This document lists 61 grocery purchases made on various dates including quantities and costs. The total cost of all purchases was Rp 1,352,500. Items purchased included food staples like rice, chicken, vegetables as well as cooking ingredients like sugar, cooking oil, and seasonings.
This document lists 61 grocery purchases made on various dates including quantities and costs. The total cost of all purchases was Rp 1,352,500. Items purchased included food staples like rice, chicken, vegetables as well as cooking ingredients like sugar, cooking oil, and seasonings.
This document lists 61 grocery purchases made on various dates including quantities and costs. The total cost of all purchases was Rp 1,352,500. Items purchased included food staples like rice, chicken, vegetables as well as cooking ingredients like sugar, cooking oil, and seasonings.
This document lists 61 grocery purchases made on various dates including quantities and costs. The total cost of all purchases was Rp 1,352,500. Items purchased included food staples like rice, chicken, vegetables as well as cooking ingredients like sugar, cooking oil, and seasonings.
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No Tanggal Keterangan Qty Pengeluaran
1 Kopi 3 buah Rp 36.000
2 Susu 3 buah Rp 30.000 3 9-Jun-17 Gula 5 kg Rp 75.000 4 Sunlight 1 buah Rp 8.000 5 Beras 1 bal Rp 200.000 6 Ayam 7 ekor Rp 245.000 7 Cabe Merah 1,5 Kg Rp 30.000 8 Cabe Rawit 0,5 Kg Rp 20.000 9 Bawang Merah 1 Kg Rp 20.000 10 Bawang Putih 0,5 Kg Rp 23.000 11 Tomat 1 Kg Rp 10.000 12 Rayco 10 Bungkus Rp 5.000 13 Bumbu Rica-rica Rp 15.000 14 Kecap 1 Bungkus Rp 10.000 15 Terigu 3 Kg Rp 19.500 16 Minyak 5 kg Rp 65.000 17 Daun Bawang + Sledri Rp 5.000 18 Telur 2 Kg Rp 42.000 19 Asam jawa Rp 2.000 20 Pala, cengkeh, merica Rp 11.000 21 Kacang tanah 2 kg Rp 35.000 22 Tisu Rp 2.500 23 Bawang bombay Rp 8.000 24 Gelas Plastik 3 pack Rp 27.000 25 Wortel 2.5 Kg Rp 19.000 26 Kol 1.5 Kg Rp 10.000 27 Buncis 0.5 Kg Rp 7.000 28 Selada 1 Kg Rp 15.000 29 Kentang 0.5 Kg Rp 7.000 30 Tempe 10 papan Rp 33.000 31 Kerupuk 1.5 Kg Rp 24.000 32 Selasih 5 buah Rp 10.000 33 Melon 2 buah Rp 30.000 10-Jun-17 34 Semangka 1 buah Rp 17.000 35 Timun 2 Kg Rp 14.000 36 Timun suri 4 buah Rp 10.000 37 Sirup 2 buah Rp 36.000 38 Polybag 5 buag Rp 10.000 39 Plastik kerupuk bening 2 buah Rp 4.000 40 Kunyit 1 bungkus Rp 2.000 41 Daun Salam 1 Bungkus Rp 2.000 42 Sereh 1 Bungkus Rp 2.000 43 Daun jeruk 1 Bungkus Rp 1.000 44 Kol 1/2 buah Rp 5.000 45 Gas 1 buah Rp 20.000 46 Ketumbar 1 Bungkus Rp 5.000 47 Merica 1 Bungkus Rp 5.000 48 Bawang putih 2 sium Rp 4.000 49 Kacang tanah 1/4 kg Rp 7.000 50 Agar-agar swallow 3 bungkus Rp 10.500 51 Tepung kanji 1/4 kg Rp 2.000 52 Gelas Plastik 1 bungkus Rp 8.000 53 Cabai Rp 5.000 54 Bawang merah + putih Rp 5.000 55 Royco Rp 3.000 56 Sawi putih Rp 18.000 57 Tempe Rp 18.000 58 Kecap Rp 8.000 59 Telur Rp 11.000 60 Es batu 5 buah Rp 5.000 61 Galon 4 buah Rp 16.000 TOTAL Rp 1,352.500