Midcurve Swaption PDF
Midcurve Swaption PDF
Midcurve Swaption PDF
K.E. Feldman
arXiv:1812.07415v1 [q-fin.PR] 10 Dec 2018
We derive measure change formulae required to price midcurve swaptions in the
forward swap annuity measure with stochastic annuities’ ratios. We construct the
corresponding linear and exponential terminal swap rate pricing models and show how
they capture the midcurve swaption correlation skew.
An interest rate swap is a financial instrument with a triangle property. The value of two
swaps St1 t2 , St2 t3 between times t1 and t2 and between times t2 and t3 is equal to the value
of the swap St1 t3 between times t1 and t3 (we assume that all three swaps have the same
fixed leg strike). Equivalently, we may say that the swap St2 t3 is the difference between
a long swap St1 t3 and a short swap St1 t2 . To express views on swap rates in the future,
the interest rate market actively trades options on swaps, i.e. swaptions. Swaptions are
non-linear products. The triangle property of the swap generalises into the property of the
swaptions by including the convexity. A portfolio of vanilla swaptions on the short swap
St1 t2 and an option (midcurve swaption) on the swap St2 t3 is more expensive than the price
of the long swaption St1 t3 (when the strikes are the same, and the exercise time of all the
swaptions is the same, t1 - the start of the short and long swaps). If in the Black-Scholes
world we assume also that the long and short annuities ratios to the annuity of the midcurve
swap are deterministic, then from the swap triangle one can derive a useful relationship
for the volatilities of all the three swap rates. The challenge comes when we look into the
relations between the volatility smiles (skews) of those rates. In this paper we discuss a
modeling approach for pricing midcurve swaptions that allows one to take into account the
stochasticity of the swaps’ annuities and to generate pronounced correlation skews which are
typically observed in the midcurve swaption market.
A midcurve swaption is an efficient way to trade correlations between the short and long
swap rates. Others also used this product to trade on the difference between levels in the
short and long term implied volatilities [1]. Being the simplest product on forward volatility,
midcurve swaptions can be used for the calibration of the mean reversion parameters in the
one factor short rate models [2].
The rich structure of the interest rate market offers two approaches to modelling the price
of a midcurve swaption. The product can be viewed dynamically and be priced by modelling
the time evolution of the underlying swap rate, or it can be viewed statically and its price
can be derived from prices of closely related products - the long and the short swaptions
traded in the market.
We shall be looking at the static way of pricing the midcurve swaption using a gener-
alisation of the triangle property of the swaps to the case of the swaptions. A midcurve
swaption can be priced as an option on a weighted basket of the short and long swap rates
with the same fixing date. The weights coefficients are functions of the swap annuities ra-
tios. The industry standard is to freeze these ratios to be constants. Taking correlation as
an input parameter, the weighted basket can be priced by pairing the short and long swap
rate distributions via a copula.
Some use more advanced models to account for stochasticity of the annuity ratios. The
approach that has been adopted by the larger banks is first to move both the short and the
long swaps rates distributions to the same terminal (discount bond) measure, and then to
approximate each of the short and long annuities by deterministic functions of the corre-
sponding (short or long) swap rates. This is an extension of the idea [3] where the authors
developed a model that directly links constant maturity swap to volatilities of swaptions of
all relevant tenors. Note that midcurve swaptions are not in the scope of [3]. This product
is liquidly traded in the US Dollar market where the settlement style is physical. Thus, the
natural pricing measure for this product is the annuity measure.
While allowing a better risk management of the midcurve correlation skew, the terminal
measure approach suffers from an inconsistency. In this paper we show that once you fixed
the stochastic form of the annuity ratio, the measure change is no longer free. We derive the
explicit formulae for the measure change in terms of the functional forms of the annuity ratios.
One other deffeciency of the terminal measure approach are negative ratios of annuities.
The exponential terminal swap rate model developed in this paper is free of this problem by
We analyse in detail the measure change formulae in the case where the annuity ratio is a
linear or exponential function of the short and the long swap rates. The price of a midcurve
swaption is often parametrised by its implied correlation as a function of the strike. Even if
we use a model that captures the implied volatility smiles of the long and short swap rates
well, the implied correlation is still not a constant function of the strike. The termianl swap
rate models with stochastic annuities developed in this paper give a handle to match the
implied correlation skew.
The effect studied in this paper is applicable in conjunction with any smile model. In
particular, it is present in the flat volatility world. We provide numerical results on how our
methodology captures the midcurve correlation skew in the case when the underlying swap
rates are modelled as standard normal variables with a flat smile (i.e. constant across all
strikes’ volatilities).
1 Product valuation
A midcurve receiver swaption Wrec = Wrec (Srec , Te(x)piry ) on a swap Srec (T(s)tart , T(e)nd , K)
with a fixed leg rate K gives the holder an option to enter into a receiver swap Srec at
expiry time Tx , where the swap starts on Ts , ends on Te and the holder receives the fixed
rate K accrued on a notional N over all periods in the schedule formed by a sequence
of dates: T1f ix , ..., Tnf ix = Te , with n payment dates in the fixed leg schedule. In
return the holder pays floating rate payments on the sequence of dates from the floating
rate schedule: T1f l , ..., Tmf l = Te . We will use short notations for the time intervals
between two consecutive payments on each of the swap legs: τif ix = Tif ix − Ti−1
f ix
, i = 1, . . . n,
τjf l = Tjf l − Tj−1
, j = 1, . . . m, T0f l = T0f ix = Ts .
In order to price a swaption, one uses the swap fixed leg annuity A(t) (t ≤ Ts ) as a
A(t) = A(t, Ts , Te ) = τif ix D(t, Tif ix ), (1)
where D(t, T ) is the relevant discount bond from t to T . We write the swap as:
where R(t) = R(t, Ts , Te ) is the forward Ts -to-Te -swap rate as seen at t. Consequently, in
order to price the swaption Wrec , we can model the distribution for the R(Tx , Ts , Te ) in the
annuity measure and calculate the value of the swaption as:
where the superscript in EA denotes the annuity measure with numeraire A(t).
The distributions for R(t0 , t1 , t2 ) can be implied from the swaption market whenever
t0 = t1 . We are primarily interested in the distributions of the following two stochastic
Rs = R(Tx , Tx , Ts ), Re = R(Tx , Tx , Te ), (4)
where R(Tx , Tx , Ts ) and R(Tx , Tx , Te ) are the swap rates of the corresponding ”short” and
”long” swaps. Following [4] and using (3) the probability density function, PDF, for the
distribution of the swap rate R(Tx , Tx , TJ ) with J = s or e in the corresponding annuity
measure is given by
1 ∂ 2 Wrec (t0 )
PDFJRJ (r) = |K=r , (5)
A(t0 , Tx , TJ ) · N ∂K 2
where the derivative is taken with respect to the strike K of the swaption
Within the pricing approach provided by (3) the distributions for Rs , Re are specified in
the corresponding annuity measures: A(t, Tx , Ts ), A(t, Tx , Te ). The swap rate R(Tx , Ts , Te ),
that we are interested in, can be expressed as
R(Tx , Ts , Te ) = w1 · Re − w2 · Rs , (7)
A(Tx , Tx , Te ) A(Tx , Tx , Ts )
w1 = w2 = . (8)
A(Tx , Ts , Te ) A(Tx , Ts , Te )
Therefore, the stochastic variable R(Tx , Ts , Te ) representing the underlying swap rate is a
weighted difference of the stochastic variables representing the long and the short swap rates
with stochastic coefficients. Note that the three stochastic variables
are related via
A(Tx , Ts , Te ) = A(Tx , Tx , Te ) − A(Tx , Tx , Ts ). (10)
We are going to model the distribution of the swap rate R(Tx , Ts , Te ) in terms of the distri-
butions of R(Tx , Tx , Te ), R(Tx , Tx , Ts ) and their correlation. In order to do this we need to
relate three annuity measures corresponding to A(t, Tx , Ts ), A(t, Tx , Te ) and A(t, Ts , Te ).
The Radon-Nikodym derivative for the measure change between A(t, Tx , TJ ) measure,
J = s, e, and A(t, Ts , Te ) measure can be reconstructed using the following identity:
A(Tx ,TJ ) V (t)
V (t0 ) = A(t0 , Tx , TJ )E
A(t, Tx , TJ )
A(Ts ,Te ) V (t)
= A(t0 , Ts , Te )E , (11)
A(t, Ts , Te )
where V (t) is the price of a traded security (which is a stochastic variable at any future time).
Under the standard assumptions on attainable claims and measure changes, Equation (11)
implies that for any stochastic process Xt , which is a function of the swap rate R(Tx , Tx , TJ ),
A(Ts ,Te ) A(Tx ,TJ ) A(t0 , Tx , TJ ) A(t, Ts , Te )
E [Xt ] = E Xt · . (12)
A(t, Tx , TJ ) A(t0 , Ts , Te )
The quantity
A(Tx , Ts , Te )
GJ,Tx = (13)
A(Tx , Tx , TJ )
is itself a stochastic variable. We shall assume that it has a joint distribution with the swap
rates R(Tx , Tx , Ts ) and R(Tx , Tx , Te )
where the variable gJ is used to indicate a stochastic value for GJ,Tx , the variable x is used to
indicate a stochastic value for R(Tx , Tx , Ts ), and the variable y is used to indicate a stochastic
value for R(Tx , Tx , Te ).
Lemma 1. The measure change formulas for the marginals φs (x) and φe (y) of the joint
distribution of the short and the long swap rates in the measure (u) associated with the
underlying swap annuity Au of the midcurve swaption are:
Z +∞ Z +∞
φs (x) := PDFRs (x) = PDFuRu ,Rs ,Re (z, x, y)dzdy =
−∞ −∞
A(t0 , Tx , Ts ) A(Tx ,Ts )
= PDFsRs (x) E [Gs,Tx |R(Tx , Tx , Ts ) = x] (15)
A(t0 , Ts , Te )
Z +∞ Z +∞
φe (y) := PDFuRe (y) = PDFuRu ,Rs ,Re (z, x, y)dzdx =
−∞ −∞
A(t0 , Tx , Te ) A(Tx ,Te )
= PDFeRe (y) E [Ge,Tx |R(Tx , Tx , Te ) = y] (16)
A(t0 , Ts , Te )
Thus, given the PDFs of Re and Rs in their natural (annuities) measures, we can de-
rive the PDFs of Re and Rs in the common A(Ts , Te )-measure as soon as we can evaluate
EA(Tx ,Te ) [Ge,Tx |R(Tx , Tx , Te ) = y], and EA(Tx ,Ts ) [Gs,Tx |R(Tx , Tx , Ts ) = x].
To evaluate the payoff of the midcurve swaption we will make an assumption that the
stochastic variables GJ,Tx , J = e, s from (13) are deterministic functions of the swap rates
R(Tx , Tx , Ts ) and R(Tx , Tx , Te ). The integral formula for the payoff is:
Wrec (t0 )
= EA(Ts ,Te ) [K − R(Tx , Ts , Te )]+ =
A(t0 , Ts , Te ) · N
= EA(Ts ,Te ) EA(Ts ,Te ) [K − R(t, Ts , Te )]+ |Rs = x, Re = y =
A(Ts ,Te ) A(Ts ,Te ) A(Tx , Tx , Te ) A(Tx , Tx , Ts ) +
=E E [K − Re + Rs ] |Rs = x, Re = y
A(Tx , Ts , Te ) A(Tx , Ts , Te )
= EA(Ts ,Te ) EA(Ts ,Te ) [K − w1 (y, x)y + w2 (y, x)x]+ |Rs = x, Re = y =
Z +∞ Z +∞
EA(Ts ,Te ) [K − w1 (y, x)y + w2 (y, x)x]+ |Rs = x, Re = y ×
−∞ −∞
where we omitted the symbol z(x, y) in the last formula because it is fully determined by x
and y due to our assumption on GJ,Tx , J = e, s.
In order to use (17) we need to specify the weight functions w1 (y, x) and w2 (y, x) as well
as the full joint distribution PDFuRs ,Re (x, y). The latter can be constructed using the copula
technique applied to distributions φs (x) from (15) and φe (y) from (16). A popular choice is
the Gaussian copula:
du dv
GCJoin (x, y) = φ(u, v, ρ)
, (18)
dx dy
where φ(u, v, ρ) is the joint normal PDF of two univariate normal variables with correlation
ρ and
where Φ is the CDF of a univariate normal variable and cdfs (x), cdfe (y) are the CDFs
corresponding to pdfs φs (x) from (15) and φe (y) from (16).
2 First order approximations
The Radon-Nikodym derivative for measure change in (12) and the payoff in (17) depend
only on the ratio of the annuities A(t, Tx , Ts ) and A(t, Tx , Te ). Therefore, to use the copula
valuation by means of (17) it is sufficient to model dynamics of the ratio of annuities. A
convenient way for modelling dynamics of the ratio of annuities is provided by the Terminal
Swap Rate Model methodology. It covers the zero-th and the first order approximations for
the ratio. We discuss the corresponding approximations below.
A(t0 , Tx , Te ) A(t0 , Tx , Ts )
w1 (y, x) = G−1
e,Tx = , w2 (y, x) = G−1
s,Tx = . (20)
A(t0 , Ts , Te ) A(t0 , Ts , Te )
This is exactly the constant annuity ratio assumption used in [5] for pricing midcurve swap-
tions by means of the Gaussian copula.
w1 (y, x) = G−1
e,Tx =
A(t0 , Tx , Te )
= (1 + µe (y − R̂(t0 , Tx , Te )) + µs (x − R̂(t0 , Tx , Ts ))), (21)
A(t0 , Ts , Te )
w2 (y, x) = G−1
s,Tx =
A(t0 , Tx , Ts )
= (1 + νe (y − R̂(t0 , Tx , Te )) + νs (x − R̂(t0 , Tx , Ts ))), (22)
A(t0 , Ts , Te )
where R̂ is used to underline that a measure change is needed to evaluate the corresponding
quantity, so that
Equating coefficients under x and y in w1 (y, x) − w2 (y, x) = 1, we see that the four
coefficients of linear expansion in (21) and (22) are actually spanned by two parameters σe
and σs as
A(t0 , Ts , Te ) A(t0 , Ts , Te )
µs = σs , µe = σe ,
A(t0 , Tx , Te ) A(t0 , Tx , Te )
A(t0 , Ts , Te ) A(t0 , Ts , Te )
νs = σs , νe = σe . (24)
A(t0 , Tx , Ts ) A(t0 , Tx , Ts )
We shall approximate linearly Ge,Tx = w1 (y, x)−1 and Gs,Tx = w2 (y, x)−1 :
A(t0 , Ts , Te )
Ge,Tx ≈ (1 − µe (y − R(t0 , Tx , Te )) − µs (x − R̃(t0 , Tx , Ts ))), (25)
A(t0 , Tx , Te )
A(t0 , Ts , Te )
Gs,Tx ≈ (1 − νe (y − R̃(t0 , Tx , Te )) − νs (x − R(t0 , Tx , Ts ))), (27)
A(t0 , Tx , Ts )
Lemma 2. Under an assumption that the long and the short swap rates are approximately
Gaussian the marginals of the joint distribution of the long and the short swap rates in
A(t, Ts , Te )-meassure are
φs (x) ≈ PDFsRs (x)
1 − νs + νe ρ (x − R(t0 , Tx , Ts )) ,
e Σs
φe (y) ≈ PDFRe (y) 1 − µe + µs ρ (y − R(t0 , Tx , Te )) .
where Σe , Σs are the volatilities of the long and the short swap rates:
Σ2e = EA(Tx ,Te ) (y − R(t0 , Tx , Te ))2 , Σ2s = EA(Tx ,Ts ) (x − R(t0 , Tx , Ts ))2 .
Proof: Under an assumption that the long and the short swap rates are approximately
Gaussian we can project y on to x as:
We can evaluate
A(Tx ,Ts ) A(t, Ts , Te ) Σe
E [Gs,Tx |R(Tx , Tx , Ts ) = x] = 1 − νs + νe ρ (x − R(t, Tx , Ts )) ,
A(t, Tx , Ts ) Σs
which leads to the expression for the first marginal. Similarly we derive the expression for
the second marginal.
Integrating R(t, Tx , Te ) with respect to φe (y) and R(t, Tx , Ts ) with respect to φs (y) we
Lemma 3. If the long and the short rates are approximately Gaussian then the linear ap-
proximation for the weights w1 (y, x) and w2 (y, x) leads to:
To match w1 (y, x)Ge,Tx = 1 and w2 (y, x)Gs,Tx = 1 in the expectation relative to A(Ts , Te )-
measure we must have:
× (1 − µe (y − R̂(t0 , Tx , Te )) − µs (x − R̂(t0 , Tx , Ts )) −
− µe (R̂(t0 , Tx , Te ) − R(t0 , Tx , Te )) − µs (R̂(t0 , Tx , Ts ) − R̃(t0 , Tx , Ts ))) ,
R̃(t0 , Tx , Ts ) = R̂(t0 , Tx , Ts ) + (R̂(t0 , Tx , Te ) − R(t0 , Tx , Te )) +
µ2e 2
+ Σ + 2ρµe Σe Σs + µs Σ2s . (33)
µs e
Similarly for w2 (y, x) and Gs,Tx :
× (1 − νe (y − R̂(t0 , Tx , Te )) − νs (x − R̂(t0 , Tx , Ts )) −
− νe (R̂(t0 , Tx , Te ) − R̃(t0 , Tx , Te )) − νs (R̂(t0 , Tx , Ts ) − R(t0 , Tx , Ts ))) ,
R̃(t0 , Tx , Te ) = R̂(t0 , Tx , Te ) +(R̂(t0 , Tx , Ts ) − R(t0 , Tx , Ts )) +
+ νe Σ2e + 2ρνs Σe Σs + s Σ2s . (35)
Lemma 4. If the long and the short rates are approximately Gaussian then the linear ap-
proximation for the weights w1 (y, x) and w2 (y, x) leads to:
Thus, in order to price a midcurve swaption we just need two extra parameters σe and
σs from (24). Together with the swap rates distributions PDFsRs (x), PDFeRe (y) and the
correlation between them, σe and σs uniquely determine the midcurve swaption price in the
Gaussian copula model via (17),(21),(22), (29) and (31).
Log Linear Approximation: The first order approximation does not immediately prevent
weight coefficients w1 (y, x) and w2 (y, x) from going negative. This can be addressed by an
exponential approximation for w2 (y, x):
is used to underline that Gs,Tx and R(t, Tx , Ts ) are A(t, Tx , Ts )-martingales. The relation
w1 (y, x) − w2 (y, x) = 1 allows us to recover w1 (y, x) from w2 (y, x). We can evaluate the
coefficient α if we assume that the long and the short rates are approximately Gaussian.
Let’s project y on to x as:
A(t, Ts , Te )
= .
A(t, Tx , Ts )
A(t, Ts , Te ) −(νe2 Σ2e +2ρνe νs Σe Σs +νs2 Σ2s )/2
αs = e (41)
A(t, Tx , Ts )
We can now evaluate
h √ i Σe
EA(Tx ,Ts ) [Gs,Tx |R(Tx , Tx , Ts ) = x] = αs EA(Tx ,Ts ) e−νe 1−ρ Σe z e−(νs +νe ρ Σs )(x−R(t0 ,Tx ,Ts ))
If the long and the short rates are approximately Gaussian then the exponential approxima-
tion for the weight w2 (y, x) leads to the next result:
Lemma 5.
(ρνe Σe +νs Σs )2 Σe
φs (x) ≈ PDFsRs (x)e− 2 e−(νs +νe ρ Σs )(x−R(t0 ,Tx ,Ts )) ,
Using the relation w1 (y, x) − w2 (y, x) = 1 we can reconstruct Ge,Tx by numerical inte-
gration. To get less precise but more tractable formulae, instead, we evaluate Ge,Tx as an
exponential martingale:
h √ i Σs
EA(Tx ,Te ) [Ge,Tx |R(Tx , Tx , Te ) = y] = αe EA(Tx ,Te ) e−µs 1−ρ Σs z e−(µe +µs ρ Σe )(y−R(t0 ,Tx ,Te ))
Similar to Lemma 5
Lemma 6. If the long and the short rates are approximately Gaussian then the exponential
approximation for the weight w1 (y, x) leads to:
(ρµs Σs +µe Σe )2 Σs
φe (y) ≈ PDFeRe (y)e− 2 e−(µe +µs ρ Σe )(y−R(t0 ,Tx ,Te )) ,
Note that w1 (y, x) and w2 (y, x) are A(t, Ts , Te )-martingales. Thus,
= αe−1 e−µe (R(t,Tx ,Te )−R̂(t,Tx ,Te ))−µs (R̃(t,Tx ,Ts )−R̂(t,Tx ,Ts )) ×
EA(Ts ,Te ) [w1 (y, x)] = αe−1 e−µe (R(t,Tx ,Te )−R̂(t,Tx ,Te ))−µs (R̃(t,Tx ,Ts )−R̂(t,Tx ,Ts )) ×
A(t, Tx , Te ) −µe (R(t,Tx ,Te )−R̂(t,Tx ,Te ))−µs (R̃(t,Tx ,Ts )−R̂(t,Tx ,Ts ))
= e ×
A(t, Ts , Te )
× e(µe Σe +2ρµe µs Σe Σs +µs Σs )
2 2 2 2
A(t, Tx , Te )
= . (49)
A(t, Ts , Te )
R̃(t, Tx , Ts ) = R(t0 , Tx , Ts ) − (νs Σs + νe ρΣe )Σs − (µe Σe + µs ρΣs )Σe +
−1 2 2 2 2
+ µs µe Σe + 2ρµe µs Σe Σs + µs Σs
= αs−1 e−νe (R̃(t,Tx ,Te )−R̂(t,Tx ,Te ))−νs (R(t,Tx ,Ts )−R̂(t,Tx ,Ts )) ×
EA(Ts ,Te ) [w2 (y, x)] = αs−1 e−νe (R̃(t,Tx ,Te )−R̂(t,Tx ,Te ))−νs (R(t,Tx ,Ts )−R̂(t,Tx ,Ts )) ×
A(t, Tx , Ts ) −νe (R̃(t,Tx ,Te )−R̂(t,Tx ,Te ))−νs (R(t,Tx ,Ts )−R̂(t,Tx ,Ts ))
= e ×
A(t, Ts , Te )
× e(νe Σe +2ρνe νs Σe Σs +νs Σs )
2 2 2 2
A(t, Tx , Ts )
= . (51)
A(t, Ts , Te )
R̃(t, Tx , Te ) = R(t0 , Tx , Te ) − (µe Σe + µs ρΣs )Σe − (νs Σs + νe ρΣe )Σs +
−1 2 2 2 2
+ νe νe Σe + 2ρνe νs Σe Σs + νs Σs
With these exponential approximations for both Gs,Tx and Ge,Tx we shall chose parameters
νe , νs , µe , and µs to minimize
EA(Ts ,Te ) (w1 (y, x) − w2 (y, x))2 = EA(Ts ,Te ) w1 (y, x)2 + EA(Ts ,Te ) w2 (y, x)2 −
− 2EA(Ts ,Te ) [w1 (y, x)]EA(Ts ,Te ) [w2 (y, x)], (54)
A(t, Tx , Te )
e(µe Σe +2ρµe µs Σe Σs +µs Σs ) ,
2 2 2 2
A(Ts ,Te ) 2
E w1 (y, x) = (55)
A(t, Ts , Te )
A(t, Tx , Ts )
e(νe Σe +2ρνe νs Σe Σs +νs Σs ) ,
2 2 2 2
A(Ts ,Te )
w2 (y, x)2 =
E (56)
A(t, Ts , Te )
Again as in the linear case, in order to price a midcurve swaption we just need two extra
parameters σe and σs from (58). Together with the swap rates distributions PDFsRs (x)
and PDFeRe (y), the correlation between them, σe and σs uniquely determine the midcurve
swaption price in the Gaussian copula model via (17),(50), (52), from Lemma 5 and from
Lemma 6.
A(Tx , Tx , Te )
h , R(Tx , Tx , Te )i = σe Σ2e + σs ρΣe Σs , (60)
A(Tx , Ts , Te )
A(Tx , Tx , Te )
h , R(Tx , Tx , Ts )i = σe ρΣe Σs + σs Σ2s . (61)
A(Tx , Ts , Te )
Figure 1: Midcurve 10y→10y10y, forward swap (ATM) rate 2.8783%, the short swap rate normal vol
66.9 bps, the long swap rate normal vol 58.4 bps, flat volatility smile, the swap rate correlation 90% and
σe = 10.5, σs = −5.5.
We developed a consistent model for midcurve swaption pricing which explicitly accounts for
stochasticity of the ratios of the annuities. It gives a handle on the correlation skew which
is typically risk managed via the correlation-by-strike. The later approach is not arbitrage
Our paper shares a common idea with [3], and, thus, depending on the size of the book
the model presented here can be used for trading a small number of midcurve products and
understanding their correlation risk in terms of linear regression coefficients σe and σs , or
the model can be used for risk managing large books of swaptions and CMS products via
full projection of the correlation risk on all the swaps rates volatilities and all their pairwise
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