SECTION 02200 Earthworks
SECTION 02200 Earthworks
SECTION 02200 Earthworks
A. Protection, modification and/or installation of utilities as the project progresses paying particular
attention to grade changes, any necessary staging of work, and compliance with permits,
ordinances, and safety regulations.
B. Cutting, filling, and grading to required lines, dimensions, contours and proposed elevations for
proposed improvements.
C. Scarifying, compaction, drying, and removal of unsuitable material to ensure proper preparation of
areas for fills or proposed improvements.
H. Construction Drawings
NOTE TO USERS: A copy of the Geotechnical Investigation Report and Erosion and
Sedimentation Control Report should be appended to Specification Sections 02180 and 02270,
respectively, for large projects, and shall be considered part of the Contract Document.
D698 Test for Moisture-Density Relations of Soils Using 5.5 lb. (2.5 kg) Rammer and 12-inch (304.8
mm) Drop (Standard Proctor)
D1556 Test for Density of soil in Place by the Sand Cone Method
D1557 Test for Moisture-Density Relations of Soils using 10-lb (4.5 kg) Rammer and 18-inch (457 mm)
Drop (Modified Proctor)
Construction of 32 Residential Villas with Services Blocks
at Plot No. TW-EU-E09 - Heart of Europe, The World
D1559 Test Method for Resistance to Plastic Flow of Bituminous Mixtures Using Marshall Apparatus
D2167 Test for Density of Soil in Place by the Rubber Balloon Method
D2922 Tests for Density of Soil and Soil-Aggregate in Place by Nuclear Methods (Shallow Depth)
D3017 Test for Moisture Content of Soil and Soil-Aggregate in Place by Nuclear Methods (Shallow
D4318 Test for Plastic Limit, Liquid Limit, & Plasticity Index of Soils
American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO), Latest Edition:
Construct temporary erosion control systems as shown on the plans or as directed by the engineer to
protect adjacent properties and water resources for erosion and sediment damages.
A. Independent Testing Laboratory selected and paid by Contractor, shall be retained to perform
construction testing on site based on the following:
In general, cut areas, not less than one compaction test for every 10,000 square feet. In fill areas,
same rate of testing for each 8-inch lift (measured loose). For building areas, the frequency shall
be twice this rate.
B. If compaction requirements are not complied with at any time during construction process,
remove and recompact deficient areas until proper compaction is obtained at no additional
expense to the Owner.
C. The following tests shall be performed on each type of on-site or imported soil material used as
compacted fill as part of construction testing requirements:
D. Field density tests for in-place materials shall be performed according to one of the following
standards as part of construction testing requirements:
E. Independent Testing Laboratory shall prepare test reports that indicate test location, elevation
data, and test results. Owner, Engineer, Contractor and the City of Saco Department of Public
Works shall be provided with copies of reports within 96 hours of time test was performed. In the
event that any test performance fails to meet these Specifications, the Owner and Contractor
shall be notified immediately by Independent Testing Laboratory.
Construction of 32 Residential Villas with Services Blocks
at Plot No. TW-EU-E09 - Heart of Europe, The World
All costs related to retesting due to failures shall be paid for by the Contractor at no additional expense to
the Owner (SPECIFIER TO VERIFY). The Owner or the City of Saco reserves the right to employ a
second Independent Testing Laboratory and to direct any testing that is deemed necessary beyond that
which is required within this contract. Contractor shall provide free access to site for testing activities.
A. Submit a sample of each type of off-site fill materials that is to be used at the site in an air tight,
10 lb container for the testing laboratory.
B. Submit the name of each material supplier and specific type and source of each material. Any
change in source throughout the job requires approval of the Owner and engineer.
F. Filter/Drainage Fabrics
1. Mirafi 140N
2. Phillips 66 Supac 4NP
3. Dupont Typar 3341
B. Locate and identify existing utilities that are to remain and protect them from damage.
C. Notify utility companies to remove and/or relocate any utilities that are in conflict with the
proposed improvements.
D. Protect plant life, lawns, fences, existing structures, sidewalks, paving and curbs from excavation
equipment and vehicular traffic. Protect any trees not authorized by the City Tree Warden.
Construction of 32 Residential Villas with Services Blocks
at Plot No. TW-EU-E09 - Heart of Europe, The World
E. Protect benchmarks, property corners and all other survey monuments from damage or
displacement. If a marker needs to be removed, it shall be referenced by a licensed land surveyor
and replaced, as necessary, by the same.
F. Remove from site material encountered in grading operations that, in opinion of Owner or
Owner's representative, is unsuitable or undesirable for backfilling, subgrade, or foundation
purposes. Dispose of in a manner satisfactory to Owner and in accordance with the applicable
State, Local, and Federal Regulations, appended to Section 02050 of these specifications.
G. Prior to those placing fill in low areas, such as previously existing creeks, ponds, or lakes, perform
following procedures:
1. Confirm State and Federal permitting is in place and review the conditions of these permits.
2. Drain water out by gravity with ditch having flow line lower than lowest elevation in low area. If
drainage cannot be performed by gravity ditch, use adequate pump to obtain same results.
(Confirm this does not conflict with erosion/sediment control report.)
3. After drainage of low area is complete, remove muck, mud, debris, and other unsuitable
material by using acceptable equipment and methods that will keep natural soils underlying
low areas dry and undisturbed.
4. If proposed for fill, all muck, mud, and other materials removed from above low areas shall be
dried on-site by spreading in thin layers for observation by the Owner's representative. Material
shall be inspected and, if found to be suitable for use as fill material, shall be incorporated into
lowest elevation of site filling operation, but not under or within 10'-0" of perimeter of building pad
or paving subgrade. If, after observation by the Owner's representative, material is found to be
unsuitable, all unsuitable material shall be removed from site.
B. Perform excavation using capable, well-maintained equipment and methods acceptable to Owner
and governing agencies.
C. When performing grading operations during periods of wet weather, provide adequate drainage
and ground water management to control moisture of soils.
D. Shore, brace, and drain excavations as necessary to maintain safe, secure, and free of water at
all times.
E. Excavated material containing rock or stone exceeding 6" size limitation is unacceptable as fill
within the proposed paving area unless stipulated otherwise in a geotechnical report accepted by
the City of Saco.
F. Rock or stone meeting the requirements contained in the geotechnical report is acceptable as fill
when used as outlined in a geotechnical report accepted by the City of Saco.
Construction of 32 Residential Villas with Services Blocks
at Plot No. TW-EU-E09 - Heart of Europe, The World
G. Excavation shall consist of the removal of all materials encountered in grading the project and
disposal where necessary.
H. Excavation shall be accomplished in a manner which complies with the erosion control measures
for this site, meets all OSHA and related requirements, and maintains positive drainage of the
subgrade throughout construction.
A. Excavation shall consist of the removal, haul, disposal, and compaction if required of all material
encountered in grading the project within the limits of construction. It shall include the removal
and disposal of boulders, solid mortared stone masonry, and concrete masonry when each is
less than 2 cubic yards in volume and all soft and disintegrated rock which can be removed with
ordinary excavating machinery. It shall include grubbing which consists of the removal and
disposal of all stumps, roots, bushes, grass, turf, and other objectionable material.
It shall include muck excavation which shall consist of the removal and disposal of saturated or
unsaturated mixtures of soils and organic matter not suitable for embankment foundation
material regardless of moisture content.
Suitable material taken from excavation shall be used in the formation of embankment,
subgrade, for backfilling or offsite disposal.
B. Borrow material shall consist of approved material required for the construction of embankment
or subgrade. Material that cannot be obtained on site from excavation must consist of earth,
suitable for embankment construction in accordance with MDOT 703.18. It shall be free from
frozen material, perishable rubbish, peat, and other unsuitable material.
The moisture content shall be sufficient to provide the required compaction and stable
embankment. In no case shall the moisture content exceed 4 percent above optimum.
The optimum moisture content shall be determined in accordance with AASHTO T180, Method C
or D.
A. Finished subgrades shall be verified to ensure proper elevation and conditions for construction
above subgrade.
B. Protect subgrade from excessive wheel loading during construction, including concrete trucks
and dump trucks.
Construction of 32 Residential Villas with Services Blocks
at Plot No. TW-EU-E09 - Heart of Europe, The World
C. Remove areas of finished subgrade found to have insufficient compaction density to depth
necessary and replace in a manner that will comply with compaction requirements by use of
material equal to or better than best subgrade material on site. Surface of subgrade after
compaction shall be hard, uniform, smooth, stable, and true to grade and cross-section.
D. Grading of building and paving areas shall be checked by string line from grade stakes (blue
tops) set at not more than 50' centers. Tolerance of + 0.10 feet will be permitted. Contractor to
provide engineering and field staking necessary for verification of lines, grades, and elevations.
E. Maintain subgrade for area to be paved and building pad subgrade, whether previously graded
by others and accepted by contractor or constructed by contractor. Make adjustments that may
be required in accordance with Specifications at no additional expense to Owner.
The Contractor shall protect all soils, compacted gravel, sand, and drainage fill material under
poured slabs and in areas where slabs will be poured within the building; from frost, freezing
temperatures, and excessive moisture. Any upper soils which freeze shall be scarified and
recompacted prior to placement of pavement or slabs. All expenses associated with protective
measures, temporary heating, and recompaction shall be at the expense of the Contractor.
3. 0 5 RI PR AP
A. Place riprap in all areas where indicated on the Drawings. The stone for riprap shall be washed
and consist of field stone or rough unhewn quarry stone as nearly uniform, in section as is
The stones shall be dense, resistant to the action of air and water, and suitable in all aspects for
the purpose intended. The riprap shall be composed of a well-graded mixture down to the one-
inch size particle such that 50 percent of the mixture by weight shall be larger than the D50 size
as determined from the design procedure.
A well-graded mixture is defined as a mixture composed primarily of the larger stone size but
with a sufficient mixture of other sizes to fill the progressively smaller voids between the stones.
The diameter of the largest stone size in such a mixture shall be 1.5 times the D50 size. When
subjected to the magnesium sulfate soundness test (ASTM C-88), the percent weight loss shall
be less than 15%. When tested according to ASTM C-131, the crushed stone shall have a
maximum loss of 45% at 5,000 revolution.
B. Slopes and other areas to be protected shall be dressed to the line and grade shown on the
plans prior to the placing of riprap. Contractor shall then undercut the areas to receive riprap to
an elevation equal to the final elevation less the specified thickness of riprap as shown on the
C. Filter fabric and bedding material shall be installed prior to the placement of the riprap if so
indicated on the drawings. The bedding material shall be in accordance with Section 02227 and
shall be 6" in depth. Filter fabric shall be as specified herein and as detailed on the plans.
D. Stones shall be placed so that the greater portion of their weight is carried by the earth and not
by the adjacent stones. These stones shall be placed uniformly with close joints. The upright
areas of the stone shall make an angle of approximately 90 degree with the embankment slope.
The courses shall be placed from the bottom of the embankment upward, the larger stones being
placed in the lower courses. Open joints shall be filled with spalls. Stones shall be embedded in
the embankment as necessary to present a uniform top surface such that the variation between
tops of adjacent stones shall not exceed 3".
Construction of 32 Residential Villas with Services Blocks
at Plot No. TW-EU-E09 - Heart of Europe, The World
A. Grade all areas where finish grade elevations or contours are indicated on Drawings, other than
paved areas and buildings, including excavated areas, filled and transition areas, and landscaped
areas. Graded areas shall be uniform and smooth, free of rock, debris, or irregular surface
changes. Finished subgrade surface shall not be more than 0.10 feet above or below established
finished subgrade elevation, and all ground surfaces shall vary uniformly between indicated
elevations. Finish ditches shall be graded to allow for proper drainage without ponding and in
manner that will minimize erosion potential. For topsoil application, refer to Section 02900.
B. Correct all settlement and eroded areas within one year after date of completion at no additional
expense to owner. Bring grades to proper elevation. Replant or replace any grass, shrubs,
bushes, or other vegetation disturbed by construction using corrective measures. Refer to
Section 02270 for slope protection and erosion control.
All excavated material not incorporated into the finished work shall be the property of the
Contractor unless the Public Works Director request the material be delivered and stockpiled at
the Public Works Facility on North Street. Unacceptable material and material not requested by
the Public Works Director shall be removed from the project site and disposed of by the
Contractor. When it is necessary to haul soft or wet materials over streets or pavements, the
Contractor shall provide suitable watertight vehicles to prevent deposits on the streets or
pavements. In all cases, materials dropped from vehicles shall be cleaned up as often as
necessary of whenever directed by the Engineer, and crosswalks, streets, and pavements be
kept clean and free of debris.
The Contractor shall be responsible for disposal of excavated materials in areas which are not
classified as wetlands using the multi-parameter method of the Dept. of the Army Corps of
Engineers. The Contractor shall also be responsible for erosion control measures, grading,
seeding, and mulching of any disposal areas.