A Parameter Based ANFIS Model For Crop Yield Prediction: Aditya Shastry, Sanjay H A and Madhura Hegde
A Parameter Based ANFIS Model For Crop Yield Prediction: Aditya Shastry, Sanjay H A and Madhura Hegde
A Parameter Based ANFIS Model For Crop Yield Prediction: Aditya Shastry, Sanjay H A and Madhura Hegde
Abstract — Crop yield prediction is important as it can input parameters which are biomass, esw, radiation and
support decision makers in agriculture sector. It also assists in amount of rainfall during sowing are considered for wheat
identifying the relevance of attributes which significantly affect yield prediction. The data set consists of 50 records from
the crop yield. Wheat is one of the widely grown crops around 1960 to 2009 [1]. Based on the experiments we found that
the world. Its accurate prediction can solve various problems the ANFIS model performs better than FL and MLR models
related to wheat farming. This work analyses how yield of a
with a lower RMSE value.
particular crop is determined by few attributes. In this paper,
the models of Fuzzy logic (FL), Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy The rest of this paper is organized as follows: Section II
Inference System (ANFIS) and Multiple Linear Regression discusses some related work. Section III gives the details of
(MLR) are used for predicting the yield of wheat by the data source along with the description of the parameters
considering biomass, extractable soil water (esw), Radiation used for wheat yield prediction. Sections IV, V and VI
and rain as input parameters. The outcome of the prediction discuss the applications of FL, MLR and ANFIS models for
models will assist agriculture agencies in providing farmers wheat yield prediction. Section VII gives the details about
with valuable information as to which factors contribute to the experiments conducted and results obtained along with
high wheat yield. We compare all these models based on the comparison of results followed by the conclusion and
RMSE values. Results show that the ANFIS model performs
future work.
better than MLR and FL models with a lower RMSE value.
Keywords- Fuzzy Logic; Multiple Linear Regression; Adaptive
Neuro Fuzzy Inference System; yield; parameters The previous works for predicting the yields of various
crops like rice, wheat using different prediction models are
I. INTRODUCTION surveyed in this section.
Prediction of any natural event requires information V.R Thakare et.al [2] proposed a fuzzy system that
regarding its time of occurrence and nature, based on logical predict maximum yield from crops. This system is able to
analysis. Manual analysis generates inconsistencies due to predict the crop name which can provide maximum yield. It
some factors like fatigue, contradiction of personal is also able to find the particular soil type and climatic
perceptions, etc. Soft Computing like fuzzy logic, neural condition which is more suitable to the crop. 15 Soil
computing, etc. can be applied to a wide variety of real parameters and 22 crops are considered here.
world applications as they can handle uncertainties better Rajeshwari G Joshi et.al [3] proposed a Decision Support
than traditional methods. It resembles how human reasons System (DSS) for predicting crop suitability. They have
which are quite different from how regular methods based summarized fuzzy related aspects which can be incorporated
on sentential logic, predicate logic operate. in an online farmer assisting system. Various factors for
Predictive models take historic information and are able crop selection have been considered by the authors while
to predict the future values with less expense and more proposing the DSS. They observe that such a DSS would
quickly. They can provide support for human decisions, minimize losses due to fewer yields.
making them more efficient or in some cases; they can be O.K. Chaudhari et.al [4] proposed ANFIS Based Model
used to automate entire decision-making processes. for maximizing the profit of rice using Multi Objective
The motivation behind the proposed work is to build and Linear Programming Problem by optimization method.
customize such a predictive model which can be used for Labour wages, Machinery Cost, Fertilizer_manure_Cost and
predicting the crop yields by providing different attributes Seed_Cost were considered as input variables and the profit
on which crop yield is dependent. through produced yield is the output for maximizing the
In this paper, we have applied FL, MLR and ANFIS profit.
models for predicting the yield of wheat crop obtained from V Mohan Vizhakar et.al [5] proposed a Expert Fuzzy
Agriculture Production Simulator (APSim) version 7.5 [1]. Model which could predict Avalanche. The authors have
The data set comprises of various weather, crop, soil and made an attempt to develop a simpler and better technique
historic yield information. This dataset is preprocessed by for Avalanche prediction using algorithm based on Fuzzy
removing outliers, redundant, inconsistent and missing Logic.
values. We have conducted experiments on the wheat data
set using FL, MLR and ANFIS models. In our work four
978-1-4799-8047-5/15/$31.00 2015
c IEEE 253
S.P.Srinivasan et.al [6] proposed a new ANFIS approach Table I depicts a sample of wheat data set used for our
which is able to efficiently predict yield of Crop in the experiments. The following input parameters were
supply chain of Jatropa. considered in our work for predicting the yield of wheat:
Agus Buono et.al [7] implemented a Fuzzy Inference • Biomass: is the accumulated energy in plants
System which was able to increase the resilience of Rice measured in kg/ha
Yield. The authors have considered two data sets: SOI data
• esw (mm): is the extractable soil water measured in
set from 1877 to 2011 and rainy season dataset from
Indramaya District. They have observed a correlation value mm
of 0.68 between rainy onset and its predicted value. • Rain(mm): Amount of rainfall since sowing
Jesus Soto et.al [8] proposed how Type 2 and 1 Fuzzy measured in mm
Integrators can be optimized using Genetic Algorithms. • Radiation (MJ/m2): Amount of solar radiation
Their goal was to develop an ensemble approach for ANFIS measured in MJ/m2
models which could make the prediction error as minimal as
The wheat yield is the output that will be predicted by the
MLR, FL and ANFIS prediction models. It is measured in
Kefaya Qaddom et.al [9] proposed Adaptive Neuro-
kg/ha. Historic wheat yield information was considered
Fuzzy Modeling for Crop Yield Prediction. The authors
from 1960 to 2009.
have predicted tomato yield using neural networks by
considering various environmental variables. The TABLE I. Sample Wheat Data Set [1]
forecasting accuracy is calculated by averaging it over all Biomass esw Radiation Rain Wheat Yield
the years for which prediction is considered. 5253.3 105.3 28.3 33 2006.1
Maria Rossana et.al [10] proposed a Prediction Model 6905.3 113.5 25.5 106 2908.5
Framework for Crop Yield Prediction. This study 5911.9 94.2 23.8 39 2135.4
investigates the development of a crop prediction model 5163.9 113.2 30.9 34 1819.2
framework that can pre-process and fuse input raw data 5739.7 98.5 25.8 8 2087.2
5822.7 93.5 24.1 35 2572.1
from multiple sources, provide an accurate prediction of
5163.3 98.4 27.3 32 1952.5
crop yield, identify significant variables that affect crop
yield, and identify useful prediction policies using four IV. FUZZY LOGIC FOR YIELD PREDICTION
climate-related variables, 13 agronomic variables, and
For fuzzy logic implementation in predicting wheat yield
variables on weather disturbance. Comparison experiments
the Fuzzy Inference System editor in Matlab was used.
are performed to determine which data mining technique is
The particular Fuzzy Component is developed in
used for each framework component.
MATLAB. The wheat data set is collected as described in
Most of the related works have not considered critical
Section III. In order to predict the wheat yield we
parameters like crop biomass, rainfall, extractable soil water
considered input parameters like esw, biomass, rain and
esw and solar radiation for wheat yield prediction. In this
radiation [1]. The membership function is designed
work, we have considered these critical parameters and
carefully so that accurate output is obtained. Finally thirteen
found that crop yield of wheat can be predicted more
rules are generated for the fuzzy inference system. Figure 1
accurately by considering them. Further, we have combined
shows the methodology used for predicting the wheat yield
the aspects of fuzzy logic and artificial neural networks
using Fuzzy system.
using ANFIS and shown that it can be successfully applied
to predict the yield of wheat.
Crop Data Collection
This section describes the source of data from which Selection of Input parameters
wheat data set was obtained to perform our experiments. It
also describes the input parameters considered for wheat
yield prediction. Membership function design
The wheat data set of 50 records collected from a period
of 16-03-1960 to 17-03-2009 was obtained from
Agricultural Production System Simulator (APSim) version List of Rules in Rule Base
7.5. APSim collected the data as part of ACIAR (Australian
Centre for International Agricultural Research) project
“Expanding Rabi Season Cropping in Southern Bangladesh” Implementation and testing of Fuzzy System
in 2012 from North Joynags, Bhola region, Southern
Fig.1. Methodology for Fuzzy system
Bangladesh with AP Soil number: 673. The Soil Texture
was Silt with Latitude and Longitude of 22.585 and 90.666
respectively [1].
Input: Experimental data set of weather data, crop data and soil data
Output: Predicted wheat yield for the experimental dataset.
Method: output
Step1: Wheat crop data set of 50 records with esw, biomass, rain and
radiation as attributes is collected.
Step2: The data set is split into training, validation and test sets with . .
input-output pairs. Here the input is the dataset with
parameters esw, biomass, rain and radiation while output is rain
. . (wheat
the predicted wheat yield. . .
Step3: The initial first order TSK fuzzy inference system consisting
of first order polynomial as the output of rule is generated.
This is done using Subtractive Clustering which is useful
when the numbers of clusters are not known. Here, the first radiation
cluster centre is selected from the data set where more data
points are closer. Again calculation is done until clusters
Fig.4. ANFIS structure for wheat yield prediction
become stable.
Step3-1: The number of clusters and data points in each
cluster is estimated
Step3-2: The Initial parameters of the rules and the rules from VII. EXPERIMENTAL SETUP AND RESULTS
the rule base are mined
Step4: In this step the configuration parameters of the ANFIS model
This section explains the experiments carried out on
are adjusted continuously until the error goes below a certain wheat data set using FL, MLR and ANFIS models. It also
threshold value or the numbers of epochs reach their compares the results obtained from them.
maximum limit. The MLR, FL and ANFIS models were implemented
Step5: The performance measure of the ANFIS model which in this
case is the RMSE value is computed.
using Matlab R2013a on windows 7 operating system ,Intel
Step6: The cluster size is set again along with the step size and the ® Pentium ® CPU P6200 @2.13 GHz processor with 4GB
ANFIS model is executed again. RAM and 500 GB Hard Disk.
Step7: The ANFIS model having the lowest RMSE value for the test
set is considered as the best model for predicting the yield of
wheat. A. Prediction Results Using Fuzzy Logic on Wheat Crop:
We conducted experiments using FL editor of Matlab.
Instead of choosing the membership function
Thirteen rules were generated for the given dataset. An
parameters in ANFIS model randomly, they are chosen so
RMSE value of 6.4251 was found when fuzzy logic model
that they match the input/output data. This facilitates the
was applied on the wheat data set.
model to take into account the variations present in the data
values. The hybrid combination of fuzzy logic and neural B. Prediction Results Using MLR on Wheat Crop:
networks allows the fuzzy modeling procedure to determine We conducted the experiment using regress function in
the membership function parameters which can be better Matlab. The RMSE VALUE was found to be 9.252 when
suited for the input/output data. The FIS is constructed by applied on the wheat data set taking crop biomass, esw,
the ANFIS based on the input/output data set of wheat. The Radiation and Rain as input parameters. The output
function parameters of FIS are adjusted using a hybrid parameter was the predicted wheat yield.
combination of Back Propagation (BP) and Least Squares When the MLR was applied on the wheat data set the
methods or only BP so that the resulting ANFIS model is coefficients (ß0 = -3.0493, ß1 = 0.0006, ß2 = 0.0021, ß3 =
able to model the dataset properly. 0.0137, ß4 = -0.0003) and error variance (Ķ = 2.6899e+004)
Implementation is done using M file editor in were derived.
matlab for ANFIS modeling. When the Matlab Script file is
run an RMSE value equal to 3.3282 is obtained. Figure 4 C. Prediction Results using ANFIS on Wheat Crop
depicts the ANFIS structure for this modeling where We conducted experiments using ANFIS editor of
inputmf is the input membership function and outputmf is Matlab. 81 fuzzy rules were generated by the ANFIS model
the output membership function. The inputmf maps the using the input parameters esw, biomass, rainfall and
inputs esw, biomass, rain and radiation to the rules. The radiation. The output parameter was the predicted wheat
outputmf maps the rules to the output which is the wheat yield. The RMSE value for the ANFIS model was found to
yield in our case. be 3.3282.