Sri C Qns
Sri C Qns
Sri C Qns
To introduce the concept of Internet, Networks and its working principles.
To know scripting languages.
To understand various applications related to Information Technology.
On Completion of the course, the students should be able to:
Design and deploy web-sites
Design and deploy simple web-applications
Create simple database applications
Develop information system
Describe the basics of networking and mobile communications
1. Robin Nixon, "Learning PHP, MySQL, JavaScript, CSS & HTML5" Third Edition,
O'REILLY, 2014.
2. James F. Kurose, ―Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach‖, Sixth Edition,
Pearson, 2012.
1. Gottapu Sasibhushana Rao, "Mobile Cellular Communication", Pearson, 2012.
IT8201- Information Technology Essentials Department of IT 2018-2019
C113.1 1 2 2 1 2 2 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 2
C113.2 1 2 2 1 2 2 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 2
C113.3 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 - 1 - - 2 1 1 - 2
C113.4 1 2 2 1 2 2 1 2 2 2 - 2 1 1 - 2
C113.5 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 - - 2 1 1 1 2
IT8201- Information Technology Essentials Department of IT 2018-2019
IT8201- Information Technology Essentials Department of IT 2018-2019
IT8201- Information Technology Essentials Department of IT 2018-2019
1. List the desirable features that need to be considered while designing a web
Quality of web content Web page speed
Clear user-friendly Search engine
Navigation optimization
Simple and professional Web compatibility
Web design.
2. List any four authoring tools and highlight the importance of each tool.
Dreamweaver, by Adobe- Dreamweaver also supports W3C
Recommendations and does pretty well with its WYSIWYG features
- far superior to FrontPage.
EditPlus, by ES-Computing - Syntax highlighting text editor,
HTML editor, programmer's editor. .
Expression Web Designer, by Microsoft -Expression Web Designer
replaces FrontPage and is a new product by Microsoft.
HTML-Kit Tools (Formerly HTML-Kit), by Chami -Popular Web
developer tool for HTML and more.
3. What are the Importance of Authoring tools? (May-2018)
Authoring tools provides space to edit, preview and publish the
Easy To Publish, Update, And Translate.
Web Authoring Tools Keep Your Work Safe.
Web Authoring Tools Are Always Up To Date.
Easy to use and time saving.
The tools are accessible Anytime and Anywhere.
4. What is Web Browser
A web browser displays a web document and enables users to access
web documents.
When the user clicks a hyperlink, the browser initiates a message to a
web server.
This message requests the server to retrieve the requested
information and send it back to the web browser through the
telecommunications network.
5. List any four browsers and state the basic functionality of a browser?
Internet Explorer
Google Chrome
Netscape Navigator
Basic functionality of a browser
Displaying and printing Web contents on the Internet or intranet
It allows the user to interact with the web pages and dynamic content
like surveys, forms, etc.
It also allows the user to navigate through the complete web page and
see its source code in the HTML format.
It provides security to the data and the resources that are available on
the web that is by using the secure methods.
IT8201- Information Technology Essentials Department of IT 2018-2019
font-family font-size
11. Discuss about comments in HTML.
A comment in HTML, like comments in other computer languages, is
something that is intended to be read by the programmers but to be ignored
by the software processing the document. A comment begins with the string
of characters <!—which must contain no white space. A comment ends with
the string --> again with no white space.
<!-- Single line Comment
Multi line Comments -->
12. What are Style Sheets?
Style sheets are collections of style information that are applied to plain
text. Style information includes font attributes such as type size, special
effects (bold, italic, underline) color and alignment. Style sheets also
provide broader formatting instructions by specifying values for quantities
such as line spacing and left and right margins.
13. List down the ways of including style information in a document.
External Styles -Style information is read from a separate file that is
specified in the <LINK> tag
Embedded Styles -Style information is defined in the document head
using the <STYLE> and </STYLE> tags.
Inline Styles -Style information is placed inside an HTML tag and
applies to all content between that tag and it companion closing tag.
14. What is the role of server?
The server
Manages application tasks
Handles storage
Handles security
Provides scalability
Handles accounting and distribution
15. What is HTML?
HTML is a language for describing web pages.
HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language
HTML is not a programming language, it is a markup language
A markup language is a set of markup tags
HTML uses markup tags to describe web pages
16. How to implement the HTML Links
HTML links are defined with the <a> tag.
<a her="">This is a link</a>
17. What are the types of list supported by HTML?
There are three types of list supported by HTML.
Unordered – A bullet list
Ordered – a number list
Definition – A list of terms and definitions for each
16. List any four common browsers. (NOV/DEC2011)
Firefox Chrome
Internet Explorer Safari
17. Mention the need for cascading style sheets. (APRIL/MAY 2011)
Need for CSS:
Allow the information in the document to be presented without change in a
variety of ways
Relatively easy to give all of the elements on a page consistent appearance
Both the document author and the person viewing the document can specify
aspect of the document style as it is displayed by the browser
18. List out some primary CSS text properties.
Some of the primary CSS text properties are:
19. Define HTML Tables
Tables are defined with the <table> tag. A table is divided into rows (with
the <tr> tag), and each row is divided into data cells (with the <td> tag). td
stands for "table data," and holds the content of a data cell. A <td> tag can
contain text, links, images, lists, forms, other tables, etc.
20. Define HTML Tables
Tables are defined with the <table> tag. A table is divided into rows (with
the <tr> tag), and each row is divided into data cells (with the <td> tag). td
stands for "table data," and holds the content of a data cell. A <td> tag can
contain text, links, images, lists, forms, other tables, etc.
21. What is CSS?
Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a slightly misleading term, since a website
might have only one CSS file (style sheet), or the CSS might be embedded
within an HTML file. It is better to think of CSS as a technology (in the
singular). CSS is comprised of statements that control the styling of HTML
documents. Simply put, an HTML document should convey content. A CSS
document should control the styling of that content.
22. What are the types of Authoring tools?
Pure WYSIWYG (What You See Is what You Get:
pronounced"wiz-ee-wig") editor: Eg: NetObjects Fusion and
Pure code-based editor:
Eg: HomeSite, HotDog Professional, HTMLed Pro, WebberActive,
and WebEdit.
Compound editor (Pure WYSIWG editors + Pure code-based
Eg: Macromedia Dreamweaver, Microsoft FrontPage, QuickSite, and
Visual Page.
23. Define the GET() and POST() method.
The GET method means retrieves whatever information (in the form of an
entity) is identified by the Request-URI. If the Request-URI refers to a data-
producing process, it is the produced data which shall be returned as the
entity in the response and not the source text of the process, unless that text
happens to be the output of the process.
The POST method is used to request that the destination server accept the
entity enclosed in the request as a new subordinate of the resource identified
by the Request-URI in the Request-Line.
Write html W X code to create the following table
25. Mention some text formatting tags.
<p></p> - is used for introducing various paragraphs.
<br> - this tag is used for giving an empty blank line.
HEADING TAGS - <h1></h1> .. <h6></h6> is used to introduce
various headings.
<h1> is the biggest and h6 is the smallest heading tag.
<HR> TAG – is used to draw lines and horizontal rules.
<B>,<I>,<U> for bold, italic and underline respectively.
Part B
1. Discuss the various HTML tags in detail.
3. What are the necessities of using HTML forms? What is the use of HTML
Forms? Create a HTML Form page for Railway Registration Form.
4. How to create user interactive web pages using Form elements and Form
Develop a Student registration form using HTML Form elements. (Assume
your ownfields).
5. Explain the attributes of table tag with an example.
6. Consider a table PRODUCT_DETAILS with PID, PNAME, and
UNIT_PRICE. Write a HTML form to accept the PID and
QUANTITY_REQUIRED from the user and display the total amount to be
paid in another text box. Get the unit price for a given PID from a database
7. Using DIV element, write HTML code to design a web site for a online
catering service. The web site should provide some highlighting facilities
provided by them. The web site must provide the available menu and cost-
of each menu item in a tabular form. The web site must also accept the
order form which includes any number of items and quantity required.
Write java script to validate the form and to compute the total amount to be
paid. Draw the layout of your web site first and write HTML code for each
8. Design a Webpage of a search engine using HTML and list out its
9. Explain about the built-in authoring tools available.
10. Describe various types of servers with its architecture.
11. (i)Compare and contrast application server and database serve
(ii)Explain the process of client server communication for web Request.
(May -2018)
12. (i)Discuss on any four components that are needed to create a fully dynamic
web page
(ii)Explain the process of developing a web application and hosting on the
web server.(May -2018)
Unit 2
Scripting Essentials
1. Define Scripting Language?
A scripting language is a programming language designed for integrating
and communicating with other programming languages. Some of the most
widely used scripting languages are JavaScript, VBScript, PHP, Perl,
Python, Ruby, ASP and Tell. Since a scripting language is normally used in
conjunction with another programming language, they are often found
alongside HTML, Java or C++.
2. What are the need of Scripting Language?
Scripting languages are easier to learn and faster to code.
It is useful tool for developing Interactive web pages.
Scripting languages are interpreted rather than compiled.
They are used for producing dynamic web content
3. What are the types of Scripting Languages?
Client side Scripting Language: The client side scripting language is used to
create web pages as a request or response server. These pages are displayed
on the web browser.
Eg:HTML, CSS, Java Script, PHP.
Server side Scripting Language: The server side scripting language is used
to create web pages that provides services. The scripts generally run on
Eg: ASP,JSP,Servlet,PHP.
4. What is PHP?
PHP stands for PHP: Hypertext Pre-processor
PHP is a server-side scripting language
PHP scripts are executed on the server
PHP supports many databases (MySQL, Informix, Oracle, Sybase,
Solid, PostgreSQL, Generic ODBC, etc.)
PHP is an open source software
PHP is free to download and use
5. What are Rules for writing PHP program?
A PHP script starts with <?php and ends with ?>
The default file extension for PHP files is ".php"
A PHP file normally contains HTML tags, and some PHP scripting
PHP statements are terminated by semicolon (;)
In PHP, all user-defined functions, classes, and keywords (e.g. if,
else, while, echo, etc.) are not case-sensitive
6. How to write comment lines in PHP?
// Single line comment (C++ and Java-style comment)
# Single line comment (Shell-style comments)
/* Multiple line comment (C-style comments) */
7. Explain ECHO and PRINT statements in PHP?
ECHO - It can output one or more strings
PRINT – It can only output one string, and returns always 1
ECHO is faster compared to PRINT as echo does not return any value
ECHO is not a function and, as such, it does not have a return value
If you need to output data through a function, you can use PRINT() instead:
echo 50; print (50);
8. List out The PHP superglobal variables.
9. Define Array in PHP?
An array stores multiple values in one single variable. In PHP, there are
three kinds of arrays:
Numeric array
Associative array
Multidimensional array
10. Give the general syntax for function in PHP?
The syntax of the function
definition is as follows - function
name_of_function(parameter list)
statements to be executed in function-name
*The function gets executed only after the call to that function. The call to
the function can be from anywhere in the PHP code.
For example –
function Addition()
return $a+$b;
print “Result=”.Addition();
*The return statement is used for returning some value from the
function body.
11. Define Associative array?
Associative array is an array where each ID key is associated with a value .
It is a key value pair.
12. Explain PHP Forms ?
Scripts will interact with their clients using one of the two HTTP
methods. The methods are GET and POST
When a form is submitted using the GET method, its values are
encoded directly in the query string portion of the URL
When a form is submitted using the POST method, its values will not
be displayed the query string portion of the URL
13. Difference between $_GET and $_POST function?(April-14)
Part B
1. i. How strings are declared in PHP? Explain string functions.
ii. Explain about various data types in PHP.
2. i.Explain about Arrays in PHP.
Networking Essentials
Part – A
1. List four commonly used topologies to set up a LAN. Suggest a MAC
scheme for each. (AU-May’13)
Topologies are star, ring, bus and mesh. CSMA/CD is used for all
2. Differentiate between a repeater, a Hub and a Switch. (AU-May’13)
Repeater Hub Switch
3. Give the name of the protocol used in each layer of the network. (AU-
Layer Name Example Protocol
1. If you lose your cell phone you would deactivate your SIM. How is this
achieved in GSM architecture? (AU-May’13)
Equipment Identity Register (EIR) is a database that keeps track of
handsets on the network using the IMEI. There is only one EIR per network. It is
composed of three lists. The white list, the grey list and the black list. The black
list is a list if IMEI’s that are to be denied service by the network for some
reason. Reasons includes the IMEI being listed as stolen or cloned or if the
handset is malfunctioning or doesn’t have the technical capabilities to operate on
the network.
2. Differentiate between CDMA and GSM networks in terms of sharing
access to the channel. (AU-May’13)
GSM uses TDMA/FDMA access scheme in order to assign channels to a
different subscribers to utilize the service from the service operator’s base
stations. One frequency and one time slot (f1, t1) is needed for one way
communication and the pair for two way communication. CDMA uses PN codes
for communication between subscribers and node BS.
3. What is meant by frequency reuse factor is a cellular network? Draw the
arrangement of cell for a frequency reuse factor of 3. (AU-Apr’14)
The design process for selecting and allocating channel groups for all
cellular base stations within a system is called frequency reuse. If it uses radio
frequencies (radio channels) over and over again throughout a market with
minimal interference, to serve a large number of simultaneous conversations.
Part B
1. Explain in detail about Multimedia Applications.
2. What is personal information system? Explain.
3. Describe about information retrieval system. (AU Dec’ 14)
4. What is Social Networking Application? Explain about its types, features and
5. How will you create a simple interactive application?
6. Explain Database Applications with examples.
7. What is information system? Explain.
8. Explain the design and development of information systems. (AU –Dec’14)
9. Design a simple social-media application to pass on messages to friends
whenever two people come in contact with (within range of) one another.
Assume that you are using devices with Blue-tooth support to transfer
messages. (AU – May’13)
10.Consider a multinational company which sells different electronic gadgets
such as desk tops, lap tops, tablets, cameras, mobile, phones, etc. through
online or various dealers. Dealers are registered with the company. Customers
can buy through online or dealers. Delivery of electronic goods will be through
various agencies. Every shipment of goods will be insured through insurance
company. Considering this as an Information System project, describe the
various requirements for building this Information System. (AU –Apr’13)
11.(i) Explain the architecture, of a text search system. How would this have to
be modified for music search?
(ii) Design an app for your personal use - reminders for homework ! If you
also have to remind your class-mates and friends, what additional features
would you need? (AU – Apr’13)
12.(i) Design a simple personal application that gives you reminders for each
day. Identify the inputs to be taken, processing to be done, and the output to be
produced. What multimedia components can be added to this application ?
(ii) Explain the architecture of a generic search system. If this system is to be
used for searching only images, which components would need to be changed
and how? (AU – May’13).
Design a simple social media application to pass on messages to friends about
birthday of individuals (except the one who has birthday ) in the group to other
friends. AU-JAN-18
13.(i)Design an application for a blood bank that accepts blood requests and
based on the request it identifies the person with the blood group in the database
and send them messages. What are the important features needed for this?
14.(i)Design a simple information system that gives you reminder for each day.
Identify the inputs to be taken, processing to be done and the output expected.
What multimedia components can be added to this application?
(ii) Explain the architecture generic search system. Is the system to be used only
for searching only images, which components needed to changed and how? AU-
JAN 18