Goal 3: Good Health and Well-: Placed in The Center of The Public Health Bag
Goal 3: Good Health and Well-: Placed in The Center of The Public Health Bag
Goal 3: Good Health and Well-: Placed in The Center of The Public Health Bag
NP1 sardines
Primary Health Care and CHN VIT C prevents SCURVY
MDG target- reduction of maternal mortality Solutions like alcohol must be must be
by 80/100,000 live births (mdg5) placed in the center of the Public health
2/3- reduction of child mortality rate (mdg4) Bag
Mdg 5- TARGET 2015 IRON- 60 mg per tablet once a day and 400
SDG 3– HEALTH and WELL being mcg of folic acid for 6 months
Centered ( disease focus : HIV/AIDS , Vitamin A for postpartum – 200,00 IU one
Malaria) dose
SDG 6 – SANITATION centered Vitamin A for pregnant– 10,00 IU 2x a
Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for week starts at 4 months
Sustainable Development. Vitamin A for Children 12 months and
above – 200,00 IU dose every 6 months
17 goals target is 2030 Vitamin capsule colors: RED
Goal 1: No Poverty Vitamin A treatment of Xeropthalmia
Goal 2: Zero Hunger and Measles
Goal 3: Good Health and Well- Beta-carotene in vegetables such as carrots
and sweet potatoes is the most common
being (health centered related) provitamin A.
Goal 4: Quality Education
Goal 5: Gender Equality Dairy products (such as cheese and fortified
Goal 6: Clean Water and milk), eggs, cod, liver oil and halibut are
rich sources of preformed vitamin A.
Sanitation(sanitation centered)
Goal 7: Affordable and Clean Energy Plant-based sources of provitamin vitamin A
Goal 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth include pumpkin, broccoli, and dark green,
Goal 9: Industry, Innovation and leafy vegetables.
Infrastructure Signs of long-term vitamin A toxicity are
Goal 10: Reduced Inequalities coarse hair, thinning eyebrows, dry skin,
Goal 11: Sustainable Cities and cracked lips, weakness, and severe
Communities headache.
Goal 12: Responsible Consumption and One major sign of vitamin A toxicity is
Production carotenosis, a condition in which the palms
Goal 13: Climate Action of the hands and soles of the feet appear a
Goal 14: Life Below Water deep yellow or orange color.
Goal 15: Life on Land
Goal 16: Peace, Justice and Strong BP cuff , Paper lining must be OUT of
Institutions the PHN bag
Goal 17: Partnerships for the Goals
Tuberculosis / PTB- a highly infectious
chronic disease that usually affects the
SDG- 17 GOALS – 2030 lungs.
Spacing of pregnancy - 3-5 years Causative Agent: Mycobacterium
iron- prevent anemia of pregnancy- liver Tuberculosis (acid fast bacteria)
products, red meat and internal organs,
munggo, green leafy vegetables
Vit.D for calcium absorption prevents Robert Koch- German physician and
RICKETS in children and osteomalasia in scientist, presented his discovery of
adult- sources dairy products ,cod liver oil, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, the
bacterium that causes tuberculosis (TB), Direct Observed Treatment Short Course
on the evening of March 24, 1882 – comprehensive strategy to detect and cure
TB patients.
Sign/Symptoms: DOTS (Direct Observed Treatment Short
cough for more than 2 weeks Course)
afternoon fever Category I - 6 months treatment
o Swelling lyphnodes o -new smear (+) PTB
weight loss -new smear (-) PTB with extensive
night sweat lesions on CXR
blood stain sputum - hemoptysis - -EPTB
***late sign -Severe concominant HIV disease 2
Preventing Tuberculosis BCG o -DOTS: 2months RIPE
vaccination maintenance: 4months RI
Case finding – Direct Sputum Smear II -treatment failure
Microscopy and X-ray examination of TB -relapse
symptomatics who are negative after 2 or -return after default
more sputum exams -intensive: 2 months RIPES/1 month RIPE
Sputum smear and culture or DSSM - Maintenance: 5 months RIE
confirms the diagnosis
Tuberculin test (Mantoux test- detects the III -new smear (-) PTB with minimal lesion
presence of antibodies on CXR
(Results read within 48-72 hours from skin o -DOTS: 2months RIPE
testing, posistive if within duration of 10mm maintenance: 4months RI
or more.
Below 5 y/o - > or = 10 mm is positive, IV -chronic Refer to specialized facility or
Older than 5 y/o > or = to 5 mm is positive) DOTS Plus Center
Mantoux test- A positive reaction means Refer to Provincial/City NTP Coordinator
that the client has been
exposed to TB Rifampicin causes urine discoloration.
DOTS- declared in 1996 Isoniazid give Vit. B6 or pyridoxine to
Inhale or deep breath then cough up 3-5ml prevent peripheral neuropathy
sputum proper way to collect Pyrazinamide - causes G.I upset.
Ethambutol causes-
Hemoptysis is contraindication of sputum
-not given to children under 6 years or
younger because they cannot reliably
3x in a month – collection of sputum for
monitor vision –
case finding
Bcg – do not give to immunosuppressed
baby- with leukemia and hiv Streptomycin causes- tinnitus and auditory
impairment/ OTOTOXICITY.
A positive reaction consists of palpable
swelling and induration of
- 10mm and above for normal FDC – Fixed Dose Combination
- 5mm and above for immunocompromised. 4 FDC or 4 drugs combined in a blister pack
Chest x-ray - determines the presence and – R.I.P.E
extent of disease 3 FDC or 3 drugs combined i a blister
the primary diagnostic tool in TB case packs – R.I.P or the new drug R.I.E.
finding is DSSM 2 FDC or 2 drugs combined i a blister packs
The only contraindication for sputum – I.E or the new drug R.I.
collection is hemoptysis Streptomycin – only TB drug in Vial
RA 4073- Liberization and Treatment of water contaminated with Vibrio cholerae
Leprosy (February as Leprosy Month)
• Hansen's disease - BACTERIA from other cholera patients
• •Multi-Drug-Therapy (MDT)
• LEPROMATOUS TYPE is the most
Where is the major reservoir for cholera?
disfiguring type of LEPROSY
Answer: The major reservoir for cholera
CHOLERA was long assumed to be humans themselves,
In August of 1854 Soho, a suburb of but considerable evidence exists that aquatic
London, was hit hard by a terrible outbreak
environments can serve as reservoirs of the
of cholera. Dr. Snows himself lived near
Soho, and immediately went to work to bacteria.
prove his theory that contaminated water
was the cause of the outbreak.
In 1883 a German physician, Robert Koch, In its most severe form what effect does
took the search for the cause of cholera a Cholera have?
step further when he isolated the Answer: Severe drop in blood pressure
bacterium Vibrio cholerae, the “poison”
Snow contended caused cholera. Infected patients may die within three hours
Dr. Koch determined that cholera is not if medical treatment is not provided
contagious from person to person, but is It colonize in the intestine and produce
spread only through unsanitary water or
food supply sources, a major victory for toxin, it makes intestinal cell secrete water,
Snow’s theory. The cholera epidemics in you die from shock.
Europe and the United States in the
19th century ended after cities finally
improved water supply sanitation. What is the most common scenario for
Where did Cholera originate from? What is the environmental cycle for
Answer: Originally came from India from Cholera?
Ganges delta. Answer: They usually cling to biofilm
It was transported by ships. before heavy rain fall from monsoon
What does serogroup refer to? They are a aqueous virus.
Answer: "Serogroup" refers to the structure You can screen out the zooplankton with
of lipopolysaccharide or LPS, and O- using clothes to filter water.
antigens expressed It is only 50% effective, it only filters out
stuck zooplankton
What is does biotype mean?
Answer: Biotype - further classification What are the Cholera virulence factors?
based on phenotypic characteristics Answer: Cholera Toxin (CT)
Toxin Co-regulated Pilus (TCP)
Who was John Snow?
Answer: One of the fathers of What is Cholera Toxin?
epidemiology, because of his work in Answer: A-B enterotoxin (1 A & 5 B
tracing the source of a cholera outbreak in subunits)
Soho, England, in 1854. Causes symptoms of disease
Found that Cholera came from contaminated
drinking water. What is Toxin Co-regulated Pilus ?
Answer: Involved in colonization of human
How many cases of Cholera are there in a intestine
year? Bacterial-bacterial interactions
Answer: Approximately 500,000 cases per Also serves as a receptor for the
year bacteriophage that encodes cholera toxin
Where is the Cholera endemic present? What are characteristics of Vibrio Cholerae?
Answer: Endemic (always present) in Answer: It is motile because it has a
Africa and SE Asia (Indian subcontinent) flagella.
Not in a host it is does not express Cholera
What is the causative agent of Cholera? toxin
Vibrio Cholerae The host is used for amplification.
BUBONIC PLAQUE – BLACK DEATH Where did the Black Death Originate?- Asia,
predominantly China
When did the Black Death Occur? - 1347 –
1350 ( 1348)
Where did the Black Death first arrive in
In what century did the Black Death Occur?
- 14th Europe?- Messina, Italy
killing millions of people. When did the Black Death reach Marseilles
in Southern France?- January 1348
What helped the spread of the Black
Death?- Trading routes on both land and When did the Black Death reach England?-
True/False: The rat spread the disease by when did Egypt become infected with the
- It was the flea that bit the human, the rat By ____ the Black Death had spread
What fraction of Europe died during the In what season were the fleas most active?-
What type of flea carried the Disease?- The What did the Pope do to protect himself
How many strains of Plague were there?- 3 What was also happening during the Black
death that caused it to spread even
Name the strains of the Black Death:-
quicker?- Widespread famine
Bubonic, Pneumonic and Septicaemic
What is another name for the Black
Death?- the Bubonic Plague
1. Flea drinks rat blood that carries the in what desert is the Black Death thought to
have originated?- The Gobi Desert
2. Bacteria multiply in flea's gut What were some of the symptoms of the
Acute infection may occur with limited or Hepatitis D virus (HDV) infections
no symptoms, or may include symptoms occur only in those who are infected with
such as jaundice (yellowing of the skin HBV.
and eyes), dark urine, extreme fatigue, The dual infection of HDV and HBV can
nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain. result in a more serious disease and worse
Hepatitis A virus (HAV) is present in outcome.
the feces of infected persons and is most Hepatitis B vaccines provide protection
often transmitted through consumption from HDV infection.
of contaminated water or food.
transmitted mainly through the fecal oral Hepatitis E virus (HEV) is mostly
route. (foodborne) transmitted through consumption of
Certain sex practices can also spread contaminated water or food.
HAV. HEV is a common cause of hepatitis
symptoms often include nausea, pain in outbreaks in developing parts of the
upper right quadrant of the abdomen, world and is increasingly recognized as
fever, joint pain, loss of appetite and an important cause of disease in
jaundice developed countries.
Hepatitis B virus (HBV) is transmitted transmitted mainly through the fecal oral
through exposure to infective blood, route. (foodborne)
semen, and other body fluids.
HBV can be transmitted from infected
mothers to infants at the time of birth or FHSIS/Record & Report:
1.Provide summary of data on health service ❖ Health educator, who aims towards
delivery & selective program.
health promo & illness prevention thru
2. Provides data w/c combined w/data from
dissemination of correct info; educating
other sources.
3. to provide standardized facility level data
base ❖ Facilitator, who establishes multi-sectoral
4. to ensure data reported is useful & linkages by referral system
accurate;timely & easy to use fashion. ❖ Supervisor, who monitors & supervises
5. minimize recording & reporting
the performance of midwives
allow more time for patient care and
promotive activities. ROLES OF THE PHN
Components: ❖ Clinician who is a health care provider,
1. Family tx record = Daily taking care of the sick people at home or in
2. Target Client list = weekly the RHU.
3. Reporting forms = monthly ❖ Health educator, who aims towards
4. Output reports = quarterly;annually
health promo & illness prevention thru
*Family tx record - fundamental building dissemination of correct info; educating
block; foundation of FHSIS
*Target client list - 2nd building block
The Primary focus of CHN is Health ❖ Facilitator, who establishes multi-sectoral
Promotion & Disease Prevention linkages by referral system
Primary goal - self reliance in health or ❖ Supervisor, who monitors & supervises
enhanced capabilities the performance of midwives
Ultimate goal - raise level of # of citizenry
Philosophy of CHN- Worth and dignity of Community Diagnosis:
man - by the nature of her work has the o Descriptive research
opportunity & responsibility for evaluating o Profile general picture of comm., a
the health status of people & groups & direct health indicator
relating them to practice. o Process by which the people in the
CHN practices -to benefit the individual, conn & H team assess the comm. H
family, special groups & community • CHN problems & needs as bases for H
is integrated and comprehensive programs devt.
1. The comm. is the patient in CHN, o A learning process for the comm. to
the family is the unit of care and the identify their own H problems &
4 levels of clientele are: needs
a. Individual o A profile that deposits the H
b. Pop. group ( those who share common problems & potentials of the comm.
char, dev stages & common exposure to the 2 Types of Community Dx
problems ex. Children, elderly) • Comprehensive- provides the
c. Family general health profile of the
In CHN, the client is considered as an comm.
ACTIVE partner NOT PASSIVE recipient • Specific or problem oriented-
of care-participatory approach Client- active yields a comprehensive
participant, full involvement recipient care profile of a particular H
ROLES OF THE PHN Method of Survey: Questionnaire
• Census (100%) : Most ideal,
❖ Clinician who is a health care provider,
enumeratx of data conducted
taking care of the sick people at home or in 6 mos.
the RHU.
• Sample Survey : Most Quantitative- numerical • Can be measured •
practical study representative Discrete- whole number or integral values •
of a comm. Size matters in Continuous- fractions, decimals, can attain
terms of validity any decimal
• Interview method
• Instrument- interview guide/
schedule Common Epidemiologic Studies:
Records review • Retrospective (Past)
Instrument: checklist Cross- Sectional (Present)
Ocular inspection/ Prospective Cohort (future)
observation • *Independent variable (Cause) - The one to
Instrument: checklist be manipulated ( symbol is “y”)
Participant *Dependent (Effect) - Will always be the
observation interest of the researcher ( symbol is “X”)
• Finalize sampling design & . Primary Level Of Disease Prevention -
methods Keep people healthy - Prevention of disease
Probability: Equal - Risk factors & threats present
chances- random- ( Through People Ex.
simple, stratified, o Immunization: Method of health
cluster) promotion
Non- probability: o Chemoprophylaxis: Intake of drugs
Everyone will not Ex. Vit C to avoid URTI
have equal chances o Reproduction & Sexual Health
STATISTICS Statistics: A science- o Responsible Parenthood
collection, organization, analysis, Through Environmental Control
interpretation of numerical data. o Safe Water Supply - Physical
Biostatistics: refers to the application of characteristics - Chemical
statistical method to the life science like characteristics-with minerals in
biology, medicine. H2O- hard water (better - Biological
Demography: Study of pop size, (-) for e.coli Common household
composition & spatial distribution as water function = Boil H2O Boil with
affected by births, deaths & migration. low fire, wait 5 mins after boiling
Phenomenon of Variation - Tendency of a Filtration- from ascariasis due to
measurable character to change from 1 airborne solid block Water supply-
individual or 1 setting to another or from 1 25 meters away from toilet, pig pen,
instant of time to another within the same poultry refuse disposal system
individual or setting o Food Sanitation/ Good Food
Types of Data: Hygiene Ensure the Health of the FF:
• Constant- value remains the Sources of raw food- without pesticides
same from person to person, Food handlers
time to time, place to place Environmental sanitation
Ex. Minutes/ hour, speed Safe excretal disposal (toilets)
• Variable- Ex. Temperature Water No water Needs Transplant Cistern
Qualitative- categories are flush with sewage system
simply used to label to
Flying saucer-pail system (bucket latrine)
distinguish & group to
No Transplant Cistern flush with septic tank
another, rather than a basis
for saying that 1 group is PIT- privy > Antipolice, bore hole, compost,
twin > Ventilate 1 improved pit- less smell >
greater, higher than the other.
Reed odorless earth closet (ROEC)
Ex. Sex, Religion, Color
Overhung latrine (batalan) – bangin
Cat-hole latrine 1. Sensitivity:
Reuse Management: True positive rate or strength of association
- Solid & semi-solid waste excluding human bet. presence of disease & Sx
excretal 2. Specificity
Garbage- fruit peelings, left over food- Tertiary Level Of Disease Prevention -
biodegradable Applied in symptomatic phase & defects or
Rubbish- broken glass, plastic- non- disability is present already.
biodegradable Starts when the individual seeks medical
Acceptance of Reuse Management: help - Rehabilitation is the goal, resting to
1. Open burning an optimum level of functioning within the
2. Composting constraints of disability
3. Burial • Diagnosis During
Community Level symptomatic phase
a. Sanitary Landfill • Treatment
Problem: Prone to scavenging • Management
b. Incinerator- no residue, pure smoke • Rehabilitation – starts when
4. Vector animal reservoir control the individual enters the
5. Disinfestations & Sterilization facility
6. Good living & working condition Bag technique-a tool making use of public
7. Health education -Health promotion best health bag (open bag 3x only)
source of prevention Public health bag - is an essential and
2. Secondary Level Of Disease Prevention indispensable equipment of the public health
- Early diagnosis & prompt intervention to nurse
halt pathological process to shorten duration, Removed BP Cuff inside bag
severity & Home visit - is a family-midwife contact
return to normal functioning at earliest which allows the health worker to assess the
possible time. home and family situations in order to
a. Screening Methods provide the necessary nursing care and
• Mass Screening: Should be simple & health related activities
inexpensive *****cleanest to dirtiest dapat
• Case Finding: Positive cases of leading ****priority sunod sunod na to – pregnant –
causes of morbidity newborn – postpartum – last ang may mga
Gold Standard for TB test: Culture and sakit
Sensitivity Epidemiology - the study of disease
Sputum smear microscopy- TB test occurrence and distribution
• Contact Tracing: Pt. with disease & check Infection- entry and development or
source of infection from family • Multiple multiplication of an infectious agent in the
Screening: HIV test • Surveillance body of man or animals.
1. Pre-Test Counseling- risk appraisal for Contamination- presence of an infectious
disease prevention agent on a body surface, on or in clothes,
Risk situation, Risk behavior beddings, toys, surgical instruments or
2. ELISA I dressings, or other articles or substances
3. Post Test Counseling including water and food
Behavioral modification- IMPT 4 types of disease distribution
Uniqueness of individual 1. Epidemic- “The unusual occurrence in
Risk factor: increase probability of a community of disease- sudden outbreak
disease of a disease – IN A SHORT PERIOD OF
5. Western Block Test- (-) or (+) result with
post counseling (Confirmatory DX) Nosocomial (hospital acquired) - urinary
Characteristics Of An Ideal Screening Test: tract infections.
Carriers- “an infected person or animal that ✔
harbors a specific infectious agent in the
5. Cervix Uteri 4812cases 6 %
absence of discernible (visible) clinical
disease and serves as a potential source of
lung cancer was the most common cancer
infection to others.
in men
Leptospirosis – Vector is Rat
In Females, breast cancer was the most
Causative Agent: - bacteria--- Leptospira
****Smoking (including passive smoking)
Sign/Symptoms: High fever, Chills, is the most important factor.
Vomiting, Red/ orange eyes, Diarrhea,
The Philippine Health Agenda Framework
Severe headache, muscle aches, may include
jaundice (yellow skin and eyes), abdominal
pain Financial Protection: Filipinos, especially
Treatment: PET - Penicillins G, the poor are protected from high cost of
Erythromycin, Tetracycline, Doxycycline as health care.
prophylactic drug Better Health Outcomes: Filipinos attain the
best possible health outcome with no
Dengue - mosquito-borne infection
Vector is female aedes aegypti mosquito,
Responsiveness: Filipinos feel respected,
day biting, low flying, satagnant clear
valued and empowered in all of their
water,stripes black white body.
interaction with the health system.
Agent is a Virus.. dengue virus 1,2,3,4
- female aedes aegypti in stagnant water new health agenda framework will be
attainable through the ACHIEVE strategy:
treatment is supportive therapy.
Intravenous fluids Advance health promotion,
A platelet transfusion primary care and quality
Cover all Filipinos against
- Tourniquet test (capillary fragility test or C
Rumpel Leads Test), a presumptive test financial health risk
which is positive in the presence of more Harness the power of
than 20 petechiae within an inch square, H
strategic HRH
after 5 minutes of test
DENGUE ns1 – ANTIGEN CAPTURE - Invest in eHealth and data for
CONFIRMATORY decision-making
o fluids (most important treatment) like Enforce standards,
oresol and IV E accountability and
o paracetamol ( do not give aspirin) transparency
o for nose bleeding, flex the neck lean
V Value clients and patients
forward to prevent aspiration
o avoid unnecessary movement Elicit multi-stakeholder
o assist in the management of shock. E
support for health
Dorsal recumbent to trendelenburg
position RH Law, otherwise known as Republic
Leading New Cancer Cases in 2010, Both Act 10354 or the Responsible Parenthood
Sexes, Philippines (GLOBOCAN 2008). and Reproductive Health Act
Cancer Sites Number Percentage
1. Breast 12262 cases 15 % 10-point Socioeconomic Agenda of the
2. Lung 11458 cases 14 % Duterte Administration:
3. Liver 7331cases 9 % Macroeconomic policies
Tax reform
4. Colon/Rectum 5787cases 7 % ✔ ✔ ✔
Increase competitiveness and the ease of Wait for the dog to pass or slowly back
doing business. away.
Accelerate annual infrastructure spending to Remain motionless (e.g., "be still like a
account for 5% of GDP, with Public-Private tree") when approached by an unfamiliar
Partnerships playing a key role. dog or attempt to sit.
Promote rural and value chain development Avoid retrieving objects from the dog's
toward increasing agricultural and rural mouth
enterprise productivity and rural tourism. Do not disturb the dog while the animal is
Ensure security of land tenure to encourage eating.
investments, and address bottlenecks in land Curl into a ball with your head tucked and
management and titling agencies. your hands over your ears and neck if a dog
Invest in human capital development, knocks you over.
including health and education systems, and Immediately let an adult know about stray
match skills and training to meet the dogs or dogs that are behaving strangely.
demand of businesses and the private sector. *Head (NERVOUS SYSTEM)- most
Promote science, technology, and the affected part and most fatal or dangerous
creative arts to enhance innovation and site for dog bite
creative capacity towards self-sustaining,
inclusive development. Post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP)
Improve social protection programs,
including the government’s Conditional Categories of Post-
Cash Transfer program, to protect the contact with exposure
poor against instability and economic suspect rabid prophylaxis
shocks. animal measures
Strengthen implementation of the
Responsible Parenthood and Category I –
Reproductive Health Law to enable touching or
especially poor couples to make informed feeding
choices on financial and family planning. animals, licks
PROGRAM Category II –
RA 9482 or “The Rabies Act of 2007”, nibbling of
rabies control ordinances shall be strictly uncovered
implemented. skin, minor Immediate
March as the Rabies Awareness Month scratches or vaccination
September 28 as the World Rabies Day. abrasions and local
Stop walking or moving. without treatment of
Stay still and be calm. bleeding the wound
Do not panic or make loud noises.
Category III –
Avoid direct eye contact with the dog. single or
Say "No" or "Go Home" in a firm, deep multiple
voice. transdermal Immediate
Stand with the side of your body facing the bites or vaccination
dog. scratches, and
Avoid facing a dog directly since it can
licks on administratio
appear aggressive to the dog. broken skin; n of rabies
keep your body turned partially or contamination immunoglob
completely to the side. of mucous ulin; local
Slowly raise your hands to your neck, with membrane treatment of
your elbows in. with saliva the wound
from licks,
Examples of active vaccines are PCEC
contacts with
(Purified Chick Embryo Vaccine),
RABIPUR and the new cheap drug
Head is the most fatal site for dog bite VEROWELL
Legs are the most common site for dog - It will give 2 years immunity against rabies
bite if the dose is completed
Rabies vaccine is an artificial active Postexposure Prophylaxis for Non-
given on days 0, 3, 7, 14, 30, and 90, immunized Individuals
avoid gluteal area
Rabies vaccine should be administered in Treatment Regimen
the deltoid muscle
In both pre-exposure and post-exposure any remaining
immunization, the full 1.0 mL dose should volume should be
be given 9 intramuscularly administered IM
Sanofi Pasteur created both antirabies and at an anatomical
antidengue vaccine site distant from
antirabies horse serum vaccine
HRIG is from human serum administration.
Also, RIG should
Examples of active vaccines are PCEC
not be
(Purified Chick Embryo Vaccine),
administered in
RABIPUR and the new cheap drug
the same syringe
as vaccine.
- It will give 2 years immunity against rabies Because RIG
if the dose is completed might partially
Postexposure Prophylaxis for Non- suppress active
immunized Individuals production of
antibody, no more
Treatment Regimen than the
Wound All postexposure dose should be
cleansing prophylaxis should given.
begin with
immediate Vaccine HDCV or
thorough cleansing PCECV 1.0 mL,
of all wounds with IM (deltoid area
soap and water. If ), one each on
available, a days 0 , 3, 7, and
virucidal agent 14. – AVOID
such as povidine- GLUTEAL
iodine solution INJECTIONS
should be used to A 5th dose on day 28 may be recommended
irrigate the for immunocompromised persons.
Postexposure Prophylaxis for Previously
RIG If possible, the full Immunized Individuals
dose should be
infiltrated around Treatment Regimen
any wound(s) and
EBOZ or ebola ZAIRRE strain is the
Postexposure Prophylaxis for Previously most deadliest strain
Immunized Individuals
RESTV or EBOR (ebola reston) species,
found in Philippines and the People's
Treatment Regimen Republic of China, have been found to
infect humans but they do not cause illness
Wound All postexposure or death
cleansing prophylaxis should Diagnosis
begin with
***antibody-capture enzyme-linked
immunosorbent assay (ELISA)
thorough cleansing
of all wounds with
soap and water. If
available, a
virucidal agent Herbal Medicine USES
such as povidine- Niog Niogan Anti-helminthic
iodine solution (Quisqualis Indica) every 6 months
should be used to 2 hours p
irrigate the supper
wounds. No to less than 4
RIG RIG should not be Tsaang Gubat Diarrhea
administered. (Carmona Retusa)
Ampalaya DM Type 2-
Vaccine HDCV or PCECV (Momordica obesity
1.0 mL, IM Charantia)
(deltoid area), one
each on days 0 and FOR PROPHYLAXIS IN HIV
Ebola: Mapping the outbreak ANTIBIOTIC FOR PROPHYLAXIS: Oral
From the section of WEST Africa Cotrimoxazole
Ebola crisis
The hunters breaking an Ebola ban on OPV (Oral Polio Vaccine)
bushmeat- FRUIT BATS “Sabin vaccine”
Primary source = fruit bats or flying foxes , polio vaccine that is taken by mouth and
old world bats contains the three serotypes of poliovirus in
Other sources: a weakened live state—called also Sabin
o Chimpanzees oral vaccine
o Gorillas Measles- Subcutaneous
o fruit bats Cold Chain under EPI
o monkeys o 6months- Regional Level
o antelope o Not more than 5days- Health
o porcupines centers using transport boxes.
o symptomatic humans Most sensitive to heat: Freezer (-15 to -25
Ebola largest outbreak in West Africa degrees C)
was first reported in March 2014, o OPV
discovery in 1976. o Measles
The total number of reported cases is more
than 28,607. Rubeola (measles)
Virus is named after the ebola river
There are 5 strains of EBOLA virus
Communicable just before the rash isolated in an Aedes mosquito from the same
appears to 4-5 days after rash region.
appears=highly contagious The first human cases appeared in 1952
1. A home visit must have a purpose or will minimize, if not, prevent the
objective. spread of any infection.- most important
2. Planning for a home visit should make use of central feature
all available information about the patient It saves time and effort in the
and his family through family records. performance of nursing procedures.
3. In planning for a home visit, we should The bag technique can be performed in a
consider and give priority to the essential variety of ways depending on the
needs of the individual and his family. agency’s policy, the home situation, or as
4. Planning and delivery of care should involve long as principles of avoiding transfer
the individual and family. of infection is always observed.
5. The plan should be FLEXIBLE.
Extra paper for making waste bag
1. Greet the patient and introduce yourself.
Plastic/linen lining
2. State the purpose of the visit (Question after
Greeting the patient and introducing
Hand towel
yourself what is your next action? = State the
Soap in a soap dish
purpose of the visit)
Thermometers (oral and rectal)
3. Assess or Observe the patient and determine
2 pairs of scissors (surgical and bandage)
the health needs.
2 pairs of forceps (curved and straight)
4. Put the bag in a convenient place and then
Disposable syringes with needles (g. 23
proceed to perform the bag technique.
& 25)
5. Perform the nursing care needed and give
Hypodermic needles (g. 19, 22, 23, 25
health teachings.
6. Record all important date, observation and care
Sterile dressing
Cotton balls
7. Make appointment for a return visit.
Cord clamp
Micropore plaster
Tape measure
1 pair of sterile gloves
Baby’s scale
Alcohol lamp
2 test tubes
Test tube holders
Solutions of:
o Betadine
o 70% alcohol
o Zephiran solution
o Hydrogen peroxide
o Spirit of ammnonia
o Ophthalmic ointment
o Acetic acid
o Benedict’s solution
4 C Points to consider
COMPLETE- contain all the necessary
articles, supplies and equipment that will
be used to answer the emergency needs
CLEAN - contents should be cleaned
very often, the supplies replaced and
ready for use anytime.
CONTENT protection- contents should
be well protected from contact with any
article in the patient’s home.
*Consider the bag and its contents clean and
sterile, while articles that belong to the
patients as dirty and contaminated.
CONVENIENT- arrangement of the
contents of the bag should be the one
most convenient to the user, to facilitate
efficiency and avoid confusion.