Republica Bolivariana de Venezuela

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Republica bolivariana de Venezuela

Ministerio del poder popular para la educación

Origin of structures
The Paleolithic human groups were nomads, a good part of the
Neolithic groups were also, or they were semisedentary. They must
have existed, in addition to the caves in the caves
This dichotomy between history and structure has been criticized by
many intellectuals and even by anthropologists, for example the
Levi-Strauss structuralism shows us that the culture of a certain
people must be studied synchronically and not diachronically, this
means that study the culture in a certain "state" this means that the
time variable is not important, as opposed to the diachronic study
that is the study of how the culture studied has changed over time.
Although Marshall Sahlins was trained in the structuralist school, for
him the history and structure is highly related, for example Sahlins
says: "History is ordered by culture, in different ways in different
societies, according to significant patterns of The opposite is also
true: cultural patterns are ordered by history, since to a greater or
lesser degree meanings are revalued as they are carried out in
practice "(Sahlins, 1997: 9), if we select this we see that there is a
marked difference with the positions of other structuralists
Need for protection and security of the architectural fact
the security architecture in buildings includes the installation projects
of passive protection elements against theft and vandalism. At
Estudio Heritage We design plans for the installation of alarms and
CCTV camera systems (Closed Circuit
of TV). We work with companies that have a long career in the
private control and security sector in order to install advanced
technology systems (next generation cameras, motion presence
sensors, frequency inhibitor detectors, etc.)
Fire protection system
Before approaching a project of architecture of protection in
buildings, from Heritage Study we carried out a previous analysis to
determine which are the systems of protection against fires that
better adjust to the needs of each client. We adapt the solutions to
the environment in which we are going to act in question. The
technical department of Estudio Heritage will draw up a plan in order
to comply with the codes and the strict regulations in force. We offer
a wide range of fire protection systems: from detection systems, to
extinguishing and evacuation systems.
Passive protection
In any building, the best way to defend against a fire, is to precede it
happens. Fire protection consists mainly of preventing the event to
reduce the risk of damage and loss. Passive protection systems are
those that provide measures that contribute to the extinction,
prevention and evacuation of fire, such as fire escapes, insulating
walls and smoke extraction ducts.
At the same time, passive protection is also composed of elements
or structures that prevent the start of the fire and that it spreads. The
fireproofing of materials and the design of compartments (fire
barriers such as partitions, screens, enclosures and seals) must be
part of the protection architecture of any building in order to comply
with the strict regulations in force in the Technical Building Code
(CTE) and the Regulation of Fire Safety of Industrial Buildings
The passive fire protection does not require auxiliary elements such
as systems or electronic equipment, since it is a protection found in
the construction elements.
Active protection
The active fire protection is the set of systems, equipment and
means that are installed in order to warn about a fire and prevent it
from spreading to avoid loss and damage.
In Estudio Heritage we carry out a meticulous analysis to determine
what types of systems or equipment are best suited to each

Automatic sprinkler systems, water spray, foam and

by gas, are the most common in industrial plants. On the other hand,
for farms, houses and commercial or catering premises, the most
common is the installation of extinguishing equipment (appropriate
to the type of fire that may occur in that place).
Characteristics of the systems
A system is a set of objects united by some form of interaction or
Interdependence. Any set of parts joined together can be considered
a system, since the relations between the parties and the behavior
of the whole are the focus of attention. A set of parts that attract
each other (such as the solar system), or a group of people in an
organization, an industrial network, an electrical circuit, a computer
or a living being can be visualized as systems.
Actually, it is difficult to say where a certain system starts and ends.
The limits (boundaries) between the system and its environment
admit a certain arbitrariness. The universe itself seems to be
composed of multiple systems that interpenetrate. It is possible to
move from one system to another that covers it, as well as move to
a smaller version contained in it.
From the definition of Bertalanffy, according to which the system is a
set of reciprocally related units, two concepts are deduced: the
purpose (or objective) and the globalization (or totality.) These two
concepts reflect two basic characteristics in a system. Other
characteristics given below are derived from these two concepts.
a) Purpose or objective:
Every system has one or some purposes or objectives. Units or
elements (u
Objects. , as well as relationships, define a distribution that always
tries to reach an objective.
b) Globalism or totality: every system has an organic nature, by
which an action that produces change in one of the units of the
system, with much probability, will produce changes in all the other
units of the system. In other words, any stimulation in any unit of the
system will affect all other units, due to the relationship between
them. The total effect of those changes or alterations will be
presented as an adjustment of the whole to the system. The system
will always react globally to any stimulus produced in any part or
unit. There is a cause and effect relationship between the different
parts of the system. Thus, the System undergoes changes and the
systematic adjustment is continuous. Changes and continuous
adjustments of the system result in two phenomena, that of entropy
and that of homeostasis.
e) Entropy:
It is the trend that systems have to wear, to disintegration, to the
relaxation of standards and to an increase in randomness. As
entropy increases, systems decompose into simpler states. The
second law of thermodynamics explains that entropy in systems
increases with the passage of time, as we saw in the chapter on
As information increases, entropy decreases, because information is
the basis of configuration and order. If due to lack of communication
or ignorance, authority standards, functions, hierarchy, etc. of a
formal organization gradually become abandoned, entropy
increases and organization is reduced to gradually simpler and more
rudimentary forms of individuals and groups. Hence the concept of
negentropy, that is, information as a means or instrument for
ordering the system.
d) Homeostasis:
It is the dynamic balance between the parts of the system. The
systems have a tendency to adapt in order to reach an internal
balance in front of the external changes of the environment.
The definition of a system depends on the interest of the person who
intends to analyze it. An organization, for example, can be
understood as a system or subsystem, or even a supersystem,
depending on the analysis you want to make: that the system
Have a degree of autonomy greater than the subsystem and less
than the supersystem.
Therefore, it is a matter of focus. Thus, a department can be
visualized as a system, composed of various subsystems (sections
or sectors) and integrated into a supersystem (the company), as it
can also be visualized as a subsystem composed of other
subsystems (sections or sectors), belonging to a system
(The company), which is integrated into a supersystem (the market
or the community.) It all depends on the way you approach it.
The total system that represented by all the components and
relationships necessary for the realization of an objective, given a
certain number of restrictions. The objective of the total system
defines the purpose for which all the components and relationships
of the system were ordered, while the constraints of the system are
the limitations introduced in its operation that define the boundaries
(boundaries) of the system and make it possible to explain the
conditions under the system. which must operate
The term system is generally used in the sense of total system.
Architectural design
Church plans with elevations, sections, floor (in the lower left
corner), details and perspectives.
At present, the architectural design must satisfy the needs of
habitable spaces for the human being, both aesthetically and
technologically. Understanding design as a creative process
directed toward a certain goal, there are certain bases that support
its development and creativity. These bases have not been
formulated as a regulation to be followed to the letter, because they
are governed by creativity.

To attribute certain characteristics to a design, it is necessary to use

a language based on concepts, rather than definitions. A designed
work can have one or several attributes interacting with each other
to achieve an objective. The architectural design has the task of
satisfying the demands for living spaces, both aesthetically and
technologically. It presents technical and constructive solutions for
architectural projects. Among the elements to take into account for
architectural design are creativity, organization, physical
environment, construction.
The systems can operate simultaneously in series or in parallel.
There are no systems outside of a specific medium (environment):
systems exist in a medium and are conditioned by it.
Medium (environment) is the set of all objects that, within a specific
limit, may have some influence on the operation of the System.
The boundaries (boundaries) are the environmental condition within
which the system must operate.

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