Town and Country Planning Organisation

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studies like Mid-Term Appraisal of Industrial Growth

Centres, Study on Urban Residential Land/Property,

Price Scenario in Metropolitan city of Hyderabad, Export
Promotion Industrial Park, etc., are in progress. TCPO
as the nodal agency, has been looking after the
TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING dissemination of the outcome of the New Delhi Pilot
ORGANISATION Project for promotion of Non-Handicapping Environment
for Disabled and Elderly Persons and other related
issues on barrier free access.
The Town and Country Planning Organisation (TCPO) Assistance and advice has been provided to the Ministry
is an apex technical advisory body on the matters of Commerce on Export Processing Zone and to the
pertaining to urban and regional planning strategies, Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment regarding
research, monitoring and evaluation of central welfare of elderly persons in urban areas. Regarding
government schemes and development policies. It development of Industrial Growth Centres, TCPO
provides technical inputs to the ministry of Urban represented the Ministry of Urban Development as a
Development for formulation of urban development and member of Project Appraisal Committee and so far,
infrastructural development programmes and policies. reports in respect of 71 growth centres from 25 states/
It also provides consultancy services on various UTs have been appraised. The Chief Planner, TCPO
aspects/projects to central ministries/state governments/ also represented the Ministry on the Inter-Ministerial
public sector agencies and other organisations and Steering Committee of Export Promotion Industrial Park
departments. (EPIP). So far, TCPO has examined 25 proposals for
As in the previous years, during 1999-2000, the TCPO establishment of EPIP from 21 states and offered
continued to be involved in the appraisal, monitoring and comments thereon. Technical comments on the report
evaluation of important schemes of the Government of on “Flood Control Works (Action Plan) for Tripura State”
India like Integrated Development of Small and Medium . were prepared and sent to the Ministry. Draft on Unified
Towns (IDSMT), World Bank Assisted State Urban Building Bye-Laws prepared by MCD was examined and
Development Projects and Environmental Improvement views sent to the Ministry. Background notes for all five
of Urban Slums Scheme (EIUS), Mega City, etc. mega cities indicating the release of central financial
Besides, TCPO has also been assigned the task of assistance and State governments contributions etc.,
implementation of Central Sector Urban Mapping physical and financial progress of mega city schemes
Scheme. beirg implemented and under implementation by the
central and state governments, have been prepared and
During the financial year 1999-2000, , ntral assistance sent to the Ministry. TCPO assisted the Group
of Rs. 50.00 crore has been earmarkeu under IDSMT constituted by the Ministry of Statistics and Programme
scheme (Tentatively reduced to 44.50 crores), So far, Implementation for preparation of Report on Aged in
central assistance of Rs. 17.80 crore has been released India.
to 73 ongoing towns and one new town. A sum of Rs.
14.40 lakh has also been released under, Central Urban TCPO organised 4th, 5th and 6th training programme
Infrastructure Support Scheme (CUISS) for preparation on Project Formulation Appraisal and Implementation
of project reports of 25 towns. A Status Report on IDSMT of IDSMT Scheme in collaboration with Institute of Local-
1998-99 highlighting the salient features of the scheme, Self Government Studies, and M.P. Academy of
progress component wise for each State and UT upto Administration at Munbai, Calcutta and Bhopal
31.03.99 was prepared and circulated. Under EIUS respectively. Similarly the 7th and 8th training
Scheme, during the period April, 1999 to August 1999 programme on IDSMT is slated to be organised during
about 8.11 lakh slum dwellers constituting 17.2% of the Jan-Feb. 2000, at Guwahati and Shimla respectively. A
annual target of 47.10 lakh have been covered. As part one week programme on Management of Small and
of providing inputs to various state governments/UTs, Medium Towns for the local functionaries is being
training programmes on District Planning have been organised during January 2000. A training programme
conceived. Background materials for the training being funded by the Department of Personnel and
programme has been prepared and logistics are being Training on “District Planning in the context of
arranged. A study on Urban Residential Land Price Infrastructure Development and Employment
scenario in Bangalore city has been completed. Other Generation” would be organised during January-
February 2000. One week training programme on GIS Council of Local Government and Urban Development
Application in Urban and Regional Planning was at Vigyan Bhawan, New Delhi. The meeting was
organised for the planning officials of state governments convened by the Ministry of Urban Development and
and development agencies. arrangements for the same were made by TCPO. Action
was taken for organising the Conference of the Ministers
During the year TCPO provided technical input to the
of Local Government and Urban Development of States
Committee constituted by the Ministry of Urban
and Union Territories held on 17-18 January, 2000 at
Development on Privatisation Policy for the land
Vigyan Bhawan.
assembly, land development and construction in housing
activities in Delhi. Chief Planner, TCPO functioned as
the Member-Convenor of the Committee. Considerable Chief Planner presented a key paper on “A New
assistance was provided for preparation of Draft National Approach for Urban Development Planning in the New
Urban Policy. Five Chapters of the Policy were written Millennium” at the National Town and Country Planners
by TCPO. Chief Planner, TCPO represented the Ministry Congress held at Jaipur organised by the Institute of
on various Committees constituted by the Ministry of Town Planner, India and sponsored by the Ministry of
Social Justice and Empowerment for implementation of Urban Development. Chief Planner also accompanied
Persons with Disability Act, 1995. UDM to Varanasi, Haridwar and Vrindawan to study the
Arrangements have been made for one month NNRMS planning and development imperatives of tourist and
Training Programme on “Remote Sensing and GIS cultural centres. As a follow up, a landscape plan for
Application in Urban and Regional Planning” which the Ghats Area of Haridwar is being prepared by TCPO.
would jointly be organised by TCP0 and Indian Institute
of Remote Sensing (IIRS), Dehradun during January- Details of completed projects/studies during the year
February, 2000. The programme is being sponsored by and the on-going projects as well as comments offered
Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO). on various technical reports/projects received from
TCPO provided technical, logistic and secretarial Ministry of Urban Development and other agencies are
support for organising the 26th Meeting of the Central given in the statements at Annexure I, II & III.
Annexure I

Important Projects/Studies Completed During the Year 1999-2000

SI . Project/Study Date of Date of Remarks

No commencement Completion

1 2 3 4 5

A. Entrusted by the
Ministry of Urban
Development and
other Central
1. Report on the 1995 1999 Detailed Report comprising
National Workshop Technical Papers, proceed-
on Master Plan ings and other material pre-
Approach : Efficacy pared and sent for printing.
and Alternatives
2. National Urban Policy Jul., 1999 Nov., 1999 Material for the 5 chapters of
the Report prepared and
3. Committee on Jan., 1999 April, 1999 Assisted the Committee in
Privatisation Policy preparation of Draft Report
for Land Assembly,
Land Development
and Construction
in Housing Activities
in Delhi
4. Study on Planning May, 1997 Dec., 1999 Draft Report Completed.
Norms and Practices
in selected metropolitan

B. Projects for States/UTs

1. Master Plan for 1995 1999 Draft Report completed and

Jammu Perspective 2001 sent to the State Government
and Jammu Development
C. TCPO’s Work Authority.

1. Transport Profile of 1994 1999 Draft Report Completed.

Metropolitan cities

2. Urban Residential 1998 Dec., 1999 Report completed Being

Land Price processed for printing.
1 2 3 4 5

3. Urban Statistics 1998 1999 Report on Urban Statistics

containing data on demogra-
phy, infra-structure at various
levels prepared and circu-
4. Digest of Urban’ 1998 1999 Report printed and circu-
Research in India lated.
(Vol. II)
5. Background Policy Oct., 1999 Dec., 1999 Sent to Ministry of Urban De-
paper on Urban velopment.
Annexure II

Important Ongoing Projects/Studies During the Year 1999-2000

SI. Projects/Study Date of Date of Remarks

No. commencement Completion
1 2 3 4 5

A. Entrusted by the
Ministry of Urban
Development and
other Central Agencies

1. Urban Mapping Project April, 1993 March, 2002 Aerial photography and
line maps of 25 towns
under phase-l have
already been sent
to the concerned
state govts.
for their use.
Under phase-II, aerial
photogrtaphy for 7 towns
have been completed by
NRSA. Work on other
aspects is in progress.
2. Industrial Growth continuing TCPO is providing
Centres Scheme technical inputs to the
Project Appraisal

3. Export Processing Zone continuing Comments of TCPO

(EPZ) offered to the Ministry of
Commerce from
time to time.

4. Export Promotion continuing The centrally sponsored

Industrial Park (EPIP) EPIP Scheme has been
introduced with a view to
involving state govts. in
creation of infrastructural
facilities with export-
oriented production. So
far TCPO has examined
25 proposals received
from 21 States and
offered comments
1 2 3 4 5

5. National Coastal Zone continuing TCPO assits the

Management Authority Authority in scrutiny and
appraisal of coastal zone
management plans
prepared by coastal
6. Study on Planning Norms 1997 June, 2000 Report is being finalised after
and practices in Selected incorporating the views/com-
Metroplitan Cities ments of the State govenments.

7. Study on Social June, 1999 Sept., 2000 A sample of 87 small

Infrastructure Scenario and medium towns
in selected small having population
and medium towns. between 50,000 to 3 lakh
has been selected for
seeking information on
status of social

8. Study on slums of Oct., 1999 Dec., 2000 The objective of the

selected metropolitan study is to arrive at a
cities for revision of reasonable per capita
per capita ceiling cost ceiling cost for providing
fixed under EIUS Scheme. facilities like water supply,
sewerage, storm water
drains, community bath
latrines, street lighting,
widening of roads/lanes, etc.
on the package of EIUS facilities.
B. Projects for States/UTs

1. Urban Residential Land 1998 March, 2000 Final report prepared,

Price Scenario-Bangalore being processed for printing.
2. Urban Residential Land/ 1998 June,2000 Draft of the report is
Property Price in progress

c. TCPO’s Work

1. Mid-term appraisal of June, 1995 March, 2000 Study is being revised

Industrial Growth Centres with a view to have broad
based coverage.
2. “Comparative Transportation 1994 March 2000 Report is being finalised
Profile of Mega incorporating the views
Cities in India” of the concerned agencies.

3. Status Report on Coastal Oct., 1999 Dec., 2000 Draft Report under
Zone Management preparation.
Plans in India.
Annexure I I I

9. Comments on base paper on “Highway Capacity

around the World” prepared and sent to RSTTEC
Comments/Scrutiny 0f Tbchnical Reportsand P r e p
of IRC.
ration of Technical Notes and Papers: 1999-2000
10. Comments on “Need for Comprehensive Traffic
During the year following important reports/documents,
and Transportation Planning Study for Delhi”
references received from the Ministry of Urban Devel-
prepared and sent to RSTTEC of IRC.
opment and other concerend ministries/departments/
agencies have been examined and comments sent 11. Comments offered on transport issue for the
thereon. Second Session of Committee on transport,
Tourism and Infrastructure Development held in
1. Comments offered on “An objective review of
November, 1999 at Bangkok.
implementation of master plans in selected class-
I cities-A search for effective developmental 12. Prepared Notes on status of coastal zone
process” submitted by STEM, Bangalore. management plans in India covering Tamil Nadu,
Kerala, West Bengal, Andhra Pradesh and Goa.
2. “Integrated assessment, development and
management of Land and mineral resources for 13. Comments offered on projects reports on
sustainable economic development”-a background “Integrated Environmental Protection and
note was prepared for the second session of the Infrastructure Development of Bellary, Hubli-
Committee on Environment and Natural Dharwar and Gulbarga” prepared by the Kamataka
Resources Development under the aegies of Government.
14. Prepared Material and Slides for making
3. Comments offered on the reports, (a) Urban Sector presentation on Urban Scenario in India, IDSMT
Reforms in India-Issues and Srategies, (b) Agenda Scheme, Mega City Scheme; Urban Mapping
for Municipal reforms in the context of 74th Scheme and Organisational Structure of TCPO.
Constitutional Amendment Act, (c)Training Agenda
for strengthening Municiapl Bodies. 15. Various legislation received from the state
governments through the Ministry of Home Affairs
4. Technical comments on the report on “Flood such as The New Capital (Periphery) Control
Control Works” (Action Plan) for Tripura state were (Haryana Amendment) Bill, Pondicherry Prevention
prepared and sent to the Ministry. of Unauthorised Construction and Incidental
Regularisation of Certain Unauthorised
5. Examined the Recommendations of the Buch
construction in Planning Area bill, 1997, The
Committee on LBZ area and views offered.
Bangalore Development Authority (Amendment)
6. Examined the physical and financial progress of Bill, 1999, the Punjab Scheduled Road and
Hyderabad Mega City sent by Andhra Pradesh Controlled Areas Prevention of Unregulated
Urban Finance and Infrastructure Development Development (Haryana Amendment and Validation
Corporation and comments sent. Bill, 1996), the Haryana Municipal (Amendment)
Bill, 1999, The Kerala Land Reforms (Amendment)
7. Prepared a background note on some historical Bill, 1998 and The Karnataka Taxation Laws
monuments of Delhi. (Second Amendment) Bill, 1999; were examined
and comments on the same sent to the Ministry.
8. Comments and observations made on a Technical
paper titled “Alternative to Flyovers” prepared by 16. Comments on National Environmental Action Plan
Development Alternative, New Delhi. were prepared and sent to the Ministry,
GISO, Calcutta has a vigilance Cell headed by Deputy
Controller (Admn.) and complaints of various nature are
handled in this Cell.
(2) Department of Publication
Government of India Stationery Office & Department
The Department of publication has been playing a vital
of Publication.
role in creating awarness about various national pro-
grammes and policies by selling, displaying and distrib-
(1) Govt. of India Stationery Office. uting Government publications on various themes/sub-
jects having relevance to national priorities including
The Department is responsible for the procurement and Social, Scientific, Economic, Political and Legal subjects.
supply of paper and paper-made article and other The Departments is the publisher of saleable official
stationery items as required for day-to-day functioning publications and is responsible for stocking, distribution,
of all Ministries/Departments of Government of India advertising, cataloguing and sale of Government publi-
including Indian Missions/Posts abroad, Union Territo- cations including Periodicals, Gazette of India and Delhi
ries and some quasi-Government organizations. Gazette (all parts) of Ministries, Attached and Subordi-
Organisational Structure nate Off ices of Central Government. The Department
also handled Army publications and arranges sale/dis-
The Department with its headquarter at Calcutta is a tribution as per instructions issued by the Defence Au-
subordinate office headed by the Controller of Station- thorities.This Department also secures advertisements
ery.There are three Regional Stationery depots at New for insertion in Government publications.
Delhi, Mumbai & Chennai.There is an Inspection Wing
Organisational Set up
with a Labortary in Government of India Stationery Of-
fice, Calcutta and Inspection Cell with skelelton staff at The Department of Publication is a subordinate office
New Delhi and Mumbai. functioning under the Ministry of Urban Development.
The Department is headed by the Controller of Publica-
It was-decided in the year 1987 to wind up the Depart-
tions. The Department consists of:
ment. However, subsequently, it was revived as an in-
terim measure in early 1991. Its present working (a) Main Off ice of the Controller of Publications, Civil
strength is 934 (as on 31-12-1999). A study was en- Lines, Delhi.
trusted to the Department of Administrative Reforms
(b) Sale Depots/Units:
and Public Grievances and a report has been furnished
by them. It has been decided to make an internal work (i) Kitab Mahal, Baba Kharag Singh Marg, New
study of this off ice. A decision on its future will be taken Delhi.
based on the study report.
(ii) Government of India Book Depot, 8, K.S. Roy
Activities Road, Calcutta.
Government of India Stationery off ice, Calcutta and its (iii) Sales Counter, New C.G.O. Complex , New
3 Regional Stationery Depots cater to the needs of Marine Lines, Mumbai.
nearly 14,325 indentors for stationery stores, different
Sales Counter
types of papers and paper made articles, inviting open
tenders. It concluded rate contracts of the value of about (i) Sales Counter, Main Offiie, Civil Lines, Delhi-54.
Rs. 2.09 crores and running contracts of about Rs. 14.01
crores during the year 1998-99. During this period, it (ii) Sales Counter, Delhi High Court, New Delhi.
placed 600 supply orders for stationery and paper. The (iii) Sales Counter, Udyog Bhavan, New Delhi.
total expenditure incurred on purchase of paper and
(iv) Sales Counter, U.P.S.C., New Delhi.
stationery stores was about Rs. 13.67 crores.
There is a provision of Rs. 13.5 crores for the year 1999-
(d) Gazette Distribution Unit at Government of India
2000 for procurement of stationery articles. GISO has Press, Mayapuri, New Delhi.
placed orders for supply of stationery stores other than (e) In addition to the Book Depots/Sales Counters,
paper of the value of about Rs. 4.39 crores and for pa- the publications are sold through about 1085
per value of about Rs. 5.05 crores upto December, 1999. Agents.
Activities: (iii) Prompt and regular supply of newly released
publications was made to U.S. Congress
During the period from 1.4.99 to 31.12.99, the major Library
activities of the Department of Publications have been
as follows:- (iv) 977 titles were weeded out. With the weeding
out of obsolete publications considerable space
(i) Publications of the value of Rs. 491 lakhs has become available for keeping new
approximately were sold/distributed. publications safe in an appropriate manner.
(ii) The Department secured advertisements
valuing Rs. 249 lakhs approximately for
insertion in Government publications.

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