Review Petition Final (V2)
Review Petition Final (V2)
Review Petition Final (V2)
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solar plants as per the UERC (Tariff and Other Terms for
(RE Regulations).
glass and offers end to end solutions across the entire glass
manufacturing chain.
State of Uttarakhand.
Regulation 35
the impugned order, Tthis limit has now been revised. Under
load/contract demand.
Reasons for Draft UERC (Tariff and Other Terms for Supply
hereto as Annexure G.
Annexure I.
by the Petitioners.
hereto as Annexure L.
The cause of action for filing the present review petition has
exemption/ relaxation.
(ii) The limit of 500 KW under the old regulations or 1 MW Formatted: Not Highlight
decided in an order:
ruled upon. The impugned order does not give any ruling in
impugned order.
D. Evidently, iIn the present case, the main issue raised by the Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.2", Hanging: 0.39",
Numbered + Level: 1 + Numbering Style: A, B, C, … +
Start at: 1 + Alignment: Left + Aligned at: 0.25" +
Petitioners has not been addressed or even ruled upon in the Indent at: 0.5"
ir rule upon this request. The imposition of the 500 KMW Formatted: Not Highlight
Formatted: Not Highlight
aggregate capacity limit will act as a roadblock to realizing the
KMW limit does not take into account many crucial factors Formatted: Not Highlight
capacity limit:
9200 KVA.
this reason.
following judgment:
Bacchraj Nahar v. Nilima Mandal (2008) 17 SCC 491 Formatted: Space After: 0 pt
“8….A Court cannot make out a case not pleaded. The
court should confine its decision to the question raised in
that were never raised and ignores the main issue regarding
ground. MNRE had imposed the cap due to limited funds and
capacity limit.
the Petitioner No.2 has sought net metering only for a plant of
61, 66, 86(1)(e) and 181 of the Act. The relevant portions of
Section 86(1)(e)
Annexure M.
as Annexure N.
(iv) Tamil Nadu: Order No. 3 of 2013 dated 13.11.2013on Formatted: Space After: 0 pt
Solar Energy Policy 2012 also lays down the capacity range
Annexure O.
plea for the grant of relaxation of the capacity limit under the
S.T. Even in States where there is a plant size based limit for net
Order dated 10.09.2018 in Petition No. 1334/2018 Formatted: Indent: Left: 1", Line spacing: single
“2.The matter was heard earlier on 09.08.2018 and UPPCL Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.94", Hanging: 0.06", Tab
had asked for one week time to file their reply on the stops: 0.94", Left + Not at 0.44"
Order dated 10.09.2018 in Petition No. 1326/2018 Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.94", Hanging: 0.06", Line
spacing: single, Tab stops: 0.94", Left + Not at 0.44"
“3. DLW, Varanasi has got two connections from the
DiscomOne connection is for 5867 KVA for Workshop and
another connection of 2889KVA for the Colony. DLW wants
to install one RSVP plant of 1.2 MW for workshop load and
one connection of 850KVa for the Colony load The
Commission find that the RSPV plant of 850KV meant for
the Colony is below the 1MW ceiling therefore no
relaxation is required for this plant. However, for 1.2MW
plart related to Workshop there seems to be no objection
for granting the relaxation The objections of PUVVNL are of
general nature and keeping in view the broad objectives of
Rooftop Solar Scheme these objections cannot be allowed
to stop the permission for the proposed Roof Top Solar
Installation. Therefore the Commission decided to relax the
1MW ceiling for 1.2 MW Roof Top Solar Plant proposed to
be installed against the Workshop load under UPERC
RSPV Grid Regulation 2015.”
Formatted: Space After: 0 pt
Order dated 24.07.2018 in Petition No. 1317/2018 Formatted: List Paragraph, Indent: Left: 0.94",
Hanging: 0.06", Line spacing: single, Tab stops: 0.94",
“3.The Respondent, NPCL submitted an affidavit dated Left + Not at 0.44"
26.06.2018 saying that it has no specific objection to the
prayer and vide letter dated 22.03.2018 it has already
Riven No Objection NPCL also affirmed that there is no
technical constraint in providing grid connectivity for the
proposed capacity NPCL asked the petitioner to provide
necessary facilities for communication and storage of data
and other parameters as stipulated in CEA (technical
standard for connectivity of the distribution generation
resources Regulations, 2010 dated 30.11.2013
4. The petitioner agreed to comply with the requirement of
the respondent.
5. The Commission considering the above, decided to invoke
"power to relax under clause 16 of RSVP Regulations and
allowed the petitioner to set up roof top solar system of 2
35 MW (DC).”
T.U. The only justification that can exist for refusing to relax
the following:
(i) The premises at which the Plant is proposed to be Formatted: Space After: 0 pt
Annexure Q (Colly.).
premises; and
X.Y. Hence and in view of the above, the capacity limit restriction
I, Alok Verma, s/o Kashi Nath Verma, aged about 32 years, do