Complete FM
Complete FM
Complete FM
c ∗n c m hΦn | Â|Φm i
hΨ| Â|Ψi n,m
hAi , (3)
c ∗n c n
hΨ|Ψi n
1 (E < E n < E + ∆E )
c ∗n c n (4)
0 (otherwise)
Simply put, it implies that only those states are allowed
which conform to the fixed energy constraint. And all
such states are equally probable.
Postulate of Random Phases
c ∗n c m 0 (n , m ) (5)
In quantum mechanics if |ψ1 i and |ψ2 i are two al-
Tabish Qureshi
Density matrix
All of the preceding discussion can also be reformu-
lated in term of density operator, instead of quantum
states. A quantum system in a state |ψi can be de-
scribed by a density operator given by
ρ̂ |ψihψ|, (6)
c ∗n c m
ρ nm P . (9)
n c ∗n c n
Furthermore, the postulates of quantum statistical me-
chanics, stated in the preceding discussion, imply that
this density matrix (in the representation of energy
eigenstates) is diagonal. To put it mathematically,
c∗ cn
ρ nm P n δ nm (10)
n n c n
Tabish Qureshi
Microcanonical ensemble
With the density matrix formulation discussed above,
we are all set to describe various ensembles in quan-
tum statsitical mechanics. Firstly, the counting of mi-
crostates, which was done by calculating the area in
phase-space in classical statistical mechanics, is done
by counting the quantum states of the system, labelled
Tabish Qureshi
Canonical ensemble
Canonical ensemble can be formulated exactly as it
was done in classical statisitical mechanics, by having
Tabish Qureshi
e −βEn X
ρ nn , Z e −βEn (15)
Z n
1 X −βEn
hAi e hΦn | Â|Φn i (16)
Z n
e −β (Ei −µNi ) X
ρ ii , Z e −β (Ei −µNi ) (17)
Tabish Qureshi