Controlling Wheelchair Using Electroencephalogram
Controlling Wheelchair Using Electroencephalogram
Controlling Wheelchair Using Electroencephalogram
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Abstract— This paper present the development of a power This paper introduces the working prototype of a Brain
wheelchair controller based on Electroencephalogram (EEG).To Controlled Wheelchair (BCW) that can navigate inside a
achieve this goal wavelet packet transform (WPT) was used for typical office and hospital environment with minimum
feature extraction of the relevant frequency bands from structural modification. It is safe and relatively low cost and
electroencephalogram (EEG) signals. Radial Basis Function provides optimal interaction between the user and wheelchair
network was used to classify the pre defined movements such as within the constraints of brain computer interface.
rest, forward, backward, left and right of the wheelchair.
In this study, Wavelet Packet Transform (WPT) method
Classification and evaluation results showed the feasibility of
EEG as an input interface to control a mechanical device like
was used for feature extraction of mental tasks from eight
powered wheelchair. channel EEG signals. WPT coefficients give the best
discrimination between the directions of wheelchair in the
Keywords— Electroencephalogram (EEG), Wavelet Packet relevant frequency band. The WPT coefficients were used as
Transform (WPT), Radial Basis Function neural network (RBFNN), the best fitting input vector for classifier. Radial Basis
Brain computer interface (BCI), Rehabilitation, Wheelchair Function network was used to classify the signals.
There are numerous interfaces and communication A. Subjects
methods between human and machines. A typical human Nine right-handed healthy male subjects of age
interface utilizes input devices such as keyboard, mouse, (mean: 23yr) having no sign of any motor- neuron diseases
joystick, chin control, ultrasonic non contact head controller were selected for the study. A pro-forma was filled in with
and voice controller. Such interfaces were developed to detail of their age & education level as shown in Table I. The
improve manipulability, safety and comfortness. Literature participants were student volunteers for their availability and
survey shows existing systems such as Chin controller is interest in the study. EEG data was collected after taking
inconvenient to use, ultrasonic non-contact head controller has written consent for participation. Full explanation of the
relatively low accuracy and voice controller gives delayed experiment was provided to each of the participants.
response to voice command hence not useful in noisy
environment[1-2]. Recently, a number of biological signals
such as electromyogram (EMG), Electroencephalogram (EEG)
and Electrocculogram (E.O.G) have been employed as hands- TABLE I. CLINICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF SUBJECTS
free interface to machines [3-7]. Brain Computer Interface
(BCI) system has been shown to have the potential to offer S.No. Subject Age Educational
humans a new nonmuscular communication channel, which
enables the user to communicate with their external 1 Subject 1 22 BE
surroundings using the brain’s electrical activity measured as
electroencephalogram (EEG) [8-12]. 2 Subject 2 21 BE
ISSN 1947-5500
(IJCSIS) International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security,
Vol. 8, No.2, 2010
3 Subject 3 23 BE minute (as shown in Fig 2). The whole experiment lasted for
about one hour including electrode placement.
4 Subject 4 27 M.TECH
5 Subject 5 23 BE
6 Subject 6 22 BE
8 Subject 8 22 BE
0 10 20
9 Subject 9 22 BE Relax Task
ISSN 1947-5500
(IJCSIS) International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security,
Vol. 8, No.2, 2010
hemisphere in the parietal area for the alpha frequency range mapped into 3 bit as shown in table3 to provide parallel port
(8-13Hz). input bit, which was used to drive the motor
F. Hardware implementation
C3-C4 F3-F4 C3-C4
Amplitute (db)
Movement Trivial Rotation Nontrivial Relax
Mental Tasks
Figure 4: Conceptual block diagram of the wheelchair controlled by EEG
signals (courtesy http//www.
E. Classifier
For classification, Radial Basis Function Neural
Network (RBFNN) classifier was employed. A two layer
network was implemented with 21 input vectors, a hidden layer
with Gaussian activation function consisting as many as hidden
neurons as input vectors and five neuron in the output layer
[21-23]. RBFNN produces a network with zero error on
training vectors. Using RBFNN the five mental tasks were
classified, as shown in Tables II
ISSN 1947-5500
(IJCSIS) International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security,
Vol. 8, No.2, 2010
• For nontrivial multiplication task, the amplitude of
the power spectrum increases in the left parietal
region for alpha frequency range (8-13Hz).
This observation could be used successfully for controlling
power wheelchair. It can be noted that comparing Table
IV&V, there is perfect match with earlier studies and changes
are prominent and unique.
• For trivial multiplication task, the amplitude of the Figure9: Geometrical figure rotation classification
power spectrum increases in the left frontal region for
alpha frequency range (8-13Hz).
ISSN 1947-5500
(IJCSIS) International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security,
Vol. 8, No.2, 2010
Imagination C3 C4 C3(33.75) C4(43.02)
Multiplication F3 F4 F3(43.34) F4(39.69)
Geometrical figure
rotational O1 O2 O1(42.35) O2(52.43)
Arithmetic Frontal, Ipsilateral Increased Path b TM/ MI/ MI/ MI/ R/ Stop
Simple Forward Right Right Right
Geometrical Occipital Ipsilateral Increased Path c TM/ GFR/ GFR/Left GFR/ R/ Stop
figure rotational Forward Left
Arithmetic parietal Ipsilateral Increased
complex Path d TM/ MI/ GFR/Left GFR/ R/ Stop
Forward Right Left
Base line Occipital, Contralateral Coincide
ISSN 1947-5500
(IJCSIS) International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security,
Vol. 8, No.2, 2010
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ISSN 1947-5500
(IJCSIS) International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security,
Vol. 8, No.2, 2010
AUTHORS PROFILE Prof. Sneh Anand is a professor and head, Center
for Biomedical Engineering, Indian Institute of
Vijay Khare is currently pursuing his PhD in Bio Technology, Delhi. She did B.Tech in Electrical Engg,
Signal Processing at the Indian Institute of Technology, from Punjab University, Patiala, and M.Tech in
Delhi. He did his M.Tech in Instrumentation & Control, Instrumentation & Control from IIT Delhi and Ph.D. in
from NSIT Delhi. He is currently, with the Dept. Biomedical Engg. from IIT Delhi. Her research interests
Electronics and Communications Engineering at the include biomedical instrumentation, rehabilitation
Jaypee Institute of Information Technology. His engineering, biomedical transducers and Sensors.
research interests are Neural Networks, Brain Computer
Interfacing, and Control Systems.
ISSN 1947-5500
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