Advances in Surgical Treatment of Male Infertility: Review Article
Advances in Surgical Treatment of Male Infertility: Review Article
Advances in Surgical Treatment of Male Infertility: Review Article
Review Article
World J Mens Health 2012 August 30(2): 108-113
A male factor is the only cause of infertility in 30% to 40% of couples. Most causes of male infertility are treatable, and the goal
of many treatments is to restore the ability to conceive naturally. Varicoceles are present in 15% of the normal male population
and in approximately 40% of men with infertility. Varicocele is the most common cause of male infertility that can be corrected
surgically. In males with azoospermia, the most common cause is post-vasectomy status. Approximately 6% of males who
undergo vasectomy eventually seek reversal surgery. Success of vasectomy reversal decreases with the number of years between
vasectomy and vasovasostomy. Other causes of obstructive azoospermia include epididymal, vasal or ejaculatory duct
abnormalities. Epididymal obstruction is the most common cause of obstructive azoospermia. Patients with epididymal
obstruction without other anatomical abnormalities can be considered as candidates for vasoepididymostomy. With
microsurgical techniques, success of patency restoration can reach 70∼90%. In case of surgically uncorrectable obstructive
azoospermia, sperm extraction or aspiration for in vitro fertilization is needed. Nonobstructive azoospermia is the most
challenging type of male infertility. However, microsurgical testicular sperm extraction may be an effective method for
nonobstructive azoospermia patients.
structive azoospermia (NOA), or testicular failure. able identification and preservation of arterial and lym-
Three related topics will now be addressed separately: phatic vessels, while reducing the risk for persistence or
1. varicocelectomy, 2. management of obstructive azoo- recurrence of varicocele. The application of micro-
spermia (OA), and 3. management of nonobstructive surgical techniques to varicocele repair has resulted in a
azoospermia. substantial reduction in the incidence of hydrocele for-
mation because the lymphatic vessels can be more easily
VARICOCELECTOMY identified and preserved. Studies have shown that vari-
cocele repair can improve semen parameters, testicular
Varicoceles are present in 15% of the normal male pop- function, and pregnancy rates in couples with male-factor
5 13
ulation and in approximately 40% of men with infertility. infertility associated with varicocele.
The association between male subfertility and varicocele A previous study found that men with large varicoceles
is unknown, but a meta-analysis showed that semen im- had a significantly lower sperm count than men with small
provement is usually observed after surgical correction. varicoceles, and that those with small varicoceles had
Varicocele repair may be considered the primary treat- nearly the same total sperm count as that of expectant
ment option when a man with a varicocele has suboptimal fathers. Several groups have reported only a slight im-
semen quality and the female partner does not present any provement in postoperative semen parameters without an
additional infertility factor. increase in the pregnancy rate after removal of subclinical
Repair of varicocele for treatment of male infertility is varicoceles. Therefore, the role of subclinical varicocele
controversial; however, any studies that have not shown in male infertility is still controversial. However, other
an improved pregnancy rate after varicocele repair were studies have found that patients treated for subclinical
small, were not stratified by grade of varicocele, and did varicocele had the same probability of success as patients
not control for type of repair technique. Varicocele repair with larger varicoceles, especially in the natural preg-
can reverse a pathologic condition, halt further damage to nancy rate after surgical treatment (Table 1). These studies
testicular function, and improve spermatogenesis. The revealed that varicocelectomy may be the best option in
pregnancy rates at 1 year after correction of varicocele subfertile men with subclinical varicocele resulted from
were comparable for open inguinal, laparoscopic, and improved semen quality and increased natural pregnancy
subinguinal microscopic varicocelectomy. The pre- rate.
ferred approaches of most experts are microsurgical in- Varicoceles are found in 4.3% to 13.3% of men with
2 18
guinal and subinguinal operations. azoospermia or severe oligospermia and can result in
The advantages of microsurgical techniques are the reli- sperm in the ejaculate of azoospermic men when severe
Table 1. Comparison of seminal parameters between the surgical group and drug group before and after treatment
Surgical group (n=20) Drug group* (n=55)
Before After p value Before After p value
Volume (ml) 2.3±1.0 2.5±0.8 0.437 2.9±1.1 2.8±1.7 0.595
Count (106/ml) 39.3±36.0 57.5±46.9 0.005 54.6±33.4 55.8±46.7 0.853
Motility (%) 38.5±18.1 32.4±10.3 0.112 43.9±18.6 43.5±24.6 0.888
Morphology (%) 52.1±26.0 44.0±26.7 0.271 38.1±35.2 35.4±20.6 0.526
Viability (%) 46.0±21.8 41.9±26.6 0.561 33.5±31.9 32.1±19.0 0.717
Pregnancy, n (%)† 12 (60) 19 (19)
Values are mean±standard deviation.
*L-carnitine (3 g/day orally, 3 times a day, for at least 6 months). Number of natural pregnancies after treatment.
Adapted from Seo JT, Kim WT, et al.: The significance of microsurgical varicocelectomy in the treatment of subclinical
varicocele, Fertil Steril, 2010;93:1907-10.
110 World J Mens Health Vol. 30, No. 2, August 2012
matid stage is present. Varicocele repair in patients
with NOA can result in motile sperm in the ejaculate and
even spontaneous pregnancy (Table 2). Repair can be per-
the ejaculate can be used for IVF without the need for sur-
Adapted from Weedin JW, et al. Varicocele repair in patients with nonobstructive azoospermia: a meta-analysis. J Urol 2010;183:2309-15.
NOA: non-obstructine azoospermia, FSH: follicular stimulating hormone, SD: standard deviation, postop: post-operative, NA: not available.
gical retrieval. Favorable testicular histopathology can
mean (%)
ejaculate. Patients with HS or late maturation arrest (MA)
have a significantly higher probability of success than
density, mean
Postop sperm
17.0±12.4 Subinguinal
Age Follow-up
azoospermia. Of these patients, about 40% have
post-testicular obstruction. OA is the absence of both
Pasqualotto et al
Ishikawa et al
Mattews et al
Poulakis et al
Schlegel and
Kim et al
Lee et al
congenital factors or previous surgery. tion of fertility is achieved only in 50%. The surgical suc-
OA may result from previous vasectomy, epididymal, cess rate was dependent on the pre- and intraoperative
vassal, or ejaculatory duct abnormalities. Epididymal ob- variables of individual patients. The success rate of unilat-
struction is the most common cause of OA, affecting 30∼ eral vasoepididymostomy is low, but bilateral surgery is
67% of obstructive azoospermic men with normal tes- likely to enhance the overall patency rate. The luminal
ticular spermatogenesis. Epididymal obstruction may diameters of the epidimymal tubules are smaller in the ca-
be caused by infection, trauma, or epididymal blowout put epididymis than the caudal epididymis. In some re-
breakage after vasectomy. Recently, many reports of epi- ports, the vasoepididymostomy site was associated with
didymal obstruction with unknown etiology have the patency rate. The diameter of epididymal tubules is
emerged. Microsurgical reconstruction remains the smaller in the caput epididymis than the caudal epidi-
safest and most cost-effective treatment option for OA dymis. The patency rate of caudal vasoepididymostomy is
28-30 37,38
patients. higher than that of the caput.
In men undergoing vasoepididymostomy, sperm re-
1. Vasovasostomy
trieval and cryopreservation during an operation is recom-
It has been estimated that up to 6% of males who under- mended for surgical and pregnancy failure. Intraoperative
go vasectomy eventually seek reversal surgery. A liter- sperm cryopreservation in men undergoing vasoepididy-
ature review suggests that superior results are obtained mostomy will maximize postoperative fertility options.
when performing a microscopic rather than a macro-
32 3. Sperm retrieval techniques in OA
scopic or loupe magnification vasovasostomy. After vas-
ovasostomy, 70% to 95% of patients have return of sperm It is controversial whether the technique of sperm re-
to ejaculate, and pregnancies are obtained without ART in trieval (open or percutaneous) or the source of sperm
30% to 75% couples. The factor that influences the rate (testicular, epididymal, vassal, or seminal vesicular) af-
of sperm returning and pregnancy is the number of years fects the pregnancy rate. Each technique and sperm
between vasectomy and vasovasostomy. Silber in- source usually provides sufficient sperm for ICSI and may
dicated that men with an obstructive interval of 5 years or provide enough viable sperm for cryopreservation.
less had a high likelihood of being fertile. The pregnancy Sperm extraction or aspiration for IVF via ICSI is needed
rate seemed to decrease with duration of obstruction al- to cure surgically uncorrectable azoospermia or failed mi-
though it was statistically insignificant, while the patency crosurgical reconstruction and the majority of patients
rate did not appear to obviously change. The age of the fe- with congenital bilateral absence of the vas deferens.
male partner also greatly influences the rate of pregnancy. Sperm retrieval with IVF/ICSI is also preferred to surgical
treatment when the female partner is advanced in age or
2. Vasoepididymostomy 7
has female infertility requiring IVF.
Patients with epididymal obstruction without other
anatomical abnormalities should be considered candi- MANAGEMENT OF NOA
dates for vasoepididymostomy. Given the expense and
potential side effects from hormonal therapy for the fe- NOA is the most challenging type, but no specific treat-
male partner, microscopic vasoepididymostomy is con- ment has been available in the past. With the advent of
sidered to be the first choice for the epididymal ob- ICSI in conjunction with sperm retrieval via testicular
structive azoospermic male. Following the development sperm extraction (TESE), many nonobstructive azoosper-
of microsurgical instruments and suture material, several mic patients are able to father children. TESE/ICSI is also
techniques for successful anastomosis have been successful as an intervention for Klinefelter syndrome.
reported. However, 20∼50% of NOA patients are not able to
With microsurgical techniques, restoration of patency have sperm retrieved for ART. Microsurgical TESE is an
can be achieved in 70∼90% of patients, although restora- advanced type of TESE that applies microsurgical
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