6400 Manual PDF
6400 Manual PDF
6400 Manual PDF
Product Manual
This manual comprises two volumes:
In normal operation, the operator must not remove the
Profiler/Controller from its housing or have unrestricted access to the
rear terminals, as this would provide potential contact with hazardous
live parts.
A program can be put in Hold (i.e. frozen) at any time whilst it is running. The
program setpoint will stay at its value at the instant the program entered Hold until
the program is released (see Subsection 1.4) or aborted (see Subsection 1.5). To
put a program in hold, momentarily press the RUN key. The RUN indicator will
flash whilst the program is in hold.
To release a program currently in Hold, momentarily press the RUN key. The
RUN indicator will then go ON continuously.
To abort the current-running (or held) program, hold down the RUN key for 5
seconds. The program will be aborted, the RUN indicator will go OFF and the
normal Controller functions will be resumed.
The RaPID control feature may be used when extra fast responses and minimum
overshoot are required. The RaPID feature works best when PID terms are
well-tuned; therefore, it is recommended that the Pre-Tune feature (see Subsection
1.8) is run before the RaPID feature is engaged.
To dis-engage RaPID control, use the same key actions. NOTE: The RaPID feature
cannot be engaged if Proportional Band 1 or Proportional Band 2 is set to 0.
This facility may be used to provide initial tuning of the Controller’s PID parameters.
Pre-Tune may be engaged (and subsequently dis-engaged) as follows:
NOTE: The Pre-Tune facility will not engage if (a) a program is currently
running, (b) the process variable is within 5% of input span of the setpoint,
or (c) an erroneous key sequence is used. Pre-Tune is a single-shot process
which automatically dis-engages itself when completed.
The Pre-Tune and RaPID features can be engaged in one key action sequence:
Pre-Tune will operate first. When it is completed it will dis-engage itself and the
RaPID feature will then operate automatically.
NOTE: An automatic return is made to the normal Base Mode display after
30 seconds.
Value 0 1 2 3 4 5 7 8
Input RTD/ Thermo- Linear Linear
Linear couple DC mA DC V
Output Relay SSR DC DC DC DC Solid
1 Drive 0 - 10V 0 - 20mA 0 - 5V 4 - 20mA State
Output Not Relay SSR DC DC DC DC Solid
2/3 fitted Drive 0 - 10V 0 - 20mA 0 - 5V 4 - 20mA State*
* Output 2 only
In Base Mode, with no program running or held, Manual Control may be selected
as follows:
The lower display shows the output power in the form Pxxx (xxx is in the range
000% to 100% of maximum output power). This may be adjusted using the Up and
Down keys.
NOTE: If the Program Define Mode lock code has been set to 0, pressing
the Scroll key in Step 2 will give direct access to Program Define Mode; no
entry of lock code is required.
Upon entry into Program Define Mode, the first Segment Definition parameter for
Segment 1 of Program 1 will be displayed.
4. A program may contain only one End Segment (the last segment in the
The Guaranteed Soak Band is applicable to Dwell segments only and operates as
follows (depending on whether Guaranteed Soak has been enabled or Manual
Guaranteed Soak has been configured):
For every segment in a program there is an event indicator. This may be set ON or
OFF for that segment. The status for the segments in the currently-selected
program appears in the following form in the upper display:
The first display shows the current event status for Segments 1 - 8 and the second
display shows the current event status for Segments 9 - 16. Each event marker
may be set ON (Up key) or OFF (Down key) in order of segment number. Only the
event indicators for the segments in the program are displayed. If the program
has less than 16 segments (including the End Segment), the non-applicable
display positions are blank; if the program has eight segments or less, the second
display is not included.. The lower display shows the current segment number.
Thus, the key sequence to define the event markers for Segments 1 - 8 could be:
Pressing the Scroll key would then display the event markers for Segments 9 - 16
(as applicable), which could be defined in a similar manner.
1. If the Controller Set-Up Mode lock code has been set to 0, pressing the
Scroll key in Step 2 will give direct access to Controller Set-Up Mode; no
entry of lock code is required.
Upon entry into Controller Set-Up Mode, the first in a sequence of controller
parameters will be displayed. The operator may then step through the parameter
sequence using the Scroll key, adjusting the setting/value of each displayed
parameter using the Up/Down keys. The parameter sequence is as follows:
Parameter Function Adjustment Range
Input Filter Time Filter removes extraneous impulses from OFF, 0.5 to 100.0 2.0
Constant the process variable input seconds in 0.5 second seconds
Process Variable Modifies actual process variable (PV) ±input span of 0
Offset value: Controller
Offset PV + actual PV
= PV value used
Output Power 1 Current Output 1 power level 0 to 100% Read only
Output Power 2 Current Output 2 power level 0 to 100% Read only
Proportional Portion of input span in which Output 1 0.0 to 999.9% of input 10.0%
Band 1 (PB1) power level is proportional to the span
(offset) process variable value (see
Figure 3-1).
Proportional Portion of input span in which Output 2 0.0 to 999.9% of input 10.0%
Band 2 (PB2) power level is proportional to the span
(offset) process variable value (see
Figure 3-1).
Reset (Integral Integral time constant 1sec. to 99min. 59 5 mins. 00
Time Constant) secs. and OFF secs.
Rate (Derivative Derivative time constant 00 secs. to 99 mins. 59 1 min. 15
Time Constant) secs. secs.
Overlap/ Portion of proportional band (PB1 + −20% to +20% of 0%
Deadband PB2) in which both outputs are active (Proportional Band 1 +
(overlap) or neither output is active Proportional Band 2)
(deadband) - see Figure 3-1).
Manual Reset Bias applied to output power, 0% to 100% (Output 1 25%
(Bias) expressed as a percentage of output only);
power. −100% to +100%
(Output 1 & Output 2)
Parameter Function Adjustment Range
ON/OFF Switching differential for one output or 0.1% to 10.0% of 0.5%
Differential both outputs set to ON/OFF control (PB1, input span
PB2 or both = 0) - see Figure 3-1.
Setpoint Lock Enables/disables setpoint (SP) OFF - SP adjustable OFF
adjustment in Base Mode. ON - SP not adjustable
Recorder Output Process variable or setpoint value (as −1999 to 9999 Input
Scale Maximum applicable) for which the recorder (decimal point Range
output is a maximum position as for input Maximum
Recorder Output Process variable or setpoint value (as −1999 to 9999 Input
Scale Minimum applicable) for which the recorder (decimal point Range
output is a minimum position as for input Minimum
Output 1 Power Limits Output 1 power level (to protect 0% to 100% of full 100%
Limit the process) power
Output 1 Cycle Limits the frequency of operation of 0.5, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 32 secs.
Time output relay to maximise relay life 64, 128, 256 or 512
Output 2 Cycle Limits the frequency of operation of 0.5, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 32 secs.
Time output relay to maximise relay life 64, 128, 256 or 512
Process High If Alarm 1 is a Process High Alarm, the Input Range Minimum Input
Alarm 1 value of the process variable at or to Input Range Range
above which Alarm 1 will be active (see Maximum Maximum
Figure 3-2)
Process Low If Alarm 1 is a Process Low Alarm, the Input Range Minimum Input
Alarm 1 value of the process variable at or to Input Range Range
below which Alarm 1 will be active (see Maximum Minimum
Figure 3-2)
Band Alarm 1 If Alarm 1 is a Band Alarm, the band of 0 to input span from 5 units
process variable values, centred on the (program) setpoint
(program) setpoint, outside which the
process variable will cause this alarm to
be active (see Figure 3-2)
Deviation If Alarm 1 is a Deviation Alarm, gives a ±input span from 5 units
Alarm 1 value above (positive value) or below (program) setpoint
(negative value) the (program) setpoint.
If the process variable deviates from
the setpoint by a marging greater than
this value, the alarm becomes active
(see Figure 3-2)
Alarm 1 Defines a hysteresis band on the “safe” 1 to 250 units 1 unit
Hysteresis side of the Alarm 1 value
Parameter Function Adjustment Range
Process High If Alarm 2 is a Process High Alarm, the Input Range Minimum Input
Alarm 2 value of the process variable at or to Input Range Range
above which Alarm 2 will be active Maximum Maximum
(see Figure 3-2)
Process Low If Alarm 2 is a Process Low Alarm, the Input Range Minimum Input
Alarm 2 value of the process variable at or to Input Range Range
below which Alarm 2 will be active Maximum Minimum
(see Figure 3-2)
Band Alarm 2 If Alarm 2 is a Band Alarm, the band 0 to input span from 5 units
of process variable values, centred (program) setpoint
on the (program) setpoint, outside
which the process variable will cause
this alarm to be active (see Figure
Deviation If Alarm 2 is a Deviation Alarm, gives ±input span from 5 units
Alarm 2 a value above (positive value) or (program) setpoint
below (negative value) the (program)
setpoint. If the process variable
deviates from the setpoint by a
marging greater than this value, the
alarm becomes active (see Figure
Alarm 2 Hysteresis Defines a hysteresis band on the 1 to 250 units 1 unit
“safe” side of the Alarm 2 value
Scale Range For linear inputs only, defines the 0 (xxxx), 1 (xxx.x), 2 1 (xxx.x)
Decimal Point decimal point position (xx.xx) or 3 (x.xxx)
Scale Range For linear inputs only, defines the −1999 to 9999 1000
Maximum scaled input value when the process
variable input is at its maximum value
Scale Range For linear inputs only, defines the −1999 to 9999 0000
Minimum scaled input value when the process
variable input is at its minimum value
Manual Control 0 (Disabled) or 0
Enable/Disable 1 (Enabled) (Disabled)
Setpoint Strategy Determines whether or not the 0 = not adjustable, 1
setpoint is adjustable in the normal 1 = adjustable
Base Mode display
Communications Enables/disables changing of 0 (disabled) or 1
Enable/Disable parameter values via the 1 (Enabled) (Enabled)
communications link
Controller Set-Up Defines the four-digit code required 0 to 9999 10
Mode Lock Code to enter the Controller Set-Up Mode
(i) Baud rates may be set to 1200, 2400, 4800 and 9600 only
In the following list, the original Gould MODBUS function names have been used,
followed by the JBUS names in italics, where such an equivalence exists. The
MODBUS Function number follows the names.
The instrument will identify itself in reply to a Read Holding Registers message
which enquires the values of parameter numbers 121 & 122, as specified in the
CNOMO documentation, and MODBUS Function 17 (Report Slave ID) will not be
The first character of every message is an instrument address. The valid range of
such an address is 0 to 255. The second character is always the Function
Number. The contents of the remainder of the message depends upon the
function number.
In most cases the instrument is required to reply by echoing the address and
function number, together with an echo of all or part of the message received (in
the case of a request to write a value or carry out a command) or the information
requested (in the case of a read parameter operation). Broadcast Messages (to
which the controller responds by taking some action without sending back a
reply) are supported at instrument address zero. Commands which can be
broadcast are marked with the symbol B.
Data is transmitted as eight-bit binary bytes with 1 start bit, 1 stop bit and optional
parity checking (None, Even or Odd).
The following individual message formats apply. Since only the RTU form of the
protocol is being supported, each message is followed by a two-byte CRC16.
Details of how the checksum must be calculated are given at the end of this
The normal reply will echo the first two characters of the message received, and
will then contain a single-byte data byte count, which will not include itself or the
CRC. For this message, there will be one byte of data per eight bits-worth of
information requested, with the LSbit of the first data byte transmitted depicting
the state of the lowest-numbered bit required.
This function will be used largely to report controller status information, and so a
bit set to 1 indicates that the corresponding feature is currently enabled/active,
and a bit reset to 0 indicates the opposite.
If an exact multiple of eight bits is not requested, the data is padded with trailing
zeros to preserve the 8-bit format. After the data has been transmitted, the CRC16
value is sent.
The message sent to the controller to obtain the value of one or more registers is
an eight-byte message as follows:
The reply sent by the controller echoes the first 2 characters received and then
contains a single-byte data byte count, the value of which does not include either
itself or the CRC value to be sent. For this message, the count equals the number
of parameters read times two. Following the byte count, that number of
parameter values are transmitted, MSB first, followed by the CRC16.
Generally, this function will be used to control such features as Auto/Manual and
The normal reply sent by the controller will be a byte-for-byte echo of the
message received.
Full MODBUS support in this area is not appropriate - consequently, the only
Diagnostic Code supported is code 00. In response to the message, the
controller must echo the message received exactly.
The Function Number field consists of the function number contained in the
message which caused the error, with its top bit set (i.e. function 3 becomes
0x83), and the Exception Number is one of the codes contained in the following
Code Name Cause
1 ILLEGAL FUNCTION Function Number out of range
2 ILLEGAL DATA ADDRESS Parameter ID out of range or not supported
3 ILLEGAL DATA VALUE Attempt to write invalid data/action not
carried out
H. CRC16 Calculation
ii. Because only the remainder is of interest, the MSB (the right-most bit)
may be discarded.
This means the polynomial has the value Hex A001. The CRC algorithm is as
B. Word Parameters
No. Parameter Notes
Controller Parameters
1 Process Variable Read only
2 Setpoint Current setpoint, if ramping
3 Output Power Read only, unless in Manual Control
4 Arithmetic Deviation Read only
5 Proportional Band 2
6 Proportional Band 1
7 Controller Status
8 Reset
9 Rate
10 Output 1 Cycle Time
11 Scale Range Low Read only if non-linear input
12 Scale Range High Read only if non-linear input
13 Alarm 1 value
14 Alarm 2 value
15 Manual Reset
16 Overlap/Deadband
17 ON/OFF Differential
18 Decimal Point Position Read only if non-linear input
19 Output 2 Cycle Time
20 Output 1 Power Limit
21 Setpoint Lock 0 = Off, 1 = On
22 Reserved
23 Filter Time Constant
24 Process Variable Offset
25 Recorder Output Max.
26 Recorder Output Min.
27 Alarm 1 Hysteresis
28 Alarm 2 Hysteresis
Program Parameters
29 Segment Mode 0 = Rate, 1 = Time
30 Profiler Status Read only - see Subsection 4.5.
31 Current Program Number Read only
32 Current Segment Number Read only in current running/held program
33 Segment Time Remaining Read only
Instrument ID Parameters
121 Manufacturer ID Read only - 231
122 Equipment ID Read only - 6400
The procedures described in this Volume must be undertaken only by
technically-competent servicing personnel.
The Profiler/Controller is 110mm deep (measured from the rear face of the front
panel). The front panel is 48mm high and 48mm wide. When panel-mounted, the
front panel projects 10mm from the mounting panel. The main dimensions of the
Controller are shown in Figure 1-2.
The Controller will operate on 96 - 264V AC 50/60Hz mains (line) supply. The power
consumption is approximately 4 VA. Power should be connected via a two-pole
isolating switch (preferably situated near the equipment) and a 1A fuse.
If the Controller has relay outputs in which the contacts are to carry mains (line)
voltage, it is recommended that the relay contact mains (line) supply should be
switched and fused in a similar manner but should be separate from the
Controller mains (line) supply.
The supply connections for the 24V AC/DC option of the Controller are as shown in
Figure 1-4. Power should be connected via a two-pole isolating switch and a
315mA slow-blow (anti-surge Type T) fuse.
With the 24V AC/DC supply option fitted, these terminals will accept the following
supply voltage ranges:
With this option fitted, Terminals 11 and 12 are used for external Run/Hold control
of the currently-selected program; this has an effect identical to that of the front
panel RUN key. These terminals may be connected to (a) the voltage-free
contacts of a switch or relay, or (b) a TTL-compatible voltage. This is an
edge-sensitive input for which the following convention has been adopted:
NOTE: When this input is used, the front panel RUN key can be used
only to abort a program. Powering-up the Profiler/Controller whilst this
input is ON will not cause a program to run. The RS485 Serial
Communications option and the Remote Run/Hold option are
mutually exclusive.
1.3.10 DC Outputs
See Appendix A.
The cable used should be suitable for data transfer at the selected rate (1200,
2400, 4800 or 9600 Baud) over the required distance. Transmitters/receivers
conform to the recommendations in the EIA Standard RS485.
The “A” terminal (Terminal 11) on the Controller should be connected to the “A”
terminal on the master device; the “B” terminal (Terminal 12) on the Controller
should be connected to the “B” terminal on the master device. Where several
Controllers are connected to one master port, the master port transceiver in the
active state should be capable of driving a load of 12kΩ per Controller; the
master port transceiver in the passive state must have pull-up/pull-down resistors of
sufficiently low impedance to ensure that it remains in the quiescent state whilst
supplying up to ±100µA each to the Controller transceivers in the high impedance
To withdraw the instrument from its housing, simply grip the side edges of the front
panel (there is a finger grip on each edge) and pull the instrument forwards. This
will release the instrument from its rear connectors in the housing and will give
access to the instrument PCBs. Take note of the orientation of the instrument for
subsequent replacement into the housing.The positions of the PCBs in the
instrument are shown in Figure 2-1.
1. Gently push the rear ends of the CPU PCB and Power Supply PCB apart
slightly, until the two tongues on each of the Output 2/Output 3 Option PCBs
become dis-engaged - see Figure 2-2B; The Output 2 Option PCB tongues
engage in holes in the Power Supply PCB and the Output 3 Option PCB
tongues engage in holes on the CPU PCB.
2. Carefully pull the required Option PCB (Output 2 or Output 3) from its
connector (Output 2 Option PCB is connected to the CPU PCB and Output 3
Option PCB is connected to the Power Supply PCB) - see Figure 2-2C. Note
the orientation of the PCB in preparation for its replacement.
Adjustments may now be made to the link jumpers on the CPU PCB, the Output
2/Output 3 Option PCBs (if DC output) and (if fitted) the DC Output 1 PCB. The
replacement procedure is a simple reversal of the removal procedure.
To replace the instrument, simply align the CPU PCB and Power Supply PCB with
their guides and connectors in the housing and slowly but firmly push the
instrument into position.
The selection of input type and Output 1 type is accomplished on link jumpers on
the CPU PCB. The CPU PCB may be either of two forms: (a) for a relay, solid state or
SSR drive Output 1 (see Figure 2-4) or for a DC Output 1 (see Figure 2-5).
The type of output for Output 2 and Output 3 is determined by the Option PCB
fitted in the appropriate position (see Figure 2-1) and, in the case of the DC
Output Option PCB being fitted, the setting of Link Jumpers LJ8 and LJ9 on that
Option PCB (see Figure 2-6 and Table 2-3). There are three types of option PCB
which may be used for Output 2 and Output 3:
Value 0 1 2 3 4 5 7 8
Input RTD/ Thermo- Linear Linear
Linear couple DC mA DC V
Output Relay SSR DC DC DC DC Solid
1 Drive 0 - 10V 0 - 20mA 0 - 5V 4 - 20mA State
Output Not Relay SSR DC DC DC DC Solid
2/3 fitted Drive 0 - 10V 0 - 20mA 0 - 5V 4 - 20mA State*
* Output 2 only
The maximum setting available for this code is 4887. For example, the code for a
thermocouple input, DC 4 - 20mA primary output (Output 1) and relay Output 3
would be 2701.
This code may be viewed as a Read Only display in Base Mode (see Volume I,
Subsection 1.11).
This indicates the option fitted (Communications Option, Remote Run/Hold option
or no option at all). It is accessed whilst the Hardware Definition Code is displayed
(see Figure 3-3).
Deviation Alarm
Band Alarm
No alarm
Deviation Alarm
Band Alarm
No alarm
Alarm 2 inhibited
Program Rate
Type Input Range Dislayed Code Type Input Range Displayed Code
L 0.0 - 205.7°C 1815 B 211 - 3315°F 1934
L 32.0 - 402.2°F 1816 B 100 - 1824°C 1938
L 0 - 450°C 1817 N 0 - 1399°C 5371
L 32 - 841°F 1818 N 32 - 2550°F 5324
L 0 - 762°C 1819 C/W5 0 - 2316°C 5111
L 32 - 1403°F 1820 C/W5 32 - 4201°F 5112
* Default
* Default
(Changes may also be required to the CPU PCB link jumpers - see Subsection
Isolation: Inherent.
Solid State
Min. OFF-State dv
dt @ Rated 500V/µs
Ranges: 0 - 20mA
4 - 20mA
0 - 10V
0 - 5V
Range Selection Method: Link jumper or DIP switch and front panel
Isolation: Inherent.
Solid State
Min. OFF-State dv
dt @ Rated 500V/µs
Ranges: 0 - 20mA
4 - 20mA
0 - 10V
0 - 5V
Range Selection Method: Link jumper or DIP switch and front panel
Isolation: Inherent.
Ranges: 0 - 20mA
4 - 20mA
0 - 10V
0 - 5V
Reference Conditions
Generally as EN60546-1.
DC Linear Inputs
Thermocouple Inputs
RTD Inputs
DC Outputs - Accuracy
Operating Conditions
Setpoint 1 1.1
Deadband/Overlap 1 3.1
Entry to Controller Set-Up Mode or Program Define 1 2.1
Mode &
Page references are shown in the form C
x/y-z, where x is the Volume Number (I or
II), y is the Section Number within that Cold Junction Compensation
Volume and z is the Page Number within Enabling/disabling II/3-8
that Section. Thus, the reference to the
second page of the third Section in
Volume II would be II/3-2. Enabling/disabling I/3-5
Communications Address
Selection of II/3-8
Communications Baud Rate
Aborting a Program I/1-2 Selection of II/3-8
Active Program Setpoint Communications Protocol
Display of I/1-3 Selection of II/3-8
Alarm 1 Hysteresis I/3-5 Control Mode
Alarm 1 Status Display of I/1-1,I/1-3
Display of I/1-1,I/1-3 Configuration Mode
Alarm 1 Type II/3-4 Entry into II/3-1
Alarm 2 Hysteresis I/3-5 Exit from II/3-9
Alarm 2 Status Controller Dimensions II/A-11
Display of I/1-1,I/1-3 Controller Set-Up Mode
Alarm 2 Type II/3-5 Entry into I/3-1
Alarm Hysteresis Exit from I/3-9
Description of I/3-8 Controller Set-Up Mode Lock Code
Alarm Inhibit II/3-5 Display of II/3-8
Alarm Operation Cycles Remaining
Description of I/3-7 Display of I/1-3
Automatic Control Cyclic Redundancy Checksum
Selection of I/1-7 Description of I/4-5
1 Volume II S077-IDX
S077-IDX Volume II 2
3 Volume II S077-IDX
S077-IDX Volume II 4
5 Volume II S077-IDX