Beck and Webb 2003
Beck and Webb 2003
Beck and Webb 2003
across Countries
Author(s): Thorsten Beck and Ian Webb
Source: The World Bank Economic Review, Vol. 17, No. 1 (2003), pp. 51-88
Published by: Oxford University Press
Stable URL:
Accessed: 30-03-2019 18:04 UTC
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to The World Bank Economic Review
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Life insurance has become an increasingly important part of the financial sector over
the past 40 years, providing a range of financial services for consumers and becoming
a major source of investment in the capital market. But what drives the large variation
in life insurance consumption across countries remains unclear. Using a panel with data
aggregated at different frequencies for 68 economies in 1961-2000, this article finds
that economic indicators-such as inflation, income per capita, and banking sector
development-and religious and institutional indicators are the most robust predic-
tors of the use of life insurance. Education, life expectancy, the young dependency ratio,
and the size of the social security system appear to have no robust association with life
insurance consumption. The results highlight the importance of price stability and
banking sector development in fully realizing the savings and investment functions of
life insurance in an economy.
Thorsten Beck is with the Development Research Group at the World Bank; his e-mail address is Ian Webb is with the International Insurance Foundation; his e-mail address is The authors are grateful to Robert Cull, Lisa Gardner, Harold Skipper Jr., partici-
pants in the Finance Forum at the World Bank in June 2002, three anonymous referees, and the editor
for useful comments and discussions. Any remaining errors are the authors'.
DOI: 10.1093/wber/lhgOll
C 2003 The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / THE WORLD BANK
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1. For more on the economic and social importance of life insurance, especially in developing coun-
tries, see UNCTAD (1982), one of the first studies in this area.
2. Browne and Kim (1993) use data for 45 countries for 1987, and Outreville (1996) data for 48
countries for 1986. Truett and Truett (1990) produce estimates for two countries, Mexico and the United
States, for 1960-82, and Beenstock and others (1986) estimates for 10 OECD countries for 1970-81.
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Beck and Webb 53
Life insurance policies are financial products that offer two main services: in
come replacement for premature death and a long-term savings instrument. T
are a multitude of types of policies, each offering the consumer different c
age options and investment choices, but they can be broken down into two
eral categories: those offering mortality coverage only and those combinin
mortality coverage with a savings component. Policies in the first category a
generally referred to in the United States and many other countries as term
cies. Those in the second category are known as whole life, universal life, var
able life, endowment, and by a variety of other names. Policies in the second
category typically earn interest, which is returned to the consumer through policy
dividends, cash values on termination of the policy, or endowment sums on
maturation of the policy. These policies incorporate varying amounts of mor-
tality coverage while generally offering a substantial savings component.
In addition to these two categories, life insurers also sell annuity policies.
Annuities are contractual arrangements whereby in return for a lump sum or
periodic payments until annuitization, the insurer promises to make periodic
payments to the insured, often until his or her death. Insurers providing annu-
ities thus undertake risks associated with longevity of the insured.
Because the different measures of life insurance consumption used in our
empirical analysis aggregate both categories of life insurance policies as well as
annuity policies, we cannot distinguish between the demand for and supply of
mortality risk coverage, longevity risk coverage, and savings through life insur-
ance. This aggregation in the data produces a bias against finding significant
relationships (see Browne and Kim 1993, note 1). Significant relationships be-
tween the variables hypothesized to affect insurance consumption and the amount
consumed are therefore likely to signal added robustness in the results.
Life insurance penetration, defined as the ratio of premium volume to GDP,
measures insurance activity relative to the size of the economy. Because it is the
product of quantity and price, it is not a perfect measure of consumption. A larger
premium volume might reflect a larger quantity, a higher price, or a difference
in the mix of mortality risk, savings, and annuity elements purchased. Lack of
competition and costly regulation might increase the amount spent on insurance
by raising its price, without implying higher insurance consumption.
Life insurance density, our second indicator of life insurance consumption, is
defined as premiums per capita. This measure shows how much each inhabitant
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3. We also calculate an alternative measure of life insurance density using international real dollars.
Specifically, rather than applying exchange rates, the local currency premiums are multiplied by the
purchasing power parity (Ppp) conversion factor, defined as the number of units of a country's cur-
rency required to buy the same amount of goods and services in the domestic market as one U.S. dollar
would buy in the United States. Using Ppp conversion factors is preferable to using exchange rates,
because exchange rates are distorted by differences in exchange rate regimes. Moreover, Ppp conversion
factors take into account the fact that the price of nontraded goods relative to traded goods increases with
the income level of an economy. Because the death benefit of life insurance policies has to cover the typi-
cal household spending on both traded and nontraded goods, using exchange rates biases the insurance
density of developing economies downward. But because data on the Ppp conversion factor are available
only for 1975-2000, the insurance densities in international real dollars are constrained to this period.
All the regressions were run using this alternative indicator of life insurance density without significant
differences, so we report only results with the general measure available over a longer period.
4. According to the United Nations System of National Accounts, life insurance premiums that imply
claims of policyholders on insurance companies' technical reserves are treated as savings, whereas in-
surers' costs and profits are part of consumption. See United Nations Statistics Division (1993).
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Beck and Webb 55
Theoretical Underpinnings
Yaari (1965) and Hakansson (1969) were the first to develop a theoretical frame-
work to explain the demand for life insurance. In this framework the demand
for life insurance is attributed to a person's desire to bequeath funds to depen-
dents and provide income for retirement. The consumer maximizes lifetime util-
ity subject to a vector of interest rates and a vector of prices, including insurance
premium rates. This framework posits that the demand for life insurance is a
function of wealth, expected income over a person's lifetime, interest rates, the
cost of life insurance policies (administrative costs), and the assumed subjective
discount rate for current over future consumption.
Lewis (1989) extends this framework by explicitly incorporating the prefer-
ences of the dependents and beneficiaries into the model. Specifically, he derives
the demand for life insurance as a maximization problem of the beneficiaries,
the spouse, and the offspring of the policyholder. Deriving utility maximization
by the spouse and offspring separately and assuming no bequest by the policy-
holder and an isoelastic utility function, Lewis shows that total life insurance
demand can be written as
where / is the policy loading factor (the ratio of the cost of the insurance
actuarial value), p the probability of the primary wage earner's death, F the face
5. For an excellent overview of the potential determinants of the demand for and supply of life in-
surance products, see Skipper and Black (2000, chap. 3).
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value of all life insurance written on the primary wage earner's life, 8 a measure
of the beneficiaries' relative risk aversion, TC the present value of consumption
of each offspring until he or she leaves the household and of the spouse over his
or her predicted remaining life span, and W the household's net wealth. Demand
for life insurance increases with the probability of the primary wage earner's
death, the present value of the beneficiaries' consumption, and the degree of risk
aversion. It decreases with the policy loading factor and the household's wealth.
But life insurance consumption is not driven only by consumer demand. Im-
portant supply-side factors affect the availability and price of life insurance. In-
surance companies need human and information resources to effectively measure
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Demographic Determinants
A higher young dependency ratio (the ratio of young dependents to the working-
age population) is assumed to increase the demand for mortality coverage and
decrease the demand for savings through life insurance and annuities (table 3;
see table A-1 for the construction and sources of the variables). A larger share of
dependents in the population means a higher total present value of consump-
tion of the beneficiaries of those insured-and therefore a higher demand for
life insurance that provides dependents with payments in the event of the pre-
6. Browne and Kim (1993) use such a price variable, but they note the bias introduced by different
compositions of the overall insurance portfolio across countries.
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Beck and Webb 59
Demographic variables
Young dependency ratio - + - Ambiguous
Old dependency ratio + - + Ambiguous
Life expectancy + - + Ambiguous
Schooling + + + +
Religion (Muslim)
Urbanization + + + +
Economic variables
Income + + + +
Private savings rate Ambiguous No effect Ambiguous Ambiguous
Inflation rate
Inflation volatility
Real interest rate + + + +
Banking sector development + + + +
Social security
Gini index Ambiguous Ambiguous Ambiguous Ambiguous
Institutional variables
Rule of law + + + +
Revolutions and coups
Institutional development + + + +
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7. However, as pointed out by Browne and others (2000), citing unpublished work by Franqois
Outreville and George Szpiro, risk aversion might also be negatively correlated with education.
8. We are grateful to one of the referees for pointing this out. A similar debate on the role of educa-
tion has taken place in the empirical growth literature; see Bils and Klenow (2000).
9. The advent of takaful insurance-approved by Islamic scholars and licensed and marketed in
countries with Muslim populations-in the past decade, however, has increased the acceptance of life
insurance in some Islamic populations. For further information see
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Beck and Webb 61
Economic Determinants
Life insurance consumption should rise with income for several reasons. First,
person's consumption and human capital typically increase along with income,
creating a greater demand for insurance (mortality coverage) to safeguard th
income potential of the insured and the expected consumption of his or her de-
pendents (this would be reflected by a higher TC in equation 1). Second, life
insurance may be a luxury good, since increasing income may enable people to
direct a larger share of their income to retirement and investment-related life
insurance products. Finally, the overhead costs associated with administering
and marketing insurance can make larger policies less expensive per dollar of
insurance in force, lowering their price. Using both aggregate national accounts
data and individual household data, several studies have shown that the use of
life insurance is positively related to income (Campbell 1980; Lewis 1989;
Beenstock and others 1986; Truett and Truett 1990; Browne and Kim 1993;
Outreville 1996). We use real GDP per capita as well as an indicator of perma-
nent income, calculated as the predicted value from a regression of the log of
each country's real GDP per capita on a time trend. Insurance against mortality
risk and consumption and savings decisions are related to permanent income or
income over the life cycle rather than current income.
Theory suggests an ambiguous relationship between life insurance and an
economy's private savings rate. If private agents save a larger share of their in-
come, they might or might not be willing to increase their savings in life insur-
ance policies. We use the share of private savings in gross national disposable
We expect inflation and its volatility to have a negative relationship with life
insurance consumption. Because life insurance savings products typically pro-
vide monetary benefits over the long term, monetary uncertainty has a substan-
tial negative effect on the expected returns on these products. Inflation can also
have a disruptive effect on the life insurance industry when interest rate cycles
spur disintermediation.10 These dynamics make inflation an additional encum-
brance on the product pricing decisions of life insurers, possibly reducing sup-
10. Fixed interest rates and loan options embedded in some life insurance policies, for example,
spurred disintermediation in the U.S. life insurance market during the inflationary 1970s and 1980s.
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ply in times of high inflation (see Cargill and Troxel 1979 for
possible effects of inflation on the life insurance market). In
for a relationship between life insurance consumption and the
its standard deviation, we also test for a relationship with the
defined as the difference between the nominal interest rate a
predicts a positive relationship: a higher real interest rate incr
investment returns and thus their profitability, in turn offe
ability of financial relative to real investments for potential
insurance policies.
We expect banking sector development to be positively cor
insurance consumption.1" Well-functioning banks may increa
of consumers in other financial institutions, such as life insur
vide life insurers with an efficient payment system. Efficient
entire financial system-as might be reflected in the absence o
ings and other distortionary policies-is thought to help life in
efficiently. But a vibrant insurance sector might also foster the d
banking sector, so a positive relationship between the two var
sarily be interpreted as evidence of causality. Outreville (1996)
positive relationship between financial development and life
tion. We use the total claims of deposit money banks on dom
sectors as a share of GDP as an indicator of banking sector d
We expect the size of a country's social security system to
related with the demand for life insurance products. Kim (198
postulate that social security displaces private insurance. If g
savings are being channeled through the government, or if th
vides substantial benefits to families of prematurely deceased
should be less demand for life insurance products (this would
higher Win equation 1). We use public expenditures on social se
as a share of GDP as an indicator of the size of the social secu
The correlation of a country's income distribution (as meas
index) with life insurance consumption is expected to be amb
and others (1986) reason that wealthy population groups do n
protection, whereas poorer groups have limited demand becau
straints. (Both the possibility of declining risk aversion with g
the replacement of life insurance coverage with surplus asset
portfolio are expected to reduce the demand for life ins
wealthy.) A more equal income distribution with a larger
therefore result in greater demand for life insurance. But al
class may have the greatest demand for life insurance saving
may be a minimum level of income at which these policies be
Accordingly, in a poor country with a large middle class, few
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Beck and Webb 63
Institutional Determinants
As can be seen in table 1, there is a large variation in the economic and financial
development of countries, their demographic structure, and their macroeconomic
performance. Most of the explanatory variables are correlated with life insur-
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12. We include the dependent and several independent variables in logs so that the coefficient
be interpreted as elasticities.
13. The number of economies varies across the life insurance measures, and the samples do not ov
14. These explanatory variables can be variables that are not included in our estimation beca
they do not vary over time or other underlying country characteristics that are not captured in an
our variables. Among these omitted variables might be the regulation of the insurance sector, taxat
and the price variable, for which we use proxy variables (such as the supply determinants describ
the section on theoretical underpinnings), but we do not have any direct measures.
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Beck and Webb 65
15. We test for the appropriateness of the fixed- or random-effects model with the Hausman test.
Under the null hypothesis that random and fixed effects estimates are not statistically different, both
estimators are consistent, but the fixed-effects model is inefficient. Under the alternative hypothesis that
both estimates are statistically different, only the fixed-effects model gives consistent coefficients. We
use the fixed-effects model when the null hypothesis is rejected at the 10 percent level and the random-
effects model otherwise.
16. Average years of schooling are available only at a five-year frequency, and life expectancy, the
urban population share, and the Gini index are not available on a yearly frequency for most countries.
Moreover, the inflation rate and banking sector development might be subject to short-term fluctua-
tions related to the business cycle.
17. We rerun the regressions without the private savings rate or revolutions and coups but restrict-
ing the sample accordingly. In neither case does income per capita enter significantly.
18. This result matches the finding by Babbel (1981) that even the demand for inflation-indexed life
insurance policies decreases during inflationary periods in Brazil.
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TABLE 4. Determinants of Life Insurance Penetration in a Panel, 1961-2000:
Full Sample, Fixed Effects
Permanent income
Secondary enrollment
Human development
Rule of law
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(7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14)a
-6.839 -4.578 -9.357 -7.895 -5.136 -7.085 -3.715 -2.380
(1.86)* (1.25) (2.44)** (2.00)** (1.89)* (1.38) (0.64) (0.41)
0.503 0.699 0.668 0.795 -0.017 0.375
(2.50)** (3.54)*** (3.24)*** (2.73)*** (0.08) (1.72)$
-0.405 -0.518 -0.270 -0.465 -0.681 -0.565 -0.930 -0.042
(1.27) (1.59) (0.84) (1.36) (1.65) (1.04) (2.47)* * (0.06)
1.159 1.230 1.076 1.238 1.757 1.471 1.302 0.226
(3.77)*** (3.61)*** (3.42)*** (3.65)*** (3.96)*** (2.23)** (3.24)*** (0.40)
-0.098 -0.779 -0.069 -0.115 -0.470 0.212 -0.963
(0.13) (1.01) (0.09) (0.15) (0.51) (0.16) (0.94)
-0.029 -0.221 -0.097 -0.294 0.420 -0.075
(0.14) (1.04) (0.47) (0.88) (1.64) (0.23)
-0.806 -1.659 -1.060 -1.047 -1.049 -0.984 -1.138 -1.187
(3.15) ** (5.79)*** (5.36)*** (5.26)* ** (4.85)*** (4.27)*** (4.98)*** (4.28)***
0.354 0.331 0.349 0.332 0.344 0.268 0.368 0.598
(4.65)*** (4.14)*** (4.62)*** (4.09)*** (3.76)*** (2.38)** (4.69)*** (3.76)***
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19. Following Browne and Kim (1993), we also use the average of inflation in the current and pre-
vious year, because consumers' inflation expectations might be determined by previous inflation expe-
rience. The results do not change.
20. Because the young and old dependency ratios and life expectancy are highly correlated with one
another, this result might be driven by multicollinearity. We therefore test the robustness of the results
by including only one of the three variables at a time. The results do not change.
21. We also try two alternative indicators of institutional development, corruption and bureaucratic
quality (like rule of law, these indicators come from the Political Risk Services (various years) Interna-
tional Country Risk Guide. Neither enters significantly in the regressions.
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Beck and Webb 69
22. This might also explain the negative sign on life expectancy. In regressions with only the old or
the young dependency ratio or life expectancy, only the old dependency ratio and life expectancy enter
negatively and significantly at the 5 percent level.
23. Because schooling data are available only at a five-year frequency, we repeat the values for the
intermediate years from the initial year of the corresponding five-year period.
24. As in the five-year panel, we include the young and old dependency ratios and life expectancy
separately, confirming our results.
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25. As in the five-year panel, we control for multicollinearity by including only one of the following
regressors at a time: the old dependency ratio, the young dependency ratio, and life expectancy. Al-
though life expectancy continues to enter significantly and negatively, neither of the two dependency
ratios enters significantly.
26. Most developing economies do not have life insurance data for the period before 1978, so the
unbalanced panel regressions might be biased toward developed countries. We therefore rerun all regres-
sions of the five-year panel with the sample limited to 1981-2000. The results do not change significantly.
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Beck and Webb 75
do not allow any inferences about a causal relationship between education and
banking, on the one hand, and the development of the life insurance sector on
the other. We therefore run two instrumental variables regressions in which we
extract the exogenous components of banking sector development and school-
ing to control for reverse causation and simultaneity bias in the empirical rela-
tionship between these variables and life insurance consumption. Specifically,
we use dummy variables indicating the origin of a country's legal system and a
variable-good crops-proxying for agricultural endowments conducive to a
large middle class and institutional development.27 Legal origin and agricultural
endowments are both exogenous variables and are highly correlated with bank-
ing sector development and schooling, as confirmed by the first-stage regressions
(the two variables explain 43 percent of the variation in banking sector develop-
ment and schooling). We use the Hansen test of overidentifying restrictions to
examine whether legal origin and agricultural endowments have any effect on
life insurance penetration beyond their effect through banking sector develop-
ment, schooling, or the other explanatory variables. In column 7 of table 7 we
instrument only for banking sector development, and in column 8 for both bank-
ing sector development and schooling.
While banking sector development enters significantly and positively even after
we instrument for it, schooling turns insignificant when we instrument for it.
The test of overidentifying restrictions is not rejected in either case, confirming
the adequacy of our instruments.28 These results show that the relationship be-
tween banking sector development and life insurance consumption is not due to
reverse causation and simultaneity bias, and the significant relationship between
schooling and life insurance consumption is most likely spurious.
Overall, the cross-country results confirm the importance of income per capita,
monetary stability, and banking sector development in predicting life insurance
consumption across countries. They also provide evidence of the importance of
religion and institutional development for life insurance consumption. Finally,
the demographic variables show a different relationship with life insurance con-
sumption in the cross-section than in the panel.
27. Beck and others (forthcoming), among many others, show that legal origin explains the varia-
tion in financial development across countries. Easterly and Levine (2003) show that good crops are a
good predictor of institutional development.
28. We also ran an instrumental variables regression in which we instrumented only schooling. The
test of overidentifying restrictions is rejected, however.
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Life insurance
Variable penetration Gini index Urbanization Social security
This content downloaded from on Sat, 30 Mar 2019 18:04:44 UTC
All use subject to
Beck and Webb 83
Real Human
interest Expected Permanent Secondary Private Revolutions development
rate inflation rate income enrollment savings rate and coups index
0.6610*** 1.0000
-0.0421 -0.2065*** 1.0000
-0.0461 -0.1225** 0.7617* 1.0000
0.0799 -0.0136 0.3366*** 0.3194*** 1.0000
0.0756 0.0879 -0.3100*** -0.2630*** -0.1847*** 1.0000
0.0008 -0.0826 0.7705*** 0.8544* * * 0.2761 * ** -0.2812*** 1.0000
-0.0593 -0.2483*** 0.7354** * 0.7050*** 0.3078*** -0.4591*$* 0.7611***
0.5876*** 0.9002*** -0.1860*** -0.1120** -0.0398 0.1246* * -0.0535
-0.0813 -0.3256*** 0.8112*** 0.8363*** 0.3307** -0.2650** 0.8547***
0.2258* 0.2500** -0.1082 -0.0890 -0.2702** 0.1945 0.1090
-0.0878 -0.0604 -0.3167"$ -0.3291 -0.1323 -0.0248 -0.4936***
-0.0950 -0.2097* 0.5781*$* 0.4440*** -0.0659 -0.1618 0.3531 x * *
-0.1192 -0.1887 -0.013 -0.0667 0.2068 0.0077 -0.1031
0.1937 0.1773 -0.3384*** -0.3296*** -0.4266* 0.1928 -0.2571 * * *
-0.0410 0.2621** -0.2169* 0.0950 0.3284* * -0.0810 0.0844
-0.0575 -0.1917 0.4395*** 0.2421** 0.3667* * -0.1227 0.2566**
-0.0553 -0.1303 0.4621* ** 0.3842*** -0.1257 -0.1552 0.3070***
-0.0373 0.0841 0.3076** 0.4809*** 0.1646 -0.2639** 0.4157*$$
This content downloaded from on Sat, 30 Mar 2019 18:04:44 UTC
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Beck and Webb 85
APPENDIX TABLE A-4. Economies in the Sample for Each Measure of Life
Insurance Consumption
Algeria *
Argentina *
Australia * * *
Austria * * *
Belgium * * *
Brazil * * *
Bulgaria *
Cameroon *
Canada * *
Chile * * *
China * *
Colombia $ *
Costa Rica * * *
Croatia X
Cyprus * *
Czech Republic *
Denmark * * *
Dominican Republic * * *
Ecuador * * *
Egypt, Arab Rep. * * *
El Salvador *
Finland * $
France * * *
Germany * * *
Great Britain *
Greece * * *
Guatemala $ * *
Honduras *
Hong Kong, China *
Hungary *
Iceland * * *
India * *
Indonesia * *
Iran, Islamic Rep. of * *
Ireland * *
Israel * * $
Italy * * *
Japan * * *
Kenya $
Korea, Rep. of * * $
Malaysia * * *
Mexico * * *
Netherlands * * *
New Zealand * * *
Norway * * *
Pakistan * * *
Panama * *
This content downloaded from on Sat, 30 Mar 2019 18:04:44 UTC
All use subject to
Philippines * * *
Poland * $
Portugal * * *
Romania *
Slovenia *
South Africa * * *
Sweden * * *
Switzerland * * $
Syrian Arab Republic *
Taiwan, China
Thailand * * *
Tunisia * * *
United States $ * *
Venezuela, RB * * *
Zimbabwe * *
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