) zj – cj > 0 b) zj – cj < 0
c) zj – cj 0 d) None of these

9) In finding an improved solution to L.P.P. by simplex method Yr is

chosen as, „Incoming Vector‟ when corresponding is
a) Most negative b) Most positive
c) Equal to zero d) None of these

10) All constraints except constraint of non-negativity in canonical

form of L.P.P. is of
a) type b) type
c) = type d) None of these

11) In standard form of L.P.P., objective function is taken always as

a) Minimization b) Maximization
c) Cannot say such d) None of these

12) Assignment algorithm has been introduced by

a) George Dantizg b) Hungarian
c) R. A. Fisher d) None of these

13) An assignment problem is said to be unbalanced if its cost matrix

a) No.of rows > No. of columns b) No. of rows < No. of columns
c) Either a or b d) None of these

14) If order of cost matrix in assignment problem B n, then if can be

said that, „Optimum assignment has been achieved‟ of
a) No. of assignments < n b) No. of assignments > n
c) No. of assignments = n d) None of these

Q.2 A) State and explain various phases of techniques of O.R. 07

B) Use the graphical method to solve the following L.P.P. 07

Max Z =
Subject to the constraints

Q.3 A) Define L.P.P. in standard form. State various characteristics of 07

it. Also define.
1) Feasible Solution
2) Basic Feasible Solution.

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B) Solve the following assignment problem to minimize the 07

[ ]

Q.4 Attempt any one of the following. 14

A) Explain simplex algorithm.
B) Define Unbalanced assignment problem.
Solve the following assignment problem, whose cost matrix B
given as below, to minimize the total cost.

[ ]

Q.5 Attempt any one of the following. 14

A) Develop Assignment algorithm.

B) Solve the following L.P.P. by Simplex method.

Subject to the constraints:

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SLR-Q – 6
M.Com. (Semester – I) (CBCS) Examination, 2017

Day & Date: Thursday, 20-04-2017 Max. Marks: 70

Time: 02.30 PM to 05.00 PM

N.B. : 1) All questions are compulsory.

2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

Q.1 Choose the alternatives given below. 14

1) Unit Banking is originated in _________.
a) UK b) USA
c) India d) Japan

2) An _________ banker performs a highly useful service to the

business world by providing long term capital needs.
a) Investment b) Unit
c) Mixed d) Branch

3) There is no universally accepted definition of _________ Banking.

a) Investment b) Unit
c) Universal d) Merchant

4) Each bank will have a paid officer called _________.

a) Secretary b) Managing director
c) General manager d) Deputy manager

5) 14 major banks were nationalized in _________.

a) 1968 b) 1969
c) 1970 d) 1980

6) ________department deals with the grant of advances.

a) Audit b) Account
c) Advances d) Inspection

7) This principle that a bank should always lend against self –

liquidating assets has come to be known as the _________.
a) Doctrine of Real Bills b) The Shift ability Theory
c) The Anticipated Income Theory d) None of these

8) The _________ Commercial Banks are pioneers in the field of

term lending.
a) British b) American
c) Indian d) Japanese

Page 1 of 2
9) The silent feature of _________ banking is the overwhelming
reliance on IT.
a) Tele b) Traditional
c) Virtual d) Commercial

10) The biggest constraint in E-banking is _________ cost.

a) Training b) Security
c) Maintenance d) Start-up

11) _________ appointed a committee headed by R. K. Talwar.

a) GOI b) RBI

12) _________ is highly earning liquid asset.

a) Money at call b) Bill discounted
c) Investments d) Advances to customer

13) Major part of bankers earning are mainly derived from ________.
a) Bill discounted b) Investments
c) Advances d) Money at call

14) The term _________ implies the ability to produce cash on

a) Liquidity b) Security
c) Safety d) Profitability

Q.2 Write short answer. 14

1) Group & Chain Banking
2) Customer Service

Q.3 Write short notes. 14

1) Virtual Banking
2) The Anticipated Income Theory

Q.4 State merits & demerits of Unit Banking. 14

Discuss the features of E-banking and bring out its merits and 14

Q.5 State various departments in the Central Office. 14

Explain importance of liquidity in banking business, State investment 14
policy of bank.

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SLR-Q –7
M.Com. (Semester – I) (CBCS) Examination, 2017

Day & Date: Thursday, 20-04-2017 Max. Marks: 70

Time: 02.30 PM to 05.00 PM

N.B. : 1) All questions are compulsory.

2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

Q.1 Choose the alternatives given below. 14

1) Special examination of books of account is called ________.
a) Investigation b) Verification
c) Special Check d) None of these

2) ‘An Auditor is a watch dog’ and not a ________.

a) Blood hound b) Servant c) Guide d) All of these

3) The step will have to take by the auditor, before preparation of

audit is ________.
a) Scope of work to be determined b) Knowledge about business
b) Instruction of the client c) All of these

4) Audit programme is ________.

a) Auditors plan of action b) Audit report
c) Audit note d) All of these

5) The internal auditor can be removed by ________.

a) Shareholders b) Chairman
c) Management d) None of these

6) To verify authenticity and authority of transaction is the main

object of ________.
a) Vouching b) Testing c) Internal check d) Internal audit

7) The internal auditors are ________.

a) Government servants b) Employees of the concern
c) Agents d) Advisor

8) The audit clerk cannot remember everything at all times during

the course of audit, he experiences several difficulties and hence,
he maintains a book with him popularly known as ________.
a) Audit programme b) Audit note book
c) Audit file d) Audit book

Page 1 of 2
9) Which of the following is used as technique for internal control
a) Questionnaire b) Testing
c) Vouching d) All of these

10) Which of the following is an error of principle?

a) Deleting transaction to record in journal
b) Recording purchase of office furniture in profit and loss account
c) Wrong totaling in ledger
d) None of these.

11) Fraud means _________.

a) Mistake b) Misuse
c) False representation d) All of these

12) The judgment that an auditor is not a value was given in______.
a) Kingston cotton mills case b) Mckson and Robins case
c) London and General bank case d) None of these

13) Test checking is _________.

a) Testing evidence
b) Vouching
c) Checking of few items selected through a process of sampling
d) None of these

14) When a transaction is wholly or partly omitted to be recorded,

such error is called _________.
a) Error of principle b) Error of commission
c) Compensating error d) None of these

Q.2 Write short answer. 14

1) Internal and External audit
2) Valuation of assets and liabilities.

Q.3 Answer the following in brief. 14

1) Explain the origin of auditing.
2) Explain the term ‘Teaming and Lading’.

Q.4 Answer any one of the following. 14

1) “Vouching is the essence of auditing,” Comment.
2) What do you mean by auditing? What are its advantages?

Q.5 Answer any one of the following. 14

1) “Two main purpose of an audit are prevention and detection of
errors and frauds.” Discuss.
2) How would you verify the following:
a) Cash in hand
b) Loans Given
c) Sundry Debtors
d) Stock on consignment
e) Investment
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SLR-Q – 08
M.Com. (Semester – I) (CBCS) Examination, 2017

Day & Date: Thursday, 20-04-2017 Max. Marks: 70

Time: 02.30 PM to 05.00 PM

N.B. : 1) All questions are compulsory.

2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
3) Use of Calculator is allowed.
Q.1 Choose the correct alternatives form the following. 14
1) Process of ascertainment of cost is known as _________.
a) Costing b) Cost reporting 1

c) Cost control d) None of the above

2) An example of fixed cost is __________.
a) Material consumed b) Depreciation
c) Factory power d) Packing material

3) Bonus under Halsey Plan is paid at ___________.

a) 50% of time saved b) 75% of time saved
c) 80% of time saved d) 90% of time saved

4) The total of all Direct Expenses is called as ___________.

a) Fixed cost b) Variable cost
c) Step cost d) Prime cost

5) When standard output is 10 units per hour and actual output is 12

units per hour, the efficiency is ___________.
a) 80% b) 100% c) 120% d) 12%

6) ___________system is a composite accounting system where

under all financial and cost transactions are recorded in one set of
a) Non-integrated b) Cost accounting
c) Standard costing d) None of these

7) Ideal time is ___________.

a) Time spent by workers in factory
b) Time spent by workers in office
c) Time spent by workers off their work
d) Time spent by workers on their job

8) In reconciliation statement, expenses shown only in financial

accounts are ___________.
a) Added to financial profits b) Deducted from financial profits
c) Ignored d) Added to costing profit
Page 1 of 5
9) Prime cost plus factory overhead is known as ___________.
a) Marginal cost b) Works cost
c) Total cost d) Cost of Sales

10) Integral accounts eliminate the necessity of operating ________.

a) Cost ledger control account b) Stores ledger control account
b) Overhead adjustment account c) All of these

11) Warehouse Expenses is an example of

a) Production overhead b) Selling overhead
c) Distribution overhead d) None of the above

12) Indirect costs are known as ___________.

a) Fixed costs b) Overheads
c) Variable costs d) None of the above

13) Under Emerson’s efficiency system, no bonus is payable when

efficiency is up to ___________.
a) 50% b) 66 2/3% c) 83 1/3% d) 100%
14) The term _________ implies integration or merger of both
financial and cost accounts.
a) Integral b) Integrated Accounts R

c) Both a & b d) Non-Integrated

Q.2 A) from the following prepare a reconciliation statement of 07
M/s. XYZ & Co. as on 30.06.2014
1. Net profit as per financial accounts Rs. 40,340.
2. Income tax provision made Rs. 30,000.
3. Materials purchased of Rs. 5,000 units were recorded in cost
at standard cost Rs. 24 per unit, where as in finance it was
recorded at actual cost Rs. 22 per unit.
4. Old bad debts recovered Rs. 20,500.
5. Loss on sale of furniture was Rs. 4,120.

B) What do you mean by Labour Turnover? How is it measured? 07

Q.3 A) Journalize the following transactions in the books of a 07

company maintaining integrated accounts.
 Credit purchases Rs. 12,00,000
 Production Wages paid Rs. 7,00,000
 Stock issued to production orders Rs. 8,00,000
 Works overhead charged to production Rs. 4,50,000
 Administrative overheads charged to Rs. 1,50,000
 Works expenses paid Rs.4,60,000
 Works overhead outstanding Rs.1,20,000

Page 2 of 5
B) Compute the earning of a worker under: 07
 Time Rate method
 Piece Rate method
 Halsey Plan
 Rowan Plan
Wage Rate - Rs. 2 per hour
Dearness Allowance – Rs. 1 per hour
Standard hours – 80
Actual hours – 50

Q.4 From the books of accounts of M/s. ASC enterprise the 14

following details have been extracted for the quarter ending 31st
March 2014.
Particulars Rs.
Opening stock of materials 2,70,000
Closing stock of materials 3,00,000
Purchases of materials 12,48,000
Direct wages 3,57,600
Direct expenses 1,20,000
Indirect wages 24,000
Salaries to administrative staff 60,000
Carriage inward 48,000
Carriage outward 37,500
Manager’s Salary 72,000
General charges 37,200
Legal charges for criminal suit 20,000
Commission on sales 28,000
Fuel 96,000
Electricity charges (Factory) 72,000
Directors Fees 36,000
Repairs to Plant and Machinery 63,000
Rent, Rates and Taxes – Factory 18,000
Rent, Rates and Taxes – office 9,600
Depreciation on Plant and Machinery 45,000
Deprecation of Furniture 3,600
Salesmen’s salaries 50,000
Audit Fees 18,000
1. The Manager’s time is shared between the factory and office in
the ration of 20:80.
2. Carriage Outward includes Rs. 7,500 being carriage inward on
Plant and Machinery.
3. Selling price is 120% of cost price.
From the above details prepare a Cost Sheet and ascertain Sales
and Profit.

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From the following prepare a Statement of Reconciliation and 14
find out Profit/Loss as per financial records.
Particulars Rs.
Net loss as per cost records 1,72,400
Works overhead under – recovered in costing 3,120
Administrative overheads over – recovered in 1,700
Depreciation in financial accounts 11,200
Depreciation in cost account 12,500
Interest received 8,750
Obsolescence loss in financial account 5,700
Provision for income tax 40,300
Opening stock
- Financial records 52,600
- Cost records 54,000
Closing stock
- Financial records 52,000
- Cost records 49,600
Interest charges in cost account only 6,000
Preliminary expenses w/off 950

Q.5 Calculate the total monthly remuneration of three workers A, B 14

and C from the following data.
 Standard production per month per worker: 1000 units
 Actual production during the month:
A-850 units B-750 units C-950
 Piece work rate is 10 paise per unit of production.
 Additional production bonus is Rs. 10 for each percentage of
actual production exceeding 80% of standard production.
 Dearness allowance – Fixed at Rs. 50 per month.
Following is a summarized Profit and Loss account of SAC
industries for the year ended 31st March, 2014.

Page 4 of 5
Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31st March, 2014
Particulars Rs. Particulars Rs.
To material By Sales (12,000
Consumed 2,00,000 units) 4,80,000
By closing stock
(Finished goods, 3000
To wages 75,000 units) 66,000
To Factory
Paid 52,400
Outstanding 2,200 By interest on
---------- 54,600 securities 17,000
To Administrative By profit on sale of
overheads 52,500 asset 1,20,000
To selling and
distribution overheads 96,000
To Interest on loan 14,000
To Income tax 7,500
To Net Profit 1,83,000
6,83,000 6,83,000

The cost accounting record for the above period showed the
1. Material consumed at Rs. 10 per unit produced.
2. Direct wages at Rs. 6 per unit produced.
3. Factory overheads were absorbed at 25% of prime cost.
4. Administrative overheads were absorbed at Rs. 5 per unit
5. Selling and distribution overheads were absorbed at Rs. 7 per unit
You are required to prepare a cost sheet for the year ended 31st
March, 2014 and a statement of reconciliation.

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SLR-Q – 9
M.Com. (Semester – I) (CBCS) Examination, 2017

Day & Date: Thursday, 20-04-2017 Max. Marks: 70

Time: 02.30 PM to 05.00 PM

N.B. : 1) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

Q.1 Select the right answers from given alternatives. 14

1) For Salary Quarterly TDS return is to be submitted in the Form
a) 26Q b) 27A c) 24Q d) 26AS
2) An Application for Tax Deduction Account Number is to be made
in the Form No.
a) 48A b) 50A c) 49A d) 49B

3) TDS Certificate for other than salary is to be given in

a) Form Number 15 b) Form Number 16
c) Form Number 16A d) Form Number 15H
4) Interest for defaults in furnishing return of income is applicable
a) u/s 234A b) u/s 234B c) u/s 234C d) u/s 234D

5) Central Board of direct Taxes works under the

a) Finance Ministry of Central Government
b) Finance Ministry of State Government
c) Defense Ministry of Central Government
d) RBI Governor

6) Share of profit which a partner receives from a firm which is

assessed as firm shall be
a) Fully Exempt b) Taxable
c) Partially Taxable d) Included for rate purpose
7) A company assesses has to make payment advance tax
installments in
a) 3 b) 4 c) 5 d) 1
8) Interest on Partners Capital is allowable at maximum at the rate of
a) 12% p.a. b) 20% p.a. c) 18% p.a. d) 12.50% p.a.
9) Advance tax is payable by the assessed if the tax payable during
the year
a) exceeds Rs. 1500 b) is Rs. 5000 or more
c) exceeds Rs. 5000 d) is Rs. 10000 or more

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SLR-Q – 9
10) In case of HUF the Return of Income is to be signed by
a) Karta or Other adult member of HUF b) Managing Director
c) Manager d) Officer
11) The filling or Return of Loss before the due date is
a) Optional
b) Non mandatory
c) Mandatory if the assesses has to carry forward the loss which
are allowed to be carried and set off
d) Not applicable
12) Due date for filing of return of income for a person whose
accounts are required to be audited under the Income Tax Act or
under any other Law is
a) 30th September
b) 31st July
c) 31st August
d) Not applicable
13) Filing of return in electric from plus paper form or Electric form
using Digital Certificate is mandatory for individuals and HUF if
total income exceeds.
a) Rs. 1000000 b) Rs. 500000 c) Rs. 250000 d) Rs. 800000
14) Mitakshara, School of Hindi Law is applicable.
a) to the whole of India except West Bengal
b) To the state of West Bengal
c) To the State of Maharashtra
d) To the State of Jammu & Kashmir
Q.2 A) Write short notes on any two. 07
1) Prescribed time for filing of Return of Income
2) Return filing obligation of the Deductor with regard to tax
deducted by him during each quarter.
3) Partition of HUF
4) Protective Assessment

Q.2 B) Write short notes on any two. 07

1) Central Board of Direct Taxes
2) Advance Tax Installments of Non Corporate Assessee
3) Defective Return
4) Prescribed Forms for Income Tax Return
Q.3 A) State with reasons whether Return of Income is to be field in the 07
following cases for the Assessment Year 2016 – 17.
i. Mr. X an individual aged 80 years has a Gross Total Income
of Rs. 650000 and he is eligible for deduction of Rs. 150000
under chapter VI – A.
ii. ABC, a Partnership Firm has a loss of Rs. 10000 during the
Previous Year 2015 – 16.

Page 2 of 5
SLR-Q – 9
B) i. ABC Ltd. took a building on rent form XYZ w.e.f. 01.04.2015 07
on a rent of Rs. 20000 p.m. It is also took on hire machinery
on hire from MNO w.e.f. 01.04.2015 on hire charge of Rs.
12000 p.m. Calculate the amount of Tax Deductible at Source
in both cases.
ii. Mr. Y is an employee of ABC Ltd. draws a Salary of Rs.
490000 & has income from fixed deposits with Bank of Rs.
10000; Whether Mr. Y is required to file the return of income
for Assessment Year 2016 – 17.
Q.4 Answer any one. 14
1) A Hindu Undivided family consisting of three members sharing
profit and losses equally Nitish, Lakhan and Dharam of whom
Nitish is Karta. From the profit and loss account of the family and
information given below, compute its total income for the
assessment year 2016 – 17.
Debit Rs. Credit Rs.
Salaries 145000 Gross Profit 516600
Office Rent 60000 Rent from house 90000
General Expenses 45000 Interest on F.D. with 150000
Interest on Loan 110000 Agricultural Income 230000
Income Tax 150000
TDS 20000
Advertisement 30000
Bad Debts 25000
Provision for bad 15000
Advance Tax 15000
Fire Insurance 3000
Municipal taxes 9000
Household 23550
Donation 30000
Depreciation 25000
Net profit 281050
Total: 986600 Total: 986600

Additional information:
a) Salaries include Rs. 25,000 paid to Nitish who is looking after the
affairs of the family business and Rs. 30,000 paid to Lakhan who
is working as accountant, both Salaries are considered
b) General expenses include Rs. 3,000 paid as penalty for Violation
of Income Tax Laws, Excise & Customs Law.
c) Donations paid are related to a Prime Minister’s Relief Fund.
d) Depreciation allowable on block of assets amount to R. 22,000
e) Fire insurance and municipal taxes are relating to house property
let out.
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SLR-Q – 9
2) A Hindu Undivided family consisting of three members X, Y and Z 14
whom X is Karta. From the profit and loss account of the family
and information given below, compute its total income for the
assessment year 2016 – 17.
Debit Rs. Credit Rs.
Salaries 45000 Gross Profit 916550
Office Rent 6000 Rent from house 9000
General Expenses 9000 Interest on 7% 15000
savings bonds
Interest on Loan 4500 Dividend form 25950
Indian Company
Income Tax 15000
Advertisement 3000
Bad Debts 1500
Provision for bad 3000
Fire Insurance 300
Municipal taxes 900
Household 23550
Donation 3000
Depreciation 5250
Net profit 846500
Total: 966500 Total: 966500
Additional information:
a) Salaries include Rs. 9,000 paid to X who is looking after the
affairs of the family business and Rs. 6,000 paid to Y who is
working as accountant.
b) General expenses include Rs. 2,000 & Rs. 1000 paid as penalty
for Violation of Income Tax Laws and Value Added Tax (VAT)
c) Donations paid are related to an approved institution.
d) Depreciation allowable on block of assets amount to Rs. 5,000
e) Fire insurance and municipal taxes are relating to house
property let out.
Q.5 Answer any one. 14
1) A firm comprising of four Partners A, B, C and D carrying on
business in partnership, sharing Profit / Losses equally shows a
profit of Rs. 100000 in its books after deduction of the following
amounts for the year.
a) Remuneration to Partners A who is not actively 48000
engaged in business
b) Remuneration to Parts B & C actively engaged in
Partner B 60000
Partner C 72000
c) Interest to partner D on loan of Rs. 150000 36000
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SLR-Q – 9
The deed of partnership provides for the payments of above
remuneration and interest to partner. You are required to work out
the taxable income of the Firm as well as Partners of Assessment
Year 2016-2017.

2) Shri A and B are equal working partners in a firm, whose Profit 14

and Loss Account for the year ended 31 March, 2016 is given
below. The payment of salary commission and interest @ 14%
has been made as per deed.
Particulars Rs. Particulars Rs.
To Salary, wages and bonus 4000 By Gross Profit 244500
To General expenses 13000 By interest (Bank F. D.) 9000
To Value Added Tax 300 By Bad Debts recovered
To Rent, Rates and Taxes 2500 (Disallowed in earlier
To Advance Tax 1000 year’s assessment) 1100
To TDS 500
To Depreciation on
Plant and machinery 1200
To Bad debts written off 300
To Bad Debts Reserve 800
To Advertising 2000
To Subscription 1000
To Donations to a Hospital 5000
(Notified u/s 80G)
To Loss on sale of motor car 9000
To Interest on capital:
A 8400
B 5600 14000
To partner’s Salaries:
A 50000
B 30000 80000
To Commission to B 10000
To Net Profit:
A 55000
B 55000 110000
Total 254600 Total 254600
a) General expenses include Rs. 200 being legal charges for
drawing up a new partnership deed.
b) Advertising represents Rs. 2000, being cost of insertion in trade
c) The motor car is entirely used for private purpose of the partners.
d) Rent, Rates and Taxes include Rs. 1200 being rent paid to A for
premises used for business.
e) Allowable Depreciation on Plant and Machinery is Rs. 1500
Compute the assessable income of the firm and find out partners
income taxable under the Head Profit and Gains.

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SLR-Q –10
M.COM. (Semester – I) (CBCS) Examination, 2017

Day & Date: Thursday, 20-04-2017 Max. Marks: 70

Time: 02.30 PM to 05.00 PM

N.B. : 1) All questions are compulsory.

2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
3) Each question carries equal marks.
4) Use of Calculator is allowed.

Q.1 Choose the most appropriate alternative amongst the given for 14
each question.
1) The foundation of ‘Design of experiment’ was laid by
a) Karl Pearson b) George Dantzig
c) R. A. Fisher d) None of these

2) An experiment which consists in determining the absolute value of

some characteristics is called as
a) Absoulte experiment b) Comparative experiment
c) Mixed experiment d) None of these

3) Various objects of comparison in a comparative experiment are

termed as
a) Experiment b) Experimental field
c) Treatment d) None of these

4) The smallest division of the experimental material to which we

apply the treatments and on which we make observation, is
termed as
a) Treatment b) Experimental unit
c) Experimental field d) None of these

5) The measurement of the variable under study on different

experimental units (i.e. on plots of field experiments) are termed
a) Experiment b) Yield
c) Treatment d) None of these

6) The reciprocal of the variance of the mean is termed as the

a) Efficiency b) Precision
c) ANOVA d) None of these

Page 1 of 3
7) If E denotes efficiency of design D1 w.r.f. D2 and if E<1, then
design D1 is said to be w.r.f. design D2.
a) Less efficient b) more efficient
c) equally efficient d) None of these

8) Which principle of experiment concerns about the validity of

a) Randomization b) Replication
c) Both a and b d) None of these

9) The process of reducing the experimental error by dividing the

relatively heterogeneous experimental area (field) into
homogeneous blocks is called as
a) Randomization b) Replication
c) Local Control d) None of these

10) In CRD treatments are applied to plots at

a) Completely randomly b) Randomization in blocks
c) Randomization in rows d) None of these
and column

11) In CRD which two principles are considered?

a) Randomization and b) Replication and Local
Replication control
c) Randomization and Local d) None of these

12) For which design the analysis is easy even if the numbers of
replicates are not same for all the treatment?
a) CRD b) RBD
c) LSD d) None of these

13) In which design, Block effects are considered?

a) CRD b) RBD
c) LSD d) None of these

14) Which of the following designs is called as, ‘Incomplete 3 – way

a) CRD b) RBD R

c) LSD d) None of these

Q.2 A) Explain the principles of Design of experiment. 07

B) What is a CRD? State its advantages and disadvantages? 07

Q.3 A) What is a Randomized Block Design (RBD)? In what respect it 07

is a superior to CRD?

Page 2 of 3
B) Fill in the blanks in the following analysis of variance table of the 07
Source of Variation d.f S.S. M.S. F
Rows -- 72 -- 2
Columns -- -- 36 --
Treatments -- 180 -- --
Errors 6 -- 12 --
Total -- --

Q.4 Attempt any one of the followig. 14

a) Give the mathematical model of RBD and its complete Analysis.

b) Set the analysis of variance for the following LSD.

12 19 10 8
18 12 6 7
22 10 5 21
12 7 27 17

Q.5 Attempt any one of the following. 14

A) Define LSD. Giving its Mathematical Model provide the complete
procedure of its analysis. Give ANOVA of CRD and test

B) For the following layout and yield of CRD, analysis it completely

and give ANOVA table and various tests.
F3 O S6 F12 S6 S12 S3 F6
9 12 18 10 24 17 30 16
O S3 F12 F6 S3 O O S6
10 7 4 10 21 24 29 12
F3 S12 F5 O F6 S12 F3 F12
9 7 18 30 18 16 16 4
S3 O S12 S6 O F12 O F3
9 18 17 19 12 5 26 4

Where F3, O, S6, F12 , S12 etc. are the treatments.

Page 3 of 3
SLR-Q – 11
M.COM. (Semester – I) (CBCS) Examination, 2017
Management Concepts & Organizational Behaviour (Comp. P-I)

Day & Date: Saturday, 22-04-2017 Max. Marks: 70

Time: 02.30 PM to 05.00 PM

N.B. : 1) All questions are compulsory.

2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

Q.1 Choose the alternatives given below. 14

1) Contingency theory of management is also known as _________.
a) Situational theory b) Social system theory 1

c) Behavioral theory d) Empirical theory

2) Sum total of personal traits, qualities and elements which one

exhibits is called as __________.
a) Perception b) Values
c) Personality d) Ability

3) The systematic study of attitudes, actions and behavior of

individuals and groups in an organization is known as _________.
a) Human behavior b) Organizational behavior
c) Individual behavior d) Social behavior

4) The process of receiving, selecting, organizing, interpreting,

checking and reacting to sensory stimnli or data is known as ___.
a) Attitudes b) Values
c) Personality d) Perception

5) Collection of two or more individuals, interacting and

interdependent, who have come together to achieve particular
common objectives is referred as __________.
a) Group b) Role
c) Act d) None

6) People who like work and they are ready to share responsibilities
in the organization is the basic assumption of __________.
a) Theory ‘X’ b) Theory ‘Y’
c) Theory ‘Z’ d) Theory ‘ABC’

7) __________ are the basic convictions that give an individual a

sense of right and wrong, good and bad.
a) Values b) Learning
c) Personality d) Attitudes

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SLR-Q – 11
8) ‘Need Hierarchy Theory’ of motivation is given by __________.
a) William Ouchi b) McGreen
c) Henry Feyol d) Maslow

9) The first stage in group development is __________.

a) Norming b) Performing
c) Forming d) Storming

10) When two or more individuals join together as a group due to the
official job structure is known as __________.
a) Formal group b) Informal group
c) Task group d) None of these

11) Two factor theory of motivation is developed by __________.

a) Henry Feyol b) Devid McClelland
c) Fredric Harzberg d) Urwic

12) Appreciation of work done is one of the means of __________.

a) Non – economic incentives b) Economic incentives
c) Non – personal incentives d) None of these

13) __________ is any relative permanent change in behaviour

that occurs as a result of experience.
a) Personality b) Values
c) Learning d) Perception

14) The state of conflict among the members of group is called

__________ stage in group development.
a) Storming b) Forming
c) Norming d) Performing

Q.2 Write short notes on. 14

a) Types of personality….
b) Process of motivation….

Q.3 Write short answers. 14

a) State the assumptions of theory ‘X’ and theory ‘Y’.
b) What are the contributing disciplines to organization behavior?

Q.4 Answer any one of the following questions. 14

a) What is ‘Individual Behavior’? Define job satisfaction. State the
determinants of job satisfaction.
b) What is ‘Learning’? Explain in detail the classical conditioning
and operant conditioning theories of Learning.

Q.5 Answer any one of the following questions. 14

a) Define the term ‘Motivation’. State the economic and
non-economic incentives of motivation.
b) What is ‘Group’? Explain in detail the stages of group
Page 2 of 2
SLR-Q – 12
M.COM. (Semester – I) (CBCS) Examination, 2017

Day & Date: Tuesday, 25-04-2017 Max. Marks: 70

Time: 02.30 PM to 05.00 PM

N.B. : 1) All questions are compulsory.

2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

Q.1 Choose the alternatives given below. 14

1) The net addition to the total utility by the consumption of last unit
is called _________.
a) Average Utility b) Marginal Utility
c) Derived Utility d) None of these

2) If the proportionate change in quantity demanded is greater than the

proportionate change in price, then the elasticity of demand is_____ .
a) One b) Less than one
c) More than one d) None of these

3) The demand for a commodity is affected not only by its own price
but the price of other goods is called _________ of demand.
a) Perfect elasticity b) Perfect inelasticity
c) Cross elasticity d) None of these

4) The average cost of production decrease in the initial stage of

production due to _________ cost of production.
a) Variables b) Fixed
c) Marginal d) None of these

5) The point at which total cost is equal to total revenue is called __.
a) Break even point b) Equilibrium
c) Equal curve d) None of these

6) Break even point shows the _________ size of production to the

a) Maximum b) Minimum
c) Equal d) None of these

7) Homogeneous commodity is an important features of _________

a) Oligopoly b) Monopoly
c) Perfect competition d) None of these

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SLR-Q – 12
8) MC = _________ is the condition for Firm’s equilibrium in any
a) AR b) TR
c) MR d) None of these

9) _________ is the basic objective of a firm.

a) To make more production b) To earn profit
c) Innovation d) None of these

10) Constant watch over profit by the management is called _____.

a) Control of profit b) Actual profit
c) Profit volume d) None of these

11) The autonomous demand is also called as ________ demand.

a) Disguised b) Indirect
c) Direct d) None of these

12) A book “Theory of monopolistic competition published by _____.

a) J. M. Keynes b) Marshall
c) E. H. Chamberlin d) None of these

13) The demand for durable goods is _________.

a) anelastic b) Elastic
c) Perfectly inelastic d) None of these

14) The concept innovation is associated with _________ economist.

a) Keynes b) Robertson R

c) Schumpeter d) None of these

Q.2 Write short answer. 14

a) What are the features of monopolistic competition market?
b) State the types of price elasticity of demand.

Q.3 Write short notes. 14

a) Importance of elasticity of demand.
b) Relation between AC and MC.

Q.4 Answer any one of the following questions. 14

a) Discuss nature and scope of managerial economics.
b) Discuss various alternative policies for profit maximization.

Q.5 Answer any one of the following questions. 14

a) Explain the firm’s equilibrium in competition market in short
b) Explain graphically the concept break even point with its

Page 2 of 2
SLR-Q – 13
M.Com. (Semester – II) (CBCS) Examination, 2017

Day & Date: Wednesday, 19-04-2017 Max. Marks: 70

Time: 10.30 AM to 01.00 PM

N.B. : 1) All questions are compulsory.

2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

Q.1 Choose the alternatives given below. 14

1) The Head office of the SBI is at ___________.
a) Mumbai b) Delhi
c) Kolkata d) Chennai

2) The RBI was nationalized in ___________.

a) 1947 b) 1948
c) 1951 d) 1956

3) The Banking companies Act, 1949 defines the term banking in

section ___________.
a) 5 b) 4
c) 3 d) 2

4) The RBI commenced its operations from 1 ___________ 1935.

a) March b) April
c) May d) June

5) FERA replaced by FEMA from 1, ___________ 2000.

a) June b) July
c) August d) September

6) ___________credit is also called as packing credit.

a) Post-shipment b) Car
c) Housing d) Pre-shipment

7) In ___________ the State Bank of Bikaner and the State Bank of

Jaipur were merged.
a) 1960 b) 1963
c) 1962 d) 1961

8) Section ___________ of SBI Act, defines the functions of the

a) 10 b) 5
c) 15 d) 33
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SLR-Q – 13
9) The ___________Acts as the banker’s bank.
a) SBI b) GOI
c) BOI d) RBI

10) The loss can be of ___________ types.

a) Two b) Three
c) Four d) Five

11) Local boards of RBI consist of ___________ members.

a) 15 b) 5
c) 20 d) 22

12) EXIM Bank was established on 1st ___________ 1982.

a) January b) March
c) May d) July

13) There are ___________ schools of thought regarding the

meaning of term customer.
a) 3 b) 2
c) 4 d) 5

14) In January ___________ State Bank Electronic Payment System

(SBEPS) became operational.
a) 2005 b) 2004
c) 2001 d) 2002

Q.2 Write short answers. 14

1) Banker’s Lien

Q.3 Write short notes. 14

1) SBI & Agricultural Banking.
2) Monopoly of note issue.

Q.4 State organization, management and objectives of SBI. 14

Discuss the role of EXIM Bank in export finance.

Q.5 State control of credit by the RBI. 14

Explain special relationship between banker and customer.

Page 2 of 2
SLR-Q – 14
M.Com (Semester – II) (CBCS) Examination, 2017

Day & Date: Wednesday, 19-04-2017 Max. Marks: 70

Time: 10.30 AM to 01.00 PM

N.B. : 1) All questions are compulsory.

2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

Q.1 Choose the alternatives given below. 14

1) The Current Cost Accounting (C.C.A.) method, takes into
consideration the changes in the value of _________.
a) Money b) Cost of Production
c) Closing stock d) Opening stock

2) _________ is primarily a management tool that informs the

management about the changes that are taking place in the
human resources of an organization.
a) Labour turnover Ratio b) Human Resource Accountancy
c) Attendance Sheet d) Labour History Card.

3) ‘Finding out profit or loss on buying and selling out securities’ is

the purpose of _________.
a) Voyage A/c b) Account of professionals
c) Government A/c d) Investment A/c

4) In departmental A/c income tax is recorded in _________ A/c.

a) Trading A/c b) General Profit & Loss A/c
c) Profit & Loss A/c d) Cash A/c

5) There are two parties to a contract. The contractor and the ____.
a) Owner b) Purchaser
c) Contractee d) Party

6) A typical Balance Sheet does not disclose _________.

a) Human assets b) Liquid assets
c) Current assets d) Closing stock

7) _________ is an additional freight collected at a certain

percentage of fright.
a) Primage b) Passage money
c) Steredoring d) None of the above

Page 1 of 4
8) _________ is a method designed to show the effect of changing
cost and prices of affairs of the business unit during the relevant
accounting period.
a) Financial Accounting b) Costing
c) Management Accounting d) Inflation Accounting

9) The _________ is the base for apportionment of canteen

expenses in Departmental Accounts.
a) Direct wages b) Number of employees.
c) Production of each employees d) None of the above

10) _________ is given to brokers for securing freight from different

a) Broker charges b) Brokers commission
c) Voyage commission d) Address commission

11) In departmental A/c _________ are recorded in General Profit

and Loss A/c.
a) Salary b) Legal Expenses
c) Labour expenses d) Carriage Inward

12) If any loss is detected on contract the whole of the loss so for
detected should be debited to _________ A/c.
a) Contract A/c b) Cash A/c
c) Voyage A/c d) Profit and Loss A/c

13) _________costs are incurred to indentify the possible sources of

a) Selection b) Hiring and placing
c) Orientation d) Recruitment

14) Depreciation on ship should be calculated for the period of the _.

a) Voyage b) Month wise
c) Days d) Financial year

Q.2 Write short answer. (Any 2) 14

1) Current Purchasing Power Method (C.P.P.)
2) Voyage A/c
3) Cum-Interest and Ex-Interest

Q.3 A) The ship ‘Jal Sagar’ commenced its Voyage from Mumbai to 07
Calcutta and back on1st Nov 2016. On 31st Dec 2016 on which
date accounts are closed. The ship was half way back to
Mumbai from Calcutta.
The following details are given.
Page 2 of 4
Particulars Rs.
Coal and stores purchased 44,000
Salaries and wages 18,000
Sundry expenses 6,000
Depreciation (annual) 72,000
Insurance (annual) 36,000
Freight – outward 80,000
Freight – return 40,000
Stock of stores and coal on 31.12.2016 8,000
Passage money (return) 4,000
Address commission 5%
Prepare voyage A/c showing Profit & Loss for the period 2
months ending on 31.12.2016
B) The Laxmi Printing Press purchased printing machinery for Rs. 07
80,000 on 1st Jan 2013. When the retail price index was Rs. 300.
You are required to re-state the value of printing machinery on 31st
Dec. 2016, according to current purchasing power, presuming the
price index to be at 600 on that date.
Q.4 Answer any one of the following. 14
1) The Kedar accepted a contract for the construction of a building
for Rs. 10,00,000. The contractee agreeing to pay 90% of work
certified as complete by the architect. During the first year the
amounts spent were.
Materials 1,20,000
Labour 1,50,000
Machinery 30,000
Other expenses 90,000
At the end of the year, the machinery was considered to be of Rs.
20,000 and materials at site of the value of Rs. 5000. Work
Certified during the year totaled Rs. 4,00,000. In addition
work-in–progress, but not certified at the end of the year had cost
Rs. 15,000.
Prepare the contract A/c in the book of the Kedar.
2) B Finance Co. Ltd. held on 1st Jan 2016 Rs. 1,00,000 4% 14
Government loan at 95,000. Three months interest had accrued
on 31st May company purchased further Rs. 40,000 of loan at 96
cum-interest on 31st July Rs. 30,000 of loan was sold at 94
On 30th Nov. Rs. 20,000 of loan was sold at 96 cum-interests.
Interest on loan is receivable on 31st March and on 30th Sept.
each year. The price of loan was 96 on 31st Dec. 2016
Brokerage is paid on buying and selling loan at 20 paisa per
Rs. 100.
Write up Govt. loan A/c closing it on 31st Dec. 2016.
Presuming that above Govt. loan has nominal values of Rs. 100
Page 3 of 4
Q.5 Answer any one. 14
A) From the following figures for the year 2016 prepare accounts to
disclose total profit and the profit of two departments X and Y.
Particulars Rs.
Opening stock: Dept X 13,400
Dept Y 11,200
Purchases: Dept X 73,600
Dept Y 71,400
Sales: Dept X 1,13,000
Dept Y 90,000
Sales return: Dept X 3,000
Dept Y 2,000
Carriage Inwards 2,900
Salaries Dept X 8,000
Dept Y 7,000
General Salaries 7,500
Rent and Tax 5,400
Advertising 8,100
Insurance (for Building) 1,800
General Expenses 4,500
Discount allowed 2,700
Discount received 1,450

The following further information is supplied

1. General salaries and General expenses are to be allocated
2. The area occupied in the ratio 5:4
3. The closing stock of the two departments was
Dept X Rs. 20500
Dept Y Rs. 17600
B) What is the importance of HRA? Explain the meaning and 14
definition of HRA.

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SLR-Q –15
M.Com. (Semester – II) (CBCS) Examination, 2017

Day & Date: Wednesday, 19-04-2017 Max. Marks: 70

Time: 10.30 AM to 01.00 PM

N.B. : 1) All questions are compulsory.

2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
3) Use of Calculator is allowed.

Q.1 Choose the correct alternatives form the following. 14

1) When the actual loss is more than the estimated loss, the
difference between the two is considered to be ________.
a) Normal loss b) Abnormal loss
c) Abnormal gain d) None of the above

2) Batch costing is a form of ________Costing.

a) Process b) Continuous Process
c) Specific order d) Operation

3) The sum of value of work certified and uncertified appearing in the

Contract Account is called ________.
a) Work in Progress b) Work in Process
c) Work Completed d) Work done

4) In Sugar manufacturing, production of molasses used for

industrial alcohol is an example of ________.
a) By-product b) Co-products
c) Scrap d) Waste

5) When there is a loss on an incomplete contract, it is treated as __.

a) Reserve b) Loss
c) Work-in-progress d) None of the above

6) Standard cost is used ________.

a) As a basis for price fixation and cost control through variance
b) To ascertain the break-even point
c) To establish cost-volume-profit relationship
d) All of above

7) In Process costing, cost per unit increases because of ________.

a) Normal loss b) Abnormal loss
c) Normal gain d) Abnormal gain
Page 1 of 4
8) Individual products, each of significant sales value, produced
simultaneously from the same raw material, should be known as ____.
a) By-products b) Main products
c) Joint products d) Common products

9) In a building contract of Rs. 2,40,000 at the end of the year work

certified is Rs. 1,60,000 and estimated profit is Rs. 15,000. What
is the amount of profit to be credited to Profit and Loss A/c
assuming cash ratio is 80%.
a) Rs. 15,000 b) Rs. 12,000 c) Rs. 8,000 d) Rs. 6,000

10) Which method of costing is suitable in chemical industries ____.

a) Job costing b) Contract costing
c) Batch costing d) Process costing

11) Material Price Variance = _______X (Standard price – Actual price).

a) Standard quantity b) Actual quantity
c) Revised standard quantity d) Standard quantity for actual output

12) An unfavorable material usage variance arises because of:

a) Price increase in raw material
b) Less than anticipated normal wastage in the manufacturing
c) More than anticipated normal wastage in the manufacturing
d) None of the above
13) Under Job Costing system, each job is assigned one identifying
job ________.
a) Number b) Classification
c) Codification d) None
14) Higher productivity means ________.
a) More efficient use of all type of resources.
b) Production at lower and lower costs.
c) Minimum use of resources for achieving a set of targets.
d) All of above.
Q.2 Write short notes on: 14
1. Distinction between cost control and cost reduction.
2. Measurement of overall productivity.
Q.3 A) “Z” company is asked to send a quotation for a machine. The 07
costing department estimated the expenditure as under:
Direct Material Rs. 60,000
Direct Labour Rs. 40,000
It is also estimated that works overhead is @ 60% of direct
labour, office overhead is @ 20% labour cost and selling and
distribution overhead @ 15% on works cost. Prepare Job Cost

Page 2 of 4
B) Compute the economic batch quantity for a company using 07
batch costing with the following data.
Annual demand for the component 12,000
Set-up cost per batch Rs. 60
Carrying cost per unit of production Rs. 0.18

Q.4 Product ABC passes through three processes A, B and C before 14

completion and transferred to finished stock. There was no stock in
hand on 1st January and no work in progress on 1st January. The
following data is supplied in respect of the three processes for the
month of January.
Process Process Process
Material (Rs.) 8,000 9,000 5,000
Labour (Rs.) 12,000 11,000 15,000
Stock on 31st January (Rs.) 4,000 8,000 12,000

Sale of finished goods amounted to Rs. 72,000 and finished stock on

31st January was valued at Rs. 8,000. The output of each process at
an amount that yields a profit of 20% on transfer price. The transfer
from process C for finished stock is to be similarly treated.
Prepare Process Accounts showing the profit element at each stage
and the actual profit realized.
PQ Pvt. Ltd. runs a canteen for the benefit of its workman and 14
necessary subsidy to the canteen. During the month of March 2013.
The following purchases were made.
Commodity Qty. Rate per kg.
Tea Powder 4 40
Sugar 50 8
Milk 60 5
Flour 200 5
Oil 30 30
Dal 30 8
Potato 100 3
Green vegetables 20 2
Other expenses for the month were:
Auto charges Rs. 20
Salary to a cook Rs. 250 p.m.
Wages of two waiters Rs. 150 p.m. each
Supervisors Salary Rs. 300 p.m.
Fuel, Gas Coal Rs. 400 p.m.
Table cloth Rs. 100 p.m.
Depreciation on utensils and furniture Rs. 50
Prepare Operating Cost Sheet and find out cost per customer
charged by the canteen, assume that 3000 employees were working
in the factory.
Page 3 of 4
Q.5 Three contracts which commenced on 1st
January, 1st
July and 1st 14
October, 2014 respectively were undertaken by a contract and their
accounts on 31st December 2014, showed the following position.

Contract 1 Contract 2 Contract 3

(Rs.) (Rs.) (Rs.)
Contract price 2,00,000 1,35,000 1,50,000
Materials 36,000 29,000 10,000
Wages paid 55,000 56,200 7,000
Plant installed 10,000 8,000 6,000
General charges 2,000 1,400 500
Material on hand 2,000 2,000 1,000
Wages accrued 2,000 2,000 2,000
Work certified 1,00,000 80,000 18,000
Cash Received 75,000 60,000 13,500
Work Uncertified 3,000 4,000 1,550
The plant was installed on the date of commencement of each
contract, depreciation, thereon is be taken at 10% per annum.
Prepare the Contract Account in tabular form and show how they
would appear in the balance sheet.
The following standards have been set to manufacture a product: 14
Direct Materials:
2 units of A at Rs. 4 p.u.
3 units of B at Rs. 3 p.u.
15 units of C at Re. 1 p.u.
Direct Labour :
3 hours at Rs. 8 per hour
The company manufactures and sold 6000 units of the product
during the year. Direct Material cost were as follows:
12,500 units of A at Rs. 4.40 p.u.
18,000 units of B at Rs. 2.80 p.u.
88,500 units of C at Rs. 1.20 p.u.
The company worked 17,500 direct labour hours during the year.
For 2500 of those hours the company paid at Rs.12 per hour while
for the remaining the wages were paid at standard rate.
Calculate: Material Price and Usage variance and Labour Rate
and Efficiency variance.

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SLR-Q –16
M.Com. (Semester – II) (CBCS) Examination, 2017

Day & Date: Wednesday, 19-04-2017 Max. Marks: 70

Time: 10.30 AM to 01.00 PM

N.B. : 1) All questions are compulsory.

2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

Q.1 Select the right answers from given alternatives. 14

1) Loss on account of owning, and maintaining the race horses of
particular assessment year can be set off in the same assessment
year from:
a) Any business income
b) Any income under the head other sources
c) Income from race horses
d) None of the above
2) Loss under the head business and profession other than specified
business referred to in section 35AD can be set off in the same
assessment year from
a) Income under any other head
b) Income under any other head except salary income
c) Income under any other head except house property
3) Relative for the purpose of section 64(1)(ii) shall include:
a) Spouse, brother and sister of the individual
b) Spouse, brother, sister or any lineal ascendant or descendant of
that individual.
c) Spouse, children and dependent brothers and sisters of the
d) Spouse, children, dependent parents, dependent brothers and
sisters of the individual.
4) Interest on Capital or on loan received by a partner from a firm is:
a) Exempt u/s 10 (2a)
b) Taxable under head business and profession to the extent it is not
disallowed under Section 40b
c) Taxable under head business and profession
d) Taxable under head business and profession on account of interest
on capital and income from other source on account of loan to the
5) The depreciation is allowed to:
a) The owner of asset
b) Owner including fractional owner of the asset
c) Lessee
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SLR-Q –16
6) Where the entire block of the asset is sold for a price more than the
opening WDV and asset, if any acquired during the year, the excess
amount shall be subject to:
a) Balancing charge
b) Short term capital gain
c) Long term or short term capital gain depending upon the period for
which block is held
7) Period of holding of bonus shares or any other financial asset allowed
without any payment shall be reckoned from:
a) The date of holding of original shares/financial asset
b) The date of offer of bonus shares/financial asset
c) The date of allotment of such bonus shares/financial assets
8) The assesses is allowed to opt for market value as on 1.4.1981 in
case of:
a) All capital assets
b) All capital assets other than depreciable assets
c) All capital assets other than depreciable assets, goodwill of a
business, right to manufacture, tenancy rights, loom hours and
route permits.
9) Income under the head income from other sources is taxable on:
a) Due basis
b) Receipt basis
c) On the basis of method of accounting regularly employed by the
10) The income from lottery, cross word puzzle, races, card games etc.
are taxable at:
a) Normal slab rate of income tax like any other income
b) Flat rate of 20% plus education cess @ 2% plus SHEC @ 1%
c) Flat rate of 30% plus education cess @ 2% plus SHEC @ 1%
11) An individual has received a gift of Rs. 30,000 each during the
previous year from his two friends, the amount taxable under the head
income from the other source shall be:
a) Rs. 10,000 b) Rs. 60,000 c) Nil
12) An assesses has paid life insurance premium of Rs. 25,000 during the
previous year for a policy of Rs. 2,00,000 taken on 1.4.2014. He
a) Not be allowed any deduction under section 80C
b) Be allowed deduction under section 80C to the extent of 10% of the
capital sum assured i.e. Rs. 20,000
c) Be allowed deduction for the entire premium as per the provisions
of section 80C
13) Deduction under section 80D is allowed on account of payment of
preventive health check up of ---
a) Assesses only
b) Assesses or his family only
c) Assesses or his family or his parent or parents
Page 2 of 5
14) For person carrying on profession, tax audit is compulsory, if the
gross receipts of the previous year exceeds:
a) Rs. 10 Lac b) Rs. 1 Crore
c) Rs. 15 Lac d) None of the above
Q.2 Write short notes on any two. 14
a) Clubbing of income for assets transferred to spouse without adequate
b) Set off and carry forwarding of business loss.
c) Assets which are not treated as Capital assets.
d) Deduction under section 80C.
Q.3 A) Shri Ravindra furnishes the following particulars of his income for the 07
financial year ending 31.03.2015.
1. Dividend in September, 2014 from UTI Rs. 20,000.
2. Dividends received in July, 2014 from Assam Tea Co. Ltd. Rs. 36,000
(60% of income of the company is agricultural income)
3. Amount received on 1.11.2014 in connection with winning from Horse
race Rs. 56,000.
4. Amount received on 1.12.2014 in connection with winning from lottery
Rs. 2,80,000. Cost of lottery tickets purchased Rs. 20,000.
5. Directors fees received in August, 2014 Rs. 20,000.
6. He has rented a residence of Rs. 25,000 per month. Half portion of
this house was sub-let on a monthly rent of Rs. 25,000 p.m.
Compute his taxable income for the assessment year 2015-16.
B) Mr. Mohla, an author, furnished the following information for the 07
assessment year 2015 – 16.
1. Taxable Salary 4,82,000
2. Royalty income from the book of scientific nature
after deducting expenses 5,08,000
3. Contribution towards PPF 25,000
4. Contribution towards statutory Provident Fund 3,000
5. Tuition fees for two children
Child A 15,000
Child B 8,000 23,000
6. Payment of insurance premium on the life of major
Married son (Sum assured Rs. 60,000) 8,000
7. Investment in National Saving Certificates (VIII 15,000
8. Repayment of housing loan taken from Delhi
University for construction of a house which was
completed in 2008 and is self occupied 8,000
Compute the deduction allowable to Mr. Mohla under section 80C to
Page 3 of 5
Q.4 Rajaram is the proprietor of a business. The following was the Profit & 14
Loss Account of his business for the year ended 31.03.2015.
Rs. Rs.
To Office Salaries 1,90,000 By Gross Profit 4,25,000
To Proprietors salary 60,000 By Profit on sale of
To General Expenses 45,000 residential house
To Telephone expenses 8,000 (long term) 90,000
To Bad debts 11,500 By Bad debts
To Advertisement 8,400 recovered
To Fire insurance premium 1,500 (disallowed in
To Depreciation 11,700 earlier years
To Motor car expenses 8,500 assignment) 24,000
To Legal charges for By Interest form
defending suit for Govt. Securities 14,000
alleged breach of a By Dividends
trading contract 4,000 (Gross) received
To Donation to Delhi from agricultural
University for Social companies) 6,000
Research 10,000 By Interest from
To Interest on proprietors Bank A/c 2,000
capital 15,000 By Income from
To Reserves for future Horse Racing 10,000
losses 4,000 (Gross)
To Income tax paid on last
assessment 7,100
To Life Insurance Premium 6,000
To Advance income tax 4,000
To Net profit 1,76,300
Total 5,71,000 Total 5,71,000
Further information is given as under:
1) General expenses include Rs.30,000 paid as compensation to an old
employee whose services were terminated as his continuance in
service as considered detrimental to the profitable conduct of the
business and Rs.1,000 as help to a poor university student.
2) A sum of Rs. 5,000 being cost of a small machine has also been
included in General expenses
3) The advertisement cost includes expenditure of Rs. 6,000 on one
wooden show window and Rs.1,800 on calendars and diaries.
4) One fourth of Motor car Expenses are for personal use of the car.
5) The depreciation (including on small machine show window) is found to
be in excess by Rs. 2,000 compared to the amount allowable under
Income-Tax Rules.
6) Out of the sundry creditors for purchases, a sum of Rs. 1,00,000 was
paid to the single party on single day otherwise than by an account
payee cheque / bank draft.
7) Reserve for future losses represents a demand for Sales-tax under
Compute Rajaram’s taxable profit from business for the assessment year 2015-16.

Page 4 of 5
Q.5 Mallinath is a resident of India. He furnishes the following information 14
about his incomes during previous year 2014-15.
1. Capital gain Rs. 10,500 from a house which he occupied for two years
before the date of sale 31.7.2014
2. On 31.12.2014, he sold equity shares of Thapar Ltd. for Rs. 1,65,000
through the recognized stock exchange, which were purchased by him
on 1.4.1986 for Rs. 21,000. Securities transacting tax paid Rs. 125.
3. He sold an agricultural land for Rs. 5,25,500 on 5.4.2014. The land was
owned by him since 4.7.2001, and was purchased for Rs. 6,000. The
land is situated in a village with population of 8,000.
4. On 1.3.2015, he sold a flat for Rs. 9,82,500 which was purchased by
him on 1.1.1977 for Rs. 60,000. The fair market value of this flat was
Rs. 90,000 on 1.4.1981
Compute his taxable income from capital gain for assessment year 2015 – 16.
Samant is shareholder of Greenfields Ltd. He acquired 5,000 shares of the
company of the face valued of Rs. 10 per share in 1972. The fair market
value of the shares as on 1.4.1981 was Rs. 90 per share. He made a
further purchase of 2,000 shares at the rate of Rs.200 in 1985-86.
Greenfield Ltd., issued bonus shares in 1989-90 in the proportion of 2:1,
when the market value was Rs. 300 per share.
AB Ltd., Company, in a scheme of amalgamation in 2014-15 made
proposal to acquire the shares of Greenfield Ltd., as per the offer as – Rs.
500 per share in cash plus 1 share in AB Ltd., for every 3 shares of
Greenfield Ltd.
The market value of shares AB Ltd. on the date of offer is Rs. 600 per

Compute the Capital Gain, if any, arising to Samant if he accepts the offer.
[C.I.I. for 1981-82 is 100, for 1985-86 is 133 and for 1989-90 is 172].

Page 5 of 5
SLR-Q –17
M.Com. (Semester – II) (CBCS) Examination, 2017

Day & Date: Wednesday, 19-04-2017 Max. Marks: 70

Time: 10.30 AM to 01.00 PM

N.B. : 1) All questions are compulsory.

2) Each question carries equal marks.
3) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
4) Use of Soundless calculator is allowed.

Q.1 Choose the correct alternatives form the following. 14

1) A transportation problem is said to be unbalanced if
a) Eai > Ebj b) Eai < Ebj c) Eai = Ebj d) a or b

2) In a matrix minima method of finding an IBFS to the given

transportation problem, the first allocation is made in a cell
a) With least cost in first row b) With least cost in first column
c) With least cost in the matrix d) None of these

3) In the procedure of testing on IBFS for optimality we compute all ui and

vj from the basic cells with relation

4) A cell is said to be Basic cell if the quantity allocation is

a) Positive b) Equal to zero c) Negative d) None of these

5) In which of the method next to minimum cost is also considered in the

process of allocation for finding on IBFS to the transportation problem
a) Row minima method b) Column minima method
c) Matrix minima method d) None of the above

6) Which of the following consume some of the resources such as time,

money, etc. in Network scheduling?
a) Activity b) Event
c) Both a and b d) None of these

7) PERT stands for

a) Probabilistic Equation and Research Technique
b) Programme Education and Research Technique
c) Project Evaluation and Review Technique
d) None of these

8) PERT has how many time estimates?

a) 2 b) 3 c) 4 d) None of these
Page 1 of 3
SLR-Q –17
9) For a critical activity the float time is
a) Positive b) Negative c) Equal to zero d) None of these
10) For the items that deteriorate gradually,
a) Operating and maintenance costs steadily increase with passage
time, whereas depreciation per year decreases with time.
b) Optimum replacement interval is the minimum time elapsing
between successive replacements.
c) The annual maintenance cost and annual depreciation tend to
d) All the above.
11) When time value of money is considered.
a) Costs need to be considered
b) Costs need to be discounted.
c) The present value factors were as the weights.
d) All the above.
12) Which of the following is correct?
a) When there are two items to be replaced, the one with longer
replacement interval is decidedly better.
b) For items that fail suddenly, no replacement policy can be laid
because the failure time of none of the items is certain.
c) Replacement situations discussed in the text allow replacement of
items at any point in time
d) Expected cost of a replacement policy of individual replacements
can be obtained as follows.
Expected cost per time period is equal to number of units multiplied
by replacement per unit.
13) Inventories in general are build up to
a) Satisfy demand during period of replenishment
b) Carry reserve stocks to avoid shortage
c) Keep pace with changing market conditions
d) All the above
14) Which costs can vary with order quantity?
a) Unit cost only b) Holding cost only
c) Re-order cost only d) All of these
Q.2 A) Describe briefly the EOG concept. What are its limitations? Discuss. 07
B) Discuss in brief replacement procedure for the items that deteriorate 07
with time.
Q.3 A) Explain in brief: 07
1. Matrix Minima Method
2. North West Corner Rule
B) The following information is given: 07
Activity 1-2 2-3 2-4 3-5 4-6 5-6 5-7 6-7
tp 3 9 6 8 8 0 5 8
tm 3 6 4 6 6 0 4 5
to 3 3 2 4 4 0 3 2
1. Draw the Network diagram.
2. Expected time duration
3. Variance to each activity
Page 2 of 3
SLR-Q –17
Q.4 Attempt any one of the following. 14
A) A small project consists of seven activities for which the relevant data
are given below.
Activity Preceding Activity Activity Duration (Days)
A -- 4
B -- 7
C -- 6
D A,B 5
E A, B 7
F C, D, E 6
G C, D, E 5
1) Draw the network and find the project completion time.
2) Calculate total float for each of the activities and highlight the
critical path.
3) Draw the time scaled diagram.
B) What is a replacement problem? When does it arise? Describe
various types of replacement situations.

Q.5 Attempt any one of the following. 14


B) Explain deterministic inventory problems with no shortages.

A manufacturing company purchases 9000 parts of a machine for its
annual requirements, ordering one month usage at a time. Each part
costs Rs. 20. The ordering cost per order is Rs. 15 and the carrying
charges are 15% of the average inventory per year. You have been
assigned to suggest a more economical purchasing policy for the
company. What advice would you offer and how much would it save
the company per year?

Page 3 of 3
SLR-Q – 18
M.COM. (Semester – II) (CBCS) Examination, 2017

Day & Date: Friday, 21-04-2017 Max. Marks: 70

Time: 10.30 AM to 01.00 PM

N.B. : 1) All questions are compulsory.

2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

Q.1 Choose the alternatives given below. 14

1) SIDBI was set up in __________ 1990.
a) January b) February
c) March d) April

2) __________ was converted into public limited company with

effect from July, 1 1993.
a) IFCI b) UTI

3) A working group on housing finance was set up in __________.

a) 1975 b) 1976
c) 1977 d) 1978

4) In March __________ the RBI introduced a new instrument viz.,

the certificate of deposit (CD).
a) 1986 b) 1987
c) 1988 d) 1989

5) HRD practices in banks have __________ dimensions.

a) Two b) Three
c) Four d) Five

6) Bank frauds can be broadly classified into __________ parts.

a) Two b) Three
c) Four d) Five G

7) Monthly Income Unit Scheme (MIUS) was introduced on March 1,

a) 1981 b) 1982
c) 1983 d) 1984

8) The Narsimham committee (I) submitted its report in _____ 1991.

a) December b) March
c) April d) November

Page 1 of 2
9) IDBI was delinked from RBI on 16th Feb. __________.
a) 1975 b) 1976
c) 1977 d) 1978

10) Banking sector reforms second was constituted on ___ 26, 1977.
a) December b) March
c) April d) November

11) __________money market is a method of borrowing and lending

for one day.
a) Short term b) Notice
c) Medium term d) Call

12) Customer belongs to __________ categories.

a) Two b) Three
c) Four d) Five

13) The RBI has tried to develop the bill market thought its two
specific schemes introduced in__________ and in 1970.
a) 1951 b) 1961
c) 1952 d) 1962

14) The DFHI was set up in __________ 1988.

a) April b) June
c) May d) March

Q.2 Write short answer. 14

1) Goiporia Committee
2) UTI

Q.3 Write short notes. 14

1) BSE
2) Working group on housing finance.

Q.4 Discuss main recommendations of Narasimham Committee (I), 1991. 14

State comparison of London, New York and Indian Money Market.

Q.5 Discuss functions and working of ICICI. 14

Explain basic items to be considered to enhance the customer
Page 2 of 2
SLR-Q – 19
M.COM. (Semester – II) (CBCS) Examination, 2017

Day & Date: Friday, 21-04-2017 Max. Marks: 70

Time: 10.30 AM to 01.00 PM

N.B. : 1) All questions are compulsory.

2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

Q.1 Choose the alternatives given below. 14

1) __________ is the medium through which an auditor expresses
his opinion on the financial statement.
a) Audit programme b) Audit note
c) Audit report d) Balance sheet
2) The auditor of a nationalized bank is required to make a report to
the central government by addressing it to the __________ of
a) R. B. I. b) Finance Minister
c) President d) None of these
3) The Auditors report is the end product of every __________.
a) Financial year b) Audit
c) Investigation d) Examination
4) The audit is compulsory under section 44AB of the company act
is known as __________.
a) Tax Audit b) Cost Audit
c) Social Audit d) Management Audit
5) The cost audit is conducted __________.
a) Yearly b) According to need
c) Quarterly d) None of these
6) An audit report bearing qualification is known as __________.
a) Unqualified report b) Plain report
c) Clean report d) Qualified report G

7) __________audit attempts to measure the consequences of

corporate actions and estimate their cost to society.
a) Social b) Management
c) Cost e) Government
8) __________audit is a comprehensive and constructive
examination of an organization structure of a company.
a) Internal b) Financial
c) Management d) None of these
Page 1 of 2
9) The __________ audit is an effective tools to see that conditions
of a countries economy remain healthy.
a) Tax b) Environmental
c) Social d) None of these
10) The concept of __________ audit is based on the basic
economic principle that the resources should flow into the most
remunerative channels.
a) Cost b) Management
c) Efficiency d) None of these
11) The first auditor shall be appointed by directors within
__________ of the registration of a company.
a) Twelve months b) One month
c) Three months d) Six months
12) Under section __________ of the company act the auditor is
required to make a report to the members of the company.
a) 227 (2) b) 228 (3)
c) 226 (1) d) 229 (4)
13) When auditor is not satisfied with the valuation of assets or
liabilities of a company in such case he gives __________ report.
a) Unqualified b) Statutory
c) Qualified d) None of these
14) The liability of a company auditor is determined by _______.
a) Company law b) Court decisions
c) Chartered Accountant Act d) All of these
Q.2 Write short answer. 14
1) Rights of company Auditor
2) Management Audit

Q.3 Write short notes. 14

1) Distinction between Report and Certificate
2) Write a note on Cost Audit.

Q.4 What are the special points or problems to be kept in view while 14
conducting the audit of Banks?
What is qualified report? Draft specimen of qualified report 14
containing any two qualifications.

Q.5 State the provision of Indian Companies Act 1956 for appointment 14
and remuneration of an auditor.
Explain the special problems of audit of a Insurance Company. 14

Page 2 of 2
SLR-Q – 20
M.COM. (Semester – II) (CBCS) Examination, 2017

Day & Date: Friday, 21-04-2017 Max. Marks: 70

Time: 10.30 AM to 01.00 PM

N.B. : 1) All questions are compulsory.

2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
3) Use of Soundless, non-scientific calculator is

Q.1 Choose the alternatives given below. 14

1) Decision making is the primary function of __________.
a) Management Accountant b) Top level management
c) Rank and file d) Cost Accountant

2) The cost of a special device that is necessary if a special order is

a) Relevant cost b) Replacement cost
c) Opportunity cost d) Differential cost

3) When fixed cost increases the break – even point __________.

a) Increases b) No effect
c) Decreases d) Remains same

4) __________ is a factual information, either in narrative or

descriptive form or in the form of statistical tables, graphs, charts.
a) Cost Accounting b) Budgeting
c) Report d) None of these

5) __________ is the value of the alternatives foregone by adopting

a particular strategy or employing resources in a specific manner.
a) Relevant cost b) Marginal cost
c) Differential cost d) Opportunity cost

6) __________reports portray the financial information either about

the specific activity, function or about the entire operative activity
of the enterprise as whole.
a) Routine reports b) Forecast reports
c) Enterprise reports d) Control reports G

7) Contribution is equal to__________.

a) Fixed Cost + Profit b) Fixed Cost – Loss
c) Sales – Variable cost e) All of the above
Page 1 of 4
8) The process of creating a formal plan and translating goals into a
quantitative format is __________.
a) Reporting b) Marginal costing
c) Budgeting d) None of these

9) A budget that gives a summary of all the functional budgets is

known as __________.
a) Capital budget b) Master budget
c) Flexible budget d) Fixed budget

10) __________ is conveying the factual information to the higher

authorities for a specific purpose.
a) Report b) Organizing
c) Reporting d) None of these

11) The classification of fixed and variable cost has a special

significance in the preparation of __________.
a) Flexible budget b) Capital budget
c) Cash budget d) Zero based budget

12) The contribution to sales ratio of a company is 20% and profit is

Rs. 64,500. If the total sales of the company are Rs. 7,80,000
then the fixed cost is __________.
a) Rs. 1,56,000 b) Rs. 91,500
c) Rs. 90,000 d) Rs, 1,21,500

13) Costs that change in response to alternative courses of action

are called __________.
a) Relevant cost b) Opportunity cost
c) Differential cost d) Imputed cost

14) __________reports are regular reports conveying the routine

financial information.
a) Investigative report b) Information report
c) Control report d) Routine report

Q.2 A) You are given the following data for the coming year for a 07
Budgeted output 8,00,000 units
Fixed expenses 40,00,000
Variable expenses per unit Rs. 100
Selling price per unit Rs. 200
If price is reduced to Rs. 180, what will be the new break – even

B) Write short notes on Differential cost. 07

Page 2 of 4
Q.3 A) Product A has a profit-volume ratio of 28%. Fixed operating 07
costs directly attributable to product A during the quarter II of the
financial year 2015-16 will be 2,80,000. Calculate the sales
revenue required to achieve a quarterly profit of Rs. 70,000.

B) State the different levels of Management. 07

Q.4 A) A Ltd. produces and sells a single article at Rs. 10 each. The 14
marginal cost of production is Rs. 6 each and fixed cost is Rs.
400 per annum.
1) P/V ratio
2) The break even sales
3) The sales to earn a Profit of Rs. 500
4) Profit at sales Rs. 3,000
5) New break even point if sales price is reduced by 10%.
6) Margin of safety at sales of Rs. 1,500 and
7) Selling price per unit if the break even point is reduced to
80 units.
B) X limited has given you the following information at 50%capacity 14
of the production during the month March, 2016.
Particulars Per unit (Rs.)
Materials 50
Labour 30
Variable Overheads 20
Fixed Overheads (Total Rs. 50,000) 10
Administrative Overheads (10% variable) 10
Selling Expenses (25% fixed) 8
Distribution Expenses (20% fixed) 5
You are required to prepare budgets at 60%, 70% and 80%
capacity presuming that at 80% capacity material cost will be
less by 5% and variable selling expenses will increase by 10%.

Q.5 A) A company had incurred fixed expenses of Rs. 4,50,000 with 14

sales of Rs. 15,00,000 and earned a profit of Rs. 3,00,000
during the first half year.
In the second half, if suffered a loss of Rs. 1,50,000.
i) The profit-volume ratio, break – even point and margin of
safety for the first half year.
ii) Expected sales volume for the second half year assuming
that selling price and fixed expenses remained unchanged
during the second half year.
iii) The break-even point and margin of safety for the whole
B) Prepare cash budget of company for April, May and June 2015 14
in a columnar form using the following information.
Page 3 of 4
Months 2015 Sales Purchases Wages Expenses
Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs.
January (Actual) 80,000 45,000 20,000 5,000
February (Actual) 80,000 40,000 18,000 6,000
March (Actual) 75,000 42,000 22,000 6,000
April (Budgeted) 90,000 50,000 24,000 6,000
May (Budgeted) 85,000 45,000 20,000 6,000
June (Budgeted) 80,000 35,000 18,000 5,000

You are further informed that:

a) 10% of the purchases and 20% of the sales are for cash.
b) The average collection period of the company is ½ month and the
credit purchases are paid off regularly after one month.
c) Wages are paid half monthly and rent of Rs. 500 is paid monthly.
d) Cash and Bank balance as on April 1, is Rs. 15,000 and the
Company want to keep it on the end of every month at this figure,
the excess cash being put in fixed deposits.

Page 4 of 4
SLR-Q – 21
M.COM. (Semester – II) (CBCS) Examination, 2017

Day & Date: Friday, 21-04-2017 Max. Marks: 70

Time: 10.30 AM to 01.00 PM

N.B. : 1) All questions are compulsory.

2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

Q.1 Select the correct answer from multiple options given. 14

1) A surcharge of 5% on income tax is payable by:
a) Any company b) An Indian company 1

c) A domestic company
d) A domestic company provided its total income exceeds Rs. 1
crore but is less than 10 crores.

2) Tax on dividend is payable by

a) Any Indian company b) A Public Limited Company
c) A shareholder d) A Domestic Company

3) If the assessee is not satisfied with any order passed by the

Assessing officer, he can:
a) File appeal to commissioner of Income tax (Appeal)
b) Apply for revision to the CIT u/s 264
c) Either file appeal or apply for revision u/s 264
d) File appeal or apply for revision
e) Make application before CBDT

4) The order passed by the Commissioner of Income tax (Appeals)

should be communicated to:
a) Assessee
b) Commissioner of Income Tax who has jurisdicition over the
c) Both to the assessee and Commissioner of Income Tax
d) The assessee through Commissioner of Income Tax

5) In case of AOP/BOI, any salary, bonus, commission or

remuneration paid by AOP/BOI to its member shall:
a) Be allowed as deduction to the AOP/BOI while computing its
b) Not be allowed as deduction
c) Be allowed as deduction to the AOP/BOI while computing its
income subject to the limit prescribed u/s 40(b)

Page 1 of 6
6) Where the total income of the AOP/BOI, whose none of the
members has income exceeding maximum exemption limit nor
any member is taxable at a rate higher than maximum marginal
rate, does not exceed Rs. 2,50,000:
a) Neither the AOP/BOI shall be liable to pay any tax nor shall the
share of profits of the member form AOP/BOI be included in
their respective total income.
b) Although the AOP/BOI shall not be liable to pay any tax but
the share of the profit of each member from AOP/BOI shall be
included in his total income
c) The AOP/BOI will be liable to tax at the maximum marginal

7) Income by way of interest or dividends derived by a cooperative

society other than a cooperative bank from its investments with
any other cooperative society is
a) Not liable for deduction u/s 80P (2)(d)
b) Eligible for deduction at 7.5% u/s 80P(2)(d)
c) Eligible for deduction at 25% u/s 80P(2)(d)
d) Eligible for deduction at 100% u/s 80P(2)(d)

8) A cooperative society engaged in activities other than those

specified will be entitled for deduction u/s 80P(2)(c) of:
a) Rs. 20,000 b) Rs. 50,000
c) Rs. 1,00,000 d) None of these

9) Return of income of assessment year 2015-16 is furnished on

16.8.2015. Intimation in respect of such assessment year must
be sent by:
a) 31.03.2016
b) 31.03.2017
c) 31.03.2018

10) Income tax authority below the rank of Deputy Commissioner of

Income Tax:
a) Is appointed by the Central Board of Direct Taxes
b) May be appointed by the Board/Director General/Chief
Commissioner/ Director/ Commissioner if authorized by board
c) Is appointed only by the Central Government

11) The jurisdiction of the Assessing officer shall be in case of any

a) Who is carrying on business or profession within the area
vested with him
b) Who is having place of residence with in that area
c) Who is carrying on business or profession or having place of
residence within that area

Page 2 of 6
12) Assessment made under section 143(1) is:
a) An intimation of assessment
b) Scrutiny assessment
c) Self assessment
d) Best judgment assessment

13) The Income Tax authority can conduct the survey:

a) Any time
b) Only during the hours at which the place of business or
profession is open for the conduct of such business or
c) Between 10 A.M. and 6 P.M.

14) A foreign company is chargeable to income tax:

a) @ 35%
b) 40% + surcharge @ 2% + education cess of 2%
c) 40% + surcharge @ 2% + education cess of 2% + SHEC @
d) 40% + surcharge @ 2% ifs its total income exceeds Rs. 1
Crore but does not exceed Rs. 10 crore + education cess of
2% + SHEC @ 1%.

Q.2 Write short notes on any two from the following. 14

a) Provisions of Minimum Alternate Tax applicable to company
b) Deduction under section 80P for cooperative society
c) Powers of the Income Tax Officer
d) Procedure for rectification

Q.3 A) Sarvasakshi Consumer Co-operative Society furnishes the 07

following particulars of its income in respect of financial year
2014-15. You are required to work out the taxable income of the
co-operative society:
Rs. Rs.
Income from business 1,25,000
Interest received on credit facility
extended to member societies 25,000
Interest on deposits with banks 5,000
Dividend on Investments:
---- Investments in shares of other
co-operative societies 2,000
---- Other investment 2,000
Income from letting of godown for
storage of commodities 10,000

Give reasons for you answer.

B) Explain in brief the provisions and procedure for filing of Appeals 07

under Income Tax Act, 1961.

Page 3 of 6
Q.4 Raghuvanshi Mills Pvt. Ltd. gives you a draft of its Profit and Loss 14
Account for the year ended 31.3.2015 showing a net profit of Rs. 9
lakhs. The following further information is also given.
i) The company had imported machinery at a cost of Rs. 50
lakhs in 2013-14. Depreciation on the original cost at 10
percent on the straight line basis is provided in the accounts
(Rs. 5 Lakhs). The company obtained from the foreign
supplier Rs. 50,000 in 2013-14 by way of compensation for the
defective machinery supplied. This has been credited to a
reserve account. Provisions for depreciation on other assets in
the books are made on the same basis as provided in the
Income Tax Act.
ii) The Enforcement Directorate had detected that the company
had over invoiced imports of raw materials to the extent of Rs.
90,000. This sum had been spent by the Managing Director
during his business visit to the foreign country for personal
iii) Professional charges included;
i) Rs. 2,000 being legal expenses incurred in connection
with criminal proceeding launched by the Income Tax
Department against the managing director for fabrication
of accounts in the case of a firm in which he is a partner.
ii) Rs. 7,500 paid to solicitors for attending income tax
appeals for 3 year before Income Tax Appellate
iv) Advertisement expenses included (incurred in Jan, 2015)
i) Advertisement in Malaysia for exploring the possibilities
of export to that country Rs. 9,000.
ii) Payment to an advertising agent Rs. 4,000 in cash. The
payment is supported by proper voucher.
v) Interest payment included the following.
i) Rs. 1 lakh paid to depositors all of whom were
shareholders of the company on fixed deposits and Rs.
2 lakhs to a bank overdraft account.
ii) Rs. 3,000 paid by way of interest to a non-resident and
Rs. 10,000 paid as interest on fixed deposit from a
relative of the managing director without deduction of tax
at source.
iii) Rs. 5,000 paid to bank on loan taken for meeting income
tax liabilities.
vi) As per the payment of Bonus Act the bonus liability worked out
of Rs. 3 lakhs however, following past practice, the company
paid Rs. 4 lakhs, which worked out to 20 per cent of salaries of
vii) The Profit and Loss Account shows a credit of Rs. 5,000 for
dividend on 1.6.2014 from a company engaged in the
manufacture of cement. Dividend distributed by the
Raghivanshi Mills Pvt. Ltd. for the financial year 2014-15 on
1.10.2015 is Rs. 1,50,000.
Page 4 of 6
Compute the total income of the company for the purpose of making
provision for taxation for the above year. You need not compute the
tax. Please indicate in brief, the reasons for any adjustments that
you make in support of your computation.
Q.4 Arihant Rock Cement Ltd., a domestic company in which public are 14
substantially interested, is engaged in the manufacture and sale of
cement. Its audited accounts for the year ended 31.3.2015 show a
net profit of Rs. 35,00,000. Examination of the accounts reveals that
the above profit was arrived at after taking into account the following
items of income and expenditure.
Rs. Rs.
i) Dividend received from M Ltd. a domestic company
registered in April, 1980 and engaged exclusively in
the manufacture of paint. The assessee company
has declared dividend of Rs. 30,000. 50,000

ii) Expenditure incurred in connection with issue of

additional share capital in the year 20,000

iii) Interest of Rs. 3,50,000 debited to the Profit and Loss account is
made up as under:
a) Interest payable to debenture holders 30,000
b) Interest payable to XYZ Ltd. 40,000
c) Interest on fixed deposits received
from the members of the public 60,000
d) Interest to bank in respect of overdraft 2,20,000

iv) Penal interest paid to stat government for delay in

payment of cess 12,000

v) Expenditure on maintenance of guest house 35,000

vi) Legal charges include payment made to lawyer for

conducting the income – tax proceedings before the
AO 8,000

vii) Depreciation debited to profit and loss account

(Depreciation allowable under the Income Tax Act
Rs. 7,45,000) 8,95,000

viii) Payment made to consultants for furnishing a

feasibility report regarding the setting up a new unit
in another state. 15,000

ix) Expenditure incurred on stamp duty etc. in

connection with issue of debentures in the year. 14,000

x) Donation to Prime Minister’s National Relief Fund 25,000

Page 5 of 6
Compute the taxable income of the company for the assessment
year 2015-16 giving reason briefly for the various adjustments you
may wish to make to the net profit shown in the audited accounts.

Q.5 The profit and loss account of the AOP viz. M/s Tukaram and 14
Sakharam, sharing profit and losses in the ratio of 2:1 for the
previous year ending 31.3.2015 is as follows:
Rs. Rs.
Cost of goods sold 63,67,500 Sales 76,14,000
Salary to Tukaram 2,70,000 Dividends 37,500
Salaly to Sakharam 1,80,000 Long-term capital
Salary to employees 4,05,000 gain 6,60,000
Interest to Tukaram 72,000
Interest to Sakharam 54,000
Other expenses 2,40,000
Sales tax outstanding 45,000
Net profit 6,78,000
83,11,500 83,11,500

Additional information is given below:

1) Other expenses include the following:

a) Entertainment expenses Rs. 50,000
b) Watches costing of Rs. 3,500 each given to 12 dealers who
exceeded the sales target fixed under sales promotion
c) Employer’s contribution to provident fund included in other
expenses, amounting to Rs. 16,000 was paid by cheque on
d) Rs. 50,000 paid in cash to an advertising agency.
e) Purchases included a sum of Rs. 1,00,000 being import made
from UK on which no tax at source was deducted.

2) Outstanding sales tax was paid on 3.9.2015

3) Other income of Tukaram and Sakharam being Rs. 4,11,000 and

Rs. 3,69,000 respectively.
You are required to compute total income and tax liability of AOP for
the assessment year 2015-16.
The total income of an AOP for the previous year ending 31.3.2015 is
Rs. 9,00,000. It has 3 members i.e. Adams Plast Ltd. (a foreign
company) and two individuals Raghuveer and Ranveer. The share
of profit of the members from the AOP is not known. Compute the
tax payable by the AOP,

What will be your answer if all the members of AOP are individuals
and their shares are indeterminate?
Page 6 of 6
SLR-Q – 22
M.COM. (Semester-II) (CBCS) Examination, 2017

Day & Date: Friday, 21-04-2017 Max. Marks: 70

Time: 10.30 AM to 01.00 PM

N.B. : 1) All questions are compulsory.

2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
3) Each questions carry equal marks.
4) Use of soundless calculators is allowed.

Q.1 Select the correct answer from multiple options given. 14

1) A group of all the individuals under study is called
a) Sample b) Population
c) Census d) None of these
2) Statistical measures computed form sample observation alone eg.
Sample mean, sample variance etc, have been termed as
a) Statistic b) Parameter
c) Constant d) None of these
3) The standard deviation of the sampling distribution of a statistic is
known as its
a) Sampling error b) Standard error
c) Non – sampling error d) None of these
4) A method of collecting data from few selected units of sub-group
of population is known as
a) Census method b) Population method
c) Sampling method d) None of these
5) Which one of the following is / are important principles of sample
a) Statistical regularity b) Validity
c) Optimization d) All these
6) Faulty planning or definition creates an error such type of error is
called as
a) Sampling errors b) Non – sampling errors
c) Errors d) None of these
7) A technique of drawing a sample in such a way that each unit of
the population has an equal and independent chance of being
included in the sample is called as
a) Simple random sampling b) Stratified sampling
c) Systematic sampling d) None of these

Page 1 of 3
8) Generally which Random Number tables are referred to draw a
a) Tippet’s b) Fisher’s
c) Kendall’s d) None of these
9) In Srswor, the variance of sample mean is given by

10) If is a sampling fraction, then finite population correction is

given by ________
a) f b) f – 1
c) 1 – f d) None of these

11) Srswor provides a estimator of relative to srswor.

a) More efficient b) Less efficient
c) Equal efficient d) None of these
12) If population under study is not homogeneous and formed by
different groups strata, them which method of sampling is proper?
a) SRS b) Stratied sampling
c) Systematic sampling d) None of these

13) If in stratified sampling then allocation to each

stratum is called as
a) Proportional allocation b) Nayman’s allocation
c) Optimum allocation d) None of these
14) The selection of every Kth strip in forest survey for estimation of
timber, which method of the following is more convenient?
a) SRS b) Stratified sampling
c) Systematic sampling d) None of these

Q.2 A) Define: 07
1. SRS without replacement
2. SRS with replacement

B) What do you meant by stratified Random sampling? Give 07

essential characteristics of stratified Random Sampling.

Q.3 A) What is a systematic Sampling? Give illustration where such 07

sampling is usual.

B) Define SRS and prove that sample mean is an unbiased 07

estimate of the population mean.

Page 2 of 3
Q.4 Attempt any one of the following. 14
A) In SRS find the variance of sample mean.


Q.5 Attempt any one of the following. 14

A) Compare proportional allocation, Neyman’s allocation and
optimum allocation in stratified Random Sampling.

B) Consider a population of 6 units with values 1,2,3,4,5,6. Write

down all possible samples of 2(without replacement) from this
population and verify that sample mean is an unbiased estimate
of the population mean. Also calculate its sampling variance and
verify that if agree with the formula for the variance of the
sample mean.

Page 3 of 3
SLR-Q – 23
M.COM. (Semester – II) (CBCS) Examination, 2017
Management Concepts & Organizational Behaviour (Comp. I)

Day & Date: Monday, 24-04-2017 Max. Marks: 70

Time: 10.30 AM to 01.00 PM

N.B. : 1) All questions are compulsory.

2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

Q.1 Choose the alternatives given below. 14

1) In _________ style, the leader commands complete control over
the subordinates who are compelled to obey the orders.
a) Democratic b) Free – rein
c) Autocratic d) Laissez – faire

2) Conflicts that support the goals of the group and improve its
performance are known as _________ conflicts.
a) Dysfunctional b) Functional
c) Interpersonal d) Intrapersonal

3) _________ enables the communicator to check whether or not

the message received has been properly understood by the
a) Feedback b) Encoding
c) Decoding d) Medium

4) _________stress adversely affects the employees mental and

physical health and in turn their performance.
a) Constructive b) Destructive
c) Positive d) Social

5) _________ means a pervasive underlying set of beliefs,

assumptions, values, shared feelings and perceptions, which
influence the actions and decisions taken by the organization.
a) Social culture b) Organizational change
c) Organizational culture d) Organizational development

6) Organizational development seeks to change in _________.

a) Structure b) Attitude
c) Values d) All of these

7) _________ is accomplished by linking rewards with willingness to

change and punishment with unwillingness to change.
a) Refreezing b) Unfreezing
c) Changing d) Enforcing

Page 1 of 2
8) As per Blake and Mouton’s managerial Grid Theory (9,9) style of
leadership represents _________ manager.
a) Country club b) Authority obedience
c) Task d) Team

9) When conflict occurs between two or more people, it is called

_________ conflict.
a) Interpersonal b) Intrapersonal
c) Intergroup d) Interorganizational

10) _________ happens through minutes, notes, letters, reports

manuals etc.
a) Oral communication b) Written communication
c) Non – verbal communication d) None of these

11) _________ are the individual factor that causes stress.

a) Role conflict b) Role ambiguity
c) Both a and b d) None of these
12) _________ focuses on reinforcing new behavior by positive
results, rewards and feeling of accomplishment.
a) Refreezing b) Coercing
c) Unfreezing d) Manipulating
13) _________ is a systematic, integrated and planned approach to
improve the efficiency and effectiveness of an organization.
a) Organizational change b) Organizational values
c) Organizational culture d) Organizational development
14) Communication that takes palace beyond the formal structure
framed by an organization is known as _________
a) Informal b) Formal
c) Effective d) Internal
Q.2 Write short answer. 14
1) Managerial Grid Theory
2) Types of conflicts.

Q.3 Answers in brief. 14

1) Discuss the Communication Process.
2) Give characteristics of Organizational Culture.

Q.4 What is ‘Stress’? How to manage or cope with stress. 14

Define the term ‘Leadership’. Explain the different approaches to

Q.5 What do you mean by ‘Organizational Change’? Explain the different 14

phases of planned change.
Explain the concept ‘Organizational development’.

Page 2 of 2
M.COM. (Semester – II) (CBCS) Examination, 2017

Day & Date: Wednesday, 26-04-2017 Max. Marks: 70

Time: 10.30 AM to 01.00 PM

N.B. : 1) All questions are compulsory.

2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

Q.1 Choose the correct alternatives form the given alternatives. 14

1) _________ refers to the toil, trouble and sacrifices made by the
factors of production in the course of production of a commodity.
a) Money cost b) Real cost
c) Total cost d) None of these

2) The sum of returns of factors of production is called _________.

a) Marginal cost b) Average cost
c) Cost of production d) None of these

3) The production of one commodity can only be done at the cost of

some other commodity is called _________.
a) Opportunity cost b) Real cost
c) Money cost d) None of these

4) The concept of fixed cost is associated with _________ period.

a) Long run b) Short run
c) Very long run d) None of these

5) The MC curve intersects the AC curve where AC is _________.

a) Maximum b) Minimum
c) Greater d) None of these

6) In _________ period the shape of AC is just like English U.

a) Long b) Short
c) Future d) None of these G

7) The business cycles generally arise in _________ economy

a) Mixed b) Socialist
c) Capitalist e) None of these

8) The trade cycle consists _________ stages.

a) Four b) Five
c) Three d) None of these

Page 1 of 2
9) According to _________ economist, Trade cycle is a purely
monetary phenomenon.
a) Schumpeter b) Keynes
c) Hawtrey d) None of these

10) The actual application of inventions is called _________.

a) Innovation b) Creation
c) Stagflation d) None of these

11) According to _________ economist “too much money chasing

too few goods is called inflation.”
a) Crowther b) Hawtrey
c) Coulborn d) None of these

12) The term administrated price is used for denoting prices fixed
by the _________.
a) Government b) Market
c) Producer d) None of these

13) Support price is also known as a _________.

a) Market price b) Sealing price
c) Floor price d) None of these

14) The theory of managerial discretion is associated with _____

a) Keynes b) Schumpter
c) Williamson d) None of these

Q.2 Write short answer. 14

1) Types of cost of production
2) Bank Rate

Q.3 Write short answers. 14

1) State the types of inflation
2) Explain graphically the relation between AC and MC.

Q.4 Write short answers. (any one) 14

1) Explain meaning and stages of trade cycle.
2) Explain Baumol’s sales maximization model.

Q.5 Write short answers. (any one) 14

1) “Trade cycle is a purely monetary phenomenon” – Explain
2) State the need of Government intervention in markets.

Page 2 of 2
SLR-Q – 25
M.Com. (Semester – III) (Old) Examination, 2017
Modern Banking

Day & Date: Tuesday, 18-04-2017 Max. Marks: 50

Time: 10.30 AM to 12.30 PM

N.B. : 1) All questions are compulsory.

2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

Q.1 Choose the alternatives given below. 10

1) The national and Grindlays Bank was the first to set up merchant
banking division in _________.
a) UK b) USA
c) India d) Japan

2) In _________ the evolution of Merchant Banks is linked to the

provision of short term finance for the corporate sector.
a) UK b) USA
c) India d) Japan

3) ICICI started a Merchant Banking division in _________.

a) 1970 b) 1971
c) 1972 d) 1973

4) Factoring is useful to _________ units.

a) LSI b) MSI
c) SSI d) None of these

5) Origin of factoring can be traced during the fifteenth century in

_________ and France.
a) England b) Japan
c) USA d) India

6) LIC has set up their mutual fund in _________

a) 1988 b) 1989
c) 1990 d) 1991

7) SSRY comprehensively revamped with effect from _________.

a) 2006 – 07 b) 2007 – 08
c) 2008 – 09 d) 2009 – 10

8) Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Development (MSMED),

Act _________.
a) 2006 b) 2005
c) 2004 d) 2003
Page 1 of 2
SLR-Q– 25
9) The Government has set up SEBI in April _________.
a) 1986 b) 1987
c) 1988 d) 1989

10) Shri. P. R. Nayak Committee submitted its report in _______.

a) 1990 b) 1991
c) 1992 d) 1993

Q.2 Write short answer. 10

1) Debit cards Vs Credit Cards
2) Kalyana sundaram Committee

Q.3 Write short notes. 10


Q.4 Discuss the functions of Merchant Banking. 10

What is meant by factoring? Explain operations of factoring.

Q.5 Explain SEBI (Merchant Bankers) regulations, 1992. 10

State the role of commercial banks in financing Small-Scale

Page 2 of 2
SLR-Q –26
M.Com. (Semester – III)(OLD) Examination, 2017

Day & Date: Tuesday, 18-04-2017 Max. Marks: 50

Time: 10.30 AM to 12.30 PM

N.B. : 1) All questions are compulsory.

2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
Q.1 Choose the alternatives given below. 10
1) Purchase of a business of one company by an existing company
is termed as __________.
a) Amalgamation b) Absorption 1

c) Reconstruction d) Liquidation
2) Amount payable by a purchasing company to Vendor Company is
called __________.
a) Purchase consideration b) Interest
c) Dividend d) Net Asset
3) Grain consumed by live stock is charged to __________.
a) Live Stock A/c b) Crop A/c
c) Bothe these A/c d) None of these
4) Accounting standard -14 (AS-14) relates to __________.
a) Absorption b) Reconstruction
c) Amalgamation d) Holding company
5) In farm accounting consumption of product by the owner, which
account is debited __________.
a) Drawings A/c b) Crop A/c
c) Live stock A/c d) None of these
6) Profits earned by a subsidiary company prior to acquisition of
shares by holding company are termed as __________.
a) Capital profit b) Revenue profit
c) Realization profit d) None of these
7) In farm accounting, self-made Assets are valued at ________.
a) Cost price b) Market price
c) Cost-price d) None of these
8) Purchase consideration can be calculated by way of ________
a) Lump-Sum method b) Net Assets method
c) Net Payment method d) All of the above
9) A company which controls one or more other companies by way
of holding shares in that company is called as __________.
a) Holding company b) Subsidiary company
c) Branch d) None of these
Page 1 of 4
10) At the time of purchase of containers __________ is debited.
a) Container A/c b) Purchase A/c
c) Containers Trading A/c d) Containers stock A/c
Q.2 Write short answer.
1) Methods of Calculation of purchase consideration. 05
2) Explain the term Minority interest. 05

Q.3 1) Define ‘External Reconstruction of companies’. 05

2) Lubricants Ltd. sells oil in drums which are charged at Rs. 10 each. 05
Customers returning drums within a month are credited with Rs.8
Following information is available from the books for the year ended
31st March 2015.
Returnable drums with customers on 1.4.2014 400
Drums in stock on 1.4.2014 800
Drums purchased at Rs.5 Each 3,000
Drums sent out during the year 50,000
Drums returned by customers 48,000
Drums scrapped and sold for Rs. 50 200
Drums laying with customers (returnable) 1,000

All drums as on 1.4.2014 were valued at 2 each and all drums as

on 31st March, 2015 are to be valued at 50% below cost price.
Amount due from debtors as on 1.4.2014 was Rs. 1000 and amount
received from debtors during the year amounted to
Rs. 1, 10,000.
Show Drums Stock Account in the books of Lubricants Ltd.
Q.4 A) From the following Balance -Sheet and particulars given below 10
prepare consolidated Balance - Sheet of Sun Ltd. and its
subsidiary Moon Ltd. as on 31st December, 2003.
Balance Sheet as on 31 Dec. 2013
Sun Ltd. Moon Sun Ltd. Moon
Liabilities (Rs.) Ltd. (Rs.) Assets (Rs.) Ltd. (Rs.)
Share Capital: Fixed Assets:
Authorized & Goodwill 8,000 6,000
Issued Equity Land & Buildings 25,000 20,000
Shares of Rs. 100 Plant &
each fully paid 1,00,000 40,000 Machinery 40,000 22,000
Reserve & Surplus Furniture &
General Reserve Fitting 7,000 2,000
as on 1.1.2003 20,000 12,000 Investments:
Profit & Loss A/c 28,000 18,000 300 Equity
Current Liabilities shares in Moon
and Provisions: Ltd. at cost 48,000 --
Bills payable -- 8,000 Current Assets:
Creditors 16,000 10,000 Short in Trade 20,000 18,000
Debtors 4,000 15,000
Cash at Bank 12,000 5,000
1,64,000 88,000 1,64,000 88,000

Page 2 of 4
Sun Ltd. acquired the shares in Moon Ltd. on 1.7.2013. The bills
payable of Moon Ltd. were all issued in favor of Sun Ltd. which
company got the bills discounted. The creditors of Moon Ltd.
included Rs. 4,000 payable to Sun Ltd. for goods supplied by that
company. The stock of Moon Ltd. included goods of the value of
Rs. 1,600 which were supplied by Sun Ltd. at a profit of 33⅓ on cost.
The balance on Profit and Loss Account of the Moon Ltd. as on
1st Jan. 2013 was Rs. 4,000 and on General Reserve Rs. 10,000.
B) X Ltd. and Y. Ltd. agreed to amalgamate and formed a New 10
Company with on authorized capital of Rs. 5, 00,000 divided into
Equity Shares of Rs. 10 each. On the date of amalgamation the
Balance-Sheet of the two companies were as under.

Balance – Sheet
X Ltd. Y Ltd. X Ltd. Y Ltd.
Liabilities (Rs.) (Rs.) Assets (Rs.) (Rs.)
Equity Share
Capital of Rs.
10 each 1,00,000 70,000 Sundry Assets 1,20,000 62,000
Reserve Fund 8,000 5,500 Property 30,000 --
Profit and Loss
A/c 22,000 15,000 Debtors 40,000 45,000
5% Debentures 50,000 -- Stock 10,000 7,500
Creditors 24,500 30,000 Bank 10,000 10,000
Provided Fund 5,500 4,000
2,10,000 1,24,500 2,10,000 1,24,500
The purchase price-consisted of:
1. The assumption of the liabilities of both the companies.
2. The discharge of 5% debentures in X Ltd. at a premium of 10% by
the issue of 8% debentures in New Company.
3. The issue at a premium of Rs. 5 per share of Equity Shares of Rs.
10 each in New company.

For the purpose of amalgamation the assets are revalued as under:

X Ltd. Y Ltd.
(Rs.) (Rs.)
Sundry Assets 1,40,000 65,000
Property 50,000 --
Debtors 35,000 40,000
Stock 8,000 8,000
Goodwill 10,000 7,000

You are required to:

1. Calculate Purchase Price.
2. Write up Realization A/c, Shareholders A/c and New Company
A/c in the books of both the companies.

Page 3 of 4
Q.5 A) From the information given below, Prepare ‘Dairy A/c’ and 10
‘Poultry A/c’ and Profit and Loss A/c for the year ended
Debit Rs. Credit Rs.
Opening Stock: Sales:
Cattle 50,000 Cattle 30,000
Cattle Food 8,000 Poultry 18,000
Poultry 10,000 Butter 2,000
Poultry Food 1,500 Milk 10,000
Purchases: Eggs 15,000
Poultry 25,000 Closing stock:
Cattle 35,000 Cattle 65,000
Cattle Food 15,000 Cattle Food 9,000
Poultry Food 5,000 Poultry 20,000
Expenses: Poultry Food 2,500
Wages 12,000
Insurance 1,000
Depreciation 1,500
Repairs 1,500

Proprietor consumed the following products:

Butter – Rs. 500, Milk – Rs. 3,600
Eggs – Rs. 800 Poultry – Rs. 500
B) The Engineering Company Limited sells its business to the 10
Scientific Company Ltd. on 31st December 2012 on which
date its Balance -Sheet was as follows.
Liabilities Rs. Assets Rs.
Paid – up capital 2000 Goodwill 50,000
shares of Rs. 100 Freehold property 1,50,000
each 2,00,000 Machinery 83,000
6% 100 Debentures of Stock 35,000
Rs.1,000 each 1,00,000 Bills Receivable 4,500
Sundry Creditors 30,000 Sundry Debtors 27,500
Reserve Fund 50,000 Cash at bank 50,000
Profit & Loss Accounts 20,000
4,00,000 4,00,000
The Scientific Company Ltd., agreed to take over the assets
(Exclusive of cash and goodwill) at 10% less than the books values,
to pay Rs. 75,000 for goodwill and to take over the Debentures.
The purchase consideration was to be discharged by the
allotment to the Engineering Company Ltd., of 1500 shares of Rs.
100 each at a premium of Rs. 10 per share and the balance in cash.
The cost of liquidation expenses amounted to Rs. 3,000 borne by
the Engineering Company Ltd.
Prepare necessary accounts in the books of Engineering
Company Ltd. recording the above transactions.

Page 4 of 4
SLR-Q –27
M.Com. (Semester – III) (Old) Examination, 2017

Day & Date: Tuesday, 18-04-2017 Max. Marks: 50

Time: 10.30 AM to 12.30 PM

N.B. : 1) All questions are compulsory.

2) Use of Calculator is allowed.

Q.1 Choose the correct alternatives form the following. 10

1) Analysis is process of critically examining in details accounting
information given in the ________.
a) Memorandum b) Cost Sheet
c) Prospectus d) Financial statement

2) ________ Management provides effective system of financial control

to ensure plan, progress towards the set objectives.
a) Production b) Sales
c) Financial d) Marketing

3) Sales minus Gross Profit is equal to ________.

a) Net Profit b) Cost of goods sold
c) Overheads d) Purchases

4) If average stock is Rs. 10,000 and closing stock was Rs. 2500 more
than opening stock then amount of closing stock is Rs. ________.
a) 11,250 b) 7,750 c) 8,750 d) 7,500

5) If amount of accounts receivable is Rs. 20,000 and average debt

collection period is 73 days the amount of credit sales is Rs _______.
a) 1,46,000 b) 1,50,000 c) 1,30,000 d) 1,00,000

6) Current ratio is also called as ________ ratio.

a) Long term liability b) Acid test
c) Working capital d) Quick

7) Gross working capital means total of ________.

a) Current liabilities b) Current assets
c) Fixed assets d) Current assets and liabilities

8) Profit maximization and ________ maximization are two important

objectives of financial management.
a) Wealth b) Loss c) Debt d) Inventory

9) ________analysis facilities economy in investment in material.

a) BEP b) Cost c) Profit d) ABC

Page 1 of 3
10) Cash Budget serves as sound basis for ________ control.
a) Capital b) Profit c) Cash d) Expenses

Q.2 Write short notes on any two. 10

A) Functions of Financial Management
B) Motives of Cash Management
C) Inventory control techniques.

Q.3 A) Calculate material turnover ratio for the year 2016 from the 05
Particulars Material A Material B
Material in hand on 1.1.2016 50,000 1,75,000
Material in hand on 31.12.2016 30,000 1,25,000
Purchase during 2016 3,80,000 2,50,000

B) Calculate Economic Order Quantity. 05

Annual demand 2400 units
Unit price Rs. 2.40
Ordering cost per order Rs. 4.00
Storage cost 2% p.a.
Interest rate 10% p.a.

Q.4 Prepare cash budget for three months ended 31st December 2015. Cash 10
balance on 1.10.15 Rs. 30,000. It is estimated that cash sales will be ¼th
of credit sales, period of credit allowed to debtors two months and from
supplies one month. Time lag in payment of wages ¼th month and in
expenses 1/5th month.
Month Sales Purchases Wages Expenses
August 2,00,000 1,50,000 30,000 10,000
September 2,20,000 1,60,000 35,000 11,000
October 2,40,000 1,70,000 40,000 12,000
November 2,60,000 1,80,000 45,000 13,000
December 2,80,000 1,90,000 50,000 14,000
Using the following information calculate: 10
1. Total Sales
2. Debtors
3. Inventory
4. Total Assets
5. Creditors

Gross Profit (20% of Sales) Rs. 60,000

Shareholders Equity Rs. 50,000
Credit sales to total sales 80%
Total assets turnover 3 times
Stock turnover 8 times
Average collection period 18 days
(A year = 360 days)
Current ratio 1.6:1
Long term debts to equity 40%
Page 2 of 3
Q.5 From the following information determine the quantity of the 10
1. Minimum stock of Material X
2. Maximum stock of Material Y
3. Reorder level of Material Z
4. Average stock of Material X

Particulars Material Material Material

Usage per unit of production (kg) 8 5 10
Reorder quantity (kg) 10,000 6,000 12,000
Price per kg. (Rs) 4 3 7
Delivery period (weeks) 1 to 5 3 to 5 2 to 4
Reorder level (kg) 7000 5000 --
Minimum level (kg) -- -- 3000

Weekly production varies from 200 to 250 units.

From the following data calculate Net Profit Ratio, Return on total assets, 10
Inventory turnover, Net worth to debt. Gross Profit ratio.
Sales Rs. 25,20,000
Cost of sales Rs. 19,20,000
Inventories Rs. 8,00,000
Other current assets Rs. 7,60,000
Net Profit Rs. 3,60,000
Fixed Assets Rs. 14,40,000
Net Worth Rs. 15,00,000
Debt Rs. 9,00,000
Current liabilities Rs. 6,00,000

Page 3 of 3
SLR-Q –28
M.Com. (Semester – III) (Old) Examination, 2017

Day & Date: Tuesday, 18-04-2017 Max. Marks: 50

Time: 10.30 AM to 12.30 PM

N.B. : 1) All questions are compulsory.

2) All questions carry equal marks.

Q.1 Select the correct answer from multiple choices given: 10

1) Rate of sales tax on sale or purchase of declared goods inside the
state does not exceed.
a) 4% b) 3% c) 2% d) 1%

2) From the following which one is not a declared goods.

a) Waste b) Cotton c) Cotton Fabrics d) Cotton Yarn

3) CST rates to registered dealers Form C has been reduced to 2%

a) 4% b) 5% c) 6% d) 3%

4) From E-I & E-II are to be obtained and submitted for every
a) Half year b) A year c) Quarter d) 2 months

5) Sale should conclude in different state matches which essential of

inter-state sales.
a) Sales should complete in another state
b) Sales should not be complete in same state
c) Both a & b
d) None of the above

6) Which one is true about MVAT Act, 2002?

a) Extend to whole of Maharashtra
b) Extend to Western Maharashtra
c) Extend to Maharashtra and Karnataka
d) Extend to Maharashtra, Karnataka and Goa

7) From the following which is not an ingredient of Turnover

a) Price of goods
b) Packing material
c) Loading and unloading charges
d) Value added tax
e) Transit Insurance
Page 1 of 3
8) Application for registration under MVAT has to be made in
a) Form A b) Form C c) Form 101 d) Form 1001

9) Which one of the following cannot be considered as goods as per

the definition of goods given under MVAT Act, 2002
a) Books b) Magazines
c) News Papers d) All the above

10) Periodicity for filling of the returns under MVAT is dependent upon
a) Tax liability of the dealer
b) Option to the dealer
c) As per choice of the Commissioner
d) None of the above
Q.2 Write short notes on any two from the following: 10
a) Definition of Goods under MVAT Act, 2002
b) Procedure for registration under Central Sales Tax Act
c) Filling of returns under MVAT Act, 2002
d) Penalties under CST Act
e) Assessments under MVAT Act, 2002

Q.3 A) Explain the essential conditions for issue of Tax Invoice and its 05
B) During the month of December, 2014, Pratap made inter State sale 05
of Rs. 5,00,000 to Anand and Rs. 3,50,000 to Bhushan. The sales
are inclusive of sale tax & were made against Forms ‘C’. Bhushan
failed to provide form C. Calculate Taxable turnover & Central
Sales Tax payable assuming that the State sales tax for such good
is 4%.
Q.4 The following information regarding the turnover of purchase and sales 10
transactions is submitted by Ashok and associates, who started
Business on 1st February, 2014. Find out whether as per the provision
of the MVAT Act, 2002 he is liable for registration and payment of
Month Purchases Sales
State Outside the State
Tax Free Tax Free Taxable Tax
Goods Goods Goods free Taxable
Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs.
February-14 30,000 2,000 3,500 40,000 3,500
March-14 30,000 2,000 3,500 40,000 3,500
April-14 20,000 3,000 2,500 10,000 3,000
May-14 70,000 4,000 4,500 80,000 1,500
June-14 40,000 5,000 6,500 50,000 3,000
July-14 25,000 6,000 3,000 20,000 3,500

Page 2 of 3
Q.5 Manufacturer Ashok from Delhi has sold 1,000 products “X” to Bharat of 10
Mumbai @ Rs. 2,000 per unit. He has charged CST @ 2% on the said
product and paid Rs. 16,000 as freight.
Bharat Of Mumbai sold 500 products to Chetan of Pune @ 2,500 per
unit and charged VAT @ 12.5%. Chetan of Pune sold 500 products “X”
to Divakar, a consumer @ Rs.3,000 per unit and charged VAT @
Calculate VAT liability of Bharat and Chetan

Purchase price exclusive of VAT 25,000

VAT credit to be taken 3,125
Sales Price 30,000
VAT payable @ 12.5% 3,750
VAT credit allowed 3,125
Net VAT payable 625
Q.5 Determine how much input credit shall be available to the dealer ‘Ajay 10
Lodha’ in Solapur in respect of the following purchases:
1) Goods purchased from Delhi Rs. 3,06,000 which includes Central
Sales Tax (CST) @ 2%.
2) Goods purchased from a dealer in Mumbai ‘A’ Rs 3,60,000. VAT
charged 12.5% i.e. Rs. 45,000. Total value of purchase invoice Rs.
3) Goods purchased from unregistered dealer Rs.40,000.
4) Goods purchased from a dealer ‘Y’ under composition scheme – Rs.
80,000. Y has paid 1% as tax under composition scheme.
5) Purchases from dealer Z in Mumbai for Rs. 2,80,000. VAT charged
@ 5% Rs. 14,000. Total value of purchase of Rs. 2,94,000.
6) Purchases from dealer B in Pune Rs.75,000. VAT is not separately
charged in the invoice.
7) Purchase of capital goods Rs. 10,12,500. Rs. 9,00,000 is price of
capital goods and Rs. 1,12,500 is VAT amount separately charged.
8) Goods purchased Rs. 1,05,000 which includes 5% VAT which is
separately shown. Such goods have been utilized in the
manufacture of exempted goods.
9) Value of goods imported from Germany Rs.9,00,000.

Page 3 of 3
SLR-Q – 29
M.Com. (Semester – III) (Old) Examination, 2017
Industrial Statistics
Day & Date: Tuesday, 18-04-2017 Max. Marks: 50
Time: 10.30 AM to 12.30 PM

N.B. : 1) All questions are compulsory.

2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
3) Each questions carry equal marks.
4) Use of soundless calculators is allowed.
Q.1 Choose the most appropriate alternative amongst the given for 10
each questions.
1) Variations due to which causes are also called as allowable
a) Chance causes b) Assignable causes
c) Both a and b d) None of these
2) Variations due to negligence of operators are of which type?
a) Chance causes b) Assignable causes
c) Both a and b d) None of these
3) Process control is achieved through the technique of
a) Sampling inspection b) Control chart
c) Specification limits d) None of these
4) Control charts were made by
a) Dr. Walter A. Schwartz b) Tippet
c) Fisher d) None of these

7) Control limits of np-chart are based on

a) Normal distribution b) Poisson distribution
c) Binomial distribution d) None of these
8) The fraction defective of the lot after inspection is called as
a) Incoming quality b) Outgoing quality
c) OC d) None of these
9) The expected value of the sample size required for coming to a
decision about the acceptance or rejection of the lot in acceptance –
rejection sampling plan is known as
a) ATI b) AOQL c) ASN d) None of these
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SLR-Q – 29
10) If the lot is accepted on the basis of the sampling inspection plan
a) ATI < ASN b) ATI > ASN
c) ATI = ASN d) None of these

Q.2 A) State various benefits of SQC. 05

B) Give the construction of C-Chart for the following data. 05
No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
No. of
Defects 2 0 4 1 0 8 0 1 2 0

No. 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
No. of
Defects 6 0 2 1 0 3 2 1 0 2

Q.3 A) Define the terms. 05

2. OC Curve
3. ASN
B) Write a short note on Control Charts for attributes.

Q.4 Attempt any one of the following. 10

A) What is a Control Chart? On what basis the control limits are
based? When we way a production process is under control / out
of control?
B) Give the construction of and R – charts and also solve the
following example.
A machine is set to deliver the packets of a given weight. Ten
samples of size five each were examined and the following results
were obtained.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Mean 43 49 37 44 45 37 51 46 43 47
Range 5 6 5 7 7 4 8 6 4 6

Calculate the control limits for & R – Charts. Draw the charts
and comment. (Given: for n = 5, d2 = 2.326, d3 = 0.864)

Q.5 Attempt any one of the following. 10

A) Compare Natural Tolerance Limits and Specification Limits.
B) The following are the figures of defectives in 22 lots each
containing 2,000 rubber belts:
425, 430, 216, 341, 225, 322, 280, 306, 337, 305,356
402, 216, 264, 126, 409, 193, 326, 280, 389, 451, 420
Draw control chart for fraction defective and comment on it.

Page 2 of 2
SLR-Q – 30
M.Com (Semester – III) (Old) Examination, 2017
Research Methodology

Day & Date: Thursday, 20-04-2017 Max. Marks: 50

Time: 10.30 AM to 12.30 PM

N.B. : 1) All questions are compulsory.

2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

Q.1 Choose the alternatives given below. 10

1) If multidimensional qualitative investigation of a social unit to
describe its behavioral pattern is called __________.
a) Case study b) Social survey
c) Historical d) Research methodology

2) ‘A study of industrial relations of Reliance industry’ will be termed

as __________ research.
a) Action b) Fundamental
c) Descriptive d) Exploratory

3) There are __________ types of observation method.

a) Two b) Three
c) Four d) Five

4) All statistical methods which simultaneously analyze more than

two variables in a sample of observation are called __________
a) Casual b) Regression
c) Multivariate d) Inferential

5) __________ is a design in which some of the variables being

studied are manipulated.
a) Diagnostic b) Descriptive
c) Exploratory d) Experimental

6) The word report is derived from __________ term.

a) English b) Latin
c) Spanish d) French

7) __________ is the first part of the main body of the report.

a) Introduction b) Description
c) Conclusions d) None of these

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SLR-Q– 30
8) An __________ method is face to face oral communication for a
specific purpose.
a) Observation b) Interview
c) Mailed questionnaire d) None of these

9) There are__________method of collecting data.

a) Two b) Three
c) Four d) Five

10) __________research aims to evolve the theories in the

process of revealing the truth.
a) Pure b) Applied
c) Historical d) None of these

Q.2 Write short answer. 10

1) Formation of a problem
2) Descriptive and Exploratory Research

Q.3 Write short notes. 10

1) Importance of Report Hypothesis
2) Importance of interpretation of data

Q.4 Explain stages and advantages of case study method. 10

What is research design? Explain advantages of research design.

Q.5 State briefly methods of primary data collection. 10

State importance of report writing.

Page 2 of 2
SLR-Q – 31
M.COM. (Semester – III) (Old) Examination, 2017
Research Methodology

Day & Date: Thursday, 20-04-2017 Max. Marks: 50

Time: 10.30 AM to 12.30 PM

N.B. : 1) All questions are compulsory.

2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

Q.1 Choose the alternatives given below. 10

1) The word report is derived from _________ term.
a) Latin b) American
c) Indian d) English

2) The ultimate objective of any kind of research is _________.

a) To test hypothesis b) To achieve human progress
c) To satisfy the curiosity d) To improve techniques of

3) Features of interview are _________.

a) Equal status b) Personal contact
c) Use of body language d) All the above

4) Hypothesis is framed on the basis of _________.

a) Folk wisdom b) Personal experience
c) Cultural valued of society d) Any of above

5) Motives for research for _________.

a) Curiosity for unknown
b) Desire to be of service to society
c) Refinement of techniques of research
d) All the above

6) _________research aims at solution to problems faced.

a) Exploratory b) Descriptive
c) Diagnostic d) Experimental

7) Research in _________ has a great problem of maintaining

a) Sciences b) Languages
c) Social Science d) None of these

Page 1 of 2
SLR-Q– 31
8) A _________ method refers to studying a phenomenon through
an intensive study of a case.
a) Survey b) Case Study
c) Exploratory d) Experimental

9) Criteria for good research problems are _________.

a) Novelty b) Interesting
c) Availability of data d) All the above

10) The types of research, on the basis of character of a data are of

_________ types.
a) Two b) Three
c) Four d) Five

Q.2 Write short answer. 10

1) Description and Exploratory research.
2) Features of observation method.

Q.3 Write short notes. 10

1) Descriptive research design.
2) Steps in scientific research process.

Q.4 Explain methods of collecting secondary data. 10

State the steps in report writing.

Q.5 What are the characteristics of a good report? 10

State characteristics of good research design.

Page 2 of 2
SLR-Q – 32
M.COM. (Semester – III) (Old) Examination, 2017
Research Methodology

Day & Date: Thursday, 20-04-2017 Max. Marks: 50

Time: 10.30 AM to 12.30 PM

N.B. : 1) All questions are compulsory.

2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

Q.1 Choose the alternatives given below. 10

1) The ultimate objective of any kind of research is:
a) To test the hypothesis
b) To improve the techniques of research
c) To satisfy the curiosity
d) To achieve human progress

2) Research in commerce and management is:

a) Pure research b) Historical research
c) Empirical research d) Applied Research

3) A research that ends with the formulation of hypothesis is called:

a) Exploratory research b) Descriptive research
c) Applied research d) Historical research

4) If multidimensional qualitative investigation of social – unit to

describe its behavioural pattern is called:
a) Social survey b) Historical research
c) Case study d) Research methodology

5) Research problems is formulated:

a) Before formulation of hypothesis
b) After collection of data
c) After forming a research design
d) All of the above

6) Diagnostic design of research aims at:

a) Insight into unknown phenomenon
b) Solution to problem faced
c) Measuring of cause and effect relationship
d) None of the above.

7) Observation made as per set plan is:

a) Uncontrolled observation b) Structured observation
c) Participant observation d) Contrived observation
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SLR-Q– 32
8) A study of functional relationship existing between two or more
variables is called:
a) Casual analysis b) Inferential analysis
c) Correlation analysis d) Canonical analysis

9) Interpretation of data should be made on due consideration of:

a) Empirical evidence b) Hypothesis
c) Theoretical framework d) All the above

10) Report writing is the stage of research:

a) Primary b) Formulative
c) Last d) First

Q.2 Write short notes on: 10

1) Types of Research
2) Coding

Q.3 Answer in brief: 10

1) Give any five objectives of research in commerce and
2) What are the statistical tests used for testing the hypothesis?

Q.4 Answer any one of the following. 10

1) Discuss the utility and limitations of case study in social research.
2) What is research design? Write characteristics and components
of research design.

Q.5 1) What are the different sources of data collection? 10

2) Define Reports. What are the contents of report?

Page 2 of 2
SLR-Q – 33
M.Com (Semester – III) (Old) Examination, 2017
Research Methodology

Day & Date: Thursday, 20-04-2017 Max. Marks: 50

Time: 10.30 AM to 12.30 PM

N.B. : 1) All questions are compulsory.

2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

Q.1 Select most appropriate alternative from given alternatives 10

below each questions.
1) A systematic and objective inquiry in some field of knowledge is:
a) Report b) Sample
c) Observation d) Research

2) Census in India is the best example of:

a) Description research b) Exploratory research
c) Applied research d) Pure Research

3) The most popular method of research to study current problems

in social sciences is:
a) Historical method b) Experimental
c) Survey method d) Case study

4) Hypothesis is framed on the basis of:

a) Cultural values of society b) Folk wisdom
c) Personal experiences d) Any of these

5) After formulating the research problem the researcher has to

prepare a:
a) Research report b) Research design
c) Hypothesis d) None

6) Sampling error arises due to:

a) Chance factor b) Personal bias
c) Variations in population d) All the above

7) The method of data collection used most by new agencies is:

a) Mailed questionnaire
b) Schedule through enumerators
c) Observation
d) Information through correspondents

Page 1 of 2
SLR-Q– 33
8) Interpretation of data should be made on due consideration of:
a) Empirical evidences b) Hypothesis
c) Theoretical framework d) All the above

9) A study of functional relationship existing between two or more

variables is called:
a) Casual analysis b) Inferential analysis
c) Correlation analysis d) Canonical analysis

10) The product of slow, painstaking, accurate inductive work is

a) Data collection b) Hypothesis
c) Research report d) None of the above

Q.2 Write short notes on. 10

1) Hypothesis
2) Selection of Research Problem

Q.3 Answer in brief: 10

1) Define research and write objectives of research.
2) Distinguish between case study and survey research.

Q.4 Answer any one of the following. 10

1) What do you mean by research design? Write characteristics of
good research design.
2) Discuss the different tools of data collection.

Q.5 Answer any one of the following. 10

1) What are the elements of report?
2) What is analysis and interpretation of data? What are the
characteristics of analysis?

Page 2 of 2
SLR-Q – 34
M.Com (Semester – III) Examination 2017
Research Methodology

Day & Date: Thursday, 20-04-2017 Max. Marks: 50

Time: 10.30 AM to 12.30 PM

N.B. : 1) All questions are compulsory.

2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

Q.1 Select most appropriate alternative from given alternatives 10

below each questions.
1) The development of a solid foundation of reliable knowledge
typically is built from which type of research _________.
a) Basic Research b) Action Research
c) Evaluation Research d) Orientational Research

2) A researcher designs an experiment to test how variables interact

to influence how well children learn spelling words. In this case,
the main purpose of the study was _________
a) Explanation b) Description

c) Influence d) Prediction

3) Sources of researchable problems can include:

a) Researchers own experience as educators
b) Practical issues that require solutions
c) Theory and past research
d) All the above

4) Secondary / existing data may include _________ of the

a) Official documents b) Personal documents
c) Archived research data d) All of the above

5) Open – ended questions provide primarily _________ data.

a) Confirmatory data b) Qualitative data
c) Predictive data d) None of the above

6) _________ is a set of elements taken from a larger population

according to certain rules.
a) Sample b) Population
c) Statistic d) Element

Page 1 of 2
SLR-Q– 34
7) _________ is a general methodology for developing theory that is
based on data systematically gathered and analyzed.
a) Theory confirmation b) Grounded theory
c) Theory deduction d) All of the above

8) The process of drawing a sample from a population is known as _____

a) Sampling b) Census
c) Survey research d) None of the above

9) Which of the following is not a type of nonrandom sampling ____

a) Cluster sampling b) Convenience sampling
c) Quota sampling d) Purposive sampling

10) Qualitative observation is usually done for exploratory purposes

called as _________observation.
a) Structured b) Naturalistic
c) Complete d) Probed

Q.2 Answer the following. 10

1) Advantages and disadvantages of Survey.
2) What are the various types of Research?

Q.3 Write short notes. 10

1) Give steps in Research Process.
2) Types of research designs.

Q.4 Answer any one of the following. 10

1) Explain the types of Survey’s.
2) What is Questionnaire? Give types of Questionnaire.

Q.5 Answer any one of the following. 10

1) What is case study method? Give its significance and
2) Explain types of Interview.

Page 2 of 2
SLR-Q – 35
M.COM. (Semester – III) (Old) Examination, 2017
Research Methodology

Day & Date: Thursday, 20-04-2017 Max. Marks: 50

Time: 10.30 AM to 12.30 PM

N.B. : 1) All questions are compulsory.

2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

Q.1 Choose the correct answer among the alternatives given for 10
each question.
1) ________ is the aim of Survey Research.
a) Describing the current status of a phenomenon, a group or an
b) Comparing the current status of these with some available
standards and making suggestions for improving the status.
c) Studying a small sample and drawing inferences about the
large population
d) All of these.

2) The process not needed in experimental research is ________.

a) Observation b) Controlling
c) Manipulation and replication d) Reference collection

3) The main objective of fundamental or pure research is ________.

a) To solve the problems of business and society.
b) To make practical use of existing knowledge
c) To advance the frontiers of knowledge
d) All the above

4) Interpretation of data should be made on due consideration of __.

a) Empirical Evidence b) Hypothesis
c) Theoretical Framework d) All of the above

5) A definite plan for obtaining a sample from a given population is

called ________.
a) Sample design b) Size of sample
c) Sampling error d) Sampling unit.

6) A ________ is the overall plan or programmes of research.

a) Sample design b) Statistical design
c) Observation design d) Research design

Page 1 of 2
SLR-Q– 34
7) Census is of ________ data.
a) Primary b) Secondary
c) Prime d) Primary and secondary

8) Questionnaire is a ________.
a) Research method b) Measurement technique
c) Tool for data collection d) Data analysis technique

9) Open – ended questions provide primarily ___________ data.

e) Confirmatory data f) Qualitative data
g) Predictive data h) None of the above

10) The major Limitation of Research is ___________.

a) Objectivity b) Limited Resources
c) Unpredictability d) All the above

Q.2 Answer the following. 10

1) Need of review of literature.
2) Characteristics of good researcher.

Q.3 Write short notes. 10

1) General characteristics of research.
2) Advantages and disadvantages of secondary data.

Q.4 Answer any one of the following. 10

1) Explain the types of research design.
2) Explain the contents of research report.

Q.5 Answer any one of the following. 10

1) Discuss questionnaire technique of Data Collection
2) Write on Research Process.

Page 2 of 2
SLR-Q – 36
M.Com (Semester – III) (Old) Examination, 2017
Research Methodology

Day & Date: Thursday, 20-04-2017 Max. Marks: 50

Time: 10.30 AM to 12.30 PM

N.B. : 1) All questions are compulsory.

2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

Q.1 Choose the correct answer among the alternatives given for 10
each question.
1) Research that is done to understand an event from the past is
known as ________.
a) Experimental research b) Historical research
c) Replication d) Archival research

2) A variable that is presumed to cause a change in another variable

is called a(n):
a) Categorical variable b) Dependent variable

c) Independent variable d) Intervening variable

3) A qualitative research question ________.

a) Asks a question about some process, or phenomenon to be
b) Is generally an open – ended question
c) Both a and b are correct
d) None of the above

4) The introduction section of the research plan ________.

a) Gives an overview of prior relevant studies
b) Contains a statement of the purpose of the study
c) Concludes with a statement of the research question and, for
quantitative research, it includes the research hypothesis
d) All of the above

5) A research plan ________.

a) Should be detailed
b) Should be given to others for review and comments
c) Sets out the rationale for a research study
d) All of the above

6) Open – ended questions provide primarily ________ data.

a) Confirmatory data b) Qualitative data
c) Predictive data d) None of the above
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SLR-Q– 36
7) A census taker often collects data through which of the following ____.
a) Standardized tests b) Interviews
c) Secondary data d) Observations

8) This type of research tests hypotheses and theories in order to

explain how and why a phenomenon operates as it does _____.
a) Descriptive research b) Predictive research
c) Explanatory research d) None of the above

9) ________ are the basic building blocks of qualitative data.

e) Categories f) Units
g) Individuals h) None of these

10) The major limitation of Research is ________.

a) Objectivity b) Limited resources
c) Unpredictability d) All the above

Q.2 Answer the following. 10

1) Action research
2) Characteristics of a good sample

Q.3 Write short notes. 10

1) Survey method of research.
2) Secondary data collection method.

Q.4 Answer any one of the following. 10

1) Describe the steps in research process.
2) Explain the merits and demerits of case study method.

Q.5 Answer any one of the following. 10

1) Explain various types of the research design.
2) Explain advantages and disadvantages of sampling.

Page 2 of 2
SLR-Q – 37
M.Com (Semester – III) (Old) Examination, 2017
Research Methodology

Day & Date: Thursday, 20-04-2017 Max. Marks: 50

Time: 10.30 AM to 12.30 PM

N.B. : 1) All questions are compulsory.

2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

Q.1 Choose the correct answer among the alternatives given for 10
each question.
1) Research studies to test a hypothesis of a casual relationship
between variable can be known as
a) Exploratory study b) Formulative research study
c) Diagnostic research study d) Hypothesis – testing
research study

2) The possible motives for doing research may be ___________.

a) Desire to be of service to society
b) Desire to get respectability
c) Curiosity about unknown
d) All mentioned here

3) The possible motives for doing research may be

a) To know consequential benefits
b) Solving the unsolved problems
c) To get intellectual joy of doing some creative work
d) All mentioned here

4) The basic types of research are

a) Descriptive vs. Analytical b) Applied vs. Fundamental
c) Quantitative vs. Qualitative d) All mentioned here

5) _____type of statistical data are used in educational research.

a) Descriptive statistical analysis b) Both of them
c) Inferential statistical analysis d) None of these

6) An unguided interview of psycho – analytical nature permitting the

subject to talk freely with a view to obtain insight into hidden
motives is called.
a) A focused interview b) A non-directive depth interview
c) A directive interview d) A structured interview

Page 1 of 2
SLR-Q– 37
7) Which is the purpose of theory building?
a) Applied research b) Action research
c) Fundamental research d) Survey research

8) If the findings of a research have practical implications for

improving educational patterns, it is called ___________.
a) Pure research b) Applied research
c) Descriptive research d) Experimental research

9) On the spot research aimed at the solution of immediate problems

is called ___________.
a) Survey research b) Fundamental research
c) Action research d) Pure research

10) The case study is the study of a ___________.

a) Single group
b) Single individual
c) Single community or family
d) Single unit done intensively to bring out the processes and
dynamics underlying its problems and functioning.

Q.2 Write short notes. 10

1) Advantages of Questionnaire technique of data collection.
2) Characteristics of good research report.

Q.3 Answer the following. 10

1) Explain types of research design.
2) Explain advantages of case study method.

Q.4 Answer any one of the following. 10

1) What is survey method of research? Explain its advantages and
2) Explain the types of Research.

Q.5 Answer any one of the following. 10

1) Explain the process of scientific research.
2) Explain various types of Interviews.

Page 2 of 2
SLR-Q – 38
M.COM. (Semester – III) (Old) Examination, 2017
Research Methodology

Day & Date: Thursday, 20-04-2017 Max. Marks: 50

Time: 10.30 AM to 12.30 PM

N.B. : 1) All questions are compulsory.

2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
3) Each questions carry equal marks.

Q.1 Choose the correct answer among the alternatives given for 10
each question.
1) Research in commerce and management is
a) Pure Research b) Historical Research
c) Empirical Research d) Applied Research

2) The ultimate objective of any kind of research is

a) To test the hypothesis
b) To improve the technique of research
c) To satisfy the curiosity
d) To achieve human progress.

3) Data based research the inferences of which can be verified by

repeating the experiment is called
a) Action research b) Conceptual research
c) Empirical research d) Longitudinal research

4) A case studies assumes

a) Fundamental unity of human nature
b) Recurrence of circumstance
c) Similarity of human responses
d) All of the above

5) Non – repetitive surveys conducted occasionally as per the

demands of situation are called:
a) Sample surveys b) Confidential surveys
c) Specific surveys d) Ad – voc surveys

6) Personal diaries and documents is the most important source of

information for
a) Social survey b) Empirical survey
c) Exploratory survey d) Case study

Page 1 of 2
SLR-Q– 38
7) A study of sick cotton mills at Mumbai and Gujarat is
a) Exploratory research b) Descriptive research
c) Diagnostic research d) Experimental research

8) The method of data collection used by most by news agencies is:

a) Mailed questionnaire
b) Schedule through enumerators
c) Observation
d) Information though correspondents

9) Observation made as per set plan is

a) Uncontrolled observation b) Structured observation
c) Participant observation d) Contrived observation

10) Body of report contains

a) Introduction, discussion and description b) Conclusions
c) Recommendation d) All these

Q.2 Answer the following. 10

1) Define report and explain its importance.
2) Distinguish between primary and secondary data.

Q.3 Answer the following. 10

1) What are the contents of report?
2) Define research design. What is the need of research design?

Q.4 Answer any one of the following. 10

1) Explain the characteristics of an ideal research design.
2) Explain the utility and limitations of case study in social research.

Q.5 Answer any one of the following. 10

1) “Research is a systematic and reined techniques of thinking.”
Explain in detail.
2) What are the different sources of data collection?

Page 2 of 2
SLR-Q – 39
M.COM. (Semester – III) (Old) Examination, 2017
Research Methodology

Day & Date: Thursday, 20-04-2017 Max. Marks: 50

Time: 10.30 AM to 12.30 PM

N.B. : 1) All questions are compulsory.

2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
3) Each questions carry equal marks.

Q.1 Choose the correct answer among the alternatives given for 10
each question.
1) Which is/are limitations of Research?
a) Complexity of social data
b) Problem of interpreting cause and effect relation
c) Dynamic nature of social phenomenon
d) All of these

2) To be an able person researcher must possesses/s

a) Knowledge about research problem
b) Knowledge about Research methodology
c) Knowledge about statistical techniques
d) All of these

3) The ultimate objective of any kind of Research is ________

a) To test the hypothesis
b) To improve the techniques of Research
c) To satisfy the curiosity
d) To achieve human progress

4) Research is commerce and management is

a) Pure Research b) Historical Research
c) Empirical Research d) Applied Research

5) Statistical test of hypothesis for small samples is called

a) Z – test b) T – test
c) F – test d) None of these

6) Diagnostic design of Research aims at

a) Insight into unknown phenomenon
b) Portaying of present picture of phenomenon
c) Solution to problems faced
d) Measuring of cause and effect relation

Page 1 of 2
SLR-Q– 39
7) If data are collected from few selected units of population, then the
method of data collections is called as
a) Census method b) Sampling method
c) Recording method d) None of these

8) Sampling method of data collection has following advantage/s

a) Reduced time b) Reduced budget
c) Indetail information d) All of these

9) To collect data, questionnaires through enumerators is suitable

a) No high accuracy is needed
e) Enough resources are available
f) Area is too large
g) All of these

b) When the investigator does not collect data originally for the
Research equity but uses data collected by some other, then
the data are called as
a) Primary b) Secondary
c) Private d) None of these

Q.2 Answer the following 10

1) Define report and explain its importance.
2) What are the methods of data collection?

Q.3 Answer the following. 10

1) What are the components of Research design?
2) Give any five objectives of Research in commerce and

Q.4 Answer any one of the following. 10

1) Define Research and explain its characteristics.
2) Explain the characteristics of an ideal Research design.

Q.5 Answer any one of the following. 10

1) What are the different sources of data collection?
2) What are the steps involved in report writing? What are the
requisites of a good report?

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SLR-Q – 40
M.COM. (Semester – III) (Old) Examination, 2017

Day & Date: Saturday, 22-04-2017 Max. Marks: 50

Time: 10.30 AM to 12.30 PM

N.B. : 1) All questions are compulsory.

2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
3) Use of calculator is allowed.

Q.1 Choose the alternatives given below. 10

1) Working capital is also called as _______
a) Net Current Assets b) Net Assets
c) Fixed Assets d) Total Current Assets

2) _____is example of Balance Sheet Ratio.

a) Stock Turnover Ratio b) Current Ratio
c) Net Profit Ratio d) Gross Profit Ratio

3) Quick Ratio is also called as ____

a) Current Ratio b) Working Capital Ratio
c) Acid Test Ratio d) Turnover Ratio

4) _____Budget are designed to change with the level of activity attained.

a) Capital b) Cash
c) Fixed d) Flexible

5) The main objectives of ____is to obtain more economical use of capital.

a) Budget b) Financial statement
c) Balance Sheet d) None of the above

6) The officer who is entrusted with Management Accounting functions in

an organization is known as _____Accountant.
a) Financial b) Management
c) Cost d) Corporate G

7) _________Accounting is concerned with accounting information that is

useful to Management.
a) Cost b) Financial
c) Management d) Computerized

8) Short term public deposits, unclaimed dividends, bill payable, provision

for Taxation etc are the examples of _________
a) Non-Current Liability b) Current Assets
c) Non-Current Assets d) Current Liabilities

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SLR-Q – 40
9) Current Assets minus current liabilities is called _____________
a) Working capital b) Authorized capital
c) Issued capital d) Provisions

10) ______means inflow and outflow of cash during accounting period.

a) Fund Flow b) Cash Flow
c) Working capital d) Funds from operation

Q.2 Write short notes. 10

1) Functions of Management Accounting.
2) Limitations of financial statement

Q.3 A) From the following information calculate Current Ratio and Liquid 05
Ratio Stock Rs.90,000, Debtors Rs.21, 000, Cash at Bank Rs.5000,
Furniture Rs.10,000, Bill payable Rs.12,000, Creditors Rs.28,000 and
5% Debentures Rs.1,00,000.

B) From the following information calculate changes in working capital. 05

31.12.1999 31.12.2000
Furniture and Fixtures 10,000 15,000
Stock 85,000 1,05,000
Creditors 1,00,000 70,000
Share Capital 3,00,000 4,00,000
Debtors 1,60,000 1,50,000
Cash 1,10,000 1,70,000

Q.4 Prepare Funds Flow Statement. 10

Balance Sheet
Liabilities 1999 2000 Assets 1999 2000
Share capital 3,00,000 4,00,000 Cash 30,000 90,000
Reserve 1,00,000 50,000 Accounts 1,05,000 1,50,000
Retained 30,000 60,000 Inventories 1,50,000 1,95,000
Accounts 45,000 1,35,000 Fixed Assets 1,90,000 2,10,000

4,75,000 6,45,000 4,75,000 6,45,000

Additional Information:
1) The company issued bonus shares for Rs.50,000 and for cash
2) Depreciation written off during the year Rs.15,000.

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SLR-Q – 40
From the following information calculate Working capital, Current Ratio,
Net capital employed and Acid Test Ratio.
Balance Sheet 31.12.2015
Share capital 25,000 Fixed Assets 30,000
Preference Share Capital 5,000 Stock 6,000
Reserve and Surplus 4,000 Debtors 1,000
Debentures 8,000 Cash 500
Bank Loan 4,000 Bank 2,500
Creditors 1,000 Preliminary Exp. 8,000
Proposed dividend 1,000 Brokerage on shares 2,000
Provision for Taxation 2,000

50,000 50,000

Q.5 A Factory manufacturing plastic buckets is working at 40% capacity and 10

produces 10,000 buckets per month. The present cost break up for one
bucket is an under:
Materials Rs.10
Labour Rs.03
Overheads Rs.05 (60% fixed)
Selling price Rs.10 per bucket
If it is desired to work the factory at 50% capacity the selling price falls by
3%. At 90% capacity the selling price falls by 5% accompanied by a similar
fall in the price of materials.
Prepare statement showing the profit at 50% and 90% capacity.
Prepare cash Budget for April to June 2016.
Months Sales Purchases Wages
February 1,80,000 1,24,800 12,000
March 1,92,000 1,44,000 14,000
April 1,08,000 2,43,000 11,000
May 1,74,000 2,46,000 10,000
June 1,26,000 2,68,000 15,000

50% of credit sales are realized in the month following sales and
remaining 50% in the second month following. Creditors are paid in the
month following the month of purchases. Wages are paid in the next
month. Cash and Bank balance on 1.04.2016 Rs.25,000.

Page 3 of 3
SLR-Q – 41
M.COM. (Semester – III) (Old) Examination, 2017

Day & Date: Tuesday, 25-04-2017 Max. Marks: 50

Time: 10.30 AM to 12.30 PM

N.B. : 1) All questions are compulsory.

2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

Q.1 Choose the alternatives given below. 10

1) A company can accept public deposits for a maximum period of _.
a) One year b) Two years
c) Three years d) Five years
2) The shares of over capitalized company are sold at _________.
a) Premium b) Par
c) Discount d) Profit

3) _________do not create any charge on the assets of the

a) Debentures b) Bonds
c) Equity shares d) Bank loans

4) _________funds combine features of open ended and closed

ended funds.
a) Interval b) Balanced
c) Loan d) Growth

5) Basic objective of business finance are _________.

a) Efficient management b) Arrangement of funds
c) Procurement and use of d) None of the above
6) Joint venture is the importance form of _________.
a) Direct investment b) Indirect investment
c) Part folio investment d) Official investment G

7) In _________ theory, a firm is capitalized on the basis of its

expected earnings.
a) Cost b) Earning
c) Expenditure e) None of these

8) If the necessary adjustments are possible in the financial plan, it

a) Simplicity b) Intensity
c) Flexibility d) Liquidity
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SLR-Q – 41
9) India has liberalized its policies on foreign investment and
collaborations since new economic policy announced in ______.
a) 1971 b) 1981
c) 1991 d) 1951

10) The utilization of retained earnings for meeting financial needs of

a business is known as _________.
a) External financing b) Global financing
c) Corporate financing d) Self financing

Q.2 Write short notes. 10

a) Cost theory of capitalization.
b) Forms of foreign collaborations.

Q.3 Write short answers. 10

a) What are the steps in financial planning?
b) Discuss the importance of business finance.

Q.4 Answer any one of the following questions. 10

a) What is ploughing back of profits? State the advantages and
disadvantages of self financing.
b) What is over – capitalization? State the reasons for over

Q.5 Answer any one of the following questions. 10

a) Explain the importance of foreign capital in Indian economy.
b) Explain the different sources of long term financing.

Page 2 of 2
SLR-Q – 42
M.COM. (Semester – III) (Old) Examination, 2017

Day & Date: Thursday, 20-04-2017 Max. Marks: 50

Time: 10.30 AM to 12.30 PM

N.B. : 1) All questions are compulsory.

2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

Q.1 Choose the alternatives given below. 10

1) The word report is derived from _________ term.
a) Latin b) American
c) Indian d) English

2) The ultimate objective of any kind of research is _________.

a) To test hypothesis b) To achieve human progress
c) To satisfy the curiosity d) To improve techniques of

3) Features of interview are _________.

a) Equal status b) Personal contact
c) Use of body language d) All the above

4) Hypothesis is framed on the basis of _________.

a) Folk wisdom b) Personal experience
c) Cultural valued of society d) Any of above

5) Motives for research for _________.

a) Curiosity for unknown
b) Desire to be of service to society
c) Refinement of techniques of research
d) All the above

6) _________research aims at solution to problems faced.

a) Exploratory b) Descriptive
c) Diagnostic d) Experimental

7) Research in _________ has a great problem of maintaining

a) Sciences b) Languages
c) Social Science d) None of these

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SLR-Q– 42
8) A _________ method refers to studying a phenomenon through
an intensive study of a case.
a) Survey b) Case Study
c) Exploratory d) Experimental

9) Criteria for good research problems are _________.

a) Novelty b) Interesting
c) Availability of data d) All the above

10) The types of research, on the basis of character of a data are of

_________ types.
a) Two b) Three
c) Four d) Five

Q.2 Write short answer. 10

1) Description and Exploratory research.
2) Features of observation method.

Q.3 Write short notes. 10

1) Descriptive research design.
2) Steps in scientific research process.

Q.4 Explain methods of collecting secondary data. 10

State the steps in report writing.

Q.5 What are the characteristics of a good report? 10

State characteristics of good research design.

Page 2 of 2
SLR-Q – 43
M.COM. (Semester – III)(Old) Examination, 2017

Day & Date: Thursday, 20-04-2017 Max. Marks: 50

Time: 10.30 AM to 12.30 PM

N.B. : 1) All questions are compulsory.

2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

Q.1 Select most appropriate alternative from given alternatives 10

below each questions.
1) ________ Research describe the phenomenon under study.
a) Descriptive b) Laboratory
c) Empirical d) Conceptual

2) Pilot study conducted to obtain first hand knowledge about the

universe and phenomenon may be called ________.
a) Ad – hoc survey b) Sample survey
c) Preliminary survey d) General survey

3) Observation made as per set plan is ________.

a) Uncontrolled observation b) Structural observation
c) Participant observation d) Contrived observation

4) The most popular method of research to study current problems

in social science is ________.
a) Historical method b) Survey method
c) Experimental method d) Case study method

5) Personal diaries and documents is the most important source of

information ________.
a) Social survey b) Empirical research
c) Exploratory research d) Case study

6) A case study assumes ________.

a) Fundamental unity of human nature
b) Recurrence of circumstances
c) Similarity of human responses
d) All the above

7) Interview conducted to understand the causes of a malady is

called ________.
a) Focused interview b) Treatment interview
c) Short – contact interview d) Diagnostic interview

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SLR-Q– 43
8) Diagnostic design of research aims at ________.
a) Insight into unknown phenomenon
b) Portraying of present picture of phenomenon
c) Solution of problems faced
d) Measuring of cause and effect relation

9) The ultimate objective of any kind of research is ________.

a) To test the hypothesis
b) To satisfy the curiosity
c) To improve the techniques of research
d) To achieve human progress

10) Research in commerce and management is ________.

a) Applied research b) Historical research
c) Empirical research d) Pure research

Q.2 Write short notes on. 10

1) Methods of research
2) Characteristics of a good report

Q.3 Answer the following. 10

1) What is hypothesis?
2) What is analysis of data?

Q.4 Answer any one of the following. 10

1) Explain the meaning and objectives of research.
2) What are the steps involved in report writing?

Q.5 Answer any one of the following. 10

1) What are the different sources of data collection?
2) Define research design. Explain the components as well as steps
involved in research design.

Page 2 of 2
SLR-Q –44
M.COM. (Semester – III)(Old) Examination, 2017

Day & Date: Thursday, 20-04-2017 Max. Marks: 50

Time: 10.30 AM to 12.30 PM

N.B. : 1) All questions are compulsory.

2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

Q.1 Select most appropriate alternative from given alternatives 10

below each questions.
1) One of the most important tools in cost planning is:
a) Direct cost b) Cost sheet
c) Budget d) Marginal costing.

2) Which of the following would be considered to be an investment

a) Managers have control over marketing
b) Mangers have a sales team
c) Manages have a sales team and are given a credit control
d) Managers can purchase capital assets and are given a credit
control function

3) In process costing, each producing department is a:

a) Cost unit b) Cost center
c) Investment center d) Sales Center

4) A cost center is:

a) A unit of product or service in relation to which costs are
b) An amount of expenditure attributable to an activity
c) A production or service location, function, activity or item or
equipment for which costs are accumulated
d) A center for which an individual budget is drawn by

5) Production overheads are absorbed into production units by the

use of an overhead absorption rate. Which one of the following
best describes how the absorption rate is calculated?
a) Total number of units produced divided by the total cost center
b) Total number of units produced multiplied by the unit overhead
c) Total cost center overheads divided by the cost center activity
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SLR-Q– 44
d) Total indirect costs for the business divided by the total
number of units produced.

6) A method of dealing with overheads involves spreading common

costs over cost centers on the basis of benefit received. This is
known as:
a) Overhead absorption b) Overhead apportionment
c) Overhead identification d) Overhead analysis

7) The process of cost apportionment is carried out so that:

a) Costs may be controlled
b) Cost units gather overheads as they pass through cost centers
c) Whole items of cost can be charged to cost centers.
d) common costs are shared among cost centers

8) An overhead absorption rate is used to:

a) Share out common costs over benefiting cost centers
b) Find the total overheads for a cost center
c) Charge overheads to products
d) Control overheads

9) The process of distribution of overheads allotted to a particular

department or cost center over the units produced is called:
a) Allocation b) Apportionment
c) Absorption d) Departmentalization

10) A cost unit is:

a) The cost per machine hour
b) Cost per labour hour
c) A unit of production or service in relation to which costs are
d) A measure of work output in a standard hour

Q.2 Answer the following. 10

1) Cost Audit v/s Financial Audit
2) What is cost center?

Q.3 Write short notes. 10

1) What is cost unit?
2) Profit Center

Q.4 Answer any one of the following. 10

1) Explain the terms controllable and non – controllable costs.
2) Explain the term Activity based costing.

Q.5 Answer any one of the following. 10

1) Explain the cost audit rules.
2) Explain the function of Cost Audit.
Page 2 of 2
SLR-Q – 45
M.Com (Semester – III) (Old) Examination, 2017

Day & Date: Thursday, 20-04-2017 Max. Marks: 50

Time: 10.30 AM to 12.30 PM

N.B. : 1) All questions are compulsory.

2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

Q.1 Choose the correct answer among the alternatives given for 10
each question.
1) Research studies to test a hypothesis of a casual relationship
between variable can be known as
a) Exploratory study b) Formulative research study
c) Diagnostic research study d) Hypothesis – testing
research study

2) The possible motives for doing research may be ___________.

a) Desire to be of service to society
b) Desire to get respectability
c) Curiosity about unknown
d) All mentioned here

3) The possible motives for doing research may be

a) To know consequential benefits
b) Solving the unsolved problems
c) To get intellectual joy of doing some creative work
d) All mentioned here

4) The basic types of research are

a) Descriptive vs. Analytical b) Applied vs. Fundamental
c) Quantitative vs. Qualitative d) All mentioned here

5) _____type of statistical data are used in educational research.

a) Descriptive statistical analysis b) Both of them
c) Inferential statistical analysis d) None of these

6) An unguided interview of psycho – analytical nature permitting the

subject to talk freely with a view to obtain insight into hidden
motives is called.
a) A focused interview b) A non-directive depth interview
c) A directive interview d) A structured interview

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SLR-Q– 45
7) Which is the purpose of theory building?
a) Applied research b) Action research
c) Fundamental research d) Survey research

8) If the findings of a research have practical implications for

improving educational patterns, it is called ___________.
a) Pure research b) Applied research
c) Descriptive research d) Experimental research

9) On the spot research aimed at the solution of immediate problems

is called ___________.
a) Survey research b) Fundamental research
c) Action research d) Pure research

10) The case study is the study of a ___________.

a) Single group
b) Single individual
c) Single community or family
d) Single unit done intensively to bring out the processes and
dynamics underlying its problems and functioning.

Q.2 Write short notes. 10

1) Advantages of Questionnaire technique of data collection.
2) Characteristics of good research report.

Q.3 Answer the following. 10

1) Explain types of research design.
2) Explain advantages of case study method.

Q.4 Answer any one of the following. 10

1) What is survey method of research? Explain its advantages and
2) Explain the types of Research.

Q.5 Answer any one of the following. 10

1) Explain the process of scientific research.
2) Explain various types of Interviews.

Page 2 of 2
SLR-Q – 46
M.COM. (Semester – III) (Old) Examination, 2017

Day & Date: Thursday, 20-04-2017 Max. Marks: 50

Time: 10.30 AM to 12.30 PM

N.B. : 1) All questions are compulsory.

2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
3) Each questions carry equal marks.

Q.1 Choose the correct answer among the alternatives given for 10
each question.
1) ‘A study of cost and price of sugarcane in western Maharashtra’
will be termed as
a) Empirical Research b) Library Research
c) Applied Research d) Fundamental Research

2) ‘A study of Industrial Relation in Reliance Group of Industries’ is

a) Fundamental Research b) Descriptive Research
c) Exploratory Research d) Action Research

3) Research in commerce and management is

a) Pure Research b) Historical Research
c) Empirical Research d) Applied Research

4) A study of sick cotton mills at Mumbai and Gujarat is

a) Exploratory Research b) Description Research
c) Diagnostic Research d) Experimental Research

5) Diagnostic design of Research aims at

a) Insight into unknown phenomenon
b) Portyaing of present picture of phenomenon
c) Solution to problems faced
d) Measuring of cause and effect relation

6) Goals of Research design is/are

a) To provide blue print b) To set boundaries
c) Economy d) All the above

7) Due to Research design time required is:

a) Saved b) Wasted
c) Not saved d) None of these

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SLR-Q– 46
8) Data collected by direct observations are a
a) Primary data b) Secondary data
c) Both a and b d) None of these

9) Data collected from the publications of foreign governments are a

a) Primary data b) Secondary
c) Both a and b d) None of these

10) Advantages of observation method is/are

a) Simplicity b) Realistic
c) Reliability d) All of these

Q.2 Answer the following 10

1) Distinguish between primary data and secondary data.
2) Write a short note on essential of good report.

Q.3 Answer the following. 10

1) What are the motives of Research?
2) What are the contents of Research design?

Q.4 Answer any one of the following. 10

1) Explain in detail various types of research design.
2) What are the different sources of data collection?

Q.5 Answer any one of the following. 10

1) What are the steps involved in report writing? What precautions
will you take while writing a report?
2) Define Research and explain its characteristics.

Page 2 of 2
SLR-Q – 47
M.Com (Semester – III) (New)(CBCS) Examination, 2017
Modern Banking

Day & Date: Tuesday, 18-04-2017 Max. Marks: 70

Time: 10.30 AM to 01.00 PM

N.B. : 1) All questions are compulsory.

2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

Q.1 Choose the alternatives given below. 14

1) CHAPS was established in London in _________.
a) 1980 b) 1990
c) 1984 d) 1985

2) Factoring is useful to _________ units.

e) MSI f) LSI
g) S.S.I. h) Industrial

3) SSRY scheme has _________ major components.

a) Two b) Three
c) Four d) Five

4) _________ do not expire.

a) DD b) TT
c) MIRC d) MT

5) Swarana jayanti Shahari Rozgar Yojana (SSRY),

comprehensively revamped with effect from _________.
a) 2012-13 b) 2011-12
c) 2010-11 d) 2009-10

6) UTI was alone in mutual fund field until _________.

a) 1987 b) 1988
c) 1989 d) 1990

7) _________ is a negotiable instrument.

a) MT b) DD
c) TT d) ALL

8) Micro, small & Medium Enterprises Development (MSMED) act,

a) 2006 b) 2007
c) 2008 d) 2009

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SLR-Q– 47
9) In India, Cyber law is named as IT Act, _________.
a) 1999 b) 2000
c) 2001 d) 2002

10) SIDBI stated operation in _________ 1990.

a) Jan b) Feb
c) March d) April

11) SWIFT headquarters are located in La Hulpe, near ________.

a) Brussels b) Lisbon
c) Dhaka d) Rome

12) For domestic investor, the UTI introduced a growth-oriented

mutual fund known as mastershares in Sep ________.
a) 1984 b) 1985
c) 1986 d) 1987

13) The Indian Evidence Act, ________.

a) 1870 b) 1871
c) 1872 d) 1873

14) A code of conduct for the merchant bankers is prescribed by ___.

a) GOI b) SEBI
c) RBI d) SBI

Q.2 Write short answers. 14

1) Offshore Banking
2) Agricultural credit cards

Q.3 Write short notes. 14

1) Swarna Joyanti Shahari Rozgar Yojana (SSRY)
2) Home banking

Q.4 Classify factoring service, bringing out the salient features of each. 14
Explain SEBI (Merchant Bankers) regulations, 1992.

Q.5 Discuss Regulation of mutual funds. 14

Discuss the following remittance methods.
a) MICR clearing
b) Virtual Payment Systems

Page 2 of 2
SLR-Q – 48
M.Com. (Semester – III) (New) (CBCS) Examination, 2017

Day & Date: Tuesday, 18-04-2017 Max. Marks: 70

Time: 10.30 AM to 01.00 PM

N.B. : 1) All questions are compulsory.

2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

Q.1 Choose the alternatives given below. 14

1) The primary parking materials such as cartons card board boxes
etc are the examples of ___________.
a) Selling overheads b) Distribution overheads
c) Direct material d) Administrative expenses

2) Prime cost includes ___________.

a) Direct Material + Direct Labour + Direct Expenses
b) Direct Material + Direct Labour only
c) Indirect Material + Indirect Labour.
d) None of the above.
3) Wage sheet is prepared by ___________.
a) Pay Roll Department b) Personal Department
c) Accounts Department d) Costing Department

4) Which of the following method of wage payments does not

guarantee wages on time basis?
a) Halsey premium system b) Piece rate system
c) Rown premium system d) Taylors differential price rate system

5) The capital value is the basis for allocation and apportionment of _.

a) Rent b) Time office
c) Delivery expenses d) Depreciation
6) Item excluded from cost ___________.
a) Income tax b) Discount on debentures
c) Dividend d) All the above

7) ___________ is the technique and process of ascertaining costs.

a) Cost Accounting b) Management Accounting
c) Costing d) Financial Accounting

8) Which of the following is an accounting record?

a) Bill of materials b) Bin card
c) Stores ledger d) All of these

Page 1 of 4
9) When prices fluctuate widely the method that will smooth out the
effect of fluctuations is ___________.
a) Simple average b) Weighted average
10) The Allotment of whole items of cost to cost centers or cost units is
a) Cost allocation b) Cost apportionment
c) Overhead absorption d) Cost classification
11) The separation method is useful for measurement of _______.
a) Material turnover b) Labour turnover
c) Issue of material d) Valuation of wastage
12) Administrative overheads are recorded as a percentage of ______.
a) Direct material b) Direct wages
c) Prime cost d) Works cost
13) Storekeeper should initiate a purchase requisition when stock
reaches ___________.
a) Minimum level b) Maximum level
c) Reorder level d) Average level
14) Which of the following document is used for time keeping?
a) Daily Time sheet b) Time card
c) Job card d) All of these
Q.2 A) The following data relates to the manufacturing of standard 07
product during the four weeks ending 31st March 2016.
Raw material consumed 20,000
Direct wages 12,000
Machine hours worked 1000 hrs.
Machine hours rate 2.00
Office overheads 15% on works cost
Selling overheads 37paise per unit
Unit produced 20,000
Unit sold @ Rs. 2.50 each
Prepare a statement of:
a) Cost Sheet
b) The profit earned
B) Write short note on Cost classification. 07
Q.3 A) The following information is available in respect of a material of 07
XYZ Co. Ltd.
Reorder Quantity 12000 units
Lead (i.e. delivery) time 4 to 8 weeks
Maximum consumption 4,000 units per week
Normal consumption 3,000 units per week
Minimum consumption 1,550 units per week
1. Reorder level
2. Minimum level
3. Maximum level
Page 2 of 4
B) Write a short note on Labour turnover. 07
Q.4 The following particulars have been extracted in respect of material X, 07
prepare a stores ledger Account showing the receipts and issues,
pricing the material issued on the basis of weighted average cost
Jan 01 Purchased 300 units @ Rs. 5 per unit
04 Purchased 600 units @ Rs. 4 per unit
06 Issued 500 units
10 Purchased 700 units @ Rs. 5 per unit
15 Issued 800 units
20 Purchased 300 units @ Rs. 6 per unit
25 Issued 100 units
Labour force was at the beginning 900 and at the end 1,100 during the 07
period 15 persons quit and 25 persons are discharged. 150 workers
were engaged out of them 20 persons were appointed in the vacancy
Calculate labour turnover rate during the period under.
a) Separation method
b) Replacement method
c) Flex method
Q.5 Superclass Co. Ltd. has three production departments X, Y and Z and 14
two service departments A & B.
The following estimated figures for a certain period have been made
Rent and Rates 10,000
Lighting and Electricity 1,200
Indirect wages 3,000
Power 3,000
Depreciation of Machinery 20,000
Other expenses and sundries 20,000
Following are further details which are also available.
Total X Y Z A B
Floor space (sq.mtr) 10,000 2,000 2,500 3,000 2,000 500
Light points (Nos.) 120 20 30 40 20 10
Direct wages (Rs.) 20,000 6,000 4,000 6,000 3,000 1,000
Horse power of
machines 300 120 60 100 20 --
Cost of machinery 1,00,000 24,000 32,000 40,000 2,000 2,000
Working hours 4,670 3,020 3,050
The expenses of service departments A and B are to be
allocated as follows.
A% 20 30 40 -- 10
B% 40 20 30 10 --

Page 3 of 4
a) You are required calculate overhead absorption rates per hour in
respect of the three production departments.
b) What will be the total cost of an article with material cost of Rs. 80
and labour cost of Rs. 40 which passes through X, Y, and Z for 2,
3, and 4 hour respectively.
A machine was purchased on January 1st 2016 for Rs. 5 lacs. The total 14
cost of all machinery inclusive of the new machine was Rs. 75 Lacs.
The following further information are available.
Expected life of the machine 10 years.
Scrap value at the end of ten year Rs. 5,000.
Repairs and maintenance for the machine during the year Rs.
Expected number of working hours of the machine per year
4,000 hours.
Insurance premium annually for all the machines Rs. 4,500.
Electricity consumption for the machine per hour @ 75 paisa per
unit 25 units.
Area occupied by the machine 100 sq.ft.
Area occupied by other machines 1500 sq. ft.
Rent per month of the department Rs. 800
Lighting charges for 20 points for the whole department out of
which three points are for the machine. Rs. 120 per month.
Computer the machine hour rate for the new machine on the
basis of the data given above.

Page 4 of 4
SLR-Q –49
M.Com. (Semester – III) (New) (CBCS) Examination, 2017

Day & Date: Tuesday, 18-04-2017 Max. Marks: 70

Time: 10.30 AM to 01.00 PM

N.B. : 1) All questions are compulsory.

2) Use of Calculator is allowed.

Q.1 Choose the correct alternatives form the following. 14

1) Excess of current assets over current liabilities is called _________.
a) Quick Assets b) Quick Liabilities
c) Gross working capital d) Working capital
2) _________ Management provides effective system of financial
control to ensure plan progress toward the set objectives.
a) Middle b) Cost c) Financial d) Production
3) Quick assets is Rs. 8,00,000, Fixed Assets and Current Liabilities are
Rs. 6,00,000 and 4,00,000 respectively then the Quick Ratio is ____
a) 4:3 b) 2:1 c) 4:5 d) 1:2
4) The common name for 2:1 ration is _________.
a) Current Ratio b) Quick Ratio c) G. P. Ratio d) Gearing Ratio
5) _________ is process of critically examining in detail accounting
information given in the financial statement.
a) Evaluation b) Management c) Interpretation d) Analysis
6) _________ is explaining the meaning and signification of data so
a) Working capital b) Ratio analysis
c) Interpretation d) Managerial analysis
7) ABC analysis divided material according to their importance namely____.
a) Use and Rate b) Value and quantity
c) Supplier and dealer d) Production capacity

8) Sales minus Gross Profit are equal to _________.

a) Cost of goods sold b) Operating cost
c) Total purchases d) Net profit

9) Average stock is Rs. 1,00, 000 and closing stock was Rs. 10,000
more than the opening stock then the amount of closing stock is Rs_
a) 1,10,000 b) 55,000 c) 95,000 d) 1,05,000

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SLR-Q – 49
10) Maximum Rate of consumption multiplied by maximum delivery
period is equal to _________.
a) Maximum level b) Minimum level
c) Re-order level d) Danger level
11) Conventionally a liquid ratio of _________ is considered
a) 3:2 b) 1:1 c) 1:2 d) 2:1

12) The _______ is an arithmetical relationship between two figures in

Statement of accounts stated either as proportion, rate or
a) Ratio b) Interpretation c) Analysis d) Comparisons
13) EOQ is also called _________.
a) Danger level b) Inventory control
c) Stock level d) Reorder quantity
14) Current ratio is a example of _________ ratio.
a) Income statement b) Combined
c) Balance sheet d) Profit and loss account
Q.2 Write short notes on any two. 14
1. Evaluation of Credit Policy
2. Nature Financial Management
3. Comparative Statement Analysis.
Q.3 A) Form the data given below compute current ratio, Net capital 07
employed, Debt equity ratio.
Ashirvad Company Ltd.
Balance Sheet
As on 31.12.2016
Liabilities Amt. Assets Amt.
Equity share capital 25,000 Fixed Assets 30,000
Preference share capital 5,000 Current Assets:
Reserve and Surplus 4,000 Stores 2,000
Debentures 8,000 Debtors 1,000
Bank loan 4,000 Cash 500
Creditors 1,000 Bank 2,500
Proposed dividend 1,000 Preliminary Expenses 8,000
Provision for taxation 2,000 Brokerage on shares 2,000
Stock 4,000
50,000 50,000
B) From the following information calculate Economic Order Quantity 07
of product ZED.
Demand of ZED varies from 500 units to 1500 units per month.
Semiannual carrying cost – 6%
Ordering cost per order Rs. 90
Raw material required per unit of finished products 2kg.
Purchases price of input unit Rs. 25 per kg.

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SLR-Q – 49
Q.4 From the following information prepare balance sheet of ABC Company 14
Ltd. as on 31.3.2016.
Gross Profit Ratio 25%
Net Profit Ratio 20%
Stock Turnover Ratio 10
Net Profit / Capital 1⁄5
Capital to total liability ½
Fixed Assets to capital 5⁄4

Fixed Assets to total current Assets 5⁄7

Fixed Assets Rs. 10,00,000

Closing stock Rs. 1,00,000
From the following information calculate 14
1) Current ratio 2) Quick ratio
3) Inventory turnover ratio 4) Inventory current asset
5) Average collection period 6) Debt equity ratio
7) Proprietary ratio
31.3.2015 31.3.2016
Particulars Assets Liabilities Assets Liabilities
Stock 10,000 -- 20,000 --
Debtors 30,000 -- 30,000 --
Payment in Advance 2,000 -- -- --
Cash in hand 20,000 -- 15,000 --
Creditors -- 25,000 -- 30,000
Acceptance -- 15,000 -- 12,000
Bank overdraft -- -- -- 5,000
Sales amounted to Rs.3,50,000 in the year ends on 31.3.2015 and
Rs.3,00,000 in the year ends on 31.3.2016.
Q.5 Explain the motives of cash management. Discuss the theories of 14
cash Management.
From the following information calculate. 14
1. Re-order level
2. Minimum level
3. Maximum level
4. Average stock level
5. Danger level
Rate of consumption
Minimum – 750 kg per week
Maximum – 2250 kg per week
Normal – 1200 kg per week
Re-order period
Minimum – 3 weeks
Maximum – 7 weeks
Normal – 4 weeks
For emergency purchase 2 weeks
Re-order quantity - 6000 kg.
Page 3 of 3
SLR-Q –50
M.Com. (Semester – III) (New) (CBCS) Examination, 2017

Day & Date: Tuesday, 18-04-2017 Max. Marks: 70

Time: 10.30 AM to 01.00 PM

N.B. : 1) All questions are compulsory.

2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

Q.1 Choose the correct alternatives form the following. 14

1) Which Act empowers the Central Govt. to appoint an authority to settle
disputes in course of inter-state trade and commerce?
a) CST Act, 1956 b) CST Act, 2001
c) Both a and b d) None

2) In which section in appropriate state contained?

a) Sec 2(aa) b) Sec 2(b) c) Sec 2(9) d) Sec 2(a)

3) From the following which one is not a declared goods?

a) Waste b) Cotton c) Cotton fabrics d) Cotton Yarn

4) Which form has to be furnished for transfer of goods other than sale
a) Form E-I b) Form F c) Form H d) Form E-II

5) From C is issued by the

a) Purchasing dealer b) Selling dealer
c) Assessing authority d) Appellate authority

6) Conditions supporting a sale as inter-state sale is/are

a) A sale of goods
b) Transport of goods from one state to another
c) Movement of goods must be caused
d) All of the above

7) Form Gross Turnover which of the following is/are deducted for

calculating turnover under Central Sales Tax
a) Sales price of exempted goods
b) Sales price of exported goods
c) Sales price of goods sold inside a state
d) All of the above

8) Under MVAT Act a dealer includes

a) Any society b) Any club
c) Other association of person d) None of the above
e) All the above

9) From the following on which commodity MVAT is not levied.

a) Packing materials b) Pulses
c) Petroleum products d) Chemicals
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SLR-Q –50
10) Application for registration under MVAT has to be made in
a) Form A b) Form C c) Form 101 d) Form 1001

11) Which one of the following is an incorrect rate under MVAT Act, 2002?
a) 1% b) 2% c) 5% d) 7% e) 12.5%

12) Which one of the following cannot be considered as goods as per the
definition of goods given under MVAT Act, 2002.
a) Iron scrap b) Electricity
c) Lottery Tickets d) Software

13) Amount to be paid as fees under MVAT Act, 2002 for compulsory
registration is
a) Rs. 500 b) Rs. 2,000 c) Rs. 5,000 d) None of the above

14) Formula for calculating sales tax if amount of sales tax is not included
in the sales price is
a) Aggregate of sales price X rate of tax/ 100 + Rate
b) Aggregate of sales price X rate of tax/ 100
c) Aggregate of sales price X rate of tax/ 105
d) None

Q.2 Write short notes on any three of the following. 14

1. Disadvantages of an unregistered dealer under MVAT
2. Procedure for Registration under CST
3. Procedure and due dates for filing of returns under MVAT
4. Types of Assessment under MVAT
5. Penalties which are leviable under MVAT
6. Interstate sale

Q.3 A) The particulars regarding sale, purchase etc of Shubham Udyog for 14
the last quarter of the year 2014 – 15 are as under
1) Purchases of raw materials within the State
a) Taxable at 1% 40,00,000
b) Taxable at 4% 60,00,000
c) Taxable at 12.5% 10,00,000
d) URD Purchases VAT rate 1% 5,05,000
2) Sale of goods manufactured from raw materials purchased at 4%.
a) Taxable sale within the state at 4% 20,00,000
b) Exempted sales within the state 10,00,000
c) Sales in the course of interstate trade on C forms 10,00,000
3) Sale of raw material purchased @ 1% rate 44,00,000
4) Goods manufactured form the raw material purchased at 12.5% was
given on lease. The deemed sale price of such goods is Rs.
12,00,000 taxable at 12.5%.

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SLR-Q –50
You may assume that input tax credit of tax on raw materials used in the
manufacture of leased goods is available immediately. There was no
opening or closing stock. Compute the amount of Value Added Tax
payable by Shubham Udyog for the relevant quarter. How can he utilize
the balance of input tax credit available, if any?
B) Avantika and Associates is a registered dealer engaged in the
manufacturing of steel in the State of Maharashtra. During the year
2014-15 the firm has procured raw material Rs. 25,50,320 (VAT @
4%) and purchased plant and machinery of Rs. 20,00,000 (VAT @
12.5%) and Rs. 5,00,000 (CST @ 2%) for use in the manufacturing
of steel. Sales of materials made during the year is Rs. 40,00,000
(VAT 4%) and interstate sale Rs.5,29,000 (2% CST). Beside above
branch transfer of Rs. 3, 20,000 were made to Bijapur (Karnataka).
Calculate the following.
i) Output Tax
ii) Input Tax
iii) Balance Tax payable
iv) Input tax credit if any, to be carried forward or otherwise
Q.4 Mr. Lalit Khurana of Solapur who started business is April 2014 gives you 14
the following information of his sales and purchases. Determine if he is
liable for registration under MVAT and it yes, from which month?
Month Local purchases Purchases from Sales inside the
Gujarat State
Taxable Tax free Taxable Tax free Taxable Tax free
May 14 30,000 4,000 1,000 500 15,000 5,000
June 14 1,000 5,000 4,000 500 20,000 4,000
July 14 20,000 1,000 6,000 22,000 10,000 2,000
Aug 14 40,000 2,000 4,000 1,000 5,000 5,000
Sept 14 10,000 10,000 3,000 5,000 22,000 5,000
Oct 14 2,000 8,000 4,000 4,000 40,000 5,000
Whether your answer will differ if there is sales return of Rs. 50,000 in the
month of September 2014 and returned goods are still in stock?
Q.5 Form the following details; calculate the Central Sales Tax payable by 14
Sriniwas who is carrying on business in Mumbai.
Gross Turnover 63,83,390
The above gross turnover includes the following
a) Trade discount for which credit note have been issued 1,10,000
b) Excise duty 6,00,000
c) Freight and insurance separately charged in the invoice 90,000
d) Installation charges separately charged 1,20,000
e) Central Sales Tax @ 2% against C Forms. Local Vat rage

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SLR-Q – 50
f) The following dealers of Delhi to whom the goods were sold, have
returned the goods. The particulars of the above returned goods are as

Date of Name of Date of

Sale the dealer Details of Invoice return
11.5.2014 G & Co. Value of goods 60,000 12.10.2014
+ Excise duty 10% 6,000
+ Freight & insurance 2,000
+ Installation charges 5,000
+ C.S.T @ 2% on 1,320
Rs. 66,000 ______
Total Value 74,320

13.9.2014 S & Co. Value of goods 40,000 20.3.2015

+ Excise duty 10% 4,000
+Freight & insurance 3,000
+ C.S.T @ 2% on 880
Rs. 44,000
Total Value ______
The other buyers have issued ‘C’ Forms for the purchase made by them

Page 4 of 4
SLR-Q –51
M.Com. (Semester – III) (New) (CBCS) Examination, 2017
Industrial Statistics
Day & Date: Tuesday, 18-04-2017 Max. Marks: 70
Time: 10.30 AM to 01.00 PM

N.B. : 1) All questions are compulsory.

2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
3) Each questions carry equal marks.
4) Use of calculators is allowed.

Q.1 Choose the most appropriate alternative amongst the given for 14
each questions.
1) S.Q.C. stands for
a) Systematic Quality Control b) Statistical Quality Center
c) Statistical Quality Control d) None of these

2) Fluctuations in electric current is a

a) Chance cause b) Assignable cause
c) Controllable cause d) None of these

3) Use of Substandard raw Material is a

a) Chance cause b) Assignable cause
c) Un Controllable cause d) None of these

4) To control the quality of production, what is used?

a) Control chart b) Lot control
c) Acceptance sampling d) None of these

5) Control chart was Introduced by

a) George Dantizg b) Karl Pearson
c) Walter A Schwartz d) None of these

6) Which one of the following is a control chart for Attributes?

a) -chart b) R-chart c) p-chart d) None of these

7) How many control limits in a control chart?

a) 3 b) 4 c) 5 d) None of these

8) To denote expected value of statistic, which control limit is used?

a) LCL b) CCL c) UCL d) None of these

9) “Mean – 3 S.D.” gives the

a) LCL b) CCL c) UCL d) None of these

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SLR-Q– 51
10) A production process is said to be out of control, if it is governed
a) Chance causes b) Assignable causes
c) Both a and b d) none of these

11) ASN Stands for

a) Actual Sample Number b) Average Sample Number
c) Already Sample Number d) None of these

12) Upper Control limit of R – Chart is given by

13) To control the average value of statistic, which control chart B

to be used?
a) P – chart b) np – chart
c) – chart d) None of these

14) Probability of accepting a lot of defective quality is called as

a) Producer’s Risk b) Consumer’s Risk
c) Operating Characteristics d) None of these

Q.2 A) Write short notes on 07

1. Chance Causes
2. Assignable Causes
B) What is the principle underlying in deciding the control limits 07
of control chart? Explain in details.

Q.3 A) Explain Acceptance Sampling for Attributes and define 07

the terms.
B) Each day a Sample of 50 items from a production process 07
was examined. The number of defectives found in each
sample was as follows
6, 2, 5, 1, 2,2, 3, 4, 12, 4, 4, 1, 3, 5, 4, 3, 5, 4, 2, 3
Draw a suitable control chart and check for control.

Q.4 Attempt any one of the following. 14

A) What do you understand by SQC? Discuss briefly its need and
utility in industry.

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SLR-Q– 51
B) Give the construction of & R – charts. The following data
shows the values of samples mean and the range R for ten
samples of size 5 each. Calculate the values for central line and
control limits for mean chart and range chart and comment on
these about the status of process?

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Mean 11.2 11.8 10.8 11.6 11.0 9.6 10.4 9.6 10.6 10.0
Range (R) 7 4 8 5 7 4 8 4 7 9

(Given A2 = 0.58, D3 = 0, D4 = 2.11)

Q.5 Attempt any one of the following. 14

A) Give the construction of P and np – charts. State the differences
between them. Construct appropriate control chart.

Lot No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
500 400 300 150 600 450 800 900 750 1000
No. of
25 42 35 16 15 40 81 82 72 100

B) Differentiate between defects and defective. Construct a control

chart for No. of defects.
The number of defects in 20 pieces of cloth each of 100 meters
length is given below.
1, 3, 3, 1, 6, 4, 3, 7, 10, 2, 2, 6, 4, 3, 2, 1, 5, 6, 4, 5
Draw C – Chart and Comment.

Page 3 of 3
SLR-Q – 52
M.COM. (Semester – III) (New) (CBCS) Examination, 2017
Research Methodology

Day & Date: Thursday, 20-04-2017 Max. Marks: 70

Time: 10.30 AM to 01.00 PM

N.B. : 1) All questions are compulsory.

2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

Q.1 Choose the alternatives given below. 14

1) The major limitation of social research is _________.
a) Objectivity b) Limited resources 1

c) Unpredictability d) All the above

2) To solve the problems of business and society is the main

objective if _________ research.
e) Pure f) Applied
g) Empirical h) Historical

3) _________method is intensive study of case.

a) Survey b) Case study
c) None of these d) All the above

4) Motives of research are _________.

a) Curiosity b) Interest in novel
c) Identification of causes d) All the above

5) Population is known in _________ method.

a) Case study b) Survey
c) None of these d) All the above

6) _________ is the first part of the main body of the report.

a) Introduction b) Conclusions
c) Description d) None of these

7) The parts presented after the end of the main body of the report is
called _________.
a) Glossary b) Bibliography
c) List of references d) Addenda

8) To achieve new insights into a phenomenon is the main objective

a) Diagnostic b) Descriptive
c) Exploratory d) Experimental
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SLR-Q– 52
9) Generally _________ steps in the context of exploratory studies
are used.
a) Two b) Three
c) Four d) Five

10) The research wherein trend analysis of a phenomenon under

investigation is done may be called _________ research.
a) Qualitative b) Comparative
c) Conceptual d) Longitudanal

11) Research can be broadly classified into _________ groups.

a) Two b) Three
c) Four d) Five

12) _________observation is the observation of an event after it has

taken place.
a) Controlled b) Direct
c) Uncontrolled d) Indirect

13) Data for an investigation may be collected by _________

a) Five b) Four
c) Three d) Two

14) A study of industrial relations in reliance industry will be termed

as _________ research.
a) Descriptive b) Exploratory
c) Action d) Pure

Q.2 Write short answer. 14

1) Pure and applied research.
2) Criteria for good research problem.

Q.3 Write short notes. 14

1) Objective of research.
2) Characteristics of good research design.

Q.4 Explain importance and precautions to be taken while doing 14

What are the different sources of data collection?

Q.5 Discuss the characteristics of good report. 14

Explain the types and limitations of survey method.

Page 2 of 2
SLR-Q – 53
M.COM. (Semester – III) (New) (CBCS) Examination, 2017
Research Methodology

Day & Date: Thursday, 20-04-2017 Max. Marks: 70

Time: 10.30 AM to 01.00 PM

N.B. : 1) All questions are compulsory.

2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

Q.1 Choose the alternatives given below. 14

1) Research is commerce and management is _________ research.
a) Pure b) Applied 1

c) Empirical d) Historical

2) To achieve human progress is the ultimate objective of

_________ research.
a) Pure b) Applied
c) Empirical d) Any kind of

3) Kinds of hypothesis are _________.

a) Four b) Three
c) Two d) Five

4) _________method is extensive study of population.

a) Survey b) Case study
c) Empirical d) All the above

5) _________method does only qualitative analysis.

a) Survey b) Case study
c) Empirical d) All the above

6) Report writing contains _________ main divisions.

a) Two b) Three
c) Four d) Five

7) Introductory part of reports contains _________.

a) Preface b) Acknowledgments
c) Letter of transmittal d) All the above

8) Generally _________ types in the context of exploratory studies

are used.
a) Two b) Three
c) Four d) Five

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SLR-Q– 53
9) Research design may be categorized into _________ types.
a) Two b) Three
c) Four d) Five

10) _________research refers to the research in natural sciences.

a) Physical b) Social
c) None of these d) All the above

11) _________observation is the observation of an event after it

has taken place.
a) Controlled b) Direct
c) Uncontrolled d) Indirect

12) A study of industrial relations in reliance industry will be termed

as _________ research.
a) Descriptive b) Exploratory
c) Action d) Pure

13) Sources of research problems are _________.

a) Review of literature b) Experience
c) Educational bodies d) All the above

14) _________data are original in nature.

a) Secondary b) Primary
c) None of these d) All the above

Q.2 Write short answer. 14

1) Qualitative and quantitative research.
2) Phases of research design.

Q.3 Write short notes. 14

1) Formulation of research problem.
2) Types of research design.

Q.4 Discuss methods of collecting primary data. 14

What is analysis? What are the types of analysis of data? 14

Q.5 Explain the steps in report writing and state importance of report 14
State stages and advantages of case study method. 14

Page 2 of 2
SLR-Q – 54
M.COM. (Semester – III) (New) (CBCS) Examination, 2017
Research Methodology

Day & Date: Thursday, 20-04-2017 Max. Marks: 70

Time: 10.30 AM to 01.00 PM

N.B. : 1) All questions are compulsory.

2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

Q.1 Choose the alternatives given below. 14

1) The steps in report writing are:
1) Analysis of subject matter 2) Final out line preparation
3) Preparation of final 4) Preparation of rough draft
5) Rewriting and polishing 6) Writing final draft
1) Final out line preparation 2) Analysis of subject matter
3) Rewriting and polishing 4) Preparation of rough draft
5) Writing final draft 6) Preparation of final
1) Analysis of subject matter 2) Preparation of rough draft
3) Final out line preparation 4) Rewriting and polishing
5) Preparation of final 6) Writing final draft
d) None of these

2) ‘A study of cost and price of sugarcane in Solapur district will be

tremed as:
a) Applied Research b) Library Research
c) Empirical Research d) Fundamental Research

3) A research that ends with the formulation of hypothesis is

a) Exploratory Research b) Descriptive Research
c) Applied Research d) Historical research

4) Pilot study conducted to obtain first hand knowledge about the

universe and phenomenon may be called
a) Ad – hoc survey b) Sample survey
c) Preliminary survey d) General survey

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SLR-Q– 54
5) Hypothesis is framed on the basis of:
a) Folk wisdom b) Personal experience
c) Cultural values of society d) Any of the above

6) Exploratory design of research aims at:

a) Insight into unknown phenomenon
b) Portaying of present picture of phenomenon
c) Solution to problems faced
d) Measuring of cause and effect relation

7) Sampling error arises due to:

a) Chance factor b) Personal bias
c) Variations in population d) All the above

8) Sampling interval is calculated in case of:

a) Random sampling b) Systematic sampling
c) Cluster sampling d) Quota sampling

9) Interview conducted to understand the causes of a malady is

a) Focused interview b) Treatment interview
c) Short – contact interview d) Diagnostic interview

10) Data collected through interview and questionnaire is called:

a) Secondary data b) Primary data
c) Dummy data d) None of these

11) A study of functional relationship existing between two or more

variables is called:
a) Casual analysis b) Inferential analysis
c) Correlation analysis d) Canonical analysis

12) Coding of data is done:

a) Only after collection of data
b) Only before collection of data
c) Before or after collected of data
d) During collection of data

13) Interpretation of data should be made on due consideration of:

a) Empirical evidence b) Hypothesis
c) Theoretical frame work d) All these above

14) Problem of Research report is:

a) Problem of language b) Problem of writing
c) Objectivity problem d) All the above problem

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SLR-Q– 54
Q.2 Write short notes on. 14
1) Methods of collecting primary data
2) Survey method and case study method

Q.3 Answer in brief: 14

1) Explain the meaning and objectives of research.
2) What are the characteristics of good research design?

Q.4 Answer any one of the following: 14

1) Define reports. What are the characteristics of good report and its
2) What are the different tools of data collection?

Q.5 Answer any one of the following. 14

1) What is analysis and interpretation of data?
Write short notes on:
a) Causal analysis
b) Inferential analysis
c) Description analysis
d) Tabulation analysis

2) Write details note on:

a) Indentifying Research Problems
b) Selection of Research Problems

Page 3 of 3
SLR-Q – 55
M.COM. (Semester – III)(New) (CBCS) Examination, 2017
Research Methodology

Day & Date: Thursday, 20-04-2017 Max. Marks: 70

Time: 10.30 AM to 01.00 PM

N.B. : 1) All questions are compulsory.

2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

Q.1 Select most appropriate alternative from given alternatives 14

below each questions.
1) _________ establishes cause and effect relation between
variable under study.
a) Descriptive Research b) Explanatory Research
c) Exploratory Research d) None of these

2) Non repetitive surveys conducted occasionally as per the demand

of situation are called _________.
a) Sample survey b) Confidential survey
c) Specific survey d) Ad – hoc surveys

3) _________ is a proposition which can be put to test to determine

its validity.
a) Hypothesis b) Research
c) Survey d) Case study

4) _________ is a master plan specifying the methods and

procedures for collecting and analyzing the needed information.
a) Research design b) Review of literature
c) Research d) None of these

5) A form containing set of questions sent to the informant to fill the

information and send it back is called _________.
a) Schedule b) Questionnaire
c) Application d) None of these

6) When the investigator uses data collected by other investigator or

agency, published or unpublished it is called _________ data.
a) Primary data b) Secondary data
c) Internal data d) None of these

7) _________ is the observation made as per a set plan

a) Structured observation b) Unstructured observation
c) Direct observation d) Indirect observation
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SLR-Q– 55
8) _________ is a list of technical words used in the report and their
a) Bibliography b) Glossary
c) Index d) Acknowledgment
9) Research problem is formulated _________.
a) Before formulation of Hypothesis
b) After collection of data
c) After forming a research design
d) Before selection of research topic
10) _________ is used by philosophers to develop new concepts
or to verify existing ones.
a) Historical research b) Comparative research
c) Conceptual research d) Descriptive research
11) _________ is serial numbered list of published and unpublished
works consulted by the report writer.
a) Glossary b) Bibliography
c) Appendices d) Title page
12) Interpretation of data should be made on due consideration of __.
a) Empirical evidence b) Hypothesis
c) Theoretical framework d) All of the above
13) _________ is a routine covering letter formally presenting the
research report.
a) Preface b) Letter of transmittal
c) Acknowledgement d) Summary
14) _________ is a study of functional relationship existing between
two or more variable.
a) Casual Analysis b) Descriptive analysis
c) Correlation analysis d) None of these

Q.2 Write short notes on. 14

1) Characteristics of Case Study Method
2) Type of research of the basis of application

Q.3 Write answer in short: 14

1) What are the characteristics of good research design?
2) What are the characteristics of analysis of data?

Q.4 Answer any one of the following. 14

1) Define Research. Explain the objectives of Research.
2) Define the term ‘observation.’ Explain the advantages and
limitations of observation method.

Q.5 Answer any one of the following. 14

1) What is interpretation of data? What precautions must be taken
while doing interpretation?
2) Define Report. What are the contents of report?
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SLR-Q – 56
M.COM. (Semester – III) (NEW) (CBCS) Examination, 2017
Research Methodology

Day & Date: Thursday, 20-04-2017 Max. Marks: 70

Time: 10.30 AM to 01.00 PM

N.B. : 1) All questions are compulsory.

2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

Q.1 Select most appropriate alternative from given alternatives 14

below each questions.
1) A research plan is __________.
a) Should be detailed
b) Should be given to others for review and comments
c) Sets out the rationale for a research study
d) All of the above

2) The development of a solid foundation of reliable knowledge

typically is built from which type of research __________.
a) Basic research b) Action research
c) Evaluation research d) Orientational research

3) Hypothesis cannot be stated in __________.

a) Null and question form terms b) Declarative terms
c) General terms d) Directional terms

4) Sample design constitutes __________.

a) Determining the size of sample
b) Determining the method of sampling
c) Determining the universe of study
d) All the above

5) The possible motives for doing research may be __________.

a) Desire to be of service to society
b) Desire to get respectability
c) Curiosity about unknown
d) All mentioned here

6) On the spot research aimed at the solution of an immediate

problem is called __________.
a) Survey research b) Fundamental research
c) Action research d) Pure research

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SLR-Q– 56
7) The case study is the study of a __________.
a) Single group b) Single individual
c) Single community or family
d) Single unit done intensively to bring out the process and
dynamics underlying its problems and functioning.

8) The basic types of research are __________.

a) Descriptive vs. analytical b) Applied vs. fundamental
c) Quantitative vs. qualitative d) All mentioned here

9) __________ is the aim of Survey Research.

a) Describing the current status of a phenomenon. A group or an
b) Comparing the current status of these with some available
standards and making suggestions for improving the status
c) Studying a small sample and drawing inferences about the
larger population
d) All of these

10) The first page of research report is called as __________.

a) Abstract b) Preface
c) Title page d) Bibliography

11) Research methodology is a way to __________.

a) Analyzes the data required for research
b) Solves the research problems systematically
c) Selects the required sample size
d) Utilize the data to solve a problem

12) The main objective of fundamental or pure research is _______.

a) To solve the problem of business and society
b) To make practical use of existing knowledge
c) To advance the frontiers of knowledge
d) All of the above

13) If the findings of a research have practical implications for

improving educational patterns. It is called __________.
a) Pure research b) Applied research
c) Descriptive research d) Experimental research

14) The major limitation of Research is __________.

a) Objectivity b) Limited resources
c) Unpredictability d) All the best

Q.2 Answers the following: 14

1) Explain the types of observation technique of data collection.
2) Characteristics of good research report.
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Q.3 Write short notes on: 14
1) Types of research design.
2) Interview techniques of data collection.

Q.4 Answer any one of the following. 14

1) Explain steps in scientific research process.
2) What is sampling? Explain its types.

Q.5 Answer any one of the following. 14

1) Explain layout of research report.
2) Explain the types of research.

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SLR-Q – 57
M.COM. (Semester – III)(New) (CBCS) Examination, 2017
Research Methodology

Day & Date: Thursday, 20-04-2017 Max. Marks: 70

Time: 10.30 AM to 01.00 PM

N.B. : 1) All questions are compulsory.

2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

Q.1 Select most appropriate alternative from given alternatives 14

below each questions.
1) Hypothesis cannot be stated in _________
a) Null and question form terms b) Declarative terms
c) General terms d) Directional terms

2) _________ of the following is not the characteristic of a

a) He is a specialist rather than a generalist
b) He is industrious and persistent in the trail of discovery.
c) He is not inspirational to his choice of the field but accepts the
d) He is objective

3) Questionnaire is a _________
a) Research method b) Measurement technique
c) Tool for data collection d) Data analysis technique

4) A _________ is the overall plan or programmes of research.

a) Sample design b) Statistical design
c) Observation design d) Research design

5) The basic types of research are _________

a) Descriptive of research are b) Applied vs. fundamental
c) Quantitative vs. Qualitative d) All the above

6) _______of the following is face to face method of data collection.

a) Questionnaires b) Interview schedule
c) Telephone interview d) All mentioned here

7) The possible motives for doing research may be

a) Desire to be of service to society
b) Desire to get responsibility
c) Curiosity about unknown
d) All mentioned here
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SLR-Q– 57
8) Interpretation of data should be made on due consideration of __.
a) Empirical evidences b) Hypothesis
c) Theoretical framework d) All the above
9) A study of sick sugar industries at Solapur and Kolhapur is ____.
a) Exploratory research b) Descriptive research
c) Diagnostic Research d) Experimental Research
10) Observation made as per set plan is _________.
a) Uncontrolled observation b) Structured observation
c) Participant observation d) Contrived observation
11) Which of the following is the method of secondary data collection
method _________
a) Interview method b) Schedule method
c) Observation d) Books and journals
12) A well written proposal _________.
a) communicates a significant, carefully, planned research
b) identifies various design
c) various methods of data collection
d) has voluminous bibliography
13) Research questions are crucial because they will _________.
a) Guides your decisions about what data to collect and from
b) Helps you to decide which research area interests you.
c) Ensure that your finding have external validity
d) Prevents you from thinking about research strategies.
14) The purpose of a literature review is to _________.
a) Help you find out what is the research problem.
b) Identify the literature to collect data.
c) Demonstrate an awareness of the theoretical context in which
the current study can be located.
d) Help you find out what tools can be applied for analysis.
Q.2 Write short notes on the following. 14
1) Advantages and disadvantages of Case study method.
2) Characteristics of good researcher.

Q.3 Answer the following. 14

1) Review of literature.
2) Explain types of interview.

Q.4 Answer the following. (Any one) 14

1) What is Survey method of research? Explain its advantages and
2) Explain the types of data analysis.

Q.5 Answer any one of the following. 14

1) Explain the process of scientific research.
2) Explain types of questionnaire tool of data collection with merits
and demerits.
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SLR-Q – 58
M.COM. (Semester – III)(New) (CBCS) Examination, 2017
Research Methodology

Day & Date: Thursday, 20-04-2017 Max. Marks: 70

Time: 10.30 AM to 01.00 PM

N.B. : 1) All questions are compulsory.

2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

Q.1 Select most appropriate alternative from given alternatives 14

below each questions.
1) The accuracy of the research mainly depends on
a) Size of the sample b) Type of questionnaire
c) Type of research d) Sampling technique
2) _________ is the one in which questions are arranged in the
a) Structured questionnaire b) Non – structure questionnaire
c) Disguised questionnaire d) Non – disguised questionnaire
3) The data which have never been used for any purpose earlier is_.
a) Secondary data b) Primary data
c) Interview data d) Questionnaire data
4) _________ is an example for non – probability sampling.
a) Cluster sampling b) Convenience sampling
c) Stratified random sampling d) Area sampling
5) The major limitation for Research is _________.
a) Objectivity b) Limited resources
c) Unpredictability d) All the above
6) Questionnaire is a _________.
a) Research method b) Measurement technique
c) Tool for data collection d) Data analysis technique
7) Action research means _________.
a) A longitudinal research b) An applied research
c) A research initiated to solve an immediate problems
d) A research with socioeconomic objective
8) The research which is exploring new facts through the stud of the
past is called _________.
a) Philosophical research b) Historical research
c) Mythological research d) Content analysis

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SLR-Q – 58
9) The case study is the study of a _________.
a) Single group b) Single individual
c) Single community or family
d) Single unit done intensively to bring out the processes and
dynamics underlying its problems and functioning
10) The main objective of fundamental or pure research is ____.
a) To solve the problems business and society
b) To make practical use of existing knowledge
c) To advance the frontiers of knowledge
d) All the above
11) Open-ended questions provide primarily _________ data.
a) Confirmatory data b) Qualitative data
c) Predictive data d) None of the above
12) _________ is the aim of Survey Research.
a) Describing the current status of a phenomenon, a group or an
b) Comparing the current status of these with some available
standards and making suggestions for improving the status
c) Studying a small sample and drawing inferences about the
larger population
d) All of these
13) The statement of purpose in a research study should:
a) Identify the design of the study
b) Identify the intent or objective of the study
c) Specify the type of people to be used in the study
d) All the above
14) A research plan _________.
a) Should be detailed
b) Should be given to others for review and comments
c) Sets out the rationale for a research study
d) All of the above
Q.2 Answer the following. 14
1) What do you mean by a case study research?
2) Explain the importance of research Hypothesis.
Q.3 Write short notes: 14
1) Review of literature.
2) Sources of secondary data collection.
Q.4 Answer any one of the following. 14
1) Describe the types of data analysis.
2) Explain interview method of collecting primary data with its merits
and demerits.
Q.5 Answer any one of the following. 14
1) Explain the contents of Research Report.
2) Explain the process of research in detail.
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SLR-Q – 59
M.COM. (Semester – III)(New)(CBCS) Examination, 2017
Research Methodology

Day & Date: Thursday, 20-04-2017 Max. Marks: 70

Time: 10.30 AM to 01.00 PM

N.B. : 1) All questions are compulsory.

2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

Q.1 Select most appropriate alternative from given alternatives 14

below each questions.
1) A research plan __________.
a) Should be detailed
b) Should be given to others for review and comments
c) Sets out the rationale for a research study
d) All of the above
2) The development of a solid foundation of reliable knowledge
typically is built form which type of research __________.
a) Basic research b) Action research
c) Evaluation research d) Orientational research
3) Research in commerce and management is __________.
a) Pure research b) Historical research
c) Empirical research d) Applied research
4) Questionnaire is a _________.
a) Research method b) Measurement technique
c) Tool for data collection d) Data analysis technique
5) The possible motives for doing research may be __________.
a) Desire to be serviced to society
b) Desire to get respectability
c) Curiosity about unknown
d) All the above
6) On the spot research aimed at the solution of an immediate
problem is called __________.
a) Survey research b) Fundamental research
c) Action research d) Pure research
7) The case study is the study of a __________.
a) Single group b) Single individual
c) Single community or family
d) Single unit done intensively to bring out the processes and
and dynamics underlying its problems and functioning
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SLR-Q – 59
8) If the investigator obtains the data from published or unpublished
sources, such data will constitute __________.
a) Primary data b) Secondary data
c) Relevant data d) None of the above
9) Under __________ method data are collected from each and
every unit of the population.
a) Sampling b) Random sampling
c) Census d) Convenience sampling
10) Data collected form Economic Times newspaper is an example
of __________.
a) Primary data b) Observed data
c) Secondary data d) Historical data
11) When population under investigation is infinite we should use __.
a) Census method b) Sample method
c) Either census or sample d) Neither sample nor census
method method
12) A __________ is the overall plan or programmes of research.
a) Sample design b) Statistical design
c) Observation design d) Research design
13) Research methodology is a way to __________.
a) Analyzes the data required for research
b) Solves the research problem systematically.
c) Selects the required sample size
d) Utilize the data to solve a problem
14) A good research report is one which __________.
a) Communicates the research findings in simple form to the
b) Communicates the research findings to the government.
c) Communicates the research findings to the persons form
whom the data collected.
d) Communicates the research findings to the business
Q.2 Answer the following. 14
1) Merits and demerits of Questionnaire techniques.
2) Importance of Secondary data collection method.
Q.3 Write short notes: 14
1) Types of interview
2) Characteristics of good research report.
Q.4 Answer any one of the following. 14
1) Describe the Contents and Layout of Research Report.
2) Explain the types of research.
Q.5 Answer any one of the following. 14
1) Explain the case study method of research with its merits and
2) Discuss in details the various steps involved research process.
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SLR-Q – 60
M.COM. (Semester – III) (New) (CBCS) Examination, 2017
Research Methodology

Day & Date: Thursday, 20-04-2017 Max. Marks: 70

Time: 10.30 AM to 01.00 PM

N.B. : 1) All questions are compulsory.

2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
3) Each questions carry equal marks.
4) Use of Soundless calculators is allowed.

Q.1 Select most appropriate alternative from given alternatives 14

below each questions.
1) Research in commerce and management is __________.
a) Pure research b) Historical research
c) Empirical research d) Applied research
2) Motives for research is / are __________.
a) Curiosity for unknown
b) Desire to be of service to society
c) Refinement of techniques of research
d) All the above
3) Data based research the inferences of which can be verified by
repeating the experiment is called __________.
a) Descriptive research b) Exploratory research
c) Explanatory research d) Action research
4) The major limitation of social research is __________.
a) Objectivity b) Limited resources
c) Unpredictability d) All the above
5) Method of data collection from few selected units i.e.a sample of
population is known as __________.
a) Census method b) Sampling method
c) Grouping method d) None of these
6) Which of the following is / are features of observation method?
a) Definite aim b) Planning
c) Noting d) All the above
7) Data collected regarding illiteracy in the different states of India
during 1991 to 2010 are of which type of data?
a) Primary b) Secondary
c) Both a and b d) None of these
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SLR-Q– 60
8) In which type of data degree of accuracy is quite high?
a) Primary b) Secondary
c) Both a and b d) None of these

9) Which of the following is / are essentials of Interpretation of data?

a) Accurate data b) Sufficient data
c) Proper type of classification d) All the above
and tabulation

10) Classification of data according to time sequence is called:

a) Qualitative classification b) Quantitative classification
c) Geographical classification d) Chronological classification

11) Testing of hypothesis is used in __________.

a) Every research b) Inferential statistics
c) Both a and b d) None of these

12) Which of the following is / are problem of Research report?

a) Language b) Truth
c) Intellectual level d) None of these

13) Rejecting, Ho when Ho is correct is a __________

a) A correct decision b) Type I error
c) Type II error d) None of these

14) The method of data collection used most by new agencies is ___.
a) Mailed questionary
b) Schedule through enumerators
c) Observation
d) Information through correspondents

Q.2 Answer the following. 14

1) What are the limitations of observation method of data collection?
2) What are the objectives of classification and tabulation of data?

Q.3 Answer the following. 14

1) What are the functions of research design?
2) How does the research and in marginal decision making?

Q.4 Attempt any one of the following: 14

1) Explain the meaning and objectives of research. Also explain its
various characteristics.
2) Explain fully various types of research design.

Q.5 Attempt any one of the following. 14

1) What are the different sources of data collection?
2) What are the steps involved in report writing? What are the
requisites of a good report?
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SLR-Q – 61
M.COM. (Semester – III)(New)(CBCS) Examination, 2017
Research Methodology

Day & Date: Thursday, 20-04-2017 Max. Marks: 70

Time: 10.30 AM to 01.00 PM

N.B. : 1) All questions are compulsory.

2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
3) Each questions carry equal marks.
4) Use of Soundless calculators is allowed.

Q.1 Select most appropriate alternative from given alternatives 14

below each questions.
1) Motives for research are _________.
a) Curiosity for unknown
b) Desire to be of service to society
c) Retirement of techniques of research
d) All the above
2) The research where in trend analysis of a phenomenon under
investigation is done may be called _________
a) Comparative research b) Longitudinal research
c) Conceptual research d) Qualitative research
3) “A study of cost and price of sugarcane in western Maharashtra”
will be termed as _________.
a) Empirical research b) Library research
c) Applied research d) Fundamental research
4) Personal diaries and documents is the most important source of
information for _________.
a) Social survey b) Empirical research
c) Exploratory research d) Case study
5) If multidimensional qualitative investigation of a social unit to
describe its behavioural pattern is called _________.
a) Social survey b) Historical research
c) Case study d) Research methodology
6) A study of sick cotton mills at Mumbai and Gujarat is _________.
a) Exploratory research b) Descriptive research
c) Diagnostic research d) Experimental research
7) Diagnostic design of research aims at _________.
a) Insight into unknown phenomenon
b) Portaying of present picture of phenomenon
c) Solution to problems faced
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SLR-Q – 61
d) Measuring of cause and effect relation
8) For studying the behavior of small children the most suitable
method of data collecting information is:
a) Mailed Questionnaire
b) Schedule through enumerators
c) Observation
d) Information through correspondents.
9) Observation made as per set plan is _________.
a) Uncontrolled observation b) Structural observation
c) Participant observation d) Contrived observation
10) Interpretation of data should be made on due consideration of
a) Empirical evidences b) Hypothesis
c) Theoretical framework d) All the above
11) A study of functional relationship existing between two or more
variable is called _________.
a) Causal analysis b) Inferential analysis
c) Correlation analysis d) Canonical analysis
12) We accept the hypothesis when it is false. It is called ______.
a) Type I error b) Type II error
c) Correct decision d) None of these
13) In ‘Body of report’ which of the following is / are contained?
a) Introduction b) Discussion and description
c) Conclusions d) All the above
14) Sampling errors are the errors which arise on account of _____.
a) Frame error b) Chance error
c) Response error d) All the above.

Q.2 a) What do you mean by testing of hypothesis? Explain the 14

meaning of type I and type II error.
b) Define report and explain its importance.

Q.3 a) What precautions should be taken while using secondary data? 14

b) What are the contents of research design? Explain these.

Q.4 Attempt any one of the following: 14

a) What do you mean by research design? Explain the
characteristics of an ideal research design.
b) What is Research? Explain the nature and significance of
research in commerce and management.

Q.5 Attempt any one of the following. 14

a) What do you mean by interview technique? Explain the various
types of interviews.
b) What is processing of data? Explain in brief the various steps
involved in processing of data.
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SLR-Q – 62
M.COM. (Semester – III) (New) (CBCS) Examination, 2017

Day & Date: Saturday, 22-04-2017 Max. Marks: 70

Time: 10.30 AM to 01.00 PM

N.B. : 1) All questions are compulsory.

2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
3) Use of calculator is allowed.

Q.1 Choose the alternatives given below. 14

1) _________ accounting which provides necessary information to the
management for discharging its functions.
a) Management b) Financial
c) Historical d) Integrated

2) Current ratio is also called as _________ ratio.

a) Working capital b) Liquidity
c) Propritory d) Solvency

3) _________analysis is powerful tool of financial analysis.

a) Break even b) Ratio
c) Inventory d) Cost

4) Increase in current asset, its result that _________ in working capital.

a) Decrease b) Increase
c) No effect d) Constant

5) Sales minus cost of sales minus operating expenses is equal to _.

a) Divisible profit b) Gross loss
c) Net operating income d) Gross profit

6) The ratio between quick assets and quick liabilities is called _________
a) Current b) Working capital
c) Acid test d) Solvency G

7) _________accounting process and present the accounting data for

internal use.
a) Financial b) Company
c) Corporate e) Management

8) Total of all current assets is called _________.

a) Quick assets b) Net worth
c) Net working capital d) Gross working capital
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SLR-Q – 62
9) The officer who is entrusted with management accounting functions is
an organization is known as _________.
a) Cost accountant b) Financial accountant
c) Management accountant d) Auditor

10) Capital gearing ratio is also known as _________.

a) Debt enquiry ratio b) Capitalization ratio
c) Proprietary ratio d) Quick ratio

11) _________ assets are those assets which in the ordering course of
business can be or will be converted into cash within a short period of
normally accounting year.
a) Fixed b) Ficticious
c) Long term d) Current

12) Increase in working capital is _________ of fund.

a) Application b) Type
c) Source d) Method

13) _________ shows the change in financial position between two dates.
a) Fund flow statement b) Balance sheets
c) Budget d) All of these

14) Bills payable, creditors, short term borrowing etc are the examples of
a) Current assets b) Current liabilities
c) Non- current assets d) Non-current liabilities

Q.2 Write short notes. 14

1) Management accountant
2) Cost accounting and Management accounting

Q.3 A) From the following information calculate Current Ratio, Quick Ratio, 07
and Inventory to working Capital Ratio.
Plant and machinery Rs. 3,50,000
Stock Rs. 2,00,000
Debtors Rs. 1,00,000
Bills receivable Rs. 10,000
Cash at bank Rs. 40,000
Bills payable Rs. 50,000
Creditors Rs. 1,00,000
12% debentures Rs. 4,20,000

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B) From the following information calculate funds from operation. 07
Profit and Loss Accounts
To operation expenses 1,00,000 By Gross profit 2,00,000
To Depreciation 40,000 By Gain on sale 20,000
of plant
To Loss on sale of 10,000
To Discount allowed 500
To Advertisement 5,000
suspense account
To Discount in issue of 500
shares written off
To Goodwill written off 12,000
To Net profit 52,000
2,20,000 2,20,000

Q.4 From the following information prepare funds flow statement for the year 14
ended 31.3.2016.
Balance Sheet
Liabilities 31.3.2015 31.3.2016 Assets 31.3.2015 31.3.2016
Share 3,00,000 3,50,000 Goodwill 1,00,000 80,000
Debentures 1,50,000 2,50,000 Machinery 4,10,000 5,40,000
General 1,00,000 1,50,000 Investment 30,000 80,000
Profit and 60,000 70,000 Discount on 50,000 ---
loss A/c issue of
Provision Cash at 1,20,000 1,30,000
for dep. On bank
Machinery 90,000 1,30,000 Debtors 80,000 1,90,000
Creditors 75,000 1,10,000 Stock 40,000 55,000
Bills 10,000 15,000
7,85,000 10,75,000 7,85,000 10,75,000

During the year investment costing Rs. 30,000 were sold for Rs. 28,000.
A new machine was purchased for Rs. 45,000 and the payment was made
in fully paid shares.

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SLR-Q – 62
Alfa manufacturing company has draw up the following profit and loss
account for the year ended 31.3.2016
Profit and Loss Account
To Opening stock 26,000 By sales 1,60,000
To Purchases 80,000 By closing stock 38,000
To Wages 24,000
To Manufacturing exp 16,000
To Gross profit c/d 52,000
1,98,000 1,98,000
To Selling expenses 4,000 By Gross profit 52,000
To Administrative exp 22,800 By Compensation of 4,800
acquisition of land
To General expenses 1,200
To Value of furniture 800
loss by fire
To Net Profit 28,000
56,800 56,800

You are required to find out:

1. Gross Profit Ratio
2. Net Profit Ratio
3. Operating Ratio
4. Operating Net Profit To Net Sales Ratio

Q.5 From the following information construct the balance sheet. 14

Gross Profit (20% of sales) Rs. 60,000
Shareholders’ equity Rs. 50,000
Credit sales to total sales 80%
Total assets turnover 3 times
Stock turnover 8 times
Average collection period 18 days
(year = 360 days)
Current ratio 1.6:11
Long term debt to equity 40%
Balance sheet
Liabilities Amt Rs. Assets Amt. Rs.
Creditors ? Cash ?
Long term debt ? Debtors ?
Shareholders ? Inventory ?
Fixed assets ?
? ?


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SLR-Q – 62
From the following Financial Statement of M/s. Prabhat Ltd. compute-
1. Current Ratio 2. Operating Expenses Ratio
3. Quick Ratio 4. Total Debts To Shareholders
5. Debtors Turnover 6. Gross Profit Ratio
7. Stock Turnover

Balance sheet as on 31.3.2014

Liabilities Rs. Assets Rs.
Equity share capital 2,00,000 Building less depreciation 1,50,000
10% pref. share capi. 80,000 Plant and machinery 2,10,000
Profit and loss A/c 1,00,000 Stock in hand 2,00,000
10% debentures 2,00,000 Debtors (last years Rs. 1,20,000
Creditors 1,00,000 Investment (short term) 40,000
Bills payable 20,000 Cash 80,000
Taxes payable 1,00,000

8,00,000 8,00,000

Profit and Loss account

For the year ended 31.3.2014
Rs. Rs.
To Opening stock 2,00,000 By Sales (credit) 11,00,000
To Purchases 4,00,000 By Stock at end 3,00,000
To Gross profit 8,00,000

14,00,000 14,00,000

By Gross Profit 8,00,000

To Operating exp. 3,00,000
To Interest on 20,000
To Income tax 2,30,000
To Net income after 2,50,000
8,00,000 8,00,000

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SLR-Q – 63
M.COM. (Semester – III) (New) (CBCS) Examination, 2017

Day & Date: Tuesday, 25-04-2017 Max. Marks: 70

Time: 10.30 AM to 01.00 PM

N.B. : 1) All questions are compulsory.

2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

Q.1 Choose the alternatives given below. 14

1) In ________ theory a company is caitalised on the basis of
expected earnings.
a) Earning b) Cost
c) Expenditure d) Income

2) The basic objective of business finanace is ________/

a) Efficeint manangemnet b) Arrangement of funds
c) Procurement and use of d) None of these

3) Liberal dividend policy may lead to________.

a) Over – capitalization b) Under – capitalization
c) Faire – capitalization d) Watered stock

4) Finance can be raised by ________ through corporate securities.

a) Co – operative societies b) Partnership firms
c) Companies d) Sole proprietary concern

5) The utilization of retained earnings for meeting the financial needs

of a business is known as ________.
a) External financing b) Global financing
c) Corporate financing d) Self financing.

6) Offshore funds are floated ________.

a) In India b) Outside India
c) In USA d) None G

7) The shares of over capitalized company are sold at ________.

a) Premium b) Par
c) Discount e) Profit

8) Joint venture is the important form of ________

a) Direct investment b) Indirect investment
c) Portfolio investment d) None of these

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SLR-Q– 63
9) Shortage of capital may lead to ________.
a) Under-capitalisation b) Over-capitalisation
c) Fair-capiatlisation d) None of these

10) ________ are called residual claimants in a company.

a) Preference shareholder b) Bond holder
c) Equity holder d) Debenture holder

11) A company can accept public deposits for a maximum period

of ________.
a) 12 months b) 24 months
c) 36 months d) 48 months

12) ________ funds combins features of open ended and closed

ended funds.
a) Growth b) Income
c) Interval d) Balanced

13) Proposal attracting compulsory license require approval from

a) Government b) RBI
c) Ministry of Finance d) None of these

14) ________ debentures are not payable during the life time of
the company issuing them.
a) Irredeemable b) Redeemable
c) Registered d) Bearer

Q.2 Write short notes. 14

1) Characteristic of sound financial plan
2) Objective of Business finance.

Q.3 Write short answers. 14

1) What is foreign collaboration? Discuss the forms of foreign
2) Explain the cost theory of capitalization.

Q.4 Answer any one of the following questions. 14

1) What do you mean by self financing? Explain the advantages
and disadvantages of self financing.
2) What do you mean by Mutual Funds? Explain the different
types of mutual funds.

Q.5 Answer any one of the following questions. 14

1) Explain the role and importance of foreign capital in Indian
2) State the meaning of under-capitalisation. What are the
effects and remedies for under-capitalisation?

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SLR-Q – 64
M.COM. (Semester – IV) (Old) Examination, 2017
Advanced Banking & Financial System (Paper IV)

Day & Date: Friday, 21-04-2017 Max. Marks: 50

Time: 02.30 PM to 04.30 PM

N.B. : 1) All questions are compulsory.

2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

Q.1 Choose the alternatives given below. 14

1) Sampling interval is calculated in case of __________ sampling.
a) Random b) Quota
c) Cluster d) Systematic
2) Assigning numbers and symbols to various responses in schedule
to facilitate further analysis of data is called __________.
a) Editing b) Coding
c) Processing d) Classification
3) The __________ of open-end questions is difficult and time
consuming task.
a) Editing b) Coding
c) Processing d) Classification
4) Sampling error arises due to __________.
a) Chance factor b) Personal bias
c) Variation in population d) All the above
5) We may accept the hypothesis when it is false, is called
__________ error.
a) Type I b) Type II
c) Human d) Sample
6) Computers are useful in conduct of research due to __________.
a) Speed b) Accuracy
c) Memory d) All the above
7) __________test was developed by famous statistician R. A.
a) T b) Z
c) F d) Chi – square
8) __________analysis is concerned with the study of how one or
more variables affect changes in another variable.
a) Multiple regression b) Casual
c) Descriptive d) Correlation

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SLR-Q – 64
9) Measures of __________ are also known as statistical averages.
a) Skewness b) Dispersion
c) Central tendency d) Relationship

10) The base of classification of any characteristic of quality is

__________ classification.
a) Chronological b) Geographical
c) Quantitative d) Qualitative

Q.2 Write short answers. 10

1) Z test
2) Skewness

Q.3 Write short notes. 10

1) Tabulation
2) Descriptive analysis

Q.4 Explain the steps involved in testing of hypothesis. 10

Discuss the role of computers in research.

Q.5 What is analysis? Explain types of analysis of data. 10

Discuss application of statistics in research.

Page 2 of 2
SLR-Q – 65
M.COM. (Semester – IV) (Old) Examination, 2017

Day & Date: Friday, 21-04-2017 Max. Marks: 50

Time: 02.30 PM to 04.30 PM

N.B. : 1) All questions are compulsory.

2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

Q.1 Choose the correct alternative from given alternative and rewrite 10
the sentences.
1) Selection of sample by lottery method is called ________.
a) Cluster sampling b) Random sampling
c) Deliberate sampling d) All of the above

2) Computer plays a significant role in enhancing the ________ of

a) Quality b) Quantity
c) Price d) None of these

3) Sampling errors arises due to ________.

a) Chance factor b) Personal bias
c) Variation in population d) All of the above

4) Coding of data is done ________.

a) Only after collection of data
b) Only before collection of data
c) During collection of data
d) Before and after collection of data

5) Hypothesis is framed on the basis of ________.

a) Cultural value of society b) Folk wisdom
c) Personal experiences d) All of the above

6) Method of sampling used in public opinion surveys is called ____.

a) Cluster sampling b) Quota sampling
c) Random sampling d) None of these

7) The role of statistics in research is to function as a tool in _____.

a) Designing research b) Analyzing data
c) Drawing conclusion d) All of these

8) To reduce a sampling error we should ________.

a) Reduce the sample size b) Increase the sample size
c) Use of deliberate sampling d) None of these
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SLR-Q – 65
9) Statistical test of hypothesis for small sample is called ________,
a) Z test b) T test
c) F test d) None of the above

10) Statistical technique dealing with the association between two or

more variables is called ________.
a) Correlation analysis b) Casual analysis
c) Inferential analysis d) None of the above

Q.2 Write short notes. 10

1) Size of sample
2) Editing of data

Q.3 Write short answers. 10

1) Role of computer in research
2) Coding of data

Q.4 What do you mean by sampling? Explain the advantages and 10

disadvantages of sampling.
Explain the specific application of statistics in research.

Q.5 What is processing of data? Explain qualitative and quantitative 10

analysis of data.
What do you mean by Hypothesis? Write fundamentals of
hypothesis testing.

Page 2 of 2
SLR-Q – 66
M.COM. (Semester – IV) (Old) Examination, 2017

Day & Date: Friday, 21-04-2017 Max. Marks: 50

Time: 02.30 PM to 04.30 PM

N.B. : 1) All questions are compulsory.

2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

Q.1 Choose the correct alternative from given alternative and rewrite 10
the sentences.
1) Cost Accounting Standard – CAS – 8 is related to ________.
a) Cost of transportation b) Material cost
c) Employee cost d) Cost of utilities

2) Cost Accounting Standard Board (hereinafter called CASB) set up

by the council of the ________.
a) Institute of Cost and works Accountants of India
b) Indian Institute of Chartered Accountant
c) Indian company Secretary
d) None of these

3) The first thing that we need to do in project is ________.

a) Project Planning b) Bank Loan
c) Appoint cost Auditor d) Appoint Audit Staff

4) Cost accounting department prepares ________ that helps them

in preparing final accounts.
a) Cost sheets b) Cost of goods sold statement
c) Cost of production report d) Material requisition form

5) Which of the following is/are reported in production cost report?

a) The costs charged to the department
b) How the costs were assigned to the output?
c) The equivalent units of production by the department
d) All of the given options

6) A successful project manager should ________.

a) Adopt a well build, mechanical approach to his problems.
b) Attach a high value on technical perfection
c) Have a creative approach to use the resources efficiently and
to solve human relation problems.
d) Seeking an enduring solution to the problem.

Page 1 of 2
SLR-Q – 66
7) Cost Accounting standard – CAS – 7 is related to ________
a) Cost of transportation b) Material cost
c) Employee cost d) Cost of utilities

8) Cost Accounting Standard – CAS – 6 is related to ________.

a) Cost of transportation b) Material cost
c) Employee cost d) Cost of utilities

9) Cost Accounting Standard – CAS – 5 is related to ________.

a) Cost of transportation b) Material cost
c) Employee cost d) Cost of utilities

10) Which of the given units can never become part of first
department of cost of production report?
a) Units received from preceding department
b) Units transferred to subsequent department
c) Units still in process
d) None of these

Q.2 Write short notes. 10

1) CAS – 2 capacity determination
2) CAS – 7 employee cost

Q.3 Write short answers. 10

1) CAS – 3 Cost Accounting standard on overheads
2) Service costing

Q.4 Answer any one of the following. 10

1) Explain Cost Accounting Standard – 1 (CAS – 1) on
“Classification of cost”
2) Explain various types of Costing Reports.

Q.5 Answer any one of the following. 10

1) What is project planning? Explain life cycle of a project.
2) What is project report? Give characteristics of good project
planning report.

Page 2 of 2
SLR-Q – 67
M.COM. (Semester – IV) (Old) Examination, 2017

Day & Date: Friday, 21-04-2017 Max. Marks: 50

Time: 02.30 PM to 04.30 PM

N.B. : 1) All questions are compulsory.

2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

Q.1 Choose the correct alternative from given alternative and rewrite 10
the sentences.
1) Classification of data refers to ________.
a) Arrangement of data in an order
b) Arrangement of raw data
c) Organization of numbers
d) Arrangement of figures

2) Frequency means ________.

a) Mean distribution b) Occurrences of events
c) Distribution of events in number of times
d) Most often occurring events.

3) Quota sampling is used intensively in which type of research ___.

a) Market research b) Experimental research
c) Action research d) Ethnographic research

4) ________ of the following is the most helpful device in research

and to researchers.
a) Computer b) Calculator
c) Xerox machine d) Fax machine

5) Skewed curve is ________.

a) Curve of left slanting b) Curve has one mode
c) Curve having more than two peaks d) Bimodal curve

6) Scattered diagram is ________. .

a) Represents data in a linear form

b) Represents data in a U form
c) Represents data in scattered form
d) Represents data in dimension

7) Mean is ________
a) Lowest value b) Average occurrence
c) Smallest value d) Insignificant occurrence
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SLR-Q – 67
8) Testing hypothesis is a ________.
a) Inferential statistics b) Descriptive statistics
c) Data preparation d) Data analysis

9) Interpretation is essential in research for the reason that ______.

a) The usefulness and utility of research findings depend on it.
b) The objectives of the study are depend on it.
c) The analysis of data depend on it.
d) The data collection is depend on it.

10) Multi – stage sampling is also known as:

a) Random sampling b) Systematic sampling
c) Cluster sampling d) Sequential sampling

Q.2 Answer the following. 10

1) What is data analysis?
2) What is dispersion?

Q.3 Write short notes. 10

1) Types of non – probability sampling.
2) Advantages and limitations of hypothesis.

Q.4 Answer any one of the following. 10

1) Explain the Meaning and methods – Quantitative and Qualitative
2) Explain the types of Hypothesis.

Q.5 Answer any one of the following. 10

1) Describe the probability sampling methods.
2) Explain role of computer in research.

Page 2 of 2
SLR-Q – 68
M.COM. (Semester – IV) (Old) Examination, 2017

Day & Date: Friday, 21-04-2017 Max. Marks: 50

Time: 02.30 PM to 04.30 PM

N.B. : 1) All questions are compulsory.

2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
3) Use of soundless calculators is allowed.

Q.1 Choose the correct alternative from given alternative and rewrite 10
the sentences.
1) As compared to census method, budget required for sampling
method is _________.
a) Less b) More
c) Same d) None of these

2) A set of all individuals under study is called as _________.

a) Population b) Sample
c) Hypothesis d) None of these

3) If each and every member of the population is being selected with

an equal chance, then the method is called as _________
a) Simple random sampling b) Stratified random sampling
c) Systematic sampling d) None of these

4) Generally which Random Number tables are in use?

a) R. A. Fisher’s b) Tippet’s
c) Stuarts d) None of these

5) Assigning numbers and symbols to various responses in schedule

to facilitate further analysis of data is called _________.
a) Processing b) Editing
c) Coding d) Classification

6) Arrangement of data into different rows and columns is called as___.

a) Classification b) Tabulation
c) Processing d) None of these

7) Sum of all the observation divided by total number of observation

is called as _________.
a) Arithmetic mean b) Median
c) Mode d) None of these

Page 1 of 2
SLR-Q – 68
8) A measure of description which is based upon all the observation
is _________.
a) Range b) Quartile deviation
c) Standard deviation d) None of these

9) Which one of the following measure of description is useful for

comparison of variability in different data?
a) Range b) Q. D.
c) C. V. d) None of these

10) It skewness is zero, the data are _________.

a) Symmetric b) Asymmetric
c) Can not say anything d) None of these

Q.2 A) Explain how a computer is useful in Research? 05

B) Explain the methods of checking are useful in Research. 05

Q.3 A) What is a tabulation? With proper diagram state various parts of 05

statistical table.

B) For the following data, compute mode 05

Classes: 0-15 15-30 30-45 45-60 60-75
Frequency: 3 8 12 9 4

Q.4 Answer any one of the following. 10

1) Explain various sampling and non – sampling errors.
2) Explain the various Quantitative methods of data processing.

Q.5 Answer any one of the following. 10

1) For the following data compute C.V.
Classes 0-200 200-400 400-600 600-800 800-1000 1000-
Frequency 9 15 25 20 8 3

2) Explain coding, transcriptions and tabulation in data processing.

Page 2 of 2
SLR-Q – 69
M.Com. (Semester – IV) (Old) Examination, 2017
Modern Banking

Day & Date: Wednesday, 19-04-2017 Max. Marks: 50

Time: 02.30 PM to 04.30 PM

N.B. : 1) All the questions are compulsory.

2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

Q.1 Choose the correct alternatives given below. 10

1) What are important challenges for the increasing Indian Banking?
a) Need to revamp the organizational structure
b) Need to develop excellence in Management
c) Need to improve corporate governance standards
d) All the above

2) In _________ the British Bankers Association was formed.

a) 1919 b) 1920 c) 1950 d) 1951

3) The Bank of England Act, _________ provided for the setting up of

Monetary Policy Committee.
a) 1990 b) 1998 c) 1898 d) 1890

4) The first attempt to insure bank deposits was made in US in ______.

a) 1850 b) 1950 c) 1829 d) 1929

5) Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation is managed by a board of

_________ directors.
a) Three b) Four c) Five d) Six

6) The Federal Land Bank provides long term loans to _________.

a) Merchants b) Industry c) Farmers d) Transport

7) In _________ the Bank of Japan was established.

a) 1680 b) 1882 c) 1780 d) 1921

8) The Bank of Japan issued its first bank notes in _________.

a) 1883 b) 1884 c) 1885 d) 1886

9) Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT) scheme have permitted large value

transactions (as high as Rs.2 crore) from 1 October _________.
a) 2000 b) 2001 c) 2007 d) 2010

10) The Banking Ombudsman Scheme is instituted by the ______.

a) GOI b) RBI c) SBI d) BOI
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SLR-Q – 69
Q.2 Answer the following. 10
1) Types of deposits of banks in Japan.
2) Commercial Banking in England.

Q.3 Answer the following. 10

1) Explain the changing profile of Indian banking.
2) Discuss the response of NRIS to mutual fund.

Q.4 Answer any one of the following. 10

1) Explain the working of the central bank of England.
2) Discuss the importance of Japan Commercial Bank.

Q.5 Answer any one of the following. 10

a) Critically examine the working of Federal Reserve System in USA.
b) Discuss achievements of the Indian Banking System.

Page 2 of 2
SLR-Q –70
M.Com. (Semester – IV) (Old) Examination, 2017

Day & Date: Wednesday, 19-04-2017 Max. Marks: 50

Time: 02.30 AM to 04.30 PM

N.B. : 1) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

Q.1 Choose the alternatives given below. 10

1) Direct material is a _________.
a) Manufacturing cost b) Administrative cost
c) Selling and distribution cost d) Distribution overhead

2) Wages of clerical staff is the example of _________.

a) Office Salary b) Indirect wages
c) Direct Expenses d) Chargeable Expenses

3) The total cost is generally divided according to their nature under the
_________ broad headings.
a) Two b) Three c) Four d) Five

4) Bad debt is an example of _________.

a) Production overhead b) Administrative overhead
c) Selling overhead d) Distribution overhead

5) According to variability overheads are classified into _________

a) Two b) Three c) Four d) Five

6) Separation method is useful for measurement of _________.

a) Material turnover b) Labour turnover
c) Issue of material d) Valuation of wastage

7) Which of the following document is used for time keeping?

a) Daily time sheet b) Time card
c) Job card d) All of these

8) Store keeper should initiate a purchase requisition when stock

a) Minimum level b) Maximum level
c) Re-order level d) Average level

9) Administrative overheads are recorded as a percentage of _______.

a) Direct material b) Direct wages
c) Prime cost d) Works cost
Page 1 of 3
10) Economic order quantity is also called _________.
a) Re-order level b) Re-order period
c) Economic batch quantity d) Re-order quantity

Q.2 A) Write a short note on classification of cost. 05

B) Write a short note on labour turnover. 05

Q.3 A) From the following particulars find out the economic order quantity: 05
i) Annual Demand-12000 units
ii) Ordering cost-Rs. 90 per order
iii) Inventory carrying cost per annum-Rs. 15.

B) Shriram Enterprises manufactures a special product ‘ZED’. The 05

following particulars collected for the year 2015.
a) Monthly demand of ZED 1000 units.
b) Cost of placing an order Rs. 100
c) Annual carrying cost per unit Rs. 15
d) Normal usage 50 units per week
e) Minimum usage 25 units per week
f) Maximum usage 75 units per week
g) Re-order period 4 to 6 weeks.
Compute from the above:
1) Re order Quantity
2) Re order level
3) Minimum level
4) Maximum level
5) Average stock level

Q.4 i) ABC Ltd. has purchased and issued the materials in the following 10
Jan 2015 1 Opening stock is 100 units @ Rs. 2 p / u.
4 Purchased 80 units at Rs. 2.50 per unit
8 Issued 80 units
18 Purchased 160 units at Rs. 2.80 per unit
20 Issued 150 units
25 Purchased 90 units at Rs. 3 per unit
30 Issued 60 units.
Prepare a stores ledger under LIFO method with a base stock of
100 units.
ii) Three Workers Govind, Ram and Shyam, having worked for 8
hours, produced 90, 120 and 140 pieces of a product X on a
particular day in a factory. The time allowed for producing 10 units
of x is 1 hour and their hourly rate is Rs. 4. Calculate for each of the
three workers earnings for the day under the
a) Straight Piece rate
b) Halsey Premium bonus (50% sharing)
c) Rowan’s Premium bonus methods of labour remuneration.
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SLR-Q – 70
Q.5 i) The following data were collected related to the manufacture of a 10
Standard Product during the month of April 2015.

Raw Material Rs. 80,000

Direct wages Rs. 48,000
Machine hours worked 8,000 hours
Machine hour rate Rs. 4
Administration overheads 10% of works cost
Selling overheads Rs. 1.50 per unit
Units produced 4,000
Units sold 3,000
Selling price Rs. 50 per unit

You are required to prepare a cost sheet in respect of the above

mentioned data showing.
a) Cost per unit
b) Profit for the month of April, 2015
ii) Calculate Machine hour rate for the recovery of overheads for a
group of 3 machines from the following data:

Original cost of 3 machines Rs. 60,000

Depreciation at 10% per Annum
(Straight Rate Method)
Repairs and Maintenance cost average Rs. 20 per day.
Power 30 paisa per running hour
per machine.
Supervision for the group of machines Rs. 1200 per month
Allocation of rent for 3 machines on a Rs. 160 per month
floor areas basis
Share of manufacturing overheads Rs. 300 per month for the
group of machines.
Normal working days 300 in a year.
Normal operation 1 shift of 8 hours
Normal allowance for repairs, 10%.
maintenance, charge over, idle time

Page 3 of 3
SLR-Q – 71
M.Com. (Semester – IV) (Old) Examination, 2017

Day & Date: Wednesday, 19-04-2017 Max. Marks: 50

Time: 02.30 PM to 04.30 PM

N.B. : 1) All questions are compulsory.

2) Use of Calculator is allowed.

Q.1 Choose correct alternatives. 10

1) ________ should also solve the problem of choosing among
alternative project.
a) Composite Leverage b) Classification of dividend
c) Interest on capital d) Investment Evaluation Criteria

2) ________ means the influence of one financial variable over some

other related financial variable.
a) Contribution b) Dividend policy
c) Capital structure d) Leverage
3) Irrelevance of dividend theorem is developed by ________.
a) Mr. Gorden b) Mr. Walter
c) Mr. Lintner d) Prof. Miller and Modigliani
4) ________ pleads that the dividend policy of a company is relevant to
the value of its shares.
a) Prof. Miller b) Lintner’s Model
c) Walter Model d) Gorden’s Model
5) ________ Leverage is also called composite Leverage.
a) Financial b) Capital structure
c) Operating d) Combined
6) The Investment Decision of the firm are commonly known as the __.
a) Capital expenditure decisions b) Short term decisions.
c) Lower level decisions d) Cost of capital decisions
7) In Return on Investment Method Capital Project are ranked in order
of ________
a) Earning b) Pay back period
c) Cost of capital d) Cost of variable cost
8) Operating leverage X financial leverage= ________.
a) Combined leverage b) Contribution c) EBIT d) EBT
9) Capital Budgeting Decisions can be made by considering the _____.
a) Cost of capital b) Dividend on capital
c) Dividend policy d) Capital structure
Page 1 of 2
10) In India forms of dividend permitted are ________ dividend.
a) Cash and stock b) Bond and property
c) Only property d) Only Bond
Q.2 Write short notes on. 10
1. Forms of dividend
2. Significance of cost of capital
Q.3 A) Krishna Koyana Company issued 5000, 8% Debentures, of Rs. 100 05
each at a premium of 10%. The cost of floatation is 2%. The rate of
tax applicable to the company is 60%. Compute cost of debt
B) From the following information calculate EBT and EBIT. 05
Sales Rs. 5,00,000
Variable cost Rs. 2,00,000
Fixed cost Rs. 60,000
Interest @ 10% on term loan of Rs. 8,00,000.
Q.4 X Ltd. is considering the purchase of a new machine for operations 10
which are at present carried by labour. Surekh and Sundar are
alternative models. The following information is available.
Particulars Surekh Rs. Sundar Rs.
Life in years 5 6
Cash 15,000 24,000
Estimated savings in scrap 1,000 1,500
Estimated cost of Indirect Materials 600 800
Estimated savings in direct wages No. 15 No. 20
Employees not required
Wages per employee 600 600
Additional cost of Maintenance 700 1,100
Additional cost of supervision 1,200 1,600
Depreciation will be taken on straight line basis. A Tax rate of 50% is
assumed. Evaluate the two alternatives according to pay back method.
A company issues 1,000 10% preference shares of Rs. 100 each at a
discount of 5% cost of raising capital on Rs. 2000. Compute the cost of
preference capital.
Q.5 Explain the important Investment evaluation criteria used in Investment 10
Liability side of EXL Ltd. is as under.
Equity share capital (in shares of Rs. 10 each) 3,00,000
10% preference shares capital @ Rs. 10 per share 1,00,000
15% debentures 2,00,000
Earnings before interest and tax is Rs. 1,00,000
The tax rate is 50%.
Ascertain financial leverage
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SLR-Q – 72
M.Com. (Semester – IV) (Old) Examination, 2017

Day & Date: Wednesday, 19-04-2017 Max. Marks: 50

Time: 02.30 PM to 04.30 PM

N.B. : 1) All questions are compulsory.

2) All questions carry equal marks.

Q.1 Select the correct answer from multiple choices given. 10

1) Central Excise Tariff Act, 1985 (CETA) contains.
a) The basic provisions relating to charging and levying of excise 1

b) The rates of duty of excisable goods

c) The rules relating the procedure for the assessment and
collection of duty including other procedure

2) Central excise duty is presently levied on

a) All excisable goods
b) All excisable goods (other than goods produced or manufactured
in Special Economic Zone)
c) All excisable goods (other than goods produced or manufactured
in Special Economic Zone) which are produced and
manufactured in India.
3) The taxable event in the case of Central Excise for charge of duty is
a) Manufacture or production of the goods
b) Time of removal goods
c) Manufacture or production of the goods or time of removal of
goods whichever is convenient to the manufacturer.
4) Where the goods have become excisable/dutiable after the
manufacturing date but before removal and such goods which are
listed in the schedule to the tariff but against such goods the rate of
duty mentioned is Nil, then the rate of excise duty shall be
a) The rate applicable on the date of removable
b) Nil
c) None of the above
5) A contract manufacture is
a) A job worker who does not have ownership over the goods
b) A manufacturer who manufactures goods in the brand name of
the principal and sells the goods at the agreed price and pay the
excise duty himself.
Page 1 of 3
c) A manufacturer who manufactures goods with or without the
brand name of the principal and sells the goods at the agreed
price and pay the excise duty himself.
6) Custom duty is levied on
a) Imports of goods into India.
b) Exports of goods out of India.
c) Imports of goods in India or exports of goods out of India.

7) The rate of customs duty is given in

a) The Customs Act, 1962.
b) The Customs Tariff Act, 1975.
c) Customs Manual 2001.
8) In case of goods cleared for warehousing the imports into India takes
place when
a) Goods reached the custom barriers
b) Goods are cleared from the warehouse
c) Goods are kept in customs bond
9) For determination of rate of exchange for converting tariff
value/transaction value of export of goods into Indian rupees, the
date relevant shall be
a) The date of filling the shipping bill
b) The date of clearance of goods for export
c) The date when the goods for exports crossed the customs barrier
10) If any imported goods are pilfered after the unloading thereof and
before the proper officer has made an order for clearance for home
consumption or deposit in a warehouse, the importer shall
a) Be liable to pay the duty leviable on such goods
b) Not be liable to pay the duty leviable on such goods
c) Be liable to pay the duty livable on such goods at concessional
Q.2 Write short notes on any two from the following. 10
a. Transaction Value under customs
b. Duty on Pilfered goods
c. Excise duty on Waste and Scraps
d. CENVAT under Central Excise
e. Definition of goods under Customs.
Q.3 A) Living Experts Ltd. manufactures steel tables which are sold by it to 05
wholesalers and by wholesalers to retailers and finally from
retailers to final customers. Form the following particulars provided
to you, compute the excise duty payable by Living Experts Ltd.
 Tables are not covered by the provision of Section 4A of
Central Excise Act, 1944.
 MRP printed on the table is Rs. 5,000 while it has been sold
by Living Experts Ltd. to wholesalers @ 3,500 per bag.
 Wholesalers sell it to retailers @ 3,800 per table and it has
been sold to final consumer @ 4500 per table by the
Page 2 of 3
 Rs. 500 is given as discount on MRP to the consumer by the
 Rate of Excise duty @ 12%.
B) Abhinav exported some goods to Germany in a vessel. You are 05
required to determine the rate of exchange for the purposes of
computation of export duty from the following additional
Exchange rate Exchange rate
notified by notified by
Particulars Date CBEC RBI
Date of
presentation of 19.5.2014 74 per Euro 76 per Euro
shipping bill
Date of entry 21.5.2014 72 per Euro 75 per Euro

Q.4 Calculate the assessable value and excise duty payable form the 10
following information.
Particular Amount Rs.
Total Invoice price (including all taxes, duties and other 70,000
Insurance charges for dispatch of final product 2,000
Packing charges 1,500
Freight Charges (From factory to the customer’s 1,000
Value Added Tax @ 12.5%
Rate of Excise Duty is @ 12%

Q.5 Worldwide Waters Ltd., a manufacturer has agreed to supply a machine 10

on the following terms and conditions:
1) Price of the machine 9,00,000
(Exclusive of taxes and duties)
2) Packing for transportation of the machine 40,000
3) Design and drawing relating to manufacture (ex 80,000
4) Central Sales Tax @ 2% against C form
5) Central Excise duty @ 12% + applicable cess
6) Cash discount of Rs. 10,000 will be offered if full payment is
received before dispatch of the goods.
The buyer made full payment before dispatch of the goods. Determine
Assessable value and Excise Duty payable.
Q.5 Vishal imported from Brazil 600 units @ $100.
Following further payments need to be made.
a) Royalty for use of patent – per unit $10.
b) Royalty on sale of finished goods produced by importer by using
imported Raw Material as a condition of Sale $30,000.
c) Fright (vessel) $8,000.
d) Demurrage (It is a part and parcel of freight but not included in the
above) - $1,000.
e) Landing Charges – Rs. 3,00,000.
Additional Information:
Rate of duty 10.30% (including cess @3%)
Exchange Rate Rs. 65
Find duty payable.
SLR-Q – 73
M.Com. (Semester – IV) (Old) Examination, 2017
Industrial Statistics And Demography

Day & Date: Wednesday, 19-04-2017 Max. Marks: 50

Time: 02.30 PM to 04.30 PM

N.B. : 1) All questions are compulsory.

2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
3) Each questions carries equal mark.
4) Use of soundless calculators is allowed.

Q.1 Choose the correct alternatives form the following. 10

1) If decision of either accepting or rejecting a lot is taken on the basis
of only one sample, then the plan is called as
a) Sequential Sampling Plan b) Double Sampling Plan
c) Single Sampling Plan d) None of these

2) If Pp is the probability of rejecting a lot of good quality T, declared by

producer, then ATI = ?
a) (N – n) Pp b) n + (N – n) Pp
c) N + n Pp d) None of these

3) For double sampling plan, ASN = ?, when P1 is the problem of

decision on the basis of first sample.
a) n2 + n1 (1 – P1) b) n1 + n2 (1 – P1)
c) n2 + p1 (n1 – 1) d) None of these

4) Which of the following death rates is a probability rate

a) CDR b) SDR
c) STDR d) None of these

5) Which one of the following death rates is not taking into account the
age and sex composition of the population?
a) STDR b) Age SDR
c) CDR d) None of these

6) Which one of the following death rates provides one of the essential
columns in the life table?
a) CDR b) Age SDR
c) STDR d) None of these

7) Which of the following fertility rates considers only female population

in the reproductive period?
a) CBR b) GFR c) TFR d) Both b and c F

Page 1 of 2
8) Addition of annual age specific fertility rates, gives us
a) CBR b) GFR c) TFR d) None of these

9) Pearl’s vital index is given by

10) In demography, we have

a) NRR ≥ GRR b) NRR ≤ GRR
c) NRR = GRR d) None of these

Q.2 A) Write a short note on CDR. 05

B) Explain Single Sampling Plan. 05

Q.3 A) Write a short note on GRR. 05

B) Given the following table for lx, the number of rabbits living at age x, 05
complete the life table for rabbits.
x: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
lx: 100 90 80 75 60 30 0

Q.4 Attempt any one of the following. 10

1. Explain in detail Double Sampling Plan.
2. State the various columns of life table. Give relations between them.
How a life table can be constructed?

Q.5 Attempt any one of the following. 10

1. Define SDR and STDR. How STDR is obtained by direct method
and by indirect method of Standardization.
2. Compute:
a) GFR
b) SFR
c) TFR
d) GRR
From the data given below.
Age group of child 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 44-45
bearing female’s
No. of women (1000) 16.0 16.4 15.8 15.2 14.8 15.0 14.5
Total Births 260 2244 1894 1320 916 280 145
Assume that the proportion of female births is 46.2%.

Page 2 of 2
SLR-Q – 74
M.COM. (Semester – IV) (Old) Examination, 2017
Advanced Banking & Financial System (Paper IV)

Day & Date: Friday, 21-04-2017 Max. Marks: 50

Time: 02.30 PM to 04.30 PM

N.B. : 1) All questions are compulsory.

2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

Q.1 Choose the alternatives given below. 10

1) Testing of hypothesis is used in _________.
a) Every research b) Inferential statistics
c) Both a and b d) None of these

2) We may accept the hypothesis when it is false. It is called ____.

a) Type 1 error b) Type 2 error
c) Human error d) Sample error

3) Statistical technique dealing with the association between two or

more variables called _________ analysis.
a) Causal b) Correlation
c) Inferential d) Canonical

4) Interpretation of data should be made on due consideration of __.

a) Hypothesis b) Empirical evidences
c) Theoretical framework d) All the above

5) Coding of data is done _________ collection of data.

a) Only after b) Only before
c) During d) Before and after

6) Entire details of units in the population are necessary for

_________ sampling.
a) Stratified Random b) Quota
c) Cluster d) Convenience

7) _________ are immensely useful in conduct of research.

a) Radio b) Tape recorder
c) Cycle d) Computers

8) Computer is one of the greatest inventions of _______ th century.

a) 20 b) 21
c) 19 d) All the above

Page 1 of 2
SLR-Q – 74
9) Selection of sample on judgement of investigator is called
_________ sampling.
a) Purposive b) Cluster
c) Random d) Convenience

10) Assigning numbers and symbols to various response in schedule

to facilitate further analysis of data is called _________.
a) Processing b) Editing
c) Coding d) Classification

Q.2 Write short answers. 10

a) Quantitative analysis
b) Central tendency

Q.3 Write short notes. 10

a) Z – test
b) Non – sampling error

Q.4 State the role of computers in research in Commerce and 10

What is analysis? What are the types of analysis data?

Q.5 What is sampling? What are its merits and demerits? 10

State fundamentals of hypothesis testing.

Page 2 of 2
SLR-Q – 75
M.COM. (Semester – IV) (Old) Examination, 2017
Advanced Accountancy (Paper IV)

Day & Date: Friday, 21-04-2017 Max. Marks: 50

Time: 02.30 PM to 04.30 PM

N.B. : 1) All questions are compulsory.

2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

Q.1 Choose the alternatives given below. 10

1) _________ was developed by famous statistician R. A. Fisher for
the analysis of variance.
a) T – test b) Z – test
c) F – test d) Chi – square test

2) A hypothesis about the law of which it is an instance is _______.

a) Explanatory hypothesis b) Tentative hypothesis
c) Representative fiction d) Descriptive hypothesis

3) To reduce a sampling error we should _________.

a) Reduce the sample size b) Increase the sample size
c) Enhance personal bias d) Use deliberate sampling

4) Selection of sample by lottery method is called _________.

a) Random sampling b) Cluster sampling
c) Quota sampling d) Deliberate sampling

5) _________ is a most frequently used test in research studies

which is based on binominal distribution.
a) T – test b) Z – test
c) F – test d) Chi – square test

6) Coding of data is done _________.

a) Only after collection of data b) Only before collection of data
c) Before or after collection of data d) During collection of data

7) We may reject the hypothesis when it is true. It is called ______.

a) Type I error b) Type II error
c) Human error d) Sample error

8) If an investigator identifies and corrects the high recorded in feets

in one questionnaire and in meters in the other and converts it into
a common measure. It is called
a) Editing for completion b) Editing for computating
c) Editing for consistency d) Editing for uniformity

Page 1 of 2
SLR-Q – 75
9) Sampling error are the errors which arise on account of _______.
a) Frame error b) Chance error
c) Response error d) All the above

10) A study of functional relationship existing between two or more

variables is called _________.
a) Casual analysis b) Inferential analysis
c) Correlation analysis d) Canonical analysis

Q.2 Write short answers. 10

a) Role of computer in research
b) Tabulation

Q.3 Answer in brief. 10

a) What is random sampling?
b) What is sampling error?

Q.4 What is sampling? What are its merits and demerits? 10

Explain in brief the various parametric and non parametric test
involved in testing of hypothesis.

Q.5 What is processing of data? Explain in brief the various steps 10

involved in processing of data.
What is hypothesis? Is it necessary for every research? 10

Page 2 of 2
SLR-Q – 76
M.COM. (Semester – IV) (Old) Examination, 2017
Advanced Costing (Paper IV)

Day & Date: Friday, 21-04-2017 Max. Marks: 50

Time: 02.30 PM to 04.30 PM

N.B. : 1) All questions are compulsory.

2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

Q.1 Choose the alternatives given below. 10

1) Sample is which _________
a) Representative part of the population
b) It contains each characterizes that entire population possesses
c) It is any part of population
d) Answer A and B

2) Data analysis can be in _________

a) Statistical form b) Descriptive form
c) Explanatory form d) Descriptive, explanatory and graphical

3) Classification of data refers to_________.

a) Arrangement of data in an order
b) Arrangement of raw data into tables
c) Organization of numbers
d) Arrangement of figures

4) What do the researchers use to analyze the data?

a) Mathematical methods b) Probability methods
c) Index numbers d) Statistical tools

5) Skewed curve is _________.

a) Curve of left slanting b) Curve has one mode
c) Curve having more than two peaks d) Bimodal curve

6) Importance of median is _________.

a) Divides the data into two equal half
b) Arranges the data systematically
c) Organizes the data uniformly
d) Arranges the data in intelligible manner

7) _________ is a set of elements taken from a larger population

according to certain rules.
a) Sample b) Population
c) Statistic d) Element

Page 1 of 2
SLR-Q – 76
8) Which of the following is NOT a common measure of central
a) Mode b) Range
c) Median d) Mean

9) People who are available, volunteer, or can be easily recruited are

used in the sampling method called _________.
a) Simple random sampling b) Cluster sampling
c) Systematic sampling d) Convenience sampling

10) The process of drawing a sample from a population is known

as _________.
a) Sampling b) Census
c) Survey research d) None of the above

Q.2 Answer the following. 10

a) Advantages of sampling.
b) Characteristics of a good hypothesis.

Q.3 Write short notes. 10

a) Measures of central tendency.
b) Coding.

Q.4 Answer any one of the following. 10

a) Explain role of computer in research.
b) Explain the types of hypothesis.

Q.5 Answer any one of the following. 10

1) Explain the methods of data analysis.
2) Explain various sampling method.

Page 2 of 2
SLR-Q – 77
M.COM. (Semester – IV) (Old) Examination, 2017
Taxation (Paper IV)

Day & Date: Friday, 21-04-2017 Max. Marks: 50

Time: 02.30 PM to 04.30 PM

N.B. : 1) All questions are compulsory.

2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

Q.1 Choose the alternatives given below. 10

1) Research hypotheses are _________.
a) Formulated prior to a review of the literature.
b) Statements of predicted relationships between variables.
c) Stated such that they can be confirmed or refuted.
d) Answer b and c

2) Hypothesis in qualitative research studies usually _________.

a) Are very specific and stated prior to beginning the study
b) Are often generated as the data are collected, interpreted, and
c) Are never used
d) Are always stated after the research study has been

3) Sampling in qualitative research is similar to which type of

sampling in quantitative research?
a) Simple random sampling b) Systematic sampling
c) Quota sampling d) Purposive sampling

4) Which of the following would generally require the largest sample

a) Cluster sampling b) Simple random sampling
c) Systematic sampling d) Proportional stratified sampling

5) A technique used when selecting clusters of different sizes is

called _________.
a) Cluster sampling b) One-stage sampling
c) Two-stage sampling d) Probability proportional to size of PPS

6) This type of research tests hypotheses and theories in order to

explain how and why a phenomenon operates as it does.
a) Descriptive research b) Predictive research
c) Explanatory research d) None of the above

Page 1 of 2
SLR-Q – 77
7) The standard deviation is:
a) The square root of the variance
b) A measure of variability
c) An approximate indicator of how numbers vary from the mean
d) All of the above

8) The median is _________.

a) The middle point b) The highest number
c) The average d) Affected by extreme scores

9) Which of the following is NOT a measure of variability?

a) Median b) Variance
c) Standard deviation d) Range

10) What is the standard deviation of a sampling distribution called?

a) Sampling error b) Sample error
c) Standard error d) Simple error

Q.2 Answer the following. 10

a) Characteristics of a good sample.
b) Characteristics of a good hypothesis.

Q.3 Write short notes. 10

a) Measures of central tendency
b) Skewness

Q.4 Answer any one of the following. 10

a) Explain role of computer in research.
b) Explain the types of hypothesis.

Q.5 Answer any one of the following. 10

a) Explain the process of processing of data.
b) Explain the probability sampling method.

Page 2 of 2
SLR-Q – 78
M.COM. (Semester – IV) (Old) Examination, 2017

Day & Date: Friday, 21-04-2017 Max. Marks: 50

Time: 02.30 PM to 04.30 PM

N.B. : 1) All questions are compulsory.

2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
3) Use of soundless calculators is allowed.

Q.1 Choose the correct alternative from given alternative and rewrite 10
the sentences.
1) As compared to census method, budget required for sampling
method is _________.
a) Less b) More
c) Same d) None of these

2) A set of all individuals under study is called as _________.

a) Population b) Sample
c) Hypothesis d) None of these

3) If each and every member of the population is being selected with

an equal chance, then the method is called as _________
a) Simple random sampling b) Stratified random sampling
c) Systematic sampling d) None of these

4) Generally which Random Number tables are in use?

a) R. A. Fisher’s b) Tippet’s
c) Stuarts d) None of these

5) Assigning numbers and symbols to various responses in schedule

to facilitate further analysis of data is called _________.
a) Processing b) Editing
c) Coding d) Classification

6) Arrangement of data into different rows and columns is called as___.

a) Classification b) Tabulation
c) Processing d) None of these

7) Sum of all the observation divided by total number of observation

is called as _________.
a) Arithmetic mean b) Median
c) Mode d) None of these

Page 1 of 2
SLR-Q – 78
8) A measure of description which is based upon all the observation
is _________.
a) Range b) Quartile deviation
c) Standard deviation d) None of these

9) Which one of the following measure of description is useful for

comparison of variability in different data?
a) Range b) Q. D.
c) C. V. d) None of these

10) It skewness is zero, the data are _________.

a) Symmetric b) Asymmetric
c) Can not say anything d) None of these

Q.2 A) Explain how a computer is useful in Research? 05

B) Explain the methods of checking are useful in Research. 05

Q.3 A) What is a tabulation? With proper diagram state various parts of 05

statistical table.

B) For the following data, compute mode 05

Classes: 0-15 15-30 30-45 45-60 60-75
Frequency: 3 8 12 9 4

Q.4 Answer any one of the following. 10

1) Explain various sampling and non – sampling errors.
2) Explain the various Quantitative methods of data processing.

Q.5 Answer any one of the following. 10

1) For the following data compute C.V.
Classes 0-200 200-400 400-600 600-800 800-1000 1000-
Frequency 9 15 25 20 8 3

2) Explain coding, transcriptions and tabulation in data processing.

Page 2 of 2
M.Com II. (Semester – IV) (Old) Examination, 2017
Day & Date: Monday, 24-04-2017 Max. Marks: 50
Time: 02.30 PM to 05.00 PM
Instructions: : 1) All questions are compulsory
2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
3) Use of calculator is allowed.
Q.1 Choose the correct alternatives: 10
1) ______ Accounting is a system which makes every one responsible and
conscious for the job that is entrusted to him by his supervisor
a) Cost b) Financial
c) Historical d) Responsibilities
2) The technique of decision making by comparing total cost and total revenue
of different alternatives is called ______ costing.
a) Absorption b) Standard c) Differential d) Variable
3) ______ Budget is useful for control and guidance at all levels from top to
a) Fixed b) Performance c) Cash d) Sales
4) The ______means organized method of providing each manager with all the
data and only those data which he needs for his decision.
a) Management Information System b) Budegting
c) Reporting d) Absorption Costing
5) Poor working condition is the reason for ______ variance.
a) Material mix b) Labour mix
c) Material usage d) Labour efficiency

6) A______ is formal communication, mostly written, which generally moves

a) Authority b) Responsibilities
c) Report d) Budget

7) ______ costing is helpful for measurement of profitability of different lines of

a) Standard b) Marginal c) Uniform d) Actual

8) Fixed cost divided by______ is equal to Break Even Point.

a) Contribution per unit b) Profit per unit
c) Sales per unit d) Cost per unit

9) If P/V ration is 25% and fixed cost Rs.35,000 then break even sales are
a) 1,50,000 b) 70,000 c) 8,750 d) 1,40,000

Page 1 of 2
10) ______ is blue print of the projected plan of action to be carried out during
specific period in future.
a) Marginal cost b) Standard cost
c) Budget d) Working capital
Q.2 Write short notes on: 10
A) Responsibility Accounting
B) Essentials of Ideal report
Q.3 A) Selling price per unit Rs.100. Variable cost per unit Rs.60. Fixed cost 05
Rs.20,000. Actual sales Rs.2,00,000. Calculate break even point in units
and break even point in value.
B) From the following information calculate marginal cost statement and 05
profit volume Ratio
Fixed cost Rs.3,00,000
Variable cost Rs.6,00,000
Net profit Rs.1,00,000
Sales Rs.10,00,000
Q.4 Using the following information calculate Labour cost variance, Labour rate 10
Variance, Labour efficiency variance and Idle time variance
Direct wages Rs.3,00,000
Standard hours 16000 hrs.
Standard Rate Rs.15 per hour
Actual hours paid 15000 hrs. out of which 500 hrs. are not worked (Abnormal)
From the following details find out Profit Volume Ratio, Break even point, 10
margin of safety.
Sales Rs.10,000
Total cost Rs.8,000
Fixed cost Rs.2,000
Net profit Rs.2,000
Q.5 Calculate Average Rate of Return for Project A and Project B from the 10
Project A Project B
Investment Rs.20,000 Rs.30,000
Expected life (No salvage value) 4 Years 5 Years
Projected net income, after interest, depreciation and taxes-
Year Project A Project B
Rs Rs.
1 2000 3000
2 1500 3000
3 1500 2000
4 1000 1000
5 ----- 1000
Total 6000 10,000
If required rate of return is 12%, which project should be undertaken
From the following data calculate material price variance, material usage 10
variance and material mix variance. Consumption per 100 units of product.
Material Standard Actual
A 40 units @ Rs.50 per unit 50 units @ Rs.50 per unit
B 60 units @ Rs.40 per unit 60 units @ Rs.45 per unit
Page 2 of 2
SLR-Q – 80
M.COM. (Semester – IV) (Old) Examination, 2017
Business Finance (Paper IV)

Day & Date: Wednesday, 26-04-2017 Max. Marks: 50

Time: 02.30 P.M. TO 04.30 P.M.

N.B. : 1) All questions are compulsory.

2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

Q.1 Choose the alternatives given below. 10

1) The trading system of BSE is known as _________.
c) BOLT d) None of these

2) SEBI protects the interest of _________.

a) Individual investors b) Group investors
c) Corporate investors d) None of these

3) CRISIL is established in _________

a) 1956 b) 1987
c) 1991 d) 1996

4) _________capital is investment in high risk technology based

a) Venture b) Lease
c) Fixed d) Working

5) The symbol of ‘A’ (single A) indicates _________ safety.

a) Highest b) High
c) Adequate d) Moderate

6) Internet trading is permitted by SEBI from _________.

a) 1995 b) 1996
c) 1996 d) 2000 G

7) The additional shares offered to the public to subscribe for the

shares of the company.
a) Equity shares b) Preference shares
c) Right shares e) Stocks

8) _________method is an invitation to the public to subscribe for

the shares of the company.
a) Prospectus b) Circular
c) Direct offer d) None

Page 1 of 2
SLR-Q – 80
9) Conversion of electronic holdings back into physical form is
known as _________.
a) Dematerialization b) Rematerialsation
c) Globalization d) Capitalization

10) The main objective of _________ management is to maximize

return and minimize risk while making an investment.
a) Portfolio b) Human resource
c) Sales d) Marketing

Q.2 Write short notes. 10

2) E-Broking

Q.3 Write short answers. 10

a) What do you mean by dematerialization? Discuss the
advantages of dematerialization.
b) Explain the functions and advantages of portfolio management.

Q.4 Answer any one of the following questions. 10

a) Discuss the role and functions of SEBI in India.
b) Discuss the various methods of marketing of corporate securities.

Q.5 Answer any one of the following questions. 10

a) What do you mean by ‘Credit Rating’? Describe the methodology
of credit rating.
b) What is Stock Exchange? Describe the functions of Stock

Page 2 of 2
SLR-Q – 81
M.Com. (Semester – IV) (New) (CBCS) Examination, 2017
Modern Banking

Day & Date: Wednesday, 19-04-2017 Max. Marks: 70

Time: 02.30 PM to 05.00 PM

N.B. : 1) All questions are compulsory.

2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

Q.1 Choose the alternatives given below. 14

1) The SBI markets limited floated the SBI mutual Fund in _______.
a) 1987 b) 1988
c) 1989 d) 1990

2) In _________ the British Bankers Association was formed.

a) 1919 b) 1920
c) 1921 d) 1922

3) By charter act of _______ the working bank of England was divided

into two parts.
a) 1844 b) 1944
c) 1947 d) 1951

4) _______banking has been popular in USA.

a) Branch b) Unit
c) Chain d) Co-operative

5) In _______ the bank of Japan was established.

a) 1982 b) 1983
c) 1984 d) 1985

6) There was no central bank in USA till _______.

a) 1913 b) 1914
c) 1915 d) 1916

7) Bank of England Nationalized in _______.

a) 1946 b) 1947
c) 1948 d) 1949

8) For domestic investors, the UTI introduced a growth oriented

mutual fund known as master share in Sept _______.
a) 1986 b) 1987
c) 1988 d) 1990
Page 1 of 2
SLR-Q– 81
9) The bank of Japan issued its first bank note in _______
a) 1885 b) 1886
c) 1887 d) 1888

10) In India the only mutual fund operating for long time since 1964
was _______.
a) UTI b) LIC
c) SBI d) CMF

11) Of England was established in _______.

a) 1946 b) 1945
c) 1693 d) 1694

12) _______ is the encompassing term that involves the use of

electronic platforms – intranets, extranets and the Internet – to
conduct a company’s business.
a) E-banking b) E-business
c) E-Market d) E-Customer

13) The Assets Liabilities committee in a bank makes the assessment

a) Liquidity risk; b) Credit risk;
c) Operation risk; d) All the above

14) Whose interest is kept in mind in a good corporate governance

a) Shareholders of the company
b) Stakeholders of the company
c) Employees of the company
d) All the above

Q.2 Answer the following: 14

a) Discuss about the Data communication.
b) Advantages and disadvantages of debit card.

Q.3 Answer the following: 14

a) Explain money market mutual fund.
b) Write a short note on correction of regional imbalances in the Indian
banking system.

Q.4 Answer any one of the following: 14

a) Examine the working of Federal Reserve Bank.
b) Progress of Mutual fund movement in India.

Q.5 Answer any one of the following: 14

a) Discuss working of the Bank of England.
b) Discuss achievements and management of the Indian Banking
Page 2 of 2
SLR-Q – 82
M.Com. (Semester – IV) (New) (CBCS) Examination, 2017

Day & Date: Wednesday, 19-04-2017 Max. Marks: 70

Time: 02.30 AM to 05.00 PM

N.B. : 1) All questions are compulsory.

2) Use of calculator is allowed.

Q.1 Choose the alternatives given below. 14

1) In __________ costing investment in fixed assets is high and in
working capital is low.
a) Job b) Standard c) Marginal d) Service

2) __________ costing is applied in those undertakings which are

engaged in providing services rather than manufacturing of tangible
a) Operating b) Process
c) Output d) Integral

3) In __________ undertaking cost unit is used or ascertaining cost of

per passenger km.
a) Goods transport b) Passenger transport
c) Water and Electricity d) Hotel and Hospital

4) __________ costing is that form of operating costing which applies

where standardized goods are produced.
a) Service b) Operating
c) Process d) Power house

5) __________ is an unavailable loss which occurs due to the inherent

nature of the materials and production process under normal
a) Capital loss b) Abnormal loss
c) Avoidable loss d) Normal loss

6) Expected output less Actual output is called __________.

a) Units of abnormal loss b) Units of normal loss
c) Cost of normal loss d) Units of input

7) When actual losses are less than the expected normal losses then
__________are arises.
a) Normal loss b) Abnormal loss
c) Abnormal gain d) Process loss
Page 1 of 4
8) __________are product of less sales value produced simultaneously
with the produce of greater value.
a) Service product b) Work in progress
c) Joint product d) By-product

9) In process industries the accountant classifies multiple products

according to their relative importance. The products of nearly equal
value are called __________.
a) Joint product b) By product
c) Main product d) Process product

10) __________ is an item included in cost accounts but not in financial

a) Actual rent b) National rent
c) Rent paid d) Outstanding rent

11) When costing profit is Rs. 9,500 and the amount of works overhead
under recovered is Rs. 500 the financial profit is Rs. ________.
a) 10,000 b) 9,000 c) 8,500 d) 10,500

12) Which of the following items is not included in cost accounts?

a) Debenture interest
b) Interest received on bank deposits
c) Dividend paid on share capital
d) All of these

13) When costing loss is Rs. 5,600, administration overheads under

absorbed being Rs. 400, the loss as per financial accounts should
be Rs. ________.
a) 5,200 b) 5,600 c) 6,000 d) 6,500

14) In packages account ________ is prepared to find out profit or loss

on transaction relating to containers.
a) Containers Trading A/c b) Memorandum Debtors A/c
c) Containers Purchase A/c d) Containers Stock A/c

Q.2 Write short notes on. 14

a) Importance of operating costing.
b) Treatment of normal and abnormal process loss.

Q.3 A) From the following information prepare process account. 07

Input of raw materials 840 units @ Rs. 40 per unit
Direct materials Rs. 5,924
Direct wages Rs. 8,000
Production overheads @ 100% of direct wages
Actual output of process I 750 units
Normal loss 15%
Value of scrap per unit Rs. 10 per unit

Page 3 of 4
B) From the following Trading and Profit and Loss Account of Vikas 07
Electronics for the year ended 31st December 2016. Prepare
Reconciliation statement.
Trading and Profit and Loss A/c
To Materials 12,000 By Sales (350 units) 70,000
To Wages 4,000 By finished stock (50 units) 3,500
To Works Expenses 12,000 By Interest received 1,500
To Administrative 12,000
To Goodwill written off 4,000
To Discount in 3,000
debentures written
To Net Profit 28,000
75,000 75,000

The company’s cost record show that

1. Works overhead have been recovered at 100% on prime cost.
2. Administration overheads have been recovered at 25% of factory

Q.4 A products passes through three process i.e. A, B and C. The details of 14
expenses incurred on the three processes during the year 2016 were as
Process A Process B Process C
Units introduced cost per 10,000 -- --
unit Rs. 100
Materials (Sundary) Rs.10,000 Rs.15,000 Rs.5,000
Labour Rs.30,000 Rs.80,000 Rs.65,000
Direct expenses Rs.6,000 Rs.18,150 Rs.27,200
Selling price per unit of 120 165 250
During the year selling expense were Rs. 50,000 these are not
allocable to process.
Actual output of the three processes was Process A – 9,300 units,
Process B – 5,400 units and Process C – 2,100 units. Two third of
output of process A and one half of the output of process B was passed
on the next processes and balance was sold. The entired output of
process C was sold.
The normal loss of the three processes calculated on the input of
every process was process A – 5%, process B - 15% and process C –
20%. The loss of process A was sold at Rs. 2 per unit, that of process B
at Rs. 5 per unit and process C at Rs. 10 per unit.
Prepare Process A, B and C Account.
Explain the concept and importance of Accounting for Package and

Page 3 of 4
Q.5 Transport company supplies the following details in respect of a truck of 14
five tone capacity.
Cost of truck Rs. 90,000
Estimated life 10 years
Diesel, oil, grease – Rs. 15 per trip each way
Repairs and maintenance Rs. 500 per month
Drivers wages Rs. 500 per month
Cleaners wages Rs. 250 per month
Insurance Rs. 4,800 per year
Tax Rs. 2,400 per year
General supervision charges Rs. 4,800 per year

The truck carries goods to and from the city covering a distance of 50
kms each way. On outward trip freight is available to the extent of full
capacity and on return 20% of capacity. Assume that truck runs on an
average 25 days a month work out operating cost per tonne km. It is
assume that the truck makes only one trip per day.
The following information is available from the financial books of a
company having a normal production capacity of 60,000 units for the
year ended 31st March 2016.
1. Sales Rs. 10,00,000 (50,000 units)
2. There was no opening and closing stock of finished units.
3. Direct materials and direct wages cost were Rs. 5,00,000 and Rs.
2,50,000 respectively.
4. Actual factory expenses were Rs. 1,50,000 of which 60% are
5. Actual administrative expenses were Rs. 45,000 which are
compulsory fixed.
6. Actual selling and distribution expenses were Rs. 30,000 of which
40% are fixed.
7. Interest and dividend received Rs. 15,000.
You are required to find out
a) Profit as per financial books for the year ended 31st March 2016.
b) Prepare statement of cost and profit as per cost accounts for the
year ended 31st March 2016 assuming that indirect expenses are
absorbed on the basic of normal production capacity.
c) Prepare statement reconciling profits shown by financial and lost

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SLR-Q – 83
M.Com. (Semester – IV) (New) (CBCS) Examination, 2017

Day & Date: Wednesday, 19-04-2017 Max. Marks: 70

Time: 02.30 PM to 05.00 PM

N.B. : 1) All questions are compulsory.

2) Use of Calculator is allowed

Q.1 Choose the correct alternatives form the following. 14


2) The period during which the total cost of the capital investment is
recovered is termed as the __________.
a) Pay back period b) Accounting period
c) Earning period d) Life of project

3) Under Return on Investment method capital projects are ranked in

order of __________.
a) Pay back period b) Earning
c) Cost of capital d) Rate of dividend

4) __________ serves as an important tool of financial planning of

business enterprise.
a) Dividend policy b) Leverage

c) Capital d) None of the above.

5) When sales Rs. 60,000, variable cost 40% of sales, fixed cost Rs.
1,00,000, Interest is Rs. 8,000 and Tax is Rs. 75,600. The degree of
operating leverage is __________ times.
a) 1.385 b) 2.040 c) 1.480 d) 1.428
6) I.R.R stands for __________.
a) Internal Rate of Return b) Internal Ratio Rate
c) Investment Return Rate d) Interest Rate of Return

7) Cost of capital affects the value of __________ of the company.

a) Equity shares b) Preference shares
c) Debentures d) Fixed assets

8) A project cost is Rs. 3,00,000 and its cash inflows first year Rs.
80,000, second year Rs. 1,00,000, third year Rs. 2,40,000, fourth
year Rs. 20,000 its payback period is __________ years.
a) 3 ½ b) 4 ½ c) 2 ½ d) 5 ½
Page 1 of 3
9) Market price per share is computed by multiplying the price earnings
ratio by __________.
a) EBT b) EBIT c) EPS d) EAT

10) Stability of dividend leads to __________.

a) Stability in market price of share
b) Satisfaction of investors desire
c) Confidence among shareholder
d) All of the above

11) Under __________ method, the cash flow from the project are
reduced to their present value.
a) Profitability Index b) Return on Investment
c) Pay back d) Net present value

12) Capital budgeting decisions can be made by considering ________.

a) The rate dividend b) The cash available
c) The availability of working capital d) The cost of capital

13) Financial leverage is also known as __________.

a) Combined leverage b) Operating leverage
c) Trading on equity d) EBT

14) Irrelevance of dividend theorem is developed by __________.

a) Mr. Lintner b) Prof. Walter
c) Prof. Miller and Modigliani d) Mr. Gordon

Q.2 Write short notes on. 14

a) Kinds of Leverage
b) Factors influencing dividend policy

Q.3 A) Two alternatives are available having cost price Rs. 2,00,000 each. 07
The following inflows are expected during five years. Life of both
machine is five years
Year Machine A Machine B
Rs. Rs.
First year 20,000 60,000
Second year 60,000 80,000
Third year 80,000 1,00,000
Fourth year 1,20,000 60,000
Fifth year 80,000 40,000

The company is expecting 10% return on its capital. The net present
value of Rs.1@ 10% are as under.
1st year 0.909
2 year 0.826
3 year 0.751
4th year 0.683
5 year 0.620
Evaluate the proposal on the basis of Net Present Value Method.
Page 2 of 3
B) The Balance sheet of Moon light Ltd. as on 31st March 2017 is as 07
Balance Sheet
Liabilities Rs. Assets Rs.
Equity capital (Rs. 10 each) 60,000 Fixed assets 1,50,000
Retained Earnings 20,000 Current Assets 50,000
10% debentures 80,000
Current Liabilities 40,000
2,00,000 2,00,000
The company’s total assets turnover ratio is 3.00, its fixed operating
costs are Rs. 1,00,000 and its variable operating cost ratio is 40%.
The income tax rate is 30%.
Calculate Earnings after Tax, EBIT and EBT.
Q.4 The following figures extracted from the books of ABC Ltd. 14
Sales Rs. 5,00,000
Variable cost Rs. 3,00,000
Fixed cost Rs. 1,00,000
Interest @ 10% on the term loan of Rs. 4,00,000
Calculate operating leverage, financial leverage and combined
Calculate cost of preference share capital of the following cases.
a) A company issues 1000 10% preference shares of Rs. 100 each
of at discount of 5%. Costs of raising capital are Rs. 2000
compute cost of preference capital.
b) Assume that the firm pays tax at 50%. Compute the after tax cost
of capital of a preference share sold at Rs. 100 with 9% dividend
and a redemption price of Rs. 110, if the company redeems it in
five years.
Q.5 A company is considering to purchase a machine. Two machines each 14
costing Rs. 40,000 is available. Earning after taxation but before
charging depreciation are
Year Machine A Machine B
1 12,000 8,000
2 18,000 16,000
3 20,000 24,000
4 15,000 18,000
5 10,000 14,000
Evaluate two alternatives according to Pay Back method, Return on
Investment method (Average earning on average investment) and net
present value method (Cost of Capital @ 10%).
Present value factors @ 10% are as first year – 0.909, second year –
0.826, third year – 0.751, fourth year-0.683, fifth year-0.621.
Discuss the major factors that influence the dividend policy of a
Page 3 of 3
SLR-Q – 84
M. Com (Semester – IV) (New) (CBCS) Examination, 2017

Day & Date: Wednesday, 19-04-2017 Max. Marks: 70

Time: 02.30 PM to 05.00 PM
N.B. : 1) All question are compulsory
2) Figures to right indicate full marks

Q.1 A) Choose the correct alternative given in the bracket. 14

1) Which one of the following will form part of transaction value
a) Transportation charges from the place of removal to the place
of buyer,
b) Transportation charges from the place of factory to the place
of branch,
c) Transportation charges from the place of distributor to the
place buyer,
d) Transportation charges from the place buyer to any other mb

2) Levy of Central Excise Duty depends upon

a) Removal of goods from the place of removal,
b) Manufacture of goods in the factory,
c) Deemed manufacture of goods,
d) Removal goods for branch transfer

3) Cenvat Credit on capital goods can be claimed in the year in

which it is purchased
a) Up to 50% b) Up to 100% c) Up to 25% d) Up to 75%

4) Time limit for delivery of Import Manifest/Report in the case of

Vehicle is within _____ hours after the arrival of vehicle at
customs station
a) 24 b) 48 c) 12 d) None of the above

5) At the time of manufacture of product X attracts 14% Basic

Excise Duty. At the time of removal the rate of duty is 8%.
Which is the rate of duty that will attract for the product X
a) 14% b) 8%
c) 11% (Average ) d) Zero (Because the has changed)

6) Person in-charge of a Vessel/aircraft entering India shall call

or land at
a) Any place in India b) Any coastal area
c) Customs Port or Airport only d) None of the above

Page 1 of 4
7) The difference between “transit of gods” and “trans-shipment
of goods” is
a) Conveyance changes b) Goods changes
c) Destination changes d) None of the above

8) Of the following who cannot the CENVAT credit?

a) Industrial Consumer b) Second stage Deale
c) Unregistered Dealer d) None of the above

9) What are the conditions to be fulfilled for valuation of goods

based on transaction value?
a) There should be sale of excisable goods
b) The goods sold should be for delivery at the time and place
of removal
c) The assessee and the buyer of the goods are not to be
related persons
d) The price should be the sole consideration for the sale.
e) (a) to (c) above
f) (a) to (d) above

10) CIF value includes expenses incurred upto reaching of goods

at destination
a) FOB value
b) FOB value + COT
c) FOB value + COT+ CIF
d) FOB value + COT + CIF + Unloading charges incurred at
destination port.

11) The Central Excise Act extends to

a) The whole of India
b) The whole of India except Jammu and Kashmir
c) The whole of India as well as to designated in the
Continental Shelf and Exclusive Economic Zone (E.E.Z) i.e.
up to 200 nautical miles in the sea.

12) Excisable goods means:

a) Goods specified in Central Excise act, 1944
b) Goods specified in Central Tariff Act, 1985
c) Goods specified in the notifications issued by the CBEC

13) Non-dutiable goods are

a) Excisable goods but rate of duty o on such goods is nil
b) Excisable goods but are exempted from duty issue of
c) Excisable goods but either the rate of duty on such goods is
nil or such goods are exempted from duty by issue of

14) Custom duty is levied on

a) Imports of goods into India
b) Exports of goods out o India
c) Imports of goods in India or exports of goods out of India

Page 2 of 4
Q.2 Write short Notes on any three: 14
1) Warehousing under Customs
2) Concept of tariff value
3) CENVAT credit
4) Registration under Excise
5) Powers of Excise Authorities

Q.3 Determine the total amount of excise duty payable under Section 4 of 14
the Central Excise Act, 1944 from the following information.
i. Piece of machinery excluding taxes and duties 82,50,000
ii. Installation and erection expenses 31,500
iii. Packing charges (primary and secondary) 17,250
iv. Design and engineering charges 3,000
v. Cost of material supplied by buyer free of charge 12,750
vi. Pre-delivery inspection charges 750

Other information
a) Cash discount @ 2% on price of machinery was allowed as per
terms of contract since full payment was received before dispatch
of machinery.
b) Bought out accessories supplied along with machinery valued at
Rs. 9,000.
c) Central Excise duty rate 16% and educational cess as applicable.

Make suitable assumptions as are required and provide brief reasons.

Q.3 XYZ Co. is engaged in the manufacture of water pipes. From the
following details for the month of May, 2015 compute the available
CENVAT credit under the CENVAT Credit Rules, 2004
Amount of CENAVT paid on purchases as details below
Raw steel 22,00,000
Water pipe making machine 18,00,000
Spare parts for the above machine 7,50,000
Grease and oil 2,80,000
Office equipment 20,00,000
Diesel 12,00,00

Provide explanation for treatment o various items.

Q.4 1) Briefly explain the rules for determination of Tariff Headings under 14
Central Excise for Classification of Goods?
2) Briefly explain the rules of Territorial Waters of India.

Page 3 of 4
Q.5 Explain the methods of Valuation for Customs and describe the 14
method of Transaction Value in detail.

A) From the following furnished to you, computer the custom duty
payable by the importer of the goods.
Assessable value u/s 14(1) 80,000
Rate of basis customs duty 10%
Rate of additional customs duty u/s 3(1) (i.e. 12%
Rate of additional customs duty under 4%
section 3(5) (i.e. CVD)

B) Ravindra imports a container of goods containing 50,000 pieces

with assessable value of Rs. 10,00,000 under section 14 of the
Customs Act, 1962.
On said product, rate of basic customs duty is 10% and rate excise
duty is 12% ad valorem. Similar product in India is assessable under
section 4A of the Central Excise Act, 1944, after allowing an
abatement of 40%.

MRP printed on the package at the time of import is Rs.40 per piece.

Calculate the countervailing duty (CVD) under section 3 (1) of the

Customs Tariff Act, 1975 payable on the imported goods.

Page 4 of 4
SLR-Q – 85
M.Com. (Semester – IV) (New) (CBCS) Examination, 2017
Industrial Statistics And Demography

Day & Date: Wednesday, 19-04-2017 Max. Marks: 70

Time: 02.30 PM to 05.00 PM
N.B. : 1) All questions are compulsory.
2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
3) Each questions carries equal marks
4) Use of soundless calculators is allowed.
Q.1 Choose the correct alternatives form the following. 14
1) Acceptance sampling plans refer to the use of sampling inspection by
a purchaser to decide whether to accept or to reject a lot of given
product. This is known as
a) C process control b) Product control
c) Control chart d) None of these
2) Probability of rejecting a lot of sufficient good quality is known as
a) Producer’s risk b) Consumer’s risk
c) ASN d) None of these
3) The average quality of the product after sampling and 100% inspection
of rejected lots, is called as
a) AOQ b) ATI c) ASN d) None of these
4) The expected value of the sample size required for coming to a
decision about the acceptance or rejection of the lot in an acceptance
rejection sampling plan is called as
a) AOQ b) ATI c) ASN d) None of these

5) If the decision about accepting or rejecting a lot is taken on the basis

of one sample only, the acceptance sampling plan is called as
a) Single sampling plan b) Double sampling plan
c) Sequential sampling plan d) None of these
6) Which of the following is a probability rate?
a) CDR b) SDR c) STDR d) None of these
7) CDR requires only
a) Total number of deaths in a region
b) Total population of the region
c) a and b
d) None of these
8) Which of the following do not consider only the females in the
reproductive period?
a) CBR b) GFR c) TFR d) None of these
Page 1 of 2
9) If Crude Rate of Natural Increase is < 0, then population of that region.
a) Increases b) Decreases
c) Remains stable d) None of these

10) Which of the following considers female babies which are the
potential mothers in the future?
a) TFR b) GRR c) GFR d) None of these

11) Which of the following takes into a/c the survival factor?
a) GRR b) TFR c) NRR d) None of these

12) Which of the following useful for overall comparison of mortality of two
a) STDR b) SDR c) CDR d) None of these

Q.2 A) What is an acceptance sampling plans of attributes? Describe single 07

sampling plan.
B) Fill in the blanks of the following table which are marked with 07
question marks.
Age x
20 693435 ? ? ? ? 35081126
21 690673 -- -- -- -- ?

Q.3 A) Describe CBR, GFR with merits and demerits. 07

B) Draw OC curve, AOG curve and obtain AOQL – for the following 07
single sampling plan.
N = 2000, n = 150 and C =3
Q.4 Attempt any one of the following. 14

Q.5 Attempt any one of the following. 14

a) Give the meanings of different columns of life table. Give their relation
to each other.
Given the following table for lx, the number of rabbits living at age x,
complete the life table for rabbits.
x 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
lx 100 90 80 75 60 30 0
Find (lx, dx, qx, Lx, Tx, ex , column)
b) What are the different rates of population growth? Explain in detail
GRR and NRR.
Page 2 of 2
SLR-Q – 86
M.COM. (Semester – IV) (New) (CBCS) Examination, 2017
Advanced Banking & Financial System (Paper IV)

Day & Date: Friday, 21-04-2017 Max. Marks: 70

Time: 02.30 PM to 05.00 PM

N.B. : 1) All questions are compulsory.

2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

Q.1 Choose the alternatives given below. 10

1) All statistical methods which simultaneously analyze more than
two variables in a sample of observation are called _________.
a) Causal analysis b) Inferential analysis
c) Multivariate analysis d) Regression analysis

2) Completion and tabulation of data _________.

a) Highlights the importance of data b) Helps comparison
c) Helps to the statistical analysis d) Helps in all the above

3) Coding of data is done _________.

a) Only after collection of data
b) Only before collection of data
c) Before or after collection of data
d) During collection of data

4) Assigning numbers and symbols to various response in schedule

to facilitate further analysis of data is called _________.
a) Processing b) Editing
c) Coding d) None

5) To tell whether or not the hypothesis seems to be valid is called_.

a) Testing of hypothesis b) Formulation of research
c) Tentative hypothesis d) All of these

6) _________ improves communication and writing skills of the

a) Hypothesis b) Data
c) Research report writing d) None of the above

7) List of references and bibliography are the contents of_________.

a) Addenda b) Introductory part
c) Body of the report d) All of the above

Page 1 of 2
SLR-Q – 86
8) Selection of sample by lottery method is called _________
a) Random b) Cluster
c) Quota d) Deliberate

9) To reduce a sampling error we should _________.

a) Reduce the sample size b) Increase the sample size
c) Enhance personal bias d) Use deliberate sampling

10) Classification of data as per time sequence is called _______.

a) Qualitative classification b) Quantitative classification
c) Geographical classification d) Chronological classification

11) Coding of data is done _________.

a) During collection of data b) Only after collection of data
c) Only before collection of data d) Before or after collection of data

12) _________research tries to explain cause-and-effect

a) Experimental research b) Survey research
c) Observational research d) All the above

13) Arithmetic mean is 12 and number of observation are 20 then

sum of all values is _________.
a) 8 b) 32
c) 240 d) 1.667

14) Method used to compute average or central value of collected

data is considered as _________.
a) Measures of positive variation
b) Measures of central tendency
c) Measures of negative skewness
d) Measures of negative variation
Q.2 Write short notes. 14
a) Quantitative analysis
b) Dispersion

Q.3 Write short notes. 14

a) Data processing
b) Null hypothesis
Q.4 Answer any one of the following. 14
a) What is hypothesis? Explain the fundamentals of testing of
b) Discuss important type of random sampling method.
Q.5 Answer any one of the following. 14
a) Discuss the role of computers in Commerce Research.
b) What is the significance of statistics in research? Explain specific
application of measures of dispersion.

Page 2 of 2
SLR-Q – 87
M.COM. (Semester – IV) (New) (CBCS) Examination, 2017

Day & Date: Friday, 21-04-2017 Max. Marks: 70

Time: 02.30 PM to 05.00 PM

N.B. : 1) All questions are compulsory.

2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

Q.1 Choose the alternatives given below. 14

1) Hypothesis is framed on the basis of:
a) Cultural values of society b) Folk wisdom
c) Personal experience d) Any of the above

2) A hypothesis about the is law is known as:

a) Explanatory hypothesis b) Descriptive hypothesis
c) Tentative hypothesis d) Representative hypothesis

3) Research problems is formulated:

a) Before formulation of hypothesis
b) After collection of data
c) After farming a research design
d) Before selection of research topic

4) Sampling error arises due to:

a) Variation in population b) Personal basis
c) Chance factor d) All of these

5) Sample design constitutes:

a) Determining the sample size
b) Determining the methods of sampling
c) Determining the universe of study
d) All of these
6) Selection of sample on Judgment of investigator is called: :

a) Purposive sampling b) Random sampling

c) Clusters sampling d) None of these

7) Selection of sample by lottery method is called:

a) Random sampling b) Cluster sampling
c) Quota sampling d) None of these

8) To reduce a sample error we should:

a) Reduce the sample size b) Increase the sample size
c) Enhance personal bias d) None of these

Page 1 of 2
SLR-Q – 87
9) Coding of data is done:
a) Only after collection of data
b) Only before collection of data
c) Before or after collection of data
d) During collection of data

10) Classification of data according to time sequence is called:

a) Qualitative classification b) Quantitative classification
c) Geographical classification d) Chronological classification

11) A study of functional relationship existing between two or more

variable is called:
a) Casual analysis b) Correlation analysis
c) Inferential analysis d) None of these

12) If an investigator sends back the questionnaire to the original

respondent and gets the illegible matter re-written properly. It is
a) Editing for completion b) Editing for consistency
c) Editing for deciphering d) Editing for accuracy.

13) Condensed presentation of data in a comparable form that can

be understand even by a layman is:
a) Tabulation b) Classification
c) Processing d) None of these

14) One of the important characteristics of good hypothesis is:

a) Simplicity b) Clarity
c) Specific in nature d) All of these

Q.2 Write short notes. 14

a) Sample size.
b) Editing.

Q.3 Answer in brief: 14

a) Write advantages of sampling.
b) Write in brief role of statistics in research.

Q.4 Answer any one of the following. 14

a) What is processing of data? Explain n in brief the various steps
involved in processing of data.
b) What is hypothesis testing? Explain fundamentals of hypothesis

Q.5 Answer any one of the following. 14

a) Write detail notes on role of Computers in research.
b) What is sampling? Write types of sampling.

Page 2 of 2
SLR-Q – 88
M.COM. (Semester – IV) (New) (CBCS) Examination, 2017

Day & Date: Friday, 21-04-2017 Max. Marks: 70

Time: 02.30 PM to 05.00 PM

N.B. : 1) All questions are compulsory.

2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

Q.1 Choose the alternatives given below. 14

1) Sampling frame is _________.
a) The report of a pilot study.
b) The selection of specific individuals to participate in the
c) A summary of the research process.
d) The listing of all units in the population from which the sample
will be selected.
2) If an organization has 12,000 employees and researcher is able to
interview 250 the probability of inclusion in the sample is _____.
a) 1 in 96 b) 1 in 20
c) 1 in 48 d) 1 in 250
3) Quota sampling is used intensively in which type of research ___.
a) Market research b) Experimental research
c) Action research d) Ethnographic research
4) What do the researchers use to analyze the data?
a) Mathematical methods b) Probability methods
c) Index numbers d) Statistical tools
5) Sampling design refers to _________.
a) A definite plan for obtaining a sample from a given population
b) A definite plan for obtaining a sample from a field
c) A plan which includes the field of research
d) A plan of activities connected to research.
6) When every item in the universe has an equal chance of inclusion
in the sample it is called _________.
a) Non-probability sampling b) Probability sampling
c) Systematic sampling d) strata sampling
7) _________ of the following is a characteristic feature of a
a) It should be capable of being tested.
b) It should be analyze the data.
c) It is useful in the collection of data
d) It is used as a measurement to decide on the volume of data

Page 1 of 2
SLR-Q – 88
8) _________ of the following is the most helpful devise in research
and to researchers.
a) Computer b) Calculator
c) Xerox machine d) Fax machine

9) Frequency means _________.

a) Mean distribution
b) Occurrences of events
c) Distribution of events in number of times.
d) Most often occurring events.

10) Data analysis can be in _________.

a) Statistical form b) Descriptive form
c) Explanatory form d) Descriptive, explanatory and graphical form

11) Pie diagram is _________.

a) Wheel diagram b) Three wheel diagram
c) Number of circle drawn to scale d) Is a circular diagram

12) Skewed curve is _________.

a) Curve of left slanting b) Curve has one mode
c) Curve having more than two peaks d) Bimodal curve

13) Scattered diagram is _________.

a) Represents data in a linear form
b) Represents data in U form
c) Represents data in scattered form
d) Represents data in dimension
14) Classification of data refers to _________.
a) Arrangement of data in an order
b) Arrangement of raw data into tables
c) Organization of numbers
d) Arrangement of figures
Q.2 Answers the following. 14
a) What is Dispersion?
b) Explain Skewness.
Q.3 Write short notes. 14
a) Non – sampling error.
b) Types of hypothesis
Q.4 Answer any one of the following. 14
a) What is data analysis? Give types of data analysis.
b) Explain role of computer in research.
Q.5 Answer any one of the following. 14
1) Explain the following terms:
a) Data Processing
b) Editing
c) Coding
d) Tabulation

2) Explain Quantitative and Qualitative data analysis.

Page 2 of 2
SLR-Q – 89
M.COM. (Semester – IV) (New) (CBCS) Examination, 2017

Day & Date: Friday, 21-04-2017 Max. Marks: 70

Time: 02.30 PM to 05.00 PM

N.B. : 1) All questions are compulsory.

2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

Q.1 Choose the alternatives given below. 14

1) Testing hypothesis is a ________.
a) Inferential statistics b) Descriptive statistics
c) Data preparation d) Data analysis

2) ________ of the following is non-probability sampling.

a) Snowball b) Random
c) Cluster d) Stratified

3) A hypothesis in educational research need not be

a) A compatible with well-attested theories and models.
b) Logically consistent and pertinent to the question under
c) Capable of establishing generalization that can be applied in
many areas of education or other fields.
d) None of these

4) Sampling frames means

a) Identification of target and accessible population.
b) Defining sample unit and selecting units.
c) Preparing a complete list of the units of a finite population for
drawing a sample
d) Fixing the sample size and drawing a sample.

5) ________ type of statistical data are used in educational

a) Descriptive statistical analysis.
b) Inferential statistical analysis
c) Both of them d) None of these

6) In t – test when separate samples are selected in two groups in

one population or in two populations, the test used is
a) Two – tailed test b) One –tailed test
c) Both of them d) All of these

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SLR-Q – 89
7) ________ are the functions of statistical analysis.
a) Explanation of results b) Presentation of data
c) Both of them d) None of these

8) On ________ basis data are classified.

a) Clarity b) Stability
c) Flexibility d) All of these
9) ________ are the kinds of variables.
a) Continuous b) Discrete
c) Both d) None of these
10) Quota sampling is used intensively in which type of research __.
a) Market research b) Experimental research
c) Action research d) Ethnographic research
11) ________ do the researcher use to analyze the data.
a) Mathematical methods b) Probability methods
c) Index numbers d) Statistical tools
12) Multi – stage sampling is also known as.
a) Random sampling b) Systematic sampling
c) Cluster sampling d) Sequential sampling
13) Which of the following is a characteristics feature of a
a) It should be capable of being stated
b) It should analyze the data
c) It is useful in the collection of data
d) It is used as a measurement to decide on the volume of data
14) Interpretation is essential in research for the reason that.
a) The usefulness and utility of research findings depend on it.
b) The objectives of the study are depend on it.
c) The analysis of data depend on it.
d) The data collection is depend on it.
Q.2 Answers the following. 14
a) What is Tabulation?
b) What is Skewness?
Q.3 Write short notes. 14
a) Explain the terms Dispersion.
b) Steps in sampling.
Q.4 Answer any one of the following. 14
a) Explain the meaning and methods of Quantitative and Qualitative
b) Explain role of computer in research.
Q.5 Answer any one of the following. 14
a) Describe the types of Sampling.
b) Explain the types of Hypothesis.
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SLR-Q – 90
M.COM. (Semester – IV) (New) (CBCS) Examination, 2017
Advanced Statistics (Paper IV)

Day & Date: Friday, 21-04-2017 Max. Marks: 70

Time: 02.30 PM to 05.00 PM

N.B. : 1) All questions are compulsory.

2) Each questions carry equal marks.
3) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
4) Use of calculator is allowed.

Q.1 Choose the alternatives given below. 14

1) A finite subset of the statistical population under consideration is
called as,
a) Fraction of population b) Entire population
c) Sample d) None of these

2) Statistical constant derived from statistical population such as

population mean, population variance etc. is called as
a) Statistic b) Parameter
c) Statistical test d) None of these

3) A definite statement about the population parameter which is of no

differences and generally which is rejected is called as
a) Null hypothesis b) Alternative hypothesis
c) Simple hypothesis d) None of these

4) If the items get destroyed in the process of inspection, then the

only method available practicable the economic is
a) Sampling method b) Census method
c) Both a and b d) None of these

5) Probability of rejecting Ho, when it is true is called as

a) Power of test b) Level of significance
c) Consumers risk d) None of these

6) Accepting Ho, when it is true is a

a) Type I error b) Type II error
c) Correct decision d) None of these

7) Arrangement of statistical data into different rows and columns is

called as
a) Classification b) Frequency distribution
c) Tabulation d) None of these

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SLR-Q – 90
8) Heading of column refers as
a) Stub b) Caption
c) Body of table d) None of these

9) Which measure of central tendency divides the given data into two
equal parts after arranging it into ascending or descending order?
a) Arithmetic mean b) Median
c) Mode d) None of these

10) Which measure of dispersion is based upon all the observation?

a) Range b) Quartile deviation
c) Standard deviation d) None of these

11) Difference between the largest valued and the smallest value of
the given data is called as
a) Range b) Q. D
c) S. D. d) None of these

12) Lack of uniformity of values in the data is called as

a) Skewness b) Central tendency
c) Dispersion d) None of these

13) If data are classified according to time factor such as year, month,
….. etc. then the classification is called as
a) Geographical classification b) Chronological classification
c) Qualitative classification d) Quantitative classification

Q.2 a) What do you mean by sampling and Non – sampling error? 07

b) Define Average. What are the requirements of a good average? 07

For the following data compute Median.
Classes: 0-50 50-100 100-150 150- 200- 250-
200 250 300
Frequency: 7 15 23 45 22 12

Q.3 a) What are the different parts of statistical table? State various rules 07
of constructing a statistical table.

b) What are the types of error? Explain each of these in detail. 07

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SLR-Q – 90
Q. Attempt any one of the following. 14
a) What are the different measures of dispersion? For the following
data compute A.M., S.D. and C.V.
Classes 0-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70 70-80
Freq. 13 21 35 48 32 20 15 8

b) How is computer useful in Research?

Q. Attempt any one of the following. 14

a) What are the different advantages of sampling over the census
method? Explain any two methods of sampling in detail.

b) Define various measures of central tendency. Compare these by

stating their merits and demerits. For the following data compute
all these.
Marks 0-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70
No. of 9 15 24 30 22 12 5

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M.Com (Semester – IV) (New) (CBCS) Examination, 2017
Day & Date: Monday, 24-04-2017 Max. Marks: 70
Time: 02.30 PM to 05.00 PM
Instructions: : 1) All questions are compulsory.
2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

Q.1 Choose the correct alternatives: 14

1) Marginal costing is a technique of _______
a) Management b) Financial
c) Cost control d) All of the above

2) Profit volume Ratio shows the relationship between contribution and

a) Stock b) Purchase c) Sales d) None of the above

3) The quantitative expression of management objective is a _______

a) Management Chart b) Budget
c) Organization Chart d) All of the above

4) Which of the following objectives is a purpose of preparing a budget?

a) To communicate the companies plans throughout the organization.
b) To control income and expenditure
c) To provide basis for comparison
d) All of the above

5) Which of the following is true at Break Even Point?

a) Sales Revenue = variable cost
b) Sales Revenue = Total cost – variable cost
c) Contribution = Fixed cost
d) Profit = Fixed cost + variable cost

6) Which of the following is an example of qualitative information?

a) Demand will be 1000 units in next year.
b) Output last month was 5750 units
c) Scrap level are presently 5.7% of input.
d) None of the above

7) Variable cost plus fixed cost plus or minus profit or loss is equal to _______
a) Sales b) Purchases c) P/V Ratio d) Contribution

8) The _______ variance arises due to difference between the number of

working days in the budgeted period and the number of actual working days.
a) Idle Time b) Variable overhead
c) Material usage d) Calender

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9) If P/V ratio is 20% and fixed cost Rs.100000 then break-even sales are
a) 500000 b) 50000 c) 200000 d) 150000

10) A _______ is the difference between the actual cost and standard cost.
a) Profit b) Fixed cost c) BEP sales d) Variance

11) When actual cost incurred is less than the standard cost, the deviation is
known as _______ variance.
a) Favorable b) Unfavorable
c) Adverse d) No variance

12) (standard time _______ Actual time) X standard rate= _______ variance.
a) Labour cost b) Labour efficiency
c) Calendar d) Labour mix

13) _______ cost is the part of total cost which change or varies directly in
proportion with volume.
a) Fixed b) Capital c) Differential d) Variable

14) The _______ means organized method of providing each manager with all
the data and only those data which he needs for his decisions.
a) Management Reporting
b) Management Accounting
c) Management Information Technology
d) Management Information System

Q.2 Write short notes on: 14

A) Management Information System
B) Break Even Analysis

Q.3 A) Two competing companies Hero Ltd and Zero Ltd, Sell the same type of 14
Product in the same market, their for casted Profit and Loss Account for
the year ending 31st March 2016 are as follows:
Hero Ltd Zero Ltd
Rs Rs Rs Rs
Sales 5,00,000 5,00,000
Less: Variable cost of 4,000,00 3,00,000
Fixed Cost 50,000 4,50,000 150,000 450000
For casted net profit 50,000 50,000
before tax
You are required to state which company is likely to earn greater profit in
conditions of:
a) Low demand
b) High demand
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B) Gemini Chemical Industries provide the following information from their
For marketing 10kgs of GEMCO, the standard material requirement is
Material Qty Rate per kg
Kg Rs.
A 8 6
B 4 4
During April 2016, 1000 kgs of GEMCO were produced the actual
consumption of material is as under:
Material Qty Rate per kg
Kg Rs.
A 750 7
B 500 5
a) Material cost variance
b) Material price variance
c) Material usage variance

Q.4 A) A factor is currently running at 50% Capacity and Produces 5000 units at a 14
cost of Rs.90 per unit as per details below:
Material 50
Labour 15
Factory O/H 15( Rs.6 fixed)
Administrative 10 (Rs. 5 fixed)
The current selling price is Rs.100 per unit. At 60% working material cost
per unit increases by 2% and selling price per unit falls by 2%.
At 80% working, material cost per unit increases by 5% and selling price
per unit falls by 5%
Estimate Profits of the factory at 60% and 80% working and offer your
B) Define concept of budget and explain various types of budgets

Q.5 A) ABC Ltd gives you following details relating to the Product ‘X’ during the 14
month of March,2016. You are required to compute the material and labour
variances and reconcile the standard and actual cost.
Standard Cost per unit:
Material 50 kg @ Rs.40 per kg.
Labour 400 hours @ Rs. 1.04 per hour
Actual cost for the month:
Material 4900 kgs @ Rs.42 per kg
Labour 30600 hours @ Rs.1.10 per hour
Actual Production – 100 units

B) What is Material Costing? What benefits are to be gained from marginal


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SLR-Q – 92
M.COM. (Semester – IV) (New) (CBCS) Examination, 2017
Business Finance (Paper IV)

Day & Date: Wednesday, 26-04-2017 Max. Marks: 70

Time: 02.30 P.M. TO 05.00 P.M.

N.B. : 1) All questions are compulsory.

2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

Q.1 Choose the alternatives given below. 14

1) Selling of securities to one or few institutions or individuals rather
than going through security’s market is called _______.
a) Private Placement b) Public Placement
c) Both a and b d) None of these

2) Primary market is also called as_______.

a) Stock Exchange b) New issue market
c) Bullion market d) Produce Exchange

3) _______ is set up to protect the interest of investors and regulate

the securities market.
a) BSE b) NSE
c) UTI d) SEBI

4) Conversion of physical certificates of a holder in electronic form is

known as _______.
a) Rematerialiataion b) Dematerialization
c) Capitalization d) Globalization

5) _______ sell scrips for buying it back at lower price.

a) Bulls b) Bears
c) Stags d) None

6) The main objective of _______ management is to maximize

return and minimize risk.
a) Portfolio b) Inventory
c) Personnel d) Equity G

7) _______ provide seed capital for first generation technocrat

entrepreneurs and new technology projects.
a) Lease finance b) Venture capital
c) Debt finance e) Self finance
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SLR-Q – 92
8) The objective of _______ is to provide an alternative market for
the securities of small companies, public sector companies,
closely held companies desirous of listing.
c) Nasdaq d) ISE

9) _______ is long term agreement which generally corresponds

with economic life of the asset.
a) Operating lease b) Leverage lease
c) Direct leasing d) Financial lease
10) _______ is assessment of specific debt instrument in terms of
credit risk associated with that instrument.
a) E – Broking b) Credit rating
c) Portfolio management d) E – Filing
11) CRISIL is the first rating agency in India, established in the year_.
a) 1991 b) 1993
c) 1996 d) 1987

12) _______ trading is a term used to describe a procedure of

trading in shares where actual shares are traded in electronic
a) Scripless b) Bricks and Mortar
c) Off – line d) None

13) ‘AA’ (Double A) CRISIL rating indicates _______.

a) Highest safety b) Adequate safety
c) High safety d) Moderate safety
14) The head office of DCRI is at _______
a) Mumbai b) Kolkata
c) New Delhi d) Chennai
Q.2 Write short notes. 14
a) Primary and Secondary Market
b) Types of Leases

Q.3 Write short answers. 14

a) State the functions of SEBI.
b) State the advantages of portfolio management.

Q.4 Answer any one of the following questions. 14

a) State the methods of marketing of securities.
b) What is ‘Stock Exchange’? Explain in brief the functions of Stock

Q.5 Answer any one of the following questions. 14

a) Define the term ‘Venture Capital’. Elaborate the features and
significance of Venture Capital.
b) What is ‘Credit Rating’? Explain in brief the methodology of
Credit Rating.

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