S7 WP1604 ISO Cleanliness Whitepaper
S7 WP1604 ISO Cleanliness Whitepaper
S7 WP1604 ISO Cleanliness Whitepaper
So what does it really mean to increase lubricant cleanliness? We read various articles and
textbooks that talk about how increasing the cleanliness of an in-service oil will increase the life
of a component and the lubricant, but how do we make that happen? The path to increased
cleanliness may not always be clear, and sometimes it may seem that major tasks must be
undertaken to increase lubricant cleanliness. Fortunately, that is not necessarily the case. A
systematic approach and investment in the right products and tools can show a significant return
on investment, more uptime on your factory floor, and less money spent on equipment repairs.
+ What is Cleanliness? 1
+ Why is Cleanliness Important? 2
+ What Does It Really Mean? 3
+ How Clean Should the Oil Be? Set Your Targets. 4
+ How is Cleanliness Achieved? 5
- Prevention 6
- Bulk Storage 7
- Satellite Storage 7
- Oil Transfer Containers 8
- Component Modifications 8
- Transfer Procedures 8
+ You’ve Cracked the Code — Now Enjoy Your Treasure. 9
+ The Bottom Line. 10
When we speak in terms of cleanliness, we often refer to the ISO particle count of the oil.
According to the ISO 4406:99 standard, the ISO particle count is a measure of the number of
particles greater than 4, 6, and 14 microns in every milliliter of fluid. The number of particles is then
converted to what is referred to as the ISO Code or Range Code. The range code represents the
number of particles of a given size in one milliliter of sample. Results from an oil cleanliness testing
are typically reported in a three number format such as 20/15/11, where 20 represents the range
code representing the number of particles that are 4 microns and larger, 15 the range of particles
that are 6 microns and larger, and 11 represents particles 14 microns and larger.
80,000 160,000 24
40,000 80,000 23
20,000 40,000 22
10,000 20,000 21
5,000 10,000 20
2,500 5,000 19
1,300 2,500 18
640 1,300 17
320 640 16
160 320 15
80 160 14
40 80 13
20 40 12
10 20 11
While the process of converting the raw particle count data to a range code is simple, there are a
couple of key takeaways that should be noted:
1. For each one unit increase in the code number, the number of particles in the range on
average doubles. For example, code 11 has a range of 10-20 particles or span of 10, but code
12 has a range of 20-40 or span of 20. As a result, an oil that is one range code different is
potentially twice as dirty, two range codes means four times dirtier, three range codes, eight
times dirtier and so on.
2. While the average increase in particles for one ISO Code is double, depending on the actual
number of particles present one range code increase could potentially be equivalent to
doubling or quadrupling the amount of contaminant in the lubricant. For example, if the
number of particles went from 641 to 2,499, the number of particles has almost quadrupled
but the ISO Code only changed from 17 to 18. For this reason, it’s important to look at the
actual number of particles as well as the ISO range code when interpreting particle count
Using the correct lubricants and making sure they are in suitable chemical condition is a
prerequisite for success, but the big changes in component service life are achieved by the
aggressive management of lubricant contamination. In most cases, the amount of particle
contamination in the oil is the single biggest factor that determines how long a lubricated
component will last. Many
maintenance professionals don’t
even realize that they have a PRIMARY WEAR MECHANISMS
problem with lubrication related
failures, because they don’t
properly characterize the failures
or at least the root cause. The fact 82% of mechanical wear is caused by
particle contamination
is that for mechanical equipment,
60-80% of failures are typically 66%
lubrication related. The normal way
in which most machine fail is to
“wear out” but wear rates can be 12% 8% 8% 4% 2%
of lubrication is to do just that.
Studies show that approximately half of lost machine life is due to mechanical wear and approximately
80% of mechanical wear is caused by particle contamination in the oil. It therefore stands to reason that
when particle contamination is reduced, wears rates go down and component service life goes up.
A Cleanliness Code is great, but why do these numbers really matter? It seems like a lot of con-
taminant, so surely this should be visible in the oil? The reality is that 4, 6 and 14 micron particles
simply cannot be seen with the naked eye. In fact, it’s not until particles get as large as 40-50
microns that we can see them without a microscope. By comparison, a red blood cell is around 8
microns. To put that into perspective, the life expectancy of your equipment is being compromised
by red-blood cell sized particles!
By the time you can see contaminants in your oil, the oil cleanliness has well exceeded what the oil
laboratories particle counter can count. This effectively means your oil is not meeting standards
To understand how little dirt we’re talking about, consider that a teaspoon of dirt in a 55
gallon drum will yield an effective particle count of 19/17/14; way too dirty for most critical
applications. PARTICLE
On a gravimeric basis,COUNTING
an oil with a cleanliness code of 19/15/12 would have a level
of contamination equivalent to roughly 3 grams (0.1 oz) of dirt within a 100 gallon reservoir. At
19/15/12, a hydraulic system would be considered to be highly contaminated and pump life could
potentially be cut in half. 3 grams may not seem like much and is not even visible in an oil sample,
but what if we are circulating this oil through a 50 gpm pump? 3 grams of contaminant is now
equivalent to running approximately 1,500 pounds of contaminant through the system on an
annual basis!
Effectively controlling contamination requires among other things, a good strategy. Implementing
a contamination control policy may take a lot of time and effort, but developing the strategy is
fairly simple and involves a simple three step process:
The first step is to identify goals in the form of target lubricant cleanliness. Targets should be based on
equipment type, sensitivity to contamination induced failure, criticality, and operating environment.
The more sensitive a component is to contamination, the cleaner the system should be. Likewise,
the more critical a system is from a production, safety or environmental standpoint, the cleaner
it should be kept. Table 2 outlines some target cleanliness levels for common component types.
Notice that certain types of hydraulic valves, such as servo valves, require cleaner oil than cartridge
valves. This stands to reason since servo valves have tighter clearances and are typically used
where higher pressure and more precise motion control are required. Similarly, pumps or bearings
that typically operate at a higher RPM require a greater cleanliness level (lower ISO code) than
a slower moving gearbox. System pressure also has an effect. As pressures increase, tolerances
typically decrease making higher pressure hydraulic systems more sensitive to contamination
induced failures than lower pressure systems.
Pumps 17/14/12
Cleanliness can be an abstract thought and is not achieved through any one simple practice.
When thinking in terms of a lubrication system, the tendency is to think only in terms of the in-
service components. However, typical oil handling methods will have a big impact on the amount
of contamination in equipment. Because of this, most plants will need to revise and upgrade
lubricant storage and handling methods and equipment as part of a holistic contamination
control strategy.
Preventing contamination in lubricated equipment starts with new oil. New oil from drums or bulk
deliveries usually contains anywhere from 2 to 20 times the amount of particles that is acceptable
for most lubricated equipment. There are a number of reasons for this and this is not an indictment
of lubricant suppliers, but it is a fact and it has to be addressed before cleanliness targets in
machinery can be met. In general, it is a good practice to maintain the cleanliness of new oil at least
two ISO codes cleaner than the targets for the in-services oil. This will allow for modest amounts of
contamination to be introduced during transfer and application while still meeting the targets.
While the concept that new oil is not clean may be shocking to some, it stands to reason when
you consider the number of times a lubricant is transferred before it’s put into a machine. For
example, when a lubricant is delivered to a bulk tank it may be dispensed from a tanker truck. If
the transfer process is not a closed system, then airborne particulate may enter the lubricant and
storage tank. The same concept applies when a lubricant is dispensed from the bulk storage tank
to a transfer container or satellite storage area. To minimize this risk of contamination, an enclosed
transfer system is desirable. This is achieved through addressing storage and handling practices,
component modifications, and transfer protocol at every point in the Plant Lubrication System.
Refinery / Blend Plant National Distribution
By the time oil arrives at Poor storage and transfer Dirty accessories Not using the proper
your site, it is already too methods add to the compound the breathers allow more
dirty for most equipment. contamination. problem. contaminants to enter the oil.
Delivery Storage Dispensing In Service
ISO 19/17/15 ISO 20/18/16 ISO 21/19/17 ISO 22/20/18
Figure 1 – Demonstrates the Lubrication System from the Refinery/Blend Plant through the
dispensing into a component. From the point of delivery to each subsequent lubricant transfer,
the ISO code potentially increases by at least one grade which is equivalent to doubling and
in some cases tripling the amount of contaminant in the oil. As an end user, control over the
lubrication system starts at the point of delivery into the plant and extends all the way through
to point of use at the machine.
As stated earlier, it is important to stop airborne contaminants from entering tanks, drums, or
machine reservoirs. The good news is that this is one of the easiest problems to address through
high quality desiccant breathers that strip particles and moisture from the air. Whenever there’s an
exchange of air, either due to volume changes or thermal siphoning, a desiccant breather should
be used. This includes on bulk and tote storage tanks, drums, transfer containers and all critical in-
service equipment.
Preventing contamination in lubricated equipment starts
with new oil from drums or bulk deliveries. As mentioned
earlier, new oil is not clean. The first step in ensuring the
cleanliness of new oil is to filter the oil to an acceptable
Another popular technique, which covers a wider range of storage and handling issues, involves the
use of a comprehensive lubricant management system (Figure 3). These systems can be configured
with a wide range of options, including separate pumps and filters for each lubricant, high-quality
desiccant breathers to prevent subsequent contamination to the fluid, fittings and spigots that
minimize contamination, and even flowmeters to measure and track
the amount of oil dispensed.
Whether you filter oil in the barrel prior to use, hard pipe from bulk
storage to the machine or dispense using transfer containers, all new
oils should be pre-filtered a minimum of 5-7 times prior to use.
Satellite storage often refers to cabinets located throughout the plant or facility for the purpose
of storing lubricants. These cabinets house a variety of containers utilized to transfer lubricants
from bulk storage to the component itself. To minimize contaminant ingression, storage cabinets
should be kept closed when not being accessed, kept clean or orderly, and should have a place
designated for any lubricants or tools stored in it.
For small sumps that are filled from oil cans, the oil transfer containers should be made of plastic,
sealable, color-coded or marked for product type, and easy to clean on a regular basis. The use
of funnels should be avoided whenever possible and separate handling equipment should be
maintained for different lubricants. Ideally, transfer containers should come with quick connects
so they can be filled without exposing the container to the outside environment while the trigger
should be self closing so that the container is always sealed when not in use (Figure 4).
Figure 4 – the transfer container on the left has been left open and the lid has to be removed to
fill it. The container on the right is completely sealed and can filled using quick connects
The last link of defense is to properly modify components to allow for routine lubrication tasks to
be completed without opening the lubricated sump. These include visual oil condition and level
checks, oil sampling, oil top offs, and even an oil change (Figure 5).
Once the physical points of ingression have been
addressed, it is necessary to address the personnel charged
with maintaining the lubrication system. Procedures for
storage, handling, and transferring lubricants must be made
available along with proper training. It’s not just a matter
of modifying the equipment but also modifying behaviors
to ensure the storage tanks, transfer containers, and
modifications are properly utilized.
Increasing system cleanliness has multiple benefits to the component and the lubricant, but the
number one benefit is increased component life. In terms of damage, hard particle contaminants
can be brutal to internal moving components. Under rolling contacts, particles are often the
precursor to premature fatigue failure, while in high pressure systems, particles can “sandblast” a
component from the inside out. In other systems, particles enter the dynamic clearances between
moving surfaces and wear components through a three-body abrasion.
Figure 6 demonstrates the relative life of a component based on its cleanliness level. As an
example, if we had a rolling element bearing operating at a cleanliness level of 23/21/18, it would
only achieve 30% of its relative useful life. If that relative useful life is 10 years based on operational
rated loads and speeds, the bearing would only last 3 years before a potential replacement is
needed. Conversely, if the same bearing were operating at a cleanliness level of 16/14/11, 100% of
its relative useful life could be achieved, representing a 3-4 fold life extension.
As an added benefit, clean oil typically doesn’t have to be changed as frequently. With clean oil
and the ability to filter instead of changing oil, oil changes can be done based on oil condition as
opposed to simply removing contaminants. Moreover, by removing metals and other contaminants
from the oil the rate of oil degradation is slowed, which ultimately makes the oil last longer.
To illustrate just how effective contamination control can be, consider the following example.
A mine was operating a number of large haul trucks and recognized that contamination was a
major contributing factor to the cost and frequency of rebuilds on their final drives. Historically,
the mean-time-between-failure (MTBF) was around 9,000 hours, equating to a estimated cost of
$2.11 per operating hour. By installing kidney loop filtration stations in the truck shop, the mine was
able to filter the final drives during each routine PM cycle. As a result, maintenance costs dropped
to $1.36 per operating hour, a 36% reduction is maintenance costs. As an added benefit, oil drain
intervals could be extended from 2,000 hours to 6,000 hours as a result of less contamination
induced oil degradation and fewer oil changes to remove contaminants.
Maint. cost/operating
$2.11 $1.36
Equipment life can be greatly extended through proper lubrication maintenance. In today’s
competitive market, most companies are now realizing that maintaining clean oil is one of the
best investments it can make, with contamination at the core of premature machinery failure and
diminished lubricant life.
By utilizing options outlined above and implementing several contamination control techniques
as a ‘best practice’, maintaining clean dry lubricants—and gaining the profitability that goes along
with it—is easier than ever.
International Organization for Standardization (ISO). (2008). ISO Standard No. 16889:2008.
Hydraulic fluid power - Filters - Multi-pass method for evaluating filtration performance of a filter
element. Geneva, Switzerland.
International Organization for Standardization (ISO). (1999). ISO Standard No. 4406:1999.
Hydraulic fluid power-Fluids – Method for coding the level of contamination by solid particles.
Geneva, Switzerland.
Des-Case is where the original desiccant breather was invented and now manufactures a wide
array of contamination control products for industrial lubricants. Headquartered near Nashville,
TN, we market an entire line of products designed to help companies make their equipment
investments last longer. Our design features are unparalleled in the marketplace and are used
wherever lubricant life and performance are essential to daily operations.
Des-Case has worked with some of the world’s largest companies, both directly and through
our partners. Founded on innovation to solve lubrication problems, we continue to design
enhancements to our current line as well as provide customers with unique products for their
particular company or industry.