STSKK Society's Tontadarya College of Engineering, Gadag. Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering

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STSKK Society's

Tontadarya College of Engineering, Gadag.


Sl.No. - Questions TLOs BL

1. What is magnetic circuit? TLO1 L2
2. Explain principle of operation of an ideal transformer TLO1 L2
3. Explain the types and constructional features of single phase TLO2 L2
4. Derive an emf equation for a single phase two winding transformer. TLO3 L2
5. Explain various losses in transformers TLO3 L2
6. Derive the condition for maximum efficiency in a transformer TLO3 L2
7. Explain how the efficiency of a transformer is computed. TLO3 L2
Sl.No. - Questions TLOs BL
1. Explain the operation of a practical transformer under load condition TLO3 L2
and hence develop the phasor diagram of single phase transformer under
load condition.
2. Develop the exact equivalent circuit of a 1-phase transformer. From this TLO3 L2
derive the approximate and simplified equivalent circuits of the
transformer. State the assumptions made.
3. Explain how the flux in the core of transformer remains constant, from TLO1 L2
no-load to full-load. Develop the phasor diagram of actual transformer
when it is inductively loaded.
4. Derive the conditions for maximum efficiency of a transformer. TLO5 L2
Sl.No. - Questions TLOs BL
1. 1. Explain the constructional features of a three phase transformer and TLO1 L2
its types.
2. Compare the three phase transformer and three phase transformer bank.
Sl.No. - Questions TLOs BL
1. 1. Discuss the essential and desirable conditions to be fulfilled for TLO1 L2
operating two, three-phase transformers in parallel.
2. Derive an equation for KVA sharing of both the transformer when they
are connected in parallel. Assume both transformers have (i) equal voltage
ratio (ii) unequal voltage ratio.
3. Two single phase transformers share a load of 400KVA at 0.8 lagging
pf. Their equivalent impedances referred to secondary winding are
(1+j2.5) ohms and (1.5+j3) ohms respectively. Calculate the load shared
by each transformer.\n4. Two transformers A and B are joined in parallel
to the same load, determine the current delivered by each transformer,
given open circuit emf is 6600V for A and 6400V for B, equivalent
impedance on secondary are (0.3+j3) ohms for A and (0.2+j1) ohms for
STSKK Society's

Tontadarya College of Engineering, Gadag.


B, and load impedance is (8+j6) ohms. Also find the circulating current at
no load.
Sl.No. - Questions TLOs BL
1. Derive an expression for the saving of copper of auto transformer as TLO1 L2
compared to an equivalent two winding transformer.
2. Compare two winding transformer with auto transformer.
3. State advantages, limitations and applications of autotransformer.\n4.
The primary and secondary voltages of an autotransformer are 230V and
75V respectively. Calculate the currents in the different parts of the
winding when load current is 200A. Also calculate the saving of copper.
5. Explain the operation of on-load tap changer.
6. Explain single winding tap changer and parallel winding tap changer.
Sl.No. - Questions TLOs BL
1. 1. Why tertiary winding is used? How stabilization is achieved using TLO1 L2
tertiary winding.
2. State the advantages and limitations of three winding transformer.
Sl.No. - Questions TLOs BL
1. 1. Explain the causes and effects of harmonics in the transformers. TLO1 L2
2. Explain the excitation phenomenon and current inrush phenomenon in
3. What are the sources of noise in transformers? How to reduce the noise
problem in transformers.
4. Explain the Sumpner’s or back to back test for testing two 1-phase
transformers. Also explain why this is beneficial for finding efficiency of
transformer. Mention the advantages of this test.
Sl.No. - Questions TLOs BL
1.With neat figures, explain armature reaction in DC machines under TLO1 L2
normal working conditions.
2. Derive equations for i) demagnetizing amp-turns per pole, ii) cross
magnetizing amp-turns per pole
3. State the effects of armature reactions and methods to reduce it.
4. Explain the process of commutation in a DC machine and the methods
to improve the commutation.
5. Draw and explain the characteristics of DC shunt generator.
Sl.No. - Questions TLOs BL
1. 1. What are the advantages of rotating field construction in alternator? TLO1 L2
Derive emf equation of a synchronous generator.
2. Derive expression for pitch factor and distribution factor and discuss
the effect of pitch factor and distribution factor on the generated voltages.
STSKK Society's

Tontadarya College of Engineering, Gadag.


3. What are harmonics? What are methods to reduce harmonics in three

phase alternator
4. Explain the effect of harmonics on induced emf and winding factors of
an alternator.
5. Explain the armature reaction in synchronous generator. Indicate how
it is in different from the armature reaction in case of dc generator.
6. Define synchronous impedance of an alternator and explain the
significance of synchronous reactance.
7. A 1200KVA, 6600V, 3 phase star connected alternator has its armature
resistance on 0.25 ohm/ phase and its synchronous reactance as 5
ohm/phase. Calculate its regulation if it delivers a full load (i) at 0.8 pf
lagging, (ii) 0.8 pf leading.
8. A 3phase 16 pole alternator has a star-connected winding with 144 slots
and 10 conductors per slot. The flux per pole is 0.03wb. sinusoidally
distributed and the speed is 375 rpm. Find the frequency and the phase and
line emf. Assume full pitched coil.
9. A 3-phase star connected alternator on open circuit is required to
generate a line voltage of 3.4KV, 50Hz, when driven at 500 rpm. The
stator has 3 slots/pole/phase and 10 conductors/slot. The coils are short
chorded by 1 slot. Calculate the number of poles and useful flux/pole.
10. A 3MVA, 6600V, 8 pole, 50Hz, alternator has a synchronous
reactance of 2.9 ohms. It is running in parallel with infinite bus. Calculate
synchronizing power and synchronizing torque per mechanical degree of
phase displacement when running at no load.
Sl.No. - Questions TLOs BL
1. Describe the phasor diagram of a non-salient synchronous genator for TLO1 L2
a leading, lagging and unity power factors. Indicate clearly the various
quantities in the diagram.
2. Mention advantages of parallel operation and conditions to be satisfied
for successful operation of 3 phase alternator.
3. Explain the process of synchronizing the given alternator to infinite bus
by a suitable method.
4. Discuss the factors on which the division of load between two
alternators takes place when they are working in parallel.
5. Discuss the effect of change in (i) excitation (ii) input power, on the
alternators running in parallel.
6. Derive the expression for the output power of cylindrical rotor alternator
connected to infinite bus in terms of excitation voltage, bus bar voltage
and load angle.
7. Draw and explain electrical load diagram of a synchronous generator
connected to infinite busbar.
STSKK Society's

Tontadarya College of Engineering, Gadag.


8. Explain O-curves (mechanical load diagram) for synchronous

9. Explain V and and inverted V curves for synchronous generator. What
is their significance?
Sl.No. - Questions TLOs BL
1. Two alternators operate in parallel supply a lighting load of 2000 KW TLO1 L2
and motor load aggregating 6000 KW at 0.0707 pf lagging. Find the power
delivered and pf of the second alternator, if one alternator is loaded to
3600KW at 0.8 pf lagging.\nA 10 MVA, 3-phase alternator has an
equivalent short circuit reactance 20%. Calculate the synchronizing power
of the armature/ mechanical degree/ phase displacement, when running in
parallel on 10000V, 50Hz bus bas at 1500 rpm.\nA 3-phase, 4 pole star
connected alternator has a smooth cylindrical type rotor. The effective
resistance and synchronous reactance per phase are 0.15 ohm and 2.5
ohms respectively. Calculate the voltage regulation when delivering 250
amps at 6.6KV and 0.6 pf lagging.\n
Sl.No. - Questions TLOs BL
1. 1. With necessary figures and phasor diagrams explain briefly Blondel’s TLO1 L2
two reaction theory as applicable to salient pole alternators.
2. Explain how slip test is conducted to find out the Xd and Xq of a salient
pole alternator.
3. With a neat diagram, derive an expression for the power output of a
salient pole alternator. Draw the variation curve of power Vs. load angle.
4. Write a note on power angle curve and reluctance power.
Sl.No. - Questions TLOs BL
1. 1. Describe the emf (synchronous impedance) method to determine TLO1 L2
regulation of an alternator for lagging and leading power factor.
2. Explain mmf (Ampere turns) method of finding the voltage regulation
of a synchronous generator.
3. Explain zpf (Potier triangle) method of finding the voltage regulation
of a synchronous generator.
4. Explain the ASA method of determining voltage regulation of an ac
5. Compare following methods of finding voltage regulation of an ac
generator - Direct loading, emf method, mmf method and Potier method.
6. Show that the short circuit ratio(SCR) of an alternator is the reciprocal
of the per unit value of the synchronous reactance at rated value. Discuss
the significance of SCR (short circuit ratio).
1. Write short notes on capability curves of synchronous generator. TLO1 L2
2. Explain the hunting in synchronous machines. How damper winding is
used for reduce hunting.
STSKK Society's

Tontadarya College of Engineering, Gadag.


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