Gujarat Solar Policy 2015

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G.R. NO. SLR-11-2015-2442-B
Dated the 13th August 2015




1 PREAMBLE ...................................................................................................................................... 3

2 VISION ............................................................................................................................................ 3

3 OBJECTIVES ..................................................................................................................................... 3

4 TITLE ............................................................................................................................................... 4

5 OPERATIVE PERIOD......................................................................................................................... 4

6 ABBREVIATIONS AND DEFINITIONS ................................................................................................ 4

7 INSTALLED CAPACITY ...................................................................................................................... 5

8 ELIGIBLE ENTITY .............................................................................................................................. 6

9 PROJECT-BASED PROVISIONS AND INCENTIVES .............................................................................. 6

9.1 ROOFTOP SOLAR PV SYSTEMS WITH NET METERING ........................................................................................ 6

9.1.1 Eligible Entity for Rooftop PV system with net metering .................................................................. 6
9.1.2 For Residential and Government Consumers .................................................................................... 6
9.1.3 For Industrial, Commercial and Other Consumers ............................................................................ 7
9.2 SOLAR PROJECTS WITH SALE OF POWER TO DISCOMS ....................................................................................... 9
9.4 SOLAR PROJECTS WITH SALE OF POWER UNDER NSM ..................................................................................... 12
9.5 SOLAR PROJECTS WITH SALE OF POWER TO THIRD PARTY UNDER OPEN-ACCESS................................................... 14
9.6 SOLAR PROJECTS FOR CAPTIVE CONSUMPTION ................................................................................................ 9
9.7 AGRICULTURE SOLAR PUMPS...................................................................................................................... 16
9.8 STAND-ALONE PV SYSTEMS AND HOME LIGHTING SYSTEM .............................................................................. 16
9.9 CANAL-TOP AND CANAL-BANK SOLAR PV PROJECTS ....................................................................................... 16
9.10 TECHNOLOGY DEMONSTRATION PROJECTS.................................................................................................... 16
9.11 OTHER SCHEMES...................................................................................................................................... 17

10 LAND FOR SOLAR PROJECTS.......................................................................................................... 17

11 GRID CONNECTIVITY AND EVACUATION FACILITIES ...................................................................... 17

11.1 GRID INTEGRATION................................................................................................................................... 17

11.2 GRID CONNECTIVITY ................................................................................................................................. 17
11.3 EVACUATION FACILITIES ............................................................................................................................ 18
11.3.1 Within Solar Park ........................................................................................................................ 18
11.3.2 Outside Solar Park ...................................................................................................................... 18

12 METERING AND ENERGY RECORDING ........................................................................................... 19

13 SECURITY DEPOSIT ........................................................................................................................ 19

14 FORECASTING AND SCHEDULING .................................................................................................. 19

15 REACTIVE POWER ......................................................................................................................... 20

16 OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE OF DEDICATED LINES ................................................................ 20

17 RESTRICTIONS ............................................................................................................................... 20


18 STATE NODAL AND FACILITATING AGENCIES ................................................................................ 20

18.1 STATE NODAL AGENCY .............................................................................................................................. 20

18.2 FACILITATING AGENCY............................................................................................................................... 20

19 OTHER RELEVANT POLICIES AND INCENTIVES ............................................................................... 20

19.1 GUJARAT INDUSTRIAL POLICY 2015............................................................................................................. 20

19.2 ELECTRONICS POLICY FOR THE STATE OF GUJARAT (2014-19) .......................................................................... 21

20 REGULATION ................................................................................................................................ 21

21 MID-TERM REVIEW ....................................................................................................................... 21

22 POWER TO REMOVE DIFFICULTIES ................................................................................................ 21



The Sun at Tithal Beach, Surat.

1 PREAMBLE its stakeholders, such as the Investors,

Developers, Technology Providers,
Power Utilities,Grid Operators and
1.1 The State of Gujarat (the “State”)
the Consumers.
intends to increase the share of
renewable energy, particularly solar
energy in its energy basket.It is with 2 VISION
this intention that the State launched
the Gujarat Solar Policy-2009, for The State Government envisions a future
which it receiveda veryenthusiastic with reduced dependence on fossil-based
response. The policy resulted in a energy by promoting renewable energy
cumulative solar capacity in excess of sources. The State recognizes that
1000 megawatts (MW) with renewable energy can also significantly
investment of about INR 9,000 crores. increase the State’s and the Nation’s energy
This policy also witnessed setting up security. Above all, it is the vision of the
India’s first and Asia’s largest Solar State Government to provide a clean and
Park at Charanka in Patan District, sustainable environment for its Citizens.
and the country’s first MW scale
canal-top solar plant at Chandrasan in
Mehsana District of Gujarat. 3 OBJECTIVES
1.2 The Government of Gujarat (the
“State Government”) has also Gujarat is rich in solar energy resource with
acknowledged the fact that power substantial amounts of barren and
from renewable sources is, at present, uncultivable land, solar radiation in the
significantly more expensive than range of 5.5-6 kilowatt-hour (kWh) per
those generated from conventional square meter per day, an extensive power
sources like coal-based power network and utilities with reasonably good
plants.The increase of renewable operational efficiency. It has the potential
energy in the total energy basket has for development of more than 10,000 MW
to be done in a manner that does not of solar generation capacity. While Gujarat’s
add undue burden to the Consumers Solar Power Policy-2009 was framed to
in the State. Therefore, this Solar establish and jumpstart utility-scale solar
Power Policy-2015 (this “Policy”) is power generation and the solar sector as a
intended to facilitate and promote whole not only for the State but also for the
large scale addition of solar power Country, this Gujarat Solar Power Policy-
generation capacities in Gujarat while 2015 aims to scale up the solar power
taking into account the interest of all generation in a sustainable manner.


Accordingly, the State Government 6 ABBREVIATIONS AND
introducesthe ‘Gujarat Solar Power Policy -
2015’ with the following objectives: DEFINITIONS
3.1 To promote green and clean power
6.1 “ABT” means Availability Based Tariff.
and to reducethe State’s carbon
6.2 “Act” means Electricity Act 2003,
including amendments thereto.
3.2 To reduce dependency on fossil fuels
6.3 “ALDC” means Area Load Dispatch
for energy security and sustainability;
3.3 To help reduce the cost of renewable
6.4 “APPC” means Average (Pooled)
energy generation;
Power Purchase Cost.
3.4 To promote investment, employment
6.5 “C” means project capacity in
generation and skill enhancement in
the renewable energy sector;
6.6 “CDM” means Clean Development
3.5 To promote productive use of barren
and uncultivable lands;
6.7 “CEA” means Central Electricity
3.6 To encourage growth of local
manufacturing facilities in line with
6.8 “Central Agency” means National
the ‘Make in India’ programme;
Load Dispatch Centre (NLDC) as
3.7 To promote research, development
designated by CERC for the purpose
and innovation in renewable energy.
of REC regulations.
RESOLUTION 6.9 “CERC” means Central Electricity
Regulatory Commission of India.
6.10 “CTU” means Central Transmission
4 TITLE Utility.
6.11 “DisCom” means Distribution
This Policy shall be known as the ‘Gujarat Licensee.
Solar Power Policy-2015’. 6.12 “Facilitating Agency-(ies)” means
Gujarat Power Corporation Limited
(GPCL) or any other agency notified
5 OPERATIVE PERIOD by State Government for
development of Solar Parks/ solar
5.1 This Policy shall come into effect from projects.
date of its notification and shall 6.13 “GERC” means Gujarat Electricity
remain in operation up to March 31, Regulatory Commission.
2020. 6.14 “GoI” means Government of India.
5.2 Solar Power Generators (SPGs) 6.15 “Government/ State Government”
installed and commissioned during means Government of Gujarat.
the Operative Period shall become 6.16 “GUVNL” means Gujarat Urja Vikas
eligible for the benefits and incentives Nigam Limited.
declared under this Policy, for a 6.17 “INR” means Indian Rupee.
period of 25 years from their date of 6.18 “kV” means kilovolt.
commissioning or for the lifespan of 6.19 “kW” means kilowatt.
the SPGs, whichever is earlier. 6.20 “kWh” means kilowatt hour.


6.21 “MNRE” means Ministry of New and 6.38 “Solar Park” means contiguous area
Renewable Energy, Government of for development of solar power
India. generation projects, having aggregate
6.22 “MoP” means Ministry of Power. capacity of 100 MW or more, and
6.23 “MW” means Megawatts. notified as such by Government of
6.24 “NSM” means National Solar Mission. Gujarat.
6.25 “NVVN” means NTPC Vidyut Vyapar 6.39 “Solar Park Developer” means a
Nigam. person who develops and/ or
6.26 “NPV” means Net Present Value. maintains Solar Parks and also creates
6.27 “Obligated Entities” means entities and/ or maintains common
obligated to fulfill the Renewable infrastructure facilities.
Power Purchase Obligation as 6.40 “Developer/ Solar Power
prescribed by GERC Developer”means anentity that
6.28 (This) “Policy” means Gujarat Solar makes an investment for setting up
Power Policy-2015. solar power project and generating
6.29 “PPA” means Power Purchase electricity from solar energy.
Agreement. 6.41 “SPG” means Solar Power Generator.
6.30 “PV” means Photovoltaic(s). 6.42 “State” means State of Gujarat.
6.31 “Renewable attribute” means 6.43 “State Transmission Utility (STU)”
renewable element of the solar means Gujarat Energy Transmission
energy used for meeting RPO by Corporation Limited (GETCO).
obligated entity or for generation of
6.32 “REC” means Renewable Energy
Certificate. The Government of Gujarat anticipates
6.33 “RPO/ RPPO” means Renewable maximum participation from Investors in
(Power) Purchase Obligation, which setting up MW-scale solar projects under
may also imply Solar Power Purchase solar photovoltaic (PV) and solar thermal
Obligation for the purpose of this technologies. Besides, kilowatt (kW)-scale
Policy. solar projects in the form of solar rooftop
6.34 “RTU” means Remote Terminal Unit. systems shall be encouraged during the
6.35 “SECI” means Solar Energy Operative Period of this Policy.The
Corporation of India. installation capacity targets for the State
6.36 “SLDC” means State Load Dispatch DisComs shall be as per the renewable
Centre. power purchase obligation (RPO) defined by
6.37 “State Nodal Agency (SNA)” means the Gujarat Electricity Regulatory
Gujarat Energy Development Agency Commission (GERC), from time to time.
(GEDA). Further, the State proposes to undertake

Bird-eye view, Charanka Solar Park, Patan.


necessary activities and become an integral 9.1.1 Eligible Entity for Rooftop PV
part of the National Solar Mission (NSM) in system with net metering
order to help the mission meet its goals.
The minimum size of a MW-scale project In addition to the general eligibility defined
shall be 1 MW and that for a kW-scale in Section 8 of this Policy, the Eligible Entity
project shall be 1 kW. for the rooftop solar PV systems with net
metering shall:

8 ELIGIBLE ENTITY i. own the rooftop solar PV system;

ii. own or be in legal possession of the
Any company or body corporate or premises including the rooftop or
association or body of individuals, whether terrace on which the entity intends to
incorporated or not, or artificial juridical install the PV system including the PV
person shall be eligible for setting up of modules;
SPGs, either for the purpose of captive use iii. be a Consumer of the local DisCom,
and/ or for selling of electricity to the and the premises where the entity
Distribution Licensee/ Third Partywhether intends to set up the rooftop
or not under the renewable energy photovoltaic system shall be
certificate (REC) mechanism in accordance connected to the DisCom’s grid; and
with the Electricity Act-2003, as amended iv. consume all of the electricity
from time to time. generated from the rooftop solar PV
system at the same premise. If the
The entity desiring to set up a solar power Consumer is not able to consume all
project shall submit a proposal, with of the generated electricity in the
requisite details to the State Nodal Agency same premise, relevant provisions
(SNA), as may be specified by the SNA, for defined in this Policy shall be
qualifying for the benefits/facilitation under applicable to the generated surplus
this Policy. electricity.

9.1.2 For Residential and Government

The following provisions shall be applicable to
Residential Consumers and Government
9.1 Rooftop Solar PV Systems with
Net Metering
CAPACITY Up to a maximum of 50% of
The State will facilitate rooftop solar PV Consumer’s sanctioned load.
systems with net metering ongovernment, TARIFF In case of net import:
residential, industrial and commercial Consumer’s existing tariff shall
buildings. apply.
In case of net export:Any surplus
energy generated and exported
after adjustment of
consumptionat the end of the
billing cycle shall be purchased


by the concerned DisCom at CROSS SUBSIDY Exempted on the generated
APPC rate of the year in which SURCHARGE& solar power.
the SPG is commissioned. ADDITIONAL
METERING As per Central Electricity SURCHARGE
Authority (Installation RPO The generated energy from the
&Operation of Meters) SPG shall be credited towards
Amendment Regulations, 2014 meeting the DisCom’s RPO.
as amended from time to time. REC Not applicable as the generated
Bi-directional meter of same solar energy shall be used to
accuracy class as the meet the DisCom’s RPO.
Consumer’s meter existing CDM 100% retainedby the Consumer.
before SPG installation shall be
used. 9.1.3 For Industrial, Commercial and
DEMAND CUT Not applicable. Other Consumers
TRANSMISSION Not applicable as energy is
CHARGE consumed at point of Industrial, Commercial and Other Consumers
generation. shall be provided with two options for
TRANSMISSION Not applicable as energy is contractual arrangement as a part of
LOSS consumed at point of promotion for rooftop solar systems:
generation. Type 1: shall utilize only the ‘energy’ attribute
WHEELING Not applicable as energy is of the generated solar energy from the
CHARGE consumed at point of rooftop solar PV system, and not utilize the
generation. ‘renewable’ attribute forRPO or REC.
WHEELING Not applicable as energy is
LOSS consumed at point of Type 2: shall utilize both the ‘energy’ as well
generation. as the ‘renewableattribute’ of the generated
ENERGY Banking of energy shall be solar energy.
ACCOUNTING allowed within one billing cycle Type 2(a) wherein the ‘renewable attribute’
of the consumer. would be used to meet the Consumer’s RPO.
ELECTRICITY Exempted on the generated
DUTY solar power. Type 2(b) wherein the ‘renewable attribute’
would be used to get RE certificate under REC

Rooftop PV installation, J M Bhavan, Gandhinagar.


CAPACITY Up to a maximum of 50% of the Type 2 Consumer:
sanctioned load/ contract ABT-compliant meter shall be
demand of the Consumer. used.
TARIFF For Type 1 Consumer: DEMAND CUT Exemption from demand cut up
In case of net import: to 50% of the installed solar
Consumer’s existing tariff shall capacity, wherever technically
apply. feasible.
In case of net export: surplus TRANSMISSION Not applicable as energy is
solar energy generated and CHARGE consumed at point of
exported after adjustmentof generation.
consumptionat the end of the TRANSMISSION Not applicable as energy is
billing cycle shall be purchased LOSS consumed at point of
by the concerned DisCom at generation.
APPC rate of the year in which WHEELING Not applicable as energy is
the SPG is commissioned. CHARGE consumed at point of
For Type 2 Consumer: WHEELING Not applicable as energy is
In case of net import: LOSS consumed at point of
Consumer’s existing tariff shall generation.
apply. ENERGY For Type 1 Consumer:
In case of net export: surplus ACCOUNTING Banking of energy shall be
solar energy generated and allowed within one billing cycle
exported after adjustment of of the Consumer, wherein set-
consumption in 15-minute time off may be given against energy
blocks shall be purchased by the consumed at any time of the
DisCom at the APPC rate of the billing cycle. However peak
year in which the SPG is charges shall be applicable for
commissioned for Type 2 (a); consumption during peak hours.
and at 85% of APPC rate of the
year in which the SPG is For Type 2 Consumer:
commissioned for Type 2(b). The solar energy generated shall
be adjusted against
METERING As per Central Electricity consumption in a 15-minute
Authority (Installation & time block. Surplussolar energy
Operation of Meters) generated and exported during
Amendment Regulations, 2014 a 15-minute time block shall be
as amended from time to time. purchased by the DisCom (i) for
Type 2 (a) at the APPC rate of
Type 1 Consumer: the year in which the SPG is
The bi-directional meter of same commissioned and, (ii) for Type
accuracy class as the 2(b) at 85% of APPC rate of the
Consumer’s meter existing year in which SPG is
before SPG installation shall be commissioned.
used. ELECTRICITY Exempted on the generated
DUTY solar power.


CROSS SUBSIDY Type 1 Consumer: 9.2 Solar Projects for Captive
SURCHARGE& Exempted on the generated
ADDITIONAL solar power.
SURCHARGE Solar projects set up for captive use, both
Type 2 Consumer: directly or under the REC mechanism.
Exempted on the generated
solar power CAPACITY Up to a maximum of 50% of the
RPO Type 1 Consumer: contract demand of the
All the solar energy generated Consumer.
by the SPG shall be credited TARIFF (i) Not applicable for self
towards meeting the concerned consumption.
DisCom’s RPO. (ii) Any surplus solar energy not
consumed by consumer as per
Type 2 Consumer: Energy Accounting shall be
Type 2 (a) the solar energy purchased
generated and consumed by the (a) at APPC rate of the year in
Consumer during a 15-minute which the SPG is
time block shall be credited commissioned if the
towards meeting the renewable attribute on solar
Consumer’s RPO. Surplus solar energy is given to DisCom.
energy exported during the 15-
minute time block and (b) at 85% of APPC rate of the
purchased by the DisCom shall year in which the SPG is
be credited towards meeting commissioned if renewable
the DisCom’s RPO. attribute is not given to the
Type 2(b) the solar energy DisCom.
generated in 15 time block shall METERING Using ABT-compliant meter, at
be considered for getting RE receiving end of STU substation/
Certificate. 11 kV system of DISCOM as case
REC Type 1 Consumer: may be.
Not applicable as the generated DEMAND CUT Exemption from demand cut up
energy shall be credited towards to 50% of the installed capacity.
meeting the DisCom’s RPO. TRANSMISSION As applicable to normal Open-
CHARGE Access Consumer determined by
Type 2 Consumer: GERC, as amended from time to
Type 2 (a) The solar energy time.
consumed by consumerduring TRANSMISSION As applicable to normal Open-
the 15-minute time block shall LOSS Access Consumer determined by
be credited towards meeting GERC, as amended from time to
consumer’s RPO. time.
Type 2 (b) The SPG may avail RE WHEELING For the project not registered
certificate for entire net CHARGE under REC – 50% of Wheeling
generation. charges applicable to normal
CDM 100% retainedby the Open-Access Consumer
Consumer/generator. determined by GERC, as


amended from time to time. CROSS SUBSIDY Exempted.
For the project registered under ADDITIONAL
REC– Wheeling charges SURCHARGE
applicable to normal Open- RPO (i) Case 1: If not registered
Access Consumer determined by under REC mechanism: If the
GERC, as amended from time to Consumer does not use the
renewable attribute of solar
energy for meeting its RPO, the
WHEELING For the project not registered generated solar energy shall be
LOSS under REC – 50% of Wheeling used for meeting the DisCom’s
losses as applicable to normal RPO.
determined by GERC, as (ii) Case 2(a): Consumer who
amended from time to time. set up SPG for meeting its own
RPO will get the RPO credit to
For the project registered under the extent of the solar energy
REC– Wheeling losses as consumed by it. However,
applicable to normal Open- DisCom shall get RPO credit for
Access Consumer determined by surplus solar energy (after 15
GERC, as amended from time to minutes cycle adjustment)
time purchased by it at APPC of the
ENERGY If not registered under REC year in which the SPG is
ACCOUNTING mechanism: commissioned.
(i) Case 1: If the Consumer does
not take renewable attribute of Case 2 (b) If registered under
solar energy for meeting its REC mechanism: Not applicable,
RPO, banking of the energy shall as REC will be claimed.
be allowed within the
Consumer’s billing cycle, REC If not registered under REC
wherein set-off may be given mechanism: Not applicable.
duringa billing cycle. However, If registered under REC
peak charges shall be applicable mechanism: REC shall be
for consumption during peak claimed by the Developer, i.e.
hours. Consumer.
(ii) Case 2 (a) : If the Consumer CDM 100% retained by the
takes renewable attributes of Developer.
the solar energy consumed for
meeting its RPO, then energy
accounting shall be based on 15
9.3 Solar Projects with Sale of
minute time block-basis. Power to DisComs
Case 2 (b) If registered under DisComs, in order to meet their RPO, may
RECmechanism: Energy purchase solar power, both PV and solar
accounting shall be based on 15 thermal, from Developers at a power
minute time block-basis.
purchase rate determined through
competitive bidding.
ELECTRICITY Exempted on the generated
DUTY solar power


CAPACITY Overall capacity: Based on year- CROSS SUBSIDY Exempted on the generated
on-year RPO targets set by GERC SURCHARGE& solar power.
from time to time. ADDITIIONAL
TARIFF Shall be decided through SURCHARGE
competitive bidding. RPO The energy generated by the
METERING Using ABT-compliant meter, at SPG and procured by the
receiving end of STU substation/ DisCom shall be credited
of 11 kV systems of DISCOMs, as towards the DisCom’s RPO.
case may be. REC Not applicable as the procured
DEMAND CUT Not applicable. energy would be credited to the
TRANSMISSION As applicable to normal Open- DisCom’s RPO.
CHARGE Access Consumer determined by CDM Since tariff is determined
GERC, as amended from time to through Competitive bidding,
time. the SPG shall retain 100% of the
TRANSMISSION As applicable to normal Open- CDM benefits.
LOSS Access Consumer determined by
GERC, as amended from time to 9.4 Solar Projects under REC
time. Mechanism with Sale of
Power to DISCOMs at APPC
CHARGE As applicable to normal Open-
Access Consumer determined by Solar Developers may set up solar power
GERC, as amended from time to projects under the REC mechanism. The
time. Developers shall be required to apply for
WHEELING As applicable to normal Open- accreditation to the State Nodal Agency and
LOSS Access Consumer determined by thereafter to the Central Agency for
GERC, as amended from time to registration and issuance of certificates
time. under the REC mechanism. The
ENERGY Energy settlement shall be on a administrative procedure, as decided by the
ACCOUNTING 15-minute time block-basis. Central Electricity Regulatory Commission
ELECTRICITY Exempted on the generated (CERC), and as amended from time to time,
DUTY solar power. shall be followed. The power generated
from these projects maybe purchased
through long term PPA by DisComs as

A PV Power Project at Charanka, Patan.


subject to their power requirement at APPC REC Shall be claimed by Solar
rate of the year in which the SPG is Developer/SPG.
commissioned. CDM As per GERC order, as amended
from time to time.
CAPACITY Overall capacity: As determined
by DisComs from time to time
9.5 Solar Projects with Sale of
based on their energy
requirement. Power under NSM
Minimum project size: 250 kW,
Solar power projects may be set up under
or as specified by REC
NSM with sale of power to SECI, NVVN, or
any other such designated agencies.
TARIFF APPC rate of the year in which
the SPG is commissioned. CAPACITY (i) In case power is exported
METERING Using ABT-compliant meter, at outside the State / Sale of
receiving end of STU substation/ power to DisComs in the State -
11 kV system of DISCOMs as the As specified in the scheme
case may be. publicized by MNRE, SECI,
DEMAND CUT Not applicable. NVVN, or any other such bid
TRANSMISSION As applicable to normal Open- processing organization from
CHARGE Access Consumer determined by time to time.
GERC, as amended from time to (ii) In case power is sold within
time. the State to the consumers – Up
TRANSMISSION As applicable to normal Open- to a maximum of 50% of the
LOSS Access Consumer determined by sanctioned load/ contract
GERC, as amended from time to demand of the Consumer.
time. TARIFF (a) For sale to outside State
WHEELING As applicable to normal Open- or DISCOMS within State:-
CHARGE Access Consumer determined by Determined through tariff-
GERC, as amended from time to based Competitivebidding or
time. any other determined tariff by
WHEELING As applicable to normal Open- the bid processing
LOSS Access Consumer determined by organization.
GERC, as amended from time to (b) Sale to consumers
time. within State:
ENERGY Accounting based on 15-minute (i) Mutually agreed-upon tariff
ACCOUNTING time block-basis. between the Developer and the
ELECTRICITY Exempted on generated solar buyer/Consumer for the energy
DUTY power. consumed by buyer/consumer.
CROSS SUBSIDY Not applicable. (ii) Any surplus solar energy not
SURCHARGE& consumed by buyer/consumer
ADDITIONAL as per Energy Accounting shall
SURCHARGE be purchased by DisCom.
RPO Not applicable as REC would be (a) at APPC rate of the year in
claimed by Solar Developer / which the SPG is
SPG. commissioned if renewable


attribute is given to DisCom; consumed at any time of the
billing cycle. However peak
(b) at 85% of APPC rate of the charges shall be applicable for
consumption during peak hours.
year in which the SPG is
commissioned if renewable
ii)Case 2 (a): If the Consumer
attribute is not given to the takes renewable attribute of the
DisCom. solarenergy consumed for
meeting its RPO, then energy
METERING Using ABT-compliant meter, at accounting shall be based on 15-
receiving end of STU substation/ minute time block-basis.
11 kV system of DISCOM as the
(iii) Case 2 (b): If registered
case may be. under REC mechanism: Energy
DEMAND CUT Not applicable. accounting shall be based on 15-
TRANSMISSION As applicable to normal Open- minute time block-basis.
CHARGE Access Consumer determined ELECTRICITY Exempted on the generated
by GERC, as amended from DUTY solar power.
time to time. CROSS SUBSIDY (a) Not applicable if sale of
TRANSMISSION As applicable to normal Open- SURCHARGE & power is outside State or to
LOSS Access Consumer determined by ADDITIONAL DisComs within the State.
GERC, as amended from time to SURCHARGE (b) Sale to consumers within
time. State:
WHEELING As applicable to normal Open- (i) For the projects not
CHARGE Access Consumer determined by registered under REC- 50% of
GERC, as amended from time to surcharge as applicable to
time. normal Open-Access Consumer
WHEELING As applicable to normal Open- determined by GERC, as
LOSS Access Consumer determined by amended from time to time.
GERC, as amended from time to
time. (ii) For the projects registered
ENERGY (1)Sale to outside state and under REC- as applicable to
ACCOUNTING DisComs within State: normal Open-Access Consumer
Accounting based on 15-minute determined by GERC, as
time block-basis. amended from time to time.
(2)Sale to consumers within RPO (a)For sale to outside State or
State:- DISCOMS within State: As
(i) If not registered under REC specified in the scheme.
mechanism: (b)Sale to consumers within
Case 1: If the Consumer does State:
not take credit of the generated (i) Case 1: If not registered under
solar energy for meeting its RPO
REC mechanism: If the
and the DisCom is given the
renewable attributes, the Consumer does not use the
adjustment of energy shall be generated solar energy for
allowed within the Consumer’s meeting its RPO, the generated
billing cycle, wherein set-off solar energy shall be credited
may be given against energy towards meeting the DisCom’s


RPO. consumed by Consumer.
(ii) Case 2(a) Surplus solar (ii) Any surplus solar energynot
energy purchased by DisComs at consumed by consumer as per
APPC rate of the year in which Energy Accounting shall be
the SPG is commissioned shall purchased-
be credited towards meeting (c) at APPC of the year in which
the DisCom’s RPO. the SPG is commissioned if
the renewable attribute on
(iii) Case 2 (b) If registered solar energy is given to
under REC mechanism: Not DisComs.
applicable, as REC will be (d) at 85% of APPC of the year
claimed. in which the SPG is
commissioned if renewable
REC (a)For sale to outside State or attribute is not given to the
DISCOMS within State: As DisCom.
specified in the scheme. METERING Using ABT-compliant meter, at
(b) Sale to consumers within receiving end of STU substation/
State: 11 kV system of DISCOMs as
If not registered under REC case may be.
mechanism: Not applicable. DEMAND CUT Exemption from demand cut up
If registered under REC to 50% of the installed capacity
mechanism: REC shall be in case of Third-Party sale.
claimed by the Developer / SPG. TRANSMISSION As applicable to normal Open-
CDM (a)For sale to outside State or CHARGE Access Consumer determined by
DISCOMS within State: As GERC, as amended from time to
specified in the scheme. time.
(b) Sale to consumers within TRANSMISSION As applicable to normal Open-
State: As per the mutual LOSS Access Consumer determined by
agreement between the GERC, as amended from time to
Developer and Consumer. time.
WHEELING As applicable to normal Open-
9.6 Solar Projects with Sale of CHARGE Access Consumer determined by
Power to Third Party under GERC, as amended from time to
WHEELING As applicable to normal Open-
Solar Developers may set up SPGs for sale of LOSS Access Consumer determined by
power to Third Parties under Open-Access, GERC, as amended from time to
both directly or under the REC mechanism. time.
ENERGY If not registered under REC
‘CONTRACTED’ Up to a maximum of 50% of the ACCOUNTING mechanism:
CAPACITY sanctioned load/ contract (i) Case 1: If the Consumer
demand of the Consumer. doesnot take credit of the
generated solarenergy towards
TARIFF (i) Mutually agreed-upon tariff
its RPO and renewable attribute
between the Developer and the is given to the DisCom, the
Consumer for the energy adjustment of energy shall be


Solar Collectors for 100 TR Solar Air-conditioning System at Muni Seva Ashram, Vadodara.

allowed within the Consumer’s solar energy towards its RPO,

billing cycle, wherein set-off the generated solar energy shall
may be givenagainst energy be credited towards meeting
consumed atany time of the
the DisCom’s RPO.
billing cycle. However peak
charges shall be applicable for (ii) Case 2(a): Consumer who set
consumption during peak hours. up SPG for meeting its own RPO
(ii) Case 2 (a): If the Consumer will get the RPO credit to the
takes Credit of the solar energy extent of the solar energy
consumed towards its RPO, then consumed by it. However,
energy accounting shall be DisCom shall get RPO credit for
based on 15-minute time block-
surplus solar energy (after 15
(iii) Case-2 (b): If registered minutes cycle adjustment)
under REC mechanism: Energy purchased by it at APPC of the
accounting shall be based on 15- year in which the SPG is
minute time block-basis. commissioned.
ELECTRICITY Exempted on the generated
DUTY solar power. (iii) Case 2 (b): If registered
CROSS SUBSIDY For the projects not registered under REC mechanism: Not
SURCHARGE& under REC- 50% of surcharge applicable, as REC will be
ADDITIONAL applicable to normal Open- claimed.
SURCHARGE Access Consumer determined by REC If not registered under REC
GERC, as amended from time to mechanism: Not applicable.
time. If registered under REC
mechanism: REC shall be
For the projects registered claimed by the Developer/ SPG.
under REC- as applicable to CDM As per the mutual agreement
normal Open-Access Consumer between the Developer and
determined by GERC, as Consumer.
amended from time to time.
RPO (i) Case 1: If not registered
under REC mechanism: If the
Consumer does not intend to
take credit of the generated


9.7 Agriculture Solar Pumps consultation with the Energy and
Petrochemicals Department,
9.7.1 Gujarat has considerable deployment Government of Gujarat.
of irrigation pump sets. Taking this 9.8.3 RECs may also be claimed if the
into consideration the State systems qualify under the REC
Government in collaboration with Regulations at any point in time. If
the Central Government/ MNRE/ no REC is claimed, the solar energy
MoP/ Multilateral Agencies will generated by such systems shall be
undertake measures to provide credited towards the DisCom’s RPO.
solar powered pump sets through
subsidy support. 9.9 Canal-top and Canal-bank
9.7.2 In case of surplus power generation Solar PV Projects
from the solar pump sets, the
DisComs may buy this surplus solar 9.9.1 Gujarat was the first State to realize
energy at APPC rate of the year in the innovative canal-top project of
which the solar pump set is 1 MW on a Narmada branch canal
commissioned. at Chandrasan, Mehsana and 10
9.7.3 The State Governmentwill launch MW at Vadodara. Such projects
schemes after determining the address three major objectives:
subsidy amount and the individual saving of land, saving of water and
as well as total capacity of the solar generation of clean energy. The
irrigation pump sets from time to State may continue to facilitate
time. such initiatives on canal tops as well
9.7.4 The solar energy generated by the as canal banks.
irrigation pump sets shall be 9.9.2 All provisions related to transmission
credited towards the DisCom’s RPO. and wheeling charges/ losses,
energy accounting, RPO/ REC, etc.
of this Policy shall also be applicable
9.8 Stand-alone PV Systems and to canal-top and canal-base projects
Home Lighting System as per the respective project
categories indicated in this Policy.
9.8.1 The State will facilitate decentralized 9.9.3 All incentives provided by MNRE shall
and off-grid solar applications as be applicable to such projects.
per guidelines of the State
Government/ MNRE to meet 9.10 Technology Demonstration
various electrical and thermal Projects
energy requirements for domestic
and other purposes. The State has The State, in its bid to promote innovation
also taken up an initiative for home in clean energy, welcomes proposals for
lighting systems for isolated and innovative technology demonstration
scattered houses in extremely projects. The proposals will be vetted on
remote areas where grid their techno-commercial merit and if found
connection is not currently feasible. suitable, will be supported for
9.8.2 SNA shall determine the capacity of demonstration by extending various
the projects from time to time in provisions of this Policy.


Narmada Canal-top Project, Chandrasan, Mehsana.

published a Gazette Notification No

9.11 Other Schemes
12/X/STD/CONN/GM/CEA dated
The State promotes solar cooking systems October 15, 2013 known as the
not only a bid for a cleaner environment but Central Electricity Authority
also to promote a healthy standard of living. (Technical Standards for
Similarly, the State also encourages the use connectivity to the Grid)
of solar hot water systems owing to their Amendment Regulations, 2013,
energy saving potential and economic specifying various technical
payback. The State Nodal Agency, among requirements for grid connection of
other agencies, may undertake schemes to renewable energy sources. These
promote solar cooking and water heater regulations and provisions of
systems. gridcode shall be binding to the
Solar Project Developers and SPGs.
10 LAND FOR SOLAR PROJECTS 11.1.2 Interconnection voltages:


The Solar Project Developer shall be (C) SPECIFICATION
responsible for obtaining the land for 1 kW < C < 6 kW 230 V, 1φ, 50 Hz
setting up and operating solar power 6 kW < C < 100 kW 415 V, 3φ, 50 Hz
project. 100 kW < C < 4 MW 11 kV, 3φ, 50 Hz
C >4 MW 66/ 132/ 220/
11 GRID CONNECTIVITY AND 400 kV, 3φ, 50 Hz

11.1.3 Interconnection voltages shall be
governed as per Gujarat Electricity
11.1 Grid Integration Grid Code-2013 and GERC’s orders,
as amended from time to time.
11.1.1 Grid stability and security is of
prime importance. Since the
11.2 Grid Connectivity
penetration of infirm nature of
renewable energy may endanger 11.2.1 The respective evacuation facility
grid security, adequate protection shall be initially approved by CTU/
measuresare necessary. The Central STU/ DisCom depending on
Electricity Authority (CEA), GoI has


injection level after carrying out per system study by STU/ DisCom
system studies. where the Project Developer/ Solar
11.2.2 For start-up, stand-by and auxiliary Park Developer desires to inject
power requirement, the same shall power in the State grid. From there
be governed by GERC regulations onwards, STU/ DisCom shall ensure
and orders. transmission/ distribution system and
11.2.3 No parallel operation charges shall connectivity.
be applicable to the SPG. b. Solar Project Developer/ Solar Park
11.2.4 Connectivity charges to be paid to Developer shall lay dedicated line for
DisCom shall be INR 5,000/- per evacuation of power up to CTU
project for capacities less than 100 interface/ substation as per system
kW. For capacities of 100 kW and study by CTU if Project Developer/
above, normal connectivity charges Solar Park Developer desires to inject
shall be applicable. power directly in inter-state
transmission system. From there
11.3 Evacuation Facilities onwards, CTU may ensure
transmission system and connectivity
11.3.1 Within Solar Park with inter-state network wherever
power is to be exported out of the
Developer of Solar Project/ Solar Park shall State.
establish dedicated line for evacuation of
power up to STU/ CTU sub station and 11.3.2 Outside Solar Park
install RTUs etc. at their own cost. SPG shall
be integrated to the grid by installing RTUs To optimize costs, Common dedicated
to enable real time monitoring of the transmission line shall be encouraged for
injection of power by SLDC. cluster of adjoining Developers with
appropriate metering at their respective
a. Solar Project Developer/ Solar Park
end of project as well as a common meter
Developer shall lay dedicated line for
for such SPGs at the receiving end at CTU
evacuation of power up to sub-station
Interface/ STU substation/ 11 kV system of
of STU/ 11 kV system of DisCom as
DisCom. Energy injection by each SPG at the

GETCO Substation at Charanka Solar Park, Patan.


receiving end shall be worked out on the guarantee shall be refunded, if the
basis of meter reading of common meter developers achieve commercial
appropriately apportioned as per the operation within time period
respective meter reading at the sending end mentioned in Power Purchase
meter of that SPG by SLDC. Agreement. In case the Developer
fails to achieve commercial operation
as specified in the Power Purchase
Agreement, the bank guarantee shall
RECORDING be forfeited.
13.2 In every case, whether Obligated
12.1 The electricity generated from the Entity is procuring or not procuring
SPGs, shall be metered on 15-minute solar power, SPGs shall submit
time block by STU/ DisCom/ SLDC/ security deposit of INR 5 lakhs per
ALDC at the receiving end of the STU MW to STU/DisCom for ensuring
substation/ 11 kV system of DisCom. speedy and timely completion of
For the purpose of energy accounting, evacuation facility by SPG failing
solar generating projects shall provide which bank guarantee may be
ABT-compliant meters at the interface forfeited.
points. Interface metering shall
conform to the Central Electricity 14 FORECASTING AND SCHEDULING
Authority (Installation and Operation
of Meters) Regulations 2014 and
14.1 The SPGs shall, for the time being, be
amendment thereto. STU/ DisCom
exempted under scheduling
shall stipulate specifications in this
procedure for Intra State ABT. SPG
shall however abide by instruction of
12.2 The metering of SPG for domestic
State Load Dispatch Centre.
rooftop and government buildings,
14.2 The actual energy injected in the grid
shall be on net metering-basis
during particular time block of 15
(bidirectional) or gross metering-basis
minutes shall be post-facto
(dual meter), as per specifications
considered available for drawl
provided by the DisCom.
schedule for sale of power to DisCom/
Third Party or for giving set-off
13 SECURITY DEPOSIT against the consumption of recipient
unit in case of wheeling.
13.1 In case, Obligated Entities decide to 14.3 As and when forecasting and
procure solar power from the Solar scheduling mechanism is made
Project Developers and sign Power applicable to Solar Power projects,
Purchase Agreement, the Developer these Solar Power projects shall abide
shall be required to provide Bank by such rules and regulations.
Guarantee@ INR 25 lakhs per MW for
MW scale and proportionate amounts
for kW scale projects at the time of
signing of Power Purchase Agreement
with Obligated Entities. The bank


The drawl of reactive power shall be
charged as per the GERC order, as amended
from time to time. 18.1 State Nodal Agency

Gujarat Energy Development Agency

16 OPERATION AND (GEDA) shall act as the Nodal Agency for:

MAINTENANCE OF DEDICATED 18.1.1 Registration of projects;

18.1.2 Facilitating approval of power
evacuation plans etc.;
18.1.3 Respond to queries and problems of
The Operation and Maintenance of Developers; and
dedicated evacuation line shall be carried 18.1.4 Accreditation and recommending
out at the cost of the Solar Park/ Project/ the solar power project for
Plant Developer as per applicable technical registering with Central Agency
standards and best practices. under REC mechanism.

17 RESTRICTIONS 18.2 Facilitating Agency

Gujarat Power Corporation Limited (GPCL)

17.1 Only New Plant and Machinery shall
or any other agency notified by State
be eligible for installation under this
Government for development of Solar Park
Policy. After commissioning of solar
shall act as the Facilitating Agency.
project (rooftop or ground mounted),
the installation shall not be allowed to
be transferred inter se or from one 19 OTHER RELEVANT POLICIES AND
location to another. INCENTIVES
17.2 No fossil Fuel viz. coal, gas, lignite, oil,
naphtha etc. shall be allowed to be
used in Solar Thermal Power Projects, 19.1 Gujarat Industrial Policy 2015
beyond the ceiling allowable under
MNRE guidelines. The Government of Gujarat has launched
the “Gujarat Industrial Policy 2015”

1 MW Multi-Technology PV Power Plant, Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University, Gandhinagar.


(Industries and Mines Department) and 20 REGULATION
envisions to boost the renewable sector
through its provisions. This policy promotes
The Hon’ble Gujarat Electricity Regulatory
the “Make in India” campaign and provides
Commission shall be guided by this Policy
for subsidy benefits, simplification of
while framing its rules, regulations and
procedures, strengthening single window
system, etc. to manufacture in the State.

19.2 Electronics Policy for the State 21 MID-TERM REVIEW

of Gujarat (2014-19)
State Government may undertake a mid-
The Government of Gujarat has also term review of this policy after a period of 2
launched the “Electronics Policy for the years or as and when the need arises in view
State of Gujarat (2014-19)” (Department of of any technological breakthrough or to
Science and Technology) which supports remove any difficulties or inconsistency with
facilitation for setting up semiconductor Electricity Act 2003, as amended from time
wafer facilities. It also extends benefits for to time.
solar cell manufacturing, solar modules and
panel manufacturing, solar lanterns/ lamps
manufacturing and all the systems and 22 POWER TO REMOVE
devices that come under the purview of DIFFICULTIES
solar technology.

If any difficulty arises in giving effect to this

19.3 Modified Special Incentive
Policy, State Government may issue
Package Scheme (M-SIPS) of necessary orders or clarification/
Government of India interpretation to remove such difficulties
either on its own volition or based on
The Government of India has launched the representations from stakeholders.
Modified Special Incentive Package Scheme
(M-SIPS) to provide incentives and attract
investments in electronic systems design 23 POWER TO INTERPRET
and manufacturing industries. These
industries include manufacturing of If there is any confusion or dispute about
polysilicon, ingots and wafers, crystalline/ the meaning, intent or purpose of any
polycrystalline cells and modules, thin-film provision of this Policy, the interpretation
modules, transformers and allied given by Energy & Petrochemicals
electronics. The manufacturer/ Developers Department, Government of Gujarat shall be
may avail the benefits of this scheme. final and binding to all concerned.

This issues with the concurrence of the Finance Department’s dated August 13, 2015 on the
Department file of even number.


By order and in the name of the Governor of Gujarat.

(Smt. Shobhana Desai)

Additional Secretary to the Government of Gujarat

Energy and Petrochemicals Department

Copy to:
- *The Principal Secretary to H.E. The Governor of Gujarat, Raj Bhavan, Gandhinagar
- The Secretary, Ministry of Power, GoI, Shram Shakti Bhavan, New Delhi
- The Secretary, Ministry of New & Renewable Energy, CGO Complex, New Delhi
- The Principal Secretary to the Hon. C. M., Sachivalaya, Gandhinagar
- The P.S. to Hon. MOS (E&P), Sachivalaya, Gandhinagar
- The Secretary, CERC, New Delhi
- The Chairman, Central Electricity Authority, New Delhi
- The Deputy Secretary to the Chief Secretary, Sachivalaya, Gandhinagar
- The Secretary, GERC, Gift City, Gandhinagar
- *The Registrar, Gujarat High Court, Ahmedabad
- *The Secretary, Vigilance Commission, Gandhinagar
- The Principal Secretary, Finance Department, Sachivalaya, Gandhinagar
- The Resident Commissioner, Gujarat State, New Delhi
- *The Secretary, Gujarat Legislature Secretariat, Sachivalaya, Gandhinagar
- All Departments of Secretariat, Sachivalaya, Gandhinagar
- All Branches of Energy & Petrochemicals Department
- The Chairman, Power Finance Corporation Limited, New Delhi
- The Chairman & Managing Director, Gujarat Power Corporation Ltd. Gandhinagar
- The Chairman, Gujarat Urja Vikas Nigam Limited, Vadodara
- The Managing Director, Paschim Gujarat Vij Company Limited, Rajkot
- The Managing Director, Gujarat State Electricity Corporation Limited, Vadodara
- The Managing Director, Gujarat State Generation Limited, Gandhinagar
- The Managing Director, Uttar Gujarat Vij Company Limited, Mehsana
- The Managing Director, Madhya Gujarat Vij Company Limited, Vadodara
- The Managing Director, Dakshin Gujarat Vij Company Limited, Surat
- The Managing Director, Gujarat Energy Transmission Corporation Limited, Vadodara
- The Director, Gujarat Energy Development Agency, Gandhinagar


- The Chief Executive Officer, Torrent Power Limited, Lal Darwaja, Ahmedabad
- The Managing Director, Gujarat Paguthan Energy Corporation Pvt. Ltd., Ashram Road,
- The National Thermal Power Corporation Limited, Zanor, Gandhar, Dist. Bharuch
- The National Thermal Power Corporation Limited, Kawas, Hazira, Gandhar, Dist. Surat
*By Letter



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