Li Report Adam

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ID: 2015891836






40100 SHAH ALAM,



2.1 History of the company

2.2 Organization chart
2.3 License unit
2.4 Daily/Weekly activity
2.5 Task assigned


First and foremost, praises to almighty Allah SWT for giving me the strength, dedication
and patience for accomplishing my Industrial Training as a part of the requirement in completing
my Diploma in Chemical Engineering at UiTM. The internship opportunity I had with Department
of Environment Selangor was a great chance for learning and professional development and I
consider myself very lucky as I was provided with an opportunity to be part of it.

Thank you to Department of Environment Selangor for accepting me to perform my

internship there. It is a great chance for learning and professional development. I express my
deepest thanks to Pn. Mona as my supervisor also my team unit in Department of Environment
for all the guidance, knowledge and their contribution gratefully during my 16 weeks of internship
program. I have been placed in License Unit also I would like to extend my gratitude towards all
the staff in DOE Selangor who had given warm, constant support, advices, suggestion and
impressive worthwhile experience during my internship program at JAS Selangor. Frankly, in JAS
Selangor I learned many things and experience that I can’t get be gain from study and books.

Every knowledge and information been taught to me there will be cherish and I will strive
to use the gained skills and knowledge the best way I can in the future.

Industrial training is a part of the requirement for student in order to complete their Diploma
in Chemical Engineering course. For this program, the theories that has been learn in the entire
courses will applied into the real working environment. This industrial training duration was about
16 weeks which is able to give the student the understanding of working environment and to
expose student to a favorable workplace identified with their course of study in their own
The main objectives of industrial training program are to communicate effectively with the
workers and supervisors on issue that related to the subject or work given and to demonstrate
organizational skill and team work to carry out subject or work given. Generally, this report
contains the company organizational background, daily activities, task and work description which
all these had been done during the industrial training program.
For this semester I had completed my industrial training program at Department of
Environment Selangor which is located at Floor 12-14, Wisma Sunway Mas, Jalan Tengku
Ampuan Zabedah, Section 9, 40000, Shah Alam, Selangor. I was assigned to be a trainee under
License Unit. DOE is a government agency assigned to monitor the enforcement activities related
to the environment. The main function of the DOE is to prevent, eliminate, control pollution and
improve the environment, consistent with the purpose of the Environmental Quality Act 1974 (Act

Figure 1. Logo of Department of Environment Malaysia

In 1972, conference of United Nations regarding human being and environmental in Stockholm
have influenced the state administration to establish an agency to establish an agency to manage
affairs regarding on the environment. In order to overcome the pollution and environmental quality
preservation problem. Therefore, there is one act which is known as Environmental Quality Act
1974 and it starts to enforce on 15 April 1975.
Since the act has wide authority, the environmental section was established on 15
September 1975 under the Ministry of Local Government and Environmental to perform the act
instead of manages environment affairs, environment section has been moved to the Ministry of
Science technology and Environment on Mac 1976 before it is officially upgraded to DOE on 1
September 1983. Environment Division was placed in 15 state offices and 25 branch offices
across the country.
Department of Environment Selangor was declared officially on the 1st February 1995. The
main function of the DOE is to prevent, eliminate, and control pollution and improve the
environment, consistent with the purposes of the Environmental Quality Act 1974 (Act 127) and
the regulations there under DOE is also responsible for the implementation of the resolutions
decided by the conventions of the international environment.

Address : Floor 12-14, Wisma Sunway Mas, Jalan Tengku Ampuan Zabedah,
Section 9, 40000, Shah Alam, Selangor.
Core Business : Enforcement Based on Environmental Quality Act 1974
Email :
Phone Number : 03-55214000
Fax : 03-55194788

Figure 2 : Location of DOE Selangor, in Shah Alam.

COMPANY’S MISSION : To ensure the sustainable development in the process

of nation building

COMPANY’S VISION : Environmental conservation for the well-being of the people

There are eight principles under the Dasar Alam Sekitar Negara (DASN) to harmonize economic
development goals with environmental importance:
 Environmental Monitoring
 Resilience Conservation and Nature Diversity
 Enhanced Environmental Quality Improvement
 Use of Sources of Natural Resources
 Making an Integrated Decision
 The Role of the Private Sector
 Commitment and Accountability
 Active Participation in International Society
Figure 2.1 : All DOE office branch location in Selangor.


Department of Environment Malaysia :
Figure 3 : Main Headquarters Organization Chart of Department of Environment Malaysia
Department of Environment Selangor State :
Figure 4 : Organization Chart of Department of Environment Selangor State
Division in Department of Environment Selangor State :

Administrative and Development Operational and

Enforcement Branch Division
Finance Division Division

Licensing Unit Kajang
Impact Assessment
(EIA) Unit

Preliminary Site
Point Source Unit Sepang
Assessment Unit

Written Consent
Mobile Source Unit Gombak

Educational and
Prosecution Unit Sabak Bernam
Monitoring Unit

Complaint Unit

Figure 5 : Organization chart for Division in DOE Selangor State

Figure 3 shows the organization chart of Department of Environment Malaysia. The Chief
Director is Dato’ Dr. Ahmad Kamarulnajuib bin Che Ibrahim. Then each state led by the director.
The director for DOE Selangor is Puan Siti Zaleha Binti Ibrahim. Figure 4 is describing the
organizational chat of DOE Selangor State. Figure 5 is the division present in the DOE of Selangor
State which consist of 4 main division which are Administrative and Finance Division,
Development Division, Operational and Enforcement Division and Branch Division.

Administrative and Finance Division

The administrative and finance division are assigned to organize the welfare of the department
and manage the organization.

Development Division
Development division of Doe Selangor consist of 4 units.
Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Unit
o Implement the strategy of incorporating environmental factor in project planning
and development in line with the requirement of section 34A of the Environmental
Quality Act 1974 for activities (prescribed activities). It is also to ensure the
incorporation of the dimension in project planning and development, master plan,
structure and local plans and other development plans through pre-sitting
evaluation process.

Preliminary Site Assessment Unit

o The role of this unit is to make preliminary site assessment on the suitability of the
location for purpose premise based on the EQA 1974.

Written Consent Unit

o Make pre-sitting evaluation of proposed site suitability according to EQA 1974.
Also responsible in processing all application received following DOE procedure
and fixed client charter. Applications that process regarding to site early
assessment for developing new factory, factory renovations and for changing land
status. Application for written permission for installing air pollution control system
and fuel burning equipment shall followed DOE standard according to the EQA
1974. It stated there for construction, renovation, relocate or to change the related
equipment that use for power generating shall have written permission from
general director of DOE.

Educational and Monitoring Unit

o Responsible in monitoring air quality, river water quality, ground water quality, and
marine water quality at certain location all across Selangor. They also keep the
sample as evidence material if needed during prosecution in court. While
educational unit promote and increase public awareness on environmental issues.
These promoting activities include exhibition, talk at primary and secondary school,
and environment workshop. Educational unit are also responsible for organizing
World Environment Day and National Environment Day as well.

Operational and Enforcement Unit

License Unit
o The role of this unit is to process and issue the license applied by the industries
for the prescribed activities. The prescribed activities are the palm oil factory, the
recovery factories for the schedule waste and also the rubber factory. The unit are
responsible in processing the new license, renewal of license and also the
contravention license.

Point Source Unit (PUNCA TETAP)

o Responsible in observing and inspecting factories in the state of Selangor. The
unit are divided into five area which are North Klang, South Klang, Petaling Jaya,
North Shah Alam and South Shah Alam Unit. The unit are responsible in the
inspection towards all premise and factories in order to ensure the implementation
of all those regulation in the Environmental Quality Act 1974.

Mobile Source Unit (PUNCA BERGERAK)

o Responsible for identifying the source of pollution that produces from engine
vehicles such as cars, motorcycles, buses, pick-up truck and lorries which uses
petrol or diesel as their combustion fuel. There are 3 main act used to conduct the
inspection which are Environmental Quality Act (Emission Control from Diesel
Engine) 1996, Environmental Quality Act (Emission Control from Petrol Engine)
1996 and Environmental Quality Act (Motor Vehicle Noise) 1987. This unit also
cooperate with other agencies in doing the operation.

Prosecution Unit (PENDAKWAAN)

o Represents the department of environment in all prosecutions towards the
company or project developer that failed to implement and follow the enforcement
of the Environmental Quality Act 1974.

Complaint Unit
o Responsible in receiving all the complaint related with the environmental issue
through the Selangor state. The unit also responsible to the enforcement of the
prohibition of open burning, illegal dumping and emergency cases.


The unit of license was established to care for and supervise factories that have been
licensed or better known as premises that have been set or Prescribed Premises. Among them
are Palm Oil Mills, Rubber Mills and Scheduled Waste Disposal Plants. The license unit will
ensure that the factories are upheld or under care and comply with any regulations that have been
set by the Department of Environment and licensing regulations. In addition, also need to comply
with clean air, ambient, industrial effluents and scheduled wastes regulation. All this regulation
has their own specified that has been set up by higher management of DOE. Therefore, license
units will carry out enforcement on factories that have been registered and licensed so that they
are in compliance. If they found to fail to comply with the rules, they will be subject to such action
as a compound, brought to court, terminated his license and others. For the knowledge, the
premises designated for this scheduled waste means they will collect and collect the used waste
from the Waste Generator which is intended for restoration or recovery and resale the item.
Complaints are one of the indicator of the effectiveness of enforcement action and it provides an
overview of public concerns about pollution issues. If there is any complaint that related to
Prescribed Premises, unit license also the one who need to investigate and settle things down.
All complaints need to be taken quickly and effectively so that the integrity and image of the
department are highly regarded by the public. Complaint unit basically investigation and
inspection on prohibition of illegal dumping, air pollution release, effluent disposal without
treatment and more.







This is flow chart process on how all Prescribed Premises work under License Unit. These 3
types of Prescribed Premises include Kilang kelapa sawit, Kilang getah and Buangan terjadual.
All this premise need active license in order for them to run their production. They need to apply
from DOE and the approval process need to be check meticulously with all document needed.
This is to prevent any side impact from the production process that possible to release pollution
into environment. First, they need to hand over document or work proposal to EIA, objective of
EIA is to rating on an area of the premise either it is ideal or not, as example if the premise want
to build factory in the middle of neighborhood area, we can say that not compatible as we can
assume there will be a lot of complaint in future about the premise release uncontrollable
pollution. Next is to overlook the process that this premise will be use, this is important because
if the process is not ideal with the system, feed material or equipment and it will cause more
pollution. Therefore, EIA is to ensure this area and process is compatible with their premise.
Next, proceed to Kebenaran Bertulis, this unit will overlook under equipment aspect. As an
example, if the factory and equipment they used can only run for daily production on 1500MT,
but they run excessively so their system themselves will be broke thus produce more pollution
and will use more cost to do maintenance. Once they pass all this KB and EIA unit, t will provide
and produce specific Syarat Lesen or Jadual Pematuhan for this premise to comply.
Furthermore, License unit play the key role in this section. We need to ensure all Prescribed
premises follow all rule and regulation that had been set in Syarat Lesen for them by doing
enforcement and alert all complaint from civilian residential.


The complaint received through call, email, letter or directly to the DOE office will create
references number. Then, the complaint will be recorded into the e-KAS system (a medium used
by DOE to record all info of premises, complaint, and all investigation report). The complaint will
be sort for under the jurisdiction of DOE or not. The complaint will be forwarded to other
responsible agencies if it is not under DOE jurisdiction. The complainer will be informed of the
agencies’ info (Contact number, etc.) for further reference. If the complaint is under DOE
jurisdiction, the complaint will be forwarded to DOE state team investigator to carry out
investigation regarding the complaint and take further action. The investigation shall be carried
out even though the complaint’s information is incomplete. After investigation and further action,
the results feedback was given to the complainer and the case was closed.



Air and water pollution is the most received complaint from residential area. While illegal dumping
is rare cases such as barrel from Prescribed company found in open area without any information
to DOE. And emergency case such as transport that carry barrel or chemical material got into
accident and spillage happen.


19-23/2/2018 : First day in DOE Selangor and assigned into License Unit by En. Zul.
Walk around with Puan Is while explain organization in DOE. Do some
research about DOE and get some advice from En. Siva.
26/2/2018 : Understand all factory force Under Unit License. One of it is cement

27/2/2018 : Design brochure for seminar GSR.

28/2/2018 : Enforcement activity:

 REDRING SOLDER factory. (BT)

1/3/2018 : Do inspection toward LAFARGE company vehicle compliance. Intend to

renew their Prescribed Transporter License. 17 lorry in total.

Operational Procedures:
 En. Hadayadin gave instruction to all lorry driver and ask them to
assist License Unit to check all requirement inside their lorry.
 A DOE staff will hit the fuel paddle at maximum to see if the
vehicle produces large amount of smoke.
 Vehicle that produce large amount of smoke will be inspected with
Tecnomotor to measure the percentage of smoke produce.
 Any reading of below 50% are pass. If one of the lorry show
reading above 50% their renewal license will be stuck and check
service their vehicle again.

2-5/3/2018 : Read Clean Air Regulation book. Do file and document disposal that
already expired.

6/3/2018 : Witness court hearing between BINA MEKAR and DOE. Has been
imposed under act 34B which is illegal dumping. Learn how Court
Trial procedure.Went to ‘Mahkamah Seksyen 4’, MS4, Bangunan
Mahkamah Negeri for schedule waste case.
Prosecuter = DOE Selangor. Represented Mrs. Zalikha, Miss Faizura and
Mr. Radzi.
Prosecuted = Director of and Bina Mekar Sdn. Bhd. (ATTACHEMENT)
Figure :
Sample of picture
inside the court and
the building.

7/3/2018 : Follow Mobile Source Unit to PUSPAKOM and open DOE counter.
Went to puspakom Shah Alam, Seksyen 28 with Mobile Source Unit.
Brief by the branch manager, Mr. Azharan Bin Abdul Aziz about
puspakom. (ATTCHEMENT)
 It is a non-government agency that get certificate to run a test on
shipment vehicle for 15 years.
 70 branches through Malaysia. 56 permanent while 14 is a visiting
branch. Every 60km of radius need to have 1 PUSPAKOM
branch. Also have mobile Unit which inspect in mobile or to client
 PUSPAKOM Shah Alam opened on 2011, with capacity of 640-
unit vehicles per day design. The current average is 350-unit
vehicles per day.
 Mainly do inspection towards heavy vehicles which is more than

 Figure : PUSPAKOM Shah Alam, Seksyen 28.

8/3/2018 : Do inspection toward PENTAS FLORA company vehicle compliance.

Intend to renew their Prescribed Transporter License. Also learn on how
the premise run the production process of oil recovery and schedule
waste management. (ATTACHEMENT)

9/3/2018 : Read Akta Kualiti Alam Sekeliling 1974. Industrial effluent and its law
12-13/3/2018 : Make Jadual Pematuhan on SECURE WASTE MANAGEMENT (PYDT
BT) and BAYU QUANTUM (PYDT BT). Enforcement activity toward SWM
oil recovery and BQ e-waste. (ATTACHEMENT)

14/3/2018 : Received complaint from fisherman in Jugra that water flow in the river
has been polluted. They assumed that source of pollution coming from KKS
JUGRA premise. DOE do investigation and found that the source is
from natural occurrence heavy rain non-stop 2 days. Also enforce KKS
JUGRA kilang kelapa sawit and learn how their production run from oil palm
bunches till get kernel, nut and coconut husk or fiber (use as fuel).

15-16/3/2018 : Train to use E-sas system. Contain all premises information but not detail
as it only the platform to train. The actual system is call as E-swiss.
19/3/2018 : Try to do Pelan Lakar roughly, fill Borang Selongkar form and Lampiran
Peraturan PUB, PBT and PEP.

20/3/2018 : Do preparation with Complaint unit on upcoming event with Orang Asli
Bukit Ceding. Transfer all the boxes and stuff.

21/3/2018 : Follow Mobile Source Unit to PUSPAKOM Padang Jawa and open DOE
counter. Its purpose is to easier driver to pass their vehicle result under
PUSPAKOM inspection.

22-23/3/2018 : Help Unit IT to update window system inside PC. Read ATOP 5 books on
how to open or start up Investigation Paper or call to open case on premise
that found guilty.

26-29/3/2018 : Do trial report on SECURE WASTE MANAGEMENT we just enforced.

List form inside the report as:
 Jadual Pematuhan.
 Lampiran Pematuhan PUB, PEP and PYDT BT.
 Pelan Lakar or Plant Layout.
 Borang Selongkar.
 Lampiran A, B, D, E
 Performance Monitoring report from the SWM.

30/3/2018 : Attend talk given by Angkatan Pertahanan Awam Malaysia (APM). On

how to rescue or act while emergency situation. (ATTACHEMENT)
2/4/2018 : Enforcement activity on RIYALAND (PYDT BT) and come visit as they
want to add more waste code for Schedule Waste. Need to make sure they
comply all the regulation and no possibility to release more pollution if they
add more waste code to be recover. With all the condition and equipment
in premise need to be check first.

3-4/4/2018 : Learn to fill the Subpoena letter which is request letter to attend and send
it to witness. If they fail to attend to court hearing they will get arrest warrant.
Study the guideline for non-rigid schedule waste containers book which
focusing on packaging and labelling.

5/4/2018 : Learn how to answer call from complainant at complaint unit.

 Ask for the complaint place.
 Type of pollution.
 Record identity of complainer.
 Record everything and date also in book at complaint room.
 Identify if the complaint is relevant.
 Take action.

6-11/4/2018 : Handle Guided Self-Regulation GSR, AKAS 1974 event:

 Prepare all the certificate, more than 400 copies.
 Photostatted letter and send to post unit.
 Prepare all pendrive USB insert in file.
 Setup booth and loading stuff at concorde.
 GSR held at 11/4/2018.
 Become runner and help unit IT for the event.

9/4/2018 : Monthly Assembly of DOE Selangor State.

 All DOE Selangor community are gathered.
 Start with prayers and pledge.
 Singing ‘Negaraku’ and ‘Perkhidmatan Awam’ song.
 Furthered to speech message by DOE Selangor director
regarding rising issues and words from DOE Malaysia Chief
 Introducing internship students.
 End of assembly.

12/4/2018 : Follow up by call all participants EIA event about their fee. Will
be held at 25 april.

13/4/208 : Understand more on Perlesenan by reading Garis panduan book.

Penempatan, pergerkanan, pemindahan dan perletakan buangan

16/4/2018 : Create video for Hari Bumi about end plastic pollution. Setup booth for
tomorrow event under License Unit which is Penyerahan Lesen to all
Competent Person
17-18/4/2018 : Attend Event Penyerahan lesen in JAS under License unit. Puan Mona give
talk to all Competent person on problem that usually happen in PYDT
premises to improve industry performance. Help to manage counter
registration. Rearrange.

19/4/2018 : Help DOE from Negeri Sembilan do investigation at TEX CYCLE. They
found guilty for illegal dumping of barrel in open area in Seremban
and DOE pointed TEX CYCLE with other 3 suspected company to be fault.
DOE investigate Tex cycle first because they collect the highest volume
Petronas. End of the day, the investigation process still can’t specify either
Tex fault or not. (ATTACHEMENT)
20/4/2018 : Went to court hearing. To hear the result of trial between YYLEE company
DOE. YYLEE found guilty as their sample result from Department of
Chemical showed fail. After all DOE can’t convince speaker that YYLEE
guilt and YYLEE convicted not guilty.

23-25/4/2018 : Preparation of certificate for EIA seminar participants. More than 400
Certificate. Help preparing the event at Concorde Hotel by loading all the
and assist officer there. Went to EIA seminar on 25hb. Become secretariat
for the event by keep booth DOE.
26-27/4/2018 : Read ATOP book which explain on protocol of sampling, durable and
handling effluent sample.

30/4/2018 : Visit premise Nam Lai Li with Point Source Unit. Nam Lai Li has been
caught fault in handling effluent waste and DOE decide to seized the
premise and they can’t do any activity inside. DOE come again is to open
the seize and let Nam Lai Li install water treatment or IETS equipment
inside their premise. (ATTACHEMENT)
2/5/2018 : Met Puan Izan to learn more knowledge about License unit. Puan Izan has
been working on License unit more than 5 years. If Prescribed premises
want to add more WG as their waste collector, they need to complete
TWG 911/992 and E-swiss.

3/5/2018 : Handle Happy Earth Day event with DOE that held in SMK HILLCREST.
Other school in Gombak area also join us. (ATTACHEMENT)
Activity we handle as below:
-planting tree with student and ketua Pengarah.
-aerobic activity and breakfast
-sing national anthem
-talk from ketua pengarah, DOE representative from other branch and
Sponsor canon, Samsung, secret recipe.
-quiz for students
-lunch end event

4/5/2018 : hand over summon letter to Worldwide Holding Seksyen 7 from EIA unit
as they found guilty during construction activity. Worldwide holding is
properties group company.

7/5/2018 : Visit and learn kilang kelapa sawit at Seri Langat Palm Oil Mill. We have
Been assisted by their production manager and we get to learn the process
From bulk of palm fruit till produce nut and cernell that will be sent to palm
Oil factory. (ATTACHEMENT)

8/5/2018 : Had a site visit trip at Port Klang. Went to Northport and check all area in
Port via bus. Learn their process that relate to Schedule waste.(ATTACHE)
-hear talk from Northport and Westport person in charge
-type of schedule waste in port
-procedure handling schedule waste
-type of packaging and place to storage SW
-list of company that accept SW from port Klang
-desludging and DE slopping ship
-procedure operation desludging

14/5/2018 : prepare internship report and help doing EKSA at unit EIA.
Ekosistem Kondusif Sektor Awam.
15/5/2018 : follow unit North Klang to CASA HIJAU and PACKAGING PERFET to
do license review. When they want to active their license, they need to
comply DOE law that relate to them. Therefore, we DOE will visit their
premises and give advice or review for them to improve. Like this 2
company they don’t have any problem as their premises is only packaging
company that not relate with UB, EP and BT law regulation act.

16/5/2018 : HIN PRESS company found guilty after we finish investigate their
complaint about their improper discharge.
- Company that specialized on printing.
- Found them guilty by faulting to install flow meter.
- Do not have record inventory as DOE regulation
- Do not have proper Schedule waste labelling
- Didn’t do any EP performance monitoring.

17-18/5/2018 : From previous event GSR, some of participant didn’t get their certificate or
spoiled certificate. We need to cover and fix it.
Help prosecution find old IP, in order to do post mortem in future case.
21/5/2018 : Send sample of Buangan Terjadual from DS Metal company to Jabatan

22/5/2018 : Do preparation for poster and report for internship program.

23/5/2018 : went to ALPHANANOTECH to do support license review on

ALPHANANOTECH. This company do chemical dispersion like synthetic
Rubber and raw material. Their process involved Buangan Terjadual and
Efluen Perindustrian law regulation act. We found that they not comply with
EP and BT as they don’t have proper IETS and BT storage.

24/5/2018 : Follow South Shah Alam unit to do GSR chat at Plastone Technology
25-30/5/2018 : Make LI report and poster for upcoming presentation. Get task from mentor
to read a guidebook on performance monitoring of scrubber.
- Learn on advantage and disadvantage of scrubber
- Learn on type of scrubber used in common factory
- Kind of measuring instrument that used to do performance monitoring.
- Preventive action of maintenance for scrubber.

6-7/6/2018 : Do EKSA at JAS office.

- Dispose all 2010 and below document.
- Make a new labelling and arrange document sort by year.
Help unit Pendidikan prepare for GSR video.

8/6/2018 : Ceramah Ramadhan event at JAS with invitation ustaz Fathi Naim after
yaasin recitation.
Continue to finish EKSA before they will be audit on 12th jun by officer.

12/6/2018 : Help unit Pendidikan with EKSA progress.

Pick subpoena letter that has been signed by court at Mahkamah
Seksyen Shah Alam. Case between MTM and this subpoena letter is
a warrant for them to come court trial by the end of June.


As my license unit do enforcement to every Pre-scribed Premise in Selangor state. There is a

lot of things to be done after enforcement. One of it is report. This report will show what level or
how this premise comply our regulation that has been set to them. This report also contains
comments from officer on the premises after being enforced for how to improve their compliance
also the step. This report will be reviewed by Puan Monaliza and Encik Rom and discuss among
officer from unit License.

Puan Monaliza has assigned me a task to do a full complete report on one of Pre-scribed
premise that I have been followed to enforce. After several of premises, I decided to do a full
report on Secure Waste Management premise. This premise is waste management company
which they collect all used solvent, paint, oil, rag and sludge from other premises waste
generator that has been registered in JAS system E-kas.

This report contain:

 Laporan pemeriksaan premis : - premise information
- pemeriksaan Kawasan proses pengeluaran
- Salinan dokumen yang diambil dari premis
- ulasan dari pegawai
- reviewed by pegawai penyelia
 Lempiran bergambar : - picture taken from SWM premise
 Field citation : - comment and advice from officer on SWM to improve in term of
 Boring selongkar : - maklumat premis
- Tarikh, masa dan maklumat pegawai
- bahan bukti yang diambil dari premis
 Peta lakar : - plant layout sketch by hand
 Performance evaluation report by ADROIT TECHNOLOGY SDN BHD :
- Performance monitoring report on scrubber and chimney
- Statistic on scrubber and chimney effectiveness
- Observation and finding
- Comment and recommendation from ADROIT
 Pematuhan PYDT-BT
 Pematuhan Udara Bersih
 Pematuhan Efluent Perindustrian
 Lampiran E / inventori buangan terjadual : - statistic of every month waste code, amount
of waste, amount of residue, handling
 Jadual pematuhan : - checklist of all regulation that has been set by DOE for SWM
to be followed.

My industrial training is from 19th February 2018 till 8rd June 2018. During this period,

I have learned and gain a lot of knowledge and experience in a working environment as I would

not have learned in a classroom. This internship teaches me about ethics, discipline, hard work,

and protocol. During my internship here, a lot of subject I learned in class are very related in here.

Thus, I learned very well and understand most of the working knowledge there. This increases

my strength and capabilities in my course which is Diploma in Chemical Engineering. I am very

grateful to be given the opportunities to perform my internship here.

Finally, I hope that all the experience, knowledge and skills can help me for my career in

the future. I will cherish all of these experience, knowledge, skills and also all my memories in

License Unit under Puan Monaliza binti Md Yusoff and all staff in Department of Environment


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