Orthogonal Polynomials and Möbius Transformations
Orthogonal Polynomials and Möbius Transformations
Orthogonal Polynomials and Möbius Transformations
R. S. Vieira, V. Botta
Universidade Estadual Paulista – UNESP, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Departamento de Matemática e Computação,
CEP. 19060-900, Presidente Prudente, SP, Brasil.
arXiv:1904.10766v1 [math.CV] 15 Apr 2019
Given an orthogonal polynomial sequence on the real line, another sequence of polynomials can be found by
composing these polynomials with a general Möbius transformation. In this work, we study the properties
of such Möbius-transformed polynomials. We show that they satisfy an orthogonality relation in given curve
of the complex plane with respect to a varying weight function and that they also enjoy several properties
common to the orthogonal polynomial sequences on the real line — e.g. a three-term recurrence relation,
Christoffel-Darboux type identities, their zeros are simple, lie on the support of orthogonality and have
the interlacing property, etc. Moreover, we also show that the Möbius-transformed polynomials obtained
from classical orthogonal polynomials also satisfy a second-order differential equation, a Rodrigues’ type
formula and generating functions. As an application, we show that Hermite, Laguerre, Jacobi, Bessel
and Romanovski polynomials are all related to each other by a suitable Möbius transformation. New
orthogonality relations for Bessel and Romanovski polynomials are also presented.
Keywords: Orthogonal polynomials, Möbius transformations, varying weight functions, classical
orthogonal polynomials, Bessel polynomials, Romanovski polynomials.
2010 MSC: 42C05, 33C47, 30C35
1 Introduction 2
2 Möbius-transformed polynomials 3
5 Applications 16
5.1 From Laguerre to Bessel polynomials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
5.2 From Jacobi to Romanovski polynomials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
5.3 From Jacobi to Laguerre polynomials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
5.4 From Jacobi to Hermite polynomials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
1. Introduction
Since its introduction in mathematical sciences, the concept of orthogonal polynomials has been extended
and generalized in many ways. The first concept of polynomial orthogonality referred to sequences of
polynomials orthogonal with respect to a real, non-negative and continuous weight function (the classical
orthogonal polynomials of Hermite, Laguerre and Jacobi are the most known examples). This concept was
soon after generalized in order to cover the cases of discrete measures (the Charlier polynomials being the
prototype in this class). The range of known families of orthogonal polynomials increased exponentially after
Askey showed that hypergeometric functions lead to several families of orthogonal polynomials; together with
their q-analogues, a concept that was introduced by Hahn, this resulted in Askey scheme for the classification
of hypergeometric orthogonal polynomials [1]. All those polynomials are orthogonal on the real line; of course,
an obvious generalization is to consider polynomials that are orthogonal in other curves of the complex plane.
This was already taken into account, the most known example being the orthogonal polynomial sequences
on the unit circle [2, 3]. Since then, many other concepts of polynomial orthogonality were defined: we
can cite, for instance, quasi-orthogonal polynomials [4], polynomials that are orthogonal with respect to
a varying measure [5], exceptional orthogonal polynomials [6, 7], para-orthogonal polynomials [8], among
In this work, we present another generalized class of orthogonal polynomials which we call Möbius-
transformed orthogonal polynomials. As the name says, these sequences of polynomials are generated by the
action of a general Möbius transformation over an orthogonal polynomial sequence on the real line. In what
follows, we shall show that such sequences of polynomials are orthogonal in a given curve of the complex
plane, with respect to a simple varying weight function. Besides, these Möbius-transformed orthogonal
polynomials enjoy many properties of the usual orthogonal polynomials on the real line as, for example, their
zeros are all simple, lie on the support of orthogonality and have the interlacing property; they also satisfy
a three-term recurrence relation and identities similar to those of Christoffel-Darboux can be derived. In
particular, the Möbius-transformed polynomials obtained from a classical orthogonal polynomial sequence
also satisfy second-order differential equations, their weight function also satisfy a first-order differential
equation of Pearson’s type, there also exist Rodrigues’ type formula for them and they can also be found
through simple generating functions.
We highlight that these Möbius-transformed orthogonal polynomials can be of importance in Applied
Mathematics and Physics. In fact, the composition of polynomials with a Möbius transformation is already
considered in many applications: we can cite, for example, its role in some of the fastest polynomial isolating
and root-finding methods available to date (e.g., Akritas method [9]). We can also find the number of
zeros that a complex polynomial has on the unit circle through Sturm theorem if we previously consider
the composition of the testing polynomial with the following pair of Möbius transformations (often called
Cayley transformations),
x+1 x−i
M (x) = −i , W (x) = ,
x−1 x+i
that map, respectively, the real line onto the unit circle and vice versa [10]. Moreover, if we act with the
first of these special Möbius transformations over an orthogonal polynomial sequence on the real line, then
we can verify (from the results that will be reported in this work) that a new sequence of polynomials whose
zeros lie all on the unit circle is obtained. Consequently, we shall get an infinite sequence of self-inversive or
self-reciprocal polynomials (which are complex or real polynomials whose zeros are all symmetric with respect
to the unit circle). It is worth to mention that self-inversive and self-reciprocal polynomials are important in
many fields of Physics and Mathematics — see [11] and references therein. Finally, such Möbius-transformed
polynomials are also orthogonal on the unit circle with respect to a varying measure; because of this, we
can conclude that they are intimately related with the usual orthogonal polynomials on the unit circle and
also with para-orthogonal polynomials. The study of this special case will be reported a separated paper
due to particular importance (in this work we shall consider a general Möbius transformation).
Another field where Möbius-transformed polynomials can be of relevance is related to boundary value
problems and second-order differential equations, which are usually found in physical problems. It is well
known the role of classical orthogonal polynomials in Sturm-Liouville problems on the real line; because
Möbius transformations preserve the main characteristics of the polynomials, we can conclude from this
that the corresponding Möbius-transformed polynomials will be associated with boundary values problems
defined in some curves (arc circles or line segments) of the complex plane and that they will also obey
second-order differential equations with complex coefficients. We can cite the so-called relativistic classical
orthogonal polynomials, which are orthogonal polynomials on the real line with respect to a varying measure
that appear in some problems of relativistic quantum mechanics [12, 13, 14]. These relativistic classical
orthogonal polynomials are actually special cases of Möbius-transformed orthogonal polynomials — in fact,
it was showed by Ismail that they can be obtained from Jacobi polynomials through the action of a specific
Möbius transformation with real parameters [15].
This work is organized as follows: the concept of Möbius-transformed polynomials is introduced in
Section 2. In Section 3, we begin our study on Möbius-transformed orthogonal polynomials, where their
orthogonality, the three-term recurrence relations and the corresponding Christoffel-Darboux type identities
are discussed. The classical Möbius-transformed polynomials are studied in Section 4, where we show that
they also satisfy second-order differential equations, that their weight functions satisfy a first-order Pearson’s
type differential equation, we derive Rodrigues’ like formulas for them and the respective generating functions.
Finally, in Section 5 we show, as an application, that all the sequences of Hermite, Laguerre, Jacobi, Bessel
and Romanovski polynomials are related to each other essentially by a Möbius transformation; this also
provided new orthogonality relations for Bessel and Romanovski polynomials.
2. Möbius-transformed polynomials
A Möbius transformation is a conformal mapping defined of the extended complex plane C∞ = C ∪ {∞}
(i.e., the Riemann sphere) by the formula [16, 17]:
ax + b
M (x) = , (1)
cx + d
where x ∈ C∞ and a, b, c and d are complex numbers such that ∆ = ad − bc 6= 0. Its inverse, which is also
a Möbius transformation, is given by the expression,
dx − b
W (x) = − . (2)
cx − a
Together with the relations
transformations (1) and (2) become continuous on C∞ . The Möbius transformations include as special cases
many important geometric transformations as, for instance, translations M (x) = x + b, rotations M (x) = ax
(|a| = 1), inversions M (x) = 1/x and linear transformations M (x) = ax+b. They also have many interesting
properties which can be found in [16, 17].
Given a complex polynomial p(x) = p0 + p1 x + · · · + pn−1 xn−1 + pn xn of degree n, we can compose p(x)
with M (x) so that rational function
n−1 n
ax + b ax + b ax + b
r(x) = p0 + p1 + · · · + pn−1 + pn ,
cx + d cx + d cx + d
is is obtained as the result. Thus, multiplying r(x) by (cx + d)n , a new polynomial is obtained:
n n
q(x) = (cx + d) r(x) = (cx + d) p(M (x))
n n−1 n−1 n
= p0 (cx + d) + p1 (ax + b) (cx + d) + · · · + pn−1 (ax + b) (cx + d) + pn (ax + b) . (3)
We shall refer to r(x) as a Möbius-transformed rational function and to q(z) as a Möbius-transformed
polynomial. Notice that the original polynomial p(x) can be retrieved from r(x) and q(x) by the formula
Not always the Möbius-transformed polynomial q(x), as defined in (3), has the same degree as the original
polynomial p(x). The precise condition for this to be true is the following:
Theorem 1. Let p(x) = pn xn + · · ·+ p0 be a complex polynomial of degree n. Then, the Möbius-transformed
polynomial q(x) will be polynomial of degree n if, and only if, c = 0 or, either, if c 6= 0 and p(a/c) 6= 0.
Proof. If c = 0 the proof is trivial; thereby, assume c 6= 0. Expanding the binomials in (1) we find that the
leading coefficient qn of q(x) is given by the expression,
X n
X a n−k h a n i a
qn = pn−k an−k ck = cn pn−k = cn p n + · · · + p 0 = cn p ,
c c c
k=0 k=0
from which we conclude that q(x) will be degree n whenever a/c is not a zero of p(x).
We can also find how the zeros of the Möbius-transformed polynomial q(x) are related with the zeros of
the original polynomial p(x) through the following:
Theorem 2. Let ξ1 , . . . , ξn denote the zeros of a polynomial p(x) of degree n and ζ1 , . . . , ζn the respective
zeros of the Möbius-transformed polynomial q(x). Assuming that p(a/c) 6= 0, we have that,
ζ1 = W (ξ1 ) , . . . , ζn = W (ξn ).
Now, let us consider an orthogonal polynomial sequence defined in an given interval (l, r) ⊆ R with
respect to a given weight function w(x). That is, let us consider a sequence P = {Pn (x)}n=0 in which each
polynomial Pn (x) ∈ P has degree n and such that the following orthogonality relation is satisfied [18, 19]:
Z r
Pm (x)Pn (x)w(x)dx = Km δm,n , (5)
where δm,n is the Kronecker symbol, Km are positive constants and the interval (l, r) ∈ R can be either
finite, semi-infinite or infinite1 .
1 We remark that definition above can also be generalized to the case where the weight function w(x) is discrete by interpreting
the integral in the sense of Stieltjes or Lebesgue, although in this work we shall only consider the case where w(x) is continuous.
Composing each polynomial Pn (x) ∈ P with the Möbius transformation (1), we shall obtain a sequence
R = {Rn (x)}n=0 of rational functions, where,
Rn (x) = Pn (M (x)) , n > 0. (6)
Multiplying each rational function Rn (x) by (cx + d) , a sequence of Möbius-transformed polynomials Q =
{Qn (x)}n=0 is obtained:
Qn (x) = (cx + d)n Rn (x) = (cx + d)n Pn (M (x)), n > 0. (7)
As before, the relationship between Pn (x), Qn (x) and Rn (x) is the following:
Qn (W (x)) (−1)
Pn (x) = Rn (W (x)) = n = (cx − a)n Qn (W (x)), n > 0. (8)
(cW (x) + d) ∆n
The properties of such sequences of Möbius-transformed rational functions and polynomials will be
analyzed in what follows.
w(M (x))
ω(x) = w(M (x))M ′ (x) = ∆ 2. (10)
(cx + d)
Similarly, the sequence Q = {Qn (x)}∞n=0 of Möbius-transformed polynomials Qn (x) defined in (7) will satisfy
orthogonality relations of the form,
Qm (x)Qn (x)ωm,n (x)dx = Km δm,n where ωm,n (x) = m+n . (11)
Γ (cx + d)
In both cases, the path of integration is
Γ = {z ∈ C : z = W (x), λ < z < ρ}, where λ = W (l) and ρ = W (r), (12)
which corresponds to a curve (a straight line or a circle) in the complex plane whose initial and final points
are λ = W (l) and ρ = W (r), respectively. Finally, the new weight functions ω(x) and ωm,n (x) do not vanish
along the curve Γ , except at infinity.
Proof. The orthogonality relation (9) for the Möbius-transformed rational functions Rn (x) follows from
the change of variable x = M (y) in the integral (5), taking into account that the Jacobian is M ′ (x) =
∆/ (cx + d) . The corresponding orthogonality condition (11) for the Möbius-transformed polynomials
Qn (x) follows from their definitions given in (7) and from (9), after we absorb the factors (cx + d)m
and (cx + d) into the varying weight function ωm,n (x). Besides, notice that the path of integration
I = {x ∈ R : l < x < r} is mapped through the inverse Möbius-transformation, W (x), onto the curve
Γ , as defined in (12), as well as the limits x = l and x = r are respectively mapped to λ = W (l) and
ρ = W (r). Finally, consider a point y on the curve Γ so that we can write y = W (x) where x ∈ I; in
this case, (10) simplifies to ω(W (x)) = −w(x) (cx − a). Thus, provided that w(x) does not vanish on I, we
conclude that ω(W (x)) can vanish only at x = a/c; but this means that y = W (a/c) = ∞ so that ω(y) can
vanish only at y = ∞ along the curve Γ , and the same line of reasoning holds for ωm,n (x).
Notice that integrals (9) and (11) should be regarded as a complex contour integrals. Whenever the
point x = a/c is not on the orthogonality curve I = (l, r) ⊆ R, there is nothing to worry about, as in
this case the orthogonality curve Γ will be finite, open and connected, so that these integrals will depend
only on their extreme points λ = W (l) and ρ = W (r). However, some care should be taken otherwise. In
fact, if x = a/c is on I, then the curve Γ will no longer be connected: instead, it will be constituted by
two disjoint straight lines in the complex plane passing through the point W (a/c) = ∞ — the first one
starts at λ = W (l) and goes towards the complex infinity, while the other starts at infinity and ends at
ρ = W (r). Notice as well that if I comprehends the whole real line (as in the case of Hermite polynomials,
for instance), then Γ become either an infinite straight line or a circle in the complex plane; in fact, we
have that W (−∞) = W (∞) = −d/c. Notice that in the extended complex plane C∞ , Γ will be always a
connected curve.
The weight function ωm,n (x) that appears in the orthogonality relation (11) is a special type of which is
called a varying weight function. Varying weight functions are measures that depend on some parameters of
the polynomials entering in the orthogonality relation. Such kind of weights arises naturally from sequences
of orthogonal polynomials P = {Pnα (x)}n=0 whose members depend on one (or more) parameter α (e.g.,
the associated Laguerre polynomials Lα n (x)). In fact, provided that, for fixed α, these polynomials satisfy
an orthogonality relation of the usual form (5) with respect with a given weight function wα (x), we can
construct from P a modified sequence P {α} = {Pnαn (x)}n=0 in which each polynomial Pnαn (x) has a different
parameter αn ; it follows in this case that the polynomials Pnαn (x) will satisfy an orthogonality relation with
respect to a varying weight function, namely:
Z r wαn (x), m < n,
αm αn
Pm (x)Pn (x)wαm ,αn (x)dx = Km δm,n where, wαm ,αn (x) = wαm (x), m > n,
wα (x), m = n,
for some positive constants Km , m > 0. This works because every polynomial of degree n that belongs to
a sequence of orthogonal polynomials on the real line is orthogonal to any polynomial of degree less than n
— thus, to establish the orthogonality of a sequence of polynomials with different parameters we just need
to pick up the weight function belonging to the polynomial of higher degree appearing on the orthogonality
relation; besides, when the two polynomials have the same degree, they will also have the same value of α so
that the value of the integral is the same as that one for the fixed value αm = αn of α. Finally, we remark
that sequences of polynomials orthogonal with respect to varying measures appear in several applications,
both in mathematics [5] as in physics [20].
with the initial conditions P−1 (x) = 0 and P0 (x) = 1, where An , Bn and Cn are real constants with
An > 0 and Cn > 0 for each n > 1. In the following, we shall show that the sequences R = {Rn (x)}n=0
and Q = {Qn (x)}n=0 of Möbius-transformed rational functions and polynomials also satisfy three-term
recurrence relation.
Theorem 4. Let P = {Pn (x)}∞ n=0 be orthogonal polynomial sequence on the real line whose polynomials
Pn (x) satisfy the three-term recurrence condition (13). Then, the sequence R = {Rn (x)}n=0 of rational
functions Rn (x) defined in (6) will satisfy a three term relation of the following form:
ax + b
Rn (x) = [An M (x) − Bn ] Rn−1 (x) − Cn Rn−2 (x) = An − Bn Rn−1 (x) − Cn Rn−2 (x), n > 1,
cx + d
with the initial conditions R−1 (x) = 0 and R1 (x) = 1. Similarly, the sequence Q = {Qn (x)}n=0 of Möbius-
transformed polynomials Qn (x) defined in (7), will satisfy the three-term recurrence relation:
Qn (x) = (An x − Bn ) Qn−1 (x) − Cn (cx + d) Qn−2 (x) n > 1, (14)
It is clear that the relation above holds for any n > 1 provided we define R−1 (x) = 0 and R1 (x) = 1. Finally,
(14) follows after we insert (7) into the above expression. In fact, we get in this way,
Qn (y) ay + b Qn−1 (y) Qn−2 (y)
n = An − B n n−1 − Cn ,
(cy + d) cy + d (cy + d) (cy + d)n−2
so that,
ay + b 2
Qn (y) = An − Bn (cy + d) Qn−1 (y) − Cn (cy + d) Qn−2 (y),
cy + d
= [An (ay + b) − Bn (cy + d)] Qn−1 (y) − Cn (cy + d)2 Qn−2 (y),
= [(aAn − cBn ) y − (dBn − bAn )] Qn−1 (y) − Cn (cy + d) Qn−2 (y),
which holds for any n > 1 provided we define Q−1 (x) = 0 and Q0 (x) = 1.
Similar identities also exist for the sequences of Möbius-transformed rational functions and polynomials, as
we shall describe in the following:
Theorem 5. Let P = {Pn (x)}n=0 be an orthogonal polynomial sequence on the real line that satisfies the
Christoffel-Darboux identities (15) and (16). Then the sequence R = {Rn (x)}n=0 of Möbius-transformed
rational functions Rn (x) defined in (6) will satisfy the following identities:
X Ak+1 Rn+1 (x)Rn (y) − Rn (x)Rn+1 (y)
Rk (x)Rk (y) = (cx + d) (cy + d) , (17)
C0 · · · Ck+1 ∆ (C0 · · · Cn+1 ) (x − y)
n ′
Rn+1 (y)Rn (y) − Rn′ (y)Rn+1 (y)
Rk2 (y) = (cy + d)2
. (18)
C0 · · · Ck+1 ∆ (C0 · · · Cn+1 )
Similarly, the sequence Q = {Qn (x)}n=0 of Möbius-transformed polynomials Qn (x) defined in (7) will satisfy
the identities:
X Ak+1 Qk (x) Qk (y) Qn+1 (x)Qn (y) (cy + d) − (cx + d) Qn (x)Qn+1 (y)
= n n , (19)
C0 · · · Ck+1 (cx + d)k (cy + d)k ∆ (C0 · · · Cn+1 ) (cx + d) (cy + d) (x − y)
Ak+1 Q2k (x) Q′ (x)Qn (x) − Q′n (x)Qn+1 (x) − cQn+1 (x)Qn (x)
= n+1
2k 2n−1 . (20)
C0 · · · Ck+1 (cx + d) ∆ (C0 · · · Cn+1 ) (cx + d)
But M (z) − M (t) = ∆(z − t)/ [(ct + d) (cz + d)], so that we get,
X Ak+1 1 (cz + d) (ct + d) Rn+1 (z)Rn (t) − Rn (z)Rn+1 (t)
Rk (z)Rk (t) = ,
C0 · · · Ck+1 ∆ C0 · · · Cn+1 z−t
which is of the same form as (17). Now, to prove (18), we proceed in a similar fashion: using (8) into (16),
we get,
X Ak+1 2 1 d d
R (W (x)) = [Rn+1 (W (x))] Rn (W (x)) − [Rn (W (x))] Rn+1 (W (x)) ,
C0 · · · Ck+1 k C0 · · · Cn+1 dx dx
that is,
X Ak+1 W ′ (x) ′
Rk2 (W (x)) = Rn+1 (W (x))Rn (W (x)) − Rn′ (W (x))Rn+1 (W (x)) .
C0 · · · Ck+1 C0 · · · Cn+1
Thus, making the change of variables x = M (y) and using the identity W ′ (M (y)) = (cy + d) /∆, we obtain,
n 2
X Ak+1 1 (cy + d) ′
Rk2 (y) = Rn+1 (y)Rn (y) − Rn′ (y)Rn+1 (y) ,
C0 · · · Ck+1 ∆ C0 · · · Cn+1
which is identical to (18). Finally, to prove (19) and (20), we just need to use (7). With that, (19) becomes:
X Ak+1 Qk (z) Qk (z)
C0 · · · Ck+1 (cz + d)k (ct + d)k
" #
1 (cz + d) (ct + d) 1 Qn+1 (z) Qn (z) Qn (z) Qn+1 (z)
− ,
∆ C0 · · · Cn+1 z − t (cz + d)n+1 (ct + d)n n
(cz + d) (ct + d)n+1
so that (18) follows after a simplification. Now, using (7) into (20), we get,
X Ak+1 Q2k (y)
C0 · · · Ck+1 (cy + d)2k
( " # )
1 (cy + d)2
d Qn+1 (y) Qn (y) d Qn (y) Qn+1 (y)
− ,
∆ C0 · · · Cn+1 dx (cy + d)n+1 (cy + d)n dx (cy + d)n (cy + d)n+1
and (20) follows after we expand the derivatives and simplify the resulting expression.
provided that a/c is not a zero of Pn (x). This shows us that zeros of Qn (x) will be all finite and will lie on
the curve Γ given in (12), which corresponds to the image of the interval I = (l, r) ⊆ R under the action
of the inverse Möbius-transformation W (x). Now, these zeros must be also simple because the Möbius
transformation is one-to-one and onto on the extended complex plane.
Theorem 7. The zeros of any two consecutive polynomials Qn (x) and Qn+1 (x), for n > 1, that belong to
the sequence Q = {Qn (x)}n=0 of Möbius-transformed orthogonal polynomials Qn (x) defined in (7) interlace
on the new curve of orthogonality Γ given by (12).
Proof. The Möbius transformations are one-to-one and onto on the extended complex plane C∞ . In par-
ticular, this implies that the image of the interval I = (l, r) ⊆ R under the mapping y = W (x), which is
the curve Γ , is a not-self-intersecting curve. Thus, the ordination of any set of points lying in the interval
I is either unaltered or only inverted by a Möbius transformation. Because the zeros of Pn+1 (x) interlaces
with the zeros of Pn (x) on I, we conclude from what was said that the zeros of the Möbius-transformed
polynomial Qn+1 (x) will also interlace with the zeros of the polynomial Qn (x) over Γ .
We remark that the ordination above should be understood as performed in the extended complex plane
C∞ . In the usual complex plane, the ordination should be interpreted with care because the curve Γ can be
disconnected, as already commented. In fact, this will occur whenever the point x = a/c lies in the interval
I = (l, r) ⊆ R as, in this case, the curve Γ will cross the infinite. Thus, in this case the curve Γ will be
constituted by to disconnected branches in the complex plane and the ordination described above should be
understood as beginning in the point λ = W (l), passing through the infinity and ending in point ρ = W (r)
along the curve Γ .
Chebyshev polynomials Inversion-transformed Chebyshev polynomials
T0 (x) = 1 T0 (x) = 1
T1 (x) = x T1 (x) = 1
T2 (x) = −1 + 2x2 T2 (x) = 2 − x2
T3 (x) = −3x + 4x3 T3 (x) = 4 − 3x2
T4 (x) = 1 − 8x2 + 8x4 T4 (x) = 8 − 8x2 + x4
T5 (x) = 5x − 20x3 + 16x5 T5 (x) = 16 − 20x2 + 5x4
T6 (x) = −1 + 18x2 − 48x4 + 32x6 T6 (x) = 32 − 48x2 + 18x4 − x6
T7 (x) = −7x + 56x3 − 112x5 + 64x7 T7 (x) = 64 − 112x2 + 56x4 − 7x6
T8 (x) = 1 − 32x2 + 160x4 − 256x6 + 128x8 T8 (x) = 128 − 256x2 + 160x4 − 32x6 + x8
Table 1: The first Möbius-transformed orthogonal polynomials Tn (x) = xn Tn (M (x)), where Tn (x) are the Chebyshev polyno-
mials and M (x) = 1/x is the inversion transformation. Notice that the polynomials Tn (x) for odd n have a zero at x = 0,
which implies that the Möbius-transformed polynomials Tn (x) for odd n will have even degree n′ = n − 1. Notwithstanding,
these polynomials are orthogonal
√ on the interval J = (−∞, −1) ∪ (1, ∞) of the real line with respect to the varying weight
function ωm,n (x) = x−m−n−2 / 1 − x−2 .
A very interesting case occurs when some of the polynomials belonging to the sequence P = {Pn (x)}n=0
of orthogonal polynomials on the real line have a zero at the point x = a/c. Indeed, according to Theorem
1, if Pn (a/c) = 0 for some polynomials Pn (x) ∈ P of degree n, then the corresponding Möbius-transformed
polynomials Qn (x) ∈ Q will have degree n′ = n − 1. Thus, Q will be in this case a defective sequence of
orthogonal Möbius-transformed polynomials, that is, a sequence containing polynomials of repeated degrees
whereas other polynomials of specific degrees are absent. This particularity resembles what is called a
sequence of exceptional orthogonal polynomials [6, 7], which is a sequence of orthogonal polynomials on the
real line that does not contain some polynomials of specific degrees. A sequence Q of defective orthogonal
polynomials, however, differ from the sequences of exceptional orthogonal polynomials in two points: firstly
they usually are orthogonal in curves of the complex plane (not necessarily on the real line); secondly, even
though the sequence Q contain polynomials of repeated degrees, the orthogonality condition (11) is always
satisfied, even for the defective polynomials2 .
As an example of defective orthogonal polynomials arising from a Möbius transformation, we can consider
any sequence S of orthogonal polynomials defined in a symmetrical interval of the real line under the action of
the inversion map M (x) = 1/x, so that we have a/c = 0 in this case. In fact, we know that every polynomial
Pn (x) ∈ S of odd degree (say, n = 2m + 1) will have a zero at x = 0, thence the corresponding Möbius-
transformed polynomials Q2m+1 (x) ∈ Q will have actually an even degree (say, n′ = 2m), i.e. they will
be defective. The sequence Q of Möbius-transformed orthogonal polynomials will be, therefore, constituted
by polynomials of even degrees only, and in such a way that two any consecutive polynomials belonging to
this sequence will have the same degree. In Table 1 we present the first orthogonal Möbius-transformed
polynomials for the Chebyshev polynomials under the inversion map.
Among all the sequences of orthogonal polynomials on the real line, the so-called classical orthogonal
polynomial sequences — which include the sequences of Jacobi, Laguerre and Hermite polynomials — are
of particular interest. In fact, the classical families of orthogonal polynomials were the first ones to be
systematically studied, which is justified by their great importance in applied mathematics, physics and
engineering. Besides, the classical orthogonal polynomials have many properties that are not satisfied by
any other sequences of orthogonal polynomials: for example, they satisfy second-order differential equations,
their weight function also satisfy a linear differential equation, there exist Rodrigues’ type relations and
2 Here we remark that the parameters m and n on the varying weight function ω
m,n (x) do not rely on the degrees of the
polynomials Qm (x) and Qn (x), but only to the order in which they appear in the sequence Q = {Qn (x)}∞ n=0 of Möbius-
transformed polynomials.
generating functions from which the classical orthogonal polynomials can be derived and so on [18, 19]. In
this section, we shall show that the Möbius-transformed rational functions and polynomials that arise from
a classical orthogonal polynomial sequence on the real line enjoy similar properties.
3 The first of such non-orthogonal sequences is constituted by polynomials of the form π (x) = xn + αxm , where α is a real
parameter and m any integer satisfying 0 6 m 6 n − 1. The second sequence is related to the so-called Bessel polynomials,
which were consistently studied for the first time in [24]. Finally, the third sequence consists of the Romanovski polynomials
dW (M (y)) (cy + d)2 d2 W (M (y)) 2c(cy + d)3
= , 2
= ,
dM (y) ∆ dM (y) ∆2
so that we get, after gathering the derivatives of Rn (y),
(cy + d)4 d2 Rn (y) 2c(cy + d)3 (cy + d)2
dRn (y)
f (M (y)) + f (M (y)) + g(M (y)) + hn Rn (y) = 0,
∆2 dy 2 ∆2 ∆ dy
which is of the same form of (22), provided we define,
(cy + d)4 2c(cy + d)3 (cy + d)2
F (y) = f (M (y)), G(y) = f (M (y)) + g(M (y)), Hn = hn . (24)
∆2 ∆2 ∆
Now, because f (x) and g(x) are polynomials with degree at most 2 and 1 respectively, it is convenient to
introduce the polynomials
Φ(x) = (cx + d)2 f (M (x)), and Γ (x) = (cx + d)g(M (x)), (25)
which are, as a matter of a fact, the Möbius-transformed polynomials of f (x) and g(x), respectively. Notice
that Φ(x) and Γ (x) have the same degree as f (x) and g(x), from which we conclude that F (y) and G(y)
are polynomials with degree at most 4 and 3, respectively.
Let us now prove (23). For this we can proceed as follows: by inserting (7) into (22) we get,
Qn (x) d Qn (x) Qn (x)
F (x) 2 + G(x) + H n n = 0.
dx (cx + d)n dx (cx + d)n (cx + d)
Computing the derivatives and simplifying, this becomes,
" #
c2 n(n + 1)
2cn ′ ′′ ′ cn
F (x) Qn (x) − Q (x) + Qn (x) + G(x) Qn (x) − Qn (x) + Hn Qn (x) = 0,
(cx + d)2 cx + d n cx + d
where f (x) and g(x) are the same polynomials appearing in (21). In fact, (29) is obtained as a condition to
the differential equation (21) be written in the self-adjoint form.
d dy(x)
p(x) + qn (x)y(x) = 0. (30)
dx dx
It is well-known that any second-order differential equation can be written in the self-adjoint form by
multiplying it by some integrating factor w(x). In fact, multiplying (21) by w(x) and comparing with
(30) we conclude that p(x) = w(x)f (x), p′ (x) = w(x)g(x) and qn (x) = w(x)h(x), so that the relation
w(x)g(x) = [w(x)f (x)] must hold, from which (29) immediately follows. Besides, whenever we have
Sturm-Liouville theory will ensure that the sequence P = {Pn (x)}∞ n=0 of polynomials (which we suppose
to be the solutions of a well-behaved Sturm-Liouville problem), will indeed be an orthogonal polynomial
sequence in the interval I = (a, b) of the real line, with respect to the weight function w(x).
In this section, we shall show that weight functions of the Möbius-transformed rational functions and
polynomials also satisfy similar first-order differential equations.
Theorem 9. Let w(x) be the weight function of a classical orthogonal polynomial sequence P = {Pn (x)}n=0 ,
so that it satisfies the homogeneous first-order differential equation (29). Then, the corresponding weight
function ω(x), given by (10), of the sequence R = {Rn (x)}n=0 of Möbius-transformed rational functions, as
defined in (6), will satisfy the following first-order differential equation:
where F (x) and G(x) are the same coefficients that appear in the differential equation (22). Similarly, the
degree-dependent weight function ωm,n (x) given in (11), that is associated with the sequence Q = {Qn (x)}∞ n=0
of Möbius-transformed polynomials, as defined in (7), will satisfy the following first-order differential equa-
tion: ′
ωm,n (x)
1 Gm (x) + Gn (x) ′
= − F (x) , (33)
ωm,n (x) F (x) 2
where F (x), Gm (x) and Gn (x) are the same polynomials defined in (26) and (27), respectively.
Proof. Inverting relation (10), we can express w(x) in terms of ω(W (x)):
ω(W (x))
w(x) = . (34)
dM(W (x))
dW (x)
Inserting (34) and (35) into (29) we shall get, after simplification,
dω(W (x)) d2 M(W (x))
dW (x) dW (x)2 g(x) − f ′ (x)
w′ (x) = − W ′ (x) = .
ω(W (x)) dM(W (x)) f (x)
dW (x)
which establishes (32). Finally, to prove (33) we can proceed as follows: from (11), we know that ω(x) =
ωm,n (x)(cy + d)n+n . Thus, inserting this expression into (32) and computing the derivative, we obtain,
ωm,n (x) c (m + n) G(x) − F ′ (x)
+ = .
ωm,n (x) (cx + d) F (x)
Now, from (26) we get that F (x) = F (x) and, hence, F ′ (x) = F ′ (x) as well; besides, from (27) we can see
that the term c (m + n) /(cx + d) is exactly canceled by expressing G(x) in terms of 12 [Gm (x) + Gn (x)], from
which (33) is obtained. This conclude the proof.
where F (x) = F (x) is the same function defined in (24), ω(x) and ωn,n (x) are the new weight functions
defined in (10) and (11), respectively, and we introduced the differential operator,
1 d (cx + d) d
Dx = ′
= .
M (x) dx ∆ dx
Proof. Formulas (37) and (38) follow in a straightforward way by making the change of variable x = M (y)
into (36) and using (6), (7), (10), (11) and (24).
We remark that formulas (37) and (38) can be rewritten as well in the following equivalent form:
ǫn dn
∆ n
Rn (y) = 2 ω(y) dxn [f (x)w(x)]
(cy + d) x=M(y)
∆ ǫn n
Qn (y) = n+2 ω n
[f (x)w(x)] .
(cy + d) n,n (y) dx
They can also be rewritten in many other ways — for example, we can expand the derivatives by invoking
Faà-di-Bruno formula for the nth derivative of a composed function, Leibniz formula for the derivative of
a product, etc —, however, we shall not go through these lines because the resulting expressions are very
Similar formulas hold for the Möbius-transformed rational functions and polynomials:
Theorem 11. Let P = {Pk (x)}k=0 be a classical orthogonal polynomial sequence whose generating function
is one of those given in (39). Then, the corresponding generating functions of the sequence R = {Rk (x)}∞
of Möbius-transformed rational functions Rn (x) defined in (6) are the following:
respectively. Similarly, the corresponding generating functions of the sequence Q = {Qk (x)}k=0 of Möbius-
transformed polynomials Qn (x) defined in (7) are:
Φ(y, τ ) = φ(M (y), (cy + d)τ ), or Ψ (y, τ ) = ψ(M (y), (cy + d)τ ),
Proof. We have at once that,
X ∞
Φ(y, t) = φ (M (y), t) = Pn (M (y))t = Rn (y)tn ,
k=0 k=0
∞ ∞
X tn X tn
Ψ (y, t) = ψ (M (y), t) = Pn (M (y)) = Rn (y) .
n! n!
k=0 k=0
In the same manner, we have that,
X ∞
Φ(y, τ ) = φ (M (y), (cy + d)τ ) = Pn (M (y))(cy + d)n τ n = Qn (y)τ n ,
k=0 k=0
∞ ∞
X τn X τn
Ψ (y, τ ) = ψ (M (y), (cy + d)τ ) = Pn (M (y))(cy + d)n = Qn (y) .
n! n!
k=0 k=0
5. Applications
We close this paper with some applications of the theory developed above. More specifically, we show
that the sequences of Hermite, Laguerre, Jacobi, Bessel and Romanovski polynomials are all related with
each other by a Möbius transformation. We also show that generalized Bessel polynomials enjoy a finite
orthogonality on the real line, as well as the Romanovski polynomials satisfy an orthogonality relation on
the imaginary axis.
we see that a complete agreement between (40) and (41) is achieved when we set α = 1 − 2n − γ. Thus, the
generalized Bessel polynomials are given by the formula
Table 2: The first generalized Bessel polynomials and Bessel polynomials (normalized with the constant terms equal to unity).
Following [24], the usual Bessel polynomials are obtained by setting γ = 2 and β = 2, from which
we get that Bn (x) = Ln (x), up to a normalization, while the weight function becomes Ωm,n (x) =
x|m−n|−1 e−2/x . In this case, however, the condition for the validity of the orthogonality relation (42) would
hold only for n < 0, which is not possible. Thus, we conclude that the Bessel polynomials are not orthogonal
on the real line. The first generalized and usual Bessel polynomials are presented in Table 2.
will be orthogonal on the interval J = (−i, i) along the imaginary line, provided that α > −1 and β > −1.
The polynomials Jn (x), however, do not have real coefficients for real α and β; nonetheless, a real
polynomial can be obtained if we allow α and β to assume non-real values. The precise condition for this is
that α be the complex conjugate of β, so that we can write α = γ + iδ, β = γ − iδ with γ, δ ∈ R and δ 6= 0.
In fact, up to a normalization, this gives place to the Romanovski polynomials 5 :
n (x) = Jn(γ+iδ,γ−iδ) (x) = (−i) Jn(γ+iδ,γ−iδ) (ix),
Romanovski polynomials
R0 (x) = 1
R1 (x) = δ + (1 + γ)x
R2 (x) = 14 2 + γ + 2δ 2 + 12 δ(3 + 2γ)x + 14 (2 + γ)(3 + 2γ)x2
(γ,δ) (γ+iδ,γ−iδ)
Table 3: The first Romanovski polynomials Rn (x) = (−i)n Jn (ix).
Consequently, we conclude that Romanovski polynomials Rn (x) will be orthogonal on the interval
J = (−i, i) of the imaginary axis whenever γ > −1 and δ is a real number6 . The corresponding weight
function can be found either directly from (10) and (11) or by solving the differential equation (33). We
have that, up to a multiplicative constant,
γ+iδ γ−iδ γ
ω(x) = (1 − ix) (1 + ix) = x2 + 1 e2δ arctan(x) .
Thus, the orthogonality relation reads:
Z i
γ 22γ+1 Γ (n + 1 + γ + iδ)Γ (n + 1 + γ − iδ)
m (x)Rn(γ,δ) (x) x2 + 1 e2δ arctan(x) dx = δm,n .
−i 2n + 2γ + 1 Γ (n + 1 + 2γ)Γ (n + 1)
which holds for γ > −1 and real δ.
Finally, it should be mentioned that the limit relations (31), if applied to this Möbius-transformed weight
function ω(x), provide as well a finite orthogonality for the Romanovski polynomials on the real line. In
(γ,δ) (γ,δ)
fact, in this case we can verify that only those polynomials Rm (x) and Rn (x) satisfying the relation
m + n + 2γ < −1 will form an orthogonal polynomial sequence on the interval J = (−∞, ∞) of the real line.
5 We remark that some authors adopt different values for the parameters γ and δ in the definition of Romanovski polynomials.
6 Notice (γ,δ)
that the zeros of Romanovski polynomials Rn (x) usually do not lie on the imaginary axis, which can be explained
by the fact that the Jacobi polynomials Jn (x) are not real polynomials for γ and δ real, so that their zeros usually
do not lie on the real line either.
The associated Laguerre polynomials are orthogonal polynomials on the interval I = (0, ∞) of the
real line with respect to the weight function w(x) = xα e−x [18, 19]. Thus, let us define the the Möbius
(α,β) (α,β)
transformed polynomials Jn (x) = (cx + d)n Jn (M (x)) and look for the transformation W (x) that
maps the points l = −1 and r = 1 respectively to λ = 0 and ρ = ∞. From (1), we plainly see that we
should have c = a and d = −b to this end. With this, we have that the first Möbius-transformed polynomial
J1 (x) = a(α + 1)x + b(β + 1).
Comparing this expression with the first Laguerre polynomial, Lβ1 (x) = β + 1 − x, we see that we must have
a = −1/ (α + 1) and b = 1. Then we can verify that the other Möbius transformed polynomials Jn (x)
will match with the Laguerre polynomials Lβn (x) after we take the limit α → ∞, that is,
β x+α+1 n (α,β) x−α−1 n (α,β) x−α−1
Ln (x) = lim (−1) Jn = lim (−1) Jn .
α→∞ α+1 x+α+1 α→∞ x+α+1
(β,α) n (α,β)
Using the identity Jn (x) = (−1) Jn (−x) we can also write:
x+β+1 β+1−x β+1−x
n (x) = lim Jn
= lim Jn
β→∞ β+1 β+1+x β→∞ β+1+x
These expressions can be compared with Szegő’s identity [18]: Lα 1 − 2β −1 x .
n (x) = limβ→∞ Jn
Finally, let us show that Laguerre’s weight function can also be obtained from Jacobi’s weight function
through the same procedure. Notice that Ωm,n (x) → ω(x) as α → ∞ because c → 0 in this limit. Thus,
α β
is enough to prove that w(x) = (1 − x) (1 + x) reduces to ω(x) = xβ e−x in the limit α → ∞ after we
perform the Möbius transformation above. From (32) we can verify that the transformed weight function
ω(x) = xβ (x + α + 1) κ(α, β),
where κ(α, β) is the constant of integration. From this we can see that Laguerre’s weight function is obtained
after we set κ(α, β) = αβ+1 (α + 1)α+1 and take the limit α → ∞. All the other properties of Laguerre
polynomials can be obtained from those of Jacobi by similar arguments.
to α. In fact, if we set a = 2/α and take the limit α → ∞ then we can verify that we get a complete
correspondence between the Möbius-transformed polynomials Jn (x) and Hermite polynomials Hn (x):
1 2 x
Hn (x) = lim Jn(α) (x) = lim √ Jn(α,α) √ .
n! α→∞ α→∞ α α
We kindly thank Professors C. F. Bracciali and A. Sri Ranga for the discussions we had about these
ideas and also for their valuable comments. The work of RSV was supported by grants from Coordination
for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES). The work of VB was supported by funds
from São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP), grant #2016/02700-8.
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