Canon 14
Canon 14
Canon 14
REFUSE HIS SERVICES TO THE NEEDY with or control the condition of the
RULE 14.01 – Shall not decline to 1. No control over the suit
represent a person solely on account of the 2. No right to institute any
latter’s race, sex, creed or status of life, or proceedings
because of his own opinion regarding the 3. Cannot assume the functions
guilt of said person. of a party in an action or
- Or else, he becomes a Judge 4. Cannot file a pleading in a
- While he is not bound to accept all
cases if already loaded
Legal aid is NOT a matter of charity. It is a
Aftermath discovery of guilt – he must means for the correction of social imbalance
continue with defense of his client and use that may and often do lead to injustice, for
all fair arguments arising on the evidence which reason it is a public responsibility of
the Bar. The spirit of public service should
therefore underlie all legal aid offices.
Rule 138 Section 20 RC (c): to
Rule 138, Sec. 31 – refers to any case
counsel or maintain such actions or
OTHER than a criminal case where the
proceedings only as appear to him to be
services of counsel are needed to secure the
just, and such defenses only as he believes
ends of justice.
to be honestly debatable under the law.
Wilful or malicious refusal is sufficient
Rule 14.02 – shall not decline, except for
ground for suspension or removal
serious and sufficient cause, an appointment
as counsel de oficio or as an amicus curiae Rule 14.03 – A lawyer may not refuse to
or a request from the Integrated Bar of the accept representation of an indigent client
Philippines or any of its chapters for unless:
rendition of free legal aid.
a. He is not in a position to carry
- If client is convicted and wants to out the work effectively or
appeal, the court MUST still assign a competently
counsel de officio b. He labours under conflict of
- Judges are cautioned not to interest between him and the
frequently appoint same lawyer as prospective client or between a
Counsel de Officio present client and the
- If the court insists that the accused prospective client
be represented by counsel de officio
despite the protestation of the Rule 14.04 – who accepts the cause of a
accused, the sentence rendered is person unable to pay his professional fees
VOID. shall observe the same standard of conduct
governing his relations with paying clients.
AMICUS CURIAE – is not a party to the
action. He may petition the court for People vs. Cawili
permission to file a brief, ostensibly on -failed to file brief within the reglementary
behalf of the party but actually to suggest a period because printing is beyond the power
rationale consistent with his own views. of the accused’s wife to defray.
Briefs are commonly filed in appeals
concerning matters of a broad public
interest e.g. Civil rights