Preimaginers Campaign Plan Report

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Campus Reimagined

FSU’s Fascinating Future

Campaign Plan Report

PReimaginers: Rachel Corry, Camille Shattler, Jennifer Vasbinder and Tiffany Medina

PUR 3002

PUR 3002: Public Relations Techniques

School of Communication

Florida State University


As Florida State University (FSU) continues to accept more students each year,
incorporation of an advanced digital campus is a key goal in the digital age. The Campus
Reimagined (CRI) project seeks to address this goal by creating 40,000 unique student
experiences at FSU. The motive is to move from knowing to understanding students, prioritizing
the capitalization of student passions and pathways to success. By gathering data on incoming
students through Passion Discovery Research, Campus Reimagined hopes to offer a fulfilling
campus experience for every student. CRI is the ideal option for the ambitious and innovative
FSU campus. In turn, this public relations campaign, FSU’s Fascinating Future, is the ideal
option for CRI to implement.
The PReimaginers propose a campaign that promotes awareness of CRI and encourages
excitement among FSU students and alumni. The goals presented will be reached through
multiple objectives, strategies and tactics proposed in this campaign plan. Some strategies
include organizing yearly events to showcase CRI’s advancements, releasing targeted social
media posts to update key publics on what CRI is doing and creating unique tangibles like a CRI
Interactive Room and Idea Board. This campaign is renewable on a yearly basis, particularly
because most of the strategies and tactics are intended to be repeated for maximum benefits.
At the heart of the challenges facing CRI is the immediate need to actively involve the
FSU student body and alumni network in the entire creation, design and implementation of the
project. Specifically, this campaign determines the most immediate problem for CRI is sustaining
a level of excitement around the project until its full release in 2030. Excitement is key to
generating brand awareness, which is crucial for this eleven year initiative. FSU’s Fascinating
Future centers around suggesting how CRI can achieve this excitement in the long run.
All of the strategies and tactics are backed up by extensive research, conducted by the
PReimaginers over the course of two months. The campaign research investigates how to
strategically initiate CRI’s public relations efforts. It also gave the team an opportunity to hear
from students and see what elements of the FSU campus they wish to be fixed, updated and
added to. CRI will have the capabilities to expand by addressing these problems.
Additionally, the campaign finds which factors affect student success, sense of well-being
and what kind of campus experiences students would genuinely want in 2030. Understanding
students and their passions is crucial for CRI. Keeping an eye on future projects and ways
Campus Reimagined can get involved is another major element in moving this campaign and
CRI’s success further.
Engaging FSU students for the next ten years is no easy task but can be done through
these effective and strategic PR efforts, presented by the PReimaginers team.

FSU’s Fascinating Future campaign goal is to perpetuate meaningful excitement toward
Campus Reimagined according to student and alumni desires. To do this, the campaign
prioritizes generating awareness among both target audiences and building this awareness into
excitement. This goal is driven by motivation to ensure CRI is successful in its ten year transition
and implementation phases. The project’s success will require continuous engagement with
target publics for genuine enthusiasm.


Students - As of August 2018, there are 42,000 students in attendance at FSU. The
incoming Freshman class of 2018 alone equaled 6,400 students. Campus Reimagined is centered
around students, making them the primary relevant public. Student involvement will help refine
the project attributions, as they can give direct insight into what future students may want.

Alumni - FSU has a vast number of alumni consisting of people who attended FSU.
According to the FSU Alumni Association, there is currently an estimate of 310,000 alumni who
live around the world. FSU alumni form another key relevant public for CRI because they have
methods of university involvement to inspire support for the initiative. CRI should strive to
capture FSU alumni interest to become incorporated into FSU’s legacy and connect with former,
current and future students.


Based on the research findings, the PReimaginers have constructed a thorough public
relations campaign for Campus Reimagined. FSU’s Fascinating Future campaign is rooted in
generating and applying awareness to retain excitement for the new campus initiative. The team
is presenting a variety of objectives and strategies that meaningfully connect CRI to its two key
target publics, FSU students and alumni. The suggested public relations efforts like providing
free merchandise items, hosting events, posting consistent social media alerts and creating
unique tangibles will contribute to CRI’s popularity at FSU. This campaign directly links CRI to
FSU students’ passions and interests, which are essential for an excitement-based project.

Key Message

Inspired by the magical Walt Disney World Parks & Resort experience, the Campus
Reimagined project strives to transition from knowing to understanding FSU students. CRI will
create distinct passion based experiences for every student through Passion Discovery Research
focusing on incoming students. The initiative will be an innovative process that encompasses the
entire campus and focuses on students before, during and after their time at FSU.
FSU’s Fascinating Future shares this value of student passion. To create a campaign
video, the PReimaginers interviewed students on Landis Green, asking how they describe
passion and how they incorporate it at FSU. At the end of the day, both the campaign and CRI as
a whole are passion driven. The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines passion as, “a strong liking
or desire for or devotion to some activity, object or concept.” The PReimaginers believe this is
exactly what drives FSU student success and what will drive CRI’s success, too.
Supporting Messages

Campus Reimagined seeks to gain complete support from student and alumni at FSU.
The organization wants to gain momentum and spark lasting enthusiasm as the project moves
forward. Ultimately, its end state is to fully incorporate the CRI digital platform seamlessly. This
includes having full commitment and high interest among all target publics. CRI must achieve
this support from its target publics in order to transition from the current conceptual startup
phase, to the working platform phase and finally to the global solution phase.
FSU’s Fascinating Future recognizes that becoming a permanent fixture on the FSU
campus is crucial to the success of CRI. Integration within everyday student life and campus
culture will give CRI a unique edge over other digital campus initiatives like those occurring at
Purdue University. Thus, the campaign is structured around how CRI can earn excitement among
its target publics by improving the campus experience based on feedback.
Furthermore, for CRI to have a lasting impact on university life, it must become
integrated into the FSU tradition. CRI has made it clear that they strive to connect with all target
publics in a personally relevant approach. Throughout the campaign creation, the PReimaginers
have crafted objectives, strategies and tactics that seek to incorporate CRI into the brilliant
legacy of FSU.

Objectives, Strategies & Tactics

The following evidence-based objectives, strategies and tactics are grounded in primary and
secondary research. For reference, all suggested sample documents and items denoted by an *
can be found in the Appendices and the supplemental materials flash drive.

Objective A: Increase the on-campus presence of Campus Reimagined to create a

permanent relationship with CRI and the campus community.
Supporting Interview Quote: “I’d invite a friend to a campus event if it integrates their mission
and excites the general body to create community.” - Anna Vill

Strategy 1: Introduce CRI to students by organizing a monthly Landis tabling event.

Tactic 1.1: Appoint and utilize CRI representatives who will interact with students on a
personable basis.
 CRI representative positions may include a designated Social Chair, Events Coordinator,
Passion Researcher and Project Manager. Recruiting should be done through CRI board
meetings and interviews.
 Ask students their name, major, extracurriculars and make a personal link for them to
Tactic 1.2: Provide students with free merchandise items* according to CRI inventory.
Tactic 1.3: Showcase visual displays of CRI plans for the future.
 Include upcoming updates to the CRI platform and how students can get involved.
 Gauge student reactions to future updates through written or verbal feedback.

Strategy 2: Promote Campus Reimagined by participating in Market Wednesday on a monthly

Tactic 2.1: Create and hand out tangible takeaway items like flyers* that educate students on
Tactic 2.2: Invite students to the Interactive Room* and inform them of upcoming presentations.
Tactic 2.3: Provide free merchandise items according to CRI inventory.

Strategy 3: Reach interested students by partaking in the Fall and Spring Involvement Fairs
showcasing a Campus Reimagined themed wheel.
Tactic 3.1: Create and showcase a Spin to Win Wheel that students can spin for a free
merchandise item, followed by an explanation of CRI.
 This wheel should include approximately six to eight merchandise items related to CRI.
Tactic 3.2: Encourage students to become regularly involved with CRI by attending on-campus
events, Market Wednesday and the Interactive Room.
Tactic 3.3: Encourage students to follow CRI on all social media platforms.

Objective B: Raise awareness among target publics of Campus Reimagined as an active

participant in student life.
Supporting Interview Quote: “To be successful, you need to be more connective to your
populace and ensure that people know what you’re doing.” - David Siekbert

Strategy 1: Provide local media markets with information that publicizes CRI events, updates
and overall purpose.
Tactic 1.1: Establish contacts with local media like Tallahassee Democrat and WFSU.
 Email and call news specialists. Share the story of CRI with them and update them on
future plans for expansion among FSU students.
Tactic 1.2: Send press releases* and media advisories to media outlets.
Tactic 1.3: Provide opinion editorials* on the importance of digital campus initiatives.

Strategy 2: Promote Campus Reimagined through comprehensive social media updates.

Tactic 2.1: Increase Instagram posts* to once a week, targeting current FSU students.
 Instagram posts should appeal to prospective, current and future students. They should
promote CRI in an authentic manner.
Tactic 2.2: Increase Facebook posts* to once a week, targeting FSU alumni.
 Facebook posts should be informative and helpful, relaying key details about CRI.
Tactic 2.3: Update the CRI website* to be more user friendly and aesthetically pleasing.

Objective C: Increase student engagement with Campus Reimagined as the project evolves.
Supporting Interview Quote: “If no students are involved or passionate about the campaign, there
won’t be any excitement on campus about it. A good campaign should spread the word and
spread excitement contagiously.” - Tiernen Pan

Strategy 1: Create and implement an Interactive Room* at Strozier Library.

Tactic 1.1: Provide free food to students at random points during operating hours so there is an
incentive to visit consistently.
Tactic 1.2: Organize weekly presentations about CRI to keep informing students about the
 Schedule speakers who are associated with CRI and some who aren’t associated. Non-
associates may include digital technology experts and qualified FSU faculty.
Tactic 1.3: Include an Idea Board* for students to share their expectations and suggestions for
 This Idea Board should be visually appealing and include a CRI theme.
Tactic 1.4: Showcase the Spin to Win Wheel that students can spin to win free merchandise.

Strategy 2: Implement a Student Leadership Board for FSU students to become more intimately
involved with Campus Reimagined.
Tactic 2.1: Create and advertise an application* for students to apply for positions on the CRI
Student Leadership Board.
 Student positions may include: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Event
Coordinator, Communications Chair and Website Manager.
 Encourage students to apply at all CRI events and social media channels.
Tactic 2.2: Hold weekly board meetings at the Interactive Room or another on campus space.
 Brainstorm how students can become further involved with CRI and generate excitement
about the project.
 Assign each student leader specific tasks and responsibilities on a monthly basis.
Tactic 2.3: Schedule Student Leadership Board features on CRI social media channels.
Tactic 2.4: Invite student leaders to attend CRI campus appearances and connect with other
students to spread the word about CRI.

Strategy 3: Organize an annual Technology Fair*, held at the Innovation Hub, where Campus
Reimagined can demonstrate their newest creations.
Tactic 3.1: Reach out to potential partners or participants for the Technology Fair, particularly
experts in digital technology and digital campus initiatives.
Tactic 3.2: Create or acquire sample CRI products that students can test at the fair.
 Each year, the fair should offer updated CRI products for students.
 Sample products include 3D virtual reality glasses displaying a future campus, models of
the CRI platform layout and user friendly displays of Passion Research.
Tactic 3.3: Advertise the annual fair at least a month in advance via CRI events, social media
updates and the website.
Tactic 3.4: Aim to increase student attendance and excitement each consecutive year.

Objective D: Measure and respond to student expectations and desires from Campus
Supporting Interview Quote: “An organization has to change and evolve through time. To keep
interest, you have to involve yourself with what’s happening on campus and make yourself
relevant even with changes. An active campaign keeps people connected and excited in the long
haul.” - Robin Rodriguez

Strategy 1: Provide a way to easily survey students on their expectations from Campus
Tactic 1.1: Create online surveys for students to take while at CRI events with an incentive, like
the Spin-to-Win Wheel.
 These surveys should ask students what they would most like to see from CRI, their
reaction to CRI initiatives and how CRI can improve.
Tactic 1.2: Place data-collecting kiosks in the CRI interactive room where students can take
surveys and give feedback about FSU.
Tactic 1.3: Ensure CRI is receptive to its target publics’ input by incorporating student feedback
into its platform design.

Strategy 2: Address top technological problem that Campus Reimagined can fix, being the
lack of notifications regarding campus events.
Tactic 2.1: Develop CRI prototype for regular campus event updates that students can download,
test and give feedback on at the annual technology fair.
 Record student feedback and make appropriate adjustments to the prototype so they can
retry it at next year’s Technology Fair.
Tactic 2.2: Send out notifications through the CRI prototype app that will give students updates
about campus events.

Objective E: Increase the awareness of a digital campus and data mining.

Supporting Interview Quote: “To me, safety and privacy are important for a digital campus. I
don’t want to get hacked just because of resources I use for my school.” - Hannah Foster

Strategy 1: Organize in person and online presentations about data mining that FSU parents and
alumni can easily access.
Tactic 1.1: Recruit data mining researchers from CRI and outside experts to speak.
Tactic 1.2: Create an email list of parents by acquiring emails at FSU Orientation, Parents
Weekend, and other popular times for parent visits to campus.
 This email list should invite parents to presentations and inform them of CRI updates.
Tactic 1.3: Connect with the Alumni Association to recruit members to attend or participate.
 Encourage alumni to invite their friends who are association members as well as friends
who are not association members.

Strategy 2: Reach out to local media outlets to educate FSU alumni and parents on the nature of
a future digital campus and data mining.
Tactic 2.1: Create opinion editorials discussing the benefits of data mining.*
 These opinion editorials should provide a comprehensive overview of how CRI will use
data mining to prioritize student privacy and best interest.
Tactic 2.2: Compose articles sharing the success stories of Arizona State University and Purdue
University in their digital campus initiatives.
 Connect these success stories to how CRI can benefit FSU in the field of digital campus
innovations and advanced technological platforms.
 Contribute to alumni and parent enthusiasm for FSU to fully implement a digital campus
platform and keep up with competition from other accredited universities.

Campus Reimagined can identify success in this campaign by comparing involvement and
excitement from its target publics over time. The stated strategies and tactics can be evaluated
according to this outline.

Objective A
Strategy 1: Compare student attendance to monthly Landis tabling events. For short term
evaluation, this comparison can be made between two consecutive months. For long term
evaluation, the comparison should be more spaced out.

Strategy 2: Keep record of how many students are interacting with CRI at monthly Market
Wednesday appearances. This strategy can also be evaluated for effectiveness by counting how
many flyers are accepted by students.

Strategy 3: Gauge student reactions to CRI at Fall and Spring Involvement Fairs. Keep track of
how many students participate in the Spin to Win Wheel and popularity of certain merchandise.

Objective B
Strategy 1: Read all published coverage related to CRI and ensure coverage is going in the right
direction. Follow up with journalists and local media outlets; ask about audience response and
estimated interest in articles related to CRI.

Strategy 2: Compare number of followers on CRI Facebook and Instagram on a biweekly basis.
Check website tracking circulation to discern number of visitors, if available.

Objective C
Strategy 1: Take count of number of students occupying the Interactive Room at random
checkpoints during operating hours. Periodically check Idea Board for level of student
engagement and count number of people attending speaking presentations.

Strategy 2: Engage with students to determine if they are aware of CRI Student Leadership
Board and number of students interested in acquiring a position on the board.

Strategy 3: Compare turnout to Technology Fair each consecutive year and overall student
responses to CRI sample products.

Objective D
Strategy 1: Keep count of how many surveys are completed by students and analyze surveys to
determine student feedback about CRI and FSU campus.

Strategy 2: Ask students at CRI events and the Interactive Room if they enjoy the prototype app,
recording general responses and number of students who are aware of the app.

Objective E
Strategy 1: Record how many parents and alumni attend each CRI presentation, comparing at
each presentation.
Strategy 2: Contact media outlets for any reader feedback to CRI opinion-editorials and ask for
target publics’ reactions at CRI events.



FSU’s Fascinating Future campaign is designed to launch in the early Fall 2019 semester
and continue until the end of Spring 2020. This is a strategic choice considering it leaves an
appropriate length of time to spread the word about CRI, establish excitement and engage target
publics. This campaign is renewable on a yearly basis because most strategies and tactics are
intended to be repeated. The following timeline is a suggested layout from Fall 2019 to Spring

August - Order merchandise items. Schedule fall events. Start creation for Interactive Room.
Rebrand website and update social media. Distribute flyers for CRI. Create Student Leadership
Board as a registered student organization (RSO).
September - Announce CRI to student body. Circulate press release. Attend Involvement Fair,
first Market Wednesday and Landis tabling event. Continue creation for Interactive Room.
Promote Student Leadership Board.
October - Send opinion editorials on data mining and digital campuses to local media outlets.
Engage the Student Leadership Board.
November - Sponsor talks with experts on the future of the FSU’s campus. Provide free food and
merch at events.
December - Hold fun events and offer free food during finals week and host study sessions.
Evaluate CRI brand and engagement among key publics after first half of campaign.
January - Attend Involvement Fair and first Market Wednesday of the spring semester. Promote
the Student Leadership Board again. Schedule spring events.
February - Promote Technology Fair. Invite students to grand opening of finished Interactive
March - Promote and hold annual tech fair. Evaluate success.
April - Continue consistent involvement with FSU body via events, tabling, social media updates
and Interactive Room. Campaign evaluation.


The recommended budget to implement FSU’s Fascinating Future is $3,500.

Expenses are outlined below:

Merchandise kits = $1,350

T-shirts= (130) Customized Gildan Ultra Cotton t-shirts for $725 from CustomInk (15 SM, 50
MED, 50 L, 15 XL)
Water bottles= (75) Customized 20 oz. Bike Water Bottles for $215 from CustomInk
Stickers= (150) Customized Full Color 2 in. stickers for $180 from CustomInk
Pens= (250) Customized Nash Stylus Pens for $230 from CustomInk
All merchandise prices originate from CustomInk.
Food = $500
Chips= (10 30-count boxes) Frito-Lay Big Grab Variety Mix for $120
Granola Bars= (10 34-count boxes) Quaker Chewy Dipps Granola Bars for $80
Nuts= (5 30-count boxes) Sabritas Peanuts Variety Pack for $40
Candy= (3 155-count boxes) Mars Chocolate Favorites Variety Mix for $40
Cookies= (5 36-count boxes) Grandma’s Cookies Variety Pack for $60
Fruit= (5 36-count boxes) Kellogg’s Fruit Snacks Variety Pack for $60
Pizza= (10 ) Member’s Mark 16” Whole Hot Bake Cheese or Pepperoni Pizzas for $100
All food prices originate from Sam’s Club.

Promotional material = $125

Flyers= (150) Customized Standard White Copies or Flyers for $50 from Office Depot
Spin to Win Wheel= (1) Kinbor Prize Wheel Party Game Spinner 10 Slots for $55 from Amazon
Idea Board= (1) Magnificent Vision Board Kit for $20 from Amazon

Interactive Room = $800*

Design= $500
Games= $100
Data Kiosks= $200
*These are estimated costs based on the assumption that CRI will design the Interactive Room in
an already existing space on campus, such as Strozier Library.

Technology Fair = $725*

*This is an estimated cost based on the assumption will need to acquire and create new products
for students to test.

Florida State University is home to a diverse body of students who are eager for their
campus to continue advancing technologically, physically and intangibly. If there is one thing
every single FSU student has in common, it is passion for their school. Whether a prospective
student, current student or alumni, everyone wants the university’s legacy to be brighter than
before. A future digital campus awaits on the horizon for FSU.
Over the next eleven years, Campus Reimagined will provide FSU students with a new
college lifestyle. CRI will strive to connect students’ passions with existing and new elements on
campus by transforming FSU digitally. To flourish, this ambitious project must earn lasting
support from its key publics.
By conducting comprehensive surveys, interviews and experiments, the PReimaginers
understand how CRI can form lasting personal connections with its audiences. Specifically, by
engaging students and alumni in the entire creation of a digital campus platform, research shows
that excitement will emerge. FSU’s Fascinating Future positions students as the heart of FSU and
reflects a strategic plan for CRI to be welcomed into the student community.
Since CRI has yet to be officially announced to the student body, there are endless
possibilities for increasing publicity, awareness and excitement. By enacting the PReimaginers’
strategies and tactics, every student attending FSU from 2019 onward will not only know what
CRI is; they will be eager for the innovative project throughout its entire lifespan.
One of the key concerns that CRI expressed to us was the question of whether FSU will
be ready for the class of 2030. By implementing FSU’s Fascinating Future, CRI will surpass
expectations for a future campus by transforming the student experience. This campaign
positions CRI as the link for FSU to become a truly student-centered institution that exudes
spirit, pride and fulfillment. As our campaign name reveals, we believe the future of FSU
involving CRI will truly be fascinating.


Cain, Kevin. “How Disney’s Mobile App Transformed Their Park Experience.” Localytics, 17
July 2017,

“Campus Reimagined.” Campus Reimagined,

Patronis-Farnum, Amy. “New Students, Faculty Look to Continue Florida State’s Upward
Trajectory.” Florida State University News, 21 August 2018,

Selingo, Jeffry. “The Future of College Looks Like the Future of Retail.” The Atlantic, 16 April

Toner, Mark. “Passion Project.” Converge Magazine, 2018, pp. 25–28,

Appendix A: Merchandise
This newly created logo was determined to generate positive responses and excitement from
students, according to our research.

Appendix B: Promotional Materials

Sample flyer and new website page

Appendix C: Interactive Room

Model Interactive Room

Model Idea Board

Appendix D: Media

Sample Instagram Post

Caption: “Calling all

FSU students! CRI is
hosting our first ever TECH FAIR. Stop by the Innovation Hub from Noon to 6 p.m. on
Wednesday, March 25 to try out new CRI platforms and technological products. Free items and
raffles will be happening all day; you never know what you might walk away with.”
Photo credit to @fsuinnovationhub

Sample Facebook post

Caption: “Campus Reimagined invests in FSU by prioritizing student’s safety. To give students
more opportunities to fulfill their personal calling at FSU, the CRI team plans to use data mining
to be both safe and beneficial to them. To learn more about how FSU will use data collection to
cater to the calling, head to the CRI website for more information.”
Photo credit to Colin Hackley

Sample Opinion-Editorial

Check Yes to Digital Campuses

By Rachel Corry

Currently, technology is present in almost every aspect of daily life. Technological updates are
the driving force for unique innovation, progress and overall societal satisfaction. In this
environment, colleges need to incorporate more digitally advanced campuses to meet
expectations. Digital-based college campuses are key to the success of university life for all
involved audiences, including students, faculty, and alumni.

The technology industry is one of the fastest growing and most innovative. There has been a
recent transition to reliance on mobile convenience and more accessible digital platforms.
Generally speaking, most college campuses have yet to respond adequately to this increasing
incorporation of technology in all aspects of life.

There are some college universities, however, that have successfully implemented aspects of a
digital campus. These universities should serve as a model for others to follow as the technology
industry continues to evolve and advance alongside societal trends.

The University of Arizona (UA), for example, is a leader of digital campus progress. Sudha
Ram’s “Smart Campus Research” project started as a method to look at freshman retention
patterns. It focuses on studying student interactions through their student ID cards over the
course of three month time periods. By using big data, UA researchers identified student
interests, social circles and overall experiences in the places they frequented.
This study went on for three years and continues to progress. Next, Smart Campus Research
plans to install a campus Wi-Fi information network to further understand student behavior
tendencies. The university made a priority of keeping students’ data anonymous and randomized
throughout this research process.

Future digital campuses should follow UA’s lead in learning more thoroughly about their student
bodies. By understanding student interests and behaviors, a college campus can transition to
becoming truly welcoming, unique and innovative for its audiences.

Purdue University (PU) is another college that has incorporated digital campus components. PU
has enacted a data initiative throughout their campus to determine whether students are using
resources from class on a regular basis. The data uses a time and space heat map to track when
students have downloaded material from educators, educational sites or businesses.

PU then uses an algorithm to analyze digital data and translate it into statistics to suggest
different teaching methods on a student by student basis. This is valuable to educators and
businesses in evaluating success of various instructional methods.

As digital campus efforts continue to grow, PU can offer guidelines as to how data analytics can
be distinctly applied to student learning. This will likely contribute to enhanced student success
in the classroom while improving their overall campus experience.

Jeffrey Selingo’s article in the Washington Post, “The future of college looks like the future of
retail,” details how online colleges are incorporating physical areas for students to learn and
study together. He suggests that students are increasingly wanting a hybrid form of college
because they value both in-person communication and immediate accessibility of online class.

According to Selingo, physical and digital campuses must learn to interact and work together
seamlessly to appropriately serve student bodies. Blended learning experiences are becoming
more desirable as society advances technologically and interpersonally.

As the use of technology increases on college campuses, numerous universities will turn to
digital campuses, as many already have, and the next step will be a data-enriched college
experience. Universities will compete to have the most technologically advanced campuses, and
the already digital campuses will be ahead in the competition.

Adam, Chris. “Who cares? New technology helps answer a big question about big data for
educators.” Purdue University News, 15 July 2018,
Blue, Alexis. “Researcher Looks at ‘Digital Traces’ to Help Students.” University of Arizona
News, 7 March 2018,
Selingo, Jeffry. “The Future of College Looks Like the Future of Retail.” The Atlantic, 16 April

Sample Press Release


Camille Shattler February 3, 2020
(850) 570-1797

Campus Reimagined Sponsors Annual FSU Tech Fair

First Prototype of Campus Reimagined App will be Introduced at Annual Tech Fair

[Tallahassee, Fla.] On March 25, Florida State University (FSU) will launch the first of its kind;
a prototype of the brand new Campus Reimagined (CRI) app. CRI is FSU’s ambitious initiative
to create digitally-based personal experiences for its students.

The launch will occur during the annual FSU tech fair, which will be sponsored and hosted by
CRI, held at the Shores Innovation Hub. This is part of phase one in CRI’s 10-year initiative
aiming to fully transform FSU into a more digital campus by 2030.

Since 2018, FSU has begun to make its dream of combining technology and the on-campus
college experience a reality. Bill Lindner, director of CRI, said, “Our goal is to discover, develop
and fulfill the personal passions of each FSU student. This is why we are excited to finally
launch the first downloadable prototype of the CRI app. Since we created it for students,
allowing them to engage with it and give us feedback is vital.”

In its simplest form, CRI is a mobile app that will combine all of FSU’s current apps and
websites onto one digital platform. The app will be a data-centered way to connect FSU's
physical campus opportunities to students' interests.

The innovative CRI platform will collect personal data from students to maximize their
opportunities at FSU and provide a more interactive, unique campus experience. In this way, CRI
hopes to meet every student’s needs by combining personal interests with academic passions.
To learn more about Campus Reimagined and the impact it will have at Florida State University,
visit their website at


Sample Student Leadership Board Brochure

Appendix E: Technology Fair

Model photo collage for an annual CRI Technology Fair.

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