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Chapter 1


The twenty-first century processes of globalization result in a significant change

in all business environments. Companies have to change their usual practices.

Nowadays, trading companies that seek to meet the needs of customers cannot rely on

any previous job application techniques. Customers are becoming choosier; they are not

sufficient for traditional marketing solutions. Users are encouraged to exchange a trading

sector company, whereas its management has to adapt and to provide an updated

marketing mix. Companies are facing high competition, so that to run a successful

business activity in the trade sector, need to do the following: to expand the range of

services, sell quality goods, to pay in order to satisfy the desires of buyers, and to reduce

costs. It is also important to align and effectively use marketing mix elements and their

actions in order to achieve effectiveness. Effective marketing mix management enables

marketers to create a combination of elements that will enable wisely manage the

company's budget in order to achieve the desired objectives. Companies that strive to

operate effectively and achieve their goals have to pay well to control all elements of the

marketing mix. In order to achieve the best result, it is not enough to use only one or a

few elements. The formation of the marketing mix elements requires taking into account

the characteristics of each element so that they could be aligned. The non-alignment of

the above-mentioned elements of interaction might be the company's shortcomings.


The BichoNoy Company is a start-up mini company by the grade 12

Accountancy, Business and Management students of De La Salle Lipa, it is a mini

company established to enhance the skills and abilities of students in managing a real

enterprise. The company offers a spin-off version of the traditional Filipino doughnut

called “Hecho-Bicho”. The company shares a competitive advantage by infusing

malunggay to the dough of the product and placing varieties such as cream cheese and


The purpose of this research paper is to know the residents’ perception on

BichoNoy Company’s marketing mix in Barangay Lumbang, Lipa City, Batangas. This

paper will help the researchers to further understand about the community’s awareness

on the company’s product. In line with this, the study aims to identify the resident’s

response in a new business entering their community and to identify if they will patronize

the company’s product. Moreover, the purpose of this study is to have certain knowledge

on how the product will position in the chosen community and to be able to know the

product’s marketability. In this way, the company can adjust its marketing mix to adapt its

suitability in Barangay Lumbang, Lipa City, Batangas. With the research conducted, the

researchers shall be able to identify the company’s mishaps and provide new tactics in

order to improve our marketing strategies. Furthermore, this study will surely be of

benefit both to the company and the community.

In establishing a business, one of the many problems that a company may

encounter is how well they will introduce the product to their customers. This kind of

problem is very relevant in all business especially for those who are starting, because no

customer is familiar with what a start-up business offers. They are not yet inclined with

the benefits of the product, thus the company must use ways or alternatives to place

their name on the chosen market well and fast.This research will also highlight the

company’s shortcomings in their marketing mix, that could be addressed to present

possible solutions. However, these failures may serve as an opportunity for them to

change their ways into a more effective one. Knowing the people and customer’s

perspective will be a ground for a business to develop.

Statement of the Problem

This research study entitled "The Perception of the Residents in Barangay

Lumbang, Lipa City to BichoNoy Company's marketing mix" seeks to answer the

following questions:

1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of:

1.1 Gender

1.2 Age

2. What are the perception of Barangay Lumbang to the following components of

marketing mix in terms of:

2.1 Price

2.2 Place

2.3 Product

2.4 Promotion

3. What is the impact of the community's perception of BichoNoy Company's marketing

mix to the company & the company's product?


4. Does the existing marketing mix (4P's) provide possible retention of interest in

Barangay Lumbang?

Significance of the Study

This research proposal, which focuses on The Perception of the residents of

Barangay Lumbang, Lipa City to BichoNoy company’s Marketing Mix (4Ps).This study

will sustain significant understanding about the mentioned focus of the research paper.

Moreover, the study will be beneficial for the respondents, the community, and the


To the respondents

To have a background about strategic marketing of the product. The respondents

will be able to acquire new skills and knowledge on how to market a certain product that

will help them to make their future businesses profitable and sustainable.

To the community.

This will provide the community big job opportunities. The residents of the

community can also have entrepreneurial knowledge and perspective in marketing a

product. Moreover, they can acquire proper strategies in marketing the product.

To the future researchers.

This study will beneficial to them, because they will be able to know the social

impact that a company’s marketing mix could do, and how could they evaluate an

existing marketing mix in order to make it more efficient. Moreover, a preserved


knowledge gained from this study can help them in answering future problems that they

want to seek an answer.

Scope and Limitations

The main subjects concerned by the study are the perceptions of the residents of

Barangay Lumbang, Lipa City, Batangas to the BichoNoy Company's Marketing Mix

(Product, Price, Place and Promotion). The researchers for this study will be using a

descriptive qualitative research design, particularly case study, as it imposes to be the

most appropriate design based on the nature of this research. Furthermore, the data

needed for this study will be gathered through conducting one-on-one interviews with a

limited number of respondents that is believed to yield the most fitting and functional

information for this study. The data that will be drawn from the respondents shall be

analyzed in order to establish their general view of the said marketing mix.The data that

shall be used by the researchers shall only be drawn within the encapsulated area of

research in order to arrive with reliable result and output.

Moreover, the research team delimits the conduction of the study to a certain

number of residents in Barangay Lumbang, Lipa City, Batangas whom will serve as the

respondents for this study, Consequently, the time allotted for the accumulation of

information is also limited, thus time allotment for the duration of the study may give

exact and relevant results only to the given time frame. Nevertheless, the research can

still be used as a foundation and basis of different researchers associated to the given

subject. Furthermore, the locale, Brgy. Lumbang, Lipa City, Batangas, from which the

study will be conducted will be also a delimitation for the researchers since the

accumulation of the needed information is only limited to a certain locality as it would

contribute to the accuracy of the study.

This study shall only focus on the perceptions of the residents of the chosen

locale regarding to the marketing mix that is currently utilized by the BichoNoy company.

This shall be made to deepen the understanding and critical thinking skills of the

researchers needed for the depth of this study. Other problems that are not related to

the perception of the community to the company’s marketing mix will serve as a

boundary for this study.

Review of Related Literature

This part of the research shall present the literature reviews related to the

perception of the community to marketing mix utilized by a company and the essentiality

of excelling in each area of the marketing mix, particularly Product, Price, Place and

Promotion. Literature and studies presented in this part of research are contributory and

fitting for the depth of this study and development of the operational framework of the


1. Importance of Community’s Perception to Company’s Marketing Mix

It is widely known that the marketing mix being utilized by a company greatly

contributes to the satisfaction of the company’s customers. In accordance to a study

made by AmyPoh, et., al. (2012), the product, price, place from which the product is

decided to be distributed and the promotion in order to increase the market share of the

company’s product are all essential for a company to be able to garner excellent and

inspiring feedbacks and satisfied customers. Furthermore, an effective and efficient

marketing mix entices the consumers to further engage themselves in the company by

establishing loyalty to the company’s brand name. In addition, Chumaidiyah (2014) wrote

in one of her studies related to marketing that a well devised marketing mix could be

another competitive advantage of a company which likely puts the company apart and

advance among its competitors. Moreover, Chumaidiyah (2014) also stated that each

element of the marketing mix has varying causes as it can be highly influenced by

external factors such as the government, culture, economy, people and etc. Thus, it

explicitly explains the idea of how marketing mix of a company highly differs from

another company.

Consequently, Dudovskiy (2012) supports the claim of Chumaidiyah (2014) with

his study that inferences that the marketing mix being used by a certain company may

hugely vary to another company of the same nature as it was a result of a different

research. It was reiterated in the study that a marketing mix is a product of an in-depth

and keen research of a company from all possible factors that may hugely affect the

company’s operating results. In addition, it was further explained by Goi (2009) by

stating that “Marketing mix is not a scientific theory, but merely a conceptual framework

that identifies the principal decision making managers make in configuring their offerings

to suit consumers’ needs”.

With the presentation of the earlier studies it is more likely to say that the

participation of the community or the customers to devise a very conclusive marketing

mix is essential. Additionally, Andrew (2017) indicated in one of his articles that the

manner from which the customers or the community itself is involved in the formulation

of the strategies used by the company could be called a crowdsourcing. Gansiniec

(2016) states that crowdsourcing is necessary to any organizations in order to come up

with very strategic plans and produce innovative ideas that will put the company to a

more favorable position than its competitors. In addition, it was also stated that

crowdsourcing could serve as a marketing tool that could improve the public image of

the company as it creates an idea that suggests that any individual could be involved in

the success of a certain company. In conclusion, getting the perceptions of the

community does not only help the company to improve their current marketing mix, but

also help in enhancing the image of the company to the public’s eye.

2. Marketing Mix


Product, based on Bhasin (2017), is any goods, service, or idea that can be

offered to a customer to provide satisfaction in exchange of something in return such as

money or goods. In addition, product is one of the components of the marketing mix from

which places the company into a more favorable position if wisely devised and

implemented in company’s operations. According to the study of Ganna (2013), product

is likely to be considered as the life of the organization. A good product that is fully

accepted and appreciated by the market will position the company more advantageous

than other companies. Furthermore, the product determines the fate of the business,

whether the business will succeed or fail in the end. However, in order to for any

organization to come up with a strategic and applicable product that will answer to a

need or want of the market, an in-depth and complex research must be done. In support

to this statement, Mosiichuk (2018) emphasized the importance of conducting a keen

market research for product development as it will help the business in offering the

market the product that it needs and not a product that the market would ignore.

Furthermore, it was further explained in the article that market research minimizes the

risk of companies for failing to launch a product that will ensure magnanimous return.

Moreover, getting the perceptions, comments, and suggestions of the community

and analyzing and applying it for the betterment of the company’s product is an essential

move for the competitiveness of the company with its competitors. According Cupman

(2018), market research provides companies with new concepts for a product which can

either be a modification or additional for the product being offered. In line with this,

Ganna (2013) highlighted in her research the essentiality of launching a new, modified,

or innovated product to the market since it does not only alleviate the competitiveness of

the company, but also secures growth and development leading to an increase in the

company’s profitability and market share.

In relation to this study, the product of the BichoNoy Company must be well

assessed by the community whom shall inherit the idea. The assessment of the

community members on the product shall be collected by an interview whose main

purpose is to gather the perceptions of the respondents on the company’s product. With

an in-depth understanding and analyzation, it could lead to the improvement of the

company’s product which alleviates its promising profitability in a larger scale.



Price, being another component of the marketing, must be strategically decided

as it is one of the determinants of the company’s position in the market.Pricing include

not only the price list but also, discount, financing, and other options such as leasing.

Top management and marketing managers are responsible for pricing decisions. As

claimed by Isoraite (2016), the price and the pricing strategy that the company utilizes

does not only focuses for the profit maximization as it is also concerned for the

enlargement of the company’s market share by concerning on how the customers would

react on the price of the product or service that the firm offers. With this being said,

Isoraite concludes that price is another key and essential element of the marketing mix.

It is also the most flexible marketing mix element because it can quickly adapt to

environmental changes, it can change or be changed rapidly in short period of time more

than other P’s. Consequently, Edwin, (2014) stated in their study that most

companies uses price as a marketing tool which helps in communicating the product or

service offered to its respected customers. With this being said, firms or companies must

come up with a very conclusive pricing strategy from which could persuade the

consumers to buy what the company offers. In support with this, Singh (2012) a correct

choice and application of a pricing strategy deeply affects the consumers decision

makings, especially in the purchasing process. Furthermore, an effective pricing strategy

can surely affect the products competitiveness.

In connection to the study, the price of the product being offered by the company

must be altered based not only on the current economic situations or issues, but also

based on the perceptions and suggestions of the community since the price of any

product must be agreed by both parties; the producer and the consumer. In conclusion,

the involvement of the community for pricing is significant in determining the most

applicable pricing strategy to be used which could promise the company and consumers

pleasant return.


As what stated on the research entitled “The Effect of Business Location to the

Business' Success” by Dana Griffin (2018) , they identified several factors that may

affect the success of a business. These are the factors: push and pull factor, customer

and community, competition, area and success, and choosing space. Push factors are

the cost, competition, demand and poor communication and transportation. This factor

drives the businesses away, while on the other hand, pull factors include the lower labor

cost, higher demand government incentives and good transportation or communication.

Customers and community suggests that entrepreneurs should consider the

demographic location. A business would be more appealing if it is near the transporting

area or near the location where families live. In competition, there is an advantage if the

business would be located near the similar shops because it would attract a group of

consumers. Area and success is about considering the traffic situations and accessibility

of the customers and employees. Choosing spaces encourages the entrepreneurs to

identify the space you will need to start the business.

Based on the article written by Dr. Abhay Kumar Tiwari and Sunny Bose (2013),

place branding is an area of marketing in a business that uses traditional marketing and

branding approaches to create place image. However, it is distinct from the traditional

domain of branding as the creation of place image goes beyond traditional marketing

concepts and has significant impact from other social sciences. Place marking tries to

fuse both conventional and non customary methodologies of the advertising discipline

with center around marking procedures for advancement, improvement and upgrade of a

specific business towards its forthcoming clients.

The "place" constituent of the promoting blend 4P's indicates to the

dissemination channel through which items are showcased and sold. As per Lamb

(2009), state promoting channels encourage the physical development of products all

through the inventory network. Indicating "put" in the showcasing blend and envelops the

procedures engaged with achieving the correct item to the ideal place at the perfect time.

Likewise, Hakansson et al. (2004) quote the wording of Kotler (1990) which depicts "put"

as different exercises that the organization attempts to make the item effortlessly open

and accessible to target clients. The decision of circulation channel and middle people

are included between the merchant and last client, through which the exchange happens

and how these are overseen hugely affects the item being offer.

According to the article as eloquently stated by Išoraitė (2016), the significance

of every component of marketing mix depends not just on the company and its activities,

but also on the competition and time. All components of marketing mix are interrelated

and ought to be found in the whole of their activities. Some components may have

greater importance than others but it depends basically on the company’s strategy and

activities. Marketing mix measures are the actions and measures necessary to achieve

marketing goals. Marketing components: product, price, place and promotion are used

for marketing objectives. These instruments operate most efficiently when all the

components are combined and working together. In this article Martin (2014) also stated

that “Another very important element of marketing is a place that is also called the

distribution, which is defined as the process and methods by which products or services

reach customers.”Furthermore, Uzniene (2011) contends that advertising conveyance

work is twofold: Distribution saw as a promoting channel, whose reason - to influence the

administration to end up more open as well as less demanding available to a neighborly

client and Physical circulation, which is ascribed to nearby conditions, specialized

practicality, transportation and different conditions, contingent upon the idea of the

administration. In synopsis, the appropriation – it is showcasing blend components,

which incorporate choices and activities identified with the development of products from

maker to shopper. The conveyance channel is characterized as a vital piece of the

administration, which includes the specialist organization, mediators (operators) and a

similar administration client (much of the time)

Uznienė (2011) states that "distribution - companies' products in the

dissemination of measures to ensure the identification and implementation. Distribution -

that helps customers and users to find and keep purchase those products from those

manufacturers / providers with them at the time of need. " "Distribution - this element of

the marketing mix, which include decisions and actions related to the movement of

goods from the producer to the consumer" (Matola,2009). Consequently, the

conveyance may turn into a working complex framework where makers, representatives

and free exchange and the interests of customers entirely perfect with each other in a

specific situation and a specific time.


According to a study conducted by Isoraite(2016), promotion is defined to as a

marketing mix element which focuses on positioning a certain product by means of

different marketing strategies. Promotion plays big a role in increasing consumer

awareness in terms of their product. In addition, promotion serves as a marketing mix

tool in building brand loyalty which helps in boosts one’s sales. Moreover, it helps in

dispersing information which plays a major part in the consumers purchase decision

process. Furthermore, promotion is a key factor in building a relationship between the

consumer and the entity itself.

According to Rosenbaum (1984), Baker, et. al, (1994), and Podolny et. al,

(1997), “That workers who receive wage increases earlier at one level of the job ladder

are promoted faster to the next”. It means that workers will be more encouraged to work

hard because of the increase of salary. Also, it means that the workers will be more

encouraged to work because they will likely be promoted faster.It also means that

promotion and salary can affect a person’s ability to decide whether to work or not

work.Furthermore, it will help us further understand how promotion can affect a person’s

point of view.

According to Vroom et. al (1992), “Managers have to create an atmosphere

where individuals work willingly to contribute to the achievement of the goals of the

organization.” It is important that managers look at the employees as an important key to

the success of their organizations and gives them what motivates them to maximize their


According to Stoner, et. al (1989), “Effective motivation therefore, is the

willingness and ability to achieve the goal.” Thus, motivation increases performance

level, gives better image to customers, sustains high morale of employees, encourages

employees’ innovation and creativity, reduces labour turnover and absenteeism,

enhances goal attainment and hence better productivity. Motivation therefore, has an

impact on performance.

Sponsorship is the most important consumer sales promotion tool that includes

discounts and promotions, as well as coupons, samples, refunds, bonuses, awards,

contests and product demonstrations, and to say what motivates consumers to buy.

"Sponsorship - is an activity that makes the target customers aware of a product or

service and their advantages and is convincing to buy the product (Kotler, 2010).

Sponsorship - this element of the marketing mix, covering decisions and actions

provided for groups of people that are informed and encouraged to buy (Pranulis, 2012).

However, in order to understand what is the promotion is, it is necessary to consider the

complex elements provided in the scientific literature, such as advertising, sales

promotion, personal selling, public relations and direct marketing.



This study is focusing on studying the perceptions of the community regarding

the marketing mix that is currently being utilized by the company. In line with this, the

accumulation and analyzation of the perceptions gathered is most likely the agenda for

this research which leads to the improvement of the company’s marketing mix. With this

being said, perception plays a vital role for this study. In connection with this, the study of

Dudovskiy (2012) suggests that a well devised marketing mix is a result of a keen and

in-depth research on the company’s target market. As support to the study of Dudovskiy,

Chumaidiyah (2014) explicitly indicated the significant influence of external factors in the

formulation of a updated and comprehensive marketing mix and strategies.

Consequently, gathering the perceptions, opinions, and suggestions of the customers or

the community for research or development of marketing mix could be called as

crowdsourcing based on the articles of Andrews (2017) and Gansiniec (2016).

Furthermore, the article of Gansiniec (2016), further explained crowdsourcing not only as

a tool for collecting people’s perceptions, comments, and suggestions , but also as a

marketing tool that helps in creating a better company image in the public’s eye.

On the other hand, the studies of Faith (2014) and Signh (2012) about price,

Akron for place (2017), Ganna (2013) for product, and Isoraite (2016) for promotion

generally focuses on explaining the four (4) components of the marketing mix being

tackled for this study, particularly product, price, place and promotion. Each study

discussed the importance of each components in positioning the company in a more

favorable position than its competitors.


​Chapter 2


​Theoretical Framework

Figure 1. ​Marketing Mix Matrix (Border, 1964)

The framework above illustrates the “Marketing Mix” which should be a basic

knowledge of every marketer, as it is the basis of every marketing theory. According to

Philip Kotler “Marketing Mix is the set of controllable variables that the firm can use to

influence the buyer’s response”. In the context of this research it refers to the 4Ps.

Product refers to the goods and services that a company offers. Product is defined as a

physical product or service to the consumer for which he is willing to pay. It includes half

of the material goods, such as furniture, clothing and grocery items and intangible

products, such as services, which users buy (Singh (2016)). Khoa (2015) emphasizes

that the product is the first and one of the key marketing elements. Author cit. Kotler and

Armstrong emphasizes that the product: "is what can be offered to the market, to get

attention, to be the acquisition of used or used, and can satisfy the wants or needs." In

fact, it was observed that in most cases the literature is dominated by a narrow "product"

concept of perception, so in order to better understand the nature of the product see

Figure 2, which shows a wider perception.

Figure 2​: Product wider perception (Strazdas,2011)

Thus, the product concept is very broad and includes not only natural products

and services, but also the experience, people, places, property rights, businesses or

organizations, information and ideas.

Price is one of the most important marketing mix items and many scientists

consider the price as one of the most important elements of the market, which increases

not only profits, but also market share. However, the price is not only one of the key

factors in a competitive situation, which directly affects the company's sales and

profitability indicators, but also one of the most flexible marketing mix elements, which

can quickly adapt to environmental changes. Therefore, it is the price is perceived as the

only element of the marketing mix, generating revenue and the most important customer

satisfaction and loyalty factor.


With respect to prices, as one of the marketing mix elements observed in the

scientific literature, there are different rates of conceptions and interpretations of the

definition, for example: The price includes a fair assessment of the product, e.g., a good

price for a good product (Ehmke, 2016). Kotler and Armstrong, the price is defined as

the amount of money to pay for a product or service, or the value of the exchange help

customers receive a product or service for a certain amount. "Thus, the direct cost of the

period is the amount of money the buyer has to pay for the product or service that is

likely to buy it. "The price may also be defined as a monetary expression of value for the

consumer agrees to pay" (Entrepreneurship Academy (2012).

The price is the amount that the consumer must pay, that would involve

exchanges, so the price of the product depends on the different elements of change.

The price is the only marketing element, on which income and all other elements are

related to the cost. Thus, price is one of the factors affecting the consumer, because it

helps him to understand the value of the product. Also, the price can be specified as an

actual or valuable, giving value, and the price of companies to identify their products or

services in the role as the regulation of its marketability (Owomoyela, 2013).

Another very important element of marketing is a place that is also called the

distribution which pertains to the place, which is also defined as the process and

methods by which products or services reach customers (Martin,2014). The final one is

the promotion which promotes the awareness of the target market to the existence and

benefits of the company and the product itself. Different marketing strategies also go

under this category. Promotion targets the psychological aspect , in order to gain and

retain customers.

The aforementioned concepts above are the components of the marketing mix,

like what was said, these are all controlled variables that can be adjusted by the

company in order to fit their target market. By allowing the BichoNoy company to know

the perceptions of the residents of Barangay Lumbang, Lipa City, Batangas, it would be

easier for the company to know the elements that should be adjusted in order for the

current Marketing Mix to be efficient and effective.

2.2 Operational/Conceptual Framework

Input Process Output

Figure 3. ​Input-Process-Output Framework

In the figure above, marketing mix consists of Product, Price, Place and

Promotion serves as the independent variable while the Perception of the respondents

to the company’s marketing mix acts as the dependent variable. Through the process of

utilizing open ended questionnaires the researchers would like the respondents to

engage in one-on-one interviews in order to collect various insights regarding the

company’s current marketing mix.

Operational Definition of terms

Business ​- The practice of making one's living by engaging in commerce

Entrepreneurship ​- The activity of setting up a business or businesses, taking on

financial risks in the hope of profit.

Marketing Mix - A combination of factors that can be controlled by a company to

influence consumers to purchase its products.

Place ​- It has to do on how the product offered by the company be distributed to its


customer. It includes on where the business will be placed that will put the company in a

more favorable position that its customers.

Price ​- It refers to the value declared influenced either by the marketing strategy of the

company or the economic status of a certain nation.

Product ​- It refers either to a thing or service offered by the business in exchange of

money. It is vital to accomplish a transaction between a seller and a buyer.

Program ​- A plan or system under which action may be taken toward a goal

Promotion ​- The strategies or techniques utilized by the company to advertise either the

product, service or the company itself.

Perception ​- It is the way of how people understands or interpret a certain thing or


Resident ​- A person who lives somewhere permanently or on a long-term basis.


Chapter 3


Research Design

The research design that the researchers shall use for this study is a qualitative

descriptive research design, particularly case study. A descriptive case study is one that

is focused and detailed, where all the informations are carefully scrutinized and

articulated at the outset. This research design is definitely fits in the group’s research

since it is in depth study of a particular study. It is a method used to narrow down a very

broad field of research into one easily researchable topic. This research design is also

useful for testing whether scientific theories and models actually work in the real world

specifically on the Perception of the residents of Barangay Lumbang, Lipa City to

BichoNoy company’s Marketing Mix. This is designed to depict the participants in an

accurate way and as an in-depth study of an individual or group of individuals.

Furthermore, the design is the most applicable research design for this study

since it would give the researchers the needed information in order to create a

well-supported conclusions and possible solutions for the problem addressed in this

study. In addition, it is applicable since it could give results that would help in the depth

of understanding for this research.

Respondents of the Study

The respondents for this study would be chosen from the community of Barangay

Lumbang, Lipa City, Batangas. The respondents that would be chosen must possess the

necessary characteristics that are set as the criteria for choosing the respondents for this

study. The criteria imposed of the proponents are: the respondent is in need of a

livelihood idea, the respondents must have a sufficient knowledge on running a small

business, the respondents must be at least a graduate from secondary education. These

criteria will be set as a guide to choose the respondents that are most befitting for this

study as they are believed to be the respondents that will be able to give the necessary

information for the depth of this study.

Sampling Design

The most applicable sampling design for this study is purposive sampling design

since there are certain criteria for the respondents that would participate for this study.

This was decided by the proponents of this study in order to gather the most applicable

information from the respondents that would serve as the foundation for the credibility

and viability of this study. Thus, the respondents for this study would need to encompass

the criteria set by the proponents of this study. Moreover, the respondents will be

critically chosen as there is a set of number of respondents that would participate in this

study. In line with this, the number of respondents will be limited only to those who are

available and applicable for interview in order to get the information that is needed for

the depth of this study.

Locale of the Study

The chosen locality where this study will be conducted is the Brgy. Lumbang,

Lipa City, Batangas. According to Ms. Daren Lubrica, a citizen from the chosen

community, the most common source of livelihood in this barangay is agriculture more

specifically planting crops such as sugarcane and rice plants. Moreover, this is the

chosen locality of the research team since many residents are prospects as respondents

for this study, thus it will be easier to gather the necessary information for this study to

become more viable and realistic. Furthermore, the chosen local is very applicable to the

study as it passes the criteria for the locale that would be best fitted to support the study

with the most beneficial and valuable information.

Research Tools and Instruments

The tools and instrument that are used by the researchers is the questionnaire

with open ended questions for the chosen respondent in Brgy. Lumbang Lipa, City. It is

used to identify the perceptions of the respondents to Bichonoy’s marketing mix or the

4Ps. The researchers will use an open ended question for the research to have a

meaningful answer from the respondents. The content of the questionnaire is composed

of questions for the demographic profile, respondents’ perceptions to Bichonoy’s

marketing mix and comments and suggestions that could help for the enhancement of

the marketing mix. All the respondents are expected to answer the questions truthfully

based on their experiences and observation.

Data Gathering Procedure

Since the study is qualitative in nature, data gathering procedure will also be in a

form of interviews and observations. The researchers are going to conduct a one-on-one

interview to the people who lives in Brgy. Lumbang based from each others similar

backgrounds or experiences to discuss a specific topic of interest. One-on-one interview

is used when there is a need to comprehend an issue at a deeper level and it is

advantageous for adding meaning and understanding to existing knowledge.


One-on-one meetings have a tendency to be more organized than focus group and

along these lines require more dynamic mediation from the mediator.The needed data

are retrieved from the questions that are provided in the interview. The transcribed

interview will undergo the process of coding to detect recurring ideas, verbatim

statements shall also be used.

Data Presentation

The data presentation shall be presented in a concise manner where key findings

shall be categorized into its own section, in which it will be textual in nature. Since the

researchers will one-on-one interviews, the researchers can also use verbatim quotes

from the transcribed interview. The key findings will be presented through the evident

ideas that had emerged from the coding process, verbatim questions are presented to

enhance the said proposition as well, the researchers can further discuss the findings

and support it with published studies and literature.

Data Analysis

This study will be using qualitative data analysis tools such as coding. In order to

better analyze data deduced from the one-on-one interviews, the researchers will first

consider the recurring answers and take it as possible a possible sections, from these

data can be easily categorized. Through the use of coding we will be able to do the

aforementioned steps said above. Coding is a process of logically understanding and

classifying data, from these notable themes and patterns emerge. By doing this, the

categories can be managed easily, and can be grouped into more general themes that

will make the discussion easier and clearer for the researchers.

Statistical Treatment

Since the researchers will be utilizing one-on-one interviews, the questionnaires

that shall be used are open-ended, through the use of open ended questionnaires, it will

be quicker for the respondents to answer, responses are easier to compare, and it will

be analyzed and coded in a clearer and accurate manner. From this coded answers,

frequency and percentage distribution shall be applied. It is a basic statistical treatment,

where answers will just be tallied according to the ideas and the percentage of the tallied

answers will be computed relative to the number of all the respondents.

Validity and Reliability

There are several ways as to how the researchers shall authenticate the data

that have been gathered in which play a vital role for the success of this research study.

The data based on the interview that will be conducted could be said as valid as the

researchers shall use semi-structured questionnaire. Conducting a semi-structured

interview shall hold the truth value of the data gathered as it is a way to thoroughly

understand the perception of the participant. Furthermore, the researchers shall reaffirm

the reliability of the data gathered as we are to test the consistency of the respondents’

answers by conducting the interview twice.


Chapter 4


This chapter presents the findings based on the data gathered. It was designed

to study and analyze the perception of the residents of Barangay Lumbang, Lipa City,

Batangas to BichoNoy Company’s Marketing Mix. Relative date was presented along

with a summarized frequency distribution through the use of a pie graph, this qualitative

study shall also cite various journals and studies that may support the findings. A total of

15 respondents were interviewed by the researchers.

4.1 Demographic Profile

Figure 4.​ ​Gender


Figure 5.​ ​Age of the respondents

Figure 4 and 5 displays the gathered information about the demographic profile

of the respondents which was statistically analyzed through the use of frequency and

distribution. The results for the data gathered reveals that 53.43% of the number of

respondents were female and about 46.57% were male. The data presented for the

gender of the respondents explicitly displays how females or mother are more willing to

participate in this research. This result could be supported by the study of Alnuweiri

(2018) which explains that females have a more resilient personality than men making

females more applicable for businesses, as managing a business needs a strong and

leader-like personality. In relation to this, Stengel ( 2013) indicated in an article she

made that women are more responsible than men making them more suitable as

entrepreneur. Due to the aforementioned studies and articles, it is more likely to be


concluded that there were more female respondents than male since they are willing to

share their perspectives as an entrepreneur which had helped this study. Consequently,

the data gathered also reveals than most of the respondents for this study ages ranges

either from 18-29 or 30-41 years old while only a pinch of the population of the

respondents ages 42-65 years old.

4.2 Perceptions of the Residents of Barangay Lumbang to BichoNoy’s

Marketing Mix

4.2.1 ​Perceptions on Product

Figure 6. ​Product as a source of Livelihood

On the given pie graph above, it can be deduced that the majority of the 15

respondents, were divided into two major sides as to how they perceive the product as a

potential source of livelihood, one is that the product of the BichoNoy’s Company which

is the Hecho-Bicho, is easy to start in terms of the start-up capital required as well as the

production process itself. According to Hart (2013), One of the main sources of

new-business failure is under-capitalization, so make certain to consider every financial

bases before opening your entryways. ​Entrepreneurs seek start-up capital from various

sources, including friends, relatives, banks, home equity loans, retirement savings, and

even credit cards. This only means that before starting-up business, one of the biggest

risk that an entrepreneur may have is to cover all financial expenses, especially in

procuring new equipments that may cost a lot, that is why a product that does not require

expensive raw ingredients and materials is more favorable. Another answer that was

given by the majority of the respondents is regarding the Market Impact of the

Hecho-Bicho, The global pastries market is segmented by taste into sweet and savory.

The sweet pastries segment dominates the global market. Increase in urbanization and

innovation drive the growth of this market. The rise in demand from millennials, due to

the availability of in-store bakeries, also contributes to the growth according to ​Global

Pastries Market - Growth, Trends and Forecasts (2018 - 2023) of Mordor Intelligence.

One of the possible reasons of why the product has such a huge market impact is

because of its sweet flavors, which is cream cheese and chocolate, besides the current

trends in this flavors, According to Unilever Food Solutions, in a study that they made,

the taste of sweetness is the ultimate comfort food for Filipinos. Other reasons for the

potential of the company’s product as a source of livelihood, is the product potential

which pertains to the ability of the product to dominate the market based on its own

qualities, such as its health benefits and varieties.


Figure 7. ​ ​Characteristic that Respondents Prefer

Figure 8. ​Strength of the company’s product

Figure 7 and 8 depict the same results as to the preferred characteristics and

strengths of the Hecho-bicho. There are a variety of characteristics of the Hecho-Bicho,


that the respondents prefer. Such as simplicity, flavors, and the product as a Filipino

Delicacy. But among the given answers in both questions two characteristics dominated

and those are: Healthiness and Uniqueness. The healthiness of the product is the

characteristic that is preferred the most by the 40% of the respondents. Consider

Nielsen’s 2015 Global Health & Wellness Survey, a leading global information &

measurement company, that polled over 30,000 individuals online and suggests

consumer mindset about healthy foods has shifted and they are ready to pay more for

products that claim to boost health, some 88% of those polled are willing to pay more for

healthier foods. According to James Russo, the Senior Vice President of ​Global

Consumer Insights at Nielsen says that “While economic concerns remain in the

forefront for consumers, health and wellness concerns continue to increase in

importance. The reasons vary from societal, demographic, technological, governmental

and, most importantly, a shift in consumer focus on the role diet plays in health.” This

idea of using food to manage health may, in part, help explain growing consumer

interest in fresh, natural and organic products. Russo also suggests that consumers

understand a food’s nutritional value (in helping to lower blood pressure, for example),

as well as overall health risk. Some of this response is partially rooted in growing

corporate transparency about a product’s health benefits. Another characteristic that is

preferred by the respondents is the product uniqueness. According to Marketing Letters,

a journal for marketing research, product uniqueness is a driver of customer utility. It

enables the seller to contrast its own product with contending items in the market and

accentuate the unique aspects that make it superior. At the point when it is used

effectively, sellers gain a competitive advantage against other products.


Figure 9.​ ​Weakness of the Company’s Product

The figure above shows the characteristic of the Hecho-Bicho, which customers

find as the product’s weakness. Among the variety of answers, limited flavors, various

competitors and high price are the prevailing ideas with 25%, 16.67% and 16.67%

respectively. The company’s product is solely the Hecho-Bicho and it is available in two

flavors which are: Chocolate and Cream Cheese. This is limitation is seen as a possible

weakness of the product. According to Danny Wong (2012) in his article entitled “The

Pros and Cons of Selling One Product”, one can't duplicate income by strategically

pitching complimentary items to an officially existing client base. Doing as such expands

the lifetime value and average order size to your enterprise, enhancing income and

expanding your advertising spending plan. Unless you're continually improving and

refreshing your item offering, making it definitely not quite the same as and superior to

anything the last, it will be difficult to boost clients to return. This will constrain the

income you can make from your clients. The product of the company has various

competitors, such as established commercial companies. That is why as a start-up


business competitors is an external factor that the company should control and address.

Rivalry diminishes one's market base and decreases one's client base, particularly if

interest for the product is constrained from the beginning. A competitive market can

likewise constrain a business to bring down prices to remain aggressive, diminishing

return on every thing one create and offer. When too many businesses produce the

same products, the market becomes flooded. As merchandise are overproduced, stock

heaps up. At the point when inventory achieves unsustainable levels, an organization

could have excessively capital tied up in things that are simply sitting on the rack and

insufficient money available for other expenses, for example, lease and finance. On the

off chance that stock levels remain high after some time, one could wind up laying off

workers since because you don't need their production capabilities. On the other hand,

another factor that could be a hindrance to the product is the price itself, the cost of

making a batch of Hecho-Bicho is relatively cheap but the company still has other

expenses to pay for such as wages and other utilities, and as well as the profit. The

company could not just cut off price as it could incur possible financial losses for the

company and may affect the image of the product itself, since according to Shugan

(2014), “Consumers should use a product’s price to determine if the product is

affordable. However consumers also appear to use a product’s price as a measure of

the product’s quality.”


4.2.2 ​Perceptions on Price

Figure 10​. Perception on Price of the Company’s Product

Figure 10 displays the results regarding to the perception of the respondents

about the price of the BichoNoy Company’s product. In accordance to the chart shown

above, 66.67% of the respondents perceives that the price of the company’s product is

only reasonable. In support to this, one of the respondents answered “affordable siya

para sa madaming tao, maeenjoy nila to”, this answer is a proof on how other customer

might also perceive the price of the company’s product as only reasonable. It is

important to any company to level the price of the products or services they offer to its

quality in order to establish a good and trustworthy relationship with the customer

leading to having loyal customers which is far more important than only having

customers (Henry, 2015). Further, correctly pricing the items an organization offers

greatly contributes to the success of the company; also implying that when an

organization incorrectly pricing their items may lead to the mitigation of the company


In contrast with the aforementioned results regarding the perception of the

respondents on the price of the company’s product, there is still 33.33% of the

population which suggests that the pricing of the company for its product is high and not

applicable to what the company’s product offers to the palates of the customers

particularly to the size of the hecho-bicho. As an evidence, one of the respondents

replied “Ahh price naman.. sige sa totoo lang medyo namamahalan ako sa presyo kasi

naman bat kase ang liit para sa lagpas limang piso diba”. According to a study made by

Juliette (2018), offering customers with product that are overpriced compared to the

quality it offers may cause customer retention. It was further explained that customers

always minimizes the risk of buying what is not worth it, thus they become very critic with

the quality of the product especially its correlation to the price.

However, the fact that more than half of the respondents perceived that the price

is reasonable is an important information to consider that the price of Hecho-Bicho is

only rational and practical and might contribute to the accomodation of more customers if

launched into a bigger horizon.

Figure 11.​ ​Price of the Product in terms of Profitability and Ethics


Figure 11 shows the culminated answers of the respondents concerning to the

ethics and profitability of the company’s price for its product. Based on the chart shown

above, 93.33% of the population presumes that the price of the company for its product

is only just and ethical. Further, the results also implies that the product’s price is

profitable enough to cover all of the operating expenses of the company while still

ensuring to have decent income or return.

Interviewer: ​Sa tingin niyo po ba makatarungan at maganda ang balik kita nang presyo

nang aming bicho-bicho?

Respondent: ​ “Malaki ang kita basta bake product kas half nito ang income. Tingin ko

naman ay tama lang ang tubo ay tama lang”.

Similar to the results that Springs (2018) have garnered in one of his studies, it

was indicated that the best way for a company to advertise its product through its price is

by using ethical pricing strategy. This strategy, as said in the study, includes fair pricing

which suggests producers to mark-up their products and services ethical enough to

cover the cost for production and other overhead costs while having the most efficient

return for the shareholders. In support with this, Nielsen (2018) suggests that being

ethical in pricing must not only be the thing that producers or service providers must

consider as the profit that companies could remunerate is also important. In summary,

even if there is still 6.67% of the population that suggests that the BichoNoy Company’s

price for its product is unethical, majority of the answers suggests that the price is

profitable and ethical enough.


4.2.3 ​Perceptions on Place

Figure 12.​ ​Applicability of the Place Targeted By the Company

Based on figure 12, all of the respondents agree with the current place where the

company sells the product, which is inside the premises of De La Salle Lipa. According

to Gordon (2017) selling in a school setting gives various advantages, first the diversified

market that is present from children to adult. Second, people have their own spending

capacity, and if the price of the company’s product, together with its quality would fit the

market, then it would really give a good outcome to the company. As supported by one

of the respondents, “​Okay yung napiling lugar kase papatok sadya ang mga ganyang

produkto sa mga estudyante lalo na at masarap.” ​Selling in a market such as a school,

also gives a niche when it comes to evaluating the market, such as giving survey

questionnaires to know pulse of the customers, their comments on the variety of

Hecho-Bicho that are available, the new flavors that they would like to suggest or even

comments and suggestions to the service of the company itself. ​The business needs to

be positioned well if it is to succeed. Positioning encompasses various factors, from the price

point one chooses for the products to the tone one takes on the website and the specialities

listed in various marketing paraphernalia. All of these things position your business in a

certain way and can help it appeal to the right people, and put off the people who aren’t your

target customer.

Figure 13.​ ​Favorable places to sell the Company’s Product​ ​in Barangay Lumbang

66.67% of the 15 respondents said that the most appropriate place to sell the

company’s Hecho-Bicho is near the school premises since children are more attracted to

sweet and tasty goods. As said by one of the respondents “A​y naku, sa malapit sa

eskwelahan dahil ng mga makukulit na bata. At sa presyo at lasa nito, sapat na ito sa

mga bata para pantawid gutom o kaya snacks nila, tapos matamis gusto nila to.”​ One of

the claims of an article posted by the Skeptical Nutritionist (2012) , ​when it comes to food

is that, children are not little adults. They have a stronger preference for sweetness and

a greater dislike of bitterness than their parents, even though both genes and

environment are shared. The dislike of bitterness presumably evolved to discourage the

consumption of potentially toxic plant foods as dietary habits developed. The preference

for sweetness helps to shape the diets of children in another way, ensuring the appeal of

breast milk to newborns and encouraging the consumption of nutritious foods, such as

fruits, later in life. So, it comes as no surprise that the sweetness of foods is a key factor

determining which foods children consider acceptable and unacceptable to eat. That is

why, placing our stalls near schools is more strategic since children are biologically

attracted to sweets and with the variety of flavors that the Hecho-Bicho has, it could

certainly attract them. The said place could also be favorable as there is not direct

competition in the same area that could lessen possible sales and the proximity of

suppliers and customers are are close for smoother transactions.

4.2.4​ Perception on Promotion

Figure 14.​ ​Commentaries on the Promotion of the BichoNoy Company


Promotion is one of the most essential key to showcase the benefits and

advantageous characteristics of the products or service an organization offers to the

public. According to Mishra (2015), promotional materials and activities are the very

voice of the company to tell what does the company’s brand could offer to its target

customers. Based on Figure 11, there were some good commentaries about the

promotions of the company such as being interest catcher. There were also comments

on how the company utilizes the advantageous opportunities of social media in terms of

advertising. However, there were also some who answered negatively about the use of

social media as they claim that not all of the consumers usually uses social media,

especially those who are nearing their senior citizenship. This may be further explained

by the study of Nugroho, (2015) which indicates the need of companies for the

contemporary way of marketing one’s product or service. It was indicated in the study

that using social media for advertising is a very good way to catch more interest from a

wide range of consumers as more and more customers become highly influenced by

what they could see in social medias. Further, the BichoNoy Company seized the

opportunity of how the people of today becomes more reliant on social medias in

gathering information about certain things.

Moreover, majority of the commentaries given by the respondents focuses on the

need for the BichoNoy Company to improve its advertisements and other use of

promotional materials. This result was caused of the limited advertisements launched by

the BichoNoy Company starting from its official opening for full operation. This is also

influenced by reliancy of the company in social media for advertising. However, this

result does not conclude the effectiveness of the BichoNoy Company’s promotional


Figure 15.​ ​Effectivity of BichoNoy Company’s promotion

The results garnered about the effectivity of the BichoNoy Company’s promotions

supports the aforementioned claimed as most of the respondents admitted that the

promotional activities done by the company are effective. As what can be seen in Figure

15, more than half or 53.33% of the population of the respondents answered that

BichoNoy Company’s promotions are effective. In support, one of the respondents


Interviewer:​ Sa tingin niyo po ba effective po yung mga promotions ng BichoNoy


Respondent: ​“ Aba ay effective na effective ang inyong pagpropromote dahil sa tingin ko

ay maganda ang inyong kita dahil sa diskarteng ginagawa ninyo sa inyong kompanya.”

According to Summerfield (2014), effective promotional activities is a very big

help in any company in widening their market share and uplifting their sales and income.

This explains as how more than 25% of the respondents perceives the promotions of the

BichoNoy Company as a very useful tool. However, there were also some respondents

who perceive the promotions of the company either ineffective or in doubt, but there

were only few who answered those and majority implies it to be effective or useful.

4.3 The impact of the community's perception of the Marketing Mix to

BichoNoy Company and its Product

Figure 16. ​ ​Impact of Community’s Perception on Marketing Mix


Based on the answers, 60% of the respondents had agreed that the BichoNoy

company should improve their overall marketing mix composed of Product, Price, Place

and Promotion. As stated in the study of Goi (2014), Marketing mix is not a scientific

theory, but merely a conceptual framework that identifies the principal decision making

managers make in configuring their offerings to suit consumers’ needs. The tools can be

used to develop both long-term strategies and short-term tactical programs. The

marketing mix could be adjusted, as long as each of the components fit the target

market, in such a case where the product, price, and place is fit to the market, the

overall marketing mix could still not be seen as an effective one if the promotions is not

suitable to the target market. As student entrepreneurs, the researchers could opt to

practice online advertisements as it does not require a large financing to launch and it

could reach wider areas of reach. Advertising has been existed for many decades. It is

one means of promotional mix which has its ultimate function to set up channels of

information and persuasion to sell goods and services or promote an idea (Jin Ma,

2013). Advertising communication can be conveyed through various mass media

including traditional media such as Television and Radios, but doing such with incur

large amounts on the company’s expenses. With the rise of Internet industry, online

advertising had also become a new edge for companies to advertise and market their


4.4 Providing a possible retention of interest through the Bichonoy Company’s

Marketing Mix

Figure 17. ​ ​Strengths of the BichoNoy Company’s Marketing Mix

The figure reveals the strengths of the BichoNoy Company’s marketing mix

based on the opinions given by the respondents. Based on the analyzed data shown

above, the most common strength of the BichoNoy Company’s marketing mix is the

excellent quality of the company’s product as it greatly contributes to BichoNoy’s

remuneration of sales and profit. The following dialogue came from the transcribed

interview which explicitly shows how a respondent answered the question about the

strengths of the company’s marketing mix:

Interviewer:​ “Ano po sa tingin niyo yung mga magagandang katangian o strengths

kumbaga nang aming marketing mix?”

Respondents:​ “Sa tingin ko, ang isa sa mga strengths ng kompanya ninyo ay ang

produkto ninyo mismo...”


According to Fernandes (2015), product, among the 4 traditional components of

the marketing mix, is where companies must mostly focus on perfecting and improving

as it is considered as the backbone of any company. In relation to this and based on the

analyzed data, the product of the BichoNoy Company could be considered as a result of

an intricate planning and delicate execution. Moreover, the number of respondents who

answered that all aspects of the company’s marketing mix are strengths is a fact that

should not be neglected as more than 25% answered it. It may be very contrasting as

there are lots of negative comments regarding the promotion of the company. This had

happened as some of the respondents lack the deeper knowledge required for the depth

of the study.

Interviewer: ​“All in all po ano po sa tingin niyo ang pinakastrengths nang marketing mix

po ng BichoNoy Company?”

Respondent: ​Ay ineng, ang masasabi ko laang talaga ay maayos ang output na nagawa

niyo. hindi ko na kaya palawaking ang sagot ko dahil yan talaga ang pagkakaalam ko.”

Lastly, there were also some respondents who sees the direct selling strategy

used by the company is another strength for the marketing mix of the BichoNoy


Figure 18.​ ​Weaknesses of the marketing mix of BichoNoy Company

As Figure 18 reveals the strengths Figure 19, on the other hand, reveals the

facets of the company’s marketing mix that needs immediate action for improvement.

Based on the chart shown above, promotion of the company is the weakest point of the

marketing mix according to the opinions of the respondents. Poor promotional strategy

may cause inherent negative effects to the company. It was further explained in the

aforementioned discussion for Figure 11 and 12. Other 3 weaknesses which all had 11%

of the whole answers of the respondents pertains to having limited information which is

caused by the bounded researches of the company, overpricing, and attitude which

pertains to the negative attitude shown by the members of the company as the interview

and gathering of data commences. According to Pirouz (2015), attitude of every

company member greatly contributes to the success of the company especially the

front-liners of the company. It was also discussed that attitudes of an employee could be

easily detected during conducting of interviews.

Figure 19. ​Insufficiencies in BichoNoy Company’s Marketing Mix

Based on Figure 19, the most insufficient component of the BichoNoy

Company’s Marketing Mix is the Promotion. Promotion encompasses various media and

is explained in the aforementioned explanation of Figure 13. In support to this one of the

respondents had said “Marketing strategy. Dapat suportado sila in all aspects at very

convincing ang pagpakilala ng produkto nila”. According to Liu (2015) ​Not only does

marketing deliver value to customers, but also that value translates into the value of the

firm as it develops a reliable customer base and increases its sales and profitability.

Marketing delivers value, marketing delivers value to both the customer and the

company. As stated by Whaley (2015), promotions also allow you to make use of

available data and create more useful data from it. As one continue to do business, one

collect information of thousands and millions of customers. By using the right database

software you can know the trends, patterns and inclinations of the customers. By using

this data businesses can launch targeted promotions. By further collecting data of the

promotion entrepreneurs can know your customers better.


Chapter 5

Summary of Findings

To summarize the findings, most of the residents who have participated in the

study are in their early adulthood to late adulthood, this is to acquire substantial answers

that were derived from their knowledge and experience in business specifically in

analyzing the marketing mix. Through individual interview of each of the 15 respondents,

the researchers were able to analyze the perception of the respondents to each of the

components of the marketing mix which are the Product, Price, Place and Promotion.

With regards to the product of the company which is the Hecho-Bicho, majority of the

respondents see it as a possible source of livelihood, as it is easy to make and does not

require a large capital. It is also said that the characteristic of the product that majority of

them prefers is its nutritional value and the weakness that they perceive is the limited

flavors that is currently available which is cream cheese and chocolate. In terms of the

price, the respondents believe that the current price of the Hecho-bicho is affordable for

the customers and at the same time enough for the profit of the company. On the other

hand, the place where the company currently sells the product which is inside the school

premises of De La Salle Lipa was seen as a strategic location to sell the product of the

mini company, as it has diversified target marked who has a spending capacity. If the

product will be sold in the community itself, the respondents had agreed that stalls

should be placed near school premises, since the product could easily attract students

especially children. In terms of the promotion, it was seen as the most inefficient

component of the BichoNoy Company’s marketing mix. As the use of different marketing

strategies were not utilized in the past business operations. Online promotions was

highly recommended in order to have larger economies of scale.


Based on the findings that were formerly discussed, it can be concluded that the

given perception of the respondents regarding the marketing mix of the company gave

the company deeper insights regarding the points in the marketing mix which needs to

either be maintained or further improved in order to hinder the possibility of customer

retention of interest for the BichoNoy Company.

Some of the highlights for the areas in the BichoNoy Company’s 4P’s that needs

to be constantly observed and maintained is the excellent quality of the product as it

would serve as the strongest advantage of the company against its competitors. Another

is the justified pricing of the company to its product which could highly contribute not only

to the attraction of the company to more varied customers, but also in establishing brand

loyalty to the customers. Moreover, the applicability of the chosen locale for the

establishment of the company highly contributes to the plan of the company in being

properly and officially disclosed to the public in the near future.

In contrast, there were also some areas in the current marketing mix of the

BichoNoy company that were identified as areas that needs improvement. One of which

is the need of the promotional activities for further enhancement; although it was rated

as effective by most of the respondents, the promotional activities of the company still

have lot of room for improvement in terms of activeness and being reliant in the

traditional way of advertisement. In addition, the enlargement for the size of the

Hecho-bicho to complement its price is another issue that must be addressed by the



The recommendations for this research can be divided into four facets.

1. The findings for this research is recommended for the use of BichoNoy Company

in improving their current marketing mix into a more conclusive, effective and

efficient marketing mix. This could result to better and improved BichoNoy

Company which could address more social issues through it product and


2. This study could be recommended for other researchers that have the same field

of study. This study could serve as a reference for future studies that have the

same topic since all of the contents of the study are reliable and well-validated.

The results from this study could empower the mind and understanding of other

researchers about the problem being addressed in this study, thus could create

extensive understanding of their own research which is vital to create a very

comprehensive and conclusive study.

3. This research could also be recommended to other researchers as reference for

the correct format and process of writing a qualitative research. This would enrich

the knowledge of other researchers on the correct procedure for the development

of an inclusive study.

4. This study is also recommended to be conducted to other locale since having

different localities for research could generate different results. This could be

done in order to contrast the results against the results of this study which could

lead to further understanding of the research, thus could create different set of

conclusions and solutions.



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Interview Questionnaire

Questionnaire: BichoNoy Company

A. Demographic Profile

1. Gender: ​☐ Male  ☐Female 

2. Age: _____
C. Perception on Product

1. What do you think about the BichoNoy Company’s Product as a source of


2. What is/are the thing/s you like the most about the BichoNoy Company’s

3. What are the strength and weaknesses of the company’s product?

D. ​Perception on Price

1. What are your perceptions on the price of the BichoNoy Company’s product in
terms of affordability and applicability?


2. What do you think about the price of the product in terms of profitability and

D. Perception on Place

1. What are your perceptions regarding to the place targeted by the company to
sell the product?

2. Where do you think the BichoNoy Company’s product would be best sold at
your Barangay?

E. Perception on Promotion

1. What are your current comments on the promotion being utilized by the
BichoNoy Company in advertising the product?

2. How effective are the promotion of the BichoNoy Company in advertising the
product to improve sales?



F. Overall comments and suggestions of the residents

1. What are the strengths/weaknesses of the company's marketing mix?


2. In what area of the marketing mix do you think that the company is still lacking?


Letter to Respondents



STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM 1: ​What is the demographic profile of the

respondents in terms of

Gender Age

Respondent 1 Female 35

Respondent 2 Female 19

Respondent 3 Male 18

Respondent 4 Female 33

Respondent 5 Male 42

Respondent 6 Female 36

Respondent 7 Female 65

Respondent 8 Female 41

Respondent 9 Male 48

Respondent 10 Male 38

Respondent 11 Female 42

Respondent 12 Male 24

Respondent 13 Male 24

Respondent 14 Male 26

Respondent 15 Female 28

STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM 2: ​ What are the perception of Barangay Lumbang to

the following components of marketing mix in terms of:
*​Perception on Product
Question 1: ​What do you think about the BichoNoy Company’s Product as a source of

Transcribed Answers Code

R1: Ahh maganda naman sya, kaya lang eh parang Market Impact
masyadong matmis. Pero siguradong papatok iyan sa
mga bata, lalo na sa mga estudyante.

R2: Sa tingin ko, bilang isang parte ng kabataan, Market Impact

malaki ang potensyal ng produkto ng kompanyang ito Easy to start
sapagkat ito ay mura at swak sa masa. Tsaka bukod
pa rito, ay hindi naman ganoon kahirap ang trabaho
sa paggawa ng produkto.

R3: maganda. napaka ganda at sarap, malinamnam Product potential

ang bawat kagat

R4: Kakaiba ang inyong produkto, sa tingin ko'y Market Impact

magiging patok ito sa lahat hindi lamang sa mga bati
kundi pati na rin sa mga matatanda. Magiging
maganda itong pagkunan ng pangkabuhayan.

R5: Para sa akin utoy maganda siyang pagkakakitaan Product Potential

para sa aming mga alam mo na, nasa mga bahay Easy to start
lamang dahil bago siya sa aming pandinig at panlasa.
Maari niyan kami matulungan para magkameron ng
dagdag kita.

R6: Maganda itong produktong ito sapagat madali Market Impact

lamang gawain atsaka ay papatok sa kahit sino man. Product Potential

R7: Mukha namang papatok ito sa mga mamimili at Market Impact

mukha din na mayos na pagkakitaan ito.

R8:Ano… pag kukuha, bibili, mangangambas ng mga Easy to start

ingridients ay swak sa budget at malaki pa ang
marring tubo.

R9:Ito ay malaking tulong sa pangkabuhayan sa mga Easy to start

barangay. Makakatulong din ito sa kooperatiba para
matulungan ang mga may bahay na walang trabaho.

Ito ay isang paraan para kumita ang mag-aaral at

makatulong sa magulang.

R10: Mapapagkitaan nga dahil parang yung mga Easy to start

ginagamit na raw materials para magawa ang bicho
ay abot kaya.

R11: magigitong ah matagumpay at mabenta na Market Impact

negosyo kasi madali sya gawin at bigyan ng puhunan, Easy to start
ano nga ulit ang tanong? ito ay magaano ng mga
trabaho para sa mga para sa komunidad, tapos ito ay
magbibigay na kadaragdagan kita sa gobyerno.

R12:ah, sa tingin ko naman, its good, una maliit Easy to start

capital, tas---madali sya gawin compared to other

R13: Ka-pressure naman hahaha.... sa tingin ko Product potential

magandang ideya yung... yung... ano ngang tawag
dyan.... yang bicho-bicho niyo kasi naman bukod sa
madaling gawin masarap na at masustansya pa.
diba... eh diba parang ang mga tao ngayon lage na
nilang gusto eh yung healthy.

R14:Uhm... magandang gawing business ang Easy to start

produkto nila sapagkat madali lang gawin

R15: Maganda itong gawing business dahil healthy at Healthy

masarap ang products nila

Question 2: ​What is/are the thing/s you like the most about the BichoNoy Company’s

Transcribed Answers Codes

R1:Talagang hindi mo mamimisuhan na bicho-bicho. Healthy

Pedeng pedeng pasalubong sa mga bata at sabi nyo
nga ay masustansya pa.

R2:Dahil mahilig ako sa mga matatamis, napukaw ng Satisfying Flavors

cream cheese ang panlasa ko. At, mayroon din itong Healthy
health benefits.

R3:yung cream cheese, solid. Satisfying Flavors

R4: Ay ano napakasarap at kakaiba nito kumpara sa Healthy


karaninwang bicho dahil ito ay masustansya.

R5: Maliban sa pagiging mababait niyo mga bata New and Unique
hahahahah. Siguro yung pagiging malikhain niyo sa
pagiisip ng isang produkto. Ginawa niyong
makabagong merienda ang bicho-bicho

R6: Masarap talaga eh at kakaiba. Unique

R7:Napakasarap niya tapos may malunggay pa kaya Healthy

paniguradong masustansya.

R8:Kakaiba ang lasa nito at hindi nakakasawa. Unique


R9:Ang bagay na nagustuhan ko sa produkto na ito ay Healthy

healthy siya at pwede ito kainin ng mga health
conscious at yung mga vegetarian. Tsaka ito ay may
bitamina kas may malunggay at napatunayan na ang
malunggay ay maraming vitamin content.

R10: Kakaiba ang inyong produkto, bago sa panlasa at New and Unique
paningin ko.

R11: yung inyong flavor na cream cheese. Flavors

R12: well yung pagka-filipino nya at yung pagiging Flipino Product

simple nung product. Simple

R13: ahhhhh... siguro pinakang pinakanagustuhan ko Healthy

ay 'yong mayroon syang malunggay kasi hahaha Consumed
feeling ko maganda ang benefit nun sa mga tao malay Repeatedly
mo yan pala magpasexy sakin ahahahaha.... ang isa
ko pang gusto ay masarap talaga siya... yan yung
tipong di agad pagsasawaan hahaha humuhugot pa

R14: Napakadaling gawin at ang mga ingredients ay Simple

simple lang tas masustansya Unique

R15: Uhm, healthy sya at swak sa panlasa ng kahit Healthy

anong edad

Question 3: ​What are the strength and weaknesses of the company’s product?

Transcribed Answers Code

R1: Sa nakikita ko, ay bebenta ito sa mga bata lalo na at Strength: Kids’
mayron itong chocolate,ang problema lang ay , sabi ko nga Preference
kanina ay parang masyadong matamis at hindi ito maari sa Weakness: Too
mga may sakit at may edad na kagaya ko. sweet

R2: Sa aking palagay, ang isa sa mga weaknesses ng Strength: Unique

inyong kompanya ay ang kakulangan sa flavors ng bicho Weakness: Limited
bicho. Ngunit, kahit ganoon, ay marami pa rin ang willing Flavors
bumili ng produkto kasi kakaiba kung kaya't ito ang isa sa
mga nagpapalakas sa kompanya.

R3: ang strength, yung cream cheese. kasi napaka sarap. Strength:Flavor
yung weakness kulang pa sa choices ng flavor, masarap din Weakness:Limited
but cream cheese padin Flavors

R4: Masustansya, masarap, kakaiba at higit sa lahat mura Strength:Healthy,

ito at sa tingin ko din ay wala naman kahinaan ang inyong Delicious, Unique
produkto. Weakness: N/A

R5: Sa aking palagay ang maganda sa produkto niyo ay ang Strength: Filipino
pagiging makabayan dahil sa panahon ngayon ang mga uso Product
nang meryenda ay galing ibang bansa. Ang kahinaan niyo Weakness:Limited
naman ay ang pagiging estudyante niyo pa lamang dahil Financial
wala pa kayong sapat na pera para masustentuhan ang Resources
pangangailangan ng inyong kumpanya.

R6: siguro sa aking palagay ay papatok talaga ito sa lahat Strength: Delicious,
ng tao, dahil sa lasang tamang tama lamang at Unique
nakakabusog pa tas one of a kind. At sa palagay ko naman Weakness: N/A
ineng ay walang kahinaan ang inyong produkto.

R7: Siguro ang isa sa weakness niyo ay mayroong Strength:Healthy

pagkamahal ang inyong product at kung sa strength naman Weakness:High
ay napaka masustansya ng product niyo dahil sa Price

R8: Masustansya and pagkain kase may malunggay, tapos Strength:Healthy

baka naman sa iba ay hindi naman mahilig sa gulay. Isa pa Weakness:Variety
yung madali lang matutunan. of Dough

R9: Ang strength ng company ito ay may potential sa Strength: Market

market. Impact
Ang weakness nito kulang pa yung choice ng flavors for me Weakness:Limited


R10:Masarap siya at madaling gawin sa bahay. Strength:Easy to


R11: ah strength ay ah ano ba dapat term niya, ano siya Strength:

ang weakness niya ay new product pa lang siya. Strength Innovative
yung… ah product na familiar na inimprove. Weakness: New

R12: ang strength is yung kakaiba talaga sya, weakness ay Strength: Unique
yung medyo mahal sya compared sa ibang tinapay Weakness: High

R13: pinakastrength na siguro ay iyong uhmmmm iyong Strength: Delicious,

pagiging yun na nga masarap niya tsaka siguro yung Healthy, Variety of
marami siyang flavor tsaka syempss healthy. Pero ang Flavors
problema nga lang parang alam mo yun maliit tapos Weakness: Small
mabibitin ka agad kasi naman gusto ko sulit agad busog Size
agad kumbaga hahaha

R14: Ang maganda sa produkto ay kayang mag-cater ng Strength:

kahit anong edad, at ang kahinaan naman nito ay maraming Preference
substitute products gaya ng donuts, cupcake na pwede rin regardless of age
kainin ng mga customer Weakness: Various

R15: Maganda ang products nila dahil hindi masyadong Strength: Simple to
hassle gawin at ang mga ingredients ay readily available, make.
ngunit ang panget ay madaling isubstitute sa mga iba pang Weakness: Various
produkto competitors.

*​ ​Perception on Price
Question 1: What are your perceptions on the price of the BichoNoy Company’s product
in terms of affordability and applicability?

Transcribed Answers Codes

R1: ​Kung sa presyo naman ay wari ko nama'y sapat laang. Reasonable Price
Maka tatlong piraso ka baga naman eh digay busog ka.

R2:​Sakto lang naman ang presyo nya at kayang kaya ng Reasonable Price
bulsa ng sino mang makakaibig na bumili nito.

R3: kuh, ay sobrang mura at hindi gaanong masakit sa bulsa Reasonable Price

R4: ​Wala naman dahil tamang tama lang ang pagprepresyo Reasonable Price
niyo sa bicho dahil nakakamura ang mga estudyante sa
meryenda nila.

R5: ​Siguro medyo murahan niyo ng konti dahil ang liit niya High Price
para sa 7 pesos kung ikukumpara ko siya sa ibang produkto.

R6: ​kung sa aking palagay ay talagang mura na ay masarap Reasonable Price

pa ang produkto niyo. ako nga ay isa lamang ang kinain ay
naibsan ang aking gutom. sino ga naman ang mag aakala na
ang anim na piso ay may mararating pa pala.

R7: ​Kagaya nga ng sinabi ko kanina may pagkamahal ang High Price
bicho ninyo.

R8:​Ineng, garine, kung ang bata ay gusto bumili ay baka di High Price
na nya ito mabili kase medyo may pagkamahal.

R9:​Ang presyo ay kaya sa bulsa Reasonable Price

R10:​Ayos lang ang presyo sakto lang sa inyong produkto. Reasonable Price

R11: ​affordable siya para sa madaming tao, meenjoy nila ito. Reasonable Price

R12: ​medyo mahal compared sa iba, mas maganda syempre High Price
pag mura.

R13:​Ahh price naman.. sige sa totoo lang medyo High Price

namamahalan ako sa presyo kasi naman bat kase ang liit
para sa lagpas limang piso diba.. feeling ko di yun magiging
attractive sa mga customer niyo diba.

R14: ​Swak lang sa budget ng namimili at masarap pa Reasonable Price

R15:​Swak ito sa budget ng mambibili at nakakasatisfy Reasonable Price


Question 2: ​What do you think about the price of the product in terms of profitability and

Transcribed Answers Codes

R1: ​Okay na iyan, sapat nga laang iyan, lalo na at nag taas Justified Pricing
ang asukal.

R2:​Sa tingin ko, tama lang ang naging presyo ng produkto Justified Pricing
hangga't napupunan nito ng maayos o higit pa ang ninanais
na profit.

R3: ​sakto lang naman sa palagay ko Justified Pricing

R4: ​Ayun nga tamang tama lamang ang inyong Justified Pricing
pagprepresyo sa inyong produkto dahil hindi na kayo lugi

R5: ​Tingin ko ay tama lang kasi nagiincrease yung price ng Justified Pricing
utilities at ingredients uhm.. Tas syempre effort niyo pa.

R6: ​sa sinabi niyong mura lamang ang presyo ng mga Justified Pricing
ingridients ay siguradong sa maliit na puhunan ay kikita na

R7: ​Sa tingin ko dahil nga mahal ang bicho edi malaki ang Justified Pricing
pwedeng maging kita nito.

R8:​Malaki nga ang iyong tubo kasi nga swak lang sa budget Justified Pricing
ang mga sangkap sa pag gawa nito.

R9:​Malaki ang kita basta bake product kas half nito ang Justified Pricing
Tingin ko naman ay tama lang ang tubo ay tama lang

R10:​Sa inyong pinakita naman noon sa barangay court mura Justified Pricing
ang mga ingredients at malaki ang maaring kitain.

R11:​so anong klaseng tanong non sa consumer? profitable Justified Pricing

kasi ang ano niya ay bread so madali itong papatok sa

R12: ​hmm, ano ba, tingin ko naman ay reasonable sya Justified Pricing

R13:​sa tingin ko malaki ang kita niyo dyan, tama? kaya Excessive Mark-up
feeling ko siguradong kikita ka talaga pero yung presyo sa
tingin ko di talaga tama para sa size siguro palakihin niyo pa
ng konti.

R14: ​Madali lang makakita Justified Pricing

R15: ​Uhm madali kang makakaprofit sa pag benta ng Justified Pricing

produkto na ito tas tama lang yung patong

*​Perception on Place
Question 1: What are your perceptions regarding to the place targeted by the company
to sell the product?

Transcribed Answers Codes

R1: ​Palagay ko namay dito saami'y maraming mga bata, malapit din Suitable
sa school, kaya kahit naman papaano siguroy uusad iyang Market
binebenta ninyo.

R2:​Sa palagay ko'y tama lamang na sa komunidad muna ng inyong Suitable

institusyon kayo nagbenta, bagkus, hindi muna kayo lumayo ng Market
napiling market.

R3: ​maganda at nakakabenta naman Suitable


R4: ok yung mga places, ​magiging patok ito sa mga tao lalo na sa Suitable
mga bata. Market

R5: ​Magandang pagsimulan ng pagbebenta ang Barangay Lumbang Suitable

dahil sa tingin ko medyo kakaunti pa ang mga establishimentong Market
nakatayo dito. Tulad kong naghahanap ako ng panibagong panlasa
maganda siyang produkto.

R6: ​Ay totoo namang napaka ganda ng produkto niyo dahil kahit na Suitable
sino ay magugustohan ito, kaya ok sya sa mga places na tarket Market

R7: ​Okay yung napiling lugar kase papatok sadya ang mga ganyang Suitable
produkto sa mga estudyante lalo na at masarap. Market

R8:​Papatok ito sa mga estudyante kase mahihilig sila sa matatamis. Suitable


R9: ok na sakto sya sa school pero may mga ​lugar na pwede pa nila Suitable
pagbentahan tulad ng mall, or terminal Market

R10:​Masarap ang inyong produkto kaya papatok ito kung san man. Suitable

R11: ​ok siya to para maging aware ang mga tao na nakitira sa Suitable
iba’t-ibang komunidad, para maibahagi din nila ito sa sarili nilang Market
mga komunidad.

R12: ​ok naman since mostly students pero mas maganda if mas Suitable
madami pa Market

R13:​ay magandang pagkakitaan itong lugar namin lalo na feeling ko Suitable

papatok yan sa mga bata eh pagsadami pa namang mga bata dito Market
samin lalo na sa hapon

R14: ok sya kasi ​madami kang mattarget na buyers para bentahan Suitable
ng products Market

R15: ​Maganda ang naging place nila upang i-launch ang kanilang Suitable
product dahil malaki ang chance nilang makakuha ng diverse na Market
mga customers

Question 2: Where do you think the BichoNoy Company’s Product would be best sold at
your barangay

Transcribed Answers Codes

R1: ​Yun nga, yung sabi kong malapit sa school, para naman may Near the
mamerienda ang mga bata at baka pati ang mga magulang school
naghihintay duon sa may court ay mapa ibig den. premises

R2:​A​y naku, sa malapit sa eskwelahan dahil ng mga makukulit na Near the

bata. At sa presyo at lasa nito, sapat na ito sa mga bata para school
pantawid gutom o kaya snacks nila, tapos matamis gusto nila to. premises

R3: ​sari - sari store Mini-grocerie


R4: Sa palagay ko ay sa school dahil maraming estudyante ang Near the

magugustuhan ang inyong produkto. school

R5: ​Siguro sa labas ng mga eskwelahan para matikman siya ng mga Near the
estudyante, guro, at tulad kong magulang. school

R6: ​Dahil sa bicho ito at mura, kahit saan siguro ay pede ito. Mapa Local
bakery o tapat ng iskul ay ayos ito. Bakeries or
Near the

R7: ​Sa tingin ko naman ay kahit saan eh bebenta ang bicho kasi Anywhere
pwede ito kahit kanino.

R8:Sa mga bakery o sa mga bahay-bahay o tindahan na nais Local

magtinda. Bakeries and

R9: ​Malapit sa school Near the


R10: ​sa mga tindahan Mini-grocerie


R11:​.sa mga stores Mini-grocerie


R12: ​siguro sa may elementary school at daycare kasi diba, uhm, Near the
ano trip nila yan. school

R13:​siguro dahil nga sabi ko papatok yan sa bata pwede kahit saan Near the
na basta malapit duon sa school. school

R14: Sa mga daycare at paaralan Near the


R15: ​Para sa akin... feel ko maganda sa mga paaralan o kaya Near the
daycare dahil sa mga bata school

*​Perception on Promotion​*
Question 1: What are your current comments on the promotion being utilized by the
BichoNoy Company in advertising the product?

Transcribed Answers Codes

R1:Kung dito laang naman din saamin, tama na iyang inyong mga Traditional
poster na iyan. Dito nama'y mag kaka kilala ang mga tao, basta Advertising
massarap yaang binebenta ninyo ay pag uusapan at pag uusapang

R2:Maayos naman siya sa ngayon ngunit pagdating ng panahon, Further

kapag nasa isang mas malawak na market na kayo, dapat mas mag Improvement
improve pa ang inyong mga paraan ng pagpo-promote ng produkto.

R3:Maganda Interest

R4:Effective at maganda ang inyong pagpropromote sa tingin ko dahil Interest


mas nakikilala ng mga tao ang inyong masustansyang produkto. Catcher

R5:Siguro, diba sikat yung mga social media na tulad ng facebook. Social Media
Gamitin niyo yun HAHAHAHAHA Reliant/Furth

R6:Dahil isa akong nanay ay wala na kong panahon para buksan ang Social Media
fb account ko ineng eh. Pasensya ka na. Reliant/Furth

R7:Tulad nga ng sinabi nyo kanina, na malaki ang advantage ng Social Media
social media sa pag-aadvertise kaya sa tingin ko naman ay effective Reliant
nga ito sa product ninyo.

R8:Ay ineng wala naman akong Facebook eh hahahahahaha pero sa Social Media
tingin ko naman ay ayos nga dahil madami naman nagamit noon lalo Reliant
na ang mga kabataan.

R9:magbigay sila ng leaflet or thru media. Traditional

Advertising /
Social Media

R10:Kailangan pa nila itong iimprove para mas madami ang Further

makakilala sa kanilang produkto. Improvement

R11:kulang sila sa paraan ng pagpropromote ng kanilang produkto, Further

kaya maliit lamang ang kanilang market. Madami pa ang hindi Improvement
nakakaalam sa kanilang produkto.

R12:maganda sya, effective tas makulay tas informative Interest


R13:haha maganda naman yung mga promotions niyo hanga nga Further
ako eh at mga bata pa lang pero kung makagawa ng komersyal Improvement
kumbaga ay parang propesyunal na at talagang pang tunay na
business na hahaha

R14:Hindi gaano ka-affective dahil hindi masyadong active ang Further

kanilang page Improvement

R15: Hindi gaanong ka-affective dahil hindi masyadong active sa Further

kanilang pag promote sa tulong ng page nila sa facebook Improvement

Question 2: How effective are the promotions of BichoNoy Company in advertsing the
company's product to improve sales?

Transcribed Answers Codes

R1:Aba ay malaki ang naitutulong ng inyong gina gawang iyan, Useful

katulad ko baga, hindi naman ako mahilig mag lalabas, diba gay
makita ko laang yaang naka dikit dyan sa may poste o kung saan
man ay makikita't makikita ko iyan kahit na bihira laang akong mag

R2:Hmmm, sa palagay ko'y epektibo naman ito sapagkat sa mga Effective

ngiti at sayang nakikita ko sa inyo, sa tingin ko'y maayos naman ang
takbo ng pera sa inyong kompanya.

R3:napaka effective kasi marami ummoorder through online sales Effective

R4: Aba ay effective na effective ang inyong pagpropromote dahil sa Effective

tingin ko ay maganda ang inyong kita dahil sa diskarteng ginagawa
ninyo sa inyong kompanya.

R5: Ahhhh siguro ginagawa niyo naman ang lahat para kayo ay In doubt
makabenta ng marami. Diba ganun naman talaga ang mga

R6: Maganda naman iyan dahil hindi lamang mga taga brgy lumbang Useful
ang may facebook at madami ang makakakita niyan.

R7: Tulad nga ng sinabi ko kanina ay effective nga ito. Parang ganon Effective
din ang tanong mo kanina hahahaha.

R8: Malaki ang tulong kase makikita ng mga madaming tao. Effective

R9: Ito ay malaking tulong na ipaalam sa mga tao na masarap at Useful

masustansiya ang product na ito

R10: Maganda na direct selling ang kanilang ginagawa kaya madami Effective
silang namamarket.

R11: ahh gianagawa nila ito through direct selling so effective ito. Effective

R12: tingin ko naman effective sya kasi dun namin nalaman yung Useful
tinda nyo

R13: feeling ko naman effective kasi attractive siya, diba ate? Effective

R14: Para sa akin... hindi masyadong effective ang kanilang Ineffective


R15: Oo effective naman sya dahil may nakukuha naman na loyal In doubt
buyers sa tulong ng word of mouth pero siguro mas magiging
effective pag inayos nila yung promotion sa page

Statement of the Problem 3​: What is the impact of the community's perception of
BichoNoy Company's marketing mix to the company & the company's product?

Question 1: What are your comments and suggestions in improving the BichoNoy
Company's marketing mix?

Transcribed Answers Codes

R1:Siguro ay mas maganda kung mas dadamihan pa ninyo ang Improvement

inyong dala, dahil tulad ko nga, ako nama'y bibihira mag lalabas, on Promotion
talagang nachempuhan ko laang na nakita ko iyang inyong, poster.
Mas maganda narin siguro kung duun sa madaling makikita.

R2:Sa aking nakikita, wala naman akong maii-suggest pa para Sufficient MM

ma-improve ang inyong marketing mix, ngunit, para sa akin,
ipagpatuloy ninyo lamang kung ano ang nasimulan niyo at kung may
pagkukulang man, ay sulosyonan agad ito.

R3:search for effective ways in disseminating information about Improvement

bichonoy's product of Promotion

R4:Ang akin laang na maiisugest sa inyo ay palagi kayong makikinig Constant

sa mga comment ng inyong customer para maiimprove niyo pa ang hearing of
inyong produkto. Sa presyo at lugar naman ay saktong sakto lang Feedbacks
ang inyong pagprepresyo at lugar na napili. Sa inyo namang and
pagpropromote ay kailangan niyo lang nang mas magandang Improvement
diskarte at strategy dahil ayun ang makakatulong sa inyo upang mas on Promotion
mapalago niyo pa ang inyong produkto at kompanya.

R5:Ano yun? Siguro gawin niyo nalang ang lahat ng inyong More concept
makakaya at kaalaman na natutunan niyo sa inyong eskwelahan application
para maging mas maganda pa inyong marketing mix. Sorry ha wala
akong masabi hindi ko kasi masyadong alam yan.

R6: ipagpatuloy niyo laang ineng yan at maganda talaga. Sufficient MM

R7:Ano ga nga yang marketing mix hahahaha? Ahhhhh kumbaga More concept
mas damihan o kaya ay lawakan pa and impormasyon sa sinasabing application

R8:Ineng bakit ang hirap ng tanong hahaha. Baka palawakin nalang More concept

hahaha di ko na alam eh. application

R9:maging matiyaga at masipag sila sa pag promote ng producto Improvement

nila of Promotion

R10:Pagbutihan pa ang pagpapakilala sa kanilang produkto. Improvement

of Promotion

R11:kailangan nilang gumamit ng ibang plataporma upang Improvement

mag-advertise of Promotion

R12:Siguro mas ayusin yung prices at place haha Improvement

on Pricing and

R13:maganda na yung inyong marketing mix siguro kelangan nyo Improvement

lang palakahin pa yung bicho na tatama na sa price tapos yung on product and
promotion mas maganda nga siguro kung laging maging active promotion
kumbaga para alam mo na mas maraming customer.

R14:Dapat maging active sila sa kanilang page para makahakot pa Improvement

ng buyers of Promotion

R15:Ayusin lang nila ang promotion nila para mas lalong makakuha Improvement
ng customers of Promotion

Statement of the Problem 4:​ Does the existing marketing mix (4P's) provide possible
retention of interest in Barangay Lumbang?
Question 1: What are the strengths/weaknesses of the company's marketing mix?

Transcribed Answers Codes

R1:Ayun nga, mas maganda kung madadagdagan pa, para naman Weakness​:
mas madami ang nakaka kita. Promotions

R2:Sa tingin ko, ang isa sa mga strengths ng kompanya ninyo ay Strength​:
ang produkto ninyo mismo sapagkat ito ang patuloy na Product qualities
nagpapabuhay at nagpapatuloy ng takbo ng inyong kompanya.
Kung walang produkto, walang kita.

R3:in my perception, bichonoy is still not known towards their target Weakness​:
market Promotions

R4:Sa tingin ko ay competitive naman ang inyong kompanya kaya Strength​: All
ang strengths niyo ay ang lahat ng inyong apat na 4P's at wala components of
naman akong nakikitang weakness ninyo. marketing mix
are strengths

R5:Sa aking palagay, ang inyong produkto ang kalakasan dahil kung Strength​:
wala ito wala rin kayo at wala rin ako sa harapan niyo. Sa akin Product qualities
lamang ito ha, namamahalan kasi talaga ako sa produkto niyo. Weakness​:
Tulad nga diba ng sinabi ko kanina ang liit niya para sa 7 pesos. Overpricing

R6:Ay ineng, ang masasabi ko laang talaga ay maayos ang output Strength​: All
na nagawa niyo. hindi ko na kaya palawaking ang sagot ko dahil yan components of
talaga ang pagkakaalam ko. marketing mix
are strengths

R7:Ang strength ay nandoon lahat ng ideya tapos ang weakness Strength​: Strong
siguro ay yon ngang sa kakulangan sa information. business

R8:Nako ayan na naman hahaha. Sa palagay ko naman ay wala Strength​: All

kagagaling nyo na eh. components of
marketing mix
are strengths

R9:Strengths ay sales talk nila para ipakilala ang product Strength​: direct
weakness naman ay tanggalin ang hiya at maging proud sa selling strategy
produckto nila Weakness​:

R10:Strength ay direkta sila na nakikipagusap sa mga customer Strength​: direct

kaya maganda ang relasyon nila sa mga ito. Weakness ay kailangan selling strategy
nila lawakan pa ang pagmamarket ng kanilang produkto. Weakness:

R11:Strength uhm personal direkta silang nakikipagusap sa mga Strength​: direct

customers. Weakness magagawa, maliit lang na persyento ang selling strategy
kanilang makakausap na customer.

R12:yung pagiging limited ng promotion at price ay weakness tas Strength​:

strength yun, ano nga yon, uhm unique at masarap talaga product Product Qualities
Promotion and

R13:Yung product syempre strength na agad yan points agad yan Strength​:
sarap eh pati yung place na napili niyo maganda hahahaha bias Product Qualities
eh... siguro yung pricing lang and promotion konting konti na lang na and Place
improvement. Weakness​:
Overpricing and

R14:Ang maganda sa marketing mix ay maganda ang produkto nila Strength​:

ngunit ang promotion ay di gaano ka-effective Product Qualities

R15:Maganda ang product nila at place, promotion lang ang Strength:

kailangan ng improvement Product Qualities
and Place

Question 2: In what area of the marketing mix do you think that the company is still

Transcribed Answers Codes

Aba ay siguro ay kung may mag kukulang man ay dun na sa dami ng Promotion
naabot ninyong mga tao, pero kung sa aki'y ayos naman at nakaka (Limited tapped
agaw pansin. people)

Yung product nyo mismo, sa tingin ko, doon kayo nagkukulang. Kasi, Product (Variety)
dapat ngayon, nagiisip na agad kayo ng mga maaari ninyong
idagdag pa upang mas lumawak pa ang variety ng binebenta ninyo
at sa paraang ito ay hindi magsasawa ang mga tao.

research All aspects


Sa palagay ko'y wala naman dahil sa nakikita ko ay magagaling None

kayong estudyante dahil naisip niyo ang ganyang ideya sa paggawa
na bicho.

Tulad nga diba ng sinabi ko kanina! Medyo namamahalan talaga ako Price
sa inyong produkto (Overpricing)

wala naman ineng eh. None

Ahmmmmm information sa place siguro. Place



Wala hahahahaha. Matatalino na kayo. None

Marketing strategy. Dapat suportado sila in all aspects at very Promotion

convincing ang pagpakilala ng produkto nila

Sa pagpropromote ng kanilang produkto. Promotion

sa pagpapakila ng kanilang produkto. Promotion

sa price siguro mas mura talaga bet ko para mas worth it. Price

yun na nga ang kulet lang ha... yung presyo and promotions niyo. Price and

Promotion Promotion

Para sa akin promotion talaga Promotion


Names of Members

Magadia, Emerson R.
Magboo, Kim Jerome D.
Natividad, Jancen A.
Navarro, Ken Aaron Randell K.
Olarte, Earl Troy V.
Atienza, Joanna Claire A.
Azor, Mary Joelu A.
Cabasa, Ginnen Felda L.
Cabral, Kryztal Kaira B.
Cañete, Ada Mikaela
Lubrica, Daren L.
Maglinao, Therese Paulyn R.
Villalobos, Aspen Nicole L.

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