Photoelectric Effect

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What are the different uses and applications of

Photoelectric Effect?
1) Anubhav Madhav (201851024) (Team Leader)
2) Yashash Haridas (201851045)
3) Sahil Kundal (201851105)
4) Ahmad Jilani (201851010)
5) Nitesh Pachlashiya (201851075)
6) Dhruv Gandhi (201851041)
7) Deepak Bethamalla (201851033)
April 2019

1 Introduction
Photoelectric effect, phenomenon in which electrically charged particles are re-
leased from or within a material when it absorbs electromagnetic radiation.

1. Teaching the Photoelectric Effect Inductively

2. Advanced Photoelectric Effect experiment beamline at Elettra: A surface
science laboratory coupled with Synchrotron Radiation
3. Photoelectric Effect in Lipid Bilayer Membranes. A Pedagogical Review

4. A Mechanical Analogy for the Photoelectric Effect

5. Cadmium sulfide mediated Photoelectric Effect in bilayer lipid membranes
6. Photoelectric Effect from Observer’s mathematics point of view

7. The Schrodinger Equation the Zero-Point Electromagnetic Radiation and

the Photoelectric Effect


• Teaching the Photoelectric Effect Inductively : The photoelectric effect is
an essential concept in quantum physics. However, several studies have
revealed students’ difficulties with understanding its underlying processes.
For instance, a study by McKaganetal (2009) found that 42appraised by
the readers of nationwide physics exams (AP Central 2010), who have
recommended that ‘teachers can help their students by de-emphasizing
equation-hunting strategies and instead encouraging students to identify
the relevant concepts prior to seeking a specific equation’. The past 2
decades witnessed a tremendous technological development aiming at high
intensity/high resolution synchrotron radiation SR beamlines dedicated
to solid state physics. In the particular field of materials and surface sci-
ence—the forefathers of nanotechnology—an increasing number of third
generation SR beamlines operating in the vuv and soft x-ray region typ-
ically 10–1500 eV have reached the meV range of energy resolution, with
1011 photon flux on the sample, thus enabling a vast—and new— field of
spectroscopic research. As an added value, the use of variable polariza-
tion linear, circular, and elliptical and small focal spot by means of new
generation insertion devices represents one of the fastest growing fields for
electron spectroscopies with SR. The almost complete control achieved
over the abovementioned parameters of a beamline points to a new—and
twofold—challenge for next generation experiments, i.e., i to balance the
focused performances of the beamline with the needed flexibility of an ex-
perimental end station i.e., share beamtime efficiently and ii to achieve a
high level of control in the preparation and characterization of the samples
• Advanced Photoelectric Effect experiment beamline at Elettra: A sur-
face science laboratory coupled with Synchrotron Radiation : The past
2 decades witnessed a tremendous technological development aiming at
high intensity/high resolution synchrotron radiation SR beamlines dedi-
cated to solid state physics. In the particular field of materials and surface
science—the forefathers of nanotechnology—an increasing number of third
generation SR beamlines operating in the vuv and soft x-ray region. The
past 2 decades witnessed a tremendous technological development aim-
ing at high intensity/high resolution synchrotron radiation SR beamlines
dedicated to solid state physics. In the particular field of materials and
surface science—the forefathers of nanotechnology—an increasing num-
ber of third generation SR beamlines operating in the vuv and soft x-ray
region typically 10–1500 eV have reached the meV range of energy reso-
lution, with 1011 photon flux on the sample, thus enabling a vast—and
new— field of spectroscopic research. As an added value, the use of vari-
able polarization linear, circular, and elliptical and small focal spot by
means of new generation insertion devices represents one of the fastest
growing fields for electron spectroscopies with SR. The almost complete
control achieved over the abovementioned parameters of a beamline points
to a new—and twofold—challenge for next generation experiments, i.e.,
i to balance the focused performances of the beamline with the needed

flexibility of an experimental end station i.e.,

• Photoelectric Effect in Lipid Bilayer Membranes. A Pedagogical Review:

A study was made of transmembrane potentials at the initial state pro-
duced by a concentration gradient of identical ions and also different ionic
species at the same concentration for various phospholipid bilayers. It
was found that the potential of the salt added side was lower than that
on the other side of the membrane. For the phosphatidylserine and phos-
phatidylethanolamine membranes, there was a significant difference be-
tween the potentials produced by the addition of the same concentrations
of KCl and NaCl, respectively, on one side of the membrane, whereas, for
the phosphatidylcholine membrane, there was no appreciable difference in
produced membrane potentials. The past 2 decades witnessed a tremen-
dous technological development aiming at high intensity/high resolution
synchrotron radiation SR beamlines dedicated to solid state physics. In
the particular field of materials and surface science—the forefathers of
nanotechnology—an increasing number of third generation SR beamlines
operating in the vuv and soft x-ray region typically 10–1500 eV have
reached the meV range of energy resolution, with 1011 photon flux on the
sample, thus enabling a vast—and new— field of spectroscopic research.
As an added value, the use of variable polarization linear, circular, and el-
liptical and small focal spot by means of new generation insertion devices
represents one of the fastest growing fields for electron spectroscopies with
SR. The almost complete control achieved over the abovementioned pa-
rameters of a beamline points to a new—and twofold—challenge for next
generation experiments

• A Mechanical Analogy for the Photoelectric Effect : It is possible to vi-

sualize some of the concepts in the photoelectric effect by using colliding
balls to represent scattering particles and obstacles to represent energy
thresholds. In order to illustrate the concept in a clearer way, a life-size
model of a photon ejecting an electron has been constructed. The past
2 decades witnessed a tremendous technological development aiming at
high intensity/high resolution synchrotron radiation SR beamlines dedi-
cated to solid state physics. In the particular field of materials and surface
science—the forefathers of nanotechnology—an increasing number of third
generation SR beamlines operating in the vuv and soft x-ray region typ-
ically 10–1500 eV have reached the meV range of energy resolution, with
1011 photon flux on the sample, thus enabling a vast—and new— field of
spectroscopic research. As an added value, the use of variable polariza-
tion linear, circular, and elliptical and small focal spot by means of new
generation insertion devices represents one of the fastest growing fields for
electron spectroscopies with SR. The almost complete control achieved
over the abovementioned parameters of a beamline points

• Cadmium sulfide mediated Photoelectric Effect in bilayer lipid membranes
: Bimolecular thick, bilayer or black, lipid membranes (BLMs) provide the
thinnest man-made semipermeable barrier which separates two compart-
ments containing aqueous solutions. BLMs have been utilized as matri-
ces for supporting size-quantized semiconductor and magnetic particles
which mimic bulk photoelectrical and magneto-optical devices. The past
2 decades witnessed a tremendous technological development aiming at
high intensity/high resolution synchrotron radiation SR beamlines dedi-
cated to solid state physics. In the particular field of materials and surface
science—the forefathers of nanotechnology—an increasing number of third
generation SR beamlines operating in the vuv and soft x-ray region typ-
ically 10–1500 eV have reached the meV range of energy resolution, with
1011 photon flux on the sample, thus enabling a vast—and new— field of
spectroscopic research. As an added value, the use of variable polariza-
tion linear, circular, and elliptical and small focal spot by means of new
generation insertion devices represents one of the fastest growing fields for
electron spectroscopies with SR.

• Photoelectric Effect from Observer’s mathematics point of view : In 1905,

Einstein proposed an explanation of the photoelectric effect using a con-
cept first put forward by Max Planck that light waves consist of tiny
bundles or packets of energy known as photons or quanta. The maximum
kinetic energy K m a x of an ejected electron is given by K m a x = h f - f
where ’h’ is the Planck constant ’f ’ is the frequency of the incident pho-
ton. The term ’f’ is the work function (sometimes denoted W or f which
gives the minimum energy required to remove an electron from the surface
of the metal. The past 2 decades witnessed a tremendous technological
development aiming at high intensity/high resolution synchrotron radia-
tion SR beamlines dedicated to solid state physics. In the particular field
of materials and surface science—the forefathers of nanotechnology—an
increasing number of third generation SR beamlines operating in the vuv
and soft x-ray region typically 10–1500 eV have reached the meV range
of energy resolution, with 1011 photon flux on the sample, thus enabling
a vast—and new— field of spectroscopic research. As an added value, the
use of variable polarization

• The Schrodinger Equation the Zero-Point Electromagnetic Radiation and the

Photoelectric Effect : A Schrödinger type equation for a mathematical probabil-
ity amplitude ψ(x, t), isderivedf romthegeneralizedphasespaceLiouvilleequationvalidf orthemotionof amic

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