NP PU Rec Finish
NP PU Rec Finish
NP PU Rec Finish
Product Description:
NIPPON POLYURETHANE RECOATABLE FINISH has been developed to provide a highly durable
direct gloss and colour retention topcoat finish, incorporating an extensive range of performance
characteristics. NIPPON POLYURETHANE RECOATABLE FINISH, applied over such proven priming
systems, offers outstanding operational performance including abrasion, chemical and impact
resistance and colour/gloss retention.
Chemical Resistance : Good resistance to oils, fats, aqueous solution and most
industrial chemicals.
Performance Characteristics:
Theoretical Coverage At :
12.0 m /litre (for dry film thickness of 50 microns)
Recommended Dry Film Thickness
Theoretical Coverage = Volume Solids (%) X 10
(m2/litre) Dry Film Thickness (µ)
Practical Coverage : 2
9.6 m /litre (for dry film thickness of 50 microns)
(20% Loss Factor)
Note : This theoretical coverage rate has been calculated from the volume solids of the material and is related to the amount of
coating applied onto a perfectly smooth surface without wastage. For a practical coverage rate, due allowance should be made
for atmospheric conditions, surface roughness, geometry of the article being coated, the skill of applicator, method of application
etc. when estimating quantities required for a particular job.
Application Methods : Brush, roller, compressed air spray and airless spray. Preferably
use airless spray if a thicker coat is required in one application.
Brush, roller, compressed air spray generally lead to lower film
thickness, so more applications may be required to obtain the
recommended thickness per coat.
1) Brush/Roller : Recommended for small areas and touch-up only. Good quality
brushes and mohair/ short nap rollers should be used with full
strokes. Avoid rebrushing. Thin up to 10% by volume of Nippon
PU Recoatable Thinner for proper flow-out. Additional coats
may be required to achieve minimum specified film thickness.
The above information is given to the best of our knowledge based on laboratory tests and practical experience. However, since
we cannot anticipate or control the many conditions under which our products may be used, we can only guarantee the accuracy
of our information or the suitability of our products in any given condition.
We reserve the right to alter the given data without notice.