Junk Basket Reverse Circulation

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Sir William Smith Road, Kirkton Industrial Estate,

Arbroath, Angus, Scotland, U.K. DD11 3RD

Tel: +44 (0) 1241 877776. Fax: +44 (0) 1241 871037
E-mail: sales@pioneeroiltools.com
Website: www.pioneeroiltools.com


RC 02/03 Copyright 2003


The Pioneer Reverse Circulation Junk Basket, with its reverse flow valve, can
recover small junk and debris efficiently and effectively in a single trip.

The special reverse flow feature creates a vortex back through the centre of the
basket encouraging all loose and dislodged junk to pass into the barrel through the
catcher. Junk embedded in the bottom formation can be core milled, the mill cuttings
and the core itself being removed by the tool.

The Pioneer Reverse Circulation Junk Basket is ideally suited to the recovery of tools
lost through the rotary, pieces of wireline, particles of slips, bit cones and the general
accumulation of junk, which can impede the progress of drilling.

By substituting the Pioneer Magnet Insert for the catcher, the tool is readily
converted into a Reverse Circulation Fishing Magnet with all the reverse flow
advantages of the junk basket.

The tool can also be used for drilling full gauge holes or hole reaming with the
cuttings being retained in the basket.



Circulation fluid is pumped down through the
fishing string to the junk basket. With the reverse
flow valve open, the fluid has a free passage
through the tool to condition the mud and the

When the reverse flow valve is actuated, the fluid

is diverted through high-pressure jet holes around
the outer circumference close to the bottom of the
tool. These jets wash down the wall of the bore
and down past the milling shoe carrying cuttings

The fluid returns up through the tool carrying the

cuttings and junk past the catcher into the barrel.
The vortex effect induced by the outside to inside
flow path of the fluid creates the superior
efficiency this tool has over other types of junk
baskets. The fluid exits the tool through a series
of vent holes above the jets leaving the junk
trapped in the barrel. By nature of its design, the
tool will drain all fluid from the string, even when
there is a core choking the barrel, thus enabling a
dry string to be pulled.

Reverse Circulation Junk Basket

The Pioneer Reverse Circulating Junk Basket is The Catcher, which is manufactured from
comprised of four main sections: the Top Sub, the Teflon-coated steel, is a free fit inside the shoe.
Barrel (incorporating the reverse flow valve This permits the catcher to remain stationary
assembly), the Catcher and the Shoe. while the tool is rotating during coring
operations, thus preventing damage or breakage
The Top Sub serves to connect the tool to the to the fingers. The fingers, which are spring
fishing string and can be supplied with the top loaded, are opened by the passage of junk into the
connection required. This should be specified at barrel and close to prevent the junk falling out.
the time of ordering. A lifting bail containing a The Catcher is a non-riveted assembly to ease
compartment to store the reverse flow valve- redressing, though it is advisable to carry spare
actuating ball is supplied to suit the Top Sub catchers on site.

Lifting Bail Catcher

The Barrel consists of two concentric tubular The Shoe contains the catcher and is screwed on
sections completely sealed at the lower end to to the lower end of the barrel. Various types of
form an annular cavity. Entry to the bore of the shoe can be supplied depending on the type of
inner section is through the reverse flow valve, cutting action required. They may be
which is assembled at the top end. manufactured with hardened steel cutting teeth, or
with Pioneer TC Alloy carbide hard-faced teeth.
High-pressure jet holes connect the annular cavity Hard facing is strongly recommended where any
to the lower end of the outer tubular section and degree of milling is to be carried out.
are angled to direct the jets downward. The
return vents, which are angled upwards, pass
from the inner to the outer section through sealing
pads which keep downward and upward flows
separate. The Barrel is assembled to the Top Sub
by means of a box thread on the outer section.
The Reverse Flow Valve is a check valve
consisting of a steel ball, a ball guide and valve
seat. The ball guide is screwed into a housing on
the inner barrel and retains the valve seat in
position. Both the guide and seat can be readily
removed for maintenance or replacement.

Many operators of milling equipment have their Type ‘C’ is hard faced with TC Alloy on the bore,
own preference as to the geometric form of the outside diameter and the flat bottom, and is
milling cutters and shoes. This is based on ideally suited to take core samples as well as
experience, hole conditions and the type of junk milling junk for entry into the catcher.
to be removed. Recognising this, Pioneer offer
the shoes below as standard forms, but would be A Finger Shoe assembly can be run in place of a
pleased to design and manufacture other forms to Mill Shoe and Catcher when the junk to be
meet customer’s specific requirements. retrieved is oversize for the catcher or when the
junk is lying free on the bottom of the hole. The
Type ‘A’ Mill Shoes are supplied as standard long fingers of the shoe encircle the junk when
with the junk basket assembly. They are the tool is lowered to the hole bottom. Continued
manufactured from high quality alloy steel and application of weight and rotation deforms the
are specially heat-treated to harden the teeth. The fingers into the centre below the junk trapping it
teeth are angled from the bore and O.D. to in the barrel. Finger shoes are easy to replace on
produce a high penetration point in the centre. site and it is advisable to hold spare fingers
The body of the shoe is reduced behind the teeth sections (Type F) for mounting to the finger
to allow free cutting on the O.D. body.
Type ‘B’ has the same geometrical form as type
‘A’. The teeth however are hard faced with
Pioneer TC Alloy. This is a composition of
sharp, graded particles of tungsten carbide
bonded with a heavy-duty nickel-bronze matrix.
This shoe is ideally suited where irregular junk
may have to be milled to allow free entry into

Type A Mill Shoe Type B Mill Shoe 4 Type C Mill Shoe Type F Mill Shoe


A Window Sub can be mounted on the top of the A Pioneer Junk Basket Magnet Insert can be used
fishing string below the Kelly and is used to in the place of the Catcher, whereupon the tool is
introduce the steel ball into the string. To order, converted from a junk basket to a fishing magnet
please specify OD, top and bottom connections. with all the reverse circulation advantages of the
basket. In this format, the tool is ideally suited to
the removal of small steel cuttings encountered
when milling or sizing. The Magnet Insert is a
very useful accessory in any junk basket package.

Junk Basket Magnet Insert

Window Sub


Connect the Junk Basket to the string and run to Pioneer operates a full spare parts system, and
within 5-10 feet of the hole bottom. Turn on the spares may be obtained by quoting the tool
circulating fluid and run for a few minutes in the assembly number, serial number and a description
through-flow condition to disperse any mud of the part required.
accumulated during the run in. Stop the pumps
and introduce the steel ball into the string, SELECTION
remembering to replace the plug if a window sub
is used. Restart the circulation pumps, rotate and When ordering the largest tool to suit the hole
lower the string onto the junk. Continue to mill size should be selected.
until the required length of core is reached
(approx. 12”). Turn off the pumps and rotation To order, specify: -
and pull up on the string. The pulling will cause 1. The assembly number
the fingers to penetrate the core assisting in 2. The top connection (type and size)
breaking it free. To remove the core, unscrew the 3. Type of Shoe and OD
Shoe and Catcher and flush out. 4. Any additional equipment.
NOTE: - Care should always be taken to ensure
the actuating ball diameter is less than the drift
diameter of the tool joints in use. RECOMMENDED SPARES
Pioneer recommends that the following spares be
MAINTENANCE maintained with each tool. Two each: Catchers,
Shoes, and steel balls. One each: ball guide and
Pioneer products are manufactured from quality valve seat.
materials and are designed to give long and useful
service. To obtain this long service however, it is
essential that tools are dismantled, thoroughly
cleaned and inspected after every operation. SPECIAL ORDERS
Particular attention should be paid to flushing out Pioneer is pleased to design and manufacture
the annular cavity and jet holes, the Catcher, the tools to suit customers' specific requirements. For
Shoe and the valve assembly. The Catcher information on this and other tools in Pioneer’s
should be inspected for damage. Damaged range, contact our sales office for immediate
fingers should be replaced. assistance.

On reassembly, the Catcher should be free to

rotate in the Shoe. Return the steel ball to its
compartment in the Lifting Bail, and fit the
Lifting Bail to the Top Sub to protect the top
connection. Paint or inhibit the assembly for long


Junk Basket
Assembly Barrel Preferred Maximum Assembly
No OD Hole Catch Weight
RC 0363 3 5/8” 3
3 /4” – 4” 2 1/4” 39 kg
RC 0400 4” 4 1/8” – 4 1/2” 2 1/2” 45 kg
RC 0450 4 1/2” 4 5/8” – 5” 3 1/16” 49 kg
RC 0488 4 7/8” 5 1/8” – 5 1/2” 3 9/16” 58 kg
RC 0513 5 1/8” 5 5/8” – 6” 3 3/4” 65 kg
RC 0575 5 3/4” 6 1/8” – 6 1/2” 4 13/32” 84 kg
RC 0625 6 1/4” 6 5/8” – 7 3/8” 4 3/4” 108 kg
RC 0700 7” 7 1/2” – 8 1/4” 5 1/8” 133 kg
RC 0788 7 7/8” 8 3/8” – 9 1/2” 6” 170 kg
RC 0913 9 1/8” 9 5/8” – 10 5/8” 1
7 /16” 200 kg
RC 1013 10 1/8” 10 3/4” – 11 5/8” 7 5/8” 261 kg
RC 1100 11” 11 3/4” – 12 1/2” 8 1/4” 302 kg
RC 1188 11 7/8” 12 5/8” – 13 5/8” 8 1/2” 362 kg
RC 1300 13” 13 3/4” – 16” 9 13/16” 423 kg
RC 1500 15” 16” – 17 1/2” 11” 710 kg

Additional Equipment
Assembly Shoe Shoe Finger Shoe Magnet Insert
No Type ‘B’ Type ‘C’ Assembly Assembly
RC 0363 RC 0363-02B RC 0363-02C RC 0363-02D RC 0363-23
RC 0400 RC 0400-02B RC 0400-02C RC 0400-02D RC 0400-23
RC 0450 RC 0450-02B RC 0450-02C RC 0450-20D RC 0450-23
RC 0488 RC 0488-02B RC 0488-02C RC 0488-02D RC 0488-23
RC 0513 RC 0513-02B RC 0513-02C RC 0513-02D RC 0513-23
RC 0575 RC 0575-02B RC 0575-02C RC 0575-02D RC 0575-23
RC 0625 RC 0625-02B RC 0625-02C RC 0625-02D RC 0625-23
RC 0700 RC 0700-02B RC 0700-02C RC 0700-02D RC 0700-23
RC 0788 RC 0788-02B RC 0788-02C RC 0788-02D RC 0788-23
RC 0913 RC 0913-02B RC 0913-02C RC 0913-02D RC 0913-23
RC 1013 RC 1013-02B RC 1013-02C RC 1013-02D RC 1013-23
RC 1100 RC 1100-02B RC 1100-02C RC 1100-02D RC 1100-23
RC 1188 RC 1188-02B RC 1188-02C RC 1188-02D RC 1188-23
RC 1300 RC 1300-02B RC 1300-02C RC 1300-02D RC 1300-23
RC 1500 RC 1500-02B RC 1500-02C RC 1500-02D RC 1500-23

Replacement Parts RC0363 - RC0513
Assembly No RC 0363 RC 0400 RC 0450 RC 0488 RC 0513
Lifting Bail RC 0363-13 RC 0363-13 RC 0450-13 RC 0450-13 RC 0513-13
Top Sub RC 0363-01 RC 0400-01 RC 0450-01 RC 0488-01 RC 0513-01
Barrel Assembly RC 0363-24 RC 0400-24 RC 0450-24 RC 0488-24 RC 0513-24
Ball Guide RC 0363-05 RC 0363-05 RC 0450-05 RC 0450-05 RC 0513-05
Valve Seat RC 0363-07 RC 0363-07 RC 0450-07 RC 0450-07 RC 0513-07
Steel Ball Part No RC 0363-19 RC 0363-19 RC 0450-19 RC 0450-19 RC 0513-19
15 15
Steel Ball Dia. /16” /16” 1 1/8” 1 1/8” 1 3/8”
Catcher Assembly RC 0363-20 RC 0400-20 RC 0450-20 RC 0488-20 RC 0513-20
Type A Shoe RC 0363-02A RC 0400-02A RC 0450-02A RC 0488-02A RC 0513-02A
Finger Shoe Body RC 0363-02E RC 0400-02E RC 0450-02E RC 0488-02E RC 0513-02E
Finger Shoe RC 0363-02F RC 0400-02F RC 0450-02F RC 0488-02F RC 0513-02F

Replacement Parts RC0575 - RC0913

Assembly No RC 0575 RC 0625 RC 0700 RC 0788 RC 0913
Lifting Bail RC 0513-13 RC 0625-13 RC 0625-13 RC 0788-13 RC 0913-13
Top Sub RC 0575-01 RC 0625-01 RC 0700-01 RC 0788-01 RC 0913-01
Barrel Assembly RC 0575-24 RC 0625-24 RC 0700-24 RC 0788-24 RC 0913-24
Ball Guide RC 0513-05 RC 0513-05 RC 0700-05 RC 0700-05 RC 0913-05
Valve Seat RC 0513-07 RC 0513-07 RC 0700-07 RC 0700-07 RC 0913-07
Steel Ball Part No RC 0513-19 RC 0513-19 RC 0700-19 RC 0700-19 RC 0913-19
Steel Ball Dia. 1 3/8” 1 3/8” 1 11/16” 1 11/16” 2 1/4”
Catcher Assembly RC 0575-20 RC 0625-20 RC 0700-20 RC 0788-20 RC 0913-20
Type A Shoe RC 0575-02A RC 0625-02A RC 0700-02A RC 0788-02A RC 0913-02A
Finger Shoe Body RC 0575-02E RC 0625-02E RC 0700-02E RC 0788-02E RC 0913-02E
Finger Shoe RC 0575-02F RC 0625-02F RC 0700-02F RC 0788-02F RC 0913-02F

Replacement Parts RC1013 - RC1500

Assembly No RC 1013 RC 1100 RC 1188 RC 1300 RC 1500
Lifting Bail RC 0913-13 RC 0913-13 RC 0913-13 RC 0913-13 RC 0913-13
Top Sub RC 1013-01 RC 1100-01 RC 1188-01 RC 1300-01 RC 1500-01
Barrel Assembly RC 1013-24 RC 1100-24 RC 1188-24 RC 1300-24 RC 1500-24
Ball Guide RC 0913-05 RC 0913-05 RC 0913-05 RC 0913-05 RC 0913-05
Valve Seat RC 0913-07 RC 0913-07 RC 0913-07 RC 0913-07 RC 0913-07
Steel Ball Part No RC 0913-19 RC 0913-19 RC 0913-19 RC 0913-19 RC 0913-19
Steel Ball Dia. 2 1/4” 2 1/4” 2 1/4” 2 1/4” 2 1/4”
Catcher Assembly RC 1013-20 RC 1100-20 RC 1188-20 RC 1300-20 RC 1500-20
Type A Shoe RC 1013-02A RC 1100-02A RC 1188-02A RC 1300-02A RC 1500-02A
Finger Shoe Body RC 1013-02E RC 1100-02E RC 1188-02E RC 1300-02E RC 1500-02E
Finger Shoe RC 1013-02F RC 1100-02F RC 1188-02F RC 1300-02F RC 1500-02F

Sir William Smith Road, Kirkton Industrial Estate,
Arbroath, Angus, Scotland, U.K. DD11 3RD
Tel: +44 (0) 1241 877776. Fax: +44 (0) 1241 871037
E-mail: sales@pioneeroiltools.com
Website: www.pioneeroiltools.com


As the policy of Pioneer Oil Tools is one of continual product improvement,

RC 02/03 we reserve the right to change designs or specifications without notice Copyright 2003

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