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Guru Nanak Dev Engineering College, Ludhiana

Department of Civil Engineering

Department Vision
To establish an outstanding centre of regional and national reputation for providing a quality
engineering education to the students from the rural area of Punjab, excellent research and
services to the professional and the community; to produce quality civil engineers; and to
employ principles of continual quality improvement to enhance its programme and faculty.

Department Mission
a) To serve the people of Punjab and the country by providing a broad and high quality
education to its student for a successful professional career.
b) To conduct strong basic and applied research for national needs.
c) To serve the construction industry; civil engineering profession and rural community
through dissemination of knowledge and technical services.

Program Education Objectives (PEO)

1. Professional Excellence: To impart proficiency in engineering knowledge and skills

to analyze, design, build, maintain, or improve civil engineering based systems.
2. Understanding Socio-Economic Aspects: To offer broad education and practical
skills so that the students can carry out technical investigations within realistic
constraints such as economic, environmental, societal, safety and sustainability.
3. Technical Collaboration: To impart ability to collaborate with and function on
multidisciplinary teams to offer an effective and economical engineering solution to
the society.
4. Continued Self-Learning: To create interest in the students to engage in life-long
learning in advanced areas of civil engineering and related fields to deliver a better
solution to a problem.
5. Effective Contribution to Society: To educate the students in ethical values and
social responsibility to use engineering techniques and modern tools necessary for civil
engineering practice to serve the society effectively.

Program Specific Objectives (PSO)

1. Understanding: Graduates shall demonstrate sound knowledge in analysis, design,
laboratory investigations and construction aspects of civil engineering infrastructure,
along with good foundation in mathematics, basic sciences and technical
2. Broadness and Diversity: Graduates will have a broad understanding of economical,
environmental, societal, health and safety factors involved in infrastructural
development, and shall demonstrate ability to function within multidisciplinary teams
with competence in modern tool usage.
3. Self-Learning and Service: Graduates will be motivated for continuous self-learning
in engineering practice and/or pursue research in advanced areas of civil engineering in
order to offer engineering services to the society, ethically and responsibly.
Program Outcomes (PO)

1. Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering

fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering
2. Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyze
complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles
of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.
3. Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering
problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs
with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural,
societal, and environmental considerations.
4. Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research-based knowledge and
research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data,
and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.
5. Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and
modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex
engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.
6. The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to
assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent
responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice.
7. Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional
engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the
knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.
8. Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities
and norms of the engineering practice.
9. Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or
leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.
10. Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with
the engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to
comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective
presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.
11. Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of
the engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a
member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary
12. Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to
engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological

Study Scheme of Under Graduate (Batch 2014 & Onwards)

Year Credits
First 54
Second 54
Third 52
Forth 45
Total Credits 205

Third Semester Contact Hours: 31 Hrs

Load Allocation Marks Distribution
Course Total
Course Name Credits
Code L T P Internal External Marks

Engineering 3 1 - 40 60 100 4
CE-14302 Fluid Mechanics-I 3 1 - 40 60 100 4
Rock Mechanics &
CE-14303 3 1 - 40 60 100 4
Engineering Geology
CE-14304 Strength of Materials 3 1 - 40 60 100 4
CE-14305 Surveying 3 1 - 40 60 100 4
Building Materials &
CE-14306 3 0 - 40 60 100 3
Fluid Mechanics-I
CE-14307 - - 2 30 20 50 1
Strength of Materials
CE-14308 - - 2 30 20 50 1
CE-14309 Surveying Lab - - 3 30 20 50 2
TR-14301 Workshop Training - - - 30 20 50 2
Mentoring Class - 1 - - - - -
Total 18 06 07 360 440 800 29

* This subject shall be taught by the faculty of Applied Science Department.

Fourth Semester Contact Hours: 27 Hrs
Course Load Marks Distribution
Course Name Total
Code Allocation Credits
L T P Internal External
CE-14401 Geomatics Engineering 3 - - 40 60 100 3

CE-14402 Construction Machinery & 3 - - 40 60 100 3

Works Management

CE-14403 Design of Concrete 3 1 - 40 60 100 4

Structures– I
CE-14404 Fluid Mechanics-II 3 1 - 40 60 100 4

CE-14405 Irrigation Engineering-I 3 1 - 40 60 100 4

CE-14406 Structural Analysis-I 3 1 - 40 60 100 4

CE-14407 Concrete Technology Lab - - 2 30 20 50 1

CE-14408 Structural Analysis Lab - - 2 30 20 50 1

GF-14401 General Fitness 100 - 100 1

Mentoring Class - 1 - - - - -
Total 18 05 04 400 400 800 25

Fifth Semester Contact Hours: 27 Hrs
Course Course Name L T P Internal External Total Credits
CE-14501 Design of Steel Structures-I 3 1 - 40 60 100 4

CE-14502 Geotechnical Engineering 3 1 - 40 60 100 4

CE-14503 Structural Analysis - II 3 1 - 40 60 100 4
CE-14504 3 1 - 40 60 100 4
CE-14505 3 1 - 40 60 100 4
Transportation Engineering
CE-14506 - - 2 30 20 50 1
Environmental Engineering
CE-14507 - - 2 30 20 50 1
Departmental Elective – I - - 2 30 20 50 1
TRCE- Industrial Training – I
60 40 100 2
14501 (Survey Camp)
Mentoring Class - 1 - - - - -
Total 15 06 06 350 400 750 25

Departmental Elective –I

S No Course Code Course Name

1 DECE-14508 Computer Aided Structural Drawing & Detailing
2 DECE-14509 Computer Aided Structural Analysis & Design
3 DECE-14510 Building Information Modeling

Sixth Semester Contact Hours: 29 Hrs
Course Load Allocation Marks Distribution Total
Course Name Credits
Code Marks
L T P Internal External
Design of Concrete
CE-14601 3 1 - 40 60 100 4

CE-14602 Foundation Engineering 3 1 - 40 60 100 4

CE-14603 Professional Practice 3 1 - 40 60 100 4

CE-14604 3 1 - 40 60 100 4
Engineering – II
DECE- Departmental
3 1 - 40 60 100 4
146XX Elective –II
Open Elective* 3 - - 40 60 100 3
CE-14609 - - 2 30 20 50 1
Engineering Lab
Computer Aided
CE-14610 - - 2 30 20 50 1
Analysis & Design
Minor Project - - 1 60 40 100 1
GF-14601 General Fitness - - - 100 - 100 1

Mentoring Class - 1 - - - - -
Total 18 06 05 460 440 900 27

List of Departmental Elective – II (6th Semester)

S No Course Code Course name
1 DECE-14605 Numerical Methods in Civil Engineering
2 DECE-14606 Finite Elements Methods
3 DECE-14607 Reinforced Earth and Geotextiles
4 DECE-14608 Infrastructure Development and Management
List of Open Electives (6th Semester)*
S No Course Code Course Name
1 OECE-14601 Building Maintenance & Safety
2 OECE-14602 Project Monitoring & Management

*(The students of Civil Engineering Department will select any one subject floated by the
other department as their open elective subject other than their parent department.)
Seventh/Eighth Semester
Mark Distribution Total
Course Code Course Name Credits
Internal External Marks
Industrial Training
TRCE-14701 450 350 800 13
– II

Industry Oriented
TRCE-14702 200 - 200 02
Total 650 350 1000 15

Seventh/Eighth Semester Contact Hours: 30 Hrs

Course Load Marks Distribution Total
Course Name Allocation Credits
Code Marks
L T P Internal External
Design of Steel
CE-14801 3 1 - 40 60 100 4
Elements of
CE-14802 Earthquake 3 1 - 40 60 100 4
CE-14803 3 1 - 40 60 100 4
CE-14804 3 1 - 40 60 100 4
CE-14805 Seminar - - 2 50 - 50 2
DECE- Departmental
3 1 - 40 60 100 4
148XX Elective–III*
DECE- Departmental
3 1 - 40 60 100 4
148YY Elective- IV*
Major Project - - 3 120 80 200 3
GF-14701 General Fitness - - - 100 - 100 1
Mentoring Class - 1 - - - - -

Total 18 07 05 510 440 950 30

* Departmental Elective III and IV should not be from the same group.

 DECE-14806 Dynamics of Structures
 DECE-14807 Advanced Reinforced Concrete Design
 DECE-14808 Pre-stressed Concrete
 DECE-14809 Pavement Design
Elective – III
 DECE-14810 Traffic Engineering
 DECE-14811 Bridge Engineering
 DECE-14812 Matrix methods of Structural Analysis
 DECE-14815 Ground Improvement Techniques
 DECE-14816 Soil Dynamics and Machine Foundation
 DECE-14817 Earth and Earth Retaining Structures
Departmental  DECE-14818 Advanced Environmental Engineering
Elective – IV  DECE-14819 Environmental Impact Assessment
 DECE-14820 Flood Control and River Engineering
 DECE-14821 Hydrology and Dams
 DECE-14822 Disaster Management

CE-14301 Engineering Mathematics-III
Internal Marks: 40 LTP
External Marks: 60 310
Total Marks: 100

Course Outcomes:
After completing this course the student must demonstrate the knowledge and ability to:
1. Analyze Fourier series to fit it into civil engineering problems.
2. Evaluate linear differential equations which are often the part of civil engineering
problems using techniques of Laplace Transforms.
3. Evaluate the special functions which arise as a result of differential equations with
variable coefficients.
4. Analyze different types of partial differential equations.
5. Apply the methods of partial differential equations to solve one dimensional equation.
6. Analyze the differential and integral calculus of complex functions.

Course Content:
Fourier series: Periodic functions, Euler's formula. Even and odd functions, half range
expansions, Fourier series of different wave forms.
Laplace Transforms: Laplace transforms of various standard functions, properties of Laplace
transforms, inverse Laplace transforms, transform of derivatives and integrals, Laplace
transform of unit step function, impulse function, periodic functions, applications to solution
of ordinary linear differential equations with constant coefficients, and simultaneous
differential equations.
Special Functions: Power series solutions of differential equations, Frobenius method,
Legendre's equation, Legendre polynomial, Bessel's equation, Bessel functions of the first and
second kind. Recurrence relations, equations reducible to Bessel's equation
Partial Differential Equations: Formation of partial differential equations, Linear partial
differential equations, homogeneous partial differential equations with constant coefficients
Applications of PDEs: Wave equation and Heat conduction equation in one dimension. Two
dimensional Laplace equation in Cartesian Coordinates, solution by the method of separation
of variables
Functions of Complex Variable: Limits, continuity and derivative of the function of
complex variable, Analytic function, Cauchy-Riemann equations, conjugate functions,
harmonic functions; Conformal Mapping: Definition, standard transformations, translation,
rotation, inversion, bilinear. Complex Integration: Line integrals in the complex plane,
Cauchy's theorem, Cauchy's integral formula and derivatives of analytic function. Taylor's and
Laurent's expansions (without proofs), singular points, poles, residue, Integration of function
of complex variables using the method of residues

 Kreyszing, E., Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Eighth edition, John Wiley, New
 Grewal, B. S., Higher Engineering Mathematics, Khanna Publishers, New Delhi.
 Ian N. Sneedon, Elements of Partial Differential Equations, McGraw- Hill, Singapore,
 Peter. V. O' Nil, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Wadsworth Publishing Company.
 Advanced Engineering Mathematics, O'Neil, Cengage Learning.
 Taneja, H. C., Engineering Mathematics, Volume-I & Volume-II, I. K. Publisher.

CE-14302 Fluid Mechanics-I

Internal Marks: 40 LTP

External Marks: 60 310
Total Marks: 100

Course Outcomes:
After completing this course the student must demonstrate the knowledge and ability to:
1. Understand the basic properties of Fluid.
2. Compute hydrostatic forces on submerged bodies.
3. Analyze flow rates, velocity, energy losses and momentum flux for fluid
4. Explain fluid flow phenomena.
5. Evaluate relationship among various parameters based on dimension analysis
and model study.
6. To predict the resisting forces on moving submerged body.
Course Content:

Fluid and their properties: Concept of fluid, difference between solids, liquids and gases;
ideal and real fluids; Continuum concept of fluid: density, specific weight and relative density;
viscosity and its dependence on temperature; surface tension and capillarity, vapour pressure
and cavitations, compressibility band bulk modulus; Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids.
Fluid Statics: Concept of pressure, Pascal’s law and its engineering hydrostatic paradox.
Action of fluid pressure on plane (horizontal, vertical and inclined) submerged surface,
resultant force and center of pressure, force on a curved surface due to hydrostatic pressure.
Buoyancy and flotation, stability of floating and submerged bodies, Meta centric height and its
Fluid Kinematics: Classification of fluid flows, velocity and acceleration of fluid particle,
local and convective acceleration, normal & tangential acceleration streamline, path line and
streak line, flow rate and discharge mean velocity continuity equation in Cartesian co-
ordinates. Rotational flows- Rotational velocity and circulation, stream & velocity potential
Fluid Dynamics: - Euler’s equation, Bernoulli’s equation and steady flow energy equation,
representation of energy changes in fluid system, impulse momentum equation, kinetic energy
and momentum correction factors, flow along a curved streamline, free and forced vortex
Dimensional Analysis and Similitude: Fundamental and derived units and dimensions,
dimensional homogeneity, Rayleigh’s and Buckingham’s Pi method for dimensional analysis,
dimension less number and their significance, geometric, kinematic and dynamic similarity,
model studies.
Flow Past immersed bodies: Drag and lift deformation Drag and pressure drag. Drag on
sphere, cylinder and Airfoil: Lift-Magnus Effect and circulation, lift on a circular cylinder.
Flow Measurement: - Manometers, Pitot tubes, venturimeter and orifice meters, orifices,
mouthpieces, notches (Rectangular and V-notches) and weirs (Sharp crested Weirs).


 Fluid Mechanics & Hydraulic Machines : Dr. R.K. Bansal
 Hydraulic and Fluid Mechanic by P.N. Modi & S.M. Seth
 Engineering Fluid Mechanics by R.J. Garde & A.G. Mirajgaoker
 Fluid Mechanics by Douglas JF, Gasiorek JM, Swaffield JP; Pitman
 Fluid Mechanics: Streetes VL & Wylie EB; TATA Mcgraw Hill.
 Introduction to Fluid Mechanics by Robert W. Fox & Alan T. McDonald
 Fluid Mechanics by Potter, Cengage Learning

CE-14303 Rock Mechanics & Engineering Geology
Internal Marks: 40 LTP
External Marks: 60 310
Total Marks: 100

Course Outcomes:

After completing this course the student must demonstrate the knowledge and ability to:
1. Understand the geological considerations in civil engineering projects.
2. Predict the different properties of rocks.
3. Identify the geological problems associated with civil engineering structures
and suggest remedies.
4. Analyze geological data for civil engineering projects.
5. Inter predict the engineering properties of rocks in laboratory and field.
6. Plan appropriate techniques for improvement the engineering properties of
Course Content:
General Geology: Importance of Engineering Geology applied to Civil Engineering Practices,
Weathering, definition, types and effect, Geological works of rivers, wind, glaciers as agents
of erosion, transportation and deposition.
Rocks & Minerals: Minerals, their identification, igneous, sedimentary & metamorphic
rocks. Classification of rocks for engineering purposes, Rock quality designation (RQD)
Structural Geology: Brief idea about stratification, apparent dip, true dip, strike and in
conformities. Folds, faults & joints: definition, classification relation to engineering
Engineering Geology: Geological considerations in the Engineering, Projects like tunnels,
highways, foundation, dams, and reservoirs. Earthquake- Definition, terminology, earthquake
waves, intensity, recording of earthquake.
Engineering properties of rocks and laboratory measurement: Uniaxial compression test,
tensile tests, permeability test, shear tests, size and shape of specimen rate of testing.
Confining pressure, stress strain curves of typical rocks. Strength of intact and fissured rocks,
effect of anisotropy, effect of saturation and temperature
In-situ determination of Engineering Properties of Rock masses: Necessity of in-situ tests,
uniaxial load tests in tunnels and open excavations, cable tests, flat jack test, shear test,
pressure tunnel test. Simple methods of determining in situ stresses, bore hole test
Improvement in properties of Rock masses: Pressure grouting for dams and tunnels, rock
reinforcement rock bolting.
 Introduction to Rock Mechanics: Richard E. Goodman.
 Engg. Behaviour of rocks: Farmar, I.W.
 Rock Mechanics and Engg.: Jaager C.
 Fundamentals of Rock Mechanics: Jaager and Cook
 Engineering Geology: D.S.Arora
 Engineering Geology : Parbin Singh
 Rock Mechanics for Engineering: B.P. Verma.

CE -14304 Strength of Material
Internal Marks: 40 LTP
External Marks: 60 310
Total Marks: 100

Course Outcomes:

After completing this course the student must demonstrate the knowledge and ability to:
1. Identify the concepts solid mechanics including static equilibrium, geometry of
deformation, and material constitutive behavior.
2. Execute the fundamental concepts of stress, strain and elastic behaviour of
materials to analyze structural members subjected to tension, compression,
3. Analyse the bending stress on different types of sections.
4. Formulate appropriate theoretical basis for the analysis of combined axial and
bending stresses.
5. Understand the behavior of columns and struts under axial loading.
6. Demonstrate the use of critical thinking and problem solving techniques as
applied to structural systems.

Course Content:

Concept of Equilibrium: Load, reaction; General equilibrium equations; Equilibrium of a

point in space; Equilibrium of a member; Concept of free body diagrams; Displacements;
Concept of displacement-constraints/ supports; Statical-determinacy of a problem
Simple Stress and Strains: Introduction; Concept of stress and strain; Stress-strain curves for
ductile, brittle materials; Generalized Hooke’s law, Stress-strain diagram of ductile and brittle
material, statically determinate and indeterminate problems, compound and composite bars,
thermal stresses. Elastic constants, relations between various elastic constants and its use;
Lateral strain, volumetric strain, poisons ratio; Stress and strains in thin cylinders, spherical
shells; Thin vassals subjected to internal pressures.
Complex stress and strains: Introduction; Normal stress, tangential stress; Rectangular block
subjected to normal stress along and across two planes, combination of normal and tangential
stress; Concept of principal stress and its computation; Mohr circle; Principal strains,
computation of principal stresses from the principal strains.
Shear force and Bending moment diagrams: Introduction to the concept of reaction
diagrams—shear force and bending moment; Role of sign conventions; Types of load, beams,
supports; Shear force and bending moment diagrams: simply supported, overhang and
cantilever beams subjected to any combination of point loads, uniformly distributed and
varying load, and moment; Relationship between load, shear force and bending moment;
Different methods for plotting a bending moment and shear force diagrams.
Bending and Shear Stresses: Introduction; Assumptions and derivation of flexural formula
for straight beams; Centroid of simple and built up section, second moment of area; Bending
stress calculation for beams of simple and built up section, composite sections (flitched
sections); Shear stress; Variation of bending and shear stress along the depth of section.
Columns and Struts: Stability of Columns; buckling load of axially loaded columns with
various end conditions; Euler’s and Rankine’s formula; Columns under eccentric load, lateral
Torsion of Circular shafts: Torsion, basic assumptions, derivation of torsion equation;
Power transmitted by shafts; analysis and design of solid and Hollow shafts based on strength
and stiffness; Sections under combined bending and torsion, equivalent bending and torsion.
Failure theories: Maximum principal stress theory, Maximum shear stress theory, Distortion
Energy theory, Strain Energy theory, Constant Analysis of Thin Cylinder

 Mechanics of Material : E .Popov
 Strength of Material: Rajput
 Strength of Materials: Sadhu Singh
 Strength of Materials by Gere, Cengage Learning

CE-14305 Surveying
Internal Marks: 40 LTP
External Marks: 60 310
Total Marks: 100

Course Outcomes:

After completing this course the student must demonstrate the knowledge and ability to:
1. Understand various methods and techniques of surveying and its applications
(chain survey, compass survey, leveling and contouring).
2. Compute angles, distances and levels.
3. Apply the concept of tachometry survey in difficult and hilly terrain.
4. Discuss the working principle of ordinary and electronic survey instruments.
5. Select different instruments for data collection and apply corrections on
collected data.
6. Analyze the survey data for different applications.

Course Content:
Introduction: Definition, principles of surveying, different types of surveys, topographical
map, scale of map.
Chain and Compass Surveying: Measurement of distances with chain and tape, direct
&indirect ranging, offsets, bearing and its measurement with prismatic compass, calculation of
angles from bearings, Local Attraction.
Plane Table Surveying: Setting up the plane table and methods of plane tabling.
Levelling & Contouring: Setting up a dumpy level, booking and reducing the levels by rise
&fall method and height of instrument method, correction due to curvature and refraction,
characteristics of contours, methods of contouring, uses of contour maps.
Theodolite Traversing: Temporary and permanent adjustments, measurement of horizontal
and vertical angles, adjustment of closing error by Bowditch & Transit rules.
Tachometry: Definition, determination of tachometer constants and reduced level from
tachometric observations.
Triangulation: Selection of stations and base line, corrections for base line, satellite station
and reduction to centre.
Curves: Elements of a simple curve, different methods of setting out of simple circular curve.

 Duggal, S.K., Surveying Vol I & II, Tata McGraw Hill (2006)
 Punmia, B.C., Jain, Ashok Kumar and Jain, Arun Kumar, Surveying Vol. I and II, Laxmi
Publications (2005)
 Agor, R., Surveying, Khanna Publishers (1982)
 Bhavikatti, S.S. Surveying & Levelling Volume I&II (2009)

CE-14306 Building Material & Construction
Internal Marks: 40 LTP
External Marks: 60 300
Total Marks: 100

Course Outcomes:

After completing this course the student must demonstrate the knowledge and ability to:
1. Identify and characterize building materials
2. Understand the manufacturing process of bricks, cement and concrete.
3. Select the appropriate methods for preservation of timber and metals
4. Evaluate the quality of building material through visual inspection or by
laboratory testing.
5. Apply the knowledge to select suitable construction techniques for different
building components.
6. Use the suitable techniques of damp proofing and fire resistance.

Course Content:

Building Stones & Bricks: General, Characteristics of a good building stone, Deterioration
and preservation of stones, Artificial Stones, Composition of good brick earth, Qualities of
good bricks, Classification of bricks, Tests on bricks and Varieties of fire bricks
Cement: Composition of cement, Raw Materials, Manufacturing process, Varieties of cement,
Hydration of cement, Properties, testing of cement.
Concrete: Introduction, Constituents of concrete, batching of materials, manufacturing
process of cement concrete, workability and factors affecting it, Methods to determine
workability, segregation and bleeding of concrete, Strength of concrete and factors affecting it.
Timber: Structure of a tree, classification of trees, Defects in timber, Qualities of good a
timber, Seasoning of timber, Decay of timber, Preservation of timber
Miscellaneous materials: Paints, Distempering, Glass, Plastics.
Foundation and Walls: Definition, types of foundations, causes of failures of foundation and
remedial measures, Types of walls and thickness considerations.
Brick and stone masonry: Terms used, Types of bonds & their merits and demerits, rubble
and ashlar joints in stone masonry, cement concrete hollow blocks and their advantages and
Damp Proofing: Sources, causes and bad effects of dampness, preventive measures for
dampness in buildings.
Roofs: Terms used, Classification of roofs and roof trusses, Different roof covering materials.
Plastering and pointing: Objects, Methods of plastering, Materials and types, Defects in
plastering, special material for plastered surface, Distempering white washing and colour
Floors: General, Types of floors used in building & and their suitability, factors for selecting
suitable floor for building.
Miscellaneous topics: Building Services–Plumbing service, Electrical services, Air
conditioning, Acoustics and sound insulation, Fire protection measures, Lift
 Rangwala – Building materials
 Bindra SP, Arora KR Building construction
 Shetty MS , Concrete Technology
 Punmia BC, Building construction
CE-14307 Fluid Mechanics Lab-I
Internal Marks: 30 LTP
External Marks: 20 002
Total Marks: 50

Course Outcome:

After completing this course the student must demonstrate the knowledge and ability to:
1. Predict the metacentric height of floating vessel and appreciate its utility in
vessel design.
2. Calibrate various flow measuring devices (venturimeter, orifice meter and
3. Authenticate the Bernoulli’s theorem experimentally.
4. Assess the discharge of fluid over broad crested weir
5. Compute various losses and velocity in pipe flow in field
6. Compare good understanding of concepts and their applications in the

Course Content:

1. To determine the meta-centric height of a floating vessel under loaded and unloaded
2. To study the flow through a variable area duct and verify Bernoulii’s energy equation.
3. To determine the coefficient of discharge for an obstruction flow meter (venturimeter
/orifice meter)
4. To determine the discharge coefficient for a Vee notch or rectangular notch.
5. To determine the coefficient of discharge for Broad crested weir.
6. To determine the hydraulic coefficients for flow through an orifice.
7. To determine the friction coefficient for pipes of different diameter.
8. To determine the head loss in a pipe line due to sudden expansion / sudden contraction/
9. To determine the velocity distribution for pipe line flow with a pitot static probe.

 Practical Fluid Mechanics for Engineering Applications (Mechanical Engineering
(Marcell Dekker) By John J. Bloomer
 Fluid Mechanics Practical Manual by Sarabjit Singh.

CE-14308 Strength of Material Lab
Internal Marks: 30 LTP
External Marks: 20 002
Total Marks: 50

Course Outcomes

After completing this course the student must demonstrate the knowledge and ability to:
1. Understand the importance of physical properties of steel.
2. Identify and comprehend code provisions for testing different properties of
3. Develop stress –strain curve for axial compression, axial tension and shear.
4. Evaluate fatigue and impact strength of steel using suitable equipment.
5. Assess hardness of steel using Rockwell and Brinell apparatus.
6. Compute load carrying capacity of a leaf spring.

Course Content:

1. Draw Stress Strain curve for Ductile and Brittle material in tension.
2. Draw Stress Strain curve for Ductile and Brittle material in compression.
3. Draw shear stress, shear strain curve for ductile and brittle material in torsion strength
4. Draw load deflection curve for spring in loading and unloading conditions.
5. To determine the hardness of the given material by Rockwell and Brinell hardness testing
6. To determine the fatigue strength of the material.
7. To determine the impact strength by Izod and Charpy test.
8. To determine the load carrying capacity of the leaf spring.
9. To test a mild steel and cast iron specimen in double shear.

CE-14309 Surveying Lab

Internal Marks: 30 LTP

External Marks: 20 003
Total Marks: 50

Course Outcomes:

After completing the course the students must demonstrate the knowledge and ability to:
1. Assess horizontal & vertical angles by Theodolite and various distances by
Chaining along with ranging.
2. Survey the area using different methods of plane tabling and compass survey
and to adjust the compass traverse graphically.
3. Compute the reduce levels using various methods of leveling.
4. Predict the location of any point horizontally and vertically using Tachometry.
5. Setting out curves in the field.
6. Analyze different types of survey data.

Course Content:

1. Measurement of distance, ranging a line.

2. Measurement of bearing and angles with compass, adjustment of traverse by graphical
3. Different methods of levelling, height of instrument, rise & fall methods.
4. Measurement of horizontal and vertical angle by theodolite.
5. Determination of tachometric constants and determination of reduced levels by
tachometric observations.
6. Plane table survey, different methods of plotting, two point & three point problem.
7. Determination of height of an inaccessible object.
8. Setting out a transition curve. Setting out of circular curves in the field using different

CE-14401 Geomatics Engineering

Internal Marks: 40 LTP

External Marks: 60 300
Total Marks: 100

Course Outcomes:
After completing this course the student must demonstrate the knowledge and ability to:
1. Demonstrate the use of remote sensing in resolving the location related problems.
2. Explain and apply the concept of photogrammetry in the survey.
3. Retrieve the information from remotely sensed data and interpret the data for survey.
4. Analyze and representation of the geographical data.
5. Understand the basic concepts related to GIS and GPS.
6. Apply the electronic technology for surveying works.

Course Content:
Photogrammetry: Introduction, Basic Principles, Photo-Theodolite, Elevation of a Point by
Photographic Measurement, Aerial Camera, Vertical Photograph, Tilted Photograph, Scale,
Crab and Drift, Flight Planning for Aerial Photography, Ground Control for Photogrammetry,
Photomaps and Mosaics, Stereoscopic Vision, Stereoscopic parallax, Stereoscopic Plotting
Instruments, Introduction of Electronic Total Station & their Applications
Remote Sensing: Introduction, Basic Principles, Electromagnetic (EM) Energy Spectrum,
EM Radiations and the Atmosphere, Interaction of EM radiations with Earth’s Surface,
Types of remote sensing systems, Remote Sensing Observation Platforms, Satellites and their
characteristics – Geo-stationary and sun-synchronous, Earth Resources Satellites,
Meteorological satellites, Sensors, Types and their characteristics, Across track and Along
track scanning, Applications of Remote Sensing.
Geographical Information System (GIS): Definition, GIS Objectives, Hardware and
software requirements for GIS, Components of GIS, Coordinate System and Projections in
GIS, Data structure and formats, Spatial data models – Raster and Vector, Data inputting in
GIS, Data base design - editing and topology creation in GIS, Linkage between spatial and
non spatial data, Spatial data analysis – significance and type, Attribute Query, Spatial Query,
Vector based spatial data analysis, Raster based spatial data analysis, Errors in GIS,
Integration of RS and GIS data, Digital Elevation Model, Network Analysis in GIS, GIS
Software Packages.
Global Positioning System (GPS): Introduction, Fundamental concepts, GPS system
elements and signals, GPS measurements and accuracy of GPS, Satellite Movement, GPS
Satellites, Co-ordinate systems - Geoids, Ellipsoid and Datum, Spheroid, Customized Local
Reference Ellipsoids, National Reference Systems, Worldwide Reference Ellipsoid, WGS 84,
Differential-GPS, Classification of GPS receivers, GPS Applications.


 Arora, K.R., 2007: Surveying Vol-III, Standard Book House.

 Campbell, J.B.2002: Introduction to Remote Sensing. Taylor Publications.
 Chang.T.K. 2002: Geographic Information Systems, Tata McGrawHill.
 Heywood.I, Cornelius S, CrverSteve. 2003: An Introduction to Geographical Information
Systems, Pearson Education.

 Joseph George, 2003: Fundamentals of Remote Sensing. Universities Press.
 Punmia, B.C., Jain A.K., 2005: Higher Surveying, Luxmi Publications
 Sabbins, F.F., 1985: Remote Sensing Principles and Interpretation. W.H.Freeman and
 Kaplan, E.D., Understanding GPS : Principles and Application; Artec House; 2 Edition

CE-14402 Construction Machinery & Works Management

Internal Marks: 40 LTP

External Marks: 60 300
Total Marks: 100

Course Outcomes:
After completing this course the student must demonstrate the knowledge and ability to:
1. Understand the concept, and need of project planning and the related concepts.
2. Utilize various management tools and techniques, such as PERT, CPM, etc. in the
project planning.
3. Develop a network and perform time estimates to find the critical path.
4. Assess the minimum total cost and do the project scheduling.
5. Perform cost analysis for a given activity and formulate a project contract.
6. Select appropriate construction equipment and machinery for a given construction

Course Content:
Introduction: Need for project planning & management, time, activity & event, bar chart,
Milestone chart, uses & draw backs.
PERT :Construction of PERT network, time estimates, network analysis, forward pass &
backward pass, slack, critical path, data reduction, suitability of PERT for research project,
numerical problems, probability of achieving scheduled project.
CPM: Definitions, network construction, critical path, fundamental rules, determination of
project schedule, activity time estimates, float types, their significance, numerical problems.
Cost Analysis and Contract: Type of costs, cost time relationships, cost slopes, conducting
a crash programme, determining the minimum total cost of project, numerical problems,
updating a project, when to update, time grid diagram, resource scheduling, planning of
different components of civil engineering projects such as a house, workshop, dam, tunnel.
Introduction of Modern Civil Engineering Equipments and Plants: Dragline, Hoes. Line
diagram of each, sizes, output, uses, factors affecting selection of each equipment, economic
life of equipment, maintenance and repair cost, Hoisting &Transporting Equipments- Hosts,
Winches, Cranes, Belt conveyors, Ropeways, trucks & Wagons, Construction Equipments,
concrete pumps, Working flow diagram of RMC Plant, Bituminous Plant , Paver Plant.

Introduction of relevant software


 Construction Planning and Equipment - R.L. Peurifoy - Tata McGraw Hill,

New Delhi PERT and CPM - L.S. Srinath, East West Press
 Management Guide to PERT & CPM - Wiest & levy; Prentice Hall
 Construction Equipment & Planning and Application. - Mahesh Verma, Artec
 Construction Planning and Management by U. K. Shrivastava; Galgotia Publications
Pvt. Ltd.

CE-14403 Design of Concrete Structures-I
Internal Marks: 40 LTP
External Marks: 60 310
Total Marks: 100

Course Outcomes:
After completing this course the student must demonstrate the knowledge and ability to:
1. Identify the quality control tests on concrete making materials.
2. Understand the behavior and the durability aspects of the concrete under different
loading and exposure conditions.
3. Design the concrete mixes as per various mix techniques.
4. Apply the stress-strain response of steel and concrete in the design of various RC
5. Compare the fundamental concepts of different design philosophies available for RC
6. Execute the solution using a logic and structured approach based on Limit State
Method and IS code provisions for various RC elements, such as beams, slabs and

Course Content:
Note: Relevant Codes of Practice are permitted in Examination.
Concrete Technology
Cement and Aggregates, properties and testing, Water, Admixtures, Fresh concrete,
workability, Compaction, Curing, Strength of Concrete, Elasticity, Shrinkage and Creep,
Durability of Concrete, Testing of hardened concrete, Concrete Mix Design, Quality Control
and acceptance Criteria.

Design of Reinforced Concrete Elements*

 Concept and Methods of Structural Design, Objectives, Properties of Concrete and Steel,
Stress-Strain behavior of Steel and Concrete
 Design Philosophies: Working Stress Method, Limit State Method
 Analysis & Design of Simply Supported Beams – (Rectangular and Flanged Sections)
 Analysis & Design for Shear, Bond, Anchorage, Development Length and Torsion
 Analysis & Design of One and Two way Slabs, Stairs
*All design and analysis should be based on Limit State Methods.

 Properties of Concrete by A.M. Neville – Prentice Hall
 Concrete Technology by M.S.Shetty. – S.Chand & Co.
 Concrete Technology by M.L. Gambhir. – Tata Mc. Graw Hill Publishers, New
 Concrete Technology by A.R. Santha Kumar, Oxford university Press, New Delhi
 Advanced Design of Structures N. Krishna Raju
 Advanced RCC Design Pillai & Mennon, Tata MacGraw Hill
 Limit State Design by A.K. Jain
 Limit State Design of Reinforced Concrete P.C. Vergese
 IS 456:2000, “Plain and Reinforced Concrete- Code of Paractice”, Bureau of Indian
Standards, New Delhi.
 IS 10262:2009 “Guidelines for concrete mix design proportioning”, Bureau of Indian
Standards, New Delhi.

CE- 14404 Fluid Mechanics-II
Internal Marks: 40 LTP
External Marks: 60 310
Total Marks: 100

Course Outcomes:
After completing this course the student must demonstrate the knowledge and ability to:
1. Distinguish and identify different types of fluid flow.
2. Formulate equation of flow through different media/obstructions for a laminar and
turbulent flow.
3. Apply the principles of conservation of energy and momentum in the flow studies in
open channels and simple pipe network.
4. Design pipe network and open channels for passing a given discharge.
5. Evaluate the effect of channel shapes on the discharge parameters.
6. Understand and apply the theory of hydraulic jumps and surges.

Course Content:
Laminar Flow: Navier-stokes equations in Cartesian coordinates (no derivation), meaning of
terms, Flow through circular section pipe, flow between parallel plates, stokes law. Flow
through porous media,. Transition from laminar to turbulent, Critical velocity and critical
Reynolds Number
Turbulent Flow: Turbulent flows and flow losses in pipes, Darcy equation minor, head
losses in pipe fittings, hydraulic and energy gradient lines, Definition of turbulence, scale
And intensity, Effects of turbulent flow in pipes, Equation for velocity distribution in smooth
and rough pipes (no derivation), Resistance diagram
Boundary Layer Analysis: Assumption and concept of boundary layer theory. Boundary-
layer thickness, displacement, momentum & energy thickness, laminar and turbulent
boundary layers on a flat plate; Laminar sub-layer, smooth and rough boundaries. Local and
average friction coefficients, Separation and Control
Uniform flow in open Channels: Flow classifications, basic resistance Equation for open
channel flow, Chezy, Manning, Bazin and Kutter formulae, Variation of roughness
coefficient, conveyance and normal depth, Velocity Distribution, Most efficient flow
sections; rectangular, trapezoidal and circular
Energy and Momentum principles and critical flow: Energy and specific Energy in an
open channel;critical depth for rectangular and trapezoidal channels. Alternate depths,
applications of specific energy to transitions and Broad crested weirs. Momentum and
specific force in open channel flow, sequent depths.
Gradually varied Flow: Different Equation of water surface profile; limitation, properties
and classification of water and surface profiles with examples, computation of water surface
Hydraulic Jump and Surges: Theory of Jump, Elements of jump in a rectangular Channel,
length and height of jump, location of jump, Energy dissipation and other uses, Positive and
negative surges

 Hydraulics & Fluid Mechanics by P.N. Modi and S.M. Seth; Standard Publication
 Flow in Open Channels by S. Subraminayam; Tata MacGraw Hill
 Introduction to Fluid Mechanics by Robert N.Fox & Alan T. Macnold
 Fluid Mechanics : Dr. R.K. Bansal; Laxmi Publications
 Fluid Mechanics: Dr. Jagdish Lal; Metropolitan Book Co. (p) Ltd.

CE-14405 Irrigation Engineering –I
Internal Marks: 40 LTP
External Marks: 60 310
Total Marks: 100

Course Outcomes:
After completing this course the student must demonstrate the knowledge and ability to:
1. Identify the basic understanding of soil water plant relationship.
2. Understand different irrigation techniques and the related theories.
3. Apply different theories/methods to design lined and unlined canals.
4. Estimate the yield of tube-well using different formulae.
5. Design different hydraulic structures required for effective river training works.
6. Demonstrate the knowledge related to the water logging, losses, economics of lining,

Course Content:
Introduction: Importance of Irrigation Engineering, purposes of Irrigation, objectives of
Irrigation, Benefits of Irrigation, Advantages & Disadvantages of various techniques of
irrigation, water requirements of crops, factors affecting water requirement, consumptive use
of water, water depth or delta , Duty of water, Base Period, relation between delta, duty and
base period, Soil crop relation-ship and soil fertility
Canal Irrigation: Classifications of canals, canal alignment, Inundation canals, Bandhara
irrigation, advantages and disadvantages, Silt theories-Kennedy's theory, Lacey's theory,
Drawbacks in Kennedy's & Lacey's theories, comparison of Lacey's and Kennedy's theories,
Design of unlined canals based on Kennedy & Lacey's theories, Types of lining, selection of
type of lining, Economics of lining, maintenance of lined canals, silt removal, strengthening
of channel banks, measurement of discharge in channels, design of lined canals, methods of
providing drainage behind lining, Losses in canals-Evaporation and seepage, water logging,
causes and ill effects of water logging anti water logging measures. Drainage of land,
classification of drains - surface and subsurface drains Design considerations for surface
drains, Advantages and maintenance of tile drains
Tube-Well Irrigation: Types of tube wells - strainer type, cavity type and slotted type. Type
of strainers, Aquifer, porosity, uniformity coefficient, specific yield & specific retention,
coefficients of permeability, transmissibility and storage, Yield or discharge of a tube well,
Assumptions, Theim's & Dupuit’s formulae, Limitations of Theim's and Dupuit's formulae.
Interference of tube wells with canal or adjoining tube-wells, causes of failure of tubewells,
optimum capacity, Duty and delta of a tube well. Rehabilitation of tubewell
River Training Works: Objectives, classification of river-training works, Design of Guide
Banks. Groynes or spurs - Their design and classification ISI, Recommendations of
Approach embankments and afflux embankments, pitched Islands, Natural cut-offs and
Artificial cut-offs and design Considerations
 Principles & practice of Irrigation Engg. S.K.Sharma; S. Chand, Limited.
 Irrigation & Water Power Engg. B.C. Punmia, Pande B.B.Lal; Laxmi Publications
(p) Ltd Fundamentals of Irrigation Engg. Dr. Bharat Singh; Nem Chand & Bros
 Irrigation Engg. & Hydraulic Structure S.R.Sahasrabudhe; S. K. Kataria & Sons
 Irrigation Engg. & Hydraulic Structure Varshney, Gupta & Gupta; Nem Chand and

Brothers Irrigation Engg. & Hydraulic Structure Santosh Kumar Garg; Khanna

CE- 14406 Structural Analysis- I
Internal Marks: 40 LTP
External Marks: 60 310
Total Marks: 100

Course Outcomes:
After completing this course the student must demonstrate the knowledge and ability to:
1. Understand the concept of structural systems, loads, supports and displacements
2. Analyze different types of statically determinate structures including cables, beams,
arches, frames and trusses.
3. Identify and apply a suitable analysis technique for statically determinate structures.
4. Assess the effect of rolling loads, support displacements and temperatures on
response of statically determinate structures.
5. Develop and use the concept of influence line diagram for calculating maximum
values of different structural quantities in a statically determinate structure, like BM,
SF and displacement.
6. Evaluate the forces acting over dams, chimneys and retaining walls.

Course Content:
Determinate Structures: Concept of determinacy; Analysis of determinate structural
elements—truss, arch, beam, frame, cables; Internal forces in determinate structures;
Reaction diagram-- Bending moment, shear force, radial shear, normal thrust diagrams for
the determinant structures.
 Analysis of plane trusses, compound and complex trusses using method of joints,
method of joints, tension coefficients including lack of fit , temperature difference
 Analysis of three-hinged arch of various shapes under different loading conditions.
 Analysis of simple portal frame, cables under different loading conditions.
 Analysis of cables under point load and UDL with ends at same or different levels
Displacements: Concept; Governing differential equation for deflection of straight beams;
Following methods for determination of structural displacements:
 Geometric Methods: Double integration; Macaulay’s method; Moment area method;
Conjugate beam method.
 Energy Methods: Strain energy in members, Betti’s and Maxwell’s Laws of reciprocal
deflections, Concept of Virtual work and its applications, Castigliano’s theorems, unit
load method, deflections of trusses and 2D-frames.
Moving Loads and Influence Line Diagrams: Concept of influence line diagram, rolling
loads; Bending moment and shear force diagrams due to single and multiple concentrated
rolling loads, uniformly distributed moving loads; Equivalent UDL; Muller Breslau principle;
Influence lines for beams, girders with floor beams and frames; calculation of the maximum
and absolute maximum shear force and bending moment; Concept of envelopes; Influence
line for displacements; Influence line for bar force in trusses.
Analysis of Cables and Suspension Bridges: General cable theorem, shape, elastic stretch
of cable, maximum tension in cable and back-stays, pressure on supporting towers,
suspension bridges, three hinged stiffening girders
Analysis of Dams, Chimneys and Retaining Walls: Introduction, loadings for the dames,
chimneys, and retaining walls; limit of eccentricity for no-tension criteria; Concept of core;
Middle-third rule; maximum/minimum base pressures.

 Basic structural Analysis C.S.Reddy; Tata McGraw-Hill Education

 Analysis of Structures Vol- I and Vol.-II Vazirani & Ratwani; Khanna Publishers
 Intermediate structural Analysis C.K.Wang; McGraw-Hill
 Advanced Structural Analysis, A.K. Jain, Nem Chand & Bros., Roorkee.
 Theory of Structures, Vol.- I, S.P. Gupta & G.S.Pandit, Tata McGraw Hill, New

CE-14407 Concrete Technology Lab

Internal Marks: 30 LTP

External Marks: 20 002
Total Marks: 50

Course Outcomes:
After completing this course the student must demonstrate the knowledge and ability to:
1. Evaluate properties of various building materials, such as cement, aggregates, bricks
and tiles.
2. Conduct experiments and check the acceptance criteria (if any).
3. Design concrete mixes by relevant code provisions.
4. Analyze the properties of concrete in fresh and hardened state.
5. Create a well organized document and present the results appropriately.
6. Understand and apply non destructive testing (NDT) for evaluating concrete quality.

Course Content:
1. To determine the Specific Gravity and Soundness of cement
2. To determine the Standard Consistency, Initial and Final Setting Times of Cement and
Compressive Strength of Cement.
3. To determine the Fineness Modulus, Bulk Density, Water Absorption and Specific gravity
of Fine and Coarse Aggregates.
4. Mix Design of Concrete as per BIS method.
5. To determine the Slump, Compaction Factor and Vee-Bee Time of Concrete.
6. To determine the Compressive Strength of Concrete by Cube and Cylinder.
7. To carry out the Split Tensile and Flexural Strength of Concrete.
8. To determine the Compressive Strength of Brick and Tile.
9. Experiment on concrete using Non-Destructive Techniques.


 Concrete Manual by Dr. M.L. Gambhir, Dhanpat Rai & Sons Delhi.
 Concrete Lab Manual by TTTI Chandigarh
 Concrete Technology, Theory and Practice by M. S. Shetty, S. Chand & Company.

CE-14408 Structural Analysis Lab

Internal Marks: 30 LTP

External Marks: 20 002
Total Marks: 50

Course Outcomes:
After completing this course the student must demonstrate the knowledge and ability to:
1. Verify theoretical formulas by conducting experiments.
2. Predict the behavior of statically determinate beams and trusses.
3. Understand two hinged arch and three hinged arch structures.
4. Demonstrate the influence lines for statically determinate and indeterminate beams.
5. Observe and compute deflections of simply supported beams, curved beams and
frames using classical methods.
6. Outline the deflected shapes of columns and struts with different end conditions.

Course Content:
1. Deflection of a simply supported beam and verification of Clark-Maxwell's theorem.
2. To determine the Flexural Rigidity of a given beam.
3. To verify the Moment- area theorem for slope and deflection of a given beam.
4. Deflection of a fixed beam and influence line for reactions.
5. Deflection studies for a continuous beam and influence line for reactions.
6. Study of behaviour of columns and struts with different end conditions.
7. Experiment on three-hinged arch.
8. Experiment on two-hinged arch.
9. Deflection of a statically determinate pin jointed truss.
10. Forces in members of redundant frames.
11. Experiment on curved beams.
12. Unsymmetrical bending of a cantilever beam.

 Laboratory Manual on Structural Mechanics by Dr. Harvinder Singh; New Academic
Publishing Comp. Ltd

CE-14501 Design of Steel Structures – I

Internal Marks: 40 LTP

External Marks: 60 310
Total Marks: 100

Course Outcomes:
After completing this course the student must demonstrate the knowledge and ability to:

1. Understand different types of steel sections; their specifications and properties and its
use as a structural material.
2. Analyze and design various types of steel connections using bolts and weld.
3. Understand the design of built up sections and column bases.
4. Determine the design loads for roof truss.
5. Design various components like purlins, web members, top chord members etc.
6. Prepare detailed working structural drawings of steel.

Course Content:
Note: Relevant Indian Codes of Practice and Steel Table/SP: 6(1) is permitted in

Introduction: Properties of structural steel, I.S. rolled sections, I.S. specifications.

Connections: Riveted, bolted and welded connections for axial and eccentric loads.
Tension members: Design of members subjected to axial tension.
Compression members: Design of axially loaded members, built-up columns, laced and
battened columns including the design of lacing and battens.
Flexural members: Design of laterally restrained and un-restrained rolled and built-up
sections, encased beams.
Column bases: Design of slab base, gusseted base and grillage foundation.
Roof truss: Design loads, combination of loads, design of members (including purlins) and
joints, detailed working drawings.


 Limit state design of steel structures: S K Duggal, Mc Graw Hill

 Design of steel structures: N Subramanian Oxford Higher Education
 Design of steel structures (Vol. 1): Ram Chandra Standard Book House - Rajsons
 Design of steel structures (by limit state method as per IS: 800-2007): S S Bhavikatti
IK International Publishing House
 IS 800: 2007 (General construction in steel-Code of practice)
 SP: 6(1) (Handbook for structural engineers-Structural steel sections)

CE-14502 Geotechnical Engineering

Internal Marks: 40 LTP

External Marks: 60 310
Total Marks: 100

Course Outcomes:
After completing this course the student must demonstrate the knowledge and ability to:

1. Understand the origin and identification of different soils.

2. Determination of different physical and engineering characteristics of soils.
3. Analyze the slopes for their stability by different methods.
4. Evaluate shear strength and permeability parameters of different soils.
5. Compute consolidation settlements.
6. Apply the principles of compaction to field problems.

Course Content:
Basic Concepts: Definition of soil and soil mechanics, common soil mechanics problems in
Civil Engineering, Principal types of soils, Important properties of very fine soil,
Characteristics of main Clay mineral groups, Weight volume relationship and determination
of specific gravity from pycnometer test, Field density from sand replacement method and
other methods.
Index Properties: Grain size analysis, Stokes’s law and Hydrometer analysis, Consistency
and sensitivity of Clay, Atterbeg Limits, Flow Index and Toughness Index, Underlying
theory of shrinkage limit determination, Classification of coarse and fine grained soils as per
Indian Standard.
Compaction: Definition and object of compaction and concept of O.M.C. and zero Air Void
Line, Modified proctor Test, Factors affecting compaction Effect of compaction on soil
properties and their discussion, Field compaction methods- their comparison of performance
and Relative suitability, Field compacative effort, Field control of compaction by proctor.
Consolidation: Definition and object of consolidation, Difference between compaction and
Consolidation, Concept of various consolidation characteristics i.e. av, mv and cv, primary
and secondary consolidation, Terzaghi's Differential equation and its derivation. Boundary
conditions for Terzaghi's solution for one dimensional consolidation concept of cv, tv & U,
consolidation test determination of cv from curve fitting methods, consolidation pressure
determination, Normally consolidated and over consolidated clays, Causes of over-
consolidation, Effect of disturbance on e-Logσ curves of normally consolidated clays,
importance of consolidation settlement in the design of structures.
Permeability and Seepage: Concept of effective stress principal, seepage pressure, critical
hydraulic gradient and quick sand condition. Capillary phenomenon in soil, Darcy’s Law and
its validity, seepage velocity, co-efficient of permeability (k) and its determination in the
laboratory Average permeability of stratified soil mass, factors affecting 'k' and brief
Shear Strength: Stress analysis of a two dimensional stress system by Mohr circle. Concept
of pole, Coulomb's law of shear strength coulomb - Mohr strength theory, Relation between
principal stesses at failure, Direct, triaxial and unconfined shear strength tests. Triaxial shear
tests based on drainage conditions typical strength envelopes for clay obtained from these

tests, Derivation of skempton's pore pressure parameters. Stress strain and volume change
characteristics of sands.

Stability of Slopes: slope failure, base failure and toe failure - Swedish circle method - φ=0
analysis and c=0 analysis - friction circle method - Taylor’s stability number - stability charts
- sliding block analysis


 Soil Mech. & Foundation Engg, by K.R.Arora Standard Publishers Distributors

 Geotechnical Engineering, by P. Purshotama Raj Tata Mcgraw Hill
 Soil Mech. & Foundation Engg., by V.N.S.Murthy CBS Publishers & Distributors.
 Principle of Geotechnical Engineering by B.M.Das Cengage Publisher
 Basic and applied Soil Mechanics by Gopal Ranjan and A.S. Rao New Age
 Geotechnical Engineering by Gulati and Datta, Tata McGraw Hill
 Problems in Soil mechanics and Foundation Engineering by B.P.Verma, Khanna

CE-14503 Structural Analysis-II

Internal Marks: 40 LTP

External Marks: 60 310
Total Marks: 100

Course Outcomes:
After completing this course the student must demonstrate the knowledge and ability to:

1. Distinguish statically determinate and indeterminate structural systems.

2. Analyze the beams and trusses using the Classical Methods of analysis.
3. Compute reactive forces in the beams, pin-jointed and rigid jointed frames using
Conventional Methods of analysis.
4. Develop and apply the approximate methods of analysis for framed structures.
5. Predict the structural response under different types of loading, support
displacements and temperature changes.
6. Apply the concept of influence lines for deciding the critical forces and sections
while designing.

Course Content:
Pre-requisite: Structural Analysis-1
Indeterminate Structures: Concept of indeterminate /redundant structures; Static and
kinematic indeterminacies; stability of structures; internal forces; Conditions of stress-strain
relationships, equilibrium and compatibility of displacements; Solution of simultaneous
algebraic equations.
Indeterminate Structural Systems: Pin-jointed and rigid-jointed structural systems;
Deformation of redundant structures-sway and non-sway frames, elastic curve; Static
equilibrium and deformation compatibility checks; Effects of support settlement and lack of
fit; Fixed-end moments—member loading, sinking of supports, temperature; Analysis of
redundant beams, frames, trusses, arches.
Classical Methods of Analysis: Methods of consistent deformation; Theorem of three
Conventional Methods of Analysis: Slope deflection method; Moment distribution method;
Rotation contribution method (Kani's Method).
Approximate Methods of Analysis: Portal method; Cantilever method; Substitute frame
Influence Line Diagrams: Concept and application in the analysis of statically indeterminate
structures; Influence line for bar forces in the statically indeterminate trusses, beams and


 Basic structural analysis - C.S. Reddy Tata McGraw-Hill

 Intermediate structural analysis - C . K. Wang. McGraw Hill
 Indeterminate structural analysis - J. Sterling Kinney Addison-Wesley Educational
 Theory of structures - B.C. Punima, Laxmi Publications
 Structural Analysis, Devdas Menon, Narosa Publishers.

CE-14504 Transportation Engineering – I

Internal Marks: 40 LTP

External Marks: 60 310
Total Marks: 100

Course Outcomes:
After completing this course the student must demonstrate the knowledge and ability to:

1. Appreciate the importance of different modes of transportation and characterize the

road transportation.
2. Align and design the geometry of pavement as per Indian Standards according to
3. Assess the properties of highway materials in laboratory.
4. Understand the importance of drainage, construction methods for various roads,
pavement failure and its maintenance.
5. Compute the transportation cost of highway project and outline the sources of
highway financing.
6. Interpret the traffic data after conducting traffic survey and describe the traffic
characteristics, traffic safety and traffic environment interaction.

Course Content:
Highway Engineering
Introduction: Importance of Transportation, Different Modes of Transportation,
Characteristics of Road Transport.
Highway Development & Planning: Principles of Highway Planning, Road Development in
India, Classification of Roads, Road Patterns, Planning Surveys.
Highway Alignment: Requirements, Alignment of Hill Roads, Engineering Surveys.
Highway Geometric Design: Cross Section Elements, Carriageway, Camber, Sight
Distances, Horizontal Curves, Extra-widening, Super-elevation, Vertical Curves.
Highway Materials: Properties of Sub-grade and Pavement Component Materials, Tests on
Sub-grade Soil, Aggregates and Bituminous Materials.
Highway Construction: Earthen/Gravel Road, Water Bound Macadam, Wet Mix Macadam,
Bituminous Pavements, Cement Concrete Pavements.
Highway Drainage and Maintenance: Importance of drainage and maintenance, Surface
Drainage and Subsoil Drainage, Construction in Water-logged areas, Pavement Failures,
Pavement Evaluation, Maintenance and Strengthening Measures.
Highway Economics & Financing: Total Transportation Cost, Economic Analysis, Sources
of Highway Financing.
Traffic Engineering
Traffic Characteristics: Road User Characteristics, Driver Characteristics, Vehicular
Traffic Studies: Volume Studies, Speed Studies, O-D Survey, Parking Study.
Traffic Safety and Control Measures: Traffic Signs, Markings, Islands, Signals, Cause and
Type of Accidents, Use of Intelligent Transport System.
Traffic Environment Interaction: Noise Pollution, Vehicular Emission, Pollution
Mitigation Measures.

 Khanna S.K., and Justo, C.E.G. “Highway Engineering”, Nem Chand and Brothers,
 Kadiyali, L.R. “Principles and Practice of Highway Engineering”, Khanna Publishers,
New Delhi, 1997.
 Flaherty, C.A.O. “Highway Engineering”, Volume 2, Edward Arnold, London, 1986.
 Sharma, S.K. “Principles, Practice & Design of Highway Engineering”, S. Chand &
Company Ltd., New Delhi, 1985.
 Mannering, “Principles of Highway Engineering & Traffic Analysis”, Wiley
Publishers, NewDelhi.

CE-14505 Environmental Engineering - I

Internal Marks: 40 LTP

External Marks: 60 310
Total Marks: 100

Course Outcomes:
After completing this course the student must demonstrate the knowledge and ability to:

1. Identify different types of water demands and select suitable source of water.
2. Predict future population and estimate future water demands
3. Demonstrate a firm understanding of various water quality parameters.
4. Design different water treatment units to meet the drinking water quality standards
and criteria.
5. Plan and design the water transportation, pumping stations and pipe network
6. Design low cost water treatment techniques in the rural areas.

Course Content:
Introduction: Beneficial uses of water, water demand, per capita demand, variations in
demand, water demand for fire fighting, population forecasting and water demand estimation.
Water sources and development: Surface and ground water sources; Selection and
development of sources; Assessment of potential; Flow measurement in closed pipes, intakes
and transmission systems.
Pumps and pumping stations: Types of pumps and their characteristics and efficiencies;
Pump operating curves and selection of pumps; pumping stations.
Quality and Examination of Water: Impurities in water, sampling of water, physical,
chemical and bacteriological water quality parameters, drinking water quality standards and
Water treatment: Water treatment schemes; Basic principles of water treatment; Design of
plain sedimentation, coagulation and flocculation, filtration – slow, rapid and pressure;
Disinfection units; Fundamentals of water softening, fluoridation and deflouridation, and
water desalination and demineralization, taste and odour removal.
Transportation of Water: Pipes for transporting water and their design, water distribution
systems and appurtenances; Water supply network design and design of balancing and
service reservoirs; operation and maintenance of water supply systems.
Rural water supply: Principles, selection of source, rain water harvesting, quantitative
requirements, low cost treatment techniques.
 Water Supply Engineering- Environmental Engg. (Vol. – I) by B.C. Punmia, Ashok
Jain, Arun Jain, Laxmi Publications, New Delhi.
 Environmental Engg. - A design Approach by Arcadio P. Sincero and Gregoria P.
Sincero, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi.
 “Environmental Engg.” By Howard S. Peavy, Donald R. Rowe & George
Tchobanoglous, McGraw Hill, International Edition
 Water Supply Engineering- Environmental Engg. (Vol. – I) by S.K. Garg, Khanna
Publishers, Delhi.
 Water Supply and Sewerage by Steel EW and McGhee, Terence J.; McGraw Hill.

CE-14506 Transportation Engineering Lab

Internal Marks: 30 LTP

External Marks: 20 002
Total Marks: 50

Course Outcomes:
After completing this course the student must demonstrate the knowledge and ability to:

1. Characterize the pavement materials as per the Indian Standard guidelines.

2. Evaluate the strength of subgrade soil by CBR test.
3. Conduct experiments to evaluate aggregate properties.
4. Determine properties of bitumen material and mixes
5. Evaluate the pavement condition by rough meter and Benkelman beam test.
6. Create a well organized report and present the results appropriately

Course Content:
I Tests on Sub-grade Soil
1. California Bearing Ratio Test
II Tests on Road Aggregates
2. Crushing Value Test
3. Los Angles Abrasion Value Test
4. Impact Value Test
5. Shape Test (Flakiness and Elongation Index)
III Tests on Bituminous Materials and Mixes
6. Penetration Test
7. Ductility Test
8. Softening Point Test
9. Flash & Fire Point Test
10. Bitumen Extraction Test
IV Field Tests
11. Roughness Measurements Test by Roughometer
12. Benkelman Beam Pavement Deflection Test

 Khanna S.K., and Justo, C.E.G. “Highway Material & Pavement Testing”, Nem
Chand andBrothers, Roorkee.

CE -14507 Environmental Engineering Laboratory

Internal Marks: 30 LTP

External Marks: 20 002
Total Marks: 50

Course Outcomes:
After completing this course the student must demonstrate the knowledge and ability to:

1. Conduct experiments as per standard methods of sampling and analysis.

2. Demonstrate the expertise to characterize water and wastewater samples.
3. Understand the importance of laboratory analysis as a controlling factor in the
treatment of water and wastewater.
4. Record the experimental observations and interpret the analysis results.
5. Use the analysis results for making informed decisions about the drinkability of water
and disposal of wastewater.
6. Evaluate and compare different techniques of experimental analysis.

Course Content:
1. To measure the pH value of a water/waste water sample.
2. To determine optimum Alum dose for Coagulation.
3. To find MPN for the bacteriological examination of water.
4. To find the turbidity of a given waste water/water sample
5. To find B.O.D. of a given waste water sample.
6. To measure D.O. of a given sample of water.
7. To determine of Hardness of a given water sample
8. To determine of total solids, dissolved solids, suspended solids of a given water sample.
9. To determine the concentration of sulphates in water/wastewater sample.
10. To find chlorides in a given sample of water/waste water.
11. To find acidity/alkalinity of a given water sample
12. To determine the COD of a wastewater sample.


 Chemistry for Enviromental Engg. and Science by Sawyer & McCarty, TMH, New
 Standard Methods for the examination of water & wastewater, APHA, AWWA, WE

DECE-14508 Computer Aided Structural Drawing & Detailing

Internal Marks: 30 LTP

External Marks: 20 002
Total Marks: 50

Course Outcomes:

After completing this course the student must demonstrate the knowledge and ability to:

1. Create, dimension and sketch a plot/plan for representation/expression of civil engineering

2. Draft construction/design drawings including structural drawings for civil engineering
3. Produce structural drawing of reinforced concrete elements such as beams, slabs and
4. Develop structural drawing of steel elements such as connections, tension members,
compression members, beams, column base and roof trusses.
5. Understand various connection details.
6. Gain proficiency in CAD software.

Course Content:

 Structural Drawings of Reinforced Concrete Elements such as Beams, Slabs and

Staircases as per Indian Standard Guidelines
 Structural Drawings of Steel Elements such as Connections, Tension Members,
Compression Members, Beams, Column Base, and Roof Trusses.

DECE-14509 Computer Aided Structural Analysis & Design

Internal Marks: 30 LTP

External Marks: 20 002
Total Marks: 50

Course Outcomes:

After completing this course the student must demonstrate the knowledge and ability to:

1. Demonstrate the knowledge regarding the design of beams, slabs and staircase.
2. Prepare flow charts for the analysis and design of beams, staircases and slabs.
3. Create computer code for the analysis of beams, staircase and slab using spread
4. Predict flexural and shear capacity of rectangular RC beams for a given value of the
tensile and the compression steel as per the provisions of IS 456.
5. Use modern engineering tools for the automation of analysis and design.
6. Use appropriate format and grammatical structure to create a well organized

Course Content:

1. To draw flow chart for the analysis of beams.

2. To develop computer code for the analysis of beams using spread sheets.
3. To predict flexural and shear capacity of rectangular RC beams for a given value of
the tensile and the compression steel as per the provisions of IS 456.
4. To draw flow charts for the design of following structural elements:
o Beams
o Staircases
o Slabs
5. To develop spread sheets for the design of following structural elements:
o Beams
o Staircases
o Slabs

TR-14501 Industrial Training – I
Internal Marks: 60
External Marks: 40
Total Marks: 100

Course Outcomes:

After completing this course the student must demonstrate the knowledge and ability to:

1. Conduct reconnaissance and survey of areas independently.

2. Apply basic and advanced surveying techniques for measuring distances and angles.
3. Interpret and plot topographical map using the data taken using different survey
4. Share responsibilities and duties in group assignments.
5. Create a well organized document and present the results appropriately.
6. Use modern equipment, tools and instrumentation in the survey.
Course Content:
Survey Camp of 4 weeks duration will be held immediately after 4th semester at a Hilly
Terrain. The students are required to prepare the Topographical Map of the area by traditional
method. Students should also be exposed to modern Survey Equipment and practices, like
Total Station, Automatic Level, GPS etc.

CE-14601 Design of Concrete Structures – II

Internal Marks: 40 LTP

External Marks: 60 310
Total Marks: 100

Course Outcomes:

After completing this course the student must demonstrate the knowledge and ability to:
1. Demonstrate basic knowledge of structural analysis for beams and slabs in
calculating BM and SF.
2. Understand the principles involved in analysis and design of reinforced
concrete structures.
3. Employ the code of practice for design of reinforced concrete structural
members and elementary structural systems.
4. Design various sub – structure components like foundations, retaining walls.
5. Design various super – structure components like columns, continuous beams.
6. Apply the concepts of structure design to special structural elements like
curved beams, domes, water retaining structures.

Course Content:

Note: Relevant Indian Codes of Practice and Design handbooks are permitted (as per note
mentioned below) in Examination.
1. Foundations - Theory and Design: Isolated Footing (Square, Rectangular), Combined
Footing (Rectangular, Trapezoidal, Strap), Raft Footing
2. Compression Members: Definitions, Classifications, Guidelines and Assumptions, Design
of Short Axially Loaded Compression Members, Design of Short Compression Members
under Axial Load with uniaxial and biaxial Bending, Preparation of Design Charts, Design of
Slender Columns
3. Design of Continuous beams and curved beam.
4. Design of Domes.
5. Design of Retaining walls: Cantilever type retaining wall, Counter-fort type retaining wall.
6. Introduction to water retaining structures, Design of circular and rectangular water tanks
resting on ground

1. Reinforced Concrete Design; Pillai & Menon; Tata McGraw-Hill Education
2. Limit state Design of Reinforced Concrete; Varghese P C; Prentice-Hall of India Pvt. Ltd”.
3. Reinforced Cement Concrete, Mallick and Rangasamy; Oxford-IBH.
BIS Codes of practice and Design Hand References:
1. *IS 456-2000*- Indian Standard. Plain and Reinforced concrete -Code of practice
2. *IS 3370- Code of practice for concrete structures for storage of liquids
3. *Design Aid SP 16
4. Explanatory hand book SP24.
5. Detailing of Reinforcement SP 34
CE-14602 Foundation Engineering

Internal Marks: 40 LTP

External Marks: 60 310
Total Marks: 100

Course Outcomes:

After completing this course the student must demonstrate the knowledge and ability to:
1. Evaluate relative merits and demerits of various soil investigation techniques to
understand the characteristics of subsoil for the design of foundations.
2. Analyze the settlement of substructures for cohesive and non-cohesive soils.
3. Predict the soil failure by understanding its criteria.
4. Apply the knowledge of soil bearing capacity for the design of shallow foundation.
5. Demonstrate the knowledge of earth pressure for the lateral stability of retaining wall
and well foundations.
6. Understand the concept of deep foundation (pile foundation and well foundation).

Course Content:
Soil Investigation: Object of soil investigation for new and existing structures. Depth of
exploration for different structures, Spacing of bore Holes. Methods of soil exploration and
relative merits and demerits, Types of soil sample. Design features of sampler affecting
sample disturbance, Essential features and application of the following types of samples-
Open Drive samples, Stationery piston sampler,. Rotary sampler, Geophysical exploration by
seismic and resistivity methods, Bore hole log for S.P.T.
Earth Pressure Terms and symbols used for a retaining wall. Movement of all and the
lateral earth pressure. Earth pressure at rest, Rankine states of plastic equilibrium, Ka and Kp
for horizontal backfills. Rankine’s theory both for active and passive earth pressure for
Cohesionless backfill with surcharge and fully submerged case. Cohesive backfill condition,
Coulomb's method for cohesion less backfill, Merits and demerits of Ranking and Coulomb's
theories, Culmann’s graphical construction (without surcharge load)
Shallow Foundation: Type of shallow foundations, Depth and factors affecting it, Definition
of ultimate bearing capacity, safe bearing capacity and allowable bearing capacity. Rankine’s
analysis and Terzaghi’s analysis, types of failures, Factors affecting bearing capacity,
Skemptons Equation, B.I.Srecommendations for shape, depth and inclination factors. Plate
Load test and standard penetration Test Bosussinesq equation for a point load, uniformly
loaded circular and rectangular area, pressure distribution diagrams, Newmarks chart and its
construction, 2:1 method of load distribution, Comparison of Bosussinesq and Westerguard
analysis for a point load, Causes of settlement of structures, Comparison of immediate and
consolidation settlement, calculation of settlement by plate load Test and Static Cone
penetration test data, Allowable settlement of various structures according to I.S. Code,
Situation most suitable for provision of rafts, Proportioning of rafts, Methods of designing
raft, Floating foundation.

Pile Foundations: Necessity and uses of piles, Classification of piles, Merits and demerits of
different types based on composition, Types of pile driving hammers & their comparison,
Effectof pile driving on adjacent ground, Use of Engineering News Formula and Hiley's
Formula for determination of allowable load, Limitations of pile driving formulae, Cyclic
Pile Load Test, Separation of skin friction and point resistance using cyclic pile load test,
Determination of point resistance and frictional resistance of a single pile by Static formulas
Piles in Clay, Safe load on a Friction and point Bearing pile, Pile in sand, Spacing of piles in
a group, Factors affecting capacity of a pile group, Efficiency of pile group by converse –
Labare formula and feeds formula, Bearing capacity of a pile group in clay by block failure
and individual action approach, Calculation of settlement of friction pile group in clay,
Related Numerical problems, Settlement of pile groups in sand, Negative skin friction,
Related numerical problem
Caissons and Wells: Major areas of use of caissons, advantages and disadvantages of open
box and pneumatic caissons, Essential part of a pneumatic caisson, Components of a well
foundation, Calculation of allowable bearing pressure. Conditions for stability of a well,
Forces acting on a well foundation, Computation of scour depth

1. Soil Mech. & Foundation Engg, by K.R. Arora, Standard Publishers Distributors
2. Geotechnical Engineering, by P. Purshotama Raj
3. Soil Mech. & Foundation Engg., by V.N.S. Murthy
4. Principle of Foundation Engineering by B.M.Das, CL Engineering
5. Basic and applied Soil Mechanics by Gopal Ranjan and A.S.R.Rao, New Age
6. Soil Mech. & Foundations by Muni Budhu Wiley, John Wiley & Sons
7. Geotechnical Engineering by Gulhati and Datta, Tata McGraw - Hill Education
8. Foundation Engineering by Varghese P.C, PHI Learning.
9. Soil mechanics and Foundation Engineering by B.P.Verma, Khanna Publication.
10. Foundation Analysis and Design by Bowles J.E, Tata McGraw - Hill Education

CE-14603 Professional Practice

Internal Marks: 40 LTP

External Marks: 60 310
Total Marks: 100

Course Outcomes:

After completing this course the student must demonstrate the knowledge and ability to:
1. Prepare general and detailed specifications of different civil engineering
2. Formulate rough and detailed building estimates
3. Compute the quantity of materials required for civil engineering works as per
the specifications
4. Evaluate contracts and tenders pertaining to construction practices
5. Analyze rates for the items not covered in CSR.
6. Demonstrate the knowledge related to various rules and regulation applicable
to construction industry.

Course Content:

Estimates-Method of building estimates, types, site plan index plan, layout plan, plinth area,
floor area, Technical sanction, administrative approval, estimate of buildings, roads,
earthwork, R.C.C. works, sloped roof, roof truss, masonry platform, complete set of estimate.
Schedule of Rates, analysis of rates- For earthwork, concrete work, D.P.C., stone masonry,
plastering, pointing, and road work
Specifications- For different classes of building and Civil engineering works, Rules and
measurements for different types of Civil engineering works
Types of contracts- Tenders, tender form, submission and opening of tenders, measurement
book, muster roll, piecework agreement and work order
Accounts-Division of accounts, cash, receipt of money, cash book, temporary advance,
imprest, accounting procedure
Arbitration: Acts and legal decision making process.

1. Estimating and Costing by B.N. Datta, UBSPD, New Delhi
2. Estimating and Costing by G.S. Birdie, Dhanpat Rai Publication New Delhi .
3. Estimating and Costing by V.N. Chakravorty, Calcutta
4. Civil Engg. Contracts & Estimates by B.S. Patil, Orient-Longman Ltd., New Delhi.

CE-14604 Environmental Engineering - II
Internal Marks: 40 LTP
External Marks: 60 310
Total Marks: 100

Course Outcomes:

After completing this course the student must demonstrate the knowledge and ability to:
1. Demonstrate a firm understanding of various sewerage systems and their
2. Design sewer and drainage systems layout for communities.
3. Evaluate the waste water characteristics to determine the degree of treatment
4. Explain the physical, chemical and biological techniques of wastewater
5. Compare the applicability of treatment technologies under different conditions
6. Design the treatment units and assess the efficacy of an entire treatment
7. Ability to make decisions regarding the treatment plant site selection,
operation and maintenance and the need of advanced treatment.

Course Content:

Introduction: Terms & definitions, systems of sanitation and their merits and demerits,
system of sewerage, choice of sewerage system and suitability to Indian conditions.
Sewerage System: Generation and estimation of community Sewage, flow variations, storm
water flow, types of sewers, Design of sewers and storm water sewers, construction &
maintenance of sewers, sewer appurtenances, sewage pumping and pumping stations
House Drainage: Principles of house drainage, traps, sanitary fittings, systems of plumbing,
drainage lay out for residences.
Characteristics of Sewage: Composition of domestic and industrial sewage, sampling,
physical, chemical and microbiological analysis of sewage, biological decomposition of
sewage, BOD and BOD kinetics, effluent disposal limits.
Treatment of Sewage: Introduction to unit operations and processes - Primary treatment;
screening (theory), grit chamber (theory and design), floatation units, sedimentation tanks
(theory and design), Secondary treatment units; ASP (theory and design), Sequencing batch
reactors (theory and design), Trickling filters (theory and design) Anaerobic systems;
Anaerobic filters (theory), UASB (theory), Anaerobic lagoons, Sludge Handling and
disposal; thickening, stabilization, dewatering, drying and disposal.
Low Cost Sanitation Systems: Imhoff tanks (theory and design), septic tank (theory and
design), soakage pit/soil absorption systems; stabilization ponds (theory and design);
macrophyte ponds; oxidation ponds (theory and design); and constructed wetland systems.

Wastewater Treatment Plants and Advanced Wastewater Treatment: Treatment Plants;
site selection, plant design, Hydraulic Profiles, operation and maintenance aspects. Advanced
wastewater treatment for nutrient removal, disinfection and polishing.

1. Waste Water Engg. (Environmental Engg.-II) by B.C.Punmia, Ashok Jain, Laxmi
Publications, New Delhi
2. Environmental Engg. - A design Approach by Arcadio P. Sincero and Gregoria P. Sincero,
Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi.
3. “Waste Water Engineering - Treatment and Reuse” by Metcalf & Eddy, TMH, New Delhi.
4. “Environmental Engg.” By Howard S. Peavy, Donald R. Rowe & George Tchobanoglous,
McGraw Hill, International Edition
5. Environmental Engineering (Vol. II) by S.K. Garg, Khanna Publishers, Delhi.

DECE-14605 Numerical Methods in Civil Engineering
Internal Marks: 40 LTP
External Marks: 60 310
Total Marks: 100

Course Outcomes:
After completing this course the student must demonstrate the knowledge and ability to:
1. Demonstrate the concept of approximations and errors in the implementation and
development of numerical methods.
2. Select an appropriate solution to an engineering problems dealing with the roots
of equations through numerical methods.
3. Execute the solution using of problems involving linear algebraic equations and
appreciate the application of these problems in fields of engineering.
4. Apply the techniques to fit curves to data and be capable of choosing the preferred
method for any particular problem.
5. Evaluate the solution of the problems through the numerical integration and
differentiation and solve ordinary and partial differential equations and eigen
value problems through various techniques.
6. Able to use New Marks Method for civil engineering problems.

Course Content:
Equation: Roots of algebraic transcendental equation, Solution of linear simultaneous
equations by different methods using Elimination, Iteration, Inversion, Gauss-Jordan and
Method, Homogeneous and Eigen Value problem, Non-linear equations, Interpolation
Finite Difference Technique: Initial and Boundary value problems of ordinary andpartial
differential equations, Solution of Various types of plates and other civilengineering related
New Marks Methods: Solution of determinate and indeterminate structures usingNewmarks
Procedure (Beam)
Statistical Methods: Method of correlation and Regression analysis for fitting apolynomial
equation by least square
Initial Value problem: Galerkin’s method of least square, Initial Value problem
bycollocation points, Rungekutta Method
Solution:Implicit and explicit solution, solution for nonlinear problems andconvergence
1. Numerical Mathematical Analysis: James B. Scarborough Oxford and IBH Publishing,
2. Introductory Methods of Numerical Analysis: S.S. Sastry, PHI Learning (2012).
3. Introduction To Computer Programming and Numerical Methods by Xundong Jia and
Shu Liu, Dubuque, Iowa: Kendall/Hunt Publishing Co.
4. Numerical Methods, J.B Dixit , USP (Laxmi publication),

DECE-14606 Finite Element Methods

Internal Marks: 40 LTP

External Marks: 60 310
Total Marks: 100

Course Outcomes:
After completing this course the student must demonstrate the knowledge and ability to:
1. Demonstrate the knowledge of theory of elasticity, solution of simultaneous
equations by different techniques.
2. Understand the concept and terminology related to the concept of finite
element analysis.
3. Apply different methods, such as Stationary principles, Rayleigh-Ritz,
weighted residual method in the analysis.
4. Develop various types of matrix, such as element stiffness matrix, load vector,
and equilibrium and compatibility conditions for different types of problems
using different types of elements.
5. Analyze the determinate and indeterminate problems related to beams, frames,
trusses, plates.
6. Execute the solution using a logic and structured approach offered by the
finite element method.

Course Content:
Introduction: the finite element method - the element characteristic matrix - element
assembly and solution for unknowns - summary of finite element history - basic equations of
elasticity – strain displacement relations - theory of stress and deformation - stress-strain-
temperature relations
The direct stiffness method: structure stiffness equations - properties of [K] - solution of
unknowns - element stiffness equations - assembly of elements - node numbering to exploit
matrix sparsity - displacement boundary conditions - gauss elimination solution of equations
- conservation of computer storage - computational efficiency - stress computation - support
reactions - summary of the finite element procedure
Stationary principles, Rayleigh-Ritz and interpolation: principle of stationary potential
energy -problems having many d.o.f - potential energy of an elastic body - the Rayleigh-Ritz
method -piecewise polynomial field - finite element form of Rayleigh-Ritz method - finite
element formulations derived from a functional - interpolation - shape functions for C0 and
C1 elements – lagrangian interpolation functions for two and three dimensional elements
Displacement based elements for structural mechanics: formulae for element stiffness
matrix and load vector - overview of element stiffness matrices - consistent element nodal
vector - equilibrium and compatibility in the solution - convergence requirements - patch test
- stress calculation – other formulation methods
Straight sided triangles and tetrahedral: natural coordinates for lines - triangles and
tetrahedral -interpolation fields for plane triangles - linear and quadratic triangle - quadratic
The isoparametric formulation: introduction - an isoparametric bar element - plane bilinear
element -summary of gauss quadrature - quadratic plane elements - direct construction of
shape functions for transition elements - hexahedral (solid) isoparametric elements -

triangular isoparametric elements - consistent element nodal loads - validity of isoparametric
elements - appropriate order of quadrature - element and mesh instabilities - remarks on
stress computation
Coordinate transformation: transformation of vectors - transformation of stress, strain and
material properties - transformation of stiffness matrices - transformation of flexibility to
stiffness – inclined support - joining dissimilar elements to one another- rigid links - rigid
Bending flat plates: plate bending theory - finite elements for plates - triangular discrete
Kirchoff element - boundary conditions
Introduction to weighted residual method: some weighted residual methods - galerkin
finite element method - integration by parts - axially loaded bar - beam - plane elasticity
1. Desai C.S., Elementary Finite Element Method, Prentice Hall of India
2. Chandrupatla T.R. & Belegundu A.D., Introduction to Finite Elements in Engineering, Prentice
Hallof India
3. Bathe K.J., Finite Element Procedures in Engineering Analysis, Prentice Hall of India
4. Gallaghar R.H., Finite Element Analysis: Fundamentals, Prentice Hall Inc.
5. Rajasekaran S., Finite Element Analysis in Engineering Design, Wheeler Pub.
6. Krishnamoorthy C. S., Finite Element Analysis - Theory and Programming, Tata McGraw Hill
7. Zienkiewics O.C. & Taylor R.L., The Finite Element Method, Vol I & II, McGraw Hill

Internal Marks: 40 LTP
External Marks: 60 310
Total Marks: 100

Course Outcomes:
After completing this course the student must demonstrate the knowledge and ability to:

1. Understand the principle of reinforced earth and different types of

reinforcement techniques.
2. Identify the types and functions of geosynthetics.
3. Compare the different geosynthetics products for different construction
4. Identify the testing methods for geosynthetics.
5. Compare natural and artificial geosynthetics.
6. Design of paved and unpaved roads, embankments and retaining walls with
different types of geosynthetics.

Course Content:
Reinforced Earth – The mechanisms of the reinforced earth techniques – Design principles –
Materials used for construction – Advantages of reinforced earth – Reinforced earth
construction with GI sheets and strips
An overview of Geosynthetics, Description of Geotextiles – Geogrids – Geonets –
Geomembranes –Geocomposites – Geocells –Geotextile properties and test methods –
Functions of Geotextile –Methods for separation – stabilization – filtration – Drainage, Soil
anchors, Application & Construction practices with Geotextiles, Geogrids, Geonets,
Natural & Synthetic Geotextiles in Erosion Control : Introduction, Jute, coir& Synthetic
production, Status of Geotextiles industry in India, Physical and chemical characterization,
durability of Geotextiles, Test procedures, role of vegetation, erosion control products and
their classification,erosion process, surface erosion control techniques, installation guide lines
for slopes.
Designing with Geotextiles for retaining/earth wall, paved and unpaved roads, Embankments,
Shallow foundations - Improvement in bearing capacity
1. Robert M. Koerner, Designing with Geosynthetics, Prentice Hall – 1989
2. G.V Rao & GVS Suryanarayana Raju, Engineering with Geosynthetics, Tata Mc Graw Hill
Publishing Co. New Delhi
3. Korener, Construction & Geotechnical Methods in Foundation Engineering, McGraw Hill
4. Shukla, S.K. and Yin, J.H. Fundamental of Geosynthetic Engineering, Taylor & Francis
5. Swamisaran, Reinforced Soil and its Engineering Application, New Age Publication
6. Gulati, S.K. and Datta, M., Geotechnical Engineering, TMH

DECE-14608 Infrastructure Development & Management
Internal Marks: 40 LTP
External Marks: 60 310
Total Marks: 100

Course Outcomes:

After completing this course the student must demonstrate the knowledge and ability to:
1. Understand the impact of infrastructure development on the economic
development of a country.
2. Strategies the policy process for infrastructure development.
3. Identify and compare the best tools for effective project evaluation,
management and control.
4. Demonstrate the construction components of various infrastructure sectors like
highway, ports & aviation, oil & gas, power, telecom, railway and irrigation.
5. Remember the necessary conceptual insights, perspectives and the tools
required for effective infrastructure management.
6. Choose the best financing option for a project.
7. Develop a skill to retrieve lessons from case studies in International/National
project management.
8. Document the different phases in the life cycle of an infrastructure project.
9. Gather background information and research regarding various infrastructure
sectors and describe its impact on the project.

Course Content:
Introduction: Impact of Infrastructure development on economic development, standard of
living and environment. Reasons for rise of public sector and government in infrastructural
activities, Changed socio-economic scenario and current problems and related issues
Policies on Infrastructure Development: A historical review of the Government policies on
infrastructure. Current public policies on transportations, power and telecom sectors, Plans
for infrastructure development, Legal framework for regulating private participation in roads
and highways, Ports & Airports, Power and Telecom
Construction and Infrastructure: Construction component of various infrastructure sectors
highway, ports and aviation, oil and gas, power, telecom, railways, irrigation. Current
scenario, future needs, investment needed, regulatory framework, government policies and
future plans, Technological and methodological demands on construction management in
infrastructure development projects.
Infrastructure Management: Importance, scope and role in different sectors of
construction. Highway Sector: Repayment of Funds, Toll Collection Strategy, Shadow
tolling, and direct tolls, Maintenance strategy, Review of toll rates & structuring to suit the
traffic demand, Irrigation Projects: Large / Small Dams - Instrumentation, monitoring of
water levels, catchments area, rainfall data management, prediction, land irrigation planning
& policies, processes Barrages, Canals.
Power Projects: Power scenario in India, Estimated requirement, Generation of Power
distribution strategies, national grid, load calculation & factors, Hydropower - day to day
operations, management structures, maintenance, Thermal Power, Nuclear Power.
Airports: Requisites of domestic & International airports & cargo & military airports,
facilities available, Terminal management, ATC.
Railways: Mass Rapid Transport System MRTS, LRT, Multi-modal Transport System.

1. Chandra, Prassanna, “Projects, Planning, Analysis, Selection, Financing, Implementation
andReview”, Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi, 2006.
2. Raghuram, G. & Jain, R., “Infrastructure Development & Financing towards a Public-
Partnership”, Macmillan India Ltd., New Delhi, 2002.
3. India Infrastructure Report 2001 & 2002, Oxford University Press, New Delhi, 2001/02.
4. NICMAR, “Construction Business Opportunities in Infrastructure Development in India”,
NICMAR, Mumbai, 2001.
5. Parikh Kirit S., “India Development Report, 1999-2000”, Oxford University Press, New
6. GOI Rakesh Mohan Committee, “The India Infrastructure Report”, National Council of
Applied Economic Research, New Delhi, 1996.

OECE-14601 Building Maintenance & Safety
Internal Marks: 40 LTP
External Marks: 60 310
Total Marks: 100

Course Outcomes:

After completing this course the student must demonstrate the knowledge and ability to:
1. Establish robust maintenance and safety management systems.
2. Understand the principles and importance of maintenance and the factors
affecting decision to carryout maintenance.
3. Describe various materials for maintenance and able to evaluate the
compatibility and durability of various repair materials.
4. Identify various maintenance problems and their associated root cause.
5. Strategies the process for investigation and diagnosis for repair of structures.
6. Identify and compare various remedial measures for building defects and
choose best remedial measure for building defect.
7. Assess features for maintenance of multi-storied buildings, including fire
protection system, elevators booster pumps and generator sets.

Course Content:
Principles of Maintenance:
Importance of maintenance, deterioration and durability, factors affectingdecision to carryout
maintenance, maintenance and GNP, agencies causingdeterioration, effect of deterioration
agencies on materials
Maintenance Management:
Definition, organization structure, work force for maintenance, communication needs,
building inspections, maintenance budget and estimates, property inspections and reports,
specification for maintenance jobs, health and safety in maintenance, quality in maintenance,
maintenance manual and their importance.
Materials for Maintenance:
Compatibility of repair materials, durability and maintenance, types of materials, their
specification and application, criteria for selection of material, use of commercial available
materials in maintenance.
Maintenance Problems and Root Causes:
Classification of defects, need for diagnosis, type of defects in building elements and building
materials defect location, symptoms and causes
Investigation and Diagnosis for Repair of Structures:
Basic approach to investigations, physical inspection, material tests, non destructive testing
for diagnosis, estimation of actual loads and environmental effects, study of design and
construction practices used in original construction, retrospective analysis and repair steps.
Remedial Measures for Building Defects:
Preventive maintenance and special precautions - considerations, preventive maintenance for
floors, joints, wet areas, water supply and sanitary systems, termite control, common repair
techniques, common methods of crack repair - Repair of existing damp proofing systems in
roofs, floors and wet areas - Protection, repair and maintenance of RCC elements - Repair,
maintenance of foundations, basements and DPC - Repair of finishes - Repair of building
joints - Repair of water supply and sanitary systems, underground and over head tank -
Common strengthening techniques - Maintenance of Industrial Floors
Maintenance of Multi-storey Buildings:
Specials features for maintenance of multi-storied buildings, including fire protection system,
elevators booster pumps, generator sets.

OECE-14602 Project Monitoring & Management

Internal Marks: 40 LTP

External Marks: 60 310
Total Marks: 100

Course Outcomes:
After completing this course the student must demonstrate the knowledge and ability to:
1. Understand the need of project planning and device a plan to define the work to be
performed in construction project.
2. Utilize various tools and techniques of project management and develop more
realistic schedule by identifying the central problem and analyze the alternatives.
3. Analyze time estimates of different activities and events in a network for better
controlling of project by identifying critical path.
4. Determine minimum total cost in minimum time by conducting a crash program.
5. Develop understanding about techniques of updating, allocation of resources and
rescheduling a project.
6. Apply computer skills to project management and evaluation.

Course Content:

Introduction: Need for project planning & management, time, activity & event, barchart,
Milestone chart, uses & draw backs.
PERT :Construction of PERT network, time estimates, network analysis, forward pass
&backward pass, slack, critical path, data reduction, suitability of PERT for research project,
numerical problems.
CPM: Definitions, network construction, critical path, fundamental rules, determination of
project schedule, activity time estimates, float types, their significance, numerical problems.
Cost Analysis and Contract: Type of costs, cost time relationships, cost slopes, conducting
a crash programme, determining the minimum total cost of project, numerical problems,
updating a project, when to update, time grid diagram, resource scheduling, planning of
different components of engineering projects.
Introduction of relevant open source software(s)


 PERT and CPM - L.S.Srinath, East West Press

 Management Guide to PERT & CPM - Wiest & levy; Prentice Hall
 Construction Equipment & Planning and Application. - Mahesh Verma , Artec
 Construction Planning and Management by U. K. Shrivastava; Galgotia Publications
Pvt. Ltd.

CE-14609 Geotechnical Engineering Lab

Internal Marks: 30 LTP

External Marks: 20 002
Total Marks: 50

Course Outcomes:

After completing this course the student must demonstrate the knowledge and ability to:

1. Understand the procedure for classifying coarse grained and fine grained soils.
2. Evaluate the index properties of soil.
3. Determine the engineering properties of soil.
4. Interpret the results of compaction test for relative compaction in the field.
5. Apply modern engineering tools effectively and efficiently for geotechnical
engineering analysis.
6. Conduct experiments, analyze and interpret results for geotechnical engineering

Course Content:
1. Determination of in-situ density by core cutter method and Sand replacement method.
2. Determination of Liquid Limit & Plastic Limit.
3. Determination of specific gravity of soil solids by pyconometer method.
4. Grain size analysis of sand and determination of uniformity coefficient (Cu) and
coefficient of curvature (Cc).
5. Compaction test of soil.
6. Determination of Relative Density of soil.
7. Determination of permeability by Constant Head Method.
8. Determination of permeability by Variable Head method.
9. Unconfined Compression Test for fine grained soil.
10. Direct Shear Test
11. Triaxial Test
12. Swell Pressure Test

Soil Testing Engineering, Manual by Shamsher Prakash and P.K. Jain, Nem Chand &

CE-14610 Computer Aided Analysis & Design

Internal Marks: 30 LTP

External Marks: 20 002
Total Marks: 50

Course Outcomes:

After completing this course the student must demonstrate the knowledge and ability to:

1. Use software applications effectively in the analysis and technical reports writing
2. Produce working structural drawings.
3. Analyze the buildings located in some seismic zone.
4. Design overhead water reservoir.
5. Understand and interpret design aids.
6. Design and draw the building for wind load.

Course Content:

1. To analyze the beams with different end conditions using structural software.
2. To analyze & design the 2-D frames with computer aided software.
3. To analyze & design the 3-D structure with computer aided software.
4. To analyze the building for seismic (static & dynamic) load using computer aided
5. To analyze the building for wind load using computer aided software.
6. To analyze the truss used in industrial structure.
7. To analyze and design the over head service reservoir.
8. To analyze the bridge deck for moving load as per IS guidelines.

PRCE-14601 Minor Project
Internal Marks: 30 LTP
External Marks: 20 001
Total Marks: 50

Course Outcomes:

After completing this course the student must demonstrate the knowledge and ability to:

1. Find relevant sources of information

2. Conduct literature survey
3. Create a well organized document
4. Acknowledge the work of other in a consistent manner
5. Understanding of ethical and professional issues
6. Demonstrate effective oral communication and present the results appropriately

Course Content:

The students will have to do the literature survey, problem formulation, assessment for
viability of the project, objectives and methodology for the Major project in 6th semester. The
same project problem is to be extended in the major project in 7th/8th semester. The minor
project may be carried out by a group of students. The evaluation of the minor project will be
held as per the rubrics. For report writing, the students have to follow the concerned

CE-14801 Design of Steel Structures – II
Internal Marks: 40 LTP
External Marks: 60 310
Total Marks: 100

Course Outcomes:

After completing this course the student must demonstrate the knowledge and ability to:
1. Demonstrate knowledge of basic concepts for analysis and design of various
structural steel elements like ties, struts, beams, columns and fasteners.
2. Identify importance of various elements of a plate girder and their design.
3. Compile various loads for a foot bridge, and thereby design its elements including
wooden deck, cross beam and main girder
4. Plan structural framing of industrial building for given design data and design various
elements like gantry girder, column bracket, mill bent and bracings.
5. Identify various loads and load combinations for design of different components of a
railway bridge as per the railway code.
6. Design various elements of a railway bridge for given design data.

Course Content:

Note: Use of relevant Indian Standards is allowed.

1) Elements of a plate girder, design of a plate girder, curtailment of flanges, various type of
2) Design of steel foot bridge with parallel booms and carrying wooden decking, using
welded joints.
3) Complete design of an industrial shed including:
i) Gantry girder
ii) Column bracket
iii) Mill bent with constant moment of inertia
iv) Lateral and longitudinal bracing for column bent
4) Design of single track Railway Bridge with lattice girders having parallel chords (for B.G.)
i) Stringer
ii) Cross girder
iii) Main girders with welded joints
iv) Portal sway bracings
v) Bearing rocker and rollers

1) Limit state design of steel structures: S K Duggal
2) Design of steel structures: N Subramanian
3) Design of steel structures (Vol. 2): Ram Chandra
4) IS 800: 2007 (General construction in steel-Code of practice)*
5) SP: 6(1) (Handbook for structural engineers-Structural steel sections)*

6) Indian Railway Standard Code of Practice for the Design of Steel or Wrought iron Bridges
Carrying Rail Road or Pedestrian Traffic, Research Design and Standard s Organization
Lucknow, Govt. of India, Ministry of Railways, 2003.*
7) Rules Specifying the Loads for the Design of Super-Structure and Sub-Structure of
Bridges and for Assessment of the Strength of Existing Bridge, Research Design and
Standard s Organization Lucknow, Govt. of India, Ministry of Railways, 2003.*
* permitted in Examination

CE-14802 Elements of Earthquake Engineering
Internal Marks: 40 LTP
External Marks: 60 310
Total Marks: 100

Course Outcomes:

After completing this course the student must demonstrate the knowledge and ability to:
1. Identify and appreciate the role of earthquake forces in structural design of buildings.
2. Understand various parameters related to the seismic design of buildings.
3. Apply various codal provisions related to the seismic design of buildings.
4. Develop a skill to retrieve information from past structural failures and use it in future
5. Analyse a structure subject to lateral forces due to earthquake.
6. Understand the concept and terminology related to the theory of vibrations.
7. Apply the concepts to analyze the dynamic behaviour of a structural system.

Course Content:

Note: No Indian Codes of Practice and Design handbooks are permitted, so paper setter is
expected to provide required data from relevant IS codes, for any numerical or design part.
Introduction to Earthquakes, Causes of Earthquakes, Basic Terminology, Magnitude,
Intensity, Peak ground motion parameters.
Past Earthquakes and Lessons learnt, Various Types of Damages to Buildings
Introduction to theory of Vibrations, Sources of Vibrations, Types of Vibrations, Degree of
Freedom, spring action and damping, Equation of motion of S.D.O.F systems, Undamped,
Damped system subjected to transient forces, general solution, green’s function
Lateral Force analysis, Floor Diaphragm action, moment resisting frames, shear walls.
Concepts of seismic design, Lateral Strength, Stiffness, ductility and structural configuration
Introduction to provisions of IS 1893-2002 Part-I for buildings. Estimation of lateral forces
due to earthquake
Introduction to provisions of IS 4326.
Introduction to provision of IS 13920.

1. Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures, Pankaj Agrawal, Manish Shrikhande, PHI
2. Dynamics of Structures: Theory and Applications to Earthquake Engineering, AK Chopra,
Prentice Hall
3. Dynamics of Structures, R.W. Clough and Joseph Penzien, McGraw-Hill Education
4. Structural Dynamics by Mario & Paz, Springer.
5. Earthquake Resistant Design by David J. Dowrick, Wiley India Pvt Ltd
6. Elements of Earthquake Engg by Jai Krishna, A.R. Chandrasekaran, Brijesh Chandra,
South Asian Publishers.
7. IS 1893:2002 -Indian Standard Criteria for Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures
8. IS 4326:2002 -Indian Standard for Earthquake Resistant Design and Construction of
9. IS 13920:2002- Ductile detailing of Reinforced Concrete Structures subjected to Seismic

CE-14803 Irrigation Engineering-II
Internal Marks: 40 LTP
External Marks: 60 310
Total Marks: 100

Course Outcomes:

After completing this course the student must demonstrate the knowledge and ability to:
1. Understand the functioning and design consideration of various components of Diversion
Head Work.
2. Analyze the various parameters of hydraulic structures for seepage and uplift pressure.
3. Recognize the concept and principles of silt control devices.
4. Design water distribution systems, regulators, canal falls, outlets, cross drainage works, weirs
and barrages of irrigation network.
5. Apply knowledge to select best canal fall, outlet and cross drainage works according to real
time situation.
6. Identify appropriate energy dissipation devices suitable for hydraulic structures as per site

Course Content:
Head Works: Types of head works, Functions and investigations of a diversion head work
:component parts of a diversion head work and their design considerations, silt control
Theories of Seepage: Seepage force and exit gradient, assumptions and salient features of
Bligh’s Creep theory, Limitations of Bligh’s Creep theory, salient features of Lane’s
weighted Creep theory and Khosla’s theory, Comparison of Bligh's Creep theory and
Khosla's theory, Determination of uplift pressures and floor thickness.
Design of Weirs: Weirs versus barrage, types of weirs, main components of weir, causes of
failure of weir and design considerations with respect to surface flow, hydraulic jump and
seepage flow. Design of barrage or weir
Energy Dissipation Devices: Use of hydraulic jump in energy dissipation, Factors affecting
design, Types of energy dissipators and their hydraulic design.
Canal Regulators: Offtake alignment, cross-regulators – their functions and design,
Distributory head regulators, their design, canal escape.
Canal Falls: Necessity and location, types of falls and their description, selection of type of
falls, Principles of design, Design of Sarda type, straight glacis and Inglis or baffle wall falls.
Cross-Drainage works: Definitions, choice of type, Hydraulic design consideration,
Aqueducts their types and design, siphon aqueducts – their types and design considerations,
super passages, canal siphons and level crossing.
Canal Out-lets: Essential requirements, classifications, criteria for outlet behaviours,
flexibility, proportionality, sensitivity, sensitiveness, etc. Details and design of non-modular,
semi-modular and modular outlets
1. Irrigation Engg. & Hydraulic Structure by Santosh Kumar Garg, Khanna Publishers
2. Design of Irrigation Structures by R.K. Sharma, Oxford IBH Pub
3. Irrigation Engg. and Hydraulics Structures by S.R. Sahasrabudhe, . Katson Publishing
4. Irrigation Practice and Design Vol. I to VII by K.B. Khushlani. Oxford IBH Pub
5. P.N. Modi; Irrigation with Resources and with Power Engineering, Standard Book House
6. Irrigation Engg. Vol. I & II by Ivan E. Houk, John Wiley and sons
CE-14804 Transportation Engineering – II

Internal Marks: 40 LTP

External Marks: 60 310
Total Marks: 100

Course Outcomes:

After completing this course the student must demonstrate the knowledge and ability to:
1. Understand the importance of railway infrastructure planning and design.
2. Identify the functions of different component of railway track.
3. Apply existing technology to design, construction and maintenance of railway
4. Apprehend the advanced international technology being used in the field of
railway engineering.
5. Outline the importance of Airport Infrastructure planning and design.
6. Evaluate the major issues and problems of current interest to airport

Course Content:

Railway Engineering
Introduction to Railway Engineering: History of Railways, Development of Indian
Railway, Organisation of Indian Railway, Important Statistics of Indian Railways. Railway
Gauges: Definition, Gauges on World Railways, Choice of Gauge, Uniformity of Gauge,
Loading Gauge, Construction Gauge.
Railway Track: Requirements of a Good Track, Track Specifications on Indian Railways,
Detailed Cross-Section of Single/Double Track on Indian Railways. Components of Railway
Track: Rails, Sleepers, Ballast, Sub-grade and Formation, Track Fixtures & Fastenings,
Coning of Wheels, Tilting of Rails, Adzing of Sleepers, Rail Joints, Creep of Rails.
Geometric Design of Railway Track: Alignment, Gradients, Horizontal Curve, Super-
elevation, Equilibrium Cant, Cant Deficiency, Transition Curves.
Points and Crossings: Functions, Working of Turnout, Various types of Track Junctions and
their layouts, Level-crossing.
Railway Stations & Yards: Site Selection, Classification & Layout of Stations, Marshalling
Yard, Locomotive Yard, Equipment at Railway Stations & Yards
Signalling and Interlocking: Objectives, Classification of Signals, Types of Signals in
Stations and Yards, Automatic Signalling, Principal of Interlocking.
Modernization of Railway Tracks: High Speed Tracks, Improvement in existing track
forhigh speed, Ballast less Track, MAGLEV, TACV Track.
Airport Engineering
Introduction to Airport Engineering: Air Transport Scenario in India and Stages of
Development, National and International Organizations
Airport Planning: Aircraft Characteristics, Factors for Site Selection, Airport
Classification,General Layout of an Airport, Obstructions and Zoning Laws, Imaginary
Surfaces, Approach Zones and Turning Zones,
Runway Orientation and Design: Head Wind, Cross Wind, Wind Rose Diagram, Basic
Runway Length, Corrections, Geometric Design Elements, Runway Configuration.

Taxiway and Aircraft Parking: Aircraft Parking System. Main Taxiway, Exit Taxiway,
Separation Clearance, Holding Aprons.
Visual Aids: Marking and Lighting of Runway and Taxiway, Landing Direction Indicator,
and Wind Direction Indicator, IFR/VFR.
1. Chandra S., and Aggarwal, “Railway Engineering”, M.M. Oxford University Press, New
2. Saxena, S.C., and Arora, S.P., “A Text Book of Railway Engineering”, Dhanpat Rai and
Sons,Delhi, 1997.
3. J. S. Mundrey, “Railway Track Engineering”, McGraw Hill Publishing Co., 2009
4. Khanna, S.K., Arora, M.G., and Jain, S.S., “Airport Planning and Design”, Nem Chand &
Bros. Roorkee, 1999.
5. Horenjeff, R. and McKelvey, F., “Planning and Design of Airports”, McGraw Hill
Company,New York, 1994.
6. Norman J. Ashford, Saleh Mumayiz, Paul H. Wright, “Airport Engineering: Planning,
Designand Development of 21st Century”, Wiley Publishers, 2011

CE-14805 Seminar
Internal Marks: 50 LTP
External Marks: -- 002
Total Marks: 50

Course Outcomes:

After completing this course the student must demonstrate the knowledge and ability to:
1. Find relevant sources of information, research and gather information.
2. Create a well organized document using appropriate format and grammatical
3. Acknowledge the work of other in a consistent manner.
4. Understanding of ethical and professional issues.
5. Demonstrate effective written and oral communication.
6. Awareness of implications to society at large.
Course Content:

This is an unstructured open-ended course where under the overall supervision of a faculty
member of his discipline, each student must submit report as a culmination of his endeavor
and investigation. The course will aim to evaluate student’s Understanding, Broadness,
Diversity, Self-Learning and Service in the area of civil engineering.

*Students will prepare the individual seminar report as per the prescribed format (available at
departmental website) and present it before the group of students.

DECE-14806 Dynamics of Structures
Internal Marks: 40 LTP
External Marks: 60 310
Total Marks: 100

Course Outcomes:

After completing this course the student must demonstrate the knowledge and ability to:
1. Demonstrate the fundamental theory of dynamic equation of motion for dynamic
2. Identify the concepts of mathematics, science, and engineering by developing the
equations of motion for vibratory systems and solving for the free and forced
3. Model the response of single-degree-of-freedom (SDOF) systems to pulse and
harmonic and periodic excitations and discrete lumped mass multi-degree-of-
freedom (MDOF) systems.
4. Understand the response spectrum concept.
5. Evaluate the solution of the problem through the concepts of viscous damping,
coulomb damping (by friction) and equivalent damping.
6. Analyze dynamic analysis of various structures using Numerical Methods.
7. Understand the dynamic response of continuous system.

Course Content:
Overview of structural dynamics: Fundamental objective of structural dynamic analysis -
types of prescribed loadings - essential characteristics of a dynamic problem - method of
discretization: lumpedmass procedure - generalized displacements - the finite-element
Single degree of freedom systems: Components of the basic dynamic system formulation of
theequations of motion - direct equilibration using D’Alembert’s principle - principle of
virtual displacements - generalized SDOF systems - rigid body assemblage
Free vibration response: Solution of the equation of motion - undamped free vibrations -
damped free vibrations - critical damping - underdamped systems - overdamped systems -
negative damping
Response to harmonic loading: Undamped system complementary solution - particular
solution -general solution - response ratio - damped system - resonant response
Response to periodic loading: Fourier series expression of the loading - response to the
fourier series loading - exponential form of fourier series solution
Response to impulsive loads: General nature of impulsive loads - sine-wave impulse –
rectangular impulse - triangular impulse - shock load.
Response to general dynamic loading: Duhamel integral for an undamped system –
numerical evaluation of the duhamel integral for an undamped system - response of damped
systems – response analysis through the frequency domain
Multi degree of freedom systems: Formulation of the MDOF equations of motion -
selection of the degrees of freedom - orthogonality conditions - normal co-ordinates -
uncoupled equations of motion - undamped & damped - mode superposition procedure
Continuous parameter systems: Vibration analysis by Rayleigh’s method - basis of the
method - approximate analysis of a general system - selection of the vibration shape -
improved RayleighMethod
Practical vibration analysis: Preliminary comments - stodola method - fundamental mode
analysis – proof of convergence - analysis of second mode - analysis of third and higher
modes – analysis of highest mode - Rayleigh’s method in discrete co-ordinate systems.

1. Clouch R.W. & Penzien J., Dynamics of Structures, McGraw Hill
2. Weaver W., Jr. Timoshenko S.P., Young D.H, Vibration Problem in Engineering, John
3. Meivovitch L., Elements of Vibration Analysis, McGraw Hill
4. Seto W.W., Mechanical Vibrations, Schaum’s Outline Series, McGraw Hill
5. Srinivasan P., Mechanical Vibration Analysis, Tata McGraw Hill
6. A K Chopra; Dymanics of Structures; Prentice-Hall
7. Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures; Pankaj Agrawal, Manish Shrikhande; Prentice
Hallof India

DECE-14807 Advanced Reinforced Concrete Design

Internal Marks: 40 LTP

External Marks: 60 310
Total Marks: 100

Course Outcomes:

After completing this course the student must demonstrate the knowledge and ability to:
1. Demonstrate the fundamental theory design of RC elements.
2. Apply the design principles to the large span concrete roofs as per IS code.
3. Analyze the behaviour of slabs for different loading and boundary conditions.
4. Design the components of chimney.
5. Analyze and design the different type of retaining systems as per requirements.
6. Design the water tanks of different shapes and capacities.

Course Content:
Note: No Indian Codes of Practice and Design handbooks are permitted, so paper setter is
expected to provide required data from relevant IS codes, for any numerical or design part.
Large span concrete roofs – Classification- Behaviour of Flat slabs- Direct design and
equivalent frame method- Codal provisions Forms of Shells and Folded plates- Structural
behaviour of cylindrical shell and folded plate- Method of analysis-beam action, arch action
and membrane analysis- Codal provisions- Design of simply supported circular cylindrical
long shells and folded plates.
Yield line analysis of slabs- virtual work and equilibrium method of analysis- simply
supported rectangular slabs with corners held down- uniform and concentrated loads- design
of simply supported rectangular and circular slabs
Analysis of deep beams- Design as per IS 456-2000, Analysis of stresses in concrete
chimneys- uncracked and cracked sections- Codal provisions- Design of chimney
Retaining walls -Analysis and Design of cantilever and counterfort retaining walls with
horizontal and inclined surcharge
Overhead water tanks- rectangular and circular with flat bottom- spherical and conical tank
roof staging-Design based on IS 3370
1. Reinforced Concrete Structural Elements- Purushothaman. P, Tata Mc Graw Hill
2. Design and Construction of Concrete Shell Roofs- G.S.Ramaswamy
3. Reinforced Concrete – Ashok K Jain, Nem Chand Bros. Roorkee
4. Plain and Reinforced Concrete – Jain & Jaikrishna, Vol. I & II, Nem Chand Bros. Roorkee
5. Reinforced Concrete Chimneys- Taylor C Pere,
6. Yield Line Analysis of Slabs- Jones L L, Thomas and Hudson
7. Design of deep girders, Concrete Association of India
8. Reinforced Concrete, Mallick & Gupta- Oxford & IBH
9. IS 456-2000 Plain and Reinforced Concrete
10. IS 2210-1998- Criteria for design of reinforced concrete shell structures and folded plates
11. IS 4998-1998- Criteria for design of reinforced concrete chimneys
12. IS 3370- 1991- Part 1-4- Code of Practice for concrete structures for the storage of liquids

DECE –14808 Prestressed Concrete
Internal Marks: 40 LTP
External Marks: 60 310
Total Marks: 100

Course Outcomes:

After completing this course the student must demonstrate the knowledge and ability to:
1. Understand the material characteristics of structural materials, such as high strength
concrete and high strength steel, etc.
2. Understand and apply the concept and terminology related to the prestressed
3. Analyze the beam sections carrying the prestressed force, external loads and time-
dependant effects, such as creep, shrinkage and other losses.
4. Evaluate and interpret the use of different prestressing systems on the PSC beams.
5. Design prestressed concrete beams and slabs for flexure, shear and torsion.
6. Apply various provisions prescribed by IS 1343 to the design of prestressed concrete

Course Content:
Note: IS 1343 is permitted in examination.
Materials for prestressed concrete and prestressing systems
High strength concrete and high tensile steel – tensioning devices – pretensioning systems –
posttensioning systems
Analysis of prestress and bending stresses
Analysis of prestress – resultant stresses at a sector – pressure line or thrust line and internal
esisting couple – concept of load balancing – losses of prestress – deflection of beams.
Strength of prestressed concrete sections in flexure, shear and torsion
Types of flexural failure – strain compatibility method – IS: 1343 code procedure – design
for imit state of shear and torsion.
Design of prestressed concrete beams and slabs
Transfer of prestress in pre tensioned and post tensioned members – design of anchorage
zone reinforcement – design of simple beams – cable profiles – design of slabs.

1. N. Krishna Raju, Prestressed concrete, Tata McGraw Hill
2. T.Y. Lin, Ned H. Burns, Design of Prestressed Concrete Structures, John Wiley & Sons.
3. P. Dayaratnam, Prestressed Concrete, Oxford & IBH
4. R. Rajagopalan, Prestressed Concrete.
5. IS 1343 2012 Code of Practice for Prestressed Concrete

DECE-14809 Pavement Design
Internal Marks: 40 LTP
External Marks: 60 310
Total Marks: 100

Course Outcomes:

After completing this course the student must demonstrate the knowledge and ability to:
1. Identify the different types of pavement and factors affecting their design.
2. Design the flexible pavement using different methods and as per latest Indian
3. Understand the factors affecting Bitumen mix design and design procedure of
bitumen mix
4. Design the rigid pavement using different methods and as per latest Indian Standard.
5. Evaluate the pros and cons of various other low cost pavements proposed by IRC.
6. Assess the need of overlay and design accordingly.

Course Content:

Note: Use of IRC: 37-2012 and IRC: 58-2011 shall be allowed in the examination.
Introduction: Types of pavement structure. Functions of pavement components, Factors
affecting pavement design, Design wheel load, Strength characteristics of pavement
materials. Comparison of flexible and rigid pavements.
Design of Flexible Pavements: General design considerations, Methods for design of
flexible pavements – Group Index Method, Triaxial Test Method, Hveem Stabilometer
Method, McLeod’s Method, Indian Roads Congress Method.
Design of Bituminous Mixes: Mix Design Approaches, Marshall Method of Bituminous
Mix Design, Superpave
Design of Rigid Pavements: General design considerations, Westergard's Analysis, Methods
for design of rigid pavements - PCA method, AASHTO Method, Indian Roads Congress
Method, Types and design of Joints in cement concrete pavements.
Modern Design Concepts: Reinforced Concrete Pavement, Airport Pavement Design,
Bituminous Pavement with Cemented Base, Interlocking Concrete Block Pavement, Full
Depth Bituminous Pavement, Ultrathin White Topping, Perpetual Pavement, Pavement

1. Yoder, E. J., and M. W. Witczak, “Principals of Pavement Design”, Wiley Publication.
2. Khanna, S. K., and C. E. G. Justo, “Highway Engineering”, Nem Chand & Bros., Roorkee.
3. Sharma, S. K., “Principles, Practice and Design of Highway Engineering”, S. Chand & Co.
4. Chakraborty,P. and A.Das, “Principles of Transportation Engineering”, Prentice Hall India.
5. Yang H. Huang, “Pavement Analysis and Design”, Prentice Hall.

DECE-14810 Traffic Engineering
Internal Marks: 40 LTP
External Marks: 60 310
Total Marks: 100

Course Outcomes:

After completing this course the student must demonstrate the knowledge and ability to:
1. Understand the characteristics related to road user, vehicle, and traffic stream.
2. Conduct the various traffic studies to collect the data related to traffic.
3. Create the solution of the problem related to traffic regulation and control.
4. Design the traffic signal timing for pre-timed and traffic actuated signals.
5. Outline the procedure to assess the road safety audit.
6. Assess the need of modernization in traffic engineering.

Course Content:
Introduction: Elements of Traffic Engineering, Components of traffic system – road users,
vehicles, highways and control devices.
Vehicle Characteristics: IRC standards, Design speed, volume, Highway capacity and levels
of service, capacity of urban and rural roads, PCU concept and its limitations.
Traffic Stream Characteristics: Traffic stream parameters, characteristics of interrupted
and uninterrupted flows.
Traffic Studies: Traffic volume studies, origin destination studies, speed studies, travel time
and delay studies, parking studies, accident studies.
Traffic Regulation and Control: Signs and markings, Traffic System Management, At-
gradeIntersections, Channelization, Roundabouts
Traffic Signals: Pre-timed and traffic actuated. Design of signal setting, phase diagrams,
timing diagram, Signal co-ordination
Grade Separated Intersections: Geometric elements for divided and access controlled
highways and expressways.
Traffic Safety: Principles and practices, Road safety audit.
Intelligent Transportation System: Applications in Traffic Engineering

1. William, R.M. and Roger, P.R., “Traffic Engineering”, Prentice Hall.
2. Hobbs, F.D., “Traffic Planning and Engineering”, Pergamon Press.
3. Khisty, C.J. and Kent, B.L., “Transportation Engineering – An Introduction”, Prentice Hall
ofIndia Pvt. Ltd.
4. Kadiyali, L.R., “Traffic Engineering & Transport Planning”, Khanna Publishers, New
5. Mannering, “Principles of Highway Engineering & Traffic Analysis”, Wiley Publishers,

DECE-14811 Bridge Engineering
Internal Marks: 40 LTP
External Marks: 60 310
Total Marks: 100

Course Outcomes
After completing this course the student must demonstrate the knowledge and ability to:
1. Learn the basics of bridge classification, choice of bridge type, investigations for the
2. Learn loadings on the bridge, IRC loadings, and load combinations for the specific
3. Understand the load distribution on a specific bridge system.
4. Analyze and design Steel and RCC bridge deck system.
5. Conceptualize the design of bridge substructures.

Course Content:
Introduction: Definition and components of a bridge, Classification of bridges, Choice of
abridge type.
Investigation for Bridges: Need for investigation, Selection of bridge site, Determination of
design discharge for River Bridge, Linear waterway, Economical span, Vertical clearance,
scour depth, Afflux, Traffic projection.
Standard Specifications for Road Bridges: IRC Bridge Codes, Width of carriageway,
Clearances, Dead load, I.R.C. standard live loads, Impact effect, Wind load, Longitudinal
forces, Centrifugal forces, Horizontal forces due to water current, Buoyancy effect, Earth
pressure, Deformation stresses, Erection stresses, Temperature effects, and Seismic force.
Reinforced Concrete Bridges: Types of RCC bridges; Culverts - Box Culvert, Pipe Culvert,
Solid slab bridge, T-beam girder bridges, Hollow girder bridges, Balanced cantilever bridges,
Continuous girder bridges, Rigid frame bridges, Arch bridges, Pre-stressed concrete bridges.
Steel Bridges: Types of Steel bridges; Beam bridges, Plate girder bridges, Box girder
bridges, Truss bridges, Arch bridges, Cantilever bridges, Cable stayed bridges, Suspension
Sub-structure and Foundation: Piers and abutments, materials for piers and abutments,
Types of foundations; Shallow, Pile, and Well foundations. Relative merits of piles and well
foundations, Pneumatic Caissons, Box Caissons.
Bearings, Joints & Appurtenances: Importance of Bearings, Different types of bearings-
Expansion Bearings, Fixed Bearings, Elastomeric Bearings, Expansion joints, Wearing
Course, Approach Slab, Footpath, Handrails.
Construction and Maintenance of Bridges: Methods of construction of concrete and steel
bridges. Formwork and false work for concrete bridges, Causes of Bridge failures, Inspection
and maintenance

1. Johnson, Victor, “Essentials of Bridge Engineering”, Oxford University Press.
2. Khadilkar, C. H., “A Text book of Bridge Construction”, Allied Publishers.
3. Rangwala, S. C., “Bridge Engineering”, Charotar Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.
4. Raina, V. K., “Concrete Bridges Handbook”, Shroff Publishers and Distributors.
5. Ponnuswamy, S. “Bridge Engineering”, McGraw Hill Education.

DECE-14812 Matrix Methods of Structural Analysis

Internal Marks: 40 LTP

External Marks: 60 310
Total Marks: 100

Course Outcomes:
After completing this course the student must demonstrate the knowledge and ability to:
1. Demonstrate knowledge of basic structural analysis for beams, trusses, frames, etc.
2. Apply the basic matrix operations in the structural analysis.
3. Understand the concept and terminology related to the structural analysis using the matrix.
4. Develop matrix and flexibility matrix for different types of structural elements.
5. Analyze the determinate and indeterminate beams, frames, trusses using the matrix operations.
6. Evaluate and interpret the analysis results for their use in the design of various structural

Course Content:
Flexibility Matrix (Physical Approach): Basic definitions and types of matrices, matrix
operations, matrix inversion, solution of linear simultaneous equations, matrix partitioning,
development of flexibility matrices for statically determinate and in determinate beams, rigid
jointed plane frames and pin-jointed plane frames using physical approach.
Stiffness Matrix (Physical Approach): Development of stiffness matrices for statically
determinate and indeterminate beams, rigid-jointed plane frames and pin-jointed plane frames
using physical approach, reduced stiffness matrix, total stiffness matrix, translational or lateral
stiffness matrix.

Stiffness Matrix (Element Approach): Transformation of system displacements to element

displacements through displacement transformation matrix, transformation of element
stiffness matrices to system stiffness matrix, development of stiffness matrices for statically
determinate and indeterminate beams, rigid-jointed plane frames and pin-jointed plane frames
using element approach, relation between flexibility and stiffness matrices.

Stiffness Method Of Analysis: Analysis of continuous beams, rigid-jointed plane frames and
pin-jointed plane frames using the physical and element approaches, effect of support
settlements, temperature stresses and lack of fit, comparison of flexibility and stiffness
methods of analysis.

1. Structural analysis- A matrix approach - GS Pandit and SP Gupta
2. Matrix analysis of framed structures - William weaver , Jr. James M. Gere
3. Basic structural analysis - C.S. Reddy

DECE-14815 Ground Improvement Techniques
Internal Marks: 40 LTP
External Marks: 60 310
Total Marks: 100

Course Outcomes:
After completing this course the student must demonstrate the knowledge and ability to:
1. Evaluate the existing characteristics of the soil to be improved.
2. Understand the mechanism of ground improvement.
3. Select a suitable type of ground improvement technique considering the existing soil.
4. Design various ground improvement techniques.
5. Monitor the efficiency of ground improvement methods.
6. Apply the selected ground improvement methods at site.
Course Content:
Introduction to soil improvement without the addition of materials - dynamic compaction
equipment used - application to granular soils - cohesive soils - depth of improvement –
environmental considerations - induced settlements - compaction using vibratory probes -
vibro techniques vibro equipment - the vibro compaction and replacement process - control of
verification of vibro techniques - vibro systems and liquefaction - soil improvement by
thermal treatment - preloading techniques - surface compaction introduction to bio technical
Introduction to soil improvement with the addition of materials - lime stabilization - lime
column method - stabilization of soft clay or silt with lime - bearing capacity of lime treated
soils – settlement of lime treated soils - improvement in slope stability - control methods -
chemical grouting – commonly used chemicals - grouting systems - grouting operations -
applications - compaction grouting -introduction - application and limitations - plant for
preparing grouting materials - jet grouting – jet grouting process - geometry and properties of
treated soils - applications - slab jacking - gravel - sand - stone columns
Soil improvement using reinforcing elements - introduction to reinforced earth - load
transfer mechanism and strength development - soil types and reinforced earth - anchored
earth nailing reticulated micro piles - soil dowels - soil anchors - reinforced earth retaining
Geotextiles - Behaviour of soils on reinforcing with geotextiles - effect on strength, bearing
capacity, compaction and permeability - design aspects - slopes - clay embankments -
retaining walls – pavements

1. Moseley, Text Book on Ground Improvement, Blackie Academic Professional, Chapman &
2. Boweven R., Text Book on Grouting in Engineering Practice, Applied Science Publishers
3. Jewell R.A., Text Book on Soil Reinforcement with Geotextiles, CIRIA Special Publication,
4. Van Impe W.E., Text Book On Soil Improvement Technique & Their Evolution, Balkema
5. Donald .H. Gray & Robbin B. Sotir, Text Book On Bio Technical & Soil Engineering Slope
Stabilization, John Wiley
6. Rao G.V. & Rao G.V.S., Text Book On Engineering with Geotextiles, Tata McGraw Hill
7. Korener, Construction & Geotechnical Methods in Foundation Engineering, McGraw Hill
8. Shukla, S.K. and Yin, J.H. Fundamental of Geosynthetic Engineering, Taylor & Francis
9. Swamisaran, Reinforced Soil and its Engineering Application, New Age Publication
10. Gulati, S.K. and Datta, M., Geotechnical Engineering, TMH

DECE-14816 Soil Dynamics & Machine Foundation
Internal Marks: 40 LTP
External Marks: 60 310
Total Marks: 100

Course Outcomes:

After completing this course the student must demonstrate the knowledge and ability to:
1. Recognize the scope and significance of soil dynamics.
2. Apply the concept of theory of vibrations to find the behavior of soil under dynamic
3. Understand vibration concepts in soils like damping, wave propagation, resonance and
effect of modes of vibrations.
4. Employ the code of practice for design of foundations for reciprocating machines.
5. Design foundations subjected to impact loads.
6. Predict the influence of vibrations and selection of remediation methods based on the
nature of vibration, properties and behavior of soil.
Course Content:
Introduction - nature of dynamic loads - stress conditions on soil elements under earthquake
loading - dynamic loads imposed by simple crank mechanism - type of machine foundations –
special considerations for design of machine foundations - theory of vibration: general
definitions – properties of harmonic motion - free vibrations of a mass-spring system - free
vibrations with viscous damping - forced vibrations with viscous damping - frequency
dependent exciting force - systems under transient forces - Raleigh’s method - logarithmic
decrement - determination of viscous damping - principle of vibration measuring instruments -
systems with two degrees of freedom - special response
Criteria for a satisfactory machine foundation - permissible amplitude of vibration for
different type of machines - methods of analysis of machine foundations - methods based on
linear elastic weightless springs - methods based on linear theory of elasticity (elastic half
space theory) - methods based on semi graphical approach - degrees of freedom of a block
foundation - definition of soil spring constants - nature of damping - geometric and internal
damping - determination of soil constants - methods of determination of soil constants in
laboratory and field based on IS code provisions
Vertical, sliding, rocking and yawing vibrations of a block foundation - simultaneous
rocking, sliding and vertical vibrations of a block foundation - foundation of reciprocating
machines – design criteria - calculation of induced forces and moments - multi-cylinder
engines - numerical example (IS code method)
Foundations subjected to impact loads - design criteria - analysis of vertical vibrations –
computation of dynamic forces - design of hammer foundations (IS code method) - vibration
isolation - active and passive isolation - transmissibility - methods of isolation in machine
Note: Use of I.S 2974 Part I and II will be allowed in the university examination

1. Shamsher Prakash, Soil Dynamics, McGraw Hill
2. Das and Ramana, Principle of Soil Dynamica, Cengage Learning
3. Alexander Major, Dynamics in Soil Engineering
4. Sreenivasalu & Varadarajan, Handbook of Machine Foundations, Tata McGraw Hill
5. IS 2974 - Part I and II, Design Considerations for Machine Foundations *

6. IS 5249: Method of Test for Determination of Dynamic Properties Of Soils
* IS code marked with * is permitted in examination.

DECE-14817 Earth and Earth Retaining Structures
Internal Marks: 40 LTP
External Marks: 60 310
Total Marks: 100

Course Outcomes:
After completing this course the student must demonstrate the knowledge and ability to:
1. Design of earthen dams considering seepage analysis and seepage control.
2. Analysis of earth retaining structures for their stability against earth pressure.
3. Prediction of lateral earth pressures associated with different earth systems.
4. Applying engineering knowledge for the designing of earth retaining structures in
various site conditions.
5. Evaluation of rigid retaining structures using appropriate design methods, factors of
safety, earth pressure diagrams.
6. Evaluation of flexible retaining structures using appropriate design methods, factors of
safety, earth pressure diagrams

Course Content:
Earthen Dam
Introduction to Earthen dams, types of dams, selection of type of dam based on material
availability, foundation conditions and topography Design details – crest, free board, upstream
and downstream slopes, upstream and downstream slope protection – central and inclined
cores – types and design of filters Seepage analysis and control – seepage through dam and
foundations – control of seepage in earth dam and foundation
Stability analysis – critical stability conditions – evaluation of stability by Bishop’s and
sliding wedge methods under critical conditions Construction techniques – methods of
construction – quality control Instrumentation – measurement of pore pressures Earth pressure
theories – Rankine’s and Coulomb’s earth pressure theories for cohesionless and
cohesive backfills – computation of earth pressures for various cases – inclined – with
surcharge –submerged and partly submerged – stratified backfills
Rigid retaining structures – active and passive earth pressures against gravity retaining walls
–computation of earth pressures by Trial wedge method – a mathematical approach for
completely submerged and partly submerged backfills – Perched water table – importance of
capability tension in earth pressure, Graphical methods of earth pressure computation – trial
wedge method for coulomb’s and Rankine’s conditions, for regular and irregular ground and
wall conditions – Rebhan’s construction for active pressure – friction circle method –
logarithmic spiral method, Design of gravity retaining wall – cantilever retaining walls
Flexible retaining structure – type and methods of construction – design strength parameters
– safety factor for sheet pile walls – computation of earth pressures against cantilever sheet
piles in cohesionless and cohesive soils – anchored sheet piles – free earth method – fixed
earth method – Rowe’s moment reduction method – stability of sheet piling
Diaphragm walls and coffer dams – type of diaphragm walls and their construction techniques
in various soil types – earth pressure on braced cuts and coffer dams – design of coffer dams
1. Huntington, Earth pressure on retaining walls.
2. Bowles, Foundation Analysis and Design.
3. Jones, Earth Reinforcements & Soil structures.
4. Prakash, Ranjan & Sasan, Analysis & Design of Foundation & Retaining Structures
DECE-14818 Advanced Environmental Engineering

Internal Marks: 40 LTP

External Marks: 60 310
Total Marks: 100

Course Outcomes

After completing this course the student must demonstrate the knowledge and ability to:
1. Understand the basic concepts of inter-relationship between different ecosystems
with environment.
2. Compute the causes of different types of pollution along with related regulations
(local, national, and international).
3. Explain the mechanisms of air pollutants transport/dispersion in the atmosphere
and select the systems to control them at different sources.
4. Prepare the life cycle assessment of Solid waste from its generation to disposal.
5. Evaluate different methods of solid waste management and identify the suitable
disposal alternatives available.
6. Explain different types of hazardous waste and correspondingly appropriate
method for its treatment and disposal.

Course Content:
Environment, Biosphere, Ecosystems; their interrelationships and pollution
Air Pollution & Control
Air pollution, Physical & chemical fundamentals, Air pollution standards, Effects of air
pollution; climate change, Air pollution meteorology, Atmospheric dispersion of pollutants,
Indoor air quality models, Air pollution control of stationary & mobile sources.
Noise Pollution & Control:
Introduction, Rating Systems, Sources & Criteria, Noise prediction and Control
Solid Waste Management:
Perspectives & properties, collection, transfer & transport, Life cycle assessment, Disposal in
a landfill, Waste to energy, Composting, Resource conservation & recovery for sustainability
Hazardous Waste Management:
The hazard, risk, definition & classification RCRA &HSWA, CERCLA & SARA, Hazardous
waste management, Treatment technologies, Land disposal, Groundwater contamination &
1..Davis & Cornwell, Environmental Engineering, Mc Graw Hill Int Ed
2..Peavy, H.S, Rowe, D.R, Tchobanoglous, G, Environmental Engineering, Mc Graw Hill
3..E.P. Odum, Fundamentals of Ecology, Oxford and IBH Pub.
4. Vesilind, Worrell and Reinhart, Solid Waste Engineering, Cengage Learning India
5. Rao and Rao, Air Pollution, Tata McGraw Hill Pub

DECE-14819 Environmental Impact Assessment
Internal Marks: 40 LTP
External Marks: 60 310
Total Marks: 100

Course Outcomes:

After completing this course the student must demonstrate the knowledge and ability to:
1. Understand the concepts of environmental impact analysis and legislations involving
2. Identify the factors for assessing the impacts of field projects.
3. Use the methodologies to set up environmental indices and quantify the impacts.
4. Assess the environmental, socio-economic and health impacts of different projects.
5. Design an environmental proposal and evaluate the available alternatives.
6. Demonstrate knowledge of professional and ethical responsibilities.

Course Content:
Concepts of environmental impact analysis - key features of the National Environmental
Policy Act and its implementation, screening in the EIA process, role of the USEPA,
environmental protection and EIA at the national level, utility and scope of the EIA process
Planning and management of environmental impact studies Environmental impact - factors for
consideration in assessing the impacts of water related projects, power projects, waste water
treatment facilities etc .Concepts and terms in the impact assessment process, Socioeconomic
impact analysis.
Simple methods for impact identification – matrices, net works and checklists. Description
of the environmental setting Environmental indices and indicators for describing the affected
Prediction and assessment- Prediction and assessment of the impact on surface water, soil,
groundwater, air, water quality, vegetation and wild life and biological environments. Case
studies and examples. Prediction and assessment of visual impacts and impacts on the socio-
economic setting, decision methods for evaluation of alternatives, public participation in
decision-making Preparing the EIA document Environmental monitoring.

1. Larry W Canter, Environmental Impact Assessment, McGraw Hill, Inc., 1996
2. Betty Bowers Marriot, Environmental Impact Assessment A Practical Guide, McGraw Hill,
Inc., 997.
3. C.J. Barrow, Environmental & Social Impact Assessment – An Introduction, Edward
4. Evan. K. Paleologos and Ian Lerche, Environmental Risk Analysis, McGraw Hill Inc., 2001
5. Peter Morris (ed.) and Riki Therivel (ed.), Methods of Environmental Impact Assessment,
Routledge, 2001.

DECE-14820 Flood Control & River Engineering
Internal Marks: 40 LTP
External Marks: 60 310
Total Marks: 100

Course Outcomes:

After completing this course the student must demonstrate the knowledge and ability to:
1. Appropriate the importance of river engineering and its social and environmental
2. Compute and forecast flood by various methods.
3. Identify suitable flood control method and select one according to economical
4. Evaluate suitable method for river training and channel improvement.
5. Predict sediment load carried by river and its impact on flow.
6. Understand the concept of River Regime theories.
Course Content:
River Engineering, Flood forecasting, Flood Estimation, Estimating Design flood, Empirical
formulate, statistical or Probability methods, Unit hydrograph method
Flood control and Economics of Flood control River Regime theories, River Modeling,
Meandering River Training, Channel improvements; cut offs, River control structures
Sediment load, Resistance to flow, Social and environmental impacts.


1.R.J. Garde, K.G. Ranga Raju, 1. Mechanics of Sedement Transportation and Alluvial Stream
problems, Wiley Eastern Ltd.
2. V.A. Vanoni , Sedimentation Engg, John Wiley and Sons
3. .A. Raudkivi, Loose Boundary Hydraulics, Pergamon Press, Inc
4. P.N. Modi, Irrigation Water Resources and Water Power Engineering, Standard Book
5. Manual on rivers, their behaviour and Training, Pub No. 60, CBIP, New Delhi

DECE - 14821 Hydrology and Dams
Internal Marks: 40 LTP
External Marks: 60 310
Total Marks: 100

Course Outcomes

After completing this course the student must demonstrate the knowledge and ability to:
1. Understand the importance of hydrological data in water resources planning.
2. Design of rain gauge network according to requirement.
3. Compute depth of precipitation, run-off and infiltration over the basin by different
4. Design peak flow and fix design floods.
5. Compare suitable type of dams according to site requirements.
6. Design different types of dams i.e; gravity dams, earthen dams, arch and buttress

Course Content:
Introduction, Precipitation: Importance of hydrological data in water resources planning.
The hydrologic cycle, Mechanics of precipitation, types and causes, measurement by rain
gauges, Gauge net-works, hyetograph, averaging depth of precipitation over the basin, mass-
rainfallcurves, intensity duration frequency curves, depth area-duration curves
a) Interception, Evapo-transptration and Infiltration: Factors affecting interception,
evaporation from free water surfaces and from land surfaces, transpiration, Evapo-
b) Infiltration Factors affecting infiltration, rate, Infiltration capacity and its determination.
Runoff: Factors affecting runoff, run-off hydrograph, unit hydrograph theory, S-curve
hydrograph, Synder’s synthetic unit hydrograph.
Peak Flows: Estimation of Peak flow-rational formula, use of unit hydrograph, frequency
analysis, Gumbel’s method, design flood and its hydrograph.
Gravity Dams-Non Overflow Section: Forces acting, Stability factors, stresses on the faces
of dam, Design of profile by the method of zoning, elementary profile of a dam.
Gravity Dams-Spillways: Creagers profiles neglecting velocity of approach, profile taking
velocity of approach into account, Upstream lip and approach ramp, Advantages of gated
spillways, Discharge characteristics of spillways.
Arch and Buttress Dams: Classification of arch dam- constant radius, constant angle and
variable radius, Cylinder theory, Expression relating central angle and Cross-Sectional area of
arch. Types of buttress dams, Advantages of buttress dams
Earth Dams: Components of earth dams and their functions, Phreatic line determination
byanalytical and graphical methods.

1. Engineering Hydrology - J.Nemec, Prentice Hall
2. Engineering Hydrology by Stanley Buttler, John. Wiley
3. Ground Water Hydrology by TODD, John. Wiley
4. Engineering for Dams Vol. II & III by Creager Justin & Hinds. John. Wiley
5. Hydrology by. S.K.Garg, Khanna Pub
6. Hydrology Principles, Analysis and Design by. Raghunath, H M, New Age Int. Pub

DECE-14822 Disaster Management

Internal marks: 40 LTP

External marks: 60 31 0
Total marks: 100

Course Outcomes:

After completing this course the student must demonstrate the knowledge and ability to:
1. Identify various types of disasters, their causes, effects & mitigation measures.
2. Demonstrate the understanding of various phases of disaster management cycle and
create vulnerability and risk maps.
3. Understand the use of emergency management system to tackle the problems.
4. Discuss the role of media, various agencies and organisations for effective disaster
management & preparedness for future through various case studies.
5. Design early warning system and understand the utilization of advanced technologies
in disaster management.
6. Compare different models for disaster management and plan & design of infrastructure
for effective disaster management.

Course Content:
Introduction to Disaster Management: Define and describe disaster, hazard, emergency,
vulnerability, risk and disaster management; Identify and describe the types of natural and
non-natural disasters, Important phases of Disaster Management Cycle
Disaster Mitigation and Preparedness: Natural Hazards: causes, distribution pattern,
consequences and mitigation measures for earth quake, tsunami, cyclone, flood, landslide
drought etc. Man-made hazards: causes, consequences mitigation measures for various
industrial hazards/disasters, Preparedness for natural disasters in urban areas.
Hazard and Risk Assessment: Assessment of capacity, vulnerability and risk, vulnerability
and risk mapping, stages in disaster recovery and associated problems.
Emergency Management Systems (EMS): Emergency medical and essential public health
services, response and recovery operations, reconstruction and rehabilitation.
Capacity Building: Gender sensitive disaster management approach and inculcate new skills
and sharpen existing skills of government officials, voluntary activists, development of
professional and elected representative for effective disaster management, role of media in
effective disaster management, overview of disaster management in India, role of agencies
like NDMA, SDMA and other International agencies, organizational structure, role of
insurance sector, DM act and NDMA guidelines..
Application of Geoinformatics and Advanced Techniques: Use of Remote Sensing
Systems (RSS) and GIS in disaster Management, role of knowledge based expert systems in
hazard scenario, using risks-time charts to plan for the future, early warning systems.
Integration of public policy: Planning and design of infrastructure for disaster management,
Community based approach in disaster management, methods for effective dissemination of
information, ecological and sustainable development models for disaster management.
Case Studies: Lessons and experiences from various important disasters with specific
reference to Civil Engineering.

1. Natural Hazards in the Urban Habitat by Iyengar, C.B.R.I., Tata McGraw Hill, Publisher
2. Natural Disaster management, Jon Ingleton (Ed), Published by Tudor Rose, Leicester
3. Disaster Management, R.B. Singh (Ed), Rawat Publications
4. ESCAP: Asian and the Pacific Report on Natural Hazards and Natural Disaster Reduction.
5. www.http//ndma,gov,in
6. Disaster Management –Future Challenges & Opportunities by Jagbir Singh, I.K.
International Publishing House.

Internal Marks: 120 LTP
External Marks: 80 --3
Total Marks: 200

Course Outcomes:

After completing this course the student must demonstrate the knowledge and ability to:
1. Identify a suitable problem after conducting a thorough literature survey .
2. Prepare hypothesis and select a suitable method to obtain the solution.
3. Design and conduct experiment
4. Record observations, data, and results and their interpretation
5. Use software applications effectively to write technical reports and oral presentations
6. Applying modern engineering tools for the system design, simulation and analysis.

Course Content:
Students are required to work on project in any of the areas related to Civil Engineering. The
students will work 3 hours per week with his / her supervisor(s).


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