Executive Summary

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Executive Summary

 Certified Application Consultant by SAP Germany in MM module - Ver 4.7

 Total of 7 years of extensive experience in the field of Materials Management, this
includes experience in project analysis, customization and Implementation of SAP R/3 MM
 Has completed 3 full life cycle implementation projects and also involved in SAP support
and maintenance projects
 Expert in Gap-Analysis - As Is/To Be, business blue printing, prototyping, detailed
configuration, training, documentation, testing, data uploading, go-live implementation,
after go-live support
 Worked in MM areas of Inventory management, Purchasing, subcontracting, third-party,
consignment, External Procurement- Stock transports, requisitions, service entry, info
records, release strategies, vendor evaluation, master records
 Proficient in the Configuration of Material Master, Vendor Master, Purchase order,
Purchase Requisition, RFQ, Quotation, release procedures, and defining number
ranges for various documents
 Expertise in working with Inventory Managementsuch as Goods receipt, Goods issue,
Transfer posting, Goods Movement types, Reservations and Material document
 Implementation and configuration experience in MM Requisition to pay (Procure to pay)
cycle, Account payables, Split valuation, Batch Management, External Service
Management, Logistics Invoice Verification (MIRO), MRRL (ERS), Output determination
and pricing procedures
 Experience in MM with strong understanding in cross-functional integration with SD, PP,
WM and FI modules
 Used ASAP for managing/implementation of SAP R/3 projects. Used Visio, PowerPoint
extensively for flowcharting, preparing the integration-testing plan, designing processes
 Effective communication and Project Management skills

Technical Skills


 RDBMS: SQL and MS Access.
 Programming: C, C++, HTML, VB 6.0.
 Interfaces: ALE, EDI/IDOC
 Tools: FrontPage, ACAD, Visio, MS Office
 Operating systems: Windows, Unix.

Education / Membership of Professional institutes

B.S in Computer Science
Professional Experience
Client: Confidential, Skillman, NJ 08/08 - Till date
Role: SAP MM/IM Consultant
Industry: Consumer Products

 Configured the Materials Management module such as defining and assigning various
components of the company and material master data, info records, source lists,
purchasing and inventory management
 Set up plant parameters for inventory management, tolerance limits on goods issues and
 Customized plant parameters for MRP and consumption based planning and defined MRP
groups and controllers
 Customized the conversion of purchase request to purchase orders
 Configured Inter and Intra company stock transfer
 Configured goods receipt and issue for all stock categories and special stocks viz.
consignment, third party and sub-contracting
 Assisted technical team to develop interface for inventory movements with SAP and other
legacy systems
 Setup creation of outline agreements - scheduling (delivery/forecast delivery) and
contracts (Value/quantity based)
 Post Go-Live support for inventory transactions coming from legacy system through IDocs
for Purchase Order, creating Inbound/Outbound delivery, shipments, trouble shoot and
fixed failed IDocs
 Carried out unit testing and integration testing with all possible business scenarios
 Communicated status, issues and impacts to business team leadership, relevant client
sponsors and process owners
 Post Go-Live support, prepared training documents and trained end users.

Client: Confidential, Rockaway, NJ 01/07 - 08/08

Role: SAP MM/SD Consultant
Industry: Chemical

 Study of business processes, process mapping and preparation of ready-to-use templates

 Defined plants, purchase organization and storage locations, assigned purchasing
organization to company codes and plants, assigned plants to company code
 Customized new material types and material groups and assigned number ranges for
new material types
 Managed master data for Material Master, Vendor Master, Customer Master, Info
Records, Source Lists, and BOMs
 Performed configuration enhancements for MM module (Purchasing, Inventory
Management, Physical Inventory, and Invoice Verification) to meet the Business
needs for the plant
 Worked on GI/GR for Purchase Orders, Sales Orders, Stock transport orders, Inbound
and Outbound deliveries
 Configured the Inter & Intra company stock transfer and handling of special stocks and
special procurement types like Sub-contracting, and Consignment
 Configured Logistics invoice verification with over and under limits, and
established ERS (Evaluated Receipt Settlement) for preferred vendors
 Monitor IDOC failures and supported resolution process
 Configured Shipping Point determination and Route determination
 Defined various Sales Order types such as standard sales order, sample orders, rush
orders, contracts etc
 Configured Item categories and Schedule Line Categories for sales order, delivery and
 Worked with ABAP/4 programmers to develop new structure of custom reports
 Prepared Change Request which included functional specs and ensured that the
transport was moved across other environments
 Performed unit testing and integration testing for custom transactions
 Worked with end users and prepared training material for Purchasing and Inventory
Management process
 Provided support and solved user issues, ensured configuration changes and ABAP
development activities to fulfill the requirements

Client: Confidential, Strongsville, OH 06/05 - 12/06

Role: SAP MM Implementation Consultant
Industry: Manufacturing

 Responsible for full cycle implementation of MM module: project preparation, business

blueprint, realization, final preparation and finally go live & support
using ASAPmethodology
 Prepared a detailed document of AS-IS study and developed the detailed TO-
BE processes to suit the company\'s objectives
 Set up of organization structure related to MM & their respective assignments
 Configured the Material Master Data (material groups, material types, field selection
groups) and Vendor Master Data (field status for vendor account groups, partner
determination schema, account groups, partner functions)
 Invovled in data migration of material data from legacy to SAP R/3 system
 Carried out split valuation of materials based on valuation category
 Configured the Inventory Management of goods at the points of receipt and issue for all
stock categories and special stocks viz. consignment, pipeline, stock transfers, returnable
transport packaging, third-party and sub-contracting
 Verified Materials Management module configuration with populating data for complete
business cycle by generating PR, RFQ/Quotation, vendor evaluation, ranking list,
contracts, scheduling agreements, PO, GR/GI, invoice verification and purchase info
 Mapping and customizing the price determination process by using condition techniques
 Involved in interfacing and integration of MM with IM, SD, WM and FI/CO modules
 Configured and utilized movement types, cycle counting in the physical inventory, and
posting the cycle count variance
 Performed Unit Testing and Integration Testing
 Designed and coordinated post implementation support
 Demonstrated various MM transactions and business scenarios for the users as a part of
end user training & created detailed user documentation

Client: Confidential, Indianapolis, Indiana 02/04 - 05/05

Role: SAP MM Implementation Consultant
Industry: Pharmaceuticals
SAP Version: 4.0B

 Involved in customizing of Materials Management module

 Finalizing of organizational structure of Business processes to be integrated with SAP
 Responsible for customization of MM Module and Integration between various modules
 Presentation of TO-BE processes to the steering committee
 Customizing of Master data like Material Master, Vendor master, BOM, Work centers,
 Core Member for Data Conversion, testing and execution process
 Configuration of Purchasing documents, PR/ RFQ/ quotation entry / PO/ confirmations,
release procedures
 Defined number ranges for various documents & setup up document Release procedures
 Creating Outline agreements - scheduling delivery/forecast delivery, contracts-
value/quantity based
 Establishing the whole procurement Cycle from automatic creation of Requisitions from
MRP run to invoice verification
 Configuration of Goods movement documents for GR / Issues / Stock Transfers /
Transfer Postings & handling of consignment stocks
 Co-ordination with other modules for integration
 Account determination for materials management with finance
 Performed Unit Testing and Integration Testing
 Worked with OSS notes related to system problems and coordinated with technical team
to implement those notes
 Involved in production support and training end users

Client: Confidential, Cleveland, TN 09/02 - 12/03

Role: SAP MM/IM Consultant
Industry: Manufacturing

 Studying existing business process in the context of material management and deciding
TO-BE process and to be mapped to the SAP system
 Set up of Enterprise Structure related to MM like creating storage locations and
Purchasing Organizations.
 Assigned purchasing organizations to company codes and plants
 Configured new material types as per requirements of client and created several valuation
classes and account category references
 Involved in data mapping and data migration of master data and condition records
 Configured Purchasing Process including RFQ/Quotation, Contract, Scheduling
Agreement, Purchase Requisition, Purchase Order and special procurement processes
 Created Functional Specification documents along with process flow
 Worked extensively on Release strategy for Purchasing Documents
 Worked on Evaluated Receipt Settlement (ERS)
 Defining number ranges for various documents like Purchase order, Purchase requisition
 Worked extensively on Stock Transport Order and Stock Transfer
 Configured price determination schema defined condition types with access sequences,
calculation schemas and condition tables
 Involved in the Unit Testing & Integration testing
 Involved deeply with client interaction & also handled the task of training power users and
end user training. Also worked on documentation for power users and end users
 Involved in Post go-live production support

Client: Confidential, Gurgaon, INDIA 04/02 - 08/02

Role: SAP MM Consultant
Industry: Automotive

 Involved in the live implementation of SAP R/3

 Configuring master data. e.g., Material master, Bill of Materials, work centers
 Developing an Interactive list for plant wise purchase requisitions
 Customizing different purchasing documents such as PR, RFQ and POs. Preparation of
contracts, scheduling agreements, quota arrangements, external service management,
release procedures and pricing conditions
 Prepared the user documents for the MM module, giving presentation and demos
 Trained to the users executives about the working of MM module and collecting feedback

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