OSCCE System Management Guide
OSCCE System Management Guide
OSCCE System Management Guide
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6 OpenScape Contact Center Enterprise V9 System Management Guide, Service Documentation
About this guide
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NOTE: Notes emphasize information that is useful but not essential, such as tips
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OpenScape Contact Center Enterprise V9 System Management Guide 7
About this guide
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8 OpenScape Contact Center Enterprise V9 System Management Guide
Configuring a wallboard
Before you begin
2 Configuring a wallboard
This chapter describes how to configure a wallboard. A wallboard is an electronic
message board that displays a scrolling view of real-time statistical data and
general system information about the contact center to several users at once. The
OpenScape Contact Center system supports Spectrum IP Wallboards, version
4200 R, as well as custom wallboards that adhere to the EZ Key II protocol.
• Ensure that you have the supported firmware versions that are compliant with
the OpenScape Contact Center system.
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OpenScape Contact Center Enterprise V9 System Management Guide 9
Configuring a wallboard
Configuring the IP connection for a wallboard
c) When the system informs you that the devices have been saved, click
d) Click Back.
9. Under Dedicated Connection, type the wallboard's port number in the Local
Port box, and then click Update Settings.
NOTE: To configure a new board that does not already have an IP address, on
the Tools menu, click Assign IP Address. Locate the hardware or Ethernet
address on the back of the wallboard, and then type it in the provided field. Assign
the wallboard an IP address, and then click Set IP Address.
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10 OpenScape Contact Center Enterprise V9 System Management Guide
Configuring the corporate e-mail server
Corporate e-mail server requirements
The OpenScape Contact Center E-mail Server and the corporate e-mail server
communicate using the IMAP4 protocol. The OpenScape Contact Center client
applications and the corporate e-mail server also use the IMAP4 protocol to
retrieve and process e-mail messages. Message attachments are retrieved using
separate IMAP4 and MIME functions. Reply e-mail messages are sent to
customers from the E-mail Server using an SMTP interface.
NOTE: We recommend that you safeguard the content on the corporate e-mail
server to reduce the possibility of e-mail messages being inadvertently deleted.
• Client access licenses – Ensure that you have sufficient client access
licenses. Each user that is able to access the OpenScape Contact Center
E-mail Server requires a client access license.
• IMAP sessions - One IMAP session is required for each day that has active
messages associated with it. Each user requires an IMAP session when
sending an email message or retrieving the contents of an email message.
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OpenScape Contact Center Enterprise V9 System Management Guide 11
Configuring the corporate e-mail server
Planning the Microsoft Office 365 deployment
• Spam filtering and e-mail address blocking – This stops unwanted e-mail
messages from being routed to users.
• Throttling policy - Microsoft Office 365 has a throttling policy that limits the
SMTP message rate to a maximum of 30 messages / minute. In order to
comply with this limitation the OSCC parameter Message Rate Limit in E-mail
Settings must be set to 30 (or less).
• IMAP Sessions - Microsoft Office 365 limits the number of active IMAP
sessions to 20 sessions per account. In order to operate according to this
limitation the OSCC parameter Maximum IMAP Sessions in E-mail Settings
must be set to 20.
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12 OpenScape Contact Center Enterprise V9 System Management Guide
Configuring the corporate e-mail server
Planning the Microsoft Exchange deployment
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Configuring the corporate e-mail server
Planning the Microsoft Exchange deployment
Before you run the utility program, you must do the following:
• If you are using Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 SP2 or later, run the
following command from the Exchange Management Shell on the Microsoft
Exchange Server machine:
Set-TransportConfig -HeaderPromotionModeSetting MayCreate
If required, you can return to the previous value of the
HeaderPromotionModeSetting property after running the utility.
3. At the From address prompt, type the e-mail address that you want to use
as the From address to send the special e-mail message, and then press
ENTER. This must be the e-mail address associated with the user account
that is used to authenticate with Microsoft Exchange Server, such as the
default OSCCEmail account.
4. At the To address prompt, type the e-mail address to which you want to send
the special e-mail message, and then press ENTER. This should be a known
e-mail address on the Microsoft Exchange Server.
5. At the Subject prompt, type a subject for the special e-mail message, and
then press ENTER.
6. At the SMTP server host name prompt, type the host name of the Microsoft
Exchange Server machine, and then press ENTER.
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14 OpenScape Contact Center Enterprise V9 System Management Guide
Configuring the corporate e-mail server
Planning the IBM Lotus Domino deployment
7. At the SMTP server port number prompt, type the port number that has
been configured for SMTP on the Microsoft Exchange Server machine, and
then press ENTER.
8. At the SMTP user name prompt, type the user name for the Microsoft
Exchange Server account that will be used to send the special e-mail
message, and then press ENTER. The account must be able to send an
e-mail message using the From address specified in step 3.
9. At the SMTP password prompt, type the password for the Microsoft
Exchange Server account that will be used to send the special e-mail
message, and then press ENTER.
If you want to present multiple contact e-mail addresses to your customers, you
need to configure an alias for each additional e-mail address that points to the
IMAP-capable mailbox. Creating an alias ensures that e-mail messages sent to
the corporate e-mail server are routed to the OpenScape Contact Center E-mail
Server mailbox for user handling. For more information, see the Manager Help.
IMPORTANT: Ensure that you enable immediate full text indexing on the
database that you create. If you do not enable immediate full text indexing, IMAP
searches will fail, and the performance of the OpenScape Contact Center E-mail
Server will be severely affected.
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OpenScape Contact Center Enterprise V9 System Management Guide 15
Configuring the corporate e-mail server
Setting up a secure connection for an e-mail server
• Install an SSL certificate and enable SSL security for the incoming (IMAP4)
and/or outgoing (SMTP) e-mail messages on the corporate e-mail server
machine. Follow the instructions provided by the manufacturer, or contact
your e-mail provider for assistance.
• Enable SSL security for the corresponding IMAP server and/or SMTP server
in the Manager application. For details, see the Manager Help.
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16 OpenScape Contact Center Enterprise V9 System Management Guide
Configuring the corporate e-mail server
Using authentication on an e-mail server
• If you have SSL enabled, be sure to select the option to require encryption.
The intention is to allow the OpenScape Contact Center E-mail Server to send
e-mail messages on behalf of other SMTP e-mail accounts. For example, when
the OpenScape Contact Center E-mail Server is logged on to the corporate
e-mail server as "oscc@company.com" and an e-mail message is sent on behalf
of "manager@company.com", the expectation is that the recipient of the message
will see “From: manager@company.com”, and not “From: oscc@company.com
on behalf of manager@company.com".
When the corporate e-mail server is configured for SMTP authentication and
SMTP relaying is restricted, this functionality can be achieved as follows:
• Microsoft Exchange Server 2007, 2010, and 2013 – If you need to send
e-mail messages from e-mail addresses that are in the same domain, you can
give the OpenScape Contact Center E-mail Server account on the corporate
e-mail server full permission to each of the OpenScape Contact Center user’s
mailboxes via Active Directory. You must also create a new contact in the
Active Directory with the SMTP e-mail address OSCCEmail@company.com,
and then give the OpenScape Contact Center server machine's e-mail
account Send As permission for the new contact. For details, see the
Microsoft Exchange Server documentation.
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Configuring the corporate e-mail server
Supporting the e-mail reports feature
• Microsoft Exchange Server 2007, 2010, and 2013 only – If you need to
send e-mail messages from e-mail addresses that are outside the domain,
you can configure a custom Receive connector. For details on how to
configure a Receive connector, see the Microsoft Exchange Server
• Lotus Domino 8.0 and 8.5 – The only requirement is that you must ensure
that the value of the SMTPVerifyAuthenticatedSender setting is 0. For details
on this setting, see the Lotus Domino documentation.
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18 OpenScape Contact Center Enterprise V9 System Management Guide
Configuring the corporate Web server
System requirements for using Web components
IMPORTANT: Before upgrading the files on the corporate Web server machine,
copy any customized Web component files to a safe location so that you can
reapply them after the upgrade. Failure to do so will result in the loss of any
customized files as they are not retained as part of the upgrade process.
NOTE: When creating or customizing Web pages for use with the OpenScape
Contact Center Web features, ensure that you take precautions to minimize
potential security vulnerabilities.
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Configuring the corporate Web server
Configuring Web components
• Firefox 10 and 11
• Javascript is enabled
• Popups are enabled (the popup blocker is turned off, or configured to always
allow popups from the Web site)
NOTE: As a result of the Web Interaction Server configuration, you might have
to perform additional configuration of the Web components. For example, you
might need to set up a secure connection for a Web server, or customize the Web
components. For details, see Section 4.3, “Setting up a secure connection for a
Web server”, on page 32 and Section 4.4, “Localizing and customizing Web
components”, on page 34..
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20 OpenScape Contact Center Enterprise V9 System Management Guide
Configuring the corporate Web server
Configuring Web components
NOTE: When the IIS server is running on a 64-bit operating system, the IIS
server must be configured to run 32-bit Web applications because the
OpenScape Contact Center ISAPI DLL is 32-bit.
You must copy the Web component files from the OpenScape Contact Center
DVD to the corporate Web server machine and then update the files.
2. Insert the OpenScape Contact Center DVD into the DVD-ROM drive.
IMPORTANT: Do not change this file structure, as it is required for the files
to execute properly.
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OpenScape Contact Center Enterprise V9 System Management Guide 21
Configuring the corporate Web server
Configuring Web components
NOTE: When the system is configured for high availability (warm standby),
you must change the Address setting to the cluster name or virtual IP
address of the server cluster.
IMPORTANT: Ensure that the Port setting is the same as the port number
configured in the Manager application, and that the port is opened in the
firewall between the corporate Web server machine and the OpenScape
Contact Center main server machine. The default port number is 6021. If you
change the port number, you must restart the corporate Web server machine
and the Web Interaction Server.
7. In IIS, create a new virtual directory for the default Web site. For details, see
the Windows documentation. When creating the virtual directory, ensure that
• Select the folder you created in step 1 when the system asks you to
specify the Web site content directory.
– Read
IMPORTANT: Ensure that ISAPI extensions have status allowed in the Web
Service Extensions node in IIS Manager for IIS. Otherwise, when the system
attempts to call OpenScape Contact Center ISAPI functionality, error 404 will
be returned. To enable or disable the ISAPI extensions individually, see the
Microsoft Management Console Help for information relating to enabling and
disabling dynamic content in server configurations.
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22 OpenScape Contact Center Enterprise V9 System Management Guide
Configuring the corporate Web server
Configuring Web components
This section describes how to test the Web collaboration functionality on an IIS
2. On the WCMain.htm page, click the Request Web Session button. If you see
a page with the message “You have requested a live Web Collaboration
session”, you have loaded CaptureWCData.htm and successfully configured
Web collaboration on the Web server in a basic default configuration.
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OpenScape Contact Center Enterprise V9 System Management Guide 23
Configuring the corporate Web server
Configuring Web components
This section describes how to test the Web callback functionality on an IIS server.
NOTE: At this point, if you click the Submit button on WebCallback.htm you
may receive an error. You can click this button after the Web server
configuration is complete.
This section describes how to test the VoiceXML integration on an IIS server.
b) Click the HTTP Headers tab, and then click MIME Types.
c) Click New.
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24 OpenScape Contact Center Enterprise V9 System Management Guide
Configuring the corporate Web server
Configuring Web components
f) Click OK.
2. Open a Web browser and type the URL to access the Initialize.vxml demo
page. The format of the URL is:
This section describes how to configure and deploy the .war file on a Tomcat
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OpenScape Contact Center Enterprise V9 System Management Guide 25
Configuring the corporate Web server
Configuring Web components
4. Rename the .war file to a name that is suitable for your environment. In the
following instructions, the name of the .war file has been changed to
HPPC.war. This will deploy the sample Web application called HPPC. The
name of the .war file must be capitalized as shown for the sample
configuration to work.
• Change the servlet.name setting to reflect the name of .war file you
specified in step 4. In the sample configuration, the setting is
9. To update the HPPC.war file, at the command prompt in the same directory
as in step 6, type:
jar ufv HPPC.war hpwcapp/config.properties
10. Deploy the HPPC.war file on the Tomcat server. For details, see the Tomcat
Web Application Manager documentation.
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26 OpenScape Contact Center Enterprise V9 System Management Guide
Configuring the corporate Web server
Configuring Web components
This section describes how to test the Web collaboration feature on a Tomcat
This section describes how to test the Web callback feature on a Tomcat server.
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OpenScape Contact Center Enterprise V9 System Management Guide 27
Configuring the corporate Web server
Configuring Web components
NOTE: At this point, if you click the Submit button on WebCallback.htm you
may receive an error. You can click this button after the Web server
configuration is complete.
This section describes how to test the VoiceXML integration on a Tomcat server.
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28 OpenScape Contact Center Enterprise V9 System Management Guide
Configuring the corporate Web server
Configuring Web components
This section describes how to configure and deploy the .war file on a Sun Java
System Web Server.
4. Rename the .war file to a name that is suitable for your environment. In the
following instructions, the name of the .war file has been changed to
HPPC.war. This will deploy the sample Web application called HPPC. The
name of the .war file must be capitalized as shown for the sample
configuration to work.
• Change the servlet.name setting to reflect the name of .war file you
specified in step 4. In the sample configuration, the setting is
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OpenScape Contact Center Enterprise V9 System Management Guide 29
Configuring the corporate Web server
Configuring Web components
8. To update the HPPC.war file, at the command prompt in the same directory
as in step 5, type:
jar ufv HPPC.war hpwcapp/config.properties
9. Go to the Sun Java System Web Server administrator site and create a new
server instance. To access the administrator site, open a Web browser and
type the URL. The format of the URL is:
where <hostname> is the host name or IP address of the corporate Web
server machine.
When creating the server instance, use HPPC for the server identifier. This
automatically creates a folder called /https-HPPC. For details, see the Sun
NOTE: If you select the Never attempt to resolve IP addresses into host
names check box, you must be consistent with your configuration. This
means using either IP addresses or host names, but not both.
11. Deploy the HPPC.war file on the Sun Java System Web Server. For details,
see the Sun documentation. When deploying the .war file, the application
This section describes how to test Web collaboration on a Sun Java System Web
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30 OpenScape Contact Center Enterprise V9 System Management Guide
Configuring the corporate Web server
Configuring Web components
2. On the WCMain.htm page, click the Request Web Session button. If you see
a page with the message “You have requested a live Web Collaboration
session”, you have loaded CaptureWCData.htm and successfully configured
Web collaboration on the Web server in a basic default configuration.
This section describes how to test Web callback on a Sun Java System Web
2. Open a Web browser and type the URL to access the WCCallbackMain.htm
demo page. The format of the URL is:
where <hostname> is the host name or IP address of the corporate Web
server machine.
For example:
3. On the WCCallbackMain.htm page, click the Try Web Callback button. If a
page opens showing fields about customer contact information, then you
have loaded WebCallback.htm and successfully configured Web callback on
the Sun Java System Web Server in a basic default configuration.
NOTE: At this point, if you click the Submit button on WebCallback.htm you
may receive an error. You can click this button after the Web server
configuration is complete.
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OpenScape Contact Center Enterprise V9 System Management Guide 31
Configuring the corporate Web server
Setting up a secure connection for a Web server
This section describes how to enable TLS security on the corporate Web server,
according to the type of corporate Web server you have.
1. Install an TLS certificate on the main server machine. For details, see the
Installation Guide.
NOTE: We recommend that you do not enable TLS security on the corporate
Web server until all other Web Interaction Server configurations are complete.
2. Under [HPPCSETTINGS], ensure that the Address is set to the host name
of the OpenScape Contact Center main server machine, which matches the
common name of the TLS certificate.
NOTE: When the system is configured for high availability (warm standby),
you must set the Address setting to the server cluster name.
3. Set the TLSPort setting to the port number that will be used by the secure
Web features, for example:
NOTE: Ensure that the port number you configure here matches the TLS
port number configured in the Manager application. For details, see the
Manager Help.
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32 OpenScape Contact Center Enterprise V9 System Management Guide
Configuring the corporate Web server
Setting up a secure connection for a Web server
NOTE: When the TLS flag is set to true, the feature will only be available via
TLS on the port specified by the TLSPort setting.
If required, download Java Secure Socket Extension (JSSE) before you begin.
For detailed instructions, see the manufacturer’s documentation.
NOTE: When the system is configured for high availability (warm standby),
you must set the socket.server.name setting to the server cluster name.
4. Set the socket.server.port.ssl setting to the port number that will be used by
the secure Web features, for example:
NOTE: Ensure that the port number you configure here matches the TLS
port number configured in the Manager application. For details, see the
Manager Help.
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OpenScape Contact Center Enterprise V9 System Management Guide 33
Configuring the corporate Web server
Localizing and customizing Web components
NOTE: When the TLS flag is set to true, the feature will only be available via
SSL on the port specified by the socket.server.port.ssl setting.
3. In your new directory, use an appropriate tool to update the text or graphics
of the pages as appropriate, and save your files with the same name. For
example, you may want to update the text and buttons in CallMePage.htm for
your own localization requirements.
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34 OpenScape Contact Center Enterprise V9 System Management Guide
Configuring the corporate Web server
Localizing and customizing Web components
4. Create a copy of WCMain.htm within the same directory and rename it. For
example, you can rename WCMain.htm to WCDeutsch.htm:
5. Update the URL used by the page (in the example, WCDeutsch.htm) to point
to the new directory. To do so, you will change “english” to the correct
language. For example:
6. Test the new page (for example, WCDeutsch.htm by clicking the Need Live
Help? button. If you see CaptureWCData.htm, then you have successfully
localized the WCMain.htm page.
You must have one CaptureWCData.htm file for each language that you
localized, and each CaptureWCData.htm file must be located in the appropriate
language directory. For example:
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Configuring the corporate Web server
Localizing and customizing Web components
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36 OpenScape Contact Center Enterprise V9 System Management Guide
Configuring the corporate Web server
Troubleshooting Web collaboration
You can also update other elements, such as Key1 and Key2, as well as add new
elements in one of the languages supported by OpenScape Contact Center. All
additional elements will add keys and values into the contact data collection of the
Web collaboration request, and will be used by the Web collaboration workflow.
• Ensure that the port number is the same as the port number defined in the
Manager application.
• Ensure that the IP address for the corporate Web server points to the
OpenScape Contact Center main server machine.
NOTE: These settings can be configured in the HPWC.ini on the IIS server
or config.properties on the Tomcat or Sun Java System Web Server.
Issue: You cannot load the start page or you receive a 404 error message.
Solution: Ensure that the host name can be mapped to its IP address correctly.
If it can, ensure that the corporate Web server is running, and that the URL you
are using is correct.
NOTE: If you are using a Tomcat server and receive this error, proceed to the
[tomcat-root]/bin directory and then type ./startup.sh to restart the
corporate Web server machine.
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Configuring the corporate Web server
Web callback error codes
Solution: Ensure that the Web Interaction Server is running properly, and that the
IP and port number in your configuration file is correct. These settings can be
configured in the HPWC.ini on the IIS server or config.properties on the
Tomcat or Sun Java System Web Server.
You should also ensure that the host name of the Web Interaction Server can be
resolved properly on the corporate Web server.
A connection error may also occur if you do not have an SSL certificate installed
on the Web Interaction Server and the secure setting is turned on. If this is the
case, you must either install a server certificate or use the Manager application to
turn off the secure setting.
NOTE: On a Tomcat or Sun Java System Web server, the installation of the
JSSE library is mandatory regardless of whether you use a secure or plain
connection. Since there may be more than one Java Runtime Engine (JRE)
installed on your corporate Web server, you must ensure that the JSSE library is
installed in the same JRE directory that your corporate Web server is using. For
example, the Sun Java System Web Server allows you to configure the path to
your Java Runtime Engine (JRE) in the start-jvm file located in the Sun Java
System Web Server's https-admserv directory. For more information, see the
manufacturer’s documentation.
In addition to the error codes listed in the table, you might also encounter various
Callback Server errors that are described in the System Monitor application.
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Configuring the corporate Web server
Web callback error codes
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Configuring the corporate Web server
Web callback error codes
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40 OpenScape Contact Center Enterprise V9 System Management Guide
Configuring the presence integration
Configuring an OpenScape UC Application user account
When the presence integration feature is enabled in the Manager application, and
the Client Desktop user performs a directory search, the system attempts to
obtain the presence of each entry in the search results, as follows:
• The system first attempts to obtain the user presence state and voice media
presence state from the OpenScape Unified Communications (UC)
Application, only when the OpenScape UC Application Integration feature is
enabled and configured.
• If the user is not an OpenScape Contact Center user or the presence state is
not available from the OpenScape Contact Center system, and the system is
connected to an OpenScape Voice communication platform, the system
attempts to obtain the line state of the user’s device from the OpenScape
Voice communication platform.
If you are working in a networked environment, you can access the presence for
users at the local site only.
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OpenScape Contact Center Enterprise V9 System Management Guide 41
Configuring the presence integration
Configuring the external LDAP directory
Specifically, you must configure one or more of the following fields in the directory:
• Line State (the OpenScape Voice line state, only applicable if the system is
connected to an OpenScape Voice communication platform)
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42 OpenScape Contact Center Enterprise V9 System Management Guide
Maintaining the system
Shutting down a server machine for system maintenance
NOTE: When the system is configured for high availability (warm standby),
stopping the service OpenScape Contact Center from the Services window does
not result in a failover.
NOTE: To ensure that the database does not become corrupted, always stop the
Informix IDS service before shutting down or restarting a server machine.
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OpenScape Contact Center Enterprise V9 System Management Guide 43
Maintaining the system
Changing the OpenScape Contact Center and Informix passwords
• Services window
The Informix password cannot exceed 16 characters and cannot contain any
b) For each service, open the service and provide the new password on the
Log On tab.
b) Open the Informix IDS - ol_servername service and provide the new
password on the Log On tab.
c) Open the Informix Server Discovery Process for SNMP service and
provide the new password on the Log On tab.
6. Under System Tools, expand Local Users and Groups, and then click
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44 OpenScape Contact Center Enterprise V9 System Management Guide
Maintaining the system
Backing up the database
11. On the command line, type tcfmain and then press ENTER. The
OpenScape Contact Center Startup Configuration window is displayed.
12. To change the Informix password, click the Administration Server tab and
type the new password in the Database Server Password box.
NOTE: When the system is running, you can also change the Informix
password by configuring the startup data for the Administration Server using
the System Monitor application. For detailed information, see the System
Monitor Help.
14. Start the following services: IBM Informix Dynamic Server Message
Service, Informix IDS - ol_servername (where servername is the name of
the OpenScape Contact Center server machine), and Informix Server
Discovery Process for SNMP.
15. Start the OpenScape Contact Center and OpenScape Contact Center
AutoPA services.
NOTE: When the system is configured for high availability (warm standby),
ensure that you back up the primary server machine, the backup server machine,
and the optional central reporting server machine.
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Maintaining the system
Backing up the database
• Full backup – To limit the potential loss of data to no more than one day, we
strongly recommend that you perform a full backup on a daily basis. At the
very least, you should back up the database once a week.
NOTE: Some of the procedures in this section are written based on the
assumption that you are familiar with using Informix. For detailed instructions, see
the Informix documentation provided at the following location:
NOTE: When the system is configured for high availability (warm standby), we
recommend that you schedule the backups on the primary server machine, the
backup server machine, and the optional central reporting server machine at the
same time to ensure that the backed up data is consistent.
• Select the action Start a program, and then select one of the following
batch files, which are located in the folder where you installed the
OpenScape Contact Center software:
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46 OpenScape Contact Center Enterprise V9 System Management Guide
Maintaining the system
Backing up the database
• Specify the user account and password under which to run the task
according to the type of operating system:
• To write the results of the backup to a text file, in the task properties, add
the argument <return.txt >results.txt. Ensure that the folder where the
results.txt file is written (normally the folder where you installed the
OpenScape Contact Center software) has Read access for Everyone. In
Windows Server 2012/ 2008 or Windows Server 2012 R2/ 2008 R2, when
you add the argument, you must also specify the path to start in. Ensure
that you do not use quotation marks when you specify the path.
This section describes how to back up the OpenScape Contact Center database
to a local tape drive using the Informix ontape utility.
2. Insert a blank tape into the tape drive of the server machine.
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OpenScape Contact Center Enterprise V9 System Management Guide 47
Maintaining the system
Backing up the database
• For a full backup of the Informix database, at the command prompt, type
ontape -s -L 0, and then press ENTER.
NOTE: The -s parameter directs the ontape utility to create a backup and
the -L parameter specifies the level of the archive, either 0 for full or 1 for
5. If there is not enough space on the current tape, the system prompts you to
insert another tape. If prompted, remove the tape and label it with the date,
time, level, and number of the tape in the sequence. Insert another tape, and
then press ENTER. Repeat this process for as many tapes as required.
This section describes how to back up the OpenScape Contact Center database
to a local or network drive using the Informix ontape utility.
• In the TAPEDEV parameter, specify the path and file name of the backup
file on the local or network drive in 8.3 (short) format, for example,
C:\Backups\Backup.001. You must ensure that the backup file exists in
the specified location before you start the backup, and that the logged on
user has at least Modify permission for the backup file. If the backup file
does not exist, you can create an empty file using a text editor such as
• In the TAPESIZE parameter, specify 0 so that the backup file does not
have a maximum size.
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48 OpenScape Contact Center Enterprise V9 System Management Guide
Maintaining the system
Backing up the database
• For a full backup of the Informix database, at the command prompt, type
ontape -s -L 0, and then press ENTER.
NOTE: The -s parameter directs the ontape utility to create a backup and
the -L parameter specifies the level of the archive, either 0 for full or 1 for
NOTE: If you performed an incremental backup, you need the most recent full
backup, as well as the incremental backup.
• If you are restoring the data from a tape, insert the first tape of the Full
archive that you want to restore into the tape drive of the server machine.
• If you are restoring the data from a backup file on a local or network drive,
ensure that the path and file name of the backup file is configured
correctly in the ONCONFIG.ol_servername file.
5. On the command line, type ontape -r, and then press ENTER.
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OpenScape Contact Center Enterprise V9 System Management Guide 49
Maintaining the system
Backing up the database
11. When the restoration process completes, if you restored the data from a tape
drive, remove the last tape from the tape drive.
12. On the command line, type onmode -m, and then press ENTER. This
command places Informix back into its regular mode and may take several
minutes to complete.
13. On the command line, type onstat -r, and then press ENTER. This
displays information about the Informix Server environment. The first line
indicates the Informix application mode, and should read On-Line. To stop
the onstat process, press CTRL+C.
14. To close the command prompt window, type exit, and then press ENTER.
1. To use the zero level restore script, copy the FullRestore.bat, fullrestore.in
and replace.vbs files to the server machine. The files are included in the DVD.
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50 OpenScape Contact Center Enterprise V9 System Management Guide
Maintaining the system
Backing up the database
NOTE: You must configure the storage manager application prior to running the
onbar utility. For detailed instructions, see the IBM Informix Storage Manager
Administrator’s Guide or the third-party storage manager documentation. The
Informix documentation is provided at the following location:
• For a full backup of the Informix database, at the command prompt, type
onbar -b -L 0, and then press ENTER.
NOTE: The -b parameter directs the onbar utility to create a backup and the
-L parameter specifies the level of the archive, either 0 for full or 1 for
NOTE: If you performed an incremental backup, you need the most recent full
backup, as well as the incremental backup.
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OpenScape Contact Center Enterprise V9 System Management Guide 51
Maintaining the system
SNMP support
3. On the command line, type onbar -r, and then press ENTER.
The Windows SNMP service must be installed and running on the server machine
to support these methods.
The Windows SNMP service must also be installed and running on the main and
central reporting server machines to support subscription licensing.
NOTE: You should configure the Windows SNMP service such that the list of
community names does not contain “public” or "private", and the list of hosts only
contains the hosts that are required to access the information.
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52 OpenScape Contact Center Enterprise V9 System Management Guide
Maintaining the system
SNMP support
The OpenScape Contact Center specific information can be used to monitor the
status of the system. For example, a technician in the network operations center
can create a view which generates an alarm when the number of operational
voice processor extensions falls below a configured threshold percentage of the
total number of configured voice processor extensions. The technician can then
notify the customer so that the customer has time to resolve the issue and avoid
running out of extensions.
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OpenScape Contact Center Enterprise V9 System Management Guide 53
Maintaining the system
SNMP support
NOTE: For details on how to configure the OpenScape CAP Fault Management
software, see the OpenScape CAP Fault Management documentation.
Both configuration files are located in the \Utilities\Install folder on the OpenScape
Contact Center DVD.
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54 OpenScape Contact Center Enterprise V9 System Management Guide
Managing a central reporting environment
Managing replication for central reporting
NOTE: If the system is configured for high availability (warm standby), follow the
procedures described in Section 8.1, “Managing replication for high availability
(warm standby)”, on page 69.
IMPORTANT: The computer clocks on the central reporting server machine and
the OpenScape Contact Center server machines that are participating in central
reporting must be synchronized. You must synchronize the computer clocks
before running the OpenScape Contact Center replication configuration
application (trcdbins.exe), and ensure that the clocks remain synchronized.
Replication will fail if the times differ by more than two seconds.
If either replication is interrupted (for example, there is an issue with the network),
the data will be stored in the replication buffer. The replication buffer is sized to
accommodate approximately two days of central reporting and high availability
(warm standby) replication data for an average system.
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OpenScape Contact Center Enterprise V9 System Management Guide 55
Managing a central reporting environment
Managing replication for central reporting
Based on the buffer capacity, the system performs the following actions:
• Buffer 50% full – Issues an error message every hour indicating the
percentage of space used in the replication buffer.
• Buffer 75% full – Issues an error message every 15 minutes. When the
system is configured for both central reporting and high availability (warm
standby), and only one type of replication is causing the buffer to fill up, it also
stops that replication.
• Buffer 95% full – Issues a warning message every 15 minutes and stops
replication configured on the server machine.
IMPORTANT: When the system stops replication automatically, you must follow
the appropriate procedures to shut down and restart replication manually after the
issue has been resolved. Replication will not restart automatically. For details,
see Section 7.1.3, “Shutting down all replication for central reporting”, on page 59
or Section 8.1.5, “Shutting down all replication”, on page 78.
We recommend that you use the System Monitor application to monitor the
capacity of the replication buffer and, when necessary, suspend the replication
that is causing the issue. For details, see Section 7.1.2, “Suspending replication
for central reporting”, on page 56, or Section 8.1.1, “Suspending high availability
(warm standby) replication”, on page 69.
NOTE: The replication buffer will continue to fill up even when replication has
been suspended.
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56 OpenScape Contact Center Enterprise V9 System Management Guide
Managing a central reporting environment
Managing replication for central reporting
Suspending replication with the central reporting server machine is useful for a
couple of reasons:
2. On the Start menu, click Run, type trcdbins, and then click OK.
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OpenScape Contact Center Enterprise V9 System Management Guide 57
Managing a central reporting environment
Managing replication for central reporting
If the replication buffer contains a large amount of data, we recommend that you
resume replication during a period of low contact volume to reduce the impact on
the system.
2. On the Start menu, click Run, type trcdbins, and then click OK.
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58 OpenScape Contact Center Enterprise V9 System Management Guide
Managing a central reporting environment
Managing replication for central reporting
IMPORTANT: You should perform this procedure only when necessary or when
instructed to do so because it may require that you synchronize the reporting
data. For details, see Section 7.2, “Synchronizing the reporting data for central
reporting”, on page 61. Whenever possible, we recommend that you suspend
rather than shut down replication, because suspending does not require you to
synchronize the reporting data.
2. On the Start menu, click Run, type trcdbins, and then click OK.
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OpenScape Contact Center Enterprise V9 System Management Guide 59
Managing a central reporting environment
Managing replication for central reporting
4. Select Shut down all replication on the local server machine, and then
click OK.
After replication with the central reporting server machine has been shut down,
you can restart it as described in this procedure. During the restart process, all
data is removed from the replication buffer.
2. Log on to the server machine where you previously shut down replication.
3. On the Start menu, click Run, type trcdbins, and then click OK.
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60 OpenScape Contact Center Enterprise V9 System Management Guide
Managing a central reporting environment
Synchronizing the reporting data for central reporting
5. Select Restart all replication on the local server machine, and then click
NOTE: Synchronizing the reporting data can take a very long time. We
recommend that you perform this procedure only when the issues with the
historical reporting data are unacceptable for your purposes.
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OpenScape Contact Center Enterprise V9 System Management Guide 61
Managing a central reporting environment
Synchronizing the reporting data for central reporting
If the system is configured for high availability (warm standby), see Section 8.4,
“Synchronizing the reporting data for high availability (warm standby) with central
reporting”, on page 84.
3. On the Start menu, click Run, type trcdbins, and then click OK.
• To synchronize the historical reporting data for only the current month and
the previous month (this option takes less time), do the following:
– In the Remote server list, select the server machine with which you
want to synchronize.
– In the Remote server list, select the server machine with which you
want to synchronize.
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62 OpenScape Contact Center Enterprise V9 System Management Guide
Managing a central reporting environment
Troubleshooting the replication configuration for central reporting
– Since this option can take a very long time to complete, you can
specify how long to run the synchronization. In the Run for box, type
the number of hours that you want to run the synchronization. After
this time period, the synchronization will stop, and you can continue
at another time. The % complete value shows how much of the
synchronization process is currently complete. The progress bar
indicates the progress within the number of hours specified.
If the diagnostic files do not help you resolve the replication configuration issues,
you can perform the troubleshooting procedure described in this section.
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OpenScape Contact Center Enterprise V9 System Management Guide 63
Managing a central reporting environment
Troubleshooting the replication configuration for central reporting
You can also use this procedure to troubleshoot central reporting replication
configuration issues when the system is configured for high availability (warm
NOTE: This section is written based on the assumption that you are familiar with
using Informix. For detailed instructions, see the Informix documentation provided
at the following location:
a) On the Start menu, point to Programs, and then click Control Panel.
b) Double-click System.
f) If any of these system environment variables do not appear in the list, add
them to the list.
2. Use the ping command to ensure that the network connection between the
central reporting server machine and each server machine that is
participating in central reporting is working properly. If any of the network
connections are not working, contact your network administrator.
4. On the central reporting server machine and each server machine that is
participating in central reporting, ensure that the hosts.equiv file is located in
the windows\system32\drivers\etc folder. If the hosts.equiv file does
not appear in the folder, ensure that you have write access permissions to the
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64 OpenScape Contact Center Enterprise V9 System Management Guide
Managing a central reporting environment
Troubleshooting the replication configuration for central reporting
5. On the central reporting server machine and each server machine that is
participating in central reporting, ensure that the hosts.equiv file contains the
following lines:
• The fully qualified host names specify the domain, for example,
• On the central reporting server machine, the remote hosts are the server
machines that are participating in central reporting.
6. On the central reporting server machine and each server machine that is
participating in central reporting, connect to the database servers to ensure
that the environment is trusted for the Informix user, as follows:
b) On the Start menu, click Run, type dbaccess, and then click OK.
c) Select Connection.
d) Select Connect.
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OpenScape Contact Center Enterprise V9 System Management Guide 65
Managing a central reporting environment
Replacing a main server machine for central reporting
NOTE: This procedure requires that you have a backup of all data on the server
machine. Ensure that the backup contains the database, registry, and hosts.equiv
file. If you do not have a backup of all data on the server machine, then you must
also reconfigure the replication settings after performing this procedure. For
details, see Section 7.4.1, “Reconfiguring the replication settings”, on page 66.
Before you begin, you must obtain a new license file for the new server machine.
This is because the System ID used for OpenScape Contact Center licensing is
based on the server machine hardware.
2. Ensure that the patch level of the OpenScape Contact Center server software
matches that of the database to be restored.
3. Restore the database on the server machine. For details, follow the
procedure provided in Section 6.3.3, “Restoring the database using the
ontape utility”, on page 49, or Section 6.3.6, “Restoring the database using
the onbar utility”, on page 51, as appropriate.
4. Using the Manager application, activate the license for the new server
machine. For details, see the Manager Help.
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66 OpenScape Contact Center Enterprise V9 System Management Guide
Managing a central reporting environment
Replacing a main server machine for central reporting
NOTE: For details on removing and configuring the replication settings, see the
Installation Guide.
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OpenScape Contact Center Enterprise V9 System Management Guide 67
Managing a central reporting environment
Replacing a main server machine for central reporting
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68 OpenScape Contact Center Enterprise V9 System Management Guide
Managing a high availability (warm standby) environment
Managing replication for high availability (warm standby)
NOTE: Throughout this chapter, we use the general term “Microsoft cluster
application”. If you are using Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows 2012 and
Windows 2012 R2 this refers to the Failover Cluster Management application. For
details on the procedures related to these applications, see the Microsoft Help.
IMPORTANT: The computer clocks on the primary, backup, and optional central
reporting server machines must be synchronized. You must synchronize the
computer clocks before running the OpenScape Contact Center replication
configuration application (trcdbins.exe), and ensure that the clocks remain
synchronized. Replication will fail if the times differ by more than two seconds.
This feature is useful because, if a large amount of data accumulates in the buffer
during an interruption, significant network and CPU resources will be consumed
on the target machine when replication resumes. Suspending replication allows
you to resume replication during periods of low contact volume, reducing the
impact on the system.
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OpenScape Contact Center Enterprise V9 System Management Guide 69
Managing a high availability (warm standby) environment
Managing replication for high availability (warm standby)
2. On the Start menu, click Run, type trcdbins, and then click OK.
4. Select Suspend replication with the remote server machine, and then
click OK.
If the replication buffer contains a large amount of data, we recommend that you
resume replication during a period of low contact volume to reduce the impact on
the system.
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70 OpenScape Contact Center Enterprise V9 System Management Guide
Managing a high availability (warm standby) environment
Managing replication for high availability (warm standby)
2. On the Start menu, click Run, type trcdbins, and then click OK.
4. Select Resume replication with the remote server machine, and then click
NOTE: If the system fails over while central reporting replication is suspended,
central reporting replication will restart automatically.
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OpenScape Contact Center Enterprise V9 System Management Guide 71
Managing a high availability (warm standby) environment
Managing replication for high availability (warm standby)
IMPORTANT: You should perform this procedure only when necessary or when
instructed to do so because it may require that you synchronize the reporting
data. For details, see Section 8.4, “Synchronizing the reporting data for high
availability (warm standby) with central reporting”, on page 84. Whenever
possible, we recommend that you suspend rather than stop replication, because
suspending does not require you to synchronize the reporting data.
2. On the Start menu, click Run, type trcdbins, and then click OK.
4. Select Stop replication with the remote server machine, and then click
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72 OpenScape Contact Center Enterprise V9 System Management Guide
Managing a high availability (warm standby) environment
Managing replication for high availability (warm standby)
After replication has been stopped, you must first shut down all replication, and
then restart replication. During the restart process, all data is removed from the
replication buffer.
4. On the Start menu, click Run, type trcdbins, and then click OK.
6. Select Shut down all replication on the local server machine, and then
click OK.
7. On the same server machine, run trcdbins.exe again – on the Start menu,
click Run, type trcdbins, and then click OK.
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OpenScape Contact Center Enterprise V9 System Management Guide 73
Managing a high availability (warm standby) environment
Managing replication for high availability (warm standby)
9. Select Restart all replication on the local server machine, and then click
10. Synchronize the reporting data, only if required. Section 8.4, “Synchronizing
the reporting data for high availability (warm standby) with central reporting”,
on page 84.
11. Synchronize the administration data between the primary and backup server
machines. For details, see Section 8.2, “Synchronizing the data between the
primary and backup server machines”, on page 81.
12. If you decided not to synchronize the reporting data in step 10, synchronize
the administration data between the primary and central reporting server
machine. For details, Section 8.3, “Synchronizing the administration data
between the primary and central reporting server machines”, on page 82.
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74 OpenScape Contact Center Enterprise V9 System Management Guide
Managing a high availability (warm standby) environment
Managing replication for high availability (warm standby)
IMPORTANT: You should perform this procedure only when necessary or when
instructed to do so because it may require that you synchronize the reporting
data. For details, see Section 8.4, “Synchronizing the reporting data for high
availability (warm standby) with central reporting”, on page 84. Whenever
possible, we recommend that you suspend rather than stop replication, because
suspending does not require you to synchronize the reporting data.
NOTE: If the system fails over while central reporting replication is stopped,
central reporting replication will restart automatically.
2. On the Start menu, click Run, type trcdbins, and then click OK.
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OpenScape Contact Center Enterprise V9 System Management Guide 75
Managing a high availability (warm standby) environment
Managing replication for high availability (warm standby)
4. Select Stop replication with the central reporting server machine, and
then click OK.
After replication has been stopped, you must first shut down all replication and
then restart replication. During the restart process, all data is removed from the
replication buffer.
4. On the Start menu, click Run, type trcdbins, and then click OK.
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76 OpenScape Contact Center Enterprise V9 System Management Guide
Managing a high availability (warm standby) environment
Managing replication for high availability (warm standby)
6. Select Shut down all replication on the local server machine, and then
click OK.
7. On the same server machine, run trcdbins.exe again – on the Start menu,
click Run, type trcdbins, and then click OK.
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OpenScape Contact Center Enterprise V9 System Management Guide 77
Managing a high availability (warm standby) environment
Managing replication for high availability (warm standby)
9. Select Restart all replication on the local server machine, and then click
10. Synchronize the reporting data, only if required. Section 8.4, “Synchronizing
the reporting data for high availability (warm standby) with central reporting”,
on page 84.
11. Synchronize the administration data between the primary and backup server
machines. For details, see Section 8.2, “Synchronizing the data between the
primary and backup server machines”, on page 81.
12. If you decided not to synchronize the reporting data in step 10, synchronize
the administration data between the primary and central reporting server
machine. For details, Section 8.3, “Synchronizing the administration data
between the primary and central reporting server machines”, on page 82.
IMPORTANT: You should perform this procedure only when necessary or when
instructed to do so because it may require that you synchronize the reporting
data. For details, see Section 8.4, “Synchronizing the reporting data for high
availability (warm standby) with central reporting”, on page 84. Whenever
possible, we recommend that you suspend rather than shut down replication,
because suspending does not require you to synchronize the reporting data.
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78 OpenScape Contact Center Enterprise V9 System Management Guide
Managing a high availability (warm standby) environment
Managing replication for high availability (warm standby)
2. On the Start menu, click Run, type trcdbins, and then click OK.
4. Select Shut down all replication on the local server machine, and then
click OK.
After all replication on the server machine has been shut down, you can restart it
as described in this procedure. When the system is configured for both high
availability (warm standby) and central reporting, this procedure restarts both
types of replication. During the restart process, all data is removed from the
replication buffer.
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OpenScape Contact Center Enterprise V9 System Management Guide 79
Managing a high availability (warm standby) environment
Managing replication for high availability (warm standby)
3. Log on to the server machine where you previously shut down replication.
4. On the Start menu, click Run, type trcdbins, and then click OK.
6. Select Restart all replication on the local server machine, and then click
8. Synchronize the administration data between the primary and backup server
machines. For details, see Section 8.2, “Synchronizing the data between the
primary and backup server machines”, on page 81.
9. If you decided not to synchronize the reporting data in step 7, synchronize the
administration data between the primary and central reporting server
machine. For details, Section 8.3, “Synchronizing the administration data
between the primary and central reporting server machines”, on page 82.
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80 OpenScape Contact Center Enterprise V9 System Management Guide
Managing a high availability (warm standby) environment
Synchronizing the data between the primary and backup server machines
8.2 Synchronizing the data between the primary and backup server
In some cases, you might need to synchronize the administration and processing
data between the primary and backup server machines. For example, you might
need to perform this procedure if one of the server machines has been down for
a long period of time (more than two days), because the system can only buffer
a finite amount of data. In this case, you need to perform the procedure on the
server machine that has been out of operation and needs to be synchronized.
To synchronize the data between the primary and backup server machines:
1. Using the Microsoft cluster application, take the HPPC Group offline. Wait for
the server machine state to change to Warm standby before proceeding.
2. Stop the OpenScape Contact Center service on all server machines. Wait
for the service to completely shut down before proceeding.
4. On the Start menu, click Run, type trcdbins, and then click OK.
5. If you have the optional central reporting feature, the OpenScape Contact
Center replication configuration options dialog box appears. Select Perform
other replication configuration tasks for high availability, and then click
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OpenScape Contact Center Enterprise V9 System Management Guide 81
Managing a high availability (warm standby) environment
Synchronizing the administration data between the primary and central reporting server machines
6. Select Synchronize with the remote server machine, and then click OK.
8.3 Synchronizing the administration data between the primary and central
reporting server machines
When the system is configured for high availability (warm standby) with central
reporting, you might encounter issues that require you to synchronize the
administration data between the primary server machine and the central reporting
server machine.
2. On the Start menu, click Run, type trcdbins, and then click OK.
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82 OpenScape Contact Center Enterprise V9 System Management Guide
Managing a high availability (warm standby) environment
Synchronizing the administration data between the primary and central reporting server machines
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OpenScape Contact Center Enterprise V9 System Management Guide 83
Managing a high availability (warm standby) environment
Synchronizing the reporting data for high availability (warm standby) with central reporting
8.4 Synchronizing the reporting data for high availability (warm standby)
with central reporting
If you encounter issues with the historical reporting data, you can synchronize the
reporting data. For example, if you are missing data because there has been a
lengthy network interruption between one of the main server machines (primary
or backup) and the central reporting server machine, you can synchronize the
reporting data between the server machine and the central reporting server
machine. When you synchronize the reporting data on one server machine in the
cluster (primary or backup), you must synchronize the reporting data on the other
server machine, as well.
NOTE: Synchronizing the reporting data can take a very long time. We
recommend that you perform this procedure only when the issues with the
historical reporting data are unacceptable for your purposes.
To synchronize the reporting data for high availability (warm standby) with
central reporting:
1. Log on to the central reporting server machine.
3. On the Start menu, click Run, type trcdbins, and then click OK.
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84 OpenScape Contact Center Enterprise V9 System Management Guide
Managing a high availability (warm standby) environment
Synchronizing the reporting data for high availability (warm standby) with central reporting
• To synchronize the historical reporting data for only the current month and
the previous month (this option takes less time), do the following:
– Since this option can take a very long time to complete, you can
specify how long to run the synchronization. In the Run for box, type
the number of hours that you want to run the synchronization. After
this time period, the synchronization will stop, so that you can
continue at another time. The % complete value shows how much of
the synchronization process is currently complete. The progress bar
indicates the progress within the number of hours specified.
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OpenScape Contact Center Enterprise V9 System Management Guide 85
Managing a high availability (warm standby) environment
Troubleshooting the replication configuration for high availability (warm standby)
If the diagnostic files do not help you resolve the replication configuration issues,
you can perform the troubleshooting procedure described in Section 7.3,
“Troubleshooting the replication configuration for central reporting”, on page 63.
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86 OpenScape Contact Center Enterprise V9 System Management Guide
Managing a high availability (warm standby) environment
Restoring the database
On each server machine where you want to restore the database, you must
ensure that:
• The patch level of the server software matches that of the database to be
If you need to reinstall the OpenScape Contact Center server software or the
operating system, you must follow the procedure provided in Section 8.8,
“Replacing a server machine in the cluster”, on page 90.
4. Restore the database on the server machine. For details, follow the
procedure provided in Section 6.3.3, “Restoring the database using the
ontape utility”, on page 49, or Section 6.3.6, “Restoring the database using
the onbar utility”, on page 51, as appropriate.
5. Synchronize the administration data between the primary and backup server
machines. For details, see Section 8.2, “Synchronizing the data between the
primary and backup server machines”, on page 81.
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OpenScape Contact Center Enterprise V9 System Management Guide 87
Managing a high availability (warm standby) environment
Restoring the database
When you restore the database on the central reporting server machine, the data
will not be synchronized with the primary and backup server machines. You must
decide if the reporting data is acceptable for your purposes, or if you want to
synchronize the data as described in Section 8.4, “Synchronizing the reporting
data for high availability (warm standby) with central reporting”, on page 84.
2. Restore the database on the server machine. For details, follow the
procedure provided in Section 6.3.3, “Restoring the database using the
ontape utility”, on page 49, or Section 6.3.6, “Restoring the database using
the onbar utility”, on page 51, as appropriate.
3. Synchronize the reporting data, only if required. For details, see Section 8.4,
“Synchronizing the reporting data for high availability (warm standby) with
central reporting”, on page 84.
4. If you decided not synchronize the reporting data in step 3, you must do the
a) On the server machine that is in active mode (normally the primary server
machine), open a command prompt window, type the following, and press
trcdbins -activate
b) Synchronize the administration data between the primary and central
reporting server machines. For details, see Section 8.3, “Synchronizing
the administration data between the primary and central reporting server
machines”, on page 82.
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88 OpenScape Contact Center Enterprise V9 System Management Guide
Managing a high availability (warm standby) environment
Forcing a single server machine into service
3. Restore the database on each server machine that needs to be restored. For
details, follow the procedure provided in Section 6.3.3, “Restoring the
database using the ontape utility”, on page 49, or Section 6.3.6, “Restoring
the database using the onbar utility”, on page 51, as appropriate.
4. Synchronize the administration data between the primary and backup server
machines. For details, see Section 8.2, “Synchronizing the data between the
primary and backup server machines”, on page 81.
IMPORTANT: Before you perform this procedure, you must take action to ensure
that OpenScape Contact Center cannot become active on both server machines
(for example, disconnect the other server machine from the network).
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OpenScape Contact Center Enterprise V9 System Management Guide 89
Managing a high availability (warm standby) environment
Replacing a server machine in the cluster
NOTE: Do not click OK or Apply before starting the cluster service because
this will overwrite the start parameters. Also note that the start parameters will
not persist after a restart.
IMPORTANT: A server machine in the cluster should be replaced only under the
guidance of your support representative.
NOTE: This procedure requires that you have a backup of all data on the server
machine. Ensure that the backup contains the server machine's System State
data, which includes items such as the registry and boot files.
• Ensure that the new server machine hardware is identical to the server
machine hardware that is being replaced. The new server machine must have
the same IP address and server name as the server machine that is being
• Obtain a new license file for the new server machine. This is because the
System ID used for OpenScape Contact Center licensing is based on the
server machine hardware.
2. Using the Microsoft cluster application, pause the new server machine.
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90 OpenScape Contact Center Enterprise V9 System Management Guide
Managing a high availability (warm standby) environment
Replacing a server machine in the cluster
3. Ensure that the network connections bind to the corresponding network card,
and that the network order and the TCP/IP bindings order are correct. The
network order is cluster private, customer, and then switch. When configuring
the network interface cards, the TCP/IP bindings order is different than the
network order. The customer network interface card must at the top of the
TCP/IP bindings list, followed by the cluster private network interface card,
and then the switch network interface card (if required).
4. Ensure that the patch level of the OpenScape Contact Center server software
matches that of the database to be restored.
5. Restore the OpenScape Contact Center database. For details, see Section
8.6.1, “Restoring the database on the server machine that is in standby
mode”, on page 87.
6. Using the Manager application, activate the license for the new server
machine. For details, see the Manager Help.
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92 OpenScape Contact Center Enterprise V9 System Management Guide, Service Documentation
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OpenScape Contact Center Enterprise V9 System Management Guide, Service Documentation 93
osccmseheaders 14
osccregistersnmpextension 53
virtual directory, IIS server 22
VoiceXML integration
testing on a Tomcat server 28
testing on an IIS server 24
wallboards, configuring 9
.war file
configuring on Tomcat server 25
configuring on a Sun Java System Web Server 29
Web browser requirements 19
Web callback
error codes 38
testing on a Tomcat server 27
testing on an IIS server 24
testing on Sun Java server 31
Web collaboration
testing on IIS server 23
testing on Sun Java server 30
testing on Tomcat server 27
troubleshooting 37
Web components
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94 OpenScape Contact Center Enterprise V9 System Management Guide, Service Documentation