M&M Superlink 2ed - Legacy of Justice (The Pulp Era) PDF
M&M Superlink 2ed - Legacy of Justice (The Pulp Era) PDF
M&M Superlink 2ed - Legacy of Justice (The Pulp Era) PDF
Requires the Mutants & Masterminds RPG by Green Ronin Publishing For Use.
Mutants & Masterminds, M&M Superlink, the M&M Superlink logo, and Green Ronin are trademarks of
Green Ronin Publishing and are used with permission.
Legacy of Justice: e Pulp Era is © 2006 Fred Graves. All color artwork is © 2006 Jon Gibbons. Reference to other copyrighted
material in no way constitutes a challenge to the respective copyright holders of that material. Big Finger Games, and the Big Finger
Games logo are trademarks owned by Michael Todd. All Right Reserved. is document is a work of fiction. Any similarity to actual
people, organizations, places, or events is purely coincidental.
Legacy of Justice: The Pulp Era
Quote: “You’re trapped now, and more fights. As he grew older, the bullies he
little fly!” would clash with became muggers. Eventually the
Name: Peter Webster muggers and thieves that plagued the neighborhood
Occupation: Vigilante were replaced with extortionists.
Identity: Secret It was these extortionists that came calling on
Marital Status: Single Peter’s family, demanding “extra property tax”.
Known Relatives: None Peter’s father refused to pay and ran the men off.
Base of Operations: The City One night, when Peter was walking home from his
Height: 5’11” new job at the local slaughterhouse, he found his
Weight: 197 lbs. family home in flames. His parents, his brother and
Hair: Brown sisters, all perished in the blaze. e extortionists had
Eyes: Green
sent their “message” and the other families in the
Distinguishing Marks: None neighborhood were quick to pay up. Peter vowed to
clean up the neighborhood, to never let anything like
this happen again, to anyone.
BACKGROUND As a child Peter had always been calm and patient
Peter Webster grew up in an impoverished but proud
and would spend hours watching the spiders spin
family. Peter’s father worked at the shipyards and
their webs between the eaves of his bedroom ceiling.
while he couldn’t provide much more than shelter
is gave him the inspiration for the methods he
and food for the family, the surprisingly mature child
would adopt. He would be the preternaturally patient
could see that his father did everything he could for
spider, waiting for the unwitting fly to stumble into
them. His mother worked hard to raise Peter and his
his web. He would become e Arachnid! Peter
siblings and to make the best of their hardscrabble
started to train secretly, and took his natural abilities
life and small home.
to a new level. His father taught him that any good
Despite the hardships Peter endured as a child
workman needs tools and Peter acquired the best
it did not sour his attitude – he was friendly and
tools for his new task – a pair of gleaming .45
generous with the other children in his lower
class neighborhood. Peter’s parents instilled in
Peter was industrious in building his web of
him determination, ethics and strong character
contacts and informants. He used guile, graft and
and he inherited his father’s strong frame and
intimidation to turn some of the lowlier criminals
indefatigability. It was these qualities that made the
into his pawns. He began studying the neighborhood
other children in the neighborhood look to Peter for
from above, on its rooftops. He exercised inhuman
patience while he watched and waited in perfect
Peter knew life was hard, but was quick to resist
stillness overlooking the maze of alleyways and
those who would bring unnecessary strife to his
streets he called home.
family and neighborhood. As the neighborhood
en he sprung, sweeping the streets clean of
turned bad, Peter found himself getting into more
criminals starting in the heart of the neighborhood
Legacy of Justice: The Pulp Era
Legacy of Justice: The Pulp Era
Legacy of Justice: The Pulp Era
contacts, an amazing familiarity with his environment, earlier, further fueling his anger. Patelli rarely leaves
a scary motif, and a pair of high-powered automatics. his palatial estate, making it difficult for Arachnid to
While his pistols are his primary weapons he also target him directly.
relies on specialized climbing gear he’s developed
to travel the city’s rooftops and access locations the
opposition thinks are secure.
Once Arachnid identifies a target, he waits
December 6th, 1914
until his opponent is surrounded by terrain he can Hanly’s Flying Squadron, a temperance
use against them. He then taunts them from the organization founded by former Indiana
shadows, trying to drain as much information from Governor J. Frank Hanly, has come to the City.
them as possible. If the prey has no information that is is just one stop in their nationwide campaign
will help, Arachnid keeps the community safe and preaching against the “devil in the bottle” and
attacks quickly. He depends on his natural agility calling for the prohibition of alcohol. ey stage a
and toughness. He uses lethal force on a regular basis rally that looks more like a religious revival in the
but he always leaves a witness. is often results in City’s slum. e fiery orator attributes the crime
criminals traveling alone, making them easier targets and poverty that plagues the neighborhood to the
but assuring their survival if they run into e effects of alcohol. It isn’t long before elements of
Arachnid. the criminal fraternity that preys on the slum
Weaknesses: Arachnid is very territorial; he will make their move.
always focus on a local threat over a distant one and In an attempt to discredit the man speaking
is easily baited by threats to his protected area. out against one of their key sources of income,
they kidnap him from the hotel he’s staying at
and force him to imbibe significant amounts of
CAMPAIGN USE whiskey. Once he’s thoroughly drunk, they dump
Arachnid is the epitome of the community-based
him back onto a busy city street and call the local
hero. His effectiveness is directly tied to his ideals
paper with an anonymous tip.
and his vision of a better world. He is also a prime
e bad press and embarrassment will do
example of how a “normal” hero can use superstition little to deter the man from his heartfelt cause.
as a weapon in their arsenal against crime. He can be He will contact any local heroes the City may
used as a shadowy protector of the rundown sections have and plead with them to provide him with
of the city, or a dangerous new vigilante who’s sprung some protection while he has his last rally before
onto the scene. Whatever the case, heroes may find a leaving the city. Whether the heroes oblige or
potential ally or an antagonist that doesn’t agree with not, the criminals will take more severe action at
their methods. the rally. ey will block the side streets leading
into the plaza where the rally is taking place with
ROGUES GALLERY trucks and wagons. One group will set fire to the
Mafia boss Don Patelli is constantly trying to infringe old buildings surrounding the plaza while another
on e Arachnid’s territory. Patelli is a very shrewd group will collapse the tent where the rally is
taking place, trapping scores of people under the
criminal and often keeps his operations hidden away
heavy canvas. Panic will set in and the criminals
from Arachnid’s notice. When Arachnid finally
will take the opportunity to go after the rally’s
does discover one of Patelli’s hidden operations
organizers with clubs and shotguns.
he always blames himself for not seeing the signs
Legacy of Justice: The Pulp Era
Quote: “The real crime is that to further her own research. Secondly, the Athena
they don’t even have this urn identity allows Morgan to acquire funding for her
classified in the right era.” research by selling the missing artifacts.
Name: Morgan McDonald Ironically, as Morgan published more research and
Occupation: Scholar and Thief earned more notoriety she was approached by the
Identity: Secret police looking for professional advice about Athena’s
Marital Status: Single next possible target.
Known Relatives: None
Morgan has continued to use her good standing
Base of Operations: The City
with the police and her reputation in scholarly circles
Height: 5’6”
Weight: 139 lbs. to find leads on her next target and to get her closer
Hair: Brown to the artifacts and antiquities that she so desires.
Eyes: Brown
Distinguishing Marks: None PERSONALITY
Morgan is an intelligent, dedicated, and energetic
woman with a wealth of information at her disposal.
BACKGROUND While she delights in her own intellect and
Morgan McDonald was noted as exceptional from an
willfulness, she has learned to use preconception
early age. She was always at the top of her class and
about the “weaker sex” to her advantage. She’ll
she even managed to get one of the few scholarships
remain charming and demure if the situation
available for women when she attended college. She
requires it, with only the keenest observers getting
graduated with a doctorate in classical studies and
the feeling that she knows a great deal more than
was looking forward to a respectable career as a
she’ll ever let on.
noted scholar. en she hit the glass ceiling.
As Athena, she is a master thief who playfully flirts
Morgan’s exceptional skills and intellect intimidated
with her opposition while constantly taunting them
male faculty when she applied for teaching positions.
with her superiority.
She was repeatedly encouraged to settle down and
find a husband who could provide for her. Morgan
decided she would need to break into the academic APPEARANCE
world with a bang and she decided how she would Morgan is an attractive woman with long light brown
do it. hair, kept in a bun, and brown eyes. She normally
Morgan decided to conduct her own independent wears the clothes of a respectable professional
research and publish her findings. She adopted the woman (even though she doesn’t get the respect she
criminal identity of “Athena” to accomplish two deserves). Athena wears a classically styled helmet
aspects of her plan. Primarily, she steals artifacts to hide her identity. Her outfit is a dark brown toga,
Legacy of Justice: The Pulp Era
Legacy of Justice: The Pulp Era
STR +0 10 INT +4 18
DEX +5 20 WIS +3 16 Athena is gifted with a sharp intellect and an
+0 10 +2 14 amazing level of willpower. Her sense of purpose has
CON CHA allowed her to train herself in the arts of stealth and
TOUGHNESS FORTITUDE REFLEX WILL thievery making her the rival of cat burglars around
+8/+2* +2 +8 +11 the world. Athena uses a variety of thieves’ tools and
has a bow with trick line arrows allowing her to more
easily traverse the city unnoticed.
SKILLS Athena will employ subterfuge as necessary. She
Acrobatics 7 (+12), Bluff 2 (+4), Climb 10 (+10), Craft has learned how to disguise herself and with her
(artistic) 3 (+7), Diplomacy 2 (+4), Disable Device 6 considerable intellect and knowledge can pass herself
(+10), Disguise 6 (+8), Escape Artist 4 (+9), Knowledge
off as a person from various walks of life. She will
(arcane lore) 4 (+8), Knowledge (art) 4 (+8), Knowledge
use this ability to put get close to the item she has
(history) 6 (+10), Knowledge (theology and philosophy)
4 (+8), Notice 6 (+9), Search 6 (+10), Sense Motive 2 targeted and put into motion some clever plan to
(+5), Sleight of Hand 2 (+7), Stealth 6 (+11) distract those around her.
Athena studies her targets very carefully and
FEATS normally strikes in the dead of night, but if an
Acrobatic Bluff, Attack Specialization (bow), Attractive, artifact will be easier to steal in broad daylight she’s
Defensive Roll 4, Distract (bluff ), Dodge Focus 4, more than willing. If forced to fight, Athena will try
Grappling Finesse, Hide in Plain Sight, Move-by to confuse and disorient her opponent so she can
Action, Ranged Pin, Skill Mastery (acrobatics, climb,
make her escape. If cornered she will feign surrender
search, stealth)
in an attempt to escape when her pursuers let down
POWERS their guard.
Device 1 (hard to lose) Armored Costume: (Protection Weaknesses: Athena is not a petty thief interested
2), Device 3 (easy to lose) Bow and Trick Arrows (array): in money. When she targets an artifact it’s because
(Blast 6, Stun 6, Super-Movement 1 [swinging; Flaws: she needs that artifact to continue her research. She
Action (standard action)], Trip 6) will abandon a target before she would ever risk
damaging it.
Attack +4, +6 (bow), Grapple +9, Damage +0 (unarmed),
+6 (blast), Defense +8, +4 (flat-footed), Knockback -2, CAMPAIGN USE
Initiative +5 Athena is a noble rogue. Her intentions are good
and ultimately harmless. She has resorted to crime
because society will not let her achieve her full
Abilities 28 + Skills 20 (80 ranks) + Feats 17 + Powers potential. She can be the foil for an archeologically
13 + Combat 16 + Saves 13 = 107 PP minded hero in her civilian and villainous identity.
Legacy of Justice: The Pulp Era
Legacy of Justice: The Pulp Era
Quote: “Feed him to the Over the next several years, Khan Li cultivated a
sharks, then slaughter the relationship with the elements of organized crime
sharks and feed them to his that had emigrated to American from China. He
family.” fell in with the ancient Chinese criminal fraternity
Name: Khan Li known as the Triads. is was all a means to an end
Occupation: Crime boss however. Li learned what he could and made enough
Identity: Secret money to begin building his own crime syndicate.
Marital Status: Single His intention was to wage war against the established
Known Relatives: None European-bred leadership of the United States.
Base of Operations: The City e man now known as Boss Khan has become
Height: 5’1” a sadistic and cruel megalomaniac. His criminal
Weight: 132 lbs. syndicate is an elaborate and complex organization
Hair: Black with strict protocols and procedures to insure
Eyes: Brown loyalty and security within its ranks. Boss Khan
Distinguishing Marks: None has never gone to jail but if he did he has sufficient
infrastructure to keep his organization running for
years while he is behind bars.
Khan Li was born to Chinese peasants who sought to
instill their child with the hope for a better life. ey PERSONALITY
immigrated to America when Li was very young. Boss Khan is a cold and heartless man with a twisted
Li’s parents hoped their fortunes would change in sense of humor and a smug air of superiority. When
the land of plenty and had a naïve understanding of necessary he can put on a façade of geniality, but it
what America held for them. e family was treated usually rings false. Khan regards people as potential
as second-class citizens and the hopes instilled in victims of his criminal organization or as useful
Li by his parents were soon dashed as the family pawns. He has no other use for people and considers
discovered they would be relegated to poverty in no man his equal.
America as well.
e family persevered and Li acclimated himself APPEARANCE
to his new country. As he watched his parents Boss Khan is physically small even by Asian
toil throughout his childhood, his hatred for standards. He likes to wear expensive custom-
occidentals grew. Li determined that to rise above tailored pinstriped suits and he maintains a long
his impoverished background he would need to traditional skull lock that extends from his head to
circumvent everything that was holding him back; his waist in a tight coil.
he would need to flout the law and take what he
Legacy of Justice: The Pulp Era
Legacy of Justice: The Pulp Era
Legacy of Justice: The Pulp Era
Legacy of Justice: The Pulp Era
Legacy of Justice: The Pulp Era
Legacy of Justice: The Pulp Era
Legacy of Justice: The Pulp Era
Legacy of Justice: The Pulp Era
Quote: “I don’t believe in the him knowing he is capable of doing things worse
kiss of death. I believe in the than killing them.
kiss of cutting off your legs
and having a couple of mental PERSONALITY
patients spend the night with Don Patelli appears to be a friendly, family oriented
your wife.” man until you disappoint him. When He gets angry
Name: Mario Patelli he doesn’t yell or scream, he becomes ice cold and
Occupation: Crime boss exudes a sense of total control as he gives detailed
Identity: Public descriptions of exactly how he will punish you.
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: None APPEARANCE
Base of Operations: The City Mario’s dark hair and eyes frame his average
Height: 5’9” appearance. Don Patelli is a simple man and dresses
Weight: 183 lbs. like a simple businessman. He’s not afraid to get his
Hair: Black hands dirty and often rolls up the sleeves of his white
Eyes: Brown shirt when “getting down to business.”
Distinguishing Marks: None
BACKGROUND Don Patelli is a charismatic and capable leader, but
Mario was the only son of Sicilian immigrants Luigi he’s also a formidable combatant after fighting his
and Maria Patelli. Luigi worked as a meat packer way to his position of power. He is a self-made man
and Maria worked from the home, doing laundry for and isn’t attracted to shiny machines. Even as a hit
neighbors while she raised Mario. man he preferred to beat his targets unconscious
As a child, Mario witnessed his parents working with his bare hands before he actually killed them.
themselves to the bone and never getting a break. ese days, he prefers to have his thugs do his
By age thirteen, he had become head of a local street dirty work, but if an opponent insists on engaging
gang. On his eighteenth birthday he became a made him directly, he will attack with ferocity attempting
man and quickly earned a reputation for being a to capture or knock out his opponent rather than
cold-blooded professional hit man. By twenty-five, kill them. Once he has an opponent captured he
he had taken over the local crime family after the will torture them and use them to send a message
previous Don had tried to off Mario for sleeping to anyone who opposes him, often by leaving their
with his daughter. Mario killed the Don instead. mutilated corpse in a very public location.
Don Patelli is a murderer and a businessman. Weaknesses: Don Patelli is a businessman above
He stays in his expansive estate and rarely leaves being a criminal. If he the cost becomes too high, he
to maintain some distance between himself and his will abandon a project until he can think of a new
operations. His crime family is extremely loyal to way to approach it. Disrupting one of his projects is
Legacy of Justice: The Pulp Era
Legacy of Justice: The Pulp Era
Legacy of Justice: The Pulp Era
Quote: “You couldn’t hit a girl the exotic people her family hired as servants. e
if you tried!” family cook, Chan, was from distant China and
Name: Amanda Eirecartt was an amazing person filled with a great deal of
Occupation: Socialite wisdom. Much to her mother’s annoyance, and her
Identity: Secret father’s amusement, Amanda spent more and more
Marital Status: Single time with Chan.
Known Relatives: Andrew One day, when coming home from the grocery
(brother) store, a street hoodlum jumped Amanda and Chan.
Base of Operations: The City Amanda watched in amazement as the frail old cook
Height: 5’7” defeated the mugger with his bare hands. As she
Weight: 135 lbs. and Chan hurried home, she begged the old cook to
Hair: Brown teach her how he fought. He eventually relented and
Eyes: Hazel taught Amanda all he knew of the martial arts and
Distinguishing Marks: None their associated philosophies. By the time Amanda
reached adulthood she had gained a mastery of the
forbidden martial arts that she had practiced in secret
BACKGROUND all those years. She had become a superb athlete and
Amanda Eirecartt was raised in a manner fighter under Chan’s tutelage.
accustomed to royalty. Her father had worked his Amanda is now an embarrassment to her family.
way up from a clerk in a county court house to be She is an attractive spinster who refuses to settle
one of the biggest Rail Barons in the United States. down and marry a decent husband. By day Amanda
While her brother Andrew was trained to take over is a socialite, but by night she escapes the oppression
the business, Amanda was pampered and provided she associates with luxury by becoming the masked
with all the excitement a wealthy family can offer its vigilante known as Fury.
prized only daughter. Fury is a defender of the downtrodden and the
However, Amanda hated her family. She hated oppressed. She lurks on rooftops and hides in
the luxury she was provided on a daily basis. She alleyways waiting for muggers, flesh mongers, and
respected her father’s rise from poverty, but secretly extortionists to rear their ugly heads. She descends
found his obsession with wealth repellent. She upon them with unparalleled fighting ability to
admired Andrew for his natural ability to handle dispense her unique form of punishment.
finances, but resented the attention he received
from their father. Amanda was most disgusted with
her mother though. Helen Eirecartt was a horrible PERSONALITY
mother; she only cared for her children when they Amanda is an outspoken woman. She often walks
made her look like a good mother and otherwise with a swagger and has been known to even smoke
ignored them. cigars. Men often find her alluring, believing they
As Amanda grew up she became enamored with can tame her but are ultimately defeated by her
Legacy of Justice: The Pulp Era
Legacy of Justice: The Pulp Era
Legacy of Justice: The Pulp Era
On a team she can act as a social conscience as well rich and poor, young and old. He always toys with
as provide some needed muscle. his victims before killing them, usually tricking them
into believing they can escape only to be waiting for
them when they arrive home later. Fury has battled
ROGUES GALLERY e Strangler many times, but he is a superior fighter.
Fury’s greatest foe is e Strangler. e Strangler
He does not kill Fury because he knows she suffers
preys on young women traveling unescorted on the
more when he leaves her alive and makes good his
street at night. He kills indiscriminately, targeting
The Dero
e Dero are short, pale-skinned humanoids with milky, sightless eyes. ey use their voices to echolocate and can
project sonic blasts that they use to tunnel through the earth. ey travel underground, tunneling from one cave system
to another, in their endless search for food. ey’ve been known to break through to the surface on occasion to hunt for
animals, or kidnap humans for their miscegenistic rituals.
Typical Dero, PL 4
Str 10, Dex 10, Con 12, Int 8, Wis 8, Cha 6
Skills: Acrobatics 2 (+2), Climb 4 (+4), Intimidate 4 (+2), Notice 5 (+4), Search 3 (+2), Stealth 4 (+4), Survival 4 (+3), Swim 4
Feats: Blind-Fight, Environmental Adaptation (underground)
Powers: Blast 4 (Power Feats: Alternate Power – Burrowing 2; Extras: Linked to Dazzle), Dazzle 4 (auditory; Extras: Linked
to Blast), Super-Senses 4 (blindsight)
Combat: Attack +4, Grapple +4, Damage +0 (unarmed), +4 (blast), Defense +4, Knockback –0, Initiative +0
Saves: Toughness +1, Fortitude +6, Reflex +2, Will +2
Drawbacks: Disability (blind; Uncommon, Minor), Power Loss (must be able to speak to use powers; Uncommon)
Totals: Abilities -6 + Skills 8 (30 ranks) + Feats 2 + Powers 17 + Combat 16 + Saves 10 – Drawbacks 2 = 45 PP
Legacy of Justice: The Pulp Era
Quote: “Court is in session, Edward came to realize the crime on the streets was
evildoer!” aided and abetted by the corruption that surrounded
Name: Edward Loch him. He came to the grim understanding that the
Occupation: Assistant District authorities, the system, that he had put his faith in
Attorney was hopelessly flawed. Dirty cops and bribed judges
Identity: Secret left the justice system little hope of success. Edward
Marital Status: Single struggled against the corruption he found, but he
Known Relatives: None found he couldn’t trust his superiors – there wasn’t
Base of Operations: The City anyone he could turn to.
Height: 5’10” After much soul searching, Edward came the
Weight: 185 lbs. conclusion that he must act alone. Inspired by the
Hair: Blond dime novels of his youth, he crafted an identity for
Eyes: Blue himself as a costumed adventurer. He donned a mask
Distinguishing Marks: None and, armed only with his amazing intellect, Edward
Loch became Judge.
In his pursuit to uncover the real seeds of evil, Judge
BACKGROUND has become one the world’s greatest living detectives.
Edward Loch always had a keen interest in justice. He digs past the petty criminals and uncovers the
As a child he was troubled by displays of dishonesty real masterminds and kingpins responsible. After
and bad sportsmanship. He would do what he collecting enough evidence, Judge exposes the vile
could to set things right and placed a great deal of figures and District Attorney Edward Loch sends
faith in teachers and adults to keep children on the them to jail.
“straight and narrow”. Even on the playground, the
young Edward would seek to uphold the ideals of
fair play and honesty. is made him very unpopular PERSONALITY
with some students and something of a hero to the Edward is a dedicated but unassuming individual.
school’s outcasts. His quiet demeanor made him a He’s bland and quiet, except when he’s speaking
keen observer and even as a child he would see what in front of a jury. In front of a jury he becomes a
others had missed and pick up on the subtleties of powerful figure, capable of intimidating some of the
interpersonal relationships. toughest crime bosses in the city.
Edward went on to become a promising young law By contract, Judge is energetic, openly taunting his
student. He loved the law and judicial system and opponents and charming informants with a blend of
dedicated himself to putting criminals, the scourge humor and cavalier abandon. Despite his normally
of humanity, behind bars. After passing the bar bright disposition, Judge can easily inspire fear in
exam, Edward joined the city’s District Attorney’s his opponents by detailing their dirty secrets and
office as an assistant D.A. demonstrating a disturbing awareness of their past.
From his new vantage point in the D.A.’s office,
Legacy of Justice: The Pulp Era
Legacy of Justice: The Pulp Era
Legacy of Justice: The Pulp Era
Quote: “This will hurt your Reginald grew bored with his life of decadence until
family much more than it hurts he killed a prostitute in a fit of rage. As he strangled
you.” the life from her, he felt invigorated and more alive
Name: Reginald Monroe than he’s ever felt before. e simple act of taking this
Occupation: Socialite gutter urchin’s life made him feel more powerful than
Identity: Secret all his wealth and influence ever had.
Marital Status: Single Unlike many psychopaths who target people who
Known Relatives: None won’t be missed, e Strangler targets women who
Base of Operations: The City have large families and many friends so that his
Height: 6’0” crimes have as much impact as possible. He will spend
month’s searching for the right target and planning
Weight: 188 lbs.
for the perfect time to kill his victim – usually right
Hair: Blond
before they are expected to attend a social function
Eyes: Blue
where they will be immediately missed. e Strangler
Distinguishing Marks: None often gives his prey the illusion they will be able to
escape him before revealing his total control over the
BACKGROUND situation.
Reginald Monroe was born into a very rich and When not acting on his dark impulses, Reginald
powerful family. e Monroes were American is a lighthearted socialite known for his generous
aristocracy, old money. ey could trace their family donations to many noble causes. e Monroe fortune
line back to the American Revolution and Reginald insulates him from the need to have a real profession;
had many cousins who would be considered royalty in nonetheless he is a financial genius with both long
parts of Europe. Reginald grew up in the lap of luxury, and short-term business opportunities.
secure in his family’s wealth and influence.
e social demands placed on Reginald kept him
busy for the early years of his adulthood. He was the
e Strangler is a cold-hearted manipulator who
city’s most eligible bachelor and his parents sought to
derives as much pleasure from the lives he ruins as he
arrange a marriage for him that would be of strategic
does from choking the life out of an innocent victim.
value to the family’s businesses and would increase
Reginald finds his daily life is becoming more and
their social cachet. Instead of fulfilling his “duty” to his
more the façade instead of his Strangler persona. He
family, Reginald fell in with a group of thrill seeking
is always charming and always talkative and generous
heirs and heiresses. During this time he traveled the
with both friends and strangers. He gives the
world, experimented with opium, tried his hand at car
impression of being the perfect example of the erudite
racing, stalked game in Africa, and generally pursued
and graceful socialite while maintaining just the hint
any activity that gave him that frisson of the new and
of aloofness and detachment. Behind that mask he
untried. Each successive thrill only made Reginald
is of course constantly looking for a new victim and
crave something more intense, more thrilling.
using his charm to discover the details of every young
Legacy of Justice: The Pulp Era
Legacy of Justice: The Pulp Era
Legacy of Justice: The Pulp Era
Legacy of Justice: The Pulp Era
Legacy of Justice: The Pulp Era
Legacy of Justice: The Pulp Era
STR +1 12 INT +11 32
DEX +1 12 WIS +6 22
CON +2 14 CHA +3 16
Benefit (wealth), Connected, Contacts,
Defensive Roll 4, Eidetic Memory, Skill
Mastery (Investigate, Notice, Search, Sense
Motive), Ultimate Skill (Investigate), Well
Quickness 2 (x5; Power Feats: Innate; Flaws:
Limited to mental tasks)
Attack +4, Grapple +6, Damage +1 (unarmed),
Defense +6, Knockback –3, Initiative +1
Totals: Abilities 48 + Skills 32 (128 Ranks) + Feats 11 + Powers 3 + Combat 20 + Saves 6 = 120 PP
Legacy of Justice: The Pulp Era
STR +1 12 INT +4 18
DEX +4 18 WIS +3 16
CON +3 16 CHA +3 16
Attack Focus (ranged) 4, Connected, Contacts, Defensive
Roll 4, Dodge Focus 4, Equipment 3, Fearless, Fearsome
Presence 2, Hide in Plain Sight, Improved Critical (heavy
pistol) 2, Improved Initiative, Master Plan, Minions (five 30
PP minions), Sneak Attack
Concealment 4 (Visual Senses; Power Feats: Close Range;
Flaws: Passive, Tiring), Mind Reading 4 (Flaws: Surface
oughts Only)
Armored Overcoat (Protection 1), Heavy Pistols
(Blast 4 [Power Feats: Split Attack, Extras:
Attack +4, +8 (ranged), Grapple +5, Damage
+1 (unarmed), +4 (pistol), Defense +8 (+4 flat-
footed), Knockback –4, Initiative +8
Totals: Abilities 36 + Skills 24 (96 Ranks) + Feats 30 + Powers 5 + Combat 16 + Saves 9 = 120 PP
Legacy of Justice: The Pulp Era
STR +7 24/18
INT +1 12
DEX +3 16 WIS +1 12
CON +3 16 CHA +3 16
Acrobatics 8 (+11), Bluff 4 (+7), Climb 8 (+15),
Diplomacy 2 (+5), Disable Device 4 (+5), Drive 6
(+9), Gather Information 2 (+5), Intimidate 6 (+9),
Notice 6 (+7), Pilot 4 (+7), Search 6 (+7), Sense
Motive 4 (+5), Stealth 8 (+11), Survival 10 (+11),
Swim 6 (+13)
All-out Attack, Beginner’s Luck, Diehard, Dodge
Focus 4, Endurance 2, Equipment 2, Evasion 2, Inspire
2, Jack-of-All-Trades, Power Attack, Takedown
Attack 2, Uncanny Dodge 2 (visual, auditory)
Enhanced Strength 6, Protection 7
Flashlight, Knife, Light Pistol
Attack +8, Grapple +15, Damage +7 (unarmed),
+8 (knife), +3 (light pistol), Defense +6 (+2 flat-
footed), Knockback –5, Initiative +3
Totals: Abilities 30 + Skills 21 (84 ranks) + Feats 21 + Powers 13 + Combat 20 + Saves 15 = 120 PP
Legacy of Justice: The Pulp Era
STR +0 10 INT +1 12
DEX +1 12 WIS +4 18
CON +1 12 CHA +5 20
Defensive Roll 4, Distract, Fascinate (Bluff ), Trance
Mind Control 10 (Extras: Conscious; Flaws: Sense-
Dependent [Requires Eye Contact]), Fatigue 6
(Extras: Ranged [perception], Sleep; Flaws: Sense-
Dependent [Requires Eye Contact]), Mental
Transform 6 (Extras: Continuous; Flaws:
Sense-Dependent [Requires Eye Contact]),
Immunity 3 (cold, heat, starvation and thirst;
Flaws: Suffer Half Normal Effects, Only
Usable While in Trance)
Attack +2, Grapple +2, Damage +0
(unarmed), Defense +4, Knockback –2,
Initiative +1
Totals: Abilities 24 + Skills 21 (84 Ranks) + Feats 7 + Powers 45 + Combat 12 + Saves 11 = 120 PP
Legacy of Justice: The Pulp Era
STR +3 16 INT +4 18
DEX +2 14 WIS +3 16
CON +4 18 CHA +2 14
Attack Specialization (pistol), Connected, Contacts,
Defensive Roll 4, Equipment 2, Diehard, Favored
Opponent (gangsters) 2, Luck 2, Quick Draw, Ultimate
Save (Fortitude)
Binoculars, Handcuffs, Heavy Pistol
Attack +6, +8 (pistol), Grapple +9, Damage +3
(unarmed), +4 (pistol), +6 (pistol versus gangsters),
Defense +6, Knockback –4, Initiative +2
Totals: Abilities 36 + Skills 29 (116 ranks) + Feats 16 + Powers 0 + Combat 24 + Saves 15 = 120 PP
Legacy of Justice: The Pulp Era
STR +3 16 INT +5 20
DEX +3 16 WIS +2 14
CON +2 14 CHA +2 14
Ambidexterity, Attack Specialization (whip) 2, Connected,
Defensive Roll 4, Dodge Focus 4, Equipment 2, Luck 2,
Second Chance (falling, triggering traps), Seize Initiative,
Ultimate Save (Reflex), Well-Informed
Device 3 (whip, easy to lose): Strike 6 (Power Feats:
Extended Reach 3, Improved Disarm 2, Alternate Powers
– Trip 6 (Power Feats: Extended Reach 3; Flaws: Range
[Touch]), Super-Movement 1 (swinging; Flaws: Action
[Standard Action])
Binoculars, Knife, Light Pistol
Attack +4, +8 (whip), Grapple +7, Damage +3 (unarmed), +3
(pistol), +4 (knife), Defense +8 (+4 flat-footed), Knockback
–3, Initiative +3
Totals: Abilities 34 + Skills 27 (108 ranks) + Feats 21 + Powers 9 + Combat 16 + Saves 13 = 120 PP
Legacy of Justice: The Pulp Era
DEX +5 20 WIS +1 12
CON +2 14 CHA +2 14
All-out Attack, Attack Focus (melee) 2,
Defensive Roll 4, Dodge Focus 5, Elusive
Target, Equipment 1, Evasion 2, Favored
Environment (jungle), Improved Disarm 2,
Improved Initiative, Move-by Action, Track,
Uncanny Dodge (visual, auditory, olfactory)
Animal Control 10, Comprehend 2
(animals), Super-Movement 2 (swinging,
trackless; Flaws: Only Usable in the Jungle),
Super-Senses 1 (danger sense)
Attack +4, +6 (melee), Grapple +7, Damage +1
(unarmed), +2 (knife), Defense +9 (+4 flat-footed),
Knockback –3, Initiative +9
Totals: Abilities 22 + Skills 18 (72 ranks) + Feats 25 + Powers 27 + Combat 16 + Saves 12 = 120 PP
Legacy of Justice: The Pulp Era
STR +0 10 INT +4 18
DEX +3 16 WIS +2 14
CON +1 12 CHA +6 22
Emotion Control 8 (Extras: Continuous Duration; Flaws:
love only, only you can be the object of the emotion, Sense-
Dependent [Requires Eye Contact]), Mind Control 8
(Extras: Conscious; Flaws: Target Must Love You)
Hold-out Pistol, Sap, Sleep Drops (Fatigue 6 [Power Feats:
Triggered, Sedation; Flaws: Must Be Ingested])
Attack +4, Grapple +4, Damage +0 (unarmed), +2 (pistol),
Defense +6, Knockback –2, Initiative +3
Totals: Abilities 32 + Skills 15 (60 ranks) + Feats 23 + Powers 20 + Combat 20 + Saves 10 = 120 PP
Legacy of Justice: The Pulp Era
The following text is the property of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. and is Copyright 2000 Wizards of the Coast, Inc (“Wizards”). All Rights Reserved.
1. Definitions: (a)”Contributors” means the copyright and/or trademark owners who have contributed Open Game Content; (b)”Derivative Material” means copyrighted material
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2. The License: This License applies to any Open Game Content that contains a notice indicating that the Open Game Content may only be Used under and in terms of this License. You
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3.Offer and Acceptance: By Using the Open Game Content You indicate Your acceptance of the terms of this License.
4. Grant and Consideration: In consideration for agreeing to use this License, the Contributors grant You a perpetual, worldwide, royalty-free, non-exclusive license with the exact terms
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5.Representation of Authority to Contribute: If You are contributing original material as Open Game Content, You represent that Your Contributions are Your original creation and/or You
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6.Notice of License Copyright: You must update the COPYRIGHT NOTICE portion of this License to include the exact text of the COPYRIGHT NOTICE of any Open Game Content
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7. Use of Product Identity: You agree not to Use any Product Identity, including as an indication as to compatibility, except as expressly licensed in another, independent Agreement with
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8. Identification: If you distribute Open Game Content You must clearly indicate which portions of the work that you are distributing are Open Game Content.
9. Updating the License: Wizards or its designated Agents may publish updated versions of this License. You may use any authorized version of this License to copy, modify and
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11. Use of Contributor Credits: You may not market or advertise the Open Game Content using the name of any Contributor unless You have written permission from the Contributor to
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12. Inability to Comply: If it is impossible for You to comply with any of the terms of this License with respect to some or all of the Open Game Content due to statute, judicial order, or
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13. Termination: This License will terminate automatically if You fail to comply with all terms herein and fail to cure such breach within 30 days of becoming aware of the breach. All
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14. Reformation: If any provision of this License is held to be unenforceable, such provision shall be reformed only to the extent necessary to make it enforceable.