Delegation Notes
Delegation Notes
Delegation Notes
Delegation is a major element of the directing function of nursing
management competency, by which nurse managers get the work done
through their employee. Delegation is a part of management ; it require
professional training and development to accept the hierarchical
responsibilities of delegation.
Delegation is the process of assigning responsibility and
authority to co-worker and ensuring his accountability.
Delegation is the process through which the manager assigns
specific tasks or duties to workers with appropriate authority to
perform the job.
1. Assignment of duties and task,
As one person cannot perform all the tasks, he must allocate a
part of his to sub ordinates for the purpose of accomplishment
by them.
3. Creation of accountability.
Delegation of authority means division of authority and powers
downwards to the subordinates. If the delegated duty is to be
discharged by subordinates, they must be enabling them to
make such work performance.
1. Select the right person to whom the job is to be delegated.\
2. Delegate both interesting and uninteresting tasks.
3. Provide sub-ordinates with enough times to learn.
4. Delegate gradually.
5. Consult before delegating.
6. Avoid gaps and overlaps.
Types of Delegation
1. General delegation
When authority is given to perform general managerial function
like planning, organizing, directing, etc. the subordinates
managers perform these functions and enjoys the authority
required to carryout these responsibilities. The chief executive
exercise overall control and guides the sub ordinates from time to
2. Specific delegation
Specific delegation may relate to a particular function or an
assigned task.
3. Formal delegation
This is found in the exercise of authority defined by an
organization’s role. It is a part of organization structure.
4. Informal delegation
It occurs because people want to do something apart from what
they are told to do so. When there is a problem in the exercise of
formal authority, informed delegation is accepted.
5. Downward delegation
When a superior assign duties and grants authority to his
immediate sub-ordinates. This is the very common type of
6. Sideward delegation
It take place when a subordinate assign some of his duties and
authority to another sub-ordinates of the same rank.
Reasons for Delegation
1. Assigning routine tasks.
2. Assigning tasks for which the nurse manager does not have time.
3. Problem solving.
4. Changes in the nurse manager’s own job emphasis.
5. Building capability.
Barriers in Delegation
Delegators :-
Demands that everyone “know all the details.”
“I can do it better myself” fallacy.
Lack of experience in the job or in delegating.
Insecurity .
Fear of being disliked.
Refusal to allow mistake.
Lack of confidence in subordinates.
Perfectionism , leading to excessive control.
Lack of organizational skill in balancing work loads.
Delegate :-
Lack of experience & competence.
Avoidance of responsibility.
Overdependence on the seniors.
Disorganization, overload of work.
Advantages of Delegation
1. Delegation serves as a vehicle of co-ordination.
2. Reduces the executive burden.
3. Delegation minimizes delay when decision have no longer
to be referred up the line.
4. Delegation permits the sub-ordinates to enlarge their jobs, to
broaden their understanding and develop their capacity.
Disadvantages of Delegation
1. Frailty of human life.
2. Eye wash delegation.
3. Unfamiliarity with art of delegation
4. Incapability of subordinates.
Reference :-
1) I Clement , Management of Nursing Services and Education,
Elseviers India Ptv Ltd, 2nd Edition, Page No. 243-245.
2) Deepak K, Sarath Chandran C, Mithun Kumar B.P , Comprehensive
Textbook on Nursing Management , Emmess Medical Publishers, Ist
edition , Page no. 47-48 .
3) N Anoop, M.R Chetan Kumar, Deepak K, Lingaraju C.M, Mithun
Kumar, C. Chandran Sarath , A textbook on Nursing Management.
4) Google :-