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Software Requirement Specifications

EZ Complaint - Community
Engagement Portal

Version: 1.2

Project Code CS-491

Supervisor Engr. Abdul Rehman Mahmood
Co Supervisor Mr. Abdul Haseeb
Mukander Kumar 15k-2198
Project Team
Nirmal 15k-2210
Shakti 15k-2898
Submission Date 20/11/2018
CS-491 Software Requirements Specifications Version 1.2

Document History
[Revision history will be maintained to keep a track of changes done by anyone in the document.]
Version Name of Person Date Description of change
1.0 Nirmal 15/11/2018 Document Created and Completed
Version 1.0
1.1 Mukandar 17/11/2018
1.2 Shakti 18/11/2018

Distribution List

Name Role
Engr. Abdul Rehman Mahmood Supervisor
- Co- Supervisor

Document Sign-Off

Version Sign-off Authority Sign-off Date


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CS-491 Software Requirements Specifications Version 1.2

Table of Contents

1. INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................................................... 4
1.1. Purpose of Document .............................................................................................................. 4
1.2. Intended Audience .................................................................................................................. 4
1.3 Abbreviations ………………………………………………………………………………………...7
1.4. Document Convention ............................................................................................................. 4
2. OVERALL SYSTEM DESCRIPTION ............................................................................................................ 5
2.1. Project Background ................................................................................................................. 5
2.2. Project Scope .......................................................................................................................... 5
2.3. Not In Scope ............................................................................................................................ 5
2.4. Project Objectives ................................................................................................................... 5
2.5. Stakeholders............................................................................................................................ 5
2.6. Operating Environment ........................................................................................................... 5
2.7. System Constraints ................................................................................................................. 5
2.8. Assumptions & Dependencies ................................................................................................ 6
3. EXTERNAL INTERFACE REQUIREMENTS ................................................................................................... 7
3.1. Hardware Interfaces ................................................................................................................ 7
3.2. Software Interfaces ................................................................................................................. 7
3.3. Communications Interfaces ..................................................................................................... 7
4. FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS ................................................................................................................. 8
4.1. FUNCTIONAL HIERARCHY ................................................................................................................ 8
4.2. Use Cases ............................................................................................................................... 8
4.2.1. [Title of use case] .................................................................................................................... 8
5. NON-FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS ......................................................................................................... 9
5.1. Performance Requirements .................................................................................................... 9
5.2. Safety Requirements ............................................................................................................... 9
5.3. Security Requirements ............................................................................................................ 9
5.4. User Documentation ................................................................................................................ 9
6. REFERENCES ...................................................................................................................................... 10
7. APPENDICES ....................................................................................................................................... 11

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CS-491 Software Requirements Specifications Version 1.2

1. Introduction

1.1. Purpose of Document

The purpose of this document is to collect and analyze all the necessary ideas that are related to the
Requirements of our Complaint Portal. This document helps us to define the requirements of our system,
how the system will interact with the user, how it is going to interact with the environment, how it will react
at certain conditions. It is will also develop a compact picture of our project and clear the doubts regarding
requirements specification. It will also help us to make our objectives, goals and deliverables clearer and
discard unnecessary and less prioritized requirements that can’t be done with in the timeline of this
project. It also helps us to draw the functional and non-functional requirements from the gathered
information and requirements that are done by elicitation after analysis the information.
1.2. Intended Audience
This document is used for the development purposes of system “EZ Complaint - Community Engagement
Portal”. It can also be used by anyone within the domain for academics and further improvement
purposes. However, it is also presented to the jury and the supervisor for the purposes of evaluation.

1.3 Abbreviations

App Application

1.4 Document Convention

This document uses font-family Arial, font-size 10 for paragraph and font-size 12 for headings.

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CS-491 Software Requirements Specifications Version 1.2

2. Overall System Description

2.1. Project Background
[This section will establish business context in which system is being built. This will describe background
information and will mention the actual problem / opportunity in business that triggered the project.]
2.2. Project Scope
The scope of the project is limited to Pakistani Users due to the language barrier.
2.3. Not In Scope
[This section will highlight/explicitly mention the functionalities (if any) that are not in the scope of current
2.4. Project Objectives
 To solve the problems of Community.
 To provide interactive platform so that community can submit their complaints.
 To make accurate predictions of problem categories.
 To provide feedback of complaints to community.
 To provide more efficient and effective system for community.
2.5. Stakeholders
End User
The developer (may represent the organization)
The technician (For maintenance)
2.6. Operating Environment
Mobile, Desktop
WINDOWS 7 or above, Android version lollipop or above , IOS version

2.7. System Constraints

 Software constraints – This software is the final year project and we are free to use any software tool for
the development of project.
 Hardware constraints – Hardware must be economical and easily available in Pakistan.
 Cultural constraints – This project use English language to communicate with user but Complaint must be
sent through Urdu language.
 Legal constraints – Project should not harm physically or mentally to anyone and should maintain the
integrity of user’s data
 Environmental constraints – Hardware should be installed at buildings wall and should be high from
ground level to avoid any damage. Hardware must be covered in a way that it can tolerate the changing
weather and environmental conditions.
 User constraints– This project targets the public who is very conscious about their health, so accurate
information should be provided to them.

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CS-491 Software Requirements Specifications Version 1.2

 Time constraints – Since this is final year project, it must be completed at the end of May 2019.
 Academic constraints – Expected deliverables of project must be provided within specified time
2.8. Assumptions & Dependencies
Not Applicable.

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CS-491 Software Requirements Specifications Version 1.2

3. External Interface Requirements

3.1. Hardware Interfaces
[Describe the characteristics of each interface between the software and hardware components of the
system. This description might include the supported device types, the nature of the data and control
interactions between the software and the hardware.]
3.2. Software Interfaces
Mobile App and Web Interface are two main components of the system. We are using Firebase for
database which will store all our data and for Machine learning, Natural data processing which is done by
using imported libraries of python and google APIs. The operating system for Mobile is android and IOS
while on Desktop is Windows.
3.3. Communications Interfaces
We will be using Facebook account kit for the contact verification and Internet connection is required to
run the app.

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CS-491 Software Requirements Specifications Version 1.2

4. Functional Requirements
4.1. Functional Hierarchy
[This section will give a big picture of overall system functionality. The main modules/features of system
and their sub-functions will be described here in the form of a functional hierarchy so that, before getting
into the use case, audience could grab the idea of overall system functions.]

4.2. Use Cases

4.2.1. [Title of use case]
[Use Case Diagram]
[Use Case Description]

<Use case Id: name>

Use case Id: Write use case reference number.
Actors: <List of actors (external agents), indicating who initiated the use case>
Feature: <Feature from which the use case is driven>
Pre-condition: <List the assumptions required before this Use Case can be executed. >
Step# Action Software Reaction
1. Numbered actions of the actors Numbered description of system responses

Alternate Scenarios: Write additional, optional, branching or iterative steps. Refer to specific action
number to ensure understandability.


Post Conditions
Step# Description
Sequentially list conditions expected at the completion of the use case.

Use Case Cross referenced <Related use cases, which use or are used by this use case>

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CS-491 Software Requirements Specifications Version 1.2

5. Non-functional Requirements
5.1. Performance Requirements
Our system must be efficient in making correct predictions about all listed categories. Our system will be
responsive to user actions and user can check the status of his complaint which will provide the reliability
to the system. Customization facility will be given to user so he can update his complaint and make
correction and if by chance our ML model predict wrong category so that user is able to update it. User
will be given security their personal data and location could not be disclosed to anyone.
5.2. Safety Requirements
User complaints and queries are monitored by our ML and NLP model. But in uncertain conditions it is
possible that may system crash or server become down so to make system safe certain indication signals
must be installed which will notify the system management team to sort out the issue and backup server
will be started until issue of previous system is solved
5.3. Security Requirements
User personal data and location history will remain secure in our system and should not be disclosed to
anyone. But due to uncertain conditions there must be a Security team which will monitor the system and
will provide new security techniques so that there is no loss and tampering of data take place
5.4. User Documentation
The training manuals, tutorials and online support could be provided upon delivery of the system.

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CS-491 Software Requirements Specifications Version 1.2

6. References
[This section should provide a complete list of all documents referenced at specific point in time. Each
document should be identified by title, report number (if applicable), date, and publishing organization.
Specify the sources from which the references can be obtained. (This section is like the bibliography in a
published book).]

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CS-491 Software Requirements Specifications Version 1.2

7. Appendices
[This section should include supporting detail that would be too distracting to include in the main body of
the document.]

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