Mathematics & Statistics Contents PDF
Mathematics & Statistics Contents PDF
Mathematics & Statistics Contents PDF
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Code Book Name Authors Page No.
Code Book Name Authors Page No.
M.Sc. Mathematics
211 Analytical Solid Geometry A.R. Vasishtha & D.C. Agarwal 10
(Analytical Geometry of Three Dimensions)
212 Advanced Differential Calculus J. N. Sharma 10
213 Advanced Integral Calculus D.C. Agarwal 11
214 Calculus of Finite Differences & Numerical Analysis P.P. Gupta, G.S. Malik & J.P. Chauhan 11
215 Differential Equations (Gen) J.N. Sharma & R.K. Gupta 12
215 Advanced Differential Equations R.K. Gupta & J.N. Sharma 13
216 Differential Geometry S.C. Mittal & D.C. Agarwal 15
217 Dynamics of a Particle A.R. Vasishtha & D.C. Agarwal 15
218 Fluid Dynamics Shanti Swarup 16
219 Functional Analysis J.N. Sharma & A.R. Vasishtha 17
220 Functions of a Complex Variable J.N. Sharma 17
221 Complex Analysis A.R. Vasishtha, Vipin Vasishtha & A.K. Vasishtha 18
222 Hydrodynamics Shanti Swarup 19
223 Infinite Series & Products J.N. Sharma & J.P. Chauhan 20
224 Integral Transforms (Transform Calculus) A.R. Vasishtha & R.K. Gupta 21
225 Linear Algebra (Finite Dimensional Vector Spaces) J.N. Sharma, A.R. Vasishtha & A.K. Vasishtha 21
226 Linear Difference Equations Dr. R.K. Gupta & D.C. Agarwal 22
227 Integral Equations Shanti Swarup & Shiv Raj Singh 22
228 Linear Programming R.K. Gupta 23
229 Mathematical Analysis-I (Metric Spaces) J.N. Sharma 24
231 Mathematical Analysis-II J.N. Sharma & A.R. Vasishtha 24
232 Measure & Integration K.P. Gupta & Ashutosh Shanker Gupta 26
(Measure Theory & Functional Analysis)
233 Real Analysis (General) J.N. Sharma & A.R. Vasishtha 27
234 Vector Calculus J.N. Sharma & A.R. Vasishtha 28
235 Modern Algebra (Abstract Algebra) A.R. Vasishtha & A.K. Vasishtha 28
236 Matrices A.R. Vasishtha & A.K. Vasishtha 29
237 Mathematical Methods J.N. Sharma & R.K. Gupta 29
(Special Functions & Boundary Value Problems)
238 Special Functions (Spherical Harmonics) J.N. Sharma & R.K. Gupta 30
239 Vector Algebra A.R. Vasishtha 31
240 Mathematical Statistics J.N. Sharma & J.K. Goyal 32
241 Operations Research R.K. Gupta 33
242 Rigid Dynamics-I (Dynamics of Rigid Bodies) P.P. Gupta & G.S. Malik 35
243 Rigid Dynamics-II (Analytical Dynamics) P.P. Gupta & Sanjay Gupta 36
Code Book Name Authors Page No.
244 Set Theory and Related Topics K.P. Gupta 37
245 Spherical Astronomy S.K. Sharma, R.K. Gupta & D. Kumar 37
246 Statics (With Attraction & Potential) J.K. Goyal & K.P. Gupta 38
247 Tensor Calculus and Riemannian Geometry D.C. Agarwal 39
248 Theory of Relativity J.K. Goyal & K.P. Gupta 39
249 Topology (General & Algebraic) J.N. Sharma & J.P. Chauhan 40
250 Discrete Mathematics M.K. Gupta 41
251 Advanced Mathematics for Pharmacists A.R. Vasishtha & Others 41
252 Basic Mathematics for Chemists A.R. Vasishtha & A.K. Vasishtha 42
254 Number Theory Hari Kishan 44
255 Bio-Mathematics Bhupendra Singh & Neenu Agarwal 45
336 Cryptography and Network Security Dr. Manoj Kumar 45
526 Partial Differential Equations Dr. R.K. Gupta 46
529 Advanced Abstract Algebra S.K. Pundir 47
538 Spherical Astronomy & Space Dynamics J.P. Chauhan 48
539 Space Dynamics J.P. Chauhan 48
592 Advanced Mathematical Methods Shiv Raj Singh 49
679 Fuzzy Set Theory Shiv Raj Singh & Chaman Singh 49
851 Advanced Numerical Analysis Prof. P.P. Gupta, G.S. Malik & J.P. Chauhan 50
852 Analysis-I (Real Analysis) J.P. Chauhan 50
260 Real Analysis A.R. Vasishtha & Vipin Vasishtha 51
864 Calculus of Variations Mukesh Kumar Singh 51
B.Sc. Mathematics
Text Cum Reference Books
Y Complex Numbers Y Inverse Circular Functions Y General and Principal Values of Inverse Circular Functions Y Relations between Inverse Functions
Y Some Important Results about Inverse Functions Y Complex Numbers Y Addition of Complex Numbers Y Multiplication of Complex Numbers
Y Difference of two Complex Numbers Y Division in C Y The Symbol i and its Powers Y Conjugate of a Complex Numbers Y Modulus of a Complex
Number Y Some Important Results about Complex Numbers Y Modulus-Argument Form or Polar Standard Form or Trigonometric Form of a Complex
Numbers Y De Moivre's Theorem Y Exponential, Trigonometric and Hyperbolic functions of a Complex Variable (Separation into real &
Imaginary parts) Y The Exponential Function of a Complex Variable Y Index Law for the Exponential Functions Y Trigonometrical Functions or
Circular Functions of a Complex Variable Y Euler's Theorem Y Periodicity of Functions Y De Moivre's Theorem for Complex Argument Y Standard
Trigonometrical Results for Complex Arguments Y Hyperbolic Functions Y Relations between Hyperbolic and Circular Functions Y Properties of
Hyperbolic Functions Y Expansions in Series for sinh x and cosh x Y Periods of Hyperbolic Functions Y Separation into Real and Imaginary Parts Y
Logarithms of Complex Numbers Y Logarithms in the Set of Real Numbers Y Logarithms of Complex Numbers Y Principal and General Values of
Logarithm of a Non-Zero Complex Number Y Properties of the Logarithmic Function Y Working Rule to Evaluate Log (x + iy) i.e., to Express Log (x + iy)
in the Form A+iB Y Logarithm of a Positive Real Number in the Set of Complex Numbers Y Logarithm of a Negative Real Number Y The General
Exponential Function a z Y To Separate (α + i β)p + iq into Real and Imaginary Parts Y Inverse Circular and Hyperbolic Functions of Complex
Numbers Y Inverse Circular Functions of Complex Numbers Y Inverse Hyperbolic Functions Y Relations between Inverse Hyperbolic Functions and
Inverse Circular Functions Y Gregory’s Series Y General Theorem on Gregory's Series Y Value of π Y Summation of Trigonometrical Series Y
C + i S Method for Summing Up Trigonometric Series Y Series Based on Geometric Progression or Arithmetico-Geometric Series Y Series Based on
Binomial Expansions Y Series Based on Exponential Series Y Series Based on Logarithmic Series and its Sub-Case Gregory's Series Y The Difference
Method Y Angles in Arithmetical Progression.
618-22 (B) Differential Calculus –A.R. Vasishtha & Others
Y ε-δ definition of the limit of a function Y Continuous functions and classification of discontinuities Y Differentiability Y Chain rule of Differentiability Y
Rolle’s theorem Y First and second mean value theorems Y Taylor’s theorems with Lagrange’s and Cauchy’s forms of remainder Y Successive differentiation
and Leibnitz’s theorem Y Expansion of functions (in Taylor’s and Maclaurin’s series) Y Indeterminate forms Y Partial differentiation and Euler’s theorem Y
Jacobians Y Maxima and Minima (for functions of two variables) Y Tangents and normals (polar form only) Y Curvature Y Envelopes and evolutes Y
Asymptotes Y Tests for concavity and convexity Y Points of inflexion Y Multiple points Y Tracing of curves in Cartesian and Polar coordinates.
Y Reduction Formulae (For Trigonometric Functions) Y Reduction Formulae Continued (For Irrational Algebraic and Transcendental Functions) Y Beta
and Gamma Functions Y Multiple Integrals (Double and Triple Integrals, Change of Order of Integration) Y Dirichlet's and Liouville's Integrals Y Areas of
Curves Y Rectification (Lengths of Arcs and Intrinsic Equations of Plane Curves) Y Volumes and Surfaces of Solids of Revolution.
721-17 (B) Differential Equations –A.R. Vasishtha & Others
Y Formation of a differential equation (D.E.) Y Degree, order and solution of D.E. Y Equations of first order and first degree : Separation of variables
method Y Solution of homogeneous equations Y Linear equations and exact equations Y Linear differential equations with constant coefficients
Y Homogeneous linear differential equations Y Differential equations of the first order but not of the first degree Y Clairaut's equations and singular
solutions Y Orthogonal trajectories Y Simultaneous linear differential equations with constant coefficients Y Linear differential equations of the second
order (including the method of variation of parameters) Y Series solutions of second order differential equations Y Legendre and Bessel functions (Pn and
Jn only) and their properties Y Order, degree and formation of partial differential equations Y Partial differential equations of the first order Y Lagrange's
equations Y Charpit's general method Y Linear partial differential equations with constant coefficients Y Partial differential equations of the second order
Y Monge's method.
Y The concept of transform Y Integral transforms and kernel Y Linearity property of transforms Y Laplace transform Y Inverse Laplace transform
Y Convolution theorem Y Applications of Laplace transform to solve ordinary differential equations Y Fourier transforms (finite and infinite) Y Fourier
integral Y Applications of Fourier transform to boundary value problems Y Fourier series.
Y Velocity and acceleration along radial and transverse directions and along tangential and normal directions Y Simple harmonic motion Y Motion under
other laws of forces Y Earth attraction Y Elastic strings Y Motion in resisting medium Y Constrained motion (circular and cycloidal only) Y Motion on
smooth and rough plane curves Y Rocket motion Y Central orbits and Kepler's law Y Motion of a particle in three dimensions.
Y Axiomatic study of real numbers Y Completeness property in R Y Archimedean property Y Countable and uncountable sets Y Neighbourhood Y Interior
points Y Limit points Y Open and closed sets Y Derived sets Y Dense sets Y Perfect sets Y Bolzano-Weierstrass theorem Y Sequences of real numbers
Y Subsequences Y Bounded and monotonic sequences Y Convergent sequences Y Cauchy's theorems on limit Y Cauchy sequence Y Cauchy's general
principle of convergence Y Uniform convergence of sequences and series of functions Y Weierstrass M-test Y Abel's and Dirichlet's tests Y Sequential
continuity Y Boundness and intermediate value properties of continuous functions Y Uniform continuity Y Meaning of sign of derivative Y Darboux
theorem Y Limit and continuity of functions of two variables Y Taylor's theorem for functions of two variables Y Maxima and minima of functions of three
variables Y Lagrange's method of undetermined multipliers Y Riemann integral Y Integrability of continuous and monotonic functions Y Fundamental
theorem of integral calculus Y Mean value theorems of integral calculus Y Improper integrals and their convergence Y Comparison test Y µ-test Y Abel's
test Y Dirichlet's test Y Integral as a function of a parameter and its differentiability and integrability Y Definition and examples of metric spaces
Y Neighbourhoods Y Interior points Y Limit points Y Open and closed sets Y Subspaces Y Convergent and Cauchy sequences Y Completeness Y Cantor's
intersection theorem.
745-02 (B) Complex Analysis –A.R. Vasishtha & Hemla ta Vasishtha
Y Functions of a complex variable Y Concepts of limit Y Continuity and differentiability of complex functions Y Analytic functions Y Cauchy-Riemann
equations (Cartesian and polar form) Y Harmonic functions Y Orthogonal system Y Power series as an analytic function Y Elementary functions
Y Mapping by elementary functions Y Linear and bilinear transformations Y Fixed points Y Cross ratio Y Inverse points and critical points Y Conformal
transformations Y Complex Integration Y Line integral Y Cauchy's fundamental theorem Y Cauchy's integral formula Y Morera's theorem Y Liouville
theorem Y Maximum Modulus theorem Y Taylor and Laurent series Y Singularities and zeros of an analytic function Y Rouche's theorem Y Fundamental
theorem of algebra Y Analytic continuation Y Residue theorem and its applications to the evaluation of definite integrals Y Argument principle.
746-03 Numerical Analysis & Progr amming in C –A.R. Vasishtha & Hemla ta Vasishtha
Y Shift operator Y Forward and backward difference operators and their relationships Y Fundamental theorem of difference calculus Y Interpolation Y
Newton-Gregory's forward and backward interpolation formulae Y Divided differences Y Newton's divided difference formula Y Lagrange's interpolation
formula Y Central differences Y Formulae based on central differences : Gauss, Striling's, Bessel's and Everett's interpolation formulae Y Numerical
differentiation Y Numerical integration Y General quadrature formula Y Trapezoidal and Simpson's rules Y Weddle's rule Y Cote's formula Y Numerical
solution of first order differential equations : Euler's method Y Picard's method Y Runge-Kutta method and Milne's method Y Numerical solution of linear,
homogeneous and simultaneous difference equations Y Generating function method Y Solution of transcendental and polynomial equations by iteration,
bisection Y Regula-Falsi and Newton-Raphson methods Y Algebraic eigen value problems : Power method Y Jacobi's method Y Given's method Y
Householder's method and Q-R method Y Approximation : Different types of approximations Y Least square polynomial approximation Y Polynomial
approximation using orthogonal polynomials Y Legendre approximation Y Approximation with trigonometric functions Y Exponential functions Y
Rational functions Y Chebyshev polynomials Y Programmer's model of computer Y Algorithms Y Data type Y Arithmetic and input/output instruction Y
Decisions Y Control structures Y Decision statements Y Logical and conditional operators Y Loop case control structures Y Functions Y Recursion Y
Preprocessors Y Arrays Y Puppetting of strings Structures Y Pointers Y File formatting.
757-01 (C) Differential Geometry & Tensor Analysis – Batuk Prasad Singh & Chauhan
Y Local theory of Curves- Space curves Y Examples Y Plane curves Y Tangent and normal and binormal Y Osculating plane Y Normal plane and rectifying
plane Y Helices Y Serret-Frenet apparatus Y Contact between curve and surfaces Y Tangent surfaces Y Involutes and evolutes of curves Y Intrinsic equations
Y Fundamental existence theorem for space curves Y Local theory of Surfaces-Parametric patches on surface curve of a surface Y Surfaces of revolutions Y
Helicoids Y Metric-first fundamental form and arc length Y Local theory of surfaces (Contd.) Y Direction coefficients Y Families of curves Y Intrinsic properties
Y Geodesics, canonical geodesic equations, normal properties of geodesics, geodesics curvature, geodesics polars Y Gauss-Bonnet theorem Y Gaussian
curvature Y Normal curvature Y Meusneir's theorem Y Mean curvature Y Gaussian curvature Y Umbilic points Y Lines of curvature Y Rodrigue's formula Y
Euler's theorem Y The fundamental equation of surface theory - The equation of Gauss, the equation of Weingarten, the Mainardi-Codazzi equation Y
Tensor algebra : Vector spaces Y The dual spaces Y Tensor product of vector spaces Y Transformation formulae Y Contraction Y Special tensor Y Inner
product Y Associated tensor Y Differential Manifold-examples Y Tangent vectors Y Connexions Y Covariant differentiation Y Elements of general
Riemannian geometry-Riemannian metric Y The fundamental theorem of local Riemannian Geometry Y Differential parameters Y Curvature tensor Y
Geodesics Y Geodesics curvature Y Geometrical interpretation of the curvature tensor and special Riemannian spaces Y Contravariant and covariant vectors
and tensors Y Mixed tensors Y Symmetric and skew-symmetric tensors Y Algebra of tensors Y Contraction and inner product Y Quotient theorem Y
Reciprocal tensors Y Christoffel's symbols Y Covariant differentiation Y Gradient Y divergence and curl in tensor notation.
796-02 Analysis – A.R. Vasishtha & Others
Y Axiomatic study of real numbers Y Completeness property in R Y Archimedean property Y Countable and uncountable sets Y Neighbourhoods
Y Interior points Y Limit points Y Open and closed sets Y Derived sets Y Dense sets Y Perfect sets Bolzano-Weierstrass theorem Y Sequences of real
numbers Y Subsequences Y Bounded and monotonic sequences Y Convergent sequences Y Cauchy's theorems on limit Y Cauchy sequence Y Cauchy's
general properties of convergence Y Sequential continuity Y Boundness and intermediate value properties of continuous functions Y Uniform continuity
Y Meaning of sign of derivative Y Riemann integral Y Integrability of continuous and monotonic functions Y Fundamental theorem of integral calculus
Y Mean value theorems of integral calculus Y Improper integrals and their convergence Y Comparison test Y µ-test Y Abel's test Y Dirichlet's test Y Integral
as a function of a parameter and its differentiability and integrability Y Functions of a complex variable Y Concepts of limit Y Continuity and
differentiability of complex functions Y Analytic functions Y Cauchy Riemann equations (Cartesian and polar form) Y Harmonic functions Y Orthogonal
system Y Power series as an analytic function Y Elementary functions Y Mapping by elementary functions Y Linear and bilinear transformations Y Fixed
points Y Cross ratio Y Inverse points and critical points Y Conformal transformations.
Y Linear programming problems Y Statement and formation of general linear programming problems Y Graphical method Y Slack and surplus variables
Y Standard and matrix forms of linear programming problem Y Basic feasible solution Y Convex sets Y Fundamental theorem of linear programming
Y Simplex method Y Artificial variables Y Big-M method Y Two phase method Y Resolution of degeneracy Y Revised simplex method Y Sensitivity
Analysis Y Duality in linear programming problems Y Dual simplex method Y Primal-dual method, Integer programming Y Transportation problems
Y Assignment problems Y Goal Programming; Concept of goal programming, formulation and methodology for solution of goal programming.
Y Definition of a sequence Y Theorems on limits of sequences Y Bounded and Monotonic sequences Y Cauchy's convergence criterion Y Cauchy
sequence Y Limit superior and limit inferior of a sequence Y Subsequence Y Series of non-negative terms Y Comparison tests Y Cauchy's integral test
Y Ratio tests Y Root test Y Raabe's logarithmic Y De Morgan and Bertrand's tests Y Alternating series Y Leibnitz's theorem Y Absolute and conditional
convergence Y The concept of transform Y Integral transform Y Kernel Y Laplace Transformation- Linearity of the Laplace transformation Y Existence
theorem for Laplace transforms Y Laplace transforms of derivatives and integrals Y Shifting theorems Y Differentiation and Integration of Laplace
transforms Y Convolution theorem Y Inverse Laplace transforms Y Solution of system of differential equations using the Laplace transformation Y Fourier
transforms (finite and infinite) Y Fourier integral Y Applications of Fourier transform to boundary value problems Y Fourier series Y Calculus of
variations-Variational problems with fixed boundaries- Euler's equation for functionals containing first order derivative and one independent variable
Y Extremals Y Functionals dependent on higher order derivatives Y Functionals dependent on more than one independent variable Y Variational
problems in parametric form Y Invariance of Euler's equation under coordinates transformation Y Partial differential equations of the first order Y Lagrange's
solution Y Some special types of equations which can solve easily by methods other than the general methods Y Charpit's general method of solution Y
Partial differential equations of the second and higher orders Y Classification of linear partial differential equations of second order Y Homogeneous and
non-homogeneous equations with constant coefficients Y Partial differential equations reducible to equations with constant coefficients Y Monge's method.
Y Automorphism Y Inner automorphism Y Automorphism groups and their computations Y Conjugacy relations Y Normaliser Y Counting principle and
the class equation of a finite group Y Center of group of prime power order Y Sylow's theorems Y Sylow p-subgroup Y Prime and maximal ideals
Y Euclidean Rings Y Principal ideal rings Y Polynomial Rings Y Polynomial over the Rational Field Y The Eisenstein Criterion Y Polynomial Rings over
Commutative Rings Y Unique factorization domain Y R is unique factorization domain implies so is R [x1, x 2, …, x n] Y Direct sum Y Quotient space
Y Linear transformations and their representation as matrices Y The Algebra of linear transformations Y Rank nullity theorem Y Change of basis Y Linear
functional Y Dual space Y Bidual space and natural isomorphism Y Transpose of a linear transformation Y Characteristic values Y Annihilating
polynomials Y Diagonalisation Y Cayley Hamilton Theorem Y Invariant subspaces Y Primary decomposition theorem Y Inner product spaces Y
Cauchy-Schwarz inequality Y Orthogonal vectors Y Orthogonal complements Y Orthonormal sets and bases Y Bessel's inequality for finite dimensional
spaces Y Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization process Y Bilinear Y Quadratic and Hermitian forms.
850-01 (B) Differential Geometry & Tensor Analysis –A.R. Vasishtha & Others
Y Local theory of curves- Space curves Y Examples Y Plane curves Y Tangent and normal and binormal Y Osculating plane Y Normal plane and rectifying
plane Y Helices Y Serret-Frenet apparatus Y Contact between curve and surfaces, tangent surfaces Y Involutes and evolutes of curves Y Intrinsic equations
Y Fundamental existence theorem for space curves Y Local theory of surfaces- Parametric patches on surface curve of a surface Y Surfaces of revolutions
Y Helicoids Y Metric-first fundamental form and arc length Y Local theory of surfaces (Contd.) Y Direction coefficients Y Families of curves Y Intrinsic
properties Y Geodesics Y Canonical geodesic equations Y Normal properties of geodesics Y Geodesics curvature Y Geodesics polars Y Gauss-Bonnet
theorem Y Gaussian curvature Y Normal curvature Y Meusneir's theorem Y Mean curvature Y Gaussian curvature Y Umbilic points Y Lines of curvature Y
Rodrigue's formula Y Euler's theorem Y The fundamental equation of surface theory - The equation of Gauss Y The equation of Weingarten Y The
Mainardi-Codazzi equation Y Tensor algebra : Vector spaces Y The dual spaces Y Tensor product of vector spaces Y Transformation formulae Y
Contraction Y Special tensor Y Inner product Y Associated tensor Y Differential Manifold-examples Y Tangent vectors Y Connexions Y Covariant
differentiation Y Elements of general Riemannian geometry-Riemannian metric Y The fundamental theorem of local Riemannian Geometry Y Differential
parameters Y Curvature tensor Y Geodesics Y Geodesics curvature Y Geometrical interpretation of the curvature tensor and special Riemannian spaces Y
Tensor Analysis Y Contravariant and covariant vectors and tensors Y Mixed tensors Y Symmetric and skew-symmetric tensors Y Algebra of tensors Y
Contraction and inner product Y Quotient theorem Y Reciprocal tensors Y Christoffel's symbols Y Covariant differentiation Y Gradient Y Divergence and
curl in tensor notation.
B.Sc. Statistics
689-08 Probability –Dr. Arun Kumar & Dr. Alka Chaudhary
Y Introduction to Probability Theory Y History and Relevance of Probability Theory Y Some Basic Definitions of Probability Y Sample Space and
Algebra of Events Y Rules of Counting Y Three Approaches to Probability Y Probability Rules Y Independent Events Y Baye's Theorem Y Random
Variables and Mathematical Expectation Y Random Variables Y Discrete Probability Distributions Y Continuous Probability Distributions Y Joint
Probability Distributions Y Marginal Distributions Y Conditional Distributions Y Independence of Random Variables and Mathematical
Expectation Y Independence of Random Variables Y Mathematical Expectation Y Laws of Expectation Y Moments Y Correlation Coefficient of Two
Random Variables Y Conditional Expectation Y Generating Functions and Law of Large Numbers Y Introduction of Generating Functions Y
690-06 (B) Probability Distribution & Numerical Analysis –Dr. Arun Kumar & Dr. Alka Chaudhary
Y Discrete Univariate Distributions Y Introduction Y Discrete Uniform Distribution Y Bernouli Distribution Y Binomial Distribution YPoisson
Distribution Y Negative Binomial Distribution Y Hypergeometric Distribution Y Continuous Univariate Distributions Y Introduction Y Uniform
Distribution Y Normal Distribution Y Exponential Distribution Y Gamma Distribution Y Beta Distribution Y Cauchy Distribution Y Laplace Distribution Y
Pareto Distribution Y Exact Sampling Distributions Y Introduction Y Distributions of Functions of Random Variable Y Chi-Square Distribution Y
t-Distribution Y F-Distribution Y Inter-Relationships between χ 2, t and F-Distribution Y Bivariate Normal Distribution Y Finite Differences Y
Introduction Y Symbol used in Finite Differences Calculus Y The Operators E and ∆ Y Relationship between E and D Y The Difference Table Y Factorial
Functions Y Differences of Zero Y Effect of an Error in a Tabular Value Y Interpolation Y Introduction Y Interpolation with Equal Intervals Y
Interpolation with Unequal Intervals Y Central Differences Y Numerical Integration Y Introduction Y General Quadrature Formula for Equidistant
Ordinates Y The Trapezoidal Rule Y Simpson' One-Third Rule Y Simpson's Three Eighth's Rule Y Weedle's Rule Y Error in Quadrature Formula Y Cote's
Method Y Numerical Differentiation Y Introduction Y Derivatives Using Forward Difference Formula Y Derivatives Using Backward Difference
Formula Y Derivatives Using Central Difference Formulae Y Derivatives of a Function when the given Arguments are not Equally Spaced Y Tables.
691-07 (B) Probability Distribution & Theory of Attributes –Dr. Arun Kumar & Dr. Alka Chaudhary
Y Discrete Univariate Distributions Y Introduction Y Discrete Uniform Distribution Y Bernoulli Distribution Y Binomial Distribution Y Poisson
Distribution Y Negative Binomial Distribution Y Hypergeometric Distribution Y Continuous Univariate Distributions Y Introduction Y Uniform
Distribution Y Normal Distribution Y Exponential Distribution Y Gamma Distribution Y Beta Distribution Y Cauchy Distribution Y Exact Sampling
Distributions Y Introduction Y Distributions of Function of Random Variables Y Chi-Square Distribution Y t-Distribution Y F-Distribution Y
Inter-Relationships between χ 2 , t and F-Distributions Y Theory of Attributes Y Introduction Y Concept and Definitions Y An Important Notation Y
Consistency of Data Y Independence of Attributes Y Association of Attributes Y Coefficient of Association Y Coefficient of Colligation Y Contingency Table
Y Association in a Contingency Table Y Tables.
692-08 Statistical Methods –Dr. Arun K umar & Dr. Alka Chaudhar y
Y Definition, Functions, Limitations and Importance of Statistics Y Introduction Y Definition of Statistics Y Other Popular Definitions of
Statistics Y Function of Statistics Y Limitation of Statistics Y Distrust of Statistics Y Importance of Statistics Y Statistical Tools Used in Economic Analysis Y
Types of Data and Scales Y Introduction Y Census and Sampling Y Types of Data Y Collection and Scrutiny of Data Y Introduction Y Primary and
Secondary Data Y Method of Collection Y Scrutiny of the Data Y Organisation of Data Y Introduction Y Classification Y Object of Classification Y Basis
of Classification Y Frequency Distribution Y Method of Construction of Discrete Frequency Distribution Y Method of Construction of Continuous
Frequency Distribution Y Basic Principles for Forming Grouped Frequency Distribution Y Sturges Rule for Number of Classes and Size of Class Interval Y
Cumulative Frequency Distribution Y Tabulation Y Types of Tables Y Difference between Classification and Tabulation Y Diagrammtic
Representation of Data Y Introduction Y Importance and Utility of Diagrams Y Limitations of Diagrams Y Rules for Constructing Diagrams Y Types of
Diagrams Y Limitations of Diagrammatic Representation Y Graphic Representation of Data Y Introduction Y Graphs of Frequency Distribution Y
Stem and Leaf Diagram Y Box Plot or Box and Whisker Diagram Y Measures of Central Tendency Y Introduction Y Objectives of Average Y
Characteristics of a Good Average Y Various Measures of Central Tendency Y Partition Values or Quantiles Y Mode Y Measures of Dispersion,
Skewness and Kurtosis Y Introduction Y Objects and Importance of Dispersion Y Characteristics for Satisfactory Measures of Dispersion Y Absolute
and Relative Measure of Variation Y Measures of Dispersion Y Root Mean Square Deviation Y Relation between σ and S Y Effect of Change of Origin and
Scale on Standard Deviation Y Combined Standard Deviation Y Mathematical Properties of Standard Deviation Y Moments Y Relation between µ r and
µ r' Y Effect of Change of Origin and Scale on Moments Y Sheppard's Correction on Moments Y Charlier's Check Y Pearson's β Coefficients and Fisher's γ
Coefficients Y Skewness Y Measures of Skewness Y Kurtosis Y Method of Least Squares and Curve Fitting Y Introduction Y Method of Least Squares
Y System of Linear Equations Y Curve Fitting Y Correlation and Regression Y Univariate and Bivariate Distributions Y Correlation Y Types of
Correlation Y Scatter Diagram or Dot Diagram Y Karl Pearson's Coefficient of Correlation Y Assumptions Y Properties of Correlation Coefficient (r) Y
Correlation in Grouped Data Y Coefficient of Determination Y Rank Correlation Y Regression Y Angle between Two Regression Lines Y Properties of
Regression Coefficients Y Method of Fitting Regression Lines from a Bivariate Data Y Biserial Correlation Y Multiple and Partial Correlation Y
Introduction Y Multiple Correlation Y Partial Correlation Y Multiple Regression Equation Y Mathematical Notations (Yule's Notation) Y Properties of
Residuals Y Variance of Residuals Y Expression for Coefficient of Multiple Correlation Y Expression for Coefficient of Partial Correlation Y Theory of
Attributes Y Introduction Y Concepts and Definitions Y An Important Notation Y Consistency of Data Y Independence of Attributes Y Association of
Attributes Y Coefficient of Association Y Coefficient of Colligation Y Contingency Table Y Association in a Contingency Table Y Logarithm and
Antilogarithm Table.
693-05 Statistical Inference –Dr. Arun Kumar & Dr. Alka Chaudhary
Y Point Estimation Y Introduction Y Population and Sample Y Parameter and Statistic Y Theoretical Population and its Random Sample Y Sampling
Distribution Y Standard Error Y Statistical Inference: An Overview Y Estimation Y Criteria of a Good Estimator Y Methods of Estimation Y Testing of
Hypothesis Y Introduction Y Hypothesis and its Types Y Critical and Acceptance Region Y Two Types of Error Y Level of Significance Y Power Function
and Power of a Test Y p-value Y Procedure of Testing a Hypothesis Y Best Critical Region Y Unbiased Tests Y Neyman-Pearson Fundamental Lemma
Y Tests of Significance Y Introduction Y Tests of Significance Y Tests of Significance for Attributes (Large Samples) Y Test of Significance in Case of
Variables (Large Samples) Y Tests of Significance Based on χ 2-Distribution Y Test of Significance Based on t-Distribution Y Tests of Significance Based on
F-Distribution Y Likelihood Ratio Tests and Interval Estimation Y Likelihood Ratio Test Y Reduction of L.R. Tests to Standard Tests Y Interval
Estimation Y Tables.
694-05 (B) Survey Sampling –Dr. Arun Kumar & Dr. Alka Chaudhary
Y Introduction and Basic Concepts of Sampling Y Introduction Y Advantages of Sample Survey Y Disadvantages of Sample Survey Y The Principal
Steps in a Sample Survey Y Concepts, Definitions and Terminology Y Desirable Properties of an Estimator Y Sampling Errors Y Non-Sampling Errors
Y Sampling Distribution Y Various Sampling Procedures Y Simple Random Sampling Y Introduction Y Various Probabilities of Selection Y How to
Select a Simple Random Sample? Y Different Sets of Random Numbers Y Modified Procedure Based on Random Numbers Y Notation and Terminology
Y Some Theorems Relating to Simple Random Sampling Without Replacement (SRSWOR) Y Some Theorems Relating to Simple Random Sampling
with Replacement (SRSWR) Y Confidence Interval Y Stratified Random Sampling Y Introduction Y Advantages of Stratified Random Sampling Over
Simple Random Sampling Y Notations and Terminology Y Two Estimates of Population Mean Y Confidence Limits Y Allocation of Sample Size
Y Systematic Sampling Y Difference between Stratified Random Sampling and Systematic Sampling Y Advantages of Systematic Sampling Y
Disadvantages of Systematic Sampling Y Uses of Systematic Sampling Y Notation and Terminology Y Estimator of the Population Mean Y Systematic
Sampling versus Simple Random Sampling Y Comparison of Systematic with Simple and Stratified Random Sampling Y Population with Linear Trend Y
Population with Periodic Variation Y Auto-Correlated Population Y Population in Random Order Y Ratio and Regression Method of Estimation Y
Introduction Y Concept of r and R Y Notations and Terminology Y Ratio Estimator Y Bias of the Ratio Estimator Y First and Second Order Approximation
to Bias Y Mean Square Error of Ratio Estimate Y Conditions for which Ratio Estimate is Better than SRS Y Properties of Ratio Estimate Y Why Ratio
Estimation is Used ? Y Difference Estimate Y Value of k for which Variance of yD is Minimum Y Regression Estimate Y Bias of Regression Estimate Y Mean
Square Error of Regression Estimate Y Some other Sampling Schemes Y Cluster Sampling Y Notations and Terminology Y Difference between
Stratified Random Sampling and Cluster Sampling Y Efficiency with Respect of SRS Y Clusters of Unequal Size Y Double Sampling in Ratio Method of
Estimation Y Regression Estimate in Double Sampling Y Double Sampling for Stratification Y Non-Sampling and Sampling Errors Y Introduction Y
Classification of Errors Y Type of Non-Sampling Errors Y Control Measure Y Statistical Organisation in India Y Central Statistical Organisation (C.S.O) Y
National Sample Survey Organisation (NSSO) Y Governing Council Y Working Groups (WG) Y Socio-Economic Surveys Y Sarvekshana, NSSO Bulletin
Y United Nations World Food Programme (UNWFP) Y Agricultural Statistics Y Price Data Collection Y Urban Frame SurveyY Industrial Statistics Y
Annual Survey of Industries Y Labour Bureau Y Army Statistical Organisation (ASO) Y Some Non-Government Statistical Organisations Y Statistical
Organisation in States Y Statistical Organisation in U.P. and Uttaranchal Y Tables.
695-05 Analysis of Variance & Design of Experiments –Dr. Arun Kumar & Dr. Alka Chaudhary
Y Analysis of Variance Y Introduction Y Meaning Y Assumptions Y Analysis of Variance (One-way Classified Data) Y Analysis of Two Way Classified
Data with one Observation Per Cell Y Design of Experiments Y Introduction Y Meaning and Need Y Nomenclature Used in Design of Experiments Y
Some Basic Points Regarding the Planning of an Experiment Y Three Principles of Design of Experiment Y Size and Shape of Plots Y Size and Shape of
Blocks Y Different Experimental Designs Y Missing Plot Technique in R.B.D. Y Two Missing Observations Y Missing Plot Technique in L.S.D. Y Factorial
Experiments Y Two Factors Each at 2 Levels (2 2 Factorial) Y Main Effects and Interactions Y Sum of Squares due to Factorial Effects Y Tests for Factorial
Effects Y Yate’s Method of Computing Factorial Effects Total Y The Case of 3 Factors Y The General Case Y Confounding Y Situations where Partial
Confounding is Preferable Y How to find Confounded Effects? Y Partial Confounding in a 23 Experiment Y Split Plot Design Y Comparison of a Split Plot
Design with R.B.D. Y Strip Plot Design Y Analysis of Covariance Y Tables.
Y Time Series Y Introduction Y Definitions Y Applications of Time Series Analysis Y Components of a Time Series Y Analysis of Time Series
Y Measurement of Trend Y Measurement of Seasonal Variations Y Residual Method for Isolation of Cyclic Variations Y Index Numbers Y Introduction
Y Characteristics of Index Numbers Y Uses of Index Numbers Y Points to be Considered in the Construction of Index Numbers Y Types of Index Numbers
Y Methods of Constructing Index Numbers Y Test for Index Numbers Y Quantity Index Number Y Value Index Number Y Chain Based Index Y Relative
Merits and Demerits of Chain Base an Fixed Base Method Y Base Conversion Y Cost of Living Index Numbers Y Construction of Cost of Living Index
Numbers Y Limitation of Index Numbers Y Statistical Methods for Psychology & Education Statistics Y Introduction Y Scaling Y Some Scaling
Procedures Y Linear Model of Test Theory Y Reliability Y Methods of Estimating Test Reliability Y Validity Y Parallel Tests Y Point-Biserial and Biserial
Correlation Coefficients Y Demographic Methods Y Introduction Y Uses of Vital Statistics Y Collection of Vital Statistics Y Rates Y Fertility
Measurements Y Factors Affecting Fertility Variation Y Crude Birth Rate Y General Fertility Rate Y Age-Specific Fertility Rate Y Total Fertility Rate Y
Mortality Measurement Y Measurement of Population Growth Y Stationary and Stable Populations Y Life Table or Mortality Table Y Assumptions of a
Life Table Y Construction of a Life Table Y Uses of a Life Table Y Estimates of the Various Functions of the Life Table and their Inter-Relationship Y
Statistical Organisation in India Y Central Statistical Office (C.S.O.) Y National Sample Survey Office (NSSO) Y Governing Council Y Working Groups
(WG) Y Socio-Economic Surveys Y Sarvekshana, NSSO Bulletin Y United Nations World Food Programme (UNWFP) Y Agricultural Statistics Y Price
Data Collection Y Urban Frame Survey YIndustrial Statistics Y Annual Survey of Industries Y Labour Bureau Y Army Statistical Organisation (ASO) Y
Census of India Organisation Y Some Non-Government Statistical Organisations Y Statistical Organisation in States Y Statistical Organisation in U.P. and
Uttaranchal Y Statistical Quality Control Y Introduction Y What is Quality? Y How Quality is Measured? Y What is Quality Control? Y Statistical
Quality Control (S.Q.C.) Y Causes of Variation Y Techniques of Statistical Quality Control Y Control Charts and their Basis Y Types of Control Charts Y
Control Charts for Variables Versus Control Charts for Attributes Y Advantages of Statistical Quality Control Y Limitation of Statistical Quality Control Y
Sampling Inspection (Acceptance Sampling) Y Producer's Risk Y Consumer's Risk Y Acceptance Quality Level (A.Q.L.) Y Rejectable Quality Level
(R.Q.L.) or Lot Tolerance Proportion Defective (L.T.P.D.) Y Average Outgoing Quality Limit (A.O.Q.L) Y Average Sample Number (ASN) Y Operating
Characteristic (OC) Y Single Sampling Plan Y Double Sampling Plan Y Single Sampling vs. Double Sampling Plans.
697-02 Non-Parametric Methods & Numerical Analysis –Dr. Arun Kumar & Dr. Alka Chaudhary
Y Non-Parametric Inference Y Introduction Y Advantages and Disadvantages of Non-Parametric Tests/Methods Y The Sign Test Y Wilcoxon Signed
Rank Test Y Mann-Whitney U Test Y The Runs Test Y The Median Test Y Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test (K-S Test) Y Spearman's Rank Correlation
Coefficient TestY Finite Differences Y Introduction Y Symbols used in Finite Differences Calculus Y The Operators E and ∆ Y Relationship between E
and D Y The Difference Table Y Factorial Functions Y Differences of Zero Y Effect of an Error in a Tabular Value Y Interpolation Y Introduction Y
Interpolation with Equal Intervals Y Interpolation with Unequal Intervals Y Central Differences Y Numerical Integration Y Introduction Y General
Quadrature Formula for Equidistant Ordinates Y The Trapezoidal Rule Y Simpson's One Third Rule Y Simpson's Three-Eigth's Rule Y Weddle's Rule Y
Error in Quadrature Formula Y Cote's Method Y Numerical Differentiation Y Introduction Y Derivatives using Forward Difference Formula Y
Derivatives using Backward Difference Formula Y Derivatives using Central Difference Formula Y Derivatives of a Function when the given Arguments
are not Equally Spaced Y Tables.
700-02 Linear Programming & Computational Techniques –Dr. Arun Kumar & Dr. Alka Chaudhary
Y Linear Programming Y Introduction Y Different Kinds of Linear Programming Problems Y Basic Requirements of a C.P. Problem Y Assumptions of
Linear Programming Y Applications of Linear Programming in Different Areas Y Steps Involved in the Formulation of C.P. Problem Y Solution of a Linear
Programming Problem Y Some Special Cases Y Minimisation of Objective Function Y Problem of Converting Minimise into Maximise Y Transportation
Problem Y Introduction Y Test for Optimility (Modi Method) Y Unbalanced Transportation Problem Y Degeneracy in Transportation Problem
Y Transportation Problem of Maximum Profit Y Assignment Problem Y Mathematical Formulation of Assignment Problem Y Basic Theorem in
Assignment Problem Y Unbalanced Assignment Problem Y Max-type Assignment Problems Y Restrictions on Assignments (Prohibitive Assignment) Y
Fundamentals of Computers Y Introduction Y Characteristics of a Computer Y History of Computers Y The Computer Generations Y Limitations and
Applications of Computer Y Number Systems Y Computer Organisation Y Input Devices Y Output Devices Y Memory Devices YClassification of
Secondary Storage Devices Y Hardware and Software Y Operating Systems Y Classification of Computers Y Communication and Computer
Languages Y Introduction Y Communication Y Digital and Analog Signals Y Modem Y Networking Y Internet Y Computer Languages Y Introduction to
Database Management System (DBMS) Y Introduction to C Language Y Algorithm and Flow Chart Y Introduction to C Language Y Learning
Fundamentals Y Operators and Expressions Y Library Functions Y C Instructions Y Writing a C Program Y Input and Output Statements Y Control
Statements and Arrays Y Introduction Y Selection Statements Y Repetitive Iterative Statements Y Jumping Statements Y Arrays Y Functions
Y Appendices.
M.Sc. Mathematics
(Books for Honours & Post-Graduate Students of All Indian Universities and Competitive Examination)
Analytical Solid Geometry
(Analytical Geometry of Three Dimensions) –A.R. Vasishtha & D.C. Agarwal
Y Central Conicoids Y The Ellipsoid Y The Hyperboloid of one sheet Y The Hyperboloid of two sheets Y The tangent plane Y The condition of
tangency Y The Director Sphere Y The Polar Plane Y Properties of the polar planes and the polar lines Y Locus of chords bisected at a given point Y
Normal to a Conicoid Y Number of normals Y Cubic curve through the feet of the normals Y To find the equation of the cone through six concurrent
normals (the six normals drawn from a point to an ellipsoid) Y Diametral plane Y Conjugate diameers and conjugate diameteral planes Y The relationship
between the co-ordinates of the points P, Q, R where OP, OQ and OR are the conjugate semi-diameter of an ellipsoid Y Properties of conjugate
semi-diameters of an ellipsoid Y The Cone Y The Paraboloids Y The elliptic paraboloid Y The hyperbolic paraboloid Y The general equation Y The
normal Y Cubic curve through the feet of the normals Y Generating Lines Y The generation lines of a hyperboloid of one sheet Y Properties of the
generating lines of hyperboloid of one sheet Y Properties of the generating lines of hyperboloid of one sheet Y Perpendicular generators Y The generating
lines of a hyperbolic paraboloid Y Properties of generators of a hyperboloid Y Perpendicular generators Y To show that the generators of the λ-and
µ-systems of the hyperbolic paraboloid x 2/ a 2 − y 2/ b2 = 2z / c are parallel to the planes x / a ± y / b = 0 Y The Plane Sections of Conicoids Y Nature
of a plane section Y Lengths and direction ratios of the axes of a central section Y Non-central Plane Section Y To Find the Lengths and Direction Cosines
of the Axes of Non-Central Plane Section of a Central Conicoid Y Plane Sections of a Paraboloid Y To determine the nature of a given sections of a
paraboloid Y To find the lengths and direction ratios of the axes of the section of the paraboloid Y Circular Sections Y To determine the circular sections
of an ellipsoid Y To show that any two circular sections of an ellipsoid which are not parallel lie on a sphere Y The circular sections of any central conicoid
Y The circular sections of the parabolid Y Umbilics Y Umbilics Y Definition Y To determine the real umbilics of the ellipsoid Y To determine the real
umbilics of the paraboloid Y Confocal Conicoids Y Confocal conicoids Y Definition Y Three coafocals through a given point Y Three paraboloids through
a given point Y To prove that one conicoid confocal with a given conicoid touches a given plane Y To prove that the confocal conicoids cut one another at
right angles at all their common points, i.e., the tangent planes at any common point are at right angles Y Elliptic co-ordinates Y Focal Conics Y Properties
regarding the normals to three confocal conicoids through a given point P Y The foci of conicoids Y Reduction of General Equation of Second
Degree Y Points of Intersection Y The tangent plane Y The Normal Y The Polar Plane Y The enveloping cone Y The enveloping cylinder Y The
enveloping cylinder Y To find the locus of the chords which are bisected at a given point (α, β, γ) Y The diametral plane Y Principal planes and the principal
directions Y Orthogonallty of the principal directions Y Transformation of f (x, y, z) Y The centre of the surface F (x, y, z) = 0 Y Process of reducing a
general equation to the standard form and to discuss the nature Y Surface of Revolution Y To find the condition that a general equation of second
degree namely F (x, y, z) = 0, may represent a surface of revolution.
Y Change of Independent Variables Y To change the independent variable into the dependent variable Y To change the independent variable x into
another variable z; where x = φ (z) Y Differentials Y Total and partial differential coefficients Y Transformation in the case of two independent variables Y
Transformation from Cartesian to polar co-ordinates and vice versa Y Orthogonal tansformation of ∇2 V Y Maxima and Minima (Several Independent
Variables) Y Necessary condition for the existence of maxima or minima Y Algebraic lemma regarding the sign of quadratic expressions Y Lagrange’s
condition for two independent variables Y Three independent variables Y Several independent variables Y Lagrange’s methods of undetermined multipliers
Y Jacobians Y Definition Y Case of function of functions; Jacobian implicitl functions Y Necessary and sufficient condition for a Jacobian to vanish;
Covariants and invariants Y Continuity and Differentiability Y Functions, Limits, Continuity Y The four functional limits at a point Y Kinds of
discontinuous Saltus, Theorems on continuity Y Theorems on discontinuous functions, Pointwise discontinuous function Y Uniform continuity, Absolute
continuity Y Continuity of a function of more than one variable Y Differentiability Y Meaning of the sign of the derivative, Geometrical meaning of a
derivative Y The chain rule, Darboux Theorem Y Rolle's, Taylor's and Allied Theorems Y Rolle’s theorem Y Geometrical interpretation of Rolle’s
theorem Y Lagrange’s mean value theorem Y Cauchy’s mean value theorem Y Taylor’s development of a function in a finite form with Lagrange’s form of
remainder, Taylor’s theorem with Cauchy’s form of remainder Y Taylor’s theorem with Schomilch and Roche’s from of remainder Y Failure of Taylor’s
and Maclaurin’s expansions in more than one variables.
213-22 Advanced Integral Calculus –D.C. Agarwal
Y Definite Integrals Y Definition Y The definite integrals as the limit of a sum Y Geometrical Interpretation Y Properties of definite integrals Y Method of
differentiation under the sign of integration Y Method of integration under the sign of integration Y Principal and General Values of a definite integral
f (x ) ∞
x 2m ∞
x 2m π
dx Y Important deductions Y log (1 + 2a cos x + a 2) dx Y log (1 − 2a cos x + a 2) dx Y
Y Infinite limits Y
− ∞ F (x )
dx Y
0 1+ x
dx Y
0 1− x
2n ∫ ∫ 0 ∫
Euler’s Integrals Y Definition (Beta and Gamma functions) Y Symmetrical property of Beta function Y To evaluate Beta function Y To evaluate Gamma
Γl / Γm
function Y Transformation of Gamma function Y Another form of Beta function Y B (l, m) = Y Other transformation of Beta functions Y
Γ(l + m)
∞ ∞
1 √ (x ) 1 2 n − 1
Γ (m) . Γ m + = Γ (2m) Y To evaluate Γ Γ ... Γ e − ax cos β x . x m − 1 dx and e − ax sin βx. x m − 1 dx Y Multiple
2 22m − 1 n n n
0 ∫ 0 ∫
Integrals Y Double Integration (Cartesian co-ordinates) Y Double Integration (Polar co-ordinates) Y Multiple Integrals Y Change of order of integration Y
Transformation of multiple integrals Y Transformation of implicit functions Y Transformation of the element of a surface Y Beta and Gamma Functions
(contd.) Y Dirichlets Theorem Y Liouvilles Extension of Dirichlet’s Theorem Y Volumes and Surfaces Y Volume (Cartesian Co-ordinates) Y Volume
(Polar-Co-ordinates) Y Area of the surface Y Centre of Gravity Y Moment of inertia Y Convergence of Improper Integrals Y Definition and kinds of
improper integral Y Convergence of improper integral of first kind Y Necessary and sufficient condition for the convergence of
f (x) dx Y Tent for the
convergence of
f (x) dx Y Comparison Test Y The µ-test Y Abel’s Test Y Dirichlet’s test Y Absolute convergence Y Convergence of improper integrals of
second kind Y Comparison Test Y
c (x − c)n
Y The µ-test Y Abel’s test and Dirichlet’s test Y Absolute convergence Y lmproper integrals containing a
parameter uniform convergence Y Weierstrass M-test Y Dirichlet’s Test Y Fourier Series Y Periodic functions Y Some results of definite integrals Y
Fourier series Y Euler’s Formulae Y Dirichlet’s Condition Y Some integrals Y Even and Odd functions of x Y Half Range Expansions Y Fourier’s series in
(a, b) Y The Riemann Integral Y Definitions Y Riemann Integration (Definition end Existence) Theorems (1 to 8) Y Oscillatory sum Theorem 9 Y Mesh
of a partition Theorem 10 Y Some classes of Riemann integrable functions Theorems (11 to 14) Y Algebra of Riemann integrable functions Theorems (15
to 21)Y The interval of integration (Theorems 22, 23) Y The integrability of the product (Theorems 24, 25) Y The integrability of quotient (Theorem 26) Y
Integration and Differentiation (Theorem 27) Y Fundamental Theorem of Integral Calculus (28) Y Mean Value Theorems (Theorems 29 to 32) Y Change
of Variables (Theorem 33).
Γ′(x) d
ψ(x) = = [log Γ(x)] Y If f (x) is Some Function of x and φ(E) is a Polynomial in E then Prove that φ(E) [a x f (x)] = a x φ (aE) [ f (x)] Y Difference
Γ(x) dx
Equations Y Definition of a Difference Equation Y Various Types of Linear Difference Equations Y Existence and Uniqueness Theorem Y Method of
Variation of Parameters Y Methods of Generating Functions Y Non-homogeneous Linear Difference Equations with Variable Coefficients Y Solution of
Some Special Types of Difference Equations Y Application of Difference Equations to Social Sciences Y Matrix Method for Solving the System of
two Simultaneous Linear Difference Equations Y Cobweb Phenomenon Y Application to Deflection of a Loaded String Y Approximations and Errors
in Computation Y Numbers and their Accuracy Y Errors and their Analysis Y General Method of Finding Remainder Term Y Absolute, Relative and
Percentage Errors Y Error in the Approximation of a Function Y Error Committed in a Series Approximation Y Order of Approximation Y Remainder
Term of Various Interpolation Formulae Y Errors in Different Quadrature Formulae Y Numerical Solutions of Ordinary Differential Equations of
First and Second Order Y Picard’s Method of Successive Approximations Y Euler’s Method Y Improved Euler’s Method Y Modified Euler’s Method Y
Taylor’s Series Method Y Runge’s Method Y Runge Kutta Method Y Predictor and Corrector Method Y Milne’s Method Y Adams-Bash Forth Method Y
General Approach to Predictors and Correctors Y Simultaneous Differential Equation (first order) Y Differential Equation of Second Order Y Numerov’s
Method Y Boundary Value Problems Y Error Analysis Y Convergence of a Method Y Stability Analysis Y Solution of Algebraic and Transcendental
Equations Y Quotient & Remainder by Synthetic Division (Problem) Y Nearly Equal Roots Y Rate of Convergence of Newton’s Method When there Exist
Double Roots Y Solution of Numerical Equations (Contd.) Y Contracton of Horner’s Method Y Solution of Simultaneous Linear Algebraic
Equations Y Different Methods of Obtaining the Solutions Y Newton-Raphson Method for Solving Non-linear Simultaneous Equations Y Matrix
Inversion Y Gauss Elimination Method Y Gauss-Jordan Method Y Triangularization Method Y Crout’s Triangularization Method Y Doolittle Method Y
Choleski’s Method Y Iterative Method Y Escalator Method for Matrix Inversion Y Complex Matrices and Inversion Y Eigen Values and Eigen Vectors Y
Iterative Method for Dominant Latent Root (or Power Series Method) Y Evaluation of All the Eigen Values Y Complex Eigen Values Y Bounds for Eigen
Values Y Eigen Values of Real Symmetric Matrix Y Jacobi’s Method Y Given’s Method Y House-Holder’s Method Y Bernoulli and Euler Polynomials Y
The φ Polynomial Y The β Polynomials Y Bernoulli’s Polynomials and Bernoulli’s Numbers Y Bernoulli’s Polynomials and Numbers of the First Order
Y Euler Polynomials and Euler Numbers Y Properties of Euler’s Polynomials Y Complementary Argument Theorem for Euler’s Polynomials Y Euler’s
Polynomials of Successive Orders Y Euler Polynomials and Euler’s Number of First Order Y Curve Fitting and Principle of Least Squares Y Scatter
Diagram Y Curve Fitting Y Method of Curve Fitting Y Particular Cases Y Change of Origin and Scale for Simplifying the Calculations Y Most Plausible
Solution of a System of Linear Equations Y Fitting of the Curve of the Type y = abx and y = ax b Y Fitting of the Curve pv r = k Y Fitting of the Curve of
Type xy = b + ax Y Method of Group Averages Y Laws Containing Three Constants Y Method-Moments Y Numerical Solution of Partial Differential
Equations Y Boundary-Value Problems Y To Obtain Finite-Difference Approximations of Partial Derivatives Y To Solve Laplace’s Equation (∂ 2u / ∂x 2)
+ (∂ 2u / ∂y 2) = 0 in the Bounded Region R with Boundary C Y Parabolic Equations Y Iterative Methods Y Solution of Laplace’s Equation by Iteration
(Leibmann’s Process) Y Poisson’s Equation Y Parabolic Equations [Solution by Bender Schmidt Recurrence Relation] Y Derive the Crank Nicholson
Difference Scheme for the Parabolic Equation u xx = au t with Boundary Conditions as u (0, t) = T0, u (l, t) = T1 and the Initial Condition as u (x , 0) = f (x) Y
Hyperbolic Equations Y Solution of Elliptic Equations by Relaxation Method Y Computer Fundamentals with Programming in C Y Floating Points
Numbers Y Denormalized Number Y Representation Error Y Introduction to C Language.
Y Elementary Concepts Y The complete solution of a differential equation of the nth order contains n-arbitrary independent constants Y If y1, y2, ...., yn are
solutions of an equation then y = c1y1 + c 2y2 + ... + c nyn is also a solution Y Independence of constants of integration Y Necc. and Suff. cond. for parameters c1
and c 2 to be independent Y Linear dependence and independence of solutions of equations Y Necc. and Suff. cond. for n solutions to form a system of linearly
independent integrals Y Linear Equations of Second Order Y Complete solution in terms of a known integral Y To find particular integral of
d 2y dy
+ P + Qy = 0 Y Removal of the first derivative Y Transformation of the equation by changing the independent variable Y Method of Variation of
dx 2 dx
parameters Y Methods of Operational Factors Y Ordinary Simultaneous Differential Equations Y Simultaneous linear diff. equations with constant
coefficient Y Simultaneous equations in a different form Y Solution of simultaneous equations of the form dx / P = dy / Q = dz / R Y Geometrical interpretation of
equation dx / P = dy / Q = dz / R Y Total Differential Equations (Pfaffian Differential Forms and Equations) Y Pfaffian Differential form Y Pfaffian
Differential Equations Y Total Differential Equation for Pfaffian Differential Equation in three variables Y Necc. and Suff. condition for integrability of single diff.
equation P dx + Q dy + R dz = 0 Y The condition for exactness Y Methods for solving P dx + Q dy + R dz = 0 Y Solution of P dx + Q dy + R dz = 0, when it
is exact and homogeneous of degree n ≠ − 1 Y Geometrical interpretation of the equation P dx + Q dy + R dz = 0. The locus of P dx + Q dy + R dz = 0 is
orthogonal to the locus of dx / P = dy / Q = dz / R Y The non-integrable single equation Y Equations containing more than three variables Y General method of
solution of the equations containing more than three variables Y Integration in Series Y General method of solving a diff. eqn. Y Case I. Roots of indicial equation
equal Y Case II. Roots of indicial equation, unequal and differing by quantity not an integer Y Case III. Roots of indicial equation differing by an integer, making a
coefficient of y determinate Y Some cases where the methods fails Y Series solution about a particular point Y The particular Integral Y Method of differentiation Y
Picard's Iteration Methods, Uniqueness and Existence Theorem Y Picard’s Iteration method Y Existence and uniqueness of solutions Y The Lipschitz
condition Y Existence theorem Y Uniqueness theorem Y Existence and uniqueness theorem Y Theorem Y Partial Differential Equations of the First Order Y
Derivative of partial differential equation Y Definitions Y Linear partial differential equation of order one Y Lagrange’s Linear equation Y Largrange’s solution of the
linear equation Y Geometrical Interpretation of Lagrange’s linear equation Y The linear equation with n independent variables Y Special types of equations Y
Standard I. Equation of the form f (p, q) = 0 Y Standard II. Equation of the form f (z, p, q) = 0 Y Standard III. Equations of the form f (x, p) = f (y, p) Y Standard
IV. Equations of the form z = px + qy + f (p, q) Y General Method of solution Y Two independent Variables Charpit’s Method Y Three or more independent
Variables Jacobi’s Methods Y Partial Differential Equations with Constant Coefficients Y Homogeneous linear equations with constant coefficients Y
Solution of the linear partial differential equations Y To find the complementary function Y When the auxiliary equation has equal (repeated) roots Y The particular
integral Y Short Methods Y Exceptional case when f (a, b) = 0 Y General Methods Y Non-homogeneous Linear equations with constant coefficients Y Particular
Integral Y Equation reducible to homogeneous linear form Y Partial Differential Equations of the Second Or der Y Monge's Meth ods Y Monge’s
method of in te grat ing Rr + Ss + Tt = V Y Monge’s method of in te grat ing Rr + Ss + Tt + V(rt − s 2) = V Y Clas si fi ca tion of Lin ear Par tial
Dif fer en tial Equa tions Y Clas si fi ca tion of lin ear par tial dif fer en tial Equa tions of sec ond or der Y Ho mo ge neous Lin ear Equa tions with
Vari able Co ef fi cients Y Ho mo ge neous lin ear Equa tions Y Meth ods of So lu tion Y Equa tions re duc ible to ho mo ge neous form Y Sin gu lar
So lu tion Y Discriminant Y Ex tra ne ous Loci Y Ex act Dif fer en tial Equations and Equations of other Particular Forms Y Exact Diff. Eqn.
(Definition) Y Condition of exactness of a linear equation of order n Y Integrating factor Y Non-linear equation Y An equation which does not contain y directly Y
d ny d 2y
An equation which does not contain x directly Y An equation of the form n
= f (x) Y An equation of the form = f (y) Y An equation of the form
dx dx 2
d ny d n − 2y
n , , x = 0 Y Equation in which order of the differential coefficients differ by unity Y Numerical Integration Y Simpson’s Rule Y Numerical
dx dx
approximation Y Legendre Polynomials Y Legendre’s equation Y Solution of Legendre’s Equation Y Definition of Pn(x) and Qn(x) Y General solution of
Legendre’s equation Y To show that Pn(x) is the coefficient of hn in the expansion in ascending powers of h of (1 − 2xh + h2)−1/ 2 Y Laplace’s Definite Integrals
for Pn (x) Y Orthogonal properties of Legendre’s Polynomials Y Recurrence formulae Y Beltrami’s Result Y Christoffel’s Expansion Y Christoffel’s Summation
Formulae Y Rodrigues Formulae Y Some Bounds on Pn(x) Y Even and odd functions Y Expansions of x n in Legendre’s Polynomials Y General Results Y An
important Case Y Trigonometrical series for Pn(x) Y Legendre's Function of the Second Kind Qn (x ) Y Legendre’s functions of the Second Kind Y
Neumann’s Integral Y Recurrence formulae for Qn(x) Y Relation between Pn(x) and Qn(x) Y Christoffel’s Second Summation formula Y Complete solution of
Legendre’s equation (other form) Y Bessel Functions Y Bessel’s equation (Def.) Y Solution of Bessel’s General Differential Equations Y General solution of
Bessel’s Equation Y Integration of Bessel’s equation in series for n = 0 Y Definition of J n(x) Y Recurrence formulae for J n(x) Y Generating function for J n(x) Y
Some Trigonometric expansion involving Bessel’s functions Y A second solution of Bessel’s Equation Y Hermite Polynomials Y Hermite Differential
Equation Y Solution of Hermite Equation Y Hermite’s Polynomials Y Generating function Y Other forms for Hermite Polynomials Y To find first few Hermite
Polynomials Y Orthogonal properties of Hermite polynomials Y Recc. Formula for Hermite Polynomials Y Laguerre Polynomials Y Laguerre’s Differential
Equation Y Solution of Laguerre Equation Y Laguerre Polynomials Y Generating function Y Rodrigues formula Y To find first few Laguerre Polynomials Y
Orhtogonal Prop. of Laguerre Polynomials Y Recc. formula for Laguerre Polynomials Y Chebyshev Polynomials Y Chebyshev’s Equation Y Chebyshev’s
Polynomials Y To prove that Tn(x), U n(x) are independent solutions of Chebyshev Equation Y Important Relations for Tn(x) and U n(x) Y To find first few
Chebyshev Polynomials Y Generating function Y Orhtogonal properties of Chebyshev’s polynomials Y Recc. formula for Tn(x) and U n(x).
Y Ordinary Differential Equations and Wronskian Y Differential Equations Y Order and Degree of a Differential Equation Y Linear and Non-linear
Differential Equations Y Solution of a Differential Equation Y Properties of Solution of a Differential Equation Y Independence of Constants of Integration Y
Necessary and Sufficient Condition for the Independence of Constants of Integration Y Wronskian Y Linear Dependence and Independence of Solutions of an
Equation Y Necessary and Sufficient Condition for the Independence of n Solutions of a Linear Differential Equation of Order n Y Fundamental set of Solution Y
Qualitative Properties of Solutions (Oscillation, Adjoint and Sturm Theory) Y Section 1: Oscillatory Equation Y Non-oscillatory Equation Y
Oscillatory and Non-oscillatory Solutions Y Some Theorems on Oscillation Y Section 2: The Adjoint Theory Y Adjoint Operator and Adjoint Equation Y
Lagrange Identity Y Green's Formula (Corrollary to Lagrange Identity)Y Some Theorems Y Self-adjoint Equation Y Theorems on Self-adjoint Equations
of the Second Order Y Section 3 : The Sturm Theory Y Theorem I Y Theorem II (Abel's Formula) Y Theorem III Y Theorem IV (Sturm Separation
Theorem) Y Theorem V (Sturm's Fundamental Comparison Theorem) Y Sturm Comparison Theorem Y Integration in Series (Ordinary Points,
Regular, Singular Points and Frobenius Series Solution) Y Some Important Definitions Y Ordinary and Singular Points Y Theorem Y Method of Series
Solution about an Ordinary Point x = x 0 Y Series Solution in Powers of (x − a) , where x = a ≠ 0 is an Ordinary Point Y Series Solution about a Regular Singular
Point x = 0 (Frobenius Method) Y Case I. Roots of Indicial Equation Unequal and Differing by a Quantity not an Integer i.e., m1 − m2 ≠ 0, 1, 2, ...
(Frobenius Method) Y Case II. Roots of Indicial Equation Unequal Differing by an Integer Making a Coefficient of y Indeterminate (Frobenius Method) Y
Case III. Roots of Indicial Equation Unequal Differing by an Integer, One Root Making a Coefficient of y Infinity (Frobenius Method) Y Roots of Indicial
Equation Equal [Frobenius Method] Y Solution of Legendre's Equation (In Decending Powers of x) Y The Particular Integral Y Some Cases where the
Frobenius Method Fails Y Beta and Gamma Functions Y Euler's Integrals Y Elementary Properties of Gamma Function Y To Show that Γ(1 2) = π Y
Transformation of Gamma Function Y Symmetric Property of Beta Functions i.e., Β(m , n) = Β(n, m) Y Transformation of Beta Function Y Relation between
p + 1 q + 1
π /2 Γ Γ
Γ(m) Γ(n) p q 2 2
Beta and Gamma Functions Β(m , n) =
Γ(m + n)
, m > 0, n > 0 Y
0 ∫
sin θ cos θ dθ =
2 Γ
p + q + 2
Y Legendre Duplication Formula Y To
( n − 1) / 2
Prove that Γ . Γ 2 . Γ 3 .... Γ n − 1 = (2 π) where n is a positive integer Y Gauss Hypergeometric Equation Y The Pochhammer
n n n n n
Symbol (Def.) Y Identities Satisfied by Pochhammer Symbol (α)n Y Hypergeometric Series Y Hypergeometric Function Y Different Forms of Hypergeometric
Function Y Confluent Hypergeometric Function (Kummer Function) Y General Hypergeometric Function Y Symmetric Property of Hypergeometric Function Y
Particular Cases of Hypergeometric Series Y Gauss's Hypergeometric Equation or Gauss's Equation or Hypergeometric Equation Y Solution of the
Hypergeometric Equation Y Derivatives of Hypergeometric Functions Y n-th Derivative of Hypergeometric Function Y Derivatives of Hypergeometric Function at
x = 0 Y Integral Formula for Hypergeometric Function Y Kummer's Theorem (For Hypergeometric Function) Y Gauss's Theorem Y Vandermonde's Theorem Y
Confluent Hypergeometric Equation (Or Kummer's Equation) and its Solution Y Series Solution of Confluent Hypergeometric Differential Equation near x = 0
when γ is not an Integer Y Derivatives of Confluent Hypergeometric Function Y Integral Formula for Confluent Hypergeometric Function 1 F1 (α ; γ; x) Y Kummer's
Theorem (for Confluent Hypergeometric Function) Y Whittaker's Confluent Hypergeometric Function Y Contiguous Hypergeometric Functions Y Theorem :
Contiguity Relationship Y Hermite Polynomials Y Hermite Differential Equation Y Solution of Hermite Differential Equation Y Hermite Polynomial Y
Generating Function for Hermite Polynomial H n(x) Y Other Forms for the Hermite Polynomials Y To find First Few Hermite Polynomials Y Orthogonal
Properties of Hermite Polynomials Y Recurrence Formulae for Hermite Polynomials Y Partial Differential Equations of the First Order (Origin of
First Order Partial Differential Equations and Classification) Y Order and Degree of a Partial Differential Equation Y Classification of First Order Partial
Differential Equations into Linear, Semi-linear, Quasi-linear and Non-linear Y Origin (Derivation) of First Order Partial Differential Equation Y Some Definitions Y
Lagrange's Linear Partial Differential Equation Y Lagrange's Solution of the Lagrange's Linear Equation (Lagrange's Method of Solving the Linear Partial
Differential Equation of Order One Namely Pp + Qq = R) Y Working Method Y The Linear Partial Differential Equation with n Independent Variables Y Integral
Surfaces Passing Through a Given Curve Y Surface Orthogonal to a Given System of Surface Y Compatible System of First Order Equations Y Non-linear Partial
Differential Equations of First Order (Charpit's and Jacobi's Methods) Y Solution of Partial Differential Equations of First Order and any Degree in Some
Standard Forms Y Standard Form I : Equation Involving Only p and q and no x , y and z Y Standard Form II : Equations Involving Only p, q & z Y Standard Form
III : Equations of the Form f1 (x , p) = f2 (y , q) Y Standard Form IV : Equations of the Form z = px + qy + f (p , q) Y Charpit's Method : General Method of
Solution of Non-linear Partial Differential Equation of Order One with Two Independent Variables Y Jacobi's Methods Y Jacobi's Method of Solving a Non-linear
First Order Partial Differential Equation in Two Independent Variables Y Partial Differential Equations of the Second Order with Variable Coefficients
(Origin and Classification) Y Origin (Derivation) of Second Order Partial Differential Equation Y Special Types of Second Order Partial Differential
Equations Y Solutions of Equations under Given Conditions Y Classification of Linear Partial Differential Equations of Second Order in n-Independent Variables
Y Classification of Linear Partial Differential Equation of Second Order in Two Independent Variables Y Lin ear Par tial Dif fer en tial Equa tions with
Con stant Co ef fi cients Y Ho mo ge neous and Non-ho mo ge neous Lin ear Par tial Dif fer en tial Equa tions with Con stant Co ef fi cients Y So lu tion
of a Ho mo ge neous Lin ear Par tial Dif fer en tial Equa tion with Con stant Co ef fi cients Y Meth ods of Finding the Com ple men tary Func tion (C.F.)
of the Ho mo ge neous Lin ear Par tial Dif fer en tial Equa tion with Con stant Co ef fi cients Y Work ing Method of Find ing C.F. of a Ho mo ge neous
Lin ear Par tial Dif fer en tial Equa tion with Con stant Co ef fi cients Y De ter mi na tion of the Par tic u lar In te gral (P.I.) of a Ho mo ge neous Lin ear
Par tial Dif fer en tial Equa tion with Con stant Co ef fi cients Y Short Method to Find P.I. when φ(x, y) is a Func tion of the form x m y n or a Ra tio nal
In te gral Al ge braic Func tion of x and y Y Short Methods of Finding P.I. When φ(x, y) is a Function of ax + by Y General Method of Finding the P.I. of
Homogeneous Linear Differential Equation with Constant Coefficients Y Non-homogeneous Linear Differential Equations with Constant Coefficients Y
Methods of Finding the Complementary Function (C.F.) of Reducible Non-homogeneous Linear Partial Differential Equation with Constant Coefficients
Y Working Method of Finding C.F. of Reducible Non-homogeneous Linear Partial Differential Equation with Constant Coefficients Y Method of Finding
C.F. of Irreducible Non-homogeneous Linear Partial Differential Equation with Constant Coefficients Y Working Method of Finding C.F. of Irreducible
Non-homogeneous Linear Partial Differential Equation with Constant Coefficients Y Determination of the Particular Integral (P.I.) of Non-homogeneous
Linear Partial Differential Equation (Reducible or Irreducible) with Constant Coefficients Y Equation Reducible to Homogeneous Linear Form Y Solution
of Linear Partial Differential Equation with Constant Coefficients under given Geometrical Conditions Y Re duc tion of Sec ond Or der Par tial
Dif fer en tial Equa tion into Ca non i cal Forms (Non-lin ear Equa tions of Sec ond Or der) Y Laplace Trans for ma tion (Ca non i cal Forms)
Y Work ing Method of Re duc ing a Hy per bolic Equa tion to Ca non i cal Form Y Work ing Method of Re duc ing a Par a bolic Equa tion to Ca non i cal
Form Y Working Method of Re duc ing El lip tic Equa tion to Ca non i cal Form Y Wave Equa tions (By Method of Sep a ra tion of Vari ables) Y
Wave Equation Y So lu tion of One Di men sional Wave Equa tion by Us ing the Method of Sep a ra tion of Vari ables Y Solution of One Dimensional
Wave Equation Under the Given Conditions Y Some Important and Useful Differential Equations and Their Solutions Y Solution of Two Dimensional
Wave Equation by the Method of Separation of Variables Y Vibration of a Circular Membrane (Solution of Two Dimensional Wave Equation in Polar
Coordinates) Y Solution of Three Dimensional Wave Equation by the Method of Separation of Variables Y Wave Equation in Cylindrical Coordinates Y
Solution of Wave Equation is Cylindrical Coordinates by the Method of Separation of Variables Y Wave Equation in Spherical Coordinates Y Solution of
Wave Equation in Spherical Polar Coordinates by the Method of Separation of Variables Y Heat and Dif fu sion Equa tions (By Method of
Sep a ra tion of Vari ables) Y One Di men sional Heat Equa tion Y Heat Equa tion Y Dif fu sion Equa tion Y So lu tion of One Di men sional Heat
Equa tion by Sep a ra tion of Vari ables Y So lu tion of One Di men sional Heat Equa tion un der given Bound ary Con di tions Y So lu tion of Two
Di men sional Heat Equa tion in Car te sian Co or di nates Y Heat Equa tion in Plane Po lar Co or di nates Y So lu tion of Heat Equa tion in Plane Po lar
Co or di nates by Sep a ra tion of Vari ables Y So lu tion of Three Di men sional Heat Equa tion by the Method of Sep a ra tion of Vari ables Y Heat
(Dif fu sion) Equa tion in Cy lin dri cal Co ordi nates Y So lu tion of Heat (Dif fu sion) Equa tion in Cy lin dri cal Coor di nates by the Method of
Sep a ra tion of Vari ables Y Heat (Dif fu sion) Equa tion in Spher i cal Po lar Co or di nates Y So lu tion of Heat (Dif fu sion) Equa tion in Spher i cal Po lar
Co or di nates by the Method of Sep a ra tion of Vari ables Y Laplace Equa tions (By Method of Sep a ra tion of Vari ables) Y Laplace
Equa tion Y So lu tion of Two Di men sional Laplace's (Har monic) Equa tion by Us ing the Method of Sep a ra tion of Vari ables Y So lu tion of Two
Di men sional Laplace's Equa tion un der the Given Con di tions Y Laplace Equa tion in Plane Po lar Co or di nates Y So lu tion of Laplace Equa tion
in Plane Po lar Co or di nates by Sep a ra tion of Vari ables Y So lu tion of Laplace's Equa tion in Rect an gu lar Car te sian Co or di nates (x, y, z) by the
Method of Separation of Variables Y Laplace Equation in Cylindrical Coordinates Y Solution of Laplace's Equation in Cylindrical Coordinates by the
Method of Separation of Variables Y Laplace Equation in Spherical Coordinates Y Solution of Laplace's Equation in Spherical Coordinates by the
Method of Separation of Variables.
Y Curves in Space (R 3 ) Y Space curves Y Path Y Arc length Y Tangent Line Y Contract of n th order of a curve and surface Y The osculating plane (or
plane of curvature) Y Tangent plane at any pont of the surface f (x, y, z) = 0 Y To find the osculating plane at a point of a space curve given by the
intersection of the surface f(r ) = 0, ψ (r ) = 0 Y The Principal normal and binormal Y Definitions of curvature, Torsion and screw curvature Y To find
curvature and Torsion of curve Y Helices Y Intrinsic Equations (or Natural Equations) Fundamental Theorems for space curves Y The circle of curvature
Y The osculating sphere (or sphere of curvature) Y Behaviour of curve in the Neighbourhood of a point Y Involute and Evolute Y The spherical indicatrics
or spherical images Y Bertnard curves Y Concept of a Surface and Fundamental Forms Y Concept and Definition of a surface Y Curvilinear
equations of the curve on the surface Y Parametric curves Y Tangent plane and normal Y Fundamental Forms Y Two fundamental forms Y First
Fundamental form or Metric Y Second Fundamental Form Y Some Important Products Y Derivatives of N, Weingarton Equations Y Angle between
parametric curves Y Direction Coefficients Y Angle between any two intersecting curves on the surface Y Families of curves Y Orthogonal Trajectories Y
Double Family of curves Y Local Non-intrinsic Properties of a Surface, Curve on a Surface Y Curvature of normal section Y Principle Directions
and Principal curvatures Y Line of curvature Y General surface of revolution Y Joachimsthal’s Theorem Y Dupin’s Indicatrix Y Third Fundamental Form Y
Envelope, Edge of Regression and Developable Y Envelope of system of surfaces whose equations involves two parameters Y Ruled Surfaces
(Developable and Skew) Y Developable surface Y Developables associated with space curves K = 0, for a developable surface Y Monge’s Theorem Y
Conjugate directions Y Asymptotic Lines Y Fundamental coefficients and gaussian curvature for a ruled surface Y The fundamental Equations of Surface
Theory Gauss’s Formulae Y The Fundamental Equations of Surface Theory (Tenosr notation) Y Parallel Surfaces Y Whole curvature Y Geodesic and
Mapping of Surfaces Y Geodesics Y Differential equation of geodesics Y Normal Property of geodesics Y Geodesic curvature Y Gauss Bonnet Theorem
Y Torsion of a geodesic Y Bonnet’s theorem in relation to geodesics Y Geodesics on F (x , y, z) = 0 Y Geodesics parallel Y Mapping of Surfaces Y Some
Definitions Y Isometric lines and Isometric correspondence Y Minding Theorem Y Conformal mapping Y Geodesic mapping Y Tissot’s theorem Y Dini’s
theorem Y Symbols and Abbreviations.
Y Central Orbits Y Central Forces, Elliptic, Hyperbolic and Parabolic Orbits, Apses and apsidal distances Y Planetary Motion Y Motion under inverse
square law, Planetary Motion, Kepler’s Laws, Perihelion and Aphelion Points, Distributed Elliptic Motion Y Anomalies, Planetary Motion
(Continued) Y Lambert’s Theorem Y Tangential and Normal Acceleration, Conservation of Energy, Simple Pendulum and Constrained
Motion Y Motion in a smooth vertical circle, Motion on a smooth plane curve, Motion on a general curve, Motion on a circle, Elastic string Y Motion on a
smooth cycloid, Motion on a rough cycloid Y Motion in a Resisting Medium and Motion when Mass Varies Y Motion in a Straight Line in a
Resisting Medium, Motion of Projectiles in a Resisting Medium Y Revolving Curves Y Moment of Inertia Y D'Alembert's Principle and Motion
about a Fixed Axis.
218-18 Fluid Dynamics –Shanti Swarup
Y Basic Concepts Y Types of fluid Y Fluid properties Y Density Y Specific weight Y Specific volume Y Specific gravity Y Pressure Y Viscosity Y Temperature Y
Thermal conductivity Y Specific heat Y Surface tension Y Vapour pressure Y Bulk modulus of Elasticity Y Kinematics of the Flow Field Y Lagrangian method Y
Eulerian method Y Relationship between the Lagrangian and Eulerian method Y Velocity of a fluid particle at a point Y Local, convective and material derivatives Y
Equation of continuity Y Equation of continuity (stream tube concept Y Equation of continuity (cartesian coordinates) Y Equation of continuity (spherical polar
coordinates) Y Equation of continuity (cylindrical polar coordinates) Y Equation of continuity (Lagrangian method) Y Equivalence of the two forms of the equation
of continuity Y Velocity potential, Irotational flow Y Rotational flow Y Vorticity Y Vorticity vector, Vortex lines, Vortex tube Y Vortex filament Y Boundary Surface Y
Conservation of Momentum Y Euler’s equation of motion along a streamline Y Equation of motion of an inviscid fluid Y Equation of motion of an inviscid fluid
(cartesian coordinates) Y Cauchy’s integral Y Bernoulli’s equation (Stream tube method) Y Conservative field of force Y Integration of Euler’s equation Y Helmholtz
equations Y Symmetrical forms of the equation of continuity Y Spherical symmetry Y Cylindrical symmetry Y Impulsive motion of a fluid Y lmpulsive motion
of a fluid (Cartesian coordinates) Y Energy equation Y Applications of Bernoulli’s Theorem Y Flow over a protuberance in a closed channel Y Pitot tube Y
Venturi tube Y Orifice plate Y Weirs Y Irrotational Motion Y General motion of a fluid element Y Motion of a fluid element (cartesian coordinates) Y Vorticity Y
Body forces and surface forces Y Flow and circulation Y Stoke’s theorem Y Kelvin’s circulation theorem Y Connectivity Y Cyclic constants Y Irrotational motion in
multiply-connected space Y Acyclic and Cyclic motion Y Green’s theorem Y Deductions from Green’s theorem Y Mean value of the velocity potential over a
spherical surface Y Motion regarded as due to Sources and Sinks Y Liquid extending to infinity Kelvin’s minimum energy theorem Y Motion in Two Dimensions
Y Stream function (Plane polar coordinates) Y Physical interpretation of Stream function Y Complex potential and complex velocity Y Uniform flows Y Two
dimensional Source and Sink Y Strength Y Complex potential of a source Y Two-dimensional doublet Y Complex potential of a doublet Y Images in
two-dimension Y Image of a source with regard to a plane Y Image of a doublet with regard to a plane Y The circle theorem Y Image of a Source with regard to a
circle Y Image of a doublet with regard to a circle Y Conformal representation Y Application to Fluid Dynamics Y General motion of a cylinder in two-dimensions Y
Motion of a circular cylinder in a uniform stream Y Liquid Streaming past a fixed circular cylinder Y Two co-axial cylinders (Problem of initial motion) Y Circulation
about a circular cylinder Y Blasius’s theorem Y Streaming and Circulation for a fixed circular cylinder Y Equation of motion of a circular cylinder with circulation Y
Elliptic coordinates Y Motion of an elliptic cylinder Y Streaming past a fixed elliptic cylinder Y Elliptic cylinder rotating in an infinite mass of liquid at rest at infinity Y
Kinetic energy of rotating elliptic cylinder Y Kinetic energy when the liquid contained in a rotating elliptic cylinder Y Motion of a parabolic cylinder Y Velocity
potential and stream function for a liquid streaming past a fixed parabolic cylinder Y The aerofoil Y Joukowski transformation Y Kutta-Joukowski’s theorem Y
D’Alembert’s paradox Y Schwarz-Christoffel theorem Y Transformation of a semi-infinite strips Y Semi-infinite strip Y Infinite strip Y Flow into a Channel through a
narrow slit in a wall Y Flow past a step in a deep stream Y Flow past a step in a channel Y Vortex Motion Y Properties of the vortex Y Strength of the vortex Y
Rectilinear Vortices Y Velocity components Y Centre of vortices Y A case of two vortex filaments Y Stream function when the strength of the vortex filaments are
equal Y Vortex pair Y Vortex doublet Y Vortex inside an infinite circular cylinder Y Vortex outside a circular cylinder Y An infinite single row of parallel rectilinear
vortices of the same strength Y Two infinite rows of parallel rectilinear vortices Y Karman's vortex street Y Kirchoff vortex theorem Y Rectilinear vortex with circular
section Y Rankine’s combined vortex Y Rectilinear vortices with elliptic section Y Vortex sheets Y Routh theorem Y Waves Wave motion Y Mathematical
representation of wave motion Y Standing or Stationary waves Y Classification of waves Y Surface waves Y Progressive waves on the surface of a canal Y Waves on
a deep canal Y Energy of progressive wave Y Progressive waves reduced to a steady motion Y Standing or Stationary waves Y Energy of Stationary waves
Y Waves at the common surface of two liquids Y Waves at an interface with upper surface free Y Group velocity Y Rate of transmission of energy Y Long
waves Y Energy of a long wave Y Long waves at the common surface of two liquids bounded above and below by two fixed horizontal planes Y
Irrotational Motion in Three Dimensions Y Butler’s sphere theorem Y Solution of Laplace equation Y Motion of a sphere in an infinite mass of liquid at rest at
infinity Y Ideal flow round a sphere Y Liquid streaming past a fixed sphere Y Concentric spheres Y Equation of motion of a sphere Y Three dimensional source and
sink Y Three dimensional doublet Y Image of a source with regard to a sphere Y Motion of a liquid inside a rotating ellipsoidal shell Y Motion of an ellipsoid in an
infinite mass of liquid Y Values of Stoke’s stream function Y Values of Stoke’s stream function Y A simple source on the X-axis Y A uniform line source along the axis
Y A doublet along the axis Y Solid of revolution along their axes in an infinite mass of liquid Y Viscous Fluid Flow Y Stress analysis at a point Y State of a stress at a
point Y Symmetry of stress tensor Y Alternative proof Y Stress in a fluid at rest Y Stress in a fluid in motion Y Transformation of stress-components Y Tensor
character of stress matrix Y Stress quadric Y Orthogonal principal directions Y Principal stresses and Principal directions Y Strain analysis Y Rate of Strain quadric Y
Alternative proof Y Transformation of the rates of strain Y Relation between stress and rate of strain Y Navier-Stokes equation of motion of a viscous fluid (Cartesian
coordinates) Y Limitations of the Navier-Stokes equation Y Equation of energy Y Dissipation of energy Y Vorticity and Circulation in viscous fluids Y Diffusion of
vorticity Y The equation of state Y Dimensional Analysis Y Reynolds number Y Buckinghuam’s theorem Y Similitude Y Froude number Y Pressure coefficient
(Euler’s number) Y Match number Y Reynolds number Y Grashof number Y Prandtl Number Y Peclet number Y Exact Solutions of the Navier-Stoke's
Equation Y Laminar flow between parallel plates Y Plane couette flow Y Generalised plane couette flow Y Plane Poiseuille flow Y Flow between parallel plates
(Temperature distribution) Y Plane couette flow Y Generalised Plane couette flow Y Plane Poiseuille flow Y Hagen-Poiseuille flow, through a circular pipe Y Steady
flow between co-axial circular pipes Y Steady flow in pipes of elliptic cross-section Y Steady flow in pipes of equilateral triangular section Y Steady flow in pipes of
rectangular sections Y Hagen-Poiseuille flow in a circular pipe (temperature distribution) Y Laminar flow between concentric rotating cylinders Y Temperature
distribution Y Steady motion of a viscous fluid due to a slowly rotating sphere Y Flow in convergent and divergent channels Y Unsteady motion of a flat plate Y Flow
due to an oscillating flat plate Y Pulsatile flow between parallel surfaces Y Unsteady flow of viscous incompressible fluid between two parallel plates Y Diffusion of a
vortex filament Y Low Reynolds number solution Y Solution of the Navier-Stokes equation at low Reynolds number Y Slow flow past a sphere Y Flow past
a sphere (Aliter) Y Flow past a circular cylinder Y Laminar Boundary-Layer Flow Y Two dimensional boundary layer equations for flow over a plane wall Y
Boundary layer flow along a flat plate Y Boundary layer thickness Y Properties of the boundary layer equations Y Boundary layer flow past a wedge Y Potential flow
past a wedge Y Potential flow around a corner Y Flow in a convergent channel Y Momentum integral equation for the boundary layer Y Momentum and energy
integral equation for the boundary layer (Aliter) Y Application of the momentum Integral equation to boundary layers Von Karman's Pohlhausen method
Y Discontinuous Motion Y Properties of the free stream lines Y Flow in jets and currents Y Motion of two impinging jets Y Direct impact of four equal jets Y
Borda’s Mouthpiece Y Jet of a liquid through a slit Y Impact of a stream on a lamina Y Lubrication Theory Y The generalised Reynolds equation Y Flow between
parallel walls Y The Real bearing Y One-dimensional journal bearings (Infinitely long bearing) Y Infinitely short bearing Y One-dimensional Thrust bearing Y Step
bearing Y Appendix: Orthogonal curvilinear coordinate.
Y Elements of Set Theory Y Sets and subsets Y Basic operations on sets Y Relations Y Functions Y Order Y Some Properties of real numbers Y The axiom of
choice and its equivalents Y Cardinality and denumerability Y Decimal, Ternary and binary representation Y Cardinal Arithmetic Y Cantor’s ternary set Y
Order types and ordinal numbers Y Metric Spaces Y Metric Y Euclidean spaces Y Some important inequalities Y Bounded and unbounded Metric
spaces Y Spheres (or balls) Y Open Sets Y Closed Sets Y Neighbourhoods Y Accumulation points: Adherent points Y Closure, interior, exterior and
boundary of a set Y Subspaces Y Product spaces Y Dense and non-dense sets; separable spaces Y Sequences and subsequences in a metric space Y
Cauchy sequences Y Complete metric spaces Y Completeness and contracting mappings Y Some complete metric spaces Y Completion of a metric space
Y Linear Spaces Y General properties of linear spaces Y Linear subspaces Y Algebra of subspaces Y Linear combination of vectors, Linear span of a set
Y Linear sum of two subspaces Y Direct sum of spaces Y Quotient space Y Linear dependence and linear independence of vectors Y Hamel Basis of linear
space Y Dimension of a linear space Y Isomorphism of linear spaces Y Linear transformations or Homomorphism of linear spaces Y Properties of linear
transformations Y Some particular linear transformations Y Range and null space of a linear transformation Y Rank and nullity of a linear transformation Y
Linear transformations as vectors Y Product of linear transformations Y Algebra or linear algebra Y Polynomials Y Invertible or non-singular linear
transformations Y Linear functionals Y Linear functionals in finite-dimensional spaces Y Extension theorems for linear transformations Y Reflexivity Y
Projections Y Banach Spaces Y Normed linear spaces Y The classical Banach space Lp Y Subspaces and Quotient spaces of Banach spaces Y
Continuous linear transformations Y Equivalent norms Y Riesz-lemma Y Convexity Y Linear functionals and the Hahn Banach theorem Y The natural
imbedding of N into N ∗ ∗ ; Reflexivity Y The open mapping theorem Y Projections on Banach spaces Y The Closed graph theorem Y Uniform bounded
principle Y The conjugate of an operator Y Hilbert Spaces Y Inner product spaces Y Hilbert spaces Y Some properties of Hilbert spaces Y Orthogonal
complements Y Orthonormal sets Y The Conjugate space H ∗ Y The Adjoint of an operator Y Self adjoint operators Y Normal and Unitary operators Y
Perpendicular Projections Y Finite Dimensional Spectral Theory Y Eigen values and Eigen vectors Y Existence of eigen values Y Matrix of a Linear
transformation Y The spectral theorem.
Y Elements of Set Theory Y Sets and Their Basic Operations Y Relations Y Functions Y R as an Ordered Field Y Convergence of Sequences in R Y Complex
Numbers and their Geometrical Representation Y Fundamental Laws of Addition and Multiplication Y Difference of Two Complex Numbers Y Modulus
and Argument of Complex Numbers Y The Geometrical Representation of Complex Numbers Y Vector Representation of Complex Numbers Y The Point on
the Argand Plane Representing the Sum, Difference, Product and Divsion of Complex Numbers Y Conjugate Complex Numbers Y Properties of Moduli Y
Properties of the Arguments Y Riemann Sphere and the Point at Infinity Y Analytical Functions Y Complex Differentiation Y Limit and Continuity Y
Differentiability Y The Necessary and Sufficient Condition for f (z) to be Analytic Y Method of Constructing a Regular Function Y A Simple Method of Constructing an
Analytic Function Y Polar form of Cauhy-Riemann Equations Y Complex Equation of a Straight Land Circle Y Polynomials Y Rational Functions Y Multiple Valued
Functions Y Power Series and Elementary Functions Y Sequences Y Series Y Sequences and Series of Functions Y Power Series Y Elementary
Transcendental Functions Y Conformal Mappings Y Mapping or Transformations Y Jacobian of a Transformation Y Conformal Mapping Y Sufficient Conditions
for w = f (z) to Represent Conformation Mapping Y Necessary Conditions for w = f (z) to Represent Conformation Mapping Y Superficial Magnification Y The Circle
Y Inverse Points with Respect to a Circle Y Some Elementary Transformations Y Linear Transformations Y Bilinear Transformation Y Resultant of two Bilinear
Transformations Y Bilinear Transformation as the resultant of Elementary Bilinear Transformation with Simple Geometric Properties Y Bilinear Transformations as the
Resultant of an Even Number of Inversions Y The Linear Group Y Equation of a Circle Through Three Given Points Y Cross-ratio Y Preservance of Cross-ratio under
Bilinear Transformations Y To Find Bilinear Transformations which Transform Three Distinct Points into Three Specified Points Y Preservance of the Family of Circles
and Straight Lines under Bilinear Transformations Y Two Important Families of Circles Y Fixed Points of a Bilinear Transformation Y Normal Form of a Bilinear
Transformations Y Elliptic, Hyperbolic and Parabolic Transformations Y Some Special Bilinear Transformations Y More about Conformal Mappings Y
The Transformation w = z n Y The Transformation w = z 2 Y The Inverse Transformation z = w Y The Exponential Transformation w = e z Y The
Logarithmic Transformation w = log z Y The Trigonometrical Transformations Y The Transformation w = tan 2 z Y The Transformation
1 1
w = z + Y Some General Techniques of Conformal Mapping Y Complex Integration Y Complex Line Integrals Y Reduction of Complex Integrals
2 2
to Real Integrals Y Some Properties of Complex Integrals Y An Estimation of a Complex Integral Y Line Integrals as Functions of Arcs Y Cauchy’s
Fundamental Theorem Y Second Proof of Cauchy-Goursat Theorem Y A Third proof of Cauchy-Goursat Theorem Y Cauchy’s Integral Formula Y Poisson’s
Integral Formula of a Circle Y Derivative of an Analytic Function Y Higher Order Derivatives Y Morera’s Theorem Y Indefinite Integrals or Primitives Y
Cauchy’s Inequality Y Liouville’s Theorem Y Expansion of Analytic Functions as Power Series : Taylor and Laurent’s Theorems Y The Zeros of an Analytic
Function Y Different Types of Singularities Y Some Theorems on Poles and Other Singularities Y The Point at Infinity Y Characterization of Rotational
Functions Y Maximum Modulus Principle Y The Excess of Number of Zeros Over Number of Poles of a Meromorphic Function Y Rouche’s Theorem Y
Schwarz Lemma Y Inverse Function Theorem Y Fundamental Theorem of Algebra Y Analytic Continuation Y Power Series Method of Analytic Continuation
Y Schwart’s Reflection Principle Y Calculus of Residues Y Residue at Simple Pole Y Residue at a Pole of Order Greater than Unity Y Residue at Infinity Y
Cauchy’s Residue Theorem Y Evaluation of Definite Integrals Y Integration Round the Unit Circle Y Evaluation of the Integrals
∫ −∞
f (x) dx Y Jordan’s
P( x )
Inequality Y Jordan’s Lemma Y Evaluation of the Integrals of the form
∫−∞ Q (x )
sin mx dx etc. Y Case of the Poles on the Real Axis Y Integrals of may Values
Functions Y Rectangular and Other Contours Y Expansion of Meormorhpic Functions Y Uniform Convergence and Infinite Products Y Uniform
Convergence of a Sequence Y General Principle of Uniform Convergence Y Uniform Convergence of a Series Y Weierstrass’s M-test Y Hardy’s Test Y
Continuity of the Sum Function Y Term by Term Integration Y Analyticity of the Sum Function of a Series, Term by Term Differentiation Y Hurwitz Theorem
Y Uniform Convergence of Power Series Y A note on Absolute and Uniform Convergence Y Infinite Products Y Three Important Theorems on Infinite
Products Y The Absolute Convergence of Infinite Products Y Uniform Convergence of Infinite Products Y Entire Functions Y Mittag Leffler’s Theorem Y
The Weierstrass Factorization Theorem Y Canonical Products Y The Jenson and Poisson -Jenson Formulas Y Growth, Order and Convergence Exponents
of Entire Functions Y Hadmard’s Factorization Theorem Y The Gamma Function.
221-19 Complex Analysis –A.R. Vasishtha, Vipin Vasishtha & A.K. Vasishtha
Y Complex Numbers and their Geometrical Representation Y Complex Numbers Y Properties of the Addition Of Complex Numbers Y
Properties Of The Multiplication Of Complex Numbers Y Difference Of Two Complex numbers Y Division In C Y Modulus Of A Complex Number Y
Conjugate Of A Complex Number Y Modulus-argument Form Or Polar Standard Form Or Trigonometric Form Of A Complex Number Y The
Geometrical Representation Of Complex Numbers Y The Points On The Argand Plane Representing The Sum, Difference, Product And Division Of Two
Complex Numbers Y More Properties Of Moduli And Arguments Y Theorem: The Order Relations Greater Than Or Less Than Do Not Apply To Complex
Numbers Y Some Important Results About Complex Numbers Y Integral And Rational Powers Of A Complex Number Y Geometrical Applications Of
Complex Number Y Complex Equation Of A Straight Line In The Complex Plane Y Equation Of A Circle In The Complex Plane Y The Spherical
Representation Of Complex Numbers And Stereographic Projection Y Analytic Functions Y Curves In The Argand Plane Y Functions Of a Complex
Variable Y Neighbourhood Of A Point Y Limits And Continuity Y Differentiability Y Analytic, Holomorphic And Regular Functions Y The Necessary
And Sufficient Conditions For f (z) To Be Analytic Y Polar Form Of Cauchy-Riemann Equations Y Derivative of w = f (z) In Polar Form Y Orthogonal
System Y Harmonic Function Y Methods Of Constructing A Regular function (Milne-Thomson’s Method) Y Multiple Valued Functions Y Conformal
Mappings Y Mappings Or Transformations Y Jacobian Of A Transformation Y Conformal Mapping Y Necessary Conditions for w = f (z) To Represent
A Conformal Mapping Y Sufficient Conditions For w = f (z) To Represent A Conformal Mapping Y Superficial Magnification Y The Circle Y Inverse
Points With Respect To A Circle Y Some Elementary Transformations Y Linear Transformation Y Billinear Or Linear Fractional Transformation Y
Critical Points Y Resultant Or Product Of Two Bilinear Transformations Y Bilinear Transformation As The Resultant Of Elementary Bilinear Y
Transformations With Simple Geometric Properties Y Bilinear Transformation As The Resultant Of An Even Number Of Inversions Y The Linear
Group Y Equation Of A Circle Through Three Given Points Y Cross Ration Y Preservance Of Cross-Ratio Under Bilinear Transformation Y To Find
The Bilinear Transformation Which Transforms Three Distinct Points Z1, Z 2, Z 3 Of z-Plane Respectively Into Three Specified Points W1, W2, W3 of
w-Plane Y Two Important Families Of Circles Y Preservance Of The Family Of Circles And Straight Lines Under Bilinear Transformations Y Fixed
Points Or Invariant Points Of A Bilinear Transformation Y Normal Form Of A Bilinear Transformation Y Elliptic, Hyperbolic And Parabolic
Transformations Y Some Special Bilinear Transformations Y Taylor’s Series Y More about Conformal Mappings (Some Special
Transformations) Y The Transformation w = Z n (Where n Is A Positive Integer) Y The Transformation w = z 2 Y The Inverse Transformation z = W Y
1 1
The Exponential Transformation w = e z Y The Logarithmic Transformation w = log z Y The Transformation w = z + Y The Transformation
2 z
1 a + b π
w= (a − b) z + Y The Transformation w = z
1/ α
Y The Transformation w = tan 2 Z Y The Transformation w = c sin z Y The Transformation
2 z 4a
w = tan z Y The Transformation w = cos z Y The Transformation w = cosh z Y Power Series and Elementary Functions Y Sequences Y Infinite
Series Y Sequences And Series Of Functions Y Principal Of Uniform Convergence Of A Sequence Y Cauchy’s Criterion For Series Y Power Series Y
Elementary Transcendental Functions Y Exponential Function Y Addition Theorem For Exponential Function e z Y Trigonometrical Functions sin z
and cos z Y Addition Theorem for sin z and cos z Y Hyperbolic Functions sinh z and cosh z Y Relation Between Trigonometric And Hyperbolic
Functions Y Periodicity Y Periodicity Of sin z and cos z Y Periodicity Of e z Y Logarithmic Function (Inverse Of Exponential Function) Y Branches Of
log w Y Addition Theorem For log w Y Analyticity of log w Y The General Power z a Y Inverse Trigonometric Functions Y Complex Integration Y
Definitions Y Rectifiable Arcs Y Functions of Bounded Variation Y Complex Intetgrals Y Evaluation Of some Integrals, ab-initio (By definition) Y
Reduction Of Complex Integrals To Real Integrals Y Some Elementary Properties Of Complex Integrals Y An Upper Bound For A Complex Integral Y
Line Integrals As Functions Of Arcs Y Cauchy’s Fundamental Theorem Y Cauchy Goursat Theorem (Second proof) Y Cauchy Goursat Theorem (Third
proof) Y Cauchy’s Integral Formula Y Derivative Of An Analytic Function Y Higher Order Derivatives Of An Analytic Function Y Poisson’s Integral
Formula For A Circle Y Morera’s Theorem Y Cauchy’s Inequality Y Indefinite Integrals Y Integral Function Y Expansion Of Analytic Functions As Power
Series Y The Zeros Of An Analytic Function Y Singularities Of An Analytic Function Y Polynomials Y Characterization Of Polynomials Y Rational
Function Y Characterization Of Rational Functions Y Theorems On Poles And Other Singularities Y Maximum Modulus Principle Y Minimum Modulus
Principle Y The Excess Of The Number Of Zeros Over The Number Of Poles Of A Meromorphic Function (The Argument Principle, Maximum
Modulus Principle Theorem) Y Rouche’s Theorem Y Schwarz Lemma Y Inverse Function Theorem Y Fundamental Theorem Of Algebra Y Analytic
Continuation Y Power Series Method Of Analytic Continuation Y Schwarz’s Reflection Principle Y The Calculus of Residues Y Residue At A Pole Y
Computation Of Residue At A Finite Pole Y Residue At Infinity Y Computation Of Residue At Infinity Y Cauchy’s Residue Theorem Y Evaluation Of
Real Definite Integrals By Contour Integration Y Integration Round The Unit Circle Y Evaluation Of The Integral
f (x) dx Y Jordan’s Inequality Y
∞ ∞
P (x ) P (x )
Jordan’s Lemma Y Evaluation Of The Integrals Of The Forms
∫ –∞ Q (x )
sin mx dx,
–∞ Q (x )
cos mx dx, m > 0, Where (i) P (x), Q(x) Are Polynomials,
(ii) deg Q(x) > deg P (x), (iii) Q(x) = 0 Has No Real Roots Y Poles Lie On the Real Axis Y Integrals Of many Valued Functions Y Rectangular And Other
Contours Y To Find The Residue By Knowing The Integral First Y Expansion Of Meromorphic Functions Y Uniform Convergence and Infinite
Products Y Uniform Convergence Of A Sequence Y General Principal Of Uniform Convergence Y Uniform Convergence Of Series Y Weierstrass’s
M-test Y Hardy’s Test For Uniform Convergence Y Continuity Of The Sum Function Of A Series Y Term By Term Integration Y Analyticity Of The Sum
Function Of A Series Term By Term Differentiation (Weierstrass’s Theorem) Y Hurwitz Theorem Y Uniform Convergence Of Power Series Y Infinite
Products Y General Principle Of Convergence Of An Infinite Product Y Important Theorems Y The Absolute Convergence Of Infinite Products Y Uniform
Convergence Of An Infinite Product Y Entire Functions Y Entire Or Integral Function Definition Y Mittag–Leffier’s Theorem Y Weierstrass Factorization
Theorem Y Canonical Products Y The Jensen And Poisson–Jensen Formulae Y Growth, Order And Convergence Exponents Of Entire Functions Y
Convex Function Y Hadmard’s Factorization Theorem Y The Gamma Function.
Y Kinematics Y Introduction Y Ideal or Perfect fluid, Real or Actual fluid Y Pressure Y Density Y Viscosity Y Description of fluid motion Y Lagrangian
method Y Eulerian method Y Relationship between the Lagrangian and Eulerian method Y Definitions: Steady and Unsteady flows Y Uniform and
Non-uniform flows Y One-dimensional and Three dimensional flows Y Axi-Symmetric flow Y Line of flow Y Streamline Y Pathline Y Stream surface Y
Stream tube Y Streak lines Y Velocity of a fluid particle at a Point Y Local, Convective and Material derivatives Y Equation of Continuity: Vector form Y
Cartesian coordinates Y Stream tube concept Y Spherical polar coordinates Y Cylindrical polar coordinates Y Lagrangian method Y Equivalence of the
two form of the equation of continuity Y Velocity potential, Irrotational flow Y Boundary surface Y Conservation of Momentum Y Euler’s equation
of motion along a streamline Y Equation of motion of an inviscid fluid Y Helmholtz equations Y Cauchy’s integral Y Bernoulli’s equation (Stream tube
method) Y Conservative field of force Y Integration of Euler’s equation Y Symmetrical forms of the equation of Continuity, Spherical symmetry Y
Cylindrical symmetry Y Applications of Bernoulli’s theorem: Flow from a tank through a small orifice Y Trajectory of a free jet Y Pitot tube Y Venturi tube Y
Weirs Y Impulsive motion of a fluid Y Energy equation Y Motion in Two Dimensions Y Stream function Y Physical interpretation of stream function Y
Complex Potential and Complex velocity Y Uniform flows Y Two dimensional source and sink Y Complex potential of a source Y Two-dimensional
doublet Y Complex Potential of a doublet Y Images in two dimensions Y Image of a source with regard to a plane Y Images of a doublet with regard to a
plane Y Circle theorem Y Image of source with regard to a circle Y Image of a doublet with regard to a circle Y Conformal representation Y Application to
Hydrodynamics Y Irrotational Motion Y General motion of a fluid element Y Motion of a fluid element (Cartesian coordinates method) Y Vorticity Y
Body forces, Y Surface forces Y Stress analysis at a point Y Strain analysis Y Flow and circulation Y Stoke’s theorem Y Kelvin’s circulation theorem Y
Connectivity Y Cyclic constants Y Irrotational motion in multiple connected space Y Acyclic and cyclic motion Y Green’s theorem Y Deduction from
Green’s theorem Y Mean value of the velocity potential over a spherical surface Y Motion regarded as due to Sources and Sinks Y Liquid extending to
infinity Y Kelvin’s minimum energy theorem Y Irrotational Motion in Two Dimensions Y General motion of a cylinder in two dimensions Y
Motion of a circular cylinder in a uniform stream Y Liquid streaming past a fixed circular cylinder Y Two-coaxial cylinders Y Circulation about a circular
cylinder Y Blasius’s theorem Y Streaming and circulation for a fixed circular cylinder Y Equation of motion of a circular cylinder Y Elliptic coordinates Y
Motion of an elliptic cylinder Y Streaming past a fixed elliptic cylinder Y Elliptic cylinder rotating in an infinite mass of liquid at rest at infinity Y Kinetic
energy of rotating elliptic cylinder Y Kinetic energy when the liquid contained in a rotating elliptic cylinder Y The aerofoil Y Joukowski transformation Y
Kutta-Joukowski’s theorem Y D’Alembert’s Paradox Y Schwarz-Christoffel theorem Y Transformation of a semi-infinite and infinite strips Y Vortex
Motion Y Voricity vector Y Vortex line Y Vortex tube Y Properties of the vortex Y Strength of the vortex Y Rectilinear vortices Y Velocity components Y
Centre of vortices Y A case of two vortex filaments Y Stream function when the strength of the vortex filaments are equal Y Vortex pair Y Vortex doublet Y
Vortex inside an infinite circular cylinder Y Vortex outside a circular cylinder Y Image of a vortex filament in a plane Y Four vortices Y An infinite single row
of parallel rectilinear vortices of the same strength Y Two infinite rows of parallel rectilinear vortices Y Karman’n vortex street Y Kirchhoff vortex theorem
Y Rectilinear vortex with circular section Y Rankine’s combined vortex Y Rectilinear vortices with elliptic section Y Vortex sheets Y Irrotational Motion
in Three Dimensions Y Butler’s sphere theorem Y Solution of the Laplace equation in three dimensions Y Motion of a sphere in an infinite mass of
liquid at rest at infinity Y Ideal fluid flow round a sphere Y Liquid streaming past a fixed sphere Y Concentric spheres Y Equation of motion of a sphere Y
Three dimensional source and sink Y Three dimensional doublet Y Image of a source with regard to a sphere Y Motion of liquid inside a rotating ellipsoidal
shell Y Motion of an ellipsoid in an infinite mass of liquid Y Stoke’s strem functions Y Values of Stoke’s stream function Y Solid of revolution moving along
their axes in an infinite mass of liquid Y Waves Y Wave motion Y Mathematical representation of wave motion Y Standing of Stationary waves Y Surface
waves, Tidal waves Y Surface waves Y Progressive waves on the surface of a canal Y Energy of progressive waves Y Progressive waves reduced to a steady
motion Y Standing waves Y Energy of stationary waves Y Waves at the common surface of two liquids Y Waves at an interface with upper surface free Y
Group velocity Y Rate of transmission of energy Y Long waves Y Energy of a long wave Y Long waves of the common surface of two liquids bounded
above and below by two fixed horizontal planes Y Viscous Fluid Flow Y State of stress at a point Y Symmetry of stress tensor Y Stress in a fluid at rest Y
Stress in a fluid in motion Y Transformation of Stress Components Y Stress quadric Y Orthogonality of Principal Stresses Y The rate of strain quadric Y
Transformation of the rate of strain Y Relation between stress and rate of strain Y Navier Stoke’s equation of motion Y Limitations of the Navier-Stoke’s
equation Y Equation of energy Y Dissipation of energy Y Vorticity and circulation in viscous fluids Y Dimensional analysis Y Relation between a set of
variables Y The II theorem Y Similitude Y Exact Solutions Y Laminar flow between parallel plates Y Hagen-Poiseuille flow through a circular pipe Y
Laminar flow between concentric rotating cylinders Y Steady motion of a viscous fluid due to a slowly rotating sphere Y Flow in convergent and divergent
channels Y Unsteady motion of a flat plate Y Pulsatile flow between parallel surfaces Y Diffusion of vortex filament.
223-17 (C) Infinite Series & Products –J.N. Sharma & J.P. Chauhan
Y Sequences and Limits Y Sequences of real numbers Y Bounded sequences Y Monotonic sequences Y Series Y Limits of a sequence Y Convergence
of a sequence Y Cauchy’s general Principle of Convergence of a Series Y Upper and Lower bounds and limits Y Convergence of monotonic sequences
Y Theorems on limits Y Cauchy’s first theorem on limits Y Cauchy’s second theorem on limits Y Theorems on limits of quotients Y Harder examples of
sequences Y Series of Non-Negative Terms Y Pringsheim’s Theorem Y Changing the order of terms in a Series Y Removal and insertion of
brackets Y Some general remarks Y Tests for convergence Y Comparsion test Y The auxiliary series ∑ p Y Tests : vn− Method Y Cauchy’s root Y
D’Alembert’s Ratio tests Y Cauchy’s Condensation test Y The auxiliary series ∑ Y Comparision of ratios Y Raabe’s test Y Logarithmic test
n(log n)p
Y DeMorgan and Bertand’s Test Y An alternative to Bertrand’s test Y Absolute and Conditional Convergence Y General Principle of
Convergence Y Alternating Series Y Absolute and non-absolute convergence Y Rearrangement of terms of an absolutely convergent series Y Insersion of
Parentheses Y Removal of brackets Y Rearrangement of terms of a conditionally convergent series Y Pringsheim’s Method Y Multiplication of infinite
series Y Merten’s theorem Y Abel’s theorem Y Failure of multiplication rule Y Tests for absolute convergence Y Abel’s inequality Y Dirichlet’s Test Y
Abel’s test Y Eulers constant Y The integral test for series of positive terms Y Convergence of Infinite Products Y Convergence and divergence of
infinite products Y General principle of convergence of infinite products Y Weierstrass’s inequalities Y Absolutes Y Convergence of infinite products Y
Dearrangement of factors Y Semi-convergent infinite products Y Complex factors Y Uniform Convergence of Sequences and Series of
Functions Y Uniforms convergence Y Cauchy’s general principle of uniform convergence Y Dini’s criterion of uniform convergence of a sequence of
continuous functions Y Tests for uniform convergence Y M n− test Y Weierstrass’s M-test Y Abel’s test Y Dirichlet’s test Y Uniform convergence and
continuity Y Uniform convergence and integration Y Uniform Convergence and differentiation Y Uniform convergence of infinite products Y The
Weierstrass’s Approximation Theorem Y Arzela’s Theorem an Equicontinuous Families Y Power Series Y Definition and some elementary
theorems Y Radius of convergence Y Uniform convergence of power sereis Y Properties of power series Y Abel’s summability Y Abel’s theorem Y
Tauber’s theorem Y Expansions of Trigonometrical Functions as Infinite Series and Products Y Infinite Product for sin x and cos x Y
Convergence of Infinite Products for sin x and cos x Y Weierstrass’s Formula for sine as an infinite product Y Series for secz.
224-34 Integral Transforms (Transform Calculus) –A.R. Vasishtha & R.K. Gupta
Y The Laplace Transform Y Integral Transform (Definition) Y Laplace Transform (Definition) Y Linearity Property of Laplace Transform Y
Piece-wise (or sectionally) continuous functions Y Existence of Laplace Transform Y Functions of Exponential order Y A function of Class A Y Table
(Laplace Transforms of some elementary functions) Y First translation or shifting theorem Y Second translation or shifting theorem Y Change of scale
property Y Laplace transform of the derivative of F (t) Y Laplace transform of nth order derivative of F (t) Y Initial value theorem Y Final value theorem Y
Laplace transform of Integrals Y Multiplication by t Y Multiplication by t n Y Division by t Y Evaluation of Integrals Y Periodic Functions Y Some Special
functions Y Table Laplace Transform Theorems Y The Inverse Laplace Transform Y Null Function (Definition) Y Lerch’s Theorem Y Linearity
Property Y Table of Inverse Laplace transforms Y First translation or shifting theorem Y Second translation or shifting theorem Y Change of scale
property Y Use of-Partial Fractions Y Inverse Laplace transform of derivatives Y Inverse Laplace transform of Integrals Y Multiplication by powers of P Y
Division by powers of P Y Convolution (Definition) Y Convolution theorem Y Heaviside’s expansion theorem or formula Y The Beta function Y The
Complex Inversion formula Y Table of Inverse Laplace Transform theorems Y Application of Laplace Transform to Solutions of Differential
Equations Y Solution of ordinary Differential Equations with constant coefficients Y Solution of ordinary Differential Equations with variable
coefficients Y Solution of Simultaneous Ordinary Differential Equations Y Solution of partial Differential Equations Y Applications to Electrical circuits
Y Applications to Mechanics Y Application of Laplace Transform to Integral Equations Y Definitions Y Applications of L.T. to Integral
Equations Y Applications of Laplace Transforms in Initial and Boundary Value Problems Y A Boundary Value Problem Y Heat
Conduction Equation Y Wave Equation Y Laplace Equation Y Applications to Beams Y Miscellaneous Exercises Y Fourier Transforms Y Dirichlet’s
Conditions Y Fourier Series Y Fourier Integral formula Y Fourier Transform or Complex Fourier Transform Y Inversion Theorem for Complex Fourier
transform Y Fourier sine transform Y Inversion formula for Fourier sine transform Y Fourier cosine transform Y Inversion formula for Fourier cosine
transform Y Linearity property of Fourier transform Y Change of Scale property Y Shifting Property Y Modulation Theorem Y Multiple Fourier
Transforms Y Convolution Y The Convolution or Falting theorem for Fourier transforms Y Parseval’s Identity for Fourier Transforms Y Relationship
between Fourier and Laplace Transforms Y Fourier transforms of the derivatives of a function Y Problems related to Integral equations Y Finite
Fourier Transforms Y Finite Fourier sine transforms Y Inversion formula for sine transform Y Finite Fourier cosine transform Y Inversion formula for
cosine transform Y Multiple finite Fourier transforms Y Operational properties of finite Fourier sine transforms Y Theorem I Y Theorem II Y Operational
properties of finite Fourier cosine transforms Y Theorem I Y Theorem II Y Combined properties of finite Fourier sine and cosine transforms Y
Convolution Y Applications of Fourier Transforms in Initial and Boundary Value Problems Y Application of infinite Fourier transforms Y
Choice of infinite sine or cosine transforms Y Application of finite Fourier transforms Y Finite Fourier transforms of partialanivatives Y Choice of finite
sine or cosine transforms Y Hankel Transforms Y Hankel Transform (Def.) Y Inversion formula for the Hankel transform Y Some Important Results
d2 f 1 df n2
for Bessel Functions Y Linearity Property Y Hankel Transform of the Derivatives of a function Y Hankel transform of + − f Y Parseval’s
dx 2 x dx x 2
Theorem Y The Finite Hankel Transforms Y Finite Hankel Transform (Def.) Y Another form of Hankel Transform Y Hankel Transform of Y
d2 f 1 df d2 f 1 df n2
Hankel Transform of + where p is the root of the equation J n (ap) = 0 Y Hankel Transform of + − f (x) where p is the root of
2 x dx 2 x dx x 2
dx dx
the equation J n (ap) = 0 Y Applications of Hankel Transform in Initial and Boundary Value Problems Y Mellin Transforms Y Mellin
Transform (Def.) Y The Mellin Inversion theorem Y Linearity property Y Some elementary properties of Mellin transform Y Mellin transform of
derivatives Y Mellin transform of integrals Y Convolution (or Falting) theorem for Mellin transform.
225-48 Linear Algebra (Finite Dimensional Vector Spaces) –J.N. Sharma, A.R. Vasishtha & A.K. Vasishtha
Y Vector Spaces Y Binary operation on a set Y Group Definition Y Field Y Vector space Y General properties of vector spaces Y Vector subspaces Y
Algebra of subspaces Y Linear combination of vectors, Linear span of a set Y Linear sum of two subspaces Y Linear combination of vectors, Linear span
of a set Y Linear sum of two subspaces Y Linear dependence and linear independence of vectors Y Basis of a vector space Y Finite dimensional vector
spaces Y Dimension of a finitely generated vector spaces Y Dimension of subspace Y Homomorphism of vector spaces of Linear Transformation Y
Isomorphism of vector spaces Y Quotient space Y Direct sum of spaces Y Disjoint subspaces Y Complementary subspaces Y Co-ordinates Y Linear
Transformations Y Linear operator Y Range and null space of a linear transformation Y Rank and nullity of a linear transformation Y Linear
transformations as vectors Y Product of linear transformations Y Algebra of Linear algebra Y Invertible linear transformations Y Singular and
Non-singular Transformations Y Matrix Y Representation of Transformations by Matrices Y Similarity Y Determinant of Linear transformations on a
finite dimensional Y Trace of matrix Y Trace of a Linear Transformations on a Finite Dimensional Y Linear functionals Y Dual spaces Y Dual bases Y
Reflexivity Y Annihilators Y Invariant direct sum decompositions Y Reducibility Y Projections Y The adjoint or transpose a linear transformation Y
Sylvester’s law of nullity Y Characteristics values and characteristics vectors or proper vectors Y The Cayley-Hamilton theorem Y Diagonalizable
operators Y Minimal polynomial and minimal equation Y Inner Product Spaces Y Euclidean and unitary spaces Y Norm or length of a vector Y
Schwarz’s inequality Y Orthogonality Y Orthonormal set Y Complete Orthonormal Set Y Gram-Schmidt Orthogonalization Process Y Projection
theorem Y Linear functionals and adjoints Y Self-adjoint transformation Y Positive operators Y Non-negative operators Y Positive matrix Y Unitary
operators Y Normal operators Y Characteristics of Spectra Y Perpendicular projections Y Spectral theorem Y Bilinear Forms Y Bilinear forms as
vectors Y Matrix of a bilinear forms Y Symmetric bilinear forms Y Skew-Symmetric bilinear forms Y Groups preserving bilinear forms Y Index.
226-07 (B) Linear Difference Equations –Dr. R.K. Gupta & D.C. Agarwal
Y Introduction Y Applications of Difference Equations Y Study of Period of Analysis Y Verbal Learning Experiment Y Panel Surveys
Y Social Sciences Y Psychology Y Physiology Y Economic Dynamics Y The Calculus of Finite Differences Y Definitions Y Operators Y Linear
Operators Y Algebra of Operators Y First Differences (or Forward Differences) of y Y Forward Difference Operator ∆ Y Backward Difference Operator
∇ Y Central Difference Operator δ Y Second and Higher Order Differences Y Identity Operator Y Second and Higher Order backward Differences Y The
Transition or Shifting Operator E Y Properties of ∆ and E Y Equivalence of Operators Y Some Important Theorems of ∆ and E Y To Express any
Functions In terms of Leading Term and the Leading Differences of Difference Table Y Leibnitz’s Rule for Differences Y Factorial Function Y The
Difference of Factorial Function Y Method of Representing any Polynomial in Factorial Notation Y Indefinite Summation, The operator ∆ −1 Y
Theorem. To prove ∆ −1y = Y + t (x) Y To find ∆ − 1 x ( n) Y To prove ∆ −1 c x = + t (x) Y To prove ∆ −1 [V(x). ∆ U (x)] = U (x). V(x) − ∆ −1 [EU (x).
c −1
∆V (x)] Y Analogies between the Difference and Differential Calculus Y Difference Equations Y To Write a Difference Equation as a Relation among
the Value of y Y Linear Difference Equation Y Order of a Linear Difference Equation Y Solution of a Difference Equation Y An Existence and
Uniqueness Theorem Y Solution of the Equation yh + 1 = Ayh + C Y Theorem Y Sequences Y Definitions Y Solution as Sequences Y Theorem Y A
Probability Model for Learning Y Approximating a Differential Equation by a Difference Y Equation Y Linear Difference Equations with
Constant Coefficients Y Basic Definitions Y Theorem 1 Y Finite Linear Combination of Solutions Y Theorem 2 Y Theorem 3 Y Fundamental Set of
Solutions (or Linearly Independent Sols.) Y Theorem Y General Solution of the Homo. Diff. Equation of Order 2 Y General Solution of the Homo. Diff.
Equation of Order n Y Particular Solution of the Complete Diff. Equation Y Method of Undetermined Coefficients to Find the Particular Solution Y
Special operator Method to Find the Particular Solution Y Method of Variation of Parameters Y Solution of Simultaneous Difference Equations Y
Matrix Method for Solving a system of linear diff. equations Y Working Method for Solving a Second Order Homo. Difference Equation with Constants
Coefficients by Matrix Method Y Examples from the Social Sciences Y The First Order Equations. Cobweb Cycles and Generating Functions
Y Solution of yh + 1 − bh yh = rh Y Cobweb Phenomenon (or Cobweb Cycles) Y Generating Functions Y Some Special Generating Functions Y The
Linearity Property of the Generating Function Transformation Y Generating Function Method for Solving a Linear Difference Equation.
Y Basic Concepts Y Integral Equation Y Differentiation of a Function Under an Integral Sign Y Relation Between Differential and Integral Equations
Y Solution of Integral Equations Y Solution of Non-homogeneous Volterra's Integral Equation of Second kind by the Method of Successive
Substitution Y Solution of Non-homogeneous Volterra's Integral Equation of Second Kind by the Method of Successive Approximation Y
Determination of Some Resolvent Kernels Y Volterra Integral Equation of the First Kind Y Solution of the Fredholm Integral Equation by the Method of
Successive Substitutions Y Iterated Kernels Y Solution of the Fredholm Integral Equation by the Method of Successive Approximation Y Reciprocal
Functions Y Volterra's Solution of Fredholm's Equation Y Fredholm Integral Equations Y Fredholm First Theorem Y Prove that the solution Y
Every Zero of Fredholm Function D(λ) is a Pole of the Resolvent Kernel Y If a Real Kernel K(x, ξ) has a Complex Eigen Value λ 0 = µ + iv, then it Also
Contains the Conjugate Eigen Value to λ 0 = µ – iv Y Hadamard's Lemma Y Convergence Proof Y Fredholm Second Theorem Y Fredholm's Associated
Equation Y Characteristic Solutions Y Fredholm's Third Theorem Y Solution of the Homogeneous Integral Equation Y If D(λ 0) = 0 and D(x, ξ; λ 0) ≡/ 0,
then for a Proper Choice of ξ 0, φ(x) = D(x, ξ 0; λ 0) is a Continuous Solution of the Homogeneous Integral Equation Y Fundamental Functions Y Integral
Equations with Degenerate Kernels Y Hilbert Schmidt Theory Y All Iterated Kernels of a Symmetric Kernel are also Symmetric Y Orthogonality Y
Orthogonality of Fundamental Functions Y Eigen Values of Symmetric Kernel are Real Y Real Characteristic Constants Y Expansion of a Symmetric
Kernel in Eigen Functions Y Symmetric Kernels with a Finite Number of Eigen Values Y Symmetric Kernels with a Finite Eigen Values λm +1 λm + 2... Y
Sequence of the pth Power of the Eigen Values of the Iterated Kernel Y Fourier Series of Power of the Eigen Values of the Iterated Kernel Y
Hilbert-Schmidt Theorem Y The inequalities of Schwarz and Minkowski Y Hilbert's Theorem Y Complete Normalized Orthogonal System of
Characteristic Functions Y Coefficients of the Continuous Function f (x) Y Complete Normalized Orthogonal System of Fundamental Functions Y
Bessel Inequality Y Riesz-Fischer Theorem Y Representation by a linear Combination of the Characteristic Functions Y Schmidt's Solution of the
Non-Homogeneous Integral Equation Y Solution of the Fredholm Integral Equation of first Kind Y Application of Integral Equations Y Initial Value
Problem Y Boundary Value Problems Y Deformation of a Rod Y Determination of Periodic Solutions Y Green's Function Y Construction of Green's
Function Y Particular Case Y Influence Function Y Construction of Green's Function when the Boundary Value Problem Contains a Parameter Y
Longitudinal Vibrations of a Rod Y Singular Integral Equations Y Abel Integral Equation Y Particular Case Y Weakly Singular Kernel Y Iteration of
the Singular Equation Y Fredholm Operator Y Equivalence of the Fredholm Integral Equation and the Iterated Equation Y Prove that the Eigen values
λ 0 and λ p of the Kernels k and k p are of the Same Rank Y If a Number µ is an Eigen value of the Iterated Kernel k p (x, ξ), then atleast one of the Distinct
Numbers Y Integral Equation in an Infinite Interval Y Cauchy Principal Integral Y Cauchy Type Integral Y Cauchy Integral on the Path of Integration Y
Plemelj Formulae Y The Plemelj –Privalov Theorem Y Poincare'-Bertrand Transformation Formula for Iterated Singular Integrals Y Application of the
Calculus of Residues Y Hilbert Kernel Y Solution of the Cauchy-type Singular Integral Equation Y Integral Transform Methods Y Laplace Transform Y
Properties of the Laplace Transform Y Application to Volterra Integral Equation Y Fourier Transform Y Application of Fourier Transform Y Mellin
TransformY Modified Green's Function Y Properties of Modified Green's Function Y Reciprocity Relation Y Higher Dimensional Green's
Function Y Construction of Green's Function for Dirichlet Problems Y Conformal Mapping Y Table of Conformal Mapping Y Dirac Delta Function
Y Sampling Property of Dirac Delta Y Derivatives of the Delta Function Y Integration of Delta Function Y Unit Step Function Y Derivative of Unit Step
Function Y Some Properties of the Dirac Delta Function Y Three dimensional δ-Function Y Perturbation Theory Y Perturbation Orders Y First-Order
Non-singular Perturbation Theory Y Example of Second-order Singular Perturbation Theory Y First Order Perturbation to an Harmonic One
Dimensional Oscillator Y Time Independent Perturbation Theory Y Time Dependent Perturbation Theory Y Eigen Value and Eigen Function of a
Perturbed Self Adjoint Operator Y Green's Function For Initial Value Problem Y Working Method to Construct Green's Function of Initial Value
Problem Y Eigen Function Expansions and Green's Function Y Application of Integral Equations.
Y Mathematical Preliminaries Y Ma tri ces and De ter mi nants Y Op er ations of Ma trix and Ad di tion and Mul ti pli cation Y Sub- matrix Y Mi nor of
or der k Y Determinant Y Important properties of determinants Y Mi nors Y Cofactors Y Rank of a Matrix Y Adjoint of a Ma trix Y Sin gu lar and
Non-singular Matrices Y In verse of a ma trix Y Vec tors and Vec tor Spaces Y Def i ni tions Y Eu clid ean space Y Lin ear De pend ence and
In de pend ence of vec tors Y Lin ear Combi na tion (L.C.) of vec tors Y Spanning Set Y Ba sis Set Y Some use ful The o rems of Lin ear Al gebra Y
Si mul ta neous Lin ear Equa tions Y Lin ear Pro gram ming Problems Y Formulation and Graphical Solution Y General Linear Programming
problems Y Mathematical formulation of a L.P.P. Y Basic Solution (B.S.) Y An Important Theorem Y Some Important Theorems Y Solution of a linear
programming problem Y Geometrical (or graphical) method for the solution of a L.P.P Y Convex Sets and their Properties Y Definitons Y Convex
Combination Y Some Important Theorems Y Simplex Method Y Slack and Sur plus Vari ables Y Some Definitons and Notations Y Fundamental
Theorem of Linear Programming Y To obtain B.F.S. from F.S. Y To Determine Improved B.F.S. Y Unbounded Solutions Y Optimality Conditions Y
Alternative Optimal Solutions Y Inconsistency and Redundancy in Constraint Equations Y To determine starting B.F.S. Y Computational procedure
of the simplex method for so lution of a max imization L.P.P Y Artificial Variables Technique Y L.P.P with unrestricted variables Y Sol. of system of
simultaneous linear eqs. by simplex method Y To compute the inverse of a matrix for which one col umn is different from that of a matrix whose
inverse is known Y Inverse of a matrix by Simplex Method Y Resolution of Degeneracy Y Conditions for the occurence of degeneracy in a L.P.P Y
Method of Resolving Degeneracy Y Charne's Pertubation Method Y Selection of the outgoing (departing) vector Y Computational Procedure Y
Generalized Simplex Method Y Revised Simplex Method Y Revised Sim plex Method in standard Form I (Formulation of a L.P.P. in the form of
revised simplex) Y Notations for Standard form I Y To find the inverse of the Basis and the Basic solution in standard Form I Y Computational
Procedure of the revised Sim plex Method in Stan dard Form I Y Revised Sim plex Method in Stan dard Form II Y Notations, Basis and its Inverse in
Standard form II Y Computational Pro cedure of the Revised Sim plex Method in Stan dard Form II Y Advantages and Disadvantages of Revised
Simplex Method over the original Simplex Method Y Duality Y Symmmetric Dual Problem Y Unsymmetric Dual Problem Y The dual of a mixed
system Y Standard form of the pri mal Y Theorem Dual of the dual of a given primal is the primal itself Y Fundamental Properties of Dual Problems Y
Complementary Slackness Theorem Y Correspondence between primal and dual Y To read the solution of the dual from the fi nal Sim plex table of
the pri mal and vice versa Y Dual Sim plex Al gorithm Y Derivation of the Dual Simplex Algorithm Y Initial solution for Dual Simplex Algorithm Y
Advantage of Dual Simplex Algorithm Y Computational Procedure of the Dual Simplex Algorithm Y Primal Dual Algorithm Y To determine the
initial Dual Solution Y To determine the Restricted Primal Problem Y To find the Entering and leaving vectors Y Method to obtain New Dual Solution Y
Test of optimality Y Computational Procedure of Primal-Dual Algorithm Y Sensitivity Analysis Y Variation of a price vector c Y Variation in the
requirement vector b Y Variation in the component aij of the coefficient matrix A Y Addition of a new variable to the problem Y Addition of a new
constraint to the prob lem Y Parametric Linear Programming Y Linear Variation in c Y Linear Variation in b Y Integer Programming Y
Importance (or need) of I..P.P. Y Solution of I.P.P. Y Gomory's all I.P.P. method Y Construction of Gomory's constraint Y Computation procedure
for the solution of all I.P.P. by Gomory method Y The Branch and Bound Technique Y Branch and Bound Algorithm Y Assignment Problem Y
Important theorems Y Method for solving an assignment Problem (Assignment algorithm) Y Unbalanced Assignment Problem Y Transportation Problem Y
Difference between a transportation and an Assignment problem Y Few Important definitons Y Solution of transportation problem Y To find an Initial feasible
solution Y Optimality Test Y Theorem Y Computational Procedure of optimality test Y Transportation Algorithm or Modi Method Y Degeneracy in Transportation
Problems Y Unbalanced Transportation Problem Y Game Theory (Competitive Strategies) Y Competitive Games Y Finite or Infinite Games Y Zero
sum game Y Two person zero sum (or Rectangular) Games Y Pay-off matrix Y Strategy Y Solution of a Game Y Maximin and minimax criterion of
optimality Y Solution of a rect angular game with saddle point Y Solution of a rectangular game in terms of mixed strategies Y Important properties
of optimal mixed strategies Y Solution of 2 × 2 games without saddle point Y Dominance property Y Graphical method for solution of 2 × n and 2 × m
games Y Algebraic method for Approx imate Solution Y Equiv alence of the rectangular matrix game and linear Programming Y Fundamental
theorem of Game theory (Minimax Theorem) Y Solution of a rectangular game by simplex method Y Summary of methods for solving the
rectangular games Y Minimax and Maximin of a function of several variables Y Saddle points of a function of several variables Y Necessary and
sufficient condition for a function E[x, y] to possess a saddle point.
Y Elements of Set Theory Y Sets and Subsets Y Basic operations on sets Y Relations Y Functions Y Order Y Some properties of real numbers Y
Cardinality and Denumerability Y Closed and Open Sets in R Y Neighbourhoods Y Open sets Y Structure of open sets in R Y Closed Sets Y
Accumulation points Y Closed sets and accumulation points Y Closure Y Interior, Exterior and Boundary of a set Y Dense, non-dense, perfect and isolated
sets Y Covering Theorem : Compactness Y Structure of closed sets on the real line; Cantor's Ternary set Y Metric Spaces Y Metric Y Euclidean spaces Y
Some important inequalities Y Bounded and Unbounded Metric spaces Y Open and Closed Sets in a Metric Space Y Spheres (or Balls) Y Open sets
Y Equivalent Metrices Y Closed sets Y Neighbourhoods Y Accumulation Points : Adherent Points Y Closure Y Interior, Exterior, Frontier and boundary of
a set Y Bases Y Subspaces of a Metric space Y Product Spaces Y Topological Spaces Y Complete Metric Spaces Y Sequences and subsequences in a
Metric space Y Cauchy sequences Y Complete Metric spaces Y Baire Category Theorem Y Completeness and contracting Mappings Y Some complete
Metric spaces Y Connectedness Y Separated sets Y Connected and Disconnected sets Y Connectedness on the real line Y Components Y Totally
disconnected spaces Y Locally connected spaces Y Compactness Y Hausdroff axiom Y Compact spaces Y Countably compact spaces Y Sequentially
compact spaces Y Lindel of spaces Y Locally compact spaces Y Product of two compact spaces Y Continuity and Homeomorphism Y Some
Preliminary remarks Y Limits and continuity Y Homeomorphism Y Continuity and connectedness Y Continutiy and compactness Y Projection Mappings
Y Connectedness of the product of two spaces Y Uniform Continuity Y Extension Theorems.
Y Cantor and Dedekind's Theories of Real Numbers Y Need for extending the system of rational numbers Y Dedekind's theory of real numbers
Y Relations of Equality and or der in cuts Y Addition of Cuts Y Multiplication of Cuts Y Reciprocal of Cut Y Rational and Irrational Cuts Y Denseness
of Cuts Y Sections of Real Numbers: Dedekind's Theorem Y Cantor's Theory of Real Numbers Y Equiv alence of Cantor and Dedekind's Theories Y
Elements of Set Theory Y Sets and their basic operations Y Relations Y Functions Y Order Y Denumerable Sets Y Decimal, Ternary and Binary
Representations Y Cardinal Arithmetic Y Real and Complex Number Systems Y Binary op erations or Bi nary Compositions in a Set Y Field
Axioms Y R as a Complete Ordered Field Y Extended Real Numbers Y Complex Numbers Y C as a Field Y Difference and di vision of two Complex
Numbers Y Modulus and ar gument of a Complex Num ber Y The geometrical representation of a Complex Numbers Y Conjugate Complex Numbers
Y Properties of Moduli Y Prop erties of the Ar guments Y Im possi bil ity of Or der ing Num bers Y Riemann Sphere and the Point at In fin ity Y
Sequences of Real Numbers Y Sequences and subsequences Y Convergent Sequences Y Divergent Sequences Y Bounded Sequences Y
Monotone Sequences Y Operations on Convergent Sequences Y Cauchy's Theorems on Limits Y Use of Cauchy's Theorems on Limits Y Harder
Examples on Limits Y Nested Interval Theorem Y Cauchy Sequences Y Limit Su perior and Limit Inferior Y Series of Real Numbers Y Series of
Non-negative terms Y All terms greater than some fixed positive number Y Comparison Test Y The auxiliary series Σ Y Cauchy's Root Test Y D'
Alembert 's Ratio test Y Cauchy's Condensation test Y The Auxiliary Series Σ p
Y Comparison of Ratios Y Raabe's Test Y Logarithmic Test Y D'
n(log n)
Morgan and Bertrand's Test Y An alternative to Bertrand's Test Y Summary of Tests Y General Series Y General Principle of Convergence Y Alternating
series Y Absolute and non-absolute Convergence Y Re-arrangement of Terms of an Absolutely Convergent Series Y Insersion of parentheses Y
Removal of Brackets Y Re-arrangement of terms of a Conditionality Convergent Series Y Pringsheim' s Method Y Multiplication of Infinite Series Y
Merten's Theorem Y Abel's Theorem Y Failure of Multiplication Rule Y Test for Absolute Convergence Y Abel’s Inequality Y Dirichlet’s Test Y Abel's
Test Y Euler's Constant Y Integral Test for Series of Positive Terms Y Open and Closed Sets of Real Numbers Y Neighbourhoods Y Open Sets Y
The Structure of Open Sets in R Y Closed Sets Y Accumulation Points, Adherent Points Y Closed Sets and Accumulation Points Y Closure Y Interior,
Exterior and Boundary of a Set Y Dense, non -dense, perfect and isolated Sets Y Covering Theorems, Compactness Y Structure of Closed Sets on the real
line : Cantor's Ternary Set Y Limits and Continuity Y Definitions Y Limits Y Algebra of Limits Y Continuity Y The four functional limits at a point Y
Kinds of discontinuties Y Saltus Y Theorems on continuity Y Theorems on discontinuous functions Y Pointwise discontinuous functions Y Uniform
continuity Y Absolute Continuity Y Continuity of the inverse function Y Some more examples on continuity Y Differentiability Y Derivative at a point
Y Progressive and regressive derivatives Y Differentiability in [a, b] Y Derivative of a function Y Meaning of sign of a de rivative Y Geometrical meaning
of a derivative Y A necessary condition for the existence of a finite derivative Y Algebra of derivatives Y The chain rule Y Derivative of an inverse
function Y Darboux Property Y Rolle's Theorem Y Lagrange's Mean Value theorem Y Deductions from mean value theorem Y Cauchy's mean value
theorem Y Taylor's development of a function in a finite form with Lagrange's form of reminder Y Taylor's theorem with Cauchy's form of reminder Y
The Riemann Integral Y Sets of measure zero Y Partitions and Riemann Sums Y Upper and Lower R-integrals Y R-integrability Y Riemann's
necessary and sufficient conditions for R-integrability Y Some classes of integrable Calculus Y Mean Value Theorems Y Integration by Substitution
Y Integration by Parts Y The in tegral as a limit Y The Riemann Stieltjes In te gral Y A gen eral ization of the Riemann In tegral Y Partitions Y Lower
and upper Riemann-Stietljes sums Y The lower and upper Riemann- Stieltjes Integrals Y The Riemann Stieltjes Integral Y The QS-integrals as a limit
of sums Y Some classes of RS- integrable functions Y A relation between R-integral and RS-integral Y Integration of vector valued function Y Some
more theorems on Integration Y Convergence of Improper Integrals Y Improper Integral Y Integral with infinite limits Y Test for the convergence
∞ ∞
∫ a
f (x)dx Y Comparison Test Y To test the con vergence of
∫ a x
where a > 0 Y The µ- test Y Abel's test Y Dirichlet's test Y Absolute convergence
b b
Y Test for the con ver gence of im proper in tegral
f (x)dx Y Comparison test Y To test the convergence of
∫a (x − a)
Y The µ- test Y Abel's test Y
Dirichlet's test Y Operation with improper integrals Y Metric Spaces Y Euclidean spaces Y Metric spaces Y Neighbourhoods, limit points, open and
closed sets Y Connectedness Y Compactness Y Completeness and Cantor's Intersection Theorem Y Baire category Theorem Y Completeness and
Contracting Mapping Y Limits and Continuity Y Functions of Several Variables Y Continuity of Functions of two Variables Y Partial Derivatives
Y Interchange of the Order of Differenti ation Y Differentiability of two vari ables Y Com pos ite Func tions Y Linear transformations Y Matrices Y
Differentiation Y Partial Differenti ation Y The Inverse Function Theorem Y The Implicit Function Theorem Y Jacobians Y Definition Y Case of
Functions of Functions Y Jacobian of Implicit Functions Y Necessary and sufficient condition for a Jacobian to vanish Y Convariants and Invariants
f (x )
Y Beta and Gamma Func tions Y Prin ci pal and gen eral value of an im proper in tegral Y In fi nite lim its Y To find the value of
−∞ F (x)
dx Y To find
∞ 2m ∞ 2m ∞ 2m ∞ 2m
x x x x
the value of the integral
∫01 + x 2n
dx Y To find the value of
0 1− x
dx Y Deductions from
0 1+ x ∫2n
dx and
0 1− x ∫ 2n
dx Y Method of
differentiation under the integration sign Y Method of integration under the integration sign Y Euler's Integrals− Beta and Gamma Func tions Y
Elemen tary properties of Gamma Functions Y Transformations of Gamma Func tions Y Another form of Beta Function Y Relation between Beta and
1 π 1 2 3 n − 1
Gamma functions Y Other transformations Y To prove that Γ m Γ m + = Γ (2m) Y To find the value of Γ Γ Γ .... Γ Y
2 22m −1 n n n n
Double and Triple Integrals, Dirichlet's Theorem Y Double Integrals Y Second order element in polar curves Y Multiple Integrals Y Area of the
surface Y Dirichlet's Theorem Y Liouville’s Extension of Dirichlet's Theorem Y Change of order of integration Y Transformation of multiple Integrals Y
Transformation for implicit functions Y Transformation of element of surface Y Volumes and Surfaces Y Polar Coordinates Y Examples on Surfaces Y
Uniform Convergence of Sequences and Series of Functions Y Uniform Convergence Y Cauchy's general principle of uniform convergence Y
Dini's Criterion for uniform convergence of a sequence of continuous functions Y Tests for uniform convergence Y Uniform convergence and continuity
Y Uniform convergence and integration Y Uniform convergence and differenti ation Y Everywhere contin uous but nowhere differentiable functions Y
Weierstrass's non- differentiable function Y The Weierstrass’s Approximation Theorem Y Stone-Weier Strass Theorem Y Arzela's Theorem on
Equicontinous Families Y Power Series Y Definition Y Cauchy's theorems on limits Y Radius of convergence Y Uniform convergence of power series
Y Properties of Power Series Y Abel's Summability Y Differentiation and Integration of Vectors Y Vector function Y Limit and continuity of a
vector function Y Derivative of a vector function with respect to a scalar Y Curves in space Y Velocity and acceleration Y Integration of vector functions
Y Gradient, Divergence and Curl Y Partial derivatives of vectors Y The vector differential operator Del, ∇ Y Gradient of a scalar field Y Level
Surfaces Y Directional derivative of a scalar point function Y Tangent plane and normal to a level surface Y Divergence of a vector point function Y Curl
of a vector point function Y The Laplacian operator ∇2 Y Important vector identities Y Invariance Y Green's, Gauss's and Stoke's Theorems Y
Some preliminary concepts Y Line integrals Y Circulation Y Surface integrals Y Volume integrals Y Green's theorem in the plane Y The divergence
theorem of Gauss Y Green's theorem Y Stoke's theorem Y Line integrals independent of path Y Physical interpretation of div. and curl.
Measure & Integration
232-26 (Measure Theory & Functional Analysis) –K.P. Gupta & Ashutosh Shanker Gupta
Y Basic Concepts of Set and Basic Set Operations Y Concepts of Set Y Notation Y Set of Sets Y Subset Y Super set Y Equality of Sets Y Proper
Subset Y Finite Set Y Infinite Set Y Null Set Y Power Set Y Universal Set Y Indexed Set and Index Set Y Heriditary Property Y Pairwise Disjoint Y Set
Operations Y Union Y Intersection Y Disjoint Sets Y Difference of Sets Y Complement of a Set Y Symmetric Difference of Sets Y Distributive Law Y
De-Morgan's Law Y Ordered Pair Y Equality of Ordered Pairs Y Product of Sets Y Product Sets in General Y Functions and Sequences Y Function Y
Onto and Into Mappings Y One-one and Many-one Mappings Y Real Valued Map Y Set Function Y Real Valued Set Function Y
Extended Real Valued Set Function Y Sequence Y Convergent Sequence Y Bounded Sequence Y Metric Space Y Monotonic (Increasing & Decreasing)
Y Axiom of Choice Y Choice Function Y Axiom of Choice Y Zermelo's Postulate Y Chain Y Finite Character Y Hausdorff Maximal Principle
Y Tukey's Lemma Y Zorn's Lemma Y Well-ordering Theorem Y Kuratowski Lemma Y Hausdorff Maximal Principle Y Ordered Sets Y Partially Ordered
Set Y Comparable and Uncomparable Y The Totally Ordered Set Y Subset of an Ordered Set Y Order Complete Y Theorem Y Initial Segment
Y First and Last Element Y Well Ordered Set Y Principle of Transfinite Induction Y Ordinal Number Y Ordinals Y Bounded Sets, Derived Sets,
Open Sets and Closed Sets on the Real Line Y Real Line Y Open and Closed Intervals Y Open Set Y Continuity Y Bounded Linear Set Y Limit
Point and Derived Set Y Condensation Point Y Closed Set Y Open Set Y Countability of Sets Y Cardinally Equivalent Y Cardinal Numbers
Y Sum of Cardinal Numbers Y Product of Cardinal Numbers Y Infinite Set Y Finite Set Y A Set A is Called a Denumerable Set if A ~N
Y Countable Sets Y Uncountable Set Y Power of Continum Y Power Set Y Cardinal Number of Isolated Set Y Continum Hypothesis Y Schroeder-
Bernstein Y Measure and Outer Measure Y Boolean Ring (or Ring of Sets) Y σ-Ring of Sets Y Algebra of Sets (or Boolean Algebra or Field)
Y σ-Algebra of Sets (or σ - Field) Y Semi-ring Y Monotone Class Y Complete Lattice Y Set Function Y Extended Real Valued Set Function Y
Finite Function Y Postulates for an Ideal Measure Function Y Measurable Space Y Measure Function Y Heriditary Property Y Caratheodory's Postulate for
Outer Measure Y Measurable Set Y Elementary Set Y Lebesgue Measure of a Set Y Measure of an Open Set and a Closed Set Y Measure of an Open
Interval Y Measure of a Closed Interval Y Measure of Rectangle Y Measure of a Parallelopiped Y Exterior and Interior Measure (Lebesgue Measurable
Set) Y Almost Everywhere Y Cantor's Tennary Set Y Limiting Sets Y Covering in the Sense of Vitali Y Set of the Type Fσ Y Set of the Type Gδ Y Borel Set
Y Borel Measurable Y Measurable Functions Y Almost Everywhere Y Equivalent Functions Y Characteristic Function Y
Simple Function Y Step Function Y Limit Superior and Limit Inferior Y Lebesgue Measurable Functions Y Borel Measurability Functions Y Little
Wood's Three Principles Y The Lebesgue Integral of a Function Y General Def. of Lebesgue Integral of a Function Y To Define Lebesgue Integral Y
To Define Lebesgue Integral of an Unbounded Function f(x) Defined Over a Measurable Set E, (Integral of a Non-negative Function) Y Theorems on
Convergence of Sequences of Measurable Functions Y Convergence in Mean Y Convergence in Measure Y Pointwise Convergence Y
Convergence Almost Everywhere Y Uniform Convergence Y Absolute Continuous Functions, Indefinite Integral and Differentiation Y
Continuous Function Y Absolute Continuous Function Y Indefinite Integral Y Differentiable Y Monotonic Functions Y Function of Bounded Variation Y
Lipschitz Condition Y Lebesgue Point Y Fundamental Theorem of Integral Calculus Y Problems Related to Functions of Bounded Variation Y Variation
Function Y Problems Related to Absolute Continuous Functions Y Problems Related to Indefinite Integral Y Problems Related to Lebesgue Point of a Function
Y Some Miscellaneous Problems on Absolute Continuous Functions Y Lp -Spaces Y Conjugate Number Y LP -Space Y Norm of an element of L -Space
Y Distance Function or Metric Y Convergent Sequence Y Cauchy Sequence Y Completeness of L -Space Y Approximation by Continuos Functions Y
Convex Function Y Examples on Convex Functions Y Definition Y Jensen Inequality Y Further Theorems on Lebesgue Integration Y Integration
by Parts Y Introduction : Stieltjes Integral Y Cumulative Distribution Function Y Lebesgue-Stieltjes Integral Y The Weierstrass Approximation
Theorems and Semi-Continuous Functions Y Polynomial Function Y Bernstein Polynomial Y Article Y Theory and Problems Related to
Semi-continuous Functions Y Signed Measure Y Positive and Negative Sets Y Distinction between a Set of Measure Zero and a Null Set Y Singular
Measures Y Jordan Decomposition Y Absolutely Continuous Measure Function Y Product Measure Y Rectangle Y Section Y X-Section Y Product
Measure Y Double Integral Y Fourier Series Y Periodic Function Y Finite Discontinuity Y Even and Odd Functions Y Orthogonal Functions Y
Trigonometric Polynomial Y Fourier Series Y The L2-Theory of Fourier Series Y Summation of Series by Arithmetic Means Y Summability of Fourier
Series Y Banach Space Y Vector Space or (Linear Space) Y Subspace Y Linear Sum or Sum Y Direct Sum Y Quotient Space Y Basis or Hamel Basis Y
Infinite Dimension Y Linear Transformation Y A Linear Map Y Partially Ordered Set Y Minimal and Maximal Elements Y Supremum : Infimum Y Zorn's
Lemma Y Normed Linear Space Y Banach Space Y Continuity Y Bounded Map Y Isometric Isomorphism Y Graph of a Function Y Closed Linear Map Y
Some Elementary Definitions Y Functional Conjugate Space Y Convergence Y Projection Y Algebra Y Banach Algebra Y Conjugate of an Operator Y
Weak and Strong Convergence Y Uniform Convergence Implies Strong Convergence Y Dense Subset Y Separable Space Y Definition : Summable Y
Hilbert Space Y Inner Product Space Y Hilbert Space Y Adjoint Operator (Conjugate Operator) Y Different Types of Operators Y Conjugate Space H* Y
Continuity Y Orthogonality Y Orthogonal Set Y Complete Orthonormal Set Y Perpendicular Projection Y Parallelogram Law Y Invariant Y Uniformly
Convex Y Problems Related to Operators Y Projection Y Some Numerical Problems on Orthogonalization Y Finite Dimensional Spectral Theory
Y Spectral Solution Y Invariant Y Reducibility Y Banach Algebra Y Algebra Y Division Algebra Y Banach Algebra Y Regular Elements Y Singular
Element Y Spectrum Radius Y Spectral Radius Y Topological Divisors of Zero.
233-43 Real Analysis (General) –J.N. Sharma & A.R. Vasishtha
Y Cantor and Dedekind's Theories of Real Numbers Y Need for extending the system of rational numbers Y Dedekind’s theory of real numbers Y
Relations of Equality and order in cuts Y Addition of Cuts Y Multiplication of Cuts Y Reciprocal of a Cut Y Rational and Irrational Cuts Y Denseness of
Cuts Y Sections of Real Numbers: Dedekind’s Theorem Y Cantor’s Theory of Real Numbers Y Equivalence of Cantor and Dedekind’s Theories Y
Elements of Set Theory Y Sets and their basic operations Y Relations Y Functions Y Order Y Denumerable Sets Y Decimal, Ternary and Binary
Representations Y Cardinal Arithmetic Y Real and Complex Number Systems Y Binary operations or Binary Composition in a Set Y Field Axioms Y
R as a Complete Ordered Field Y Extended Real Numbers Y Complex Numbers Y C as a Field Y Difference and division of two Complex Numbers Y
Modulus and argument of a Complex Number Y The geometrical representation of a Complex Numbers Y Conjugate Complex Numbers Y Properties of
Moduli Y Properties of Arguments Y Impossibility of Ordering Complex Numbers Y Riemann Sphere and the Point at Infinity Y Sequences of Real
Numbers Y Sequences and subsequences Y Convergent Sequences Y Divergent Sequences Y Bounded Sequences Y Monotone Sequences Y
Operations on Convergent Sequences Y Cauchy’s Theorems on Limits Y Use of Cauchy’s Theorems on Limits Y Harder Examples on Limits Y Nested
Interval Theorem Y Cauchy Sequences Y Limit Superior and Limit Inferior Y Series of Real Numbers Y Series of Non-negative terms Y All terms
greater than some fixed positive number Y Comparison Tests Y The Auxiliary Series Σ p Y Cauchy’s Root Test Y D’ Alembert’s Ratio Test Y Cauchy’s
Condensation Test Y The Auxiliary Series Σ Y Comparison of Ratios Y Raabe’s Test Y Logarithmic Test Y D’ Morgan and Bertrand’s Test Y An
n (log n)p
alternative to Bertrand’s Test Y Summary of Test Y General Series Y General Principle of Convergence Y Alternating series Y Absolute and non-absolute
Convergence Y Re-arrangement of Terms of an Absolutely Convergent Series Y Insersion of parentheses Y Removal of Brackets Y Re-arrangement of
terms of a Conditionally Convergent Series Y Pringsheim’s Method Y Multiplication of Infinite Series Y Merten’s Theorem Y Abel’s Theorem Y Failure of
Multiplication Rule Y Test for Absolute Convergence Y Abel’s Inequality Y Dirichlet’s Test Y Abel’sTest Y Euler’s Constant Y The Integral Test for Series
of Positive Terms Y Open and Closed Sets of Real numbers Y Neighbourhoods Y Open Sets Y The Structure of Open Sets in R Y Closed Sets Y
Accumulation Points, Adherent Points Y Closed Sets and Accumulation Points Y Closure Y Interior, Exterior and Boundary of a Set Y Dense, non-dense,
perfect and isolated Sets Y Covering Theorems, Compactness Y Structure of Closed Sets on the real line: Cantor’s Ternary Set Y Limits and Continuity
Y Definitions Y Limits Y Algebra of Limits Y Continuity Y The four functional limits at a point Y Kinds of discontinuities Y Saltus Y Theorems on
continuity Y Theorems on discontinuous functions Y Pointwise, discontinuous functions Y Uniform continuity Y Absolute continuity Y Continuity of the
inverse function Y Some more examples on continuity Y Differentiability Y Derivative at a point Y Progressive and regressive derivatives Y
Differentiability in [a, b] Y Derivative of a function Y Meaning of the sign of derivative Y Geometrical meaning of a derivative Y A necessary condition for
the existence of a finite derivative Y Algebra of derivatives Y The chain rule Y Derivative of an inverse function Y Darboux Property Y Rolle’s Theorem Y
Lagrange’s Mean Value theorem Y Deductions from mean value theorem Y Cauchy’s mean value theorem Y Taylor’s development of a function in a
finite form with Lagrange’s form of remainder Y Taylor’s theorem with Cauchy’s form of remainder Y The Riemann Integral Y Sets of measure zero Y
Partitions and Riemann Sums Y Upper and Lower R-integrals Y R-integrability Y Riemann’s necessary and sufficient conditions for R-integrability Y Some
classes of integrable functions Y Algebra of integrable functions Y Fundamental theórem of Integral Calculus Y Mean Value Theorems Y Integration by
Substitution Y Integration by Parts Y The integral as a limit Y The Riemann Stieltjes Integral Y A generalization of the Riemann Integral Y Partitions Y
Lower and upper Riemann-Stieltjes sums Y The lower and upper Riemann-Stieltjes Integrals YThe Riemann Stieltjes Integral Y The RS-integral as a limit
of sums Y Some classes of RS-integrable functions Y Algebra of RS-integrable functions Y A relation between R-integral and RS-integral Y Integration of
vector valued functions Y Function of bounded variation Y Some more theorems on Integration Y Convergence of Improper Integrals Y Improper
∞ ∞
Integrals Y Integral with infinite limits Y Tests for the convergence of
f (x) dx Y Comparison Test Y To test the convergence of
∫a xn
where a > 0 Y The
µ-test Y Abel’s test Y Dirichlet’s test Y Absolute convergence Y Test for the convergence of improper integral
f (x) dx Y Comparison test Y To test the
convergence of
∫ a (x − a)n
Y The µ-test Y Abel’s test Y Dirichlet’s test Y Operations with Improper integrals Y Metric Spaces Y Euclidean spaces Y Metric
spaces Y Neighbourhoods, limit points, open and closed sets Y Connectedness Y Compactness Y Completeness and Cantor’s Intersection Theorem Y
Baire category Theorem Y Completeness and Contracting mappings Y Limits and Continuity Y Functions of Several Variables Y Continuity of
Functions of two Variables Y Partial Derivatives Y Interchange of the Order of Differentiation Y Differentiability of two variables Y Composite Functions Y
Linear transformations Y Matrices Y Differentiation Y Partial Differentiation Y The lnverse Function Theorem Y The Implicit Function Theorem Y
Jacobians Y Definition Y Case of Functions of Functions Y Jacobian of Implicit Functions Y Necessary and sufficient condition for a Jacobian to vanish Y
Convariant and Invariants Y Beta and Gamma Functions Y Principal and general values of an improper integral Y Infinite limits Y To find the value
f (x ) ∞
x 2m ∞
x 2m ∞
x 2m
−∞ F (x)
dx Y To find the value of the integral
0 1+ x
2n ∫
dx Y To find the value of
0 1− x
2n ∫
dx Y Deductions from
0 1+ x
dx and
x 2m
∫0 1 − x 2n
dx Y Method of differentiation under the integration sign Y Method of integration under the sign of integration Y Euler’s Integrals–Beta and
Gamma Functions Y Elementary properties of Gamma Function Y Transformation of Gamma Function Y Another form of Beta Function Y Relation
1 π
between Beta and Gamma functions Y Other transformations Y To prove that Γm Γ m + = Γ (2m) Y To find the value of
2 22m − 1
1 2 3 n − 1
Γ Γ Γ ... Γ Y Double and Triple Integrals, Dirichlet's Theorem Y Double Integrals Y Second order element in polar curves Y
n n n n
Multiple Integrals Y Area of the surface Y Dirichlet’s Theorem Y Liouville’s Extension of Dirichlet’s Theorem Y Change of order of integration Y
Transformation of Multiple Integrals Y Transformation for implicit functions Y Transformation of element of a surface Y Volumes and Surfaces Y Polar
Coordinates Y Examples on Surfaces Y Uniform Convergence of Sequences and Series of Functions Y Some definitions Y Uniform Convergence
Y Cauchy’s general principle of uniform convergence Y Dini’s Criterion for uniform convergence of a sequence of continuous functions Y Tests for uniform
convergence Y Uniform convergence and continuity Y Uniform convergence and integration Y Uniform convergence and differentiation Y Everywhere
continuous but nowhere differentiable functions Y Weierstrass’s non-differentiable function Y The Weierstrass’s Approximation Theorem Y The
Stone-Weierstrass Theorem Y Arzela’s Theorem on Equicontinuous Families Y Power Series Y Definition Y Cauchy’s theorems on limits Y Radius of
convergence Y Uniform convergence of power series Y Properties of Power Series Y Abel’s Summability.
Y Differentiation and Integration of Vectors Y Vector function Y Limits and continuity of a vector function Y Derivative of a vector function with
respect to a scalar Y Curves in space Y Velocity and acceleration Y Integration of vector functions Y Gradient, Divergence and Curl Y Partial
derivatives of vectors Y The vector differential operator Del. V Y Gradient of a scalar field Y Level Surfaces Y Directional derivative of a scalar point
function Y Tangent plane and normal to a level surface Y Divergence of a vector point function Y Curl of a vector point function Y The Laplacian operator
∇2 Y Important vector identities Y Invariance Y Green's, Gauss’s and Stoke's Theorems Y Some preliminary concepts Y Line Integrals Y Circulation
Y Surface integrals Y Volume integrals Y Green’s theorem in the plane Y The divergence theorem of Gauss Y Geeen’s theorem Y Stoke’s theorem Y Line
integrals independent of path Y Physical interpretation of divergence and curl.
235-68 Modern Algebra (Abstract Algebra) –A.R. Vasishtha & A.K. Vasishtha
Y Some Basic Set Theoretic Concepts Y Mathematical logic Y Tautologies Y Set Y Subsets of a set Y Union of Sets Y Intersection of sets Y Cartesian
product of two sets Y Functions or mappings Y Binary operation Y Relations Y Equivalence relations Y Equivalence classes Y Partitions Y Partial order
relations Y Groups Y Binary operation on a set Y Algebraic structure Y Group, Definition Y Abelian Group Y Finite and infinite groups Y Order of a finite
group Y General properties of groups Y Definition of a group based upon left axions Y Composition tables for finite sets Y Addition modulo m
Multiplication modulo p Y Residue classes of the set of integers Y An alternative set of postulates for a group Y Permutations Y Group of permutations Y
Cyclic permutations Y Even and odd permutations Y Integral power of an element of a group Y Order of an element of a group Y Isomorphism of groups
Y The relation of isomorphism in the set of all groups Y Complexes and subgroups of a group Y Intersection of subgroups Y Cosets Y Relation of
congruence modulo a subgroup H in a group a G Y Lagrange’s theorem Y Euler’s theorem Y Fermat’s theorem Y Order of the product of two subgroups of
finite order Y Cayley’s theorem Y Cyclic groups Y Subgroup generated by a subset of a group Y Generating system of a group Y Groups (Continued) Y
Normal subgroups Y Conjugate Y elements Y Normalizer of an element of a group Y Class equation of a group Y Centre of a group Y Conjugate
subgroups Y Invariant subgroups Y Quotient Groups Y Homomorphism of Groups Y Kernel of a homomorphism Y Fundamental theorem on
homomorphism of groups Y Automorphisms of a group Y Inner automorphisms Y More results on group homomorphism Y Maximal subgroups Y
Composition series of a group and the Jordan-Holder theorem Y Solvable groups Y Commutator subgroup of a group Y Direct products Y External direct
products Y Internal direct products Y Cauchy's theorem on abelian groups Y Cauchy’s theorem Y Sylow’s theorem Y Rings Y Elementary properties of a
ring Y Rings with or without zero divisors Y Internal domain Y Field Y Division ring or skew field Y Isomorphism of rings Y Subrings Y Subfields Y
Characteristic of a ring Y Ordered internal domains Y Imbedding of a ring into another ring Y The field of quotients Y Ideals Y Principal ideal Y Principal
ideal ring Y Divisibilty in an integral domain Y Units Y Associates Y Prime elements Y Greatest common divisior Y Polynomial rings Y Polynomials over an
internal domain Y Division algorithm for polynomials over a field Y Euclidean algorithm for polynomials over a field Y Unique factorization domain Y
Unique factorization theorem for polynomials over a field Y Remainder theorem Y Prime fields Y Rings of endomorphisms of an Abelian group Y Rings
(Continued) Y Quotient rings or residue class rings Y Homomorphism of rings Y Kernel of a ring homomorphism Y Maximal ideals Y Prime ideals Y
Euclidean rings or Euclidean domains Y Polynomial rings over unique factorization domains Y Vector Spaces Y Definition Y General properties of
vector spaces Y Vector subspaces Y Linear combination of factors Y Linear span Y Linear sum of two subspaces Y Linear dependence and linear
independence of vectors Y Basis of a vector space Y Finite dimensional vector spaces Y Dimension of a finitely generated vector space Y Homomorphism
of vector spaces or linear transformations Y Isomorphism of vector spaces Y Quotient space Y Direct sum of space Y Complementary subspaces Y
Coordinates Y Vector Spaces (Continued) Y Linear transformations as vectors Y Dual space Y Dual basis Y Reflexivity Y Annihilators Y Modules Y
Definition Y Submodules Y Direct sum of submodules Y Homomorphism of modules or linear transformations Y Quotient modules Y Cyclic modules Y
Straight-Edge Y Finitely Generated Modules Y Extension Fields and Galois Theory Y Field extensions Y Finite field extension Y Field adjunctions Y
Simple field extension Y Algebraic field extension Y Transcendental element Y Roots of polynomials Y Multiple root Y Splitting field of decomposition field
Y Uniqueness of the splitting field Y Derivative of a polynomial Y Separable extension Y Perfect field Y The elements of Galois theory Y Fixed field Y
Normal extension Y Galois group Y Fundamental theorem of Galois theory Y Construction with Straight-Edge rules and compass Y Solvability by radicals
Y Finite fields Y Number Theory Y Two basic binary operations on the set of integers Y Order relation Y Well ordering principle Y Absolute value or
modulus of an integer Y Divisibility in the set of integers Y The Division Algorithm Y Greatest Common Divisor Y Euclidean Algorithm Y Relatively prime
integers Y Least command multiple Y Primes and composite integers Y Euclid’s lemma Y The Fundamental theorem of Arithmetic Y The number of
divisors of a positive integer Y Mersenne Numbers Y Congruence of integers Y Residue class Y Complete set of residues modulo m Y Linear congruences Y
Euler’s φ-function Y Fermat’s theorem Y Euler’s theorem Y Wilson’s theorem Y Lagrange’s theorem.
Y Algebra of Matrices Y Ba sic Con cepts Y Ma trix Y Square ma trix Y Unit ma trix or Iden tity Ma trix Y Null or zero ma trix Y Submatrices of a
ma trix Y Equal ity of two ma tri ces Y Ad di tion of ma tri ces Y Mul ti pli ca tion of a ma trix by a sca lar Y Mul ti pli ca tion of two ma tri ces Y
Tri an gu lar, Di ag o nal and Sca lar Ma tri ces Y Trace of a Ma tri x Y Trans pose of a Ma trix Y Con ju gate of a Ma trix Y Tansposed con ju gate of a
Ma trix Y Sym met ric and skew-sym met ric ma tri ces Y Hermitian and Skew-Hermitian Ma tri ces Y De ter mi nants Y De ter mi nants of or der 2 Y
De ter mi nants of or der 3 Y Mi nors and co factors Y De ter mi nants of or der n Y De ter mi nant of a square ma trix Y Prop er ties of De ter mi nants Y
Prod uct of two de ter mi nants of the same or der Y Sys tem of non-ho mo ge neous lin ear equa tions (Cramer’s Rule) Y In verse of a Ma trix Y
Adjoint of a square ma trix Y In verse or Re cip ro cal of a Ma trix Y Sin gu lar and non-sin gu lar ma tri ces Y Re ver sal law for the in verse of a
prod uct of two ma tri ces Y Use of the in verse of a ma trix to find the so lu tion of a sys tem of lin ear equa tions Y Or thogo nal and uni tary
ma tri ces Y Par ti tion ing of ma tri ces Y Rank of a Ma trix Y Sub-ma trix of a Matrix Y Mi nors of a Ma trix Y Rank of a ma trix Y Ech e lon form of a
matrix Y El e men tary trans for ma tion of a ma trix Y El e men tary Ma tri ces Y Invariance of rank un der el e men tary trans for ma tions Y Re duc tion
to normal form Y Equiv a lence of ma tri ces Y Row and Col umn equiv a lence of ma tri ces Y Rank of a prod uct of two ma tri ces Y Com pu ta tion of
the in verse of a non-sin gu lar ma trix by el e men tary trans for ma tions Y Vec tor Space of n-tuples Y Vec tors Y Lin ear de pend ence and lin ear
in de pend ence of vec tors Y The n -vec tor space Y Sub-space of an n-vec tor space Vn Y Ba sis and di men sion of a subspace Y Row rank of a
ma trix Y Left nul lity of a ma trix Y Col umn rank of a ma trix Y Right nul lity of a ma trix Y Equal ity of row rank, col umn rank and rank Y Rank of
a sum Y Lin ear Equa tions Y Homogeneous linear equations Y Fundamentals set of solutions of the Equation Y System of linear
non-homogeneous equations Y Condition for consistency Y Eigen values and Eigen vectors Y Matrix polynomials Y Characteristic
values and characteristic vectors of a matrix Y Characteristic roots and characteristic vectors of a matrix Y Cayley-Hamiltion theorem Y
Eigen Values and Eigen Vectors (Continued) Y Characteristic subspaces of a matrix Y Rank multiplicity Theorem Y Minimal
polynomial and minimal equation of a matrix Y Orthogonal Vectors Y Inner product of two vector Y Orthogonal vectors Y Unitary and
orthogonal matrices Y Orthogonal group Y Similarity of Matrices Y Similarity of matrices Y Diagonalizable matrix Y Orthogonally similar
matrices Y Unitarily similar matrices Y Normal matrices Y Quadratic Forms Y Quadratic Forms Y Linear transformations Y Congruence of
matrices Y Reduction of a real quadratic form Y Canonical or Normal form of a real quadratic form Y Signature and index of a real quadratic
form Y Sylvester’s law of inertia Y Definite, semi-definite and indefinite real quadratic forms Y Hermitian forms.
Mathematical Methods
237-20 (Special Functions & Boundar y Value Problems) –J.N. Sharma & R.K. Gupta
YSpherical Harmonics Y Kel vin's The o rem Y Legendre's Equa tion from Laplace's Equa tion Y Bessel's Equa tion from Laplace's Equa tion Y
Legendre's Equa tion Y So lu tion of Legendre's Equa tion Y Def i ni tion of Pn(x) and Qn(x) Y Gen eral so lu tion of Legendre's Equa tion Y To show
that p n(x) is the co ef fi cient of hn in the ex pan sion of (1 – 2xh + h2)–1/ 2 Y Laplace's Def i nite integrals for p n(x) Y Or thogo nal prop er ties of
Legendre's Poly no mi als Y Re cur rence for mu lae Y Beltrami's Re sults Y Christoffel's Expansion Y Christoffel's Summation Formula Y Rodrigue's
Formula Y Even and odd functions Y Expansion of x n in Legendre's Polynomials Y General Result Y An important case Y Associated Legendre's Equation
d mv
Y If v is a solution of Legendre's Equation then (1 – x 2)m / 2is a solution of associated Legendre's Equation Y Associated Legendre's Function Y
dx m
Properties of the associated Legendre's Function Y Orthogonal properties of associated Legendre's Functions Y Recurrence formulae for associated
Legendre's Functions Y Trigonometrical Series for p n(x) Y Legendre's Func tions of the Sec ond Kind Q n (x) Y Legendre's Func tions of the
sec ond kind Y Neumann's In te gral Y Re cur rence for mu lae for Qn(x) Y Re la tion be tween Pn(x) and Qn(x) Y Christoffel's Sec ond Sum ma tion
for mula Y As sum ing Pn(x) as a so lu tion of Legendre's Equa tion, show that the complete solution of this Legendre's Equation is APn(x) + BQn(x)
Y Hypergeometric Functions Y Gauss's Hypergeometric Equation Y The Hypergeometric Series Y Particular cases of Hypergeometric Series Y
Different forms of Hypergeometric Function Y Solution of Hypergeometric Equation Y Linear relations between the solution of the Hypergeometric
Equation Y Symmetric property of Hypergeometric Function Y Integral formula for the Hypergeometric Function Y Kummer's Theorem Y Gauss's Theorem Y
Vandermonde's Theorem Y Differentiation of Hypergeometric Function Y The confluent Hypergeometric Functions Y Theorem Y Whitakar's confluent
Hypergeometric Function Y Integral representation of confluent Hypergeometric function 1 F1 (α, γ, x ) Y Differentiation of confluent Hypergeometric Function
Y Continuous Hypergeometric Function Y Theorem Y Dixon's Theorem Y Bessel's Equa tion Y So lu tion of Bessel's Gen eral Dif fer en tial Equa tion Y
General Solution of Bessel's Equation Y Integration of Bessel's Equation in series for n = 0 Y Definition of J n(x) Y Recurrence Formulae for J n(x) Y
Generating function for J n(x) Y A second solution of Bessel's Equation Y Hermite Poly no mi als Y Hermite Dif fer en tial Equa tion Y So lu tion of
Hermite Equa tion Y Hermite's Poly no mi als Y Gen er at ing Func tion Y Other forms for the Hermite Poly no mi als Y To find first few Hermite
Poly no mi als Y Or thogo nal prop er ties of Hermite Poly no mi als Y Re cur rence for mu lae for Hermite Poly no mi als Y Laguerre Poly no mi als Y
Laguerre Dif fer en tial Equa tion Y So lu tion of Laguerre Equa tion Y Laguerre's Poly no mi als Y Gen er at ing Func tion Y Other form for the
Laguerre Poly no mi als Y To find first few Laguerre Poly no mi als Y Or thogo nal prop erty of the Laguerre Poly no mi als Y Re cur rence for mu lae for
d αv
Laguerre Poly no mi als Y As so ci ated Laguerre's Equa tion Y If v is a so lu tion of Laguerre's Equa tion of or der n + α then sat is fies Laguerre's
dx α
As so ci ated Equa tion Y As so ci ated Laguerre's Poly no mi als (Def.) Y As so ci ated Laguerre's Poly no mi als Lαn (x) Y Gen er at ing func tion Y Other
form for as so ci ated Laguerre Poly no mial Y Or thogo nal prop erty of the as so ci ated Laguerre Poly no mi als Y Re cur rence formulae for the
associated Laguerre Polynomials Y Chebyshev Polynomials Y Chebyshev's Diff. Equa tion Y Chebyshev Poly no mi als Y To prove that Tn(x)
and U n(x) are independent solutions of Chebyshev's Equation Y Relations for Tn(x) and U n(x) Y To find first few Chebyshev Polys. Y Generating Function Y
Orthogonal properties of Chebyshev Polynomials Y Recurrence formulae for Tn(x) and U n(x) Y Orthogonal Set of Functions Y Definitions Y
Gen er al ized Fou rier Se ries Y Other Type of orthogonality Y Strum-Liouville Equa tion Y The o rem Y The o rem: Eigen Val ues of the
Strum-Liouville prob. are all real Y The o rem Y Orthogonality of Legendre Poly no mi als Y Orthogonality of Bessel Func tion Y Orthogonality of
Hermite Poly no mi als Y Orthogonality of Laguerre Poly no mi als Y Orthogonality of Chebyshev Poly no mi als Y Orthogonality of Jacobi
Polynomials Y Bessel's In equal ity and com plete ness re la tion Y Def i ni tions Y The o rem: If an orthonormal set {φn (x)} is closed,it is com plete Y
Wave, Heat and Laplace's Equations Y One-Di men sional wave-equa tion Y Two-Di men sional wave-equa tion Y Heat Equa tion Y
Laplace's Equa tion Y Laplace's Equa tion in terms of spher i cal co-or di nates Y Laplace's Equa tion in terms of cy lin dri cal co-or di nates Y
Dif fu sion Equation Y Boundary Value Problems Y Cylindrical Y Solution of separation of Variables Y Solution of one-dimensional wave
equation Y Solution of two-dimensional wave equation Y Variation of a circular membrane Y Solution of one-dimensional heat equation Y Solution of
two-dimensional Laplace's Equation Y Solution of two-dimensional heat equation Y Solution of two-dimensional Laplace's Equation given in the
cylindrical co-ordinates Y Solution of the Laplace's Equation given in co-ordinates Y Solution of Laplace's Equation given in spherical co-ordinates Y
Solution of three dimensional wave equation in spherical polar co-ordinates Y Solution of Diffusion Equation (By the method of the separation of variablesY
Solution of Diffusion Equation in cylindrical co-ordinates Y Solution of Diffusion Equation in cylindrical polar co-ordinates.
238-30 Special Functions (Spherical Harmonics) –J.N. Sharma & R.K. Gupta
Y Spherical Harmonics Y Kelvin’s Theorem Y Legendre’s equation from Laplace’s equation Y Bessel’s equation from Laplace’s equation Y
Legendre's Equation Y Solution of Legendre’s Equation Y Definition of Pn(x) and Qn(x) Y General solution of Legendre’s equation Y To show that Pn(x)
is the coefficient of hn in the expansion of (1 − 2xh + h2)−1/ 2 Y Laplace’s Definite integrals for Pn(x) Y Orthogonal properties of Legendre’s Polynomials Y
Recurrence formula Y Beltrami’s Result Y Christoffel’ Expansion Y Christoffel’s Summation Formula Y Rodrigues formula Y Even and odd functions Y
Expansion of x n in Legendre’s Polynomial’s Y General Results Y An important case Y Associated Legendre’s Equation Y If v is a solution of Legendre’s
equation then (1 − x 2)m / 2 is a solution of associated Legendre’s equation Y Associated Legendre’s Function Y Properties of the associated
dx m
Legendre’s Function Y Orthogonal Properties of associated Legendre’s Functions Y Recurrence formulae for associated Legendre’s functions Y
Trigonometrical Series for Pn(x) Y Legendre's Functions of the Second Kind Q n (x) Y Legendre’s functions of the Second Kind Y Neumann’s
Integral Y Recurrence formulae for Qn(x) Y Relation between Pn(x) and Qn(x) Y Christoffel’s Second Summation formula Y Assuming Pn as a solution of
Legendre’s equation show that the complete solution of Legendre equation is APn(x) + BQn(x) Y Hypergeometric Functions Y Gauss’s
hypergeometric equation Y The hypergeometric series Y Different forms of hypergeometric function Y Solution of hypergeometric equation Y Linear
relations between the solution of the hypergeometric equations Y Symmetric Property of hypergeometric function Y Integral formula for the
hypergeometric function Y Kummer’s Theorem Y Gauss’s Theorem Y Vandermonde’s Theorem Y Differentiation of hypergeometric function Y The
confluent hypergeometric function Y Theorem Y Whtitakar’s hypergeometric function Y Integral representation of confluent hypergeometric function
1 F1(α, γ, x) Y Differentiation of confluent hypergeometric function Y Continuous hypergeometric function Y Theorem Y Dixon’ Theorem Y Bessel's
Equations Y Solution of Bessel’s General Differential Equations Y General solution of Bessel’s Equation Y Integration of Bessel’s equation in series for
n = 0 Y Definition of J n(x) Y Recurrence formula for J n(x) Y Generating function for J n(x) Y A second solution of Bessel’s Equation Y Hermite
Polynomials Y Hermite Differential Equation Y Solution of Hermite Equation Y Hermite's Polynomials Y Generating Function Y Other forms for
Hermite Poly Y To find first few Hermite Polys Y Orthogonal properties of Hermite Polynomials Y Recurrence formulae for Hermite Polynomials Y
Laguerre Polynomials Y Laguerre’s Differential equation Y Solution of Laguerre’s equation Y Laguerre Polynomials Y Generating function Y Other
forms for the Laguerre Polys. Y To find first few Laguerre Polys. Y Orthogonal Property of the Laguerre Polys. Y Recurrence formula for Laguerre
Polynomials Y Associated Laguerre’s Equation Y If v is a solution of Laguerre’s equation of order n + α then α satisfies Laguerre’s associated equation
Y Associated Laguerre’s Polynomials (Def.) Y Associated Laguerre’s Polynomials Ln (x ) Y Generating function Y Other forms for associated Laguerre
Polynomial Y Orthogonal property of associated Laguerre Polynomials Y Recurrence formulae for the associated Laguerre Polynomials Y Chebyshev
Polynomials Y Chebyshev’s Diff. Equations Y Chebyshev Polynomials Y To prove that Tn(x) and U n(x) are independent solution of Chebyshev’s
Equation Y Relations for Tn(x) and U n(x) Y To find first few Chebyshev Polys. Y Generating function Y Orthogonal properties of Chebyshev polys. Y
Recurrence formulae for Tn(x) and U *n (x) Y Orthogonal Set of Functions Y Generalized Fourier Series Y Other Type of orthogonality Y Strum-Liouville
Equation Y Theorem Y Theorem: Eigen Values of the Strum-Liouville Problem are all Real Y Theorem Y Orthogonality of Legendre Polys. Y
Orthogonality of Bessel Functions Y Orthogonality of Hermite Polys. Y Orthogonality of Laguerre Polys. Y Orthogonality of Chebyshev Polys. Y
Orthogonality of Jacobi Polys. Y Bessel’ inequality and Completeness Relation Y Definitions Y Theorem: If an orthonormal set is closed, it is complete Y
Elliptic Functions Y Periodic Functions Y Elliptic Functions Y Order of an Elliptic Function Y Properties of an Elliptic Function Y Weierstrass’s function
Y Properties of Weierstrass’s Sigma function Y Properties of ξ(z) Y Weierstrass’s Elliptic Function Y Properties of p(z) Y An algebraic relation connecting
two elliptic functions Y The differential equation satisfied by two Weiestrass’s elliptic function p (z) Y The three roots e1, e2, e3 of eqn. 4ω2 − g 2ω − g 3 = 0
are all distinct Y The pseudo periodicity of ζ (z) and σ (z) Y Jacobi’s Elliptic Functions Y Construction of Jacobi’s elliptic functions Y Relation between
Jacobi’s elliptic functions and their derivatives Y The complementary modulus Y Few important Results Y Elliptic Integrals Y Derivatives of s n (z), c n(z) and
dn (z) Y Periods of s n (z), c n (z), dn (z) Y The addition theorem Y Beta and Gamma Functions Y Principle and general values of an improper integral Y
f (x ) ∞
x 2m ∞
x 2m ∞
x 2m
Infinite limits Y To find value of
∫−∞ F (x )
dx Y To find value of
−∞ 1+ x 2n
dx Y To find value of
−∞ 1− x 2n
dx Y Deduction from
0 1 + x 2n
dx and
x 2m
∫0 1 − x 2n
dx Y Method of differentiation under the integration sign Y Method of integration under the sign of integration Y Euler’s Integrals — Beta and
Gamma Functions Y Elementary properties of Gamma Functions Y Transformation of Gamma Functions Y Another form of Beta Function Y Relation
1 2 n − 1
between Beta and Gamma Functions Y Other Transformations Y To find the value of Γ Γ ...... Γ Y The Dirac Delta Function Y Delta
n n n
Function Y Properties of Dirac delta function Y Derivatives of δ ( x ) Y The Heaviside Unit Function Y The Dirac delta function is the derivative of the
Heaviside unit function H (x) .
Y Vectors-Addition and Subtraction Y Vector and Scalar Quantities Y Addition of Vectors Y Multiplication of a Vector by a Scalar Y Resolution of a
Vector in Terms of Coplanar Vectors Y Non-coplanar Vectors Y Orthonormal System of Unit Vectors i, j, k Y Position Vector Y Collinearity of Three Points
Y Products of two Vectors Y The Scalar or Dot Product of Two Vectors Y Condition for Perpendicularity of Two Vectors Y Distributive Law for Scalar
Product Y The Vector or Cross-product of Two Vectors Y Expression for Vector Product in Terms of Rectangular Components of the Vectors Y Vector
Area Y Multiple Products Y Scalar Triple Products Y Distributive Law for Vector Product of Two Y Condition for Three Vectors to be Complanar Y To
Express the Value of the scalar Triple Product in Terms of Rectangular Components of Vectors Y Vector Triple Product Y To Prove that
a × (b × c) =(a • c) b − (a • b) c Y Scalar Product of Four Vectors Y Vector Product of Four Vectors Y Reciprocal System Vectors Y Vector Equations
of a Line and a Plane Y Vector Equation of a Straight Line Y Condition for Three Points to be Collinear Y Bisector of the Angle between Two Straight Lines
Y Vector Equation of a Plane Y Condition for Four Points to be Coplanar Y Centroids Y Further Application of Vectors to Geometry and
Mechanics- Geometry of Plane Y Vector Equation of a Plane Y Angle between Two Planes Y The Two Sides of a Plane Y Perpendicular Distance of a
Point From a Plane Y Planes Through the Intersection of Two Planes Y Geometry of the Straight Line Y Line of intersection of Two Plane Y Condition
for Two Lines to be Coplanar Y Shortest Distance between Two Non-intersecting Lines Y Volume of a Tetrahedron Y Geometry of the Sphere Y The
Vector Equation of a Sphere Y Tangent Plane at a Given Point Y Diametral Plane Y Radical Plane Y Application to Mechanics Y Lami’s Theorem Y
Work Y Vector Moment or Torque Y Relative Motion Y Relative Velocity.
Y Meaning and Purpose of Statistics Y Origin of Statistics Y Definition of Statistics Y Scope and Limitations of Statistics Y Population and sample Y
Main Stages of a Statistical Enquiry Y Distrust of Statistics Y Frequency Distributions and Measures of Central Tendency Y Classification and
Tabulation Y Frequency Polygon, Histogram and Ogive Y Various forms of Frequency Curves Y Measures of Central Tendency Y Arithmetic Mean Y
Proof of the formula on Means NM = N1M1 + N 2M 2 + ... + N r M r Y Median Y Mode Y Mode by Grouping Y Geometric Mean Y Harmonic Mean Y
Quartiles and Partition Values Y Desiderata for a Satisfactory Average Y Empirical Relation between Mean, Median and Mode Y Measures of
Dispersion and Skewness Y Range Y Quartile Deviation or Semi-Inter Quartile Range Y Standard Deviation or the Root Mean Square Deviation from
the Mean Y Mean Deviation or the Average Deviation Y Coefficient of Variation Y Moments Y Probability Y Definition Y Statistical or Empirical
Definition Y Some Definitions Y Addition Theorem of Probability Y Multiplication theory of Probability Y Dependent and Independent Events Y
Probability of atleast One Event Y Binomial and Multinomial Theorems Y Multinomial Theorem Y Probabilities : Axiomatic Approach Y Addition
Theorem of Probability Y Conditional Probability Y Variate or a Random Variable Y Relative frequencies and probabilities Y Theorem of Total Probability
for Compound Events Y Baye’s Theorem Y Random Variable Distribution Function Y Random Variable or Variate Y Type of Random Variables Y
Distribution Function Y Probability Mass Function Y Discrete Distribution Y Function Y Probability Density Function Y Continuous Frequency
Distributions Y Discrete and Continuous Variables Y Continuous Distributions Y Cumulative Distributions or Probability Distribution Function Y Any
Functions Y Moments Y Geometric Mean G Y Sum of Random Variables, Convolutions Y Marginal and Conditional Probabilities Y Chebyshev’s and
Markov’s Inequalities Y Probability Function of a Quotient Y Change of variable Y Bivariate Distributions Y Marginal Distributions Y Conditional
Probability Density Y Stochastic Independence Y Important Theoretical Distributions Y Theoretical Distributions Y Binomial distribution Y Pascal’s
Triangle Y Moments of the Binomial Distribution Y Proof of the formula M k = p (p + q)n Y Mode of Binomial Distribution Y Recursion formula for
dµ r
binomial distribution µ r + 1 = pq nrµ r − 1 + Y Poisson Distribution Y Poisson Process Y Mode of the Poisson Distribution Y Constants of the
Poisson Distribution Y Multinomial Distribution Y Hyper-geometric Distribution Y Mean and variance of the Hyper-geometric Distribution Y Normal
Distribution Y Derivation of Normal Distribution Y Properties of Normal Distribution Y Constants of the Normal Distribution Y Some further properties
of the Normal Distribution Y Probable Error Y Importance of the Normal Distribution Y Fitting a Normal Distribution Y Central Limit Theorem Y The Law
of Large Numbers Y Weak law of Large Numbers Y Moment Generating Functions and Cumulants Y Expectation of a Random Variable Y
Expectation of Functions of Random Variable Y Expectation of Functions of two Random Variables Y Moment Generating Function Y Change of origin
and scale in Moment Generating Function Y M.G.F. of a sum Y Binomial Distribution Y Poisson Distribution Y Negative Binomial Distribution Y Normal
Distribution Y Sum of Independent Normal variates Y Cumulants Y Additive Property of Cumulants Y Factorial Moments Y Sum of Poisson variates Y
Characteristic Function Y Inversion Y Cauchy’s Distribution Y Probability Generating Function Y Properties of Characteristic Functions Y Some
Characteristic Functions Y Probability Generating Functions Y Relation between Probability Generating Function and Characteristic Function Y Factorial
Moment Generating Functions Y Method of Least Squares and Curve Fitting Y Method of Least squares Y Some Special Curves Y Bivariate
Distribution, Regression and Correlation Y Scatter or Dot Diagram Y r independent of Origin and Scale Y Sterograms and Collection Surface Y
Probable error of coefficient of Correlation Y Rank Correlation Y r lies between −1 and 1 Y Variance of a sum or difference Y Regression Y Range of r Y
Correlation ratio Y Linear Relationship Y Causation and effect Y Regression and Correlation Y Multiple and Partial Correlation Y Multiple
Correlation and Partial Correlation Y Equation of the Regression Plane Y Multiple Correlation Coefficient Y Partial Correlation Coefficient Y
Consistence of Data and Association of Attributes Y Attributes Y Classification with reference to attributes Y Class frequencies Y Relation between
class frequencies Y Consistence of data Y Independence and Association of attributes Y Yule’s coefficient of Association Y Finite Differences and
Interpolation Y Difference Table Y Some Nomenclatures Y E and ∆ notation Y Factorial Notation Y Interpolation Y Algebraic Methods of Interpolation Y
Newton’s Formula for equal Intervals Y Lagrange’s Formula Y Central Differences Y Gauss’s Backward Formula Y Gauss’s Forward Formula Y Bessel’s
Formula Y Stirling’s Formula Y Distinction between Interpolation and Extrapolation Y Divided Differences Formula Y Newton’s Divided Differences
Formula Y Preliminary Concepts on Sampling Y Universe, definition Y Sampling : Types of samples Y Simple Sampling Y Devices for Random
Sampling Y Tippet’s Numbers Y Stratified Sampling Y Simple Sampling of Attributes-Large Samples Y Population and Samples Y Simple
Sampling of Attributes Y Mean and Standard Deviation in Simple Sampling of Attributes Y Test of significance for large samples Y Standard Error Y
Precision Y Conditions for Simple Sampling Y Comparisons of Large Samples Y The Sampling of Variables-Large Samples Y Sampling Distribution
Y Utility of Sampling Distribution Y Standard Error Y Mean and Standard Error of the Sampling Distribution of means of samples Y Distribution of the
difference between two sample means Y Levels of Significance Y Means of the samples Y Fiducial or Confidence Limits Y Test of Significance of the
means of two Large Samples Y Sampling Distribution Y Standard Error of other Parameters Y χ 2 Distribution Y Definition of χ 2 Y Degrees of freedom
and Constraints Y Derivation of χ 2-distribution Y Conditions for the application of χ 2 test Y Properties of χ 2-distribution Y Levels of Significance Y Test of
goodness of fit Y Test of independence Y Yate’s Corrections for Continuity Y Additive property of χ 2 Y Distribution of Quotient of two χ 2 variates Y χ 2
determination of confidence limits Y χ 2 test for Population variance Y The Sampling of Variables-Small Samples Y Estimates of the arithmetic mean
Y Estimate of variance Y t-distribution Y Probability tables of t-distribution Y Use of t-distribution Y Test of significance of the mean of random samples
from normal population Y Test of significance of the difference between the sample means Y To test the significance of the ratio of two independent
estimates of the population variance the z-test Y Fisher’s z-tables of points and the significance test Y F-distribution Y Snedecor’s F-tables and significance
test Y Moments of the F-distribution Y Relationship between t, F and χ 2 distributions Y To test the significance of Correlation Coefficient (small samples) Y
Test of significance of correlation coefficient based on Fisher’s z-transformation (large samples) Y Significance of the difference between two independent
correlation coefficients Y Analysis of Variance Y Meaning and Definition Y Variance within and between classes Y One criterion of classification Y
Calculations of ANOVA Y Two criteria of classification Y Assumptions for Analysis of variance test Y Design of Experiments (Randomization and
Latin Squares) Y Basic Principles of Experimental Design Y The Latin squares Y Randomised Block Design (R.B.D.) Y Comparison of Latin Square
Design Y Inference-1 (Estimation ) Y Point Estimation Y Properties of Good Estimator Y Unbiased Estimator Y Consistent Estimator Y Efficient
Estimator Y Sufficient Estimator Y Maximum Likelihood parameter Y Properties of Maximum Likelihood parameter Y Properties of Maximum Likelihood
Estimation Y Methods of Moments Y Inference-2 (Testing of Hypothesis) Y Statistical Hypotheses Y Null Hypothesis Y Type I and Type II Errors Y
Critical Region and Acceptance Region Y The best Test for a Simple Hypothesis Y The Neymen Pearson Lemma Y The Likelihood Ratio Test Y Test for
single Mean Y Interval Estimation Y Definition Y Confidence Intervals Y Confidence Interval for mean of Normal population Y Confidence Interval
when σ is unknown Y Confidence Interval for Difference between Means Y Confidence Interval for proportions Y Confidence Interval for Variance
Y Index Numbers Y Uses Y Construction of Index numbers Y Fixed and Chain Bases Y Average Y Index Numbers based on Arithmetic Mean Y
Reversibility Test Y Fisher’s Ideal Index Number Y Circular Test Y Analysis of Time Series Y Movements Y Method of determining trend Y Estimation
of Seasonal Trend Y Removing the trend Y Utility of time series Y Appendix Y Inter Relations among certain discrete distributions Y Reproductive
(Additive) Property of some discrete distributions Y Relations between continuous distributions Y Rao Cramer Inequality Y Non Parametric Tests Y
Median Test Y Sign Test Y Run Test Y Wilcoxon-Mann Whitney Test Y Bivariate Normal Distribution Y Lorentz curve Y Logistic curve Y Moment
Generating Functions of some important distributions M 0 (t) Y Discoverers of Some Distributions Y Tables.
Y Introduction to Operations Research Y Introduction (The Origin and the Development of OR) Y Na ture and Def i ni tion of OR Y Objective of
OR Y Phases of OR Method Y Areas of Applications (Scope) of OR Y Operations Research and Decision-Making Y Scientific Method in OR Y
Characteristics of Operations Research Y Modeling in OR Y Types of Models Y General Methods of Solution for OR Models Y Mathematical
Preliminaries Y Elementary Probabil ity Theory Y Sam ple Space Y Events Y Al gebra of Events Y Classi cal Def i ni tion of Prob a bil ity Y Odds in
Fa vour and Odds Against Y The Statistical (or Empirical) Definition of Probability Y Axiomatic Definition of Probability Y Natural Assignment of
Probabilities Y Theorem of Total Probability or Additional Theorem of Probability Y Compound Events Y Independent and Dependent Events Y
Conditional Probability Y Multiplication Theorem of Probability Y Random Variable Y Discrete Probability Distributions Y Expectation of a Random
Variable Y Special Discrete Probability Distributions Y Continuous Probability Distributions Y Special Continuous Probability Distributions Y Matrices
and Determinants Y Definitions Y Operations of Matrix Addition and Multiplication Y Sub-Matrix Y Minor of Order k Y Determinant Y Important
Properties of Determinants Y Minors Y Cofactors Y Rank of a Matrix Y Adjoint of a Matrix Y Singular and Non-Singular Matrices Y Inverse of a Matrix Y
Vectors and Vector Spaces Y Definitions Y Euclidean Space Y Linear Dependence and Independence of Vectors Y Linear Combination (L.C.) of
Vectors Y Spanning Set Y Basis Set Y Some Useful Theorems of Linear Algebra Y Simultaneous Linear Equation Y Finite Difference Y First Difference
of f (x) Y Second Difference of f(x) Y Conditions for a Maximum or Minimum of f(x) Y Differentiation of Integrals Y Generating Functions Y
Inventory Theory Y In ven tory Y Vari ables in In ven tory Prob lems Y Need of Inventory Y Inventory Problems Y Advantages and Disadvantages of
Inventory Y Classification or Categories of Inventory Models Y Some General Notations Used in Inventory Models Y Deterministic Models Y Economic
Lot Size Models Y Model I : Economic Lot Size Model with Uniform Rate of Demand Y Infinite Production Rate and having no Shortages Y Another form
of Model I Y Model II : Economic Lot-size Model with Different Rates of Demand in Different Production Cycles, Infinite Production Rate and having no
Shortages Y Model III : Economic Lot-size Model with Uniform Rate of Demand, Finite Rate of Replenishment having no Shortages
Deterministic Models With Shortages Y Model IV : Fixed Time Model Y Model V : Economic Lot-size Model with Uniform Rate of Demand, Infinite Rate of
Production and Having Shortages which are to be Fulfilled Y Model VI : Economic Lot-size Model with Uniform Rate of Demand, Fi nite Rate of
Produc tion and hav ing Short ages which are to be Fulfilled Y Multi Item, Deterministic Models with One Constant Y Probabilistic Models Y Model VII :
Single Period Model with Discontinuous or Instantaneous Demand and Time Independent Costs (No Set up Cost Model) Y Model VIII : Single Period
Model with Uniform Demand (No Set up Cost Model) Y Model IX : The General Single Period Model of Profit Maximization with Time Independent Cost
Y Model X : Probabilistic Order Level System with Lead-Time Y Purchase Inventory Models with Price Breaks Y Model XI : Purchase Inventory Model Y
Model XII : Purchase Inventory Model with One Price Break Y Model XIII : Purchase Inventory Model with Two Price Breaks Y Model XIV : Purchase
Inventory Model with Multiple Price Breaks Y Re place ment Problems Y Replacement of Major or Capital Item (Equipment) that deteriorates with
Time Y To find the Best Replace ment Age (Time) of a Ma chine Y Few Im por tant Terms Y To De ter mine the Best Re place ment Age of Items
whose Maintenance Costs Increase with Time and the Value of Money also Changes with Time Y A Discounted Cost P(n) is Invested by taking Loan at
the Interest Rate r; and the Loan is Repaid by Fixed Annual Payments say x, throughout the Life of the Machine. To Find the Minimum Value of x for
Optimum Period n at which to Replace the Machine Y Replacement of Items in Anticipation of Complete Failure the probability of which increases with
Time Y To determine the Interval of Optimum Replacement Y Problems in Mortality Y Staffing Problem Y Mortality Tables Y Waiting Line or
Queuing Theory Y Basic Queuing Process (system) and Its Characteristics Y Customers Be hav iour in a Queue Y Important Defini tions in
Queu ing Prob lem Y The State of the System Y Poisson Process Y Poisson Arrivals Y Theorem Y Some Distributions Y An Important Theorem Y
Notations Y Classification of Queuing Models Y Solution of Queue Models Y Model I (M / M /1) : (∞ / FCFS) (Birth and Death Model) Y Relationship
between Y Model II (General Erlang Queuing Model) Y Model III : (M / M /1) : (N / FCFS) Y Model IV (M / M / S) : (∞ / FCFS) Y Model V :
(M /E k / 1) : (∞ / FCFS) Y Model VI (M /E k / 1) : (1 / FCFS) Y Machine Repair Problem Y Model VII (M / M / R ) : (k /GD), k <R Y Model VIII Power Supply
Model Y Al lo ca tion (Gen eral Lin ear Pro gram ming Problems) Y General Linear Programming Problems Y Mathematical Formulation of a
L.P.P. Y Ba sic So lu tion (B.S.) Y An Important Theorem Y Some Important Definitions Y So lu tion of a Lin ear Pro gramming Prob lem Y
Geo met ri cal (or Graph i cal) Method for the So lu tion of a Lin ear Pro gramming Prob lem Y Analytic Method (Trial and Error Method) Y Slack and
Surplus Variables Y Applications of Linear Programming Techniques Y Advantages of Linear Programming Techniques Y Limitations of Linear
Programming Y Convex Sets and their Proper ties Y Def i ni tions Y Some Important Theorems Y Sim plex Method Y Some Def i ni tions and
No ta tions Y Fun da men tal The o rem of Lin ear Pro gram ming Y To ob tain B.F.S. from a F.S. Y To De termine Im proved B.F.S. Y Un bounded
So lu tions Y Optimality Con di tions Y Alternative Optimal Solutions Y In con sis tency and Re dun dancy in Con straint Equa tions Y To De termine
Start ing B.F.S. Y Com pu tational Pro ce dure of the Sim plex Method for the So lu tion of a Max i mi zation L.P. Y Artificial Variables Technique Y
Degeneracy in Simplex Method Y Conditions for the Occurrence of Degeneracy in a L.P.P. Y Computational Procedure to Resolve Degeneracy by
Carner's Perturbation Method Y Some Important Tips for Simplex Method Y Linear Programming Problem (Special Cases) Y Solution of System of
Simultaneous Linear Equations by Simplex Method Y Inverse of a Matrix by Simplex Method Y Duality in Linear Programming Y Stan dard Form
of the Pri mal Y Sym met ric Dual Prob lem Y Unsymmetric Dual Prob lem Y The Dual of a Mixed System Y Duality Theorems Y Correspondence
be tween Pri mal and Dual Y To Read the So lu tion to the Dual from the Fi nal Sim plex Ta ble of the Pri mal and Vice-Versa Y Dual Sim plex Method
Y Ad van tage of Dual Sim plex Al go rithm Y Computational Procedure of the Dual Simplex Algorithm Y Sen si tiv ity Anal y sis Y Vari a tion in the
Price Vec tor c Y Vari a tion in the Require ment Vec tor b Y Vari a tion in the El ement aij of the Co effi cient Ma trix A Y Ad di tion of a New Vari able to
the Prob lem Y Ad di tion of a New Con straint to the Prob lem Y Parametric Linear Programming Y Lin ear Vari a tions in c Y Lin ear Vari a tion in
b Y Integer Programming Y Im por tance (or need) of I.P.P. Y So lu tion of I.P.P. Y Gomory’s all I.P. Method Y Construction of Gomory’s Constraint
and Gomory’s Cutting Plane Y All-Integer Cutting Plane Algorithm Y Mixed-Integer Cutting Plane Algorithm Y The Branch-and-Bound Technique Y
Branch-and-Bound Algorithm Y Assignment Problem Y Important Theorem Y Hun garian Method (Re duced Ma trix Method) Y Unbalanced
Assignment Problems Y Maximi zation Assignment Problem Y Restric tions on Assignment Y Transportation Problem Y Difference between a
Transportation and an Assignment Problem Y Solution of a Transportation Problem Y To Find an Initial Feasible Solution Y Optimality Test Y
Theorem Y Computational Procedure of Optimality Test Y Transportation Algorithm or MODI (Modified Distribution) Method Y Degeneracy in
Transportation Problems Y Unbalanced Transportation Problems Y Profit Maximization Problems Y Prohibited Transportation Route Y Sequencing
(Including Trav el ling Salesman Problem) Y A Sequencing Prob lem Y Gen eral As sump tions Y Se quencing De ci sion Prob lem for n-jobs on
two Machines Y Sequencing Decision Problem for n-Jobs on Three Machines Y Sequencing Decision Problem for n Jobs on m Machines Y Processing Two
Jobs Through m Machines Y Graphical Method Y Travelling Salesman (or Routing) Problem Y Dynamic Programming Y Bell man’s Prin ci ple of
Optimality in Dy namic Pro gramming Y Mul ti stage De ci sion Prob lem Y Char ac ter is tics of Dy namic Pro gram ming Prob lems Y Solu tion of a
Multi-stage Prob lem by Dy namic Pro gramming with Fi nite Num ber of Stages Y So lu tion of Lin ear Pro gramming Prob lem as a Dy namic
Programming Problem Y So lu tion of an In ven tory Prob lem as a Dy namic Pro gramming Prob lem Y Game Theory (Competitive Strategies) Y
Competitive Games Y Fi nite and In fi nite Games Y Zero Sum Game Y Two Per son Zero Sum (or Rect an gu lar) Games Y Pay-off Ma trix Y Strat egy
Y So lu tion of a Game Y Maximin and Minimax Cri te rion of Optimality Y Saddle Point Y Solution of a Rectangular Game with Saddle Point Y Solution
of a Rectangular Game in terms of Mixed Strategies Y Important Properties of Optimal Mixed Strategies Y Solution of 2 × 2 Games Without Saddle Point
Y Dominance Property Y Arithmetic Method (or the Method of Oddments or the Short Cut Y Method) for the Solution of 2 × 2 Game without Saddle Y
Graphical Method for the Solution of (2 × n ) and (m × 2) Games Y Algebraic Method for the Solution of a General Game Y Iterative Method for Approximate
Solution Y Equivalence of the Rectangular Matrix Game and Linear Programming Y Fundamental Theorem of Game Theory (Minimax Theorem) Y Solution of a
Rectangular Game by Simplex Method Y Matrix Method for n×n (i.e, Square) Games Y Summary of Methods for Solving the Rectangular (Two Person Zero
Sum) Games Y Minimax and Maximin of a Function of Several Variables Y Saddle Point of a Function of Several Variables Y Necessary and Sufficient
Condition for the Function E(x, y) to Possess a Saddle Point (Existence of Saddle Point) Y Goal Programming Y Con cept of Goal Pro gramming Y
Formu la tion of a G.P. Prob lem as a L.P. Prob lem Y Mul ti ple Goals with Pri or i ties and Weights Y So lu tion of a Lin ear G.P. Prob lem Y Graph i cal
Method for the So lu tion of a Lin ear G.P. Prob lem Y Sim plex Method (Mod i fied) for the So lu tion of a Lin ear G.P. Prob lem Y Network Analysis
(PERT/CPM)Y The ory of Graphs Y Few Im por tant Def i ni tions Y Network Y Sched ule Chart (Gantt Bar Chart) Y Dif ference be tween CPM and
PERT Y Net work Com po nents Y Con struc tion of the Net work Di a gram Y Dummy Activ ity Y Er rors in Draw ing a Net work Y General Procedure for
the Con struc tion of a Net work Di a gram Y Numbering the Events (Fulkeron's Rule) Y CPM Com pu ta tion (or Anal y sis) Y The Float and Slack Y
In equal ity re la tion be tween Floats of an Ac tiv ity Y Event Slacks Y Crit i cal, Event, Ac tiv ity and Path Y Pro ce dure of de ter mi na tion of Crit i cal Path
Y PERT Y Es ti mate of Prob a bil ity of Com plet ing the Pro ject by Sched uled Time Y In for ma tion The ory Y Com mu ni ca tion Pro cess Y De scrip tion
of a Communi cation System Y A Quan ti ta tive Mea sure of In for ma tion Y A Bi nary Unit of In forma tion Y Measure of un cer tainty or En tropy Y
Prop er ties of Av er age Mea sure of Un cer tainty or En tropy Y Im por tant Re la tions for Var i ous Entropies Y En cod ing Y Unique Decipherability Y Uses
of Encoding; Efficiency and Redundancy Y Shannon-Fano Encoding Procedure Y Necessary and Sufficient Condition for Noiseless Coding Y
Non-linear Programming Y General Non-linear Programming Problem Y Mathematical Formulation of GNLPP Y So lu tion of NLPP with all
Equally Con straints Y Suf fi cient Con di tions for Max i mum or Min i mum of the Ob jec tive Func tion Y So lu tion of NLPP when Con straints are Not
all Equal ity Con straints Y Kuhn-Tucker Nec essary Con di tions for the Optimality of the Objective Func tion in a GNLP Prob lem Y Kuhn-Tucker
Suf fi cient Con di tions for the Optimality of the Ob jec tive Func tion of a GNLPP with inequality Con straints Y Graphical Solution Y Tables.
242-26 Rigid Dynamics-I (Dynamics of Rigid Bodies) –P.P. Gupta & G.S. Malik
Y Moment of Inertia Y Definitions Y Moments of inertia in some simple cases Y Theorem of parallel axes Y Pappus theorem (solid generated); to find the
M.I. of the body Y Pappus theorem (surface generated); to find the M.I. of the body Y Moment of inertia about a line Y To find M.I. about any axis which
passes through the intersection of two perpendicular axis in the plane provided M.I.’s and P.I.’s about these axes are known Y Elementary theorem on
moment of inertia Y Method of differentiation Y M.I. of heterogeneous bodies Y Momental ellipsoid Y Momental ellipse Y Bodies Y Equipmomental
Theories Y Principal axes Y Principal moments Y D' Alembert's Principle Y Motion of a particle and a Rigid body Y Impressed and Effective forces Y D’
Alembert’s Principle Y Angular Momentum Y General equations of Motion Y Linear momentum Y Motion of the Centre of inertia Y Motion about Centre
of inertia Y Impulsive forces Y Impulsive forces continued Y Application of D’Alembert’s Principle to impulsive forces and general equation of motion Y
Motion about a Fixed Axis Y Moment of the effective forces about the axis of rotation Y Kinetic Energy Y Equation of Motion Y Compound Pendulum
Y Centre of Suspension Y Centre of Suspension and oscillations are Convertible Y Minimum time of oscillation of compound pendulum Y Reaction of the
axis of rotation Y Motion about a fixed axis (impulsive forces) Y Centre of Percussion Y Centre of Percussion of a rod Y General case of centre of
percussion Y Motion in Two Dimensions Y Equation of motion Y Kinetic energy Y Moment of Momentum Y Motion of a solid sphere down an inclined
plane Y Slipping of rods Y A uniform straight rod sliding down in a vertical plane, its ends being in contact with two planes, one horizontal and other
vertical Y Motion of a solid sphere down an inclined plane when rolling and sliding are combined Y Motion of a circular disc Y When two bodies are in
contact, then to determine wheather the relative motion involves sliding at the pont of contact Y A sphere of radius ‘‘a’’ where C.G. is at a distance c from
its centre C is place on a rough plane so that C.G. is horizontal ; show that it will begin to roll or slide according as µ < or where k is the radius of
k + a2
gyration about a horizontal axis through G. If µ equal to this value what happens ? Y Motion of one sphere over another sphere which if fixed Y Motion of
solid cylinder insider a hollow cylinder Y Motion of one body on another, when the lower body is free to turn about its axis Y Motion of one body on
another when both bodies are free to move Y Motion in Two Dimensions (Under Impulsive Forces) Y To obtain the equations of motion of a rigid
body under impulsive forces Y A rod of length 2a is held in a position inclined at an angle α to the verticle and is the let fall on the smooth inelastic
horizontal plane will have it immediately after the impact if the height through which the rod falls is greater than (1/8) a sec α cos ec 2α (1 + 3 sin 2 α)2 Y An
imperfectly elastic sphere impinging on a fixed plane Y Work done by an Impulse Y Conservation of Momentum and Energy Y Principle of
conservation of linear momentum (Finite Forces) Y Principle of Angular Momentum Y Conservation of Linear Momentum (Impulsive forces)
Conservation of Angular Momentum (Impulsive fores) Y Principle of conservation of energy Y Vis-Viva Y Principle of Vis-Viva Y Conservative forces Y
Theorem : When a body moves under the action of a system of conservative force, the sum of its kinetic and potential energies is constant throughout the
motion Y The kinetic energy of a Rigid body, moving in any manner is at any instant equal to the kinetic energy of the whole mass, supposed to be
collected at its centre of inertia and moving with it, together with the kinetic energy of the whole mass relative to its centre of inertia Y Initial Motion Y
Definition Y Lagrange's Equations of Motion, Small Oscillations, Normal Co-ordinates Y Generalised Coordinates Y Degrees of freedom Y
Transformation of equations Y Classification of Mechanical systems Y Kinetic energy and generalised velocities Y Generalised forces Y Lagrangian
equations Y Lagrangian function Y Generalised momentum Y Kinetic energy as a quadratic function of velocities Y To reduce the principle of energy from
the Lagrange’s equations (Conservative field) Y Small oscillations Y Lagrange’s equations with impulsive forces Y Euler Dynamical Equations Y
Moving axes and the fixed axes Y Euler dynamical equations Y Kinetic energy of a Rigid Body about a fixed point Y Euler’s equations (impulsive forces) Y
Eulerian angles and geometrical relations Y Instantaneous axis to rotation Y Invariable line Y Locus of the invariable line Y Deduction of Euler’s equations
from Lagrange’s equations Y Hamiltonian Formulation and Variational Principles Y Hamilton’s form of the equations of motion Y Physical
significance of the Hamiltonian Y Passage from the Hamiltonian to the Lagrangian Y Variational methods Y Techniques of Calculus of variations Y
Brachistochrone Problem Y Extension of the variational methods Y Hamilton’s variational principles Y Derivation of Hamilton’s Equations from the
variational principle Y Principle of least action Y Distinction in between Hamilton’s principle and principle of least action Y Deduction of Hamilton’s
principle using D’Alembert’s principle Y Extension of Hamilton’s principle to non-conservative and non-holonomic systems Y Motion of Top Y
Definition Y Equation or motion of a top (Derived from Euler’s equations) Y Equation of motion of a top (deduced from the principle of energy and
momentum) Y Equation of motion of top (deduce from Lagrange’s equations) Y Steady motion Y Stable motion (axis vertical) Y Stable motion (axis is not
vertical) Y Limits of θ.
243-14 Rigid Dynamics-II (Analytical Dynamics) –P.P. Gupta & Sanjay Gupta
Y Mechanics of a particle Y Velocity of a particle Y Acceleration of a particle Y Linear momentum of the particle Y Moment of force (or torque) and
angular momentum of the particle Y Work done by the force acting on a particle and kinetic energy Y Power Y Impulse Y Conservative force and force
field Y Conservative theorem for a particle Y The equation of motion of a particle D’ Alembert’s Principle Y Motion of a particle under resisting force Y
Motion in a resisting medium Y The simple Harmonic oscillator Y Damped Harmonic oscillator Y Two and three dimensional harmonic oscillator Y To
discuss the motion of a particle executing harmonic vibrations and to find its orbit and frequency Y Forced Harmonic oscillator Y Central Force Field
Motion Y Central forces Y Central orbit Y h = pv Y To obtain the law of force, velocity and period time when the orbit is an ellipse Y General features of the
centre force field motion Y Equations of motion for a particle in a central force field Y Conservation of energy for central force field Y Orbit under a central
force (contd.) Y Determination of the central force Y Kepler’s Laws of planetary motion -bounded motion under in an inverse square filed Y First integrals
of the two body motion under a central force Y Reduction of two body problem to one body problem Y Orbit under inverse square law Y Stability of a
nearly circular orbit Y Unbounded motion-scattering in a central forces field Y Rutherford’s scattering Y Centre of mass and Laboratory co-ordinates Y
Transformation of scattering data from C-system to L-system Y Motion of a System of Particles Y D’Alembert’s Principle Y Linear momentum of a
system of particles Y Torque on a system of particles Y Angular momentum of a system of particles Y Kinetic energy of a system of particles Y Potential
energy of a system of particles Y Conservation of energy for the system of particles Y Collision Problems Y Lagrangian-Dynamics Y Constraints and
Generalised co-ordinates Y Degrees of freedom Y Transformation Equations Y Classification of Mechanical system Y Kinetic energy and generalised
velocities Y Generalised forces Y Lagrange’s equations Y Lagrangian function Y Generalized momentum Y Kinetic energy as quadratic function of
velocities Y Equilibrium configuration for conservative holonomic dynamical system Y To deduce the principle of energy form the Lagrange’s equations
(conservative field) Y Theory of small oscillations of conservative Holonomic Dynamical systems Y Lagrange’s equations with Impulsive Forces Y
Lagrange’s equations for non-holonomic systems with moving constraints Y First integral of motion Y Velocities depending potentials Y Lagrangian for a
charged particle in an electromagnetic field Y Lagrange’s equations for electrical circuits Y Rigid Body Motion (Including Motion in Three
Dimensions) Y Degrees of freedom Y Orthogonal Transformations Y Eulerian angles Y Moving Frames of Reference Y Kinematics of a rigid body Y
Kinetic energy of a rigid with a fixed point Y Kinetic energy of body in general Y Angular momentum of particle and of a system of particles Y Angular
momentum of a rigid body Y Motion of a system Y Moving frames of Reference (continued) Y Motion of a rigid body (continued ) Y General motion of a
rigid body Y General equations of impulsive motion Y Theory of Small Oscillations Y Equations of Motion for small oscillations Y Normal
co-ordinates and normal modes of vibration Y Systems with a few and may degrees of freedom Y Hamiltonian Formulation, Transformations and
Hamilton-Jacobi Theory Y Hamiltonian Formulation Y Phase-space Y If the hamiltonian H is independent of t explicitly, prove that H is constant and
equal to the total energy of the system Y Passage from the Hamiltonian to the Lagrangian Y Ignoration of co-ordinates and Routh’s Procedure Y
Variational Methods (Hamilton’s principle etc.) Y Derivation of Hamilton’s equation from the variational principle Y Extension of Hamilton’s principle to
non conservative and non-holonomic system Y Principle of least action Y Principle of least action in terms of arc length of the particle trajectory Y Jacobi’s
form of the Principle of least action Y Fermat’s Principle Y Distinction between Hamilton’s Principle and principle of least action Y Derivation of
Lagrange’s equations from Hamilton’s Principle Y Conservation theorems and Symmetry Properties Y Homogeneity and Isotropy of space and time
conservation laws Y Virial Theorem Y Liouville’s Theorem Y Transformations and Brackets Y Point and canonical transformations Y Bilinear Invariant as
the condition for canonical transformations Y Generating Functions Y Poincare’s Integral Invariants Y Lagrangian and Poisson Brakcets Y Relation
between Lagrange’s and Poisson Brackets Y Equation in P.B. notation Y Infintiesimal contact transformation (I.C.T.) and Generators Y Generator of
translatory motion Y Contact transformation possesses the group property Y Point transformation Y To obtain an analytic expression for a contact
transformation Y Sub-groups of Mathieu transformations and extended point transformation Y Hamilton-Jacobi Theory Y Hamilton-Jacobi equation Y
Hamilton-Jacobi equation for Hamilton’s characteristic function Y The Hamiltonian being given by H = m {p r2 + (p θ2/ r 2)} − (λ / r) and to use
Hamilton-Jacobi theory to solve Kepler’s Problem for a particle in an inverse square central force field Y Harmonic oscillator problem as an example of the
Hamilton-Jacobi method Y Separation of variables Y Action angle variables Y Motion of Spinning Tops and Gyroscopes Y Simple motion of a top
(or Steady precession of a top) Y General motion of a top Y Steady motion Y Stability Investigation Y Gyroscopic compass Y Mechanics of Continuous
Media Y Equation of motion for the vibrating string Y Propagation of waves along a string Y String as a limiting case of a system of particles Y Lagrange’s
equations for vibrating string.
244-10 Set Theory and Related Topics –K.P. Gupta
Y Basic Concepts of Set Y Sets Y Notation Y Family of sets Y Equality of sets Y Finite and Infinite sets Y Null set Y Power set Y Comparability of sets Y
Universal set Y Singleton set Y Indexed set Y Basic Set Operations Y Set operations Y Union Y Intersection Y Disjoint sets Y Difference of Sets.
Venn-Euler diagrams Y Symmetric difference of a set Y Operations on Comparable sets Y Distributive law Y Associative law Y De-Morgan’s theorem
Y Ordered pairs Y Product sets Y Relations Y Inverse relation Y Types of Relations Y Equivalence relation Y Partial order Y Equivalence class Y
Quotient sets Y Partition of a sets Y An important theorem on equivalence relation Y Domain and Range Y Functions Y Map Y Domain Y Range Y
Co-domain Y Image Y Preimage Y Onto and Into maps Y One-one map Y Manyone map Y Types of mapping Y Inverse of an element Y Inverse of a set.
Inverse function Y Equal functions Y Identity maps Y Constant maps Y Product of functions Y Associative operation on product of functions Y External,
composition Y Natural mapping Y Binary operations Y Commutative and Associative laws Y Algebraic structure narray operation Y Graph of a function Y
Restriction and extension of a map Y Choice function Y Real valued map Y Characteristic map Y Zero map Y Projection map Y Theorem of inverse
function Y Abstract Characterization of Integers and Rationals Y Definitions Y Group Y Semi-group Y Commutative group Y Ring Field Integral
domain Y Linearly ordered Archimedian field Y Order Y Complete Y Abstract characterization of integers and rationals Y Theorems and solved examples
on totally ordered field and integral domains Y Countability of Sets and Cardinal Numbers Y Equivalent sets Y Cardinal numbers Y Sum and
product of cardinal number Y Finite and infinite sets Y Denumerable sets Y Uncountable Y Power of Continuum Y Comparison of cardinal numbers Y
Theorems on cardinal numbers and equivalent sets Y Schroeder-Bernstein theorem Y The set of all real numbers in [0, 1] is uncountable Y Q and Z are
enumerable sets Y Cantor’s theorem c.c.=c Y Cantor’s tennary set Y Continuum Hypothesis Y Ordered Sets Y Partially ordered sets Y Uncomparable Y
Comparable Y Totally ordered set Y Bounds of an ordered set Y Maximal and minimal elements Y Least and greatest elements Y Nest Y Order complete
Y Initial segment Y First and last elements Y Similarity map Y Immediate successor Y Predecessor Y Order type Y Sum and product of order types Y Well
ordered sets Y Principle of transfinite induction Y Ordinal number Y Sum and product of ordinal numbers Y Lexicographical ordering Y The order type
of the ordered set of all real numbers in (a, b) is λ Y Zermelo’s theorem Y Principle of transfinite induction Y Burali-Forti Paradox Y Theorems and solved
examples on ordered sets Y Axiom of Choice, Zorn's Lemma and Kuratowoski's Lemma Y Statements of Axiom of choice Y Choice function
Zermelo’s postulate Y Hausdorff maximal Principle Y Zorn’s lemma Y Proof of Axiom of choice assuming the truth of Zermelo’s postuate Y Proof of
Hausdorff maximal principle assuming the truth of Tukey’s lemma Y Zorn’s lemma ⇒ Axiom of choice Y Zorn’s lemma ⇒ Kuratowoski’s lemma Y
Kuratowoski’s lemma ⇒ Zorn’s lemma Y Limit of Sequences Y Cauchy’s first theorem on limits Y Cauchy’s second theorem on limit Y Cesaro’s
theorem Y Quotient theorem Y Stolz’s theorem Y Real Sequences (Sequences continued) Y Kinds of sequences Y Fundamental theorems on
sequences Y The Number System (Real Numbers) Y Peano axioms Y Rational numbers Y Transcendental numbers Y Algebraic numbers Y
Archimedean theorems Y Order completeness theorem Y Q and R dense sets Y Dedekind's Theory of Real Numbers Y Fundamental properties of the
set of rational numbers Y Dedekind’s method of introducing an irrational number Y Set of real numbers Y Real-rational numbers Y Real-irrational
numbers Y Some theorems Y Positive, negative and zero real numbers Y Order relations in the set of real numbers Y Four arithmetical operations in the
set of real numbers Y The set of all real numbers is dense Y Order completeness of the set of real numbers Y Cantor's Theory of Real Numbers and
Abstract Characterization of Rational and Real Numbers Y Sequence of real numbers and rational numbers Y Convergent sequences
Y Arithmetical theory of limits Y Null sequences Y Positive sequences Y Cauchy sequences Y Cauchy’s general principle of convergence Y Theorem on
Cauchy sequences and abstract characterization of rational and real numbers Y Cantor’s definition of real numbers Y Positive, negative and zero real
numbers Y The four arithmetical operations in the set of real numbers Y The set of real numbers is dense Y Dedekind’s section corresponding to Cauchy
sequence of rationals Y Equivalence of the definitions of Dedekind and Cantors Y Arithmetical theory of limits based on Cantor’s theory of real numbers Y
Bounded, Derived, Compact, Open and Closed Sets Y Interval Y Neighbourhood of a point Y Limiting point Y Derived set Y Closed set Y Species
and order of a set Y Interior point Y Open set Y Closure of a set Y Boundary of a set Y Dense set Y Lvery where dense set Y Non-dense set Y Perfect set Y
Isolated sets Y Bounds of a linear set Y Bounded and unbounded sets Y Cover Y Open cover, Sub cover Y Compact set Y Nested closed Interval property
Y Bolzano-Weierstrass theorem Y Heine Borel theorem Y Perfect set Theorems open and closed sets Y Theorems on derived sets.
Y Spherical Trigonometry Y Sphere Y Section of a Sphere by a Plane Y Great and small circles Y Shortest distance Between two Points on a Sphere Y
Axis and Poles of a Circle Y Secondaries Y Two Great Circles Bisect each other Y Arc Joining Poles Y Measurement of the Spherical Angle Y Lengrh of
arc of a Small Circle Y Spherical Triangles Y Polar Triangles Y Some Properties of Spherical Triangles Y Formulae Relating to an Oblique Spherical
Triangle Y Napier’s Analogies Y Delambre’s Analogies Y Right Angled Triangles Y Lune Y Application of Spherical Trignometry Y Cagnoli’s Theorem Y
L’Huilier’s Theorem Y Expressions for cos (E/2) and tan (E/2) Y Location of a Point on Earth’s Surface Y The Celestial Sphere Y Definitions Y Diurnal
Motion of Heavenly Bodies Y Annual motion of the Sun Y System of Co-ordinates Y Hour Angle Y The Altitude of the Pole Y Conversion of co-ordinates
from one System to Another Y Equinoxes and Solstices Y Rectangular Co-ordinates Y The Geo-centric Celestial Sphere Y Sidereal Time Y
Trigonometrical Ratios of small Angles Y Rising and Setting of Stars Y Relation between Circular measure and Radians Y Rate of Change of Zenith
Distance (z) and Azimuth (A) Y Motion of the Sun Y Twilight Y Refraction Y Laws of Refraction Y Apparent and True Positions Y Refraction of a Star
near the Zenith Y Representation of true and Apparent Positions on the Celestial Sphere Y Cassini’s hypothesis or homogeneous shell Y Differential
Equation for Refraction Y Simpson’s Hypothesis Y Bradley’s Formula Y Effect of Refraction on Sunrise and Sunset Y Effect of Refraction in
Right-Ascension and Declination Y Refraction in any direction Y Effect of refraction on the distance between two neighbouring stars Y Effect of refraction
on the shape of the disc of the Sun Y Aberration Y Definition Y Aberration Varies as Sine of the Earth’s Way Y Position of the Apex Y Representation of
Apparent and true Position on Account of Aberration on the Celestial Sphere Y Effect of Aberration on Longitude and Latitude Y The Aberration Ellipse Y
Effect of Aberration on Right Ascension and Declination Y Independent Day Numbers Y Aberration in any Direction Y Effect of Aberration on the
Distance between Two Stars Y Diurnal Aberration Y Effect of Diurnal Aberration in Declination, right Ascension and Hour Angle Y Planetary Aberration Y
Precession and Nutation Y Precession Y Nutation Y Physical Cause of Precession and Nutation Y Luni Solar Precession Y Planetary Precession Y
Effect of Precession on right Ascension and Declination Y Effect of Nutation on right Ascension and Declination Y Combined Effect of Precession and
Nutation in right Ascension and Declination Y Independent Day numbers Y Double Stars Y Position Angle of a Double Star Y Parallax Y Definitions
Y Geo-centric Parallax Y Geo-centric Parallax in Right Ascension and Declination Y Gec-centric Parallax in Azimuth and Zenith Distance Y The Moon’s
Size Y Steller or Annual Parallax Y Representation on the Celestial Sphere Y Annual Parallax in Longitude and Latitude Y The Parallactic Ellipse Y Steller
Parallax in right Ascension and Declination Y Time Y Definitions Y The Sun’s Apparent Orbit Y The Mean Sun Y The Equation of Time Y To Prove that
the Equation of time Vanishes four Times in a Year Y Seasons Y Length of the Seasons Y Kepler's Laws of Planetary Motion Y Deduction of Kepler’s
laws from Newton’s Law of Gravitation Y The Definitions Y To Express true Anomaly in terms of Eccentric Anomaly Y Kepler’s Equation Y Kepler’s
Problem Y To Express true Anomaly in terms of Mean Anomaly Y Velocity and Position of a Body in an Elliptic Orbit Y Lambert’s theorem, Time of
Describing an Elliptic Orbit Y Velocity and Position of a Body in a Parabolic Orbit Y Euler’s Theorem, Time of Describing a Parabolic Orbit Y Velocity and
Position of a Body in Hyperbolic Orbit Y Planetary Phenomena Y Conjunctions Y Sidereal Period Y Relation between the Sidereal and Synodic Period
YDirect and Retrograde Motion Y The Geo-centric Motion of a Planet Y Elongation Y Elongation of a Planet when Stationary Y Phases Y Phase of the
Moon Y Brightness Y The Meridian Circle Y The Three Errors Y Correction in the Observed time of Transit due to the Errors YThe Total Correction to
the Observed time of Transit Y Bessel’s Formula Y Eclipses Y Eclipses of the Moon Y Section of the Shadow Y Notations Y The Angular Radius of the
Earth’s Shadow at the Moon’s Distances Y Duration of an Eclipse Y Length of the Earth’s Shadow Y The Ecliptic Limits Y Calculation of the Lunar Eclipse
Y Points on the Moon where the Eclipse Commences Y Solar eclipse Y The Angle Subtended at the Earth’s centre by the centres of the Sun and the Moon
at the beginning or end of a Solar Eclipse Y Solar Ecliptic Limits Y Frequency of eclipses Y The Saros Y The Metonic Cycle Y Determination of
Position Y The Dip of the Horizon Y Dip of the Horizon Taking Refraction Under Consideration Y The Position Circle Y Artificial Satellites and
Atmospheric Drag Y Theory of an Orbit in Space Y Clairaut’s Formula for the Shape of the Earth Y The Effect of Atmospheric Drag on an Artificial
Satellite Y Rocket Dynamics Y Motion of a Rocket in gravity free Space Y Motion of a Rocket in a Gravitation field Y Motion of a Rocket or Step Rocket
Y Two Stage Rocket Y Transfer Between Orbit Y Changes in the Orbital Elements due to a small and Large Impulses.
246-15 Statics (With Attraction & Potential) –J.K. Goyal K.P. Gupta
Y Forces in Three Dimensions Part I—Central axis Y Forces in three dimensions Y Moment of a force about a point Y Definitions Y General
conditions of equilibrium of a rigid body Y Forces in Three Dimension Part 2—Constrained Bodies Y Def. Constrained Bodies Y Condition of
equilibrium of a rigid body with one points fixed Y If a rigid body is constrained to turn about two fixed points under the influence of external forces, then
to determine the functions of equilibrium Y Forces in Three Dimension Part 3– Screws and Wrenches Y Forces in Three Dimensions Part 4–
Null lines and Null Planes Y Stable and Unstable Equilibrium (Two and Three Dimension) Y Definitions Y Theorems Y Strings in Two
Dimensions Y Suspension bridge Y Equilibrium of a light inextensible string resting on a smooth curve Y Equilibrium of a heavy inextensible string on a
smooth curve in a vertical plane Y Equilibrium of a light inextensible string resting in equilibrium on a rough plane under the action of no external force Y
Equilibrium of a heavy inextensible string resting in limiting equilibrium on rough plane under the action of no external fores Y Central forces Y Extensible
strings Y Theorem Y Elastic string, Theorem Y Strings in Three Dimensions Y Equilibrium of a string under any forces Y Equilibrium of string on any
surface Y String on the surface of revolution Y Heavy string on a sphere Y Heavy string on a cylindrical surface Y String on a right cone Y String on a rough
surface Y Elastic string on a surface Y Virtual Work Part I–Virtual work in two dimensions Y Work Y Theorem Y Virtual Work and Virtual
Displacement Y Principle of Virtual Work ( a system of coplanar forces acting on a rigid body) Y Forces which may be omitted Y Tension of a string or
Thrust in a rod Y Method of Solving the problems Y Attraction and Potential Y The law of attraction Y Attraction Y Attraction of a rod Y Attraction of a
thin uniform spherical shell Y Attraction of a solid sphere Y Potential (Definition) Y Relation between the attraction and potential Y Potential of a finite rod
Y Potential of an infinite rod Y Potential of a Circular disc Y Potential of a spherical shell Y Potential of a solid sphere.
247-27 Tensor Calculus and Riemannian Geometry –D.C. Agarwal
Y Tensor Algebra Y Space of N-dimensions Y Curve Y Transformation of co-ordinates Y Summation convention Y Indicial (or Range) convention Y
Dummy suffix Y Contravariant and covariant vectors (Tensor of first order) Y Tensors of second order (or of rank two) Y The kroneckor delta Y Tensor of
higher rank (or higher orders) Y Invariant or scalar Y Algebraic operations with tensors Y Addition and subtraction of tensors Y Contraction Y Product of
tensors Y Inner Product Y Symmetric Tensor Y Skew-symmetric Tensor Y Quotient law Y Generalized Quotient law Y Conjugate (or Reciprocal)
symmetric tensor Y Relative tensor Y Some theorems on groups Y Tensor field Y Metric Tensor and Riemannian Space Y The metric tensor,
Riemannian metric, Riemannian space Y Fundamental contravariant tensor Y Length of a curve and Null curve Y Associated tensors, Raising and
Lowering of indices Y Magnitude of a vector, Unit vector, Null vector, Scalar product Y Angle between two vectors Y Co-ordinates curves Y Hypersurface
Y Angle between two hypersurfaces Y Angle between two co-ordinate hypersurfaces Y N-ply Orthogonal system of hypersurfaces in a VN Y Congruence
of curves Y Orthogonal ennuple Y Principal directions for a symmetric covariant tensor of second order Y Homogeneous space Y Euclidean space of
m-dimensions Class of VN Y Gradient Y Christoffel's Three-Index Symbols (or Brackets), Covariant Differentiation Y The Christoffel three
Index symbols Y Transformation of Christoffel symbols Y Covariant differentiation of vectors Y Covariant differentiation of tensors Y Intrinsic derivative of
tensor Y Laws of covariant differentiation of tensors Y Covariant derivative of a scalar Y Derived vector Y Tendency of a vector Y Cross product of two
vectors in tensor notation Y Covariant constants, Ricci’s theorem Y Derived vector Divergence of a vector Y Curl of vector Y Laplacian operator Y Some
Important Identities Y Curvature of a Curve, Geodesics Y Curvature of a curve Y First curvature Y Principal normal Y Geodesics Y Euler’s condition Y
Differential equations of Geodesics in a VN Y Geodesic co-ordinates Y Riemannian co-ordinates Y Geodesic form of the line (or linear) element Y
Geodesics in Euclidean space SN Y Parallelism, Generalised Covariant Differentiation Y Parallelism of vector of constant magnitude (Levi Civita’s
Concept) Y Some theorems Y Parallelism for vector of variable magnitude along a curve Y Sub-spaces of a Riemannian Manifold Y Some theorems on
Subspaces Y Parallelism in subspace Y Properties of Vm Y The Fundamental Theorem of Local Riemannian Geometry Y Generalised covariant
Differentiation or Tensor Differentiation Y Laws of Tensor Differentiation Y Riemann Symbols and Curvature Tensor Y Riemann Christoffel Tensor
or curvature tensor Y Riemannian’s symbols of the second kind Y Ricci Tensor Y Covariant curvature tensor and Riemannian symbol of first kind Y
Bianchi ldentity Y Riemannian curvature of VN at a point Y Formula for Riemannian curvature Y Flat space Y Schur’s Theorem Y Mean Curvature
Geometrical interpretation of the Ricci tensor Y Ricci’s Principal directions Y Einstein space Y Weyl Tensor Y Ricci's Coefficients of Rotation,
Congruences Y Ricci’s coefficients of rotation Y Geometrical interpretation of link Reason for the name, "Ricci Coefficient of Rotation" Y To find
curvature of a congruence Y Geodesic congruence Y Normal Congruence Y Curl of congruence lrrotational Congruence Y Congruence canonical with
regard to a given congruence Y Linear sum and difference of two congruences Y Hyper Surfaces Y Gauss’s Formulae Y Second Fundamental form Y
Curvature of a curve in a hypersurface and normal curvature of a hypersurface Y Meunier’s Theorem Y Dupin’s Theorem Y Some definitions Y Euler’s
Formula Y Conjugate directions in a hypersurface Y Asymptotic direction in a hypersurface Y Umbilical points Y Totally geodesic hypersurface Y Tensor
derivative of the unit normal Y The Gauss and Codazzi equations Y Gauss Formulae Y Curvature of a curve in a subspace Y Line of curvature for a given
normal Y Central quadric hypersurfaces in Euclidean space Y Polar hyperplane Y Evolute of hypersurface vn in a Euclidean space SN + Y Hypersphere Y
Y The e-Systems and Generalized Kronecker Delta Y Completely symmetric Y Completely skew-symmetric Y e-System Y Generalized Kronecker
Delta Y Two theorems Y Contraction of δ Y Appendix, Some Preliminaries Y Tensor Analysis Y Determinants Y Differentiation of a
determinant Y Jacobian or Functional determinant Y Matrices Y Linear Equation.
Y Classical Theory of Relativity: Speed of Light Y Inertial Frame (Galilean Frame) Y Galilean Transformations Y Fictitious Force Y
Electrodynamics Y Fizeau's Experiment Y Michelson and Morley Experiment Y Explanation of Negative Results (Null Results) Y Lorentz
Transformations Y The New Concept of Space and Time Y Postulates of Special Theory of Relativity Y Lorentz Transformation Equations Y
Consequences of Lorentz Transformations Y Time Dilation or Apparent Retardation of Rest Y An Interesting Example of Time Dilation Y Experimental
Verification on Time Dilation Y Simultaneity Y Relativistic Formulae for Composition of Velocities Y Relativistic Formulae for Composition of
Accelerations Y Relativity of Time: Proper Time Y Lorentz Transformation Form a Group Y Aberration (Relativistic Treatment) Y Doppler's Effect Y
Confirmation of Doppler Effect Y Relativistic Mechanics Y Mass and Momentum Y Newton's Laws of Motion Y Measurement of Different Units Y
Experimental Verification of the Relation Y Transformation Formula for Mass Y Transformation Formula for Momentum and Energy Y Particle with Rest
Mass Zero Y Binding Energy Y Transformation Formula for Force Y Relativistic Transformation Formula for Density Y Minkowski Space (Four
Dimensional Continuum) Y Geometrical Interpretation of Lorentz Transformation Y Space and Time Like Intervals Y World Points and World Lines Y
Light Cone Y Proper Time Y Energy Momentum Four Vector Y Four Vector (World Vectors) Y Relativistic Equations of Motion Y Minkowski's Equation of
Motion Y Special Relativity in Classical Mechanics Y Lorentz Transformation Y Relativistic Lagrangian and Hamiltonian Y Relativistic Hamiltonian
Y Tensor Calculus Y Tensor and Line Element Y Summation Convention Y Dummy Suffix Y Real Suffix Y Kronecker Delta Y Determinant Y Four
Vectors (World vectors) Y Transformation of Co-ordinates Y Tensor Y Symmetric Tensor Y Anti-symmetric Tensor Y Addition of Tensor Y Inner Product
of Two Vectors Y Multiplication of Tensors Y Contraction Y Reciprocal Symmetric Tensor Y Relative Tensor Y Riemannian Metric Y Associate Tensors Y
Magnitude of a Vector Y Angle between Two Vectors Y Geodesic Curves, Covariant Differentiation Y Christoffel Symbols Y Geodesic Y Covariant
Differentiation of Tensor Y Gradient of a Scalar Y Derived Vector Projection Y Tendency of Vector Y Curl of a Vector Y Divergence of a Vector Y Parallel
Displacement of Vectors Y Principal Normal Y Geodesic Co-ordinates Y Natural Co-ordinates Y Curvature Tensor Y Riemannian Christoffel's Tensor Y
Covariant Curvature Tensor Y Flat Space Time Y Space of Constant Curvature Y The General Theory of Relativity Y Principle of Covariance Y
Principle of Equivalence Y Relativistic Field Equations Y Energy Momentum Tensor Y Schwarzschild Solution Y Isotropic Co-ordinates Y Crucial
Tests in General Relativity Y Cosmology Y Cosmological Models Y Electrodynamics Y Introduction (Maxwell's Equations) Y Gauge Transformation Y
Covariant Form of Lorentz Condition and Equation of Continuity Y Electromagnetic Energy Momentum Tensor Y Energy and Momentum of the
Electromagnetic Field Y Electromagnetic Stress Y Some Applications of Special Theory of Relativity Y Compton Effect Y Experiment on Compton
Scattering Y To Discuss De-Broglie Hypothesis of Matter Waves Y Non-Static Cosmological Model Y Derivation of the Robertson Walker Line
249-45 Topology (General & Algebraic) –J.N. Sharma & J.P. Chauhan
Cartesian Product of Two Sets Y Relations Y Equivalence Classes Y Partitions Y Quotient Set Y Functions Y Sequences Y Real-valued Functions Y
Characteristic Function Y Intervals Y Inverse Mapping Y Product or Composition of Mappings Y Partial Order Relations Y First and Last; Maximal and
Minimal Elements Y Some Properties of Real Numbers Y Zorn's Lemma, Well Ordering and Countability Y The Axiom of Choice and Its Equivalents
Y Cartesian Product of Arbitrary Collection of Sets Y Lemma Y *Tukey ’s Lemma Y *Hausdorff Maximal Principle Y *Zorn’s Lemma Y Well Ordering
Theorem Y Well-ordered Set Y Complete Order Y Cardinality and Denumerability Y Schroeder-Bernstein Theorem Y Denumerable Sets Y Decimal,
Ternary and Binary Representations Y Cardinal Arithmetic Y Exponentiation Y Cantor’s Ternary Set Y Order Types and Ordinal Numbers Y Initial
Segments Y Metric Spaces Y The Real Line R Y Sequences in R Y Metric Y Euclidean Spaces Y Some Important Inequalities Y Bounded and
Unbounded Metric Spaces Y Some Important Metric Spaces Y Sequence Spaces Y Sphere (or Balls) Y Open Sets Y Closed Sets Y Neighbourhood Y
Accumulation Points Y Closure, Interior, Exterior and Boundary of a Set Y Dense and Non-dense Sets Y Sequences and Subsequences in a Metric Space
Y Cauchy Sequences Y Complete Metric Spaces Y Baire Category Theorem Y Completeness and Contracting Mappings Y Banach’s Fixed Point Theorem
Y Some Complete Metric Spaces Y Completion of Metric Space Y Topological Spaces Y Topologies Y Intersection and Union of Topologies Y Metric
Topologies Y Metrizable Spaces Y Equivalent Metrics Y Closed Sets Y Neighbourhood Y Base for the Neighbourhood System of a Point, Base for a
Topology Y Topological Space Generated by Collection of Sets Y Limit Points, Adherent Points and Derived Sets Y Hausdorff Spaces Y Closure Y
Interior, Exterior and Frontier of a Set Y Separable Spaces Y Relations between Closure, Interior and Frontier Y Sub-spaces Y Finite Product of
Topological Space Y Continuity and Homeomorphism Y Continuity Y Continuity of the Composite Function Y Sequential Continuity Y The Pasting
Lemma Y Homeomorphism Y Topological Property Y Uniform Continuity Y Connectedness Y Separated Sets Y Connected and Disconnected Sets Y
Continuity and Connectedness Y Components Y Totally Disconnected Space Y Locally Connected Spaces Y Arcwise Connectivity Y Compactness Y
Open Cover (or covering) Y Compact Y Reducible to Finite Subcover Y Basic and Sub-basic open covers Y Non-compact Y Compact Sub-space Y Finite
Intersection Property (FIP) Y Bolzano Weierstrass Property (BWP) Y Compactness in R Y Compactness in R n Y Countable, Sequential and Local
Compactness Y Compactness in Metric Space Y Continuity and Compactness Y Uniform Continuity and Compactness Y Continuity and Local
Compactness Y Countability and Separation Axioms Y First Countable Spaces Y Second Countable Spaces Y Separable Spaces Y T0 -Spaces or
Kolmogorov Spaces Y T1 - Spaces or Frechet’s Separation Axiom Y T2 - Spaces or Hausdorff Spaces Y Regular Spaces: T3 - spaces Y Normal Space:
T4 - spaces Y Completely Normal Spaces Y Completely Regular Spaces, Tychonoff Spaces Y One-point Compactification Y Product and Quotient
Spaces Y Weak Topologies Y Lattice Y Product Space of Two Spaces Y Projection Mappings Y Product Invariant Properties for Finite Products Y
General Product Spaces (Tychonoff Topology) Y Product Topology (or Tychonoff Topology) Y Product Invariant Properties Y Tychonoff Theorem Y
Embedding Theorems and Metrizability Y Quotient Spaces Y Upper Semi-continuous Decomposition Y The Stone-Cech Compactification Y
Convergence (Net and Filters) Y Sequence in Topological Spaces Y Nets Y Subnets and Cluster Points Y Filters Y Filters Generated by Collection of
Sets Y Filter Base Y Ultrafilters Y Convergence of Filters Y Cluster Points of a Filter Y Metrization Theorems and Paracompactness Y Local Finiteness
Y The Nagata-Smirnov Metrization Theorem Y Paracompactness Y The Smirnov Metrization Theorem Y The Fundamental Group and Covering
Spaces Y Homotopy of Paths Y Homotopy Equivalence Y Retraction and Deformation Y The Fundamental Group Y α-hat Y Covering Spaces Y
Fundamental Group of The Circle Y Lifting Lemma Y Covering Homotopy Lemma Y The Fundamental Group of a Product Space Y The Fundamental
Theorem of Algebra.
250-15 Discrete Mathematics –M.K. Gupta
Y Mathematical Logic Y Statements Y Negation of a Statement Y Conjunction Y Disjunction Y Truth Tables Y Conditional and Bi-conditional
Statements Y Propositional Functions and Propositional Variables Y Tautologies and Contradictions Y Equivalent Statements or Functions Y Law of
Duality Y Functionally Complete Set of Operations Y Quantifiers Y Arguments Y Sets, Relations and Functions Y Methods of Describing Sets Y
Equality of Sets Y Operations on Sets Y Laws of Algebra of Sets Y Cartesian Product of Sets Y Functions Y Binary Operations or Binary Compositions Y
Composition Table Y Relations Y Difference between Relations and Functions Y Properties of Relations on a Set Y Equivalence Relations Y Equivalence
Classes Y Partitions Y Partially Ordered Sets Y Countable and Uncountable Sets Y Cardinality of Sets Y Lattices Y Lattices as Partially Ordered Sets Y
Some Properties of Lattices Y Lattices as Algebric Systems (second definition of Lattices) Y Sublattices Y Direct Product of Lattices Y Isomorphic Lattices Y
Bounded Lattices Y Complements Complemented Lattices Y Cover of an Element, Atoms and Irreducible Elements Y Modular Lattices Y Distributive
Lattices Y Discrete Numeric Functions and Generating Functions Y Discrete Numeric Functions Y Asymptotic behaviour of Numeric Functions Y
The big O-Notations Y Generating Functions Y Solution of Combinatorial Problems using Generating Functions Y Solution of Recurrence Relations by
Generating Functions Y Boolean Algebra Y Subalgebra Y Boolean Algebra as Lattices Y Representation Theorem for Finite Boolean Algebra Y
Boolean Functions Y Conjugate Normal form Y Minimization of Boolean Functions/Karnaugh Maps Y Switching Circuits and Logic Circuits Y
Switching Circuits Y Simplification of Circuits Y Non-series Parallel Circuits Y Relay Circuits Y Logic Circuits Y Design of Circuits from given Properties Y
Basic Concepts in Graph Theory Y Graphs Y Isomorphic Graphs Y Subgraphs and Complements Y Walk, paths and circuits Y Connected Graphs
and Components Y Operations on Graphs Y Special Graphs Y Eulerian Graphs Y Hamiltonian Graphs Y Weighted Graphs Y Trees and Cut-sets Y
Trees Y Distance and centres in a Tree Y Spanning Trees Y Fundamental circuits Y Minimal (shortest) Spanning Trees Y Cut-sets Y Edge Connectivity,
Vertex Connectivity and Separability Y Planer Graphs and Colourings Y Planer Graphs Y Euler's Formula Y Detection of Planarity Y Dual Graphs Y
Thickness and Crossings Y Colouring of Graphs Y Five Colour Problem Y Chromatic Partitioning and Independent Sets Y Chromatic Polynomial Y
Matrices associated with Graphs Y Incidence Matrix Y Adjacency Matrix Y Path Matrix Y Circuit Matrix Y Cut-set Matrix Y Directed Graphs Y Basic
Definitions and Concepts Y Euler Digraphs Y Rooted Trees and Binary Trees Y A cyclic Digraphs Y Matrices in Digraphs Y General Counting Methods
Y Sum and Product Rules Y Permutations Y Combinations Y The Pigeonhole principle Y The Inclusion-exclusion Principle Y Formal Languages,
Grammars and Finite State Machines Y Languages and Grammars Y Types of Grammars and Languages Y Regular Sets and Regular Languages Y
Finite state Machines Y Machine Minimization Y Finite State Machines as Language Recognizers Y Semigroups and Monoids Y Algebraic Structure Y
Semigroups Y Homomorphism of Semigroups Y Monoids Y Homomorphism of Monoids Y Congruence Relation and Quotient Semigroups.
251-04 (B) Advanced Mathematics for Pharmacists –A.R. Vasishtha & Others
Y Differential Equations Y Elementary Integration Y Definitions Y Constant of Integration Y Some properties of integral Y Fundamental integration
formulae Y Extended forms of fundamental formula Y Methods of integration Y Integration by substitution Y Integral of the product of two functions
x ax
Y Integration by parts as applied to the functions of the type e [ f (x ) + f '(x )] Y Integrals of e sin bx and e ax cos bx Y Some Special Integrals YThree
dx dx dx
,( x > a); ,( x < a) Y Evaluation of integrals of various types by using standard results Y Three more special
special integrals
a + x
x −a 2 ∫ 2
a −x 2
dx dx dx
∫ 2
a −x 2
∫ 2
x −a 2
∫ 2
Y Evaluation of integrals of various types 1/
x + a 2
(ax 2
+ bx + c ;( px + q)/ ax 2 + bx + c by using standard
results Y Three more special integrals a 2 − x 2 dx ; x 2 − a 2 dx; x 2 + a 2 dx Y Evaluation of integrals of varius types
∫ ∫ ∫
ax 2 + bx + c ; ax 2 + bx + c ; (px 2 + qx + r)/ ax 2 + bx + c by using standard results Y Integration of some special irrational algebraic
∫ ∫ (px + q) ∫
1 1 1 1
fractions ; ; ; Y Integrals of the type
( ax + b) cx + d (ax + bx + c) Ax + B
( px + q) ax 2
+ bx + c Ax 2
+ B (
Cx 2
+ D )( )
dx dx dx dx P cos x + Q sin x + R
Integration of sin m x cos n x
∫ a + b cos x , ∫ a + b sin x , ∫ a sin x + b cos x , ∫ a sin x + b cos x + c Y Integration of
a cos x + b sin x + c
Y Y Integration
Using Partial Fractions Y Rational fractions Y Partial fractions Y Integration using partial fractions Y Definite Integrals Y Definition Y Evaluation of
definite integrals Y Results regarding trignometric functions Y Subsitutions in the case of definite integrals Y Fundamental properties of definite integralas Y
The definite integral as the limit of a sum Y Differential Equations of First Order and First Degree Y Definitons Y Differential equations of first
order and first degree Y Variables separable Y Homogeneous equations Y Equations reducible to homogeneous form Y Linear differential equations Y
Equations reducible to the linear form Y Exact differential equations Y Integrating factors Y Change of variables Y Linear Differential Equations with
Constant Coefficients Y Defintions Y Determination of complementary function (C.F.) Y The Particular Integral (P.I.) Y Particular integral in some
special cases Y To find P.I. when Q = e a x V, where V is any function of x Y To find P.I. when Q = e ax and F (a) = C Y To find P.I. when Q = sin ax or
cos ax and F (− a 2) = 0 Y To find P.I. when Q = xV, where V is any function of x Y The operator , α being a constant Y Ordinary Simultaneous
D −α
Differential Equations Y Methods of solving simultaneous linear differential equations with constant coefficients Y Number of arbitrary constants Y
Simultaneous equations of the form P1 dx + Q1 dy + R1 dz = 0, P2 dx + Q2 dy + R2 dz = 0, where P1, P2, Q1, Q2, R1 and R2 are functions of x,y,z Y
dx dy dz
Geometrical interpretation of the differrential equations = = Y Linear Dependence and Independence of Solutions of Equations Y
Linear dependence and independence of solutions of an equation Y Fundamental set of solutions Y Wronskian Y Theorem Y Biometrics Y Data
Collection Y Primary and Secondary data Y Collection of primary data Y Collection of secondary data Y Limitations of secondary data Y Census and
Sampling Y Population and Sample Y Census and sample enquiry Y Census versus sample enquiry Y Fundamental principles of sampling theory Y
Method of sampling Y Organisation of Data Y Classification of data Y Object of classification Y Basis of classification Y Classification according to
attributes Y Classification by variables Y Frequency distribution Y Sturge's rule for number of classes and size of class interval Y Cummulative frequency
distribution Y Diagrammatic Representation of Data Y Importance and utility of diagrams Y Limitations of diagrams Y Rules for construction of
diagrams Y Types of diagrams Y Graphic Representation of Data Y The histogram Y The frequency polygon Y The frequency curve Y Cummulative
frequency curve or ogive Y Graphs of time series or line graphs Y Measures of Central Tendency Y Objectives of average Y Characteristics of a good
average Y Various measures of central tendency Y Some special problems relating to arithmetic mean Y Properties of arithmetic mean Y Correcting
incorrect values Y Merits and demerits of arithmetic mean Y Median Y Calculation of median Y Properties of median Y Advantages of the median Y
Partition values Y Graphical determination of median quartiles etc. Y Quartiles Y Mode Y Calculation of mode Y Determination of mode from mean and
median Y Measures of Despersion Y Objects and importance of dispersion Y Characteristics for a satisfactory measure of dispersion Y Absolute and
relative measure of variation Y Measures of dispersion combined standard deviation Y Correcting incorrect values of mean and standard deviation Y
Coefficient of variation Y Mathematical properties of standard deviation Y Choice of suitable measure of dispersion Y Measures of Skewness and
Kurtosis Y Skewness Y Measure of skewness Y Moments Y Conversion of moments about an arbitrary origin into moments about mean Y Utility of
moments Y Kurtosis Y Measure of Kurtosis Y Correlation and Regression Y Types of correlation Y Methods of determining correlation Y Regression Y
Linear and non-linear regression Y Regression lines Y Another form of regression lines Y Method of fitting regression lines Y Probability Y A priori or
classical definition of probability Y A posteriori or empirical probability Y Algebra of events Y Probability defined on events Y Permutations and
combinations Y Probability of a simple event Y Addition rule of probability Y Addition rule, when events are not mutually exclusive Y Independence and
the multiplication rule Y Conditional probability Y Probability of at least one event Y Odds in favour and odds against Y Probability based on Bernouli's
trials Y Inverse probability Y Baye’s theorem Y Random Variable and Probability Distribution Y Random variable Y Probability distribution Y Mean
and variance of random variable Y Binomial and poisson distribution Y Coefficients of the binomials Y Characteristics of binomial distribution Y
Recurrence formula for the probabities of binomial distribution Y Poisson distribution Y Characteristics of poisson distribution Y Recurrence formula for
the probabilities of poisson distibution Y Normal distribution Y Definiton Y Some properties of normal distribution Y Standard form of the normal
distribution Y Area under the normal curve Y Method of consulting table Y Fitting of normal distribution Y Statistical Inference Y Population and
sample Y Parameter and statistic Y Sampling distribution of the statistic Y Standard error of the statistic Y Utility of standard error Y Statistical inference Y
Errors in hypothesis testing Y Procedure of test of significance Y Various tests of significance Y Test of significance based on t-distribution Y Test of
significance based on F- distribution Y χ 2 - distribution Y Tests based on χ 2 distribution Y Analysis of variance Y Assumptions Y The basic principle of
Anova Y Analysis of variance of one way classified data Y Short-cut method Y Coding method Y Statistical Tables Y Area Under The Standard Normal
Curve Y Ordinates of The Standard Normal Curve Y Critical Values of t-distribution Y Critical Values of χ 2- distribution Y Percentage Points of The F
Distribution (Upper 1% Points) Y Percentage Points of The F Distribution (Upper 5% Points) Y Value of e − m Y Logarithms Y Antilogarithms Y Appendix.
252-03 (B) Basic Mathematics for Chemists –A.R. Vasishtha & A.K. Vasishtha
Y Multiple Products of Vectors Y Vectorss Y Addition of Vectors Y Subtraction of Two Vectors Y Multiplication of A Vector By A Scalar or Scalar Multiple of A
Vector Y Rectangular Components of A Vector in Three Dimensions Y The Scalar or Dot Product of Two Vectors Y The Vector Product or Cross Product of
Two Vectors Y Properties of Vector Product Y Triple Products Y Scalar Triple Product Y Distributive Law For Vector Product Y Properties of Scalar Triple
Product Y To express the value of the scalar triple product [abc] in Terms of Rectangular Components of the vectors Y To Express the Scalar Triple Product [a,b,c]
In Terms of Any Three Non- coplanar Vectors l, m, n Y Vector Triple Product Y Vector Triple Product is not Associative Y Scalar Product of Four Vectors Y
Vector Product of Four Vectors Y Reciprocal System of Vectors Y Differentiation and Integration of Vectors Y Vector Function Y Scalar Fields and
Vector Fields Y Limit and Continuity of A Vector Function Y Derivative of A Vector Function With Respect to A Scalar Y Differentiation Formulae Y
Derivative of A function of A Function Y Derivative of A Constant Vector Y Derivative of A Vector Function In Terms of Its Components Y Some Important
Results Y Integration of vector functions Y Some Standard Results Y Gradient, Divergence and Curl Y Partial Derivatives of Vectors Y The Vector
Differential Operator Del ( ∇) Y Gradient of A Scalar Field Y Formulas Involving Gradient Y Equipotential Surfaces or Level Surfaces Y Directional Derivative of
A Scalar Point Function Y Tangent plane And Normal To A level Surface Y Divergence of A vector Point Function Y Curl of A Vector Point Function Y The
Laplacian Operator ∇2 Y Physical Interpretation of Divergence And Curl Y Some Important Vector Identities Y Green's, Gauss's and Stoke's Theorems Y
Some Preliminary Concepts Y Line Integrals Y Surface Integrals Y Volume Integrals Y Green's Theorem In the Plane Y Green's Theorem In The Plane In Vector
Notation Y Applications Of Green's Theorem Y The Divergence Theorem of Gauss Y Some Deductions From Divergence Theorem Y Applications of Gauss’s
Divergence Theorem Y Stoke's Theorem Y Applications of Stoke's Theorem Y Determinants Y Determinants of Order 2 Y Determinants of Order 3 Y
Determinants of Order 4 Y Minors And Cofactors Y Properties of Two Determinants of The Same Order Y Working Rule For Finding The Value of A
Determinant Y Symbols And Notations To Be Employed For Finding The Values of A Determinant Y Application of Determinants In Solving A System of
Linear Equations Y System of Linear Non-homogenous equations in Two Unknowns (Cramer’s Rule) Y System of Linear Non- homogeneous Equations In
Three Unknowns (Cramer's Rule) Y Algebra of Matrices Y Matrix Y Special Types of Matrices Y Submatrices of A Matrix Y Equality of Two Matrices Y
Addition of Matrices Y Properties of Matrix Addition Y Properties of Multiplication of A Matrix By A scalar Y Multiplication of Matrices Y Properties of Matrix
Multiplication Y Positive Integral of A Square Matrix Y Transpose of A Matrix Y Symmetric and Skew-symmetric Matrices Y Conjugate of a Matrix Y Transposed
Conjugate of a Matrix Y Hermitian And Skew -Hermitian Matrices Y Orthogonal and Unitary Matrices Y Singular and Non-singular Matrices Y Adjoint and
Inverse of a Matrix Y Adjoint of a Square Matrix Y Inverse or Reciprocal of a Matrix Y Linear Equations Y Solving Systems of Linear Equations Using
Inverse of a Matrix Y Submatrix of a Matrix Y Rank of a Matrix Y Echelon Form of a Matrix Y Elementary Operations or Elementary Transformations of a
Matrix Y Symbols to be Employed For The Elementary Transformations Y Elementary Matrices Y Vectors Y Linear Dependence And Linear Independence of
Vectors Y Homogeneous Linear Equations Y Some Important Conclusions About The Nature of Solutions of The Equations AX = 0 Y Working Rule For
Finding The Solutions of the Equation AX = 0 Y Systems of Linear Non- homogeneous Equations Y Condition For Consistency Y Condition For A
Systems of n Equations in n Unknowns To Have A Unique Solution Y Working Rule For Finding The Solution of the Equations AX = B Y Eigen values
and Eigen vectors Y Matric Polynomials Y Characteristic Values and Characteristic Vectors of a Matrix Y Certain Relations Between Characteristic Roots
and Characteristic Vectors Y Nature of the Characteristic Roots of Special Types of Matrices Y The Process of Finding the Eigen values and Eigen vectors of a
Matrix Y Cayley-Hamiliton Theorem Y Diagonalisation of a Matrix Y Introduction to Vector Space Y Some Basic Concepts Y Vector space Y General
Properties of Vector Spaces Y Vector Subspaces Y Algebra of Subspaces Y Linear Combination of Vectors Y Linear Sum of Two Subspaces Y Linear
Dependence and Linear Independence of Vectors Y Basis of a Vector Space Y Introduction to Tensors Y Superscript and Subscript Y Space of
n-dimensions of Subspace Y Curve in n- Dimensional Space Y Einstein 's Summation Convention Y Transformation of Coordinates Y Kronecker
Delta Y Some Properties of Kronecker Delta Y Scalars or Invariants Y Contravariant and Covariant (Tensors of Order One) Y Tensors of Order
Two Y Tensors of Higher order (or Higher Rank) Y Some Properties of Tensors Y Symmetric and Skew - symmetric or Anti-symmetric Tensor Y
Addition and Subtraction of Tensors Y Functions, Limits and Continuity Y Functions Y Examples of Some Real Functions Y Some Definition
and Basic Concepts Y Limit of a Function at a Point Y Algevra of Limits Y Some Important Expansions Y Some Important Properties of Limits Y
Factorisation Method Y Evaluation of a Limit When the Direct Subsitution Gives The Indeterminate Form ∞ − ∞ Y Some Standard Limits Y One
Sided Limits i.e., Right Hand and Left Hand Limits Y Limits at Infinity and Infinite Limits Y Continuity Y Discontinuity Y Jump of a Function at a
Point Y Working Rule For Checking the Continuity of a Function f (x) At A Point a of its Domain Y Cauchy's Definition of Continuity Y
Differentiability Y Relation Between Continuity and Differentiability Y Differentiation Y Increments Y The Differential Coefficient Y Some
Standard Results Y List of Standard Results to be Committed to Memory Y Differential Coefficient of the sum of two Functions Y Differential
Coefficient of the Product of Two Functions Y Differential coefficient of the Quotient of Two Functions Y Differential Coefficient of a Function Y
Hyperbolic Functions Y Inverse Hyperbolic Functions and their Derivatives Y Inverse Functions Y Differential Coefficients of Inverse
Trignometric Functions Y Trigonometric Transformation Y Logarithmtic Differentiation Y Differential Coefficient of the Product of Any Number
of Functions Y Implict Functions Y Parametric Equations Y Differentiation of a Function With Respect to a Function Y Differentiation of Infinite
Recurring Expressions Y Partial Differentiation Y Partial Differential Coefficient Y Partial Differential Coefficients of Higher orders Y
Homogeneous Function Y Euler's Theorem on Homogeneous Functions Y Total Differential Coefficient Y First Differential Coefficient of an
Implicit Function Y Applications to Thermodynamics Y Applications of Exact and Inexact Differentials to Thermodynamics Y Maxima and
Minima Y Working Rule For Maxima and Minima of f (x) Y Applications of Maxima and Minima to Geometrical and Other Problems Y Most Probable Speed From
Maxwell's Distribution Y Bohr's Radius Y Curve Sketching Y Concavity and Convexity Y Point of Inflexion Y Test for Point of Inflexion Y Multiple
Points Y Singular Points Y Classification of Double Points Y Species of Cusps Y Tangents At Origin Y Change of Origin Y Tangents at the Point
( h,k ) To A Curve Y Curve Tracing. Cartesian Equations Y Curve Tracing . Polar Equations Y Parametric Equations Y Integration Y Definitions Y
Constant of Integration Y Some Properties of Integral Y Standard Results Y Extended Forms of Fundamental Formulae Y Methods of Integration
Y Integration by Subsitution Y Integral of the Product of two Functions Y Integration by Parts as Applied to the Functions of the Type e x [ f (x) + f '(x)] Y
Integrals of e a x sin bx and e ax cos bx Y Three Special Integrals Y Evaluation of Integrals of Various Types by Using Standard Results Y Three More
Special Integrals Y Evaluation of Integral of Various Types 1 / (ax 2 + bx + c );(px + q) / ax 2 + bx + c by Using Standard results Y Three More Special
a 2 − x 2 dx; x 2 − a 2 dx; x 2 + a 2 dx
∫ ∫ ∫ Y Evaluation of Integrals of Various types
( ) ( )
(ax 2 + bx + c ); px + q ax 2 + bx + c ; px 2 + qx + r / ax 2 + bx + c by Using Standard Results Y Integration of Some Special Irrational Algebraic
1 1 1 1
Fractions ; ; ; Y Integrals of the Type
( ax + b) cx + d 2
ax + bx + c Ax + B ) 2
(px + q) (ax + bx + c) Ax + B Cx 2 + D
( )
dx dx dx dx P cos x + Q sin x + R
Integration of sin m x cos n x
∫ ,
∫ ,
∫ ,
a + b cos x a + b sin x a sin x + b cos x a sin x + b cos x + c ∫
Y Integration of
a cos x + b sin x + c
Y Y Partial
Fractions Y Definite Integral Y Evaluation of Definite Integrals Y Results Regarding Trigonometric Functions Y Reduction Formulae Y
sin n xdx, and cos n x dx, n being a + ive integer tan n x dx and
Reduction Formulae
∫ ∫ Y Walli's Formula Y To Find Reduction Formula for
n n n m n
∫ cot x dx Y To Obtain the Reduction Formulae For
∫ sec x dx and ∫ cos ec x dx Y To Find A Reduction Formula For
∫ sin x cos x dx Y Gamma
m + 1 n + 1
π /2 Γ Γ
m n 2 2 , where m and n are Positive Integers Integration of x n sin mx
Functions to Show That
∫ sin
x cos x dx =
m + n + 2
Y Y Reduction
n n ax n ax n
Formulae for
∫ x sin x dx and ∫ x cos x dx Reduction Formulae for ∫ e sin bx dx and ∫ e cos bx dx Reduction Formulae for
n ax n ax m m
∫x e ∫ ∫ ∫ n
sin bx dx and x e cos bx dx And x cos x dx Reduction Formula for cos x sin nx dx Reduction Formula for cos x cos nx dx
Applications of Integral Calculus Y Quadrative Y Areas of Curves Given by Cartesian Equations Y Areas of Curves Given by Polar
Equations Y Rectification Y Lengths of Curves Y Differential Equations of First Order and First Degree Y Definitons Y Formation of a
Differential Equation Y Differential Equations of First Order and First Degree Y Variables Separable Y Homogeneous Equations Y Linear
Differential Equations Y Equations Reducible to the Linear Form Y Exact Differential Equations Y Integrating Factors Y Applications of
Differential Equations to Chemical Reactions and Solutions Y Second Order Differential Equations with Constant Coefficients Y Second
Order Differential Equations Y Determination of Complementary Function (C.F) Y Power Series Solutions of Differential Equations Y Power
Series Y Power Series Method For Solving Linear Differential Equations With Variable Coefficients Y Legendre's and Bassel's Differential
Equations Y Solution Near A Regular Singular Point Y Some Cases of Failure of the Method of Frobenius Y Spherical Harmonics Y Fourier
Series Y Periodic Functions Y Dirichlet's Conditions Y Fourier Series Y Some Important Results Y Determination of Fourier Coefficients Y
Fourier Series Expansion of an Even or Odd Function in ( − π, π ) Y Permutations and Combinations Y The Factorial Function Y Fundamental
Principles of Counting Y Permutations Y Restricted Permutations Y Permutations of Objects Not All Distinct Y Permutations When Objects Can
Repeat Y Circular Permutations Y Combination Y Difference Between A Permutation and a Combination Y Combinations of n Different Objects
Taken r at a time Y Division into Groups Y Practical Problems On Combinations Y Probability Y Some Basic Concepts and Definitions Y
Probability of an Event Y Odds in Favour and Odds Against an Event Y Addition Theorems of Probability (Or Theorems of Total Probability) Y
Conditional Probability Y Multiplication Theorem of Probability Y Inverse Probability : Baye's Theorem Y Errors Y Curve Fitting Y Method of
Least Squares Y Some Particular Cases Y Change of Origin and Scale.
Y Preliminaries Y Well ordering principle Y Mathematical induction Y Binomial coefficient Y Pascal’s triangle Y Basis representation theorem Y
Divisibility Theory Y Division algorithm Y Greatest common divisor Y Euclidean algorithm Y Least common multiple Y Fibonacci sequence Y Lame’s
theorem Y Kroneeker’s theorem Y The linear diophantine equation Y Primes and Their Distribution Y Prime number Y Fundamental theorem of
arithmetic Y Sieve of eratosthenes Y The Goldback conjecture Y Theory of Congruence Y Basic properties of congruence Y Residue system Y Tests of
divisibility Y Linear congruence Y Solvability condition of a system of linear congruences Y Fermat’s Theorem Y Fermat’s factorization method Y
Fermat’s little theorem Y Wilson’s theorem Y Euler’s factorization method Y Number Theoretic Functions Y The function τ and σ Y The Mobius
function (or the Mobius inversion formula) Y The greatest integer function Y Euler’s function Y Euler’s theorem Y Some properties of Euler’s function Y
Function T(n) Y Function S(n) Y Function ζ( s ) Y Function φ(n) Y Square free integer Y Application to cryptography Y Primitive Roots and Indices Y
The order of an integer modulo n Y Primitive roots Y Primitive roots for primes Y Composite numbers having primitive roots Y The theory of indices Y
Quadratic Congruence and Quadratic Reciprocity Law Y Quadratic congruence Y Quadratic residue Y Euler’s residue Y Legendre symbol and its
properties Y Quadratic reciprocity law Y Quadratic congruences with composite module Y Jacobi symbol Y Perfect Numbers Y Mersenne primes Y
Fermat number Y Pythagorean triples Y Other diophantine equation Y Fermat’s last theorem Y Sum of Squares of Integers Y Sum of two squares Y
Sum of more than two squares Y Waring’s problem Y Additional Topics Y Types of Number theory Y Theta function Y ψ-Function Y π-Function Y
Elementary properties of π(x) Y Bertrand’s conjecture Y Gaussian integer Y Properties of Gaussian integer Y Partition Y Graphical representation of
partition Y Conjugate partition Y Generating function Y Some Important Tables Y List of prime numbers less than 10,000 Y Squares and Cubes of
integers, n, where 1≤ n≤ 200 Y Least primitive root r of each prime p, where 2≤ p ≤ 1, 000 Y τ(n), σ(n), φ(n) and µ(n) where 1≤ n≤ 100.
Y Mathematical Aspects of Population Biology Y Some Fundamental Concepts Y Models Y Mathematical Modelling Y Formulation of a
Mathematical Model Y Solution of a Mathematical Model Y Interpretation of the Solution Y Types of Models Y Limitation of Models Y Areas of Modelling
Y Some Simple Mathematical Models Y Mathematical Modelling in Biology or Bio-mathematics Y Single Species Models Y Stability and Classification of
Equilibrium Points Y Relationship between Eigen values and Critical Points Y Single-species Models (Non-age structured) Y Exponential Growth
Model Y Formulation of the Model Y Solution and Interpretation Y Limitations of the Model Y Effects of Immigration and Emigration on Population Y
Logistic Growth Model Y Solution and Interpretation Y Limitation of Logistic Model Y Extension of the Logistic Model Y Single-species Models (Age
Structured) Y Continuous-time Continuous-age Scale Population Models Y Discrete-time Discrete-age Scale Population Models Y Density Dependent
Model Y Two-sex Models Y Continuous-time Discrete-age Population Model Y Mc Kendrick Approach to age Structure Y Two Species Populations
Models Y Predator Prey Model Y Secular Equation for Determining Stability Y Some Other Prey-predator Models Y Two Dimensional Models and
Competition Models Y Two Dimensional Model Without Carrying Capacity Y Two Dimensional Model with Carrying Capacity Y Competition Models
Y General Continuous Model for Competition Y Competition Model with Time Delays Y Simple Competition Model Y Mathematical Models in
Epidemiology Y Basic Concepts Y SI Model Y SIS Model with Constant Coefficient Y SIS Model with coefficient is a function of time t Y SIS Model with
Constant Number of Carriers Y SIS Model when the Carriers is a Function of Time t Y General Deterministic Model with Removal (SIR Model) Y Epidemic
Model with Vaccination Y Biological Fluid Mechanics Y Some Basic Concepts of Fluid Dynamics Y Poiseuille’s Flow Y Model for Blood Flow Y
Properties of Blood Y Bifurcation in an Artery Y Pulsatile Flow of Blood Y Tans-capillary Exchange Y Sedimentation.
Y Introduction to Security Attacks Y Services and Mechanisms Y Introduction to cryptology Y Conventional Encryption: Conventional Encryption
model Y Classical encryption techniques - Substitution ciphers and transposition ciphers cryptanalysis Y Steganography Y Stream and block ciphers Y
Midern Block Ciphers: Block Ciphers principles Y Shannon's Theory of Confusion and diffusion Y Fiestal Structure Y Data Encryption Standards
(DES) Y Strength of DES Y Differential and Linear Cryptanalysis of DES Y Block Cipher Modes of Operation Y Triple DES Y IDEA encryption and
decryption Y Strength of IDEA Y Confidentiality using Conventional Encryption Y Traffic confidentiality Y Key distribution Y Random number generation
Y Introduction to group Y Ring and field Y Prime and Relative Prime numbers Y Modular arithmetic Y Fermat's and Euler's Theorem Y Primality Testing
Euclid's Algorithm Y Chinese Remainder Theorem Y Discrete Logarithms Y Principles of public key cryptosystems Y RSA algorithm, Security of RSA
Y Key management Y Diffle-Hellman key Exchange algorithm Y Idea of Elliptic Curve cryptography Y Elgemal Encryption Y Message Authentication
and Hash Function: Authentication requirements Y Authentication functions Y Message Authentication codes Y Hash functions Y Birthday attack Y
Security of Hash function and MACSM, MD 5 message digest algorithm Y Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA) Y Digital Signatures: Digital Signatures Y
Authentication Protocol Y Digital Signature Standard (DSS) Y Proof of digital signature algorithm Y Authentication Applications: Kerberos and
X.509 Y Directory authentication service Y Electronic Mail security-Pretty Good Privacy (PGP), S/MIME Y IP Security: Architecture Y Authentication
Header Y Encapsulating security payloads Y Combining security associations Y Key management Y Web Security: Secure Socket Layer and Transport
Layer Security Y Secure Electronic Transaction (SET) Y System Security: Intruders Y Viruses and related threats Y Firewall design principles Y Trusted
526-05 Partial Differential Equations –Dr. R.K. Gupta
Y Laplace and Inverse Laplace Transforms (Elementary Idea) Y Laplace transform (definitions) Y Linearity property of Laplace transformation Y
Laplace transforms of some elementary functions Y Laplace transforms of some elementary functions table Y Laplace transform theorem Y Two important
theorems Y Some special functions an their Laplace transforms Y Inverse Laplace Transform Y Inverse Laplace transform (definition) Y Linearity
property of inverse Laplace Transform Y Inverse Laplace transform of some elementary functions Y Inverse Laplace transform theorems Y Convolution Y
Convolution theorem (or convolution property) Y Heaviside’s expansion theorem or formula Y The complex inversion formula Y Laplace transforms of
partial derivatives Y Fourier Transforms Y Dirichlet’s conditions Y Fourier series Y Fourier’s integral formula Y Fourier transform or complex fourier
transform Y Inversion theorem for complex fourier transforms Y Fourier sine transform Y Fourier cosine transform Y Linearity property of fourier
transform Y Change of scale property Y Shifting property Y Multiple four transforms Y Convolution Y The convolution or Falting theorem for fourier
transforms Y Relationship between fourier and Laplace transforms Y Fourier transform of the derivative of a function Y Finite fourier transform Y Finite
fourier sine transform Y Inversion formula for finite fourier sine transform Y Finite fourier cosine transform Y Inversion formula for fourier cosine transform
Y Finite fourier sine and cosine transforms of the derivatives of a function f (x) Y Convolution Y Partial Differential Equations of the First Order Y
Definitions Y Derivation of partial differential equations Y Some definitions Y Lagrange’s linear partial differential equation Y Lagrange’s solution of the
Lagrange’s linear equation (Lagrange’s method of solving the linear partial differential equation of order one namely Pp + Qq = R) Y Working method Y
The linear partial differential equation with n Independent variables Y Integral surfaces passing through a given curve Y Compatible system of first-order
equations Y Non-linear Partial Differential Equations of First Order (Charpit's and Jacobi's Methods) Y Solution of partial differential
equations of first order and any degree in some standard forms Y Standard form I, equations involving only p and q and no x, y and z Y Standard form II :
equations involving only p, q and z Y Standard from III;. equations of the form f1 (x, p) = f2(y, q) Y Standard form IV equations of the form
z = px + qy + f (p, q) Y Charpit’s Method : general method of solution of non-linear partial differential equation of order one with two independent
variables Y Jacobi’s methods Y Envelopes and Characteristics Y Integral strip and characteristic strip Y Cauchy’s method of characteristics for solving
a non linear partial differential equation Y An important theorem Y Envelope Y Two important theorems on envelops Y Partial Differential
Equations of the Second Order with Variable Coefficients Y The origin of second order partial differential equation Y Special types of second
order partial differential equations Y Solutions of equations under given condition Y Classification of Linear Partial Differential Equations Y
Classification of linear partial differential equations of second order in n-independent variations Y Classification of linear partial differential equation of
second order in two independent variables Y Laplace Transformation, Canonical Forms, Linear Hyperbolic Equations Y Laplace
transformation (canonical forms) Y Linear hyperbolic equations (existence theorem) Y Riemann method of solution of general linear Hyperbolic equation
of the second order Y Wave, Heat, Laplace and Diffusion Equations Y One-dimensional wave equation Y Two dimensional wave equations Y One
dimensional heat equation Y Heat equation Y Laplace’s equation Y Two dimensional Laplace (or Harmonic) equation in terms of plane polar
co-ordinates (r, θ) Y Laplace’s equation in terms of spherical co-ordinates Y Laplace’s equation in terms of cylindrical co-ordinates Y Diffusion equation Y
Applications of Laplace Transform in the Solutions of Partial Differential Equations (Initial and Boundary Value Problems) Y A
boundary value problem Y Laplace transforms of some partial derivatives Y Application of Laplace transform to mechanics Y Applications of Fourier
Transform in the Solutions of Partial Differential Equations (Initial and Boundary Value Problems) Y Application of infinite fourier
transforms Y Choice of infinite fourier sine or cosine transform Y Application of finite four transforms Y The choice of finite fourier sine or cosine transform
Y The Wave Equation Y Wave equation in different forms Y Solution of linear partial differential equation by separation of variable method Y Some
important and useful series Y Solution of one dimensional wave equation by using the method of separation of variables Y Solution of one dimensional
wave equation under the given conditions Y The Riemann- Volterra solution of the one-dimensional wave equation Y Some important and useful
differential equations and their solutions Y Solution of two dimensional wave equation Y Vibration of a circular membrane (Solution of two dimensional
wave equation in Polar co-ordinates) Y Solution fo three dimensional wave equation by method of separation of variables Y Solution of wave equation is
cylindrical co-ordinates by the method of separation of variables Y Solution of wave equation in spherical polar co-ordinates by the method of separation
of variables Y The Heat (or Diffusion) Equation Y Heat (or Diffusion) equation in different forms Y Solution of one dimensional heat equation by
separation of variables Y Solution of one dimensional heat equation under given boundary conditions Y Solution of two dimensional heat equation in
cartesian coordinates Y Solution of heat equation in plane polar co-ordinates by separation of variables Y Solution of three dimensional heat equation by
the method of separation of variables Y Solution of heat (diffusion) equation in spherical polar coordinates by the method of separation of variables Y
Laplace Equation Y Laplace’s (or potential) equation in different forms Y Solution of two dimensional Laplace’s (Harmonic) equation by using the
method of separation of variables Y Solution of two dimensional Laplace’s equation under the given conditions Y Solution of Laplace equation in plane
polar coordinates by separation of variables Y Solution of Laplace’s equation in rectangular cartesian co-ordinates (x, y, z) by the method of separation of
variables Y Solution of Laplace’s equation in cylindrical co-ordinates by the method of separation of variables Y Solution of Laplace’s equation in
spherical co-ordinates by the method of separation of variables Y Green’s Functions and Properties of Harmonic Functions Y Some definitions Y
Green’s function Y Green’s function for Laplace equation Y Symmetric property of the Green’s function Y Helmholtz’s first theorem Y Green’s function for
the wave equation Y Determine the Green’s function for the Helmholtz equation for the half-space z ≥ 0 Y Green’s function for the heat equation
(diffusion equation) Y Harmonic function Y Properties of Harmonic function Y The spherical mean Y Mean value theorem for Harmonic Functions Y
Calculus of Variations Y Euler’s equation Y Another form of Eulers equation Y Field of extremals Y Jacobi condition and Jacobi equation Y Legendre
condition Y Hamiltonian equations Y The Hamilton-Jacobi equation Y Transport Equation Y Generalised or weak solution Y Transport equation for
a linear hyperbolic system.
Y Concepts of Set Theory Y Functions or Mappings Y Types of Mappings Y Sets of Numbers Y Algebraic Structure Y Relation Y Equivalence Relation Y
Prologue to Groups Y Groupoid Y Semigroups Y Monoids (Semigroups with identity) Y Sub Semigroups Y Commutative Monoid Y Morphisms of
Monoids Y Congruence Relation and Quotient Semigroups Y Groups Y Abelian or Commutative Group Y Finite and Infinite Groups Y Integral Powers
of an Element Y Order of an Element of a Group Y Modulo Systems Y Division Algorithm Y Residue Classes Modulo n Y Transformation, Permutation
and Permutation Groups Y Cyclic Permutation Y Even and Odd Permutations Y Subgroups of a Group Y Union and Intersection of Subgroups Y Cosets Y
Cyclic Groups Y Normal Subgroup Y Conjugate Element Y Normalizer of an Element Y Quotient Group Y Homomorphism of a Group Y Advanced
Theory of Groups Y Operations of a Group on a Set Y Representations of G as a group of Permutations Y Isotropy Group Y Isotropy Subgroups Y
Applications of G-sets to Counting Y Maximal Subgroups and Composition Series Y Series of Groups : Normal and Subnormal Series Y Subnormal Series
Y Composition Series Y Ascending and Descending Subnormal Chain Y Sylow’s p-Subgroup Y Sylow’s General Theorems Y Nilpotent and Solvable
Groups Y Rings and Fields Y Ring Y Elementary Properties of a Ring Y Ring with and Without Zero Divisors Y Cancellation Laws in a Ring Y Field,
Integral Domain and Skew Field Y Subrings : Rings within Rings YProperties of Subrings Y Subfield : Field within Field Y Characteristic of a Ring Y
Characteristic of a Field Y Ordered Integral Domain Y Ordered Relations in an integral Domain Y Polynomial Rings Y Set of All Polynomials Over a Ring Y
Ideals Y Homomorphism of Rings Y Theorems on Homomorphisms Y Kernel of a Ring Homomorphism Y Isomorphisms and Quotient Rings Y Principal
Ideal Y Principal Ideal Ring Y Divisibility in an Integral Domain Y Units and Associates Y Prime Ideals Y Maximal Ideals Y Embedding of Rings Y
Euclidean and Factorization Domains Y Concepts of Divisibility in a Ring Y Prime and Irreducible Elements Y Method of Finding the g.c.d. of Any
Two Members of F(x) Y Euclidean Rings (or Euclidean Domain) Y Unique Factorization Domain Y Polynomial Rings over Unique Factorization Domain
Y Field of Quotients of a Unique Factorization Domain Y Eisenstein’s Criterion of Irreducibility Y Advanced Theory of Rings Y Primary Decomposition
of Ideals Y Gröbner Bases for Ideals Y Rings of Fraction Y Rings with ORE Condition Y Equivalence Relation and Equivalence Class with ORE Condition
Y Wedderburn’s Theorem on Finite Division Ring Y Noetherian Rings (Rings With Chain Conditions) Y Noetherian Rings Y Basic Properties of
Noetherian Rings Y Decomposition of Ideals in Noetheriai Rings Y Artinian Rings Y Basic Properties of Artinian Rings Y Vector Spaces Y Elementary
Properties of Vector Spaces Y Vector Subspaces Vector Spaces within Vector Spaces Y Elementary Properties of Vector Subspaces Y Algebra of
Subspaces Y Linear Sum of Two Subspaces Y Direct Sum of Vector Subspaces Y Linear Combination of Vectors Y Linear Dependence and
Independence of Vectors Y Basis of a Vector Space Y Finite Dimensional Vector space Y Dimension of a Subspace of Vector Space Y Cosets Y Addition
and Multiplication of Two Cosets Y Quotient Space Y lsomorphism Y Linear Transformations and their Matrix Representations Y Linear
Transformation Y Algebra of Linear Transformations Y Linear Operator Y Algebra of Linear Operators Y Range and Null Space of a Linear
Transformation Y Invertible Linear Transformation Y Non-singular Linear Transformation Y Co-ordinate Vector Y Matrix Representation of a Linear
Transformation Y Change of Basis Y Linear Functionals Y Dual Spaces Y Dual Basis Y Second Dual Space: Bidual Space Y Natural Mapping Y
Annihilator Y Annihilator of an Annihilator Y Eigen values and Eigen vector or Linear Transformation Y Minimal Polynomial Y Invariance of Linear
Operator Y Diagonalization Y Inner Product Spaces Y Orthogonality and Orthonormality Y The Adjoint of a Linear Transformation Y Properties of the
Adjoint Y Self-adjoint Transformation Y Structure of Bilinear Forms Y Bilinear Forms Y Bilinear Forms and Matrices Y Quadratic Forms Y Real
Symmetric Bilinear and Quadratic Forms: Law of Inertia Y Orthogonal Diagonalization of the Quadratic Form Y Hermitian Forms Y Matrix
Representation of a Hermitian Form Y Canonical Form Y Similarity of Matrices Y Similarity of Linear Transformation Y Invariant Subspace Y Invariant
Direct-Sum Decompositions Y Normal Form Y Triangular Form Y Nilpotent Transformation Y Jordan Canonical Form Y Rational Canonical Form Y
Modules Y Coset-R Module Y General properties of modules Y Submodules Y Linear Sum of two modules Y Homomorphism of Modules (linear
transformations) Y Quotient Modules Y Cyclic module Y Advanced Theory of Modules Y Simple and Semi-simple modules Y Free Modules Y
Noetherian and Artinian Modules Y Filtered and Graded Modules Y Projective and Injective Modules Y Smith Normal Form Over a PID and Rank Y
Finitely Generated Modules over a PID Y Extension Fields (Algebraic, Normal and Separable Extensions) Y Field Extensions Y Field Adjunctions
Y Simple Extension of a Field Y Algebraic Extension of a Field Y Roots of a Polynomial Y Splitting or Decomposition Field Y Multiple Roots Y Normal and
Separable Extensions of a Field Y Algebraically Closed Fields and Algebraic Closure Y Galois Theory and Its Applications Y Automorphisrn and
Group of Automorphism of Fields Y Normal Extensions and Elementary Symmetric Y Functions of the Elements of a Field Y Galois Group Y Galois
Group of a Separable Polynomial Y Galois Group of a Polynomial Represented as a Group of Permutation of its Roots Y Finite Fields Y Galois Field Y
Construction of Galois Field and its Subfields Y The Galois Group of Cyclotomic Extensions Y Solvability by Radicals Y Cyclic Extensions Y Construction
with Ruler and Compass Y Insolvability of the General Equation of Degree 5 (Quintic) by Radicals.
Y Spherical Trigonometry Y Sphere Y Axis and Poles of a Circle Y Two great circles bisect each other Y Measurement of the Spherical Angle Y Length
of the arc of a small circle Y Spherical Triangles Y Polar Triangles Y Relation between Sides and Angles of a Spherical Triangle Y Right Angled Triangles Y
Lune Y Spherical Excess Y Solar System Y Black Hole Y Celestial Sphere Y System of Co-ordinates Y Advantage of this Second System of
Co-ordinates Y Hour Angle Y Equinoxes and Solstices Y The Geocentric Celestial Sphere Y Location of a point on Earth’s surface Y Setting of Stars
and Twilight Y Rate of change of Zenith distance (z) and Azimuth (A) Y Motion of the Sun Y Twilight Y Refraction Y Refraction of a Star near the
Zenith Y Representation of True and Apparent Positions on the Celestial Sphere Y Differential Equation for Refraction Y Aberration Y Precession and
Nutation Y Precession (Precession of the equinoxes) Y Nutation Y Effect of precession on right ascension and declination Y Combined effect of
precession and nutation in right ascension and declination Y Double stars Y Position angle of a double star Y Parallax Y Relation between v and φ Y
Geocentric Parallax Y Geocentric Parallax in Right Ascension and Declination (Earth Taken as Spheriod) Y Geocentric Parallax in Azimuth and Zenith
Distance Y The Moon’s Size Y Steller or Annual Parallax Y Annual Parallax in Longitude and Latitude Y The Parallactic Ellipse Y Time Y The Equation of
Time Y Seasons Y The Meridian Circle Y The Three Errors Y The total correction to the to the observed time of transit or Mayer’s formula Y Brassel’s
formula Y Eclipses of the Moon Y The Angular Radius of the Earth’s Shadow at the Moon’s Distance Y Solar Eclipse Y Determination of Position Y
The Dip of the Horizon Y The Position Circle Y Space Dynamics Y Central Orbits Y Central Force Y Central Orbit Y Elliptic Orbit (Centre of force
being the focus) Y Hyperbolic Orbit (Centre of force being the focus) Y Parabolic Orbit (Central of force being the focus) Y Velocity and Position of a body
in an Elliptic Orbit Y Velocity and Position of a Body in Hyperbolic Orbit or Find an expression for velocity of body moving in hyperbolic orbit Y Kepler's
Laws of Planetary Motion Y Kepler’s Law Y Newton’s Law of Gravitation Y Artificial Satellites Y History of Artificial Satellites Y Orbital Classification Y
Centric Classifications Y Orbital Plane Co-ordinate System Y Orbit Space Or The orbit in Rectangular and Spherical Co-ordinates; Heliocentric and
Geocentric System Y The Effect of Atmospheric Drag on an Artificial Satellite Y Motion of Rocket and Transfer Orbits Y Motion of Rocket in Vacuum
(Gravity free space) Y Motion of Rocket in a Gravitational Field Y Motion of a Rocket in Atmosphere Y Transfer between Circular, Coplanar Orbits Y
Parabolic and Hyperbolic Transfer Orbit Y Inter-Planetary and Lunar Trajectories Y Heliocentric and Geocentric Latitudes and Longitudes Y
Conjunctions Y Synodic and Orbital Periods Y Interplanetary Trajectories Y Direct and Retrograde Motion Y The Geo-centric Motion of a Planet Y
Y Central Orbits Y Central Force Y Central Orbit Y Elliptic Orbit (Centre of force being the focus) Y Hyperbolic Orbit (Centre of force being the focus) Y
Parabolic Orbit (Central of force being the focus) Y Apse, Apsidal Distance and Apsidal Angle Y Velocity from Infinity Y Velocity of fall to the point
projection Y Velocity of Circle Y Velocity and Position of a body in an Elliptic Orbit Y Velocity and Position of a Body in Hyperbolic Orbit or Find an
expression for velocity of body moving in hyperbolic orbit Y Velocity of a body Y Kepler's Laws of Planetary Motion Y Kepler’s Law Y Newton’s Law
of Gravitation Y Artificial Satellites Y History of Artificial Satellites Y Orbital Classification Y Centric Classifications Y Orbital Plane Co-ordinate System
Y Orbit in Space or the orbit in Rectangular and Spherical Co-ordinates; Heliocentric and Geocentric System Y The Effect of Atmospheric Drag on an
Artificial Satellite Y Motion of Rocket and Transfer Orbits Y Motion of Rocket in Vacuum (Gravity free space) Y Motion of Rocket in a Gravitational
Field Y Motion of a Rocket in Atmosphere Y Transfer between Circular, Coplanar Orbits Y Parabolic and Hyperbolic Transfer Orbit Y Inter-Planetary
and Lunar Trajectories Y Heliocentric and Geocentric Latitudes and Longitudes Y Conjunctions Y Synodic and Orbital Periods Y Interplanetary
Trajectories Y Direct and Retrograde Motion Y The Geo-centric Motion of a Planet Y Phases.
592-03 Advanced Ma thematical Methods –Shiv Raj Singh
Y Fourier Series Y Inner Products of Functions Y Orthogonal Functions Y Orthogonal Set of Functions Y Orthonormal Set of Functions Y Gram-Schmidt
Process of Orthonormalization Y Even and Odd Function Y Fourier Series Y Euler Formula for Fourier Series Y Piecewise Smooth Functions Y Dirichlet
Conditions Y Jump Discontinuities Y Convergence of Fourier Series Y Uniform Convergence of Fourier Series Y The Half-Range Series Y Complex Form of
a Fourier Series Y The Change of Interval Y Application of Fourier Series in Initial and Boundary Value Problem Y Boundary Value Problem Y
Differentiating Fourier Series Y Integration of a Fourier Series Y Parseval’s Identity Y Solution of Vibrating String using Fourier Series Y Solution of One
Dimensional Heat (Diffusion) Equation Y Vibrations of an Elastic String Y String with Initial Displacement Y String with Initial Velocity Y Problem
Variations Y Steady-State Problems Y The Sturm-Liouville Problem Y Integral Equations; Basic Concepts and Fredholms Equations Y Integral
Equation Y Differentiation of a Function Under an Integral Sign Y Relation Between Differential and Integral Equations Y Fredholm Integral Equations Y
Fredholm First Theorem Y Prove that the Solutionφ(x) = f (x) + λ R(x, ξ; λ) f (ξ) d(ξ) Y Every Zero of Fredholm Function D(λ) is a Pole of the Resolvent
Kernel Y If a Real Kernel K(x, ξ) has a Complex Eigen Value λ 0 = µ + iv, then it Also Contains the Conjugate Eigen Value to λ 0 = µ – iv Y Fredholm
Second Theorem Y Fredholm's Associated Equation Y Characteristic Solutions Y Fredholm's Third Theorem Y Integral Equations with Degenerate
Kernels Y Iterated Kernels and Volterra's Integral Equations Y Solution of Nonhomogeneous Volterra's Integral Equation of Second kind by the
Method of Successive Substitution Y Solution of Non-homogeneous Volterra's Integral Equation of Second Kind by the Method of Successive
Approximation Y Determination of Some Resolvent Kernels Y Volterra Integral Equation of the First Kind Y Solution of the Fredholm Integral Equation
by the Method of Successive Substitutions Y Iterated Kernels Y Solution of the Fredholm Integral Equation by the Method of Successive Approximation Y
Reciprocal Functions Y Volterra's Solution of Fredholm's Equation Y Hilbert Schmidt Theory Y All Iterated Kernels of a Symmetric Kernel are also
Symmetric Y Orthogonality Y Orthogonality of Fundamental Functions Y Eigen Values of Symmetric Kernel are Real Y Real Characteristic Constants Y
Expansion of a Symmetric Kernel in Eigen Functions Y Symmetric Kernels with a Finite Number of Eigen Values Y Symmetric Kernels with a Finite Eigen
Values λm +1 λm + 2... Y Fourier Series of Power of the Eigen Values of the Iterated Kernel Y Hilbert-Schmidt Theorem Y The inequalities of Schwarz and
Minkowski Y Hilbert's Theorem Y Solution of the Fredholm Integral Equation of First Kind Y Application of Integral Equations Y Initial Value Problem Y
Boundary Value Problems Y Green's Function Y Laplace Transform Y Properties of the Laplace Transform Y Application to Volterra Integral Equation Y
Fourier Transform Y Application of Fourier Transform Y Mellin Transform.
679-03 Fuzzy Set Theory –Shiv Raj Singh & Chaman Singh
Y Fuzzy Set Theory Y Fuzzy Set Theory Versus Crisp Set Theory Y Distributive Property of Union and Intersection Y Law of Excluded Middle and Law
of Contradiction Y Fuzzy Sets Y Representation of Membership Function Y Types of Fuzzy Sets Y Properties of Fuzzy Sets Y Degree of Subsethood Y
Hamming Distance Y Convex Fuzzy Sets Y Law of Contradiction and Law of Excluded Middle Y Significance of Fuzzy Variables Y Crisp Set Versus
Fuzzy Sets Y Decomposition of Fuzzy Sets or Special Fuzzy Set Y Representation of Fuzzy Sets Y Significance of Theorem Y Operation on Fuzzy Sets
Y Fuzzy Complements Y Fuzzy Intersections: t-Norms Y Archimedean t-norm Y Yager Class of t-norms Y Fuzzy Unions: t-Conorms Y Duality With Respect
to Fuzzy Complement Y Aggregation Operations Y Norm Operations Y Fuzzy Numbers and Fuzzy Arithmetic Y Fuzzy Numbers Y Convex
Normalized Fuzzy Set Y Fuzzy Cardinality for Fuzzy Sets Y Fuzzy Arithmetic Operations on Intervals Y Binary Operation on Fuzzy Numbers Y Special
Extended Operations Y L-R Representation of Fuzzy Sets Y Arithmetic Operations on Fuzzy Numbers Y Lattice of Fuzzy Numbers Y Fuzzy Relations
and Fuzzy Relations Equations Y Fuzzy Relation Y Projection and Cylindric Extension Y Cylindric Extension Y Binary Fuzzy Relations Y Relational
Join Y Fuzzy Compatibility Relations Y Fuzzy Ordering Relation Y Fuzzy Morphisms Y Strong Homomorphism Y Sup-i Composition of Fuzzy Relations Y
Inf-w i Composition of Fuzzy Relations Y Fuzzy Relation Equations Y Fuzzy Relation Equations Based on Sup-i Composition Y Fuzzy Relation Equations
Based on Inf-w i Compositions Y Possibility Theory Y Fuzzy Measures Y Semi-continuous Fuzzy Measures Y Evidence Theory Y Basic Probability
Assignment (BPA) Y Total Ignorence Y Body of Evidence Y Dempster's Rule Y Commonality Function Y Possibility Theory Y Possibility Distribution Y
Degree of Confirmation and Degree of Disconfirmation Y Fuzzy Sets and Possibility Distributions Y Possibility Theory vs. Probability Theory Y Fuzzy
Logic Y Statement Y Truth Value of a Statement Y Predicates and Quantifiers Y Fuzzy Quantifiers Y Linguistic Hedges Y Modifiers Y Inference from
Conditional Fuzzy Propositions Y Generalized Modus Ponens Y Generalized Modus Tollens Y Generalized Hypothetical Syllogism Y Inference from
Conditional and Qualified Propositions Y Inference from Quantified Propositions Y Uncertainty Based Information Y Amount of Information Needed
to Characterized the Element of Set A Y Simple, Joint and Conditional Uncertainties Y Non-interactive Sets Y Information Transmission Y Non Specificity
of Fuzzy Sets Y Degree of Validity or Credibility Y Specificity for Possibility Distribution Y Simple, Joint and Conditional Uncertainties of Fuzzy Sets Y
Fuzziness Y Uncertainty in Evidence Theory Y Measure of Dissonance and Confusion Y Measure of Discord Y Strife Y Total Uncertainty Y Fuzziness in
Evidence Theory Y Principles of Uncertainty Y Fuzzy Decision Making Y Classification of Decision Making Y Fuzzy Decision Making with Weighted
Coefficient Y Multiperson Decision Making Y Construction of an Ordering of Given Alternatives Y Multicriteria Decision Making Y Multistage Decision
Making Y Fuzzy Ranking Methods Y Fuzzy Linear Programming Y Types of Fuzzy Linear Programming Problems Y Solution of Fuzzy Linear
Programming Problems.
851-01 (B) Advanced Numerical Analysis – Prof. P.P. Gupta, G.S. Malik & J.P. Chauhan
Y The Calculus of Finite Differences Y Finite Differences Y Differences Y Difference Formulae Y Fundamental Theorem of Difference Calculus Y The
Difference Table Y The Operator E Y Properties of the Operators E and ∆ Y Relation between Operator E of Finite Differences and Differential Coefficient
D of Differential Calculus Y One or More Missing Terms Y Factorial Notation Y Methods of Representing any Given Polynomial in Factorial Notation Y
Differences of Zero Y Leibnitz’s Rule Y Effect of an Error in a Tabular Value Y Stirling Numbers Y Interpolation with Equal Intervals Y The Following
Interpolation Methods are Used Y Sub-division of Intervals Y Interpolation with Unequal Intervals Y Divided Differences Y Properties of Divided
Differences Y Newton’s Formula for Unequal Intervals Y Relation between Divided Differences and Ordinary Differences Y Sheppard’s Rule Y Lagrange’s
Interpolation Formula for Unequal Intervals Y Iterative Method Y Hermite Interpolation Formula Y Spline Interpolation Y Central Difference
Interpolation Formulae Y Gauss’s Interpolation Formulae Y Stirling’s Formula Y Bessel’s Formula Y Laplace-Everett Formula Y Use of Various
Interpolation Formulae Y Numerical Differentiation Y Direct Methods (using formula) Y Maxima and Minima of a Tabulated Function Y Numerical
Integration Y A General Quadrature Formula for Equidistant Ordinates Y The Trapezoidal Rule Y Simpson’s One-Third Rule Y Simpson’s
Three-Eighth’s Rule Y Boole’s Rule Y Weddle’s Rule Y Error in Quadrature Formulae Y Cote’s Method Y The Euler-Maclaurin’s Summation Formula Y
Stirling’s Formula for Approximation to Factorials Y Method of Undetermined Coefficients Y Integration Formula Y Quadrature Formulae Based on
Central Differences Y Lozenge Diagrams for Quadrature Formulae Y Romberg Integration Y Hardy’s Formula Y Numerical Double Integration Y
Gaussian Integration Y Approximations and Errors in Computation Y Floating Point Representation of Numbers Y Arithmetic operations with
Normalized Floating Point numbers Y Numbers and their Accuracy Y Errors and their Analysis Y General Method of Finding Remainder Term Y Sources
of Error Y Chopping Y Absolute, Relative and Percentage Errors Y Error in the Approximation of a Function Y Error Committed in a Series Approximation
Y Order of Approximation Y Remainder Term of Various Interpolation Formulae Y Errors in Different Quadrature Formulae Y Numerical Solutions of
Ordinary Differential Equations of First and Second Order Y Picard’s Method of Successive Approximations Y Euler’s Method Y Improved Euler’s
Method Y Modified Euler’s Method Y Taylor’s Series Method Y Runge’s Method Y Runge Kutta Method Y Predictor and Corrector Method Y Milne’s
Method Y Adams-Bash Forth Method Y General Approach to Predictors and Correctors Y Simultaneous Differential Equation (first order)Y Differential
Equation of Second Order Y Numerov’s Method Y Boundary Value Problems Y Error Analysis Y Convergence of a Method Y Stability Analysis Y
Solution of Algebraic and Transcendental Equations Y Some Properties of Equations Y Nearly Equal Roots Y Rate of Convergence of Newton’s
Method When there Exist Double Roots Y Solution of Numerical Equations (Contd.) Y Contraction of Horner’s Method Y Solution of Simultaneous
Linear Algebraic Equations Y Different Methods of Obtaining the Solutions Y Newton-Raphson Method for Solving Non-linear Simultaneous
Equations Y Matrix Inversion Y Gauss Elimination Method Y Gauss-Jordan Method Y Triangularization Method Y Crout’s Triangularisation Method Y
Doolittle Method Y Choleski’s Method Y Iterative Method Y Escalator Method for Matrix Inversion Y Complex Matrices and Inversion.
Y The Riemann-Stieltjes Integral Y A Generalization of the Riemann Integral Y Riemann-Stieltjes Sums Y Riemann Stieltjes Integrals Y Necessary and
Sufficient Condition for RS-Integrability Y The RS-Integral as a Limit of Sums Y Some Classes of Riemann-Stieltjes Integrable Function Y Algebra of
RS-Integrable Functions Y RS-Integrability of Composite Functions Y Mean Value Theorem Y Rectifiable Curves Y Integration of Vector Valued Functions
Y A Relation Between R-Integrable and RS-Integrable Y Integration and Differentiation Y Fundamental Theorem of Calculus Y Integration by Parts Y
Change of Variable Y Function of Bounded Variation Y Uniform Convergence of Sequences and Series of Functions Y Pointwise Convergence
[in Metric Space] Y Uniform Convergence Y Cauchy’s General Principle of Uniform Convergence Y Dini’s Criterion for Uniform Convergence of a
Sequence of Continuous Functions Y Tests for Uniform Convergence Y Uniform Convergence and Continuity Y Uniform Convergence and Integration Y
Uniform Convergence and Differentiation Y Uniform Convergence of an Infinite Product Y Weierstrass Approximation Theorem Y Arzela's
Theorem an Equicontinuous Families Y Power Series Y Definition and Some Elementary Theorem Y Radius of Convergence Y Uniform Convergence
of Power Series Y Properties of Power Series Y Uniqueness for Power Series Y Abel's Summability Y Functions of Several Variables Y Introduction of
Two Variables Y The Neighbourhood (nbd) of a Point Y The Limit of a Function Y Continuity of Function of Two Variables Y Partial Derivatives Y
Interchange of the Order of Differentiation Y Differentiability Y Composite Function Y Linear Transformation Y Differentiation Y Differentiation in R n Y
Uniqueness of the Derivative Y The Chain Rule Y Partial Differentiation Y The Inverse Function Theorem Y Implicit Function Y Some Consequences of
Theorem 16 Y Continuously Differentiable Mapping Y Repeated Partial Derivatives Y Interchange of Order of Differentiation Y Derivatives of Higher
Order Y Equality of Mixed Partial Derivatives for Vector Valued Functions Y Taylor's Theorem Y Extreme Problems with Constraints Y
Differentiation of Integrals Y Extreme Problems with Constraints Y Stationary, Extreme and Saddle Points Y Saddle Point Y Working Rule for Maxima and
Minima Y Lagrange's Multiplier Method Y Working Method for Lagrange Multipliers Y Lagrange's Methods of Undetermined Multipliers Y Jacobians.
Y Real Number System (Bounded and unbounded sets of real numbers. Neighbourhoods and limit points) Y Field axioms Y Some
properties of real numbers Y Absolute value or modulus of a real number Y Bounded and unbounder subsets of real numbers Y Least upper bound or
supermum Y Greatest lower bound or infimum Y Some properties of supremum and infimum Y Completeness axiom, Existence of supremium and
infimium of bounded sets Y The set of real numbers as a complete ordered field Y Archimedean property of real numbers Y The denseness property of
the real number system Y Neighbourhood of a point Y Limit poitns of a set Y Bolzano Weierstrass theorem Y Sequences Y Subsequences Y Bounded
sequences Y Convergent sequences Y Divergent sequences Y Algebra of convergent sequences Y Monotonic sequences Y Limit points of a sequence Y
Cauchy sequences Y Cauchy’s general principle of convergence Y Limit superior and limit inferior of a sequence Y Nested interval theorem or Cantor’s
intersection theorem Y Infinite Series Y Convergence and divergence of Series. Y Cauchy’s general principle of convergence for series Y The auxiliary
Series ∑(1 / n p ) Y Comparison test Y Cauchy’s Root test Y D’ Alembert’s ratio test Y Cauchy’s condensation test Y Raabe’s test Y Logarithmic test Y De
Morgan’s and Bertrand’s test Y Gauss’s test Y Cauchy Maclaurin’s integral test Y Alternating series Y Alternating series test (Leibnitz’s test) Y Absolute
convergence and conditional convergence Y Limits and Continuity Y Definition of limit Y Algebra of limits Y Right hand and left hand limits Y Infinite
limits Y Cauchy’s definition of continuity Y Types of discontinuity Y Algebra of continuous functions Y Properties of continuous functions Y Uniform
continuity Y Differentiability Y Derivative at a point Y Derivative of a function Y A necessary condition for the existence of finite derivatives Y Algebra of
derivatives Y Rolle’s theorem Y Lagrange’s mean value theorem Y Cauchy’s mean value theorem Y Taylor’s theorem with Lagrange’s form of remainder
Y Taylor’s theorem with Cauchy’s form of remainder Y Taylor’s series Y Maclaurin’s series Y Maclaurin’s expansion of some basic functions e .sin x etc.
Y The Riemann Integral Y Partitions and Riemann sums Y Upper and lower Riemann integrals Y Riemann integrability Y Riemann’s necessary and
sufficient conditions for R-integrability Y Some classes of integrable functions Y Fundamental theorem of Integral Calculus Y The Riemann-Stieltjes
Integral Y A generalisation of the Riemann Integral Y Partitions Y Lower and upper Riemann-Stieltjes sums Y The lower and upper Riemann-Stieltjes
Integrals Y The Riemann-Stieltjes integral Y The RS-integrals as a limit of sums Y Some classes of RS-integrable functions Y A relation between R-integral
and RS-integral Y Uniform convergence of sequences and series of functions Y Uniform Convergence Y Cauchy’s general principle of uniform
convergence Y Tests for uniform convergence Y Uniform convergence and continuity Y Uniform convergence and integration Y Uniform convergence
and differentiation Y Convergence of Improper Integrals Y Tests for convergence of improper integrals of the first kind Y Absolute convergence
Y Tests for convergence of improper integrals of the second kind.
Y Variational Problems with Fixed Boundaries Y Calculus of Variation Y Functionals Y Extremal Y Euler's Equation Y Other Form of Euler's
Equation Y Solutions of Euler's Equation Y Particular Cases of Euler's Equation Y Geodesics Y Functional Dependent on Higher Derivatives Y Functional
for Several Dependent Variable Y Functionals Dependent on Several Independent Variables Y Isoperimetric Problems Y Invariance of Euler's Equation
under Co-ordinate Transformation Y Variational Problems with Moving Boundaries Y Transversality Conditions Y Orthogonality Conditions Y
Variational Problem with a Moving Boundary for a Functional Dependent on Two Functions Y One Sided Variations Y Sufficient Conditions for an
Extremum Y Jacobi Condition Y Sufficient Condition for Extremum (Legendre Condition) Y Weak and Strong Extremum Y Application of the
Calculus of Variation Y Hamilton's Principle Y Lagrangian of a System Y Lagrange's Equation Y Hamiltonian Y Hamilton's Canonical Equation of Motion
Y Principal of Least Action Y Variational Method for Boundary Value Problems Y Rayleigh-Ritz Method (For Ordinary Differential Equation) Y
Galerkin's Method Y Partial Differential Equation (By Rayleigh-Ritz Method) Y Kantorovich Method.
Fully Solved Series on
(All Indian Universities and Competitive Examinations)
442-17 Series: Trigonometry –A.R. Vasishtha, S.K. Sharma & A.K. Vasishtha
Y Inverse Circular Functions Y General and Principal Values of Inverse Circular Functions Y Relations between Inverse Functions Y Some Important
Results about Inverse Functions Y Complex Numbers Y Addition of Complex Numbers Y Multiplication of Complex Numbers Y Conjugate of a
Complex Number Y Modulus of a Complex Number Y Modulus Argument form or Polar Standard form or Trigonometric form of a Complex NumberY
The Points on the Argand Plane Representing the Sum, Difference, Product and Division of two Complex Numbers Y More Properties of Moduli and
Arguments Y Integral and Rational Powers of a Complex Number Y De-Moivre's Theorem Y Deductions from De-Moivre's Theorem
(Expansions of sine and cosine functions in power series) Y Expansions of cos nθ and sin nθ in Powers of cos θ and sin θ (n being a positive
integer) Y Expansion of tan nθ in Powers of tan θ Y Expansion of tan (θ1 + θ2 + θ3 + ....... + θ4 ) Y Expansions of cos α and sin α in Series of Powers of α Y
Expansions of cos α° and sin α° Y Expansion of tan α in Powers of α Y Evaluation of Limiting Values of Indeterminate Forms Y Exponential,
Trigonometric and Hyperbolic Functions of a Complex Variable Y (Separation into real and imaginary parts) The Exponential Function of a
Complex Variable Y Index Law for the Exponential Functions Y Trigonometrical Functions or Circular Functions of a Complex Variable Y Euler’s
Theorem Y Periodicity of Functions Y De-Moivre's Theorem for Complex Argument Y Some Standard Trigonometrical Results for Complex Arguments Y
Hyperbolic Functions Y Relations between Hyperbolic and Circular Functions Y Properties of Hyperbolic Functions Y Expansions in Series for sin h x
and cos h x Y Periods of Hyperbolic Functions Y Separation into Real and Imaginary Parts Y Logarithms of Complex Quantities Y Logarithms in the
Set of Real Numbers Y Logarithms of Complex Numbers Y Principal and General Values of Logarithm of a Non-zero Complex Number Y Properties of
the Logarithmic Function Y Working Rule to Evaluate Log (x + iy) Y Logarithm of a Positive Real Number in the Set of Complex Numbers Y Logarithm of
a Negative Real Number Y The General Exponential Function a z Y To Separate (α + iβ) p + iq into Real and Imaginary Parts Y Inverse Circular and
Hyperbolic Functions of Complex Quantities Y Inverse Circular Functions of Complex Quantities Y Inverse Hyperbolic Functions Y Relations
between Inverse Hyperbolic Functions and Inverse Circular Functions Y Expansion of Some Trigonometrical Functions Y Expansion of cos n θ in
Terms of Cosines of Multiples of θ, n being a Positive Integer Y Expansion of sin n θ in a Series of Cosines or Sines of Multiples of θ, According as n (a
Positive Integer) is Even or Odd Y Expansion of sin m θ cos n θ Y Gregory's Series and Trigonometrical Expansions Y Gregory's Series Y General
Theorem on Gregory's Series Y Value of π Y Summation of Trigonometrical Series Y C+iS Method for Summing up Trigonometric Series Y Series
Based on Geometric Progression or Arithmetico-Geometric Series Y Series Based on Binomial Expansions Y Series Based on Exponential Series Y Series
Based on Logarithmic Series and its Sub-case Gregory's Series Y The Difference Method Y Angles in Arithmetical Progression.
Y Algebra of Matrices Y Basic concepts Y Matrix Y Special types of matrices Y Submatrices of a matrix Y Equality of two matrices Y Addition of matrices
Y Properties of matrix addition Y Multiplication of a matrix by a scalar Y Multiplication of two matrices Y Properties of matrix multiplication Y A useful way
of representing matrix products Y Associative law for the product of four matrices Y Positive integral powers of matrices Y Triangular, Diagonal and Scalar
matrices Y Transpose of a matrix Y Conjugate of a matrix Y Transposed conjugate of a matrix Y Symmetric and skew-symmetric matrices Y Hermitian and
Skew – Hermitian matrices Y Determinants Y Determinants of order 2 Y Determinants of order 3 Y Minors and cofactors Y Working rule for finding the
value of a determinant Y Determinants of order n Y Determinant of a square matrix Y Properties of Determinants Y Determinants of order 4 Y Product of
two determinants of the same order Y System of non-homogeneous linear equations (Cramer's Rule) Y Inverse of a Matrix Y Adjoint of a square matrix
Y Invertible matrices; Inverse or Reciprocal of a Matrix Y Singular and non-singular matrices Y Reversal law for the inverse of a product Y Use of the
inverse of a matrix to find the solution of a system of linear equations Y Orthogonal and Unitary matrices Y Partitioning of matrices Y Rank of a Matrix Y
Sub-matrix of a matrix Y Rank of a matrix Y Elementry transformations of a matrix Y Symbols to be employed for the elementry transformations Y
Elementry matrices Y Invariance of rank under elementary transformation Y Reduction to normal form Y Equivalence of Matrices Y Row and column
equivalence of matrices Y Employment of only row transformations Y Employment of only column transformations Y The rank of a product Y Use of
elementry transformations to find the inverse of a non–singular matrix Y Working rule for finding the inverse of a non-singular matrix by E-row
transformations Y Linear Equations Y Vectors Y Linear dependance and linear independence of vectors Y A vector as a linear combination of vectors Y
Row rank and column rank of a matrix Y Homogeneous linear equations Y Some important conclusions about the mature of selutions of the equation
AX = 0 Y Fundamental set of solutions of the equation AX = 0 Y Working rule for finding the solutions of the equation AX = 0 Y System of linear non
homogeneous equations Y Condition for consistency Y Condition for a system of n equations in n unknowns to a unique solution Y Eigenvalues and
Eigenvectors or Characteristic roots and Characteristic vectors Y Matrix polynomials definition Y Characteristic polynomial and characteristic
equation of a matrix Y Cayley–Hamilton theorem.
444-12 Series: Algebra –A.R. Vasishtha, R.K. Gupta & A.K. Vasishtha
Y General Properties of Equations Y Synthetic Division Y Some Important Results Y Relations between the Roots and Coefficients of an
Equation Y Relations between the Roots and the Coefficients Y Particular Cases Y The Cube Roots of Unity Y Symmetric Functions of the Roots Y
Order and Weight of a Symmetric Function Y The Number of Terms in any Symmetric Function Y Symmetric Functions of the Roots Expressed in Terms
of the Coefficients Y Newton's Theorem on the Sums of the Powers of the Roots of an Equation Y Newton’s Fundamental Theorem on Symmetric
Functions Y Transformation of Equations Y To Transform an Equation into Another whose Roots are the Roots of the Given Equation with their Signs
Changed Y To Transform an Equation into Another whose Roots are the Roots of the Given Equation Multiplied by a Constant m Y To Transform an
Equation into Another whose Roots are the Reciprocals of the Roots of the Given Equation Y To Transform an Equation into Another whose Roots are
any Powers of the Roots of the Given Equation Y To Transform an Equation into Another whose Roots are the Roots of the Given Equation Diminished
by a Constant h Y Removal of Terms Y Reciprocal Equation Y To Reduce the Cubic with Binomial Coefficients Y To Form an Equation whose Roots are
the Symmetric Functions of the Roots of a Given Equation Y Solution of Cubic Equations Y Cardan’s Method of Solving the Cubic Equation Y
Application of Cardan’s Method to Numerical Equations Y Inequalities Y Some Elementary Properties of Inequalities Y Factorisation Y Arithmetic and
Geometric Means of two Positive Numbers and the Inequality of these Means Y Sum and Product of two Positive Numbers Y Arithmetic and Geometric
Means of n Positive Numbers and the Inequality of these Means Y Arithmetic Mean of the mth Powers Y Arithmetic Mean of mth Powers Y
Cauchy-Schwarz Inequality Y Tchebychef’s Inequalities Y Tchebychef’s Inequalities for Sets of n Real Numbers Y Weirstrass’s Inequalities Y Application
of Inequalities to Problems of Maxima and Minima Y Let a, b, c ... be Any Positive Real Numbers whose Sum a + b + c + ... Y Continued Fractions Y
To Convert a Given Ordinary Fraction into a Simple Continued Fraction Y To Convert a Quadratic Surd into a Simple Continued Fraction Y Recurring
Continued Fraction Y Law of Formation of Successive Convergents Y Relation between Successive Convergents Y Properties of convergents of a simple
continued fraction Y Limits to the Error: To Find the Limits to the Error Made in Taking any Convergent for the Continued Fraction Y To Find Two
Positive Integers P and Q Such that QA − PB = ± 1 Y Convergence of Infinite Series Y Series Y Convergence and Divergence of Series Y To Discuss
the Convergence of a Geometric Series Y General Theorems Y Cauchy’s Root Test Y The Series Σ 1 / npComparison Test Y Working Rule for Applying
Comparison Test Y D’ Alembert’s Ratio Test Y Comparison of Ratios Y Raabe’s Test Y Cauchy’s Condensation Test Y The Auxiliary Series Σ Y
n (log n)p
Kummer’s Test Y Gauss’s Test Y Logarithmic Test Y De Morgan’s or Bertrand’s Test Y An Important Test Y Summary of the Tests for a Series of Positive
Terms Y Alternating Series Y Leibnitz Test (Alternating Series Test) Y Absolute Convergence Y Cauchy’s General Principle of Convergence of a Series Y
Important Theorems about Absolute Convergence Y Re-arrangement of the Terms of an Absolutely Convergent Series Y Insersion and Removal of
Brackets Y To Discuss the Convergence and Absolute Convergence of the Binomial Series.
446-25 Series: Differential Calculus –A.R. Vasishtha, S.K. Sharma & A.K. Vasishtha
Y Differentiation Y Derivative of a Function Y Some Standard Results Y Differential Coefficient of a Function of a Function Y Hyperbolic Functions
Y Inverse Hyperbolic Functions Y Some More Methods of Differentiation (Logarithmic Differentiation, Implicit Functions, Parametric Equations,
Trigonometrical Transformations, Differentiation of a Function w.r.t. a Function) Y Successive Differentiation Y Standard Results Y Leibnitz’s
Theorem Y nth Derivative for x = 0 Y Expansions of Functions Y Taylor’s Series Y Maclaurin’s Series Y Expansions of Functions (Maclaurin’s
Theorem, Taylor’s Theorem) Y Some Important Expansions (Exponential Series, Sine Series, Cosine Series, Binomial Series, Logarithmic Expansion) Y
Partial Differentiation Y Functions of Two or More Variables Y Homogeneous Functions Y Euler’s Theorem on Homogeneous Functions Y Total
Derivatives Y Indeterminate Forms Y The Form 0 / 0 Y Algebraic Methods Y Form ∞ / ∞ Y Form 0 × ∞ Y Form ∞ − ∞ Y The Forms 00, 1∞ , ∞ o Y
Tangents and Normals Y Tangent Y Tangents Parallel and Perpendicular to the x-axis Y Normal Y Angle of Intersection of Two Curves Y Length of
Cartesian Tangent, Normal, Subtangent and Subnormal Y Polar Co-ordinates Y Angle between Radius Vector and Tangent Y Angle of Intersection of two
Polar Curves Y Polar Sub-tangent and Polar Sub-normal Y Length of Perpendicular from Pole to Tangent Y Pedal Equation Y Differential Coefficient of
arc Length (Cartesian Co-ordinates) Y Differential Coefficient of arc Length (Polar Co-ordinates) Y Curvature Y Radius of Curvature of Intrinsic Curves Y
Radius of Curvature of Cartesian Curves Y Radius of Curvature of Parametric Curves Y Radius of Curvature of Pedal Curves Y Radius of Curvature of
Polar Curves Y Tangential Polar Formula for Radius of Curvature Y Miscellaneous Formulae for Radius of Curvature when x and y are Functions of arc
Length Y Radius of Curvature at the Origin (Newton’s Method, Expansion Method, Radius of Curvature at the Pole) Y Co-ordinates of Centre of
Curvature Y Chord of Curvature through the Origin Y Chords of Curvature Parallel to Co-ordinate axes Y Asymptotes Y Determination of Asymptotes Y
Asymptotes of General Algebraic Curves Y Non-existence of Asymptotes Y Case of Parallel Asymptotes Y Asymptotes Parallel to the Co-ordinates axes Y
Total Number of Asymptotes of a Curve Y Complete Working Rule of Finding the Asymptotes of Rational Algebraic Curves Y Asymptotes by ExpansionY
Alternative Methods of Finding Asymptotes of Algebraic Curves Y Asymptotes by Inspection Y Intersection of a Curve and its Asymptotes Y Asymptotes of
Polar Curves Y Circular Asymptotes Y Change of the Independent Variable Y To Change the Independent Variable into the Dependent Variable Y To
Change Independent Variable x into Another Variable z, when x = f (z) Y Change of Both the Depedent and Independent Variables Y Transformation in
Case of two Independent Variables Y Transformation from Cartesian to Polar Co-ordinates and Vice Versa Y Maxima and Minima (of Functions of a
Single Independent Variable) Y Properties of Maxima and Minima Y Condition for Maximum and Minimum Values Y Working Rule of Maxima and
Minima of f (x) Y Application of Maxima and Minima to Geometrical and other Problems Y Maxima and Minima (of Functions of Two Independent
Variables) Y Necessary Conditions for the Existence of a Maximum or a Minimum of f (x, y) at x = a, y = b Y Stationary and Extreme Points Y Sufficient
Conditions for Maxima or Minima Y Working Rule for Maxima and Minima Y Maxima and Minima (of Functions of Several Variables) Y Maxima
and Minima of Functions of Several Variables and Lagrange’s Method of Undetermined Multipliers Y Envelopes and Evolutes Y One Parameter
Family of Curves Y Envelope of a One Parameter Family of Curves Y Method for Finding Envelope Y Envelope in case the Equation of the Family of
Curves is a quadratic in the Parameter Y Geometrical Significance of the Envelope Y Evolute of a Curve Y Length of Arc of an Evolute Y Jacobians Y
Case of Functions of Functions Y Jacobian of Implicit Functions Y Condition of a Jacobian to Vanish Y Singular Points Y Concavity and Convexity Y
Point of Inflexion Y Test for Point of Inflexion Y Multiple Points Y Classification of Double Points (Node, Cusp, Conjugate Point) Y Species of Cusps Y
Tangents at Origin Y Change of Origin Y Tangent at Any Point to a Curve Y Position and Character of Double Points Y Nature of a Cusp at the Origin Y
Nature of a Cusp at any Point Y Curve Tracing Y Curve Tracing (Cartesian Equations) Y Polar Equations Y Parametric Equations Y Functions of a
Real Variable, Limits, Continuity and Differentiability Y Limits Y Continuity Y Differentiability Y Rolle's Theorem, Mean Value Theorems,
Taylor's and Maclaurin's Theorems Y Rolle’s Theorem Y Lagrange’s Mean Value Theorem Y Some Important Deductions from the Mean Value
Theorem Y Cauchy’s Mean Value Theorem Y Taylor’s Theorem with Lagrange’s form of Remainder After n Terms Y Taylor’s Theorem with Cauchy’s
form of Remainder.
447-21 Series: Integral Calculus –A.R. Vasishtha, S.K. Sharma & A.K. Vasishtha
Y Elementary Integration (Standard Forms, Integration by parts) Y Constant of Integration Y Two Simple Theorems Y Hyperbolic Functions Y
Fundamental Formulae Y Extended Forms of Fundamental Formulae Y Methods of Integration Y Three Important Forms of Integrals Y Some more
standard Integrals Y Integral of the Product of two Functions Y Successive Integration by Parts Y Integrals of e ax cos bx and e ax sin bx Y Integration by
Partial Fractions Y Reduction Formulae (Application of Successive Integration by Parts) Y Definite Integrals (Simple) Y Integration of Rational
2 2 n
Fractions Y Rational Fractions Y Integration of (px + q) / (ax + bx + c) Y Integration of 1 / (x + k) To Integrate (px + q) / (ax 2 + bx + c)n
Y Integration of Irrational Algebraic Fractions Y Integration by Rationalisation Y Integration of Y Integration of
(ax + b) √ (cx + d)
1 / {(ax 2 + bx + c) √ ( Ax + B)} Y Integration of 1 / √ (ax 2 + bx + c) Integration of √ (ax 2 + bx + c) Y Integration of (px + q) / √ (ax 2 + bx + c) Y
Integration of (px + q) √ (ax 2 + bx + c) 2 2
Y To Evaluate
∫ (px + q) √ (ax 2 + bx + c)
Y Integration of 1 / {( Ax + B) √ (Cx + D)} Y Integration of
1 / (a + b tan x) Y Reduction Formulae (For Trigonometric Functions) Y Reduction Formulae Y Reduction Formulae for ∫ sin n x dx and
∫ cos n x dx, n being a +ive Integer Y Walli’s Formula Y To Find Reduction Formula for ∫ tan n x dx and ∫ cot n x dx Y To Obtain the Reduction Formulae
for ∫ secn x dx and ∫ cosecn x dx Y To Find a Reduction Formula for ∫ sin m x cos n x dx Y Gamma Function Y To Show that
m + 1 n + 1
π /2 Γ Γ
m n 2 2 n n n n
sin x cos x dx =
2Γ m + n + 2
Y Integration of x sin mx and x cos mx Y Reduction Formulae for ∫ x sin x dx and ∫ x cos x dx Y
Reduction Formulae for ∫ e sin bx dx and ∫ e ax cos n bx dx Y Reduction Formulae for ∫ x n e ax sin bx dx and ∫ x n e ax cos bx dx Y Reduction
ax n
Formula for ∫ cos m x sin nx dx Y Reduction Formula for ∫ cos m x cos nx dx Reduction Formulae Continued [For Irrational, Algebraic and
Reduction Formulae for ∫ x m (a + bx n)p dx Y Reduction Formula for
Transcendental Functions] Y
(x + a 2) n
, where n is Positive Y Reduction
e mx
Formula for ∫ x m √ (2ax − x 2) dx; m being a Positive Integer Reduction Formulae for ∫ e mx x n dx and
∫ xn
dx (n > 0) Y Reduction Formulae for
∫ a x x n dx and x
/ x n) dx Y Reduction Formula for ∫ x m (log x)n dx Y Definite Integrals (Properties of Definite Integrals, Definite Integral
∫ (a
as the limit of Sum, Summation of Series with the help of Definite Integrals) Y Fundamental Properties of Definite Integrals Y The Definite
Integral as the Limit of a Sum Y Summation of Series with the Help of Definite Integrals Y Areas of Curves (Quadrature) Y Areas of Curves Given by
Cartesian Equations Y Areas of Curves Given by Polar Equations Y Lengths of Curves (Rectification) (Lengths of Curves and Intrinsic
Equations) Y Lengths of Curves Y Intrinsic Equations Y Volumes and Surfaces of Solids of Revolution (Volumes of Solids of Revolution,
Surfaces of Solids of Revolution, Theorem of Pappus and Guldin) Y Volumes of Solids of Revolution Y Surfaces of Solids of Revolution Y
Theorems of Pappus or Guldin Y Multiple Integrals (Double Integrals, Triple Integrals, Change of Order of Integration, Change of
Variables in a Double Integral) Y Double Integrals Y Properties of a Double Integral Y Evaluation of Double Integrals Y To Express a Double Integral
in Terms of Polar Coordinates Y Triple Integrals Y Evaluation of Triple Integrals Y Change of Order of Integration Y Change of Variables in a Double
Integral Y Euler’s Integrals (Beta and Gamma Functions) Y Some Simple Properties of Beta Function Y Another Form of Beta Function Y Gamma
Function Definition Y Fundamental Property of Gamma Function Y Some Transformations of Gamma Function Y Relation between Beta and Gamma
Functions Y The Value of Γ Y To Prove that for all Values of m and n Such that m > − 1, n > − 1 Y Some Important Transformations of Beta Function
1 2 3 n − 1
To Find the Value of Γ Γ Γ ... Γ e − ax cos bx . x m − 1 dx
Y Duplication Formula Y
n n n n
Y To Find the Values of the Integrals
e − ax sin bx . x m − 1 dx Y Dirichlet’s Theorem for Three Variables Y Dirichlet’s Theorem for n Variables Y Liouville’s Extension of Dirichlet’s Theorem
Y Convergence of Improper Integrals Y Convergence of Improper Integrals Y Tests for Convergence of Improper Integrals of the First Kind Y
Comparison Test Y The µ-Test Y Abel’s Test for the Convergence of Integral of a Product Y Dirichlet’s Test for the Convergence of Integral of a Product Y
Absolute Convergence Y Test for Convergence of Improper Integrals of the Second Kind Y Comparison Test Y The µ-Test Y Abel’s Test Y Dirichlet’s Test.
Y Introduction Y Differential Equation Definition Y Order and Degree of a Differential Equation Y Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations Y Linear
and Non-linear Differential Equations Y Solutions of Differential Equations Y Differential Equations of First Order and First Degree Y Integrating
Factors Y Geometrical Problems Y Linear Differential Equations with Constant Coefficients Y Determination of Complementary Function (C.F.)
Y The Particular Integral (P.I.) Y Particular Integral in Some Special Cases Y To Find P.I. when Q = e V, where V is any Function of x YTo Find P.I.
when Q = e ax and F (a) = 0 Y To Find P.I. when Q = sin ax or cos ax and F (− a)2 = 0 Y To Find P.I. when Q = xV, where V is any Function of x Y The
Operator , α being a Constant Y Orthogonal Trajectories Y Trajectory Y Trajectories-Cartesian Co-ordinates Y Orthogonal Trajectories-polar
D −α
Coordinates Y Homogeneous Linear Differential Equations Y Method of Solution Y Equations Reducible to Homogeneous Form Y Differential
Equations of the First Order but not of the First Degree Y Equations Solvable for p Y Equations Solvable for y Y Equations solvable for x Y
Clairaut’s Equation Y Equations Reducible to Clairaut’s Form Y Geometrical Meaning of a Differential Equation of the First Order Y Singular Solutions Y
Determination of Singular Solutions with the Help of c-discriminant and p-discriminant relations Y Working Rule for Finding the Singular Solution Y The
Singular Solution of Clairaut’s equation Y Linear Equations of Second Order with Variable Coefficients Y An Equation of the Form
d 2y dy
+P + Qy = R Y The Complete Solution in Terms of a Known Integral Y Removal of the First Derivative Y Transformation of the Equation by
dx 2 dx
Changing the Independent Variable Y Method of Variation of Parameters Y Method of Operational Factors Y Guidelines of the Procedure for the Solution
of Linear Differential Equations of Second Order Y Ordinary Simultaneous Differential Equations Y Methods of Solving Simultaneous Linear
Differential Equation with Constant Coefficients Y Number of Arbitrary Constants Y Simultaneous Equations of the Form Y Geometrical Interpretation of
dx dy dz
the Differential Equations = = Y Total Differential Equations Y Necessary and Sufficient Condition for Integrability of Total Differential
Equation P dx + Q dy + R dz = 0 Y The Conditions for Exactness Y Methods for Solving the Differential Equation Pdx + Qdy + Rdz = 0 Y Geometrical
Interpretation of the Single Differential Equation P dx + Q dy + R dz = 0 which is Integrable Y The Locus of P dx + Q dy + R dz = 0 is Orthogonal to
dx dy dz
the Locus of = = Y The Non-integrable Single Differential Equation Y Equations Containing More than Three Variables.
Series: Analytical Geometry of
449-13 –A.R. Vasishtha, D.C. Agarwal & A.K. Vasishtha
Two Dimensions
Y Change of Axes Y Transformation of Co-ordinates Y Change of Origin (Translation of Axes) Y Rotation of Axes (Change of Directions of Axes)
Y Origin Shifted and Axes Rotated Y Hyperbola Y Standard Equation of a Hyperbola Y Second Focus and Second Directrix Y A Geometrical Property of
the Hyperbola Y Some Definitions and Results Y Asymptotes Y Rectangular Hyperbola Y Equation of the Rectangular Hyperbola Referred to Asymptotes
as Co-ordinate Axes Y Equation of a General Hyperbola Referred to Asymptotes as Axes of Co-ordinates Y Parametric Representation Y Equations of the
Chord, Tangent and Normal for the Hyperbola Y Equations of the Chord, Tangent and Normal for the Rectangular Hyperbola Y Conjugate Hyperbola Y
Properties of Conjugate Hyperbolas Y Properties of Conjugate Diameters of Conjugate Hyperbolas Y Polar Equation of a Conic (Chord of Contact)
YConic Section Y Polar Coordinates Y To Find the Polar Equation Y To Find the Equation to the Directrix of the Conic l / r = 1 + e cos θ Y To Find the
Polar Equation Y Chord Joining any Two Points on the Conic Y Tangent to the Conic at a Given Point on it Y Asymptotes Y Auxiliary Circle Y To Find the
Point of Intersection Y Director Circle Y Pair of Tangents Y Chord of Contact Y Polar Y Perpendicular Lines Y Normal Y Tracing of Conics (General
Equation of Second Degree) Y Conic Sections Y To Prove that the General Equation of the Second Degree Always Represents a Conic Section in
General Y Centre Definition Y Centre of a Conic Y Asymptotes Y Nature of a Conic Y Lengths and Equations of the Axes of a Central Conic Y Eccentricity,
Coordinates of the Foci and the Equation of the Directrices of the Central Conic Y Working Rule to Trace an Ellipse or a Hyperbola Y Tracing of a
Parabola Y General Conics, Contacts and Confocals Y Equation of a Conic Section Y Conic Through Five Points Y Intersection of a Straight Line
and a Conic Y Tangent to the General Conic Y Condition of Tangency Y Polar of a Point or Chord of Contact Y Conjugate Lines Y Chord with a Given
Middle Point Y Diameter Y Conjugate Diameters Y To Find the Condition that the two straight lines Y Pair of Tangents Y Director Circle of a Conic Y Foci
Y Tangents From a Focus to a Conic Y To Find the Foci of a Conic Y Axes of the Conic Y Directrices of the Conic Y Contact of Conics Y The Equation of a
Family of Conics Y Tangents from an External Point to a Conic Found by the Method of Double Contact Y To Find the General Equation Y To Find the
Equation of the Circle Y Equation of a Conic Referred to Tangent and Normal as Coordinate Axes Y Confocal Conics Y Propositions on Confocals Conics
Y Ellipse Y Standard Equation of an Ellipse Y Second Focus and Second DirectrixY Some Definition and Results for the Ellipse whose Equation is
x2 y2 x2 y2
+ = 1 Y General Equation of the Ellipse Y The Tangent and the Normal Y Intersection of the Line y = mx + c and the Ellipse =1Y+
a2 b2 a2 b2
Auxiliary circle Y The Equation of the Chord Joining the Points ‘φ 1’ and ‘φ 2’ Y Sub-tangent and Sub-normal Y Tangents from a Given Point (h, k) to the
Ellipse x 2 / a 2 + y 2 / b2 = 1 Y Director Circle Y Chord of Contact Y Some Propositions on Pole and Polar Y Pole and Polar Y The Equation of the Pair of
Tangents from a Point Y Diameter Y Propositions on Diameters Y Propositions on Conjugate Diameters Y Equi-conjugate Diameters Y A Property of
Equi-conjugate Diameters Y Supplemental Chords Y Oblique Axes Y Co-normal Points Y Concurrency of Three Normals Y Concyclic Points on an Ellipse
Y Centre of a Circle Passing Through Three Given Points on an Ellipse.
the Perpendicular Distance of a Point from a Line and the Co-ordinates of the Foot of the Perpendicular Y Intersection of Three Planes Y Shortest
Distance Y Skew Lines Y Length the Equations of the Line of Shortest Distance Y Volume of Tetrahedron Y To Find the Volume of a Tetrahedron,
whose three Coterminous Edges in the Right-handed Orientation are a, b, c where a, b, c are Vectors Y To Find the Volume V of a Tetrahedron, in terms of
the Lengths of Three Concurrent Edges and their Mutual Inclinations Y To Find the Volume V of a tetrahedron Y Skew Lines Y The Equations of Two
Skew Lines Y Change of Axes Y Transformation of Co-ordinates Y Change of Origin (Translation of Axes) Y Change of Directions of Axes (Rotation of
Axes) Y Relations between the Direction Cosines of three Mutually Perpendicular Lines YThe Sphere Y Equation of a Sphere Y Plane Section of a
Sphere Y Intersection of two Spheres Y The System of Spheres Through a Given Circle Y The Intersection of a Straight Line and a Sphere Y The Equation
of the Tangent Plane Y Plane of Contact Y Pole and Polar Plane Y Properties of the pole and the polar plane Y The Polar line Y The Angle of Intersection
of Two Spheres Y Touching Spheres Y The Length of the Tangent Y The Radical Plane Y The Properties of the Radical Plane Y The Radical Line (or
Radical Axis) Y Radical Centre Y Coaxial System of Spheres Y The Cylinder Y Right Circular Cylinder Y Tangent Plane to a Cylinder Y Enveloping
Cylinder Y The Cone Y The Cone with the Vertex at the Origin Y The Line x / l = y / m = z / n Y To Find the General Equation of a Cone Y The Equation
of the Cone with a Given Vertex and a Given Conic as Base Y To Find the Condition for the General Equation of the Second Degree to Represent a Cone
and to Find the Co-ordinates of its Vertex Y The Tangent Line and the Tangent Plane to a Cone Y The Condition of Tangency Y The Reciprocal Cone Y
The Angle between the Lines in which a Plane Cuts a Cone Y Three Mutually Perpendicular Generators Y Three Mutually Perpendicular Tangent Planes
Y Right Circular cone Y The Enveloping Cone Y Central Conicoids Y The Ellipsoid Y The Hyperboloid of One Sheet Y The Hyperboloid of two Sheets
Y The Tangent Plane Y The Condition of Tangency Y The Director Sphere Y The Polar Plane Y Properties of the Polar Planes and the Polar Lines Y Locus
of Chords Bisected at a Given Point Y Normal to a Conicoid Y Number of Normals Y Cubic Curve Through the Feet of the Normals Y To Find the
Equation of the Cone Through Six Concurrent Normals (The Six Normals Drawn from a Point to an Ellipsoid) Y Diametral Plane Y Conjugate Diameters
and Conjugate Diametral Planes Y The Relationship between the Co-ordinates of the Points P, Q, R where OP, OQ and OR are the Conjugate
Semi-diameters of an Ellipsoid Y Properties of Conjugate Semi-diameters of an Ellipsoid.
Y Mappings, Binary Compositions and Relations Y Functions or Mappings Y 'Into' and 'Onto' Mappings Y 'One-one' and 'Many-one' Mappings
Y Inverse function Y Composite of Mappings Y Binary operation or Binary composition Y Types of binary operations Y Relation Y Equivalence relations
Y Equivalence classes Y Partitions Y Fundamental Theorem on equivalence relations Y Partial order relations Y Groups Y Algebraic structure Y Group
Definition Y Abelian group Y Finite and infinite groups Y Order of a finite group Y General properties of a group Y Definition of a group based upon left
axioms Y Composition tables for finite sets Y Addition modulo m Y Multiplication modulo p Y Residue classes of the set of integers Y An alternative set of
postulates for a group Y Permutations Y Groups of permutations Y Cyclic permutations Y Even and odd permutations Y Integral powers of an element of a
group Y Order of an element of a group Y Homomorphism and Isomorphism of groups Y Complexes and subgroups of a group Y Intersection of
subgroups Y Cosets Y Relation of congruence modulo Y Lagrange's theorem Y Order of the product of two subgroups of finite order Y Cayley's theorem Y
Cyclic groups Y Rings Y Ring with unity Y Elementary properties of a ring Y Rings with or without zero divisors Y Integral domain Y Field Y Division ring
or skew field Y Isomorphism of rings Y Subrings Y Subfields Y Characteristic of a ring Y Ordered integral domains Y Ideals Y Principal Ideal Y Principal
Ideal ring Y Divisibility in an integral domain Y Polynomial rings Y Polynomials over an integral domain Y Vector Spaces Y General Properties of vector
spaces Y Vectors subspaces Y Linear combination of vectors Y Linear span Y Linear sum of two subspaces Y Linear dependance and linear independence
of vectors Y Basis of a vector space Y Finite dimensional vector spaces Y Dimension of a finitely generated vector space Y Dimension of a subspace Y
Homomorphism of vector spaces or Linear transformations Y Isomorpshism of vector spaces Y Direct sum of spaces Y Dimension of a direct sum Y
Complementary subspaces Y Coordinates Y Rings (Continued) Y Divisibility of polynomials over a field Y Division algorithm for polynomials over a
field Y Euclidean algorithm for polynomials over a field Y Unique factorization domain Y Quotient rings or Rings of residue classes Y Homomorphism of
rings Y Maximal ideal Y Prime ideals Y Euclidean rings Y Normal Subgroups Y Conjugate elements Y Normalizer of an element of a group Y Class
equation of a group Y Centre of a group Y Conjugate subgroups Y Invariant subgroups Y Quotient groups Y Homomorphisms of groups Y Kernel of a
homomorphism Y Fundamental theorem on homomorphism of groups Y More results on group homomorphism.
Y Multiple Products Y Scalar triple product Y Vector triple product Y Lagrange's identity for four vectors Y Vector product of four vectors Y Reciprocal
system of vectors Y Differentiation and Integration of Vectors Y Vector function Y Scalar fields and vector field Y Limit and continuity of a vector
function Y Derivative of a vector function with respect to a scalar Y Differentiation formulae Y Curves in space Y Integration of vector functions
Y Gradient, Divergence and Curl Y Partial derivatives of vectors Y The vector differential operator del. (∇) Y Gradient of a scalar field Y Level surfaces
Y Directional derivative of a scalar point function Y Tangent plane and normal to a level surface Y Divergence
of a vector point function Y Curl of a vector
point function Y Important vector identities Y Green's, Gauss's and Stoke's Theorems Y Line integrals Y Surface integrals Y Volume integrals
Y Green's Theorem in the plane Y The Gauss's divergence theorem Y Stoke's Theorem Y Line integrals independent of path.
455-16 Series: Statics –A.R. Vasishtha, R.K. Gupta & A.K. Vasishtha
Y Introduction (Concurrent Forces, Lami's Theorem) Y Action and Reaction Y Resultant Force Y Parallelogram of Forces Y λ - µ Theorem Y
Components of a Force in Two Given Directions Y Resolved Parts of a Force Along two Mutually Perpendicular Directions Y Resultant of a Number of
Coplanar Forces Acting at a Point Y Conditions of Equilibrium of a Number of Forces Acting at a Point Y Triangle Law of Forces Y Converse of the
Triangle of Forces Y Lami’s Theorem Y Polygon of Forces Y Equilibrium of a Rigid Body (Moments, Equilibrium of Coplanar Forces) Y Moment
of a Force About a Point Y General Theorems of Moments Y Couple Y If Three Forces Acting in one Plane Upon a Rigid Body Y Theorem Y Necessary
and Sufficient Conditions for Equilibrium of a Rigid Body Y Equation of the Resultant Y Equilibrium of a Rigid Body Under the Action of Three Forces
Only Y Two Important Trigonometrical Theorems Y Virtual Work Y Displacement Y A Rigid Body Y Kinds of Displacement of a Rigid Body Y Rotation
of a Rigid Body About a Point Y Position Vector of a Point After a General Displacement Y Work Done by a Force Y Work Done by a System of
Concurrent Forces Y Work Done by a Couple During a Small Displacement Y Work Done by a System of Forces During a Small Displacement Y Virtual
Displacement and Virtual Work Y The Principle of Virtual Work Y Forces which are Omitted in Forming the Equation of Virtual Work Y Application of the
Principle of Virtual Work Y Strings in Two Dimensions (Common Catenary) Y The Catenary Y Intrinsic Equation of the Common Catenary Y
Cartesian Equation of the Common Catenary Y Some Important Relations for the Common Catenary Y Sag of Tightly Stretched Wires Y Strings in Two
Dimensions (Catenary of Uniform Strength and Strings Resting on a Smooth and Rough Plane Curve) Y Catenary of Uniform Strength Y
Law of Variation of the Mass of String Y Equilibrium of a Light Inextensible String Resting on a Smooth Plane Curve Y Equilibrium of a Heavy Inextensible
String on a Smooth Curve in a Vertical Plane Y Equilibrium of a Light Inextensible String Resting in Equilibrium on a Rough Plane Under the Action of no
External Forces Y Equilibrium of a Heavy Inextensible String Resting in Limiting Equilibrium on a Rough Plane Curve Under the Action of no External
Forces Y Stable and Unstable Equilibrium Y The Work Function Y Work Function Test for the Nature of Stability of Equilibrium Y Potential Energy
Test for the Nature of Stability of Equilibrium Y z-Test for the Nature of Stability Y Stability of a Body Resting on a Fixed Rough Surface Y Centre of
Gravity Y Determination of the C.G. by Integration Y Centre of Gravity of a Plane Area Y Centre of Gravity of a Solid of Revolution Y Centre of Gravity of
Surface of Revolution Y Centre of Gravity when the Density Varies Y Use of Multiple Integrals to Find the Centre of Gravity of any Volume Y Equilibrium
of Forces in Three Dimensions [(Central Axis) Excluding Wrenches] Y To Find the Resultant of any Given Number of Forces Acting on a Particle
Y Necessary and Sufficient Conditions of Equilibrium of a Particle Under the Action of a System of Forces Y Reduction of a System of Forces to a Single
Force and a Couple Y Necessary and Sufficient Conditions of Equilibrium of a Rigid Body Under the Action of a System of Forces Acting at any Points of it
Y Wrench Y Central Axis Y Characteristics of a Central Axis Y Wrench and Screw Y Invariants Y Conditions for a Single Resultant Force Y Equations of the
Central Axis Y Computation of X, Y, Z : L, M, N YConstrained Bodies Y Conditions of Equilibrium of a Rigid Body with one Point Fixed Y Conditions of
Equilibrium of a Rigid Body with Two Fixed Points Y Forces in Three Dimensions (Screws and Wrenches; Null Lines and Null Planes) Y Null
Lines, Null Plane and Null Point (Definitions) Null Lines Y To Find the Equation to Null Plane of a Given Point (a, b, c) Referred to Any Axes Ox, Oy, Oz Y
To Find the Null Point of the Plane Y To Find the Condition that the Straight Line Y Conjugate Forces and lines (Def.) Y Screw, Pitch and Wrench
(Definitions) Y To Find the Resultant Wrench of Two Given Wrenches Y Reciprocal Screws (Def.) Y Attraction Y The Law of Attraction (Newtonian Law
of Gravitation) Y Attraction Y Attraction of a Rod Y Attraction of a Curvilinear Rod Y Attraction of a Thin Uniform Spherical Shell Y Attraction of a Solid
∂v ∂v ∂v
Sphere Y Potential Y Relation between the Attraction and Potential Y If V be the Potential of an Attracting Mass M, at any Point P (x, y, z), then , ,
∂x ∂y ∂z
Y Potential of a Finite Rod Y Potential of an Infinite Rod Y Potential of a Circular Disc Y Potential of a Spherical Shell Y Potential of a Solid Sphere.
456-19 Series: Dynamics –A.R. Vasishtha, R.K. Gupta & A.K. Vasishtha
Y Kinematics in Two Dimensions Y Kinematics of a Particle (Velocity and Acceleration) Y Angular Velocity and Acceleration Y Rate of Change of a
Unit Vector in a Plane Y Relation between Angular and Linear Velocities Y Components of Velocity and Acceleration Along the Co-ordinate Axes Y
Radial and Transverse Velocities and Accelerations Y Tangential and Normal Velocities and Accelerations Y Rectilinear Motion (S.H.M.) Y Velocity
and Acceleration Y Motion Under Constant Acceleration Y Newton’s Laws of Motion Y Equation of Motion Y Simple Harmonic Motion (S. H. M.) Y
Geometrical Representation of S. H. M. Y Important Results About S.H.M. Y Hooke’s Law Y Particle Attached to One end of a Horizontal Elastic String Y
Particle Suspended by an Elastic String Y Motion Under Inverse Square Law Y Motion of a Particle Under the Attraction of the Earth Y Motion Under
Miscellaneous Laws of Forces Y Constrained Motion Y Motion in a Vertical Circle Y Some Important Results of the Motion of a Projectile to be Used in
this Chapter Y Motion on the Outside of a Smooth Vectical Circle Y Cycloid Y Motion on a Cycloid Y Motion on the Outside of a Smooth Cycloid with its
Axis Vertical and Vertex Upwards Y Simple Pendulum Y Oscillations of a Simple Pendulum Y Beat of a Pendulum Y The Second’s Pendulum Y Gain or
Loss of Beats (time) by a Clock Y Central Orbits Y Differential Equation of a Central Orbit Y Rate of Description of the Sectorial Area Y Elliptic Orbit
(Focus as the Centre of Force) Y Hyperbolic and Parabolic Orbits (Centre of Force Being the Focus) Y Velocity from Infinity Y Velocity in a Circle Y Given
the Central Orbit, to Find the Law of Force Y Apse and Apsidal Distance Y Property of the Apse-Line Y Given the Law of Force, to Find the Orbit Y The
Inverse Square Law (Planetary Motion) Y Newton’s Law of Gravitation Y Motion Under the Inverse Square Law Y Kepler’s Laws of Planetary Motion
Y Deductions from Kepler’s Laws Y Some Important Geometrical Properties of an Ellipse Y Time of Description of an Arc of a Central Orbit Y To Find the
Time of Description of a Given Arc of a Parabolic Orbit Starting from the Vertex Y To Find the Time of Description of a Given Arc of an Elliptic Orbit
Starting from the Nearer end of the Major Axis Y To Find the Time of Description of a Given Arc of a Hyperbolic Orbit Starting from the Vertex Y Motion
in a Resisting Medium (In a Straight Line Only) Y Terminal Velocity Y Motion of a Particle Falling Under Gravity Y Motion of a Particle Projected
Vertically Upwards Y Projectiles Y The Motion of a Projectile and its Trajectory Y Latus Rectum, Vertex, Forcus and Directrix of the Trajectory Y Time of
Flight, Horizontal Range and Maximum Height Y Velocity at any Point of the Trajectory Y Locus of the Focus and Vertex of the Trajectory Y Some
Geometrical Properties of a Parabola Y Projections to Hit a Given Point Y Range and Time of Flight on an Inclined Plane Y Range and Time of Flight
Down an Inclined Plane Y Envelope of the Trajectories with the Same Velocity of Projection Y Particles Suffered to Describe Parabolic Paths Y Work,
Energy and Impulse Y The Concept of Work Y Work Done by a Constant Force Y Work done by a Variable Force Y Units of Work Y Power Y Kinetic
Energy Y The Work-energy Principle Y Conservative and Non-conservative Forces Y Potential Energy (P.E.) Y The Principle of Conservation of Energy Y
The Principle of Conservation of Energy for the Motion in Plane Y The Principle of Conservation of Linear Momentum Y Impulse Definition When the
Force is Constant Y D' Alembert's Principle (And Equations of Motion of a Rigid Body) Y Motion of a Particle Y Motion of a Rigid Body Y D’
Alembert’s Principle Y General Equations of Motion of a Body Y Linear Momentum Y Motion of the Centre of Inertia Y Motion Relative to the Centre of
Inertia Y Impulse of a Force Y An Important Rule Y General Equations of Motion Under Impulsive Forces Y Moments of Inertia Y Moments and
Products of Inertia with Respect to Three Mutually Perpendicular Axes Y Some Simple Propositions Y Moment of Inertia of a Uniform Rod of Length 2a Y
Moment of Inertia of a Rectangular Lamina Y Moment of Inertia of a Circular Wire Y Moment of Inertia of a Circular Disc Y Moment of Inertia of an Elliptic
Disc Y Moment of Inertia of a Uniform Triangular Lamina about One Side Y Moment of Inertia of a Rectangular Parallelopiped about an Axis Through its
Centre and Parallel to One of its Edges Y M.I. of a Spherical Shell (i.e., Hollow Sphere) about a Diameter Y M.I. of a Solid Sphere about a Diameter Y M.I.
of an Ellipsoid Y Routh’s Rule Y Theorem of Parallel Axis Y Moment of Inertia of a Plane Lamina about a Line Y Principal Axes Y Motion about a Fixed
Axis Y Moment of the Effective Forces about the Axis of Rotation Y Equation of Motion of the Body about the Axis of Rotation Y Moment of Momentum
about the Axis of Rotation Y Kinetic Energy Y Compound Pendulum Y Time of a Complete Small Oscillation of a Compound Pendulum Y Simple
Equivalent Pendulum Y Minimum Time of Oscillation of a Compound Pendulum Y The Centre of Suspension and the Centre of Oscillation of a
Compound Pendulum are Convertible Y Reactions of the Axis of Rotation Y Centre of Percussion Y Centre of Percussion of a Rod Y Centre of Percussion
(In General Case).
457-08 Series: Real Analysis –A.R. Vasishtha, A.K. Vasishtha & Hemlata Vasishtha
Y Real Number System (Bounded and Unbounded Sets of Real Numbers, Neighbourhoods and Limit Points) Y Field Axioms Y Some
Properties of Real Numbers Y Absolute Value or Modulus of a Real Number Y Bounded and Unbounded Subsets of Real Numbers Y Least Upper Bound
or Supremum Y Greatest Lower Bound or Infimum Y Some Properties of Supremum and Infimum Y Completeness Axiom, Existence of Suprema and
Infima of Bounded Sets Y The Set of Real Numbers as a Complete Ordered Field Y Archimedean Property of Real Numbers Y The Denseness Property of
the Real Number System Y Neighbourhood of a Point Y Limit Points of a Set Y Bolzano Weierstrass Theorem Y Interior of a Set Y Open Sets Y Closed Sets
Y Closure of a Set Y Countability of Sets Y Dedikind’s Property of Real Numbers Y Sequences Y Subsequences Y Bounded Sequences Y Convergent
Sequences Y Divergent Sequences Y Algebra of Convergent Sequences Y Monotonic Sequences Y Limit Points of a Sequence Y Cauchy Sequences Y
Cauchy’s General Principle of Convergence Y Limit Superior and Limit Inferior of a Sequence Y Nested Interval Theorem or Cantor’s Intersection
Theorem Y Infinite Series Y Convergence and Divergence of Series Y Cauchy’s General Principle of Convergence for Series Y The Auxiliary Series
Σ (1 / np ) Y Comparison Test Y Cauchy’s Root Test Y D’ Alembert’s Ratio Test Y Cauchy’s Condensation Test Y Raabe’s Test Y Logarithmic Test Y De
Morgan’s and Bertrand’s Test Y Gauss’s Test Y Cauchy Maclaurin’s Integral Test Y Alternating Series Y Alternating Series Test (Leibnitz’s Test) Y Absolute
Convergence and Conditional Convergence Y Limits and Countinuity Y Definition of Limit Y Algebra of Limits Y Right Hand and Left Hand Limits Y
Infinite Limits Y Cauchy’s Definition of Continuity Y Types of Discontinuity Y Algebra of Continuous Functions Y Properties of Continuous Functions Y
Uniform Continuity Y Differentiability Y Derivative at a Point Y Derivative of a Function Y A Necessary Condition for the Existence of Finite
Derivatives Y Algebra of Derivatives Y Rolle’s Theorem Y Lagrange’s Mean Value Theorem Y Cauchy’s Mean Value Theorem Y Taylor’s Theorem with
Lagrange’s Form of Remainder Y Taylor’s Theorem with Cauchy’s Form of Remainder Y Taylor’s Series Y Maclaurin’s Series Y Maclaurin’s Expansion of
Some Basic Functions e x , sin x etc. Y The Riemann Integral Y Partitions and Riemann Sums Y Upper and Lower Riemann Integrals Y Riemann
Integrability Y Riemann’s Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for R-Integrability Y Some Classes of Integrable Functions Y Fundamental Theorem of
Integral Calculus Y The Riemann-Stieltjes Integral Y A Generalisation of the Riemann Integral Y Partitions Y Lower and Upper Riemann-Stieltjes
Sums Y The Lower and Upper Riemann-Stieltjes Integrals Y The Riemann-Stieltjes Integral Y The RS-Integrals as a Limit of Sums Y Some Classes of
RS-Integrable Functions Y Algebra of RS-Integrable Functions Y A Relation between R-Integral and RS-Integral Y Uniform Convergence of
Sequences and Series of Functions Y Some Definitions Y Uniform Convergence Y Cauchy’s General Principle of Uniform Convergence Y Tests for
Uniform Convergence Y Uniform Convergence and Continuity Y Uniform Convergence and Integration Y Uniform Convergence and Differentiation Y
Convergence of Improper Integrals Y Some Definitions Y Convergence of Improper Integrals Y Test for Convergence of Improper Integrals of the
First Kind Y Absolute Convergence Y Tests for Convergence of Improper Integrals of the Second Kind.
458-13 Series: Numerical Analysis –A.R. Vasishtha, S.K. Sharma & Hemlata Vasishtha
Y The Calculus of Finite Differences Y Finite Differences Y Fundamental Theorem Y Differences of a Factorial Polynomial Y Generalized Factorial
Function Y Leibnitz’s Rule Y Differences of Zero Y Separation of Symbols Y Interpolation (With Equal Intervals) Y Methods of Interpolation Y
Newton’s Interpolation Formula Y Newton-Gregory Forward Difference Interpolation Formula Y Newton-Gregory Backward Difference Interpolation
Formula Y Subdivision of Intervals Y Interpolation (With Unequal Intervals) Y Divided Differences Y Divided Difference Table Y Newton’s Divided
Difference Formula Y Confluent Divided Difference Y Lagrange’s Interpolation Formula) Y Solution of Algebraic and Trancendental Equations Y
Descarte’s Rule of Signs Y Graphical Method Y Analytic Method or Bisection Method Y Method of Falsa Position Y Iterative Methods Y Newton-Raphson
Method Y Nearly Equal Roots Y Rate of Convergence Y Graeffe’s Root Squaring Method Y Bairstow’s Method Y Simultaneous Linear Algebraic
Equations Y Gauss’s Elimination Method Y Jordan Method Y Crout’s Method Y Method of Factorization Y Jacobi Iterative Method Y Gauss Sidel
Iterative Method Y Matrix Inversion Y Gauss Elimination Method Y Gauss-Jordan Method Y Crout’s Method Y Doolittle Method Y Choleski’s Method Y
The Escalator Method Y Iterative Methods Y Numerical Solution of Ordinary Differential Equations Y Picard’s Method of Successive
Approximations Y Euler’s Method Y Modified Euler’s Method Y Solution by Taylor’s Series Y Milne’s Method Y Runge-Kutta Methods Y A General
Approach to Predictors and Correctors Y Differential Equations of Second Order Y Central Differences & Gauss Interpolation Formulae Y The
Central Difference Operator δ Y Gauss Forward Formula Y Gauss Backward Formula Y Numerical Integration Y A General Quadrature Formula for
Equidistant Ordinates Y The Trapezoidal Rule Y Simpson’s One-third Rule Y Simpson’s Three-eighths Rule Y Weddle’s Rule Y Cote’s Method Y
Approximations Y Least Squares Approximation Y Uniform Approximation Y Rational Approximation.
Y Preliminary Concepts Y States of Matter Y Distinction Between Solid, Liquid and Gas Y Hydrostatics Y Perfect Fluid and Viscous Fluid Y Fluid
Pressure Y Pressure at a Point Y Equality of Pressure in Different Directions Y Transmissibility of Liquid Pressure (Pascal’s Law) Y Hydraulic or Bramah’s
Press Y Density Y Weight in Terms of Density Y Specific Gravity (Relative Density) Y Weight in Terms of Specific Gravity Y Specific Gravity of Mixtures
Y Theorems on Fluid Pressure under Gravity and Condition of Equilibrium of Fluid Y Fluid at Rest Under Gravity Y Equality of Pressure at all
Points in a Horizontal Plane Y Pressure in Heavy Homogeneous Fluid Y Free Surface of a Liquid Y Surfaces of Equal Density Y Pressure at a Point in the
Lower Layer of two Liquids Y Surface of Separation of two Liquids Y Effective Surface Y Head of Liquid Y Characteristics of Liquids Y Pressure Derivative
in Terms of Force Y Equation of Pressure in Different Systems of Coordinates Y Necessary Condition of Equilibrium Y The Pressure and the Potential
Energy Function Y Surfaces of Equal Pressure Y Lines of Force Y Curves of Equal Pressure and Density Y Whole Pressure on a Plane Surface
Y Thrust on a Surface Y Whole Pressure on a Plane Surface Y Layers of Different Liquids Y Thrust on a Horizontal Area Y Thrusts on Curved Surfaces
Y How to Find Resultant Vertical Thrust Y Resultant Vertical Thrust When the Liquid Presses Upwards Y Resultant Vertical Thrust When the Liquid
Presses Y Partly Upwards and Partly Downwards Y How to Find Resultant Horizontal Thrust Y Resultant Thrust Y Resultant Thrust on a Solid — Principle
of Archimedes Y Force of Buoyancy and Centre of Buoyancy Y Thrust on a Vessel Containing Liquid Y Thrust on a Curved Surface Bounded by a Plane
Curve Y Centre of Pressure Y Position of the C.P. Remains Unaltered by Rotation of its Plane Area Y Geometrical Method for Finding C.P. Y Formulae
for the Depth of the C.P. Y Application to Standard Cases Y Analogy in the Determination of C.P. and C.G. Y Effect of Further Immersion Y The Depth of
the C.P. of a Triangle in Terms of the Depths of its Three Vertices Y Coordinates of the Centre of Pressure Y Depth of the C.P. of an Area Immersed in
Various Liquids of Different Densities Which do not Mix Y Equilibrium of Floating Bodies Y General Considerations for Equilibrium Y Conditions of
Equilibrium of a Body Freely Floating in a Liquid Y Volume Immersed Y Bodies Floating in More than one Liquid Y Tension in the String Supporting a
Body Y Weighing a Body Immersed in a Liquid Y Weighing in Air Y Correction for Weighing in Air Y Bodies Floating Under Constraint.