CRR: Cash Reserve Ratio: Core Capital (Tier-I)
CRR: Cash Reserve Ratio: Core Capital (Tier-I)
CRR: Cash Reserve Ratio: Core Capital (Tier-I)
Cash Reserve Requirement (CRR) and Statutory Liquidity Requirement (SLR) have been calculated and
maintained as per Section 33 of the Bank Company Act. 1991 & amended Act 2013 and DOS circuler
no. 01 dated 19 January 2014MPD circular No. 01 dated 23 June 2014.
At present, the required CRR is 6.50% on bi-weekly average basis of the average total demand and
time liabilities (ATDTL) with a provision of minimum 6.00% on daily basis of the same ATDTL
At present, the required SLR is 13% daily for conventional banks and 13% daily for Islamic Shari'ah
based banks and Islamic Shari'ah based banking of conventional banks of their average total demand
and time liabilities.
Core Risk
There are six core risk of Bank:
Credit Risk
Foreign Exchange Risk
Asset Liability Management Risk
Money Laundering risk
Internal Control and Compliance Risk
Information & Communication Technology Risk
Capital Market Exposure Limit
DOS circular no. 2 dated 16 September 2013 issued by Bangladesh Bank, the total exposure will be
reduced to 25% within the year of 2016. Investment cell which includes all investment in shares,
corporate bond, debenture, mutual fund and total market value of other capital certificates and loan
facilities given to own subsidiary company or companies directly or indirectly involved in capital
What is Cost of Fund?
What is Cost of Deposit?
What is spread?
What is Corporate Governance?
What is Green Banking?
L/C Related
Master L/C
Payment at sight
Payment as deferred
Share Capital
Authorized Capital: Minimum tk 400 core.
Paid up Capital: Minimum 25% of Authorized Capital.
Accounting for share capital:
When shares are issued at their nominal value and they are fully paid:
Cash ---- Debit
Share capital ---- Credit
When shares are issued at a premium to their nominal value, and the full amount is paid:
Cash ---- Debit
Share capital ---- Credit
Share Premium---- Credit
Bonus Share:
Bonus issue: An issue of fully paid shares to existing shareholders, free of charge, in proportion to
their existing shareholdings.
When a company makes a bonus issue, it can use its retained earnings reserve, should it wish to do
So. However, it can also use its share premium account.
Rights issue: New shares are offered to existing shareholders in proportion to their existing
shareholding,usually at a discount to the current market price.
Accounting for dividends:
Payment of final ordinary dividend:
Dhaka, 03
a) Continuous Loan: The loan accounts in which transactions may be made within certain
limit and have an expiry date for full adjustment will be treated as Continuous Loan. Examples
are: Cash Credit, Overdraft, etc.
b) Demand Loan: The loans that become repayable on demand by the bank will be treated as
Demand Loan. If any contingent or any other liabilities are turned to forced loan (i.e. without any
prior approval as regular loan) those too will be treated as Demand Loan. Such as: Forced Loan
against Imported Merchandise, Payment against Document, Foreign Bill Purchased, and Inland Bill
Purchased, etc.
c) Fixed Term Loan: The loans, which are repayable within a specific time period under a
specific repayment schedule, will be treated as Fixed Term Loan.
d) Short-term Agricultural & Micro-Credit: Short-term Agricultural Credit will include the
short-term credits as listed under the Annual Credit Programmed issued by the Agricultural Credit
and Financial Inclusion Department (ACFID) of Bangladesh Bank.
(ii) Any Demand Loan if not repaid within the fixed expiry date for repayment or after the demand by
the bank will be treated as past due/overdue from the following day of the
expiry date.
(iii) In case of any installment(s) or part of installment(s) of a Fixed Term Loan is not repaid within the
fixed expiry date, the amount of unpaid installment(s) will be treated as past due/overdue from the
following day of the expiry date.
ii. ‘Doubtful’ if it is past due/overdue for 06 (six) months or beyond but less than 09v(nine) months
ii. ‘Doubtful’ if it remains past due/overdue for 06 (six) months or beyond but not over 09 (nine)
months from the date of expiry or claim by the bank or from the date of creation of forced loan.
iii. ‘Bad/Loss’ if it remains past due/overdue for 09 (nine) months or beyond from the date of expiry
or claim by the bank or from the date of creation of forced loan.
In case of any installment(s) or part of installment(s) of a Fixed Term Loan is not repaid within the
due date, the amount of unpaid installment(s) will be termed as ‘past due or overdue installment’.
In case of Fixed Term Loans: -
i. If the amount of past due installment is equal to or more than the amount of installment(s) due
within 03 (three) months, the entire loan will be classified as ''Sub-standard''.
ii. If the amount of past due installment is equal to or more than the amount of installment(s) due
within 06 (six) months, the entire loan will be classified as ''Doubtful".
iii. If the amount of 'past due installment is equal to or more than the amount of installment(s) due
within 09 (nine) months, the entire loan will be classified as ''Bad/Loss''.
Explanation: If any Fixed Term Loan is repayable on monthly installment basis, the amount of
installment(s) due within 06 (six) months will be equal to the sum of 06 monthly installments.
Similarly, if the loan is repayable on quarterly installment basis, the amount of installment(s) due
within 06 (six) months will be equal to the sum of 2 quarterly installments.
Maintenance of Provision:
b) Specific Provision: Banks will maintain provision at the following rates in respect of
classified Continuous, Demand and Fixed Term Loans:
(1) Sub-standard : 20%
(2) Doubtful : 50%
(3) Bad/Loss : 100%
Eligible Collateral :
In the definition of 'Eligible Collateral' as mentioned in the above paragraph the following
collateral will be included as eligible collateral in determining base for provision:
-100% of deposit under lien against the loan
-100% of the value of government bond/savings certificate under lien
-100% of the value of guarantee given by Government or Bangladesh Bank
-100% of the market value of gold or gold ornaments pledged with the bank.
- 50% of the market value of easily marketable commodities kept under control of the bank
- Maximum 50% of the market value of land and building mortgaged with the bank
- 50% of the average market value for last 06 months or 50% of the face value,
whichever is less, of the shares traded in stock exchange.
Accounting of the Interest of Classified Loans:
If any loan or advance is classified as 'Sub-standard' and 'Doubtful', interest accrued on such loan
will be credited to Interest Suspense Account, instead of crediting the same to Income Account.
In case of rescheduled loans the unrealized interest, if any, will be credited to Interest Suspense
Account, instead of crediting the same to Income Account.
If any interest is charged on any 'Bad/Loss' account for any other special reason, the same will be
preserved in the 'Interest Suspense' account. If classified loan or part of it is recovered i.e., real
deposit is effected in the loan account, first the interest charged and accrued but not charged is to be
recovered from the said deposit and the principal to be adjusted afterwards.
(i) CL-1 is the compilation/summary of 5 other forms. This form is for showing summary
of classification status for different loan categories mentioned earlier along with staff
(ii) CL-2 is for reporting loan classification of Continuous Loan
(iii) CL-3 is for reporting loan classification of Demand Loan
(iv) CL-4 is for reporting loan classification of Term Loan
(v) CL-5 is for reporting loan classification of Short-term Agricultural and Micro-Credit.
(Note: These time limits are absolute maximums only, and banks are encouraged to establish shorter
time limits in their internal policies. Each loan that is being considered for rescheduling should be
evaluated on its own merits and not automatically rescheduled for the maximum time period or
rescheduled for the maximum number of three (03) times.)
Internal Audit
What is Audit?
Ans: The objective of an audit of financial statements is to enable the auditor to express an opinion
whether the financial statements are prepared, in all material respects, in accordance with an
applicable financial reporting framework.
Engagement Letter:
The auditors should send an engagement letter to all new clients soon after their appointment as
Auditors and, in any event, before the commencement of the first audit assignment. The engagement
letter must document and confirm the auditor's acceptance of the appointment, and Include a
summary of the responsibilities of those charged with governance and the auditor, the scope of the
audit and the form of any reports.
Audit strategy:
The formulation of the general strategy for the audit, which sets the scope, timing and direction of
the audit and guides the development of the audit plan.
Audit plan:
An audit plan is more detailed than the strategy and sets out the nature, timing and extent of audit
procedures (including risk assessment procedures) to be performed by engagement team members
in order to obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence.
Materiality is a matter is material if its omission or misstatement would reasonably influence the
economic decisions of users taken on the basis of the financial statements
Expectation gap:
Expectations gap – meaning that there is a gap between what the assurance provider understands he
is doing and what the user of theinformation believes he is doing.
Audit risk:
The risk that the auditors give an inappropriate opinion on the financial statements.
Inherent risk:
The susceptibility of an account balance or class of transactions to misstatement that could be
material individually or when aggregated with misstatements in other balances or classes, assuming
there were no related internal controls.
Control risk:
The risk that a material misstatement would not be prevented, detected or corrected by the
accounting and internal control systems.
Detection risk:
The risk that the auditors' procedures will not detect a misstatement that exists in an account
balance or class of transactions that could be material, either individually or when aggregated with
misstatements in other balances or classes.
Internal control:
Internal control is the process designed to mitigate risks to the business and ensure that the business
operates efficiently and effectively.
According to BSA 700, the audit report should include the following basic elements, :
Introductory paragraph identifying the financial statements audited
A statement of management's responsibility for the financial statements
A statement of the auditor's responsibility
Scope paragraph, including a description of the work performed by the auditor
Opinion paragraph containing an expression of opinion on the financial statements
Date of the report
Auditor's address
Auditor's signature
List of IAS and IFRS
List of ISA