SRS E Learning
SRS E Learning
SRS E Learning
1. Introduction 2
1.1 Purpose 2
1.2 Scope 2
1.3 Definitions, Acronyms, and Abbreviations 3
2. Requirements 3
2.1 Functional Requirements 3
2.2 Non-Functional Requirements 4
3. Use Case Diagram 5
4. Class Diagram 7
5. Sequence Diagrams 8
Software Requirement Specification
1. Introduction
The basic purpose of this document is to present the detailed requirements E learning system.
Student and Teacher are the main parts of this system. By building this system we will facilitate
the student and the Tutors. Through this system the Student can learn academic courses.
Teachers can easily upload the video lectures and can put the price of whole course. Student can
also enroll by paying the amount of course and at the end of the Course they will be certified by
the system and Approved by the teacher, Teachers can see the number of students of the course
they will receive the payment and the system will deduct its fee for the course because it is
providing a facility to the teacher and students. Students can pay through various sources. And
there is admin also who can manage all the courses that teacher has uploaded and can rank them
according to the criteria. Admin can manage the students record and update and delete their data
of study.
1.1 Purpose
The purpose of this Requirements Elicitation documents is to provide a clear understanding what
is actually Online Learning system and to identify the critical requirements essential for the
projects successful completion. These requirements provide an abstract overview of the Online
Learning system and provides a general overview of the entire project. This SRS describes the
software requirements both functional and non-functional for the System (E-Learning Sytem).
This document is intended to be used by the members of the project team that will implement
and verify the correct functioning of the system. All requirements specified here are unless
stated otherwise. This document will be used in all phases of Software Process.
This document is intended for providing an abstract overview of Online Learning system and
general overview of entire project. It will give the access to the student and the Teacher to share
their important data and to do all activities between student and Teachers related to study safely.
The scope of this document:
• Functional and Non-Functional requirements
• Stake Holders
• E-Learning System
• Tutors
• Administrator
Software Requirement Specification
1.3Definitions, Acronyms, and Abbreviations
Administrator A person who has all the authority of database
Product Functions
This software package is expected to offer the following services:
1. Administrator
a) To facilitate the maintenance of important records of student and Teachers.
b) To maintain record of any student and to provide solutions if user have any type of
2. For Teachers
a) Teachers can upload their courses and can manage them. They will be able to Put price
on their own. They can Receive payments. They can see the number of students of the
3. For Student
a) Facility to check the courses, receive all the tasks by sitting at one place and submit them there.
Student can pay for course and will be certified after the course.
2. Requirements
Software Requirement Specification
Manage Profile:
The user must be able to edit the profile from the setting they should perform various changes to
the profile.
Search Courses:
The Student Should be able to search the course on the Software he must have access to see
every course on the system.
Manage Courses:
The Teacher Must Edit the Courses he should update, Delete, Add the videos to his various
Top Rated Courses:
The System Should show the top-rated course of all time in the system.
Interest Category:
The System should show the courses to the use according to his area of interest.
Submit Ratings:
The Student must be able to rate the according to his experience. And should provide the
feedback in detail.
The user must log out from the system when he wants to.
2.2 Non-Functional Requirements
The system needs to log client’s information of registration such as IP address and time for security
Password should encrypt and store in the database.
The system developing using Struts, all action is detailed in struts-config.xml and web.xml that
easy to modify and make update.
The web application is coding in J2EE and Struts, therefore, it should be transferable between
different OS and Java container
The system shall allow the users to access the system from the Internet using HTML or its
derivative technologies. The system uses a web browser as an interface. Since all users are
familiar with the general usage of browsers, no specific training is required.
The system is user friendly and self-explanatory.
The system has to be very reliable due to the importance of data and the damages incorrect or
incomplete data can do.
The system is available 100% for the user and is used 24 hours a day and 365 days a year. The
system shall be operational 24 hours a day and 7 days a week.
Mean Time between Failures (MTBF)
The system will be developed in such a way that it may fail once in a year.
Mean Time to Repair (MTTR)
Even if the system fails, the system will be recovered back up within an hour or less.
Software Requirement Specification
The accuracy of the system is limited by the accuracy of the speed at which the Student can use
the system without any worry.
Access Reliability
The system shall provide 100% access reliability
Software Requirement Specification
Software Requirement Specification
4. Class Diagram
Object Classes:
• Student
• Lecturer
• Admin
• Payment
• Video
• Course
• Login
• Ratings
Software Requirement Specification
5. Sequence Diagrams
Log in:
Actors: Student, Admin, Lecturer
Software Requirement Specification
Search Course
Actors: Student
Learn Course:
Actor: Student
Software Requirement Specification
Submit Ratings:
Actor: Student
View Students:
Actor: Lecturer
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Software Requirement Specification
Get Certification:
Actor: Student
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Software Requirement Specification
Make Payment:
Actor: Student
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Software Requirement Specification
Receive Payments:
Actor: Lecturer
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Software Requirement Specification
Manage Course:
Actors: Admin, Lecturer
Manage Lecture:
Actors: Admin, Lecturer
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Software Requirement Specification
Update user:
Actor: Admin
Delete Record:
Actor: Admin
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Software Requirement Specification
Upload Video Lectures:
Actor: Lecturer
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Software Requirement Specification