Neri v. Dela Pena
Neri v. Dela Pena
Neri v. Dela Pena
RTJ-05-1896 April 29, 2005 manifestation because Citibank had not been served a copy and it was
filed after office hours.
ATTY. JULIUS NERI, Complainant,
vs. The Court of Appeals decided in favor of Citibank, vacating
JUDGE JESUS S. DE LA PEÑA, respondent. respondent's decision and reinstating the dismissal of the case by Judge
Plaintiff Aznar had filed suit due to the alleged blacklisting of his Regarding the administrative case, the Office of the Court
Citibank Preferred Mastercard which, according to him, was dishonored Administrator (OCA) reported its findings. Because respondent based
in several establishments in Singapore and Malaysia while he was on his assailed order mostly on the ex parte manifestation submitted by the
holiday, causing him great inconvenience and embarrassment. Both counsel for plaintiff Aznar, the OCA found him liable for violating Section
parties presented their respective evidence and after trial, Judge Marcos 4, Rule 13, in relation to Section 5, Rule 15 of the Revised Rules of Civil
dismissed the case for lack of merit.
Dissatisfied with the decision, Aznar filed through counsel a (Rule 13) SEC. 4. Papers required to be filed and served. — Every judgment,
motion for reconsideration, with motion to re-raffle the case. The case resolution, order, pleading subsequent to the complaint, written motion, notice,
appearance, demand, offer of judgment or similar papers shall be filed with the
was re-raffled to RTC Cebu Branch X, presided over by respondent Judge court, and served upon the parties affected.
Jesus de la Peña. Respondent then ordered Citibank to file its comment
on Aznar's motion for reconsideration. Citibank filed its opposition (Rule 15) SEC. 4. Hearing of motion. — Except for motions which the court may
instead. Respondent granted Aznar's motion for reconsideration. act upon without prejudicing the rights of the adverse party, every written
motion shall be set for hearing by the applicant.
As a result of the Order, complainant filed this administrative
case on July 16, 1999. Charging respondent with dishonesty, he alleged According to the OCA, the fact that plaintiff Aznar had failed to
that respondent, contrary to his pronouncement in his order, had serve a copy of his ex parte manifestation upon Citibank should have
rendered his decision without ever having read the transcripts of the been reason enough for respondent to disregard the same. Likewise
case and that the transcripts of the case had remained in their custody noting the fact that the ex parte manifestation was filed beyond office
and that the respondent never borrowed them all throughout. hours, the OCA found that this "created an idea that there was a covert
Complainant also charged respondent with gross ignorance of the law attempt to favor Aznar."
and/or incompetence.
Issue: Whether or not Judge de la Pena violated Rule 13 and Rule 15
In his defense, respondent asserted that he had in fact read the of the Revised Rules of Civil Procedure
transcripts, having received copies thereof attached to an ex
parte manifestation filed by plaintiff Aznar. Ruling: No.
Complainant then assailed the ex parte manifestation which The Supreme Court disagree with OCA’s finding that the respondent
respondent had supposedly relied upon in deciding the case. He pointed violated both Rules 13 and 15 of the 1997 Revised Rules of Civil
out that respondent should not have even considered the said Procedure.
Section 4, Rule 13 requires that adverse parties be served copies afoul of the precepts of fair play, specially since respondent only
of all pleadings and similar papers. Section 4, Rule 15 requires a movant mentioned the document after this administrative case was filed against
to set his motion for hearing, unless it is one of those which a court can him. Indeed, there seems to be something gravely amiss in respondent's
act upon without prejudicing the rights of the other party. The prevailing sense of fairness and righteousness, the primary requisites of a good
doctrine in our jurisdiction is that a motion without a notice of hearing judge.
addressed to the parties is a mere scrap of paper.
As a member of the judiciary, respondent's every action is
In Cui v. Judge Madayag, we held that "any motion that does not supposed to be beyond reproach and above suspicion. The 2004 Code of
contain proof of service of notice to the other party is not entitled to Judicial Conduct clearly states that "Judges shall avoid impropriety and
judicial cognizance. (Such) motion is nothing but a (mere) scrap of the appearance of impropriety in all of their activities." By acting on a
paper." It is important, however, to note that these doctrines refer document which was sorely defective (for two reasons: failure to serve a
exclusively to motions. copy on the adverse party and failure to file it during office hours), and
by making an egregiously large award of damages in favor of plaintiff
The logic for such a requirement is simple: a motion invariably Aznar, he inevitably opened himself up to suspicion of having entered
contains a prayer which the movant makes to the court, which is usually into a dirty, secret deal with Aznar and thereby severely tarnished the
in the interest of the adverse party to oppose. The notice of hearing to the impartiality with which he was at all times supposed to conduct himself.
adverse party is therefore a form of due process; it gives the other party
the opportunity to properly vent his opposition to the prayer of the Given respondent's actions, the SC disagree with the OCA's
movant. In keeping with the principles of due process, therefore, a motion findings of simple misconduct. Because of the highly anomalous manner
which does not afford the adverse party the chance to oppose it should in which respondent rendered his decision, as well as the questionable
simply be disregarded. The same principle applies to objections to content of the decision itself, which was eventually overturned by the
interrogatories which also require a notice of hearing like motions under Court of Appeals, we find him guilty of knowingly rendering an unjust
Section 3, Rule 25 of the Rules. judgment or order as determined by a competent court in an appropriate
However, the same cannot be said for manifestations which,
unless otherwise indicated, are usually made merely for the Disposition: Judge JESUS S. DE LA PEÑA is found GUILTY of
information of the court. There is generally nothing to contest or knowingly rendering an unjust judgment or order as determined by a
argue; the manifesting party is just making a statement for the competent court in an appropriate proceeding and is hereby
knowledge of the court, such as in this case. There is nothing in either SUSPENDED from office for six months.
the Rules or in jurisprudence that requires judges to disregard a
manifestation that does not have proof of service
This is not to say, however, that respondent is off the hook. While
it is true that he was under no obligation to disregard Aznar's ex
parte manifestation, he should have at least called attention to its
irregularity, both by admonishing Aznar and by informing the adverse
party of its filing. That he acted on it — indeed, based his decision on
it — while Citibank was totally unaware of its existence ran seriously