6.3 Neuro Case Pres
6.3 Neuro Case Pres
6.3 Neuro Case Pres
Submitted by:
4NUR-6, RLE 3
MAGUILLO, Sharmaine Joy R.
MALIMBAN, Irish Queenie L.
MALLORCA, Mikaela Janelle D.
MAMAUAG, Keisha Alyssa C.
MANECLANG, Wenn Joyrenz U.
MANGAOANG, Sabrina Alexandra M.
MANGINSAY, Liahnie Christine S.
MAPALO, Francesca Marie J.
Submitted to:
Geralynne G. Medrana, MAN, RN
8/6/2018 -NEUROLOGY-
6AM - Continue Nicardipine drip (20 mg in 80cc PNSS) to run at 30cc/hr
- Tofilac 30cc/hr
- For repeat Na @ 12nn
6:40AM - Inform us on final OR plans
- Titrate Nicardipine drip with increment/decrement 2cc/hr maintain SBP 110-
- Noted repeat Na
- Delay 12nn Na once available
8:45AM -CV-
- Nicardipine drip to follow 40mg in 60cc in PNSS to run at 50cc/hr
- To maintain SBP 120-140mmHg
- Declare CBG monitoring
- Start Lansoprazole 30mg OD
- Facilitate 2d echo with doppler once stable
- Inform on OR plans
- Aspiration precaution
9am -Nephro-
- Increase IVF rate PNSS to 80cc/hr
- Facilitate repeat Na at 12nn relay results once available
- No CA, ARB, NAIDS at all times
11:50AM - Asking main service if pt may be delayed and brought to San Damian
12:30PM - Please include CBC in next blood extraction
- May bring to san Damian
3:45PM Neuro
- -Give Myonal 50mg/tab TID
- Continue PT while admitted
- Passive ROM exercise c/o relatives
- Neurocognitive stimulation c/o relatives
8:57PM - We will continue serial neuro exam
8/14/2018 -Nephro-
7am - Refer to Opthalmology this Am
- Maintaing feeding and flushing
- Ensure accurate I &O monitoring
- We will continue OT and PT program today
- Continue upright position as tolerated
- Strictly no rem feeding
11am -CV-
- Continue IV meds
- Secure official 2d echo result and incorporate in chart
- Refer if with chest pain or hemodynamic instability
10PM -Optha-
• Pt seen and examined
• Assessment :
• No signs of retinopathy on time of examination, galucoma suspect both eye
• Plans:
Strict BP control, for perimetry 24-2 sit standard once abulto ambular, for compute
optha exam including factors visual
8/15/2018 Neuro-
5:15Am May give Paracetamol 500mg/tab
12:20PM -Nephro-
Facilitate KUBP UTZ today
Increase caloric value to1950 kcal/day
11:30AM -CV-
Continue present meds
Include CBC in blood extraction
8/17/18 -Nephro-
2:30PM Explained wife regarding RRT at this time still no consent
Wife denied and stick with medical therapy
8/18/18 -Nephro-
9:20AM Maintain IVF PNN @ 100cc/hr
11:05AM Accurate I &O monitoring
8:20pm -CV-
10:15PM • Noted repeat labs
• Increase Clonidine to 150mcg/tab q6
• Refer with SBP >140
• Give Lactulose 30cc now
• Request for ABG
• Facilitate repeat labs on Monday AM
8/19/18 -NEURO-
8:30am • Discontinue lactulose
10:35am • Permanently refuses to hav RRT done and insists on giving
supplementary/alternative medicinefor the patient
11:50AM -CV-
• Plan to start a-blockers if with pesistent BP elevation
• Schedule anti-HPN meds:
• 1. Clonidine 150mcg/tab q6
• 2. Amlodipine 10mg/tab OD
• 3.Carvedine 25mg/tab BID
Start NaHCO3 650mg/tab TID
10am -Neuro-
Maintain SBP 120-140mmHG
Bed turning q2h
Advised the relative to turn head from time to time to avoid neck stiffness
11AM Continue monitoring BP
Refer if experiencing any sign and symptom of hypo/hypertension, chest pain,
Amodipine 10mg/tab OD
Clonidine 150mcg/tab q6h
11AM Nephrology-
Maintain IVF rate to 100cc/hr
Combine NaHCO3 1tab TID
Please start Nicadipine drip 10mg in 90cc PNSS, titrate by increments and decrements
at 5cc/h to maintain SBP 12-140mmHg
08/21/2018 Neuro-
1:19am Continue Nicadipine drip 10mg in 90cc PNSS, titrate by increments and decrements at
5cc/h to maintain SBP 12-140mmHg
Hold feeding from now except meds
Continue to observe BM now
7:50AM -Nephro-
Please give due dose of Baclofen
Continue titrating Nicardipine drip to maintain < 160-190 if ok with cardio and neuro
Please inform us if patient will be maintained in NPO
Request for serum Crea, Na, K BUN
Continue Kalimate with NaHCO3
9am May resume feeding if tolerated
Continue titrating Nicardipine to maintain SBP 120-140mmHg
9am Continue titrating Nicardipine to maintain SBP <160-140mmHg
Facilitate lab request as ordered
Continue IV meds
Refer if with chest pain or hemodynamic instability
10:20AM -Nephro-
Maintain IVF PNSS 100cc/hr
Continue NAHCO3 tab BID
Continue accurate I & O monitoring
10:50AM -CV-
Please initiate Nicardipine drip to maintain SBP 140mmHg
Plan to increase ISMN tomorrow
Start Lactulose 30cc ODHS starting tomorrow with BM >2x a day
6:30PM -Neuro-
Continue titrating Nicardipine drip to maintain 120-140 mmHg
Refer if there is neuro deficits
8/23/2018 CV-
3:00 PM Shift Ammlodipine to Nifedipine 60mgtab OD
Give another dose of ISMN 30mg increase to 60mg/tab at 12nn
4PM -Neuro-
Discontinue Baclofen
Bed turning q2h
8/25/2018 -Neuro-
2:50PM • May go home from neuro standpoint
4:20PM • Final Dx:
• Intracerebral hemorrhage Left putamen with IVE 35cc by
modifiedRotharinated, NIHSS 24 to 18 MS 4
• THM:
• Paracetamo 500mg tab q6 as needed for headache
• Lactulose 30cc ODHS, hold if BM >2x
• Ff up after 2 weeks at neuro OPD (Sept 5. 2018)
8/26/2018 -Nephro-
10:40AM • Final Diagnosis: Acute kidney injury 2ndary to
• 1. Malignant hypertension-hypertensive emergency
• 2. Acute glomerulonephritis
• Medications NaHHCO3 650mg/tab 1tab OD
• Follow up at IM/Nephro OPD on Sept 3, 2018 with repeat Na, K, Crea, BUN,
CBC, urinalysis
• For complete opthalmologic examination if ok with main service and relatives
• Follow up opthalmology OPD same day as main seerial
8/27/2018 -Neuro-
9:45AM • For Crea BUN Na K in ffollow up at IM OPD on Sept 10, 2018
• Repeat urinalysis
• Increase Lactulose to 30cc/hr
• Kalimater1 sachet MWF whike still admitted on dialysis
• Immune dependency on nasal feeding c/o NOD
• THM:
• Carvediene 25mg/tabBID
• Cemidine 150mg/tab q6h
• ISMN 60mg/tab OD
• Nifedipine 60mg/tab BID
10:20 AM • Patient was seen and examined
• Diagnosis: Acute kidney injury 2ndary to
• 1. Malignant hypertension-hypertensive emergency
• 2. Acute glomerulonephritis
• Still advised renal biopsy
• For Crea BUN Na K in ffollow up at IM OPD on Sept 10, 2018
• Repeat urinalysis
• Give NaHCO3 1 tab TID
• Kalimate 1 sachet MWF while still admitted on dialysis
4:20PM • Seen and examined
• Still for home from our standpoint
• Refer if with deccrease in sensorium on sensoria neological deficits.
10:40AM • Still for discharge
• Discharge Instructions as previously given
• Increase oral flud intake
• Refer if with signs of hemodynamic instability
3:30 PM neuro
• Patient examined
• For plain cranial CT Scan as per relative’s report
• Still for home for standport
• Home meds as previously ordered
• Maintain SBP 120-140mmHg
8/29/2018 -Neuro-
12:10AM • Still for discharge
• We will continue neurological examination
• Refer accordingly
9:00 AM -Nephro-
• Still no objective for discharge
• Suggest to give Dulcolax ssuppository
• If still admitted, please report Na, K, crea, BUN please relay resuls once
10:20AM available
• Rule out nephro symptoms
• Report plain CT Scan noted
10:30AM • Continue medications while admitted
• Continue PT and OT while admitted
Still for discharge
Discharge instructions as previously given
Increase oral fluid intake
Refer if with signs of hemodynamic instabiity
GENERAL (-) fever, (-) weight loss, (-) weight gain, (-) weakness
SKIN Warm, slightly dry, good skin turgor
EYES (-) icteric sclera, (-) eye discharge
EAR (-) discharge, (-) deafness, (-) tinnitus
NOSE (-)epistaxis, (-)discharge, (-)obstruction, (-) sinusitis
MOUTH (-) bleeding gums, (-)fissures, (-) oral ulcers/sores
THROAT (-) tonsillitis, (-) hoarseness
NECK (-) neck stiffness, (-) dysphagia, (+) limitation of motion
PULMONARY (-) nonproductive cough, (-) dyspnea, (-) shortness of breath,
(-) colds
CARDIAC (-) chest pain, (-) palpitations, (-) cyanosis, (-) 2-pillow orthopnea, (-)
paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea
VASCULAR (-) phlebitis, (-) varicosities, (-) claudication
GASTRO-INTESTINAL (-) nausea, (-) vomiting, (-) abdominal pain, (-) diarrhea,
(-) constipation, (-)heartburn
MUSCOLOSKELETAL (+) unsteady gait, (-) joint pain, (-) arthralgia, (+) right sided weakness, (-)
ENDOCRINE (-) heat/cold tolerance, (-) polydipsia, (-) polyuria, (-)polyphagia
HEMATOPOIETIC (-) pallor, (-) gum bleeding, (-) easy bruisability
PSYCHIATRY (-) change of behavior
Wt. (kg) 75 kg Ht. (cm) 170 cm BP (mmHg) 140/110 Temp 36.0
Pulse rate / character: 86 bpm, regular
Respiratory rate / pattern 20, regular
GENERAL SURVEY Drowsy, conscious, not in distress
BEST EYE OPENING 4 Spontaneous
3 To speech
2 To pain
1 None
BEST VERBAL 5 Oriented
4 Confused
3 Inappropriate Response
2 Incomprehensible Sounds
1 None
BEST MOTOR 6 Obeys Command
5 Localizes Pain
4 Withdraws to pain
3 Flexor response
2 Extensions
1 None
08/16/18 08/20/18 08/26/18
UREA 9-23 mg/dL 84 55.50 42 A high BUN value can mean
NITROGEN kidney injury or disease is present.
Kidney damage can be caused by
diabetes or high blood pressure
that directly affects the kidneys.
High BUN levels can also be
caused by low blood flow to the
kidneys caused by dehydration or
heart failure.
CREATININE 0.67- 1.17 4.26 3.42 3.02 Elevated creatinine level signifies
mg/dL impaired kidney function or
kidney disease. As the kidneys
become impaired for any reason,
the creatinine level in the blood
will rise due to poor clearance of
creatinine by the kidneys.
Abnormally high levels of
creatinine thus warn of possible
malfunction or failure of the
SODIUM 136-145 139 147 140 Hypernatremia involves
mmol/L dehydration, which can have many
causes, including not drinking
enough fluids, diarrhea, kidney
dysfunction, and diuretics. Mainly,
people are thirsty, and they may
become confused or have muscle
twitches and seizures.
POTASSIUM 3.5-5.1 5.64 5.04 3.63 The most common cause of
mmol/L genuinely high potassium
(hyperkalemia) is related to your
kidneys, such as: Acute kidney
failure or Chronic kidney disease
WBC 4.0-10 18 A high white blood cell count isn't
X10^9L a specific disease, but it can
indicate another problem, such as
infection, stress, inflammation,
trauma, allergy, or certain
diseases. That's why a high white
blood cell count usually requires
further investigation.
▪ Cardiomegaly
➢ An atheroma is a reversible accumulation of degenerative material in the inner layer of an artery wall.
The material consists of mostly macrophage cells, or debris, containing lipids, calcium and a variable
amount of fibrous connective tissue.
▪ Atheromatous aorta
➢ An atheroma is a reversible accumulation of degenerative material in the inner layer of an artery wall.
The material consists of mostly macrophage cells, or debris, containing lipids, calcium and a variable
amount of fibrous connective tissue.
Your brain has many parts that work together to control thoughts, actions, responses, and everything that happens in your
The basal ganglia are neurons deep in the brain that are key to movement, perception, and judgment. Neurons are brain
cells that act as messengers by sending signals throughout the nervous system.
The symptoms of a stroke in the basal ganglia will be similar to symptoms of a stroke elsewhere in the brain. A stroke is
the disruption of blood flow to a part of the brain, either because an artery is blocked or because a blood vessel ruptures,
causing blood to spill into nearby brain tissue.
• smoking
• diabetes
• high blood pressure
Intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) is caused by bleeding within the brain tissue itself — a life-threatening type of stroke. A
stroke occurs when the brain is deprived of oxygen and blood supply. ICH is most commonly caused by hypertension,
arteriovenous malformations, or head trauma. Treatment focuses on stopping the bleeding, removing the blood clot
(hematoma), and relieving the pressure on the brain.
Figure 1. An intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) is usually caused by rupture of tiny
arteries within the brain tissue (left). As blood collects, a hematoma or blood clot forms
causing increased pressure on the brain.
An ICH can occur close to the surface or in deep areas of the brain. Sometimes deep
hemorrhages can expand into the ventricles – the fluid filled spaces in the center of
the brain. Blockage of the normal cerebrospinal (CSF) circulation can enlarge the
ventricles (hydrocephalus) causing confusion, lethargy, and loss of consciousness.
Releases blood to
Signs and Symptoms: brain tissues
Irreversible brain
CARVEDILOL 25mg / Carvedilol is Antihypertensive Contraindicated • Tell patient to take drug with food.
tab used to treat in those with • Tell patient not to interrupt or stop drug
heart failure and Beta blockers bronchial asthma without medical approval
high blood or related • Take apical pulse before administering. If
pressure bronchospastic <50 beats per minutes or I arrhythmia
Blocks the stimulation of conditions, occurs, withhold medication and notify
beta1 (myocardial) and beta second-or-third health care provider
Decreased heart 2 (pulmonary, vascular and degree AV block • Advise patient to change positions
rate and BP. uterine) – adrenergic and severe slowly to minimize orthostatic
Improved receptor sites. Also has bradycardia hypotension, especially during initiation
cardiac output, alpha 1 blocking activity of therapy or when dose is increased
slowing of the which may result in • Advise the patient to notify health care
provider if slow pulse, difficulty
progression of orthostatic hypotension. breathing, cold hands and feet,
HF and dizziness, confusion, rash occurs.
decreased risk
of death
PARACETAMOL 500mg Mild to Analgesics Drug can cause • Caution patient if signs and symptoms of
/ tab moderate pain acute liver failure, liver damage (illogical thinking, severe
with Para-aminophenol which may dyspepsia, jaundice, inability to eat,
pain/he derivatives require a liver weakness) occur.
adache transplant or
cause death.
Thought to produce Most cases of
analgesia by inhibiting liver injury are
prostaglandin and other associated with
substances that sensitize drug doses
pain receptors. Drug may exceeding
relieve fever through 4000mg/day and
central action in the often involve
hypothalamic heat more than one
regulating center acetaminophen-
Monitor for
reddening of the
skin, rash,
blisters, and
detachment of
the upper surface
of the skin
BACLOFEN 10mg / Spasticity in Antispasticity Contraindicated • Give drug with meals to prevent GI
tab multiple in patients distress
sclerosis; spinal Gamma aminobutyric acid hypersensitive to • Caution patient/caregiver not to
cord injury derivatives drug discontinue therapy abruptly. May result
in fever, mental status changes,
Use cautiously in exaggerated rebound spasticity and
Hyperpolarizes fibers to patients with muscle rigidity.
impaired renal
reduce impulse • Advise patient to follow prescriber’s
transmission. Appears to function or
orders regarding rest and physical
reduce transmission of seizure disorder
impulses from the spinal or when spasticity
cord to skeletal muscle, is used to
thus decreasing the maintain motor
frequency and amplitude of functions
muscle spasms in patients
with spinal cord lesion
Overdose s/s:
coma, dizziness,
NICARDIPINE 60mg/t Management of Antihypertensives Use Cautiously • Monitor BP and pulse prior to therapy
ab hypertension in: Severe ,during dose titration, and periodically
Calcium channel blockers hepatic throughout therapy. Monitor ECG
impairment periodically during prolonged therapy.
(dose • ● Monitor intake and output ratios
Inhibits the transport of recommended); and daily weight. Assess for signs of
calcium into myocardial and Severe renal HF (peripheral edema, rales/
impairment crackles, dyspnea, weight gain,
vascular smooth muscle
(dose may be jugular venous distention).
cells, resulting in inhibition
necessary) • Monitor serum potassium
of excitation-contraction
periodically. Hypokalemia risk of
coupling and subsequent
arrhythmias; should be corrected.
Systemic vasodilation
resulting in decreased
frequency and severity of
attacks of angina.
OMEPRAZOLE 40 To treat It interferes with gastric Hypersensitivity • Advise patient to notify prescriber
mg/IV gastroesophage acid secretion by inhibiting to omeprazole, immediately about abdominal pain or
al reflux disease hydrogen-potassium- other proton diarrhea
(GERD) without adenosine triphosphate pump inhibitors, • To give drug via NG tube, mix granules in
esophageal (H+K+-ATPase) enzyme or their acidic juice because enteric coating
lesions to system, or proton pump, in components dissolves in alkaline PH.
prevent erosive gastric parietal cells. • Encourage patient to avoid alcohol,
esophagitis aspirin products, ibuprofen, and foods
that may increase gastric secretion
during therapy.
LACTULOSE 30 cc To treat Arrives unchanged in the Hypersensitivity • When giving lactulose by retention
constipation colon, where it breaks down to lactulose or its enema, use a rectal tube with a balloon
into lactic acid and small components, low to help patient retain enema for 30 to 60
amounts of formic acid and galactose diet minutes. If not retained for atleast 30
acetic acids, acidifying fecal minutes, repeat dose. Be sure to deflate
contents. Acidification leads balloon and remove rectal tube after
to increased osmotic completing administration.
pressure in the colon, • Monitor diabetic patient for
which, in turn, increases hyperglycemia because lactulose contain
stool water content and galactose and lactose
softens the stool. Also, • Plan to replace fluids if frequent bowel
lactulose makes intestinal movement cause hypovolemia
contents more acidic than • Instruct patient to report abdominal
blood. This prevents distention or sever diarrhea
ammonia diffusion from • Advise diabetic patient to check blood
intestine unto blood, as glucose level often and to report
occurs in hepatic hyperglycemia.
encephalopathy. The
trapped ammonia is
converted into ammonia
ions and by lactulose’s
cathartic effect, is expelled
in feces with other
nitrogenous wastes
CLONIDINE 150 To manage Stimulates peripheral alpha- Anticoagulant • Monitor blood pressure and heart rate
mg/1 hypertension adrenergic receptors in the therapy (epidural often during clonidine therapy.
CNS to produce transient infusion); • Be aware that stopping drug abruptly
tab vasoconstriction and then bleeding can elevate serum catecholamine levels
stimulates central alpha- diathesis; and cause such withdrawal symptoms
adrenergic receptors in the hypersensitivity such as nervousness, agitation,
brain stem to reduce to clonidine or its headache, confusion, tremor and
peripheral vascular components rebound hypertension
resistance, heart rate, and
systolic and diastolic blood
KALIMATE 1 Prevention and After administering Patients with • Monitor serum potassium and serum
sachet treatment of Kalimate is exchanged for intestinal calcium levels regularly to prevent
hyperkalemia potassium ion in the obstruction and overdose.
resulting from intestinal tract, particularly stenosis, • It may cause colon necrosis, colon ulcer
acute or chronic around the colon and the constipation if administered per orem
renal failure frug is excreted as
unchanged polusterene
sulfonate resin into the
feces without digestion and
absorption. In consequence,
potassium in the intestinal
tracts excreted outside the
PARACETAMOL 300 For pain Through the produce Hypersensitivity • Administer to patient after meals
mg/IV treatment/Analg analgesia by blocking pain to • Assess patient’s pain: type of pain,
esics impulse by inhibiting acetaminophen location, intensity, duration
synthesis of prostaglandin or phenacetin; • Assess allergic reactions: rash, urticaria,
in NCS that synthesize pain use with alcohol if these occur, drug may have to be
receptor to stimulation discontinued
• Instruct the patient to notify the
physician for pain lasting for more than
3 days.
Discharge Plan
Instruct patient to take the following take home medications at the right time, dose,
frequency and route
1. Paracetamol 500mg/tab 1tab q4 PRN-for headache and neck stiffness
2. Amlodipine 10mg/tab 1 tab OD - to control hypertension
3. Carvedilol 20 mg/tab 1 tab q12 - to control hypertension
4. Clonidine 150mg/tab 1 tab q6 – to control hypertension
5. Kalimate sachet 1 sachet OD – for hyperkalemia (kidney stones)
6. Baclofen 10 mg/tab 1 tab BID – for muscle spasms (stiffness)
Encourage to comply with the medications to prevent complications
Encourage patient to do 30 minutes of walking as a form of exercise.
Encourage to perform ROM exercises. Active ROM exercises increase muscle
mass, tone, & strength pressure joint mobility & improve cardiac & respiratory
Instruct patient to dangle the legs from the bed side for 10 to 15 minutes to prevent
orthostatic hypotension
Encourage patient to perform exercise more slowly, in a longer time with more rest
or pauses, or with assistance if necessary. This helps in increasing the tolerance for
the activity.
Emphasize the importance of regular BP monitoring
Instruct to wear compression stockings to prevent deep vein thrombosis (DVT)
Instruct to have adequate rest and sleep
Instruct to take a bath everyday, brush teeth, wash hands before and after eating
Advise to keep the environment clean
Emphasize importance of follow-up check ups
To come back at September 7, 2018 for rehabilitation
To come back on September 28, 2018 for follow-up check-up at USTH CD
To promote a full recovery,
Advise patient to limit fats, cholesterol and sodium in the diet
Encourage to eat more fruits and vegetables, whole grain foods, fish, poultry and
Encourage to drink 8-10 glasses of water to keep the body hydrated
Encourage to continue to seek God’s guidance and enlightenment
Emphasize the importance of prayers in healing
Encourage to keep faith in God and not to give up easily during difficult times
Encourage attendance in group activities
Encourage re-establishment of relationship with significant ones
Assess sexual history of client to determine needed education and intervention
Encourage patient to address concerns about sexual needs, sexuality, and
sexual relationship
Educate about the factors such as hormonal changes, disease and illnesses that
can affect sexual function
Encourage patient to express feelings to family and friends
Encourage patient to express feelings through non-stimulating activities like
drawing, and writing