Matlab Based Software For Aircraft Wings Structural Analysis and Design

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Matlab Based Software for Aircraft Wings Structural Analysis and


Saad Anjum Shoaib Bilal

Department of Aerospace Engineering Department of Aerospace Engineering
Institute of Space and Technology Institute of Space and Technology
Islamabad, Pakistan Islamabad, Pakistan

calculations of preliminary structural design of aircraft wings

and these methods do not offer much flexibility so this
Abstract—As the world is progressing day by day use of software tool is developed for the preliminary design
computers and other software’s are playing an important role calculations rather than going to the lengthy procedures thus
in every field of study and making complex things easy to reducing the workload and time.
handle. Use of new advanced software’s has brought the This AAD software is basically related to aircraft
revolutionary change in the field of science and technology. structure. It is based on technique known as structural
Work related to aircraft structure and preliminary analysis
idealization. For the calculation of bending and shear stresses
and design is going on in PAC Kamra and other industries, so
on the wings we have to do the lengthy calculations so all
it was needed to have software which will do the task of
preliminary structural analysis of aircraft wings in few
these formulas have been integrated in this software to
minutes. Also this kind of software was needed to be developed calculate these stresses. Matlab is used for this purpose
to help undergraduate students in universities to learn because this programming language is good in handling
concepts and develop insight related to aircraft structure these mathematical equations. In matlab we can easily create
analysis and design. AAD software can help Professors to solve the graphical user interface in a very simple way which
the problems related to aircraft structure with just few clicks. would be very easy to understand for the users.
In the light of all these requirements authors have developed
an AAD (Aero-Structures Analysis and Design) software which
will do the preliminary analysis calculations which would be
very helpful for the industries, students and professors for the A. Selection of programming language
study purpose and solving the lengthy problems. Software will Matlab is used for the coding to develop this software
idealize the structure to calculate the bending and shear tool. In matlab we can easily test the algorithms without
stresses for given loading. The programming language used for recompilation. We type something in the command line and
software development is MATLAB because of its ability to see the results quickly so this language greatly facilitates the
solve complex engineering problems. algorithm development. Matlab desktop environment allow
us to work interactively with our data so it help to keep track
Keywords-component; Matlab software, Aircraft structures,
of files and simplifies the common programming task. Major
Bending stresses, Shear Stresses, Wing, Analysis.
benefits of using matlab is the user friendly graphical user
interface and its ability to handle complex mathematical
I. INTRODUCTION equations.
We are living in the computer era and now companies
and research firms are using new concepts and software’s to B. AAD Objectives
achieve there aims and goals. People feel it easy to use
developed software’s which help solve their problems rather This software tool was developed by keeping in mind
than doing the complex calculation on pages again and many objectives. Main objectives will be discussed in this
again. It is needed that theoretical concepts should be section. Main purpose of developing this software tool is to
integrated into software. Software reduces the workload of help the people working in the aircraft industry in their
the companies and universities and also save much of their preliminary structural design of aircraft wings. Aircraft
time. Aim of this paper is to describe about the tool which industries would prefer this software tool over the excel
will be able to resolve all the following issues. It was the sheets for doing the calculations because it can do the
need of the time that this kind of software should be preliminary analysis very efficiently. In universities this
developed which will help the students and professors in software will help students and professors to solve the
there learning, teaching and training purposes. Aircraft problems related to aircraft structure and make analysis by
industries are using some lengthy methods to do the observing the results so in this way students will get familiar
with modern computational techniques. It is developed with
as much user friendly interface as possible so anyone can use
this tool easily with little knowledge covering all the aspects.
This software tool gives the multiple options to the user for II. THEORETICAL CONSIDERATIONS OF AAD
skin analysis and skin stringer analysis, quick analysis,
Finite element method analysis is being used in ANSYS
detailed analysis. Users don’t need to worry about importing
and Nastran software is also being used to do the structural
the aircraft coordinates to make the airfoil. Users just need to
analysis of the aircraft. This software is widely used by the
give thickness to chord ratio to get the airfoil for wing. AAD
people working in the aircraft industries. These software’s
software tool display the result step wise along with
take too much time to do the complete detailed analysis.
graphical demonstration of the results which would be very
Engineers and students using this software are unable to
easy to comprehend.
know the underlying concepts because of the complexities of
C. AAD aplications these software tools but AAD software tool can do the
This software tool is developed with wide range of preliminary analysis of the aircraft wings in few minutes and
applications. also this tool is based on the basic theories and formulas
given in the books [1], [2]. Brief introduction will be
 This software tool is capable to do the analysis of
discussed in the following paragraphs.
rectangular wings covering NACA four digit
symmetrical and unsymmetrical airfoils. A. Airfoil Modeling
 It covers the airfoil modeling for the development In this AAD software tool both the symmetrical and
of wing. unsymmetrical airfoils are modeled for the rectangular wing
 This software tool enables us to do the structural aircraft. This software give ease to the user that we don’t
idealization of the wing and finding the need to import the airfoil coordinates and the airfoil is
crossectional properties, centroid and location of developed. In symmetrical airfoil we just need to give the
neutral axis. thickness to chord ratio and the chord length while for
 This tool enables us to calculate the bending and unsymmetrical type airfoil user also need to enter the
shear stresses at any given crossection of the wing. maximum camber, location of maximum camber along with
 Shear flows are obtained which then divided by the thickness to chord ratio. Theoretical concepts and the
thickness to get the shear stress. equations were considered from the book [5] for airfoils.
 User can see how stresses are affected by the Following equation were used to plot the airfoil in the AAD
application of stringers on the wing skin. software tool.
Equation for the symmetrical airfoil is given as:
D. Development streak of AAD

This software tool is developed by the following
sequence. Firstly basic concepts were made from the course
material [1], [2]. Then it is learned how to make the 
graphical user interface and do the coding in the matlab  
software [3]. Theoretical concepts learned [1], [2], [4] are 
applied in matlab programming and graphical user interfaces Where t= thickness to chord ratio.
are developed. Finally after doing the complete coding In this formula last value is modified to be
standalone application is made so that it can work on any because we have the close trailing edge. Now formula
computer by downloading some files. considered to plot the asymmetrical airfoil is given as under:
E. Considered Assumption
Some important assumptions were made before doing the
calculation on this AAD software tool. If someone has to use (2)
this software then he should kept in mind these assumptions
which are listed as follows. (3)
 Direct stress is constant over the stringer
crossection. Here in this equation
 Direct stresses are carried by the boom while the m= maximum ordinate of mean line expressed as a function
skin is effective only in shear. of chord.
 Crossection remain crossection after applying the P=chord wise position of maximum ordinate
 Span of the wing do not change. Asymmetrical airfoils are used on most of the aircraft
 Material is considered as isotropic and homogenous because of the fact that these airfoils can generate the lift
and it obeys the hooks law. even at the zero angle of attack.
 Load applied remain in the elastic limit.
B. Idealization of aircraft structure
We have idealized the wing panel into the direct stress carry
booms and shear stress carrying skin. Structural analysis is (8)
greatly simplified using the technique of idealization.
Consider a straight panel as shown in “Fig.1” having a Bending stresses are calculated using this formula [1]. In
thickness (t) and the length (b). This straight panel is case of symmetrical airfoils where is considered to be
idealized into shear stress carrying skin and two direct stress zero Equation (8) will be use to calculate the bending
carrying boom “fig.2” whose area is calculated using the stressses and in case unsymmetrical airfoils equation (7)
formula: will serve the purpose. Position of neutral axis is calculated
[1] using the formula;

Neutral axis always passes through the centroid of the
Boom areas are calculated in the analysis part and then crossection but its inclination depends on the geometrical
the centroid and cross-sectional properties are calculated. properties of the section and the loadings. Our software tool
These formulas have been taken from reference [2]. If the AAD plot the neutral axis and then from the given loading
body has two axis of symmetry then centroid is that point in conditions calculate the bending and shear stresses at the
the airfoil section where the two axes intersect but required section.
symmetrical airfoils have only one axis of symmetry and E. Shear Stress Analysis
asymmetrical airfoils are not symmetric about any axis.
Different methods are used to calculate the shear stresses
out of which direct method is selected to calculate the shear
C. Stress Analysis stresses because in this method we don’t need to calculate
After doing the structural idealization stresses are the shear center to find shear stresses. Method used to
calculated at any section of the wing and are then compared calculate the shear stresses for the symmetrical and
with the yield stresses if the stresses calculated exceed the asymmetrical crossection is consulted from the book [1] and
yield stresses of the material then the structure would fail the formula used is stated as under:
completely which is unavoidable in any circumstances. This
AAD software tool will calculate the bending and shear
stresses any section of the wing using the equations given in
[1], we are not considering the deformation of the wing
structure at this stage.
1) Loading conditions: We have to apply the certain
loads then we will obtain the bending and shear stressses at
any crossection of the wing. We are not doing the
This is the formula [1] used to calculate the shear stresses
aerodynamic analysis at this stage. User will be given the
for the symmetrical wings quantity become zero and the
option to input the value of concentrated lift and drag at any
terms in the formula will be reduced. Direct method is used
point along the span and also user will be asked to determine to calculate the shear stresses in which firstly crossectional
the section position where he need to calculate these stresses. properties and boom areas are calculated. After that cut is
Wing will be treated as a cantilever beam. After giving these made and shear flow is assume to be zero at that point and
values in input user will be able to see the bending and shear preliminary shear flows are calculated using the equation
stresses at any section of the wing. (10). Then moment is taken about any point to from another
equation. Value of shear flow at cut is obtained which is then
D. Bending Stress Analysis added in all the equations to get the final shear flow. Shear
In bending stress analysis part user give the input in the flow when divided by thickness gives the final shear stress
form of concentrated lift and drag due to which a bending on the section of the wing.
moment is developed which leads to the bending stresses.
Theoretical concepts were developed from the books [1], III. APPLICATION OF STRINGERS
[2]. Formulas used to calculate the bending stress for the In aircraft construction stringer is a thin strip of material
symmetrical and unsymmetrical airfoil is stated as under to which the skin of wing is fastened. Primary function of the
stringers is to transfer the bending load acting on the wing to
the ribs and spars of the aircraft wing. First of all using the
AAD software tool bending and shear stresses are calculated
(7) on the wing skin. Large values of bending and shear stresses
are obtained. This AAD software tool will give the option to Minimum shear stress
the user to apply the stringers on the wing skin. 64951.1 62780.1
After the application of stringers boom areas are Normal stress boom10
calculated again, crossectional properties changes which -5.53391e+07 -2.74989e+07
result in the change of centroid and bending, shear stresses Shear stress boom 25
are calculated again at all sections of the wing. Our 285181 1.04166e+06
developed AAD software tool will ask user about the stringer
location in term of boom number and the stringer area. When
these values are given our software tool will calculate the
bending and shear stresses again with just a one click. User It can be analysed by the folowing results that the bending
can easily analyzed that after the application of stringers on stresses on the wing skin are greatly reduced by the
the wing skin bending stresses will be greatly reduced.
application of stringers.
Values will be given in result portion discussed further.
Shear stress on any boom number can be seen by entering
the value of that boom number. V. ORGANIZATION OF AAD
IV. RESULTS Flow chart of the organization chart is given in the “fig.5”
Our AAD software tool calculate the bending and shear Our AAD software tool is able to perform calculations and
stresses on any section of the wings. User need to input some it follows the following scheme.
values. In order to do the analysis we enter the following A. External Organization Structure
values given in the table (1).
1) Symmetrical Wing Analysis
 Quick wing skin analysis I

 Quick wing skin stringer analysis

Input Parameters Values  Detailed skin analysis
Weight of the aircarft 8004N  Detailed skin stringer analysis
2) Asymmetrical Wing analysis
Lift force 4002N
 Quick wing skin analysis
Thickness to chord ratio 0.12  Quick wing skin stringer analysis
Half of the wing span 5.245m  Detailed skin analysis
 Detailed skin stringer analysis
Chord length 1.52m
B. Internal Organizational structure
Skin thickness 0.002m
1) Quick Analysis
Stringer area 0.0008m 2  All inputs in one GUI
 All outputs in the other GUI
After giving the input values our AAD software tool will
calculate the bending and Shear stresses. After the 2) Detailed Analysis
applications of stringers on the wing skin bending stresses  Modeling of airfoil
will be greatly reduced. Results are shown in “fig.3” “fig.4”  Idealization
and “fig.5”. Comparison of results before and after applying  Application of loads
the stringers on the wing skin is given in table below.  Stress analysis
TABLE II.  Application of stringers C
OMPARISON OF RESULTS  Stress analysis

Parameters Values before Vales after applying In the quick wing analysis module user give all the input
Applying Stringers the stringers in one window and get the results in the other window
Maximum Normal immediately. If user want to go step and step and want to
stress 6.94259e+07 3.36639e+07 analyze the structure then he should do the detailed analysis
Minimum Normal in which our AAD software tool will proceed step wise.
stress -6.22375e+07 -3.08768e+07
Maximum shear stress
8.11786e+06 8.45393e+06
VI. CONCLUSION analysis of the aircraft it can further be modified to include
In this paper we have presented our AAD software tool other parameters so it will have vast applications.
which is very helpful for the engineers to do the preliminary VII. REFERENCES
analysis calculations also it can be used by university
students to do the structural analysis. It was needed that [1] “Aircarft Structure for Engineering Students” by T.H.G Megson
some software tool should be developed to handle the
mathematical equations and solve lengthy problems in just [2] “Fundaments of Aircraft Structure Analysis” by Howard D. Curtis
few clicks; moreover students will get to know about the
computational aspects of the course due to which there [3] “Creating graphical user interfaces” by Mathworks
learning would be enhanced.
GUI is developed to handle the large amount of data in
[4] Rivello, Robert M.,”Theory and analysis of Flight Structure”,
one window and also giving the outputs in another window. McGraw-Hill,1969
This interface used is really simple and user friendly. Coding
is done on Matlab because it is good in handling the complex [5] “ Theory of wing sections including a summary of airfoil data” by
mathematical equations and problems. Code written is IRA H. Abbott and Albert E. Von Doenhoff.
verified by solving the problem of the books and matching
the results. This software is just the start of the structural

Fig.1: Structural Idealization

Fig.2: External Organization Chart

Fig.4: Main Interface Window

Fig.3: Internal Organization Chart
Fig.5: Airfoil Modeling

Fig.6: Idealization of Wing Skin

Fig.7: Calculation of Bending and Shear Stresses

Fig.8: Stringer Analysis

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