Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare

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Artificial Intelligence: Definition & Type

There are too many definitions and some common of

them are as follows.

The ability of a digital computer or computer-

controlled robot to perform tasks commonly
associated with intelligent beings.

1. A machine completing the tasks which involve a certain

degree of intelligence which was previously deemed only to
be done by humans
2. Is the simulation of human intelligence processes by
machines, especially computer systems? These processes
include learning, reasoning, and self-correction.
3. The capability of a machine to imitate the intelligent human

All the definitions above are correct, but what it really boils
down to is “how close or how well a computer can
imitate or go beyond, when compared to human

Types of Artificial Intelligence (AI):

AI can be classified in any number of ways there are two types of
main classification.


1. Weak AI or Narrow AI: It is focused on one narrow

task, the phenomenon that machines which are not too
intelligent to do their own work can be built in such a way
that they seem smart. An example would be a poker
game where a machine beats human where in which all
rules and moves are fed into the machine. Here each and
every possible scenario need to be entered beforehand
manually. Each and every weak AI will contribute to the
building of strong AI.
2. Strong AI: The machines that can actually think and
perform tasks on its own just like a human being. There
are no proper existing examples for this but some industry
leaders are very keen on getting close to build a strong AI
which has resulted in rapid progress.

Type2(based on functionalities):

1. Reactive Machines: This is one of the basic forms of AI. It

doesn’t have past memory and cannot use past information
to information for the future actions. Example:- IBM chess
program that beat Garry Kasparov in the 1990s.
2. Limited Memory: AI systems can use past experiences to
inform future decisions. Some of the decision-making
functions in self-driving cars have been designed this
way. Observations used to inform actions happening in the
not so distant future, such as a car that has changed lanes.
These observations are not stored permanently and
also Apple’s Chatbot Siri.
3. Theory of Mind: This type of AI should be able to
understand people’s emotion, belief, thoughts,
expectations and be able to interact socially Even
though a lot of improvements are there in this field this kind
of AI is not complete yet.
4. Self-awareness: An AI that has its own conscious, super
intelligent, self-awareness and sentient (In simple words a
complete human being). Of course, this kind of bot also
doesn’t exist and if achieved it will be one of the milestones
in the field of AI.
Advantages of AI
a. Error Reduction
We use artificial intelligence in most of the cases. As this helps us in
reducing the risk. Also, increases the chance of reaching accuracy with the
greater degree of precision.

b. Difficult Exploration
In mining, we use artificial intelligence and science of robotics. Also, other
fuel exploration processes. Moreover, we use complex machines for
exploring the ocean. Hence, overcoming the ocean limitation.

c. Daily Application
As we know that computed methods and learning have become common
place in daily life.
Financial institutions and banking institutions are widely using AI. That is
to organize and manage data. Also, AI is used in the detection of fraud users
in a smart card-based system.

d. Digital Assistants
“Avatars” are used by highly advanced organizations. That are digital
assistants. Also, they can interact with the users. Hence. They are saving
human needs of resources.
As we can say that the emotions are associated with mood. That they can
cloud judgment and affect human efficiency. Moreover, completely ruled
out for machine intelligence.
e. No breaks
Machines do not require frequent breaks and refreshments for humans. As
machines are programmed for long hours. Also, they
can continuously perform without getting bored.

f. Increase Work Efficiency

For a particular repetitive task, AI-powered machines are great with
amazing efficiency. Best is they remove human errors from their tasks to
achieve accurate results.
g. Reduce cost of training and operation
Deep Learning and neural networks algorithms used in AI to learn new
things like humans do. Also, this way they eliminate the need to write new
code every time.

Disadvantages of Artificial Intelligence

a. High Cost
Its creation requires huge costs as they are very complex machines. Also,
repair and maintenance require huge costs.

b. No Replicating Humans
As intelligence is believed to be a gift of nature. An ethical argument
continues, whether human intelligence is to be replicated or not.

c. Lesser Jobs
As we are aware that machines do routine and repeatable tasks much better
than humans. Moreover, machines are used of instead of humans. As
to increase their profitability in businesses.

d. Lack of Personal Connections

We can’t rely too much on these machines for educational oversights. That
hurt learners more than help.

e. Addiction
As we rely on machines to make everyday tasks more efficient we use
Many industries have been disrupted by the influx of new
technologies in the Information Age. Healthcare is no different.
Particularly in the case of automation, machine learning, and artificial
intelligence (AI), doctors, hospitals, insurance companies, and
industries with ties to healthcare have all been impacted – in many
cases in more positive, substantial ways than other industries.
1. Managing Medical Records and Other Data
Since the first step in health care is compiling and analysing
information (like medical records and other past history), data
management is the most widely used application of artificial
intelligence and digital automation. Robots collect, store, re-format,
and trace data to provide faster, more consistent access.
2. Doing Repetitive Jobs
Analysing tests, X-Rays, CT scans, data entry, and other mundane
tasks can all be done faster and more accurately by robots.
Cardiology and radiology are two disciplines where the amount of
data to analyse can be overwhelming and time consuming.
Cardiologists and radiologists in the future should only look at the
most complicated cases where human supervision is useful.
3. Treatment Design
Artificial intelligence systems have been created to analyse data –
notes and reports from a patient’s file, external research, and clinical
expertise – to help select the correct, individually customized
treatment path.
4. Digital Consultation
Apps like Babylon in the UK use AI to give medical
consultation based on personal medical history and common medical
knowledge. Users report their symptoms into the app, which uses
speech recognition to compare against a database of illnesses.
Babylon then offers a recommended action, taking into account the
user’s medical history.
5. Virtual Nurses
The start-up has developed Molly, a digital nurse to help
people monitor patient’s condition and follow up with treatments,
between doctor visits. The program uses machine learning to support
patients, specializing in chronic illnesses.
In 2016, Boston Children’s Hospital developed an app for Amazon
Alexa that gives basic health information and advice for parents of ill
children. The app answers asked questions about medications and
whether symptoms require a doctor visit.
6. Medication Management
The National Institutes of Health have created the AiCure app to
monitor the use of medication by a patient. A smartphone’s webcam
is partnered with AI to autonomously confirm that patients are taking
their prescriptions and helps them manage their condition. Most
common users could be people with serious medical conditions,
patients who tend to go against doctor advice, and participants in
clinical trials.
7. Drug Creation
Developing pharmaceuticals through clinical trials can take more
than a decade and cost billions of dollars. Making this process faster
and cheaper could change the world. Amidst the recent Ebola virus
scare, a program powered by AI was used to scan existing medicines
that could be redesigned to fight the disease.
The program found two medications that may reduce Ebola infectivity
in one day, when analysis of this type generally takes months or
years – a difference that could mean saving thousands of lives.
8. Precision Medicine
Genetics and genomics look for mutations and links to disease from
the information in DNA. With the help of AI, body scans can spot
cancer and vascular diseases early and predict the health issues
people might face based on their genetics.
9. Health Monitoring
Wearable health trackers – like those from FitBit, Apple, Garmin and
others – monitors heart rate and activity levels. They can send alerts
to the user to get more exercise and can share this information to
doctors (and AI systems) for additional data points on the needs and
habits of patients.
10. Healthcare System Analysis
In the Netherlands, 97% of healthcare invoices are digital. A Dutch
company uses AI to sift through the data to highlight mistakes in
treatments, workflow inefficiencies, and helps area healthcare
systems avoid unnecessary patient hospitalizations.
These are just a sample of the solutions AI is offering the healthcare
industry. As innovation pushes the capabilities of automation and
digital workforces, from providers like Novatio, more solutions to save
time, lower costs, and increase accuracy will be possible.

AI has the potential in various field of technology such as computer
science, robotics, healthcare and even music. There are now growing
efforts to unite these fields of research and create new technologies out
of them. However, despite of all the manner of innovative approaches,
there are still a far gap between artificial intelligence and human
intelligence. Some people might argue that Ai is only the matter of
processing power, but some people believe that true AI will uncover the
deep understanding of how human intelligence works. AI capabilities are
still questionable but, in several decades, to come, AI can promise infinite
possibilities of growth in technology.

So, does AI present opportunity or danger? Will machines take all the
jobs or create more than they destroy? Opinions on this are divided,
and the reality is likely to be somewhere in between the two
extremes. AI will continue to change the world of work, and workers will
need to engage in life-long learning, developing their skills and changing
jobs more often than they did in the past.
In the future, as humans increasingly work together with AI, the
challenge for us is to ensure that we anticipate any negative health and
safety consequences, assess the risks, and share this knowledge to
benefit the future working world.

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