ME6004 - Unconventional Machining Processes Part-A

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Department of Mechanical Engineering

ME6004 – Unconventional Machining Processes


1. What are maskants in Chemical Machining process?

2. Distinguish between Electro-Chemical Machining and Electroplating.
3. Why there is no need to have short circuit protection device in ECG system?
4. Name the various that influence the performance of Chemical Machining process.
5. Mention the applications of ECH.
6. What do you understand by in-process dressing during ECG?
7. Write the formula for finding the MRR in ECM process.
8. State the working principle of Plasma Arc Machining.
9. What is the main difference between transferred arc and non-transferred arc mode in the case of
Plasma Arc Machining process?
10. Can you machine electrically conductive materials by PAM?
11. Name the beam control techniques of EBM.
12. Why vacuum is needed in Electron Beam Machining process?
13. What is meant by Laser Beam Machining?
14. What are the important process parameters of Electron Beam Machining?
15. What is meant by Laser Beam Drilling?


1. (i) Describe the process of ECM with a neat sketch. (10)

(ii) Discuss the various process parameters affecting the MRR in chemical machining process. (5).

2. Explain the working principle of ECG with neat sketches. List its advantages and its applications.

3. Explain the Electro-chemical honing process with example.

4. Explain with a neat sketch, the working principle of LBM process. List its applications.

5. (i) Sketch the Electron Beam Gun and explain the functions of each part.(10)
(ii) Write short notes on the applications of EBM in aerospace and electronics industries. (5)
6. Explain the principle of PAM with a neat sketch.

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