MIcroeconomics Case Study Cigarette

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Are Cigarettes overtaxed

in India?
Prepared By – Aakash, Aditya, Amit, Ankit Jain and
Ankit Rathore.
Problem Identification
Situation Analysis

Volume of tobacco consumption is

significantly decreasing. The reason
behind the same is currently just 12
percent of tobacco consumers are
cigarette smokers and they are
paying 87 percent of the excise
revenue. Rest comes from the
informal sector which amounts to just Cigarettes as a Percentage in Tobacco
Year Excise from Tobacco Volume % Excise %
13 percent. This has led to rapid 1971-72 277.5 23 70
shrinking of tobacco tax base in the 1981-82 834.8 21 82
1993-94 3140 16 87
tobacco sector.
Problem Statement

1. The policy of revenue generation through taxation on

tobacco products is not formalised. It is creating inequality
of tax incidence which is way higher when compared to the
income inequality in the country.

2. Because of excessive taxation on formal sector, viz.,

cigarettes, informal sector viz., bidis consumption is
increasing and taxation on the same is not easy.

3. The focus of government is more on Taxation on

cigarette rather than increasing tax base in tobacco sector.
Possible Solutions
1. Proper policy has to be framed for taxation in the tobacco

2. Bidis and non – smoking products have to be regularized in

terms of taxation, production and uniformity should be maintained
in terms of size of the products.

3. Excise on cigarettes has to be reduced and simultaneously has

to be increased on informal sector so that the tax evasion from
formal sector (Black market) could be avoided. This will
automatically lead to increase in tax base of formal tobacco sector.
1. Formalisation of policy in tobacco sector will lead
to increase in government revenue while keeping the
tax base in check. Also this will not lead to
excessive tax burden on any particular product.

2. Formalisation of policy will also avoid black

marketing of excessive tax products of tobacco
sector as will prevent the migration of consumers
from formal to informal sector.

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