Research On Illegal Termination of Pregnancy

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Abortion is defined as the termination of pregnancy of women. There can be many reasons
for termination of pregnancy but when pregnancy is terminated without giving any proper
reason then it is known as illegal termination of pregnancy. When the course of action of
abortion starts without any intrusion then the term known as spontaneous abortion and also
known as miscarriage. In 2017 there was only two classification of the abortion i.e. safe
abortion or unsafe abortion. When abortion was done by a person who does not have proper
training and equipments for the abortion then it is known as unsafe abortion. But in modern
age as we have very advance equipments so abortion is permitted but proper reasoning is
necessary condition for the abortion. In India various laws has been enacted to stop this
illegal termination. previous to 1971 the abortion was criminalized in India under section 312
of the Indian penal code. excluding in cases where abortion was done to save the life of the
women. It was the time of 1960 when many countries legalized the abortion, so India a
committee was constituted in 1964 led by shanti lal shah and came up with various
recommendations, and later the recommendations of the committee was adopted and the bill
was passed on august 1971 which is known as medical termination of pregnancy act 1971.

The Medical Termination of Pregnancy (MTP) Act, 1971 gives the lawful structure to
making CAC administrations accessible in India. End of pregnancy is allowed for a wide
scope of conditions up to 20 weeks of growth-

 when continuation of pregnancy is a danger to the life of a lady or could make grave
harm her physical or emotional well-being.
 When there is considerable risk that the child, if born, would be critically handicapped
due to physical or mental abnormalities.
 When pregnancy is occurred due to rape.
 (When pregnancy is caused due to failure of contraceptives used by a married woman
or her husband.

The medical termination of pregnancy act 1971 was amended in 2002 and it prohibited all the
private hospitals to exercise the method of abortion and committee at various district level
were appointed to give the permission to all the private hospitals For guaranteeing
consistence and wellbeing of ladies, stricter punishments were presented for MTPs being
directed in unapproved destinations or by untrained restorative suppliers by the Act. And later
medical pregnancy rule 2003 came to give better facility to all private hospital. The
Government took discernment of the difficulties looked by ladies in getting to safe premature
birth administrations and in 2006 comprised a specialist gathering to survey the current
arrangements of the MTP Act to propose draft revisions. After that various meeting held
between 2006-2010 and 2014 medical termination of pregnancy amendment bill came into
existence with various suggestions. Some of them are as follows:

 increasing the provider base

 growing the upper gestation limit for legal MTPs
 increasing access to legal abortion services for women
 Increasing clarity of the MTP law

So, in this research paper researcher will explain various legislation enacted by the Indian
government to protect the illegal abortion. And it will also discuss the impact and pressure of
the society on women for abortion, with the help of various cases and illustrations researcher
will give complete figure about the illegal termination of the pregnancy.

Abortion is one of the most disputed concepts of in the world. It is based on various legal and
moral grounds. In Indian society it is mostly based on moral ground, people in India still
believe abortion is not good for society But Abortion is not something which we can relate
with society it is only related with women’s health so it’s should be based on the condition
and consent of the women not based on the opinion of the society. So here researcher is going
to discuss the abortion with world’s perspective and Indian perspective.1

Abortion according to world’s perspective

Article 1 of the American Declaration of rights and Duties of men and inter American
commission of the human rights says that abortion is legalized until the first three months.
The abortion is related to women’s right and number of international organization had upheld
different laws to protect the life of the women. The right is also related to the right to freedom
of expression according to which abortion should be based on the free consent of the

Some historical cases

Roe v wades (1973)

Various states of the USA enacted various laws to restrict the abortion, so in this case
Supreme Court of the USA overruled to all the laws which was preventing the abortion of
women. In this case plaintiff wanted to terminate her pregnancy because that was due to rape
but state laws were preventing her from termination so she filled a case in the Supreme Court
and Supreme Court overruled the laws enacted by the state.

Morgentalor smoling and Scott v R.(1988)

The Criminal Code of Canada required a pregnant lady who needed a premature birth to
present an application to a helpful board of trustees, which brought about postponements. The
Supreme Court found that this system encroached the assurance of security of a man. This
subjected the psychological stress of the pregnant women. So this case Supreme Court upheld
that no such formalities are required.

Joanna Erdman, Abortion in human rights law , (15th October 2018,9:37 A.M.),
Paton v united kingdom (1967)

In this case court held that Abortion is only permitted if it involves the risk to the life of the
life of the women. It is related to life of women so consent of women is more important.3

Abortion according to Indian perspective

Indian law allowed abortion if it involves the risk of the life of the women and also related to
the physical and mental health of the women. Abortion was illegal in India but with the
paasing of various act it become legal. In various Vedas and Upanishads abortion is
condemned that’s why Paragraph 3 of the Code of Ethics of the Medical Council of India
says: I will keep up the most regard for human life from the season of origination. The
restorative end pregnancy act 1971 made legitimized to premature birth in India.

Some Indian cases

Dr. Rajeswari v. State of Tamil Nadu and others

This case law was of a girl of 18 years who wanted to terminate her pregnancy which was the
consequence of rape and also it was affecting to the health of the girl so Supreme Court
permitted her to terminate her pregnancy.

Dr. Nisha malviya and another v state of m.p

The denounced had submitted assault on minor young lady matured around 12 years and
made her pregnant. The charges are that two other co-blamed took this young lady, and they
ended her pregnancy. So the charge on them is right off the bat causing unsuccessful labor
without assent of young lady. The Court held all the three blamed blameworthy for end of
pregnancy which was not agreed by the mother or the young lady.Shri Bhagwan Katariya and
others v State of m,p

A women was married to the Navneet and Navneet and his family members took the descion
of the abortion of the women without her consent and abortion done so for this they made
liable for the act.

According to section 3 of the medical termination of pregnancy act 1971 doctor can terminate
the pregnancy of women to save the life but still it is presumed that they had taken the
permission of women without her consent it is also not possible.

Thus, the case laws show that a woman has an absolute right to abortion and no one can take
away this right from her. The Judiciary has been playing a important role in securing these
rights to women. Right to abortion is a fundamental right of privacy.

Before 1971

Abortion was condemned under segment 312 of the IPC with the exception of in the
situations where it was completed to spare the life of the ladies. It was culpable Offense and
ladies could get a discipline of prison for a long time and a fine. In 1960 when 15 countries
legalized to abortion then shah committee was constituted to look over this matter and they
proposed a bill which was passed by both the houses and medical termination of pregnancy
of act 1971 was enacted this was the first legislation for the abortion.


This act legalised to abortion with various condition. According to this act pregnancy can be
terminated under 20 weeks in various situations:4

 When the life of the women is at risk.

When there is risk to the life of child who is going to born or in the condition when
possibility of handicapped child.

 When pregnancy is due to Rape.

When pregnancy is caused due to failure of contraceptives used by a married woman or her
husband. Medical termination of pregnancy act also specifies who where and when the
pregnancy can be terminated

According to this act a medical practioner who is qualified according to Indian medical
council act and registered under state medical registrar. This act was the first legislation in
India for abortion after that amendment came and this law become much prevalent in Indian


Medical termination of pregnancy act( 1971)
The Medical Termination of Pregnancy (MTP) Act 1971 was altered in 2002 to encourage
better execution and increment access for ladies particularly in the private wellbeing area. It
reduced the power of private practitioner and district level committee was set up to look over
this matter. The word 'LUNATIC' was substituted with the words 'ILL PERSON'. This
adjustment in dialect was founded to lay accentuation that "ILL PERSON" implies a man
who is in requirement for treatment by reason of any psychological issue other than mental
impediment. Strict penalties were introduced for unauthorised practitioner.5


In this act the proper committee were established to look over these matters and these
committee had a power to give licenses to private practitioner and also they can check
equipments which practioner are using and also they can check the qualifications of the
doctors. And they can cancel the license if they found that doctors are incompetent.6


The government constituted a group in 2006 for the review of the safe abortion of women.
Because after the amendment women were still facing problem with various technicalities so
this group proposed various amendments for the safe abortion:7

So, these were some law which were enacted by parliament for the protection of the rights of
women and to maintain the equality among society.

Medical termination of pregnancy amendment act( 2002)

Medical termination of pregnancy amendment act( 2003)

Medical termination of pregnancy amendment act( 2014)

There are different types of methods for safe abortion present in India and practioner are
using these methods for the safe abortion some of them are as follows:8

Manual Vacuum Aspiration (MVA)- it is the safe and effective method of abortion it
involves evacuation of the uterine contents by the use of a hand-held plastic aspirator. In this
method women have to spend very less time in hospital and also she need not to take more
aesthetic drugs and also there is very less probability of falling more blood.

Electric Vacuum Aspiration (EVA)- it is like the MVA it includes a suction strategy,
however the previous uses an electric siphon to make suction rather than a manual siphon.

Medical Methods of Abortion (MMA)- it is the method where the pregnancy can be
terminated by using drugs. It is generally used for the termination of unwanted pregnancy
and women can terminate her pregnancy just by taking the drugs at her home. There are two
drugs which can be used for the termination of pregnancy they are:

Mifepristone (RU 486)- progesterone is hormone which is important for the development of
the baby and this medication is hostile to progesterone it ceased the development of the

Misoprostol- This is utilized to incite softening of the cervix with the goal that it is widened
effortlessly. It likewise delivers uterine compressions. Because of cervical softening and
compression of the uterine muscles, it ousts the substance from the uterus.

These two drugs is mifepristone and misoprostol can only used up to 9 months and it is for
safe abortion and it should be only taken by the permission of the practioner.

Dilation and Curettage (D&C)- This was only method available in india till 1971. In this
method doctor remove products of conception using a metal curette in the condition of

Hand book on medical method of abortion ,
So, these are some methods which practioner uses for the abortion in India. And all these
method only can be used by registered practioner nobody can use without any proper
permission by any authorised organisation.9


The MTP act allowed the termination of pregnancy only of 20 weeks but according to section
5 of the MTP act when there is risk of life then this limit does not bind on the women. There
are some recent cases where these limits have been crossed they are follows:

 In December 2017, a multi year of assault survivor came to at the Bombay high court
for the end of her pregnancy. As this pregnancy was caused because of assault and
furthermore the young lady was not physically solid to deal with this pregnancy so
court allowed her authorization for the end of pregnancy.
 A multi year old who had run off to wed looked for consent from the Delhi high court
to end her multi week pregnancy and later after the examination of the soundness of
the young lady, court established that young lady isn't physically solid for the
pregnancy, so court allowed her authorization for the end of the pregnancy.
 Women from thane approached the Bombay high court in December 2017, and after
the examination of the health court founded that if pregnancy will not be terminated
then there is risk of the life of the children and women, so the court granted her
permission for the termination of the pregnancy.
 In September 2017, women reached the Supreme Court for the termination of the
pregnancy of the 31st week due to failure of her both kidneys she was not able to
handle this pregnancy, so Supreme Court granted her permission for the termination
of the pregnancy.
 A girl of 17 year approached to the Karnataka high court for the termination of her 20
week pregnancy which was caused due to rape so after the examination of the girl
health court founded that she is not physically fit for the pregnancy, so granted her
permission for the termination of the pregnancy.

So, from all above case it is cleared that according to MTP act, a women cannot terminate her
pregnancy after 20 weeks but when there is risk of the life of the women or child or women is
not physically fit for the pregnancy then court can grant her permission for the termination of
the pregnancy.

As India is country which is known for their traditions and culture, we were under British
rule for many times but still we did not lose our tradition and culture. In India women are
supposed to the goddess but still when we look over the crimes towards women then it is
irony to say that in India women are in position of god. In most of the states women are still
depend upon man for their survival and their only work is to look the home affairs and to
look the children. In many society abortion is seen as a type of sin and many areas people
does not care the age and condition of women they just want their child. Women can’t resist
because they are dependent upon men. It generally happens in the ruler areas where people
are unaware of the laws and its impact. They are still living according to their old traditions
and culture. Generally in those areas women don’t like to go in hospital during the time of
pregnancy they prefer home for the birth of the child. This is because of lack of awareness
about the laws and their impact.10

Under the watchful eye of abortion law change, premature birth advocates contended that
legitimizing abortion would positively affect society. Following quite a few years a large
portion of these forecasts have refuted .As opposed to giving ladies more opportunity,
abortion has prompted exploitation by men who never again need the obligation of
accommodating their kids. A few men feel they have been disappointed and weak as they
have no lawful rights with regards to abortion. Premature birth has not diminished the
wrongdoing rate as promoters asserted would occur, the inverse is valid. Abortion of
undesirable children has not prompted less casualties of tyke maltreatment as asserted
numbers are in actuality on the expansion. Rivals said legitimizing premature birth would be
the tricky incline to the acknowledgment of child murder and wilful extermination, this has
occurred. On account of assault or interbreeding, driving a lady who winds up pregnant by
this brutal demonstration to complete the pregnancy and conceive an offspring could make
assist mental damage the person in question. These ladies are attempting to adapt to
passionate and physical torment and are frequently unconscious they could be pregnant. The

Graham, RH; Robson, SC; Rankin, JM "Understanding feticide: an analytic review", Social Science & Medicine
(16 October, 9:37). 66 (2): 289–300. doi:10.1016/j.socscimed.2007.08.014. PMID 17920742
'following morning' pill could be successful, yet the window of time to get it is exceptionally

In the example of assault and inbreeding, prompt and appropriate therapeutic consideration
can guarantee that a lady won't get pregnant. In the event that that window is missed,
appropriate advising could urge the injured individual to proceed with the pregnancy and give
them the decision to keep the tyke or place it in a supportive home. Foetus removal rebuffs
the unborn tyke who carried out no wrongdoing; rather, the culprit ought to be rebuffed.
Notwithstanding being enemy of premature birth, the star life development is likewise against
wilful extermination, helped suicide and capital punishment. Eventually, a lady's entitlement
to pick is a to a great degree touchy issue and one where both star decision and professional
life backers can make convincing contentions. One thing is sure; the two sides of expert life
and genius decision contentions sound good to their defenders, and raise worries to their
rivals. In the expressions of a mysterious statement - "No lady needs a premature birth. It is
possible that she needs a kid or she wishes to stay away from pregnancy." That is one
statement both side can concede to.12

Philip G. Ney, M.D., "Abortion and Child Abuse: Which is Cause, Which is Effect?" Paper presented at a conference entitled
"Psychological Aspects of Abortion." 1978


As it is cleared that after the medical termination of pregnancy act 1971 abortion become
criminalised in india and with the time and various amendments all the laws become more
affective and various hospital has established a separate expert for the abortion and new
modern and advanced technology made it very easy procedure it now do not take much time
one or two days are sufficient for the abortion and also now it does not effect to the health of
the women. And according to medical termination of pregnancy act 1971 and various
amendments a pregnancy can be only terminated when there is risk of life for women and
child or women is not physically fit for the pregnancy and the pregnancy should be
terminated within the 20 weeks. There can be many situations when court can grant
permission but it is totally based on the power of the court. As we know that with great
advantages there are also some disadvantages when people terminate pregnancy through
illegal methods or without any reasoning then it become crime and it is also called as the
illegal termination of pregnancy. In Indian society people still believe that boys are more
valuable than girls so when they knew that the girl is going to take birth then they try to
terminate pregnancy through various illegal means because law does not support this type of
abortion. This type of abortion is crime under Indian legal system. And with the advance
technology now various practitioner are performing all these practices without any
authorisation, which also effect to the health of the women and it also affect to the society.
These types of abortion generally perform in ruler areas, where people kill the girls before
their birth. In modern age there is trend of relationship which is also responsible for illegal
abortion. Termination of pregnancy is not a problem but a proper reason should be given for
the termination because taking life of someone is also a crime and against the law of nature.
And we should not interfere with the law of nature it is the highest law of the universe and we
should work according to these law. Also illegal termination of pregnancy can be reason
behind the gender inequality as many girls are killing before their birth so if this will continue
then in future gender inequality may be the one of the most serious issue. Rape and other type
of molestation are also reason behind the illegal termination so it is the duty of the Supreme
Court to give proper guidelines about these type abortions and this type of abortion should be
kept very secretly so women do not hesitate to take any legal action.13

A Faundes & E Hardy, Illegal abortion: consequences for women's health and the health care system, (17

October, 2018, 8:33),


Abortion is not good for health it not only effect the women health but also to the future
pregnancies. Safe abortion generally does not create problem but like any medical treatment
there is always some risk. The risk can be more dangerous in later pregnancies. The various
risks that can be arising are as follows:14

 Infection of the womb- generally occurs in some abortion and it can be treated with
 Some of the pregnancy remaining in the womb- it also occurs in very few abortions
and if this happens and further treatment may be required.
 Continuation of the pregnancy- generally happens in very few pregnancies and can be
treated in further treatment.
 Excessive Bleeding- it occurs in very few pregnancies and sometimes it may need
blood transfusion.
 Damage of the entrance to the womb- it generally occurs in surgical abortions.
 Damage to the womb- it also occurs in surgical abortions. And can be treated in
further treatment.
 Women who have an abortion can be suffering from mental problems due to stress
and there is no link between abortion and having breast cancer.

Effect on fertility and future pregnancies

Abortion will not effect on future pregnancies and having a normal pregnancies in future.
But there is small risk in fertility, if you develop a womb infection that isn't treated promptly.
The infection could spread to fallopian tubes and ovaries – known as pelvic inflammatory
disease (PID). It increases the chances of infertility in this situation egg implants themselves
outside the womb. But this infection can be treated just after abortion and antibiotics should
be taken just after abortion to prevent from this infection. Having several abortions can be
reason behind the premature birth. So people should careful about abortions. So after abortion
antibiotics should be taken properly and all other necessary prevention should be taken
continuously and consultation with doctor should be on regular basis. Abortion does not

Karen Resendiz, “Effect of abortion on society” (16october, 108 10:10),
harm too much for future pregnancies and fertility but still people should prevent from having
many abortions they can used other alternatives to prevent from pregnancies only in difficult
condition should take such step.

This research paper concludes that in India abortion was criminalized before 1971, but the
medical termination of pregnancy of act 1971 made abortion decriminalized in india and it
give various condition that when, who, and how the abortion should be done and with the
help of various amendments like MTP amendment act 2002, MTP amendment act 2003,
MTP amendment act 2014 made this act more clear and active and various committees were
setup to give the license to the practitioner to perform this practice. But there was a condition
for the termination of the pregnancy; the pregnancy can be only terminated if there is risk of
life for women and children or women is not physically strong to maintain the pregnancy and
the pregnancy can be only terminated within the 20 weeks but in various situation court have
powers to give permission for the termination of the pregnancy. But as we see that in Indian
society people misuse the concept of abortion they harm the society by killing girl child
before their birth and they do it through illegal means so government should take proper
action to look over this matter because if this will continue then the problem of gender
inequality may be arise in future. And also we saw that society does not see the abortion with
good eye. Proper awareness should be spread among people so that they can understand the
outcomes of the abortion. Sometimes doctor perform abortion in such a way that so he can
take much money from patient and we all know that abortion is not very costly process there
should be proper committee to look over this matter. And generally sometimes many
infections can occur after the abortion so proper action should be taken after the abortion a
patient should consult with his doctor on regular basis and all other necessary precaution
should be taken. Abortion should be last option to prevent from the pregnancy there are other
alternative which should be used because sometimes abortion is not good for health only in
difficult condition the method of abortion should be applied. And government should take
proper action to stop all illegal abortion.

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