Paper Report Irrigation For Publishing

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Konika Jamgade, Prajakta Jambhulkar and Shruti Bhautkar.

B.E., Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering, Rajiv Gandhi College Of Engineering &
Research, Hingna, Nagpur-441110, India.

Ms. Manisha Raut

Assistant Professor, Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering, Rajiv Gandhi College Of
Engineering & Research, Hingna, Nagpur-441110, India.


Abstract— It’s been more than fifty years since the Green
Revolution has started but still there are farmers in India II. LITERATURE REVIEW
who depend on rains for irrigation. Our project not only
conserves water but is fully an automatic irrigation system As demanding necessities of food increased, it has
which requires very low maintenance and power. In this become important to discover a system which reduces cost
project we built an IoT based smart irrigation where solar and time for proper watering he field in irrigation system.
powered system will turn ON the pump and supply water in Agriculture is the only way of source to provide the smart
the field whenever the moisture content in the soil goes system based on IoT. To increase fertility of land we require
below a certain threshold. Thereby you can provide right time to time water supply to our farm. To reduce farmer’s
amount of water to the plant and reduce wastage of water manual efforts we introduced a system which is IoT based
and electricity. In our project, we have used a soil moisture and it is indeed efficient.
sensor, Nodemcu and a Wi-Fi module that collects data of This paper proposes and demonstrates an economical
moisture levels and sends it to Arduino/Node mcu board. and ease to use an Arduino or nodemcu based controlled
The system is based on NODEMCU which involves inbuilt irrigation system. This system deals with various
Wi-Fi module and Arduino. The temperature, humidity and environmental factors such as moisture, temperature and
soil moisture sensor values are continuously displayed on amount of water required by the crops using sensors like soil
LCD and same to the website which is programmed in our moisture sensor using two conducting probes, temperature
programming. We are using Adafruit software or app for our and humidity DHT11 sensor, etc.
system. It has two modes, i.e. , first one which is automatic
ON /OFF of motor as the level decreases from the threshold Datas are collected and received by arduino which
value which is set and second is the manual control via can be linked to an interactive website which will show the
which the user can operate by one touch ON/OFF of switch real time values along with the standard values of different
on his phone. The system needs continuous hotspot as it is factor required by a crop. Internet of things empowers this
IoT based without which the system won’t work. project to do so. This technology helps to provide comfort to
We will program the Arduino and process the data and turn people especially to farmers who work on the field.
ON and OFF the pump either manually or automatically, Generally the main purpose of the system is to
depending on us and supply water based on the moisture reduce manpower, water resources and power consumption.
levels. Soil moisture is a low cost and user friendly device, which is
used to detect soil moisture value. By using soil moisture
value, farmers should know how much water is present in
Keywords— IoT, Soil Moisture Sensor, Temperature the farm.
sensor, Humidity sensor.
So, this simple model aims to avoid water wastage
in irrigation process. It aims to supply water when the farm
is dry without human presence. So by interacting with the
IoT i.e. Internet of Things is a breakthrough
website real time values can be obtained.
technology that connects various devices to the internet or
the web server. The paper describes the smart irrigation
system using the concept of IoT. The project consist of solar
power system which will turn ON the pump and supply III. OVERVIEW
water when moisture content in the soil will go below a
certain threshold. It irrigates the field as an when required. This proposed method will use the Soil Moisture
So in this project, we used a soil moisture sensor, Sensor and a Sensor to detect the Temperature and the
temperature and humidity sensor, NodeMcu and a Wi-Fi humidity. A threshold value for the moisture of the crops
module. The soil moisture sensor is basically an analog will be set. If the moisture level falls below the market
sensor. The moisture sensor reads the amount of moisture value, the crops will be irrigated and if the moisture level
present in the soil surrounding it. The sensor uses two crosses the threshold value, the water pump will be stopped.
probes to pass the current through the soil, and then it reads The proposed system involves many sensors and controlling
the resistivity to get the moisture levels. The sensor unit. They all must be integrated in such a way that the
basically senses the soil resistivity by measuring the current performance is not affected for any cause. Any wrong circuit
passing through the soil when a constant voltage is applied. connection may lead to failure of the entire system. The soil
More water makes the soil conduct electricity more easily moisture sensor and the Arduino board is interfaced as
(less resistivity), while dry soil conducts electricity poorly follows. Moisture sensor consists of four pins, Analog and
(more resistivity). digital pin, vcc and ground.
Next is the temperature and humidity sensor. For It operates at the voltage of 5V. The analog pin is
monitoring the temperature and humidity, we used the interfaced with any of the analog input pins in the arduino
DHT11 sensor. DHT11 detects the water vapor by board. The sensor is then placed in the soil for sensing the
measuring the electrical resistance between the two moisture content
electrodes. Higher humidity decreases the resistance while
lower humidity will increase the resistance between the
electrodes. .
The Wi-Fi module which we are using is the
ESP2866. It has the advantage that it is small in size , low in IV. PROBLEM STATEMENT
cost and is efficient. It is low cost WiFi chip with full
TCP/IP stack. It is easy to program than Arduino.
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