Biological Pollutants and Biological Pollution - An Increasing Cause For Concern
Biological Pollutants and Biological Pollution - An Increasing Cause For Concern
Biological Pollutants and Biological Pollution - An Increasing Cause For Concern
Institute of Estuarine and Coastal Studies, University of Hull, Hull HU6 7RX, UK
There are increasing concerns regarding the delivery, movement and presence of non-indigenous or invasive species into marine
and estuarine areas. Such introductions can be on a large scale such as the movement to higher latitudes of species as the result of
global warming. Alternatively, such species can be introduced into a marine or estuarine area as the result of small-scale events, such
as the liberation from waste-water discharges, aquaculture or ballast-water discharge. However, if such introductions lead to a
successful colonisation then they can become a wide-scale problem. This paper considers the introduction of such non-indigenous
and invasive species as biological pollution and biological pollutants and it discusses the definitions and concepts used in assessing
and managing marine pollution in relation to these terms.
Ó 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Table 1
Definitions of terms used in chemical pollution and their translation for biological pollution
Term Chemical-based definition Translation, with examples, to biological pollution
Pollutant A substance introduced into the natural environment The input and effects of micro- and macro-organisms
as a result of manÕs activities and in quantities on the condition that adverse effects can be demon-
sufficient to produce undesirable effects. strated.
Pollution (i) is a change in the natural system as a result of manÕs The effects of introduced, invasive species sufficient to
activities; (ii) has occurred if it reduces the individualÕs/ disturb an individual (internal biological pollution by
populationÕs/speciesÕ/communityÕs fitness to survive; parasites or pathogens), a population (by genetical
the introduction by man, directly or indirectly, of change) or a community (by increasing or decreasing
substances or energy into the marine environment the species complement); including the production of
(including estuaries) resulting in such deleterious adverse economic consequences.
effects as to harm living resources, hazards to human
health, hindrance to marine activities including fishing,
impairment of quality for use of seawater, and
reduction of amenities (GESAMP).
Contamination An increase in the level of a compound/element The introduction of species without noticeable effects
(‘‘pollutant’’) (as the result of manÕs activities) in an (e.g. microbes which are killed immediately by natural
organism or system which not necessarily results in a conditions, possibly to be extended to species occu-
change to the functioning of that system or organism. pying available and vacant niches).
Responses to pollution (i) lethal-organisms are killed thus resulting in com- (i) the introduction of pests which increase predation/
munity change; (ii) sub-lethal effects which may occur mortality; (ii) an increase in an immunological re-
before the concentration of toxic substances reaches sponse in an individual due to exposure to microbes.
lethal levels; used as an early warning of pollution.
Stress The cumulative quantifiable result of adverse envi- As seen by a reduction in health due to pathogens and
ronmental conditions or factors as an alteration in the parasites and the loss of genetic fitness due to escapees;
state of an individual (or population or community) the alteration in community structure with single
which renders it less fit for survival. invasive species at low densities may be difficult to
Episodic pollution Major but often short-lived (temporary) discharges, Discharges of organisms via ballast water may be
e.g. shipping accidents. regarded as episodic although there may be an
insufficient inoculum to establish a population.
Chronic pollution Diffuse, low-level inputs which cannot be traced to a Regular, continuous inputs of organisms as escapees
particular incident, e.g. rivers, atmosphere; may con- from widespread aquaculture or the dispersive, re-
tribute 90% of total inputs; often the cause of effects productive stages of non-native cultured organisms
which are sub-lethal and difficult to detect. which have adapted successfully and become repro-
ductively viable; the gradual movement of species
through widespread temperature change.
Acute pollution Concentrated pollution, with an identifiable source It is difficult to use this term for most biological
and readily observed effects; often the cause of lethal pollutants; its possible use is for pathogenic micro-
effects. organisms discharged from waste-water outfalls.
ÔAesthetic pollutionÕ (sic) Unpleasant material likely to cause visual or olfactory An extension of this term is required to indicate the
offence but which (usually) causes little biological aesthetic aspects of changes to natural faunal and
harm. floral communities, i.e. a reduction in ÔnaturalnessÕ.
Bioaccumulation An increase with time in the content (or body burden) The uptake and accumulation (culture) of pathogens
and/or concentration of a contaminant within an in filter-feeding bivalves may occur although there also
organism. may be the production of resting stages; the accumu-
lation after successful reproduction of invasive species
in a community.
Biomagnification The occurrence of increasing levels of a pollutant with It is difficult to argue for this in relation to biological
a movement from the lower trophic strata to the pollution although the successful establishment (and
higher trophic strata. displacement of indigenous species) of an invasive
population could be regarded as biomagnification.
Direct input A point source discharge, often the cause of acute The release of pathogens from waste-water discharges,
pollution. of genetically modified organisms from aquaculture or
parasites from transplanted shellfish.
Indirect (or diffuse) input A widespread, low-level discharge often likely to result The changes in distribution and thus movement to
in chronic pollution. higher latitudes of species through man-induced global
climate change.
M. Elliott / Marine Pollution Bulletin 46 (2003) 275–280 277
Table 1 (continued)
Term Chemical-based definition Translation, with examples, to biological pollution
Conservative wastes/inputs Materials with slow degradation rates (long half-life), The accumulation in the marine environment of
more likely to bioaccumulate, e.g. trace metals, halo- successfully colonising organisms, even to the extent
genated hydrocarbons, radioactivity. that their population becomes established and in-
Degradable wastes/inputs Materials more liable to be assimilated after being The demise and degradation of micro-organisms (e.g.
degraded through physical, biological and chemical faecal coliforms) in seawater after liberation from
processes in the short to medium term, e.g. sewage, waste-waters; the unsuccessful colonisation of organ-
hydrocarbons, pulp/paper wastes. isms after liberation into unsuitable conditions (e.g.
temperatures or salinities).
consider whether this applies across such a wide range of the Tagus Estuary in Portugal to northern Germany and
organisms which may be regarded as pollutants. It is eastern Scotland and it has started causing damage to
relatively straightforward to include viruses, bacterio- flood defence walls by burrowing. The damage here is at
phage and bacteria; these are liberated from waste-water an ecosystem level as well as affecting local community
discharges into the sea ostensibly to kill them but they structure. As another example, introduced and in some
can accumulate in sediments and in filter-feeders thus, cases genetically modified species are released, such as
presumably, changing the microbial floral community non-native oysters producing spat in South-west Britain
in those media. However, it is questioned whether we and chromosome-modified salmonids escaping (or even
should also include protozoans and other inverte- being liberated) from fish farms in Scotland and Nor-
brates––barnacles such as Elminius modestus introduced way. It is notable that the recent (Summer 2002)
into European waters; other crustaceans such as the flooding in central Europe has inadvertently caused the
Chinese mitten crab Eriocheir sinesis, molluscs such as release of hybrid and modified fishes, such as sturgeon
Crepidula fornicata, Mya arenaria, and Mercenaria (Acipenser spp.) from aquaculture installations (pers.
mercenaria; polychaetes such as Marenzellaria viridis. com. Dr Krystof Skora, University of Gdansk Marine
Several of these species were introduced decades ago, Station, Hel). In these cases, if the organisms survive
probably from the discharge of ballast water, such that and successfully breed then the biological pollutants can
they are now assimilated into the NW European marine be regarded not only as conservative, i.e. persistent, but
fauna. However, there is the need for further studies to also accumulative.
determine how the recipient communities have been Micro- and macro-parasites and micro-pathogens
changed as the result of the introductions or whether have long been regarded as introduced and invasive
they have been assimilated without effect. species – these may be either non-natural or natural but
The role of macrophytes as harmful invasive species, in the wrong place. For example, mammalian gut flora
i.e. biological pollutants, appears to be more clear. For liberated into the marine environment can be regarded
example, plants such as the green alga Caulerpa taxifolia as the wrong microbes in the wrong place at the wrong
are well known as an invasive species to the Mediter- time. Hence it is necessary to consider the spatial extent
ranean, an example of a ÔsuccessfulÕ biological pollu- of the liberation and movement of organisms––from the
tant––Boudouresque and Verlaque (2002) indicate that large scale with an underlying change in their distribu-
of 85 species as biological introductions, only about nine tion to small-scale liberation from sewage pipes and
can be regarded as invasive. With regard to higher or- aquaculture. However, in contrast to chemical pollu-
ganisms, there are good examples for the immigration of tants, the small-scale liberation of organisms has the
fish species to higher latitudes (e.g. Stebbing et al., potential not only to disperse but also to cause an in-
2002), a feature correlated with increased temperatures. crease in the ambient population, thus becoming a large-
However, and using a particular example, although scale problem. Given some of these examples, it appears
fishes such as the Lionfish Pterosis volitans are accepted necessary to make a distinction between invasive species,
as invaders, probably introduced with ballast water or introduced species and biological pollutants.
by aquarists (Whitfield et al., 2002), it is questioned
whether these should be termed biological pollutants,
i.e. whether they have reduced the fitness of the bio- 3. Modification of underlying philosophies
logical system for survival.
In the estuarine and marine field, there are several The essence to determining the effects of pollution is
good examples of introduced species and of the damage that, because of the inherent variability in the natural
(both biological and at the socio-economic level) caused system, our aim is to detect a ÔsignalÕ as a change in some
by them. For example, the Chinese mitten crab E. sin- component against a background of ÔnoiseÕ and thus we
ensis now extends to a large part of NW Europe from require the use of techniques which maximize the Ôsignal
278 M. Elliott / Marine Pollution Bulletin 46 (2003) 275–280
to noiseÕ ratio. This is then to be followed by the pre- can remain in sediments, even if not the seawater, and
diction and quantification of effect (hence scientific may be harboured by suspension feeding invertebrates.
questions and approaches) followed by the reduction or Furthermore, if it is confirmed that such micro-organ-
removal of any effect (hence socio/economic/political isms are concentrated within those feeders, then is this
questions and approaches) (e.g. Elliott and Hemingway, an example of bioaccumulation and biomagnification?
2002). Despite such considerations of micro-organisms, can
Despite the differences between chemical and bio- we determine the ability of a marine community to as-
logical pollutants, the philosophy of impact detection similate without effect any new, introduced or invasive
remains the same in that we are still attempting to detect macro-organisms? In doing this, we either have to at-
a signal to noise ratio. For example, we are required to tempt to determine any spare capacity within a com-
detect an elevated level of pathogenic micro-organisms munity structure for assimilating such organisms or to
over and above the background, inherent variability, or take the view that no new niches are available or created
an increase in the diversity of a macro-biological com- and so any invasion has, by definition, to have biological
munity as the result of an additional invasive species. repercussions. The assimilation of another species into a
However, the latter is particularly difficult to detect community may be possible without biological impact
using community statistics, even multivariate methods, if there is a vacant niche available for colonisation but
given the large, inherent natural spatial and temporal in most ecosystems there is not a redundant capacity
variability in community composition. Using such a to assimilate additional species without other, natural
purely quantitative treatment of community data, the species or life stages being displaced. Furthermore, even
detection of a single invasive species amongst a diverse, if we agree to the basic concept, it is probably impossible
marine community will be particularly difficult. Because within such a complex environment as estuarine and
of this, the taxonomic approach to describing commu- coastal areas, to measure that assimilative capacity.
nity structure will be increasingly required. Despite the above, in discussing the topic of biolog-
There may be specific ways in which we cannot ical pollutants, there are many aspects in which intro-
transpose the definitions from chemical pollutants to duced biological organisms can be regarded as being no
biological pollutants. For example, the accumulation of different from chemical pollutants. As with the identifi-
biological pollutants can occur within an organism (for cation, assessment and control of all anthropogenic ac-
micro-organism pathogens) or within a community (for tivities, it is possible to use the DPSIR approach (Elliott,
genetically modified escapees or introduced inverte- 2002). The Drivers and Pressures emanating from in-
brates) but what of the environmentÕs ability to receive creasing navigation and ballast-water discharge and
such pollutants without adverse effects being detected? from aquaculture will change the Status of and produce
In considering chemical pollutants, we have long dis- Impacts on the biological community (at the micro-,
cussed and in many cases used and relied upon the macro- and mega-organism level). In turn, such a
ability of the seas to disperse, degrade and assimilate the change will need a Response at the socio-economic,
materials. We have attempted to measure the assimila- technological, administrative and legislative levels. The
tive capacity of bodies of water and even based legisla- latter may require controls on organism inputs or
tion and environmental response on such a capacity. eradication programmes and such a response has to
For example, the implementation of the European apply to organisms from the single cell to large inver-
Union Urban Waste-water Treatment Directive (91/271/ tebrates. For example, there has to be a control on the
EEC) is based on the ability of a body of water to ab- movement of species from the large scale, through
sorb organic and nutrient pollutants without adverse the International Maritime OrganisationÕs ballast-water
effect (Elliott et al., 1999). Is this where our discussion of controls, to small-scale control. An example of the latter
biological pollutants has to diverge or can we determine is the control by fisheries managers and sea fisheries
the assimilative capacity of a body of water with respect committees in England and Wales under powers to
to new organisms? prevent the movement and relaying of marine mussels in
With respect to introduced pathogenic micro-organ- an effort to control the spread of infestation by the co-
isms, the cold, saline and high UV environment of the pepod Mytilicola intestinalis. This illustrates the fact
coast can disperse and degrade the sewage-derived or- that just as with any type of pollutant, we have devel-
ganisms (hence the basis of using long-sea outfalls oped ways (albeit that some are not very effective) of
within the EU Bathing Beach Directive, (76/160/EEC)). trying to limit the transport and introduction of un-
The basic premise of using long-sea sewage outfalls, as wanted organisms.
in many coastal, developed states, is the seaÕs ability to With regard to aquaculture, again using the DPSIR
dilute, disperse and kill potentially pathogenic gut mi- approach, we require the additional fish and shellfish as
cro-organisms. Since the mid-1970s this has often been food (the overall Driver) which leads to specific Pres-
the preferred method of disposal. However, it is be- sures (such as the need for fish with high growth rates,
coming increasingly evident that such micro-organisms or the importing of faster growing (perhaps initially
M. Elliott / Marine Pollution Bulletin 46 (2003) 275–280 279
sterile) shellfish species). The altered Status and thus because of the poor knowledge base, they present cases
Impacts due to a changed population, community and where the effects are most difficult to assess and quan-
ecosystem has then initiated Responses such as the EU tify.
Directives on the release of Genetically Modified Or- The above examples and considerations indicate that
ganisms (90/219/EEC, 90/220/EEC, 98/81/EEC, 2001/18/ many of the definitions and concepts used in marine
EC). However, we must question whether all man- pollution assessment and control can be translated with
induced introductions of organisms are to be regarded respect to biological pollution and biological pollutants
as pollutants, for example the use of wrasse as cleaner (Table 1, columns 1 and 3). As indicated in the table,
fish in aquaculture to avoid the need for using chemical there are examples for the use of these terms. However,
anti-pest treatments. some of the terms require an alteration in our thinking,
As with chemical pollution and pollutants, there are for example those for acute pollution and biomagnifi-
changes due to biological pollutants at all levels of bi- cation, but even these can be related to invasive and
ological organisation. There are cellular responses as introduced organisms.
indicated by an immunological response as shown in fish
and crustaceans exposed to sewage discharges, and by
NW European common seals affected by the phocine 4. Further research and challenges
distemper virus. There are changes at the individual
(whole organism) level, again demonstrated by the It is considered here that the biology of invasions
above examples as well as in oyster populations infested should be a priority for further research and that espe-
with imported parasites, leading to population changes. cially we need the ability to study, even by hindcasting,
As a further example, there are population genetic the effects on communities of species introduced over the
changes and perhaps a loss of genetic fitness through the past century. We have good information and case
escape of cultured fishes in aquaculture. Finally there studies for marine macrophytes and for invertebrates in
are changes to community structure with the introduc- freshwaters (such as the zebra mussel, Dreissena poly-
tion of invertebrates (such as C. fornicata, M. arenaria, morpha (Mills and Holeck, 2001)) but we need further to
E. modestus, Ensis directus introduced to European consider the repercussions of introduced marine inver-
waters from North America and Australasia). Despite tebrates and higher organisms as well as the changes to
this, can one argue that the community with the new whole marine ecosystem structure. We need to know the
species has a reduced fitness for survival or is it merely a mechanisms by which a biological pollutant can be as-
new state which may have the same functioning as similated into the community, to fulfil any available
previously? niche or to displace a less suited species from a niche,
As another form of biological pollution, genetic perhaps within large, unbounded marine systems. Fol-
pollution may be regarded as occurring if the natural lowing this, we need to be clearer in our thinking with
genetic structure has changed as the result of invasions regard to ÔharmÕ being causes by the invasion.
but again there is the major difficulty here of deter- At the macro-organisms level, in considering biolog-
mining the ÔnaturalÕ genetic structure and that altered as ical invasions, we have the difficulty of how to separate
the result of invasions. Such a change is now being de- ÔnaturalÕ invaders from man-induced ones. Natural mi-
termined both with marine plants and animals. For ex- grations of organisms are common, especially when
ample, the possible invasion of a non-native genotype of linked to natural climatic cycles, for example warm
the dominant reed of estuarine wetlands, Phragmites years inducing (in the northern hemisphere) the north-
australis, itself an original invader, may have increased ward movement of more southerly species and cold
the invasive potential of the plant (Saltonstall, 2002). years creating the converse. Similarly, high rainfall will
It is of note that those in Europe charged with im- allow brackish species to penetrate further into estuaries
plementing the EU Habitats & Species Directive (92/43/ whereas low freshwater inputs to estuaries allow an in-
EEC) will have to determine changes to the designated creased marine incursion. But we have the additional
species and habitats as the result of introduced species. problem of determining the extent of anthropogenic
For example, it is often the case that threatened species, effects on large and small scales. For example, on a large
and thus those designated for protection under the Di- scale, of man-induced global warming in which species
rective, will be fragile and endangered. They may be rare distributions will change, and small-scale problems of
as the result either by being at the limit of their distri- species migrating into warm water areas produced by
bution or because there is an unsuitable or threatened coastal power-plant cooling water discharge.
habitat (Elliott and Hemingway, 2002). They may have At the micro-organism level, in considering invasive
a minor role in the community structure but also, be- species, there is the need for further study to sepa-
cause of their low numbers, may be less well-under- rate those invasive species causing primary damage,
stood. Hence they may be the species most susceptible to such as pathogenic micro-organisms liberated from
the affects of introduced and invasive species but also, waste-waters and parasites escaping from introduced
280 M. Elliott / Marine Pollution Bulletin 46 (2003) 275–280
macro-organisms, from those causing secondary dam- define and assess the presence of a reduction in the in-
age. The latter includes micro-organisms entering higher tegrity or damage at one or more levels of biological
organisms after damage through exposure to chemicals, organisation (cell, individual, population, community
such as micro-organisms invading ulcers in flatfish cre- and ecosystem). It is the view here that there is no need
ated by contact with sediment-bound contaminants for new terms and definitions but that we should be
(Elliott and Hemingway, 2002). clearer in those presently used.
There is the need to determine not only the biological
repercussions of the invasions and of biological pollu-
tion but also the socio-economic consequences. The Acknowledgements
latter may require a rethink of how we determine inter-
specific competition and its role in bioeconomic models Thanks are due to my colleagues Dr Jean-Paul Du-
(Barbier, 2001); in particular there is the further need to crotoy, for prompting this article, and Krystal Hem-
quantify the economic costs of speciesÕ presence. For ingway for valuable discussion, and to Charles
example, Boudouresque and Verlaque (2002) consider Sheppard for helpful comments on an earlier version of
that invasive species should be defined as playing a the paper.
conspicuous role in the recipient ecosystems, taking the
place of keystone species and/or being economically harm-
ful. This is a useful definition for invasive species but References
there are possible exceptions. For example, how does
Barbier, E.B., 2001. A note on the economics of biological invasions.
this square with, for example, the introduction of the
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tual models in marine environmental management: an example
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determine whether the biological effect, needed to con- iii–vii.
firm that invasive organisms are to be treated as pollu- Elliott, M., Hemingway, K.L. (Eds.), 2002. Fishes in Estuaries.
tion and not just contamination, has occurred, i.e. has Blackwell Science, Oxford, pp636.
a cell, individual, population, community or ecosystem Elliott, M., Fernandes, T.F., de Jonge, V.N., 1999. The impact of
recent European Directives on estuarine and coastal science and
suffered through the input of the organisms or has
management. Aquatic Ecology 33, 311–321.
it merely accommodated any change; has its fitness Mills, E.L., Holeck, K.T., 2001. Biological pollutants in the Great
for survival decreased? Presumably, the introduction Lakes. Clearwaters 31 (1). Available from <
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garded as contamination (as presence but no biological Saltonstall, K., 2002. Cryptic invasion by a non-native genotype of the
common reed, Phragmites australis, into North America. Proceed-
effect) but the challenge is to determine whether this is
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translated through to pollution per se. However, if it is a America 99 (4), 2445–2449.
non-indigenous organism which has been introduced Stebbing, A.R.D., Turk, S.M.T., Wheeler, A., Clarke, K.R., 2002.
into the community then by definition there is a bio- Immigration of southern fish species to south-west England linked
logical effect, even if only to extend the diversity of the to warming of the North Atlantic (1960–2001). Journal of the
Marine Biological Association, UK 82, 177–180.
community, although again one questions whether this
Whitfield, P.E., Gardner, T., Vives, S.P., Gilligan, M.R., Courtney,
is regarded as an adverse impact. W.R., Ray, G.C., Hare, J.A., 2002. Biological invasion of the Indo-
It is concluded here that in order for us to use the Pacific lionfish Pterosis volitans along the Atlantic coast of North
term biological pollutants/pollution, we have to further America. Marine Ecology Progress Series 235, 289–297.