Individual Assignment Spring 2019

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CCM-CPCM 0007-Spring 2019-CW-QP

Individual Assignment Spring 2019

Module: Construction Cost Management (CPCM 0007)

Level: M Max. Marks: 100 Duration: 9 weeks


This module provides critical awareness of the concepts, theories and principles relevant to
preparing budget costs and understanding cost control techniques used for monitoring project
cost and progress of the projects. In particular, this assignment is a step forward to enhance
students’ ability in exploring the procurement and tendering principles employed. In addition, the
student, in this assignment, will critically discussed the techniques used and factors impacting
upon the construction estimating process; and cost management tools that are current in the
industry and how these are deployed in managing the construction project throughout the various
stages of the project.

In this assessment, you are required to critically evaluate and appraise procurement strategies
applicable to the assigned project and the tendering methods that can be adopted to construction
the project. On the other hand, it is required to evaluate the cost information required to procure
the projects. This includes pricing of tender and the impact of Health and Safety and risk on project

Students are required to study the principles of procurement and tendering strategies introduced
in the literature and references. Evaluation of cost management and pricing of the construction
project must be analyzed, discussed, via exploring academic and technical journals, conference
proceedings, codes and standards, and case studies in the field of construction. Through reviewing
the literature and similar projects data, the students are, also, required to learn, identify and
discuss the assessments of Health and Safety precautions and their associated cost implications
on construction projects.

Task 1: Tender Bid Report (30 %)

You are working as a planning engineer in a technical office of AAA construction firm. Your
company intends to participate in a tender for a construction project. The Employer is a
governmental organization and they require that project shall be constructed in 2-years meeting

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Oman quality standards. Based on the review of literature and collected data, the student has to
clearly discuss procurement and tendering methods that can be applied and implemented to the
assigned project as given in Appendix 1 (student can select other project after approval from ML).
In the preparation of this task, the student has to criticize and critically discuss at least three
primary recent (not before 2017) international journal articles in addition to a good balance
between other resources (textbooks, dissertations, proceedings, etc.) covering the following

 Critically evaluate and appraise the selected procurement strategy applicable to the
construction project.
 Discussing the bidding strategy and the selected tendering approach for the project.
 Generally, prepare and assess the tender plan as well as the tender price.
 Evaluate the Health and Safety precautions and their associated cost implications on your

The word count for this task is 1500 words (with maximum 10% more). Student work in this task will
be evaluated based on the submitted writ-up along with oral presentation.

Intended Module Learning Outcomes

On completion of Task 1, student shall be able to:

 Critically evaluate and appraise procurement strategies applicable to construction projects

and the tendering methods as currently used in the construction industry (Theory and
 Evaluate the relevance of procurement strategies and cost information required to procure
construction projects. This includes pricing of tender and the impact of Health and Safety
and risk on project cost.

Task 2: Individual Report (65 %)

Each student has to select an actual large-scale construction project with sufficient size and/or
complexity to warrant the discussion of such plan. It is preferred to select a project within the
construction phase in order to facilitate the collection of data. Student should submit a report within
2000 word count (maximum 10% more) discussing the cost management plan for the assigned
project. The report should include:

 The principles of budget preparation, and critical discussion for the sources and nature of
information required for cost estimating.
 Evaluate and apply range of estimating methods for cost advice (in addition to profit) using
various examples (excavation and earthwork; concrete work; brickwork and block work) with
particular emphasis on industry and professional standards such as NRM2. It is required to
evaluate all methods but you have to use any one of them to discuss.
 Critical discussion for the effect of construction methods on the project cost.
 Apply and evaluate various construction cost management tools and techniques throughout
the contract administration stages of the construction project

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 Apply value engineering concept to improve the project value.

The first efforts must be made through reading and studies to explore and learn about procurement
methods, tendering strategies, cost management, estimating, and the relevant common practices and
policies in construction industry. Arrange visits to the site and meetings with the site engineers and
managers to obtain more information related to your assignments. Next step is to arrange the
information you received into proper format to generate a report. It is better to support your report
with tables, visual Illustration and photographs (if possible); moreover discussion about used
materials, adopted methods, etc., wherever necessary. Proper citation with good balance between
academic journals, professional practice, textbooks must be carried out.

Note: A Self-reflection report with 500 word count (with 10% more/less) on the industry expert talk
has to be submitted as a part of this CW. The main area of this report will be generally covered by an
external expertise.

Intended Module Learning Outcomes

On completion of Task 2, student shall be able to:

 Use the concepts and principles in preparation of budget costing and evaluate analytical
estimating methods for building and civil engineering projects.
 Evaluate and apply a range of estimating methods for cost advice – including approximate
estimating, operational estimating, unit rate estimating and preliminaries using various
examples (excavation and earthwork; concrete work; brickwork and block work) and bidding
 Critically evaluate the analytical estimating methodologies and their applications to given
case studies with particular emphasis on industry and professional standards such as NRM2.
 Apply and evaluate various construction cost management tools and techniques throughout
the contract administration stages of the construction project.

Task 3: Proposal (5%)

Each student has to submit a proposal within one week of assignment discussion. Separate link
will be created in Moodle for proposal submission (500 words, 10% more/less).

Proposal should include;

 A brief introduction for the selected construction projects.

 Clear idea on the tasks given in the assignment and plan of completing the tasks (task 1
& 2).

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 The computer generated report should be in 12, Times New Roman and black and white.
 Line spacing: Generally use 1.5 x line spacing.
 Start with the title page (including your name) or student number as requested.
 It is preferable to place figures within the text rather than group them at the end of the report.
 Give a sequential number to all figures (Fig. 1, Fig. 2, Fig. 3, etc.)
 Add a brief, informative caption to the figures.
 You should provide material supported by appropriate recent citations (minimum 5
references for any components), references [Refer to Coventry Harvard Referencing guide on
Moodle] and appendices to support your report.
 A minimum of ten references are expected at this level of study.
 You should provide a word count at the end of each task.
 The report should contain a title, table of contents, introduction (goal and objectives of report,
main sources used, structure, etc.), body, conclusion (revealing all findings, directly related
to objectives), list of references, appendices, etc.
 Colored graphs and charts are allowed. Please label diagrams, charts and annexures
 From 20 to 30 professional PowerPoint slides should be submitted.
 The standard report writing format including but not limited to, chapter headings (on new
page), and section/sub T section headings; section numberings, indentations, margins, etc.
should be followed.
 In case if the student is willing to visit any site under construction, he has to follow all the
Health and Safety requirements and it has to be discussed with the Module instructor first.
 A student has to read the “PG Student Handbook” for more guidance and to know all the
details about the general specs, requirement of the program.

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Assessment Criteria
Task 1
For a mark of For a mark of For a mark of For a mark of For a mark of
>70% 60-69% 50-59% 40-49% 40%
Task Brief

The student in this task Demonstrating Show a clear Show an acceptable Show an adequate Made an attempt
has to clearly discuss outstanding understanding understanding and understanding of to complete the
procurement and knowledge and
and good use of use of relevant the Procurement tasks.
tendering methods that depth of relevant
can be applied and theories, relevant theories, concepts strategies.
implemented to the concepts and theories, and practices Show little or no
assigned project. In the practices related concepts and related to Attempt some understanding of
preparation of this task to Procurement Procurement analysis and the principles,
practices related
covering the following strategies. discussion.
to Procurement strategies. theories, and
strategies. Adequate display practices related to
Critically evaluate and Outstanding Display knowledge of the adopted Procurement
appraise the selected display and Clear display of of some of the Tendering strategies.
procurement strategy evaluation of the adopted principles, theories, approach.
applicable to the adopted Tendering
methodologies, and Little or no evidence
construction project. Tendering approach. Adequate
approach. practices related of analysis.
evaluation bidding
Discussing bidding to Tendering
strategy and the selected strategy as well as
approaches. Made an attempt to
tendering approach. Outstanding Clear display H&S
display and and evaluation
Prepare the tender plan evaluation of the Acceptable analysis improvements in the
of the bidding Adequate
as well as the tender price bidding strategy. strategy. of the bidding bidding and
presentation and
strategy. tendering models.
Evaluate the Health and Outstanding structure, grammar
Safety precautions and display and Clear evaluation Accepted and spelling, links to
their associated cost evaluation of of the effect the supporting
implications on your adopted health evaluation the H&S Poor/weak
adopted health evidence.
project. and Safety and Safety precautions and presentation,
precautions and precautions and cost implication. grammar and
its associated its associated Adequate
spelling, links to
cost implications. cost implications Acceptable referencing. CU
supporting evidence
. on project cost. Harvard Style used
Outstanding presentation and and/or unacceptable
but may contain
presentation, structure, presentation,
Good some inaccuracies.
logically acceptable grammar and
structured, using presentation,
grammar and spelling, structure is
correct grammar completely
spelling, adequate very poor, links to
and spelling, structured,
excellent cross- links to supporting supporting evidence.
referencing and evidence.
grammar and
links to Little or no
supporting spelling,
Acceptable referencing,
evidence. acceptable links
referencing. Incorrect style, or
Presented to a to supporting
publishable Generally accurate very inaccurate use
standard. use of CU Harvard of CU Harvard.
Accurate Generally well
referencing and referenced with
bibliography correct use of
correctly using the CU Harvard
the CU Harvard

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Assessment Criteria
Task 2
For a mark of For a mark of For a mark of For a mark of For a mark of
>70% 60-69% 50-59% 40-49% 40%
Task Brief

The student has to discuss Outstanding Clear analysis of Acceptable analysis Adequate Made an attempt
the cost management analysis of the the budget of the budget evaluation of the to complete the
plan for the assigned budget costing, costing,
costing, analytical budget costing, tasks.
project. This tasks covers: analytical analytical
 The principles of estimating estimating estimating methods analytical
preparation budget methods for the methods for the for the construction estimating methods Show little or no
costing, evaluation construction construction project. for the construction understanding of
analytical estimating project. project. project the principles,
methods for the
Accepted theories, and
construction project, and Outstanding Clear evaluation
critical discussion for the evaluation of the of the effect of evaluation the Adequate practices related to
sources and nature of effect of construction effect of evaluation the cost management
information required for construction methods on the construction effect of strategies.
cost estimating. methods on the project cost. methods on the construction
 project cost
project cost methods on the Little or no evidence
 Evaluate and apply a Clear
range of estimating Outstanding evaluation of project cost of analysis.
methods for cost advice in evaluation of the the cost Accepted
addition to profit. cost management evaluation of the Adequate Made an attempt to
 management tools cost management evaluation of the suggest
 Critical discussion for the tools tools cost management
improvements in the
effect of construction tools
Clear cost estimating
methods on the project
cost. Outstanding discussion for Accepted discussion Accepted discussion models.
 applying of the applying of the for applying of the for applying of the
 Critically evaluate the value value value management value management Made an attempt to
analytical estimating management management
concept concept concept evaluate the effect
methodologies and their concept
of construction
 Acceptable Adequate methods on the
 Apply and evaluate Outstanding presentation and project cost
presentation, presentation and
various construction cost presentation, structure,
logically completely structure, grammar
management tools and acceptable and spelling, links to Poor/weak
techniques throughout structured, using structured,
correct grammar grammar and supporting presentation,
the contract acceptable
administration stages of and spelling, spelling, adequate evidence. grammar and
grammar and
the construction project. excellent cross- links to supporting spelling, links to
referencing and spelling,
Apply value engineering evidence. Adequate supporting evidence
links to acceptable links
concept to improve the supporting referencing. CU and/or unacceptable
to supporting
project value. evidence. Acceptable Harvard Style used presentation,
Presented to a referencing. but may contain grammar and
publishable Generally accurate some inaccuracies. spelling, structure is
standard. Generally well
use of CU Harvard very poor, links to
referenced with
Accurate Style. supporting evidence.
correct use of
referencing and the CU Harvard
bibliography Little or no
correctly using Style
the CU Harvard
Incorrect style, or
very inaccurate use
of CU Harvard.

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Date of Submission:

 Proposal (covering task 1 & task 2) due date: 20-March

 Individual Report (task 1& task 2) due date: 12-May
 Submission of work has to be through Moodle.

Important note

Soft copy of the report handed in after the submission date will be subject to MEC Regulations on the
late submission of work. Please do not search the internet for an article and merely present it as your
own. Plagiarism will be dealt with as per the MEC Plagiarism Policy.


Upon the discretion of the faculty, student may be called for the viva. Failing to appear for

VIVA or to respond to the questions asked during VIVA may lead to fail in the assessment.

Clarification on Plagiarism Policy

As per MEC policy, any form of violation of academic integrity will invite severe penalty. Plagiarized
documents, in part or in whole, submitted by the students will be subject to this policy.

A. First offence of plagiarism

a. A student will be allowed to re-submit the assignment once, within a maximum period of one week.
However, a penalty of deduction of 25% of the marks obtained for the resubmitted work will be imposed.

b. Mark deduction: When the work is resubmitted, the marking will be undertaken according to the
marking criteria. In compliance with this policy, the 25% deduction is then made on the marks obtained.
For example, in an assessment that carries a maximum of 50 marks, suppose a student were to obtain 30
marks for the resubmitted work, the final marks for that assessment will be 22.5 (after deducting 25% of
the marks actually obtained for the resubmitted work).

c. Period of resubmission: The student will have to resubmit the work one week from the date he or she
is advised to resubmit. For example, if the formal advice to resubmit was communicated to the student
on a Sunday (latest by 5 pm), the student will have to resubmit the work latest by next Sunday 5 pm.

d. If the re-submitted work is also detected to be plagiarized, then the work will be awarded a zero.

e. Resubmission of the work beyond the maximum period of one week will not be accepted and the work
will be awarded a zero.

B. Any further offence of plagiarism

a. If any student is again caught in an act of plagiarism during his/her course of study (either in the same
module, same semester or in any other semester), the student will directly be awarded zero for the

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work in which plagiarism is detected. In such cases, the student will not be allowed to re-submit the

C. Guidelines

a. Type 1: In case plagiarism is detected in any component or part submission (submitted at different
times) of one assessment (assignment), the deduction in marks will be applicable for the whole
assessment (assignment), even if only the component or part submission alone needs to be

b. Type 2: In case plagiarism is detected in a group assessment, all students of the group will be considered
as having committed an act of plagiarism irrespective of whether plagiarism is on account of the act of
all or a few or only one member. The policy will then be applied to all students.

c. Type 3: Combination of Type 1 and Type 2: In case plagiarism is detected in any component or part
submission (submitted at different times) of a group assessment (assignment), the deduction in marks
will be applicable for the whole assessment (assignment), even if only the component or part submission
alone needs to be resubmitted. All students of the group would be considered as having committed an
act of plagiarism irrespective of whether plagiarism is on account of the act of all or a few or only one
member. The policy will then be applied to all the students of the group.

d. Type 4: Variation of Type 1 and Type 2: In cases where the assessment consists of components
or part submissions that could be a group assessment component (e.g. group assignment) and an
individual assessment component (e.g. individual reflection), the following will be applicable:

1. If plagiarism is detected in the group assessment component, all students of the group will be considered
as having committed an act of plagiarism, irrespective of whether plagiarism is on account of the act of
all or a few or only one member. The policy will then be applied to all students of the group. In such
cases the group assessment component will be resubmitted as per the policy.

2. If plagiarism is detected in the individual assessment component, the individual assessment component
will be resubmitted as per the policy. The policy will then be applied to that student alone.

3. In both cases (a) and/or (b), the deduction in marks will be applicable for the whole assessment

D. Amount of similar material

a. The total amount of similar material in any form of student work from all sources put together
should not exceed 30% (including direct quotations).

b. The total amount of quoted material (direct quotations) in any form of student work from all sources
put together should not exceed 10%.

c. The total amount of similar material in any form of student work from a single source should not exceed
7 percent. However, cases having a similarity of less than 7 percent in such cases may still be investigated
by the faculty depending on the seriousness of the case.

d. If faculty member find enough merit in the case of a student work with a similarity (with a single source)
of more than 7 percent as not a case of plagiarism, the faculty member should provide detailed

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comments/remarks to justify the case.

Appendix 1: List of suggested Projects

Sample Project
National Stadium
Luxury Mega Mall
Megastructure Twin Towers
OMAN Trade Centre
Underwater Highway
industrial city project (100 Industrial plants, roads)
Construction of a 5-star hotel comprising (106) rooms.
World’s Tallest Hotel in OMAN
Cable Stayed Bridge
Concrete Bridge
Rail Tunnel construction
International Airport Terminal 5
Oman's Barriers to The Sea (water breaker)
The Muscat–Salalah Railway
New Port
Muscat Metro
Coastal Highway
A new planned city Contains a population of 600000
A green and sustainable city is to be built on a 4,000 hectares piece of land located several
kilometers southeast of Muscat
International Hospital (comprising 1000 beds)
Construction of Storage Dams

Note: You can suggest another project (other than the above list). It has to be discussed and after approval
from the module instructor, you might use it in your CW.

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