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Golden Retriever Female Puppy Growth Chart: Age Avg Food Food

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Golden Retriever Female Puppy Growth Chart

Age Avg Food Food

(in Kgs) (in gms/day) (in cups/day)
7 weeks 4
8 weeks 5
9 weeks 5
10 weeks 7
11 weeks 8
3 months 10 512 2
4 months 14 663 3
5 months 18 800 3.5
6 months 20 775 3
7 months 20 775 3
8 months 24 775 3
9 months 24 725 3
10 months 27 725 3
11 months 29 725 3
1 year 32 700 3
2 years 32 Adult Feed

Your Golden Retriever puppy has a built-in timer that prompts him to eat on schedule. Give him three meals a day for
then feed him twice a day for the rest of his life. Most breeders and professional trainers prefer twice-daily feeding. S
once a day, but smaller meals are more satisfying, promote better weight control, and may prevent bloating, which is
Plus, your dog will think it’s a big deal getting that food bowl twice a day.

Feed your puppy at 6 to 7 a.m., again about noon, and dinner no later than 5 or 6 p.m. For easier house training, don’
don’t give him water after 7 p.m. Give him an ice cube to chew on if he gets thirsty. A 10 p.m. trip outside should carry h

He will need three meals a day for a few weeks. Start feeding twice a day when he’s about 11 or 12 weeks old. Meal si
but the average Golden puppy at 7 weeks is polishing off about 1/3 to 1/2 cup of dry food at each meal. Feed it dry w
side. Feeding dry will help prevent plaque and tartar build-up on his teeth, most important after his adult teeth are in.

Feed your puppy in the same place every day with no distractions like kids and cats so that he can concentrate on the
about 20 to 30 minutes for each meal. If he doesn’t finish during that time, pick up his food and offer the same amount
add the leftover kibble from the prior meal to the next.

When should you increase his food allotment? When he’s finishing every kibble at two out of three meals, bump up
going from a level 1/3 cup to a heaping 1/3 cup at first, then increase to a scant 1/2 cup, then a level 1/2 cup, a hea
ladder according to your puppy’s appetite.

Some pups are voracious eaters and gobble up their food like it’s their last meal, and others are more finicky and ju
food. Some puppies also go through eating spurts and will eat with more or less vigor at certain times. Not to wor
should be an overweight puppy. Keep him lean.
Now, what do you do?

When your new golden retriever first comes home, s/he may not eat too much for a few days. This is, in part, due to t
to yours. It is also, and maybe moreso, due to the fact that the puppy now does not have the competition of it's g
beside him/her at the feeding bowl. Do not worry, the puppy will begin eating normally.
We highly advocate scheduled feedings for Golden Retrievers (remember however, that cool, fresh water should be a
during crating).

Your golden retriever puppy has been eating three times a day at approximately 8:00 a.m., 3:30 p.m., and 11:00 p.m.
in stone. We recommend the final feeding to be approximately 1-1/2 hours before your bedtime (allowing you to get p
after eating (see "Housebreaking") and again just before your bedtime. The morning feeding should be after you've ta
have it's pee and poo, and a little play session. Time the middle feeding at a halfway point between the morning a
closely to that as your schedule allows.

At first offer your golden retriever puppy about 3/4 - 1 cup of food. At the age of 8 weeks the pups are on dry food wit
should continue to add a little warm water (soaking not required). Let the pup have access to the food for about 20 m
eaten after this time disappears (manmade competition and the start of scheduled feedings). Continue this through the

As golden retriever puppies grow, so too do their appetites. If your puppy consistently finishes all of the food offered,
amount feed, 1/4 cup at a time. Some golden retriever puppies eat a lot, others eat less. Growing golden retrievers c
phenomenal amount (we've had a couple of male golden retriever pups which actually got up to 8 or 10 cups a day i
months). Just be careful not to overfeed. It is important that golden retrievers not become overweight. You should
readily when s/he is standing, by running your hands along it's sides. You should not have to "poke in" with your fingers

Three feedings to two ...

At some point between 12-20 weeks your golden retriever puppy will no longer require three feedings a day. A lot of
when that is. They will begin to pick at one of the meals, or sometimes eat a little of all. If you find your puppy is cons
meal (often the mid feeding), take the same amount of food you have been feeding in a day and divide it into two f
eating the same amount, just twice a day instead of thrice. It is highly recommended that you maintain two feeding
golden retriever, unless otherwise recommended by your veterinarian. Two feedings a day benefits good gastrointestin

Should your golden retriever puppy not signal you that s/he is ready for two feedings a day, at six months we recomme
feedings per day.

When to switch to adult food ...

At one year of age or when your veterinarian recommends. We change our golden retriever puppies to adult food at
the individual puppy and its needs. We continue to moisten the food with warm water throughout the life of the do
golden retrievers eat between 3 and 4 cups per day, while male golden retrievers eat between 3-1/2 and 5 cups per
golden to golden based on individual metabolism and activity level.

Fat dogs, obese dogs, and lazy dogs ...

All golden retrievers, just like people, have different metabolisms. This is further altered by activity level and age. "
formulas are available and you may find that you have to switch your golden retriever to these under certain circ
suggest that you enlist the opinion of your veterinarian should you feel that your golden retriever is gaining weight (ch
helping your dog to get it's daily required exercise (see Exercising Your Puppy/Adult Golden Retriever).
Food for your pet

Dog is a carnivorous creature, that's why protein stuffs is to be the main food: meat, mainly fresh meat, dairy produce a
soups won't be enough to grow up your puppy. They favor a friable constitution, but cocker must be robust.

Meay. Beef is recommended, mainly uncooked. Many dogs don't like smell of blood and decline to eat uncooked meat.
pour boiling water on it or fry it slightly. Till one year a puppy needs meat 50 grams per each kilogram of body weight. F
grams of meat daily is enough. Liver, kidneys, heart, udder contain many useful substances, but should be given after t
Always add in meat food vegetables cut in little pieces. Never give bones. But there is an exception for this rule concern
cartilages. You may give coiled chicken throat crushed with hammer.

Dairy priduce. Curd is of cause the first place as the main source of digestible calcium. Till the puppy is one year old on
reach in calcium, which can be prepared at home. For that put 2 tablespoons of 10 per cent calcium chloride solution in
Put ready curd into sieve. After the whey flows down, cool the curd and give to a puppy. The whey you may use as a dr
flakes and give them in next feeding.

Milk is food and not drink. It's very useful but may cause diarrhea in some dogs. Yogurt and curdled milk have good infl
are very useful. It's good to add grated cheese in porridges and vegetable mixes. One may also use it as a reward durin

Eggs. Highly nourishing food. Raw yolks are best to give mixed with dairy produces or porridge. Raw whites are undesi
not assimilated. One may give eggs boiled or as an omelet. In case of regular meat feeding one-two eggs a week is en

Cereals and bread. These produces can't be the main food for a cocker, but in small amounts one can and even to use
different cereals is different. Oat flakes are on the first place. One should soak them in yogurt, whey, broth or milk. It is b
and to an adult dog always give raw flakes. One may cook porridges with rice, buckwheat or millet for a puppy. Pearl ba
puppy, and should be given only in small portions, or better to be excluded from the ration of puppy. It would be good to
pumpkin and other vegetables, except for potatoes during preparing porridge on milk. It is necessary to offer an adult a
made of rye bread.

Vegetables. Carrots, cabbage, pumpkin, turnip, squashes, beet and other vegetables are useful when cut into little piec
with a little portion oil or sour cream. Fresh cut greens such as parsley, lettuce, onion and garlic green, fennel are an ex
the main food. Vegetable mixture may go as an independent dish for a puppy. Fresh berries, fruits both fresh and dried
Boiled pumpkin in porridge is good as a food rich in vitamin and as a vermifuge. When organizing a feeding for puppy, t
that you should accustom him to eating milk products (especially to curds) vegetables and fruits from early age.

Garlic. Fresh minced garlic (1 clove) on the piece of bread with butter is useful to give both to a puppy and adult dog we

Raisins, dried fruits, cheese. All this is appropriate and useful to apply as an encouragement during training.

Salt. Dog needs much less salt than human. Therefore one needn't to salt food for dog. It's enough to give a piece of he

Chalk, coal. These apparently needed for a puppy during the period of intensive growth and development of skeleton. P
should be easy to access. As far as he needs, a dog will gnaw them.
In the period when teeth change (from 3 to 7 months) it's recommended to give 2-3 pills of calcium gluconate or lactate

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