Spanish Idioms

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dar los buenos dar una vuelta

to say good to take a stroll

27 dar largas darse por aludido
One of the most difficult to prolong an affair to take it personally
aspects of a language to (días, tardes) darse a
(morning, afternoon) to devote oneself to
master is the usage of dar calabazas dar a hecho
idiomatic expressions. to jilt; to flunk to take for granted
Idiomatic expressions dar lata darse cuenta de
to make a nuisance of to realize
are phrases that carry a oneself dar por muerto
specific meaning within dar la cara to consider dead
the language. Normally, to take responsibility darse de baja
dar lugar a to withdraw; to drop out
there is no logical way to give cause for dar por sentado
of translating them word dar carta blanca to take for granted
by word. The only way to give someone a free hand darseínfulas
dar una mano to put on airs
to learn them is to to lend a hand dar razón
memorize them, and to dar con to give account
practice their use. to come upon; to find darse la mano
dar lo mismo to shake hands
Below, you will find a to make no difference dar la razón
series of Spanish dar con la puerta to agree with
idiomatic expressions to slam the door darse por + past participle
dar la nota to consider oneself
grouped by types, to stand out dar recuerdos a
according to the verb or en las narices to give regards to
the preposition they in one’s face darse por vencido
dar cuenta de to give up
contain, and their to give a report on dar rienda suelta a
English counterparts. dar pena a to give free rein to
Expresiones con DAR to aggrieve darse prisa
(Idioms with DAR) dar cuerda a to hurry
dar a to wind dar al traste con
to face; to look out upon dar que hablar to destroy; to spoil
dar la espalda to give grounds dársela a uno
to turn one’s back for criticism to make a fool out of
dar a conocer dar de alta someone
to make known to discharge (a patient) dar voces
dar gritos dar que hacer to shout
to shout to cause trouble dárselas de
dar a luz dar de baja to pose as; to claim to be
to give birth to drop (from a list) dar vueltas a
dar gusto dar que pensar to think something over
to please to give grounds Expresiones con ECHAR (
dar un abrazo for suspicion echar a + infinitive
to embrace dar de beber (comer) to start to
dar la hora to give a drink (to feed) echar en cara
to strike the hour dar palos de ciego to throw in one’s face
dar asco to swing out wildly echar a perder
to disgust dar de palos to ruin; to spoil
dar gato por liebre to beat; to thrash echar en el olvido
to gyp; to swindle dar parte to forget completely
dar la bienvenida to inform echar abajo
to welcome dar en to demolish
dar las gracias to strike against; to hit echar flores
to thank dar un paseo to flatter
dar brincos to take a walk(continued) echar al correo
to jump to mail
dar guerra dar por + past participle
to cause a lot of trouble to consider
echar mano a estar en un tris hacer caso de
to lay hands on to be about to happen to pay attention to; to notice
echar la bronca a uno estar de paso hace poco
to give someone to be passing through a little while ago
echar raíces estar fuera de sí hacer cola
to take root to be beside oneself to line up
a dressing down emotionally hacer su agosto
echar chispas estar de sobra to make a killing
to be furious; to be angry to be in excess hacer daño
echar todo a rodar estar hecho polvo to harm; to damage
to make a fizzle to be worn out hacer alarde
echar la culpa estar de vuelta to boast
to blame to be back hacer de
echarse atrás estar hecho una fiera to work as; to act as
to lean backwards; to retract to be furious hacer alusión
echar de comer estar en Babia to allude
to feed (animals) to daydream hacer de cuenta
echarse a dormir estar hecho una sopa to pretend; to act as though
to lie down to sleep to be soaked hacer añicos
echar de menos estar en brazos de Morfeo to break to pieces
to miss to be sleeping hacer de nuevo
echárselas de estar loco de remate to do over
to boast of being to be completely crazy hacer buen tiempo
Expresiones con ESTAR (Id estar en condiciones to be good weather
está despejado to be in good shape hacer de las suyas
it’s clear estar para + infinitive to be up to one’s old tricks
estar al corriente de to be about to hacer buenas migas
to be up to date estar en forma to hit it off with someone
está nublado to be in good shape hacer de tripas corazón
it’s cloudy estar pez to pluck up courage
estar apurado to ignore (something) hacer burla de
to be in a hurry estar en la luna to make fun of
estar a to have one’s head in the clouds hacer falta
to be priced at estar sin blanca to be in need of
estar calado to be flat broke
to be soaked to the skin estar en las nubes
estar a dos velas to daydream
to be broke Expresiones con HABER (
estar como pez en el agua haber de + infinitive
to be right at home to be supposed to; to have to
estar a punto de haber lodo
to be about to to be muddy
estar con el alma en vilo haber gato encerrado
to be in suspense there is something fishy
estar a sus anchas haber neblina
to be comfortable to be foggy
estar conforme con haber sol
to be in agreement with to be sunny
estar al caer hay luna
to be about to happen there is moonlight
estar de acuerdo haber polvo
to be in agreement to be dusty
estar de buen humor hay que + infinitive
to be in a good mood it is necessary; one must
estar en el limbo Expresiones con HACER (I
to be lost hace + time expression + que +
estar de mal humor preterite
to be in a bad mood ago
estar en todo hacer calor
to have a finger in everything to be warm
estar de más hace mucho tiempo
to be in excess long time ago

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