The Environmental Decision Support System: Overview and Air Quality Application

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Steven S. Fine,* John Ambrosiano

Environmental Programs
MCNC–North Carolina Supercomputing Center
Research Triangle Park, North Carolina

one would design a DSS by studying the decision proc-

1. INTRODUCTION ess in a particular area and looking for opportunities to

The Environmental Decision Support System • eliminate communication bottlenecks,

(EDSS) is a computational framework being developed • fill in information gaps,
at the MCNC–North Carolina Supercomputing Center.
The ultimate aim of EDSS is to help researchers and • codify structures and procedures to help manage
planners deal successfully with the complexities of the complexity,
environmental decision-making process. Such factors • help decision makers “see” as much of the
as: problem as possible, and
• estimated risk to health, • work to enable balanced, multiattribute decision
• environmental costs, making.

• regulatory policy and enforcement, The first goal of the EDSS project was to help
research scientists and planners manage the com-
• scientific measurements, plexities of making air quality decisions based on
• modeling results, model results. Therefore, currently the EDSS frame-
work has several capabilities:
• social impacts, and
• Model engineering and configuration manage-
• projected economic costs ment services

are just a few of the many issues that can affect • Simulation planning and execution management
environmental decisions. • Data analysis and visualization
As the regulatory process comes under greater
scrutiny, the influence of such factors as cost and • Experimental strategy development tools
fairness to affected industries will become even more This paper describes EDSS’s current capabilities
important. One can expect that the current movement along with example applications. In the future, EDSS
to overhaul environmental regulatory policy will drive will expand to encompass other decision support
the demand for more comprehensive and defensible functions. These will eventually include other kinds of
environmental risk assessment and for routine cost- environmental science models, such as surface and
benefit analyses. groundwater, as well as models for costs and economic
The term “decision support” is sometimes difficult effects. EDSS will also incorporate features for man-
to define precisely. In designing EDSS we have taken aging geographic and other kinds of information. In
an operational point of view. We define decision sup- addition, we envision that EDSS will include a host of
port as whatever it takes to help people make decisions decision optimization features.
effectively. From that perspective, what one includes in
the design of a decision support system (DSS) depends 2. PRESENT EDSS CAPABILITIES
on the particular problem area. Using this definition,
In this section we describe the capabilities that
EDSS supplies to help users build air quality models,
execute modeling studies, understand the behavior of
Corresponding author address: Dr. Steven Fine, MCNC, models and the environment, and develop pollution
P.O. Box 12889, 3021 Cornwallis Rd., Research Triangle control strategies. The capabilities are supported on a
Park, NC, 27709; E-mail:
variety of platforms, including Sun, Silicon Graphics, if necessary, determines which compilations are neces-
and Digital Equipment workstations and CRAY sary, and builds the model. The model builder has
supercomputers. improved the reliability and reduced the difficulty of
creating complex models from research codes.
2.1 Model Structure Figure 1 is an example of a configuration file,
which describes the components of a model and how
EDSS can manage many types of models, but it the model should be constructed. Each “module”
has a higher level of support for chemistry-transport statement specifies a module that should be included.
models (CTMs) for air quality modeling that follow a The first time the model builder is applied to this
modular modeling structure developed by MCNC and configuration file, the builder will retrieve the dozens
the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) of source files contained by the modules, possibly
(Byun et al., 1995). The modeling structure defines retrieving the files from a remote computer. The model
calling interfaces for software modules that each builder will then compile and link the files. If the same
simulate a different physical or chemical process, such configuration file is used later, the model builder will
as gas-phase chemistry, advection, or diffusion. automatically retrieve and compile only those files for
Subroutines that follow the interface standards can be which new versions are available.
interchanged. For instance, different advection The EDSS source management and model
schemes can be tried by simply substituting one for building facilities have been applied to other types of
another when the model is built. Modelers who follow programs beyond modular models. For instance, the
the modular modeling structure can easily create and source management tools are used to manage the
test new algorithms and parameterizations. source code for EDSS itself. The tools also manage
update decks and scripts that are required to use the
2.2 Model Configuration Management Penn State/National Center for Atmospheric Research
Mesoscale Modeling System (MM5) (Grell et al.,
A typical modular CTM contains at least seven 1995). We do this to track our own modifications to
modules selected from dozens of possible choices, each MM5 and to keep code consistent among multiple
of which may be composed of several FORTRAN files. computer systems.
EDSS contains tools that assist in the managing Future versions of EDSS will provide expanded
module source code and building models. The module model management capabilities. This will include
source management tool tracks changes to each restricting which sets of modules can be combined (for
module’s source code and provides convenient access instance, an aqueous chemistry module might require
to different versions of the code. For instance, the tool that a particular cloud scheme be used) and providing
allows a group of modelers to share ongoing changes to additional automation for specifying grids and for
an advection module while other modelers access an building nested models.
older but more stable version of the code. The source
management tool provides services to local and remote 2.3 Computational Study Planning and Execution
computers, which prevents situations where versions of
code on different computers diverge. The code Another problem that can be even more complex
manager’s graphical user interface displays the status than building models with the correct code is to
of source files and provides a convenient way to correctly execute a set of related programs. For
register new changes. We have found that the source instance, a typical model run might require executing a
management tool has allowed modelers to improve and dozen preprocessors in the proper order, executing the
share modules without losing code or interfering with model, and then running several analysis programs. In
each other’s work. the past, mistakes in managing which data sets and
EDSS’s model building tool makes it easy to programs are used have caused serious problems, some
reliably construct modular models. This facility has of which have not be recognized until long after the
some similarities to the UNIX make utility, but the mistakes have been made.
EDSS facility directly supports the concept that models To address this problem, EDSS allows a user to
or programs are built from modules that may have plan and execute computational “studies,” where a
different versions and may reside on another computer. study is a set of programs, related data sets, and
To build a model, a user simply selects which modules additional information about the computations to be
should be included and optionally which versions of performed. A user builds a study with a mouse,
those modules should be used. EDSS determines which creating icons that represent programs to be executed
files and versions are required, retrieves those versions and creating links between the icons to represent data
dependencies between the programs (Fine et al., 1994). fers only the minimum amount of information between
For instance, Figure 2 shows part of a study that machines, which significantly improves performance
transforms inventories of atmospheric emissions into a and reduces network loads. For instance, if a user runs
form that is suitable for input to a CTM. The PAVE on a workstation and requests to view the
rectangles in the right part of the study represent bottom layer of a multilayer data set that resides on a
programs that transform the data. Studies can contain CRAY, a PAVE process running on the CRAY will
many types of programs. Studies have executed extract the data for the bottom layer and send them to
complex “legacy” regulatory systems, such as the one PAVE on the workstation.
in Figure 2, and our own advanced research models PAVE provides algebraic and statistical operations
with experimental visualization tools. For each that can be applied to data sets. Typical calculations
program in a study, the user can select which files are to sum the concentrations of related chemical
should be consumed and produced. The lines between species, to compute percent differences in results from
the boxes represent the flow of data between programs. two model runs, and to determine domain-wide aver-
The information in the left portion of the study ages. Commonly used formulas can be saved and
helps determine the behavior of the study. For instance, applied repeatedly.
configuration files that are used by many programs can The values that result from data extraction and
be set. During the planning process, a user can select manipulation can be viewed in a variety of ways.
which computer should be used to execute a study or Chemical concentrations are frequently displayed in a
an individual program in the study. Creating even a “tile plot” that colors each cell in a layer to indicate the
simple study can eliminate the requirement for concentration in that cell. PAVE allows a user to
hundreds of lines of shell scripts. enlarge areas of tile plots, to see the numeric values in
After a user has planned a study, he can execute it. selected regions of a plot, and to synchronously
EDSS verifies that all required files are available and animate multiple plots. PAVE can display the
executes programs on the specified machines. EDSS magnitude of values in a layer with a pseudo-3D
graphically indicates which programs are running and surface plot. PAVE also creates time series and scatter
which have completed successfully or have failed. plots that illustrate the relationship between two
After the execution of the study has completed, EDSS variables.
maintains a record of the computations that were PAVE has been designed to require very modest
performed in case questions arise later. amounts of memory and processing time. This allows
We plan many enhancements for EDSS study analyses to proceed quickly on most workstations. We
management capabilities. Greater assistance will be will extend PAVE in the future to include additional
provided in constructing studies. For instance, EDSS data manipulation and visualization capabilities.
will contain enough information about program capa-
bilities to provide suggestions in some cases for how a 2.5 Strategy Development
study should be built to achieve specified goals. To
support more complex sets of programs, EDSS will An important goal of many environmental quality
allow loops and branches within studies and will allow managers and analysts is to develop and understand
studies to be nested within other studies. strategies for reducing environmental side effects of
human activities. For instance, many states have
2.4 Data Visualization developed approaches to reduce ozone levels in their
jurisdictions. Options that might be considered for
Data visualization within EDSS is provided by a reducing ozone include limiting power plant emissions,
subsystem called the Package for Analysis and requiring the use of reformulated gasoline, imple-
Visualization of Environmental data (PAVE). PAVE is menting stricter vehicle inspection programs, and
part of EDSS, but it can also be used independently of restricting the placement of new industries. Each
the rest of EDSS. combination of options has benefits and costs that must
PAVE can be used to efficiently and flexibly be considered. The EDSS capabilities that are
analyze large gridded data sets, which are typical in air described above reduce the effort required to evaluate
quality applications. PAVE reads ASCII, Urban alternatives. Several other EDSS capabilities are under
Airshed Model, and EDSS/Models-3 file formats. Files development that will further assist in the efficient
can reside locally or on remote systems. Subsets of data consideration of alternatives.
sets can be extracted based on time period, vertical One of the bottlenecks to modeling the air quality
layer, or arbitrary selections of grid cells. When effects of a control strategy has been the computer time
accessing data sets on remote machines, PAVE trans- required to transform emissions information for
thousands of sources into a form that can be used in the providing suggestions for policies that might not
CTM. Typically, changing emissions information for normally be considered and providing additional
one source, such as adding a simulated scrubber to a information, such as costs of approaches, that has not
plant, has required reexecuting a significant number of been readily available. We will also be extending
computations. To address this problem, EDSS incor- EDSS beyond air quality to help improve the
porates a new concept in emissions processing that effectiveness and efficiency of decision making for
significantly reduces the amount of recomputation that other environmental issues.
is required when a new control strategy is evaluated Current information on EDSS and related work is
(Coats, 1996). The EDSS emissions processor can available at “”.
reduce the computation time required for processing Acknowledgments: This work is being supported
emissions information from hours to minutes. That by EPA cooperative agreement CR-822066.
improvement can significantly reduce the time required Disclaimer: This conference preprint has been
to evaluate a potential control strategy. subjected to MCNC’s document review process and
EDSS also incorporates an experimental capability been approved for publication. Mention of trade names
that allows a user to easily view, in maps and tables, or commercial products does not constitute endorse-
major point sources in an emissions inventory, such as ment or recommendation for use.
factories. The user can easily access characteristics of
each source, such as the mass of pollutant emitted and REFERENCES
which pollution control technologies can be applied. A
user can easily select a control technology, such as a
scrubber, for a source and see estimates of the Byun, D. W., C. J. Coats, D. Hwang, S. Fine, T.
reduction in emissions and the additional monetary Odman, A. Hanna, K. J. Galluppi, 1995:
costs that would be incurred if the control were Prototyping and implementation of multiscale air
applied. This experimental capability allows users to quality models for high performance computing.
easily examine contributors to an air quality problem Proceedings, SCS 1995 Simulation Multi-
and iteratively explore possible solutions. Conference, Phoenix, AZ, Soc. for Computer
Another experimental capability in EDSS is the Simulation, 527-532.
application of optimization techniques to the Coats, C. J., Jr., 1996: High performance algorithms in
development of control strategies. EDSS can find the the Sparse Matrix Operator Kernel Emissions
least costly method of obtaining a specified reduction (SMOKE) modeling system. Accepted for
in pollutants. This is useful when sensitivity analyses Proceedings of the 9th Joint AMS-A&WMA
for a domain show that an X% reduction in pollutants Conference on the Applications of Air Pollution
might produce the desired results. EDSS can also use Meteorology, Atlanta, GA, Amer. Meteor. Society.
an air quality model in conjunction with the Fine, S. S., S. Chall, D. Hwang, 1994: A human-
optimization to determine the least costly way of computer interface for managing complex
reaching a specified level of air quality (Loughlin and computational tasks. In Preprints, 10th
Ranjithan, 1995). These optimization techniques can International Conference on Interactive Infor-
provide ideas for comprehensive control strategies that mation and Processing Systems for Meteorology,
might not normally have been considered. Oceanography, and Hydrology, Nashville, TN,
Amer. Meteor. Soc., 32-36.
3. CONCLUSION Grell, G. A., J. Dudhia, D. R. Stauffer, 1995: A
description of the fifth-generation Penn State/
EDSS provides several capabilities that assist NCAR Mesoscale Model (MM5), NCAR Tech.
scientists and environmental managers in air quality Note NCAR/TN-398+STR, 122 pp.
modeling and decision making. EDSS makes modeling Loughlin, D. H., and S. Ranjithan, 1995: An
easier and less error-prone, which allows users to better application of genetic algorithms in air quality
concentrate on environmental issues. We are building management. Proceedings of the Second Congress
on the existing capabilities to provide increasingly on Computing in Civil Engineering, Atlanta, GA,
advanced features to assist users. This will include Amer. Soc. of Civil Engineers, 963-970.
// This is a configuration file for one instance of a CTM
model ctm;

// Include files that are used by multiple modules

include SUBST_HGRD_ID /pub/storage/edss/aqm/src/icl/hgrid/HGRD3.EXT;
include SUBST_VGRD_ID /pub/storage/edss/aqm/src/icl/vgrid/VGRD3.EXT;
include SUBST_SPCS_ID /pub/storage/edss/aqm/src/icl/species/SPCS3_RADM.EXT;
include SUBST_CONST_ID /pub/storage/edss/aqm/src/icl/shared/CONST3_RADM.EXT;
include SUBST_PARMS_ID /pub/storage/edss/aqm/src/icl/shared/PARMS3.EXT;
include SUBST_FDESC_ID /pub/storage/edss/aqm/src/icl/shared/FDESC3.EXT;
include SUBST_IODECL_ID /pub/storage/edss/aqm/src/icl/shared/IODECL3.EXT;
include SUBST_FILES_ID /pub/storage/edss/aqm/src/icl/shared/FILES3_RADM.EXT;
include SUBST_ADV3_ID /pub/storage/edss/aqm/src/icl/shared /ADV3_RADM.EXT;

module radm_smo development; // advection -- development version

f77_flags "-g"; // compile this module with debugging information
hadvec.F // This file is being edited locally.
// Use the local, not the archived version.

module radm2_chem; // chemistry

module radm_eddy; // diffusion

// cloud module
// cldnoop is a "null" routine. Using this module turns off cloud
// calculations, which can be useful for evaluating the other modules.
module cldnoop;

module couple;
module radm_driver;
module init;
module addrate;
module getstep;

Figure 1: A configuration file that describes the components of a modular chemistry-transport model. Text
following "//" is a comment. This configuration file provides enough information for the model to be built.

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